Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Kimya bölümü S.Ü. İleri Teknoloji Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Md. [email protected] AB HORIZON 2020 EĞİTİM VE BİLGİLENDİRME GÜNÜ “BAŞARI HİKAYESİ SUNUMU” Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERSOZ

“BAŞARI HİKAYESİ SUNUMU” - Teknokent-30-ekim-2013... · WP2: Polymer synthesis ... • Generating a process for nanopatterning which can be transferred to the ... FP7-ChitoClean-315087“Enhanced

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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Kimya bölümü

S.Ü. İleri Teknoloji Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Md.

[email protected]




Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERSOZ

WP2: Polymer synthesis and molecular functionalisation (UOI lead, SU, PRO, UNEW)

WP4: Nanometrology development for self-assembled structures (SU lead, UCC-TNI, ICN,

LTM, UNEW, Intel)

WP6: Technological demonstration (Intel lead, all partners)

Methodology : formation of ordered nanopatterns

Key expected results

• Generating a process for nanopatterning which can be transferred to the electronics

industry (the end-user of the technologies) for electronic device fabrication.

• Applications in NIL, imprint modules and stamp manufacture.

• Advanced polymers and functional materials including functionalised smart polymer

resists for NIL.

Project structure


FP Proje yürütme-yönetim deneyimi


Deliverable, Reports, Milestones, Participant Portal, Finansal Konular,

Exploitation&Dissemination vb.

Uluslararası kalıcı ağlar ve işbirlikleri

İntel Brain Storming Team (20-25 araştırmacı, yılda 1-2 defa)

ITRS, Strategic Road Map, European Research Area

Horizon 2020 ye yine aynı konuyu Working document e koydurmak,


Nanometrology alanında 2014 de Marie-Curie ITN Proje Hazırlanması

(koordinatör olarak)

18 M. Değerlendirme Toplantısı

EU Project Officer, Technical Advisor Görüşleri

WP2: Polymer synthesis and molecular functionalisation,

Phase separation with microwave?


Workshop ve Brainstorming daveti, Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors,

Systems, and Applications VI, 5-9 May, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

FP7-LIGNOFOOD-606073 "Ingredients for Food and Beverage industry from a

lignocellulosic source“ (1.11.2013-30.10 2015)

(SME partner Helvacızade Gıda İlaç Kimya A.Ş.) ( )

FP7-EU-SOLARIS-312833 "The European SOLAR Research Infrastructure for

Concentrating Solar Power” (1.12.2012-30.11.2016)(Tübitak Dr Pr. Doç.Dr. M. Kus)

(Partner, ODTÜ-GÜNAM)

2 kez workshop yapıldı,

Enerji Ar-Ge Altyapı; Konsorsiyum; SU-ILTEK; ODTÜ-GÜNAM, TÜBİTAK-MAM,

Gazi, Ege, İTÜ, Konya Organize San Böl., Konya Enerji Firmaları, vb.

(Üniversiteler, Araştırma Enst. KOP Üniversiteleri konsorsiyuma davet edilecek)

FP7-ChitoClean-315087“Enhanced chitin-based biosorbents for drinking water

purification”, (1.08.2013-31.07. 2014) (COST 637, WG Chair)

(SME partner, Denizsu (Aquamatch Türkiye)

Kazanımlar; FP7 Projelerimiz;

AB ÇP FP6 Projeler

Koordinator; 2003 yılında,

Recycling Wastewater for Agricultural Crops Using Innovative Membrane Technology


Sub Priority – SUS-DEV Global Change and Ecosystems Research II.3.2.a)

Wastewater treatment for re-use (STREP) (passed threshold)

Partner;Screening for Quality and Safety of Foods and Feeds

FP6-2004-Food-3-A, Food Quality & Safety (IP) (passed t1st stage and 2nd stage not


Integrated risk assessment and risk-based management for river basin systems


Sub-Priority 6.3 – Global Change and Ecosystems (IP) ) (passed t1st stage and 2nd stage

not granted)

organic/inorganic nanoparticles: engineering Hybrid Beads Binding Hazardous

contaminants NMP research area: (STREP) (passed threshold)

Treatment and recycling of olive mill wastes

FP6-2005-Food-4-B, “Coordination Action” (passed threshold)

AB ÇP FP7 Projeler

Reinforcement of the Membrane Research Laboratory at Selcuk University as a Center

of Excellence for Membrane Technology and Applications

WP topics: Capacities: Research Potential, FP7-REGPOT-2007-1 (passed threshold)

The Implementation of the Scientific and Technological Research Capacity of

Department of Chemistry in European Research Area

FP7-REGPOT-2009-1 (passed threshold)

Reinforcing of the Research Potential Capacity of Faculty of Science, Selcuk

University in European Research Area

FP7-REGPOT-2010-1 (passed threshold)


Marie Curie (ITN) Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN (passed threshold)

Ayrıca Danışman, Advisory Board, Consultant vb olarak da projelere katılım

FP7-Orion- 282693 “ORganic waste management by a small-scale Innovative automated

system of anaerobic digestION” (2012-2014)

(Proje Ortağı; Helvacızade Gıda İlaç Kimya A.Ş.) (Project Consultant)

Marie Curie, ITN “Complex Wetting Phenomena” (CoWet) (1.1.2014-4 years)

Advisory Board Member

• Avrupalı araştırmacılar arasında etkileşim ve işbirliğini geliştirmenin

anahtarı, Bilimsel networking, projelerine mutlaka girilmelidir

• Bilimsel işbirlikte en uzun, devam eden, ERA oluşturan program

• EU & ötesi, (FP7, H2020 ‘Cooperation’); uluslar arası organizasyonlar ve Ar-Ge Merkezleri, non-COST Countries (i.e. USA, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, India…)

• İşbirliğimiz,

• COST D43 “Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology”, MC üyesi, (FP7-LAMAND)

• COST 637 “Metals and Related Substances in Dirinking Water”, WG3 Başkanı, Core grupÜyesi, MC üyesi (FP7-ChitoClean)

• COST D36 “Structure-performance relationships at the surface of functional materials”, “Molecular Catalysis and Photocatalysis at Soft Interfaces: Towards chemical fuel cells” WG Üyesi (Marie-Curie-ITN)

• COST-MP1202 “Rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces: the next step towards advanced functional materials


COST CM1101 “Colloidal Aspects of Nanoscience for Innovative Processes and

Materials”, Core Group Member, STSM Coordinator, MC substitute member


COST MP1106 " Smart and green interfaces - from single bubbles and drops to

industrial, environmental and biomedical applications (SGI)" Core Group Member,

STSM Coordinator, MC member (COST-D43)


•Öğrencilerimiz STSM ve Training Schools a katılımı

•Draft Working Documents lere erken ulaşım

•Directorate-General Research den bilgi

•Cluster formation for Horizon 2020, Her iki aksiyon için

Öneriler;•www.fp7.org.tr den H2020 Bilgi Notu

•Partner Profillerin Oluşturulması

•Working documentlerin incelenmesi

•Profilinizde İLTEK in Araştırma Altyapısının kullanımı

•Profillerin hem NCP hem de ilgili web (NMP Team, vb ilgi alan) sayfalarına girilmesi

•Participant Portal (http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/page/home)kayıt

•AB ÇPM (ww.fp7.org.tr), Cordis (cordis.europa.eu), Linkedin, The Enterprise

Europe Network vb

•İnfo days

•Proje Pazarları (AB ÇPM destek veriyor)

•Hakem olarak yer alma (Gender Balance, Özellikle Bayan Araştırmacılar)

www.2237projeegitimi.selcuk.edu.tr veya 2237projeegitimi.blogspot.com

“Hayal gücü bilgiden daha önemlidir.”