Bairstow Method

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  • In the name of GodIn the name of God

    Lin-Bairstow MethodLin-Bairstow Method

    Compiled by Compiled by Naser BagheriNaser BagheriStudent ID : 9016393Student ID : 9016393

  • Modulefor

    The Lin-BairstowMethod

    Quadratic Synthetic Division

    Let the polynomial of degree n have coecients .Then has the familiarform

    (1) .

    Let be a xed quadratic term.Then can be expressed as

    (2) ,

    where is the remainder when is divided by.Here is a polynomial of degree and can be represented by

    (3) .If we set and ,then

    (4) ,where


    and equation(4)can be written

    (6) .

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    1of9 10/21/2013 10:40AM

  • The terms in(6) can be expanded so that is represented in powers of x.


    The numbers are found by comparing the coecients of in equations(1)and(7).The coecients of and are computed recursively.

    (8) Set , and

    , and then

    for .Proof Lin-BairstowMethod Lin-BairstowMethod

    Example 1. Use quadratic synthetic division to divideby .

    Solution 1.


    In the days when"hand computations"were necessary,the quadratic synthetic divisiontableau(or table)was used.The coecients of the polynomial are entered on therst row in descending order,the second and third rows are reserved for the intermediatecomputation steps( and )and the bottom row contains the coecients, and .

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    2of9 10/21/2013 10:40AM

  • Example2.Use the"quadratic synthetic division tableau" to divideby .


    Using vector coecients

    As mentioned above,it is ecient to store the coecients of a polynomialof degree n in the vector .Notice that this is a shift of the

    index for and the polynomial is written in the form .

    Given the quadratic ,the quotient and remainder are

    and .

    The recursive formulas for computing the coecients of are

    ,and ,and then for .

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    3of9 10/21/2013 10:40AM

  • Example3. Use the vector form of quadratic synthetic division to divideby .


    The Lin-BairstowMethod

    We now build on the previous idea and develop the Lin-Bairstow's method for nding aquadratic factor of .Suppose that we start with the initial guess


    and that can be expressed as


    When u and v are small,the quadratic (9)is close to a factor of .We want to ndnew values so that


    is closer to a factor of than the quadratic(9).Observe that u and v are functions of r and s,that is


    The new values satisfy the relations


    Lin-Bairstow Method

    4of9 10/21/2013 10:40AM

  • .The dierentials of the functions u and v are used to produce the approximations


    The new values are to satisfy


    When the quantities are small,we replace the above approximations withequations and obtain the linear system:


    All we need to do is nd the values of the partial derivatives , ,and and then use Cramer's rule to compute .Let us announce that thevalues of the partial derivatives are

    where the coecients are built upon the coecients given in(8) and arecalculated recursively using the formulas

    (12)Set , and

    , and then

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    5of9 10/21/2013 10:40AM

  • for .The formulas in(12)use the coecients in(8).Since


    the linear system in (11) can be written as

    Cramer's rule can be used to solve this linear system.The required determinants are

    , ,and .

    and the new values are computed using the formulas

    ,and .ProofLin-BairstowMethodLin-BairstowMethod

    The iterative process is continued until good approximations torandshave beenfound.If the initial guesses are chosen small,the iteration does not tend towander for a long time before converging.When ,the larger powers ofxcan beneglected in equation(1)and we have the approximation


    Hence the initial guesses for could be and ,provided that.

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    6of9 10/21/2013 10:40AM

  • If hand calculations are done,then the quadratic synthetic division tableau can beextended to form an easy way to calculate the coecients .

    Bairstow's method is a special case of Newton's method in two dimensions.

    Algorithm(Lin-Bairstow Iteration).To nd a quadratic factor of given an initialapproximation .Computer ProgramsLin-BairstowMethodLin-BairstowMethodMathematica Subroutine(Lin-Bairstow Iteration).

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    7of9 10/21/2013 10:40AM

  • Example4.Given .Start with and and use theLin-Bairstowmethod to nd a quadratic factor of .Solution4.

    Research Experience for UndergraduatesLin-BairstowMethodLin-BairstowMethodInternet hyperlinks to web sites and abibliography of articles.

    Download this Mathematica Notebook Lin-Bairstow Method

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    8of9 10/21/2013 10:40AM

  • Example 1.Use quadratic synthetic division to divide by .Solution 1.First,construct the polynomial .

    Second,given construct the polynomials .

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    1of4 10/21/2013 06:24PM

  • Third,verify that .

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    2of4 10/21/2013 06:24PM

  • We are done.

    Aside.We can have Mathematica compute the quotient and remainder using the built inproceduresPolynomialQuotient andPolynomialRemainder.This is just for fun!

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    3of4 10/21/2013 06:24PM

  • Example2. Use the"quadratic synthetic division tableau" to divideby .

    Solution2.Use the"quadratic synthetic division tableau"

    Since we use .

    Then simplify and get.

    Thus we have


    Lin-Bairstow Method

    1of3 10/21/2013 05:54PM

  • This agrees with our previous computation in Example1.

    We are done.

    Aside. We can letMathematica verify the result.

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    2of3 10/21/2013 05:54PM

  • Example3. Use the vector form of quadratic synthetic division to divideby .

    Solution3.First,construct the polynomial .

    Second,given construct the polynomials .

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    1of3 10/21/2013 06:23PM

  • Third,verify that .

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    2of3 10/21/2013 06:23PM

  • Example4. Given .Start with and and use theLin-Bairstowmethod to nd a quadratic factor of .Solution4.Enter the coecients of the polynomial.

    Enter the starting values and and call the subroutine Bairstow.

    Verify that a quadratic factor has been found.

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    1of3 10/21/2013 06:00PM

  • We are done.

    Aside.We can letMathematica nd the factors too.This is just for fun.

    Aside. We can letMathematica nd the roots too.This is just for fun.

    Lin-Bairstow Method

    2of3 10/21/2013 06:00PM

  • /home/naser/Darss/Analize-adadi/bros/Bairsto.cppPage 1 of 3 Sun 20 Oct 2013 11:52:32 PM IRST 1 //********************************************** 2 // Programmer : Naser . Bagheri (9016393) 3 //********************************************** 4 #include 5 #include 6 using namespace std; 7 #define ESP 0.001 8 #define F(x) (x)*(x)*(x) + (x) + 10 9 #define a3 1 10 #define a2 0 11 #define a1 1 12 #define a0 10 13 //#define c3 0void main() 14 int main() 15 { 16 double u,v,u1,v1,u2,v2,b3,b2,p,b1,b0,c2,c1,c0,U,V; 17 int i=1; 18 float c3=0; 19 cout
  • /home/naser/Darss/Analize-adadi/bros/Bairsto.cppPage 2 of 3 Sun 20 Oct 2013 11:52:32 PM IRST 59 V=((-(b0*c1-c0*b1))/(p)); 60 u2=u+U; 61 v2=v+V; 62 cout
  • /home/naser/Darss/Analize-adadi/bros/Bairsto.cppPage 3 of 3 Sun 20 Oct 2013 11:52:32 PM IRST117 118 u = 2.002230119 v = -5.002025120 121 b0 = -0.001389122 b1 = 0.006900123 b2 = 2.002230124 b3 = 1.000000125 126 c0 = 6.121717127 c1 = 5.552230128 c2 = 1.000000129 c3 = 0.000000130 131 u = 2.000623132 v = -5.000003133 134 b0 = 0.001859135 b1 = 0.002490136 b2 = 2.000623137 b3 = 1.000000138 139 c0 = 11.224619140 c1 = 8.108540141 c2 = 1.000000142 c3 = 0.000000143 144 u = 2.000287145 v = -4.999767146 147 REAL ROOT = 2.000148 REAL ROOT = -5.000149 */150

    - 3 -

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    Wolfram Web Resources 13,192 entriesLast updated: Tue Oct 8 2013

    Created, developed, andnurtured by Eric Weissteinat Wolfram Research

    Applied Mathematics > Numerical Methods > Root-Finding >

    Bairstow's MethodA procedure for finding the quadratic factors for the complex conjugate roots of a polynomial with real coefficients.


    Now write the original polynomial as(2)(3)






    Now use the two-dimensional Newton's method to find the simultaneous solutions.

    REFERENCES:Press, W. H.; Flannery, B. P.; Teukolsky, S. A.; and Vetterling, W. T. Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN: The Art of ScientificComputing, 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 277 and 283-284, 1989.

    Referenced on Wolfram|Alpha: Bairstow's Method

    CITE THIS AS:Weisstein, Eric W. "Bairstow's Method." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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    THINGS TO TRY:approximate zero7 rows of Pascal's triangleCNF (P && ~Q) || (R && S) || (Q

    && R && ~S)

    Bairstow's Method--fromWolfram MathWorld

    1of1 10/21/201305:25PM