$30 SAVE with the Affordable Medication Solutions RX Savings Card UP TO COPAY ON Privately-Insured Patients * This coupon is not valid for prescriptions reimbursed under Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal or state program, or where prohibited by law. Where third party reimbursement covers a portion of your prescriptions, this coupon is valid only for a portion of the amount of your actual out-of-pocket expenses. Offer valid only for prescriptions filled in the United States. Affordable Medication Solutions reserves the right to discontinue this offer at any time. This coupon cannot be combined with any other rebate or coupon, free trial, or similar offer for the specified prescription. The discount will be accepted only at participating pharmacies. If you do not wish to further participate in this cost-saving program, call 1-844-285-1848 to opt out of the program. This is not a form of insurance. * Present this card to receive savings up to $30 (maximum benefit). Some restrictions apply. BIN: 610322 MEMBER ID: PATIENT’S LAST NAME AND FIRST INITIAL PERSON CODE: 01 GROUP: GEN-AS-1 INS Astero 30mL $30.00 Gensco Pharma Launches the First FDA Approved Prescription Hydrogel with 4% Lidocaine HCL for Wound Pain August 22, 2016 Gensco Pharma announces Astero™, a FDA approved prescription hydrogel which contains the topical anesthetic lidocaine hydrochloride. Astero™ is indicated for painful wounds such as post-surgical incisions, ulcers, cuts and abrasions. Astero™ is specifically formulated to create a moist healing environment, which promotes granulation, epithelialization, and autolytic debridement, while providing prolonged anesthesia of the wound, lessening the need for systemic pain medications including opiate based drugs. “Astero™ provides the clinician a proven and trusted first line wound dressing for post-surgical incisions, cuts, ulcers and abrasions. The soothing hydrogel creates a superior wound healing environment while the lidocaine component imparts sustained pain control of the wound,” says Dr. Brenner. “Since our inception, our corporate focus is to utilize our resources on innovative research and the development of unique delivery systems to improve access to products providing improved quality of life for patients who suffer from pain and debilitating diseases,” said Carlos Alfaras, CEO of Gensco Pharma. “Our blend of science and understanding of the value proposition to patients and industry partners drives us to develop improved outcomes for all. Astero is a perfect example of Gensco Pharma at work, including the clinical perspective and the ability to assist with the financial burden to patients with our copay assistance programs.” Astero™ is offered through national wholesalers, chain pharmacies and Group Purchasing Organizations including but not limited to: McKesson, Cardinal, AmerisourceBergen, HD Smith, Walgreens, CVS, Intalere, Innovatix and MedAssets. For more information on Astero™, visit www.asterogel.com. Wound management is one of the most common aspects of podiatric practice. The etiology of the wound may vary from post-surgical, traumatic, or disease state progression but the treatment goal is the VDPH HHFWLYH ZRXQG KHDOLQJ 3URSHUO\ WUHDWLQJ DQ\ ZRXQGearly, provides the best chance for resolution especially in patients DW ULVN RI FKURQLF ZRXQG GHYHORSPHQW 3DWLHQWV ZLWK GLDEHWHV SHULSKHUDO YDVFXODU GLVHDVH RU SHULSKHUDO QHXURSDWKLHV VKRXOG EH IUHTXHQWO\ DQG FORVHO\ PRQLWRUHG IRU VLJQV RI ZRXQG GHYHORSPHQW &RPPRQO\ LW LV WKH SRGLDWULF SK\VLFLDQ ZKR ȴUVW LGHQWL- ȴHV WKHVH SUREOHPV LQ WKH RɝFH VHWWLQJ Once a wound has been assessed, debrided, cultured, and photographed, a hydrogel type dressing is an excellent RSWLRQ WR SURPRWH D KHDOLQJ HQYLURQPHQW +\GURJHOV KDYH the ability to donate water molecules to dehydrated tissue while allowing the passage of water vapor and oxygen to the ZRXQG VXUIDFH $ PRLVW HQYLURQPHQW KHOSV WR LQFUHDVH WKH phagocytic activity of leucocytes and enzymatic activity of GDPDJHG FHOOV 7KLV LQ WXUQ UHPRYHV GHYLWDOL]HG WLVVXH during the early phase of wound healing and limits the GHYHORSPHQW RI D ELRȴOP 1 More so, the hydrogel does not adhere to the wound surface thereby preventing tissue GDPDJH GXULQJ GUHVVLQJ FKDQJHV Frequently, pain as a result of trauma, particularly during the dressing change procedure, has been described by patients DV WKH ZRUVW SDUW RI GHDOLQJ ZLWK D ZRXQG 2 3URSHU SDLQ management strategy is a key component in the treatment RI ZRXQGV 7KH DSSURSULDWH VHOHFWLRQ DQG XVH RI DQDOJHVLFV LV LPSRUWDQW 6HSDUDWH DQDOJHVLF VWUDWHJLHV PD\ EH UHTXLUHG for background pain and the pain arising from wound proce- GXUHV +RZHYHU QRW DOO ZRXQG SDLQ UHVSRQGV WR V\VWHPLF DQDOJHVLFV 0RUH VR HVSHFLDOO\ WRGD\ WKHUH LV RIWHQ D VWLJPD DWWDFKHG WR WKH XVH RI RSLDWHV LQFOXGLQJ PHGLFDWLRQ PLVXVH $V D FRQVHTXHQFH PRVW WUHDWPHQW JXLGHOLQHV IRU DFXWH injuries recommend prescribers should explore non opioid medications and other modalities that can be used to UHGXFH WKH QHHG IRU RSLRLG PHGLFDWLRQ XVH 3 Many clinicians use a topical anesthetic agent, lidocaine, to manage wound pain during procedures such as debridement and dressing FKDQJHV Though pain control is often the patients primary concern, clinicians are more likely concerned with wound healing and WKH SUHYHQWLRQ RI LQIHFWLRQ :RXQG LQIHFWLRQ LV RQH RI WKH PRUH GLɝFXOW DVSHFWV RI ZRXQG PDQDJHPHQW DQG D PDMRU FRQWULEXWRU WR KHDOWKFDUH FRVWV :RXQG LQIHFWLRQ HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK 6WDSK\ORFRFFXV DXUHXV LV D PDMRU FRQFHUQ IRU DOO KHDOWKFDUH SURYLGHUV ΖQ D UHFHQW VXUYHLOODQFH UHSRUW PRVW PHWKLFLOOLQUHVLVWDQW 6 DXUHXV 056$ LQIHFWLRQV ZHUH QRVRFRPLDO ZHUH FRPPXQLW\RQVHW LQIHFWLRQV ZHUH KRVSLWDORQVHW LQIHFWLRQV ZHUH FRPPXQL- W\DVVRFLDWHG LQIHFWLRQV DQG FRXOG QRW EH FODVVLȴHG &RPPXQLW\DFTXLUHG 056$ UDWHV DV KLJK DV KDYH EHHQ UHSRUWHG LQ SDWLHQWV ZLWK VNLQ DQG VRIWWLVVXH LQIHFWLRQV $GGLWLRQDOO\ DODUPLQJ LV WKH IDFW WKDW FOLQLFDO VWXGLHV KDYH DW WLPHV VKRZQ WKDW DQWLELRWLFV DUH RIWHQ LQHHFWLYH DJDLQVW 056$ LQIHFWLRQV 5 $VWHUR™ is the new prescription hydrogel wound product in WKH PDUNHW $VWHUR™, which contains the topical anesthetic OLGRFDLQH LV VSHFLȴFDOO\ IRUPXODWHG WR FUHDWH D PRLVW KHDOLQJ environment, which promotes granulation, epithelialization, and autolytic debridement, while providing prolonged anesthesia of the wound, lessening the need for systemic SDLQ PHGLFDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ RSLDWH EDVHG GUXJV ΖQ DGGLWLRQ the hydrogel in combination with Meadowsweet and Oak Extract helps suppress the development of wound infections, increasing wound healing rates and decreasing VHFRQGDU\ FRPSOLFDWLRQV DQG UHODWHG WUHDWPHQWV Oak extract has been studied for its ability to suppress EDFWHULDO JURZWK ΖQ RQH VWXG\ WKH UHGXFWLRQ LQ 056$ ZDV VLJQLȴFDQWO\ KLJKHU LQ ZRXQGV WUHDWHG ZLWK RDN EDUN IRUPXOD- WLRQ WKDQ LQ FRQWURO WUHDWHG DQG XQWUHDWHG ZRXQGV 6 ΖQ D continuation of this study, evaluating burn wounds, oak extract was demonstrated to not only suppress bacterial infection but increase the rate of healing, leading the authors to suggest that the oak bark formulation can enhance the migration of epidermal cells to accelerate KHDOLQJ 6 ΖQ DQRWKHU VWXG\ D SURGXFW FRQWDLQLQJ RDN H[WUDFW was shown to be superior to silver sulfadiazine cream in GLDEHWLF ZRXQG KHDOLQJ $VWHUR™, available by prescription only, provides the clinician D SURYHQ DQG WUXVWHG ȴUVW OLQH ZRXQG K\GURJHO IRU SRVWVXU- JLFDO LQFLVLRQV FXWV DEUDVLRQV DQG XOFHUDWLRQV 7KH VRRWKLQJ hydrogel containing Meadowsweet and Oak Extract create a superior wound healing environment while the lidocaine FRPSRQHQW LPSDUWV VXVWDLQHG SDLQ FRQWURO RI WKH ZRXQG Though this data supports the need for continued clinical trials to better understand wound healing, podiatric practi- tioners now have a valuable new topical wound hydrogel to DGG WR WKHLU FOLQLFDO DUPDPHQWDULXP ______________ 7RQJ $ 7KH LGHQWLȴFDWLRQ DQG WUHDWPHQW RI VORXJK -RXUQDO RI :RXQG &DUH 3ULFH 3( )DJHUYLN0RUWRQ + 0XGJH (- HW DO 'UHVVLQJUHODWHG SDLQ LQ SDWLHQWV ZLWK FKURQLF ZRXQGV DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO SHUVSHFWLYH ΖQW :RXQG - &XQQLQJKDP 0LFKHOOH 0' 0DQDJLQJ 3DLQ 0HGLFDWLRQ LQ WKH 2XWSDWLHQW :RXQG &OLQLF 7RGD\ȇV :RXQG &OLQLF 9ROXPH ΖVVXH 0D\ $ZDG 66 (OKDEDVK 6Ζ /HH / )DUURZ % %HUJHU '+ ΖQFUHDVLQJ LQFLGHQFH RI PHWKLFLOOLQUH- VLVWDQW 6WDSK\ORFRFFXV DXUHXV VNLQ DQG VRIWWLVVXH LQIHFWLRQV UHFRQVLGHUDWLRQ RI HPSLULF DQWLPLFURELDO WKHUDS\ $P - 6XUJ Ȃ &UXP 1) /HH 58 7KRUQWRQ 6$ HW DO )LIWHHQ\HDU VWXG\ RI WKH FKDQJLQJ HSLGHPLRORJ\ RI PHWKLFLOOLQUHVLVWDQFH 6WDSK\ORFRFFXV DXUHXV $P - 0HG Ȃ 'DYLV 6WHSKDQ & 'HWHUPLQLQJ WKH HHFW RI DQ 2DN %DUN IRUPXODWLRQ RQ PHWKLFLOOLQ 5HVLVWDQW 6WDSK\ORFRFFXV $XUHXV DQG :RXQG +HDOLQJ LQ 3RUFLQH :RXQG 0RGHO 2VWRP\ :RXQG 0DQDJHPHQW -DFREV $0 7RPF]DN 5 (YDOXDWLRQ RI %HQVDO +3 IRU WKH WUHDWPHQW RI GLDEHWLF IRRW XOFHUV $GY 6NLQ :RXQG &DUH 2FW Advances in Treatment of Painful Wounds by Marc Alan Brenner, DPM, The Institute for Diabetic Foot Research Dr. Marc A. Brenner is a past President and Fellow of the American Society of Podiatric Dermatology. He is a renown national and international lecturer in the areas of podiatric dermatology and GLDEHWLF IRRW VDOYDJH 'U %UHQQHU LV WKH HGLWRU RI WKH WH[W ERRN 0DQDJHPHQW RI WKH 'LDEHWLF )RRW +H LV FXUUHQWO\ RQ WKH PHGLFDO VWD RI 1RUWK 6KRUH 8QLYHUVLW\ +RVSLWDO DQG /RQJ ΖVODQG -HZLVK +RVSLWDO DQG KDV SULYDWH SUDFWLFHV LQ *OHQGDOH DQG /DNH 6XFFHVV 1HZ <RUN 'U %UHQQHU KDV VHUYHG DV D FRQVXOWDQW DQG PHPEHU RI WKH *HQVFR 3KDUPD 0HGLFDO $GYLVRU\ %RDUG About Gensco Pharma: Gensco Pharma is a specialty pharmaceutical company focusing on research, development and marketing of transdermal prescription products. As an innovator of pharmaceutical products and the development of patented drug delivery systems, Gensco is dedicated to the continual pursuit of novel and effective therapies that improve health. New Product Update GENSCO PHARMA A Specialty Pharmaceutical Company genscopharma.com [email protected] 855 543-6726 855 5GENSCO FAX 855 743-6726 855 7GENSCO OFFICE

Astero Announcement

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$30SAVE with the Affordable Medication Solutions RX Savings CardUP TO



Privately-Insured Patients

* This coupon is not valid for prescriptions reimbursed under Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal or state program, or where prohibited by law. Where third party reimbursement covers a portion of your prescriptions, this coupon is valid only for a portion of the amount of your actual out-of-pocket expenses. Offer valid only for prescriptions filled in the United States. Affordable Medication Solutions reserves the right to discontinue this offer at any time. This coupon cannot be combined with any other rebate or coupon, free trial, or similar offer for the specified prescription. The discount will be accepted only at participating pharmacies.

If you do not wish to further participate in this cost-saving program, call 1-844-285-1848 to opt out of the program.

This is not a form of insurance.* Present this card to receive savings up to $30 (maximum benefit). Some restrictions


BIN: 610322




Astero 30mL $30.00

Gensco Pharma Launches the First FDA Approved Prescription Hydrogel with 4% Lidocaine HCL for Wound Pain

August 22, 2016

Gensco Pharma announces Astero™, a FDA approved prescription hydrogel which contains the topical anesthetic lidocaine hydrochloride. Astero™ is indicated for painful wounds such as post-surgical incisions, ulcers, cuts and abrasions.

Astero™ is specifically formulated to create a moist healing environment, which promotes granulation, epithelialization, and autolytic debridement, while providing prolonged anesthesia of the wound, lessening the need for systemic pain medications including opiate based drugs. “Astero™ provides the clinician a proven and trusted first line wound dressing for post-surgical incisions, cuts, ulcers and abrasions. The soothing hydrogel creates a superior wound healing environment while the lidocaine component imparts sustained pain control of the wound,” says Dr. Brenner.

“Since our inception, our corporate focus is to utilize our resources on innovative research and the development of unique delivery systems to improve access to products providing improved quality of life for patients who suffer from pain and debilitating diseases,” said Carlos Alfaras, CEO of Gensco Pharma. “Our blend of science and understanding of the value proposition to patients and industry partners drives us to develop improved outcomes for all. Astero is a perfect example of Gensco Pharma at work, including the clinical perspective and the ability to assist with the financial burden to patients with our copay assistance programs.”

Astero™ is offered through national wholesalers, chain pharmacies and Group Purchasing Organizations including but not limited to: McKesson, Cardinal, AmerisourceBergen, HD Smith, Walgreens, CVS, Intalere, Innovatix and MedAssets.

For more information on Astero™, visit www.asterogel.com.

Wound management is one of the most common aspects of podiatric practice.

The etiology of the wound may vary from post-surgical, traumatic, or disease state progression but the treatment goal is the

early, provides the best chance for resolution especially in patients


Once a wound has been assessed, debrided, cultured, and

photographed, a hydrogel type dressing is an excellent

the ability to donate water molecules to dehydrated tissue

while allowing the passage of water vapor and oxygen to the

phagocytic activity of leucocytes and enzymatic activity of

during the early phase of wound healing and limits the

1 More so, the hydrogel does not

adhere to the wound surface thereby preventing tissue

Frequently, pain as a result of trauma, particularly during the

dressing change procedure, has been described by patients 2

management strategy is a key component in the treatment

for background pain and the pain arising from wound proce-

injuries recommend prescribers should explore non opioid

medications and other modalities that can be used to

3 Many clinicians

use a topical anesthetic agent, lidocaine, to manage wound

pain during procedures such as debridement and dressing

Though pain control is often the patients primary concern,

clinicians are more likely concerned with wound healing and



™ is the new prescription hydrogel wound product in

™, which contains the topical anesthetic

environment, which promotes granulation, epithelialization,

and autolytic debridement, while providing prolonged

anesthesia of the wound, lessening the need for systemic

the hydrogel in combination with Meadowsweet and Oak

Extract helps suppress the development of wound

infections, increasing wound healing rates and decreasing

Oak extract has been studied for its ability to suppress


continuation of this study, evaluating burn wounds, oak

extract was demonstrated to not only suppress bacterial

infection but increase the rate of healing, leading the

authors to suggest that the oak bark formulation can

enhance the migration of epidermal cells to accelerate


was shown to be superior to silver sulfadiazine cream in

™, available by prescription only, provides the clinician -

hydrogel containing Meadowsweet and Oak Extract create a

superior wound healing environment while the lidocaine

Though this data supports the need for continued clinical

trials to better understand wound healing, podiatric practi-

tioners now have a valuable new topical wound hydrogel to



Advances in Treatment of Painful Wounds

by Marc Alan Brenner, DPM, The Institute for Diabetic Foot Research

Dr. Marc A. Brenner is a past President and Fellow of the American Society of Podiatric Dermatology. He is a renown national and international lecturer in the areas of podiatric dermatology and

About Gensco Pharma: Gensco Pharma is a specialty pharmaceutical company focusing on research, development and marketing of transdermal prescription products. As an innovator of pharmaceutical products and the development of patented drug delivery systems, Gensco is dedicated to the continual pursuit of novel and effective therapies that improve health.

New Product Update

GENSCO PHARMAA Specialty Pharmaceutical Company


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