An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat Production Areas in Ethiopia Jeffrey W. White, 1 Douglas G. Tanner, 2 and John D. Corbett 3 Published jointly by the Wheat Program and the Natural Resources Group Geographic Information Systems Series 01-01 1 GIS and Modeling Lab, Natural Resources Group, CIMMYT 2 Agronomist, CIMM T Wheat Program, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 3 Blackland Research and Extension Center, the Texas A&M University Research System INTERNATIONAL MAIZE AND WHEAT IMPROVEMENT CENTER

An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat

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Page 1: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat

An Agro-Climatological

Characterization of Bread Wheat

Production Areas in Ethiopia

Jeffrey W. White,1 Douglas G. Tanner,2 and John D. Corbett3

Published jointly by theWheat Program

and the

Natural Resources Group

Geographic Information SystemsSeries 01-01

1 GIS and Modeling Lab, Natural Resources Group, CIMMYT 2 Agronomist, CIMMYT Wheat Program, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia3 Blackland Research and Extension Center, the Texas A&M University Research System



Page 2: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat

CIMMYT® (www.cimmyt.org) is an internationally funded, nonprofit, scientific research and training organization. Headquartered in Mexico, CIMMYT works with agricultural research institutions worldwide to improve the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of maize and wheat systems for poor farmers in developing countries. It is one of 16 food and environmental organizations known as the Future Harvest Centers. Located around the world, the Future Harvest Centers conduct research in partnership with farmers, scientists, and policymakers to help alleviate poverty and increase food security while protecting natural resources. The centers are supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) (www.cgiar.org), whose members include nearly 60 countries, private foundations, and regional and international organizations. Financial support for CIMMYT’s research agenda also comes from many other sources, including foundations, development banks, and public and private agencies.

Future Harvest® builds awareness and support for food and environmental research for a world with less poverty, a healthier human family, well-nourished children, and a better environment. It supports research, promotes partnerships, and sponsors projects that bring the results of research to rural communities, farmers, and families in Africa, Asia, and Latin America (www.futureharvest.org).

© International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) 2001. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors. The designations employed in the presentation of materials in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of CIMMYT or its contributory organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. CIMMYT encourages fair use of this material. Proper citation is requested.

Correct citation: White, J.W., D.G. Tanner, and J.D. Corbett. 2001. An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat Production Areas in Ethiopia. NRG-GIS Series 01-01. Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT.

Abstract: This report describes a GIS-based assessment of the distribution of wheat production in Ethiopia, with emphasis on climate factors limiting the potential wheat area and using mainly agro-climatological characteristics obtained from interpolated climate data contained in the Ethiopian Country Almanac. Results suggest that the greatest opportunity for expanding wheat production in Ethiopia would involve increasing the tolerance of wheat to warmer growing conditions but that other factors, including the adaptation of current and/or alternate crops, overall land-use suitability, and market constraints must be considered before moving wheat into new areas. Site similarity analyses further suggest that the current distribution of wheat research sites in Ethiopia provides a reasonable coverage of the traditional wheat production area in terms of climatic conditions, and support the relevance of the Kulumsa station for wheat research throughout much of Eastern and Southern Africa.

ISSN: 1405-7484AGROVOC descriptors: Soft wheat; Wheats; Food production; Temperature resistance; Climatic factors; Precipitation; Climatic zones; Climatology; Ethiopia.AGRIS category codes: P40 Meteorology and Climatology; E14 Development Economics and PoliciesDewey decimal classification: 633.1

Printed in Mexico.

Page 3: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat




v Summary

1 Introduction

2 Materials and Methods

3 Overview of Wheat Production in Ethiopia

4 Results and Discussion

8 Conclusions

8 Acknowledgments

9 References


1 Table 1. Comparison of human population, per capita income, wheat area,

wheat production and other parameters for Ethiopia and other

countries in sub-Saharan Africa (from Aquino et al. 1996).

2 Table 2. Sites referred to in the text or indicated in Maps 1 or 7.

5 Table 3. Comparison of elevations and climate for four sites in Ethiopia

using data from the Ethiopian Country Almanac (ECA) and actual

meteorological station data (courtesy of EARO). Climate data are for

the wettest quarter.


3 Figure 1. Annual variation in climate at Kulumsa, Ethiopia.

4 Figure 2. Relationships between total precipitation (A) and elevation (B) and

mean minimum temperature during the wettest quarter for 180 wheat

germplasm accessions collected in Ethiopia.

7 Figure 3. Variation in wheat grain yield at Kulumsa, Ethiopia, as simulated

for changes in growing season total precipitation (A) and mean

temperature (B).

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10 Map 1. Approximate distribution of traditional wheat production areas

of Ethiopia and the location of sites mentioned in this paper

(re-drawn from Belay et al. 1999)

10 Map 2. Approximate distribution of traditional wheat production areas

of Ethiopia superimposed on climatic zones of Ethiopia where

precipitation is over 350 mm and the mean minimum temperature

is between 6O and 11OC during the wettest quarter of the year.

The darkest areas in the southwest have a growing season greater

than 9 months, based on P/PE greater than 0.5.

11 Map 3. Areas of Ethiopia where precipitation is over 350 mm, the mean

minimum temperature is between 6O and 11OC during the wettest

quarter of the year, and the growing season is 9 months or less.

The vertically hatched zones represent elevations above 2000 m.

11 Map 4. Approximate distribution of traditional wheat production areas of

Ethiopia re-drawn from Belay et al. (1999), the proposed climate-

based wheat zone, and 180 wheat germplasm collection sites.

12 Map 5. Areas of Ethiopia where precipitation is over 350 mm, the mean

minimum temperature is between 6O and 11OC during the wettest

quarter of the year, and the growing season is 9 months or less.

The additional dark areas receive between 300 and 350 mm of

precipitation during the wettest quarter of the year.

12 Map 6. Areas of Ethiopia where precipitation is over 350 mm, the mean

minimum temperature is between 6° and 11°C during the wettest

quarter of the year, and the growing season is 9 months or

less. The additional dark areas have mean minimum temperatures

between 11º to 13°C during the wettest quarter of the year.

13 Map 7. Areas within Ethiopia having climatic conditions during the

wettest quarter that are similar to those of one of eight wheat

research sites in the country.

14 Map 8. Areas in sub-Saharan Africa having climatic conditions during the

optimal five-month growing season that are similar to those at

Kulumsa, Ethiopia.

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This report describes a GIS-based assessment

of the distribution of wheat production in Ethiopia,

with emphasis on climatic factors limiting the

potential wheat area. Analyses relied primarily on

agro-climatological characteristics obtained from

interpolated climate data contained within the

Ethiopian Country Almanac; the same GIS-based tool

was used to analyze climatic data related to current

and potential wheat production areas in Ethiopia.

Based on consultations with Ethiopian wheat

scientists and examination of a published map

approximating the geographic distribution of current

wheat production, traditional rainfed wheat

production areas were best described in a zone with

350 mm or more precipitation and mean minimum

temperatures of 6OC to 11OC during the wettest

quarter (i.e., three consecutive months). The lower

altitude limit for this zone is roughly 2,000 m. The

wettest quarter was used to restrict planting to the

onset of the “meher” (long-season) rains; planting at

the onset of the “belg” (short-season) rains would

expose the maturing wheat crop to high rainfall

during the succeeding meher.

Precipitation and temperature limits were tested

further by comparing them to climatic conditions at

180 wheat germplasm collection sites in Ethiopia.

Results suggested a similar lower limit for precipitation

and minimum temperature range, but a higher upper

limit for minimum temperature range, although many

collections were made at lower sites (for example,

along major roads and in markets) that are warmer

than actual wheat growing areas.

Examining the potential for wheat cropping in

drier or warmer environments, it was found that

allowing production in areas with as little as 300 mm

of precipitation during the wettest quarter resulted in

the addition of a small area, primarily in the southeast

near the Sinana research station. In contrast, raising

the upper limit of the minimum temperature range by

2OC would perhaps double the potential wheat area

on the periphery of the highlands, due to a mean

rainfall of over 500 mm during the wettest quarter

in such areas. Thus, the present agro-climatological

constraint on wheat area is not lack of rainfall but

warm temperatures. This suggests that attempts

to identify new productive areas should focus

on strategies for overcoming heat stress and on

resistance to wheat diseases associated with warmer

environments, subject of course to soil suitability,

the presence of other crops, labor availability, and

other socioeconomic factors in the areas identified

for expansion.

On examining the distribution of eight wheat

research stations, we found that the present set of

stations covered most Ethiopian wheat zones and

exhibited little overlap. In a broader similarity analysis

for the Kulumsa station (a key center for wheat

research in Eastern Africa), the climate at that location

was similar to those of major wheat-producing areas

of Kenya and Ethiopia, as well as in the Great Lakes

Region (Rwanda, southwestern Uganda, and the

North Kivu district of the Democratic Republic of the

Congo), northern Tanzania, and Lesotho.

Page 6: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat



Ethiopia is the second largest producer of wheat

in sub-Saharan Africa, following South Africa (Table

1). About 900,000 ha of bread (Triticum aestivum)

and durum (T. turgidum var. durum) wheats are

grown in Ethiopia, primarily as highland rainfed

crops. Mean wheat yields are around 1.4 t/ha, well

below experimental yields of over 5 t/ha (Hailu

1991). Ethiopia’s current annual wheat production

of approximately 1.3 million tons is insufficient to

meet domestic needs, forcing the country to import

30 to 50% of the annual wheat grain required.

The yield gap of over 3 t/ha suggests the potential

for increasing production through improved crop

management, particularly increased use of fertilizers.

However, there is also justification for examining

whether wheat production can be introduced to non-

traditional areas. Geographic information systems

(GIS) provide a way to do this, allowing researchers to

examine crop distribution in relation to climate and

other factors.

This paper first examines the current distribution

of wheat production in relation to climate. It then uses

the described climatic limits as the basis for evaluating

the potential for increasing wheat production area in

Ethiopia. To understand the possible contribution that

different research centers might make to improving

wheat production in current or potential wheat

areas, climate similarity analyses were conducted for

research stations used by the cooperative National

Wheat Research Program coordinated under the

auspices of the Ethiopian Agricultural Research

Organization (EARO).

Emphasis is given to the use of quantitative

characterizations based on climate data that have

been interpolated over all of Africa (Corbett and

O’Brien 1997). This ensures that mapped distributions

are more fully testable and reproducible, thus

contributing to a more precise understanding of

the adaptation of wheat in Ethiopia as well as in

other countries.

Table 1. Comparison of human population, per capita income, wheat area, wheat production, and other parameters for Ethiopia and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa (from Aquino et al. 1996).

Ethiopia Kenya South Africa Sudan Zambia Zimbabwe

Estimated population, 1995 (million) 58.6 28.3 41.5 28.1 9.5 11.3 Estimated growth rate of population, 1993-2000 (% per year) 3.0 2.5 2.2 2.7 2.6 2.2

Per capita income, 1994 (US $) 100 250 3,040 … 350 500 Average wheat area harvested, 1993-1995 (000 ha) 884 155 1,166 325 18 41

Average wheat yield, 1993-1995 (t/ha) 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.5 3.1 4.9 Average wheat production, 1993-1995 (000 t) 1,270 252 1,983 483 55 199 Average net imports of wheat, 1992-94 (000 t) 391 215 557 460 28 90

Nitrogen applied, 1993-1994 (kg N/ha) 5 23 60 87 62 160

An Agro-ClimatologicalCharacterization of Bread Wheat

Production Areas in Ethiopia

Page 7: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat


Materials and Methods

The primary data source for the climatic analyses

were the climate surfaces for Africa developed

by Corbett (1994) using thin plate smoothing

splines (Hutchinson 1995). In this technique, monthly

mean data for precipitation and temperature are

interpolated from point data corresponding to long-

term records of meteorological stations. This variant

of spline techniques allows use of data from a digital

elevation model (DEM, essentially a topographic map

converted to grid-based format) to improve the

estimation of variation in climate with elevation.

The DEM had a 2.5 arc-minute grid size, which

is roughly equivalent to a 5 km x 5 km grid size

for regions near the equator. In addition to the

basic climate variables, the set of surfaces includes

data for potential evapotranspiration (PET) and ratios

of precipitation to PET (P/PET). These variables are

provided both on an annual basis and for various

season models, including an optimal season defined

as the five-month period with the highest value of

P/PET and the wettest quarter defined as the three

consecutive months with the greatest precipitation.

Climate data for long-term monthly means at

specific sites were obtained from the FAO climate

database for Africa (FAO 1984). A list of the locations

considered in the current study is given in Table 2; the

locations are also shown in Map 1.

Zones for climate and site similarity within

Ethiopia were defined using the Ethiopia Country

Almanac (ECA), a component of the Country Almanac

Series of CD-ROM-based data sets and tools for

manipulating spatial data (Corbett et al. 1999).

Table 2. Sites referred to in the text or indicated in Maps 1 or 7.

Latitude Longitude Elevation Site (oN) (oE) (m) Comments

Addis Ababa 9.03 38.75 2,354 Capital city of Ethiopia, wheat production area, waterlogging on Vertisols .Adet† 11.27 37.48 2,240 Wheat research site, waterlogging on Vertisols, low soil fertility on Nitisols. Alemaya 9.50 41.02 1,950 Maize and wheat research site, moisture stress zone. Ambo 9.05 37.82 2,225 Key highland maize research site, waterlogging on Vertisols.Asasa 7.13 39.21 2,360 Wheat research site, relatively short growing season with terminal moisture stress. Awassa 7.05 38.47 1,750 Maize research site.Bekoji† 7.53 39.25 2,780 Wheat research site, high rainfall, long growing season. Debre Markos 10.35 37.73 2,440 Wheat production area, waterlogging on Vertisols .Debre Zeit† 8.73 38.97 1,900 Durum research coordinating center, waterlogging on Vertisols.Ginchi 9.03 38.15 2,250 Wheat research site, waterlogged Vertisol. Goba 7.02 39.98 2,710 Wheat production area, bimodal rainfall.Gondar 12.60 37.47 1,967 Wheat production area, high rainfall. Holetta† 9.05 38.50 2,400 Wheat research site, Septoria hotspot, waterlogging on Vertisols.Kulumsa† 8.00 39.15 2,200 National bread wheat research coordinating center. Mekelle† 13.30 39.29 2,050 Capital city of Tigray Region, frequent droughts. Sinana† 7.13 40.02 2,400 Wheat research site, bimodal rainfall. Weldiya†,‡ 11.75 39.60 2,320 Wheat production area.

† Sites characterized by climatic similarity analyses in Map 7.‡ Actual coordinates refer to a point approximately 20 km west of Weldiya town that corresponds to a wheat and

barley region (barley being grown at higher elevations).

Page 8: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat


Climate zones are defined through map overlay and

selection procedures. Zones of similar climate are

specified by characterizing the climate at the latitude

and longitude of the reference site and then selecting

criteria for similarity. For this study, the similarity

zones were usually based on the wettest quarter

(three-month period) and considered ranges of +/-

50 mm for precipitation and PET and of +/- 1oC for

mean maximum and minimum temperatures, unless

otherwise specified. For similarity analyses over all of

Africa, the Spatial Characterization Tool (Corbett and

O’Brien 1997) was used, assuming +/- 10% ranges

for the five most favorable months based on the ratio

P/PET. All maps are presented unprojected, by latitude

and longitude. To verify the limit of zones based on

climatic limits, conditions at specific locations were

also assessed. Presumed wheat production locations

were obtained based on collection sites of bread

wheats as listed in the USDA GRIN database (USDA-

ARS-NGRP 2000).

Simulations of wheat crop growth and

development were conducted using CERES Wheat

V3.50[98.0] (Hoogenboom et al. 1994; P. Wilkens,

personal communication, 1999). A 10-year set of

weather data from Kulumsa, Ethiopia, was used in

conjunction with a generic soil profile for a sandy

loam assumed to allow root growth to a depth

of 0.9 m. Seed was broadcast at a density of

180 plants/m2 and fertilized each year with 10 kg of

nitrogen. A window for sowing date from 1 July to 1

August was allowed.

Overview of WheatProduction in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, wheat is grown primarily as a rainfed

crop by smallholders in the highlands (Map 1). In most

of the country, only a single wheat crop is grown

during the second, longer rainy season (meher)

which usually starts in June (Fig. 1). The short rains

(belg), starting in March, are less reliable in most

parts of Ethiopia; however, in the southeast of the

country (e.g., Bale zone of Oromiyia Region), rainfall

distribution is bimodal. Growing wheat in belg season

implies harvesting during meher, which often results

in high grain moisture levels and sprouting. Thus,

wheat crops are typically sown by broadcasting in

June or July and harvested in November or December

(Hailu 1991). A very small area has also been grown

as a winter crop under irrigation on state farms at

lower elevations (Jamal 1994). Pr







Maximum temperature

Minimum temperature


















0J F M A M Jn Jl A S O N D

Figure 1. Annual variation in climate, Kulumsa, Ethiopia.

Page 9: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat


Bread wheat accounts for roughly 60% of total

wheat production and nearly all cultivars are derived

from modern, semi-dwarf wheats. Durum wheat

accounts for most of the remaining 40%, although

emmer wheat (T. dicoccum L.) is also grown. Bread

wheat is produced at slightly higher elevations

and on better drained soils than durum wheat,

which is primarily found on poorly drained Vertisols

(Hailu 1991).

Wheat production constraints include low soil

fertility, grass weed infestations, waterlogging in

Vertisol areas, and water deficits in short season areas

(Tanner et al. 1991). Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) is

common at higher elevations (> 2,400 m); stem rust

(P. graminis f. sp. tritici) is more problematic at mid-

elevations (2,000-2,400 m) (Bekele and Tanner 1995).

Double-cropping has recently been demonstrated

as a promising option for southeastern Ethiopia

(Tanner et al. 1994). In the Bale zone of Oromiya

Region, the belg rains are sufficiently long and reliable

for wheat or other crops. Double cropping could

reduce the negative effects of the current practice

of alternate season fallows: a continuous crop cover

would reduce erosion; alternating crops would help

control weeds; and human and animal power could

be used more efficiently.

Results and Discussion

Present wheat production areas

A review of growing season conditions for

various highland research sites suggested that

precipitation and minimum temperature were key

determinants of potential wheat areas. Setting

requirements of at least 350 mm rainfall and a

minimum temperature between 6° to 11°C during

the wettest quarter (three months) produced a

distribution map similar to the approximation of

traditional wheat production areas reproduced

from Belay et al. (1999; Map 2).

These limits, however, resulted in the inclusion

of a high rainfall area of southwestern Ethiopia that

is too wet for wheat production (annual precipitation

> 1,800 mm). Subsequent consultations indicated

that this area grows highland maize (Zea mays

L.) and enset (Musa abyssinica), which are better

suited to long, wet growing seasons. This zone was

thus excluded from the potential wheat area by

tightening the selection criteria to exclude areas

having a growing season greater than 9 months

(Map 2). The revised wheat zone closely corresponds

to sites exceeding 2,000 m in altitude (Map 3).

A. B.

Figure 2. Relationships between total precipitation (A) and elevation (B) and mean minimum temperature during the wettest quarter for 180 wheat germplasm accessions collected in Ethiopia.

Precipitation (mm)

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Elevation (m)













500 1500 2500 3500

Page 10: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat


To provide an independent estimate of appropriate

temperature and rainfall ranges for wheat production

zones, values for precipitation and mean minimum

temperature during the wettest quarter were obtained

for 180 bread wheat germplasm collection sites in

Ethiopia (Map 4). It is notable that most collection

points fell within the derived wheat production zone.

These data also support the lower limits of 350 mm

for precipitation and 6°C for minimum temperature

(Fig. 2A) used to develop our wheat distribution map.

However, the upper limit for minimum temperature

proved more problematic, with about half the collection

sites exhibiting minimum temperatures over 11°C

and nine sites having values over 15°C. Comparing

minimum temperature with elevation (as estimated

from the 5 km digital elevation model, not as reported

with the germplasm collection data) showed that

some collections came from locations well below the

suggested 2,000 m limit (Fig. 2B). Further inspection

of passport data for bread wheat accessions suggested

several possible explanations for these discrepancies.

Most accession data did not include information on the

type of collection, but in cases where this information

was recorded, the seeds often came from markets.

Thus, in many cases, samples may have come from

locations lower than where their source crops were

actually grown. It is also possible that some locations

were erroneously recorded. Hijmans et al. (1999) noted

that geographic coordinates reported for collection sites

exhibit high error rates.

The described results must also be qualified in

relation to possible sources of error in the climate

data and the difficulty in attributing objective

limits to ranges of adaptation or climatic similarity.

Although a formal error analysis is not possible,

indirect approaches can give some idea about the

reliability of characterizations.

The climate surfaces have errors attributable

to the source point data, the distribution of the

points, the 5 km grid size of the DEM, and the

interpolation procedure itself. One indicator of the

cumulative effects of these errors is to compare

interpolated values with actual observed data. Table

3 compares interpolated values from the ECA with

actual, measured values for Debre Zeit, Kulumsa,

Holetta, and Bekoji. Elevation figures were within

200 m of each other. Given the approximate relation

between elevation and temperature, whereby

temperature drops by roughly 0.6ºC per 100 m

increase in elevation (see Fig. 2B), this discrepancy

should result in an error of roughly 1ºC in

temperature. In effect, temperature discrepancies

were generally of this order and in the expected

direction. Minimum temperature at Holetta was

the notable exception, where a 95 m elevation

difference corresponded to a 0.4ºC temperature

difference opposite to the direction expected

based on the elevation effect. This suggests that

temperature errors in the current study were

generally less than 1ºC. The magnitude of the

Table 3. Comparison of elevations and climate for four sites in Ethiopia using data from the Ethiopian Country Almanac (ECA) and actual meteorological station data (courtesy of EARO). Climate data are for the wettest quarter.

Debre Zeit Kulumsa Holetta Bekoji

Data source: ECA Station ECA Station ECA Station ECA Station

Elevation (m) 2,046 1,900 2,130 2,200 2,495 2,400 2,996 2,780

Mean daily maximum temperature (°C) 23.3 24.2 21.9 21.1 20.0 19.8 16.2 17.2

Mean daily minimum temperature (°C) 11.7 12.4 11.0 10.9 9.1 8.7 5.9 7.7

Total precipitation (mm) 576 555 467 376 704 653 525 499

PET (mm) 300 -- 297 -- 257 -- 242 --

Page 11: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat


discrepancies were lower than those reported for a

similar study in highland Bolivia where a DEM with a

10 km grid cell size was used (Hodson et al. 1998).

Differences between interpolated and observed

precipitation values varied from 21 mm at Debre

Zeit to 91 mm at Kulumsa. Since there is often

no consistent relationship between elevation and

precipitation over large areas, these differences are

not readily attributable to differences between actual

elevation and DEM values. Unfortunately, current

methods for interpolating precipitation data are

extremely dependent on the number, distribution,

and quality of the point data. Models such as PRISM

attempt to improve the interpolations by accounting

for effects of prevailing winds, slope and aspect, and

weather systems (Natural Resources Conservation

Service Water and Climate Center 1998) and offer

hope for future improvements. Similarly, data on

cloud cover and temperature can be used to improve

estimates of rainfall in an area (Climate Prediction

Center 2000; Arkin and Ardanury 1989), although

values are typically reported on a 10 km grid.

Potential wheat production areas

Because water deficits and warm night

temperatures seemed to be key factors delimiting

bread wheat production areas in Ethiopia, potential

new areas for bread wheat production were identified

by assuming that technologies could be developed

to allow wheat to be grown in drier or warmer

environments. For drier conditions, such technologies

might include more drought tolerant cultivars,

supplemental irrigation from small catchments, or

agronomic practices—such as reduced tillage and

residue retention—that reduce runoff. Growing wheat

under warmer conditions might require cultivars

with greater heat tolerance as well as resistance

to pathogens that prevail under warmer conditions

(e.g., Helminthosporium sativum).

Applying the assumption that wheat will grow

in areas receiving as little as 300 mm during the

wettest quarter resulted in a surprisingly small

addition (4%) to the potential wheat production

area (Map 5). In contrast, a shift in adaptation

to include areas with 2°C warmer minimum

temperatures (e.g., up to 13°C) substantially

increase potential wheat area (Map 6). The actual

impact on total wheat area is impossible to

estimate: zones that meet climate criteria may

have unsuitable soils or topography or already

be used for other, more profitable agricultural

pursuits. However, as a rough indicator, increasing

the minimum temperature limit by 2°C expanded

the potential area suitable for wheat production by


These results seem counter-intuitive, given the

popular conception of Ethiopia as an arid, drought-

prone country. The principal explanation is that,

in terms of wheat cropping and ignoring year-to-

year variation, the Ethiopian highlands (to which

the wheat crop is so well-adapted) represent a

relatively humid environment. Precipitation during

the wettest three months is usually well in excess of

PET (Table 3; Fig. 1).

Representativeness ofcurrent wheat research sites

To examine whether the key wheat research

sites used by the National Wheat Research Program

of Ethiopia are representative of wheat production

areas in Ethiopia, site similarity analyses were

conducted for eight locations (Table 2). The sites

were found to cover a wide range of environments

(Map 7). Almost as important, the zones showed

little or no overlap, suggesting that the set of

research sites efficiently samples the current wheat

production area.

Page 12: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat


The area of wheat production identified as “20

km west of Weldiya” (Map 7) in Welo zone of the

Amhara Region is currently not served by a wheat

research station. Consultation with agronomists

familiar with the region confirmed that a limited

amount of wheat research is conducted on behalf

of the National Wheat Research Program by crop

scientists based at Sirinka, a sorghum research station

situated in a valley bottom at an altitude too low

for wheat (ca. 1,850 m). It was also reported that,

to address this deficiency, the Sirinka development

plan includes the establishment of substations in the

neighboring wheat production areas.

The ranges of precipitation, PET, and temperature

limits used in these similarity analyses (+/- 50 mm

and +/- 1°C) merit examination. The intention was to

use a range corresponding to yield differences that

are detectable in field trials. For potential grain yield

levels of 3,000 to 4,000 kg/ha, this might represent

a yield difference of 300 kg/ha. Using 10 years of

weather data at Kulumsa, simulations were run to

evaluate wheat yield response to precipitation and

temperature (Fig. 3). Reducing precipitation from the

mean of 540 mm to 490 mm over the growing

season decreased yields 430 kg/ha, whereas an

increase of 50 mm raised yields 345 kg/ha (Fig. 3A).

Reducing the maximum and minimum temperatures

during the growing season 1ºC (for a growing season

mean at Kulumsa of 16º C) increased wheat yields

about 140 kg/ha (Fig. 3B). This was attributable

mainly to a slight delay in maturity (120 days vs. 115

days for the actual weather). Increasing temperatures

1ºC decreased wheat yields 130 kg/ha, whereas an

increase of 2ºC reduced wheat yields 270 kg/ha.

These simulated results suggest that the limits used to

define site similarity zones are probably conservative.

A. B.

Figure 3. Variation in wheat grain yield at Kulumsa, Ethiopia, as simulated for changes in growing season total precipitation (A) and mean temperature (B).†

Precipitation (mm) Temperature (oC)


in y





in y










0200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900










14.8 15.2 15.6 16 16.4 16.8 17.2 17.6 18

† Broken lines indicate +/- 2 standard deviations for simulations based on 10 years of weather data. The vertical lines indicate mean values over the growing season.

Page 13: An Agro-Climatological Characterization of Bread Wheat


Because the Kulumsa research station is a

center of excellence for bread wheat research

in Eastern Africa and collaborates with other

national wheat research programs in the Eastern

and Central Africa Maize and Wheat Research

Network (ECAMAW), the similarity of its climate

to other sites in Eastern Africa was also

considered. A less restrictive set of criteria were

used for this exercise (i.e., +/- 20% of rainfall

and potential evapotranspiration and +/- 10%

of mean maximum and minimum temperatures),

given that the goals for transnational collaborative

research should be broader than those for a

sub-national research program. Furthermore, to

better compare Kulumsa conditions with those

of wheat production zones elsewhere in sub-

Saharan Africa, the five optimal months where

P/PE is greater than 0.5 were considered. The

results suggest that the climate at Kulumsa is

similar to conditions in major wheat-producing

areas of Kenya and Ethiopia, and significantly

congruent with those of wheat-producing areas

in the Great Lakes Region (Rwanda, southwestern

Uganda, and the North Kivu district of the

Democratic Republic of the Congo), northern

Tanzania, Lesotho, and South Africa (Map 8).

Of these areas, the only one not recognized

as significant for wheat production is the area

in South Africa and east of Lesotho. Wheat is

apparently not grown in this area due to several

factors, including the difficult terrain, competition

from traditional smallholder crops, and the

comparative advantage for the production of

wheat as a winter crop in the Mediterranean

climate of southwestern South Africa.


Our climate-based analyses suggest that the

greatest opportunity for expanding wheat production

area in Ethiopia would involve increasing the tolerance

of wheat to warmer growing conditions; this means

both heat tolerance and resistance to pathogens and

pests of warmer climates. However, any plans for

expanding wheat production must also consider other

factors, including the adaptation of current and/or

alternate crops, overall land-use suitability, and market

constraints. The similarity analyses further suggest

that the current distribution of wheat research sites

in Ethiopia provides a reasonable coverage of the

traditional wheat production area in terms of climate

conditions, and support the relevance of the Kulumsa

station for wheat research throughout much of

Eastern and Southern Africa. Overall, these results

demonstrate the utility of analyzing regional variation

in climate using tools such as those provided in the

Ethiopia Country Almanac.


Drs. Bedada Girma, Amanuel Gorfu, and Kidane

Georgis of EARO and Doug Clements of CIDA/

PSU-Ethiopia provided valuable information on the

relative importance of wheat in various regions

of Ethiopia. Adriana Rodriguez and Dave Hodson

helped significantly in processing the spatial data.

CIMMYT science writer Mike Listman and designer

Wenceslao Almazán collaborated to edit and produce

the publication. The authors express their gratitude

to the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.,

for providing the ArcInfo and ArcView software. The

authors also appreciate the financial support provided

by the CIMMYT/CIDA Eastern Africa Cereals Program

to cover the cost of publishing this document.

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Map 1. Approximate distribution of traditional wheat production areas of Ethiopia and the location of sites mentioned in this paper (re-drawn from Belay et al., 1999).

Map 2. Approximate distribution of traditional wheat production areas (line figures) of Ethiopia superimposed on climatic zones of Ethiopia where precipitation is over 350 mm and the mean minimum temperature is between 6O and 11OC during the wettest quarter of the year (shaded areas). The darkest areas in the southwest have a growing season greater than 9 months, based on P/PE greater than 0.5.

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Map 3. Areas of Ethiopia where precipitation is over 350 mm, the mean minimum temperature is between 6O and 11OC during the wettest quarter of the year, and the growing season is 9 months or less. The vertically hatched zones represent elevations above 2000 m.

Map 4. Approximate distribution of traditional wheat production areas of Ethiopia re-drawn from Belay et al. (1999), the proposed climate-based wheat zone, and 180 wheat germplasm collection sites (the dots).

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Map 5. Areas of Ethiopia where precipitation is over 350 mm, the mean minimum temperature is between 6O and 11OC during the wettest quarter of the year, and the growing season is 9 months or less. The additional dark areas receive between 300 and 350 mm of precipitation during the wettest quarter of the year.

Map 6. Areas of Ethiopia where precipitation is over 350 mm, the mean minimum temperature is between 6° and 11°C during the wettest quarter of the year, and the growing season is 9 months or less. The additional dark areas have mean minimum temperatures between 11º to 13°C during the wettest quarter of the year.

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Map 7. Areas within Ethiopia having climatic conditions during the wettest quarter that are

similar to those of one of eight wheat research sites in the country.

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Map 8. Areas in sub-Saharan Africa having climatic conditions during the optimal five-month growing season that are similar to those at Kulumsa, Ethiopia.
