Amr Finals

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  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No. 200238 November 20, 2012



    R E S O L ! " O N


    Petitioners Philippine Savin#s Ban$ %PSBan$& and Pascual M. 'arcia """, as President of PSBan$,

    filed a Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition see$in# to nullit( and set aside the Resolution)ofrespondent Senate of the Republic of the Philippines, sittin# as an "*peach*ent Court, +hich

    #ranted the prosecutions re-uests for subpoena duces tecu* ad testificandu*to PSBan$ and/orits representatives re-uirin# the* to testif( and produce before the "*peach*ent Court docu*ents

    relative to the forei#n currenc( accounts that +ere alle#ed to belon# to then Suprerpe Court Chief0ustice Renato C. Corona.

    On Nove*ber 1, 2), and durin# the pendenc( of this petition, petitioners filed a Motion +ith Leave

    of Court to 3ithdra+ the Petition4averrin# that subse-uent events have overta$en the petition andthat, +ith the ter*ination of the i*peach*ent proceedin#s a#ainst for*er Chief 0ustice Corona, the(are no lon#er faced +ith the dile**a of either violatin# Republic Act No. 565 %RA 565& or bein#held in conte*pt of court for refusin# to disclose the details of the sub7ect forei#n currenc( deposits.

    "t is +ell8settled that courts +ill not deter*ine -uestions that have beco*e *oot and acade*icbecause there is no lon#er an( 7usticiable controvers( to spea$ of. !he 7ud#*ent +ill not serve an(useful purpose or have an( practical le#al effect because, in the nature of thin#s, it cannot be


    "n 'ancho8on v. Secretar( of Labor and E*plo(*ent,1

    the Court ruled9

    "t is a rule of universal application that courts of 7ustice constituted to pass upon substantial ri#hts +illnot consider -uestions in +hich no actual interests are involved: the( decline 7urisdiction of *ootcases. And +here the issue has beco*e *oot and acade*ic, there is no 7usticiable controvers(, sothat a declaration thereon +ould be of no practical use or value. !here is no actual substantial reliefto +hich petitioners +ould be entitled and +hich +ould be ne#ated b( the dis*issal of the petition.%Citations o*itted&

    "ndeed, the *ain issue of +hether the "*peach*ent Court acted arbitraril( +hen it issued theassailed subpoena to obtain infor*ation concernin# the sub7ect forei#n currenc( depositsnot+ithstandin# the confidentialit( of such deposits under RA 565 has been overta$en b( events.!he supervenin# conviction of Chief 0ustice Corona on Ma( ;, 2), as +ell as his eORE, the petition is ?"SM"SSE? for havin# beco*e *oot and acade*ic and thete*porar( restrainin# order issued b( the Court on >ebruar( ;, 2) is L">!E?. So Ordered.
  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals



    Philippine Savings Bank (PS Bank) and its President, Pascual M. Garcia III, filed befre

    the Supre!e "urt an riginal civil actin fr certirari and prhibitin #ith applicatin fr

    te!prar$ restraining rder and%r #rit f preli!inar$ in&unctin. 'he ' #as sught t stp

    the Senate, sitting as i!peach!ent curt, fr! further i!ple!enting the Subpena AdTestificandum et Duces Tecum, dated Februar$ *, +-+, that it issued against the Branch

    Manager f PS Bank, atipunan Branch. 'he subpena assailed b$ petitiners cvers the freign

    currenc$ den!inated accunts allegedl$ #ned b$ the i!peached "hief /ustice enat "rna

    f the Philippine Supre!e "urt.


    3hether or not the "*peach*ent Court acted arbitraril( +hen it issued the assailed

    subpoena to obtain infor*ation concernin# the sub7ect forei#n currenc( deposits not+ithstandin# the

    confidentialit( of such deposits under RA 565 has been overta$en b( events.


    "t is a rule of universal application that courts of 7ustice constituted to pass upon substantial

    ri#hts +ill not consider -uestions in +hich no actual interests are involved: the( decline 7urisdiction of

    *oot cases. And +here the issue has beco*e *oot and acade*ic, there is no 7usticiable

    controvers(, so that a declaration thereon +ould be of no practical use or value.

    !he supervenin# conviction of Chief 0ustice Corona as +ell as his e

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    Froilan M. Bacungan and Alfredo F. Tadiar for petitioners.

    The Solicitor General for respondents.

    RELOVA, J.:+.wph!1

    Appeal fro* the Order, dated Au#ust )5, );@;, of respondent 0ud#e Nicanor 0. Cru, 0r., of the thenMunicipal Court of Paraa-ue, Metro Manila, disallo+in# the appearances of petitioners Nelson B.Malana and Robert . Lucila as private prosecutors in Cri*inal Cases Nos. 1D16; and 1D112, bothfor less serious ph(sical in7uries, filed a#ainst Pat. ?anilo San Antonio and Pat. Rodolfo ?ia,respectivel(, as +ell as the Order, dated Septe*ber 6, );@;, den(in# the *otion for reconsiderationholdin#, a*on# others, that the fiscals clai* that appearances of friends of part(8liti#ants should beallo+ed onl( in places +here there is a scarcit( of le#al practitioner, to be +ell founded. >or, if +eare to allo+ non8*e*bers of the bar to appear in court and prosecute cases or defend liti#ants in the#uise of bein# friends of the liti#ants, then the re-uire*ent of *e*bership in the "nte#rated Bar ofthe Philippines and the additional re-uire*ent of pa(in# professional taiscal Leode#ario C. Fuilatan opposed the appearances of saidpetitioners, and respondent 7ud#e, in an Order dated Au#ust )5, );@;, sustained the respondent

    fiscal and disallo+ed the appearances of petitioners Malana and Lucila, as private prosecutors insaid cri*inal cases. Li$e+ise, on Septe*ber 6, );@;, respondent 0ud#e issued an order den(in#petitioners *otion for reconsideration.

    =ence, this petition for certiorari, *anda*us and prohibition +ith pra(ers, a*on# others, that theOrders of respondent 7ud#e, dated Au#ust )5, );@; and Septe*ber 6, );@;, be set aside as the(are in plain violation of Section 46, Rule )4D of the Rules of Court and/or +ere issued +ith #raveabuse of discretion a*ountin# to lac$ of 7urisdiction. pon *otion, the Court, on Nove*ber D, );@;,issued a te*porar( restrainin# order en7oinin# respondent 7ud#e and all persons actin# for and inhis behalf fro* conductin# an( proceedin#s in Cri*inal Cases Nos. 1D16; %People of the Philippinesvs. ?anilo San Antonio& and 1D11; %People of the Philippines vs. Rodolfo ?ia& of the MunicipalCourt of Paraa-ue, Metro Manila on Nove*ber )1, );@; as scheduled or on an( such dates as*a( be fi

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    SEC. 6.$ho #ust prosecute cri#inal actions. G All cri*inal actions eitherco**enced b( co*plaint or b( infor*ation shall be prosecuted under the directionand control of the fiscal.


    SO OR?ERE?.1)wph*1.+t


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    n 1pril *, -787, petitiner !ul "anti!buhan filed separate cri!inal c!plaints against

    Patrl!en ;anil San 1ntni and dlf ;ia< fr less serius ph$sical in&uries, respectivel$

    at M'" f Paranaue.

    n 1ugust -787, petitiners Malana and 2ucila filed their separate appearances, as friends f

    c!plainant=petitiner "anti!buhan. 'he respndent Fiscal 2edegari ". >uilatan ppsed theappearances f said petitiners, and respndent &udge sustained the respndent fiscal and

    disall#ed the appearances f petitiners Malana and 2ucila, as private prsecutrs in saidcri!inal cases. 2ike#ise, n Septe!ber , -787, respndent /udge issued an rder den$ing

    petitiners? !tin fr recnsideratin.


    4hether r nt there is a grave abuse f discretin n the part f the petitiner t representhi!self as private prsecutr in a cri!inal case.


    Pursuant t Sectins and -@, ule -- f the ules f "urt, it is the fiscal #h is e!p#ered

    t deter!ine #h shall be the private prsecutr as #as dne b$ respndent fiscal #hen he

    b&ected t the appearances f petitiners Malana and 2ucila. Sectins and -@, ule -- f the

    ules f "urt prvide: tA.CDh5#EC

    S". . 4h !ust prsecute cri!inal actins. 1ll cri!inal actins either

    c!!enced b$ c!plaint r b$ infr!atin shall be prsecuted under the

    directin and cntrl f the fiscal.

    S". -@. Interventin f the ffended part$ in cri!inal actin. Hnless theffended part$ has #aived the civil actin r epressl$ reserved the right t

    institute it separatel$ fr! the cri!inal actin, and sub&ect t the prvisins f

    sectin heref, he !a$ intervene, persnall$ r b$ attrne$, in the prsecutinf the ffense.

    'he per!issin f the fiscal is nt necessar$ fr ne t enter his appearance as private

    prsecutr. If the fiscal #ants t handle the case persnall$ is t disall# the private prsecutr?sparticipatin, #hether he be a la#$er r nt, in the trial f the case Further, if a nn=la#$er can

    appear as defense cunsel r as friend f the accused in a case befre the !unicipal trial curt,

    #ith !re reasn shuld he be all#ed t appear as private prsecutr under the supervisin and

    cntrl f the trial fiscal.

    ules f "urt specificall$ prvides that it is Ja part$J #h !a$ cnduct his litigatin in persn,#ith the aid f an agent r friend appinted b$ hi! fr that purpse in the "urt f a /ustice f

    the Peace. !ul "anti!buhan is nt a part$ #ithin the !eaning f the said ule. 1

    c!plaining #itness r an ffended part$ nl$ intervene in a cri!inal actin in respect f the

    civil liabilit$.

    Sectins and -@, ule -- f the ules f "urt, being the !re specific prvisins in respect

    f cri!inal cases, shuld take precedence ver Sectin 6, ule -69 and shuld be cntrlling(Bagatsing vs. 0n. a!ire

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals






    DEL CASTILLO. Present:

    "31, C.J.,


    "1PI M12S,

    21S", /., 31"0H1,

    231;=; "1S',




    ;2 "1S'I22,


    I2211M1, /.,

    PN, M3;N1, and



    ctber -+, +-



    'his case is cncerned #ith charges that, in preparing a decisin fr the

    "urt, a designated !e!ber plagiari

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    !andatr$ in&unctin against the ecutive Secretar$, the Secretar$ f Freign

    1ffairs, the Secretar$ f /ustice, and the ffice f the Slicitr General.

    Petitiners clai!ed that in destr$ing villages in the Philippines during

    4rld 4ar II, the /apanese ar!$ s$ste!aticall$ raped the! and a nu!ber f ther#!en, sei

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    a. A Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogensb$ van /. "riddle

    and van F=;escent, Tale /urnal f Internatinal 2a# (+7)

    b. Breaking the Silence: Rape as an International Crimeb$

    Mark llis, "ase 4estern eserve /urnal f Internatinal 2a#

    (+*) and

    c. nforcing rga !mnes !"ligationsb$ "hristian /.

    'a!s, "a!bridge Hniversit$ Press (+@).

    Petitiners clai! that the integrit$ f the "urtOs deliberatins in the case

    has been put int 5uestin b$ /ustice ;el "astillOs fraud. 'he "urt shuld thus

    Qaddress and disclse t the public the truth abut the !anifest intellectual theft

    and utright plagiaris!RK6Lthat resulted in grss pre&udice t the petitiners.

    Because f the publicit$ that the supple!ental !tin fr recnsideratin

    generated, /ustice ;el "astill circulated a letter t his clleagues, subse5uentl$

    verified, stating that #hen he #rte the decisin fr the "urt he had the intent t

    attribute all surces used in it. 0e said in the pertinent part:

    I& *#'& +e e*ha')e% &ha& &he"e a' e/e" )$&e$&)o$ &o

    a&&")+#&e a 'o#"ce', he$e/e" %#e. A& $o o)$& a' &he"e e/e" a$

    *a)c)o#' )$&e$& &o a"o")a&e a$o&he"2' o" a' o#" o$. 3e

    "eca &ha& &h)'ponenciaa' &h")ce )$c#%e% )$ &he A!e$%a o( &heCo#"& en banc. I& a' %e)+e"a&e% #o$ %#")$! &he Ba!#)o 'e'')o$

    o$ A") 14, 5010, A") 50, 5010 a$% )$ Ma$)a o$ A") 57,

    5010. Each &)*e, '#!!e'&)o$' e"e *a%e h)ch $ece'')&a&e% *a6o"

    "e/)')o$' )$ &he %"a(&. So#"ce' e"e "e-'%)e%, %)'c#'')o$' *o%)()e%,

    a''a!e' a%%e% o" %ee&e%. The "e'#&)$! %ec)')o$ co*")'e' 4 a!e'

    )&h 78 (oo&$o&e'.

    9 9 9 9

    A' "e!a"%' &he ca)* o( &he e&)&)o$e"' &ha& &he co$ce&' a'co$&a)$e% )$ &he a+o/e (o"e)!$ *a&e")a' e"e :&)'&e%,; &he 'a*e

    "e*a)$' &he)" o)$)o$ h)ch e %o $o& $ece''a") 'ha"e.KL

    n /ul$ +8, +-, the "urtn Banc referred the charges against /ustice ;el

    "astill t its "!!ittee n thics and thical Standards, chaired b$ the "hief

    /ustice, fr investigatin and rec!!endatin. 'he "hief /ustice designated

    retired /ustice /se ". itug t serve as cnsultant f the "!!ittee. 0e

    graciusl$ accepted.

    n 1ugust +, +-, the "!!ittee directed petitiners t c!!ent n

    /ustice ;el "astillOs verified letter. 4hen this #as dne, it set the !atter fr

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    In the !eanti!e, n /ul$ -7, +-, van "riddle #rte n his blg that he

    and his c=authr van F=;escent (referred t &intl$ as "riddle=;escent)

    learned f alleged plagiaris! invlving their #rk but "riddleOs cncern, after

    reading the supple!ental !tin fr recnsideratin, #as the "urtOs cnclusin

    that prhibitins against seual slaver$ are nt#us cogensr internatinall$binding nr!s that treaties cannt di!inish.

    n /ul$ +6, +-, ;r. Mark llis #rte the "urt epressing cncern that in

    !entining his #rk, the "urt Q!a$ have !isread the argu!ent KheL !ade in the

    article and e!pl$ed the! fr crss purpses.R ;r. llis said that he #rte the

    article precisel$ t argue fr apprpriate legal re!ed$ fr victi!s f #ar cri!es.

    n 1ugust 9, +-, after the referral f the !atter t the "!!ittee frinvestigatin, the ;ean f the Hniversit$ f the Philippines (H.P.) "llege f 2a#


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    #rk that #ent int the !aking f the decisin in the $inuyacase. 'he "!!ittee

    granted the re5uest.

    'he researcher de!nstrated b$ P#er Pint presentatin h# the

    attributin f the lifted passages t the #ritings f "riddle=;escent and llis, fundin the beginning drafts f her reprt t /ustice ;el "astill, #ere unintentinall$

    deleted. She tearfull$ epressed re!rse at her Qgrievus !istakeR and grief fr

    having Qcaused an enr!us a!unt f suffering fr /ustice ;el "astill and his


    n the ther hand, addressing the "!!ittee in reactin t the researcherOs

    eplanatin, cunsel fr petitiners insisted that lack f intent is nt a defense in

    plagiaris! since all that is re5uired is fr a #riter t ackn#ledge that certain#rds r language in his #rk #ere taken fr! antherOs #rk. "unsel invked

    the "urtOs ruling in %ni&ersity of the 'hilippines Board of Regents &( Court of

    Appeals and Arokias)amy *illiam +argaret Celine,K8Larguing that standards n

    plagiaris! in the acade!e shuld appl$ #ith !re frce t the &udiciar$.

    1fter the hearing, the "!!ittee gave the parties ten da$s t file their

    respective !e!randa. 'he$ filed their !e!randa in due curse. Subse5uentl$

    after deliberatin, the "!!ittee sub!itted its unani!us findings and

    rec!!endatins t the "urt.

    The I''#e'

    'his case presents t# issues:

    -. 4hether r nt, in #riting the pinin fr the "urt in

    the $inuyacase, /ustice ;el "astill plagiari

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    1t its !st basic, plagiaris! !eans the theft f anther persnOs language,

    thughts, r ideas. ' plagiari

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    3e (# a!"ee &ha& "ae, 'e9#a 'a/e", &o""e, a$% 'e9#a

    /)oe$ce a"e *o"a "e"ehe$')+e a' e a' e!a "oh)+)&e% #$%e"

    co$&e*o"a" )$&e"$a&)o$a a.

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    But, as it happened, the ackn#ledg!ent abve r a si!ilar intrductin

    #as !issing fr! Ftnte *@.

    3et, petitiners als pint ut that the fll#ing eight sentences and their

    acc!pan$ing ftntes appear in tet n pages 6=6+ f the $inuyadecisin:

    999 I$ )$&e"$a&)o$a a, &he &e"* :jus cogens; >)&e"a,

    :co*e)$! a;? "e(e"' &o $o"*' &ha& co**a$% e"e*&o"

    a#&ho")&, '#e"'e%)$! co$()c&)$! &"ea&)e' a$% c#'&o*. Jus

    cogens$o"*' a"e co$')%e"e% e"e*&o" )$ &he 'e$'e &ha& &he a"e

    *a$%a&o", %o $o& a%*)& %e"o!a&)o$, a$% ca$ +e *o%)()e% o$ +

    !e$e"a )$&e"$a&)o$a $o"*' o( e#)/ae$& a#&ho")&.71

    Ea" '&"a)$' o( &hejus cogens%oc&")$e ha/e e9)'&e% ')$ce &he

    1700',75+#& e"e*&o" $o"*' +e!a$ &o a&&"ac& !"ea&e" 'choa"

    a&&e$&)o$ )&h &he #+)ca&)o$ o( A("e% /o$ e"%"o''' )$(#e$&)a 147

    a"&)ce, Fo"+)%%e$ T"ea&)e' )$ I$&e"$a&)o$a La.74 The "eco!$)&)o$ o(jus

    cogens!a)$e% e/e$ *o"e (o"ce )$ &he 1=0' a$% 1

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    that, fr !st parts, she did her research electrnicall$. Fr internatinal !aterials,

    she surced these !ainl$ fr! 4estla#, an nline research service fr legal and

    la#=related !aterials t #hich the "urt subscribes.

    In the ld da$s, the c!!n practice #as that after a /ustice #uld haveassigned a case fr stud$ and reprt, the researcher #uld surce his !aterials

    !stl$ fr! available la# bks and published articles n print. 4hen he fund a

    relevant ite! in a bk, #hether fr ne side f the issue r fr the ther, he #uld

    place a strip f paper !arker n the apprpriate page, pencil !ark the ite!, and

    place the bk n his desk #here ther relevant bks #uld have piled up. 0e

    #uld later paraphrase r cp$ the !arked ut passages fr! s!e f these bks

    as he t$ped his !anuscript n a !anual t$pe#riter. 'his ccasin #uld give hi!

    a clear pprtunit$ t attribute the !aterials used t their authrs r surces.

    4ith the advent f c!puters, h#ever, as /ustice ;el "astillOs researcher

    als eplained, !st legal references, including the cllectin f decisins f the

    "urt, are fund in electrnic diskettes r in internet #ebsites that ffer virtual

    libraries f bks and articles. 0ere, as the researcher fund ite!s that #ere

    relevant t her assign!ent, she d#nladed r cpied the! int her Q!ain

    !anuscript,R a s!rgasbrd plate f !aterials that she thught she !ight

    need. 'he researcherOs techni5ue in this case is nt t far different fr! that

    e!pl$ed b$ a carpenter. 'he carpenter first gets the pieces f lu!ber he #uldneed, chsing the kinds and si

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    F)"'& F)$%)$!

    'he "urt adpts the "!!itteeOs finding that the researcherOs eplanatin

    regarding the accidental re!val f prper attributins t the three authrs iscredible. Given the peratinal prperties f the Micrsft prgra! in use b$ the

    "urt, the accidental decapitatin f attributins t surces f research !aterials is

    nt re!te.

    Fr !st senir la#$ers and &udges #h are nt c!puter literate, a fa!iliar

    ea!ple si!ilar t the circu!stances f the present case #uld prbabl$ help

    illustrate the likelihd f such an accident happening. If researcher W, fr

    ea!ple, happens t be interested in Qthe inalienable character f &uridicalpersnalit$R in cnnectin #ith an assign!ent and if the bk f the learned

    "ivilist, 1rtur M. 'lentin, happens t have been published in a #ebsite,

    researcher W #uld prbabl$ sh# interest in the fll#ing passage fr! that


    999 Bo&h 6#")%)ca caac)& a$% caac)& &o ac& a"e $o& ")!h&',

    +#& #a)&)e' o( e"'o$' he$ce, &he ca$$o& +e a)e$a&e% o"




  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    final fr! t 'lentin. 1fter the passage has been tagged, it #uld n# appear

    like this:

    he inalienable character o! juri"ical personalit#.54

    999 Bo&h 6#")%)ca caac)& a$% caac)& &o ac& a"e $o& ")!h&',

    +#& #a)&)e' o( e"'o$' he$ce, &he ca$$o& +e a)e$a&e% o"




    54 o$ T#h" 554?. 'he erasure f the ftnte

    eli!inates the link bet#een the lifted passage and its surce, 'lentinOs

    bk. nl$ the fll#ing #uld re!ain in the !anuscript:

    999 Bo&h 6#")%)ca caac)& a$% caac)& &o ac& a"e $o& ")!h&',+#& #a)&)e' o( e"'o$' he$ce, &he ca$$o& +e a)e$a&e% o"



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    acc!pan$ing ftntes that served as re!inder f the surces f the lifted

    passages. 4ith --7 surces cited in the decisin, the lss f the + f the! #as nt

    easil$ detectable.

    Petitiners pint ut, h#ever, that /ustice ;el "astillOs verified letter f/ul$ ++, +- is incnsistent #ith his researcherOs clai! that the !issins #ere

    !ere errrs in attributin. 'he$ cite the fact that the /ustice did nt disclse his

    researcherOs errr in that letter despite the latterOs cnfessin regarding her !istake

    even befre the /ustice sent his letter t the "hief /ustice. B$ den$ing plagiaris!

    in his letter, /ustice ;el "astill allegedl$ per&ured hi!self and sught t

    #hite#ash the case.K-6L

    But nthing in the /ul$ ++ letter supprts the charge f false testi!n$./ustice ;el "astill !erel$ eplained Qthat there #as ever$ intentin t attribute all

    surces #henever dueR and that there #as never Qan$ !alicius intent t

    apprpriate antherOs #rk as ur #n,R #hich as it turns ut is a true

    state!ent. 0e recalled h# the "urt deliberated upn the case !re than nce,

    pr!pting !a&r revisins in the draft f the decisin. In the prcess, Q(s)urces

    #ere re=studied, discussins !dified, passages added r deleted.R 3thing in the

    letter suggests a cver=up. Indeed, it did nt preclude a researcherOs inadvertent


    1nd it is understandable that /ustice ;el "astill did nt initiall$ disclse his

    researcherOs errr. 0e #rte the decisin fr the "urt and #as epected t take

    full respnsibilit$ fr an$ lapse arising fr! its preparatin. 4hat is !re, the

    prcess f drafting a particular decisin fr the "urt is cnfidential, #hich

    eplained his initial re5uest t be heard n the !atter #ithut the attendance f the

    ther parties.

    3tabl$, neither /ustice ;el "astill nr his researcher had a !tive rreasn fr !itting attributin fr the lifted passages t "riddle=;escent r t

    llis. 'he latter authrs are highl$ respected prfessrs f internatinal la#. 'he

    la# &urnals that published their #rks have eceptinal reputatins. It did nt

    !ake sense t intentinall$ !it attributin t these authrs #hen the decisin

    cites an abundance f ther surces. "iting these authrs as the surces f the

    lifted passages #uld enhance rather than di!inish their infr!ative value. Bth

    /ustice ;el "astill and his researcher gain nthing fr! the !issin. 'hus, the

    failure t !entin the #rks f "riddle=;ecent and llis #as un5uestinabl$ due

    t inadvertence r pure versight.

    Petitiners f curse insist that intent is nt !aterial in c!!itting

    plagiaris! since all that a #riter has t d, t avid the charge, is t enclse lifted

    prtins #ith 5utatin !arks and ackn#ledge the surces fr! #hich these #ere

    taken.K-LPetitiners pint ut that the "urt shuld appl$ t this case the ruling
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    in%ni&ersity of the 'hilippines Board of Regents &( Court of Appeals and

    Arokias)amy *illiam +argaret Celine.K-@L 'he$ argue that standards n

    plagiaris! in the acade!e shuld appl$ #ith !re frce t the &udiciar$.

    But petitinersO ther$ ignres the fact that plagiaris! is essentiall$ a fr!f fraud #here intent t deceive is inherent. 'heir ther$ prvides n r! fr

    errrs in research, an unrealistic psitin cnsidering that there is hardl$ an$

    substantial #ritten #rk in an$ field f discipline that is free f an$ !istake. 'he

    ther$ places an aut!atic universal curse even n errrs that, as in this case, have

    reasnable and lgical eplanatins.

    Indeed, the 9theditin f BlackOs 2a# ;ictinar$ defines plagiaris! as the

    Qdeliberate and kn#ing presentatin f anther persn?s riginal ideas r creativeepressins as ne?s #n.RK-*L 'hus, plagiaris! presuppses intent and a

    deliberate, cnscius effrt t steal antherOs #rk and pass it ff as neOs #n.

    Besides, the "urt said nthing in %('( Board of Regentsthat #uld indicate

    that an intent t pass ff antherOs #rk as neOs #n is nt re5uired in

    plagiaris!. 'he "urt !erel$ affir!ed the acade!ic freed! f a universit$ t

    #ithdra# a !asterOs degree that a student btained based n evidence that she

    !isapprpriated the #rk f thers, passing the! ff as her #n. 'his is nt the

    case here since, as alread$ stated, /ustice ;el "astill actuall$ i!puted thebrr#ed passages t thers.

    Seco$% F)$%)$!

    'he "urt als adpts the "!!itteeOs finding that the !issin f

    attributins t "riddle=;escent and llis did nt bring abut an i!pressin that/ustice ;el "astill hi!self created the passages that he lifted fr! their published

    articles. 'hat he !erel$ gt thse passages fr! thers re!ains self=evident,

    despite the accidental deletin. 'he fact is that he still i!puted the passages t the

    surces fr! #hich "riddle=;escent and llis brr#ed the! in the first place.

    'his is best illustrated in the fa!iliar ea!ple abve. 1fter the deletin f

    the sub&ect tag and, accidentall$, its ftnte #hich cnnects t the surce, the

    lifted passage #uld appear like this:

    999 Bo&h 6#")%)ca caac)& a$% caac)& &o ac& a"e $o& ")!h&',

    +#& #a)&)e' o( e"'o$' he$ce, &he ca$$o& +e a)e$a&e% o"



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    1lthugh the unintended deletin severed the passageOs link t 'lentin,

    the passage re!ains t be attributed t n 'uhr and alverde, the riginal

    surces that 'lentin hi!self cites. 'he tet and its ftnte reference cancel utan$ i!pressin that the passage is a creatin f researcher W. It is the sa!e #ith

    the passages fr! "riddle=;escent and llis. Because such passages re!ained

    attributed b$ the ftntes t the authrsO riginal surces, the !issin f

    attributins t "riddle=;escent and llis gave n i!pressin that the passages #ere

    the creatins f /ustice ;el "astill. 'his #hll$ negates the idea that he #as

    passing the! ff as his #n thughts.

    'rue the sub&ect passages in this case #ere reprduced in

    the $inuyadecisin #ithut placing the! in 5utatin !arks. But such passages

    are !uch unlike the creative line fr! bert Frst,K-8LQ'he #ds are lvel$,

    dark, and deep, but I have pr!ises t keep, and !iles t g befre I sleep, and

    !iles t g befre I sleep.R 'he passages here cnsisted f c!!n definitins

    and ter!s, abridged histr$ f certain principles f la#, and si!ilar fre5uentl$

    repeated phrases that, in the #rld f legal literature, alread$ belng t the public


    ' paraphrase Bast and Sa!uels,K-9L#hile the acade!ic publishing !del isbased n the riginalit$ f the #riterOs thesis, the &udicial s$ste! is based n the

    dctrine fstare decisis, #hich encurages curts t cite histrical legal data,

    precedents, and related studies in their decisins. 'he &udge is nt epected t

    prduce riginal schlarship in ever$ respect. 'he strength f a decisin lies in the

    sundness and general acceptance f the precedents and lng held legal pinins it

    dra#s fr!.

    Th)"% F)$%)$!

    Petitiners allege that the decisin t#isted the passages fr! 'a!s, "riddle=

    ;escent, and llis. 'he "urt adpts the "!!itteeOs finding that this is nt

    s. Indeed, this allegatin f t#isting r !isrepresentatin re!ains a !$ster$ t

    the "urt. ' t#ist !eans Qt distrt r pervert the !eaning f.R K-7L Fr ea!ple,

    if ne lifts the l$rics f the 3atinal 1nthe!, uses it in his #rk, and declares that

    /se Pal!a #h #rte it Qdid nt lve his cuntr$,R then there is Qt#istingR r

    !isrepresentatin f #hat the anthe!Os l$rics said. 0ere, nthing in

    the $inuyadecisin said r i!plied that, based n the lifted passages, authrs'a!s, "riddle=;escent, and llis supprted the "urtOs cnclusin that the

    Philippines is nt under an$ bligatin in internatinal la# t espuse inu$a et

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    'he fact is that, ()"'&, since the attributins t "riddle=;escent and llis

    #ere accidentall$ deleted, it is i!pssible fr an$ persn reading the decisin t

    cnnect the sa!e t the #rks f thse authrs as t cnclude that in #riting the

    decisin /ustice ;el "astill Qt#istedR their intended !essages. 1nd, 'eco$%, the

    lifted passages prvided !ere backgrund facts that established the state finternatinal la# at varius stages f its develp!ent. 'hese are neutral data that

    culd supprt cnflicting theries regarding #hether r nt the &udiciar$ has the

    p#er tda$ t rder the ecutive ;epart!ent t sue anther cuntr$ r #hether

    the dut$ t prsecute vilatrs f internatinal cri!es has attained the status f#us


    "nsidering h# it #as i!pssible fr /ustice ;el "astill t have t#isted

    the !eaning f the passages he lifted fr! the #rks f 'a!s, "riddle=;escent,and llis, the charge f Qt#istingR r !isrepresentatin against hi! is t sa$ the

    least, unkind. ' be !re accurate, h#ever, the charge is reckless and btuse.

    No M)'co$%#c&

    n ccasins &udges and &ustices have !istakenl$ cited the #rng surces,

    failed t use 5utatin !arks, inadvertentl$ !itted necessar$ infr!atin fr!

    ftntes r endntes. But these d nt, in ever$ case, a!unt t !iscnduct.

    nl$ errrs that are tainted #ith fraud, crruptin, r !alice are sub&ect fdisciplinar$ actin.K+L 'his is nt the case here. /ustice ;el "astillOs acts r

    !issins #ere nt sh#n t have been i!pelled b$ an$ f such disreputable

    !tives(K+-L If the rule #ere ther#ise, n &udge r &ustice, h#ever c!petent,

    hnest, r dedicated he !a$ be, can ever hpe t retire fr! the &udiciar$ #ith an

    unble!ished recrd.K++L

    No I$e9c#'a+e Ne!)!e$ce

    Finall$, petitiners assert that, even if the$ #ere t cncede that the

    !issin #as the result f plain errr, /ustice ;el "astill is nnetheless guilt$ f

    grss inecusable negligence. 'he$ pint ut that he has full cntrl and

    supervisin ver his researcher and shuld nt have surrendered the #riting f the

    decisin t the latter.K+6L

    But this assu!es that /ustice ;el "astill abdicated the #riting f

    the $inuyadecisin t his researcher, #hich is cntrar$ t the evidence adduced

    during the hearing. 1s his researcher testified, the /ustice set the directin that theresearch and stud$ #ere t take b$ discussing the issues #ith her, setting frth his

    psitin n thse issues, and revie#ing and c!!enting n the stud$ that she #as

    putting tgether until he #as c!pletel$ satisfied #ith it.K+L In ever$ sense,

    /ustice ;el "astill #as in cntrl f the #riting f the reprt t the "urt, #hich
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    reprt eventuall$ beca!e the basis fr the decisin, and deter!ined its final


    1ssigning cases fr stud$ and research t a curt attrne$, the e5uivalent f

    a Qla# clerkR in the Hnited States Supre!e "urt, is standard practice in the highcurts f all natins. 'his is dictated b$ necessit$. 4ith abut 9 t - cases

    assigned t a /ustice in ur "urt each !nth, it #uld be trul$ senseless fr hi!

    t d all the studies and research, ging t the librar$, searching the internet,

    checking ftntes, and #atching the punctuatins. If he des all these b$ hi!self,

    he #uld have t allcate at least ne t t# #eeks f #rk fr each case that has

    been sub!itted fr decisin. 'he #heels f &ustice in the Supre!e "urt #ill grind

    t a halt under such a prpsitin.

    4hat is i!prtant is that, in this case, /ustice ;el "astill retained cntrl

    ver the #riting f the decisin in the $inuyacase #ithut, h#ever, having t

    lk ver his researcherOs shulder as she cleaned up her draft reprt t ensure that

    she hit the right c!puter ke$s. 'he /usticeOs researcher #as after all c!petent in

    the field f assign!ent given her. She finished la# fr! a leading la# schl,

    graduated third in her class, served as ditr=in "hief f her schlOs 2a# /urnal,

    and placed furth in the bar ea!inatins #hen she tk it. She earned a !asterOs

    degree in Internatinal 2a# and 0u!an ights fr! a prestigius universit$ in the

    Hnited States under the Glbal=0auser prgra!, #hich cunsel fr petitinerscncedes t be ne f the tp pst graduate prgra!s n Internatinal 2a# in the

    #rld. /ustice ;el "astill did nt eercise bad &udg!ent in assigning the research

    #rk in the $inuyacase t her.

    "an errrs in preparing decisins be preventedY 3t until c!puters cease

    t be perated b$ hu!an beings #h are vulnerable t hu!an errrs. 'he$ are

    h$pcrites #h believe that the curts shuld be as errr=free as the$ the!selves


    Incidentall$, in the curse f the sub!issin f petitinersO ehibits, the

    "!!ittee nted that petitinersO hibit /, the accusing state!ent f the Facult$

    f the H.P. "llege f 2a# n the allegatins f plagiaris! and !isinterpretatin,

    #as a !ere du!!$. 'he #hle f the state!ent #as reprduced but the signatures

    prtin bel# !erel$ listed the na!es f 69 facult$ !e!bers, in slid r#s, #ith

    the letters QSgdR r QsignedR printed beside the na!es #ithut eceptin. 'hese

    included the na!e f retired Supre!e "urt /ustice icente . Mend

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    appeared like slid teeth in the du!!$ turned ut t be brken teeth in the

    riginal. Since nl$ 68 ut f the 9- n the list signed the dcu!ent, it des nt

    appear t be a state!ent f the Facult$ but f &ust s!e f its !e!bers. 1nd

    retired /ustice . . Mend

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals



    In inu$a vs. eecutive Secretar$, pr!ulgated last 1pril +9, +-, the Supre!e

    "urt ;ISMISS; the petitin filed b$ a grup f Filipin Qc!frt #!enR during the /apanese

    !ilitar$ ccupatin f the Philippines. 'he "urt, speaking thrugh /ustice Marian ". del "astill, held

    that the petitin seeking t c!pel the ecutive ;epart!ent t espuse the petitinersO clai!s fr

    fficial aplg$ and ther fr!s f reparatins against /apan befre the Internatinal "urt f

    /ustice and ther internatinal tribunals has 3 MI' because: (-) the prergative t deter!ine

    #hether t espuse petitinersO clai!s against /apan belngs eclusivel$ t the ecutive ;epart!ent

    and (+) the Philippines is nt under an$ internatinal bligatin t espuse the petitinersO clai!s.

    ;iscntented #ith the freging decisin, the petitiners in inu$a filed a !tin fr

    recnsideratin. Subse5uentl$, the$ als filed a supple!ental !tin fr recnsideratin, this ti!e

    accusing the /ustice del "astill f plagiari

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    (6) nfrcing rga !nes bligatins in Internatinal 2a# b$ Prfessr "hristian /. 'a!s ("hair

    f Internatinal 2a# f Hniversit$ f Glasg# Schl f 2a#), published in "a!bridge

    Hniversit$ Press (+@).

    'he "urt then referred the charges against /ustice ;el "astill t its "!!ittee n

    thics and thical Standards, chaired b$ "hief /ustice enat "rna, fr investigatin andrec!!endatin. 1fter the prceedings befre it, the "!!ittee sub!itted its findings and

    rec!!endatins t the "urt en banc, #hich then treated and decided the cntrvers$ as an

    ad!inistrative !atter.


    -. ;id /ustice ;el "astill, in #riting the pinin fr the "urt in the inu$a case,


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    'he !a&rit$ ;ecisin that n plagiaris! #as c!!itted ste!s fr! its failure t

    distinguish bet#een the deter!inatin f the b&ective, factual eistence f plagiaris! in

    the inu$a decisinK-Land the deter!inatin f the liabilit$ that results fr! a finding f

    plagiaris!. Specificall$, it !ade Q!alicius intentR, #hich heretfre had nt been relevant t a

    finding f plagiaris!, an essential ele!ent.

    'he !a&rit$ ;ecisin #ill thus stand against the ver#hel!ing cnventins n #hatcnstitutes plagiaris!. In ding s, the ;ecisin has created uni!aginable prble!s fr

    Philippine acade!ia, #hich #ill fr! n# n have t find a disciplinar$ respnse t plagiaris!

    c!!itted b$ students and researchers n the &ustificatin f the !a&rit$ ;ecisin.

    It has als under!ined the prtectin f cp$righted #rk b$ !aking available t

    plagiarists Qlack f !alicius intentR as a defense t a charge f vilatin f cp$ r ecn!ic

    rights f the cp$right #ner c!!itted thrugh lack f attributin.

    (b) the !aking f 5utatins fr! a published #rk if the$ are c!patible #ith fair use

    and nl$ t the etent &ustified fr the purpse, including 5utatins fr! ne#spaper articles and

    peridicals in the fr! f press su!!aries: Prvided that the surce and the na!e f the authr,

    if appearing n the #rk, are !entined. (!phasis supplied)

    Because the !a&rit$ ;ecisin has ecused the lack f attributin t the c!plaining

    authrs in the inu$a decisin t editrial errrs and lack f !alicius intent t apprpriate Z

    and that therefre there #as n plagiaris! Z lack f intent t infringe cp$right in the case f

    lack f attributin !a$ n# als bec!e a defense, rendering the abve legal prvisin


    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No. >110 4$e 1>, 1>>1



    The Solicitor General for plaintiff,appellee.

    -o#ulo Ma(anta Buena&entura Sa"oc / 0e los Angeles for defendant,appellant.
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    PA6ILLA, J.:p

    "n an infor*ation dated )1 0une );D;, accused8appellant Mi$ael Mal*stedt %hereinafter referred toas the accused& +as char#ed before the Re#ional !rial Court %R!C& of La !rinidad, Ben#uet, Branch

    )2, in Cri*inal Case No. D;8CR82554, for violation of Section 6, Art. "" of Republic Act 561, asa*ended, other+ise $no+n as the ?an#erous ?ru#s Act of );@, as a*ended. !he factualbac$#round of the case is as follo+s9

    Accused Mi$ael Mal*stedt, a S+edish national, entered the Philippines for the third ti*e in?ece*ber );DD as a tourist. =e had visited the countr( so*eti*e in );D and );D1.

    "n the evenin# of @ Ma( );D;, accused left for Ba#uio Cit(. pon his arrival thereat in the *ornin# ofthe follo+in# da(, he too$ a bus to Sa#ada and sta(ed in that place for t+o %& da(s.

    At around @922 ocloc$ in the *ornin# of )) Ma( );D;, accused +ent to the Nan#ono#an bus stop inSa#ada to catch the first available trip to Ba#uio Cit(. >ro* Ba#uio Cit(, accused planned to ta$e a

    late afternoon trip to An#eles Cit(, then proceed to Manila to catch his fli#ht out of the countr(,scheduled on )4 Ma( );D;. >ro* Sa#ada, accused too$ a S$(line bus +ith bod( nu*ber D221 andPlate nu*ber AC ;2. 1

    At about D9 22 ocloc$ in the *ornin# of that sa*e da( %)) Ma( );D;&, Captain Alen asco, theCo**andin# Officer of the >irst Re#ional Co**and %NARCOM& stationed at Ca*p ?an#+a,ordered his *en to set up a te*porar( chec$point at Hilo*eter )6, Acop, !ubla(, Mountain Province,for the purpose of chec$in# all vehicles co*in# fro* the Cordillera Re#ion. !he order to establish achec$point in the said area +as pro*pted b( persistent reports that vehicles co*in# fro* Sa#ada+ere transportin# *ari7uana and other prohibited dru#s. Moreover, infor*ation +as received b( theCo**andin# Officer of NARCOM, that sa*e *ornin#, that a Caucasian co*in# fro* Sa#ada had inhis possession prohibited dru#s. 2

    !he #roup co*posed of seven %@& NARCOM officers, in coordination +ith !ubla( Police Station, setup a chec$point at the desi#nated area at about )2922 ocloc$ in the *ornin# and inspected allvehicles co*in# fro* the Cordillera Re#ion.

    At about )942 ocloc$ in the afternoon, the bus +here accused +as ridin# +as stopped. S#t. >iderand C"C 'alutan boarded the bus and announced that the( +ere *e*bers of the NARCOM and thatthe( +ould conduct an inspection. !he t+o %& NARCOM officers started their inspection fro* thefront #oin# to+ards the rear of the bus. Accused +ho +as the sole forei#ner ridin# the bus +asseated at the rear thereof.

    ?urin# the inspection, C"C 'alutan noticed a bul#e on accuseds +aist. Suspectin# the bul#e onaccuseds +aist to be a #un, the officer as$ed for accuseds passport and other identification papers.3hen accused failed to co*pl(, the officer re-uired hi* to brin# out +hatever it +as that +asbul#in# on his +aist. !he bul#in# ob7ect turned out to be a pouch ba# and +hen accused opened thesa*e ba#, as ordered, the officer noticed four %6& suspicious8loo$in# ob7ects +rapped in bro+npac$in# tape, pro*ptin# the officer to open one of the +rapped ob7ects. !he +rapped ob7ects turnedout to contain hashish,

    a derivative of *ari7uana.

    !hereafter, accused +as invited outside the bus for -uestionin#. But before he ali#hted fro* the bus,accused stopped to #et t+o %& travellin# ba#s fro* the lu##a#e carrier.

    pon steppin# out of the bus, the officers #ot the ba#s and opened the*. A tedd( bear +as found ineach ba#. >eelin# the tedd( bears, the officer noticed that there +ere bul#es inside the sa*e +hichdid not feel li$e foa* stuffin#. "t +as onl( after the officers had opened the ba#s that accused finall(

    presented his passport.

    Accused +as then brou#ht to the head-uarters of the NARCOM at Ca*p ?an#+a, La !rinidad,Ben#uet for further investi#ation. At the investi#ation roo*, the officers opened the tedd( bears andthe( +ere found to also contain hashish. Representative sa*ples +ere ta$en fro* the hashish founda*on# the personal effects of accused and the sa*e +ere brou#ht to the PC Cri*e Laborator( forche*ical anal(sis.

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    "n the che*istr( report, it +as established that the ob7ects eor his defense, he raised the issueof ille#al search of his personal effects. =e also clai*ed that the hashish +as planted b( the

    NARCOM officers in his pouch ba# and that the t+o %& travellin# ba#s +ere not o+ned b( hi*, but+ere *erel( entrusted to hi* b( an Australian couple +ho* he *et in Sa#ada. =e further clai*edthat the Australian couple intended to ta$e the sa*e bus +ith hi* but because there +ere no *oreseats available in said bus, the( decided to ta$e the neirst Narcotics Re#ionalnit at Ca*p Bado: ?an#+a, La !rinidad Ben#uet for proper disposition underSection 2, Article " of Republic Act 561, as a*ended.

    SO OR?ERE?. =

    See$in# the reversal of the decision of the trial court findin# hi* #uilt( of the cri*e char#ed, accusedar#ues that the search of his personal effects +as ille#al because it +as *ade +ithout a search+arrant and, therefore, the prohibited dru#s +hich +ere discovered durin# the ille#al search are notad*issible as evidence a#ainst hi*.

    !he Constitution #uarantees the ri#ht of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papersand effects a#ainst unreasonable searches and seiures.

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    %c& 3hen the person to be arrested is a prisoner +ho has escaped fro* a penalestablish*ent or place +here he is servin# final 7ud#*ent or te*poraril( confined+hile his case is pendin#, or has escaped +hile bein# transferred fro* oneconfine*ent to another.

    "n cases fallin# under para#raphs %a& and %b& hereof, the person arrested +ithout a

    +arrant shall be forth+ith delivered to the nearest police station or 7ail, and he shallbe proceeded a#ainst in accordance +ith Rule )), Section @. %5a )@a&.

    Accused +as searched and arrested +hile transportin# prohibited dru#s %hashish&. A cri*e +asactuall( bein# co**itted b( the accused and he +as cau#ht inflagrante delicto. !hus, the search*ade upon his personal effects falls s-uarel( under para#raph %)& of the fore#oin# provisions of la+,+hich allo+ a +arrantless search incident to a la+ful arrest.

    3hile it is true that the NARCOM officers +ere not ar*ed +ith a search +arrant +hen the search+as *ade over the personal effects of accused, ho+ever, under the circu*stances of the case,there +as sufficient probable cause for said officers to believe that accused +as then and thereco**ittin# a cri*e.

    Probable cause has been defined as such facts and circu*stances +hich could lead a reasonable,discreet and prudent *an to believe that an offense has been co**itted, and that the ob7ectssou#ht in connection +ith the offense are in the place sou#ht to be searched. 8!he re-uiredprobable cause that +ill 7ustif( a +arrantless search and seiure is not deter*ined b( an( fi

    3arrantless search of the personal effects of an accused has been declared b( this Court as valid,because of eor is it not a re#ular nor* for an innocent *an, +ho hasnothin# to hide fro* the authorities, to readil( present his identification papers +hen re-uired to dosoK

    !he receipt of infor*ation b( NARCOM that a Caucasian co*in# fro* Sa#ada had prohibited dru#sin his possession, plus the suspicious failure of the accused to produce his passport, ta$en to#ether

    as a +hole, led the NARCOM officers to reasonabl( believe that the accused +as tr(in# to hideso*ethin# ille#al fro* the authorities. >ro* these circu*stances arose a pro(a(le cause+hich7ustified the +arrantless search that +as *ade on the personal effects of the accused. "n other+ords, the acts of the NARCOM officers in re-uirin# the accused to open his pouch ba# and inopenin# one of the +rapped ob7ects found inside said ba# %+hich +as discovered to containhashish& as +ell as the t+o %& travellin# ba#s containin# t+o %& tedd( bears +ith hashish stuffedinside the*, +ere pro*pted b( accuseds o+n atte*pt to hide his identit( b( refusin# to present hispassport, and b( the infor*ation received b( the NARCOM that a Caucasian co*in# fro* Sa#adahad prohibited dru#s in his possession. !o deprive the NARCOM a#ents of the abilit( and facilit( to

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    act accordin#l(, includin#, to search even +ithout +arrant, in the li#ht of such circu*stances, +ouldbe to sanction i*potence and ineffectiveness in la+ enforce*ent, to the detri*ent of societ(.

    3=ERE>ORE, pre*ises considered, the appealed 7ud#*ent of conviction b( the trial court ishereb( A>>"RME?. Costs a#ainst the accused8appellant.

    SO OR?ERE?.

    NARVASA, J., concurrin# and dissentin#9

    !he ancient tradition that a *ans ho*e is his castle, safe fro* intrusion even b( the $in#, has notonl( found its niche in all our charters, fro* );41 to the present: it has also received unvar(in#reco#nition and acceptance in our case la+. 1!he present Constitution 2declares that G

    !he ri#ht of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effectsa#ainst unreasonable searches and seiures of +hatever nature and for an(purpose, shall be inviolable, and no search +arrant or +arrant of arrest shall issuee

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    "t further ordains that an( evidence obtained in violation of said ri#ht, a*on# others, shall beinad*issible for an( purpose in an( proceedin#. 3

    !he rule is that no person *a( be sub7ected b( the police or other #overn*ent authorit( to a searchof his bod(, or his personal effects or belon#in#s, or his residence e

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    the Solicitor 'eneral asserts, infor*ation that *ost of the buses co*in# . . . %fro* the Cordillera&+ere transportin# *ari7uana and other prohibited dru#s.

    !his case, is re*ar$abl( si*ilar to 3eo.&.A#innudin, decided on 0ul( 5, );DD also b( the >irst?ivision. 1!here, A*innudin +as arrested +ithout a +arrant b( PC officers as he +as dise*bar$in#fro* an inter8island vessel. !he officers +ere +aitin# for hi* because he +as, accordin# to an

    infor*ers report, then transportin# *ari7uana. !he search of A*innudins ba# confir*ed theinfor*ers report: the ba# indeed contained *ari7uana. !he Court nevertheless held that since thePC officers had failed to procure a search +arrant althou#h the( had sufficient ti*e %t+o da(s& to doso and therefore, the case presented no such ur#enc( as to 7ustif( a +arrantless search, the searchof A*innudins person and ba#, the seiure of the *ari7uana and his subse-uent arrest +ere ille#al:and the *ari7uana +as inad*issible in evidence in the cri*inal action subse-uentl( instituted a#ainst

    A*innudin for violatin# the ?an#erous ?ru#s Act.

    !here are, on the other hand, other cases ad7udicated b( this Court in +hich apparentl( differentconclusions +ere reached. "t is needful to devote a fe+ +ords to the* so that the relevantconstitutional and le#al propositions are not *isunderstood.

    "n 3eople &.laudio%decision pro*ul#ated on April )1, );DD&,18

    the accused boarded a ictor(Liner passen#er bus #oin# to Olon#apo fro* Ba#uio Cit(. She placed the plastic ba# she +ascarr(in# at the bac$ of the seat then occupied b( Obia, an "NP *e*ber on ?etached Service +iththe Anti8Narcotics nit. !his avo+edl( aroused Obias suspicion, and at the first opportunit(, and+ithout Claudios $no+led#e, he surreptitiousl( loo$ed into the plastic ba# and noted that itcontained ca*ote tops as +ell as a pac$a#e, and that there e*anated fro* the pac$a#e the s*ell of*ari7uana +ith +hich he had beco*e fa*iliar on account of his +or$. So +hen the bus stopped atSta. Rita, and Claudio ali#hted, Obia accosted her, sho+ed her his "?, identified hi*self as apolice*an, and announced his intention to search her ba# +hich he said contained *ari7uanabecause of the distinctive odor detected b( hi*. "#norin# her plea G Please #o +ith *e, let ussettle this at ho*e G he brou#ht her to the police head-uarters., +here eernando, Pa*pan#a, ai*ed not onl( a#ainst persons +ho *a( co**it *isde*eanors . . . %there&but also on persons +ho *a( be en#a#in# in the traffic of dan#erous dru#s based on infor*ationsupplied b( infor*ers: . . . the( noticed a person carr(in# a red travellin# ba# . . +ho +as actin#suspiciousl(: the( as$ed hi* to open the ba#: the person did so onl( after the( identifiedthe*selves as peace officers: found in the ba# +ere *ari7uana leaves +rapped in plastic +ei#hin#one $ilo#ra*, *ore or less: the person +as then ta$en to the police head-uarters at San >ernando,Pa*pan#a, +here he +as investi#ated: and an infor*ation +as thereafter filed a#ainst that person,!an#liben, char#in# hi* +ith a violation of the ?an#erous ?ru#s Act of );@ %RA 561&, as

    a*ended. pon these facts it +as ruled, citinglaudio supra, that there +as a valid +arrantlessarrest and a proper +arrantless search incident thereto.

    !he facts in Tangli(en+ere pronounced to be different fro* those in 3eople &.A#innudinsupra. "ncontrast toA#innudin+here the Court perceived no ur#enc( as to preclude the application for andobtention of a search +arrant, it +as declared that the Tangli(en caseG

    . . .presented urgenc". . . %!he evidence revealed& that there +as an infor*er +hopointed to the accused8appellant as carr(in# *ari7uana . . . >aced +ith such on8the8spot infor*ation, the police officers had to act -uic$l(. !here +as not enou#h ti*e tosecure a search +arrant . . . !o re-uire search +arrants durin# on8the8spotapprehensions of dru# pushers, ille#al possessors of firear*s, 7ueten# collectors,s*u##lers of contraband #oods, robber, etc. +ould *a$e it e

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    !+o other decisions presented substantiall( si*ilar circu*stance instances9 3osadas &..A.,et al.,decided on Au#ust , );;2, 20and 3eople &.Moises Maspil 5r.,et al., decided on Au#ust 2, );;2. 21

    "n the first case, Posadas +as seen to be actin# suspiciousl( b( t+o *e*bers of the "NP, ?avaoMetrodisco*, and +hen he +as accosted b( the t+o, +ho identified the*selves as police officers,he suddenl( fled. =e +as pursued, overta$en and, not+ithstandin# his resistance, placed in custod(.

    !he (uriba# Posadas +as then carr(in# +as found to contain a revolver, for +hich he could produceno license or authorit( to possess, four rounds of live a**unition, and a tear #as #renade. =e +asprosecuted for ille#al possession of firear*s and a**unition and convicted after trial. !his Courtaffir*ed Posadas conviction, holdin# that there +as, in the pre*ises, probable cause for a search+ithout +arrant, i.e., the appellant +as actin# suspiciousl( and atte*pted to flee +ith the (uriba# hehad +ith hi* at the ti*e. !he Court cited +ith approval the rulin# of the .S. >ederal Supre*e Courtin 5ohn $.Terr" &.State of 6hio22a );5D case, +hich the Solicitor 'eneral had invo$ed to 7ustif(the search.

    "n the case of Maspil et al., a chec$point +as set up b( ele*ents of the >irst Narcotics Re#ional nitof the Narcotics Co**and at Sa(an#an, Ato$, Ben#uet, to *onitor, inspect and scrutinie vehicleson the hi#h+a( #oin# to+ards Ba#uio Cit(. !his +as done because of a confidential report b(

    infor*ers that Maspil and another person, Ba#$in#, +ould be transportin# a lar#e -uantit( of*ari7uana to Ba#uio Cit(. "n fact, the infor*ers +ere +ith the police*en *annin# the chec$point. Ase

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    personall( seen that her ba# contained not onl( ve#etables but also a pac$a#e e*ittin# the odor of*ari7uana. "n Tangli(enthe person arrested and searched +as actin# suspiciousl(, and had beenpositivel( pointed to as carr(in# *ari7uana. And in both cases, the accused +ere about to boardpassen#er buses, *a$in# it ur#ent for the police officers concerned to ta$e -uic$ and decisiveaction. "n 3osadasthe person arrested and searched +as actin# suspiciousl(, too, and +henaccosted had atte*pted to flee fro* the police officers. And in Maspiland 'o 7o $ingthere +as

    definite infor*ation of the precise identit( of the persons en#a#ed in transportin# prohibited dru#s ata particular ti*e and place.

    No+, as re#ards the precise issue at hand, +hether or not the facts in the case at bar *a$e out ale#iti*ate instance of a +arrantless search and seiure, there is, as earlier pointed out, a re#rettablediver#ence of vie+s a*on# the *e*bers of the Court.

    Contrar( to the conclusion reached b( the *a7orit(, " believe that the appellant should be absolvedon reasonable doubt. !here +as in this case no confidential report fro*, or positive identification b(an infor*er: no atte*pt to flee: no ba# or pac$a#e e*ittin# tell8tale odors: no other reasonabl(persuasive indications that Mal*stedt +as at the ti*e in process of perpetratin# the offense for+hich he +as subse-uentl( prosecuted. =ence, +hen the soldiers searched Mal*stedts pouch and

    the ba#s in his possession, the( +ere si*pl( fishin# for evidence. "t *atters not that the searchdisclosed that the ba#s contained prohibited substances, confir*in# their initial infor*ation andsuspicion. !he search +as not *ade b( virtue of a +arrant or as an incident of a la+ful +arrantlessarrest, i.e., under circu*stances sufficient to en#ender a reasonable belief that so*e cri*e +asbein# or about to be co**itted, or ad7ust been co**itted. !here +as no intelli#ent and intentional+aiver of the ri#ht a#ainst unreasonable searches and seiure. !he search +as therefore ille#al,since the la+ re-uires that there first be a la+ful arrest of an individual before a search of his bod(and his belon#in#s *a( licitl( be *ade. !he process cannot be reversed, i.e., a search be firstunderta$en, and then an arrest effected, on the stren#th of the evidence (ielded b( the search. Anarrest *ade in that case +ould be unla+ful, and the search underta$en as an incident of such anunla+ful arrest, also unla+ful.

    !he fact that +hen investi#ated at the head-uarters of the Narcotic Co**and at Ca*p ?an#+a, La

    !rinidad, Mal*stedt had, it is said, +illin#l( ad*itted that there +ere +as hashish inside the tedd(bears in the lu##a#e found in his possession G an ad*ission subse-uentl( confir*ed b( laborator(e

    !he prohibited dru#s supposedl( discovered in Mal*stedts ba#s, havin# been ta$en in violation ofthe constitutional ri#ht a#ainst unreasonable searches and seiures, are inad*issible a#ainst hi*for an( purpose in an( proceedin#. Also pronounced as inco*petent evidence a#ainst hi* are thead*issions supposedl( *ade b( hi* +ithout his first bein# accorded the constitutional ri#hts ofpersons under custodial investi#ation. 3ithout such ob7ect evidence and ad*issions, nothin#re*ains of the case a#ainst Mal*stedt.

    "t *a( be conceded that, as the !rial Court points out, the evidence presented b( Mal*stedt in hisdefense is feeble, un+orth( of credence. !his is beside the point: for confor*abl( to the fa*iliara

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    account of the basic ri#hts #ranted b( the Constitution and the la+ to persons +ho *a( fall undersuspicion of en#a#in# in cri*inal acts. ?isre#ard of those ri#hts *a( not be 7ustified b( the ob7ectiveof ferretin# out and punishin# cri*e, no *atter ho+ e*inentl( desirable attain*ent of that ob7ective*i#ht be. ?isre#ard of those ri#hts, as this Court has earlier stressed, *a( result in the escape ofthe #uilt(, and all because the constable has blundered, renderin# the evidence inad*issible evenif truthful or other+ise credible. 30

    " therefore vote to reverse the !rial Courts 7ud#*ent of October ), );D; and to ac-uit the appellanton reasonable doubt.

    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No. 83>88 Se'(ember 2>, 1>8>


    -icardo . 9al#onte for hi#self and his co,petitioners.

    PA6ILLA, J.:

    !his is a petition for prohibition +ith preli*inar( in7unction and/or te*porar( restrainin# order,see$in# the declaration of chec$points in alenuela, Metro Manila or else+here, as unconstitutional

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    and the dis*antlin# and bannin# of the sa*e or, in the alternative, to direct the respondents tofor*ulate #uidelines in the i*ple*entation of chec$points, for the protection of the people.

    Petitioner Ricardo C. al*onte sues in his capacit( as citien of the Republic, ta

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    effective territorial defense and *aintainin# peace and order for the benefit of the public.Chec$points *a( also be re#arded as *easures to th+art plots to destabilie the #overn*ent, in theinterest of public securit(. "n this connection, the Court *a( ta$e 7udicial notice of the shift to urbancenters and their suburbs of the insur#enc( *ove*ent, so clearl( reflected in the increased $illin#sin cities of police and *ilitar( *en b( NPA sparro+ units, not to *ention the abundance ofunlicensed firear*s and the alar*in# rise in la+lessness and violence in such urban centers, not all

    of +hich are reported in *edia, *ost li$el( brou#ht about b( deterioratin# econo*ic conditions G+hich all su* up to +hat one can ri#htl( consider, at the ver( least, as abnor*al ti*es. Bet+een theinherent ri#ht of the state to protect its e

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    CRU?, J., dissentin#9

    " dissent. !he s+eepin# state*ents in the *a7orit( opinion are as dan#erous as the chec$points it+ould sustain and frau#ht +ith serious threats to individual libert(. !he bland declaration thatindividual ri#hts *ust (ield to the de*ands of national securit( i#nores the fact that the Bill of Ri#hts+as intended precisel( to li*it the authorit( of the State even if asserted on the #round of nationalsecurit(. 3hat is +orse is that the searches and seiures are pere*ptoril( pronounced to bereasonable even +ithout proof of probable cause and *uch less the re-uired +arrant. !hei*probable eor these purposes, ever( individual *a( be stoppedand searched at rando* and at an( ti*e si*pl( because he e

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    G.R. No. L;D211> A-&( 2, 1>8=



    'oren2o M. Taada 5ose $. 0io?no 5o?er 3. Arro"o -ene Sar#iento and Felicitas A!uino forpetitioner.

    The Solicitor General for respondent @nrile.

    R E S O L ! " O N

    ABA6 SANTOS, J.:

    At about ;922 p.*. on October ;, );D, Aristedes Sar*iento and his +ife, Laura del CastilloSar*iento, +ere apprehended b( ar*ed *en in civilian attire as the couple left the Rosarian =otel in'u*aca, Fueon. !he( +ere brou#ht to Ca*p Arsenio Natividad, also in 'u*aca, +here the( +ereinterro#ated +ithout benefit of counsel. Laura +as then ei#ht *onths pre#nant. She +as not*altreated: at least she *ade no clai* to that effect. But Aristedes co*plained that he +as struc$ athis side +ith the barrel of an Ar*alite rifle.

    !he spouses +ere not released fro* detention despite the fact that the( +ere said to have been*erel( invited for -uestionin#. >or this reason, "#nacio del Castillo, father of Laura, filed the instantpetition for the issuance of a +rit of habeas corpus on October 2, );D, +ith the assistance of the>ree Le#al Assistance 'roup %>LA'&. 3e issued the +rit on October ), );D: re-uired therespondents to *a$e a return on October @, );D: and set the case for hearin# on October D,


    !he return of the +rit states in part9

    . !he evidence in the hands of the *ilitar( sho+s that at the ti*e of his arrest,Aristedes Sar*iento headed an operatin# unit of the Ne+ Peoples Ar*( %NPA&called the Pan#$at 0AC"N!O BON">AC"O. !his unit conducts a#itation propa#andaa*on# the far*ers and directl( recruits *e*bers for the NPA. Laura Sar*iento +asthe units finance officer.

    4. On October l6, );D,Aristedes and Laura Sar*iento +ere char#ed +ith violation ofthe Revised Anti8Subversion La+ %P.?. DD1& as ran$in# leaders of the NPA in a

    co*plaint filed before the Municipal Court of 'u*aca, Fueon in Cri*inal Case No.D214. A cop( of that Co*plaint is hereb( attached as Anne< ).

    6. pon preli*inar( e

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    On March 4), );D4, the Sar*iento spouses +ere accused of subversion in t+o separateinfor*ations filed +ith the Re#ional !rial Court of 'u*aca, Fueon. After the prosecution hadpresented its evidence and rested its case, the defense *oved to dis*iss the char#es forinsufficienc( of evidence. And on March )1, );D6, the trial court issued an order dis*issin# thecases a#ainst the Sar*iento spouses. "n doin# so, the trial court said in part9

    After a careful and thorou#h eLA' as$ed for the i**ediate release of Aristedes. =e +as not released. Accordin#l(, anr#ent Motion +as filed +ith this Court on Ma( )5, );D6, +herein it is pra(ed that the i**ediaterelease of Aristedes Sar*iento be ordered.

    !he respondents +ere re-uired to co**ent on the r#ent Motion and after considerable dela( the(did so on 0ul( )6, );D6. !he( said that the Minister of ?efense ordered the release of Aristedes on0ul( 5, );D6, and he +as actuall( released on 0ul( )), );D6, at 942 p.*. !he( pra( that the petitionfor habeas corpus bein# *oot and acade*ic be dis*issed.

    !he *a7orit( of the Court, +hich does not include the undersi#nedponente, is of the opinion that thepetition for habeas corpus has beco*e *oot and acade*ic because the Sar*iento spouses are nolon#er in detention.

    3=ERE>ORE, the instant petition is hereb( dis*issed on the #round that it has been rendered*oot and acade*ic and it is so ordered.

    !he undersi#nedponenteis constrained to disa#ree +ith the *a7orit( of the Court and thestate*ents follo+in# are entirel( his o+n9

    l. " believe that the Court should have resolved the petition on the *erits and it is for this reason that

    on the face of the r#ent Motion pra(in# for the release of Aristedes Sar*iento after the trial courthad dis*issed the t+o cases a#ainst the spouses that " voted for i**ediate affir*ative relief.

    !he unstated pre*ise of the *a7orit( opinion is that a person +ho is detained under a PCO cannotbe released e

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    SCRA 14D, 1;681;5.& "n the case at bar since the Sar*iento spouses had been brou#ht before acourt of co*petent 7urisdiction, the fact that the( +ere covered b( a PCO is of no conse-uence: thecourt +hich ac-uired 7urisdiction over the* could order their release +ithout recourse to e

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    separate opinion in the said case, dissentin# fro* the Courts dis*issal of the case as havin#li$e+ise beco*e *oot after Caetes eventual release b( the *ilitar( on Ma( @, );D4, three *onthsafter his ac-uittal G not b( virtue of his ac-uittal but because the PCO had been lifted. " li$e+iseur#ed that the Court should have therein ruled s-uarel( on the funda*ental issue of the effect of adecision of ac-uittal upon a PCO, and to hold that a verdict of ac-uittal entities the accused to hislibert(, despite the PCO, +hich thereb( beca*e functus officio.

    "t is i*perative then, in order to avoid countless other aetes and Sar#ientos, that in the lan#ua#eof the no+ Chief 0ustice in 0e la a#ara &s. @nage, Dthe fact that this case is *oot and acade*icshould not preclude this !ribunal fro* settin# forth in lan#ua#e clear and un*ista$able . . . . for the#uidance of lo+er court 7ud#es, the controllin# and authoritative doctrines that should be observedin accordin# full respect to constitutional ri#hts %referrin# in said case to the constitutional *andatethat ered Rui Castro inA!uino 5r. &. @nrile, the factthat a final deter*ination of a -uestion involved in an action is needed +ill be useful as a #uide forthe conduct of public officers or tribunals is a sufficient reason for retainin# an action +hich +ould orshould other+ise be dis*issed. Li$e+ise appeals *a( be retained if the -uestions involved are li$el(to arise fre-uentl( in the future unless the( are settled b( a court of last resort.

    " reiterate *( stand in the above8cited case of aete 8that in such cases of conflictin# clai*s ofauthorit(, the individuals ri#ht to be set at libert( b( virtue of his ac-uittal b( the courts *ust prevailover the *ilitar(s clai* of a ri#ht to continue holdin# hi* in detention under the PCO. >or*er Chief0ustice Roberto Concepcion ri#htfull( observed in 3eople &s. 7ernande2>that individual freedo* istoo basic, too transcendental and vital in a republican state, li$e ours, to be denied upon *ere#eneral principles and abstract considerations of public safet(. >or brevit(s sa$e, " here+ithreproduce b( reference *( said separate opinion +hich full( applies, *utatis *utandis, in vie+ ofthe "dentical issues involved, to the case at bar.

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    a$% ALBERT LEE G. ANGELES,Petitiners, Present:

    "31, C.J.,


    21S", /.,

    231;=; "1S',

    BI3,= versus = P12'1,


    ;2 "1S'I22,


    I2211M1, /.,

    PN, M3;N1,


    TS, and



    Co**a$%e"-)$-Ch)e( a$% P"e')%e$& o( &he Re#+)c

    o( &he Ph)))$e', EDUARDO ERMITA, E9ec#&)/e

    Sec"e&a", ARMED FORCES OF THEPHILIPPINES >AFP?, o" a$ o( &he)" #$)&',


    o( &he)" #$)&', JOHN DOES a$% JANE DOES

    ac&)$! #$%e" &he)" %)"ec&)o$ a$% co$&"o,





    = versus =

    EDUARDO R. ERMITA )$ h)' caac)& a'

    E9ec#&)/e Sec"e&a", NORBERTO GONALES )$

    h)' caac)& a' Sec"e&a" o( Na&)o$a De(e$'e,

    RONALDO PUNO )$ h)' caac)& a' Sec"e&a" o(

    I$&e")o" a$% Loca Go/e"$*e$&,







  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals










    = versus =














    JOSEPH NELSON K. LOOLA, G.R. No. 10405


    = versus =










    JOITO R. SALONGA, RAUL C. G.R. No. 10407





    a' &a9ae"' a$% a' CONCERNED F)))$o


  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals



    = versus =

    GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROO, )$ h)' >sic?

    caac)& a' P"e')%e$& o( &he Re#+)c o( &hePh)))$e', HON. EDUARDO ERMITA, JR., )$

    h)' caac)& a' E9ec#&)/e Sec"e&a", a$% HON.

    ROLANDO ANDAA )$ h)' caac)& a' Sec"e&a"

    o( &he Dea"&*e$& o( B#%!e& a$% Ma$a!e*e$&,

    GENERAL ICTOR IBRADO, )$ h)' caac)& a'

    A"*e% Fo"ce' o( &he Ph)))$e' Ch)e( o( S&a((,

    DIRECTOR JESUS EROSA, )$ h)' caac)& a'

    Ch)e( o( &he Ph)))$e Na&)o$a Po)ce,



    BAILENG S. MANTA3IL, DENGCO G.R. No. 104=ive others +ho onl( happened to be travellin# on the sa*e

    hi#h+a( traversed b( the Man#udadatu convo( +ere also $illed.

    "n response to this carna#e, President Arro(o issued on Nove*ber 6, 22; PP );65

    declarin# a state of e*er#enc( in Ma#uindanao, Sultan Hudarat, and Cotabato Cit(.

    On ?ece*ber 6, 22;, President Arro(o issued PP );1; declarin# *artial la+ and

    suspendin# the privile#e of the +rit of ha(eas corpusin Ma#uindanao e

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    the rebellion +as localied and s+iftl( disinte#rated in the face of a deter*ined and a*pl( ar*ed

    #overn*ent presence.

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals


    I. THE 7ACTS

    On 0ul( D, );;6, an infor*ation for re/e&& )m'r%e$/e re&()$- )$ +om)/)%e+as fileda#ainst the petitioner before the R!C of Bulacan. !rial on the *erits ensued and on Au#ust );,);;D, the trial court convicted the petitioner as char#ed.

    "n his appeal before the CA, the petitioner -uestioned, a*on# others, for the first ti*e, thetrial courts 7urisdiction. !he appellate court, ho+ever, in the challen#ed decision, considered thepetitioner to have activel( participated in the trial and to have belatedl( attac$ed the 7urisdiction ofthe R!C: thus, he +as alread( estopped b( laches fro* assertin# the trial courts lac$ of 7urisdiction.>indin# no other #round to reverse the trial courts decision, the CA affir*ed the petitionersconviction but *odified the penalt( i*posed and the da*a#es a+arded.

    ?issatisfied, the petitioner filed a petition for revie+ on certiorari+ith the Supre*e Court.


    ?oes the failure of the petitioner to raise the issue of lac$ of 7urisdiction durin# the trial ofthis case, +hich +as initiated and filed b( the public prosecutor before the +ron# court the

    respondent R!C, constitutelachesin relation to the doctrine laid do+n in Ti4a# &. Si(onghano",not+ithstandin# the fact that said issue +as i**ediatel( raised in petitioners appeal to the=onorable Court of AppealsK Conversel(, does the active participation of the petitioner in the trial ofhis case, +hich is initiated and filed not b( hi* but b( the public prosecutor, a*ount to estoppelK


    The Supre#e ourt GRANTthe petition and "#$"##the case without pre4udice.

    N%, the failu&e of the petitio'e& to &aise the issue of (lac) of* u&isictio' u&i'- thet&ial of this case %# N%T co'stitute laches i' &elatio' to the oct&i'e lai ow' i' Tia v.#i/o'-ha'o0 N%, the active pa&ticipatio' of the petitio'e& i' the t&ial of his case %# N%T

    aou't to estoppel.

    Applied unifor*l( is the fa*iliar rule that the 7urisdiction of the court to hear and decide acase is conferred b( the la+ in force at the ti*e of the institution of the action, unless such statuteprovides for a retroactive application thereof. "n this case, at the ti*e the cri*inal infor*ation forrec$less i*prudence resultin# in ho*icide +ith violation of the Auto*obile La+ %no+ Land!ransportation and !raffic Code& +as filed, Section 4%& of B.P. ); had alread( been a*ended b(R.A. @5;). !he said provision reads9

    Sec. 4. 5urisdiction of Metropolitan Trial ourts Municipal Trial ourts and Municipal ircuitTrial ourts in ri#inal ases. ,, E

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    !he #eneral rule is thatthe issue of 4urisdiction #a" (e raised at an" stage of theproceedings e&en on appeal and is not lost (" wai&er or (" estoppel. @stoppel (" laches to (ar alitigant fro# asserting the court;s a(sence or lac? of 4urisdiction onl" super&enes in eCceptionalcases si#ilar to the factual #ilieu of Ti4a# &. Si(onghano". "ndeed, the fact that a person atte*pts toinvo$e unauthoried 7urisdiction of a court does not estop hi* fro* thereafter challen#in# its

    7urisdiction over the sub7ect *atter, since such 7urisdiction *ust arise b( la+ and not b( *ereconsent of the parties. !his is especiall( true +here the person see$in# to invo$e unauthoried

    7urisdiction of the court does not thereb( secure an( advanta#e or the adverse part( does not sufferan( har*.

    Appl(in# the said doctrine to the instant case, the petitioner is in no +a( estopped b( lachesin assailin# the 7urisdiction of the R!C, considerin# that he raised the lac$ thereof in his appealbefore the appellate court. At that ti*e, no considerable period had (et elapsed for laches to attach.!rue, dela( alone, thou#h unreasonable, +ill not sustain the defense of estoppel b( laches unlessit further appears that the part" ?nowing his rights has not sought to enforce the# until thecondition of the part" pleading laches has in good faith (eco#e so changed that he cannot (erestored to his for#er state if the rights (e then enforced due to loss of e&idence change of titleinter&ention of e!uities and other causes. "n appl(in# the principle of estoppel b( laches in the

    eindin# no other
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    #round to reverse the trial courts decision, the CA affir*ed the petitioners conviction but *odified

    the penalt( i*posed and the da*a#es a+arded.D

    ?issatisfied, the petitioner filed the instant petition for revie+ on certiorari raisin# the follo+in# issuesfor our resolution9

    a. ?oes the fact that the petitioner failed to raise the issue of 7urisdiction durin# the trial ofthis case, +hich +as initiated and filed b( the public prosecutor before the +ron# court,constitute laches in relation to the doctrine laid do+n in !i7a* v. Sibon#hano(,not+ithstandin# the fact that said issue +as i**ediatel( raised in petitioners appeal to the=onorable Court of AppealsK Conversel(, does the active participation of the petitioner in thetrial of his case, +hich is initiated and filed not b( hi* but b( the public prosecutor, a*ount toestoppelK

    b. ?oes the ad*ission of the petitioner that it is difficult to i**ediatel( stop a bus +hile it isrunnin# at 62 $ilo*eters per hour for the purpose of avoidin# a person +ho une

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    -uestionin# the 7urisdiction of the R!CGthe trial +ent on for 6 (ears +ith the petitioner activel(participatin# therein and +ithout hi* ever raisin# the 7urisdictional infir*it(. !he petitioner, for hispart, counters that the lac$ of 7urisdiction of a court over the sub7ect *atter *a( be raised at an( ti*eeven for the first ti*e on appeal. As undue dela( is further absent herein, the principle of laches +illnot be applicable.

    !o settle once and for all this proble* of 7urisdiction vis8Q8vis estoppel b( laches, +hich continuousl(confounds the bench and the bar, +e shall anal(e the various Court decisions on the *atter.

    As earl( as );2), this Court has declared that unless 7urisdiction has been conferred b( so*e

    le#islative act, no court or tribunal can act on a *atter sub*itted to it.)63e +ent on to state in .S.v. ?e La Santa)1that9

    "t has been fre-uentl( held that a lac$ of 7urisdiction over the sub7ect8*atter is fatal, and sub7ect toob7ection at an( sta#e of the proceedin#s, either in the court belo+ or on appeal %Enc(. of Pl. Pr.,vol. ), p. )D;, and lar#e arra( of cases there cited&, and indeed, +here the sub7ect8*atter is not+ithin the 7urisdiction, the court *a( dis*iss the proceedin# e< *ero *otu. %6 "ll., )44: );2 "nd., @;:Chip*an vs. 3aterbur(, 1; Conn., 6;5.&

    0urisdiction over the sub7ect8*atter in a 7udicial proceedin# is conferred b( the soverei#n authorit(+hich or#anies the court: it is #iven onl( b( la+ and in the *anner prescribed b( la+ and an

    ob7ection based on the lac$ of such 7urisdiction can not be +aived b( the parties. < <

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    < < < that an appellant +ho files his brief and sub*its his case to the Court of Appeals for decision,+ithout -uestionin# the latters 7urisdiction until decision is rendered therein, should be considered ashavin# voluntaril( +aived so *uch of his clai* as +ould e

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    of estoppel b( laches. !hus, in Cali*li* v. Ra*ire,4+e pointed out that Sibon#hano( +asdevelopin# into a #eneral rule rather than the e

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    the reconstitution of their titles. Private respondents have thus foreclosed their ri#ht to raise the issueof 7urisdiction b( their o+n actions.

    !he Court has constantl( upheld the doctrine that +hile 7urisdiction *a( be assailed at an( sta#e, aliti#ants participation in all sta#es of the case before the trial court, includin# the invocation of itsauthorit( in as$in# for affir*ative relief, bars such part( fro* challen#in# the courts 7urisdiction

    %PNOC Shippin# and !ransport Corporation vs. Court of Appeals , ;@ SCRA 62 );;D&.A part( cannot invo$e the 7urisdiction of a court to secure affir*ative relief a#ainst his opponent and

    after obtainin# or failin# to obtain such relief, repudiate or -uestion that sa*e 7urisdiction %AssetPrivatiation !rust vs. Court of Appeals, 422 SCRA 1@; );;D: Province of Bulacan vs.Court of Appeals,;; SCRA 66 );;D&. !he Court fro+ns upon the undesirable practice of apart( participatin# in the proceedin#s and sub*ittin# his case for decision and then acceptin#

    7ud#*ent, onl( if favorable, and attac$in# it for lac$ of 7urisdiction, +hen adverse %Producers Ban$of the Philippines vs. NLRC, ;D SCRA 1)@ );;D, citin# "locos Sur Electric Cooperative, "nc.vs. NLRC, 6) SCRA 45 );;1&. %italics ours&5

    Note+orth(, ho+ever, is that, in the 221 case of Metro*edia !i*es Corporation v.

    Pastorin,@+here the issue of lac$ of 7urisdiction +as raised onl( in the National Labor RelationsCo**ission %NLRC& on appeal, +e stated, after e

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    "ndeed, the #eneral rule re*ains9 a courts lac$ of 7urisdiction *a( be raised at an( sta#e of theproceedin#s, even on appeal. !he reason is that 7urisdiction is conferred b( la+, and lac$ of it affectsthe ver( authorit( of the court to ta$e co#niance of and to render 7ud#*ent on the action. Moreover,

    7urisdiction is deter*ined b( the aver*ents of the co*plaint, not b( the defenses contained in the


    Also, in Man#alia# v. Catubi#8Pastoral,4)even if the pleader of lac$ of 7urisdiction activel( too$ partin the trial proceedin#s b( presentin# a +itness to see$ e

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    Appl(in# the said doctrine to the instant case, the petitioner is in no +a( estopped b( laches inassailin# the 7urisdiction of the R!C, considerin# that he raised the lac$ thereof in his appeal beforethe appellate court. At that ti*e, no considerable period had (et elapsed for laches to attach. !rue,dela( alone, thou#h unreasonable, +ill not sustain the defense of estoppel b( laches unless itfurther appears that the part(, $no+in# his ri#hts, has not sou#ht to enforce the* until the conditionof the part( pleadin# laches has in #ood faith beco*e so chan#ed that he cannot be restored to his

    for*er state, if the ri#hts be then enforced, due to loss of evidence, chan#e of title, intervention ofe-uities, and other causes.45"n appl(in# the principle of estoppel b( laches in the e

  • 8/13/2019 Amr Finals



    ARNEL COLINARES, G.R. No. 18578Petitiner,


    "31, C.J.,


    21S", /.,

    231;=; "1S',


    = versus = P12'1, BS1MI3,

    ;2 "1S'I22,


    I2211M1, /.,




    TS, and


    PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, espndent. Pr!ulgated:

    ;ece!ber -6, +--




    'his case is abut a) the need, #hen invking self=defense, t prve all that

    it takes b) #hat distinguishes frustrated h!icide fr! atte!pted h!icide and c)

    #hen an accused #h appeals !a$ still appl$ fr prbatin n re!and f the case

    t the trial curt.

    The Fac&' a$% &he Ca'e

    'he public prsecutr f "a!arines Sur charged the accused 1rnel"linares (1rnel) #ith frustrated h!icide befre the eginal 'rial "urt ('")

    f Sa