AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

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Page 1: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while



by Jean Kemble


Page 2: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while



American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints

Subject, personal and institutional name index

Index to materials by type

Page 3: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while


Slavery existed on American soil from the colonial period until the ratificationof the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865 and contemporary sources of informationabout this "peculiar institution" include slave narratives, journals and tractspublished by abolitionist societies, political speeches, religious sermons,newspaper articles and advertisements, travellers' reports and works of fiction.American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to suchsources held by the British Library and, while not presuming to becomprehensive, it may encourage an appreciation of the wide variety ofmaterials available. It is arranged alphabetically by personal or institutionalauthor. Anonymous works are entered under the title as well as the presumedauthor where known and periodicals should be sought under their title, althoughfor some works cross-references will be made to the issuing society orassociation. Speeches by Congressmen have in general been omitted since theseare traceable in other sources. There are two indexes. The first combinessubjects, personal and institutional names. The second identifies materials bytype e.g. sermons, periodicals and slave narratives.

Page 4: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

1. AARON. The light and the truth of slavery. Aaron'shistory. [By himself.] Worcester, Mass.: printed forAaron, [1850?] 40pp. 8156.f.3.

2. ABOLITION INTELLIGENCER, AND MISSIONARY MAGAZINE.Vol.1. no.1-7, 10, 11. 7 May-Nov. 1822; Feb., March 1823.Shelbyville, KY: John Finley Crow, 1822-23. Microfilm ofa copy in the library of the Wisconsin State HistoricalSociety. Issued by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor,1948. American Periodical Series, 1800-25, no.92.Mic.A.209.(1.)

3. THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY THE RIGHT OF GOVERNMENT UNDERTHE WAR POWER ACT. [By William Lloyd Garrison.] Boston:R.F. Wallcut, 1861, 24pp. 8156.a.2.

[Another edition.] Boston: R.F. Wallcut, 1862, 24pp.8156.a.3.

4. ABOLITIONIST. Extracts from remarks on Dr. Channings'sSlavery, with comments, by an abolitionist. Boston: D.K.Hitchcock, 1836, 55pp. 8156.aaa.80.(3.)

5. ABY, Edward Strutt. Journal of a residence and tour inthe United States of North America, from April, 1833, toOctober, 1834. London: John Murray, 1835. 792.g.1.

6. AN ACT, TO PROVIDE FOR THE VALUATION OF LANDS ANDDWELLING-HOUSES, AND THE ENUMERATION OF SLAVES WITHIN THEUNITED STATES. (Approved July 9th, 1798.) [With therules, regulations, and instructions of the Commissionersfor the state of Massachusetts, appointed in pursuance ofthe Act. [Boston, 1798], 35pp. Mic.A.7740(9.)

7. ADAMS, Charles Francis. An oration, delivered beforethe municipal authorities of the city of Fall River, July4, 1860. Fall River: Almy & Milne, Daily News SteamPrinting House, 1860, 20pp. RB.23.a.1543

8. -----. What makes slavery a question of nationalconcern. A lecture. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1855,46pp. 8156.bb.78.(5.)

9. ADAMS, Francis Colburn. Uncle Tom at home. A review ofthe reviewers and repudiators of Uncle Tom's Cabin byMrs. Stowe. Philadelphia: W.P. Hazard, 1853, 142pp.8156.a.4.

[Another edition.] London: Clarke, Beeton, & Co.,[1853], 151pp. 12705.c.14.

10. ADAMS, Henry Gardiner. God's image in ebony: being aseries of biographical sketches, facts, ancedotes, etc.demonstrative of the mental powers and intellectualcapacities of the Negro race. Edited by Henry GardinerAdams. With a brief sketch of the anti-slavery movementin America, by F.W. Chesson; and a concluding chapter of

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additional evidence communicated by Wilson Armistead.London: Partridge & Oakey: 1854, 168pp. 10604.b.2.

11. ADAMS, John Quincy. Address of John Quincy Adams tohis constituents of the twelfth Congressional district atBraintree, September 17th, 1842. Boston: J.H. Eastburn,1842, 63pp. 8176.b.19.

12. -----. Argument of John Quincy Adams, before theSupreme Court of the United States, in the case of theUnited States, Appellants, vs. Cinque, and others,Africans, captured in the Schooner Amistad ... With areview of the case of the Antelope. New York: S.W.Benedict, 1841, 135pp. 6615.b.1.

13. -----. The jubilee of the Constitution. A discourse.New York: Samuel Colman, 1839, 136pp. 10880.d.4.

14. -----. Letters from John Quincy Adams to hisconstituents of the twelfth Congressional district inMassachusetts [relative to the proceedings of the Houseof Representatives on the presentation by him of certainantislavery petitions]. To which is added his speech inCongress, delivered February 9, 1837. [With a preface andtwo poems by John Greenleaf Whittier.] Boston: IsaacKnapp, 1837, 72pp. 8177.a.6.

15. ADAMS, Nehemiah. The sable cloud: a Southern tale,with Northern comments. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1861,275pp. 12706.bb.15.

16. -----. A sermon preached ... the Sabbath after theinterment of the Hon. Daniel Webster. Boston: G.C. Rand,1852, 23pp. 10880.bbb.37.(6)

Second edition. Boston: G.C. Rand, 1852, 23pp.10880.c.6.

17. -----. A South-side view of slavery; or, three monthsat the South, in 1854 ... third edition. (Reissued.) PortWashington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1969, 222pp.X.529/13521.

18. ADAMS, W.E. The slaveholders' war: an argument forthe North and the Negro. London: J. Snow, 1863, 24pp.8156.cc.5.(5.)

19. ADAMS, William Bridges. Note on Negro slavery, byJunius, Redivivus [i.e. William Bridges Adams.] In:C.L.N.A. Murat Prince. A moral and political sketch ofthe United States of North America. London, 1833.798.h.15.

[Second edition.] London: Effingham Wilson, 1833,402pp. 10409.aaa.42.


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23. ADGER, John Bailey. A review of reports to thelegislature of South Carolina, on the revival of theslave trade ... from the April number of the SouthernPresbyterian Review. Columbia, S.C.: R.W. Gibbes, 1858,36pp. 1570/1442.

24. THE AFRICAN CAPTIVES. Trial of the prisoners of theAmistad on the writ of habeas corpus, before the circuitcourt of the United States, for the district ofConnecticut, at Hartford. New York, 1839, 47pp.1132.h.39.(1.)

25. AFRICAN EDUCATION SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES.Report of the proceedings at the formation of the AfricanEducation Society, instituted at Washington, December 28,1829. With an address to the public by the Board ofManagers. Washington, 1830, 16pp. P.P.1226.o.

26. AFRICAN INSTITUTION. Report of the committee of theAfrican Institution read to the general meeting on the15th July, 1807. Together with the rules and regulationswhich were then adopted for the government of theSociety. London, 1807, 88pp. T.87.(2.)

27. -----. Report of the committee ... 15th July 1807.(Second-fifteenth report. - Special report ... 12th ofApril 1815, respecting the allegations contained in apamphlet entitled A letter to William Wilberforce Esq. byRobert Thorpe.) London, 3 vol., 1811-21. 288.e.13-15.

28. -----. Eighteenth report. London, 1824, 271pp.8156.c.71.(12.)

29. THE AFRICAN INTELLIGENCER. See American ColonizationSociety.


31. AGRICOLA, pseud. A letter to an abolitionist. London:Rivingtons, 1858, 12pp. 4108.a.76.(1.)

32. AJAX, pseud. [i.e. Ainley?] Social wastes and wastelands; flax v. slave-grown cotton. London: Simpkin,Marshall & Co., 1862, 34pp. 8246.b.62.(9.)

33. ALBERT, James, calling himself Ukawsaw Gronniosaw. Anarrative of the most remarkable particulars in the life

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of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an African prince, asrelated by himself. [With a preface by W. Shirley.} Bath:S. Hazaed, [1770?}, 49pp. 1415.a.7.

(Plus eight further editions.)

34. ALEXANDER, George William. Letters on the slave-trade, slavery, and emancipation. London: Charles Gilpin,1842, 176pp. 8156.a.5.

35. ALEXANDER, Sir James Edward. Transatlantic sketches,comprising visits to the most interesting scenes in Northand South America, and the West Indies; with notes onNegro slavery and Canadian emigration. 2 vol. London:Richard Bentley, 1833. 1052.d.9.

36. ALGER, William Rounseville. The genius and posture ofAmerica. An oration delivered before the citizens ofBoston. Boston: Boston Daily Bee, 1857, 60pp.8175.bb.61.(12.)

37. ALLEN, George. Mr. Allen's report of a declaration ofsentiments on slavery. Dec. 5, 1837. Worcester, [Mass.]:H.J. Howland, 1838, 12pp. 8156.aaa.83.(3.)

38. -----. Mr. Allen's speech on ministers leaving amoral kingdom to bear testimony against sin. Isaac Knapp,1838, 46pp. 8156.bb.11.

39. ALLEN, John. An essay on the policy of appropriationsbeing made by the government of the United States, for... liberating and colonizing ... the slaves thereof. Innumbers [signed, Sidney], some ... published in theBaltimore American, and the whole of them in the Geniusof Universal Emancipation. By a citizen of Maryland [i.e.John Allen]. Baltimore, 1816. 8156.e.5.(13.)

40. ALLEN, Joseph Henry. A reign of terror. A sermon.Bangor: S.S. Smith, 1856, 16pp. 4485.f.1.

41. ALLEN, Richard. The life experience and gospel laborsof the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen. To which is annexed therise and progress of the African Methodist EpiscopalChurch in the United States of America. Containing anarrative of the yellow fever in the year of Our Lord1793. With an address to the people of color in theUnited States ... with an introduction by George A.Singleton. New York, Nashville: Abingdon Press, [1960],93pp. X.108/93.

42. ----- and JONES, Absalom. A narrative of theproceedings of the black people during the late awfulcalamity in Philadelphia in ... 1793, and a refutation ofsome censures thrown upon them in some late publications.Philadelphia: Printed for the Authors, 1794, 28pp.8157.b.6.(3.)

43. ALLEN, William G. American prejudice against color;an authentic narrative, showing how easily the nation got

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into an uproar. London: W. & F.G. Cash, 1853, 107pp.10880.a.5.

44. AMERICA AND HER SLAVE-SYSTEM. 2 pt. London: Simpkin,Marshall & Co., 1845. 1389.g.33.

45. AMERICAN. American and English oppression, andBritish and American abolitionists. A letter addressed toRichard D. Webb by an American in his fatherland. London,1853. 8155.e.63.

46. -----. The commerce of British India, viewed in itsprobable influence on the slave products of the UnitedStates. By an American. [London? 1841], 16pp.8229.cc.11.(9.)

47. -----. Cotton is King; or, the culture of cotton andits relation to agriculture, manufactures, and commerce,to the free colored people, and to those who hold thatslavery is in itself sinful. By an American [i.e. DavidChristy]. Cincinnati: Moore & Co., 1855, 210pp. 8156.b.7.

48. -----. An essay in vindication of the continentalcolonies of America, from a censure of Mr. Adam Smith inhis theory of moral sentiments. With some reflections onslavery. By an American [i.e. Arthur Lee]. London:Printed for the Author, 1764, 46pp. E.2228.(4.)

49. -----. A letter to Lord Broughm, on the subject ofAmerican slavery. By an American [i.e. Robert Baird,D.D.] London: James Dinnis, 1836, 44pp. T.2016.(10.)

50. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH OPPRESSION, AND BRITISH ANDAMERICAN ABOLITIONISTS. A letter addressed to Richard D.Webb by an American in his fatherland. London, 1853.8155.e.63.

51. AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY REPORTER. Vol.1.no.1 (Jan.1834)-vol.1.no.8 (Aug. 1834). Microfiche edition.Westport: Negro Universities Press, 1970, 2 m/f.Mic.F.392.

52. AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. The anti-slaveryexaminer. Vol.1.no.1 (Aug. 1836)-no.14 (1840). Microficheedition. Westport: Negro Universities Press, 1970, 17m/f. Mic.F.398.

53. -----. The anti-slavery record. Vol.1.no.1 (Jan.1835)-vol.3.no.12 (Dec. 1837) Microfiche edition.Westport: Negro Universities Press, 1970, 6 m/f.Mic.F.407.

54. -----. Constitution and declaration of sentiments ofthe American Anti-Slavery Society. [Philadelphia, 1833?],112pp. 1389.a.45.(1.)

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55. -----. National anti-slavery standard. Vol.1.no.1(June 11, 1840)-vol.30.no.50 (April 16, 1870). Microfilmedition. Westport: Negro Universities Press, 1970, 6reels. Mic.A.16213.

56. -----. Proceedings of the American Anti-SlaverySociety at its third decade, held in the city ofPhiladelphia, Dec. 3rd and 4th, 1863, with an appendixand a catalogue of anti-slavery publications in Americafrom 1750 to 1863. New York, 1864, 175pp. 8156.bb.12.

57. -----. Second(-seventh, twenty-fourth--twenty-eighth)annual report of the American Anti-Slavery Society; withthe speeches delivered at the anniversary meeting[s]. NewYork, 1835-61. The title on the wrapper of the 27thannual report is The Anti-Slavery History of the John-Brown year. P.P.1046.d.

58. -----. Slavery and the internal slave-trade in theUnited States of America, being replies to questionstransmitted by the Committee of the British and ForeignAnti-Slavery Society...presented to the General AmericanAnti-Slavery Convention held in London, June 1840, by theExecutive Committee of the American Anti-Slavery Society.1841, 281pp. 8156.df.29.

59. -----. The slave's friend. Vol.1. New York: AmericanAnti-slavery Society, 1836. 8156.u.48.

60. AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS.On receiving donations from holders of slaves. Boston,[1846?] 4193.e.86.

61. AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. The AfricanIntelligencer, vol.1.no.1. July 1820. Washington, 1820.Microfilm of a copy in the Library of Congress. Issued byUniversity Microfilms, Ann Arbor, 1948. AmericanPeriodical Series, 1800-25, no.100. Mic.A.211.(3.)

62. -----. The African Repository and Colonial Journal.[Edited by R.R. Gurley.] Vol.1.no.1-vol.68.no.1. March1825-Jan. 1892. Washington, 1825-1967. Vols.37-68 arereprints of the original issues, made by the KrausReprint Corporation, New York, 1967. Imperfect; wantingvol.34.no.5. P.P.1021.

63. -----. American Colonization Society and the colonyat Liberia. [Boston]: Massachusetts Colonization Society,1831, 16pp. RB.23.a.1944

64. -----. The...annual report of the American Societyfor Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the UnitedStates. Microfilm edition. 1st (1818)-91st/93rd. NewYork: Negro Univerities Press, 1969. Mic.A.16200.

The second annual report of the American Society.Second edition. 153pp. Washington, 1819. 8155.e.9.

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65. -----. Report made at an adjourned meeting of thefriends of the American Colonization Society in WorcesterCounty held in Worcester (Massachusetts), Dec. 8, 1830,by a committee appointed for that purpose; with theproceedings of the meeting. Worcester, [1831.] 8155.e.8.

66. -----. A vindication of the American ColonizationSociety and the colony of Liberia. Extracted from theHerald of Peace. [By the editor of that journal, i.e. J.Bevan?] London, [1832]. 8156.aaa.11.

67. AMERICAN CONVENTION FOR PROMOTING THE ABOLITION OFSLAVERY. Address of a convention of delegates from theAbolition Society [i.e. societies] to the citizens of theUnited States. New York: 1794, 7pp. 8156.e.4.(2.)

68. -----. Minutes of the proceedings of the fourth(eighth) convention of delegates from the AbolitionSocieties (ninth, tenth American convention) ...assembled at Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1797, 1803-05.8157.c.1.

69. AMERICAN JUBILEE. Vol.1.no.1 (Mar. 1854)-vol.1.no.12(Apr. 1855). Microfiche edition. Westport: NegroUniversities Press, 1970, 2 m/f. Mic.F.386.

70. AMERICAN PASTOR. Two sermons [on Eph. vi. 8] preachedto a congregation of black slaves, at the parish churchof S[aint] P[eter] in the province of Maryland. By anAmerican Pastor [Thomas Bacon]. London, 1749. 4486.a.24.

71. THE AMERICAN QUESTION: secession, tariff, slavery.Brighton: Harry Taylor, 1862, 73pp. 8177.a.14.

72. -----. A speech delivered at a public meeting, atBurnley, in reply to Messrs. Dennison and Sinclair. [ByJoseph Barker.] London: Barker & Co., [1863.], 8pp.8156.a.24.

73. AMERICAN SLAVERY. Address of French Protestantpastors. [London, 1863.] 4pp. 906.k.10.(3.)

74. -----: a reprint of an article on Uncle Tom's Cabin,of which a portion was inserted in the 206th number ofthe Edinburgh Review; and of Mr. Sumner's Speech of the19th and 20th of May, 1856. With a notice of the eventswhich followed. [By Nassau William Senior.] London:Longman & Co., 1856, 164pp. 8156.d.3.

75. AMERICAN SLAVERY AS IT IS: testimony of a thousandwitnesses. [By Theodore Dwight Weld.] New York, 1839,224pp. 8155.d.5.


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77. AMERICANS AGAINST LIBERTY; or, an essay on the natureand principles of true freedom, shewing that the designsand conduct of the Americans tend only to tyranny andslavery. [By Ambrose Serle.] London: J. Mathews, 1775,64pp. 102.f.68.

Second edition, with additions. London: JamesMathews, 1776, 44pp. 8175.aa.15.

78. THE AMERICANS AS THEY ARE; described in a tourthrough the valley of the Mississippi. (By CharlesSealsfield.) London: Hurst, Chance & Co., 1828, 218pp.792.g.27.

79. AMICUS. Slavery among the Puritans. A letter to theRev. Moses Stuart. [Signed "Amicus". On a passage in M.Stuart's essay on the Constitution.] Boston: C. C. Little& J. Brown, 1850, 42pp. 8155.d.6.

80. AMOR PATRIAE, pseud. A comparison of slavery withabolitionism; together with reflections deduced from thepremises touching the several interests of the UnitedStates. New York: The Publisher, 1848, 16pp.8156.c.73.(2.)

81. -----. The blasphemy of abolitionism exposed:servitude, and the rights of the South, vindicated. ABible argument. A new edition revised. New York, 1850,24pp. 8156.aaa.83.(8.)

82. ANDERSON, John. The story of the life of JohnAnderson, the fugitive slave. Edited by HarperTwelvetrees. London: William Tweedie, 1863, 182pp.10881.aaa.2.

83. ANDREW, James Osgood. Family government: a treatiseon conjugal, parental and filial duties. Charleston: B.Jenkins, 1847, 24pp. 8415.c.31.

84. ANDREWS, Ethan Allen. Slavery and the domestic slave-trade in the United States. Boston: Light & Stearns,1836, 201pp. 1389.c.16.

85. ANTI-SLAVERY AND ABORIGINES PROTECTION SOCIETY. TheAnti-Slavery Reporter and Aborigines' Friend.Ser.5.vol.1, etc. London, 1910- . Previously issued bythe British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, before itsamalgamation with the Aborigines Protection Society toform the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection society,under the title The Anti-Slavery Reporter. P.P.1046.aaa.

86. ANTI-SLAVERY CONVENTION OF AMERICAN WOMEN.Proceedings of the Anti-Slavery Convention of AmericanWomen, held in Philadelphia, May 15th ... 18th, 1838.Philadelphia: Merrihew & Gunn, 1838, 18pp.8156.df.22.(3.)

87. THE ANTI-SLAVERY EXAMINER. See American Anti-SlaverySociety.

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88. ANTI-SLAVERY RECORD. See American Anti-SlaverySociety.

89. ANTI-SLAVERY REPORTER. Vol.1.no.5,6. New York, 1833.1104.c.23.(11.)

90. -----, London. See British and Foreign Anti-SlaverySociety.

91. ANTI-SLAVERY REPORTER AND ABORIGINES' FRIEND. SeeAnti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society.

92. ANTI-SLAVERY TRACTS. No.1 (1855)-no.20 (1856); newseries 1.no.1 (1860)-[no.24] (1862). Microfiche edition.Westport: Negro Universities Press, 1970, 16 m/f.Mic.F.391.

93. THE ANTI-SLAVERY WATCHMAN; a magazine of English andAmerican abolitionism. no.1-3. London, 1853-54.P.P.1046.i.

94. APPLETON, Nathan. Correspondence between NathanAppleton and John G. Palfrey; intended as a supplement toMr. Palfrey's pamphlet on the slave power. Boston:Eastburn's Press, 1846, 20pp. 8176.bbb.4.(10.)

95. ARMISTEAD, Wilson. A "cloud of witnesses" againstslavery and oppression. Containing the acts, opinions,and sentiments of individuals and societies in all ages... selected from various sources, and for the most partchronologically arranged. London: W. Tweedie; W. & F.G.Cash, 1853. 8155.a.10.

96. -----. Five hundred thousand strokes for freedom. Aseries of anti-slavery tracts. [Edited by WilsonArmistead.] London: W. & F. Cash; W. Tweedie, 1853.8155.a.11.

97. -----. A tribute for the Negro: being a vindicationof the moral, intellectual, and religious capabilites ofthe coloured portion of mankind. Manchester: WilliamIrwin, 1848. 8175.e.17.

98. ARMSTRONG, George Dod. The Christian doctrine ofslavery. New York: Charles Scribner, 1857, 148pp.8157.bb.10.

99. ARTHUR, William. The American question. I. Englishopinion on the American rebellion. By the Rev. W. Arthur... (From the "Watchman.") II. Slavery the ground of theSouthern secession. Extract from a speech of the Hon. A.H. Stephens. London: Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 1861, 12pp.8157.bbb.17.(1.)

100. ASHER, Jeremiah. Incidents in the life of the Rev.J. Asher, pastor of Shiloh (Coloured) Baptist Church,

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Philadelphia. With an introduction by Wilson Armistead.London: Charles Gilpin, 1850, 80pp. 4985.a.48.

101. ASHMUN, Jehudi. History of the American colony inLiberia, from December 1821 to 1823. Washington: Way &Gideon, 1826, 42pp. 8156.e.3.(4.)

102. ATKINS, Thomas. American slavery ... a reply to theletter of Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont. New York: W.G.Green, [1861], 13pp. 8156.c.8.

103. ATKINSON, Edward. Cheap cotton by free labor: by acotton manufacturer [i.e. Edward Atkinson]. Boston: A.Williams & Co., 1861, 52pp. 8177.aaa.82.(6.)

Second edition. Boston: A. Wiliams & Co., 1861,54pp. 08175.aa.47.(1.)

104. ATLEE, Edwin P. An address to the citizens ofPhiladelphia on the subject of slavery. Philadelphia:W.P. Gibbons, 1833, 15pp. 8156.aaa.13.

105. ATWATER, Horace Cowles. Incidents of a Southerntour: or the South, as seen with Northern eyes. Boston:J.P. Magee, [1857], 120pp. 8156.a.6.

106. AUGHEY, John Hill. The iron furnace: or, slavery andsecession. Philadelphia: W.S. & A. Martien, 1863, 296pp.9604.aaa.26.

107. AUSTIN, James T. Remarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery.By a citizen of Massachusetts [i.e. James T. Austin].Boston: Russell, Shattack & Co. and J. H. Eastburn, 1835,48pp. 8156.bb.78.(1.)

[Third edition.] Boston: Russell, Shattuck & Co. andJ. H. Eastburn, 1835, 48pp. 8156.bb.27.

107a. Review of the remarks on Dr. Channing's "Slavery",by a citizen of Massachusetts. [By George FrederickSimmons. A reply to James T. Austin's Remarks.] Boston:J. Munroe & Co., 1836, 48pp. 8156.bb.77.(2.)

108. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A FEMALE SLAVE. [By MattieGriffith.] New York: Redfield, 1857, 401pp. 12707.d.2.

109. AYDELOTT, B.P. Our country's evils and their remedy.Cincinnati: G. L. Weed, 1843, 60pp. 8175.aa.19.

110. -----. Prejudice against colored people. Cincinnati:American Reform Tract & Book Society, [1863], 12pp.8156.a.7.

111. The present attempt to dissolve the American Union,a British aristocratic plot. By B. [i.e. S.F.B. Morse].New York: The Author, 1862, 42pp. 8177.bb.101.(1.)

112. B., A. Serious reflections affectionatelyrecommended to the well-disposed of every religiousdenomination, particularly those who mourn and lament on

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account of the calamities which attend us; and theinsensibility that so generally prevails. [Signed: A. B,i.e. Anthony Benezet.] [Philadelphia, ca. 1778], 4pp.1607/2989.

113. B., R. A memoir of Abraham Lincoln, President electof the United States of America, his opinion onsecession, extracts from the United States Constitution.To which is appended, an historical sketch on slavery,reprinted ... from "The Times." [Signed: R.B., i.e.Robert Black.] London: Sampson Low & Co., 1861, 126pp.10881.a.28.

114. BACHMAN, John. An examination of the characteristicsof genera and species as applicable to the doctrine ofthe unity of the human race. Charleston: James, Williams& Gitsinger, 1855, 24pp. 7204.aaa.9.(3.)

115. BACON, Leonard. Slavery discussed in occasionalessays, from 1833 to 1846. New York: Baker & Scribner,1846, 247pp. 1390.c.28.

116. BACON, Thomas. Four sermons, upon the great andindispensible duty of all Christian masters andmistresses to bring up their Negro slaves in theknowledge and fear of God. London: J. Oliver, 1750,142pp. 225.g.19.(2.)

117. -----. Two sermons [on Eph. vi. 8] preached to acongregation of black slaves, at the parish church ofS[aint] P[eter] in the province of Maryland. By anAmerican Pastor [Thomas Bacon]. London, 1749. 4486.a.24.

118. BAILEY, Rufus William. The family preacher; or,domestic duties illustrated and enforced in eightdiscourses. New York: J.S. Taylor, 1837, 158pp.4486.b.46.

119. BAIRD, Robert. A letter to Lord Broughm, on thesubject of American slavery. By an American [i.e. RobertBaird, D.D.] London: James Dinnis, 1836, 44pp.T.2016.(10.)

120. -----. The progress and prospects of Christianity inthe United States of America; with remarks on the subjectof slavery in America. London: Patridge & Oakey, [1851],72pp. 4745.d.16.

121. BAIRD, Samuel John. Southern rights and Northernduties in the present crisis. A letter to Hon. WilliamPennington. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1861,32pp. 8177.bb.10.

122. BALL, Charles. The life of a Negro slave. (Being thenarrative of Charles Ball.) Re-edited by Mrs. AlfredBarnard. Norwich: Charles Muskett, 1846, 245pp. 1453.b.9.

[Another adition, abridged.] [c. 1850.] 32pp. No.149 of a series of tracts. 10889.a.9.

Page 15: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

123. BALLOU, Adin. A discourse on the subject of Americanslavery, delivered ... July 4, 1837. Boston: Isaac Knapp,1837, 88pp. 8156.a.8.

124. -----. The voice of duty. An address delivered atthe anti-slavery picnic at Westminster, Mass. July 4,1843. Hopedale: Community Press, 1843, 12pp. 8156.bb.14.

125. BALME, Joshua Rhodes. American states, churches, andslavery. Edinburgh: W.P. Nimmo, 1862, 546pp. 8177.a.17.

126. BARBAROSSA, pseud. [i.e. John Scott.] The lostprinciple; or, the sectional equilibrium ... by"Barbarossa." [On the Federal Constitution of the UnitedStates.] Richmond: J. Woodhouse & Co., 1860, 266pp.8177.e.8.

127. BARBER, Edward D. An oration delivered before theAddison County Anti-Slavery Society. Middlebury: Knapp &Jewett, 1836, 16pp. 8156.aaa.81.(2.)

128. BARHAM, Joseph Foster. Considerations on theabolition of Negro slavery, and the means of practicallyeffecting it. London: James Ridgway, 1823, 85pp.8156.c.74.(2.)

[Third edition.] London: James Ridgway, 1824, 85pp.8156.d.31.(2.)

129. BARKER, Joseph. The American question. A speechdelivered at a public meeting, at Burnley, in reply toMessrs. Dennison and Sinclair. London: Barker & Co.,[1863], 8pp. 8156.a.24.

130. BARNES, Albert. The church and slavery.Philadelphia: Parry & McMillan, 1857, 196pp. 8156.aa.12.

131. -----. An inquiry into the scriptural views ofslavery. Philadelphia: Perkins & Purves, 1846, 384pp.8155.c.9.

132. -----. Our position. A sermon, preached before theGeneral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the UnitedStates ... May 20, 1852. New York: Newman & Ivison, 1852,39pp. 4486.d.41.(11.)

133. -----. Our position. [Second edition.] New York:William Harned, 1852, 29pp. 4486.d.41.(12.)

134. BARNES, William. American slavery. A sermon preachedat Hampton, Conn. ... the day of the annual public fast.Hartford: Elihu Geer, 1843, 23pp. 4486.f.15.

135. BARROWS, L.D. The substance of an anti-slaveryaddress, delivered on the annual fast of 1844, before thecongregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Nashuaand Nashville. Nashua: Murray & Kimball, 1844, 16pp.8156.aaa.82.(6.)

Page 16: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

136. BARTLETT, John Russell. The literature of therebellion. A catalogue of books and pamphlets relating tothe Civil War in the United States ... together withworks on American slavery, and essays from reviews andmagazines on the same subjects. Compiled by J.R.Bartlett. Boston: Draper & Halliday; Providence: S.S.Rider & Bro., 1866, 477pp. 2764.m.11.

137. BAYLEY, Solomon. A narrative of some remarkableincidents in the life of Solomon Bayley, formerly a slavein the state of Delaware ... written by himself ... towhich are prefixed a few remarks by Robert Hurnard.London: Harvey & Darton, 1825, 48pp. 4920.c.58.(3.)

138. BEECHER, Catharine. Brief remarks on Miss Catherine[sic.] E. Beecher's Essay on slavery and abolitionism, byRichard Hildreth. Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1837, 28pp.8156.aa.13.

139. BEECHER, Charles. The duty of disobedience to wickedlaws. A sermon on the Fugitive Slave Law. New York: J.A.Gray, 1851, 22pp. 4486.cc.22.(15.)

140. BEECHER, Edward. Narrative of riots at Alton; inconnection with the death of Rev. Elijah Parish Lovejoy.Alton: George Holton, 1838, 159pp. 1452.b.29.

141. BEECHER, Henry Ward. A discourse delivered at thePlymouth Church, Brooklyn, N.Y. upon Thanksgiving Day,November 25th, 1847. New York: Cady & Burgess, 1848,27pp. 4486.bb.61.(20.)

142. -----. Freedom and war. Discourses on topicssuggested by the times. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863,445pp. 4485.aaa.48.

143. -----. Sermon preached on occasion of Capt. JohnBrown's attempt at liberating the slaves in Virginia. In:Redpath, James, Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Boston, 1860.8155.b.64.

144. BEECHER, Lyman. A sermon entitled The remedy fordueling ... by Lyman Beecher ... applied to the crime ofslaveholding by one of his former parishioners. [With thetext of the sermon.] Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1838, 36pp.4485.a.9.

145. BELKNAP, Jeremy. Queries respecting the slavery andemancipation of Negroes in Massachusetts, proposed by theHon. Judge Tucker of Virginia and answered by the Rev. DrBelknap. In: Massachusetts Historical Society,Collections, vol.4., 1795, pp.191-211. Ac.8400.

146. BELL, Howard Holman. Minutes of the proceedings ofthe national Negro conventions, 1830-1864. [Edited byHoward Holman Bell.] New York: Arno Press; New York

Page 17: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

Times, 1969. Facsimiles of the original published minutesof twelve conventions. X.800/11117.

147. BEMAN, Nathan Sydney Smith. Antagonisms in the moral& political world: a discourse delivered ... onThanksgiving Day, Nov. 18th, 1858. Troy: A.W. Scribner &Co., 1858, 36pp. 4486.f.19.

148. BENEDICT, George Wyllys. An oration delivered atBurlington, Vt. on the fourth of July 1826. being thefiftieth anniversary of American independence.Burlington: E. & T. Mills, 1826, 26pp. 8175.d.18.

149. BENEZET, Anthony. Memoirs of the life of AnthonyBenezet. By Roberts Vaux. Philadelphia printed, Yorkprinted. 1817. 855.h.25.

Anthony Benezet. From the original memoir: revised,with additions, by Wilson Armistead. London: A.W.Bennett, 1859, 144pp. 4866.a.7.

150. -----. A caution and warning to Great Britain andher colonies, in a short representation of the calamitousstate of the enslaved Negroes in the British dominions.Collected from various authors. Philadelphia: HenryMiller, 1766, 35pp. 8156.a.9.

[Another issue.] [With "Extract of a Sermon,preached by the Bishop of Gloucester, before the Societyfor the Propagation of the Gospel."] [Philadelphia,1766.] 35pp. T.469.(7.)

[Another edition.] Philadelphia: D. Hall & W.Sellers, 1767, 52pp. 103.h.23.

[Another edition.] London, 1767, 42pp.8156.aa.53.(1.)

A new edition. A caution to Great Britain and hercolonies. London: James Phillips, 1784, 46pp.1102.h.18.(6.)

A new edition. Philadelphia printed: Londonreprinted and sold by James Phillips ..., 1785. 46,[2]p.1572/848

151. -----. Considerations on war. Remarks on the natureand bad effects of spirituous liquors. Thoughts onslavery from different authors. [By A. Benezet.] In:Treatise on the Spirit of Prayer. Philadelphia:Joseph Crukshank, 1780, 84pp. 4378.aaa.49.

152. -----. Observations on the inslaving, importing andpurchasing of Negroes. With some advice thereon,extracted from the Epistle of the yearly-meeting of thepeople called Quakers held at London in the year 1748.Second edition. [By Anthony Benezet.] Germantown, 1760.4403.g.10.(2.)

153. -----. The potent enemies of America laid open:being some account of the baneful effects attending theuse of distilled spirituous liquors, and the slavery ofthe Negroes. [Edited by Anthony Benezet.] 5 pt.

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Philadelphia: printed by Joseph Cruikshank, [1774?].1507/120.

154. -----. Some thoughts on war: remarks on the natureand bad effects of the use of spirituous liquors. Andconsiderations on slavery. 1757. 224.c.19.(3.)

[Another edition.] Philadelphia, 1760.4408.d.50.(2.)

[Another edition.] London, 1836. 1118.b.8.

155. BENWELL, J. An Englishman's travels in America: hisobservations of life and manners in the free and slavestates. London: Binns & Goodwin, [1853], 231pp.10411.c.7.

156. BERRY, Henry. The speech of Henry Berry ... on theabolition of slavery. [Richmond, 1832.] 8pp.8156.cc.3.(3.)

157. BEVAN, J. A vindication of the American ColonizationSociety and the colony of Liberia. Extracted from theHerald of Peace. London, [1832]. 8156.aaa.11.

158. BIBB, Henry. Narrative of the life and adventures ofHenry Bibb, an American slave. In: Osofsky, Gilbert.Puttin' on ole massa. New York: Harper & Row, 1969,409pp. X.709/9312.

159. THE BIBLE ON THE PRESENT CRISIS. The republic of theUnited States, and its counterfeit presentment; the slavepower and the Southern Confederacy ... described inDaniel and the Revelations, and other prophecies of theOld and New Testaments. New York: Sinclair Tousey, 1863,104pp. 3185.cc.22.

160. BIRNEY, James Gillespie. Correspondence between theHon. F.H. Elmore ... and James Gillespie [on theintentions and progress of the anti-slavery associationsin the United States of America.] In: The Anti-SlaveryExaminer. No. 8, 1836. P.P.1046.e.

161. -----. Letter on colonization addressed to the Rev.Thornton J. Mills. New York: Anti-Slavery Reporter, 1834,46pp. 8276.aaa.6.

162. -----. Mr. Birney's letter to the churches. [On thesubject of slavery.] [1834], 24pp. 8156.a.11.

163. -----. Mr. Birney's second letter. [On the subjectof slavery.] [1834], 16pp. 8156.a.12.

164. -----. The sinfulness of slaveholding in allcircumstances; tested by reason and Scripture. Detroit:Charles Willcox, 1846, 60pp. 8156.bb.77.(4.)

165. BISHOP, Joel Prentiss. Secession and slavery: or,the effect of secession on the relation of the UnitedStates to the seceded states and to slavery therein;

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considered as a question of constitutional law, chieflyunder the authority of decisions of the Supreme Court.Boston: A. Williams & Co., 1864, 112pp. 8177.bb.12.

166. BITTINGER, J.B. A plea for humanity. A sermon.Cleveland: Medill, Cowles & Co., 1854, 28pp.8175.bb.62.(8.)

167. BLACK, Robert. A memoir of Abraham Lincoln,President elect of the United States of America, hisopinion on secession, extracts from the United StatesConstitution. To which is appended, an historical sketchon slavery, reprinted ... from "The Times." [Signed:R.B., i.e. Robert Black.] London: Sampson Low & Co.,1861, 126pp. 10881.a.28.

168. BLAIR, William Thomas. On the introduction of slave-grown produce into the British markets. [A letter.]London: [British & Foreign Anti-Slavery Society], [1844.]1890.e.4.(29.)

169. BLANCHARD, Jonathan. A debate on slavery held in thecity of Cincinnati ... October, 1845, upon the question:is slave-holding in itself sinful, and the relationbetween master and slave, a sinful relation? Affirmative:Rev. J. Blanchard ... Negative: N.L. Rice. Cincinnati:W.H. Moore & Co., 1846, 482pp. 8155.c.11.

170. -----. Principles of the Revolution, showing theperversion of them and the consequent failure of theiraccomplishment. Boston: Damrell & Moore, 1855, 24pp.8177.f.19.

171. BLEDSOE, Albert Taylor. An essay on liberty andslavery. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1857, 383pp.8156.a.13.

172. BLUETT, Thomas. Some memoirs of the life of Job, theson of Solomon, the High Priest of Boonda in Africa.London: Richard Ford, 1734. 583.c.41.(1.)

173. BOARDMAN, Henry Augustus. The American Union: adiscourse delivered on Thursday, December 12, 1850, theday of the annual thanksgiving in Pennsylvania. Sixthedition. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1851,56pp. 4486.e.52.(13.)

174. BONNEFOUX, L. The Constitution expounded, respectingits bearing on the subject of slavery. (Second edition.)New York: Wilmer & Rogers, 1850, pt.1, 26pp.8156.aaa.82.(7.)

175. BOREAS, pseud. Slave representation. 1812, 23pp.8177.cc.5.

176. BORTHWICK, Peter E. Lectures of George Thompson,with a full report of the discussion between Mr. Thompsonand Mr. [Peter E.] Borthwick ... also, a brief history of

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his connection with the anti-slavery cause in England. ByWilliam Lloyd Garrison. (Includes Mr. Borthwick'slecture.) Boston, 1836. [Title page mutilated.]8156.b.56.

177. BOSTON, Massachusetts School Committee. Report of aSpecial Committee of the Grammar School Board ... on thepetition of sundry colored persons, praying for theabolition of the Smith School: with an appendix. Boston,1849, 71pp. 8385.g.8.(10.)

178. BOSTON FEMALE ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. Report of theBoston Female Anti-Slavery Society; with a concisestatement of events, previous and subsequent to theannual meeting of 1835. Boston, 1836, 108pp. 8177.a.21.

179. -----. Ninth (eleventh) annual report ... presentedOctober ... 1842 (1844). Boston; New York, 1842, 2pt.P.P.1046.f.

180. BOUCHER, Jonathan. A view of the causes andconsequences of the American Revolution; in thirteendiscourses preached in North America between the years1763 and 1775: with an historical preface. Discourse onthe peace. Pp.38-42. London: G.G. & J. Robinson, 1797,596pp. 1021.f.5.

181. BOURNE, George. Picture of slavery in the UnitedStates of America. Middletown, Conn: E. Hunt, 1834,227pp. 8157.aaa.1.

[Another edition.] Glasgow: University Press, 1835,188pp. 798.c.12.

[Another edition.] Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1838, 227pp.1389.a.15.

182. BOUTON, Nathaniel. The good land in which we live. Adiscourse. Concord: McFarland & Jenks, 1850, 30pp.4486.bb.57.(10.)

183. BOUTWELL, George Sewall. Emancipation: its justice,expediency and necessity as a means of securing a speedyand permanent peace. An address. Boston: Wright & Potter,[1861], 12pp. 8177.bb.13.

184. BOWDITCH, William Ingersoll. The rendition ofAnthony Burns. Boston: R.F. Wallcut, 1854, 40pp.8156.bb.20.

185. -----. Slavery and the Constitution. Boston: R.F.Wallcut, 1849, 156pp. 8155.d.10.

186. BOWEN, Elias. Slavery in the Methodist EpiscopalChurch. Auburn: William J. Moses, 1859, 317pp. 1578/4856.

187. BOWES, John. The fall of Abraham Lincoln. Slaveryvanquished in arms, resorts to the pistol and the dagger... A lecture delivered in the Corn Exchange Hall,Dundee, May 7, 1865. (Reprinted from The Truth Promoter.)

Page 21: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

Metuchen, N.J.: R.H. Pickersgill, 1941, 16pp. [Heartman'sHistorical Series. no.59.] 9617.k.1/59.

188. BOYLE, James. A letter ... to William Lloyd Garrisonrespecting the clerical appeal. Sectarianism ... Alsolines on Christian rest by Mr. Garrison. Boston: IsaacKnapp, 1838, 43pp. 4183.a.68.(1.)

189. BRANAGAN, Thomas. Avenia; or, a tragical poem, onthe oppression of the human species, and infringement ofthe rights of man. In: Six Books, with notes explanatoryand miscellaneous. Philadelphia: Silas Engles, 1805,358pp. 11687.b.27.

190. BREMER, Fredrika. The homes of the New World;impressions of America ... Translated by Mary Howitt.London: A Hall, Virtue & Co., 1853. 10411.c.2.

191. BRENT, Linda. Incidents in the life of a slave girl.Written by herself ... Edited by Lydia Maria Child.London: Hodson & Son, 1862, 195pp. 12706.a.2.

192. -----. The deeper wrong; or, incidents in the lifeof a slave girl. London: W. Tweedie, 1862, 306pp.10881.c.5.

193. BREWER, Urban C. The Bible and American slavery: adiscourse delivered at the Christian Chapel ... New York.New York: W.R. Gould, 1863, 30pp. 4486.cc.25.(8.)

194. BREWSTER, Francis E. Slavery and the Constitution.Both sides of the question. Philadelphia, 1850, 24pp.8156.bb.21.

195. A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE CAUSES THAT HAVE RETARDED THESTATE OF GEORGIA IN AMERICA; attested upon oath. [ByThomas Stephens.] Being a proper contrast to a state ofthe province of Georgia. Attested upon oath [i.e. in partof the Journal of the proceedings in Georgia, by WilliamStephens]; and some other misrepresentations on the samesubject. London, 1843, 2 pt. 103.k.27.

196. BRIGHT, Henry Arthur. Free blacks and slaves. Wouldimmediate abolition be a blessing. A letter to the editorof the Anti-Slavery Advocate. By a Cambridge man. London:A.H. Virtue & Co.; Liverpool: Deighton & Laughton, 1853,27pp. 8155.b.14.

197. BRIMBLECOMB, Nicholas. Uncle Tom's Cabin in ruins.Triumphant defence of slavery! In a series of letters toHarriet Beecher Stowe. Boston: Charles Waite, 1853,162pp. 8155.b.17.

198. BRISBANE, William Henry. Slaveholding examined inthe light of the Holy Bible. Philadelphia: U.S. JobPrinting Office, [1847.] 205pp. 8155.a.14.

Page 22: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

199. -----. Speech of the Rev. William Henry Brisbane ...containing an account of the change in his views on thesubject of slavery. Delivered before the Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society of Cincinnati. Hartford: S.S. Cowles,1840, 12pp. 8156.bb.22.

200. BRISTOL AND CLIFTON LADIES ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY.Statements respecting the American abolitionists; bytheir opponents and their friends: indicating the presentstruggle between slavery and freedom in the United Statesof America. Compiled by the Bristol and Clifton LadiesAnti-Slavery Society. Dublin: Webb & Chapman, 1852, 24pp.8156.e.8.(12.)

201. BRITISH AND FOREIGN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. TheBritish and Foreign Anti-Slavery Reporter. Vol.1-6.[Continued as The Anti-Slavery Reporter. New series,vol.1-7; ser.3.vol.1-22; ser.4.vol.1-29. London, 1840-45.London, 1846-1909. Subsequently issued by the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, formed by theamalgamation of the British and Foreign Anti-SlaverySociety and the Aborigines Protection Society, under thetitle The Anti-Slavery Reporter and Aborigines' Friend.P.P.1046.aa.

202. -----. Slavery and the internal slave trade in theUnited States of North America; being replies toquestions transmitted by the Committee of the British andForeign Anti-Slavery Society ... Presented to the GeneralAnti-Slavery Convention, held in London, June, 1840. Bythe Executive Committee of the American Anti-SlaverySociety. London: T. Ward & Co., 1841, 280pp. 8156.df.29.

203. -----. Tracts on slavery in America. No.1-3. London,1863. 8156.b.6.

204. BROAD, Amos. The trial of Amos Broad and his wife... for assaulting and beating Betty, a slave, and herfemale child Sarah. New York: H.C. Southwick, 1809, 31pp.8156.e.4.(3.)

205. BRODIE, William. Modern slavery, and the slavetrade. A lecture. London: J. Hatchard & Son, 1850, 51pp.8155.c.13.

206. BROOKE, Samuel. Slavery, and the slaveholder'sreligion; as opposed to Christianity. Cincinnati: TheAuthor, 1846, 72pp. 1390.c.35.(3.)

207. BROOKES, Iveson L. A defence of Southern slaveryagainst the attacks of Henry Clay and Alexander Campbell.In which much of the false philanthropy and mawkishsentimeetalism [sic] of the abolitionists is met andrefuted ... by a Southern clergyman [Iveson L. Brookes].Hamburg, S.C.: Robinson and Carlisle, 1851. This pamphletcontains a review of Mr. Clay's Letter on emancipationand strictures on Mr. Campbell's Tract for the people of

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Kentucky: - To The Reader. [Pages i,ii,41-48 aredamaged.] RB.23.a.454

208. -----. A defence of the South against the reproachesand incroachments of the North: in which slavery is shownto be an institution of God. Hamburg, S.C.: Republican,1850, 48pp. 8156.bb.23.

209. BROTHERHEAD, William. General Fremont and theinjustice done him by politicians and envious militarymen. Philadelphia: W. Brotherhead, 1862, 10pp.8177.bb.101.(2.)

210. BROWN, Benjamin Gratz. An address ... slavery in itsnational aspects as related to peace and war. Delivered... September 17, 1862. [St. Louis? 1862?], 8pp.8177.bb.14.

211. -----. Extracts from a speech of Benjamin GratzBrown [in reference to slave emancipation in the state ofMissouri]. Philadelphia: H. Longstreth, [1857], 12pp.8156.aaa.14.

212. BROWN, Edward. Notes on the origin and necessity ofslavery. Charleston: A. E. Miller, 1826, 48pp. 8158.b.8.

213. BROWN, George. The American war and slavery. Speech.Manchester: Union & Emancipation Society, 1863, 16pp.08157.df.5.

214. BROWN, Henry Box. Narrative of Henry Box Brown whoescaped from slavery enclosed in a box ... with remarksupon the remedy for slavery, by Charles Stearns. Boston:Brown & Stearns, [1849], 90pp. 10882.b.35.(3.)

215. BROWN, John. Slave life in Georgia: a narrative ofthe life, sufferings, and escape of John Brown ... editedby Louis Alexis Chamerovzow. London: The editor, 1855,250pp. 10881.a.5.

216. BROWN, William H. An historical sketch of the earlymovement in Illinois for the legalization of slavery.Read at the Annual Meeting of the Chicago HistoricalSociety ... 1864 by Hon. William H. Brown. Chicago, 1865,44pp. 8156.aaa.79.(11.)

217. BROWN, William Wells. The black man: hisantecedents, his genius, and his achievements. Boston:James Redpath, 1863, 312pp. 8156.aa.16.

218. -----. Clotel; or, the President's daughter: anarrative of slave life in the United States ... With asketch of the author's life. London: Partridge & Oakey,1853, 245pp. 12706.d.9.

[Another edition.] Clotelle: a tale of the Southernstates. Boston: James Redpath, [1864.] 104pp.12706.aaa.6.

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219. -----. Narrative of William Wells Brown, an Americanslave. Written by himself. London: Charles Gilpin, 1850,168pp. 10880.a.6.

[Another edition.] With additions by the Rev. SamuelGreen. London: W. Tegg & Co., 1853, 176pp. 10880.a.10.

220. -----. Three years in Europe; or places I have seenand people I have met ... With a memoir of the author, byWilliam Farmer. London: C. Gilpin, 1852, 312pp.10105.a.21.

[Another edition.] The American fugitive in Europe.Sketches of places and people abroad. Boston: J.P.Jewett, 1855, 320pp. 10107.c.23.

221. BUCKINGHAM, James Silk. The slave states of America.2 vol. London, Paris: Fisher, Son & Co., [1842.]1431.i.7,8.

222. BULFINCH, Stephen Greenleaf. Honor; or, the slave-dealer's daughter. Boston: W. V. Spencer, 1864, 238pp.12706.cc.8.

223. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. Statistical view of the UnitedStates, embracing its territory, population-white, freecolored and slave-moral and social condition, industry,property, and revenue ... being a compendium of theseventh census. To which are added the results of everyprevious census ... with explanatory and illustrativenotes. Washington, 1854, 400pp. A.S.70.[7]/6.

224. BURKE, John. The burden of the South, in verse, orpoems on slavery. By Sennola Rubek [i.e. John Burke.] NewYork, [1864.] 11687.g.40.(8.)

225. BURLEIGH, Charles Calistus. No slave hunting in theOld Bay State. Speech ... at the Annual Meeting of theMassachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. Boston: MassachusettsAnti-Slavery Society, 1859, 32pp. 8156.a.16.

226. -----. Reception of George Thompson in GreatBritain. Compiled from various British publications.Boston: I. Knapp, 1836, 238pp. 8157.bb.7.

227. BURNAP, Uzziah C. Bible servitude. A sermondelivered ... on the day of annual thanksgiving. Lowell:A.E. Newton & A.O. Ordway, 1843, 20pp. 4486.cc.20.(9.)

228. BURNS, Anthony. Boston slave riot, and trial ofAnthony Burns. Boston: Fetridge & Co., 1854. 86pp.8156.c.24.

229. BURRITT, Elihu. A plan of brotherly copartnership ofthe North and South, for the peaceful extinction ofslavery. New York: Dayton & Burdick, 1856, 48pp.8177.a.77.(1.)

230. BURT, J. The law of Christian rebuke. A plea forslaveholders. A sermon delivered at Middletown, Conn.,

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before the Anti-slavery Convention of Ministers and otherChristians, October 18, 1843. Hartford: N.W. Goodrich &Co., 1843. 20pp. 8156.aaa.84.(3.)

231. BUSHNELL, Horace. A discourse on the slaveryquestion. Hartford: Case, Tiffany & Co., 1839, 32pp.4485.e.13.

232. -----. A discourse on the slavery question. [Thirdedition.] Hartford: Case, Tiffany & Co., 1839, 32pp.8156.bb.24.

233. -----. A review of H. Bushnell's discourse on theslavery question, delivered in the North Church,Hartford, Jan. 10, 1839, by Francis Gillette. Hartford,1839. 8156.b.28.

234. BYRNES, Daniel. A short address to the Englishcolonies in North-America. [On Negro slavery.][Wilmington? 1775.] L.7.a.3.(139.)

[Another edition.] [Wilmington? 1775.] 2pp.1850.c.6.(5.)

235. C., J. Slavery in the South; or, what is our presentduty to the slaves? By J.C. Boston: Prentiss & Deland,1862 15pp. 8156.bb.78.(11.)

236. CAIRNES, John Elliot. The Southern confederacy andthe African slave trade. The correspondence betweenProfessor Cairnes ... and George MacHenry ... reprintedfrom the Daily News. With an introduction and notes bythe Rev. George B. Wheeler. Dublin: McGlashan & Gill,1863, 61pp. 8156.aaa.17.

237. -----. The revolution in America: a lecture. Dublin:[1863.] 4463.d.12.

(Seventh edition, revised and enlarged.) Dublin:Hodges, Smith & Co., [1863], 48pp. 8175.de.44.

238. -----. The slave power; its character, career, &probable designs: being an attempt to explain the realissues involved in the American contest. London: Parker,Son & Bourn, 1862, 304pp. 8156.d.6.

Second edition. Much enlarged and with a newpreface. London & Cambridge, Macmillan & Co., 1863,410pp. 8156.d.7.

239. A CALM ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE OF THE EASTERN STATES,on the subject of the representation of slaves; therepresentation in the Senate; and the hostility tocommerce ascribed to the southern States. By the authorof the Olive Branch [Mathew Carey]. Philadelphia: M.Carey, 1814, 47pp. 8176.a.29.(3.)

240. CAMBRIDGE MAN. Free blacks and slaves. Wouldimmediate abolition be a blessing. A letter to the editorof the Anti-Slavery Advocate. By a Cambridge man. London:

Page 26: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

A.H. Virtue & Co.; Liverpool: Deighton & Laughton, 1853,27pp. 8155.b.14.

241. CAREY, Henry Charles. The slave trade, domestic andforeign: why it exists, and how it may be extinguished.Philadelphia: A. Hart, 1853, 426pp. 8155.b.21.

242. CAREY, Mathew. A calm address to the people of theEastern states, on the subject of the representation ofslaves; the representation in the Senate; and thehostility to commerce ascribed to the southern States.Philadelphia: M. Carey, 1814, 47pp. 8176.a.29.(3.)

243. -----. Letters on the Colonization Society; with aview of its probable results, under the following heads,the origin of the Society; increase of the colouredpopulation; manumission of slaves in this country ...second edition, enlarged. Philadelphia: Young, 1832,32pp. 8155.e.67.(1.)

Fifth edition, greatly enlarged and improved.Philadelphia: L. Johnson, 1832, 32pp. 8156.aaa.82.(2.)

Seventh edition. Philadelphia: L. Johnson, 1833,32pp. 8156.aaa.80.(1.)

Eighth edition. Philadelphia: L. Johnson, 1834,32pp. 8156.aaa.81.(1.)

Twelfth edition. To which is prefixed the importantinformation collected by Joseph Jones ... lately sent toLiberia ... to ascertain the true state of the country.Philadelphia: E.G. Dorsey, 1838, 32pp. 8156.bb.76.(3.)

244. CARLETON, George Washington. The suppressed bookabout slavery! Prepared for publication in 1857 ... NewYork ... 1864. [The author mentioned in the editorialpreface of the reprinting as George Washington Carleton.]New York: Arno Press & The New York Times, 1968, 432pp.X.529/17591.

245. CAROLINIAN. Slavery in the Southern states. By aCarolinian [i.e. Edward J. Pringle]. [Second edition].Cambridge, Mass.: John Bartlett, 1852, 53pp. 8155.a.17.

246. CARPENTER, Stephen D. Logic of history. Five hundredpolitical texts: being concentrated extracts ofabolitionism ... second edition. Madison, Wis.: S.D.Carpenter, 1864, 351pp. 8177.cc.10.

247. CASS, Lewis. Cass and Taylor on the slaveryquestion. [An attack on both the Democratic and the Whigcandidates for the presidency of the United States.]Boston: Danrell & Moore, 1848, 23pp. 8156.aa.17.

248. CASTE AND SLAVERY IN THE AMERICAN CHURCH. By achurchman, [i.e. John Jay.] New York & London: Wiley &Putnam, 1843, 51pp. 4183.e.13.

Page 27: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

249. CAULKINS, Nehemiah. Narrative of Nehemiah Caulkins,an extract from American slavery, as it is. New York:American & Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 1849, 22pp.8156.aa.18.

250. CECIL, pseud. [i.e. Charles Edward Fisher.] Kanzasand the Constitution. By "Cecil." Boston: Damrell &Moore, 16pp, 1856. 8177.f.30.

251. -----. The law of the territories. [Two essays, thesecond signed "Cecil".] Philadelphia: C. Sherman & Son,1859, 127pp. 6625.aa.1.

252. CHAMBERS, William. American slavery and colour.London: W. & R. Chambers, 1857, 216pp. 8156.c.27.

253. CHANDLER, Elizabeth Margaret. Essays, philanthropicand moral ... principally relating to the abolition ofslavery in America. Philadelphia: Lemuel Howell, 1836,120pp. 1508/185.(2.)

254. -----. The poetical works of Elizabeth MargaretChandler: with a memoir of her life and character byBenjamin Lundy. Philadelphia: Lemuel Howell, 1836, 180pp.1508/185.(1.)

255. CHANDLER, John A. The speech of J.A. Chandler ... inthe House of Delegates of Virginia, on the policy of thestate with respect to her slave population. Richmond:T.W. White, 1832, 12pp. 8156.cc.3.(2.)

256. CHANNING, William Ellery. An address delivered atLenox, on the first of August, 1842, the anniversary ofemancipation in the British West Indies. Lenox: J.G.Stanly, 1842, 38pp. 8156.aaa.81.(3.)

[Another edition.] (Dr. Channing's last address.)Boston: Oliver Johnson, 1842, 24pp. 8156.aa.21.

[Another edition.] An address delivered at Lenox.London: John Green, 1842, 32pp. 1359.g.13.(3.)

[Another edition.] Address on occasion of theanniversary of the emancipation of the slaves in theBritish West Indies. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Son, 1842,26pp. 8157.b.10.(1.)

257. -----. Emancipation. Boston: E. P. Peabody, 1840,111pp. 8156.aa.20.

[Another edition.] New York: American Anti-SlaverySociety, 1841, 71pp. 1389.a.45.(2.)

[Another edition.] London: C. Fox, 1841, 60pp.1137.c.23.

258. -----. A letter to the abolitionists ... withcomments. First published in the Liberator. Boston:Isaac Knapp, 1837, 32pp. 8156.a.73.(2.)

259. -----. A letter to the Hon. Henry Clay, on theannexation of Texas to the United States. Boston: J.Munroe & Co., 1837, 72pp. 8175.a.28.)

Page 28: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

[Fifth edition.] Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1837,72pp. 1250.i.19.

[Another edition.] Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Son,1837, 52pp. 8177.a.26.

[Another edition.] Thoughts on the evils of a spiritof conquest, and on slavery. A letter on the annexationof Texas to the United States. London: John Green, 1837,48pp. T.2415.(9.)

260. -----. Remarks on the slavery question in a letterto Jonathan Phillips. Bristol: Philp & Evans; London:John Green, 1839, 68pp. 1137.f.39.

[Another edition.] London: Wiley & Putnam; CharlesFox, 1839, 80pp. 8156.e.8.(6.)

261. -----. Slavery. Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1835,183pp. 1389.c.24.

Second edition, revised. Boston: J. Munroe & Co.,1836, 167pp. 8156.a.19.

Third edition, revised. Boston: James Munroe & Co.,1836, 183pp. 1568/6507

Fourth edition, revised. Boston: J. Munroe & Co,1836, 187pp. 8156.a.20.

[Another edition.] From the Boston, U.S. secondedition, revised by the author. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick &Son, 1836, 172pp. 8157.b.14.

[Another edition.] London: Rowland Hunter, 1836,99pp. T.2016.(7.)

[Another edition.] Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, 1839[1836-39], 313pp. 4 pt. [Students: Cabinet Library.vol.7.] 1153.h.7.

262. -----. Extracts from remarks on Dr. Channings'sSlavery, with comments, by an abolitionist. Boston: D.K.Hitchcock, 1836, 55pp. 8156.aaa.80.(3.)

263. -----. A friend of the South in answer to remarks onDr. Channing's Slavery. [By Minot Pratt.] A reply toRemarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery by James T. Austin.Boston: Otis, Broaders & Co., 1836, 19pp. 8156.aa.19.

264. -----. Review of the remarks on Dr. Channing's"Slavery", by a citizen of Massachusetts. [By GeorgeFrederick Simmons. A reply to James T. Austin's Remarks.]Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1836, 48pp. 8156.bb.77.(2.)

265. -----. Remarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery. By acitizen of Massachusetts [i.e. James T. Austin]. Boston:Russell, Shattack & Co. and J. H. Eastburn, 1835, 48pp.8156.bb.78.(1.)

[Third edition.] Boston: Russell, Shattuck & Co. andJ. H. Eastburn, 1835, 48pp. 8156.bb.27.

266. -----. Remarks on Slavery by W.E. Channing. Firstpublished in the Boston Atlas. Boston: J.H. Eastburn,1836, 61pp. 8156.bb.28.

Page 29: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

267. -----. Reply to the reviewer of the remarks on Dr.Channing's Slavery. [By George F. Simmons.] Boston: J.H.Eastburn, 1836, 16pp. 8156.bb.74.(2.)

268. A CHAPTER OF AMERICAN HISTORY. Five years: progressof the slave power; a series of papers first published inthe Boston Commonwealth in July, August, and September1851. [By J.G. Palfrey.] Boston: Benjamin B. Mussey &Co., 1852, 84pp. 8156.d.30.(3.)

269. CHARLTON, Lewis. The life of Lewis Charlton, a poorold slave, who, for twenty-eight years, suffered inAmerican bondage. Fredericton, N.B.: Pitts & Crocket,[1885?] 28pp. 8156.aa.7.(3.)

270. CHASE, Henry and SANBORN, Charles W. The North andthe South: a statistical view of the condition of thefree and slave states ... compiled from officialdocuments. Boston: J.P. Jewett & Co., 1856, 134pp.8156.aaa.4.

271. CHASE, Salmon Portland. The address of the Southernand Western Liberty Convention, held at Cincinnati ...1845, to the people of the United States. [By SalmonPortland Chase.] With notes by a citizen of Pennsylvania[i.e. Charles D. Cleveland]. New York, [1845], 15pp.8177.df.16.(1.)

272. -----. Anti-slavery addresses of 1844 and 1845. BySalmon P. Chase and Charles D. Cleveland. [Containing theAddress of the Liberty Party of Pennsylvania to thePeople of the State by Charles D. Cleveland, and TheAddress of the Southern and Western Liberty Convention bySalmon P. Chase, together with Addenda. Letter to theManagers of the Philadelphia Bible Society by Charles D.Cleveland.] London: Sampson Low & Co., 1867, 167pp.8177.a.27.

273. -----. Baltimore democracy and independentdemocracy. Letter of Salmon Portland Chase to A.P.Edgerton. [On the attitude of the political parties inOhio to slavery.] [1853?], 16pp. The half-title reads:Politics in Ohio. 8177.f.31.

274. CHEAP COTTON BY FREE LABOUR: by a cottonmanufacturer [i.e. Edward Atkinson]. Boston: A. Williams& Co., 1861, 52pp. 8177.aaa.82.(6.)

Second edition. (Boston: A. Wiliams & Co., 1861,54pp. 08175.aa.47.(1.)

275. CHEEVER, George Barrell. The commission from God, ofthe missionary enterprise, against the sin of slavery ...an address ... delivered ... before the AmericanMissionary Association. Boston: J.P. Jewett & Co., 1858,35pp. 8156.aa.54.(1.)

276. CHEEVER, Henry Theodore. A tract for the times, onthe question, is it right to withhold fellowship from

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churches or from individuals that tolerate or practiseslavery? New York: J.A. Gray, 1859, 23pp.8177.aaa.81.(1.)

277. CHESSON, Frederick William. A brief sketch of theanti-slavery movement in America. In: Adams, Henry G.God's image in ebony. 1854. 10604.b.27.

278. CHILD, David Lee. The despotism of freedom; or thetyranny and cruelty of American republican slave-masters,shown to be the worst in the world; in a speech. Boston:Boston Young Men's Anti-Slavery Association, 1833, 72pp.8156.a.22.

279. CHILD, Lydia Maria. An appeal in favour of thatclass of Americans called Africans. Boston, 1833.8155.c.28.

280. -----. Authentic anecdotes of American slavery.Second edition, enlarged. Newburyport, 1838. 8155.c.29.

281. -----. Correspondence between Lydia Maria Child andGov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia [on the attemptmade by Capt. John Brown to liberate the slaves inVirginia]. New York, 1860. No.1 of the new series ofAnti-Slavery Tracts. 8206.aaa.5.

282. -----. The evils of slavery, and the cure ofslavery. The first proved by the opinions of Southernersthemselves; the last shown by historical evidence. Secondedition. Newburyport, 1839. 8155.c.30.

283. CHRISTY, David. Cotton is King; or, the culture ofcotton and its relation to agriculture, manufactures, andcommerce, to the free colored people, and to those whohold that slavery is in itself sinful. By an American[i.e. David Christy]. Cincinnati: Moore & Co., 1855,210pp. 8156.b.7.

284. CHURCHMAN. Caste and slavery in the American church.By a churchman [i.e. John Jay.] New York & London: Wiley& Putnam, 1843, 51pp. 4183.e.13.

285. THE CIVIL WAR & SLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATES. Alecture ... third edition. London: A. W. Bennett, 1862,24pp. 8155.b.76.

286. CLARK, Rufus Wheelwright. Conscience and law. Adiscourse preached in the North Church, Portsmouth, NewHampshire. On Fastday. Boston: Tappan & Whittemore, 1851,25pp. 4486.c.32.(19.)

287. -----. A review of the Rev. Moses Stuart's pamphleton slavery, entitled Conscience and the Constitution.Boston: C.C.P. Moody, 1850, 103pp. 8155.e.69.(4.)

Page 31: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

288. CLARK, George Whitfield. The harp of freedom. [Acollection of songs.] New York: Miller, Orton & Mulligan,1856, 335pp. 11687.bb.45.

289. CLARKE, James Freeman. The rendition of AnthonyBurns. Its causes and consequences. A discourse onChristian politics. Boston: Crosby, Nichols & Co., 1854,28pp. 4485.g.16.

290. -----. Sermon. (Entitled: Causes and consequences ofthe affair at Harper's Ferry.) In: Redpath, James. Echoesof Harper's Ferry. Boston, 1860. 8155.b.64.

291. -----. Slavery in the United States. A sermondelivered in Amory Hall, on Thanksgiving Day, November24, 1842. Boston: B.H. Greene, 1843, 25pp. 4485.aa.27.

292. CLARKIN, P. A religious manumission from slavery andoppression, papal tyranny and ambition, and all otherevils of perdition, flowing from the man of sin. Printed& published for the author: Lowell, 1856, 20pp.11687.h.30.(3.)

293. CLARKSON, Thomas. Letter to such professingChristians in the Northern states of America, as have hadno practical concern with slave holding. London:Alexander Macintosh, 1844, 24pp. 08157.de.46.

294. -----. A letter to the clergy of the variousdenominations, and to the slave-holding planters, in theSouthern parts of the United States of America. London:Johnston & Barrett, 1841, 64pp. 8155.e.20.

295. CLAY, Cassius Marcellus. Appeal of Cassius M. Clayto Kentucky and the world. Boston: J.M. Macomber & E.L.Pratt, 1845, 35pp. 8156.aa.22.

296. -----. Letters of Cassius M. Clay. Slavery: theevil-the remedy. New York: Greeley & McElrath, [1844],8pp. 8156.bb.31.

297. -----. Speech ... before the Law Department of theUniversity of Albany, N.Y., February 3, 1863. Secondedition. New York: Wynkoop, Hallenbeck & Thomas: NewYork, 1863, 24pp. 8177.aaa.19.

298. -----. Speech ... delivered in a mass meeting of aportion of the citizens of the Eighth CongressionalDistrict, on ... the 30th of December, 1843 ... in replyto Col. R.M. Johnson and others. [1844.], 8pp.8176.ee.22.(7.)

299. -----. Speech of the Hon. C.M. Clay. The followingis the ... speech delivered by the Hon. C.M. Clay ... atthe Tremont Temple ... after the adjournment of the GreatConvention on Boston Common. Boston: S.N. Dickinson,[1844.] 1850.c.6.(26.)

Page 32: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

300. -----. To the people of Kentucky. [A letter onslavery, dated Jan. 1845.] [1845.] 8156.df.46.

301. CLEVELAND, Charles Dexter. Address of the LibertyParty of Pennsylvania to the people of the state.-Addenda. Letter to the managers of the Philadelphia BibleSociety. In Chase, Salmon P. Anti-slavery addresses of1844 and 1845. 1867. 8177.a.27.

302. -----. The address of the Southern and WesternLiberty Convention, held at Cincinnati ... 1845, to thepeople of the United States. [By Salmon Portland Chase.]With notes by a citizen of Pennsylvania [i.e. CharlesDexter Cleveland]. New York, [1845], 15pp.8177.df.16.(1.)

303. COATES, Benjamin. Cotton cultivation in Africa.Suggestions on the importance of the cultivation ofcotton in Africa, in reference to the abolition ofslavery in the United States, through the organization ofan African Civilization Society. Philadelphia: C. Sherman& Son, 1858, 52pp. 7073.bb.43.(3.)

304. COBB, Thomas Reade Rootes. An inquiry into the lawof Negro slavery in the United States of America. Towhich is prefixed, An historical sketch of slavery. NewYork: Negro Universities Press, 1968, 358pp. Reprintedfrom the edition of 1858. X.200/5339.

305. COCHIN, Augustin. The results of slavery ...translated [from tom. 2 of L'abolition de l'esclavage] byMary L. Booth. Boston: Walker, Wise & Co., 1863, 413pp.8156.aa.23.

306. COLLINS, John Anderson. Right and wrong among theabolitionists of the United States: or, the objects,principles and measures of the original American Anti-Slavery Society, unchanged: being a defence against theassaults of the recently formed Massachusett's [sic]Abolition, and the American and Foreign Anti-SlaverySocieties ... with an introductory letter by MissMartineau ... and an appendix. Glasgow: Geo. Gallie,1841, 74pp. 8156.aa.24.

307. COLLYER, Isaac J.P. Review of Rev. W.W. Eells'Thanksgiving sermon...delivered in the MethodistEpiscopal Church, Newburyport, December 9, 1850.Newburyport: Charles Whipple, 1851, 20pp. 8175.cc.83.(7.)

308. COMMENTS ON THE NEBRASKA BILL, with views on slaveryin contrast with freedom ... addressed to the free statesby one acquainted with Southern institutions. Albany: J.Munsell, 1854, 58pp. 8176.b.5.(16.)

309. THE COMMERCE OF BRITISH INDIA, viewed in itsprobable influence on the slave products of the UnitedStates. By an American. [London? 1841.] 16pp.8229.cc.11.(9.)

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310. CONDER, Josiah. Wages or the whip. An essay on thecomparative cost and productiveness of free and slavelabour. London: Hatchard & Son, 1833, 91pp. 8156.d.12.

311. THE CONDITION OF THE FREE PEOPLE OF COLOUR IN THEUNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Reprinted from no.XIII. of TheAnti-Slavery Examiner ... To which are added, resolutionspassed at the ... meeting of the Anti-slavery Convention,held in London, in June, 1840, on the same subject.London, 1841, 22pp. 8156.e.5.(17.)

312. CONKLING, Alfred. A treatise on the organization,jurisdiction and practice of the courts of the UnitedStates: to which is added an appendix, containing therules of the Supreme Court of the United States [and ofother courts] ... and also a few practical forms. Albany:Wm. & A. Gould & Co.; Albany: Gould, Banks & Co., 1831,738pp. 1384.g.11.

313. THE CONQUERORS OF THE NEW WORLD AND THEIR BONDSMEN.Being a narrative of the principal events which led toNegro slavery in the West Indies and America. [By SirArthur Helps.] 2 vol. London: William Pickering, 1848,52pp. 8155.c.6.

314. CONSIDERATIONS ON THE BRITISH COMMERCE, withreference particularly to British India, the UnitedStates of America, and the slave trade. With a separatetitlepage dated 1817. In The Pamphleteer. Vol.11. London,1818, 265-275pp. P.P.3557.w.


316. CONVENTION OF CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS. Report ofthe Committee on Slavery to the Convention. Boston, 1849.8156.bb.77.(5.)

317. CONVERSE, John Kendrick. The history of slavery, andmeans of elevating the African race. A discoursedelivered before the Vermont Colonization Society.Burlington: Chauncey Goodrich, 1840, 24pp.8156.aaa.82.(5.)

318. CONWAY, Moncure Daniel. The golden hour. Boston:Ticknor & Fields, 1862, 160pp. 8177.aaa.21.

319. -----. The one path: or, the duties of the North andSouth. A discourse. [Washington]: Buell & Blanchard,[1856], 8pp. 4486.dd.14.

320. -----. The rejected stone; or, insurrection vs.resurrection in America. By a native of Virginia (M.D.Conway). Second edition. Boston: Walker, Wise & Co.,1862, 131pp. 8177.aa.14.

Page 34: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

321. -----. Testimonies concerning slavery. Secondedition. London: Chapman & Hall, 1865, 140pp.8156.aa.25.

322. COOPER, David. A serious address to the rulers ofAmerica, on the inconsistency of their conduct respectingslavery; forming a contrast between the encroachments ofEngland on American liberty and American injustice intolerating slavery. [Signed: "A Farmer," i.e. DavidCooper. London: J. Phillips, 1783, 24pp. 8157.cc.10.

323. COOPER, Thomas. Considerations on the slave trade;and the consumption of West Indian produce. (Thesubstance extracted from Letters on the slave trade, byT. Cooper.) London: Darton & Harvey, 1791, 16pp.8156.b.21.

324. -----. Letters on the slave trade: first publishedin Wheeler's Manchester Chronicle; and since re-printedwith additions and alterations. Manchester: C. Wheeler,1787, 36pp. T.700.(12.)

325. COPP, Joseph A. American liberty and itsobligations; a discourse for the times, delivered ...July 2, 1854. Boston: C.C.P. Moody, 1854, 24pp.4486.f.3.(18.)

326. CORTÉS, Hernando Marquis del Valle de Oaxaca. Asecond dialogue of the dead: between Ferdinand Cortez andWilliam Penn. To which is added, a scheme, for theabolition of slavery, without injury to trade andnavigation. [By James Johnstone, M.D.] Worcester: J.Holl, 1789, 14pp. T.449.(4.)

327. COTTON IS KING; or, the culture of cotton and itsrelation to agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, tothe free colored people, and to those who hold thatslavery is in itself sinful. By an American. Cincinnati:Moore & Co., 1855, 210pp. 8156.b.7.

328. COX, Samuel Hanson. Correspondence between the Rev.Samuel H. Cox ... and Frederick Douglass, a fugitiveslave. New York: Office of the American Anti-SlaverySociety, 1846, 16pp. 8156.bb.32.

329. -----. Rev. Dr. Cox's Letter, to the editor of theNew York Evangelist (against the American ColonizationSociety). In: Stanton, Henry B. Debate at the LaneSeminary. Cincinnati, 1834. 8175.cc.84.(3.)

330. CRAFT, William. Running a thousand miles forfreedom; or, the escape of William and Ellen Craft fromslavery. London: William Tweedie, 1860, 111pp.10880.a.39.

331. CRAIG, Isa. The essence of slavery. Extracted from Ajournal of a residence on a Georgian plantation, byFrances Anne Kemble. London, 1863. No.2 of a series of

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tracts published by the Ladies London EmancipationSociety. 8177.a.82.(7.)

332. CRANDALL, Reuben. The trial of Reuben Crandall,M.D., charged with publishing seditious libels, bycirculating the publications of the American Anti-SlaverySociety. Before the Circuit Court for the District ofColumbia ... April, 1836. New York: H.R. Piercy, 1836,62pp. 8156.aaa.79.(1.)

333. CRISWELL, Robert. Uncle Tom's Cabin: contrasted withBuckingham Hall, the planters home, or, a fair view ofboth sides of the slavery question. New York: D. Fanshaw,1853, 152pp. 12705.e.7.

334. CROPPER, James. The correspondence between Sir JohnBart Gladstone ... and James Cropper Esq., on the presentstate of slavery in the British West Indies and in theUnited States of America; and on the importation of sugarfrom the British settlements in India. With an appendix,containing several papers on the subject of slavery.Liverpool, 1824. T.1138.(1.)

335. -----. A letter addressed to the Liverpool Societyfor Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, on the injuriouseffects of high prices of produce, and the beneficialeffects of low prices, on the condition of slaves.London: Hatchard & Son; J. & J. Arch, 1823, 32pp.T.1137.(4.)

336. -----. A letter to Thomas Clarkson. [On slavery inthe United States of America.] [1832.] 6pp.8138.h.1.(112.)

337. -----. The support of slavery investigated. London:Hatchard & Son; J. & J. Arch, 1824, 27pp. 8156.c.74.(3.)

338. CROSBY, Edward N. Our country versus party spirit:being a rejoinder to the reply of Prof. Morse. [Onslavery in the United States of America.] Ploughkeepsie:Platt & Schram, 1863, 14pp. 8177.aaa.23.

339. CRUMMELL, Alexander. The man: the hero: theChristian! A eulogy on the life and character of ThomasClarkson: delivered in the city of New-York; December,1846 ... Together with "Freedom: a poem", read on thesame occasion by Charles L. Reason. New York: Egbert,Hovey & King, 1847, 44pp. 10817.bbb.23.(1.)

Second edition. With an introduction by W.T. Blair.London: Houlston & Stoneman; London: C. Gilpin, 1849,76pp. 10815.aaa.6.

340. CUGOANO, Ottobah. Thoughts and sentiments on theevil and wicked traffic of the slavery and commerce ofthe human species. London, 1787, 148pp. 8156.b.22.

[Another edition.] London: T. Becket, 1787.T.700.(6.) Imperfect; consisting only of pp. i-iv,containing the list of general contents.

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[Another edition, abridged.] London: printed for theauthor, 1791, 46pp. 1791. T.228.(4.)

341. CULVER, Nathaniel. The Fugitive Slave Bill; or,God's laws paramount to the laws of men. A sermon.Boston: J.M. Hewes & Co., 1850, 24pp. 8156.aaa.79.(3.)

342. CURTIS, Harvey. Sermon on African slavery, preachedbefore the Synod of Indiana. Madison, Ia.: B. F. Foster,1848, 28pp. 4485.a.65.(5.6)

343. CUSHING, Caleb. An oration pronounced at Bostonbefore the Colonization Society of Massachusetts, on theanniversary of American Independence, July 4, 1833.Boston: G.W. Light & Co., 1833, 24pp. 8175.d.32.

344. -----. Speech delivered in Faneuil Hall, Boston,October 27, 1857. Also, speech delivered in City Hall,Newburyport, October 31, 1857. Boston: Office of theBoston Post, 1857, 48pp. 8177.f.41.

345. CUTTING, Sewall Sylvester. Influence of Christianityon government and slavery: a discourse, delivered ...January 15, 1837. Worcester, Mass.: Henry J. Howland,1837, 14pp. 4486.c.31.(5.)

346. CUTTRISS, William. Slavery inconsistent withChristianity. London: B.J. Holdsworth; Cambridge:Johnson, 1825, 47pp. 8156.c.31.

347. D., D. Negro slavery. To the editor of the ExeterFlying-Post. [A letter, signed: D. D.] [1830?]8138.h.1.(111.)

348. D., E.R. Is it good, or, is it evil? A short tracton slavery, etc. [Signed: E. R. D.] London: Ward & Co.,1843, 36pp. 1389.a.48.

349. DAGGS, Ruel. Fugitive slave case. District Court ofthe United States, for the southern division of Iowa,Burlington, June Term, 1850. R. Daggs, vs. Elihu Frazieret als. Trespass on the case. Reported by Geo. Frazee.Burlington: Morgan & M'Kenny, 1850, 40pp.8156.aaa.82.(8.)

350. DARLING, Henry. Slavery and the war: a historicalessay. Philadelphia: J.P. Lippincott & Co., 1863, 48pp.8177.bb.102.(2.)

351. DAVIS, Charles Gideon. United States vs Charles G.Davis. Report of the proceedings at the examination ofCharles G. Davis, Esq., on a charge of aiding andabetting in the rescue of a fugitive slave. Held inBoston, in February, 1851. Boston: White & Potter, 1851,44pp. 1132.h.39.(3.)

352. DAVIES, Ebenezer. American scenes, and Christianslavery: a recent tour of four thousand miles in the

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United States. [With a map.] London: John Snow, 1849,324pp. 10410.b.7.

[A reissue.] London: William Freeman, 1853. [Withoutthe map.] 10411.c.8.

353. DAVIES, Samuel. The duty of Christians to propagatetheir religion among heathens, earnestly recommended tothe masters of negroe slaves in Virginia. A sermon,preached in Hanover, January 8, 1757. London: J. Oliver,1758, 46pp. 4486.a.56.(6.)

354. DAY, Thomas. Fragment of an original letter on theslavery of the Negroes. In: Four tracts. 4 pt. London:John Stockdale, 1785 [1786]. 8133.d.23.(1.)

355. DAY, William. Slavery in America shown to bepeculiarly abominable, both as a political anomaly and anoutrage on Christianity. London: Hamilton. Adams, & Co.;Exeter: T. Balle, 1841, 84pp. 1389.a.35.(2.)

[Second edition.] London: Harrison, 1857, 94pp.8155.a.52.(1.)

356. DE CHARMS, Richard. A discourse on the true natureof freedom and slavery. Delivered before the WashingtonSociety of the New Jerusalem, in view of the one hundredand eighteenth anniversary of Washington's birth.Philadelphia: J.H. Jones, 1850, 63pp. 8156.bb.74.(3.)

357. -----. Some views of freedom and slavery in thelight of New Jerusalem. Philadelphia: The Author, 1851,108pp. 8156.aa.55.(4.)

358. DEANE, Charles. Letters and documents relating toslavery in Massachusetts. Edited, with a preface andnotes, by Charles Deane. Reprinted from the collectionsof the Massachusetts Historical Society. Cambridge: JohnWilson & Son, 1877. 8156.f.2.

359. A DEFENCE OF SOUTHERN SLAVERY AGAINST THE ATTACKS OFHENRY CLAY AND ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. In which much of thefalse philanthropy and mawkish sentimeetalism [sic] ofthe abolitionists is met and refuted ... by a Southernclergyman [Iveson L. Brookes]. Hamburg, S.C.: Robinsonand Carlisle, 1851. This pamphlet contains a review ofMr. Clay's Letter on emancipation and strictures on Mr.Campbell's Tract for the people of Kentucky: - To TheReader. (Pages i,ii,41-48 are damaged.) RB.23.a.454

360. DENMAN, Thomas, Baron Denman. Uncle Tom's Cabin,Bleak House, slavery and the slave trade. Six articles... reprinted from the Standard; with an article,containing facts connected with slavery, by Sir GeorgeStephen, reprinted from the Northampton Mercury. London:Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1853, 51pp. 8155.a.19.

[Second edition.] London: Longman, Brown, Green, &Longmans, 1853, 60pp. 8155.a.20.

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361. DESPOTISM IN AMERICA; or an enquiry into the natureand results of the slave-holding system in the UnitedStates. Boston: Whipple and Damrell, 1840, 186pp.8155.aaaa.4.

Second edition. Boston: Anti-Slavery Society, 1840.1390.c.24.

[Another edition.] Boston, 1854. 8177.b.25.

362. DEWEY, Orville. A discourse on slavery and theannexation of Texas. New York: Charles S. Francis & Co.,1844, 18pp. 4487.de.13.(16.)

363. -----. The laws of human progress and modernreforms. A lecture delivered before the MercantileLibrary Association of the City of New-York. New-York:C.S. Francis & Co.; Boston: Crosby & Nichols, 1852, 35pp.4485.e.23.

364. -----. On patriotism. The condition, prospects, andduties of the American people. A sermon delivered on FastDay at Church Green, Boston. Boston: Ticknor & Fields,1859, 39pp. 4486.d.37.(18.)

365. DEXTER, Franklin. A letter to the Hon. Samuel A.Eliot ... in reply to his apology for voting for theFugitive Slave Bill. By Hancock [pseudonym of FranklinDexter]. [Also attributed to William Jay.] Boston: Wm.Crosby & H. P. Nichols, 1851, 57pp. 8156.bb.76.(6.)

366. DIVEN, Alexander Samuel. No more slave states.Congress has full power over slavery in the territories;the great wrong of the decision in the Dred Scott case;the duty the government owes to Kansas. Speech ... on theKansas Resolutions. [Albany, N.Y., (1858], 15pp.1570/1065.)

367. DORR, James A. Objections to the Act of Congresscommonly called the Fugitive Slave Law, answered in aletter to ... W. Hunt. New York, 1850. 10882.g.29.

368. DOUGLAS, James. Address on slavery, Sabbathprotection and church reform. Edinburgh, 1833.T.1461.(10.)

369. DOUGLAS, Stephen Arnold. Remarks ... on Kansas,Utah, and the Dred Scott decision. Chicago, 1857.8177.f.49.

370. DOUGLASS' MONTHLY. Vol.1.no.8 (Jan. 1859)-vol.5.no.6(June 1863). Microfiche edition. New York: NegroUniversities Press, 1969, 9 m/f. Mic.F.397.

371. DOUGLASS, Frederick. First of August at Canandigua[on the anniversary of West India emancipation.] [NewYork? 1850?] 8156.a.25.

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372. -----. My bondage and my freedom ... with anintroduction by J. M. Smith. New York and Auburn[printed], 1855. 10880.bb.9.

373. -----. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass,an American slave. Written by himself. [With a preface byW. L. Garrison.] Boston, 1845. 1452.b.32.

Dublin: Webb and Chapman, 1845, 128pp. RB.23.a.1431.Third English edition. Wortley: J. Barker, 1846,

170pp. 10883.aaa.34.Second Dublin edition. [With a portrait.] Dublin:

Webb & Chapman, 1846, 122pp. 1508/1671.

374. -----. The nature, character and history of theanti-slavery movement. A lecture. Glasgow, 1855.8156.b.59.(5.)

375. -----. Oration ... delivered in Corinthian Hall,Rochester. Rochester, 1852. 12301.dd.22.(13.)

376. DOUGLASS, Margaret. Educational laws of Virginia.The personal narrative of Mrs. Margaret Douglass, aSouthern woman, who was imprisoned for one month in thecommon jail of Norfolk, under the laws of Virginia, forthe crime of teaching free colored children to read.[Edited by Joseph Lemuel Chester.] Boston: J.P. Jewett &Co.; Cleveland: Jewett, Proctor & Worthington, 1854,65pp. 8156.c.32.

377. DRAKE, Charles Daniel. Immediate emancipation inMissouri. Speech ... delivered ... June 16th 1863. [SaintLouis? 1863?] 8156.bb.34.

378. -----. The rebellion: its origin and life inslavery. Position and policy of Missouri. Speech ...delivered ... in ... St. Louis, April 14, 1862. [St.Louis? 1862.] 8177.bb.23.

379. -----. The war of slavery upon the Constitution.Address ... delivered in the City of Saint Louis, Sep.17, 1862. [St. Louis? 1862.] 8177.bb.24.

380. DRAYTON, John. A view of South Carolina, as respectsher natural and civil concerns. Charleston, 1802.1304.f.4.

381. DRESSER, Amos. The narrative of Amos Dresser withStone's letters from Natchez. An obituary notice of thewriter, and two letters from Tallahassee. New York, 1836.8156.aa.28.

382. DREW, Benjamin. A North-side view of slavery. Therefugee; or narratives of fugitive slaves in Canada, [J.Adams and others,] related by themselves. With account ofthe history and condition of the coloured population ofUpper Canada. Boston, 1856. 8156.c.33.

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383. EASTON, H. A treatise on the intellectual character... of the colored people of the United States. Boston,1837. 8156.aaa.20.

384. EBEN-EZER; or a small monument of great mercyappearing in the miraculous deliverance of W. Okeley, W.Adams, J. Anthony, J. Jephs, John -, Carpenter, from ...slavery. [By W. Okeley.] London, 1675. 583.a.32

Second edition, with a further narrative of J. Deaneand others. London: N. Ponder, 1684, 100pp. 790.a.34

Third edition. London, 1764. 1419.e.8

385. EDGE, Frederick Milnes. Slavery doomed: or, thecontest between free and slave labour in the UnitedStates. London, 1860. 8156.b.24.

386. EDGERTON, Walter. A history of the separation inIndiana yearly meeting of Friends; which took place inthe winter of 1842 and 1843, on the anti-slaveryquestion. Cincinnati, 1856. 4182.bbb.3.

387. EDINBURGH SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE MITIGATION ANDULTIMATE ABOLITION OF NEGRO SLAVERY. The first (second)annual report. Edinburgh, 1824, 25. 8156.aaa.22.

388. EDWARDS, Jonathan. The injustice and impolicy of theslave trade and of the slavery of the Africans:illustrated in a sermon [on Matthew vii. 12]. [New-Haven,] 1791. 1359.g.6.

Third edition. New Haven, 1833. 4485.d.75.Fourth edition. Newburyport, 1834. 4485.aa.37.

389. EELLS, William Woodward. Gratitude for individualand national blessings. A discourse [on Ps.cvii. 31, 32]preached...Thanksgiving day. Newburyport, 1850.4486.cc.15.(16.)

390. -----. Review of Rev. W.W. Eells' Thanksgivingsermon...delivered in the Methodist Episcopal Church,Newburyport, December 9, 1850, by Isaac J.P. Collyer.Newburyport: Charles Whipple, 1851, 20pp. 8175.cc.83.(7.)

391. EINHORN, David. The Rev. Dr. Morris Jacob Raphall'sBible view of slavery reviewed by ... David Einhorn. NewYork, 1861. 8156.a.72.(8.)

392. ELAW, Zilpha. Memoirs of the life, religiousexperience, ministerial travels and labours of Mrs.Zilpha Elaw, an American female of colour, together withsome account of the great religious revivals in America.Written by herself. London: the authoress, 1846, 172pp.4986.de.38.

393. ELIZABETH ANN. Where is the good samaritan? or anappeal to British sympathy on behalf of the poor slave.(Signed Elizabeth Ann.) London, [1820?] 3940.aaa.35.(1.)

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394. ELLIOTT, Charles. Sinfulness of American slavery ...together with observations on emancipation and the dutiesof American citizens in regard to slavery; edited by Rev.Benjamin Franklin Tefft. 2 vol. Cincinnati, 1851.8155.a.22.

395. ELLISON, Thomas. Slavery and secession in America,historical and economical. London, 1861. 8177.b.14.

Second edition, enlarged. With a reply to thefundamental arguments of James Spence, contained in hiswork on The American Union, and remarks on theproductions of other writers. London, 1862. 8177.b.15

396. ELMORE, F.H. Correspondence between the Hon. F. H.Elmore ... and James Gillespie Birney [on the intentionsand progress of the anti-slavery associations in theUnited States of America.] In: The Anti-slavery Examiner.No.8, 1836. P.P.1046.e.

397. ELY, Ezra Stiles. The duty of Christian freemen toelect Christian rulers. A discourse [on Ps. ii. 10-12]delivered on the fourth of July, 1827. Philadelphia,1828. 4486.cc.19.(2)

398. EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. An address delivered in thecourt-house in Concord, Massachusetts, ... 1 Aug. 1844,on the anniversary of the emancipation of the Negroes inthe British West Indies. Boston, 1844. 1389.g.44.(4.)

[Another edition.] The emancipation of the Negroesin the British West Indies. Boston, 1844. 8156.e.3.(6.)

[Another edition.] In: The Catholic Series. London,1844. 3605.b.18.

399. ENGLISH CLERGYMAN. Letter to a member of theCongress of the United States from an English clergyman;including a republication, with considerable additions,of the tract entitled, Every man his own property.London; Birmingham: Whittaker, Treacher and Arnot, 1835,30pp. 8156.e.1.(5.)

400. ENGLISHWOMAN. An address to the females of GreatBritain, on the propriety of their petitioning Parliamentfor the abolition of Negro slavery. By an Englishwoman[Jane Alice Sargant?]. Extracted from the John Bullnewspaper. London: J. G. & F. Rivington, 1833, 11pp.T.1445.(12.)

401. ENGLISHWOMAN. Remarks occasioned by strictures inthe Courier and New York Enquirer of December 1852, uponthe Stafford House address. In a letter to a friend inthe United States, by an Englishwoman. London: Hamilton,Adams, & Co.; Edinburgh: Thomas Constable & Co., 1853,42pp. A defence of the Address of the women of England tothe women of America in behalf of slaves, issued after ameeting at Stafford House, London. 8155.b.35.

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402. EQUIANO, Olaudah. The interesting narrative of thelife of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African.Written by himself. 2 vol. London, 1789. 615.d.8.

Plus thirteen later editions.

403. AN ESSAY IN VINDICATION OF THE CONTINENTAL COLONIESOF AMERICA, from a censure of Mr. Adam Smith in histheory of moral sentiments. With some reflections onslavery. By an American [i.e. Arthur Lee]. London:Printed for the Author, 1764, 46pp. E.2228.(4.)

404. EVANS, Jonathan. Address of the representatives ofthe Religious Society of Friends, commonly calledQuakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, &c., tothe citizens of the United States. Advocating theabolition of slavery and fair treatment for the Indians.Signed: Jonathan Evans. Philadelphia: Joseph & WilliamKite, printers, 1837, 15pp. 1570/4127

405. EVERETT, Edward. Address ... delivered in Washingtonat the anniversary of the American Colonization Society.Hartford, 1853. 12301.dd.22.(15.)

406. -----. Speech delivered at the union meeting inFaneuil Hall [Boston], Dec. 1859 [on the slaveryquestion.] In: Redpath, J. Echoes of Harper's Ferry.Boston, 1860. 8155.b.64.

407. EVERY MAN HIS OWN PROPERTY. Letter to a member ofthe Congress of the United States from an Englishclergyman; including a republication, with considerableadditions, of the tract entitled, Every man his ownproperty. London; Birmingham: Whittaker, Treacher andArnot, 1835, 30pp. 8156.e.1.(5.)

408. EWBANK, Thomas. Inorganic forces ordained tosupersede human slavery. [Originally read before theAmerican Ethnographical Society.] New York, 1860.8156.c.73.(5.)

409. AN EXTRACT FROM A TREATISE ON THE SPIRIT OF PRAYER,or the soul rising out of the vanity of time into theriches of eternity. [By William Law.] With some thoughtson war: remarks on the nature and bad effects of the useof spirituous liquors. And considerations on slavery [byAnthony Benezet]. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank, 1780,84pp. 4378.aaa.49.

410. EXTRACTS FROM THE AMERICAN SLAVE CODE. 2nd editionof 10,000 [s.l.]: [s.n.], [ca.1830]. 34-36p. No.1 of anunnamed series. 1570/3365

411. FARMER. A serious address to the rulers of America,on the inconsistency of their conduct respecting slavery;forming a contrast between the encroachments of Englandon American liberty and American injustice in toleratingslavery. [Signed: A Farmer, i.e. [David Cooper]. London:J. Phillips, 1783, 24pp. 8157.cc.10.

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412. FAULKNER, Charles James. The speech of C. J.Faulkner ... on the policy of the state with respect toher slave population. Richmond [Virginia], 1832.8156.cc.3.(4.)

413. FEATHERSTONHAUGH, George William. Excursion throughthe slave states, from Washington to the frontier ofMexico, with sketches of popular manners, and geologicalnotices. 2 vols. London: John Murray, 1844. 1431.e.11.

[Another edition.] New York, 1844. 10411.dd.31.

414. FEDRIC, Francis. Life and sufferings of FrancisFedric, while in slavery ... a true tale. Birmingham,1859. 8156.e.3.(8.)

415. -----. Slave life in Virginia and Kentucky; or,fifty years of slavery in the Southern states of America.With preface by Charles Lee. London, 1863. 8156.a.28.

416. FELIX. The appendix: or, some observations on theexpediency of the petition [signed Felix.] of theAfricans, living in Boston, lately presented to theGeneral Assembly of this province. To which is annexed,the petition referred to. Likewise thoughts on slavery... by a lover of constitutional liberty. Boston, N.E.,1773. 8156.a.29.

417. FERRAL, Simon Ansley. A ramble of six thousand milesthrough the United States of Amrica. London, 1832.1052.d.7.

418. FERRER DE COUTO, José. Enough of war! The questionof slavery conclusively ... solved, as regards humanityat large and the permanent interests of present owners.[Translated from the Spanish.] New-York, 1864.8156.bb.37.

419. FILLMORE, Millard. Is Mr. Fillmore an abolitionist?Boston, 1856. 8156.bb.38.

420. FISHER, Charles Edward. Kanzas and the Constitution.By "Cecil." [i.e. Charles Edward Fisher.] Boston: Damrell& Moore, 16pp, 1856. 8177.f.30.

421. -----. The law of the territories. [Two essays, thesecond signed "Cecil" [i.e. Charles Edward Fisher.]Philadelphia: C. Sherman & Son, 1859, 127pp. 6625.aa.1.

422. FISHER, George E. The church, the ministry andslavery. A discourse [on 1 Thes. v. 21] delivered atRutland, Mass., July 14, 1850. Worcester, [1850?]4486.c.35.(3.)

423. FISHER, Thomas. Negro slavery: an address to theclergy of the established church and the Christianministers of every denomination. In: The gentleman'smagazine. Vol.96., Jan. 1826, pp.1-8. 2171.a.

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424. -----. Observations, in answer to Negro slavery: anaddress to the clergy of the established church, and tothe Christian ministers of every denomination, by ThomasFisher. [Anon.] London: Smith, Elder, & Co.; Whitmore &Fenn, 1826, 16pp. 8155.c.53.

425. FITZGERALD, John. Christian slaveholders disobedientto Christ: or ten thousand English Christians invited toprotest actively against the sin of the Church in theUnited States, and to cease from purchasing the produceof slave labour. London, 1854. 8156.b.26.

426. -----. Man-stealing by proxy: or the guilt of ourcountrymen in upholding slavery and the slave trade bythe purchase of slave grown produce. London, 1850.8155.c.26.

Second edition, enlarged. London, 1850. 8155.a.25.

427. FITZGERALD, W.P.N. A scriptural view of slavery andabolition. New Haven, 1839. 8156.bb.39.

428. FITZHUGH, George. Cannibals all! or, slaves withoutmasters. Richmond, Va., 1857. 8157.bbb.22.

429. FLETCHER, John. Studies on slavery in easy lessons.Natchez, 1852. 8155.e.25.

430. FLOURNOY, John J. A reply to a pamphlet [by G.Capers], entitled: Bondage a moral institution,sanctioned by the Scriptures. Athens, Ga., 1838, 67pp.8156.c.2.(3.)

431. FOLLEN, Eliza Lee. The liberty cap. [On the slaveryquestion.] Boston, 1846. 8156.a.71.(2.)

432. FOOT, Samuel Augustus. An examination of the case ofDred Scott against Sandford, in the Supreme Court of theUnited States. New York, 1859. Mic.A.9059(6)

433. FOOTE, Andrew Hull. Africa and the American flag.New York, 1854. 10096.c.7.

434. A FORENSIC DISPUTE ON THE LEGALITY OF ENSLAVING THEAFRICANS, held at the public commencement in Cambridge,New England, July 21st, 1773. By two candidates for theBachelor's degree. Boston: Thomas Leverett, 1773, 48pp.8156.e.4.(1)

435. FORMAN, J.G. The Christian martyrs; or, theconditions of obedience to the civil government. Adiscourse [on Matt. x. 17, etc.] ... To which is added, afriendly letter ... on the pro-slavery influences.Boston, 1851. 4486.cc.22.(18.)

436. FORTEN, Charlotte. The journal of Charlotte Forten afree Negro in the slave era. Edited by Ray Allen

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Billington. New York: Norton, c1953, 1981 printing.X.529/72016.

437. FOSTER, Daniel. An address on slavery, delivered inDanvers, Mass. Boston: Bela Marsh, 1849, 44pp.8156.aa.55.(3.)

438. -----. The Constitution of the United States, with alecture ... showing that a fair interpretation andapplication of said Constitution, will abolish slaveryand establish liberty. [A lecture.] Springfield: SamuelBowles & Co., 1855. 8156.aa.55.(7.)

439. -----. Our nation's sins and the Christian's duty. Afast day discourse. Boston: White & Potter, 1851.4486.dd.29.

440. FORSTER, William Edward. The speech ... on theslaveholders' rebellion; and Professor Goldwin Smith'sletter on the morality of the Emancipation Proclamation.Manchester: Union and Emancipation Society, 1863, 15pp.8177.e.27.

441. FOSTER, Eden Burroughs. A North-side view ofslavery. A sermon on the crime against freedom, in Kansasand Washington. Preached at Henniker, N.H., August 31,1856. Concord: Jones & Cogswell, 1856, 39pp.8156.aaa.82.(4.)

442. FOSTER, Stephen S. The brotherhood of thieves, orthe true picture of the American church and clergy. NewLondon: William Bolles, 1843, 64pp. 8156.a.73.(3.)

443. FREEDMEN'S INQUIRY COMMISSION. The refugees fromslavery in Canada west. Report to the Freedmen's InquiryCommission by S.G. Howe. (Reprinted.) New York: ArnoPress; New York Times, 1969, 110pp. X.520/9036.

444. FREEMAN, Frederick. Yaradee a plea for Africa. Beingfamiliar conversations on the subject of slavery andcolonization .. 3rd ed., revised and enlarged.Philadelphia: Printed by William Stavely, 1838, 359pp.1578/8534

445. FREEMAN, O.S. pseud. [i.e. Edward Coit Rogers.].Letters on slavery, addressed to the pro-slavery men ofAmerica. Boston, 1855. 8156.a.31.

446. FREMANTLE, Sir Arthur James Lyon. The Fremantlediary. Being the journal of Lieutenant Colonel A. J. L.Fremantle ... on his three months in the Southern states.Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1954, 304pp. 9617.ee.26.

447. FRÉMONT, John Charles. Frémont only seventeenworking days in the U.S. Senate ... twice voting againstthe abolition of slavery. In three numbers. [Boston,1856?] 8156.aaa.28.

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448. FRENCH, A.M. Slavery in South Carolina and the ex-slaves; or, the Port Royal Mission. New York, 1862.8157.bbb.23.

449. FROTHINGHAM, Octavius Brooks. The new commandment. Adiscourse [on John xiii. 34, 35]. Salem, 1854.4486.dd.48.

450. THE FUGITIVE SLAVE BILL [of Aug. 1850]; its historyand unconstitutionality; with an account of the seizureand enslavement of J. Hamlet, and his subsequentrestoration to liberty. [With the text of the Bill; and apreface by Lewis Tappan.] New York: William Harned, 1850,36pp. 8156.a.66.

451. THE FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW [of Aug. 1850], and itsvictims. Revised and enlarged edition. New York, 1861,168pp. [Anti-Slavery Tracts, No.15, New Series.]8156.aa.51.

452. THE FUGITIVE SLAVES IN CANADA. [By Lucy S. Wilson.]London: Seeley & Co., 1858, 45pp. 4193.a.63.

453. FUGITT, James Preston. Our country and slavery. Afriendly word to the Rev. F.L. Hawks, and other Northernclergymen. Baltimore, 1861. 8156.a.70.(2.)

454. -----. Shall the federal government instigate aservile war? Is slaveholding constitutional andscriptural? Baltimore, 1862. 8156.a.72.(9.)

455. FULLER, Metta Victoria. Maum Guinea, and herplantation "Children." A story of Christmas week with theAmerican slaves. London, [1861]. 12706.b.16.

456. FULLER, Richard. Domestic slavery considered as ascriptural institution: in a correspondence between theRev. Richard Fuller and the Rev. Francis Wayland. Revisedand corrected by the authors. New York & Boston, 1845.1389.a.8.

457. -----. Christianity and slavery: a review of thecorrespondence between Richard Fuller, ... and FrancisWayland, ... on domestic slavery, considered as aScriptural institution, by William Hague. Boston, 1847.8156.a.71.(3.)

458. FURNESS, William Henry. The moving power. Adiscourse [on Galat. iv. 18] delivered after the occasionof a fugitive slave case ... Second edition.Philadelphia, 1851. 4486.g.67.

459. GADSBY, John. Slavery, captivity, adoption,redemption, Biblically, orientally and personallyconsidered. Including an epitome of my autobiography.London, 1865. 4905.a.37.

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460. GANNETT, Ezra Stiles. Observations on ... Dr.Gannett's sermon, entitled Relation of the North toslavery, republished. Boston, 1854. 8156.aaa.32.

461. GARRISON, William Lloyd. The abolition of slaverythe right of government under the War Power Act. Boston:R.F. Wallcut, 1861, 24pp. 8156.a.2.

[Another edition.] Boston: R.F. Wallcut, 1862, 24pp.8156.a.3.

462. -----. An address delivered at the BroadwayTabernacle, N.Y. Aug. 1, 1838, by request of the peopleof color in that city, in commemoration of the completeemancipation of 600,000 slaves on that day, in theBritish West Indies. Boston, 1838. 8155.a.27.

463. -----. An address, delivered before the free peopleof color, in Philadelphia, New York, and other cities,during ... June 1831 ... Third edition. Boston [Mass.],1831. 8156.e.4.(10.)

464. -----. An address delivered in Marlboro: Chapel,Boston. Boston [Mass.], 1838. 8157.aaaa.12.

465. -----. An address on the progress of the abolitioncause, delivered before the African Abolition FreeholdSociety of Boston. Boston [Mass.], 1832. 8156.aaa.82.(3.)

466. -----. Selections from the writings and speeches ofWilliam Lloyd Garrison. With an appendix. Boston: R.F.Wallcut, 1852, 416pp. 12296.bb.5.

467. -----. Thoughts on African colonization: or an ...exhibition of the ... principles and purposes of theAmerican Colonization Society. Together with theresolutions, addresses and remonstrances of the freepeople of color. Boston, 1832. 8156.ee.2.

468. GELDART, Hannah Ransome. A voice from slave land. Atrue story ... edited by T. Geldart. London, [1858].8156.a.73.(4.)

469. GENIUS OF UNIVERSAL EMANCIPATION, containingoriginal essays and selections on the subject of Africanslavery. Benjamin Lundy, editor. Vol.1.no.1-vol.4.no.12.Seventh month 1821-Sept. 1825. [Continued as:] Genius ofEmancipation and Baltimore Courier. Benjamin Lundy,editor. vol.1.no.1-18, 4 July-31 Dec. 1825. Greeneville,Tennessee, 1821-25. Baltimore, 1825. Vol.3 was publishedat Baltimore, vol.4 at Washington. Microfilm of a copy inthe library of Ohio State Archaeological and HistoricalSociety, wanting no.43, following vol.3.no.14. Issued byUniversity Microfilms, Ann Arbor, 1949. AmericanPeriodical Series, 1800-25, no.299. Mic.A.270.(2)

470. GIBSON, Edmund. A letter to the Right Reverend theLord Bishop of London, from an inhabitant of HisMajesty's Leeward-Caribbee-Islands [i.e. Robert

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Robertson]. Containing some considerations on hisLordship's two letters of May 19, 1727. The first to themasters and mistresses of families in the Englishplantations abroad; the second to the missionaries there.In which is inserted, a short essay concerning theconversion of the Negro slaves ... written ... by thesame inhabitant. London: J. Wilford, 1730, 103pp.702.g.7.(3.)

471. GIDDINGS, Joshua Reed. The rights and privileges ofthe several states in regard to slavery; being a seriesof essays [signed, Pacificus, i.e. Joshua Reed Giddings],published in the Western Reserve Chronicle (Ohio) afterthe election of 1842. By a Whig of Ohio. [Cincinnati,1843?] 8156.bb.58.

472. -----. The exiles of Florida: or, the crimescommitted by our government against the Maroons who fledfrom South Carolina and other slave states, seekingprotection under Spanish laws. Columbus, Ohio, 1858.9604.aaa.3.

473. GILLETTE, Francis. A review of H. Bushnell'sdiscourse on the slavery question, delivered in the NorthChurch, Hartford, Jan. 10, 1839. Hartford [Conn.], 1839.8156.b.28.

474. GLADSTONE, Sir John. The correspondence between JohnGladstone ... and James Cropper Esq., on the presentstate of slavery in the British West Indies and in theUnited States of America; and on the importation of sugarfrom the British Settlements in India. With an appendix,containing several papers on the subject of slavery.Liverpool, 1824. T.1138.(1.)

475. -----. A statement of facts connected with thepresent state of slavery in the British sugar and coffeecolonies, and in the United States of America, togetherwith a view of the ... situation of the lower classes inthe United Kingdom ... in a letter addressed to ... SirRobert Peel. London, 1830. T.1372.(3.)

[Another edition.] Facts relating to slavery. Secondedition. London, 1830. 8155.d.26.

476. GLASGOW EMANCIPATION SOCIETY. Address by theCommittee of the Glasgow Emancipation Society ... onAmerican slavery. Glasgow, 1836. 8156.aa.31.

477. -----. Report of the speeches, and reception of theAmerican delegates, at the great public meeting of theGlasgow Emancipation Society ... Reprinted from theGlasgow Argus. Glasgow: George Gallie, 1840, 24pp.4384.df.31.(10.)

478. GODWIN, Benjamin. Paper presented to the GeneralAnti-Slavery Convention, ... on the essential sinfulnessof slavery, and its direct opposition to the precepts andspirit of Christianity. [London, 1830?]. 8156.aaa.34.

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479. GODWIN, Morgan. The Negro's and Indian's advocate,suing for their admission into the Church: or, apersuasive to the instructing and baptizing of theNegro's [sic] and Indians in our plantations. London,1680. 867.d.22.(1.)

A supplement to the Negro and Indian's Advocate byM. Godwin. 1681. 864.l.30.

479a. -----. A brief account of religion in theplantations. In Some proposals towards promoting thepropagation of the Gospel. London: Printed for G.Sawbridge, 1708. 1369.f.37.

480. GOODELL, William. The American slave code in theoryand practice ... second edition. New York: American andForeign Anti-Slavery Society, 1853, 431pp. 1246.a.3.

481. -----. American slavery a formidable obstacle to theconversion of the world. New York: American and ForeignAnti-Slavery Society, 1854, 24pp. 8156.a.32.

482. -----. A concise view of the American slave law.(Selected from The American Slave Code.) [Southampton]:John Andrew Jackson, [c.1865.] L.23.c.1.(21.)

483. -----. Slavery and anti-slavery; a history of thegreat struggle in both hemispheres; with a view of theslavery question in the United States. New York: WilliamHarned, 1852, 604pp. 8155.b.39.

484. -----. View of American constitutional law, and itsbearing upon American slavery ... second edition:revised, with additions. Utica, N.Y.: Lawson & Chaplin,1845, 163pp. 8156.aa.32.

485. GOODLOE, Daniel R. Is it expedient to introduceslavery into Kanzas? In: Stringfellow, B.F. Informationfor the people. Two tracts for the times. Boston: N.E.Emigrant Aid Co., 1855. 8156.aaa.68.

486. -----. The Southern platform: or, manual of Southernsentiment on the subject of slavery. Boston, 1858.8156.aaa.79.(8.)

487. -----. Southern slavery in its present aspects:containing a reply to a late work of the Bishop ofVermont on slavery. Philadelphia, 1864. 8156.aa.33.

488. GOTTHEIL, G. Moses versus slavery: being twodiscourses [on Isa. xlii. 6, 7 and Lev. xxxix. 43] on theslave question. Manchester, 1861. 8156.c.74.(10.)

489. GRAHAME, James. Who is to blame? or, cursory reviewof "American apology for American accession to Negroslavery." London, 1842. 1389.g.19.

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490. GRAY, E.H. Assaults upon freedom! or kidnapping anoutrage upon humanity and abhorrent to God. A discourse[on Lev. xix. 18, etc.] occasioned by the rendition ofAnthony Burns. Shelburne Falls, 1854. 8156.e.37.

491. GRAY, Thomas. A sermon [on Ps. xl. 3] delivered ...before the American Society ... the anniversary of theabolition of the slave trade. Boston, 1818. 4485.bb.38.

492. GRAYSON, William J. The hireling and the slave;Chicora, and other poems. Charleston, 1856. 11687.cc.13.

493. GREELEY, Horace. The American conflict: a history ofthe great rebellion in the United States of America,1860-64(-65) ... With the drift and progress of Americanopinion respecting human slavery, from 1776 to the closeof the War for the Union. 2 vol. Hartford [Conn.], 1864-66. 2398.g.3.

494. -----. A history of the struggle for slaveryextension or restriction in the United States. New York,1856. 8156.c.44.

495. GREEN, Beriah. The counsel of Caiphas. A sermon [onJohn xi. 47-50, 53]. [Boston?, 1851?] 4485.h.21.

496. -----. Iniquity and a meeting. A discourse [on Isa.i. 10-17]. Whitesboro:, 1841. 4486.cc.20.(4.)

497. -----. Things for Northern men to do. A discourse[on Jerem. vii. 3-7] delivered ... in the PresbyterianChurch Whitesboro'. New York, 1836. 4486.cc.15.(5.)

498. GREEN, William. Narrative of events in the life ofWilliam Green, (formerly a slave.) Written by himself.Springfield, 1853. 1414.b.66.(9.)

499. GRIBBLE, Charles Bessly. Slavery a sin; or, auntPhillis' cabin. London, 1852. 12705.b.8.

500. GRIFFITH, Mattie. Autobiography of a female slave.New York: Redfield, 1857, 401pp. 12707.d.2.

501. GRIMES, William. Life of William Grimes, the runawayslave, brought down to the present time. Written byhimself. In: Five black lives. Middleton, Conn.: WesleyanUniversity Press, [1971], 240pp. X.520/6843.

502. GRIMKÉ, Angelina Emily. Appeal to the Christianwomen of the South. In: The Anti-Slavery Examiner no.2,1836. P.P.1046.e.

[Another edition.] [New York, 1836?] (8156.aaa.38.) (Third edition.) Revised and corrected. [Shrewsbury,

N.J.? 1836?] 8155.d.29. [Another edition.] Slavery in America. A reprint of

an Appeal to the Christian women of the slave states ofAmerica. With introduction, notes and appendix, by GeorgeThompson. Edinburgh, 1837. T.2386.(4.)

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503. -----. Letters to Catharine Esther Beecher, in replyto an essay on slavery and abolitionism, addressed toAngelina Emily Grimké. Revised by the author. Boston,1838. 1390.c.25.

504. GRIMKÉ, Thomas Smith. A letter to the Hon. J.C.Calhoun, vice-president of the United States [andothers]. [On the importance of the Union.] Philadelphia,1832. 1389.g.43.(2.)

505. GRONNIOSAW, JAMES ALBERT UKAWSAW. A narrative of themost remarkable particulars in the life of James AlbertUkawsaw Gronniosaw, an African prince, as related byhimself. [With a preface by W. Shirley.] Bath: S. Hazaed,[1770?}, 49pp. 1415.a.7. (Plus eight further editions.)

506. GROSVENOR, Cyrus Pitt. Slavery vs. the Bible: acorrespondence between the General Conference of Maine,and the Presbytery of Tombecbee, Mississippi. [Edited]with a brief Appendix by Cyrus Pitt Grosvenor. Worcester,1840. 8157.a.9.

507. GURLEY, Ralph Randolph. Letter ... on the AmericanColonization Society. [Washington, 1833.] 8156.aaa.39.

508. -----. Mission to England on behalf of the AmericanColonization Society. Washington, 1841. 1369.h.18.

509. HABICH, Edward. The American churches, the bulwarksof American slavery. Second American edition, revised bythe author. Newburyport: Charles Whipple, 1842, 44pp.8156.aa.8.

510. -----. Views on slavery. Boston: W.H. Rand, 1855,22pp. 8156.aa.55.(6.)

511. HAGADORN, William. A comparison of American andBritish slavery. New York, 1851. 8156.aaa.84.(6.)

512. HAGUE, William. Christianity and slavery: a reviewof the correspondence between Richard Fuller, ... andFrancis Wayland, ... on domestic slavery, considered as aScriptural institution. Boston, 1847. 8156.a.71.(3.)

513. HALL, Basil R.N. Travels in North America in theyears 1827 and 1828. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1829. 1052.c.9.

[Another edition.] 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1829.10408.e.14.

514. HALL, Margaret. The aristocratic journey. Being theoutspoken letters of Mrs. Basil Hall, written during afourteen months' sojourn in America, 1827-1828. Prefacedand edited by Una Pope-Hennessy. New York; London: G.P.Putman's Sons, 1931, 308pp. 010410.i.22.

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515. HALL, Marshall. The two-fold slavery of the UnitedStates: with a project of self-emancipation. London,1854, 159pp. 8157.bb.6.

516. HALL, Nathaniel. The limits of civil obedience. Asermon [on Rom. xiii. 1, 2] preached in the First Church,Dorchester. Boston, 1851. 4486.e.52.(14.)

517. -----. Righteousness and the pulpit. A discourse [onPs. xl. 9, in reference to the abolition of slavery].Boston, 1855. 4486.c.32.(22.)

518. HAMILTON, William. An oration delivered in theAfrican Zion Church, ... in commemoration of theabolition of domestic slavery in this state. New York,1827. 8155.c.34.

519. HAMILTON, William T. The duties of masters andslaves respectively: or, domestic servitude as sanctionedby the Bible: a discourse [on Coloss. iv. 1]. Mobile,1845. 4486.cc.21.(3.)

520. HAMLIN, Cyrus. The problem of freedom and slavery inthe United States. A lecture before the Literary andScientific Institution. Smyrna, [1862.]. 8156.aa.53.(4.)

521. HAMMON, Jupiter. An address to the Negroes in thestate of New York. [A reprint of the 1787 edition.]Tarrytown, 1925. [Magazine of History. Extra no.114.]P.P.3437.bab.

522. HAMMOND, James Henry. Gov. Hammond's letters onSouthern slavery: addressed to Thomas Clarkson, theEnglish abolitionist. Charleston, [1845.] 1389.k.24.(2.)

523. HANCOCK, pseud. [i.e. Franklin Dexter.]. A letter tothe Hon. Samuel A. Eliot ... in reply to his apology forvoting for the Fugitive Slave Bill. By Hancock [pseudonymof Franklin Dexter]. [Also attributed to William Jay.]Boston: Wm. Crosby & H. P. Nichols, 1851, 57pp.8156.bb.76.(6.)

524. HANKEY, William Alers. A letter ... by William AlersHankey occasioned by the "Analysis" of his evidence onthe subject of slavery, before the Committee of the Houseof Commons, contained in The Anti-Slavery Reporter, withnotes by its editor. London, 1833. T.1445.(10.)

525. HARLAN, Mary B. Ellen; or the chained mother; andpictures of Kentucky slavery. Drawn from real life.Cincinnati, 1853. 12706.d.15.

526. HARPER, William. Anniversary oration. In: Harper, W.The South Carolina Society. 1836. 8175.e.

527. HARRIS, Thaddeus Mason. A discourse [on Acts xvii.26], delivered before the African Society in Boston, ...

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on the anniversary celebration of the abolition of theslave trade. Boston, 1822. 4486.h.98.

528. HASTED, Frederick. A copy of a letter written to thePresident of the United States, on slave emancipation.[New York? 1859?]. 8175.aaa.41.

529. HATFIELD, Edwin Francis. Freedom's lyre: or, psalms,hymns, and sacred songs, for the slave and his friends.Compiled by E.F. Hatfield. New York: S.W. Benedict, 1840,265pp. 3440.ff.4.

Second edition. New York, 1840. 3435.b.10.

530. HAVEN, Gilbert. The beginning of the end of Americanslavery. Sermon. In: Redpath, J. Echoes of Harper'sFerry. Boston, 1860. 8155.b.64.

531. HELPER, Hinton Rowan. The impending crisis of theSouth: how to meet it. New York, 1857. 8156.b.30.

532. HELPS, Sir Arthur. The conquerors of the New Worldand their bondsmen. Being a narrative of the principalevents which led to Negro slavery in the West Indies andAmerica. 2 vols. London: William Pickering, 1848, 52pp.8155.c.6.

533. HENRY, Caleb Sprague. Patriotism and theslaveholders' rebellion. An oration. New York: D.Appleton and Co., 1861, 324pp. 12301.h.28.(10.)

534. HENSHAW, David. A refutation of the charge ofabolitionism, brought by D. Henshaw and his partizansagainst the Hon. Marcus Morton. Boston, 1845. 8156.bb.44.

535. HENSON, Josiah. The life of Josiah Henson, formerlya slave, now an inhabitant of Canada, as narrated byhimself. (With a preface by Thomas Binney.) Boston, 1849.10882.a.21.(3.)

[Another edition.] London, 1851. 10880.a.7.

536. HEPBURN, John. The American defence of the Christiangolden rule, or an essay to prove the unlawfulness ofmaking slaves of men. 3 pt. [New Jersey?] 1715.855.f.8.(8-10.)

537. HICKS, Elias. Letters of E. Hicks, including alsoobservations on the slavery of the Africans.Philadelphia: T.E. Chapman, 1861, 240pp. 4151.cc.2.

538. HIGGINSON, Thomas Wentworth. Man shall not live bybread alone;: a thanksgiving sermon [on Matt. iv. 4]preached at Newburyport. ... Second edition. Newburyport,1848. 4486.aa.67.(14.)

539. -----. Massachusetts in mourning. A sermon [onJerem. xv. 12] preached in Worcester. Boston, 1854.4486.d.41.(14.)

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540. HILDRETH, Richard. Brief remarks on Miss CatherineE. Beecher's Essay on slavery and abolitionism. Boston:Isaac Knapp, 1837, 28pp. 8156.aa.13.

541. -----. Despotism in America; or an enquiry into thenature and results of the slave-holding system in theUnited States. [By the author of Archy Moore i.e. RichardHildreth.] Boston: Whipple and Damrell, 1840, 186pp.8155.aaaa.4.

Second edition. Boston: Anti-Slavery Society, 1840.1390.c.24.

[Another edition.] Boston, 1854. 8177.b.25.

542. HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA HALL WHICH WAS DESTROYED BYA MOB ... 17 May, 1838. Philadelphia, 1838. 1447.i.16.

543. HOAG, Enoch. The slave power; or, the spirit of ourfathers contrasted with the spirit of their sons. Boston,1848. 8175.aa.52.

544. HOAR, Samuel. Remarks on the resolutions [touchingthe proposed abolition of slavery in Columbia, etc.]introduced by Mr. Jarvis, of Maine, and Mr. Wise, ofVirginia, delivered in the House of Representatives, ...Jan. 21, 1836. Washington, 1836. 8155.d.30.

545. HODGKIN, Thomas. An inquiry into the merits of theAmerican Colonization Society: and a reply to the chargesbrought against it. With an account of the BritishAfrican Colonisation Society. London, 1833. T.1461.(14.)

546. -----. A letter ... on free trade and slave labour.[London]: W. Watts, [1848.] 16pp. 157.b.6.(5.)

547. -----. On the British African Colonization Society.To which are added, some particulars respecting theAmerican Colonization Society; and a letter from JeremiahHubbard ... on the same subject. [London,] 1834.T.1574.(13.)

548. -----. The transition from slavery to freedom ...extracted from the Freed-man. Bloomsbury: Arliss Andrews,1865, 15pp. 1608/2067.

549. HODGMAN, Stephen A. The nation's sin and punishment:or, the hand of God visible in the overthrow of slavery.By a Chaplain of the U.S. Army [Stephen A. Hodgman]. NewYork: M. Doolady, 1864, 274pp. 8157.bbb.2.

550. HOPKINS, John Henry. The American citizen; hisrights and duties according to the spirit of theConstitution of the United States. New York, 1857.8005.d.23.

551. -----. The Bible view of American slavery. A letterfrom the Bishop of Vermont ... to the Bishop of

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Pennsylvania. Reprinted from the Philadelphia Mercury of11th October, 1863. [Edited] by F.L.M. London: Saunders,Otley & Co., 1863, 15pp. 8156.aaa.41.

552. -----. American slavery ... a reply to the letter ofBishop Hopkins, of Vermont by Rev. Thomas Atkins. NewYork: W.G. Green, [1861], 13pp. 8156.c.8.

553. -----. Review of a "Letter from J.H. Hopkins, ...Bishop of Vermont, on the Bible view of slavery." By aVermonter [i.e. L. Marsh]. Burlington, 1861.8156.bb.77.(7.) 554. -----. A scriptural, ecclesiastical, and historicalview of slavery ... addressed to the Right Rev. A.Potter, [in answer to a protest of the Bishop and clergyof the diocese of Pennsylvania, against John HenryHopkins' ... Bible view of slavery. With the textpublished originally in 1861.] New York, [1864.].8157.bbb.26.

555. -----. Southern slavery in its present aspects:containing a reply to a late work of the Bishop ofVermont on slavery, by Daniel R. Goodloe. Philadelphia,1864. 8156.aa.33.

556. HOPKINS, Samuel. A discourse [on Mark xvi. 15] onthe slave trade. Providence, 1793. 4486.a.58.(1.)

557. HORTON, George M. Poems by a slave. In: Wheatley,afterwards Peters, P. Memoir and Poems of PhillisWheatley. 1838. 11686.aa.18.

558. HOSMER, William. The higher law, in its relations tocivil government: with particular reference to slaveryand the Fugitive Slave Law. Auburn, 1852. 8155.c.36.

559. HOW, Samuel B. Slaveholding not sinful. Slavery thepunishment of man's sin; its remedy, the Gospel of Christ... second edition. New Brunswick, 1856. 4373.b.23.

559a. HOWARD, B.C. A report of the decision of theSupreme Court of the United States and the opinions ofthe judges thereof in the case of Dred Scott versusJ.F.A. Sandford. New York, 1857. Mic.A.10365(5)

560. HOWITT, Mary. Memoir of William Lloyd Garrison ...Reprinted from the People's Journal. Kilmarnock: WilliamMuir; Glasgow: W. & R. Smeal, 1846, 44pp. 1578/3358

561. HUBBARD, Jeremiah. On the British AfricanColonization Society, by Thomas Hodgkin. To which areadded, some particulars respecting the AmericanColonization Society; and a letter from Jeremiah Hubbard... on the same subject. [London,] 1834. T.1574.(13.)

562. HUGO, Victor Marie Viscount. Two letters. [i. 6July, 1851, on slavery in America. ii. 2 Dec. 1859, on

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the attempted liberation of the slaves by Capt. JohnBrown.] In: Redpath, J. Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Boston,1860. 8155.b.64.

563. HUMPHREY, Heman. The Missouri Compromise: an addressdelivered before the citizens of Pittsfield. Pittsfield,1854. 8175.b.80.(2.)

564. HURD, John Codman. The law of freedom and bondage inthe United States. 2 vol. Boston, New York, 1858.Mic.A.9572(5)

565. -----. Topics of jurisprudence connected withconditions of freedom and bondage. New York, 1856.Mic.A.9573(1)

566. HURNARD, James. The true way to abolish slavery.London, [1855.]. 8155.b.48.

567. HUTCHINSON, Titus. A review of a slave case ...decided in the Supreme Court, ... in favor of Prigg vs.the State of Pennsylvania. [1842?] 1890.e.3.(1.)

568. ILLINOIS, State of. The injurious effects of slavelabour: an impartial appeal to the reason, justice andpatriotism of the people of Illinois. London: Ellerton &Henderson, 1824, 18pp. 8156.e.5.(12.)

569. INCHIQUIN, [i.e. Charles Jared Ingersoll,] Inchiquinthe Jesuit's letters, during a late residence in theUnited States of America. Being a fragment of a privatecorrespondence accidentally discovered in Europe.Containing a favourable view of the manners, literatureand state of society of the United States, by someunknown foreigner [i.e. Charles Jared Ingersoll]. NewYork, 1810. 10410.b.11.

570. -----. A critique of Inchiquin the Jesuit's letters,[by Robert Southey], in the Quarterly Review, January1814, pp.494-539. P.P.5989.ab.

571. -----. The United States and England: being a replyto the criticism [by Robert Southey] of Inchiquin'sletters, contained in the Quarterly Review for January1814. [By J.K. Paulding.] New York and Philadelphia,1815. 1431.i.17.


573. INDIANA YEARLY MEETING OF ANTI-SLAVERY FRIENDS. Anaddress (signed ... on behalf of the Meeting) to theyearly meeting of London. [London, 1846.] L.7.d.3.(22.)

574. INFLUENCE OF CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES ON THEEMANCIPATION OF SLAVES. By a member of the sodality ofthe B.V. Mary, Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, East

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Boston. Boston: Patrick Donahoe, 1863, 35pp.8156.a.70.(4.)

575. INGERSOLL, Charles Jared. Inchiquin, the Jesuit's,letters during a late residence in the United States ofAmerica...by some unknown foreigner [i.e. Charles JaredIngersoll.]. 1810. 10410.b.11.

576. -----. A letter to a friend in a slave state, byCharles Jared Ingersoll, a citizen of Pennsylvania [onthe disruption of the United States]. Philadelphia, 1862.8177.c.87.(7.)

577. THE INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF SLAVE LABOUR; an impartialappeal to the reason, justice and patriotism of thepeople of Illinois. London: Ellerton & Henderson, 1824,18pp. 8156.e.5.(12.)


579. ISAAC. Memoirs of a Monticello slave as dictated toCharles Campbell by Isaac [i.e. Isaac Jefferson]. InBear, James A. Jefferson at Monticello. pp.1-24pp, 1967.X.709/17403.

580. IVIMEY, Joseph. The utter extinction of slavery anobject of scripture prophecy: a lecture. London, 1832.T.1401.(8.)

581. J., E. The slave twice liberated. [A religioustract. By E. J.] Birmingham, [1855?] 4416.b.56.(2.)

582. JACKSON, Francis. Disunion. Address of the AmericanAnti-Slavery Society; and Francis Jackson's letter on thepro-slavery character of the Constitution. In: The Anti-Slavery Examiner, no.12, 1836. P.P.1046.e.

583. JACKSON, John Andrew. The experience of a slave inSouth Carolina. [Edited by W.M.S.] London, 1862.10881.aa.22.

584. JAGGER, William. To the people of Suffolk Co.Information, acquired from the best authority, withrespect to the institution of slavery. New York, 1856.8156.aaa.84.(7.)

585. JAY, Charles. The dawn of African freedom and thenatural extinction of slavery briefly considered. London,1848. 8155.d.36.

586. JAY, John. America free, or America slave. Anaddress on the state of the country delivered at Bedford,Westchester County, New York. [New York, 1856.]8177.e.32.(6.)

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587. -----. Caste and slavery in the American church. Bya churchman [i.e. John Jay]. New York & London, 1843,51pp. 1369.h.27.

588. -----. The constitutional principles of theabolitionists, and their endorsement by the Americanpeople. A letter to the American Anti-Slavery Society.New York, 1864, 12pp. 8155.cc.1.(8.)

589. -----. The great conspiracy. An address. New York:Roe Lockwood & Son, 1861, 50pp. 8155.cc.1.(3.)

Second edition. New York, 1863. 8177.bb.103.(2.)

590. -----. The progress and results of emancipation inthe English West Indies. A lecture delivered before thePhilomathian Society of the City of New York. New York,1842. 8156.aaa.83.(5.)

591. -----. Report of Special Committee of the UnionLeague Club of New York on the passage by the House ofRepresentatives of the Constitutional Amendment for theabolition of slavery. [By John Jay.] New York, 1865,24pp. 8176.e.12.(7.)

592. -----. Thoughts on the duty of the Episcopal Church,in relation to slavery: being a speech. New York: Piercy& Reed, 1839, 11pp. 4182.k.15.(4.)

593. JAY, William. Address [signed, William Jay andothers] to the inhabitants of Mexico and California onthe omission by Congress to provide them with territorialgovernments, and on the ... evils of slavery. New York,1849. 8180.aa.1.

594. -----. An enquiry into the character and tendency ofthe American Colonization, and American Anti-SlaverySociety. New York, 1835. 1390.c.22.

Third edition. Stereotyped. New York: Leavitt, Lord& Co; Boston: Crocker & Brewster, 1835, 206pp. 1568/6703.

[Another edition.] Slavery in America: or, aninquiry into the character and tendency of the AmericanColonization and the American Anti-Slavery Societies ...with an introduction to this edition, by Samuel HansonCox. ... Edited by John Morrison. London, 1835. 522.f.34.

595. -----. A letter to the Hon. Samuel A. Eliot ... inreply to his apology for voting for the Fugitive SlaveBill. [Also attributed to Hancock [pseudonym of FranklinDexter]. Boston: Wm. Crosby & H. P. Nichols, 1851, 57pp.8156.bb.76.(6.)

596. -----. Letter ... to ... T. Frelinghuysen [onAmerican slavery]. New York, 1844. 8156.aaa.45.

597. -----. Miscellaneous writings on slavery. Boston,1853. 8156.d.17.

Page 59: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

598. -----. A reply to Webster [i.e. to his speeches onslavery] in a letter from William Jay to W. Nelson.Boston, 1850. 8156.aa.35.

599. -----. A view of the action of the federalgovernment in behalf of slavery. New York, 1839.1137.b.26.

Second edition. New York, 1839. 8155.c.39. [Another edition.] With an appendix by Joshua

Leavitt. Utica, 1844. 8156.aa.55.(2.)

600. -----. Letters respecting the American Board ofCommissioners for Foreign Missions, and the AmericanTract Society. New York, 1853. 8156.ee.14.(9.)

601. -----. Reply to remarks of Rev. Moses Stuart ... onHon. John Jay, and an examination of his scripturalexegesis, contained in his recent pamphlet entitledConscience and the Constitution. New York, 1850.8156.aaa.79.(5.)

602. -----. A review of the causes and consequences ofthe Mexican War. Boston, 1849. 8177.b.33.

603. JEA, John. The life ... of John Jea, the Africanpreacher. Compiled and written by himself. Portsea,[1800?] 4985.bbb.28.

604. JEFFERSON, Isaac. Memoirs of a Monticello slave asdictated to Charles Campbell by Isaac [i.e. IsaacJefferson]. In Bear, James A. Jefferson at Monticello.pp.1-24pp, 1967. X.709/17403.

605. JEFFERSON, Thomas. Thomas Jefferson's letter of 20May 1826 to James Heaton on the abolition of slavery.Edited by Walter Muir Whitehill. Washington: DumbartonOaks Garden Library, 1967, 20pp. X.702/565.

606. JOHNSON, Samuel. The crisis of freedom. A sermon,preached at the Free Church, in Lynn, on Sunday, June 11,1854. Boston: Crosby, Nichols & Co., 1854. 1570/4084

607. JOHNSTONE, James. A scheme, for the abolition ofslavery, without injury to trade and navigation.Worcester: J. Holl, 1789, 14pp. T.449.(4.)

608. JONES, Absalom and ALLEN, Richard. A narrative ofthe proceedings of the black people during the late awfulcalamity in Philadelphia in ... 1793, and a refutation ofsome censures thrown upon them in some late publications.Philadelphia: Printed for the Authors, 1794, 28pp.8157.b.6.(3.)

609. JONES, Charles Colcock. The religious instruction ofthe Negroes in the United States. Savannah, 1842.4183.c.48.

Page 60: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

610. -----. Suggestions on the religious instruction ofthe Negroes in the Southern states ... with an appendix.Philadelphia, 1847. 8155.e.67.(2)

611. JONES, Ernest Charles. The slaveholder's war. Alecture. Ashton-under-Lyne: Union and EmancipationSociety, [1863], 44pp. 08157.df.4.

612. JONES, Hugh. The present state of Virginia; giving a... short account of ... the inhabitants of that colony... from whence is inferred a short view of Maryland andNorth Carolina: to which are added schemes ... for thebetter promotion of learning, in Virginia and the otherplantations. London, 1724, 151pp. C.13.a 11.(3.)

[Another edition.] In Sabin, Joseph. Sabin'sReprints. [Octavo series.] No.5. 1865. 9605.f.5.(5)

613. JONES, Thomas H. Experience and personal narrativeof Uncle Tom Jones: who was for forty years a slave. Alsothe surprising adventures of Wild Tom, ... a fugitiveNegro from South Carolina. New York, 1854. 8156.c.51.

614. -----. The experience of Thomas H. Jones, who was aslave for forty-three years. Written by a friend.Springfield, 1854. 8156.aa.55.(5.)

615. A JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE DEPICTION OF THECONSPIRACY FORMED BY SOME WHITE PEOPLE, in conjunctionwith Negro and other slaves, for burning the city of New-York ... and murdering the inhabitants ... containing ...an appendix, wherein is set forth some additionalevidence ... By the recorder of the City of New-York. NewYork: J. Parker, 1744, 205pp. C.38.f.19.

[Another edition.] New York and London: J. Clarke,1747, 425pp. 278.d.47.

616. JUNIUS, Redivivus, pseud. [i.e. William BridgesAdams.] Note on Negro slavery, by Junius, Redivivus. In:C.L.N.A. Murat. A moral and political sketch of theUnited States of North America. [Second edition.] London,1833. 798.h.15.

Second edition. London: Effingham Wilson, 1833,402pp. 10409.aaa.42.

617. JUNKIN, George. A review of ... Dr. Junkin'ssynodical speech, in defence of American slavery ... withan outline of the Bible argument against slavery.Cincinnati, 1844. 8156.aaa.46.

618. KEMBLE, Frances Anne. Journal of a residence inAmerica. Paris: A. & W. Galignani & Co., 1835, 326pp.10414.m.5.

[Another edition.] Brussels, 1835. 10408.cc.19

619. -----. Journal of a residence on a GeorgianPlantation in 1838-1839. London, 1863. 10411.bb.15.

Page 61: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

620. -----. The essence of slavery. Extracted from Ajournal of a residence on a Georgian plantation, byFrances Anne Kemble. By Isa Craig. London, 1863. No.2 ofa series of tracts published by the Ladies LondonEmancipation Society. 8177.a.82.(7.)

621. -----. Journal of Frances Anne Butler. London, 1835.1052.d.3.

622. -----. The views of Judge Woodward and BishopHopkins on Negro slavery at the South, illustrated fromthe Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation, byMrs. Frances Anne Kemble. [Philadelphia? 1863?]8156.bb.78.(13.)

623. KENNEDY, John. Hebrew servitude and Americanslavery: an attempt to prove that the Mosaic Lawfurnishes neither a basis nor an apology for Americanslavery. London, 1863. 8156.a.72.(12.)

624. KENNEDY, John Pendleton. Slavery, the mere pretextfor the rebellion; not its cause ... picture of theconspiracy. Drawn in 1863, by a Southern man [i.e. JohnPendleton Kennedy]. (Facsimile edition.) Pottstown, Pa.:printed for the Americanist Press, by the Rozov Press,1967, 16pp. X.519/13371.

625. KENRICK, John. Horrors of slavery. Cambridge,[Mass.], 1817. 8156.aa.36.

626. KENTUCKY JURISPRUDENCE. A history of the trial ofMiss Delia Ann Webster at Lexington ... Dec. 17-21,1844, before the Hon. R. Buckner on a charge of aidingslaves to escape from that Commonwealth: withmiscellaneous remarks. Vergennes, 1845. 1246.a.5.(2.)

627. KIMBALL, J. Horace and THOME, James A. Emancipationin the West Indies; a six months tour in Antigua,Barbadoes, and Jamaica, in 1837. In: The Anti-SlaveryExaminer. No.7, 1836. P.P.1046.e.

[Another edition.] New York, 1838. 1430.i.7.

628. KINGSBURY, Harmon. Thoughts on the Fugitive SlaveLaw and Nebraska Bill. New York, 1855. 8156.a.72.(6.)

629. KINNAIRD, Thomas M. Fugitive slaves in Canada. [Anappeal on behalf of Mr. Kinnaird's mission.] [1861.] 4pp.8175.l.17.

630. KNIGHT, Henry Cogswell. Letters from the South andWest. Boston, 1824. 1431.h.5.

631. KNOX, John P. Historical account of St. Thomas,W.I., with its rise and progress in commerce, missionsand churches, climate ... and incidental notices of St.Croix and St. Johns; slave insurrections, etc. New York,1852. 10470.b.12.

Page 62: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

632. KNOX, W. Three tracts concerning the conversion andinstruction of free Indians, and Negro slaves in thecolonies. [London, 1768?], 41pp. 103.l.64.

633. KOSTER, Henry. On the amelioration of slavery. InThe Pamphleteer, vol.VIII. London, 1813. P.P.3557.w.

634. KREBS, John M. The American citizen. A discourse [onDeut. iv. 7, 8] on the nature and extent of our religioussubjection to the government under which we live:including inquiry into the scriptural authority of thatprovision of the Constitution of the United States whichrequires the surrender of fugitive slaves. New York,1851. 4183.c.21.

635. L. The great cotton question: where are the spoilsof the slave? Addressed to the upper and middle classesof Great Britain. By L. Cambridge, 1861. 8156.c.73.(7.)

636. LACY, Benjamin. A sermon [on Ps. lxviii. 1-3]preached...December 31, being the day appointed forpublick Thanksgiving, for the...successes vouchsafed tothe arms of her Majesty. Exon, 1707. 226.h.2.(15.)

637. LAFON, Thomas. The great obstruction to theconversion of souls at home and abroad. An address. NewYork, 1843. 4766.f.10.(1.)

638. LANE, Lunsford. The narrative of Lunsford Lane ...fourth edition. Boston, 1848. 8157.a.2.

639. LANMAN, Charles. Haw-ho-noo; or records of atourist. Philadelphia, 1850. 10411.e.13.

640. LARNED, Edwin C. The new Fugitive Slave Law. Speechin reply to Hon. S.A. Douglas. Chicago, 1850.8156.bb.78.(2.)

641. LATIMER, George. An article on the Latimer case[viz. the arrest of George Latimer as a fugitive slave].From the ... Law Reporter. Boston, 1843. 8155.d.40.

642. LATROBE, John Hazlehurst Boneval. Africancolonization. An address delivered ... at the anniversarymeeting of the Massachusetts Colonization Society, heldin ... Boston. Baltimore, 1853. 8205.ccc.27.

643. LAURENS, Henry. A South Carolina protest againstslavery: being a letter from Henry Laurens ... to his son... August 14th, 1776. Now first published from theoriginal. New York, 1861. 8177.aaa.46.

644. LAYMAN, William. Outline of a plan for the bettercultivation, security, and defence of the British WestIndies: being the original suggestion for providing aneffectual substitute for the African slave trade, andpreventing the dependance of those colonies on America

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for supplies. London: Black, Parry and Kingsbury, 1807,93pp. B.496.(10.)

645. LEARNED, Joseph D. A view of the policy ofpermitting slaves in the states west of the Mississippi:being a letter to a member of Congress. Baltimore, 1820.8155.d.41.

646. LEE, Arthur. An essay in vindication of thecontinental colonies of America from a censure of Mr.Adam Smith in his theory of moral sentiments. With somereflections on slavery. By an American [i.e. Arthur Lee].London: Printed for the Author, 1764, 46pp. E.2228.(4.)

647. LEGGETT, William. A collection of the politicalwritings of William Leggett. Selected and arranged, witha preface by Theodore Sedgwick, Jr. New York: 1840, 2vols. 1389.b.1.

648. LEGION OF FRONTIERSMEN. The legion of liberty! andforce of truth; containing the thoughts, words and deedsof some prominent apostles, champions and martyrs. Secondedition. New York, 1843. 1390.c.29.

649. LEMON, Mark and TAYLOR, Tom. Slave life; or, UncleTom's cabin. A drama, in three acts, etc. [1852.] 63pp.In: Webster, Benjamin N. The Acting National Drama.Vol.17. 1837. 2304.b.20.

650. A LETTER TO AN AMERICAN PLANTER FROM HIS FRIEND INLONDON. [On the instruction of Negro slaves inChristianity.] London: Printed by H. Reynell, 1781, 24pp.1507/792.

651. LETTER TO A MEMBER OF THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITEDSTATES FROM AN ENGLISH CLERGYMAN; including arepublication, with considerable additions, of the tractentitled, Every man his own property. London; Birmingham:Whittaker, Treacher and Arnot, 1835, 30pp. 8156.e.1.(5.)

652. LETTERS ON AMERICAN SLAVERY, ADDRESSED TO MR. J.RANKIN ... fifth edition. Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1838,109pp. 1389.a.21.

653. LEWIS, George. Impressions of America and theAmerican Churches: from the journal of the Rev. G. Lewis.Edinburgh, 1845. 1431.e.13.

654. LEWIS, Tayler. Patriarchal and Jewish servitude noargument for American slavery. In: Fast Day Sermons.1861. 4486.b.59.

655. THE LIBERATOR. Vol.1.no.1-vol.32.no.52. 1 Jan. 1831-29 Dec. 1865. Boston. A.273.(Colindale)

656. THE LIBERTY BELL. By friends of freedom. [Acollection of articles against slavery, in prose and

Page 64: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

verse.] Boston: Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Fair, 1843.8157.bbb.6.

[Another edition.] Boston, 1845. 11687.cc.29.[Another edition.] Boston, 1853. 11687.bb.38.

657. THE LIFE OF SLAVERY, OR THE LIFE OF THE NATION? Massmeeting of the citizens of New York ..., March 6, 1862.[New York? 1862?] 8177.cc.25.

658. LINCOLN, Abraham. By the President ... AProclamation. [Declaring all slaves in the United Statesfree. Dated Jan. 1, 1863.] [Washington, 1863.] With theautograph signatures of Lincoln, Seward and Nicolay.C.160.c.4.(1.)

659. -----. President Lincoln's EmancipationProclamation. [San Francisco?] 1864. Broadside folio.1880.d.1.(35*)

660. LINCOLN, William S. Alton trials: of William S.Gilman, who was indicted...for the crime of riot,committed...while engaged in defending a printing press,from an attack made on it...by an armed mob...Also, thetrial of J. Solomon... indicted...for a riot committed inAlton,...in...entering the warehouse of Godfrey, Gilman &Co., and breaking up and destroying a printing press. NewYork, 1838. 6495.aa.49.

661. LIVERMORE, George. An historical research respectingthe opinions of the founders of the Republic on Negroesas slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Boston, 1862.8156.bb.49. Fourth edition. Boston, 1863. 8156.e.39.

662. LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. Poems on slavery.Cambridge, [Mass.,] 1842. 11688.bb.42.

Second edition. Cambridge, [Mass.,] 1842.11687.aa.35.

[Another edition.] London, [1848.] 11686.a.50.[Another edition.] London: Clarke, Beeton & Co.,

1853, 232pp. 11686.b.39.

663. LORD, John C. Causes and remedies of the presentconvulsions. A discourse [on Is. xliii. 2,5,6]. Buffalo,1861. 4486.bb.63.(14.)

664. -----. The higher law: in its application to theFugitive Slave Bill, a sermon [on Matt. xxii. 17-21] onthe duties men owe to God and to governments. Buffalo,1851. 4486.e.50.(15.)

665. -----. Slavery in its relation to God. A review ofRev. Dr Lord's thanksgiving sermon, in favor of domesticslavery, entitled The Higher Law, in its application tothe Fugitive Slave Bill. By a minister of the Gospel.Buffalo, 1851. 8155.e.67.(4.)

Page 65: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

666. LORD, Nathan. A Northern Presbyter's second letterto ministers of the Gospel of all demoninations onslavery. Boston, 1855. 8156.d.21.

667. LOVE, William de Loss. Obedience to rulers. The dutyand its limitations. A discourse. Storer & Stone: NewHaven [Connecticut], 1851, 16pp. 4473.h.26.(4.)

668. LOVEJOY, Joseph C. Memoir of Rev. C.T. Torrey; whodied in the penitentary of Maryland, where he wasconfined for showing mercy to the poor. Boston, 1847.4985.b.23.

669. ----- and LOVEJOY (Owen). Memoir of the Rev. ElijahParish Lovejoy; who was murdered in defence of theliberty of the press, at Alton, Illinois, Nov. 7, 1837.... With an introduction by John Quincy Adams. New York,1838. 1453.b.23.

670. LUNDY, Benjamin. The life, travels, and opinions ofBenjamin Lundy ... With a sketch of cotemporary events,and a notice of the revolution in Hayti. Philadelphia,1847. 10882.b.14.

671. LYELL, Sir Charles. A second visit to the UnitedStates of North America. London, 1849. 2374.b.5.

Second edition, revised and corrected. London: JohnMurray, 1850. 1570/697.

672. M., H. The martyr age of the United States ofAmerica. [By H.M. i.e. Harriet Martineau.] With an appealon behalf of the Oberlin Institute in aid of theabolition of slavery. Republished from the London andWestminster Review, by the Newcastle-upon-TyneEmancipation and Aborigines Protection Society.Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1840. 8177.aa.32.

673. McCARGO, Thomas. McCargo versus the New-OrleansInsurance Company. [An argument and a brief in an actionfor the recovery of the value of certain slaves, embarkedon board the brig Creole.] 2 pt. New Orleans, [1842.]1132.g.29.(2,3.)

674. MACDILL, David. Three questions: Why was thecontinent of America not discovered till so late aperiod? Have we, as the people of the United States, aninfidel or heathen system of government? Does theConstitution of the United States sanction slavery?Considered and answered. Oquawka Ill., 1863.8177.c.87.(8.)

675. MACDOWELL, James. Speech ... on the slave question.Second edition. Richmond [Virginia], 1832. 8156.ee.3.(6.)

676. MACHENRY, George. The cotton trade: its bearing uponthe prosperity of Great Britain and commerce of theAmerican republics considered in connection with the

Page 66: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

system of Negro slavery in the Confederate states.London, 1863. 8244.de.26.

677. MACKAY, Alexander. The western world; or travels inthe United States in 1846-47, exhibiting them in theirlatest development, social, political and industrial.London, 1849. 10410.b.14.

678. MACKAYE, James. The mastership and its fruits: theemancipated slave face to face with his old master. NewYork: W. C. Bryant & Co., 1864, 39pp. 08157.f.12.

679. MACLEOD, Alexander. Negro slavery unjustifiable. Adiscourse [on Exod. xxi. 16pp, delivered in] 1802. NewYork, 863. (8156.a.72.(14.)

680. MADDEN, Richard Robert. Address on slavery in Cuba,presented to the General Anti-Slavery Convention. London,[1840?] 8156.e.5.(18.)

681. -----. A letter to W.E. Channing on the subject ofthe abuse of the flag of the United States in the islandof Cuba, and the advantage taken of its protection inpromoting the slave trade. Boston, 1839. 1389.g.43.(3.)

682. -----. A letter to W.E. Channing in reply to oneaddressed to him by R.R. Madden on the abuse of the flagof the United States in the island of Cuba, for promotingthe slave trade. By a calm observer. Boston, 1840.8155.e.38.

683. MADISON, James. The Constitution a pro-slaverycompact; or selections from the Madison Papers. Secondedition enlarged. In: The Anti-Slavery Examiner, no.9,1836. P.P.1046.e.

684. MAHAN, John B. Trial of ... John B. Mahan, forfelony. In the Mason Circuit Court of Kentucky ...Reported by Joseph B. Reid and Henry R. Reeder.(Appendix. Letter of Mr. Mahan.) Cincinnati, 1838.6686.a.

685. MANN, Horace. American slavery discussed inCongress. Speeches of ... Horace Mann and ... CharlesSumner. With an introduction by Sir G. Stephen. London,1853. 8155.a.34.

686. -----. Horace Mann's letters on the extension ofslavery into California and New Mexico, and on the dutyof Congress to provide the trial by jury for allegedfugitive slaves ... republished with notes. [Boston?1850.] 8156.bb.50.

687. -----. The institution of slavery. Speech ... on theinstitution of slavery delivered in the U.S. House ofRepresentatives. Boston, 1852. 8156.bb.51.

Page 67: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

688. -----. New dangers to freedom and new duties for itsdefenders: a letter by ... Horace Mann to hisconstituents. Boston, 1850. 8156.aaa.79.(4.)

689. -----. Slavery: letters and speeches. Boston, 1851.8155.c.50.

690. -----. Speech of Mr. Horace Mann, of Massachusetts,in the House of Representatives of the United States,June 30, 1848, on the right of Congress to legislate forthe territories of the United States, and its duty toexclude slavery therefrom. (Revised ... edition.)[Boston]: William B. Fowle, 1848, 31pp. With extractsfrom Address to the people of West Virginia by HenryRuffner. 1560/3610.

691. -----. Speech, ... on the right of Congress tolegislate for the territories of the United States, andits duty to exclude slavery therefrom, delivered in theHouse of Representatives ... To which is added, a letterfrom ... Martin Van Buren and Rev. J. Leavitt. Boston,1848. 8156.a.70.(1.)

692. -----. Speech ... on the subject of slavery in theterritories and the consequences of a dissolution of theUnion. Delivered in the House of Representatives. Boston,1850. 8156.aaa.79.(2.)

693. MARCH, Daniel. The crisis of freedom. Remarks on theduty which all Christian men and good citizens owe totheir country, in the present state of public affairs.Nashua, N.H., 1854. 8175.bb.61.(8.)

694. MARJORIBANKS, John. Slavery: an essay in verse.Edinburgh, 1792. 992.h.21.(9.)

695. -----. A narrative of the Lord's wonderful dealingswith John Marrant, a black, ... taken down from his ownrelation ... by the Rev. Mr. Aldridge. Second edition.London, 1785. 701.k.6.(7.)

Third edition, with notes, etc. London, 1785.T.140.(3.)

Fourth edition. 4985.de.12.Sixth edition, with additions. London, 1788.

4985.bb.47.(12.). A narrative of the life of John Marrant, of New

York, in North America. Halifax: J. Nicholson, 1812,48pp. 11601.ccc.34.(3.)

Another edition. Halifax, 1813. 4985.aa.47.(1.) 696. MARRIOTT, Charles. An address to the members of the... Society of Friends, on the duty of declining the useof the products of slave labour. New York: J.T. Hopper,1835, 18pp. 8156.e.8.(2.)

697. MARS, James. Life of James Mars, a slave born andsold in Connecticut. Written by himself. In: Five black

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lives. Middleton, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press,[1971], 240pp. X.520/6843.

698. MARSH, Leonard. On the relations of slavery to theWar, and on the treatment of it necessary to permanentpeace. [By Leonard Marsh.] [New York? 1862?] 8177.bb.70.

699. -----. Review of a Letter from J.H. Hopkins, ...Bishop of Vermont, on the Bible view of slavery. By aVermonter [i.e. Leonard Marsh]. Burlington, 1861.8156.bb.77.(7.)

700. MARSH, Roswell. A comparison of the present with theformer doctrines of the general government, on thesubjects of slavery, the territories, etc. Steubenville,1856. 8177.df.41.

701. MARSH, William H. God's law supreme. A sermon [onActs v. 29] aiming to point out the duty of a Christianpeople in relation to the Fugitive Slave Law. Worcester,[U.S., 1851]. 8156.aaa.80.(5.)

702. MARTIN, Samuel. An essay upon plantership ... thefifth edition, with many additions, and a preface uponthe slavery of Negroes in the British colonies [byBritannicus]. London, 1773. 104.i.59.

703. MARTINEAU, Harriet. The martyr age of the UnitedStates of America. [By H.M. i.e. Harriet Martineau.] Withan appeal on behalf of the Oberlin Institute in aid ofthe abolition of slavery. Republished from the London andWestminster Review, by the Newcastle-upon-TyneEmancipation and Aborigines Protection Society.Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1840. 8177.aa.32.

704. -----. Retrospect of western travel. London, 1838.792.g.19.

705. -----. Society in America. New York: Saunders &Otley, 1837. 1494.d.7.

[Another edition.] London, 1837. 792.g.16.

706. MARVIN, Abijah P. Fugitive slaves: a sermon [onDeut. xxiii. 15]. Boston, 1850. 4485.dd.8.

707. MARYLAND, State of. Constitutional Convention, 1850,1851. Committee on the Fugitive Slave Case Report.[Annapolis, 1851], 20pp. On the delivery of James S.Mitchell on indictment of kidnapping. With correspondenceof governors of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Microfiche.Made by the Microform Division of Greenwood PublishingCorp. in 1972. 1 m/f. S.P.R.Mic.c.3/21.(7.)

708. MARYLANDER. Slavery; its institution and origin.Baltimore, [1860?] 8156.aaa.55.

709. MASON, M.J.C. Correspondence between Lydia MariaChild and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia [on the

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attempt made by Capt. John Brown to liberate the slavesin Virginia]. New York, 1860. No.1 of the new series ofAnti-Slavery Tracts. 8206.aaa.5.

710. MASSACHUSETTS ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. See New EnglandAnti-Slavery Society.

711. MASSACHUSETTS COLONIZATION SOCIETY. Proceedings atthe Annual Meeting ... held ... Feb. 7, 1833. Togetherwith the speeches delivered on that occasion. Boston:Pierce & Parker, 1833, 29pp. P.P.1021.d.

712. -----. Third(-eighteenth, twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, thirty-second)annual report of the board of managers. Boston: T.R.Marvin, 1844-73, 21pt. P.P.1021.e.

713. MASSACHUSETTS COMMITTEE TO PREVENT THE ADMISSION OFTEXAS AS A SLAVE STATE. Report of the ... Committee.[Boston, 1845.] 8177.d.53.

714. MASSIE, James William. America: the origin of herpresent conflict; her prospect for the slave, and herclaim for anti-slavery sympathy; illustrated by incidentsof travel during a tour in the summer of 1863, throughoutthe United States. London, 1864. 8155.aa.9.

715. -----. The American crisis, in relation to the anti-slavery cause. Facts and suggestions addressed to thefriends of freedom in Britain. London, 1862. 8177.a.45.

716. -----. Slavery the crime and curse of America: anexpostulation with the Christians of that land. London,1852. 1392.a.47.

717. MATHEWS, Edward. The shame and glory of the AmericanBaptists: or, slaveholders versus abolitionists. Bristol,[1860.] 4183.a.11.

718. MATTISON, H. Louisa Picquet the Octoroon: or insideviews of Southern domestic life. New York: Published bythe Author, 1861. Republished in: Women's SlaveNarratives. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press,1988. YC.1988.a.14529.

719. MATTOCKS, John. To my brethren of the Presbytery ofChamplain. [An address on the subject of slavery in theSouth.] [Keeseville? 1855.] 8156.df.51.

720. MAY, Samuel Joseph. A discourse [on Ezek. xxii. 29]on slavery in the United States, delivered in Brooklyn,July 3, 1831. Boston: Garrison & Knapp, 1832, 29pp.4485.e.55.

721. -----. Speech of Rev. Samuel Joseph May to theconvention of citizens of Onondaga County, ... called toconsider the principles of the American government, andthe extent to which they are trampled under foot by the

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Fugitive Slave Law, occasioned by an attempt to enslavean inhabitant of Syracuse. Syracuse, 1851, 23pp.8175.aa.62.

722. MAYO, Amory Dwight. Herod, John and Jesus; or,American slavery and its Christian cure. A sermonpreached in Division Street Church, Albany, N.Y. Albany:Weed, Parsons & Co., printers, 1860, 29pp. 1578/3449.

723. MEADE, William. Pastoral letter ... on the duty ofaffording religious instructions to those in bondage. In:To all Evangelical Christians. New York: American TractSociety, 1858. 8157.aaaa.11.

724. MELLEN, G.W.F. An argument on theunconstitutionality of slavery, embracing an abstract ofthe proceedings of the national and state conventions onthis subject. Boston, 1841. 8157.bbb.27.

725. MEMOIR OF OLD ELIZABETH, A COLOURED WOMAN.Philadelphia: Collins, 1863. Reprinted in: CollectedBlack Women's Narratives. New York; Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 1988. YC.1991.a 5414.

726. A MEMORIAL TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, onthe subject of restraining the increase of slavery in newstates to be admitted into the Union. Prepared inpursuance of a vote of the inhabitants of Boston and itsvicinity, assembled at the State House on the third ofDecember, A.D. 1819. Boston: Sewell Phelps, 1819, 22pp.8155.d.9.

727. MERCER, Alexander Gardiner. American citizenship,its faults and their remedies. A sermon for the day ofnational fast, January 4, 1861. Boston: Little, Brown &Co., 1861, 41pp. 1570/2992

728. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Report of debates in thegeneral conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church heldin the City of New-York, 1844. By R.A. West. New York:New-York, 1844, 240pp. 5017.aa.28.

729. MITCHELL, James. Letter on the relation of thewhite and African races in the United States, showing thenecessity of the colonization of the latter. Washington:Government Printing Office, 1862, 28pp. 8177.aaa.81.(6.)

730. MITCHELL, Rev. W.M. The under-ground rail-road.[Being an account of the means adopted to aid fugitiveslaves; and sketches of slave life. With a preface byW.H. Bonner.] London, 1860. 8156.a.43.

Second edition. London, 1860. 8156.a.44.

731. MILLER, Marmaduke. Slavery and the American war. Alecture. Manchester: W. Bremner & Co.; London: F. Pitman,[1865.] 46pp. 08157.de.13.

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732. MOODY, Loring. Facts for the people, showing therelations of the United States government to slavery.Boston, 1847. 8156.a.45.

733. MOORE, George Henry. Historical notes on theemployment of Negroes in the American Army of theRevolution. New York, 1862. 8177.bb.101.(2.)

734. MORGAN, James Hiley. A history of the slave trade,and colonial slavery ... second edition. Abergavenny:James Hiley Morgan, 1833, 24pp. 1578/1940.

735. MORRIS, Robert D. Slavery, its nature, evils, andremedy. A sermon [on 1 Cor. vi. 21] preached to theCongregation of the Presbyterian Church, Newtown,Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1845. 8156.bb.77.(3.)

736. MORRIS, Thomas. Speech of the Hon. Thomas Morris ...in reply to the speech of the Hon. Alexander Clay. InSenate February 9th 1839. In: The Anti-Slavery Examiner,no.10. 1836. P.P.1046.e.

737. MORSE, Jedidiah. A discourse [on John viii. 36]delivered ... in ... celebration of the abolition of theAfrican slave-trade, by the governments of the UnitedStates, Great Britain and Denmark. Boston, 1808.8156.bb.76.(1.)

738. MORSE, Oliver A. Slavery and civilization. Anaddress delivered at Cherry Valley, July 4. Cooperstown,N.Y., 1856. 8156.bb.75.(4.)

739. MORSE, Samuel F.B. The present attempt to dissolvethe American Union, a British aristocratic plot. By B.[i.e. S.F.B. Morse]. New York: The Author, 1862, 42pp.8177.bb.101.(1.)

740. MORSE, Sidney Edwards. A geographical, statisticaland ethical view of the American slaveholders' rebellion.Illustrated with a cerographic map. New York, 1863.8177.bb.103.(9.)

741. -----. Premium questions on slavery, each admittingof a yes or no answer. New-York, 1860. 8156.bb.54.

742. MOTT, Lucretia Coffin. Slavery and "The WomanQuestion". Lucretia Mott's diary of her visit to GreatBritain to attend the World's Anti-Slavery Convention of1840. Edited by Frederick B. Tolles. London, 1952, 86pp.Ac.2069/3.(23.)

743. MURAT, Charles Louis Napoleon Achille. A moral andpolitical sketch of the United States of North America... With a note on Negro slavery by Junius Redivivus[i.e. W.B. Adams]. London, 1833. 798.h.15.

Second edition. London: Effingham Wilson, 1833,402pp. 10409.aaa.42.

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744. MURRAY, Henry Anthony. Lands of the slave and thefree: or, Cuba, the United States, and Canada. 2 vols.London, 1855. 10412.c.9.

Second edition. London, 1857. 10412.c.10.

745. MUSSON, Eugène. Letter to Napoleon III on slavery inthe Southern states ... translated from the French.London: W.S. Kirkland & Co., 1862, 128pp. 8156.b.38.

746. THE NATION'S SIN AND PUNISHMENT: or, the hand of Godvisible in the overthrow of slavery. By a Chaplain of theU.S. Army [Stephen A. Hodgman]. New York: M. Doolady,1864, 274pp. 8157.bbb.2.

747. NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY STANDARD. See American Anti-Slavery Society.

748. NATIONAL NEGRO CONVENTION. Minutes of theproceedings of the national Negro conventions, 1830-1864.[Edited by Howard Holman Bell.] New Yok: Arno Press; NewYork Times, 1969. Facsimiles of the original publishedminutes of twelve conventions. X.800/11117.

749. NEEDLES, Edward. An historical memoir of thePennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition ofSlavery ... compiled from the minutes of that society.Philadelphia, 1848. 8155.a.36.

750. THE NEGRO PEW: being an inquiry concerning thepropriety of distinctions in the house of God on accountof color. Boston, 1837. 4183.a.51.

751. NEGRO SLAVERY; or a view of some of the moreprominent features of that state of society, as it existsin the United States of America, and in the colonies ofthe West Indies, especially in Jamaica. London, 1823.8155.d.50.

[Another edition.] London, 1823. 8156.c.71.(13.)Third edition. London, 1824. 8156.df.53.

752. -----. Observations, in answer to an Address to theclergy of the established church, and to the Christianministers of every denomination, by Thomas Fisher.London: Smith, Elder, & Co.; Whitmore & Fenn, 1826, 16pp.8155.c.53.

753. NELSE. The down-trodden: or, black blood and white.Being in part related to the author [Walter Sketch] byNelse, a fugitive slave. New York, 1853. 12706.h.30.

754. NEVIN, Edwin Henry. The religion of Christ at warwith American slavery. Cleveland, 1849. 8156.aa.39.

755. NEW ENGLAND ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, afterwardsMassachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. First-twenty firstannual report of the board of managers of the New EnglandAnti-Slavery Society; First published Boston, Mass. 1833-

Page 73: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

53. Republished Westport, Conn. Negro Universities Press,1970. Mic.A.16204..

[Another edition of first report.] Boston, 1833.P.P.1046.c.

756. NEW ENGLAND MAN. A sketch of old-England, by a New-England man [i.e. James Kirke Paulding]. 2 vols. NewYork: Charles Wiley, 1822. 1430.d.4.

757. NEW JERSEY SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE ABOLITION OFSLAVERY. The Constitution of the New Jersey Society forPromoting the Abolition of Slavery: to which is annexed,extracts from a law of New-Jersey passed the 2d March,1786, and supplement to the same, passed the 26thNovember, 1788. Burlington, 1793, 14pp. 8176.a.14.

758. NEWELL, Frederick Samuel. Newell's notes on thecruel and licentious treatment of the American femaleslaves. London, [1864.] 8156.a.69.(1.)

759. NEWHALL, Fales Henry. The conflict in America. Afuneral discourse [on Judges xvi. 30] occasioned by thedeath of John Brown, ... who entered into rest from thethe gallows, at Charlestown, Virginia, Dec. 4, 1859. In:Redpath J., Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Boston, 1860.8155.b.64.

760. NICHOLS, Thomas Low. Forty years of American life.London, 1864. 10411.cc.7.

761. NOEL, Baptist Wriothesley. Freedom and slavery inthe United States of America. London, 1863. 8177.aa.37.

762. THE NON-SLAVEHOLDER. Vol.1.no.1 (first month, 1846)-vol.5.no.12 (twelfth month, 1850); new series vol.1.no.1(first month, 1853)-new series vol.2.no.12 (twelfthmonth, 1854). Microfiche edition. Westport, Conn.: NegroUniversities Press, 1970, 20m/f.

763. NORFOLK, Borough of, Massachusetts. Proceedings ofthe citizens of the borough of Norfolk, on the BostonOutrage, in the case of the runaway slave George Latimer.Norfolk, 1843. 8156.aaa.83.(6.)

764. THE NORTH AND SOUTH, OR, SLAVERY AND ITS CONTRASTS.A tale of real life. By the author of Way-Marks in theLife of a Wanderer. Philadelphia, 1852. 12706.d.22.

765. THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH. Reprinted from the New YorkTribune. New York: Office of the Tribune, 1854, 48pp.8156.df.22.(6.)

766. THE NORTH STAR: the poetry of freedom, by herfriends. Philadelphia: Merrihew and Thompson, 1840,117pp. 11687.aaa.39.

767. NORTH-ENDER. Bostonians Awake! The true American hasreturned, alias William Lloyd Garrison, "Negro champion",

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from his disgraceful mission to the British metropolis.[Signed a North-Ender.] [Boston, 1833.] 1865.c.17.(22.)

768. NORTHERN MAN. The planter: or, thirteen years in theSouth. By a Northern man. Philadelphia, 1853. 8155.b.62.

769. NORTHUP, Solomon. Twelve years a slave. Narrative ofSolomon Northup, a citizen of New York, kidnapped inWashington City in 1841, and rescued in 1853. [Edited byD. Wilson.] London, 1853. 10881.b.38.

770. NOTT, Josiah Clark. Diversity of the human race. [Areview of The doctrine of the unity of the human race,examined on the principles of science by John Bachman.Reprinted from De Bow's Southern and Western Review, Feb.1851.] [New Orleans? 1851.], 20pp. 7006.q.34.

771. NOTT, Samuel. Slavery and the remedy: or principlesand suggestions for a remedial code ... sixth edition,with a reply and appeal to European advisers. Boston,1859. 8156.d.23.

772. -----. The necessities and wisdom of 1861. Asupplement to the sixth edition of slavery and theremedy. Boston, 1861. 8156.bb.57.

773. THE NUTSHELL. The system of American slavery "testedby Scripture," being "A short method" with pro-slaveryD.D.'s [sic.] whether Doctors of Divinity or of democracy... by a layman in the Protestant Episcopal Church in theDiocese of Connecticut. New York, 1862. 8156.a.72.(10.)


775. OBSERVATIONS ON THE INSLAVING, IMPORTING ANDPURCHASING OF NEGROES. With some advice thereon,extracted from the Epistle of the yearly-meeting of thepeople called Quakers held at London in the year 1748.Second edition. (The uncertainty of a death-bedrepentance.) [By Anthony Benezet.] Germantown, 1760.4403.g.10.(2.)

776. O'CONNELL, Daniel. Liberty or slavery? DanielO'Connell on American slavery. Reply to O'Connell by ...Salmon P. Chase. [Cincinnati? 1864.] 8156.bb.74.(5.)

777. O'CONOR, Charles. Negro slavery not unjust: speechof Charles O'Conor, Esq., at the Union Meeting at theAcademy of Music, New York City, December 19th, 1859. NewYork: Van Evrie, Horton & Co., [1859], 13pp. RB.23.a.1782

778. ODGERS, Jacob. The self-ransomed slave. Abiographical sketch of Lewis Smith of Kentucky ... With apostscript by G. Thompson. Redruth: N. Odgers, [1871.]32pp. 10882.a.5.

Page 75: AMERICAN SLAVERY: PRE-1866 IMPRINTS by Jean Kemble · American Slavery: pre-1866 imprints is intended to introduce the reader to such sources held by the British Library and, while

779. OFFLEY, G.W. A narrative of the life and labors ofthe Rev. G.W. Offley, a colored man, and local preacher.In: Five black lives. Middleton, Conn.: WesleyanUniversity Press, [1971], 240pp. X.520/6843.

780. OKELEY, William. Eben-ezer; or a small monument ofgreat mercy appearing in the miraculous deliverance of W.Okeley, W. Adams, J. Anthony, J. Jephs, John -,Carpenter, from ... slavery. [By W. Okeley.] London,1675. 583.a.32

Second edition, with a further narrative of J. Deaneand others. London: N. Ponder, 1684, 100pp. 790.a.34

Third edition. London, 1764. 1419.e.8

781. OLCOTT, Charles. Two lectures on the subjects ofslavery and abolition. Massillon, Ohio, 1838. 8155.d.52.

782. OLD ELIZABETH. Memoir of Old Elizabeth, a colouredwoman. Philadelphia: Collins, 1863. Reprinted in: Women'sSlave Narratives. New York; Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, 1988. YC.1991.a 5414.

783. OLMSTED, Frederick Law. The cotton kingdom. Atraveller's observations on cotton and slavery in theAmerican slave states ... second edition. 2 vols. NewYork: Mason Bros.; London: Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1862.1608/247.

784. -----. A journey in the seaboard slave states, withremarks on their economy. New York, 1856. 10413.ee.8.

785. -----. A journey through Texas; or a winter rambleof saddle and camp life on the border country of theUnited States and Mexico, etc. London, 1857. 10410.p.3.

786. -----. Journeys and explorations in the cottonkingdom. A traveller's observations on cotton and slaveryin the American slave states. Based upon three formervolumes of journeys and investigations by the sameauthor. 2 vols. London, 1861. 10410.p.8.


788. ONESIMUS, Secundus, pseud. The true interpretationof the American Civil War, and of England's cottondifficulty, or slavery from a different point of view,shewing the relative responsibilities of America andGreat Britain. London, 1863. 8177.bb.54.

[Another edition.] London: Trübner & Co., 1863,47pp. 8175.e.1.(6.)


790. O'RIELLY, Henry. Origin and objects of theslaveholders' conspiracy against democratic principles as

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well as against the national union, illustrated in thespeeches of A.J. Hamilton. New York, 1862.8177.bb.101.(9.)

791. OTIS, Mr. Mr. Whipple's report, and Mr. Otis'sletter [relative to petitions to Congress, for theabolition of slavery, and the right of petition]. Boston[Mass.], 1839. 8177.ee.34.(2.)

792. OWEN, Robert Dale. The wrong of slavery, the rightof emancipation, and the future of the African race inthe United States. Philadelphia, 1864. 8156.aa.40.

793. P., T. Some thoughts concerning domestic slavery. Ina letter to -- Esq. of Baltimore [signed, T.P.].Baltimore, 1838. 1389.a.10.

794. PACIFICUS. The rights and privileges of the severalstates in regard to slavery; being a series of essays[signed, Pacificus, i.e. Joshua Reed Giddings], publishedin the Western Reserve Chronicle (Ohio) after theelection of 1842. By a Whig of Ohio. [Cincinnati, 1843?]8156.bb.58.

795. PALFREY, John Gorham. A chapter of American history.Five years' progress of the slave power; a series ofpapers first published in the Boston Commonwealth inJuly, August, and September 1851. [By John GorhamPalfrey.] Boston [U.S.]: Benjamin B. Mussey & Co.;Cambridge [U.S. printed], 1852, 84pp. 8156.d.30.(3.)

796. -----. The inter-state slave trade. New York:American Anti-Slavery Society. Anti-Slavery Tracts.no.5., [1855?], 8pp. 8157.b.16.

797. -----. Letter to a friend [defending his politicalconduct]. Cambridge [Mass.], 1850. 8175.cc.51.

798. -----. Papers on the slave power, first published inthe "Boston Whig." Boston, 1846. 8156.e.41.

799. -----. Speech of Mr. Palfrey, of Massachusetts, onthe political aspect of the slave question. Washington,1848. 8156.d.30.(1.)

800. PALMER, Benjamin Morgan. Slavery a divine trust. Asermon [on Ps. xciv. 20]. In: Fast Day Sermons. 1861.4486.b.59.

801. PARKER, Joseph. American war and American slavery. Aspeech. Manchester: Union and Emancipation Society, 1863,8pp. 08157.ee.7.

802. PARKER, Theodore. A discourse occasioned by thedeath of John Quincy Adams. Boston [Mass.], 1848.10882.ff.30.

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803. -----. The function and place of conscience, inrelation to the laws of men; a sermon [on Acts xxiv. 16]for the times. Boston, 1850. 4485.l.7.

804. -----. The great battle between slavery and freedomconsidered in two speeches delivered before the AmericanAnti-Slavery Society. Boston, 1856. 8156.bb.76.(8.)

805. -----. Letters from Theodore Parker [on the slaveryquestion]. In: Redpath, J. Echoes of Harper's Ferry.1860. 8155.b.64.

806. -----. A letter to the people of the United Statestouching the matter of slavery. Boston, 1848. 8155.c.56.

807. -----. The Nebraska question. Some thoughts on thenew assault upon freedom in America ... Set forth in adiscourse [on Ps. lxxiv. 20]. Boston, 1854.8156.bb.78.(4.)

808. -----. The new crime against humanity. A sermon [onMatt. xxvi. 14-16, etc.] preached in the Music Hall, inBoston. Boston, 1854. 8156.bb.76.(7.)

809. -----. A new lesson for the day; a sermon [on Ps.xii. 8] preached at the Music Hall, Boston. Boston, 1856.4485.g.97.(5.)

810. -----. The present aspect of slavery in America, andthe immediate duty of the North; a speech ... before theMassachusetts Anti-Slavery Convention. Boston, 1858.8156.bb.78.(8.)

811. -----. The relation of slavery to a republican formof government. A speech delivered at the New EnglandAnti-Slavery Convention, ... May 26, 1858. Boston, 1858.8156.bb.60.

812. -----. Review of Webster's speech [on the FugitiveSlave Bill, March 7, 1851]. [New York? 1851?]1851.c.10.(52.)

813. -----. A sermon of slavery [on Rom. vi. 16]. Boston,1843. 4486.f.95.

814. -----. A sermon [on Ps. cvi. 15] of the dangerswhich threaten the rights of man in America. Boston,1854. 4485.g.97.(2.)

815. -----. A sermon of the Mexican War. Boston, 1848.4485.l.5.

816. -----. The trial of Theodore Parker for the"misdemeanor" of a speech in Faneuil Hall againstkidnapping, before the Circuit Court of the UnitedStates, at Boston, April 3, 1855. With the defence, byTheodore Parker. Boston, 1855. 8156.ee.35.

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817. PARRISH, John. Remarks on the slavery of the blackpeople; addressed to the citizens of the United States,etc. Philadelphia, 1806. T.184.(3.)

818. PARSONS, Charles Grandison. Inside view of slavery,or, a tour among the planters. With an introductory noteby Harriet B. Stowe. [New York]: Argosy-Antiquarian,1969. 318pp. Originally published: Boston: J.P. Jewett &Co., 1855. YA.1987.a.17047.

819. PARSONS, Theophilus. Slavery; its origin, influence,and destiny. Boston [Mass.], 1863. 8156.a.70.(5.)

820. PATTEN, William. On the inhumanity of the slave-trade, and the importance of correcting it: a sermon [onProv. xxiv. 11, 12] delivered in ... Newport, RhodeIsland, Aug. 12, 1792. Providence, 1793. 4485.a.64.(1.)

821. -----. The American crisis, or, the true issue,slavery or liberty? London, 1861. 8177.a.52.

822. PAULDING, James Kirke. A sketch of old-England, by aNew-England man [i.e. James Kirke Paulding]. 2 vols. NewYork: Charles Wiley, 1822. 1430.d.4.

823. -----. Slavery in the United States. New York, 1836.1389.a.17.

824. -----. The United States and England: being a replyto the criticism [by Robert Southey] of Inchiquin'sletters, contained in the Quarterly Review for January1814. [By James Kirke Paulding.] New York andPhiladelphia, 1815. 1431.i.17.

825. PAXTON, H.C. Letters on slavery; addressed to theCumberland Congregation, Virginia. Lexington, 1833.522.f.33.

826. PEABODY, Andrew Preston. Position and duties of theNorth with regard to slavery ... reprinted from theChristian Examiner of July, 1843. Newburyport, 1845.8155.aaaa.15.

827. PEABODY, Ephraim. Slavery in the United States. Itsevils, alleviations and remedies. Boston: Charles C.Little and James Brown, 1851, 36pp. Reprinted from TheNorth American Review, Oct. 1851. 1570/5321

828. PEABODY, William Bourne Oliver. The duties anddangers of those who are born free. A sermon [on Actsxxii. 28] preached at the annual election ... before HisExcellency L. Lincoln, Governor. Boston, 1833.4485.g.99.(16.)

829. PEARL, Cyril. Remarks on African colonization. Theabolition of slavery. By a citizen of New England [i.e.Cyril Pearl]. Windsor, Vt.: Richards & Tracy, 1833, 47pp.8155.c.3.

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830. PECK, George. Slavery and Episcopacy: being anexamination of Dr. Bascom's review of the reply of themajority to the protest of the minority of the lategeneral Conference of the M.E. Church, in the Case ofBishop Andrew. New-York, 1845. 8157.c.14.

831. PENNINGTON, J.W.C. The reasonableness of theabolition of slavery at the South a legitimate inferencefrom the success of British emancipation; an address.Hartford, 1856. 8156.aaa.79.(7.)

832. PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE ABOLITION OFSLAVERY. The Constitution of the Pennsylvania Society forpromoting the Abolition of Slavery ... to which are addedthe Acts of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania for thegradual abolition of slavery. Philadelphia, 1787.T.428.(4.)

833. -----. Memorials presented to the Congress of theUnited States of America by the different societiesinstituted for promoting the abolition of slavery ... inthe states of Rhode Island, Connecticut, ... Pennsylvania... and Virginia. Published by order of the PennsylvaniaSociety for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery.Philadelphia, F. Bailey, 1792, 31pp. 8157.b.6.(2.)

834. -----. The present state and condition of the freepeople of color of the city of Philadelphia and adjoiningdistricts, as exhibited by the report of a Committee ofthe Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition ofSlavery. (Address to the people of color.) Philadelphia,1838. The address is separately paged. 8155.e.69.(2.)

835. PENNSYLVANIAN. An address to the inhabitants of theBritish settlements on the slavery of the Negroes inAmerica. The second edition. To which is added, avindication of the address; in answer to a pamphletentitled Slavery not forbidden in Scripture, or a defenceof the West India Planters. By a Pennsylvanian. [i.e.Benjamin Rush, the Elder.] 2 pt. Philadelphia, 1773.8156.a.47.

836. PERKINS, Justin. Our country's sin. A sermon [onJohn vii. 48] preached to the members and families of theNestorian Mission, at Oroomiah, Persia, July 3, 1853.Boston, 1854. 4485.g.96.(15.)

837. PERRY, Nathaniel. Dialogues on freetrade, freesoil,slavery, and abolition. Boston, 1851. 8156.a.49.

838. PETERS, Richard. Report of the case of E. Priggagainst the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ... in which itwas decided that all the laws of the several statesrelative to fugitive slaves are unconstitutional and void... by Richard Peters. Philadelphia, 1842. 6751.e.3.

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839. PHELPS, Amos Augustus T. Lectures on slavery and itsremedy. Boston: New England Anti-Slavery Society, 1834,284pp. 8157.aaa.3.

840. PHILADELPHIAN. Free remarks on the spirit of thefederal Constitution ... and the obligations of theUnion, respecting the exclusion of slavery from theterritories and new states, by a Philadelphian.Philadelphia, 1819. 8176.aa.1.(1.)

841. PHILANTHROPOS, pseud. Letters from an American [onthe relations of America towards England, slavery [etc.].Signed, Philanthropos]. London: T. Ward and Co., [1836.],63pp. 8176.aa.20.(8.)

842. PHILLIPS, Stephen Clarendon. An address on theannexation of Texas, and the aspect of slavery in theUnited States, in connection therewith. Boston, 1845.8175.aaa.50.

843. PHILLIPS, Wendell. Can abolitionists vote or takeoffice under the United States Constitution? In: TheAnti-Slavery Examiner. No.13., 1836. P.P.1046.e.

844. -----. Disunion; two discourses. Boston, 1861.8177.aa.40.

845. -----. The lesson of the hour. Lecture delivered atBrooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 1, 1859. In: Redpath, J. Echoes ofHarper's Ferry. Boston, [Mass.], 1860. 8155.b.64.

846. -----. No slave-hunting in the Old Bay State. Speech... before the Committee on Federal Relations, in supportof the petitions asking for a law to prevent therecapture of fugitive slaves. Boston, 1859. 8177.a.53.

847. -----. On the murder of Lovejoy ... Boston, Dec. 8,1837. On the philosophy of the abolition movement, beforethe Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, at Boston,January 27, 1853. In: Johnston, Alexander. RepresentativeAmerican Orations. Vol.2., 1884. 12301.cc.2.

848. -----. The Puritan principle. A discourse before theTwenty-eighth Congregational Society, Boston, Dec. 18,1859. In: Redpath, J. Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Boston,1860. 8155.b.64.

849. -----. Speech of W. Phillips, at the Melodeon, ...Jan. 27, 1853. [Boston]: American Anti-Slavery Society,[1853.] 8156.c.61.

850. -----. Speech of Wendell Phillips in vindication ofthe course pursued by the American abolitionists. London,1853. 8205.b.12.

851. -----. Speech ... at the Worcester DisunionConvention, January 15, 1857. Boston: American Anti-Slavery Society, [1857]. 8175.cc.54.

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852. -----. Speeches, lectures and letters. Boston, 1863.12301.d.25.

853. PHILLIPS, William Addison. Lecture entitled The Ageand the Man [on the subject of the institution ofslavery]. In: Redpath, J. Echoes of Harper's Ferry.Boston, 1860. 8155.b.64.

854. PICKARD, Kate E.R. The kidnapped and the ransomed.[New York:] Negro Publication Society of America, 1941,315pp. X.809/15578. [Facsimile edition.] With anintroductory essay on Jews in the antislavery movement byMaxwell Whiteman. Philadelphia: Jewish PublicationSociety of America, 1970, 103pp. X.529/15459.

855. PICTURE OF SLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATES; being apractical illustration of voluntaryism and republicanism.[By George Bourne.] Glasgow: University Press, 1835,188pp. 798.c.12.

856. PILLSBURY, Parker. The church as it is: or theforlorn hope of slavery ... second edition. Boston, 1847.8157.b.2.(3.)

857. PLANTER. The planter: or, thirteen years in theSouth. By a Northern man. Philadelphia, 1853. 8155.b.62.

858. PLUMER, William Swan. Thoughts on the religiousinstruction of the Negroes of this country. Savannah,1848. 8156.e.3.(7)

859. POLLARD, Edward Albert. Black diamonds, gathered inthe darkey homes of the South. New York: Pudney &Russell, 1859, 122pp. 1578/1847.

860. POOLE, William Frederick. Anti-slavery opinionsbefore the year 1800 ... to which is appended a facsimilereprint of Dr. George Buchanan's oration on the moral andpolitical evil of slavery delivered ... July 4, 1791.Cincinnati, 1873. 8156.ee.36.

861. POOR PEACEMAKER. The slavery quarrel, with plans andprospects of reconciliation. By a poor peacemaker.London, 1863. 8177.a.78.(3.)

862. THE POTENT ENEMIES OF AMERICA LAID OPEN: being someaccount of the baneful effects attending the use ofdistilled liquors, and the slavery of the Negroes. [Acollective issue of works by several authors, some withindividual titlepages, edited by Anthony Benezet.] 5 pt.Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, [1774?]1507/120.

863. PRATT, Minot. A friend of the South in answer toremarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery. [A reply to Remarks onDr. Channing's Slavery by James T. Austin.] Boston: Otis,Broaders & Co., 1836, 19pp. 8156.aa.19.

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864. PRICE, Rev. T. Slavery in America; with notices ofthe present state of slavery and the slave tradethroughout the world. London, 1837. 522.f.35.

865. PRIEST, Josiah. Slavery, as it relates to the Negroor African race, examined in the light of circumstances,history, and the Holy Scriptures; with an account of theorigin of the black man's colour, ... and ... strictureson abolitionism. Albany, 1843. 8155.c.59.

866. -----. Bible defence of slavery ... to which isadded a faithful exposition of that system of pseudo-philanthropy, or fanaticism, yclept modern abolitionism... and proposing a plan of national colonization,adequate to the removal of the entire free blackpopulation of the United States. Glasgow, Ky.: W.S.Brown, 1852, 569pp. 8157.h.4.

867. PRIGG, Edward. Report of the case of Edward Priggagainst the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ... in which itwas decided that all the laws of the several statesrelative to fugitive slaves are unconstitutional and void... by Richard Peters. Philadelphia, 1842. 6751.e.3.

868. PRINCE, Nancy. A narrative of the life and travelsof Mrs. Nancy Prince. Boston: The author, 1850, 87pp.1568/8628.

869. PRINDLE, Cyrus. Sinfulness of American slavery. Adiscourse [on Is. lviii. 5-7]. Middleburg, 1842.4487.e.10.(13.)

870. -----. Slavery illegal. A sermon [on Deut. xxiii.15-16] ... April 12. Delivered in ... Shelburne, Vt.Burlington [Vt.], 1850. 8156.cc.1.

871. PRINGLE, Edward J. Slavery in the Southern states.By a Carolinian [i.e. Edward J. Pringle]. Second edition.Cambridge, Mass.: John Bartlett, 1852, 53pp. 8155.a.17.

872. THE PROBLEM OF AGE: or, the abolition of Americanslavery considered in a physical and moral aspect.London: Houlston & Stoneman, Edinburgh [printed], 1853,32pp. 8155.e.69.(8.)

873. PROCEEDINGS OF A CONVENTION OF DELEGATES, FROM THESTATES OF MASSACHUSETTS, CONNECTICUT AND RHODE ISLAND ...convened at Hartford Dec. 15, 1814. Newburyport: W.B.Allen & Co., 1815, 32pp. 8175.aaa.39.)

Second edition, corrected and improved. Boston:Wells & Lilly, 1815, 32pp. 8175.aaa.40.

Third edition, corrected and improved. Boston: Wells& Lilly, 1815, 32pp. 8175.e.51.

874. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL MEETING AT FANEUILHALL, November 26th, 1850. Boston, 1850, 46pp.8176.g.1.(5.)

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875. PUTNAM, George. God and our country. A discourse [onMatt. xxii. 21] ... Second edition. Boston, 1847.4485.k.60.

876. -----. Review of ... Dr. Putnam's discourse [onMatth. xxii. 21] delivered on fast day, entitled God andour country. [Anon.] Boston, 1847. 4485.k.61.

877. -----. Our political idolatry. A discourse [on Is.x. 11]. Boston, 1843. 4485.e.71.

878. -----. The signs of the times. A sermon [on Matt.xvi. 3]. Boston, 1836. 4485.dd.37.

879. PUTNAM, Lewis H. A review of the cause and tendencyof the issues between the two sections of the country,with a plan to consolidate the views of the people of theUnited States in favor of emigration to Liberia. Albany,NY, 1859. 8156.aaa.79.(9.)

880. QUINCY, Josiah. Address illustrative of the natureand power of the slave states, and the duties of the freestates. ... altered and enlarged since delivery. Boston,1856. 8176.bb.41.

881. -----. Speech delivered ... before the Whig stateconvention, ... Aug. 16, 1854. Boston, 1854.8177.df.56.(14.)

882. RADICAL ABOLITIONIST. Vol.1.no.1 (Aug. 1855)-vol.4.no.5 (Dec. 1858). Microfiche edition. New York:Negro Universities Press, 1969, 4 m/f. Mic.F.393.

883. RAMSAY, James. Remarks on a pamphlet written by ...James Ramsay, ... under the title of "Thoughts on theslavery of the Negroes, in the American colonies."London: J. P. Bateman, 1784, 23pp. 8156.e.5.(1.)

884. RAND, Asa. The slave-catcher caught in the meshes ofeternal law. Cleveland, 1852. 8156.aaa.63.

885. RANDOLPH, Thomas Jefferson. The speech of ThomasJefferson Randolph ... on the abolition of slavery ...second edition. Richmond, 1832. 8156.cc.3.(5.)

886. RANDOLPH, J. Thornton. The cabin and parlor; or,slaves and masters. Philadelphia, [1852.] 12705.e.18.

[Another edition.] London, [1853.] 12705.e.19.

887. RANKIN, Jeremiah Eames. A protest against theaggressions of slavery. A discourse [on Eccles. vii. 7].Potsdam, 1856. 4485.dd.39.

888. RANKIN, John. Letters on American slavery, addressedto Mr. John Rankin ... fifth edition. Boston: IsaacKnapp, 1838, 109pp. 1389.a.21.

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889. RANTOUL, Robert. The Fugitive Slave Law. Speech ...delivered before the grand mass convention of the votersof the second Congressional District of Massachusetts,holden at Lynn, April 3, 1851. [Lynn, 1851.] 8156.e.43.

890. RAPHALL, Morris Jacob. Bible view of slavery. Adiscourse [on Jonah iii. 5-10]. In: Fast Day sermons.1861. 4486.b.59.

891. RAPHALL, Morris Jacob. Dr Morris Raphall's Bibleview of slavery reviewed by ... David Einhorn. New York,1861. 8156.a.72.(8.)

892. READ, John Meredith. Speech ... at the Democratictown meeting in favor of the Union and California.[Philadelphia, 1850.] 8177.bb.67.

893. -----. Speech ... on the power of Congress over theterritories and in favor of free Kansas, free whitelabour. Philadelphia, 1856. 8177.df.45.

894. REASON, Charles. Freedom: a poem. Delivered in thecity of New-York; December, 1846...Together with The man!the hero! the Christian! A eulogy on the life andcharacter of Thomas Clarkson. New York: Egbert, Hovey &King, 1847, 44pp. 10817.bbb.23.(1.)

Second edition. With an introduction by W.T. Blair.London: Houlston & Stoneman; London: C. Gilpin, 1849,76pp. 10815.aaa.6.

895. REDPATH, James. Echoes of Harper's Ferry. [Sermons,speeches and letters bearing on the subject of theabolition of slavery; in connection with Capt. JohnBrown's attempt at Harper's Ferry.] Boston, 1860.8155.b.64.

896. -----. The public life of Captain John Brown ...with an autobiography of his childhood and youth. London,1860. 10881.a.19.

897. REESE, David Meredith. Humbugs of New-York; being aremonstrance against popular delusion; whether inscience, philosophy or religion. New York: 1838, 267pp.12356.bb.29.

898. -----. Letters to the Hon. William Jay being a replyto his Inquiry into the American Colonization andAmerican Anti-Slavery Societies. New York, 1835.8156.b.45.

899. REID, Hugo. Sketches in North America; with someaccount of Congress and of the slavery question. London,1861. 10412.a.47.

900. REMARKS OCCASIONED BY STRICTURES IN THE COURIER ANDNEW YORK ENQUIRER OF DECEMBER 1852, UPON THE STAFFORDHOUSE ADDRESS. In a letter to a friend in the UnitedStates, by an Englishwoman. London: Hamilton, Adams, &

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Co.; Edinburgh: Thomas Constable & Co., 1853, 42pp. Adefence of the Address of the women of England to thewomen of America in behalf of slaves, issued after ameeting at Stafford House, London. 8155.b.35.

901. REMARKS ON A PAMPHLET WRITTEN BY ... J. Ramsey, ...under the title of Thoughts on the slavery of theNegroes, in the American colonies. London: J.P. Bateman,1784, 23pp. 8156.e.5.(1.)

902. REMARKS ON AFRICAN COLONIZATION. The abolition ofslavery. By a citizen of New England [i.e. Cyril Pearl].Windsor, Vt.: Richards & Tracy, 1833, 47pp. 8155.c.3.

903. REMARKS UPON A PLAN FOR THE TOTAL ABOLITION OFSLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATES. By a citizen of New York.New York: S. Hoyt & Co., [1833], 16pp. 8155.e.62.

904. REPORT OF THE HOLDEN SLAVE CASE, tried at ...Worcester [Mass.], 1839. Worcester, 1839. 8156.e.3.(5.)

905. REVIEW OF A "LETTER FROM J.H. HOPKINS, ... BISHOP OFVERMONT, ON THE BIBLE VIEW OF SLAVERY." By a Vermonter[i.e. Leonard Marsh]. Burlington, 1861. 8156.bb.77.(7.)

906. A REVIEW OF THE SLAVERY OF THE BRITISH WEST INDIAPROVINCES DELINEATED, AS IT EXISTS BOTH IN LAW ANDPRACTICE ... By James Stephen, Esq. ... Vol. I. ...Extracted ... from the Edinburgh Review. no.LXXXII.Aberdeen: Aberdeen Anti-Slavery Society, 1825, 24pp.8157.aaaa.6.

Second edition. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Anti-SlaverySociety, 1825, 26pp. 8157.b.5.(1.)

907. RHOADS, Samuel. Considerations on the use of theproductions of slavery, addressed to the ReligiousSociety of Friends. Second edition. Philadelphia:Merrihew & Thompson, 1845. 8157.aaa.24.

908. RICE, David. Slavery inconsistent with justice andgood policy, proved by a speech delivered in theConvention held at Danville, Kentucky. London, reprinted:M. Gurney, 1793, 24pp. 8156.bb.65.

909. -----. A Kentucky protest against slavery. New York:S. Wood, 1812, [1862], 13pp. 8156.bb.18.

910. RICE, Nathan Lewis. Ten letters on the subject ofslavery. Saint Louis, Mo., 1855. 8156.bb.75.(3.)

911. ROBERTS, James. The narrative of James Roberts,soldier in the Revolutionary War and at the Battle of NewOrleans. Chicago, 1858. (Reprinted from the apparantlyunique copy in the Charles F. Heartman collection ofmaterial relating to Negro culture.) Hattiesburg: BookFarm, 1945, 32pp. 9617.k.1/71.

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912. ROBINSON, John. The testimony and practice of thePresbyterian Church in reference to American slavery;with an appendix containing the position of the GeneralAssembly (New School) Free Presbyterian and ... [other]Churches. Cincinnati, 1852. 8155.a.38.

913. ROBINSON, John Bell. Pictures of slavery and anti-slavery. Philadelphia, 1863. 8156.aa.43.

914. ROGERS, Edward Coit. Letters on slavery, addressedto the pro-slavery men of America. Boston, 1855.8156.a.31.

915. ROGERS, Nathaniel Peabody. A collection from thenewspaper writings of Nathaniel Peabody Rogers. [Edited,with an introduction, by J. Pierpont.] Concord [N.H.]:J.R. French, 1847, 380pp. 12296.e.5.

916. ROOKER, Alfred. Does it answer? Slavery in America.A history. London, Plymouth [printed], 1864. 8177.aaa.60.

917. ROOT, David. A fast sermon [on Isai. lviii. 6] onslavery. Dover [N.H.], 1835. 4485.l.28.

918. -----. A memorial of the martyred Lovejoy: in adiscourse [on Acts viii. 2]. [Dover, N.H., 1837.]4985.e.28.

919. ROPER, Moses. A narrative of the adventures andescape of Moses Roper from American slavery; with apreface, by the Rev. Thomas Price, D.D. London, 1837.615.d.31. PRICE Thomas

920. ROSS, Alexander Milton. Recollections andexperiences of an abolitionist; from 1855 to 1865.Toronto: Rowsell & Hutchison, 1875, 224pp. 8157.b.21.

921. ROSS, Frederick Augustus. Position of the Southernchurch in relation to slavery, as illustrated in a letter... to ... Albert Barnes [on his work entitled The churchand slavery], with an introduction by a ConstitutionalPresbyterian. New-York, 1857. 8156.aa.44.

922. -----. Slavery ordained of God. Philadelphia, 1857.8156.b.46.

923. RUBEK, Sennola, pseud. [i.e. John Burke.]. Theburden of the South, in verse, or poems on slavery. NewYork, [1864.] 11687.g.40.(8.)

924. RUFFIN, Edmund. Address to the Virginia StateAgricultural Society, on the effects of domestic slaveryon the manners, habits and welfare of the agriculturalpopulation of the Southern states. Richmond, Va., 1853.7074.g.42.(3.)

925. RUFFNER, Henry. [Address to the people of WestVirginia; showing that slavery is injurious to the public

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welfare. Extracts.] In: Mann, Horace. Speech of Mr.Horace Mann ... in the House of Representatives ... June30, 1848. [Boston]: William B. Fowle, 1848, pp.28-31.1560/3610.

926. RUFFNER, William Henry. Africa's redemption. Adiscourse [on Ps. lxviii. 31] on African colonization, inits missionary aspects, and its relation to slavery andabolition. Philadelphia, 1852. 4193.g.60.

927. -----. Lectures on the evidences of Christianity,delivered at the University of Virginia during thesession of 1850-51. Edited by William Henry Ruffner. NewYork, 1852. 4015.g.8.

928. RUNNING A THOUSAND MILES FOR FREEDOM; or, the escapeof William and Ellen Craft from slavery. [By WilliamCraft.] London: William Tweedie, 1860, 111pp.10880.a.39.

929. RUSH, Benjamin. An address to the inhabitants of theBritish settlements on the slavery of the Negroes inAmerica. The second edition. To which is added, avindication of the address; in answer to a pamphletentitled: Slavery not forbidden in Scripture, or adefence of the West India Planters. By a Pennsylvanian.[i.e. Benjamin Rush, the Elder.] 2 pt. Philadelphia,1773. 8156.a.47.

930. RUSHTON, Edward. Expostulatory letter to GeorgeWashington ... on his continuing to be a proprietor ofslaves. Liverpool, 1797. 8156.a.53. 931. S., T. Thoughts on the proposed annexation of Texasto the United States. [The dedication is signed T.S.,i.e. Theodore Sedgwick.] First published in the New YorkEvening Post, under the signature of Veto. New York,1844, 55pp. 8175.e.80.

932. THE SABLE CLOUD: a Southern tale, with Northerncomments. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1861, 275pp.12706.bb.15.

933. SAINT BO, Theodore. Wilfrid and Mary; or, father anddaughter. A domestic comedy illustrative of Americanslave life. [In two acts and in verse.] Edinburgh, 1861.11781.b.21.

934. SAINT LANDRY, Louisiana, Parish of. An ordinanceorganizing and establishing patrols for the police ofslaves in the parish of Saint Landry. Opelousas, 1863.6691.d.1.

935. SANDERS, Prince. A memoir presented to the AmericanConvention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery ...1818; containing some remarks upon the civil dissentionsof the ... people of Hayti ... together with some accountof the origin and progress of the efforts for effecting

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the abolition of slavery. Philadelphia: D. Heartt, 1818,19pp. 8156.c.2.(2.)

936. SARGANT, Jane Alice. An address to the females ofGreat Britain, on the propriety of their petitioningParliament for the abolition of Negro slavery. By anEnglishwoman [Jane Alice Sargant?]. Extracted from theJohn Bull newspaper. London: J. G. & F. Rivington, 1833,11pp. T.1445.(12.)

937. SCHOOLCRAFT, Mary. The black gauntlet: a tale ofplantation life in South Carolina. Philadephia, 1861.12707.g.19.

938. SCHURZ, Carl. The life of slavery, or the life ofthe nation? Speech ... reprinted from the RebellionRecord. New York, 1862. 8177.cc.34.

939. SCOBLE, John. Texas: its claims to be recognised asan independent power by Great Britain, examined in aseries of letters (to the Morning Chronicle). London:Harvey & Darton, 1839, 58pp. 8176.aa.20.(9.)

940. THE SCOTCH MERCURY. No.1. London, 5th October 1643.Burney 17.

941. SCOTT, Dred. The case of Dred Scott in the SupremeCourt of the United States, December Term, 1854. [St.Louis, Missouri? 1854.] 8156.aaa.79.(6.)

942. -----. Historical and legal examination of that partof the decision of the Supreme Court of the United Statesin the Dred Scott Case, which declares theunconstitutionality of the Missouri Compromise Act, andthe self extension of the Constitution to territories,carrying slavery along with it. With an appendix ... bythe author of the Thirty Years' View [i.e. Thomas HartBenton]. New York, 1858. 8156.d.25.

943. -----. A report of the decision of the Supreme Courtof the United States and the opinions of the judgesthereof in the case of Dred Scott versus J.F.A. Sandford... By B.C. Howard. New York, 1857. Mic.A.10365(5)

944. SCOTT, John. The lost principle; or, the sectionalequilibrium...by "Barbarossa." [i.e. John Scott.] [On theFederal Constitution of the United States.] Richmond, Va:J. Woodhouse & Co., 1860, 266pp. 8177.e.8.

945. SCOTT, Orange. Address to the general conference ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church, ... May 19, 1836, towhich is added the speech of ... Mr. Scott, delivered ...May 27th, 1836. New York, 1836. 4486.e.53.(13.)

946. SEABROOK, Whitemarsh D. A concise view of thecritical situation and future prospects of theslaveholding states, in relation to their colouredpopulation ... read before the Agricultural Society of

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St. John's, Colleton ... second edition. Charleston: A.E.Miller, 1825, 31pp. 8176.e.12.(2.)

947. SEABURY, Samuel. American slavery distinguished fromthe slavery of English theorists, and justified by thelaw of nature ... second edition. New York, 1861.8176.aa.37.

948. SEALSFIELD, Charles. The Americans as they are;described in a tour through the valley of theMississippi. London: Hurst, Chance & Co., 1828, 218pp.792.g.27.

949. SEDGWICK, Theodore. Thoughts on the proposedannexation of Texas to the United States. [The dedicationis signed T.S., i.e. Theodore Sedgwick.] First publishedin the New York Evening Post, under the signature ofVeto. New York, 1844, 55pp. 8175.e.80.

950. SENIOR, Nassau William. American slavery: a reprintof an article on "Uncle Tom's Cabin" [by Mrs. H. BeecherStowe], of which a portion was inserted in the 206thnumber of the Edinburgh Review; and of Mr. Sumner'sSpeech of the 19th and 20th of May, 1856. With a noticeof the events which followed that speech. London, [1862.]8177.c.70.

951. SERLE, Ambrose. Americans against liberty; or, anessay on the nature and principles of true freedom,shewing that the designs and conduct of the Americanstend only to tyranny and slavery. London: J. Mathews,1775, 64pp. 102.f.68.

Second edition, with additions. London: JamesMathews, 1776, 44pp. 8175.aa.15.

952. SEWARD, William Henry. The slaveholding classdominant in the Republic. Speech of William H. Seward, atDetroit, October 2, 1856. Washington: RepublicanAssociation of Washington, 1857, 14pp. 1570/4114

953. SEWELL, Mary. An appeal to Englishwomen. London:Jarrold & Sons, [1863], 4pp. A plea for the freedom ofslaves in America. 8138.h.1.(75.)

954. SHARP, Granville. The just limitation of slavery inthe laws of God, compared with the unbounded claims ofthe African traders and British American slaveholders.London, 1776. 522.f.20.(1.)

955. -----. The law of liberty, or, royal law, by whichall mankind will certainly be judged! Earnestlyrecommended to the serious consideration of all slave-holders and slavedealers. London, 1776. 522.f.20.(2.)

956. -----. The law of retribution; or, a serious warningto Great Britain and her colonies, founded onunquestionable examples of God's temporal vengeance

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against tyrants, slave-holders and oppressors. London,1776. 959.b.4.

957. -----. The law of passive obedience, or Christiansubmission to personal injuries; wherein is shewn, thatthe several texts of scripture which command the entiresubmission of servants or slaves to their masters, cannotauthorize the latter to exact an involuntary servitude,nor ... justify the claims of modern slaveholders.[London, 1776?] 522.f.20.(3.)

958. -----. A representation of the injustice anddangerous tendency of admitting the least claim ofprivate property in the persons of men, in England. Anappendix to the representation of the injustice anddangerous tendency of tolerating slavery. London, 1772.883.h.23.(1.)

959. SHARP, Joseph Budworth. The bulwarks of the Anglo-American slave labour system exhibited ... An account ofthe trade in cotton wool, in the United Kingdom, theUnited States of America ... from the year 1821 to 1860.... Compiled and computed by Joseph Budworth Sharp.Arranged and completed by J. Taylor. London, 1861.1880.d.2.(84.)

960. SHAW, James. Twelve years in America: beingobservations on the country, the people, institutions andreligion; with notices of slavery and the late war; andfacts and incidents illustrative of ministerial life andlabor in Illinois, with notes of travel through theUnited States and Canada. London, 1867. 4745.aaa.31.

961. SHELDON, L.H. The moral responsibility of thecitizen and nation in respect to the Fugitive Slave Bill.A discourse [on Isa. x. 1, 2]. Andover, [U.S.], 1851.4485.h.66.

962. SHERMAN, Henry. Slavery in the United States ofAmerica. Second edition. Hartford, 1860. 8156.b.50.

963. SHERWOOD, Lorenzo. The great question of the times,exemplified in the antagonistic principles involved inthe slaveholders' rebellion against democraticinstitutions, as well as against the national union, asset forth in the speech of ... Lorenzo Sherwood ...delivered at Champlain, ... Oct., 1862 ... arranged forpublication ... by Henry O'Rielly. New York, 1862.8177.bb.101.(10.)

964. SIDNEY, pseud. [i.e. John Allen.] An essay on thepolicy of appropriations being made by the government ofthe United States, for ... liberating and colonizing ...the slaves thereof. In numbers [signed, Sidney], some ...published in the Baltimore American, and the whole ofthem in the Genius of Universal Emancipation. By acitizen of Maryland [i.e. John Allen]. Baltimore, 1816.8156.e.5.(13.)

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965. SIMMONS, George Frederick. Reply to the reviewer ofthe remarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery. [By George F.Simmons.] Boston: J.H. Eastburn, 1836, 16pp.8156.bb.74.(2.)

966. -----. Review of the Remarks on Dr. Channing'sSlavery, by a citizen of Massachusetts. [i.e. GeorgeFrederick Simmons. A reply to James T. Austin's Remarks.]Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1836, 48pp. 8156.bb.77.(2.)

967. -----. Two sermons [on Coloss. iv. 1] on the kindtreatment and on the emancipation of slaves. Preached atMobile, ... May, 1840. With a prefatory statement.Boston, 1840. 4485.g.98.(9.)

968. SIMMONS, Charles. Slavery of the United States tosinful and foolish customs. (On slavery among many other"customs".) Pawtucket, 1841. 8436.f.2.(3.)

969. SIMPSON, John Hawkins. Horrors of the Virginianslave trade and of the slave-rearing plantations. Thetrue story of Dinah, an escaped Virginian slave. London,1863. 12706.aaa.9.

970. SIMPSON, Joseph. Letters [on the state of the slavesin the United States]. London: Friends' Central Committeefor the Relief of the Emancipated Negroes, 1865, 35pp.8156.df.22.(10.)

971. SIMS, Thomas. Trial of Thomas Sims on an issue ofpersonal liberty on the claim of J. Potter of Georgiaagainst him as an alleged fugitive from service.Arguments of Robert Rantoul Jr. and C.G. Loring with thedecision of G.T. Curtis. Boston, April 7-11th, 1851.Phonographic report by Dr. James W. Stone. Boston, 1851.1132.h.39.(4.)

972. SINCLAIR, Peter. Freedom or slavery in the UnitedStates, being facts and testimonies for the considerationof the British people. Second edition. London: JobCaudwell, [1863?], 160pp. 08157.ee.5.

973. SINGLETON, Arthur, pseud. [i.e. Henry CogswellKnight.] Letters from the South and West. Boston, 1824.1431.h.5.

974. SIPKINS, Henry. An oration on the abolition of theslave trade, delivered in the African Church in ... NewYork, January 2, 1809. New York, 1809. 4485.g.94.(1.)

975. SKETCH, Walter. The down-trodden: or, black bloodand white. Being in part related to the author by"Nelse," a fugitive slave. New York, 1853. 12706.h.30.

976. SLAVE-DRIVER. How to abolish slavery in America, andto prevent a cotton famine in England; with remarks upon

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Coolie and African emigration. By a slave-driver. London,1858. 8156.c.62.

977. SLAVERY IN AMERICA. [1845?] 31pp. 04430.df.40.(12.)

978. SLAVERY IN AMERICA; with notices of the presentstate of slavery and the slave trade throughout theworld. Conducted by the Rev. T. Price, D.D. London, 1837.522.f.35.

979. SLAVERY IN ITS RELATION TO GOD. A review of Rev. DrJohn C. Lord's thanksgiving sermon, in favor of domesticslavery, entitled The Higher Law, in its application tothe Fugitive Slave Bill. By a minister of the Gospel.Buffalo, 1851. 8155.e.67.(4.)

980. SLAVERY IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. By a Carolinian[i.e. Edward J. Pringle]. Second edition. Cambridge,Mass.: John Bartlett, 1852, 53pp. 8155.a.17.

981. SLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATES. Its evils,alleviations and remedies .. Boston: Charles C. Littleand James Brown, 1851, 36pp. Reprinted from The NorthAmerican Review, Oct. 1851. 1570/5321

982. SLAVERY, THE MERE PRETEXT FOR REBELLION; not itscause ... picture of the conspiracy. Drawn in 1863, by aSouthern man [i.e. John Pendleton Kennedy]. (Facsimileedition.) Pottstown, Pa.: printed for the AmericanistPress, by the Rozov Press, 1967, 16pp. X.519/13371.

983. SLAVERY PAST AND PRESENT; or, notes on Uncle Tom'sCabin. Edited by a Lady. London, 1852. 8155.a.43.

984. THE SLAVERY QUARREL, WITH PLANS AND PROSPECTS OFRECONCILIATION. By a poor peacemaker. London, 1863.8177.a.78.(3.)

985. THE SLAVE'S FRIEND. See American Anti-slaverySociety.

986. SLEIGH, W. Willcocks. Abolitionism exposed! Provingthat the principles of abolitionism are injurious to theslaves themselves. Philadelphia: D. Schneck, 1838, 93pp.8156.aaa.66.

987. SLIDELL, Thomas. E. Lockett versus the Merchants'Insurance Company [of New Orleans]. Brief for defendants[in an action on a policy of insurance on 15 slaves,embarked on board the brig Creole; T. Slidell, Benjamin,and Conrad for defendants]. New Orleans, [1842.]1132.g.29.(1.)

988. SMITH, Gerrit. Abstract of the argument on theFugitive Slave Law, made by Gerrit Smith ... on the trialof Henry Watkins Allen, ... for kidnapping. Syracuse[1852]. 8156.aaa.82.(9.)

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989. -----. Controversy between New York Tribune andGerrit Smith [relative to the latter's vote against theNebraska Bill]. New York, 1855. 8175.bb.60.(4.)

990. -----. Letter of Gerrit Smith to ... G. C.Verplanck. [On slavery.] Witesboro, [1838.]8156.aa.53.(2.)

991. -----. Letter of Gerrit Smith to Hon. Henry Clay.[On slavery, and on the proceedings of the Americanabolitionists.] In: The Anti-Slavery Examiner. No.9,1836. P.P.1046.e.

992. -----. Letter to the Rev. James Smylie of ...Mississippi. [On slavery.] 1837, 66pp. 8156.aaa.67.

993. -----. No treason in civil war. Speech of GerritSmith, at Cooper Institute, New-York, June 8, 1865. NewYork: American News Co., 1865, 25pp. 1560/2202.

994. -----. Speech ... made in the National Convention ofthe Liberty party, at Buffalo, October 21, 1847, on thecharacter ... and duties of the Liberty party. Albany,1847. 8177.h.10.

995. -----. Speech of Gerrit Smith in the PittsburgConvention, August 12th, 1852, etc. [Pittsburg? 1852?]1570/1970.

996. -----. Substance of the speech made ... in theCapitol of the state of New York (on the question,whether slavery has any legal existence under the federalConstitution). Albany, 1850. 8156.aa.53.(3.)

997. SMITH, Goldwin. Does the Bible sanction Americanslavery? Oxford, 1863. 8156.b.51.

[Another edition.] Oxford, 1863. 8157.aaaa.15.

998. -----. A brief reply to an important question; beinga letter to ... Goldwin Smith [on his pamphlet entitledDoes the Bible sanction American Slavery?] from animplicit believer in Holy Scripture. London, 1863.8156.b.59.(7.)

999. -----. The speech [of William Edward Forster] ... onthe slaveholders' rebellion; and Professor GoldwinSmith's letter on the morality of the EmancipationProclamation. Manchester: Union and Emancipation Society,1863, 15pp. 8177.e.27.

1000. SMITH, James Lindsay. Autobiography of James L.Smith, including, also, reminiscences of slave life. In:Five black lives. Middleton, Conn.: Wesleyan UniversityPress, [1971], 240pp. X.520/6843.

1001. SMITH, Venture. A narrative of the life andadventures of Venture, a native of Africa, but residentabove sixty years in the United States of America.

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Related by himself. In: Five black lives. [1971].X.520/6843.

1002. SMITH, Whitefoord. National sins: a call torepentance. A sermon [on Joel ii. 12, 13], preached onthe national fast, August 3, 1849. Charleston, 1849.4485.k.85.

1003. SMYTH, Thomas. The unity of the human races provedto be the doctrine of Scripture, reason, and science;with a review of the present position and theory ofProfessor Agassiz. Edinburgh, 1851. 4376.b.43.

1004. SOCIETY FOR THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY THROUGHOUT THEBRITISH DOMINIONS. Anti-Slavery Monthly Reporter. (TheAnti-Slavery Reporter.) vol.1.[no.1.]-vol.6.no.8. June1825-July 1836. London, 1825-36. The titlepage for vol.1 bears the date 1827. Wanting vol.6.no.6,7. P.P.1046.

1005. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Address of the representativesof the Religious Society of Friends, commonly calledQuakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, &c., tothe citizens of the United States. Philadelphia: Joseph &William Kite, printers, 1837, 15pp. Advocating theabolition of slavery and fair treatment for the Indians.Signed: Jonathan Evans. 1570/4127

1006. -----. An appeal to the professors of Christianity,in the Southern states and elsewhere, on the subject ofslavery: by the representatives of the yearly meeting ofFriends for New England. Providence: Knowles & Vose,1842, 24pp. 8157.cc.38.

1007. -----. An epistle [from the yearly meeting of theSociety of Friends for the provinces of Pennsylvania andNew Jersey] of caution and advice concerning the buyingand keeping of slaves. Philadelphia, 1754. 8156.a.46.

1008. -----. Germantown Friends' protest against slavery,1688. [A printed copy, with a photographic facsimile.]Philadelphia, [1879.] L.7.g.4.(34.)

1009. -----. Report of a committee of the representativesof New York yearly meeting of Friends, upon the conditionand wants of the colored refugees (Dec. 1862. SecondReport. May 27th, 1863). [New York, 1863.] 2 parts.8156.bb.56.

1010. ----- - Central Committee of the Society of Friendsin Great Britain and Ireland, for the Relief of theEmancipated Slaves of North America. Case and claims ofthe emancipated slaves of the United States; being theAddress of the Central Committee of the Society ofFriends in Great Britain and Ireland to the BritishPublic. (Revised issue.) London: R. Barrett, 1865, 16pp.8156.aaa.3.

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1011. ----- - Central Committee of the Society of Friendsin Great Britain and Ireland, for the Relief of theEmancipated Slaves of North America. Report ... for thethree months ending 6th month 1st, 1866 (9th month 1st,1865, 3rd month 31st, 1866). Also, list of subscriptionsand letters from America. 3 pt. [London, 1865-66.]8157.e.34.

1012. SOUTH CAROLINIAN. A refutation of the calumniescirculated against the Southern & Western statesrespecting the institution and existence of slavery amongthem ... by a South-Carolinian. Charleston: A.E. Miller,1822, 86pp. 8157.df.12.

1013. -----. Economical causes of slavery in the UnitedStates, and obstacles to abolition. By a SouthCarolinian. London, 1857. 8156.c.63.


1015. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN LIBERTY CONVENTION. Theaddress of the Southern and Western Liberty Convention,held at Cincinnati ... 1845, to the people of the UnitedStates. [By Salmon P. Chase.] With notes by a citizen ofPennsylvania [i.e. Charles D. Cleveland]. New York,[1845], 15pp. 8177.df.16.(1.)

1016. SOUTHERN CLERGYMAN. A defence of Southern slaveryagainst the attacks of Henry Clay and Alexander Campbell.In which much of the false philanthropy and mawkishsentimeetalism [sic] of the abolitionists is met andrefuted ... by a Southern clergyman [Iveson L. Brookes].Hamburg, S.C.: Robinson and Carlisle, 1851. 46,[2]p. Thispamphlet contains a review of Mr., Clay's Letter onemancipation and strictures on Mr. Campbell's Tract forthe people of Kentucky: - "To The Reader". (Pagesi,ii,41-48 are damaged.) RB.23.a.454

1017. SOUTHERN MAN. Slavery, the mere pretext forrebellion; not its cause ... picture of the conspiracy.Drawn in 1863, by a Southern man [i.e. John PendletonKennedy]. (Facsimile edition.) Pottstown, Pa.: printedfor the Americanist Press, by the Rozov Press, 1967,16pp. X.519/13371.

1018. SOUTHEY, Robert. A critique of Inchiquin theJesuit's letters, [by Robert Southey]. In: the QuarterlyReview, January 1814, pp.494-539. P.P.5989.ab.

1019. -----. The United States and England: being a replyto the criticism [by Robert Southey] of Inchiquin'sletters, contained in the Quarterly Review for January1814. [By James Kirke Paulding.] New York andPhiladelphia, 1815. 1431.i.17.

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1020. SPEAR, Samuel Thayer. The law abiding conscience,and the higher law conscience; with remarks on thefugitive slave question. A sermon [on Rom. xiii. 1-5 andActs v. 29]. New-York, 1850. 8156.aaa.84.(5.)

1021. SPENCE, James. The American Union; its effect onnational character and policy, with an inquiry intosecession as a constitutional right, and the causes ofthe disruption. London, 1861. 8177.d.68.

Fourth and revised edition. London, 1862. 8177.d.69.

1022. SPENCER, Charles S. An appeal for freedom made inthe Assembly of the State of New York. Albany, 1859.8156.bb.78.(9.)

1023. SPENCER, Ichabod Smith. Fugitive Slave Law. Thereligious duty of obedience to law: a sermon [on Titusiii. 1 and Rom. xiii. 1-7]. New York, 1850.8156.bb.76.(5.)

1024. SPOONER, Lysander. A defence for fugitive slavesagainst the acts of Congress of February 12, 1793, andSeptember 18, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8156.bb.76.(4.)

1025. -----. An essay on the trial by jury. London,Boston, printed, 1852. 6025.c.48.

1026. -----. The unconstitutionality of slavery. Boston,1845. 8156.bb.68.

[Another edition.] Boston, 1853. 8156.bb.69.

1027. STANTON, Henry Brewster. Debate at the LaneSeminary, Cincinnati. [Described in a letter by H. B.Stanton.] Speech of James A. Thome, of Kentucky,delivered at the annual meeting of the American Anti-Slavery Society, May 6, 1834. Letter of the Rev. Dr.Samuel H. Cox, against the American Colonization Society.Boston: Garrison & Knapp, 1834, 16pp. 8175.cc.84.(3.)

1028. STEARNS, Charles. Facts in the Life of GeneralTaylor: the Cuba blood hound importer, the extensiveslave-holder, and the hero of the Mexican War. Boston,1848. 10882.b.35.(2.)

1029. -----. The Fugitive Slave Law of the United States,shown to be unconstitutional. Boston, 1851. 8155.aaaa.16.

1030. STEARNS, Oliver. The gospel applied to the FugitiveSlave Law: a sermon [on Col. iii. 17]. Boston, 1851.8156.e.46.

1031. STEARNS, William Augustus. Slavery, in its presentaspects and relations. A sermon [on Matt. vii. 12]preached on Fast day. Boston and Cambridge, 1854.8156.e.47.

1032. STEPHEN, James. The slavery of the British WestIndia colonies delineated, as it exists both in law and

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practice, and compared with the slavery of othercountries, antient and modern. 2 vol. London: JosephButterworth and Son, 1824-30. 522.f.29.30.

1033. -----. A review of The slavery of the British WestIndia provinces... by James Stephen, Esq. ... Vol. I. ...Extracted ... from the Edinburgh Review. no.LXXXII.Aberdeen: Aberdeen Anti-Slavery Society, 1825, 24pp.8157.aaaa.6.

Second edition. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Anti-SlaverySociety, 1825, 26pp. 8157.b.5.(1.)

1034. STEPHEN, George. Facts connected with slavery ...reprinted from the Northampton Mercury. In: Denman,Thomas, Baron Denman. Uncle Tom's cabin ... sevenarticles by Lord Denman, 1853. 8155.a.19.

1035. -----. Antislavery recollections: in a series ofletters, addressed to Mrs. Beecher Stowe ... at herrequest. London: Thomas Hatchard, 1854, 258pp.3156.b.52.

1036. STEPHENS, Alexander Hamilton. Slavery the ground ofthe Southern secession. Extract from a speech of the Hon.Alexander Hamilton Stephens. 1861. In Arthur, W., TheAmerican Question. 1861. 8157.bbb.17.(1.)

1037. STEPHENS, Thomas. A brief account of the causesthat have retarded the state of Georgia in America:attested upon oath. [By Thomas Stephens.] Being a propercontrast to a state of the province of Georgia. Attestedupon oath [i.e. in part of the Journal of the proceedingsin Georgia, by William Stephens]; and some othermisrepresentations on the same subject. London, 1843, 2pt. 103.k.27.

1038. STEPHENS, William. A brief account of the causesthat have retarded the state of Georgia in America;attested upon oath. Being a proper contrast to a state ofthe province of Georgia. Attested upon oath [i.e. part ofthe Journal of the proceedings in Georgia, by WilliamStephens]; and some other misrepresentations on the samesubject. London, 1843, 2 pt. 103.k.27.

1039. STEVENS, Charles Emery. Anthony Burns; a history.[Being an account of his extradition as a fugitiveslave.] Boston, 1856. 4986.d.21.

1040. STEWARD, Austin. Twenty-two years a slave, andforty years a freeman. Second edition. Rochester, N.Y.,1859. 10880.bb.15.

1041. STEWART, Alvan. A legal argument before the SupremeCourt of New Jersey [in the slavery case of the state v.E. Van Buren and John A. Post], ... for the deliveranceof four thousand persons from bondage. New York: Finch &Weed, 1845, 52pp. Mic.A.10427(9)

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1042. STILES, Joseph C. Speech on the slaveryresolutions, delivered in the general assembly which metin Detroit in May last. New York, 1850. 8155.cc.43.

1043. -----. Modern reform examined; or, the union ofNorth and South on the question of slavery. Philadelphia,1857. 8156.b.53.

1044. STIRLING, James. Letters from the slaves states.London, 1857. 10412.c.25.

1045. STOCKTON, Robert Field. Interesting correspondence.Letter of Commodr. Stockton on the slavery question. NewYork, 1850. 8157.aaaa.16.

1046. STODDARD, A.F. Slavery or freedom in America, orthe issue of the war. A lecture. Glasgow, 1863.8156.a.73.(6.)

1047. STORRS, George. Mob under pretence of law, or, thearrest and trial of Rev. George Storrs, at Northfield,N.H. Concord, 1835. 8176.aa.43.

1048. STORRS, Richard Salter. American slavery, and themeans of its removal. A sermon [on Ps. lxxiii. 8].Boston, 1844. 4485.g.96.(6.)

1049. STORY, Joseph. A charge delivered to the Grand Juryof the Circuit Court of the United States, at its firstsession in Portland for the Judicial District of Maine,May 8, 1820. Portland [Maine], 1820. 6625.b.44.

1050. -----. Slavery and the slave trade from JudgeStory's charge to the grand jury of the U.S. CircuitCourt, in Portsmouth New Hampshire, May term, 1820.[Portsmouth, N.H., 1820.] 8156.bb.70.

1051. STOWE, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher. Liberty tracts,no.1. The two altars; or two pictures in one. [Boston,1852.] 8157.aaaa.17.

1052. -----. The key to Uncle Tom's cabin; presenting theoriginal facts and documents upon which the story isfounded. Together with corroborative statements verifyingthe truth of the work. London, [1853.] 12705.e.25.

Second edition. London, 1853. 12705.g.25.

1053. -----. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Boston, 1852. 12705.f.26[Another edition.] Uncle Tom's cabin; or life among thelowly...with introductory remarks by J. Sherman. London:H.G. Bohn, 1852. 12705.d.15.

Plus over one hundred further editions, in overtwenty languages.

1054. STREETER, S.W. American slavery, essentiallysinful. A sermon [on John v. 17]. Oberlin, 1845.4485.g.94.(16.)

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1055. STRINGFELLOW, Benjamin Franklin. Information forthe people. Two tracts for the times. The one entitledNegro-slavery no evil, by Benjamin Franklin Stringfellow... the other, an answer to the inquiry Is it expedientto introduce slavery into Kanzas? by D.R. Goodloe.Boston: N.E. Emigrant Aid Co., 1855. 8156.aaa.68.

1056. STRINGFELLOW, Thornton. A brief examination ofscripture testimony on ... slavery. Richmond, [U.S.,]1841. 8156.d.26.

[Another edition.] With remarks on a letter of ElderGalusha ... to Dr. R. Fuller. Washington, 1850.8156.aaa.69.

1057. STROUD, George MacDowell. A sketch of the lawsrelating to slavery in the several states of the UnitedStates of America. Philadelphia, 1827. 1384.g.3.

Second edition; with some alterations andconsiderable additions. Philadelphia: Henry Longstreth1856, 300pp. 6615.a.39.

1058. -----. Southern slavery and the Christian religion.[Philadelphia, 1863.] 4406.g.2.(133.)

1059. STUART, Charles. The emigrant's guide to UpperCanada: or, sketches of the present state of thatprovince, collected from a residence therein during theyears 1817, 1818, 1819. Interspersed with reflections.London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Ome & Brown, 1820, 335pp.798.d.10.

1060. STUART, Moses. Conscience and the Constitution,with remarks on the recent speech of the Hon. D. Webster... on the subject of slavery. Boston, 1850. 8156.bb.71.

1061. -----. A review of the Rev. Moses Stuart's pamphleton slavery, entitled Conscience and the Constitution.Boston: C.C.P. Moody, 1850, 103pp. 8155.e.69.(4.)

1062. -----. Reply to remarks of Rev. Moses Stuart ... onHon. John Jay, and an examination of his scripturalexegesis, contained in his recent pamphlet entitledConscience and the Constitution. New York, 1850.8156.aaa.79.(5.)

1063. -----. Slavery among the Puritans. A letter to theRev. Moses Stuart. [Signed "Amicus". On a passage in M.Stuart's essay on the Constitution.] Boston: C. C. Little& J. Brown, 1850, 42pp. 8155.d.6.

1064. STURGE, Joseph. A visit to the United States in1841. London, Birmingham [printed], 1842. 792.f.29.

1065. SUMNER, Charles. American slavery discussed inCongress. Speeches of ... Horace Mann and ... CharlesSumner. With an introduction by Sir G. Stephen. London,1853. 8155.a.34.

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1066. -----. Argument of Charles Sumner, Esq. against theconstitutionality of separate colored schools in the caseof Sara C. Roberts vs. the city of Boston. Boston, 1849.6703.d.14.

1067. -----. The crime against Kansas. The apologies forthe crime. The true remedy. Speech ... in the Senate ofthe United States, 19th and 20th May, 1856. Boston, 1856.8175.aaa.59.

1068. -----. Freedom national; slavery sectional. Speechof Hon. Charles Sumner ... on his motion to repeal theFugitive Slave Bill. Boston, 1852. 8156.bb.78.(3.)

[Another edition.] Edinburgh, 1853. 8155.e.67.(5.)

1069. -----. The slave oligarchy and its usurpations.Speech of Charles Sumner, November 2, 1855, in FaneuilHall, Boston. Washington: Buell & Blanchard, printers,[1855], 16pp. 1570/4090

1070. -----. Slavery and the rebellion one andinseparable. Speech. Boston, 1864. 8177.aaa.66.

[Another edition.] Slavery and the American war.Speech ... Nov. 5, 1864. London, 1865. 8156.a.72.(15.)

1071. SUNDERLAND, La Roy. Anti slavery manual, containinga collection of facts and arguments on American slavery.Second edition improved. New-York, 1837. 1389.a.18.

1072. SYNOD OF KENTUCKY. An address to the Presbyteriansof Kentucky, proposing a plan for the instruction andemancipation of their slaves. By a committee of the Synodof Kentucky. Newburyport, 1836. 8155.c.42.

1073. TAPPAN, Lewis. Address to the non-slaveholders ofthe South, on the social and political evils of slavery.New York, [1843], 58pp. 8156.aa.50.

1074. TAYLOR, Tom and LEMON, Mark. Slave life; or, UncleTom's cabin. A drama, in three acts, etc. [1852.] 63pp.In: Webster, Benjamin N. The Acting National Drama.Vol.17. 1837. 2304.b.20.

1075. TAYLOR, Zachary. Cass and Taylor on the slaveryquestion. [An attack on both the Democratic and the Whigcandidates for the presidency of the United States.]Boston: Danrell & Moore, 1848, 23pp. 8156.aa.17.

1076. -----. General Taylor's two faces. [Being arefutation of The misrepresentations of the leaders ofthe Whig party ... touching the position which GeneralTaylor occupies with regard to slavery and the WilmotProviso.] [Washington, 1848.] 176.b.2.(8.)

1077. THATCHER, Benjamin Bussey. Memoir of PhillisWheatley, a native African and slave. Second edition.Boston, printed, New York, 1834. 10880.aa.34.

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1078. THOME, James A. and KIMBALL, J. Horace.Emancipation in the West Indies; a six months tour inAntigua, Barbadoes, and Jamaica, in 1837. In: The Anti-Slavery Examiner. No.7, 1836. P.P.1046.e.

[Another edition.] New York, 1838. 1430.i.7.

1079. -----. The future of the freed people. Cincinnati,[1863?] Forming no.61 of the publications of the AmericanReform Tract and Book Society. 8156.a.60.

1080. -----. Speech of Mr. James A. Thome ... deliveredat the first anniversary of the American Anti-SlaverySociety. In: Stanton, Henry B. Debate at the LaneSeminary, Cincinnati. 1834, pp.7-11. 8175.cc.84.(3.)

1081. THOMPSON, George, M.P. American slavery. A lecturedelivered in the Music Hall, Store Street, December 13th1852. London, 1853. 8155.a.45.

1082. -----. Discussion on American slavery ... betweenMr. George Thompson and the Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge... Glasgow: G. Gallie, 1836. 8156.df.4.(12.)

Second edition. Boston, 1836. 8156.ee.40.[Another edition.] With an appendix [by C.C.

Burleigh]. Boston, 1836. 8155.d.76.

1083. -----. The Free Church of Scotland and Americanslavery. Substance of speeches delivered in the MusicHall, Edinburgh ... by George Thompson ... and ... HenryC. Wright. Edinburgh, 1846. 8156.e.4.(14.)

1084. -----. Lectures of George Thompson, with a fullreport of the discussion between Mr. Thompson and Mr.[Peter E.] Borthwick ... also, a brief history of hisconnection with the anti-slavery cause in England. ByWilliam Lloyd Garrison. (Includes Mr. Borthwick'slecture.) Boston, 1836. [Title page mutilated.]8156.b.56.

1085. -----. Letters and addresses by George Thompson [onAmerican Negro slavery] during his mission in the UnitedStates from Oct. 1, 1834 to Nov. 27, 1835. [Edited by W.L. Garrison.] Boston, 1837. 1390.c.14.

1086. -----. Substance of an address to the ladies ofGlasgow ... upon the present aspect of the great questionof Negro emancipation. Glasgow, 1833. 8156.aaa.74.

1087. -----. A voice to the United States ... from themetropolis of Scotland; being an account of variousmeetings held in Edinburgh on the subject of Americanslavery, upon the return of Mr. George Thompson from hismission to that country. Edinburgh, 1836.8156.aaa.84.(1.)

1088. THOMPSON, George, Missionary. Prison life andreflections; or, a narrative of the arrest, trial ...

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imprisonment ... and deliverance of Work, Burr andThompson, who suffered ... imprisonment in Missouripenitentiary for attempting to aid some slaves toliberty. Fifth edition. New Haven: A. Work, 1850, 377pp.1608/65.

[Another edition.] Hartford: A. Work, 1855, 377pp.8157.bbb.35.

1089. THOMPSON, Joseph Parrish. The Fugitive Slave Law;tried by the Old and New Testaments. New York, 1850.8155.e.66.(4.)

1090. -----. No slavery in Nebraska. The voice of Godagainst national crime. [A sermon.] New York, 1854.4486.i.83.(9.)

1091. -----. Teachings of the New Testament on slavery.New York, 1856. 8157.b.20.

1092. THOMPSON, Mary. M. Sketches of the history,character, and dying testimony, of beneficiaries of thecolored home, in the city of New-York. New-York, 1851.4986.b.30.

1093. THORNTON, T.C. An inquiry into the history ofslavery; its introduction into the United States; causesof its continuance; and remarks upon the abolition tractsof W. E. Channing. Washington City, 1841. 1389.c.23.

1094. THORNWELL, James Henley. The rights and duties ofmasters. A sermon. Charleston, S.C., 1850. 4486.f.2.(9.)

1095. THOUGHTS. Thoughts on Negro slavery. [London]: A.J.Valpy, [1833], 16pp. 8156.ee.14.(6.)


1097. TILTON, Theodore. The American board and Americanslavery. Speech ... in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, January23, 1860. Reported by W.H. Burr. [New York? 1860.]8156.a.61.

1098. TO ALL EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS. The suppressedtract! (Scriptural duties of masters. Comprising apastoral address of ... W. Meade: ... a sermon [on Col.iv. 1] of ... J.C. Young) and the rejected tract! (Thefamily relation as affected by slavery. By C. K.Whipple.) Given word for word as submitted to thePublishing Committee of the American Tract Society. NewYork, 1858. 8157.aaaa.11.

1099. TOM, Uncle. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Uncle Tom the slavemartyr. Johnny Sands. [Songs.] [London, 1853?]11621.k.5.(317.)

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1100. TORREY, Jesse. A portraiture of domestic slavery,in the United States: with reflections on thepracticability of restoring the moral rights of theslave; ... and a project of a colonial asylum for freepersons of colour: including memoirs of facts on theinterior traffic in slaves, and on kidnapping.Philadelphia: published by the author, 1817, 94pp.1389.g.14.(1.)

[Another edition.] American slave trade ... Withreflections on the project for forming a colony ofAmerican blacks in Africa, and certain documentsrespecting that project. [With preface by W. Cobbett.]London: J.M. Cobbett, 1822, 119pp. 8157.aaaa.5.

1101. TOWER, Philo. Slavery unmasked: being a truthfulnarrative of a three years' residence and journeying ineleven Southern states: to which is added the invasion ofKansas, including the last chapter of her wrongs.Rochester, 1856. Imperfect; wanting all after p.432.8177.b.47.

1102. TRACY, Joseph. Natural equality. A sermon [on Actsxvii. 26, 27]. Windsor, Vt., 1833. 4486.f.1.(12.)

1103. TRIAL OF THE PRISONERS OF THE AMISTAD ON THE WRITOF HABEAS CORPUS, before the circuit court of the UnitedStates, for the district of Connecticut, at Hartford. NewYork, 1839, 47pp. 1132.h.39.(1.)

1104. TRIMBLE, Robert. Slavery in the United States ofNorth America. A lecture. London, 1863. 8177.bb.82.

1105. TUCKER, George. A dissertation on slavery; with aproposal for the gradual abolition of it in the state ofVirginia. Philadelphia, 1796. 8155.d.78.

1106. -----. Queries respecting the slavery andemancipation of Negroes in Massachusetts, proposed by theHon. Judge Tucker of Virginia and answered by the Rev. DrBelknap. In: Massachusetts Historical Society,Collections, vol.4., 1795, pp.191-211. Ac.8400.

1107. TURNBULL, Gordon. An apology for Negro slavery.Second edition, with additions. London, 1786. 8156.b.57.

1108. TWO SERMONS [On Eph. vi. 8], preached to acongregation of black slaves, at the parish church ofS[aint] P[eter] in the province of Maryland. By anAmerican Pastor [T. Bacon]. London, 1749. 4486.a.24.

1109. TYLER, Edward Royall. Slaveholding a Malum in se,or invariably sinful. Hartford, 1839. 8156.e.4.(13.)

1110. TYLER, Julia Gardiner. The women of England versusthe women of America. Mrs. Ex-President Tyler's letter tothe Duchess of Sutherland on American slavery. London,[1853.] 8155.e.60.

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1111. TYSON, Bryan. The institution of slavery in theSouthern states, religiously and morally considered inconnection with our sectional troubles. Washington: H.Polkinhorn, 1863, 60pp. 8156.df.4.(16.)

1112. TYSON, Job Roberts. A discourse before the YoungMen's Colonization Society of Pennsylvania...with anotice of the proceedings of the Society. Philadelphia,1834. 4487.aaa.1.(9.)


1114. UNDERWOOD, Almon. A discourse [on Matt. xxv. 34-40]on the death of ... C.T. Torrey. Newark, 1846.4985.ee.15.(15.)

1115. UNION LEAGUE CLUB OF NEW YORK. Report of SpecialCommittee on the passage by the House of Representativesof the Constitutional Amendment for the abolition ofslavery. [By John Jay.] New York, 1865, 24pp.8176.e.12.(7.)

1116. UPHAM, Nathaniel Gookin. Rebellion, slavery, peace.An address. Concord, 1864. 8177.cc.52.(5.)

1117. UTLEY, H.T. The history of slavery andemancipation. Speech delivered by H.T. Utley.Philadelphia, 1863. 8177.bb.104.(9.)

1118. VAN BUREN, Martin. Inconsistency and hypocrisy ofMartin Van Buren on the question of slavery. [1848.]8156.e.2.(7.)

1119. -----. Opinions of Martin Van Buren ... upon thepowers and duties of Congress, in reference to theabolition of slavery. Washington, 1836. 8176.b.2.(2.)

1120. VAN DYKE, Henry Jackson. The character andinfluence of abolitionism. A sermon [on 1 Tim. vi. 1-5].In: Fast Day Sermons. 1861. 4486.b.59.

1121. VAN EVRIE, John H. Negroes and Negro slavery: thefirst an inferior race: the latter its normal condition.New York, 1861. 8177.aa.50.

1122. VAN VALKENBURGH, Robert Bruce. The battle forfreedom. Speech of the Hon. R.B. Van Valkenburgh, ofSteusen County, in assembly, March 17th, 1858. [Albany,N.Y., 1858] 10pp. On popular sovereignty and theextension of slavery into the territories. 1570/1064.

1123. VAUX, Roberts. Memoirs of the life of AnthonyBenezet. By Roberts Vaux. Philadelphia printed, Yorkreprinted, 1817. 855.h.25.

Anthony Benezet. From the original memoir: revised,with additions, by Wilson Armistead. London: A.W.Bennett, 1859, 144pp. 4866.a.7.

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1124. -----. Memoirs of the lives of B. Lay and R.Sandiford, two of the earliest public advocates for theemancipation of the enslaved Africans. Philadelphia,1815. 4985.bb.26.

[Another edition.] Philadelphia printed, Londonreprinted, 1816. 855.h.24.(1.)

1125. VERMONTER. Review of a "Letter from J.H. Hopkins,... Bishop of Vermont, on the Bible view of slavery." Bya Vermonter [i.e. Leonard Marsh]. Burlington, 1861.8156.bb.77.(7.)

1126. VETO. Thoughts on the proposed annexation of Texasto the United States. [The dedication is signed T.S.,i.e. Theodore Sedgwick.] First published in the New YorkEvening Post, under the signature of Veto. New York,1844, 55pp. 8175.e.80.


[Another edition.] Washington, 1817, 25pp.B.494.(4.)

1128. VINCENT, James. American slavery defeated in itsattempts ... to find a shelter in the British churches... with an introduction by Rev. Professor Scott. London,[1854.] 8156.d.28.

1129. WADDINGTON, John. The American crisis in relationto slavery. London, 1862. 8177.bb.91.

1130. WALKER, Jonathan. Trial and imprisonment ofJonathan Walker, at Pensacola, Florida, for aiding slavesto escape from bondage. With an appendix, containing asketch of his life. [Written by himself. With a prefaceby M.W. Chapman.] Boston: Anti Slavery Office, 1846.1132.b.31.

1131. WALSH, Robert. An appeal from the judgments ofGreat Britain respecting the United States of America.Part First, containing an historical outline of theirmerits and wrongs as colonies; and strictures upon thecalumnies of the British writers. Philadelphia, 1819.1448.k.11.

Second edition. London, 1820. 8175.bb.57.

1132. WALKER, Robert James. Jefferson Davis: repudiation,recognition and slavery. Letter of Hon. Robert J. Walker... second edition. London: William Ridgway, 1863, 58pp.8223.aa.35.

Third edition, with appendix. No.1. London, 1863.8223.aa.36.

1133. -----. Jefferson Davis: repudiation, recognitionand slavery. Letter No.II. of Hon. Robert J. Walker. [On

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Davis's repudiation of planters' bank bonds.] London:William Ridgway, 1863, 12pp. 8223.aa.37.(2.)

1134. -----. American slavery and finances. [Beingreissues in one volume of the two pamphlets entitled:Jefferson Davis: repudiation, recognition and slavery.And the third entitled: Jefferson Davis: repudiation ofArkansas bonds. With a reissue of American finances andresources. And of an address entitled: AmericanThanksgiving dinner ... 1863.] London: William Ridgway,1864. 8223.aa.66.

1135. THE WAR AND SLAVERY: or, victory only throughemancipation. Boston, 1861. 8177.aa.51.

1136. THE WAR IN AMERICA. Negro slavery and the Bible. Apolitico-religious essay. By an old politician. Stirling:Peter Drummond, 1862, 51pp. 8177.a.77.(3.)

1137. WARD, Samuel Ringgold. Autobiography of a fugitiveNegro: his anti-slavery labours in the United States,Canada, and England. London, 1855. 10881.b.40.

1138. WARNER, Ashton. Negro slavery described by a Negro:being the narrative of Ashton Warner. With an appendixcontaining the testimony of four Christian ministers, onthe system of slavery as it now exists by S. Strickland.London, 1831. 522.a.37.

1139. WARNES, John. Flax versus cotton; or, the two-edgedsword against pauperism and slavery. No.1. London, 1850.No more published. 8245.d.107.

1140. WARREN, Edwin R. The free missionary principle; or,Bible missions: a plea for separate missionary actionfrom slaveholders! [A sermon on 1 Sam. xvii. 29.] Boston,1846. 4193.b.64.(4.)

1141. WATSON, Henry. Narrative of Henry Watson, afugitive slave. Third edition. Boston, 1850.10882.b.35.(4.)

1142. WAYLAND, Francis. Domestic slavery considered as ascriptural institution: in a correspondence between theRev. Richard Fuller and the Rev. Francis Wayland. NewYork & Boston, 1845. 1389.a.8.

1143. -----. Christianity and slavery: a review of thecorrespondence between Richard Fuller, ... and FrancisWayland, ... on domestic slavery, considered as aScriptural institution, by William Hague. Boston, 1847.8156.a.71.(3.)

1144. WEBB, Richard D. The life and letters of CaptainJohn Brown, who was executed at Charlestown, Virginia,Dec. 2, 1859, for an armed attack upon American slavery;with notices of some of his confederates. Edited by R.D.

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Webb. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1861, 453pp. 10880.a.4.

1145. WEBB, James Watson. Slavery and its tendencies. Aletter. Washington, 1856. 8156.e.2.(8.)

1146. WEBBER, Samuel. Logan, an Indian tale [in verse].(The Slave Ship. A ballad. Speech of an Indian Warrior.)Cambridge [U.S.], 1821. 12706.aa.24.

1147. WEBSTER, Daniel. The Creole case, and Mr. Webster'sdespatch; with the comments of the N[ew] Y[ork] American.New-York, 1842. 8156.aaa.84.(2.)

1148. WEBSTER, Noah. Effects of slavery on morals andindustry. Hartford, 1793. 8155.c.70.

1149. WELD, Theodore Dwight. American slavery as it is:testimony of a thousand witnesses. New York, 1839, 224pp.8155.d.5.

1150. -----. The power of Congress over the District ofColumbia. Originally published ... under the signature ofWythe. With additions by the author. Fourth edition. In:The Anti-slavery Examiner. No.5, 1836. P.P.1046.e.

1151. WESLEY, John. Thoughts upon slavery. [With atitlepage bearing the imprint: London, printed; re-printed in Philadelphia and sold by Joseph Cruikshank,1774.] In: A Collection of Religious Tracts. 1773, 83pp.4152.aa.50.

1152. WHEAT, M.T. The progress and intelligence ofAmericans; collateral proof of slavery, from the first tothe eleventh chapter of Genesis. ... progress of slavery.Second edition. [Louisville, 1862.] 8156.bb.73.

1153. WHEATLEY, Phillis. Memoir and poems of PhillisWheatley. Boston: G.W. Light, 1834, 103pp. 4986.aaa.57.

[Third edition.] [Includes, Poems by a slave, GeorgeM. Horton, with the preface to the second edition, signedL. C. G.]. Boston, 1838. 11686.aa.18.

1154. -----. Poems on various subjects. London, 1773.992.a.34.

[Another edition.] In: Equiano, Olaudah, TheInteresting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano.1814. 10605.aa.32.

[Another edition.] London printed, New England[Mass.] reprinted, 1816. 11686.aa.14.

1155. WHEATON, Henry. Enquiry into the validity of theBritish claim to a right of visitation and search ofAmerican vessels suspected to be engaged in the Africanslave trade. Philadelphia, 1842. Mic.A.10592(3)

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1156. WHEATON, Josephus. The equality of mankind and theevils of slavery, illustrated: a sermon [on Acts xvii.26]. Boston, 1820. 4486.l.6.(4.)

1157. WHEATON, Nathaniel Sheldon. A discourse on St.Paul's epistle to Philemon; exhibiting the duty ofcitizens of the Northern states in regard to theinstitution of slavery; delivered ... Dec. 22, 1850.Hartford, 1851. 4487.bb.63.(7.)

1158. WHEELER, Jacob D. A practical treatise on the lawof slavery; being a compilation of all the decisions madeon that subject, in the several courts of the UnitedStates, and state courts. With copious notes andreferences to the statutes and other authorities,systematically arranged. New York, 1837. Mic.A.10592(5)

1159. WHEELOCK, Rev. Edwin M. Sermon [on Luke iii. 15, onthe attempted liberation of the slaves, by Capt. J.Brown]. In: Redpath, J. Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Boston,1860. 8155.b.64.

1160. WHERE WILL IT END? A view of slavery in the UnitedStates in its aggressions and results ... originallypublished in the Atlantic Monthly. Providence, 1863,23pp. 8156.a.72.(13.)

1161. WHIG. The rights and privileges of the severalstates in regard to slavery; being a series of essays[signed, Pacificus, i.e. Joshua Reed Giddings], publishedin the Western Reserve Chronicle (Ohio) after theelection of 1842. By a Whig of Ohio. [Cincinnati, 1843?]8156.bb.58.

1162. WHIPPLE, Charles King. The family relation asaffected by slavery. In: To all evangelical Christians.New York: American Tract Society, 1858. 8157.aaaa.11.

1163. -----. Relation of the American Board ofCommissioners for Foreign Missions to slavery. Boston,1861. 4183.b.9.

1164. WHIPPLE, Henry Benjamin. Bishop Whipple's SouthernDiary, 1843-1844. Edited ... by Lester B. Shippee.Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, [1937.],208pp. 20031.bbb.33.

1165. WHIPPLE, John. Mr. Whipple's report, and Mr. Otis'sletter [relative to petitions to Congress, for theabolition of slavery, and the right of petition]. Boston,1839. 8177.ee.34.(2.)

1166. WHITCOMB, William C.A. Discourse on the recaptureof fugitive slaves. Boston, 1850. 8156.df.55.

1167. WHITING, William. The war powers of the president,and the legislative powers of Congress in relation to

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rebellion, treason and slavery. Seventh edition. Boston:T.L. Shorey, 1863, 151pp. 8177.bb.93.

1168. -----. An appeal to the citizens of the freestates upon the aspects of the slave question, and theclaims of the freesoil movement, to their support.Boston: Dickinson, 1848, 16pp. 8176.aa.1.(13.)

1169. WHITTIER, John Greenleaf. Poems on slavery [chieflytaken from the Poems written during the progress of theabolition question.]. In: Longfellow, H.W. Poems onSlavery ... 1853. 11686.b.39.

1170. WILLARD, Emma. Via media: a peaceful and permanentsettlement of the slavery question. Washington, 1862.8156.bb.75.(5.)

1171. WILLCOCKS, Thomas. A letter to the Rev. Drs. Coxand Hoby ... containing strictures on their conduct,relative to the question of slavery in America. Secondedition. London: W. Ball, 1836, 24pp. 908.c.30.(10.)

1172. WILLIAM, Nassau. American slavery: a reprint of anarticle on Uncle Tom's Cabin, of which a portion wasinserted in the 206th number of the Edinburgh Review; andof Mr. Sumner's Speech of the 19th and 20th of May, 1856.With a notice of the events which followed. London:Longman & Co., 1856, 164pp. 8156.d.3.

1173. WILLIAMS, John. The narrative of John Williams ...shewing how he made his escape from New Orleans, inAmerica, and came to England. Chatham, 1855.10882.aaa.37.(2.)

1174. WILLIAMSON, Passmore. Narrative of facts in thecase of Passmore Williamson. Philadelphia, 1855.1414.a.61.(2.)

1175. WILLISTON, Seth. Slavery not a scriptural ground ofdivision in efforts for the salvation of the heathen.New-York, 1844. 4193.d.41.

1176. WILLSON, Edmund B. The bad Friday: a sermon [onMatt. xxv. 45] preached ... June 4, 1854; it being theSunday after the return of Anthony Burns to slavery.Boston, 1854. 8156.ee.41.

1177. WILSON, Harriet E. Our Nig, or sketches from thelife of a free black. A novel; introduction by HenryLouis Gates, Jr. London: Allison & Busby, 1984.Nov.1988/2070. EE GARTES, Henry Louis, Jr.

1178. WILSON, Lucy S. The fugitive slaves in Canada.London: Seeley & Co., 1858, 45pp. 4193.a.63.

1179. WILSON, W.D. A discourse on slavery, deliveredbefore the Anti-slavery Society in Littleton, N.H.Concord, 1839. 8155.d.83.

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1180. WILSON, William. The great American question,democracy vs. doulocracy: or, free-soil, free-labor ...and free speech, against the extension ... of theslaveholding interest. A letter ... to each freeman ofthe United States with special reference to his duty atthe approaching election. Cincinnati, 1848. 8157.c.20.

1181. WINSLOW, Hubbard. Elements of moral philosophy. NewYork, 1856. 8407.e.38.

1182. WISE, Henry Alexander. Correspondence between LydiaMaria Child and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia [onthe attempt made by Capt. John Brown to liberate theslaves in Virginia]. New York, 1860. No.1 of the newseries of Anti-Slavery Tracts. 8206.aaa.5.

1183. WOOLMAN, John. Some considerations on the keepingof Negroes ... Philadelphia ... 1754. (Part second.-Considerations on keeping Negroes ... Philadelphia ...1762.) Northampton, [Mass.:] newly printed at the GehennaPress, 1970. (Gehenna tracts, no.2.) Cup.510.nax.9.

1184. WORCESTER, Leonard. A discourse [on Luke xxiii. 34]on the Alton outrage [the assasination of Elijah ParishLovejoy by the mob at Alton]. Concord, 1838.4486.i.84.(4.)

1185. WORCESTER, Massachusetts, County of. Convention ofMinisters. Proceedings of the convention of ministers ofWorcester County, on the subject of slavery; held atWorcester Dec. 1837, and Jan. 1838. Worcester, U.S.,1838. 8155.e.69.(1.)

1186. WRIGHT, Christopher. The irresistible glory, andeverlasting freedom: or, religious liberty exempt fromslavery. Birmingham: printed for the author, 1787, 222pp.4411.c.55.

1187. WRIGHT, Elizur. Perforations in the Latter-DayPamphlets [of Thomas Carlyle], by one of the "eighteenmillions of bores." Edited by Elizur Wright. No. 1.,"Universal Suffrage. Capital punishment. Slavery."Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1850, 48pp. 8177.de.45.

1188. WRIGHT, Henry Clarke. American slavery proved to betheft and robbery, with a letter to Dr. Cunningham,containing the Doctor's apologies for slavery ... andalso the opinions of Thomas Clarkson and Dr. AndrewThomson. Second edition. Edinburgh: Quintin Dalrymple,1845, 24pp. 8157.b.10.(3.)

1189. -----. Christian church; anti-slavery and non-resistance applied to church organizations. Boston: Anti-Slavery Office, 1841, 17pp. 8157.aaa.10.

1190. -----. The dissolution of the American Union,demanded by justice and humanity as the incurable enemy

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of liberty ... addressed to the abolitionists of GreatBritain and Ireland. Glasgow: David Russell, 1845, 46pp.4384.df.31.(9.)

1191. WYTHE, pseud. [i.e. Theodore Dwight Weld.] Thepower of Congress over the District of Columbia.Originally published ... under the signature ofWythe. With additions by the author. Fourth edition. In:The Anti-slavery Examiner. No.5, 1836. P.P.1046.e.

1192. YATES, Edward. A letter to the women of England onslavery in the Southern states of America; consideredespecially in reference to the condition of the femaleslaves. London, 1863. 8155.b.85.

1193. YOUNG, John Clarke. The duty of masters: a sermon[on Col. iv. 1]. In: To all Evangelical Christians. 1858.8157.aaaa.11.

1194. YOUNG, Joshua. God greater than man. A sermon [onJob xxxiii. 12] preached ... after the rendition ofAnthony Burns. Burlington, 1854. 8157.c.21.

1195. ZAMBA. The life and adventures of Zamba, an AfricanNegro king, and his experience of slavery in SouthCarolina: written by himself. Corrected and arranged byPeter Neilson. London, 1847. 1453.e.21.

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Abolition 2,3,4,34,39,128,145,156,183,196,211,240, 246,253,257,303,377,394,404,465,515,528,540,574,578,590,591,607,658,659,781,791,792,831,865,866,885,902,903,935,986,1013,1014,1079,1105,1115,1117,1119,1120,1135,1165

Adams, J. 382Adams, John Quincy 669,802Adams, W. 384Africa 303,342,433,444,926African Civilization Society 303African Methodist Episcopal Church 41Agassiz, Louis Jean Rodolphe 1003Allen, Henry Watkins 988Alton trials/riots 140,660,669,1184American Anti-Slavery Society 588,594,898American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 600American Colonization Society 157,243,329,405,467,545,547,594,898American Convention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery 935American Missionary Association 275American Tract Society 600Amistad 12,24,1103Andrew, James Osgood 830Anthony, J. 384Anti-slavery societies 160,277,306,374,483,578,834Armistead, Wilson 10,100,149,1123Austin, James Trecothick 264,863Bachman, John 770Baptists 717Barnard, Frances Catherine 122Barnes, Albert 921Bascom, Henry Bidleman 830Beecher, Catharine Esther 503. 540Benjamin, Judah Philip 987Benton, Thomas Hart 942Billington, Ray Allen 436Binney, Thomas 535Bonner, William Henry 730Booth, Mary Louise 305Boston 228,416,726,763,847Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson 1082Britannicus 702British African Colonization Society 547Broughm, Lord 49Brown, John 57,281,562,759,895,896,1144,1159

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Buchanan, George 860Buckner, R. 626Burleigh, Charles Calistus 1082Burns, Anthony 289,490,1039,1176,1194Burr, James E. 1088Burr, William Henry 1097California 593,686,892Campbell, Alexander 207Campbell, Charles 604Canada 382,443,452,629,744,1059,1178Capers, George 430Carlyle, Thomas 1187Catholic Church 574Census/statistics 223,270,740Chamerovzow, Louis Alexis 215Channing, William Ellery 681,1093Chapman, Maria Weston 1130Chase, Salmon Portland 776Chesson, F.W. 10Chester, Joseph Lemuel 376Chicago Historical Society 216Child, Lydia Maria 191Civil War 18,99,111,121,136,210,213,237,238,285,318,320,350,378,379,418,


Clarkson, Thomas 336,339,522,894,1188Clay, Alexander 736Clay, Henry 207,991Cobbett, William 1100Colonization 161,444,467,642,729,829,866,902,926,1100,1112,1127Commerce 47,168,239,314,326,425,426,546,607,676Congress 893,1065,1167,1191Constitution 13,79,126,165,174,185,194,250,287,379,438,454,

484,550,582,588,601,634, 674,683,724,840,843,942,944,996,1021,1026,1029,1060-1063,1066,1115

Cotton 32,47,103,303,635,676,783,786,788,959,976,1139Cox, Samuel Hanson 594,1171Craft, Ellen 330Cuba 680-682,744Cunningham, William 1188Curtis, George Ticknor 971Davis, Jefferson 1132,1133,1134Deane, James 384Dennison, (Abolitionist) 72

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Dickens, Charles 360Dinah 969District of Columbia 1191Douglass, Frederick 328Douglas, Stephen Arnold 640Economics of slavery 47,309,310,314,335,395,1013Edgerton, A.P. 273Education (slave) 376,1072Eliot, Samuel Atkins 523,595Emancipation see Abolition Emancipation Proclamation 658,659Episcopal Church 592Florida 472,1130Fremont, John C. 209Frazee, George 349Frazier, Elihu 349Frelinghuysen, T. 596Fugitive Slaves 233,349,351,382,452,626,629,634,641,665,706,707,

721,763,838,846,971,1020,1024,1039,1041,1088,1130, 1166Fugitive Slave Law 139,341,365,367,450,451,523,558,595,628,640,664,

701,721,812,889,961,979,988,1020,1023,1024,1029,1030,1068,1089Fuller, Richard 1056Galusha, Elder 1056Garrison, William Lloyd 188,560,767,1084,1085Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. 1177Georgia 195,215,619Gilman, W.S. 660Great Britain (and colonies) 46,111,150,168,234,256,309,314,403,470,475,

511,702,751,788,835,906,956,958,1032-33,1131Green, Samuel 219Gurley, Ralph Randolph 62Haiti 670,935Hamilton, Andrew Jackson 790Hamlet, J. 450Harper's Ferry 143,281,290,406,530,562,709,759,805,848,895,1144,1159Hawks, F.L. 453Hoby 1171Holden Slave Case 904Hopkins, John Henry 622Howe, Samuel Gridley 443Howitt, Mary 190Hunt, W. 367Hurnard, Robert 137Illinois 216,568India 46,314,334

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Ingersoll, Charles Jared 570,571Jarvis, Leonard 544Jay, John 601Jay, William 523, 898Jefferson, Thomas 604Jephs, John 384Jews 854Job 172Johnson, R .M. 298Jones, Joseph 243Kansas 250,366,369,441,485,893,1067,1101Kentucky 295,300,415,525,909,1072Latimer, George 763Lay, B. 1124Leavitt, Joshua 599,691Lee, Charles 415Liberia 63,66,101,879Liberty Party of Pennsylvania 301Lincoln, Abraham 113, 187, 315Lockett, Edward 987Loring, C.G. 971Lovejoy, Elijah Parish 140,669,847,918,1184Lundy, Benjamin 254M, F.L. 551MacHenry, George 236Manumission 39,292Martineau, Harriet 306Maryland 612,707Mason, M.J.C. 281Massachusetts 145,358,1106Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society 225Methodist Episcopal Church 186,728,830,945Mexico 593,602,815Mills, Thornton J. 161Missions 275,1140Missouri 211,377,378Missouri Compromise 563,942Mitchell, James S. 707Morrison, John 594Morse, Samuel Finley Breese 338Morton, Marcus 534Nebraska 308,628,807,989,1090Neilson, Peter 1195Nelson, W. 598New Mexico 686

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New York 521,615Nicolay, John G. 658North Carolina 612Ohio 273O'Rielly, Henry 963Palfrey, John Gorham 94Peel, Robert 475Penn, William 326Philadelphia 42,104,542,608,834Phillips, Jonathan 260Picquet, Louisa 718Pierpont, John 915Pope-Hennessy, Una 514Post, John A. 1041Potter, Alonzo 554Potter, James 971Presbyterian Church 912Price, Thomas 919Prigg, Edward 567Rantoul, Robert 971Reeder, Henry R. 684Reid, Joseph B. 684Religious Instruction 116,118,353,470,479,609,610,632,637,650,723,

858,1072,1096Rice, Nathan Lewis 169Roberts, Sarah C. 1066Robertson, Robert 470S, W.M. 583Sanborn, Charles W. 270Sandford, John F.A. 943Sandiford, R. 1124Scott, Dred 366, 369, 432Scott, Prof. Walter 1128Secession 71,99,106,111,113,165,395,1021,1036Sedgwick, Theodore 647Seward, William H. 658Sharp, Joseph Budworth 959Shippee, Lester Burrell 1164Shirley, W. 33Simmons, George Frederick 264Sinclair, Peter 72, 129Slave Code 410,480,482Slave trade (domestic) 58,84,202,241,796,1100Smith, Adam 48, 403, 646Smith, James McCune 372

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Smith, Lewis 778Smylie, James 992Society of Friends 152,386,404,573,696,775,907Solomon, J. 660South Carolina 20,23,380,448,472,583,643Spence, James 395Stearns, Charles 214Stephen, Sir George 685Still, Lavinia 854Still, Peter 854Stone, James W. 971Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher 9,74,197,333,360,818,950,1035,1172Strickland, S. 1138Stuart, Moses 341Sumner, Charles 74, 950Sutherland, Duchess of 1110Tappan, Lewis 450Taylor, J. 959Taylor, Zachary 1028Tefft, Benjamin Franklin 394Territories 251,366,690,691,692,700,840,893,1122Texas 259,362,713,785,842,931,939,949,1126Thompson, George 226, 502Thomson, Andrew 1188Thorpe, Robert 27Tolles, Frederick Barnes 742Torrey, C.T. 668,1114Twelvetrees, Harper 82Uncle Tom's Cabin 9,74,197,333,360,649,950,983,1113,1172Underground Railroad 730Union League Club of New York 591Utah 369Van Buren, Edward 1041Van Buren, Martin 691Vassa, Gustavus 402Verplanck, G.C. 990Virginia 255,412,415,612,969,1105 Washington D.C. 441,1150Washington, George 930Webb, Richard D. 45Webster, Delia Ann 626Webster, Daniel 16,598,812,1060West Indies 256,323,334,398,462,532,590,627,631,644,751,835,906,1032,1033West, Robert Athow 728

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Wheatley, Phillis 1077Wheaton, Henry 12Wheeler, George B. 236Whitehill, Walter Muir 605Whiteman, Maxwell 854Whittier, John Greenleaf 14Wilberforce, William 27Wild Tom 613Wilson, D. 769Wise, Henry Alexander 281, 544Women (against slavery) 86,178,179,199,200,400,401,502,503,742,953,1086,

1110,1192Women (slaves) 108,191,192,204,218,330,392,468,525,718,725,753,

758,868,1192Woodward, George W. 622Work, Alanson 1088Wright, Henry Clarke 1083Young Men's Colonization Society of Pennsylvania 1112

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Periodicals 2,51-53,55,59,61,62,69,85,89,93,201,370,469,655,762,882,1004

Sermons 16,40,70,116,117,132,133,139,141-144,227,230-232,286,287290,291,307,342,353,364,388-390,397,422,435,441,449,458,460,488,490,491,495-497,516-519,527,538,539,556,606,634,636,663-665,679,701,706,720,721,722,727,735,737,759,800,803,807-809,813-815,820,828,836,869,870,875-878,887,890,895,917,918,926,961,967,979,1002,1020,1023,1030,1031,1048,1054,1090,1094,1102,1108,1114,1140,1156,1157,1159,1176,11841193,1194

Slave narratives 1,33,82,108,122,137,158,172,191,192,214,215,218-220,249,269,330,340,372,373,381,382,384,402,414,415,436,468,498,501,505,535,579,583,603,613,614,638,695,697,718,725,753,769,778,779,854,868,910,911,919,969,1000,1001,1040,1137,1138,1141,1173,1195

Travellers' reports 5,17,35,78,105,155,190,331,352,413,417,446,513,514,569-571,618-622,627,639,653,670,671,677,704,705,714,743,744,764,768,783-786,818,899,948,960,1059,1064,1101,1164