Agape Faith Church | Clemmons NC - by Rick Renner...Page 3 of 17 About Rick and Denise Renner (from renner.org) Rick and Denise met while they were each on an individual quest to wholeheartedly

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Rick Renner

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This teaching was presented by Rick Renner at the Ministers’ Conference hosted by Kenneth Copeland Ministries in January of this year (2018). The minute I heard it, I also heard “for LIFE GROUPS” & “Discipleship Classes”. I believe that was divine guidance from the Holy Spirit to provide this teaching at Agape Faith Church as a short LIFE GROUP curriculum. The teaching impacted me because I have come to know that some Christians have a wrong impression and understanding of the overpowering goodness of God. This curriculum singularly destroys the debate that everything…good and bad…is God’s will. “It must be His will”, someone may say, “because He is all powerful”. Yes…He is all powerful, but He is also not just sitting back and ordaining bad things to happen to us on this earth. Rick Renner is an anointed teacher of the Word and is well known from his books such as Sparkling Gems I and II. He has the uncanny ability of methodically breaking down Scripture using his in-depth knowledge of the meaning of Greek words and phrases and then explaining them in such a way that we all can understand and receive revelation. We can then capture the raw picture of Scripture as given by God, being enlightened and refreshed these nearly two thousand years later. When we say, “God is good”, many times the reply is “all the time”. And that’s right!!! Yet still, even Spirit-filled Christians will sometimes question God’s “control” or “allowance” of bad things that happen, and wonder “why God…?”. In this there should be no debate! All Christians should come to the understanding that there is no evil or bad in God, but only good and perfect gifts. To have any other understanding of God will play havoc and torment on His people’s minds, emotions and bodies. The one thing I love about this curriculum is that it gives us conclusive Scriptural evidence that we can all use to not only cement this understanding in our hearts, but also to share it, convincingly, with others. We should all be ready at any time to give a logical defense to account for the hope that is in us, courteously and respectfully (1 Peter 3:15 AMP)! And that’s what this curriculum can do for you and those around you. I am certain you will really enjoy this teaching and be transformed by the renewing of your mind, just as I did. Hebrews 2:1 says that we should take heed of the things we’ve already heard, lest they slip away. This attitude and understanding toward the goodness of God is really imperative to receive every blessing that He has prepared for each of us! And as Rick says, “then we really will know how to pray…what to resist, and what to receive!” You can purchase this teaching along with all of the anointed teachings at the conference by visiting kcm.org or contacting them at 1-800-600-7395. Also, you can check out and purchase other teachings by Rick Renner and his wife, Denise at www.renner.org. Pastor Murray

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About Rick and Denise Renner (from renner.org) Rick and Denise met while they were each on an individual quest to wholeheartedly follow God’s plan for their lives. Rick was a college student, growing in his teaching ministry. Denise was a talented vocalist. She chose not to pursue a course that held the prospect of performing with the Metropolitan

Opera so that she could instead pursue a relationship with Rick and fulfill her heart’s desire to enter full-time ministry. Rick and Denise’s friendship has led to a lifelong love and a powerful partnership in building the Kingdom of God. After a decade of ministry, first as pastors and then as itinerant ministers, Rick and Denise Renner embarked on an adventure of a lifetime. In January 1991, the Renners and their sons — Paul (then 8), Philip (then 6), and Joel (then 2) — left behind all they knew to relocate their family to serve the region that only weeks earlier had become the former Soviet Union. Rick and Denise remember kneeling together as a family and kissing the ground when they arrived at the airport in Latvia on that cold January day. In that moment, they all committed their lives to the will of God and to the people of their new homeland. The following year, Rick moved forward to launch and establish the first of its kind — and eventually the largest — Christian television network in that region of the world. Over the years, Rick and Denise pioneered three churches, a Bible school, and a ministerial association that serves thousands of Russian-speaking pastors throughout the former USSR as well as parts of the Middle East. As Rick began training and mentoring leaders in the early days, Denise also developed a women’s ministry that is actively involved in changing the lives of women and their families today. Specifically, they minister to the needs of orphans, women prisoners, the homeless, and drug-and-alcohol addicts. Rick, Denise, and their children began as a small circle of five, willing to go beyond their comfort zone to reach the uttermost parts of the world. Today that circle includes their sons’ wives, six grandchildren, and a large ministry staff that helps the Renners extend their reach as they exalt Jesus Christ as the Hope of all nations.

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GOD ONLY GIVES GOOD AND PERFECT GIFTS INTRODUCTION This curriculum study considers the “sovereign” question regarding God, which has seemingly been debated for decades. Is God really good all the time? “If He’s all powerful, then He should never let anything bad attack His children,” someone may say; “When something bad happens it must be because God allowed it.” “Everything is God’s will…the good and the bad”, some Christians will believe and say. Rick Renner gives us undeniable, proof-positive Scripture that indeed God is good all the time. We need this knowledge to have the correct perspective of God. This right perspective will enhance our personal relationship with Him. It will improve our prayer life. And as we become armed with this teaching, we can then teach others about how great and how good our God actually is!!! LIFE GROUP DIRECTION This teaching has been specifically formatted for Life Groups (Small Groups). It consists of one DVD which includes two sessions of teaching. The first session is about 29 minutes in length, while the last session is 18 minutes long. The DVD and this Study Guide are provided at no cost. Life Group leaders and hosts should be adequately prepared having studied each session before meeting with their group, making notes accordingly. They should pray ahead of time for the anointing and revelation of what is to be presented. They should pray and speak divine protection against the enemy who would disrupt, distract or cause doubt. They should thank God that the lives of each person attending will be changed; aligned with the will of God, in the name of Jesus. OPTIMUM MEETING FLOW

FELLOWSHIP Begin each meeting reading aloud a prayer and worship Scripture Sing a praise and worship song Watch the DVD session Discuss End in prayer of THANKSGIVING!

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PREPARE TO RECEIVE In your group, begin with prayer and sing a praise and worship song or hymn. Pray that all hearts will be open to receive the incorruptible seed, the Word of God. Pray that everyone will be changed according to the will of God in their lives. Prayer Scripture (read aloud before prayer) Ephesians 6:18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” (KJV) Worship Scripture (read aloud before praise & worship) Psalm 5:7 “Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house; I will worship at your Temple with deepest awe.” (NLT) WATCH SESSION 1 ≈ 29 minutes, 22 seconds Transcribed Message – James 1:1 “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.” James is the half-brother of Jesus. They both had the same mother; Mary. But James is

Jesus’ half-brother because Jesus’ father is God the Father, while James’ father was

Joseph. Jesus indeed had four brothers (see Mt. 13:55). There was James (became the

pastor of the church in Jerusalem), Joseph, Simon and Jude. In Matthew 13:56, we read

that Jesus also had sisters. This is a ministry family. God calls entire families. In the Old

Testament and in the New Testament, we see that God is in the business of regularly

calling families.

Noah was called with his sons and together they built the ark. Jacob had a call upon him

and his sons and his family. In the New Testament, other than Mary & Joseph, we see

that Timothy, his mother and his grandmother were all believers. A second century

document recorded the names of all of the early pastors in Asia. So it’s possible for us to

know all the names of these pastors, particularly in Smyrna. Smyrna is 35-miles from

Ephesus. Timothy was the pastor in Ephesus. Because a Christian brother recorded all

these names, we know that the pastor in Smyrna was a man named Stradius. Stradius

was put into the ministry during the time that Paul was in Ephesus. Stradius was the

natural born older brother of Timothy.

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Barnabus had a nephew named John Mark. John Mark’s mother was a believer, who

owned a big apartment in the City of Jerusalem; the Upper Room. John Mark’s mother’s

apartment was where Jesus served the Last Supper. It was in this apartment where they

gathered on the day of Pentecost. So as a young man growing up, John Mark was familiar

with the ministry – especially the ministry of Jesus, as this apartment would be where

they would find safety and comfort. And the call of God that was on his mother and his

uncle also came to him.

Or how about the apostle Paul? Everyone acknowledges that he is an apostle. But when

we read Romans 16, we see that he mentions two other people by name (“they are my

relatives”) – and they are also of note among the “apostles”. Therefore, it appears that

there was an apostolic calling not only upon Paul, but upon his family also. SPRITUAL


Look at the example of Levi. The call came to Levi and to all of his sons.

Mary and Joseph were called. Joseph was not a poor carpenter. They lived in Nazareth

near Sepphoris which was a very sophisticated and elegant city; Herod’s administrative

center in northern Israel; it was called the ornament of Galilee; and Joseph was operating

in a high level technical skill within that community. He was not a simple carpenter. In

fact, the Greek word for carpenter really describes a high-level technician. This is a person

who is known for making jewelry or furniture or other elegant things; a very handsomely-

paid worker. The concept of Joseph being a poor man is not accurate.

God did not randomly choose Joseph to be Jesus’ earthly father – he was anointed to be

the father of this home.

Money is a test for all of us. Joseph had been found faithful with money. He had managed

his skills; he had managed his profession, and managed money…and God knew that

because he could be trusted on that level, that God could trust him with something


Now James was not a believer until after the resurrection. In fact, in John chapter 7, it

tells us emphatically, that Jesus’ brothers did not believe in Him. 1 Corinthians 15 tells

us that when Jesus was raised from the dead that one of the first things He did was appear

to James, and it was at that point that James was converted, and James became an avid

follower of Jesus, and eventually became the leader of the church in Jerusalem.

Notice how James refers to himself in James 1:1. He calls himself, “James the servant of

God.” This word “servant” is the Greek word: doulos (Strong’s # G1401) and refers to the

lowest level servant, or one that is completely sold out to do the will of someone else. He

could have legitimately said, “James, the brother of Jesus”. He could have said, “James,

the illustrious brother of Jesus”. But rather than use that to his advantage, what was

important to James was not his illustrious role, but the fact that he was sold out, wholly

surrendered unto the Lord Jesus Christ.

Notice he also says, “and (servant) of the Lord Jesus Christ”. The word “and” is very

important. In Greek, it is the word: kai and it should be taken here as a clarifying

statement which means as a more accurate translation: “James, a servant of God who

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(now if you want to know who God is, I’m going to tell you who God is) is the Lord Jesus”.

And the book of James is the oldest book in the New Testament. It was most likely written

before the year 50 A.D. This, then, becomes the earliest declaration of Jesus’ deity in the

entire New Testament from the lips of Jesus’ own brother.

Then he says, “to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad.” Scattered abroad is the

translation of the Greek word: diasporia (Strong’s #G1290). The word diasporia describes

the process of planting seed.

In the first century, there were two ways to plant seed. The first was to take a handful of

seed and take one seed at a time and very methodically, very orderly, plant one seed after

another seed, after another seed, and so on, in a nice, neat and orderly row. That is NOT

the word that is used here. The word that is used here is diasporia.

The word diasporia is like when a farmer would put his hand into a satchel of seed and

would grab a whole handful, and with no rhyme or reason, would randomly just begin

throwing seed all over the field. It’s important to understand this, because it tells us that

the people to whom James is writing are people who have been ripped out of their homes

and they have been scattered like seed all over the Eastern lands of the Roman Empire.

And when they were scattered, they lost their homes, they lost their businesses, possibly

other members of their family (because they were so quickly uprooted). This particular

“scattering” began in Acts 8:1 right after the death of Stephen. And the Bible tells us, “at

that time there arose a great persecution against the Church which was at Jerusalem” and

that the believers were “scattered abroad”. What had happened is that the Jewish

believers in Jerusalem got a taste of Stephen’s blood and felt invigorated to persecute the

Church. And the Bible says, it was a great persecution. The word “great” is the Greek

word: megas, which describes something enormous. The word “persecution” is the Greek

word: diogmos which comes from the old Greek word which means “to hunt”. If you want

to translate this directly, we could say, “and there was a great hunt against the Church

which was at Jerusalem.”

And just like a hunter would put on his hunting gear and follow the tracks and scent of an

animal, those early Jewish leaders began to follow the tracks and scent of Believers. And

at that moment the Believers began to be scattered all over the Eastern lands.

And this leads us to the Book of James. James is writing to that group of Believers. And

when James writes them, they have been scattered for approximately twenty years. So for

twenty years, they’ve been standing in faith for their belongings and their families and

their finances to be restored to them. But nothing has manifested.

So from all over the Eastern lands they have been writing James and asking theological

questions. And of course they’d be writing to James, for he was the half-brother of Jesus.

If James were alive today, he’d be the most visible and notable person in the Church

because of his relationship to Jesus. And we know exactly what these suffering believers

are asking him because James answers them in verse 13:

13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted

with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

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“Let no man say”. In the Greek, this phrase is the imperative with a negative and therefore

represents a very strong rebuke. It is the equivalent of saying, “I hear what you’re saying,

I don’t like what you’re saying, what you’re saying is not right, I want this to stop, let no

man say…how dare you allege this…we’ll have no more talk like this…stop it, stop it

NOW.” And what they’re saying is “they are tempted of God”.

The Greek word for “tempted” is peirazo (which is always negative). It describes

something that is destructive. In fact, a better translation would be, “let no man say that

he’s being crushed and destroyed” or “I’m being crushed and destroyed of God.”

Now the preposition “of” in this verse is very important. There are two potential words

that could be used here for “of”. The first is the word “oopo”, which always implies direct

agency. They did not use that word, but if they had, they would have been saying, “God

Himself is destroying us. God Himself has sent all of these difficulties into our life. God

Himself caused us to be scattered. God Himself is directly responsible for what’s

happening to us.”

Instead the word which is used here is: “apo”. The word “apo” means to do something

remotely or to do something from a distance. This means that they were saying, “we know

that God did not personally do this to us…but remotely…from a distance…God is

God…and if God had wanted to stop this…and since God didn’t stop this, somehow, in

some strange and mysterious way…“apo”…from a distance…remotely, God has allowed

these tragic events to pass into our lives.”

And when James heard this, his answer was simple: SHUT UP! Don’t talk like this, how

dare you allege that God would even remotely permit these things to happen. This is NOT

God at all!

Now it was easy for Jewish believers to think like that, because in the Old Testament

there’s really no real-cut revelation of the devil. So in the Old Testament, people thought

that generally everything came from God. So if a flood came, they though it was from

God; if a disease came, it was attributed to God; if war came, they thought it was from

God. That was the thinking in the Old Testament; it’s all from the will of God who does

everything sovereignly.

Now these Believers who were once Jewish and have been standing in faith, but they’re

not seeing results, and like Believers often do when they don’t see results, they begin to

wonder, “maybe they’re believing the wrong thing, maybe their doctrine is not right, and

they begin to wonder…maybe, just maybe in some way God…apo…from a

distance…remotely, has somehow allowed these things to pass into our lives…and rather

than resist these things, they are instead throwing their arms open to embrace these

things as if they are the will of God.

It was Jesus that brought a revelation of the devil. Matthew 4 tells us that when Jesus’

ministry began, a light shined on them that sat in darkness. And Jesus began to turn on

the light that there is a good God in Heaven and there was a bad devil on the earth. And

a good God did good things, and a bad devil did bad things. It was Jesus who really

brought that revelation.

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So James speaks to these Believers who were formerly Old Testament Jews and still think

like Old Testament Jews, that somehow, mysteriously, “apo”, remotely, from a distance

God is allowing these things to come into our lives to form us into the image of Christ.

What an insult that God would have to use tragedy to change us.

So James is very emphatic that he doesn’t want to hear this…stop it…shut up…let no man

say”. In the Greek, this is a double negative which is not even required. It literally means

“let no man, no, not no man”. Let no man say, “I am being crushed and destroyed by the

remote, permissive will of God”.

And so James answers, “for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any


If anyone asks you, “is there anything that God cannot do, you can answer emphatically


God cannot be tempted with evil. The Greek means that God is incapable of responding

to evil. God knows nothing of evil; He has no evil in Him; the only time evil tried to get

into the presence of God, God quickly removed it from heaven. God remotely experienced

evil in the cross of Christ. But as far as God the Father goes, He has no experience with

evil whatsoever. He has no evil to give anyone else. And that’s why at the end of the verse,

it says, “neither tempteth he any man:”.

He doesn’t have any evil and therefore He cannot use this to change anybody. It’s simply

an impossibility.

Evil is never sent from God…ever! Cancer, bankruptcy, divorce – they all fail the test…they

do not come from God. They are seeking to steal, kill and destroy and that is not from

God, but the thief. If someone does believe that God does those things, they have a serious

theological problem because Isaiah 53 which says that on the cross, Jesus took our

infirmities. On the cross, Jesus became like a huge net and everything that was destined

to be put on us, He caught it and took it upon Himself. Now for God to put sickness on us,

God would have to say, “Jesus, excuse me…I know that you were the net that caught all of

this affliction, all of this punishment, but I’m going to afflict them anyway.” And God

would have to bypass the work of the cross…and God is NOT going to do that. (≈ 29:22)


REFERENCED SCRIPTURES James 1:13 King James Version (KJV) 13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

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1. In Session One, several examples are given where entire families are called to serve God. In your group, discuss one or two of those Biblical families that impress and inspire you the most.

2. Why do you think that God calls entire families? 3. God also calls individuals. Discus how God calls people to serve Him and how

this can flourish to include other relatives. 4. Re-read James 1:1. In this teaching about James, the brother of Jesus, and

reviewing this verse, discuss what point(s) revealed something new to you about him and his position.

5. Regarding the phrase, “the twelve tribes scattered abroad”, describe how the Believers who were in Jerusalem must have felt.

6. Re-read James 1:13. Discuss how this verse does NOT support a doctrine of belief that everything, both good and evil, is the will of God – even “remotely” or “from a distance.”

7. Why do some Christians believe that God is also the author of bad things or “from a distance” allows bad things? What would you say to convince them of the truth – that God is good…all the time?

8. Discuss how believing that God is okay with bad things happening (even “remotely”) deters someone lost from coming to Christ.

9. How does this view, that God is okay with bad things happening to us, impact one’s faith and personal relationship with God?


James 1:13 “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man: (NKJV)

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PREPARE TO RECEIVE In your group, begin with prayer and sing a praise and worship song or hymn. Pray that all hearts will be open to receive the incorruptible seed, the Word of God. Pray that everyone will be changed according to the will of God in their lives. Prayer Scripture (read aloud before prayer) Hebrews 5:7 “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the One who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverent submission.” (NIV) Worship Scripture (read aloud before praise & worship) Psalm 29:2 “2 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” (KJV) WATCH SESSION 2 – 18 minutes, 26 seconds Transcribed Message – James 1:17 “17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from

above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness,

neither shadow of turning.”

So the question arises, “what does God give?” We’ve just shown what God does NOT

give…now let’s see what God does give.

The gift appears to be singular, but that Greek word is: dosis, which clearly implies

continual or habitual. A better translation would be: “every good habitual giving”. It

describes everything that comes out of God. When God gives, it always comes out of this

category. This is God’s habitual way of doing things, and this verse says, “every good

habitual way of giving”.

The word “good” here is the Greek word: agathos, which always describes something that

is improving, enhancing or upgrading.

So the first thing this tells us is, if something comes from God, it doesn’t take from your

life, but it upgrades your life (INCREASE); it enhances your life, it improves your life! It’s

habitually what comes out of God.

The Greek word for “perfect” is teleios, which describes something that is completing or


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So a better translation would be, “every enhancing gift, every upgrading gift, every

improving gift, and every perfecting gift or completing gift…”

This means if it comes from God, it perfects us…it completes us…it adds to us…it is a

finishing gift.

So when we go back to the subject of sickness and disease, we ask the question, “does

cancer add to your life or take away from your life?” It takes away, doesn’t it. Therefore,

it fails the test.

Remember that the book of James was written by a pastor. And so James makes this very

simple so people can understand what they’re experiencing and where it comes from. And

James says if it takes away from your life, then it’s not from God. If it’s from God, it’s

completing, it’s perfecting, it’s enhancing, it’s improving, it’s supplementing, it’s

finishing, (INCREASE).

James writes that this “comes from above” (he’s now speaking in comparatives) …as

opposed to what comes from below. And it “comes down” from the Father of lights “with

whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

“Comes down” in the Greek is: katabaino. The word kata describes something

dominating, something conquering. The word “baino” simply means to step. So at first

it seems to mean: to step down. However, when you compound it (katabaino), it is the

same word which was used by the early Greeks to describe the effect of a downpour or a

thunder shower. This tells us how many good and perfect gifts God is sending in our

direction. It’s not just a dribble here and a dribble there, but when God sends them, they

come constantly, consistently…a heavy, steady downpour of God’s goodness.

The will of God is that we be dominated (kata) by these things that are pouring down into

our life.

So then the logical question would be, “If God is really pouring good and perfect gifts into

my life, why I am not occasionally hit by one of them?” That’s a good question. But we

know that everything we receive must be received by faith. If you’re thinking with an

unrooted mind that God has sent your tragedies into your life, you’re probably not looking

up at the goodness of God. You’re probably looking into the gutter. And if you’re looking

down, you will miss everything that God is trying to send into your life.

You’ve got to look up and renew your mind and embrace it by faith.

Or as stated in Hebrews 2:1, “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the

things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.”

That word, slip, in the Greek is pararrhueo which describes playing catch. And here the

image changes. It’s the picture of God with good and precious promises trying to find

somebody who will play catch. And God is throwing them in our direction…and throwing

them in our direction. And He is waiting for someone to reach out by faith and say, “I’ll

take that one…and that one…and that one!” If you don’t take it by faith, it will “slip” by


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So you need to put yourself in position and use your faith to embrace what God is pouring

all around you.

Let’s go back to verse 17 in James 1:

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father

of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Notice that the word “every” is repeated twice. It’s also repeated twice in Greek…yet it’s

not really needed. It’s only needed once, unless you’re really trying to make a point.

James is saying, “make no mistake, everything…absolutely everything that comes from

God…it is upgrading, it is enhancing, it is improving. When it comes it’s completing, it’s

perfecting, it is finishing, it adds to your life.

And James is saying that if you want to know how many of these things God is sending

your way…they come down…in a constant steady stream, like a downpour…they come

down from the Father of lights as opposed to coming from the father of darkness (this is

all comparative language).

And then James add these words: “…with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of


In Greek, “with whom” is para hou (hoo). Para means to be alongside (it’s the root for the

word: parasite). Hou means Him. It really means, “get as close to God as you can” (you

can’t get much closer than a parasite). Draw as near to Him as you can…when you’re right

up in the very face of God and look into His face, you will discover that on this issue of

what He never gives and what He always gives – there is no variableness, neither shadow

of turning.

What does “shadow of turning” mean?

It’s the old Greek word that was used to describe a Roman sundial. So think for a moment

about a sundial. How does it work? The shadow is constantly shifting; it’s constantly

changing. And what causes the shadow to move? The position of the sun. Because the

sun is constantly moving (as the earth rotates on its axis), the shadow is constantly


And now James says to his readers and to us, “on the issue of what God gives and what

God never gives, God’s position never changes.” NEVER! Therefore, there’s never

shifting shadows on this question; no variableness.

Now this is really important to us as Believers because it makes it very easy to determine

what you’re facing. You don’t have to question if something bad is from God – that’s

religious thinking that somehow, through deep, dark circumstances that God is trying to

conform you into the image of Jesus Christ. The fact is that God can change you into the

image of Christ without sickness and disease – that would be an insult to the integrity of

God to do it that way. It would be an insult to the cross of Jesus Christ. On this issue,

God’s position NEVER CHANGES – which means you can easily determine how to pray.

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If it’s evil; if it’s destructive you don’t even have to stop and ask yourself, “is God secretly

doing this?” – No…emphatically He is not! He cannot; He doesn’t have any. He doesn’t

have any experience with anything like this. And God simply can’t do any of this. Which

means now you know what to receive and what to resist. Now you can draw a line.

And if it’s evil, you can use your faith to push it back across the line. It does not belong in

your life.

And then let’s look at verse 18:

18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of

firstfruits of his creatures.

The Greek word: boulomai is rendered here as “of his own will”. The word means to

counsel or have a counseling session. Because there was no one to advise God, God met

with Himself…and God, by Himself, came to a resolution that this is the way that He was

going to be, this is the way he was going to act. This was His own resolution of His own

will... “begat he us with the word of truth”.

What “word of truth” is He talking about? It’s referring to verse 17. Of His own will begat

he us with this word of truth…that every good and every perfect gift is from above. Of His

own will, we were born again by this truth that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His

creatures. One translation says that we may be a “new kind of species”.

A species dominated by good and perfect gifts. A people who are separated from

darkness; separated from evil and who live in the downpour of God’s goodness. A new

species that the earth has never seen before.

And then notice what he says in verse 19:

19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow

to wrath:

Wherefore (the Greek is diatato – means “in light of this”) …in light of the fact that God

never sends evil…NEVER…in light of the fact that God habitually sends good and perfect

gifts and downpours them into our life…diatato – in light of the fact that we were born of

this word to be a new kind of species dominated by God’s goodness…. wherefore…let every

man be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath.

Swift to hear what? Verse 17! He’s talking about verse 17! When you’re tempted to think

that God is behind your troubles, don’t give place to that thought – that’s a moment when

you need to be swift to run to verse 17…say it, say it…read it, read it over and over again –

be swift to hear every good and perfect gift is from above…every good and perfect gift is

from above, etc., etc.”

The word “swift” in the Greek is tachus which means move your feet as fast you can. When

you’re tempted to think wrong, run to verse 17. Remind yourself of verse 17.

Now the Greek word for “slow” is bradus (brad-ooce’) which describes a mentally retarded

person who has a difficult time verbalizing his words. So James is telling us that when it

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comes to blaming God it would be good for you to be vocally retarded. You need to be

very slo-o-o-o-w to forming those words.

The Greek word for “wrath” is orge (or-gay’) which describes something that is totally

bent out of shape. Which is what will happen to you, if you let your mouth take advantage

of you. If you just run at your mouth, and say everything that you think, you’ll end up

talking yourself into unbelief; talking yourself into believing that “somehow, some way,

secretly, mysteriously God allowed this to remotely pass into my life” – and you will totally

mess yourself up with your mouth. So it pays to be a little vocally retarded. SHUT YOUR


So let’s review:

James 1:13 “let no man say…” (it’s emphatic, it’s imperative – let no man ever say

this…when he’s been crushed and destroyed – thinking that he’s remotely, permissively

being destroyed by the will of God, for God cannot be tempted with evil – God doesn’t

have any experience in evil, has even no idea of how to do this and therefore He doesn’t

tempt anybody with such things.)

What does God give? EVERY enhancing, perfecting, upgrading; giving habitually; and it

continues and supplements, and comes from above as opposed to below, and comes down

in a steady stream from the Father of lights as opposed to what comes from the father of


“With whom” (he says “if you don’t believe me” (James is saying), just go crawl up in the

lap of God yourself – get as close to God as you can (para) – come right alongside of God

– stare into His face, look into His being and you’ll find that on this issue, God’s position

never changes. No variation…the shadow never moves, because God’s position on this

never changes. Which means now you know how to pray.

So it’s actually a very simple word. The Bible’s on our side, and let’s believe God for a

revival of the Bible in this nation! [END OF SESSION 2] (Session 2 is ≈ 18 minutes, 26

seconds in length)

REFERENCED SCRIPTURES James 1:17 King James Version (KJV)

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father

of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (underlined for emphasis)

Hebrews 1:18 King James Version (KJV)

18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits

of his creatures.

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Hebrews 2:1 King James Version (KJV) 1 Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. (underlined for emphasis)

Hebrews 1:18 King James Version (KJV) 19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: (underlined for emphasis) GROUP QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION

1. Re-read v. 1:17. How does understanding that the Greek word for “gift” actually describes something good that’s given habitually or continually change your understanding of this promise from God?

2. Discuss how good gifts “coming down” as in a “downpour” or “thunder shower” describe the heart of God for His children?

3. How can we keep ourselves from missing God’s gifts? 4. Why is it good that God’s position on the issue of what He never gives, what He

only gives, and how He gives it– will never change? 5. Re-read v. 1:18. What does this verse say about what dominates the life of every

believer; every disciple of Jesus Christ? 6. Re-read v. 1:19. How does this verse relate to verse 17? 7. What is your primary “take away” from this teaching on James 1 by Rick Renner?

MEMORY SCRIPTURE James 1:7 “17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (NKJV)

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If this teaching has benefited you; if you have seen improved results in your faith

walk would you please send us an email to [email protected] or write to us



c/o Agape Faith Church

P.O. Box 630

Clemmons, NC 27012

We would love to hear your testimony and, with your approval, publish it on our

website and other social media. We love you and hope to hear from you soon!