Nuclear Energy Nuclear Energy Matt Matt Raffensberger Raffensberger Brandon Renner Brandon Renner

Nuclear Energy Matt Raffensberger Matt Raffensberger Brandon Renner Brandon Renner

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Nuclear EnergyNuclear Energy Matt RaffensbergerMatt Raffensberger Brandon RennerBrandon Renner


Energy is the ability to do workEnergy is the ability to do work Measured in Joules, J.Measured in Joules, J. Energy can be grouped into two Energy can be grouped into two

categories, potential and kinetic categories, potential and kinetic energy.energy.

Nuclear Energy can be defined as Nuclear Energy can be defined as potential energy.potential energy.

Nuclear EnergyNuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is the stored energy Nuclear energy is the stored energy inside the nucleus of an atom.inside the nucleus of an atom.

This is the force, called strong This is the force, called strong nuclear force, that binds the protons nuclear force, that binds the protons and neutrons of the nucleus together.and neutrons of the nucleus together.

This energy is released during This energy is released during nuclear fission, fusion, and nuclear fission, fusion, and radioactive decay.radioactive decay.

Sources of Nuclear EnergySources of Nuclear Energy

The most common source of nuclear The most common source of nuclear energy from nuclear fission and energy from nuclear fission and radioactive decay on earth is the radioactive decay on earth is the element Uranium.element Uranium.

In the universe, stars use nuclear In the universe, stars use nuclear fusion to produce tremendous fusion to produce tremendous amounts of nuclear energy that amounts of nuclear energy that converts to thermal and radiant converts to thermal and radiant energy.energy.


• Nuclear fission reactor


• Stars, such as the sun (fusion).


• Three Mile Island


• The Atomic Bomb


• Hydrogen Bomb (fusion)


• Nuclear fission reactor


• Gamma radiation, used as a cancer treatment.


• RTG’s (radioisotope thermal generator). Used to power deep-space probes.


In nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, In nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, the released nuclear energy converts the released nuclear energy converts to thermal and radiant energy.to thermal and radiant energy.

Radioactive decay emits energy that Radioactive decay emits energy that converts to chemical energy.converts to chemical energy.

Pictures CitedPictures Cited http://http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qidanswers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080210172501AAuF2rW=20080210172501AAuF2rW http://wiki.answers.com/Q/4_examples_of_nuclear_energyhttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/4_examples_of_nuclear_energy http://wiki.answers.com/Q/List_2_examples_of_nuclear_energyhttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/List_2_examples_of_nuclear_energy http://www.liveindia.com/news/09oct08e.jpghttp://www.liveindia.com/news/09oct08e.jpg http://www.luminousnuminous.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/sun_thttp://www.luminousnuminous.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/sun_t

our.jpgour.jpg http://www.atomicarchive.com/History/coldwar/images/tmi.jpghttp://www.atomicarchive.com/History/coldwar/images/tmi.jpg http://www.damninteresting.net/content/abomb.jpghttp://www.damninteresting.net/content/abomb.jpg http://www.joefu.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/hbomb.jpghttp://www.joefu.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/hbomb.jpg http://www.reachingcriticalwill.org/images/nuclear_power_diagram.jpghttp://www.reachingcriticalwill.org/images/nuclear_power_diagram.jpg http://z.about.com/d/comicbooks/1/0/-/W/gammarays.jpghttp://z.about.com/d/comicbooks/1/0/-/W/gammarays.jpg http://cassini-huygens.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/english/spacecraft/images/http://cassini-huygens.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/english/spacecraft/images/
