w :r 'til J|-. Wy\ ! KILL FIV$ )■! , . 7 whpm they ideiUiJ iedi ai i, me* ilk r$ of the stern gaingjJewish grcjund. organization 4- k|lle< last night apparehtly -jn for assistance which^Jjibs gedly gave the ] pc Rise i i trapf five of their me^nb ;rsitaiit wepk; U ELiZABtrrH wife LONDON, Nopr. !20 iW-Pri Elizabeth and hpr leloVe l,L ly named Duke of Edinllu^h mscried today in he solemn Westminster Abbey am Iodc to Buckingham Palm; to cheep of a milljon Brians ben1 a clearing sky. 1 '7 ACCUSE BUfeM * RANGOON, Hi RJ:?. ,, ,1U (A*)The Burmpe[ g<We rnment |p day accused ther^jd'lfa ip Cqjntr |i- nist party ; of rtes: jonsil iht^ |fdr ia campaign of mUjrdbr, Pa >e and r< B- bery in the Arajkan div siortjaih j<l at establishingsl a sepa'altistj ««?7' ernment in that ilorthtnji pjivt j)f v J l!: lolwer Burma. , I 1ii' T(> HEAR TRUMAN $ VtA> ; WASHINGTON Nov; 20 41^ Chairman Taft l(P-Ohic) isa terday the Senatc-tHous* Ecpubr-Mc Committed will petin heading? F*>- day on, poir^: in Pre^tenfi^T ti- mans cost of living pitograiln,: Vpt propasals for libiiled ra JOniig 1 h(l price control will not 1 ej inilui!l#h Taft told repprlers tip c<jmti ft tee has decided a ex dude, ftpn . its Agenda, at jleist for; thfe Pf?- sent, the rationiinj: ami ijiriqi J. . trol points. V CHALIil LAKE SUC^ .pv JfGEjLTN , -v- 2' An eight-nation [Ar^^lsuh-Cd^i mittee on Palestine, ye; tejrday 7cr- mally challenged he suthofity bf the United Nation ; in 5 ni al!tt|ript to partition tihje : Holy Land jiit*) separate Arab ;and Jitt^sh-i-troin- tries. I -ll I ^ I I : 1 ll r - N1MITZ WILL ADVISE li \ WASHINGTON, Nov 20 -r1* '*- Fleet Adip. Cljiester ,V; > Niiiiitz. who is sch'eduletl t i ret re hs Chief of Naval Operptjiors jlvnid- be.r, will contmtije ti ser^e in an Advisory capack]y.* 'the Navy aftncuncil th ance of orders tra isf^rririg San Francisco as a sj ecia . tant to the. secretary -p the(Na|y; " l l i E li h'" i ■ti i:ie* !; , ; A EMERGENCY AID P ; WASHINGTON, Nov. 2< Legislation to sjipply F rape and Austria with $59'tf)(i0 emergency aid wa: i ap iro yesterday by the Senate ' Relation* Comniitpe. Chairman Vaiplepber ; ER in - announcing! ^he| vop, bill will go to Ahe fSen: ite . and will b^ given jcontinu ! sideratibn, <lT\ti a vote is If final actiimt I comes l Ibefwip Thanksgiving Day hisain,: Ithe Senate will take a l ull iweekls bpli- ^ ;lL' Trl: . TESTIFy AgIvINST GENEp!#L WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 Senate ^68116410^', upfoldBiS' l^e -story of Maj. G^n. Beniett K. ersrelations vfith Avtatiojri | trie Company, \ heiird teslipipoy yesterday that ihe mt his fatMjr ________ _________________ BREST OF GREATER A & M COLLEGE LLEGE STATON (Aggieland), TEXAS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20.1947 ates tudent Sen j 1 j ' f ' ! "* Donuts And Chosen by ! E onfir^ Wood Secured, >ffee for Guards, Says Penberthy ;;; W. N. R. Leatheiwood, E. C. Buntyn, and Joe Cullinan were choiein by the Stiident Senate to represent A.&M, at the re- gioral meeting of t}ie ^National Students Association sched* ulec for Decembeb in Dallas. The delegates were selected last night at the fipst Session oi! the senate since its organiza- tion |1 meeting la$i nobth,, * -- --i i-as appoint to choose! three additional o NSA Thanksgivia Senate !iL_ vot- A committee ill Ut- qn the dejle- : experienced men to complete the six-man dele- gati)n the school may! seiuj to the cbm ention. It was recommended that these othebs be julnidrs in or- der that they will He 1 gati m next year ^is repi esentatives. | I ! Tlie; senate resolved tb jiiphold the Battalions editorial policy to disc mtinue the throwing of ag- g|ie copfettiat yelj pjractvces and foot sail games. j j j O.her business disebssit ^at the session were the support of de-; biat<, rifle and other teabijs repre- senting the college! by p lyments from the studerit welfare fund; the placing of permanent numbers on ihe dormitoriesj antl mqre tele- phoie booths on the campus. A sub committee, w as created to in-! vesi igate this latter condit ion. Reports from commiit ;es in- cltided the/Mess, Welcome, Hos pitial, and' Exchange Store grqupsi The Hospital Cqi^mittee ha of ported a favorablei jrecepjtioh °f the idea. Dean of Meb W. L. Pebberthy announced that art anibulance will be available for seijvice in the near futpr?. Speaking to the mehibpr; of the Senate, Penberthy made i irief re- port on the progress of the bon- fire,; He said that sufficient wood - Kadi been secured 'and will be brought in by the freshmen at the "Ahnlex as koon as .possjib e;| Pro- visions for the serving pf donuts and | coffe^ to. the bonfire guard? durijiR their _ watches hare been he added. hi i. 7; . Livestock Judging Team Leaves For ' j ! r jj | 't Chicago Contest A setiSor livestock judging team of seven members, Accompanied by W. M. Warren, coach, and A. C. Selra, nssiatatit coach, will leave tpday to enter the; Ghicago In tbrcollegiate Livestock Contest November 2$. j TI Aggie Players To Give Driven SnowYantis Ca last Tiro- Tonij-ht SteJ Wait;' Ri- FDAVir IfVRITK'PBR 1 Archbishop of Canterbury. Judging I tided it .1 riupfc -------- - , , k been studying ihe pm sibility Jfs** v , , , , , - j- y i „• i , i -------- •>....... --:-t. j-------- n'7T 'a college ambulance, iind re- 'Scott Belgianjftorm at; Greentrtwn,! Paye<1 aceordmgly^ Het; grand ( hg^as been making, the rounds for the past vneek, jriM 4' iere are improvemen :s that r .......... can and should be made and it seems that this newly i latogu- Student Senate will be the lum to accomplish these ics.Penberthy pU ! Jorking with the student body „nd j the members of this stbdent government is one of the best jobs that; I have.Penberthy told the senate, adding,,, we hpvt made nauejh progress .already, this year but !we have a lot more tio po. ; tjo do A&M Consolidated Employs Modern Teaching Methods By JAMES A. HEATH A Special effort is being made at A- Consolidated School. , to discover and develop Hidden talents anril interests 4TlonP jthf students hirty teams wil compete in the : contest. The A&M team en route 1 will practice at the I J, M. Raiden^ farm at Honey Grojvo, the Blue- bonnet Angus farm aR Parix the University of Illinois fat Urbana, C, 0. House Belgian farm at Ar- cadia, Indiana, Lynwqod Percheron larrti at' Canpel, Iiidtana, James By FRANK KNEUFFER 7 D i i ; | > j j i This! play by I any otherl hanie would slmell,muttered one dis- gruntled member of the audience. I understand that it ik supposed to, but wihy must it do it with such feeling?j , Pure As the Driven Snow,Paul Loomiss katire 0^1 the trials and tribulations of a working girl, sa7 tirizes all too realistically thg Corn presented to early twentieth cen- tury audiences. Not^prOgi'esSj but change of taste accounts for the cool greeting which ttys Driven Snowpiece received. The firkt five minutes of1 vigor- ous gesturing and pathos-filled quickly satisfied all the ac- cumulated appetite anyone; might have worked up for corn. From the five, minute mark on, it cloyed. All was not rotten ip Denfrtqrk, however. Jeanne Kernddle, one of. the saving graces, seemed to feel keeping next door rK 4 t; ..VI, _A iber 71 lanKSgivmg Day n elude A&M, IT H ,i ;v 1 ' ' 1 Ll j .: 1:. on Westminster for Wedding YANTIS ■' Battalion Correspondent Iri Lonllon tq covet the royal wedding Informatio Room To Be Guion Hall and the YXC for the A&M-UT game, oil T ihiksgivi According to information p 'esen L. Penberthy yesterday af headquarters for both A addition to an informal] tied, ci BULLETINLONDON, Nov. 2^ (Spl.)Princess Elizabeth, heiress presumptive to the British throne, and Philip Mquntbatten, newly elevated Duke of Edinburg, were married this morning in an impressive and colorful ceremony at Westminster Abbey. They re- turned to Buckingham; Palace after saying their vows before the i / j \ [ ------------ ------- --------- *liv--------- i- ; > I. j J ; j \ ■. LONDON, Nov. 20 (Spl.)Last night, gs I started down toward Westminster Abbey sn a sequting mission, I itoti^ed groups of people' gathering with all theip be'ongings. They could have come there for only one purposeto get ahead of me to see the wedding. Hastilyd ran back to my hotel, gathered al' the blankets I could find, a thermos bottle ..filled'. with canned heat, , and Ian old army cot. Then I ran back to the Abbey. What T had mis- taken for waiting crowds was a Salvation Army squad serenading one of Bacchuslegions who was at the time napping with the curb for his pillow. But I tluint feel in the mood to carry all that gear back to the hCtel; so I/set up light house- to the Inebriated One. He was that she was playing in a satire j a. fellow who felt so happy for the Princess tBat indaw on its payroll year and himkeJf got from it in thleHthr V)42, !and 19431 $ii( $114j2j - TO FILM HOLLYWOQ fhe life of th, actor, humorist I and Tphil will he filmed HV Wpr|er next spring, the st - with his, son, Will the starring ro|e. I'Ml.l n fsiL Roiejclt8.' wk gestures and her grhndWothers ^'inking her healthjin clothing were downright cleyer. Bill Krause jumped into his Mortimer Frothinghmjirole with' both feeL As a villajin, He was vjiflainou|s. Every performance he puts out has a zest as well as some understanding about it.. Indiana and Purdue University at LaFayette, Indiana. : | \ The teams will jddge and give reasons on horsei beef cattle, sheep and Swine claSsejs.;' j |; } Stue^epts making tfie trip in- clude Glaude : A. Broome of San Angelo; J. C. Eckert and O. S. Grote, both OBlMjason; !M. M. Koth- mann and R. R. Kqthmann, both | a thin lipe of humor w^ich could; of San Antonio; G. iCl Richardson Of Sonpra, arid jV. R. Schmidt of Tro-- ' .m anv pub that would admit I him. X h; ' , M Therefore I an)yehsconced and ready for the wedding to come ofifi While the Tippler holds my makeshift fort/I am |ri4rining to get this filed. In artd out through the p|ay ran YANTIS In tomorrows"yaper you will have errors of this glorified snlidng. the results, batting averages, \pnd W -fr r Bears Harass Ag Experimenters In M. HUTTO The averai worker mav feel that data arid I. Whiitiji, school iq anribunfcdd, ojrers.j HteAVfEpT TON, Nq;. 20 (■ r; i TO DROP WASHINGT Thp Air Force iyil of 'the worldsj he 42J11G pounderjib aHov^t tw at Muroc Air , nia desert, it dav. r7. . - .. j 11 Twelve.of the hilgw nissiles Halve been ()telivered by th« army pri- najice department for the ex peri ments.. ^ t' ! ,/ M ! r.- h ; ADS TO PUSH CtTLUS FRUIT HARLINGENj :Tfe{, No|. (Jp)Double - ^age-jad/eftisfenprits will appear in Sic . states announcing i citrusr prop is read accordihg to A. superintendent.. f , . At the beginning of thjs school yeajr thie faculty adopted aj number of Jneasures that they hope to have accomplished by the ehd of the yeajr. They hope to instill; in their students the desire to become good ritilzens; as well as the knowledge of whai constitutes a good citizen. Reading, writing, aritHnjietie and spelling will be given ; ijiore at- tention than in the pa$t,;bjjt health anj safety precautions wi|ll not be neglected. A group of of the .Texas C kppperk in .16 belt the: 'jfxjas Special; Emphasis will He plafced qn music, arts apd handcrafts. New Codrses haVe beejn added! fpr Choral ipuisic, chemistry, sheet inetall, iron and foundfy. ! . 7very effort is being made to emphasize functional English, and vispal education will btpmpioyed wherever possible as hp aid faster and better learn: A experiment station his routine of collecting dkta arid making re- i ports is quite )m6nototioiis at times but having to contend with bears is a doubtful solution for boredom. Some of the employees at Alaskan Experiment Stations have bear trouble, and it seems that a com- bination scigntfst i a n d Daniel Boone would be best qualified to handje the situation; j j- The following quotations are taken from the Annual Report of the Alaska Agricu tinal Experi- ment Stations for this years 1912 and 1914. The beari problem bar. not changed much sjnee that time. The bear population is still many tinjes greater than the human pop- ulation in the territory. Accordii g to jthe Superintendent of the K> diak Livestock and Breeding Sta- tion: •• [ | h1 1 j •; 1 The great binte {Alaska brown bear) which dominates animal life ojn Kodiak and other islands^ as well as the adjoining mainland, has pjroved himself to be a menace to advancing civilizatiqri. He was caught jin the act of killing a cow and calf belonging to; the station. Of the cattle and shjeep which are ihising, it will ndver be known hdw many vere killed by bears. Late in November, four bears attacked the iflock (of sheep) with disastrous effect. They killed forty-one head* : I Settlers in Alaska havqno great- er love for the beaf'THan the pio- neers had for him when they be- gan to make homes jn the primeya' forests of the s^atesj. She bears are be located by boiling down all the apsurdity. Several amusing situa- tions found their way to expression even, if slightly absurd expression. One !such sjtuation was Bill Krause entry as a womah in the third act with his handlebar riiustache intact. We have hesitated to write this review because it cannot bje alto- gether happy and still be true, but we dont want to discourage the Idea behind it. A&M needs even more activities of this soft pro- viding the choice of plays ic&n boa improved. Chamber of Commerce to Assist Formation of High School Band I The Board of Directors of the College Station Develop- ment Association voted Tuesday hight to cooperate with the Kiwarns Club and Mothers and Dads Club in the formation of a high school band for A. & M> Consolidated, i ,, Present plans call tor thf bhnd to be organized at th v L' I !•! 1- 21 fimfis.itru.'J and' __ Growers and Slhipnfrs Asajocintifn.' ' j. announced yesterday fat the I tfai- tiona) advertising caripaign Jb)#d been launched |to nrqnotejtjhe sqle > of Rio Grande j VaLey citrlias jfrUit. SWEDISH PjLANE ROME, Nov.i.20 i ish plane reported carrying 30 pei terday in the pioU lerno. Corresponde the crash seen been informs killed and 1(1 The Swedjii air ministry it that 30 were Swedis -; from Addis . ' delivered B, Sweden to | GR 7 HEL ^ ATHENS, ister of Publi Rentis said V t isolated casris (College Station X-Ray Survey To Begin by Zones, Nov. 22-26 A tuberculosijs purvey will be conducted in College Sta- 2^. 24. 25, ai^id 26, according to Dr. Jessie ^hitacre. The unit Will be set up in the music room of the A&M Consolidated School on the days scheduled for the Cojllege Station; comtnpnity. ! j , 7 College Station has been divided into zones, and spon- ed theyJ bfad w^re ;come at the ini Stockholm Were aboard, iera, being ' a whjere 17 plane iop a. CHOPPIN qv. 20 n reported jn Greek wlarf re* bt strict o cently «nd thfit strie been issued against 1$he tcHn»' > rr Head choppang wa; ticed in Greece duririfc against the Tprki>h Rmpi than 100 years ago. sotjs will help get the for the. survey, Dr. Wh All persons in each epic out re said, ttriged hvqr, those y^rson^ Whd cannot tone at the fehedultd (ilie should tone at some other tjrie of the survey period. ! i This survey is fotj th^ benefit of till people* in the cpmnuiipity* All people are urged tp cooperate in ev^ry way possibl survey a success. Students of A& veyed at a later Iqge has arrang unit pit the campi Jin Saturday mornih ad is set aside for sf campus iind North . js sponsored by Gjjdhrist, C. N. Sljepai d Brown, and Ppul laturday afternoon, ~ ege Station sur- ime; fhe col- to hjave the solnpime in siden^ if the ,ti. This zone :,ir re Saturday a South Colleg< lake will Be surveyed. Sponsors are Mesdames Frahk Anderson and Art Adamson. v Monday morning. November 24 is scheduled for the students of the A&M Consolidated School Dr.! Whitacre reported. Monday afternoon is set aside fqr residents of. South College Sta- tion east of the take. The sponsors are Mesdamfe* t joe Mogford and M. L. I Cashion. i. N Tuesday morning, November 25, residepts of College Hills easy of Puryear Drive will report for the F$..w. R. went of Puryear T. R. \Sp All day checking the dated Negro is the Kiwapis Committee. TU Date Tickets :; On Sale Monday Date tickets to the Thanks- giving game will go on sale in the lobby of the YMCA Monday morning, Assistant Dean of Men- Bennie Zinn announced yester- day. ; Each student senator has held his drawing and the list of win- ners has been turned, in to the athletic department. Thie stu- dents may pick up theiri tickets between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. Mon- day. Each student must present his coupon book in order to get a ticket. beginning of the spring; semester, according to E. O. Siecke, secre- tary of the Development Associa- tion. ) ' ; 1 .Lj I; Also coHsidered wasj the! possi- bility of stcurine mpil delivery for the residential districts Hf College Strifion, In this respect thei direc- tors vrited write Congressman Olin E. Teague to investigate the matter; 7 , )•: ., The board1 voted unanimously to support the tuberculosis.chest X- ray survey vhjch will be conducted in College Station on Nbyember 22, 24, 25> and 26. Siecke ireport- j ed. The X-ray unit! will be rtturn- j ed to the; campus!; in January to , conduct surveys among A.1 & M. | students. Francis Vaughn, chuirmaq of the traffic committee and assistant city manager, state# that nejw code of traffic regulations would He an- nounced soon. M The board urged that, plans for the possibility of ' expanding Farm Highway 60 both east and west be investigated. A five-man committee was ap- pointed to secure, improved roads adjacent to the A. & M. Consoli- dated Schools. They are Eugene Rrih,' Lamar Fly, C. A. Bbimjen^ •A. (M. Whitis, and Vriughn. •' Jl ] .*.»• Pt % r The board expressed concern ovejr the difficulty of getting neW telephones installed in College, Sta- tion Some membeV8 '-in the course of discussion suggested that .tele!-, phdne subscribers in the future refuse to pay for telephone*service during the; period which their tele- phones were out of order' ! Ip\wet weather, the members stated, many of, the | telephones were not operating. 1 Leaves m Lont^t In Kansas City. Mj. rr_riTT~------- 377117^71 7r-Daughter of Coach1 Norton w H ' :v ;v'v !r^^iT i- .^7 Operatic Production Ballerina i I i { I 1} The opera The Bartered Bridewas presented last Monday night in the Corpus Christi High School Auditorium with Mrs. Evelyn Nor- ton Lee, daughter of Coach Homer H. Norton, as ballerina of the corps de ballet. Mrs. Lee, who opened the Evelyn Lee School of Dancing this fall at t|he Civic Center in Corpus Christi, studied in the School of Ballet at Ward-Belmont, Nashville, Tennes- see. Upon graduation, she trained with Muriel Stuart at the Ameri- can School of Ballet, New York City, and with Louis Balcom rf New York University Last Sum- mer, Mrs. Lee studied inf Chicago and joined the National Associa- tion of Dancing Masters. She was named queen of the Sad- dle and Sirloin Rodeo in 1937 and Sweetheart of A&M at Texas Uni- versity the same year. Her hus- band, Ed Lee, was cadet colqnel in 1937, arid captain of the baisjcetball team, making all-confereiuje. At . present he is serving asf sales manager of Fdrdice Compariy. The opera, written by the Czech- oslovakian composer Smetana, is the first opera] of, this type to bq presented in Cofpus Chrikti. The cast was headed by Marita Farell, soprapo with the Metropolitan Op- era Company and like the compos- er, a native of Czechoslovakia. The Corpus Christi Symphpriy under C- Burdette Wolf, director, furnish- ed the accompanying music. New Engineers T< Find Best Future |Tj. # I In Latin Ameriea "The belt futjire for engineir* Specializing in reclamation service is in South and; Central Anjerl where there is practically no velopment at the present timej,* ac- cording to P. A. Welty, consulting engineer from the Rio Grande V ill- ley, Welty spoke to the local chi i>- ter of the ASCE at its semi-mom hi- ly meeting-Tuesday evening., Weltys subject for the evieni ng was Irr'iguition and Water G n- trol.He! discussed the pres* nit setup of the reclamation sejrvrie, which is under (he supervision of the' Federal government and I prospects j for advancement that a young graduate engineer has in such work. Welty graduated from the; Uni- versity of Missouri in 1906, went to work in the Rio Grande ValDy. and has been working in theiirrg- ation and reclamation field eer rince. During the war he was in the Navy he has re-entered 'he consulting field; and at present is doihg consulting work through*'Ut the \Jmiffed States. He is regarded as one of the leading authorities on the reclamation field in {he Southwest alters . . I v ;r, Check p In Y '1 ' '/ centers of operation Day! Jii ,{'■ ! by Dean of Men W. YMCA will serve as s and ex-students. In r campus visitors, a ring system will be pet up . he YMCA. 7 : '* e other hand (ijuion I all •ve as the Universi ys rters for stunents jmd nbertlhy said, j eonvj;nience:o{ those per- * may have parcels or )ag- )e stored during the g ime, stand •will be in operation MCA.! - ||[ 1 |ng water barrels v caj| abriilab)4 at various p1a<je.s ,ove{ the ei'i campus; t fbr the convenience 0 OOJl, tt : it>|ide: (lenteir . 1* udspe jtside i guests. !* Guion5 G rove, fjield, I The crops judging team villi leave today to Compete in thp Ma- tronal Collegiate Crops Judging contest to jbe held in Kansas'" City, Mo. November 24, The contest ris sponsored |by tb|Kansas/City Ri>y- al Livestock Shoy each yeah. Members of tjhe team and thlair (coach are! t|he trim and fhij Arnpld Nowotny, Nil Braunfelsp J. P. Trimble, Forferiuri, Ark.; W. L. andiF. M. Zabc)iki fe(fth of Temple; and F. G. Collard, icoi cjh and member of! the agronomy ie- partment. W L, and F, M. Zqb:ik are ^the fjjrst brother combinat ori to be on a crops, judging tfeanli ivp- resenting A&M. The team wijl also compete iri the International Collegiate Crops Judging Contest which is sponsor- ed by the;International Livestock and Expojsition Show at Chjcj g' November 28-291 Twelve to fiftoei teams frorii Canada arid the Untied States will compete in the crops judging contest in Chicago. Teams participating in the tw judging contests will have [to b able to identify 204 different c: o varieties, jyetris and plant dipeaseii and the Latin najmes of each val id ty and the region they are grown in. Members will also haveto jui gg planting seeds, commercial gr id- ing of grain, hgy and cottoii; cording to Federal standards. Collard was high individual srioWi er when he was a member of u ertps. judging team in 1940-41. A&M team placed fourth in and third in 1941. A cade i bUild in w f giving tq'|ip( tliese- aye un A ip to ind ■uin u he hd lil40' ;j Lowes, Miller Win Glider Contest E. H. towesi H. D. Miller 4# G. ;R. Remarz won first, seconfi, and third places respectively ip tljt* first glider cor)test of the sea iqn at the Animal Husbandry Pavilion Wednesday night, according to *ri announcement by Roger Barton of the mechanics! engineering de- partment. The contest was sp^ti* sored by (he Aggie Aero Modelers club. t Lowes l)ad the best time with art average of 19.9 seconds Tor thre< flights and Miller and Rdlnarz rat 16.4 and 18,9 seconds respettrifelj for second and third place. , J A meeting of the club was I eh after the contest and officers for* the semester were elected, [hi name of the club was changed fion the Aggie Aerocrat club to the Ag gie Aero Motjelers. ' Officers elected at the meet inf were: E. H. Lowes, president; jG R. Reinarz, vice-president; and D L. Bird, secretary-treasurer. In other glider Contest ,will be belt er 17 land all (model flf*^ and builders in the vicinity of < lege Station are invited to pari pate. j jj /■ ; On sill fieadqi ?xes, For t Splis w g^gie t a chfc at tihg !D{ini arrels will be place 1 at all, Kiest Lounge, th»i ate number oiie of Cyld d at gll parking are; is. Meal Hours lj YisiUiiis will be allowed toi eat itj eith I all. n >on n{' n,., "" with Dunican; or Sbisa r the; Cadet Corps, il will be,served at * a. sday.i and cadets ei ting gnesta. at 12: i heji charge Iff 76 cents will be asse^se Visitors will 'be admiled to fimily iStyle at the 75-oent ch i ' Both .Cafeterias w'ill open uiriy qji lThai|ksgivirig to allow as many gneists ms possible to gat. jbisp will opriti at 10:45 and will opsrate fiyq liries instead of the mmutl three Hries. The Duncan cafitefija ill op iri at Ijl jai m. Amu x freshimen will be re< to eat. in their mess ha I the aqnex to avoid further geritioia at Duncan or Sbisa, erthy stated. _ _;d in nieriibe1Aggie Ljongh during he alvajilat imgntary meals ' wil Texas! University A Hpgcial committsfe f I 1 pfvwjl. Hestttod matle # Mt iejrve' ms for lady guestij wi|l bri riiatjh lavailijible in Kifest ,L lunge ■Goodwill Haiti Cushing Library, AlnehocI Hall, [Sbisa Hall, Music ll: rill, mg Ha basement ic Building. All >ffice s wiH be left open Thanks- [Day. .Higns will be s it up cate tqe whereabou .s of strooms to theifcuesti who miliar wit|h he crimp is. st aid! station will bg set e care of minor injuries less,: and tJ\e newly ac- bulhti andsnten will meet band and act as hosts ic tnesii, rove [and vicinity will be Je to guests who brini; pic- rtql lurches, Tables will be s?t up tri takei care qf , these picnick»rs. the game meals wi 1 be for the benefit of late 4, Ulatf Pari djay wi a mith college ambulance wi I be j-eady;! formerv'ce at station. To .avoid traffic congestion, all jreeti will be blocked at 8:30 tursday morning. Spence St. Wfll lie Ifeft open for north\s»uth Iraffiie. Jl Students are askqd to 'park Jars in their regular tots Ihuramy. They are further rtrt, to drive thjat day. Djay stu |eni are ariled to ;parik in ithfe regulatv diyi student parking lots. Rfesijlorits c(F Colilgje Station who attend the \ game are asked to walk t the f gamfe wid leave their tars at 1 onfe, tolilcgj)! employees who drive' to tijiie' game should park in their reg- KS^S.-, ! h . jj ng. area!) for Thanksgiving -j 1 be on the main drill field f Law and Puryear, tl fe in- fi^ntry tirill field south of Duficrin, and th|{i field (west of Law. student; guards, extra: priJic* men, afid stjate highway patfeolmer will aid! campus police 4n contrilling Thurtday. The st ident KfuarOsj will be furbished sack lijinthetj by the mess halL -oachcs to the hospital will clear Jas much as pos- allow pasage of, the am- in case of ciriergencir. \ i-iCoIlegq bjuses wjll bi kept (jaijiipus between the; hours d j6 Thursday; Taxis and ■uries vjrill be requiled to ; rrr wnr the west gate./ <| event of rain, towirg ser* - ht,.available for those get out Ov the rcasi, f 5l 11 - I* U f! 7 ' .■/r- <iai rterback Club at the usual ThuMrit, 7:80 p. n., but the Assetribly Hall will be he pliee has been c ranged A troldum Engineeriig )ec- f the texa» A&M-RSce ime wi 1 bo shom and of the Athljetic Depart-! ill be on hand try discuss ihg clash with Texas Uni- 1 John Crouch winner of re4 fueling ontes awarded two/reserfe sea lift the A&M-Tsxas U. grid be^piayed Hovejnbr

A THURSDAY, ates o NSA Thanksgivia Chosen by ! Senate !iL ...newspaper.library.tamu.edu/lccn/sn86088544/1947-11... · cheep of a milljon Brians ben1 a clearing sky. 1 '7 ACCUSE BUfeM

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Page 1: A THURSDAY, ates o NSA Thanksgivia Chosen by ! Senate !iL ...newspaper.library.tamu.edu/lccn/sn86088544/1947-11... · cheep of a milljon Brians ben1 a clearing sky. 1 '7 ACCUSE BUfeM





! KILL FIV$)■! , . 7

whpm they ideiUiJ iedi ai i, me* ilk r$ of the stern gaingj—Jewish grcjund. organization 4- k|lle<

last night apparehtly -jn for assistance which^Jjibs gedly gave the ] pc Rise i i trapf five of their me^nb ;rsitaiit wepk;

U ELiZABtrrH wife

LONDON, Nopr. !20 iW-Pri Elizabeth and hpr lelo’Ve l,L ly named Duke of Edinllu^h mscried today in he solemn Westminster Abbey am I’odc to • Buckingham Palm; to cheep of a milljon Brians ben1 a clearing sky. 1 '7


(A*)—The Burmpe[ g<We rnment |p day accused ther^jd'lfa ip Cqjntr |i- nist party ; of rtes: jonsil iht^ |fdr ia campaign of mUjrdbr, Pa >e and r< B- bery in the Arajkan div siortjaih j<l at establishingsl a sepa'altistj ««?7' ernment in that ilorthtnji pjivt j)f

v J l!:lolwer Burma.

, I 1ii’'


Chairman Taft l(P-Ohic) isaterday the Senatc-tHous* Ecpubr-Mc Committed will petin heading? F*>- day on, poir^: in Pre^tenfi^T ti- man’s cost of living pitograiln,: Vpt propasals for libiiled ra JOniig 1 h(l price control will not 1 ej inilui!l#h

Taft told repprlers tip c<jmti ft tee has decided a ex dude, ft’pn

. its Agenda, at jleist for; thfe Pf?- sent, the rationiinj: ami ijiriqi

J. .

trol points.


.pvJfGEjLTN, -v- 2'An eight-nation [‘Ar^^’lsuh-Cd^i

mittee on Palestine, ye; tejrday 7cr- mally challenged he suthofity bf the United Nation ; in 5 ni al!tt|ript to partition tihje : Holy Land jiit*) separate Arab ;and Jitt^sh-i-troin- tries. I -ll I ^ I I

“ : 1 llr - N1MITZ WILL ADVISE li \

WASHINGTON, Nov 20 -r1* '*- Fleet Adip. Cljiester ,V; > Niiiiitz. who is sch'eduletl t i ret re hs Chief of Naval Operptjiors jlvnid- be.r’, will contmtije ti ser^e ’ in an “Advisory capack]y.*

'the Navy aftncuncil th ance of orders tra isf^rririg San Francisco as a sj ecia . tant to the. secretary -p the(Na|y;

" l l i E li

• h'"




!; ,

; A

EMERGENCY AID P ; WASHINGTON, Nov. 2< Legislation to sjipply F rape and Austria with $59'tf)(i0 emergency aid wa: i ap iro yesterday by the Senate

' Relation* Comniitpe.Chairman Vaiplepber ; ER

in - announcing! ^he| vop, bill will go to Ahe fSen: ite

. and will b^ given ‘jcontinu ! sideratibn’, <lT\ti a vote is

If final actiimt I comes l Ibefwip Thanksgiving Day hi‘ sain,: Ithe Senate will take a l ull iweekls bpli-

^ ;lL' Trl:. TESTIFy AgIvINST GENEp!#L

WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 Senate ^68116410^', upfoldBiS' l^e

-story of Maj. G^n. Beniett K. ers’ relations vfith Avtatiojri

| trie Company, \ heiird teslipipoy yesterday that ihe mt his fatMjr

________ _________________BREST OF GREATER A & M COLLEGE


atestudent Sen

j 1 j ' f ' ! "*

Donuts AndChosen by !

E onfir^ Wood Secured,>ffee for Guards, Says Penberthy•;;; W.N. R. Leatheiwood, E. C. Buntyn, and Joe Cullinan were

choiein by the Stiident Senate to represent A.&M, at the re- gioral meeting of ’ t}ie ^National Students Association sched* ulec for Decembeb in Dallas. The delegates were selected last night at the fipst Session oi! the senate since its organiza­tion |1 meeting la$i nobth,,

* -- -— -i i-as appoint to choose! three additional

o NSA ThanksgiviaSenate !iL_ vot-

A committee

ill Ut-qn the dejle-

: experienced

men to complete the six-man dele- gati)n the school may! seiuj to the cbm ention. It was recommended that these othebs be julnidrs in or­der that they will He 1 gati m next year ^is repi esentatives. | I !

Tlie; senate resolved tb jiiphold the Battalion’s editorial policy to disc mtinue the throwing of “ag- g|ie copfetti” at yelj pjractvces and foot sail games. j j j

O.her business disebssit ^at the session were the support of de-; biat<, rifle and other teabijs repre­senting the college! by p lyments from the studerit welfare fund; the placing of permanent numbers on ihe dormitoriesj antl mqre tele- phoie booths on the campus. A sub committee, w as created to in-! vesi igate this latter condit ion.

Reports from commiit ;es in- cltided the/Mess, Welcome, Hos pitial, and' Exchange Store grqupsi The Hospital Cqi^mittee ha ofported a favorablei jrecepjtioh °f the idea. Dean of Meb W. L. Pebberthy announced that art anibulance will be available for seijvice in the near futpr?. Speaking to the mehibpr; of the

Senate, Penberthy made i irief re­port on the progress of the bon­fire,; He said that sufficient wood

- Kadi been secured 'and will be brought in by the freshmen at the

"Ahnlex as koon as .possjib e;| Pro­visions for the serving pf donuts and | coffe^ to. the bonfire guard? durijiR their _ watches hare been

he added.

—hii.7; .Livestock Judging

Team Leaves For' j • ! r jj | • 't

Chicago ContestA setiSor livestock judging team

of seven members, Accompanied by W. M. Warren, coach, and A. C. Selra, nssiatatit coach, will leave tpday to enter the; Ghicago In tbrcollegiate Livestock Contest November 2$. j


Aggie Players To Give ‘Driven Snow’ Yantis Ca last Tiro- Tonij-ht SteJ Wait;'


Archbishop of Canterbury.


I tidedit .1riupfc -------- - , ,

k been studying ihe pm sibility Jfs** “v , , , , , - j- y i „• i , i -------- •>....... --:-t. j— -------- n'7T'a college ambulance, iind re- 'Scott Belgianjftorm at; Greentrtwn,! P‘aye<1 aceordmgly^ Het; grand ( hg^as been making, the rounds for the past vneek,


4'iere are improvemen :s thatr ..........can and should be made and it seems that this newly i latogu-

Student Senate will be the lum to accomplish these ics.” Penberthy pU !

Jorking with the student body „nd j the members of this stbdent government is one of the best jobs that; I have.” Penberthy told the senate, adding,,, “we hpvt made nauejh progress .already, this year but !we have a lot more tio po.; tjo do

A&M Consolidated Employs Modern Teaching Methods

By JAMES A. HEATHA Special effort is being made at

A- Consolidated School. , todiscover and develop Hidden talents anril interests 4TlonP jthf students

hirty teams wil compete in the : contest. The A&M team en route 1 will practice at the I J, M. Raiden^ farm at Honey Grojvo, the Blue­bonnet Angus farm aR Parix the University of Illinois fat Urbana,C, 0. House Belgian farm at Ar­cadia, Indiana, Lynwqod Percheron larrti at' Canpel, Iiidtana, James

By FRANK KNEUFFER7 D ’ i i ; | > j j

i “This! play by I any otherl haniewould slmell,” muttered one dis­gruntled member of the audience.“I understand that it ik supposed to, but wihy must it do it with such feeling?” j ,

“Pure As the Driven Snow,” Paul Loomis’s katire 0^1 the trials and tribulations of a working girl, sa7 tirizes all too realistically thg Corn presented to early twentieth cen­tury audiences. Not^prOgi'esSj but change of taste accounts for the cool greeting which ttys “Driven Snow” piece received.

The firkt five minutes of1 vigor­ous gesturing and pathos-filled

quickly satisfied all the ac­cumulated appetite anyone; might have worked up for corn. From the five, minute mark on, it cloyed.

All was not rotten ip Denfrtqrk, however. Jeanne Kernddle, one of. the saving graces, seemed to feel keeping next door



• t;



iber 71

lanKSgivmg Day nelude A&M, IT H

,i ;v

’ 1 ' ’ ' ‘ 1 Ll j .: 1:.

on Westminster for Wedding


■' Battalion Correspondent Iri Lonllon tq covet the royal wedding

Informatio Room To Be

Guion Hall and the YXC for the A&M-UT game, oil T ihiksgivi

According to information p 'esenL. Penberthy yesterday af headquarters for both A addition to an informal]tied, ci

BULLETIN—LONDON, Nov. 2^ (Spl.)—Princess Elizabeth, heiress presumptive to the British throne, and Philip Mquntbatten, newly elevated Duke of Edinburg, were married this morning in an impressive and colorful ceremony at Westminster Abbey. They re­turned to Buckingham; Palace after saying their vows before the

i /j \


—------------ —------- --------- *——l—i—v---------—i-; > I. j J ; j \ • ■.LONDON, Nov. 20 (Spl.)—Last night, gs I started down toward

Westminster Abbey sn a sequting mission, I itoti^ed groups of people' gathering with all theip be'ongings. They could have come there for only one purpose—to get ahead of me to see the wedding.

Hastilyd ran back to my hotel, gathered al' the blankets I could find, a thermos bottle ..filled'.with canned heat,, and Ian old army ‘ cot. Then I ran back to the Abbey. What T had mis­taken for waiting crowds was a Salvation Army squad serenading one of Bacchus’ legions who was at the time napping with the curb for his pillow.

But I tluin’t feel in the mood to carry all that gear back to the hCtel; so I/set up light house-

to the Inebriated One. He was that she was playing in a satire j a. fellow who felt so happy for the Princess tBat

indaw on its payroll year and himkeJf got from it in thleHthr V)42, !and 19431



fhe life of th, actor, humorist I and Tphil

„ will he filmed HV Wpr|er • next spring, the st

- with his, son, Will the starring ro|e.



gestures and her grhndWother’s ^'inking her healthjin clothing were downright cleyer.

Bill Krause jumped into his “Mortimer Frothinghmji” role with' both feeL As a villajin, He was vjiflainou|s. Every performance he puts out has a zest as well as some understanding about it..

Indiana and Purdue University at LaFayette, Indiana. : | \

The teams will jddge and give reasons on horsei beef cattle, sheep and Swine claSsejs.;' j |; }

Stue^epts making tfie trip in­clude Glaude : A. Broome of San Angelo; J. C. Eckert and O. S.Grote, both OBlMjason; !M. M. Koth-mann and R. R. Kqthmann, both | a thin lipe of humor w^ich could; of San Antonio; G. iCl Richardson Of Sonpra, arid jV. R. Schmidt of Tro-- '

.m anv pub that would admitI him. X h; • ' ■ , MTherefore I an)yehsconced and ready for the wedding to come ofifi While the Tippler holds my makeshift fort/I am |ri4rining to get this filed.

In artd out through the p|ay ran

YANTISIn tomorrow’s"yaper you will have errors of this glorified snlidng.

the results, batting averages, \pnd

W -fr rBears Harass Ag Experimenters In

M. HUTTOThe averai

worker mav feel that data arid

I. Whiitiji, school

iq anribunfcdd, ojrers.j

HteAVfEpTTON, Nq;. 20





Thp Air Force iyil of 'the world’sj he 42J11G pounder jib aHov^t tw at Muroc Air

, nia desert, itdav. r’7. • . - .. j 11

Twelve.of the hilgw nissiles Halve been ()telivered by th« army pri- najice department for the ex peri

ments.. ^ t' ! ,/ M !r.- h ;


(Jp)—Double - ^age-jad/eftisfenprits will appear in Sic

. states announcing i citrusr prop is read

accordihg to A. superintendent.. f , .

At the beginning of thjs school yeajr thie faculty adopted aj number of Jneasures that they hope to have accomplished by the ehd of the yeajr. They hope to instill; in their students the desire to become good ritilzens; as well as the knowledge of whai constitutes a good citizen.

Reading, writing, aritHnjietie and spelling will be given ; ijiore at­tention than in the pa$t,;bjjt health anj safety precautions wi|ll not be neglected.

A group of of the .Texas C

kppperk in .16 belt the: 'jfxjas

Special; Emphasis will He plafced qn music, arts apd handcrafts. New Codrses haVe beejn added! fpr Choral ipuisic, chemistry, sheet inetall, iron and foundfy. ! .

7very effort is being made to emphasize functional English, and vispal education will bt‘ pmpioyed wherever possible as hp aid faster and better learn:A

experiment station his routine

of collecting dkta arid making re- i ports is quite )m6nototioiis at times but having to contend with bears is a doubtful solution for boredom. Some of the employees at Alaskan Experiment Stations ’ have bear trouble, and it seems that a com­bination scigntfst i a n d Daniel Boone would be best qualified to handje the situation; j j-

The following quotations are taken from the Annual Report of the Alaska Agricu tinal Experi­ment Stations for this years 1912 and 1914. The beari problem bar. not changed much sjnee that time. The bear population is still many tinjes greater than the human pop­ulation in the territory. Accordii g to jthe Superintendent of the K> diak Livestock and Breeding Sta­tion: •• [ | ■ h1 1 j •; 1

“The great binte {Alaska brown bear) which dominates animal life ojn Kodiak and other islands^ as well as the adjoining mainland, has pjroved himself to be a menace to advancing civilizatiqri.

He was caught jin the act of killing a cow and calf belonging to; the station. Of the cattle and shjeep which are ihising, it will ndver be known hdw many vere killed by bears. Late in November, four bears attacked the iflock (of sheep) with disastrous effect. They killed forty-one head* : I

Settlers in Alaska havqno great­er love for the beaf'THan the pio­neers had for him ‘when they be­gan to make homes jn the primeya' forests of the s^atesj. She bears are

be located by boiling down all the apsurdity. Several amusing situa­tions found their way to expression even, if slightly absurd expression. One !such sjtuation was Bill Krause entry as a womah in the third act with his handlebar riiustache intact.

We have hesitated to write this review because it cannot bje alto­gether happy and still be true, but we don’t want to discourage the Idea behind it. A&M needs even more activities of this soft pro­viding the choice of plays ic&n boa improved.

Chamber of Commerce to Assist Formation of High School Band


The Board of Directors of the College Station Develop­ment Association voted Tuesday hight to cooperate with the Kiwarns Club and Mothers and Dads Club in the formation of a high school band for A. & M> Consolidated, i ,,

Present plans call tor thf bhnd to be organized at th


I !•!


21 fimfis.’ itru.'J and' __

Growers and Slhipnfrs Asajocintifn.' ' j. announced yesterday fat the I tfai-

tiona) advertising caripaign Jb)#d been launched |to nrqnotejtjhe sqle

> of Rio Grande j VaLey citrlias jfrUit.


i ish plane reported carrying 30 pei terday in the pioU lerno.

Corresponde the crash seen been informs killed and 1(1

The Swedjii air ministry

—it that 30 were Swedis

-; from Addis .' delivered B,

Sweden to • |


^ ATHENS, ister of Publi Rentis said

V t isolated casris

(College Station X-Ray Survey To Begin by Zones, Nov. 22-26

A tuberculosijs purvey will be conducted in College Sta- 2^. 24. 25, ai^id 26, according to Dr. Jessie

^hitacre. The unit Will be set up in the music room of the A&M Consolidated School on the days scheduled for the Cojllege Station; comtnpnity. ! j , 7

College Station has been divided into zones, and spon-

ed theyJ bfadw^re ;come at the

ini Stockholm Were aboard,

iera, being ' a whjere

17 plane iop a. ’


n reported jn Greek wlarf h» re* bt strict ocently «nd thfit strie

been issued against 1$he ■ tcHn»” ' > rr

Head choppang wa; ticed in Greece duririfc against the Tprki>h Rmpi than 100 years ago.

sotjs will help get the for the. survey, Dr. Wh All persons in each

epic out re said,


hvqr, those y^rson^ Whd cannot tone at the fehedultd (ilie should tone at some other tjrie of the survey period. ! i This survey is fotj th^ benefit of

till people* in the cpmnuiipity* All people are urged tp cooperate in ev^ry way possibl survey a success.

Students of A& veyed at a later Iqge has arrang unit pit the campi JinSaturday mornih

ad is set aside for sf campus iind North

. js sponsored byGjjdhrist, C. N. Sljepai

d Brown, and Ppullaturday afternoon,

~ “ege Station

sur- ime; fhe col-

to hjave the solnpime in

siden^ if the ,ti. This zone:,ir

re ‘ Saturday a South Colleg<

lake will Be surveyed. Sponsors are Mesdames Frahk Anderson and Art Adamson. v

Monday morning. November 24 is scheduled for the students of the A&M Consolidated School Dr.! Whitacre reported.

Monday afternoon is set aside fqr residents of. South College Sta­tion east of the take. The sponsors are Mesdamfe* t joe Mogford and M. L. I Cashion. i. N

Tuesday morning, November 25, residepts of College Hills easy of Puryear Drive will report for the

F$..w. R.

went of Puryear T. R. \Sp All day

checking the dated Negro is the Kiwapis Committee.

TU Date Tickets:;

On Sale MondayDate tickets to the Thanks­

giving game will go on sale in the lobby of the YMCA Monday morning, Assistant Dean of Men- Bennie Zinn announced yester- day. ;

Each student senator has held his drawing and the list of win­ners has been turned, in to the athletic department. Thie stu­dents may pick up theiri tickets between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. Mon­day. Each student must present his coupon book in order to get a ticket.

beginning of the spring; semester, according to E. O. Siecke, secre­tary of the Development Associa­tion. ) ' ; 1 .Lj

I; Also coHsidered wasj the! possi­bility of stcurine mpil delivery for the residential districts Hf College Strifion, In this respect thei direc­tors vrited t® write Congressman Olin E. Teague to investigate the matter; ■ ’7 , )•: • .,

The board1 voted unanimously to support the tuberculosis.chest X- ray survey vhjch will be conducted in College Station on Nbyember 22, 24, 25> and 26. Siecke ireport-

j ed. The X-ray unit! will be rtturn- j ed to the; campus!; in January to , conduct surveys among A.1 & M. | students.

Francis Vaughn, chuirmaq of the traffic committee and assistant city manager, state# that nejw code of traffic regulations would He an­nounced soon. ■ M

The board urged that, plans for the possibility of ' expanding Farm Highway 60 both east and west be investigated.

A five-man committee was ap­pointed to secure, improved roads adjacent to the A. & M. Consoli­dated Schools. They are Eugene Rrih,' Lamar Fly, C. A. Bbimjen^ •A. (M. Whitis, and Vriughn. ■•' ■ Jl • ] .*.»• Pt % r

The board expressed concern ovejr the difficulty of getting neW telephones installed in College, Sta­tion Some membeV8 '-in the course of discussion suggested that .tele!-, phdne subscribers in the future refuse to pay for telephone*service during the; period which their tele­phones were out of order' !

Ip\wet weather, the members stated, many of, the | telephones were not operating.

1Leaves m Lont^t In Kansas City. Mj.

—rr_riTT~------- 377117^71 7——r-—Daughter of Coach1 Nortonw H ' :v ;v'v !r^^iT i- .^7Operatic Production Ballerina

i ’ I i { • I 1} ■The opera “The Bartered Bride”

was presented last Monday night in the Corpus Christi High School Auditorium with Mrs. Evelyn Nor­ton Lee, daughter of Coach Homer H. Norton, as ballerina of the corps de ballet.

Mrs. Lee, who opened the Evelyn Lee School of Dancing this fall at t|he Civic Center in Corpus Christi, studied in the School of Ballet at Ward-Belmont, Nashville, Tennes­see. Upon graduation, she trained with Muriel Stuart at the Ameri­can School of Ballet, New York City, and with Louis Balcom rf New York University Last Sum­mer, Mrs. Lee studied inf Chicago and joined the National Associa­tion of Dancing Masters.

She was named queen of the Sad­dle and Sirloin Rodeo in 1937 and Sweetheart of A&M at Texas Uni­versity the same year. Her hus­band, Ed Lee, was cadet colqnel in 1937, arid captain of the baisjcetball team, making all-confereiuje. At

. present he is serving asf sales manager of Fdrdice Compariy.

The opera, written by the Czech­oslovakian composer Smetana, is the first opera] of, this type to bq presented in Cofpus Chrikti. The cast was headed by Marita Farell, soprapo with the Metropolitan Op- era Company and like the compos­er, a native of Czechoslovakia. The Corpus Christi Symphpriy under C- Burdette Wolf, director, furnish­ed the accompanying music.

New Engineers T< Find Best Future

|Tj. # I

In Latin Ameriea"The belt futjire for engineir*

Specializing in reclamation service is in South and; Central Anjerl where there is practically no velopment at the present timej,’* ac­cording to P. A. Welty, consulting engineer from the Rio Grande V ill- ley, Welty spoke to the local chi i>- ter of the ASCE at its semi-mom hi- ly meeting-Tuesday evening.,

Welty’s subject for the evieni ng was “Irr'iguition and Water G n- trol.” He! discussed the pres* nit setup of the reclamation sejrvrie, which is under (he supervision of the' Federal government and I prospects j for advancement that a young graduate engineer has in such work.

Welty graduated from the; Uni­versity of Missouri in 1906, went to work in the Rio Grande ValDy. and has been working in theiirrg- ation and reclamation field e’ er rince. During the war he was in the Navy he has re-entered 'he consulting field; and at present is doihg consulting work through*'Ut the \Jmiffed States. He is regarded as one of the leading authorities on the reclamation field in {he Southwest

alters. . I v

;r, Checkp In Y

'1 ' • '/

centers of operationDay! Jii ,{'■ !by Dean of Men W.

YMCA will serve as s and ex-students. In r campus visitors, a ring system will be pet up . he YMCA. 7 : '*e other hand (ijuion I all •ve as the Universi y’s rters for stunents jmd nbertlhy said, j

eonvj;nience:o{ those per- * may have parcels or )ag- )e stored during the g ime, stand •will be in operation ’MCA.! - ||[ 1|ng water barrels v

caj| abriilab)4 at various p1a<je.s ,ove{ the ei'i campus; t fbr the convenience


OOJl, tt: it>|ide:

(lenteir . 1* udspe


i guests. !* Guion5 G rove, fjield,

I ■The crops judging team villi

leave today to Compete in thp Ma­tronal Collegiate Crops Judging contest to jbe held in Kansas'" City, Mo. November 24, The contest ris sponsored |by tb|‘ Kansas/City Ri>y- al Livestock Shoy each yeah.

Members of tjhe team and thlair (coach are!

t|he trim and fhij Arnpld Nowotny, Nil

Braunfelsp J. P. Trimble, Forferiuri, Ark.; W. L. andiF. M. Zabc)iki fe(fth of Temple; and F. G. Collard, icoi cjh and member of! the agronomy ie- partment. W L, and F, M. Zqb:ik are ^the fjjrst brother combinat ori to be on a crops, judging tfeanli ivp- resenting A&M.

The team wijl also compete iri the International Collegiate Crops Judging Contest which is sponsor­ed by the;’ International Livestock and Expojsition Show at Chjcj g' November 28-291 Twelve to fiftoei teams frorii Canada arid the Untied States will compete in the crops judging contest in Chicago.

Teams participating in the tw judging contests will have [to b able to identify 204 different c: o varieties, jyetris and plant dipeaseii and the Latin najmes of each val id ty and the region they are grown in. Members will also haveto jui gg planting seeds, commercial gr id- ing of grain, hgy and cottoii; cording to Federal standards.

Collard was high individual srioWi er when he was a member of u ertps. judging team in 1940-41. A&M team placed fourth in and third in 1941.

A cade i bUild in

w f giving tq'|ip( tliese- aye un

Aip to ind■uin

uhe hd



Lowes, Miller Win Glider Contest

E. H. towesi H. D. Miller 4# G. ;R. Remarz won first, seconfi, and third places respectively ip tljt* first glider cor)test of the sea iqn at the Animal Husbandry Pavilion Wednesday night, according to *ri announcement by Roger Barton of the mechanics! engineering de­partment. The contest was sp^ti* sored by (he Aggie Aero Modelers club.t

Lowes l)ad the best time with art average of 19.9 seconds Tor thre< flights and Miller and Rdlnarz rat 16.4 and 18,9 seconds respettrifelj for second and third place. , J

A meeting of the club was I eh after the contest and officers for* the semester were elected, [’hi name of the club was changed fion the Aggie Aerocrat club to the Ag gie Aero ’ Motjelers. '

Officers elected at the meet inf were: E. H. Lowes, president; jG R. Reinarz, vice-president; and D L. Bird, secretary-treasurer. In other glider Contest ,will be belt

er 17 land all (model flf*^ and builders in the vicinity of < lege Station are invited to pari pate. j jj /■ ;

On sillfieadqi?xes,

For t Splis w

g^gie t a chfc at tihg


arrels will be place 1 at all, Kie’st Lounge, th»i ate number oiie of Cyld d at gll parking are; is.

Meal Hours ljYisiUiiis will be allowed toi eat

itj eith I all. n >on n{' n,., "" with

Dunican; or Sbisa r the; Cadet Corps, il will be,served at * a. sday.i and cadets • ei ting

gnesta. at 12:i heji charge Iff 76 cents will be asse^se

Visitors will 'be admiled to fimily iStyle at the 75-oent ch i ' Both .Cafeterias w'ill open uiriy qji lThai|ksgivirig to allow as many gneists ms possible to gat. jbisp will opriti at 10:45 and will opsrate fiyq liries instead of the mmutl three Hries. The Duncan cafitefija

ill op iri at Ijl jai m.Amu x freshimen will be re<

to eat. in their mess ha I the aqnex to avoid further geritioia at Duncan or Sbisa,

erthy stated.

_ _;d innieriibe1’ Aggie Ljongh during

he alvajilat

imgntary meals ' wil Texas! University

A Hpgcial committsfe

f I 1pfvwjl. Hestttod matle #


ms for lady guestij wi|l bri riiatjh lavailijible in Kifest ,L lunge ■Goodwill Haiti Cushing Library, AlnehocI Hall, [Sbisa Hall, Music

ll: rill,


basementic Building. All >ffice s wiH be left open Thanks-

[Day. .Higns will be s it up cate tqe whereabou .s of strooms to theifcuesti who miliar wit|h ’he crimp is. st aid! station will bg set

e care of minor injuries less,: and tJ\e newly ac-


andsnten will meet band and act as hosts

ic tnesii,rove [and vicinity will be

Je to guests who brini; pic- rtql lurches, Tables will be s?t up tri takei care qf , these picnick»rs.

the game meals wi 1 be for the benefit of late 4,

Ulatf Pari

djay wi a mith

college ambulance wi I bej-eady;! formerv'ce at station.

To .avoid traffic congestion, all jreeti will be blocked at 8:30 tursday morning. Spence St.

Wfll lie Ifeft open for north\s»uth Iraffiie.

Jl Students are askqd to 'park Jars in their regular tots

Ihuramy. They are further i« rtrt, to drive thjat day. Djay stu |eni are ariled to ;parik in ithfe regulatv diyi student parking lots. Rfesijlorits c(F Colilgje Station who attend the \ game are asked to walk t the f gamfe wid leave their tars at 1 onfe, tolilcgj)! employees who drive' to tijiie' game should park in their reg-

KS^S.-, ! h . jj ng. area!) for Thanksgiving -j 1 be on the main drill field f Law and Puryear, tl fe in-

fi^ntry tirill field south of Duficrin, and th|{i field (west of Law.

student; guards, extra: priJic* men, afid stjate highway patfeolmer will aid! campus ‘police 4n contrilling

Thurtday. The st ident KfuarOsj will be furbished sack lijinthetj by the mess halL

-oachcs to the hospital will clear Jas much as pos-

allow pasage of, the am- in case of ciriergencir. \

i-iCoIlegq bjuses wjll bi kept (jaijiipus between the; hours

d j6 Thursday; Taxis and ■uries vjrill be requiled to ; rrr wnr the west gate./ <| event of rain, towirg ser* -

ht,.‘available for those get out Ov the

rcasi, f 5l11 - I*

Uf! 7 '


<iai „rterback Club at the usual

ThuMrit, 7:80 p. n., but the Assetribly Hall will be he pliee has been c ranged A

troldum Engineeriig )ec-

f the texa» A&M-RSce ime wi 1 bo shom and

of the Athljetic Depart-! ill be on hand try discuss ihg clash with Texas Uni- 1 John Crouch winner of

re4 fueling ontes awarded two/reserfe sea

lift the A&M-Tsxas U. grid be^piayed Hovejnbr