A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

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Page 1: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

A brief overview of the project

By Group 2BarryAmir


Page 2: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Project IntroductionE-commerce website called Books2U for


Minimum of 3 and a half months

4 students, all with specific roles and responsibilities.

The system development lifecycle: Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation and Support.

Page 3: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Development MethodologyRapid Application Development

Breakdown step in small piece

Faster development

Low cost

Easy to apply changes

High involvement of client

Page 4: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Roles and ResponsibilitiesRole Name Position

Sponsor KT Lau ConsultantStakeholder Mr Johnson


Project Manager

Barry Abdoulaye Project Manager/System Analyst

Team Member 1

Amir Azhar Mohd Noor

IT Specialist

Team Member 2

Bhumi Raj Web developer

Team Member 3

Shubhkarman Singh Database Administrator

Page 5: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Project ClientMr. Johnson Coles

Owner of the shop.

Willing to spend $10,000 to see the project developed.

Responsible for providing all necessary information regarding project development i.e. clients’ information previously.

Customers (website visitors/users) who will buy the books.

Page 6: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Project ScopeTraditional store equipped (PC + spreadsheet).

Long processing time.

Size of store.

Limited budget to rent a new shop.

Distance away from customer

Improve sale

Page 7: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Project ObjectivesCreating an e-commerce website to replace the

traditional store. Faster sale processing

Increase the storage volume

Introduce e-book

Follow new trend of e-store.

Facilitate payment process through electronic payment.

Page 8: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Project Constraints The biggest constraints submission date the 10/10/2013

Customers have to create an account in order place an order.

Website will be available on the World Wide Web.

Transfer of previous customers’ information to DB.

Secure login system is provident to all customers.

The commitment of each member to deliver the final product before deadline.

Page 9: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Deliverables Software Project Management Plan (SPMP)

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Status Reports

Milestone Reports

Software Requirements Specifications (SRS)

Software Architecture Design Document (SADD)

Software Design Document (SDD)

Test Plan

Quality Assurance Plan

Risk Management Plan

Source and Object Code

Page 10: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Risk ManagementRisks with respect to the work to be done.

Risks with respect to the management.

Risks with respect to available resources.

Risks with respect to the client.

Page 11: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Internal Reviews ProceduresThe team or the PM requests an Internal Review.

A team member will nominate themselves to conduct the review.

The team will review the document within a time frame set by the PM.

The PM will print a hard copy and make suggestions on the hard copy.

The PM will contact the client and discuss any quality issues.

All reviews are measured against IEEE standards.

Page 12: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Summary of SchedulePhase Starting Ending

Initiation phase

29/07/2013 31/07/2013

Planning phase

1/08/2013 27/09/2013

Execution phase

27/08/2013 24/09/2013

Controlling and testing

25/09/2013 27/09/2013

Closing phase 28/09/2013 01/10/2013

Page 13: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Milestones as at Aug 5, 2013Milestones Date Status Responsib

leInitiation 05/08/201

3Completed ALL

Project Planning 06/08/2013

Completed ALL

Create project management plan


Completed Barry (PM)

Produce Software Requirement Specification


Draft completed


Produce Software Architecture Design



Draft completed


Execution 04/09/2013

Ongoing ALL

Testing 09/09/2013

Not completed Bhumi

Closing 02/10/2013

Not completed ALL

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Database- ER diagram

Page 15: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Database-Data dictionary

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Database-data dictionary(suite)

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Use case diagram

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Storyboard- Homepage

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Storyboard- Session

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Page 21: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Tools & Technologies

Microsoft Word for project documentations

Microsoft Project for drawing schema

HTML, Photoshop and CSS

MYSQL to develop the database PHP to develop functions and query the database

Enterprise Architect for use case, ER diagram, etc.

Page 22: A brief overview of the project By Group 2 Barry Amir Bhumi Shubh

Design SchemaSequence diagram

Use case diagram

Entity Relationship diagram

UML diagram

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Work Breakdown Structure

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Gantt Chart

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Problems Encountered

Time management

Programming language

Design decision

Font/colors choice

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The End

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