And What To Do About It

7 Lies About Confidence

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Page 1: 7 Lies About Confidence

And What To Do About It

Page 2: 7 Lies About Confidence

My confidence comes with other people’s praise of me.

Lie #1

Consider that what others think of you is none of your business. Only YOU and your opinion of YOU matter when it comes to your confidence. There is no perfect version of who you are supposed to be, so fully enjoy who you authentically are.

Mindset Reset

Become your own best friend. Take special care to speak to yourself in ways that are respectful and honoring. Remember to enjoy being yourself because all of the others are taken. Enjoy being fully YOU.


7 Lies That Knock The Wind Out of Your Confidence Copywrite 2016 J. Marceau Coaching

Page 3: 7 Lies About Confidence

If I focus on why I lack confidence, it will get better.

Lie #2

Confidence grows when you notice and acknowledge your success. Focusing on what you lack keeps you stuck doubting yourself.

Mindset Reset

Train your brain to look for and focus on the things YOU DO WELL. At the end of each day, write down one thing (OR 25!) that you are proud of or praise yourself for. This trains you in the habit of looking for your own greatness. It’s not arrogance; it is awesomeness!


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Confidence is ONLY a mental-emotional thing

Lie #3

Your body posture matters. You can alter your confidence by changing your body position. 3 minutes in a “power pose” increases your assertiveness and lowers your stress; leaving you calm, cool and confident.

Mindset Reset

Before that important event take a 3-minute break (somewhere private) and stand with your feet wide, your chest open and your hands on your hips or above your head in a “V”. This

“power pose” sends a signal to your brain that will boost your belief in yourself.


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You can tell how confident someone is by watching them.

Lie #4

What seems like measuring your confidence is really comparing your “inside” confidence to someone else’s “outside” confidence, which may by only an illusion. You can never really know the confidence level of another person.

Mindset Reset

Invest time in creating your self-image rather than comparing. Post Positive Affirmation cards where you will see them. Say the affirmation out loud and start with your name. Your subconscious doesn’t know who “I” is, so it responds better, and the

new belief will grow stronger, when you use your name. Example: [Your Name] is relaxed and calm in new situations.


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I just have to work harder at feeling confident.

Lie #5

Remember the phrase “fake it ‘til you make it”. Consider replacing that phrase with “BE it as you become it”. Confidence is something you experience by “BEING” it first. You can increase your belief in yourself, independent of your situation.

Mindset Reset

Set an intention of BEING confident each day or before an event or challenge. Your intention for your own experience has powerful influence over your confidence. Borrow a feeling from a time when you felt confident, and re-use it. Ask

yourself – “how would I look, act , dress, sound if I were confident in this situation?” Imagine it, then try it.


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I need to feel more confident before I can take action.

Lie #6

Confidence is built by taking action even when you’re afraid or question your confidence. Celebrate even the tiniest success.

Mindset Reset

Set a weekly appointment with yourself to celebrate your biggest OR smallest success. It is the consistent, persistent small successes that eventually lead to the big accomplishment. Celebrate them regularly.


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Confidence increases when I know how.

Lie #7

Confidence comes from your ability to find solutions, knowing that you are resourceful and trusting that you can figure things out.

Mindset Reset

See yourself as someone who can figure things out. Stop when you hear yourself saying I’m BAD at [you fill in the blank]. That sets you up with the mindset of “I can’t do it” and becomes your experience.


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JoAnne Marceau Founder & CEO, J. Marceau Coaching

JoAnne believes that NOW is the perfect time to let the edgier YOU break out! More bold, more daring and more direct than ever before. To move beyond the boredom of “OKness” and emerge as the authentic unapologetic YOU.

This empowering journey from awareness to aliveness uses JoAnne’s proven transformational systems and strategies, anchored in undaunted courage and unwavering self compassion; because without courage you’re invisible and without compassion you’re miserable. And combined, you are unstoppable.

For over 30 years JoAnne has studied personal development and been trained by some of the renown transformational leaders of our time. She brings a wide tapestry of perspectives and strategies ensuring a grounded and personalized foundation from which to serve clients.

The fire in your belly says “there’s NO STOPPING THIS TIME!” You’re out of decades. You’re without a map. You’re out of patience. You’re out of distractions. You want results, and JoAnne knows what it takes to get you there.

To learn more about the training and coaching offered through J. Marceau Coaching visit www.jmarceau.com