5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial

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  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    The primary reason business

    owners choose to incorporate or

    form an LLC is to limit the liability

    they would face in the event of a

    lawsuit or bankruptcy.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    I n co rp o ra t i o n v s So le Pro p r i e t o r s h ip

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    So unless you put them up as

    collateral, your house, personal

    savings account, personal

    retirement accounts and other

    assets would not be seized to paya debt of the company or a

    judgment against the company.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    I n co rp o ra t i o n v s So le Pro p r i e t o r s h ip

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    The second most common reason

    to Incorporate or form an LLC is to

    raise capital by selling shares to


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    I n co rp o ra t i o n v s So le Pro p r i e t o r s h ip

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Have you been wondering why more

    than half of the Fortune 500 have

    chosen to incorporate in Delaware?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    There are so many reasons to

    incorporate in Delaware an entire section

    of our website is devoted to this topic.

    We'll review just a few.

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial



    Delaware Corporations and LLCs

    can be formed without including the

    names oftheinitial members,

    directors orshareholders (owners)

    on the Certificate of Incorporation.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Reasons to I ncorpo r a te i n Delaw are

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Director Shield Law

    A Delaware director shield law

    permits Delaware Corporations to

    shelter their directors from

    personal liability.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Reasons to I ncorpo r a te i n Delaw are

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Favorable Tax Climate

    No State Sales Tax

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Reasons to I ncorpo r a te i n Delaw are

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Favorable Tax Climate

    No Delaware Corporate Income

    Tax for companies operating

    outside of Delaware

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Reasons to I ncorpo r a te i n Delaw are

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Favorable Tax Climate

    No Delaware Corporate Income

    Tax on companies whose sole

    activities in Delaware are related to

    intangible investments.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Reasons to I ncorpo r a te i n Delaw are

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Pro-Business Legislation

    Delaware remains unique in the

    degree of latitude it affords

    Corporations and Limited Liability

    Companies in organizing andoperating their business.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Reasons to I ncorpo r a te i n Delaw are

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    I bet youre wondering, How can I

    form a Delaware company if I dont

    have an office in Delaware?

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Delaware law only requires you to

    have a Registered Agent in Delaware

    to form a Delaware Corporation or

    LLC. DBI will be your Delaware

    Registered Agent.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Delaw are Reg ist e red Agen t

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    A Delaware Corporation or LLC has

    the constitutional right to transact

    Interstate Business. Interstate

    means involving parties in two or

    more states.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Delaw are , The US, and Abr oad

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    A Delaware Corporation or LLC can

    also be used to transact business

    outside the US, whether or not you

    have a base of operations inside the


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Delaw are , The US, and Abr oad

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Your Delaware Corporation or LLC

    can also be registered to transact

    Intrastate Business in additional

    states; without the need of

    incorporating in each state.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Delaw are , The US, and Abr oad

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Ok, let's talk about Corporations

    and Limited Liability Companies.

    We'll start by comparing the two.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial



    Limited Liability Companies and

    Corporations have much in common.

    Both provide similar limited liability to

    the owners/investors.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial



    Similar tax treatment options,

    including the Pass Through option

    and the C-Corporation option, are

    available to both Corporations andLLCs.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial



    Two significant differences between a

    Delaware Corporation and a

    Delaware LLC:

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial



    Corporations issue stock

    certificates which can be traded

    privately or on a public stock


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial



    LLCs can raise money from

    investors by privately selling

    investment shares, but LLCs cannot

    be publically traded on a stockexchange.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial



    Both Delaware Corporations and

    Delaware LLCs can be formed

    without including the names of the

    shareholders/owners, directors orofficerson the Certificate of


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial



    But, Delaware Corporations are

    required to file an annual report

    naming one officer and all directors.

    Note: a Delaware corporation is notrequired to name owners

    (shareholders) on the annual report.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial



    Delaware LLCs are not required to

    file an Annual Report.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Entity Tax

    Delaware Corporations authorizing

    5,000 shares or less will pay a

    minimum Franchise Tax of $125

    when they file their annual report.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    Entity Tax

    Delaware LLCs will pay a flat LLC

    Tax of $250 each year.

    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    LLC o r I n c ?

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l


    Limits Liability Yes Yes

    Annual Reports Required Not Required

    Annual Shareholder Meeting Required Not Required

    Taxed at corporate income tax rates Possible Possible

    Taxed at personal income tax rates Possible Possible

    Raise capital from investors Possible Possible

    Publicly traded on Stock Exchange Possible Not Possible

    No Names in Public Record Not Possible Possible

    Annual Entity Tax $125 (min.) $250 (flat)

    LLC o r I n c ?

    Lets Review:

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    We're almost done with the tour; I

    just want to show you what a

    Corporate Kit is before you go.

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    At a minimum a Corporate Kit or Operating Agreement kit

    should contain model By-Laws and Minutes or a modelOperating Agreement.

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    These are the documents which define the rules for profit

    distributions, resignation or expulsion of members ordirectors, shareholder rights and other important matters

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Matters which could be essential in resolving disputes

    between principals or defending tax status in an IRSinquiry.

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    The state of Delaware never registers the names of

    the owners of a Corporation or LLC.

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Our Corporate kits and Operating Agreement kits include

    share certificates and transfer ledgers to ensure that your

    ownership of the company is properly documented.

  • 7/31/2019 5 Minute Incorporation Tutorial


    DBI 5 M in u t e I n co r po r at i on Tu t o r ia l

    Well, that's the end of the tutorial;

    thank you for joining me.

    If youre ready to learn more

    please visit our Learning Center

    Or browse our New Company

    Registration Packages.

