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  • 8/13/2019 48 Laws of Power Blog Law 1 to 16


    The LawsLaw 1: Never Outshine The Master

    Law 2: Never put too Much Trust in FriendsLaw 3: Conceal Your IntentionsLaw 4: lwa!s "a! Less than Necessar!Law #: "o Much $epends on %eputationLaw &: Court ttention at all CostLaw ': (et Others to $o the )or* +or YouLaw ,: Ma*e Other -eople Co.e To You /se 0aitLaw : )in Throu h Your ctions Not r u.entLaw 1 : In+ection: void the /nhapp! and /nluc*!

    Law 11: Learn To 5eep -eople $ependent on You

    Law 12: /se "elective 6onest! to $isar. Your 7icti.Law 13: s*in +or 6elp ppeal to -eople8s "el+ InterestLaw 14: -ose as a Friend9 )or* as a "p!Law 1#: Crush Your ne.! Totall!Law 1&: /se ;sence to Increase %espect and 6onor Law 1': Cultivate an air o+/npredicta;ilit!Law 1,: Isolation is $an erousLaw 1 : $o Not O++end the )ron -ersonLaw 2 : $o Not Co..it to n!one

    Law 21: -la! a "uc*er to Catch a "uc*er Law 22: "urrender Tactic: Trans+or. )ea*ness into -ower Law 23: Concentrate Your ForcesLaw 24: -la! the -er+ect Courtier Law 2#: %ecreate Yoursel+ Law 2&: 5eep Your 6ands CleanLaw 2': Create a Cult: -la! on -eople;lo spot>s ? 1

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    Law 4 : $espise the Free LunchLaw 41: void "teppin into a (reat Man

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    Law 1: Never Outshine the Master

    lwa!s .a*e those a;ove !ou +eel co.+orta;l! superior> In !our desire to please ori.press the.9 do not o too +ar in displa!in !our talents or !ou .i ht acco.plish theopposite = inspire +ear and insecurit!> Ma*e !our .asters appear .ore ;rilliant thanthe! are and !ou will attain the hei hts o+ power>5in Louis AI7 and his Finance Minister FouBuet

    In 1'th centur! France9 Finance Minister Nicholas FouBuet had spent enor.ous su.s in ;uildin a .a ni+icent ch teau on his estate o+ 7auD le 7ico.te > 6e then threw a lavish part! to show o++ his connections9 cultivated .anner and char.> Thin*in this .ovewould .a*e hi. an indispensa;le asset to the *in 9 FouBuet had actuall! o++ended his.aster who did not li*e the +act people were .ore char.ed ;! his +inance .inister than

    ;! hi.> 6e unintentionall! outshone his .aster9 5in Louis AI79 .a*in the 5in +eelinsecure> In 1&&19 at a e 239 Louis AI7 visited 7auD le 7ico.te9 the countr! estate o+his +inance .inister9 Nicolas FouBuet9 and was outra ed ;! its .a ni+icence> The 5in+ound a convenient eDcuse to et rid o+ FouBuet who then spent the neDt 2 !ears o+ hisli+e in prison> 5in Louis AI7 went ahead to ;uild -alace o+ 7ersailles which was.uch .ore rander and lavish than the Chateau ;uilt ;! FouBuet to displa! his char.sand connections>

    How Galileo used the Law in his favor?

    (alileo was clever in o;servin this law ;! ivin lor! to his patrons> In order to solvehis perennial pro;le. o+ +undin 9 he dedicated his discover! o+ the .oons o+ Eupiter tothe Medici9 since the ro!al s!.;ol o+ the Medici +a.il! was the planet Eupiter> 6e thenco..issioned an e.;le. +or the.9 with each .oon representin one o+ the sons whorevolved around the patriarch> The Medici +a.il! ;eca.e his .a or patron9 appointinhi. their o++icial court .athe.atician and philosopher9 there;! ivin hi. a .oreco.+orta;le li+e and a stead! salar!>


    G -resent !our ideas in a wa! that the! echo !our ;oss $iscreet +latter! is ver! power+ul>

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    Law 2: Never put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to usene!ies

    -ro;le. a;out wor*in with +riends is that it con+uses the ;oundaries and distances thatwor*in reBuires> I+ ;oth partners in the arran e.ent understand the dan ers involved9 a+riend o+ten can ;e e.plo!ed to reat e++ect> You .ust never let !our uard down insuch a venture9 howeverH alwa!s ;e on the loo*out +or an! si ns o+ e.otionaldistur;ance such as env! and in ratitude> Nothin is sta;le in the real. o+ power9 andeven the closest o+ +riends can ;e trans+or.ed into the worst o+ ene.ies>

    Michael """ of the #$%antine !pire and his friend, #asilius

    Michael III o+ the 0! antine .pire in the .id ninth centur! >$> placed too .uchtrust in his +riend9 0asilius > The! had .et a +ew !ears ;e+ore9 when Michael had ;eenvisitin the sta;les ust as a wild horse ot loose> 0asilius saved Michael8s li+e> 6isstren th and coura e had i.pressed Michael9 who i..ediatel! raised 0asilius +ro. theo;scurit! o+ ;ein a horse trainer to the position o+ head o+ sta;les> 6e loaded his +riendwith i+ts and +avors until ;eca.e insepara;le> 0asilius was sent to the +inest school in0! antiu.9 and the crude peasant ;eca.e a cultured and sophisticated courtier> Michaelturned the peasant 0asilius into a sophisticated and educated courtier> 0asilius later on

    ;eca.e reed! +or .ore wealth and power and had his +or.er ;ene+actor and ;est+riend Michael III .urdered>

    Michael III sta*ed his +uture on the sense o+ ratitude he thou ht 0asilius .ust +eel +orhi.> 6e had created a .onster> 6e had allowed a .an to see power up closeJa .anwho then wanted .ore9 who as*ed +or an!thin and ot it9 who +elt encu.;ered ;! thecharit! he had received and si.pl! did what .an! people do in such a situation: The!+or et the +avors the! have received and i.a ine the! have earned their success ;! theirown .erits>

    I destro! .! ene.ies when I .a*e the. .! +riends> ;raha. Lincoln

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    &on' ($nast$ )uled *hina for + -ears

    For several centuries a+ter the +all o+ the 6an $!nast! K >$> 222 9 Chinese histor!+ollowed the sa.e pattern o+ violent and ;lood! coups9 one a+ter the other> r.! .en

    would plot to *ill a wea* e.peror9 and then would replace hi. on the $ra on Throne with a stron eneral> The eneral would start a new d!nast! and crown hi.sel+e.perorH to ensure his own survival he would *ill o++ his +ellow enerals> +ew !earslater9 however9 the pattern would resu.e: New enerals would rise up and assassinatehi. or his sons in their turn> To ;e e.peror o+ China was to ;e alone9 surrounded ;! a

    pac* o+ ene.iesJit was the least power+ul9 least secure position in the real.>In >$> # 9 (eneral hao 5uan !in ;eca.e .peror "on > .peror "on *new thathis +riends in the ar.! would chew hi. up li*e .eat9 and i+ he so.ehow survived9 his

    +riends in the overn.ent would have hi. +or supper> .peror "on persuaded hisenerals to retire to a li+e o+ no;ilit! and ive up their drea.s o+ ra;;in his throne one

    da!> 6e spared those who conspired a ainst hi.9 and was a;le to win over ene.ies withhis enerosit!> "on was +inall! a;le to ;rea* the pattern o+ coups9 violence9 and civilwarJthe "on $!nast! ruled China +or .ore .an three hundred !ears>

    Lessons for .or/in' with Friends and ne!ies

    G Friends will not openl! disa ree with !ou in order to avoid ar u.ents>

    G ne.ies eDpect nothin so the! will ;e surprised when !ou are enerous>

    G n ene.! spared the uillotine will ;e .ore rate+ul to !ou than a +riend>

    G )hen !ou decide to hire a +riend !ou will discover Bualities she has *ept hidden9 ;e onthe loo*out +or an! si ns o+ e.otional distur;ance such as env! and in ratitude>

    G "*ill and co.petence are .ore i.portant than +riendl! +eelin s>

    G 6irin +riends will li.it !our power>

    G ll wor*in situations reBuire a *ind o+ distance ;etween people>

    G You destro! an ene.! when !ou .a*e a +riend o+ hi.>G n ene.! at !our heels *eeps !ou sharp9 alert9 and +ocused>

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    Law +: *onceal -our "ntentions

    6ave !ou ever heard o+ a s*ill+ul eneral9 who intends to surprise a citadel9 announcinhis plan to his ene.! Conceal !our purpose and hide !our pro ressH do not disclose theeDtent o+ !our desi ns until the! cannot ;e opposed9 until the co.;at is over> )in thevictor! ;e+ore !ou declare the war> In a word9 i.itate that war li*e people whosedesi ns are not *nown eDcept ;! the rava ed countr! throu h which the! have passed>K Ninon de Lenclos 9 1&23 1' &

    It ta*es e++ort to control !our ton ue and .onitor what !ou reveal> It is .uch .ore prudent to tailor !our words9 tellin people what the! want to hear rather than the coarseand u l! truth o+ what !ou +eel or thin*> More i.portant9 ;! ;ein una;ashedl! open!ou .a*e !oursel+ so predicta;le and +a.iliar that it is al.ost i.possi;le to respect or+ear !ou9 and power will not accrue to a person who cannot inspire such e.otions>Train !oursel+ in the art o+ concealin !our intentions> Master the art and !ou willalwa!s have the upper hand> Our +irst instinct is to alwa!s trust appearances> This +act.a*es it relativel! eas! to conceal one8s intentions> Let8s tal* a;out how -eople ConcealIntentions and Fool You>

    10 se (eco$ed O 3ects of (esire to Throw 4eople Off

    "upport an idea or cause that is actuall! contrar! to !our own senti.ents ;ut will help!ou achieve !our oal> /se this tactic in the +ollowin .anner: 6ide !our intentions not

    ;! closin up Kwith the ris* o+ appearin secretive9 and .a*in people suspicious ;ut ;! tal*in endlessl! a;out !our desires and oalsPJ ust not !our real ones> You will*ill three ;irds with one stone: You appear +riendl!9 open9 and trustin H !ou conceal!our intentionsH and !ou send !our rivals on ti.e consu.in wild oose chases>

    20 False &incerit$

    -eople easil! .ista*e sincerit! +or honest!> %e.e.;erJtheir +irst instinct is to trustappearances9 and since the! value honest! and want to ;elieve in the honest! o+ thosearound the.9 the! will rarel! dou;t !ou or see throu h !our act> "ee.in to ;elieve

    what !ou sa! ives !our words reat wei ht> %e.e.;er: The ;est deceivers doever!thin the! can to cloa* their ro uish Bualities> The! cultivate an air o+ honest! inone area to dis uise their dishonest! in other> 6onest! is .erel! another deco! in theirarsenal o+ weapons>

    +0 #land Facial 5pression

    0ehind a ;land9 unreada;le eDterior9 all sorts o+ .a!he. can ;e planned9 withoutdetection> This is a weapon that the .ost power+ul .en in histor! have learned to


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    60 No le Gesture

    -eople want to ;elieve apparentl! no;le estures are enuine9 +or the ;elie+ is pleasant>The! rarel! notice how deceptive these estures can ;e>

    70 8ppearin' to #elon' to a Group

    The tendenc! to .ista*e appearances +or realit!Jthe +eelin that i+ so.eone see.s to ;elon to !our roup9 their ;elon in .ust ;e real> This ha;it .a*es the sea.less ;lenda ver! e++ective +ront> The tric* is si.ple: You si.pl! ;lend in with those around !ou>The ;etter !ou ;lend9 the less suspicious !ou ;eco.e> %e.e.;er: It ta*es patience andhu.ilit! to dull !our ;rilliant colors9 to put on the .as* o+ the inconspicuous> $o notdespair at havin to wear such a ;land .as*Jit is o+ten !our unread a;ilit! that draws

    people to !ou and .a*es !ou appear a person o+ power>

    How do 4eople appl$ these .a$s to Fool -ou?

    "i.pl! dan le an o; ect !ou see. to desire9 a oal !ou see. to ai. +or9 in +ront o+ people8s e!es and the! will ta*e the appearance +or realit!> Once their e!es +ocus on thedeco!9 the! will +ail to notice what !ou are reall! up to> -oliticians use this all the ti.e>

    (eco$ed O 3ects of (esire and Ma/in' a .o!an Fall in Love

    The MarBuis de "evi ne was ineDperienced in the art o+ love> 6e con+ided in thein+a.ous courtesan o+ seventeenth centur! France9 Ninon de Lenclos9 to instruct hi. onhow to seduce a di++icult !oun countess> "he .ade hi. +ollow a plan over a nu.;er o+wee*s9 where the MarBuis would ;e appearin in pu;lic alwa!s surrounded ;! ;eauti+ulwo.en9 in the ver! places the countess would ;e eDpected to see hi.> 6e was supposedto assu.e an air o+ nonchalance> This increased the ealous! o+ the !oun countess9 whowas not sure o+ his interest in her> One da! the MarBuis9 una;le to control his passion9

    ;ro*e +ro. Ninon +ter this

    ad.ission9 the countess no lon er +ound hi. interestin and avoided hi.> The whole pre.ise o+ datin is ;ased on a.es9 wild .oves and ;ein unpredicta;le> I+ !oudispla! !our +eelin s too soon it ;eco.es an artless show o+ passion> door closed thatwould never open a ain> In seduction9 set up con+lictin Q si nals9 such as desire andindi++erence9 and !ou not onl! throw the. o++ the scent9 !ou in+la.e their desire to

    possess !ou>

    Otto von #is!arc/ eca!e 4ri!e Minister of 4russia

    Otto von 0is.arc* was a deput! in the -russian parlia.ent at a ti.e when .an! +ellow

    deputies thou ht it was possi;le to o to war a ainst ustria and de+eat it> 0is.arc*

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    wanted to o on war ;ut he *new that the 5in was not in +avor o+ it> 6e also *new the-russian ar.! was not prepared9 so he devised a clever wa!> 6e pu;licl! stated his

    praises +or the ustrians and tal*ed a;out the .adness o+ war> Man! deputies chan edtheir votes> 6ad 0is.arc* announced his real intentions9 ar uin it was ;etter to wait

    now and +i ht later9 he would not have won> Most -russians wanted to o to war at that.o.ent and .ista*enl! ;elieved their ar.! to ;e superior to the ustrians> 6ad he

    one to the *in his sincerit! would have ;een dou;ted> 0! ivin .isleadinstate.ents a;out wantin peace and concealin his true purpose9 0is.arc* 6e later led the countr! to war a ainstthe ustrians at the ri ht ti.e9 when he +elt the -russian ar.! was .ore capa;le andunited (er.an!>

    (u/e of Marl orou'h used this in the &panish &uccession

    $urin the )ar o+ the "panish "uccession in 1'119 the $u*e o+ Marl;orou h 9 head o+the n lish ar.!9 wanted to destro! a *e! French +ort9 ;ecause it protected a vitalthorou h+are into France> Yet he *new that i+ he destro!ed it9 the French would reali ewhat he wantedJto advance down that road> Instead9 then9 he .erel! captured the +ort9and arrisoned it with so.e o+ his troops9 .a*in it appear as i+ he wanted it +or so.e

    purpose o+ his own> The French attac*ed the +ort and the du*e let the. recapture it>Once the! had it ;ac*9 thou h9 the! destro!ed it9 +i urin that the du*e had wanted it +orso.e i.portant reason> Now that the +ort was one9 the road was unprotected9 andMarl;orou h could easil! .arch into France>

    "a'o deceived and destro$ed Othello $ ein' &incere

    (iven the depth o+ his e.otions9 the apparent sincerit! o+ his concerns a;out$esde.ona8s supposed in+idelit!9 how could Othello distrust hi. "incerit! is a tric*!tool: ppear over passionate and !ou raise suspicions> 0e .easured and ;elieva;le or!our ruse will see. the put on .at it is>

    Henr$ 9issin'er used #land Face to win opponents

    6enr! 5issin er would ;ore his opponents around the ne otiatin ta;le to tears with his.onotonous voice9 his ;lan* loo*9 and his endless recitations o+ detailsH then9 as theire!es la ed over9 he would suddenl! hit the. with a list o+ ;old ter.s> Cau ht o++

    uard9 the! would ;e easil! inti.idated> s one po*er .anual eDplains it9 )hile pla!in his hand9 the ood pla!er is seldo. an actor> Instead he practices a ;land ;ehavior that .ini.i es reada;le patterns9 +rustrates and con+uses opponents9 per.its

    reater concentration>

    &pies use 8ppearin' to elon' to a Group Method

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    $urin the Cold )ar o+ the 1 # s and 8& s9 as is now notorious9 a slew o+ 0ritish civilservants passed secrets to the "oviets> The! went undetected +or !ears ;ecause the!were apparentl! decent chaps9 had one to all the ri ht schools9 and +it the old ;o!networ* per+ectl!>

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    Law 6: 8lwa$s &a$ Less than Necessar$

    There are ti.es when it is unwise to ;e silent> "ilence can arouse suspicion and eveninsecurit!9 especiall! in !our superiorsH a va ue or a.;i uous co..ent can open !ouup to interpretations !ou had not ;ar ained +or> "ilence and sa!in less than necessar!.ust ;e practiced with caution9 then9 and in the ri ht situations> Let us ta*e a loo* at &wa!s to eDert .ore power ;! practicin listenin >

    10 Ma/e 4eople )eveal More 8 out The!selves

    "pea*in less will .a*e people reveal .ore a;out the.selves> This is in+or.ation !ou.a! ;e a;le to use a ainst the. later on> Your short answers and silences will put the.on the de+ensive9 and the! will u.p in9 nervousl! +illin the silence with all *inds o+co..ents that will reveal valua;le in+or.ation a;out the. and their wea*nesses> Thelon er !ou listen9 the .ore others .ove their lips and teeth> s the! .ove their lips andteeth9 !ou can there;! understand their real intentions>

    20 4eople Listen;"nterpret -our ver$ .ord *arefull$

    "pea*in Less will +orce people to listen?interpret !our ever! word care+ull!> Yoursilence will .a*e other people unco.+orta;le> 6u.ans are .achines o+ interpretationand eDplanationH the! have to *now what !ou are thin*in > )hen !ou care+ull! control

    what !ou reveal9 the! cannot pierce !our intentions or !our .eanin > The! will leave a.eetin with and the! will o ho.e and ponder !our ever! word> This eDtra attention to!our ;rie+ co..ents will onl! add to !our power> Masters o+ eni .a nd! )arhol andMarcel $ucha.p *new the power o+ sa!in less and *eepin people uessin > The less$ucha.p tal*ed a;out his wor*9 the .ore it was tal*ed a;out in the art circles> nd!)arhol reco ni ed it was hard to tal* people into doin what !ou wanted9 so wheninterviewed9 he would ive va ue and a.;i uous answers and let the interviewer +indhis own interpretation>

    +0 Once the .ords 8re Out, -ou *annot Ta/e The! #ac/

    5eep the. under control> 0e particularl! care+ul with sarcas.: The .o.entar!satis+action !ou ain with !our ;itin words will ;e outwei hed ;! the price !ou pa!>

    60 The More -ou &a$, the More *o!!on -ou 8ppear

    )hen !ou are tr!in to i.press people with words9 the .ore !ou sa!9 the .ore co..on!ou appear9 and the less in control> ven i+ !ou are sa!in so.ethin ;anal9 it willsee. ori inal i+ !ou .a*e it va ue9 open ended9 and sphinD li*e>

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    70 &a$in' Less .ill 9eep -ou Fro! &a$in' &o!ethin' Foolish or ven (an'erous0

    round 4#4 0>C9 Coriolanus was a reat .ilitar! hero o+ ancient %o.e> -eople held

    hi. in awe> 6e decided to run +or senate and he spo*e his .ind9 hardl! a;le to controlhis arro ance and ;oast+ulness> 6e slandered and insulted people> The .ore speeches he.ade9 the less people respected hi.> 6e su++ered the people

    6is in+a.ous I shall see was one o+ severaleDtre.el! short phrases that he would appl! to all .anner o+ reBuests> Louis was notalwa!s this wa!H as a !oun .an he was *nown +or tal*in at len th9 deli htin in hisown eloBuence> 6is later taciturnit! was sel+ i.posed9 an act9 a .as* he used to *eepever!;od! ;elow hi. o++ ;alance> No one *new eDactl! where he stood9 or could

    predict his reactions> No one could tr! to deceive hi. ;! sa!in what the! thou ht hewanted to hear9 ;ecause no one *new what he wanted to hear> s the! tal*ed on and onto the silent Louis9 the! revealed .ore and .ore a;out the.selves9 in+or.ation hewould later use a ainst the. to reat e++ect> In the end9 Louis8s silence *ept thosearound hi. terri+ied and under his thu.;> It was one o+ the +oundations o+ his power>

    s "aint "i.on wrote9 No one *new as well as he how to sell his words9 his s.ile9even his lances> ver!thin in hi. was valua;le ;ecause he created di++erences9 andhis .a est! was enhanced ;! the sparseness o+ his words>

    "a!in less than necessar! is not +or *in s and states.en onl!> In .ost areas o+ li+e9 theless !ou sa! the .ore pro+ound and .!sterious !ou appear> 0! sa!in less thannecessar! !ou create the appearance o+ .eanin and power> lso9 the less !ou sa!9 theless ris* !ou run o+ sa!in so.ethin >

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    Law 7: &o Much (epends on )eputation = Guard it with $our Life

    .h$ is )eputation "!portant?

    %eputation is the cornerstone o+ power> In the social real.9 appearances are the ;aro.eter o+ al.ost all our ud .ents> Your reputation will protect !ou in thedan erous a.e o+ appearances9 distractin the pro;in e!es o+ others +ro. *nowinwhat !ou are reall! li*e9 and ivin !ou a de ree o+ control over how the world ud es!ou J a power+ul position to ;e in>

    stron reputation increases !our presence and eDa erates !our stren ths without !ouhavin to spend .uch ener !> It can also create an aura around !ou that will instillrespect9 even +ear> In the +i htin in the North +rican desert durin )orld )ar II9 the(er.an eneral rwin %o..el had a reputation +or cunnin and deceptive.aneuverin that struc* terror into ever!one who +aced hi.> ven when his +orces weredepleted and the 0ritish tan*s outnu.;ered his ;! +ive to one9 entire cities would ;eevacuated at the news o+ his approach> s the! sa!9 !our reputation inevita;l! precedes!ou9 and i+ it inspires respect9 a lot o+ !our wor* is done +or !ou ;e+ore !ou arrive on thescene9 or utter a sin le word>

    $urin China$>2 ' 2 9 (eneral Lian was a;le to+ool his rival "i.a Yi si.pl! ;! lettin his trac* record +or ;ein an unde+eated leaderin ;attle do the wor* +or hi.> Lian ;lo spot>s ? 12

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    6 .a$s to &afe>Guard and Grow -our )eputation

    10 Never appear desperate in $our self>defense a'ainst the slander of others

    $o not let !oursel+ et an r! or de+ensive at the slanderous co..ents o+ !our ene.ies9it reveals insecurit!9 not con+idence in !our reputation> Ta*e the hi h road instead9 andnever appear desperate in !our sel+ de+ense>

    20 &ow dou t and spread ru!ors a out $our rival

    n attac* on another .an8s reputation is a potent weapon9 particularl! when !ou haveless power than he does> 6e has .uch .ore to lose in such a ;attle9 and !our own thus+ar s.all reputation ives hi. a s.all tar et when he tries to return !our +ire>

    ->T> 0arnu. used such ca.pai ns to reat e++ect in his earl! career> 0ut this tactic .ust ;e practiced with s*illH !ou .ust not see. to en a e in pett! ven eance> I+ !ou do not ;rea* !our ene.!8s reputation cleverl!9 !ou will inadvertentl! ruin !our own> ven i+the! vehe.entl! den! it9 people will still ;e wonderin wh! the! are so de+ensive>0arnu. used this tactics to ruin his co.petition8s -eale8s reputation ;! sowin dou;tsa;out -eale8s .useu. sta;ilit! and solvenc!>

    $ou;t is a power+ul weapon: Once !ou let it out o+ the ;a with insidious ru.ors9 !ouropponents are in a horri;le dile..a> On the one hand the! can den! the ru.ors9 even

    prove that !ou have slandered the.> 0ut a la!er o+ suspicion will re.ain: )h! are the!de+endin the.selves so desperatel! Ma!;e the ru.or has so.e truth to it I+9 on theother hand9 the! ta*e the hi h road and i nore !ou9 the dou;ts9 unreBuited9 will ;e evenstron er> I+ done correctl!9 the sowin o+ ru.ors can so in+uriate and unsettle !ourrivals that in de+endin the.selves the! will .a*e nu.erous .ista*es> This is the

    per+ect weapon +or those who have no reputation o+ their own to wor* +ro.>

    +0 "f $ou 'o too far in attac/in' another s reputation, it draws !ore attention to$our wron'fulness than to the person $ou are slanderin'0

    Tho.as dison 9 considered the inventor who harnessed electricit!9 ;elieved that awor*a;le s!ste. would have to ;e ;ased on direct current K$C > )hen the "er;ianscientist Ni*ola Tesla appeared to have succeeded in creatin a s!ste. ;ased onalternatin current K C 9 dison was +urious> 6e deter.ined to ruin Tesla8s reputation9

    ;! .a*in the pu;lic ;elieve that the C s!ste. was inherentl! unsa+e9 and Teslairresponsi;le in pro.otin it> To this end he captured all *inds o+ household pets andelectrocuted the. to death with an C current> )hen this wasn8t enou h9 in 1, he ot

    New Yor* "tate prison authorities to or ani e the world8s +irst eDecution ;!electrocution9 usin an C current> 0ut dison8s electrocution eDperi.ents had all ;eenwith s.all creaturesH the char e was too wea*9 and the .an was onl! hal+ *illed> In

    perhaps the countr!8s crudest state authori ed eDecution9 the procedure had to ;e

    repeated> It was an aw+ul spectacle> lthou h9 in the lon run9 it is dison8s na.e that

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    has survived9 at the ti.e his ca.pai n da.a ed his own reputation .ore than Tesla8s>6e ;ac*ed o++> The lesson is si.pleJnever oes too +ar in attac*s li*e these9 +or thatwill draw .ore attention to !our own wron +ulness than to the person !ou areslanderin >

    60 se hu!or or 'entle !oc/er$ at $our rival s e5pense

    )hen !our own reputation is solid9 use su;tler tactics9 such as satire and ridicule9 towea*en !our opponent while .a*in !ou out as a char.in ro ue> The .i ht! lion to!swith the .ouse that crosses his pathJan! other reaction would .ar his +earso.ereputation> Once 0arnu. did have a reputation o+ his own9 he used the +a*e h!pnotis.de.onstration: 6e ridiculed his rival -eale8s reputation> 6e was eDtre.el! success+ul>Once !ou have a solid ;ase o+ respect9 ridiculin !our opponent puts hi. on thede+ensive and draws .ore attention to !ou9 enhancin !our own reputation> Outri htslander and insult are too stron at this pointH the! are u l!9 and .a! hurt !ou .ore thanhelp !ou> 0ut entle hu.or and .oc*er! su est that !ou have a stron enou h senseo+ !our own worth to en o! a ood lau h at !our rival8s eDpense> hu.orous +ront can.a*e !ou out as a har.less entertainer while po*in holes in the reputation o+ !ourrival>

    How to "!prove a #ad )eputation?

    -erhaps !ou have alread! stained !our reputation9 so that !ou are prevented +ro.esta;lishin a new one> In such cases it is wise to associate with so.eone whose i.a ecounteracts !our own9 usin their ood na.e to whitewash and elevate !ours> It is hard9+or eDa.ple9 to erase a reputation +or dishonest! ;! !oursel+H ;ut a para on o+ honest!can help> )hen -> T> 0arnu. wanted to clean up a reputation +or pro.otin vul arentertain.ent9 he ;rou ht the sin er Eenn! Lind over +ro. urope> "he had a stellar9hi h class reputation9 and the .erican tour 0arnu. sponsored +or her reatl!enhanced his own i.a e> "i.ilarl! the reat ro;;er ;arons o+ nineteenth centur!

    .erica were lon una;le to rid the.selves o+ a reputation +or cruelt! and .ean spirit>Onl! when the! ;e an collectin art9 so that the na.es o+ Mor an and Fric* ;eca.e

    per.anentl! associated with those o+ da 7inci and %e.;randt9 were the! a;le to so+tentheir unpleasant i.a e

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    Law > > > )hat is not seen is as thou h it did not eDist> >>> It wasli ht that +irst caused all creation to shine +orth> $ispla! +ills up .an! ;lan*s9 covers upde+iciencies9 and ives ever!thin a second li+e9 especiall! when it is ;ac*ed ;! enuine.erit> K0altha ar (racian 9 1& 1 1,

    ver!thin is ud ed ;! its appearanceH what are unseen counts +or nothin > Never let!oursel+ et lost in the crowd9 then9 or ;uried in o;livion> "tand out> 0e conspicuous9 atall cost> Ma*e !oursel+ a .a net o+ attention ;! appearin lar er9 .ore color+ul9 and.ore .!sterious9 than the ;land and ti.id .asses>

    .h$ Fa!e "s "!portant "n ver$ Field Of .or/

    0urnin .ore ;ri htl! than those around !ou is a s*ill that no one is ;orn with> Youhave to learn to attract attention> t the start o+ !our career9 !ou .ust attach !our na.eand reputation to a Bualit!9 an i.a e that sets !ou apart +ro. other people> This i.a ecan ;e so.ethin li*e a characteristic st!le o+ dress9 or a personalit! Buir* that a.uses

    people and ets tal*ed a;out> Once the i.a e is esta;lished9 !ou have an appearance9 a place in the s*! +or !our star>

    *ourt of Louis @"A

    The court o+ Louis AI7 contained .an! talented writers9 artists9 reat ;eauties9 and .enand wo.en o+ i.pecca;le virtue9 ;ut no one was .ore tal*ed a;out than the sin ular$ue de Lau un> The du*e was short9 al.ost dwar+ish9 and he was prone to the .ostinsolent *inds o+ ;ehaviorJhe slept with the *in 8s .istress9 and openl! insulted notonl! other courtiers ;ut the *in hi.sel+> Louis9 however9 was so ;e uiled ;! the du*e8seccentricities that he could not ;ear his a;sences +ro. the court> It was si.ple: Thestran eness o+ the du*e8s character attracted attention> Once people were enthralled ;!hi.9 the! wanted hi. around at an! cost>

    Tho!as dison > The Greatest "nventor in the .orld

    The reat scientist Tho.as dison *new that to raise .one! he had to re.ain in the pu;lic e!e at an! cost> l.ost as i.portant as the inventions the.selves was how he presented the. to the pu;lic and courted attention> dison would desi n visuall!da lin eDperi.ents to displa! his discoveries with electricit!> 6e would tal* o+ +utureinventions that see.ed +antastic at the ti.eJro;ots9 and .achines that could

    photo raph thou htJand that he had no intention o+ wastin his ener ! on9 ;ut that.ade the pu;lic tal* a;out hi.> 6e did ever!thin he could to .a*e sure that hereceived .ore attention than his reat rival Ni*ola Tesla 9 who .a! actuall! have ;een.ore ;rilliant than he was ;ut whose na.e was +ar less *nown> In 1 1#9 it was ru.oredthat dison and Tesla would ;e oint recipients o+ that !ear8s No;el -ri e in ph!sics>

    The pri e was eventuall! iven to a pair o+ n lish ph!sicistsH onl! later was it

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    discovered that the pri e co..ittee had actuall! approached dison9 ;ut he had turnedthe. down9 re+usin to share the pri e with Tesla> 0! that ti.e his +a.e was .oresecure than Tesla8s9 and he thou ht it ;etter to re+use the honor than to allow his rivalthe attention that would have co.e even +ro. sharin the pri e>

    < .a$s $ou can eco!e fa!ous

    Let8s loo* at & )a!s !ou can ;eco.e +a.ous and .a*e !our ideas .ore popular thanthe co.petition:

    10 8ttac/ The &ensational ; &candalous

    I+ !ou +ind !oursel+ in a lowl! position that o++ers little opportunit! +or !ou to drawattention9 an e++ective tric* is to attac* the .ost visi;le9 .ost +a.ous9 .ost power+ul

    person !ou can +ind>

    4ietro 8retino

    )hen -ietro retino 9 a !oun %o.an servant ;o! o+ the earl! siDteenth centur!9wanted to et attention as a writer o+ verses9 he decided to pu;lish a series o+satirical poe.s ridiculin the pope and his a++ection +or a pet elephant> The attac*

    put retino in the pu;lic e!e i..ediatel!> slanderous attac* on a person in a position o+ power would have a si.ilar e++ect> %e.e.;er9 however9 to use suchtactics sparin l! a+ter !ou have the pu;lic8s attention9 then the act can wear thin>

    20 9eep )einventin' -ourself

    Once in the li.eli ht !ou .ust constantl! renew it ;! adaptin and var!in !our.ethod o+ courtin attention> I+ !ou don8t9 the pu;lic will row tired9 will ta*e !ou +or

    ranted9 and will .ove on to a newer star> The a.e reBuires constant vi ilance andcreativit!>

    +0 #e npredicta le

    -eople +eel superior to the person whose actions the! can predict> I+ !ou show the.who is in control ;! pla!in a ainst their eDpectations9 !ou will ain their respect andti hten !our hold on their +leetin attention>

    4a lo 4icasso > The Greatest 4ainter in the .orld

    -a;lo -icasso never allowed hi.sel+ to +ade into the ;ac* roundH i+ his na.e ;eca.etoo attached to a particular st!le9 he would deli;eratel! upset the pu;lic with a newseries o+ paintin s that went a ainst all eDpectations> 0etter to create so.ethin u l!

    and distur;in 9 he ;elieved9 than to let viewers row too +a.iliar with his wor*>

    "ource: http:??4,laws o+ power>;lo spot>s ? 1'

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    60 *reate an 8ir of M$ster$

    In a world rowin increasin l! ;anal and +a.iliar9 what see.s eni .atic instantl!draws attention> Never .a*e it too clear what !ou are doin or a;out to do> $o not showall !our cards> n air o+ .!ster! hei htens !our presenceH it also creates anticipationJ ever!one will ;e watchin !ou to see what happens neDt> /se .!ster! to ;e uile9seduce9 even +ri hten

    I+ !ou do not declare !oursel+ i..ediatel!9 !ou arouse eDpectation> > > > MiD a little.!ster! with ever!thin 9 and the ver! .!ster! stirs up veneration> nd when !oueDplain9 ;e not too eDplicit> >>> In this .anner !ou i.itate the $ivine wa! when !oucause .en to wonder and watch> K0altha ar (racian9 1& 1 1,

    70 #etter to e 8ttac/ed ; &landered than "'nored0

    It is a co..on .ista*e to i.a ine that this peculiar appearance o+ !ours should not ;econtroversial9 that to ;e attac*ed is so.ehow ;ad> Nothin could ;e +urther +ro. thetruth> To avoid ;ein a +lash in the pan9 and havin !our notoriet! eclipsed ;! another9!ou .ust not discri.inate ;etween di++erent t!pes o+ attentionH in the end9 ever! *indwill wor* in !our +avor> )elco.ed personal attac*s and +eel no need to de+end !oursel+>

    40T0 #arnu! > The Greatest ntertainer in the .orld

    ->T> 0arnu. learned a;out courtin attention to his +avor> n! +or. o+ pu;licit! would ;ene+it his entertain.ent ;usiness9 no .atter i+ it were ;ad pu;licit!> 6e pro.oted hisshows o+ curiosities to audiences with all *inds o+ i..ic*s> 6e would o++er FreeMusic +or Millions9 ;ut hire ;ad .usicians9 so the crowd would end up ;u!in tic*ets tothe show so the! could avoid the ;ands> 6e planted articles in newspapers and even sentanon!.ous letters to *eep his na.e in the li.eli ht>

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    Law B: Get Others to (o the .or/ for -ou

    /se the wisdo.9 *nowled e9 and le wor* o+ other people to +urther !our own cause> Not onl! will such assistance save !ou valua;le ti.e and ener !9 it will ive !ou anaura o+ e++icienc! and speed> In the end !our helpers will ;e +or otten and !ou will ;ere.e.;ered> Never do !oursel+ what others can do +or !ou>

    Eust as* Tho.as dison> 6e was the consu..ate enius o+ other people +terhirin a "er;ian scientist and inventor ;! the na.e o+ Ni*ola Tesla who toiled da! andni ht to i.prove dison Tesla was told ;! dison that he would receive R# 9 +or redesi nin thiss!ste. o+ electrical current> )ithin a !ear Tesla created an i.proved version o+ thed!na.o and instead o+ receivin R# 9 9 he was iven a raise ;! dison who *newthat his co.pan! would et credit +or the wor* that was done ;! Tesla>

    Ni*ola Tesla is a pri.e eDa.ple o+ what not to do> 6e was never credited +or an! o+ hiswor*> 6e was the inventor o+ the alternate current s!ste. K C which is s!non!.ouswith )estin house> Financiers divested Tesla +ro. the credit9 patents and riches that hewould have received which approDi.ates at R12 .illion instead o+ the R21&9 that heaccepted as pa!.ent> 6e was not even ac*nowled ed +or his patent +iled in 1, ' whenanother .an9 (uiller.o Marconi too* credit +or inventin the radio> Tesla is the true+ather o+ the radio>

    This is a sad !et true stor! a;out a .an who was o;sessed with his wor*9 !et reall!never ot the accolades9 or the .one!9 nor the respect that he deserved> dison on the

    other hand saw the reBuisite to hire the ;est in the +ield to do wor* that he hi.sel+would ta*e credit +or> This does not ;e the Buestion9 who would !ou rather ;e %atherit is a cautionar! lesson>

    6 )easons .h$ -ou &hould tili%e Others

    10 No od$ li/es a run>down, urned>out hero

    I+ !ou insist on doin all the wor* !oursel+ then !ou will never et ver! +ar> 6irin

    so.eone or others to do the wor* +or !ou will ive !ou a odli*e Bualit! that others willad.ire> Ta*e artist -eter -aul %u;ens +or eDa.ple9 he asse.;led a vast arra! o+outstandin artists to paint canvases so that when a client would visit %u;ens

    20 There are so!e s/ills that $ou do not possess

    6irin people who possess s*ills that !ou !oursel+ lac* is pro;a;l! one o+ the wisestdecisions !ou can .a*e> Li*e in the case o+ artist %u;ens9 he hired di++erent t!pes o+

    artists> One artist speciali ed in ro;esH another speciali ed in ;ac* rounds and so on>

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    This is what ena;led hi. to appear to ;e wor*in dili entl! on his paintin s> lthou hhe had procured others to do these paintin s9 he was a;le to put his na.e on the wor*9thus ;ein the enius who ot the credit and the .one!>

    +0 &tandin' on the shoulders of 'iants can e rilliantl$ !anipulated

    Isaac Newton9 a enius in his own ri ht .ade his discoveries ;uilt on the achieve.ento+ others> "ha*espeare ;orrowed plots and other wor*s +ro. several writers and we canonl! uess how .an! people pla iari ed the wor*s o+ "ha*espeare hi.sel+> /sin the*nowled e o+ the past ust .a*es !ou a clever ;orrower and this in o+ itsel+ is enius>

    60 &harin' the credit with others

    There is a;solutel! nothin wron with sharin the credit with so.eone especiall!when that so.eone is !our superior> Ta*e 6enr! 5issin er9 the secretar! o+ state under%ichard NiDon> I+ it had not ;een +or 5issin er Ma*e sure that !our position is unsha*a;le or !ouwill ;e accused o+ pushin people out o+ the li.eli ht and deception is not a word that!ou want associated with !ou>

    -icture the vulture9 he has it the eas!> The hard wor* o+ others ;eco.es his wor* due totheir +ailure to survive and the! ;eco.e his nourish.ent> 5eep an e!e on the vulture>)hile !ou are wor*in hard9 he is hoverin > $o not +i ht hi.9 oin hi.> 6e is vi ilant9ruthless and Buiet> Three Bualities that !ou .ust acBuire to secure credit +or an inventionor creation until !ou can .a*e it !our own> The credit +or an invention is as i.portant9i+ not .ore i.portant than the invention itsel+> 0is.arc* once said9 SFools sa! that the!learn +ro. eDperience> I pre+er to pro+it ;! others< eDperience>

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    Law C: Ma/e Other 4eople *o!e To -ou se #ait "f Necessar$

    When you force the other person to act, you are the one in control. It is always better tomake your opponent come to you, abandoning his own plans in the process. Lure himwith fabulous gainsthen attack. You hold the cards.

    Charles Maurice de Talle!rand9 the +orei n .inister to Napoleon can attest to thiscaveat> Talle!rand was a .aster.ind .anipulator who was ;ehind the dra.atic escapeo+ Napoleon a+ter his eDile to the island o+ l;a> Talle!rand *new that Napoleon Not showin his true +eelin s toward the e.peror9 Talle!rand ;ided his ti.e9.ade the ri ht connections9 which helped create the .ost ela;orate sche.e to dethroneone o+ the world

    &trate'ies to )e!e! er

    )eactin' rather than directin'

    5eep others reactin to !our .oves9 *eep the. on the de+ensive> -la! to theirine++ectiveness to sta! cal.>

    8''ression versus effective action

    $onMa*e the other person co.e to !ou9 set the ;ait>

    *ontrol the situation

    5now !our opponents wea*ness> 6e who has control has the power>

    Master $our e!otions

    Never ;e in+luenced throu h !our an er> ressive people are never in control>Case and point: $urin the %usso Eapanese war o+ 1 4 1 #9 Eapan was a;le to plant+alse in+or.ation that .ade the %ussian +leet o & .iles out o+ the wa! and +orcedthe %ussians into hostile territor!> The %ussian sea.en were wea* and eDhausted ;! the

    ourne! and althou h Eapan had the wea*er naval .ilitia9 the! planted the ;ait whichave the. the upper hand on the %ussians and needless to sa! the Eapanese crushed the

    %ussians ;ecause o+ their reaction to the ru.or>

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    70 #enefits to !a/in' $our opponents co!e to $ou

    1> It is a wise thin to lure !our opponent on hostile roundH it is a su;tle wa! to put hi.

    on the de+ensive>

    2> Your opponent will ;e nervous which will cause hi. to rush his actions and .a*e.ista*es>

    +> You want to create the illusion that !our opponent is in control o+ the situation>

    6> O+tenti.es9 !our opponent

    7> (ettin people to di their own raves +orces their hand and .a*es !ou appear power+ul and de.and respect>

    Is there ever a ood ti.e to o to !our opponent9 !ou as* Yes9 o+ course there is aneDception to the rule when !ou should o to !our opponent> $ependin on the situation9

    ;ait and wait is a wise choice ;ut ta*in the lead to attac* !our opponent can ;eadvanta eous as well> The ele.ent o+ surprise does not ive the opponent ti.e to thin*o+ a counter attac*> The! are le+t at !our .erc! and .ust respond to !our ter.s>

    Your ;i est issue is to *now what tactic to use and the ri ht ti.e to use it> To ;ait andwait or to stri*e with +orce9 that is the dile..a> You can ;e li*e the ;ear hunter whola!s the hone! ;ait trap> 6e doesn Or i+ ti.e is not on !our side9stri*e Buic*l! to inti.idate and control> Choose !our approach wisel!>

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    Law : )in Throu h Your ctions Never Throu h r u.ent

    n! .o.entar! triu.ph !ou thin* !ou have ained throu h ar u.ent is reall! a-!rrhic victor!: The resent.ent and ill will !ou stir up is stron er and lasts lon er thanan! .o.entar! chan e o+ opinion> It is .uch .ore power+ul to et others to a ree with!ou throu h !our actions9 without sa!in a word> $e.onstrate9 do not eDplicate>

    Ta*e the en ineer in thens receivin orders +ro. his co..ander Mucianus to send thelar est ship Theen ineer ar ued that what the co..ander needed was not the lar er .ast9 ;ut thes.aller which would ;e ;etter suited +or the tas*> Mucianus was in+uriated and sent +orthe en ineer who continued to tr! to eDplain his reasonin +or sendin the s.aller .ast>For his diso;edience9 he was +lo ed and scour ed with rods until he died>

    The en ineer No;od! cared whether or not it was .ore prudent to use the s.aller .ast> The +act o+ the .atter was that a superior ave aco..and and he decided that ;! insultin the intelli ence o+ his .aster ;! ar uin was.ore i.portant>

    /nli*e Michelan elo9 the en ineer did not eDercise the correctness o+ his ideasindirectl!> )hen Florence

    Two Lon'>Ter! 8ffects of -our .ords

    1> %esent.ent: )hen people a ree with !ou politel!9 ;ut are reall! thin*in so.ethintotall! di++erent>

    2> O++ended: You said so.ethin inadvertentl! ;ut accordin to the other person

    You ctions and

    de.onstrations are .uch .ore power+ul than an! rhetoric that one can spew out his.outh> There are no o++ensive words9 no possi;ilit! o+ .isinterpretation> No one canar ue with de.onstrated proo+> s 0altha ar (racian re.ar*s9 The truth is enerall!seen9 rarel! heard> Yet ;e!ond actions9 the .ost power+ul persuasion is s!.;olic>

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    "!.;ols li*e a +la or .!thic stor! or .onu.ent is so.ethin we all understandwithout the eDchan in one word> 6enr! 5issin er9 who in 1 ' suddenl! ;ro*e o++ anintense .eetin with the Israelis over the return o+ the "inai desert to o si ht seein toan ancient place in Masada9 Masada is where seven thousand Eewish warriors were said

    to co..it .ass suicide in >$> '3 rather than ive in to the %o.an troops> The Israelis*new that 5issin er

    *hoose -our #attles .isel$

    "o.eti.es it is ;est to conserve !our ener ! and wal* awa!> Then there are other ti.eswhen the heat o+ an ar u.ent will ;e ;ene+icial to !ou> On the opposite end o+ thespectru. it is advanta eous to ar ue with all the convictions !ou can .uster> The .oree.otional9 the ;etter9 especiall! when cau ht in a we; o+ deception9 !ou need to drawthe other person into the ar u.ent so as to distract and con+use>-hases o+ a Convincin $eceptive r u.ent

    1> Fei n i norance: Li*e the con artist9 7ictor Lusti who sold ;oDes +or R1 9 andclai.ed that the ;oDes could .a*e .one!> )hen con+ronted ;! "heri++ %ichards o+%e.sen Count!9 O*laho.a that the ;oD did not wor*9 he acted as i+ he could not

    ;elieve it> 6e went as +ar as to as* the sheri++ i+ he had operated it properl!> This is thewa! to place dou;t in the .ind o+ the o++ended part!>

    2> -ut a technical spin or rhetoric on the deception: In the case o+ Lusti 9 he was.aster+ul in his wordin a;out the ;oD> This was nothin .ore than a ;unch o+technical o;;led! oo* that +urther con+used the sheri++9 who then let his uard down

    ;ecause o+ his own insecurit! a;out the +unction o+ the ;oD>

    3> O++er so.ethin +or nothin : Lusti o++ered to ive the sheri++ his .one! ;ac* and toco.e ;ac* to the town to +iD the ;oD althou h he *new that the ;oD would never wor*and the .one! was not real> 6e di++used a situation that could have ;een deadl! +or hi.>

    6e had won the ar u.ent and was a;le to et the sheri++ ailed +or passin counter+eit ;ills in the process>

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    Law 1 : "NF *T"ON: 8AO"( TH NH844- 8N( NL *9-

    You can die +ro. so.eone else8s .iser!Je.otional states are as in+ectious as diseases>You .a! +eel !ou are helpin the drownin .an ;ut !ou are onl! precipitatin !ourown disaster> The un+ortunate so.eti.es draw .is+ortune on the.selvesH the! will alsodraw it on !ou> ssociate with the happ! and +ortunate instead>

    The in+ector possesses an inward insta;ilit! that radiates outward drawin disaster to allthat the! touch> Marie (il;ert >5> Lola Monte o+ Ireland was one such person> Lola+ound hersel+ in the role o+ a courtesan Kprostitute o+ the ro!al court > In toda! "he onl! sou ht out .en with hi h socialstandin in the co..unit! that she could use +or her own ain>

    Once she would have her hoo*s in these .en9 their slow de.ise ;e an> One o+ hervicti.s was *in Ludwi o+ 0avaria9 who +elt co.pelled to help Lola !et once he waswarned o+ the dan ers o+ his a++air with her9 he could not see. to resist Lola It was not until then thatthe *in +inall! ordered Lola to leave ;ut a .onth a+ter she le+t 5in Ludwi was +orcedto relinBuish his throne>

    There are .an! .en who su++ered ;ecause o+ their association with Lola Monte >5in Ludwi said that he was S;ewitched ;! Lola> Lola was an unsta;le9 incura;le andin+ectious character t!pe> This is not to sa! that these characteristics are onl! restrictedto wo.en9 this is to sa! that there are so.e people whose e.otions are so power+ul thatthe! in+ect the ver! soul o+ the people that the! touch>

    How to )eco'ni%e an "nfector

    1> The! draw .is+ortune upon the.selves>2> The! have a tur;ulent past>3> The! have a lon line o+ ;ro*en relationships>4> The! have an unsta;le career>#> The! have a +orce+ul character that sweeps !ou up and .a*es !ou lose reason>&> The! have a desire to destro! and unsettle and is chronicall! dissatis+ied>'> Loo* at the e++ect that the! have on the world around the.>

    .hat to (o .hen -ou Meet an "nfector

    1> $on2> $on3> $on4> Flee the in+ector8s presence or su++er the conseBuences>

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    Learn To Fear the 4ower of "nfection

    The ris* o+ associatin with in+ectors is that !ou will waste valua;le ti.e and ener !tr!in to +ree !oursel+> Throu h a *ind o+ uilt ;! association9 !ou will also su++er in the

    e!es o+ others>

    On the other side o+ the spectru. o+ in+ectors are those people who attract happinessthrou h their ood cheer9 natural ;uo!anc!9 and intelli ence> The! are a source o+ pleasure9 and !ou .ust associate with the. to share in the prosperit! the! draw uponthe.selves> ll positive Bualities can in+ect us9 ;ut ta*in advanta e o+ the e.otionalside o+ this os.osis .a! ;e di++icult>

    7 .a$s to 8ffect 4ositive *han'e throu'h -our 8ssociations

    1> I+ !ou are .iserl! ;! nature9 associate with the enerous and the! will in+ect !ou9openin up ever!thin that is ti ht and restricted in !ou> Onl! enerous souls attain


    2> I+ !ou are loo.!9 ravitate to the cheer+ul>

    3> I+ !ou are prone to isolation9 +orce !oursel+ to ;e+riend the re arious>

    4> Never associate with those who share !our de+ectsJthe! will rein+orce ever!thinthat holds !ou ;ac*>

    #> Onl! create associations with positive a++inities>

    -our rule for lifeD

    %eco ni e the +ortunate so that !ou .a! choose their co.pan! and the un+ortunate sothat !ou .a! avoid the.> Mis+ortune is usuall! the cri.e o+ +oll!9 and a.on those whosu++er +ro. it there is no .alad! .ore conta ious: Never open !our door to the least o+.is+ortunes9 +or9 i+ !ou do9 .an! others will +ollow in its trainU $o not die o+ another8s.iser!> K0altha ar (racian9 1& 1 1,

    More precious than all the therap! in the world>>>

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    Law 11: Learn To 9eep 4eople (ependent on -ou

    To .aintain !our independence !ou .ust alwa!s ;e needed and wanted> The .ore !ouare relied on9 the .ore +reedo. !ou have> Ma*e people depend on !ou +or theirhappiness and prosperit! and !ou have nothin to +ear> Never teach the. enou h so thatthe! can do without !ou>

    Necessit! rules the world> -eople rarel! act unless co.pelled to> I+ !ou create no need+or !oursel+9 then !ou will ;e done awa! with at +irst opportunit!> I+9 on the other hand9!ou understand the Laws o+ -ower and .a*e others depend on !ou +or their wel+are9 i+!ou can counteract their wea*ness with !our own iron and ;lood9 is 0is.arc*8s

    phrase> Then !ou will survive !our .asters as 0is.arc* did> You will have all the ;ene+its o+ power without the thorns that co.e +ro. ;ein a .aster>

    0is.arc* understood the i.portance o+ *eepin people dependent> 6e sou ht out awea* ruler9 Frederic* )illia. I79 *in o+ -russia and created a relationship o+dependenc!> 6e was a *e! pla!er in restorin the *in 0is.arc* ;eca.e their stren th9 their intelli ence and their spine and in the process9 he

    ;eca.e a power+ul +orce to rec*on with9 he was the .an ;ehind the throne9 callin theshots>

    1 .a$s to Manipulate 4ower

    10 (o see/ out wea/ people in power"ee*in out those alread! in power is +oolish> The! will swallow !ou up and spit !ouout> The! do not need an!thin +ro. !ou

    20 Get people to do as $ou wish without force or hurt0I+ !ou have to ;ull! so.eone into doin what !ou want9 that is not power> The *e! is.a*in the person ;elieve that !our services are needed and without !ou the! will ;eco.pletel! lost>

    +0 n!esh $ourself in the wor/ of $our superior0! doin this !our superior *nows that to et rid o+ !ou is +utile> The! can not a++ord totrain another without losin ti.e and a lot o+ .one!>

    60 4ossess a talent and creative s/ill that si!pl$ cannot e replaced0-eople will thin* twice ;e+ore ettin rid o+ !ou ;ecause to et rid o+ !ou .a! spelldisaster or even death>

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    70 *reate a situation in which $ou can alwa$s latch on to another patronThis ust si.pl! .eans !ou have other places that will welco.e !our s*ills and talentsin !our si hts> Your e.plo!er *nows that the! cannot easil! +ind another wor*er with!our particular talent so the! will u.p hoops to *eep !ou in their e.plo!>


    ood is power without peace

    E0 (o not i!a'ine $our superior s dependence on $ou will !a/e the! love $ouIt is .ore than li*el! that the! resent and +ear !ou9 which is ;etter that the! +ear theconseBuences o+ losin !ou rather than out o+ love +or !our co.pan!>

    1 0 #etter to place $ourself in a position of !utual dependence

    The wea*ness o+ .a*in others depend on !ou is that !ou are in so.e .easuredependent on the.> lthou h this is true9 !ou will not have the un;eara;le pressure o+

    ;ein on top9 and !our superior will in essence ;e !our slave9 +or he will depend on !ou>Louis AI K1423 14,3 the reat "pider 5in o+ France once as*ed his astrolo er to tello+ his own +ate and how lon he had to live> The astrolo er replied9 SI shall die ustthree da!s ;e+ore Your Ma est!> The *in was veDed ;ecause he had planned to *ill the

    astrolo er that da!> 6is ;elie+ in astrolo ! was so stron that he never dou;ted theastrolo er and spared his li+e> The astrolo er proved his .aster! o+ power and actuall!survived the *in ;! several !ears>

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    Law 12: se &elective Honest$ and Generosit$ to (isar! -our Aicti!

    One sincere and honest .ove will cover over do ens o+ dishonest ones> Open heartedestures o+ honest! and enerosit! ;rin down the uard o+ even the .ost suspicious

    people> Once !our selective honest! opens a hole in their ar.or9 !ou can deceive and.anipulate the. at will> ti.el! i+tJa Tro an horseJwill serve the sa.e purpose>

    B .a$s -ou *an (isar! 8n$one

    1> Throu h an act o+ apparent sincerit! and honest!>

    This is called selective honest!> )ho will distrust a person literall! cau ht in the act o+ ;ein honest This is an uneDpected9 well ti.ed esture that con+licts the e.otions anddistracts the one ;ein disar.ed and have the .ost ;rutal and c!nical ;east in the*in do. eatin out o+ !our hand> In ancient China this was called the S ivin ;e+ore theta*e> The ivin .a*es it hard +or the other person to see the ta*in >

    Count 7ictor Lusti is one o+ the ;est eDa.ples o+ this law at wor*> Lusti was a con.an o+ reat distinction9 re+ine.ent and culture9 and his *nowled e o+ hu.an

    ps!cholo ! was his .ost i.portant characteristic> 6e was so con+ident in hi.sel+ thathe was a;le to con l Capone9 the .ost +eared an ster o+ his ti.e9 out o+ R#9 >Capone never *new what happened ;ecause Lusti disar.ed hi. throu h selectivehonest!>

    Lusti returned R# 9 to Capone +or allowin hi. to ta*e the .one! in order todou;le it in siDt! da!s> Lusti too* the .one! and le+t it in a sa+et! deposit ;oD until thesiDt! da!s were up> 6e went ;ac* to Capone9 apolo i ed pro+usel! a;out the deal+allin throu h and returned the ori inal R# 9 > Capone had alread! pe ed Lusti asa con artist9 ;ut when Lusti returned the .one!9 it con+used Capone and he droppedhis uard and ave Lusti R#9 ust +or S;ein honest>

    20 Learn to 'ive efore $ou ta/e0

    It so+tens the round9 ta*es the ;ite out o+ a +uture reBuest9 or si.pl! creates a

    distraction> nd the ivin can ta*e .an! +or.s: an actual i+t9 a enerous act9 a *ind+avor9 an honest ad.issionJwhatever it ta*es>

    +0 se selective honest$ on $our first encounter with so!eone0

    First i.pressions last a lon ti.e> I+ so.eone ;elieves !ou are honest at the start o+ !ourrelationship it ta*es a lot to convince the. otherwise>

    con .an ;! the na.e o+ Lord Eohn (ordon (ordon proved to Ea! (ould9 another con.an9 that phon! rie railroad stoc*s that (ould had invested in was the wor* o+ top

    eDecutives at railroad> (ould was so rate+ul to (ordon (ordon that the! ;eca.e

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    +riends ;u!in the controllin interest o+ the railroad> "oon (ordon (ordon ;etra!ed(ould and disappeared> (ordon (ordon was a con .an9 ;ut his initial act o+ honest!and support had so ;linded (ould that it too* the loss o+ .illions +or hi. to see throu hthe sche.e

    60 -ou !ust uild a reputation for honest$ ased on a series of acts0

    $u*e )u o+ Chen .arried o++ his dau hter and *illed one o+ his .inisters in order tota*e over the power+ul *in do. o+ 6u> The ruler o+ 6u heard that the .inister waseDecuted +or tellin Chen to conBuer the *in do. o+ 6u> 6u

    70 Give a 'ift0

    Few people can resist a i+t9 even +ro. the .ost hardened ene.!9 which is wh! it iso+ten the per+ect wa! to disar. people> i+t ;rin s out the child in us9 instantl!lowerin our de+enses> lthou h we o+ten view other people8s actions in the .ostc!nical li ht9 we rarel! see the Machiavellian ele.ent o+ a i+t9 which Buite o+ten hidesulterior .otives> i+t is the per+ect o; ect in which to hide a deceptive .ove>

    I+ people see throu h it9 their disappointed +eelin s o+ ratitude and war.th will

    ;eco.e the .ost violent hatred and distrust>

    B0 "t is etter to pla$ the ro'ue

    )hen !ou have a histor! o+ deceit ;ehind !ou9 no a.ount o+ honest!9 enerosit!9 or*indness will +ool people> In +act it will onl! call attention to itsel+> Once people have

    co.e to see !ou as deceit+ul9 to act honest all o+ a sudden is si.pl! suspicious> Overtdeceptiveness will so.eti.es cover !our trac*s9 even .a*in !ou ad.ired +or thehonest! o+ !our dishonest!>

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    Law 1+: .hen 8s/in' for Help 8ppeal to 4eople s &elf>"nterest NeverTo Their Merc$ or Gratitude

    I+ !ou need to turn to an all! +or help9 do not ;other to re.ind hi. o+ !our pastassistance and ood deeds> 6e will +ind a wa! to i nore !ou> Instead9 uncover so.ethin in !our reBuest9 or in !our alliance with hi.9 that will ;ene+it hi.9 and e.phasi eit out o+ all proportion> 6e will respond enthusiasticall! when he sees so.ethin to ;e

    ained +or hi.sel+>

    &elf>"nterest "s the Lever that Moves 4eople

    The art o+ as*in people +or help depends on !our a;ilit! to understand the person !ouare dealin with9 and to not con+use !our needs with theirs> 5now that even the .ost

    power+ul person is loc*ed inside needs o+ his own9 and that i+ !ou .a*e no appeal to hissel+ interest9 he .erel! sees !ou as desperate or9 at ;est9 a waste o+ ti.e>

    .hat Not To (o .hen Ma/in' -our 8ppeal

    10 (on t rin' up the past

    0rin in up the past9 rather ood or ;ad9 will not help !ou in !our cause> The usticeand no;ilit! o+ !our cause will not prevail> Not onl! is a .an not o;li ed to ;e rate+ul9

    ratitude is o+ten a terri;le ;urden that he ladl! discards> It is ;est to spea* pra .aticall! to pra .atic people> -eople rarel! act a ainst their own interests>

    Li*e in the case o+ the Corc!rans and the Corinthians who were at the ;rin* o+ war withone another> The! ;oth wanted to win over the thenians as an all! ;ecause to do so9would surel! win the war> 0oth sides were to send representatives to plead their case tothe thenians> The Corc!ra representative could onl! o++er one thin and that was analliance o+ .utual interests to create a +or.ida;le +orce that could inti.idate the rivalstate o+ "parta> The representative +ro. Corinth onl! tal*ed a;out their past relationshipwith thens and went on to list the .an! services Corinth had per+or.ed +or thens9and the i.portance o+ showin ratitude to one8s +riends>

    Needless to sa!9 The thenians were o++ended ;! the Corinthian a.;assador ;! hissu;tle wa! o+ as*in the. to +eel uilt! a;out past enerosities> The thenians couldhave cared less and allied with the Corc!rans>

    20 (on t #e Trapped "n -our Own .ants and (esires

    $o not start +ro. the assu.ption that the people !ou are appealin to have a sel+lessinterest in helpin !ou> $on

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    such as love and ratitude when si.ple9 ever!da! realities would have .uch .oreappeal>

    )hen the $utch ;e an to arrive in Eapan in reat nu.;ers9 Ie!asu9 the Eapanese

    e.peror9 was .uch relieved> 6e needed uropeans +or their *now how in uns andnavi ation9 and here at last were uropeans who cared nothin +or spreadin reli ionJ the $utch wanted onl! to trade> Ie!asu swi+tl! .oved to evict the -ortu uese who weredesperatel! tr!in to convert the Eapanese people to Catholicis.> Fro. then on9 hewould onl! deal with the practical .inded $utch> Eapan and 6olland were vastl!di++erent cultures9 ;ut each shared a ti.eless and universal concern: sel+ interest>

    +0 (on t confuse $our needs with others

    Once !ou .a*e people see how !ou can in so.e wa! .eet their needs or advance theircause9 their resistance to !our reBuests +or help will .a icall! +all awa!> t each step onthe wa! to acBuirin power9 !ou .ust train !oursel+ to thin* !our wa! inside the other

    person8s .ind9 to see their needs and interests9 to et rid o+ the screen o+ !our own+eelin s that o;scure the truth> Master this art and there will ;e no li.its to what !oucan acco.plish>

    The Motivation is &uperiorit$

    0elieve it9 or not9 there are people who are not .otivated throu h c!nical sel+ interests>These are people who thrive on opportunities to displa! their ood heart> The! pre+er to

    ;e a;le to eDercise charit!9 .erc!9 and ustice9 which are their wa!s o+ +eelin superiorto !ou:

    0ecause o+ their superior position9 i+ !ou as* this person +or help9 !ou e.phasi e their power and position> The onl! reBuire.ent +ro. !ou is that all o+ this is done in pu;lic9the .ore pu;ic9 and the ;etter> It is trul! their pleasure to ive and to ;e seen ivin >The! are d!in to +und !our pro ect9 to introduce !ou to power+ul peopleJthis is thewine that intoDicates the.>

    You .ust have the wisdo. to distin uish the di++erences a.on power+ul people and

    +i ure out what .a*es the. tic*> )hen the! oo e reed9 do not appeal to their charit!>)hen the! want to loo* charita;le and no;le9 do not appeal to their reed>

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    Law 16: 4ose as a Friend, .or/ as a &p$

    5nowin a;out !our rival is critical> /se spies to ather valua;le in+or.ation that will*eep !ou a step ahead> 0etter still: -la! the sp! !oursel+> In polite social encounters9learn to pro;e> s* indirect Buestions to et people to reveal their wea*nesses andintentions> There is no occasion that is not an opportunit! +or art+ul sp!in >

    7 )easons to &ecretl$ 4ut the *lients &taff on -our 4a$roll

    1> You will ain so.e valua;le in+or.ation>

    2> You will *now their co.in s and oin s9 chan es in taste9 and other such tid;its o+in+or.ation that will ;e priceless>

    3> You will appear to ;e all *nowin ;ecause !ou will ;e one step ahead o+ !ourco.petition>

    4> Your *nowled e o+ !our .ar* can also .a*e !ou see. char.in 9 so well can !ouanticipate his desires>

    #> No one sees the source o+ !our power9 and what the! cannot see the! cannot +i ht>

    The )is/s of Hirin' &pies

    V You have little control over the people who are doin the wor*>V -erhaps the! will ineptl! eDpose !our sp!in >V The! .a! secretl! turn a ainst !ou>

    < Tips on the 8rt of &4-"NG

    1> -ose as a +riend while secretl! atherin in+or.ation> -eople will thin* that !ou enuinel! li*e the. and .ista*e !our interest as +riendship>

    2> Learn to possess the a;ilit! to suppress !our thou hts in the conversation9 "pea* when onl! necessar!>

    3> Learn to .a*e others tal* endlessl! a;out the.selves> The! will inadvertentl! reveal their intentions and plans>

    4> Or ani e social atherin with people who. !ou are interested in *nowin > This is when .ost people

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    70 &tir up people s e!otions $ contradictin' the!0

    In their e.otional state the! will reveal all *inds o+ truths a;out the.selves9 truths !oucan later use a ainst the.>

    This can also ;e a test to see i+ !ou can trust the person with !our secret and revealtheir true character9 lo!alt! and honest!>

    This *ind o+ *nowled e is o+ten the .ost valua;le to predict +uture actions>

    The )is/s of &p$in' (irectl$ V -eople .a! ;e in to suspect !ou are wor.in secrets out o+ the. under the uise o+conversation>

    V Your search +or e.s o+ in+or.ation cannot ;e too o;vious>

    V Your pro;in Buestions will reveal .ore a;out !oursel+ and !our intentions than a;outthe in+or.ation !ou hope to +ind a;out the.>

    In+or.ation is critical to power9 ;ut ust as !ou sp! on other people9 !ou .ust ;e prepared +or the. to sp! on !ou> One o+ the .ost potent weapons in the ;attle +orin+or.ation9 then9 is ivin out +alse in+or.ation> 0! +eedin people wron in+or.ation9then9 !ou ain a potent advanta e> )hile sp!in ives !ou a third e!e9 disin+or.ation

    puts out one o+ !our ene.!8s e!es> C!clops9 he alwa!s .isses his tar et>

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    Law 17: *rush -our ne!$ Totall$

    ll reat leaders since Moses have *nown that a +eared ene.! .ust ;e crushedco.pletel!> K"o.eti.es the! have learned this the hard wa!> I+ one e.;er is le+t ali ht9no .atter how di.l! it s.olders9 a +ire will eventuall! ;rea* out> More is lost throu hstoppin hal+wa! than throu h total annihilation: The ene.! will recover9 and will see*reven e> Crush hi.9 not onl! in ;od! ;ut in spirit>

    6 .a$s to 9ill or e 9illed

    1> $o not s!.pathi e with !our ene.ies>Your ene.! will ;ide his ti.e and stri*e ;ac* when !ou least eDpect>

    2> )hen !ou pit! or hope +or reconciliation9 it will .a*e !ou hesitate>The! .a! act +riendl! +or the ti.e ;ein 9 ;ut the! will eventuall! destro! !ou

    3> n ene.! that is le+t around is li*e a hal+ dead viper that !ou nurse ;ac* to health>You onl! stren then their +ear and hatred o+ !ou>

    4> (ive !our ene.ies nothin to ne otiate9 no hope9 no roo. to .aneuver>$o not hu.iliate9 !et nurture these resent+ul vipers who will one da! *ill !ou>

    This is all the truer with a +or.er +riend who has ;eco.e an ene.!> The law overnin+atal anta onis.s reads: %econciliation is out o+ the Buestion> You .ust eDter.inate9crush9 and den! the. the chance to return to haunt !ou>

    "uch is the case o+ 6sian Yu and his ene.! Liu -an > 6sian had proven hisruthlessness on .an! an occasion9 ;ut with Liu -an he acted di++erentl!> ver! ti.e hehad his rival in his hands9 so.ethin .ade hi. hesitateJa +atal s!.path! or respect +orthe .an who had once ;een a +riend and co.rade in ar.s> 0ut the .o.ent 6sian.ade it clear that he intended to do awa! with Liu9 !et +ailed to acco.plish it9 he sealed

    his own doo.>

    Liu would not su++er the sa.e hesitation once the ta;les were turned> Now 6sian Yuwas on the run +ro. Liu and when he ca.e upon a s.all roup o+ his own retreatinsoldiers9 he cried out9 I hear Liu -an has o++ered one thousand pieces o+ old and a+ie+ o+ ten thousand +a.ilies +or his head> Let .e do !ou a +avor> 6e then slits his ownthroat and dies>

    It is not9 o+ course9 a Buestion o+ .urder9 it is a Buestion o+ ;anish.ent> "u++icientl!wea*ened and then eDiled +ro. !our world9 !our ene.ies are rendered har.less>

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    The! have no hope o+ recoverin 9 insinuatin the.selves and hurtin !ou> nd i+ the!cannot ;e ;anished9 at least understand that the! are plottin a ainst !ou9 and pa! noheed to whatever +riendliness the! +ei n>

    &o!eti!es "t "s #etter To Let -our ne!ies (estro$ The!selves

    Leave !our ene.! an escape route> retreat is the ulti.ate de.orali in de+eat> Letthe. ;e the a ents o+ their own destruction> The result will ;e the sa.e>

    The ris* o+ crushin an ene.! is !ou e.;itter the. so .uch so that the! spend !earsand !ears plottin reven e> $o not let !our uard down9 ;ut si.pl! crush the. a ain>

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    Law 1(uillau.e was the per+ect *ni ht9 who wrote poetr! and son s to Mada.e (uillel.a>"he +ell deepl! in love with hi.9 ;ut ;ecause he wanted to +eel the ulti.ate ;liss thatco.es with reconciliation a+ter a Buarrel9 he +ei ned reat an er with her and le+t> Inorder +or his plan to wor*9 she would have to ;e upset with hi.9 ;ut his leavin onl!.ade her lon +or hi. .ore9 so his plan9 in essence9 had ;ac*+ired>

    )hen he saw her a ain9 he drove her awa! with harsh words and threatenin esturesthat she vowed never to see hi. a ain> 6e re retted what he had done so he rode toEaviac9 ;ut the lad! would not receive hi.9 and ordered her servants to chase hi. awa!>Over the neDt !ear9 "ir (uillau.e wrote .an! letters and poe.s to her and was.isera;le without her> "he +inall! +or ave hi. and this is when he +inall! eDperiencedthe o! that co.es with reconciliation a+ter a Buarrel>

    ;sence di.inishes .inor passions and in+la.es reat ones9 as the wind douses acandle and +ans a +ire> La %oche+oucauld9 1&13 1&,

    "ource: http:??4,laws o+ power>;lo spot>s ? 3'

  • 8/13/2019 48 Laws of Power Blog Law 1 to 16


    The 1 Ga!es of Hide>and>&ee/

    1> stron presence will draw power and attention to !ou>2> "hine .ore ;ri htl! than those around !ou>

    3> Too .uch presence creates the opposite e++ect:4> The .ore !ou are seen and heard +ro.9 the .ore !our value de rades>#> You .ust learn to withdraw !oursel+ ;e+ore !ou are unconsciousl! pushed awa!>&> "tarve the other person o+ !our presence>'> Force their respect ;! threatenin the possi;ilit! that the! will lose !ou +or ood>,> 0! co.pletel! withdrawin +or a while9 !ou create a *ind o+ death ;e+ore death>

    > )hen !ou co.e ;ac*9 it will ;e as i+ !ou had co.e ;ac* +ro. the dead>1 > n air o+ resurrection will clin to !ou9 and people will ;e relieved at !our return>

    The Other &ide of the *oin

    This law onl! applies once a certain level o+ power has ;een attained> The need towithdraw onl! co.es a+ter !ou have esta;lished !our presenceH leave too earl! and !oudo not increase !our respect9 !ou are si.pl! +or otten> )hen !ou are +irst enterin ontothe world8s sta e9 create an i.a e that is reco ni a;le9 reproduci;le9 and is seenever!where> /ntil that status is attained9 a;sence is dan erousJinstead o+ +annin the+la.es9 it will eDtin uish the.>