3 rd International Place Branding and 2 nd Institute of Place Management Conference Programme The Business of Place: Critical, Practical and Pragmatic Perspectives Venue : The Business School Manchester Metropolitan University Oxford Road, Manchester. M15 6BH. The conference is co-chaired by Professor Cathy Parker ([email protected]) and Dr Ares Kalandides ([email protected]) Conference Sponsors IPM is the international professional body that supports people committed to developing, managing and making places better. Integrated services for urban development, local economy, place management and branding Helping the world to be better managed

3rd International Place Branding and 2nd Institute of Place

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Page 1: 3rd International Place Branding and 2nd Institute of Place

3rd International Place Brandingand 2nd Institute of PlaceManagement Conference

Programme The Business of Place: Critical, Practical and Pragmatic Perspectives

Venue : The Business School Manchester Metropolitan University Oxford Road, Manchester. M15 6BH.

The conference is co-chaired by Professor Cathy Parker ([email protected])and Dr Ares Kalandides ([email protected])

Conference Sponsors

IPM is the international professional body that supports people committed todeveloping, managing and making places better.

Integrated services for urban development, local economy, place management andbranding

Helping the world to be better managed

Page 2: 3rd International Place Branding and 2nd Institute of Place

February 13th – Welcome

4pm – 8pm Registration (Entrance)

5pm – 6pm Journal of Place Management and Development Editorial Board Meeting (3.05)

Conference Welcome Reception 6pm to 8pm

6pm – 6.30pm Welcome Drinks (North Atrium)

6.30pm – 6.45pm Welcome – Professor Ruth Ashford, Dean and Pro-Vice Chancellor, ManchesterMetropolitan University.

6.45pm – 7.15pm Keynote Speech – Dr Rob Hopkins, co-founder of the Transition Network and Transition Town Totnes (G36, North Atrium)

7.15pm – 8.00pm Buffet (North Atrium, The Business School)

8.30pm – 10.30pm Journal of Place Management and Development Editorial Board Dinner.The Journal of Place Management and Development Editorial Board Dinner is kindly sponsored by EmeraldGroup Publishing Ltd.

February 14th – Day 1

8.45 – 9.30am Registration and Coffee/Tea (North Atrium)

Exhibition: the Victorian Society’s SAVING A CENTURY photographic exhibition, The Institute of Place Management and Emerald Publishing Group.

9.30am – Conference Opening – Professor John Brooks, Vice-Chancellor of ManchesterMetropolitan University. (G36)

“The business of place”Professor Cathy Parker and Dr Ares Kalandides. (G36)

10.00am – Keynote speech – “Place management, marketing and Manchester”Professor Dominic Medway, Professor Gary Warnaby and John Pal, University of Manchester. (G36)

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Session A1 – Place Branding:Practical, Pragmatic andCritical Perspectives (G33)

“Hull – a long term approach tochanging the image and reputationof a city” John Till, Thinking Place,UK.

“How cities solve our needs – aqualitative interdisciplinaryapproach to identify functional andsymbolic place benefits” DrAndreas Müller, University ofBremen, Germany.

“Brands and places from theanthropological perspective –implications for place branding”Kamila Weglarska, University ofMaria Curie-Sklodowska, Poland

Chair: Professor Gary Warnaby,University of Manchester, UK

Session A2 – Place Managementand Marketing in Asia (G34)

“Analysis of the delivery of citybranding advertisements in China: Acase study on the delivery of cityimage” Dr Wen Chunying,Communication University of China

“Macau as an international brand: Aninvestigation of brand identity” SoniaIun, University of Sheffield, UK.

“The effervescent faces of HongKong” Liu XinXin, CommunicationUniversity of China.

Chair: Simon Quin, Institute ofPlace Management, UK.

Session A3 – Special Session –Between brand and place:exploring the spatial aspect ofbranding (G35)

“Geographies of brands andbranding”, Professor Andy Pike,Newcastle University, UK.

“Places as brands and vice versa:towards brand ecology”, AndreaLucarelli (Stockholm University,Sweden), Dr Massimo Giovanardi(Stockholm University School ofBusiness, Sweden) & Dr CecilliaPasquinelli (Uppsalla University,Sweden).

“The spatial aspects ofconsumption”, Dr Jan Brown,Liverpool Hope University, UK.

“Towards a spatial logic forbranding”, Dr Mihalis Kavaratzis,University of Leicester, UK.

Chair: Dr Steve Millington,Manchester MetropolitanUniversity, UK.

Parallel Session A – 11.00am – 12.30pm

10.30am – 11.00am Coffee/Tea (North Atrium)

Exhibition: the Victorian Society’s SAVING A CENTURY photographic exhibition, The Institute of Place Management and Emerald Publishing Group.

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Session B1 – Digital PlaceMarketing and Branding 1 (G33)

“Are social commerce websitescapable of increasing the towncentre value?” Federica Caboniand Ernestina Giudici, Universityof Cagliari, Italy.

“Using Twitter as a communicationtool in place branding” Efe Sevin,American University, School ofInternational Service, USA.

“Place marketing: What relevancedoes it have to digital place imageand can it be applied to districtcentres?”, Liz Edwards,Manchester MetropolitanUniversity, UK.

Chair: David Edmundson-Bird,Manchester MetropolitanUniversity, UK

Session B2 – Place Management:Capacity and Vision (G34)

“Developing a collective capacity forplace management” Dr ToreOmholt, Norwegian School ofManagement, Norway.

“The South Australian Metropolitanand Regional Place ManagementFramework (SAMR PMF) Pilot Study”Stuart Heseltine, HemisphereDesign, Australia.

“Developing shared visions for towncentres – a practitioner perspectiveon a new approach”, Simon Quin,Institute of Place Management, UK.

Chair: Professor DominicMedway, University ofManchester, UK.

Session B3 – Making Sense ofPlace Marketing (G35)

On the Marketing of Dutch Cities –the Birth of a Discipline?” DrMartin Boisen, Utrecht University,The Netherlands.

“Driving Forces and Effects ofUrbanization: Implications for PlaceBranding in Metro and Rural areas”Dr Anders Parmant and Dr SaraBrorström, Stockholm UniversitySchool of Business, Sweden.

“Selling places in the changingenvironment: post-accessioninvestment promotion in Central-Eastern European regions” DrPaweł Capik, Sheffield HallamUniversity, UK.

Chair: Professor Cathy Parker,Manchester MetropolitanUniversity, UK

February 14th – Day 112.30pm – 1.30pm Lunch (North Atrium)

Exhibition: the Victorian Society’s SAVING A CENTURY photographic exhibition, The Institute of Place Management and Emerald Publishing Group.

Parallel Session B 1.30pm – 3.00pm

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3.00pm – 3.30pm Coffee/Tea (North Atrium)

Exhibition: the Victorian Society’s SAVING A CENTURY photographic exhibition, The Institute of Place Management and Emerald Publishing Group.

Session C1 – Place Policy andPlanning (G33)

“Leveraging leisure spaces for socialnetworking: Constructing a newplatform for leisure space policy andplanning” Clayton Hawkins,University of Tasmania, Australia.

”Exploring Consumers Attraction toVarious Fast Food Options in theCity Centre” Dr Jan Brown,Liverpool Hope University, UK.

“Smart Cities – brand cities of thefuture” by Anna Augustyn,University of Bialystok, Poland.

Chair: Javier Lloveras-Gutierrez,Manchester MetropolitanUniversity

Session C2 – City Branding (G34)

“Designing a city branding strategyfor Volos: Key issues and dilemmas”Dr Alex Deffner, Dr NicholasKarachalis and Eva Psatha,University of Thessaly, Greece.

“To brand or not to brand? Localauthority as key institution for citybranding initiative: The Case ofLatvia”, Ainars Brencis and JacobIkkala, University of Latvia, Latvia.

“”Neighbourhood reputationdimensions as drivers of destinationperceptions: A case study of theGreater Melville area” Clarissa Muir,Professor Sonja Verwey, CarolineMalibo and Anna Oksiutycz,University of Johannesburg, SouthAfrica.

Chair: Professor Jenny Rowley,Manchester MetropolitanUniversity, UK.

Session C3 – Place BrandEquity, Measurement andImpact (G35)

“Place brand equity –implementation of the concept onexamples of two Polish cities” by Dr Magdalena Florek, PoznanUniversity of Economics, Poland.

“Development of a loyaltymeasurement model for citybranding” by AleksandraKhamadieva, Higher School ofEconomics University, Russia.

“Competition in internationalrelations: Political impacts of placebranding”, Efe Sevin, AmericanUniversity, School Of InternationalService, USA.

Chair: Dr Ares Kalandides,INPOLIS, Germany

Parallel Session C 3.30pm – 5.00pm

7.00pm – Midnight Conference Dinner, Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, M3 4FP7.00pm Welcome drinks – 7.45pm Conference Dinner

The Conference Dinner is kindly sponsored by Marketing Manchester.

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February 15th – Day 2

9.00 – 9.30am Registration and Coffee/Tea (North Atrium)

Exhibition: the Victorian Society’s SAVING A CENTURY photographic exhibition, The Institute of Place Management and Emerald Publishing Group.

9.30am – Keynote speech – “Singapore: Bringing place management To Asia” Mo Aswat and JamieLicko, The Mosaic Partnership, UK (G36)

Session D1 – Place BrandKnowledge and Attractiveness(G33)

“Constituents of place attractivenessamong young citizens in metro andrural areas” Dr Anders Parmantand Dr Sara Brorström, StockholmUniversity School of Business,Sweden.

“My place is not your place –Different place brand knowledge bydifferent target groups” bySebastian Zenker and SuzanneBeckmann (Erasmus UniversityRotterdam, The Netherlands andCopenhagen Business School,Denmark).

Chair: Dr Jan Brown, LiverpoolHope University, UK.

Session D2 – Public and openspaces (G34)

“New Third Places?: Case Studies ofOpen Space Festivals” ClaytonHawkins and Lee-Anne Ryan,University of Tasmania, Australia.

“Recapturing public space” MikeEdwards, Chicago Loop Alliance,USA.

Chair: Dr Jaime Hernandez-Garcia, Pontificia UniversidadJaveriana, Colombia.

Session D3 – PlaceDistinctiveness and Identity(G35)

“The pursuit of distinctiveness. Canall places be distinctive?” Dr CeciliaPasquinelli, Uppsala University,Sweden.

“Symbiosis: preserving identity andmanaging brand by integratingtourism uses into traditionalMediterranean landscapes” ThomasDoxiadis, doxiadis+ and Universityof Patras School of Architecture,Greece.

Chair: Greg Kerr, University ofWollongong, Australia

Parallel Session D – 10.00am – 11.00am

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Session E1 – City Interventions(G33)

“Slum tourism, city branding, andsocial urbanism: The Case ofMedellin, Colombia”, Dr JaimeHernandez Garcia, PontificiaUniversidad Javeriana, Colombia.

“Revitalization of city centres inPortugal: the Commercial UrbanismProgrammes”, Pedro PorfírioGuimarães, Universidade deLisboa, Portugal.

“Moving from tactics to strategy:city intervention practices and theirstrategic insight” IrinaShafranskaya, Higher School ofEconomics, Russia.

Chair: Simon Quin, Institute ofPlace Management, UK.

Session E2 – Digital PlaceMarketing and Branding 2 (G34)

“International positioning of largemetropolitan cities using digitalmarketing”, Emma Björner,Stockholm University School ofBusiness, Sweden.

“The practices of brand appropriationon the digital sphere – An analysis ofthe process of appropriation of theplace brand “Stockholm the Capital ofScandinavia” Andrea Lucarelli,Stockholm University School ofBusiness, Sweden.

“Place communication online: howthe countries of the World brandthemselves through the officialchannels” Jurate Lionikaite,Vytautas Magnus University,Lithuania.

Chair: Jeff McCarthy, ManchesterMetropolitan University, UK

Session E3 – Place Brandingand Emotion (G35)

“Place marketing and citizenparticipation: applying branding toaddress the emotional dimension ofplace management?” Dr JasperEshuis, Professor Erik-Hans Klijnand Dr Erik Braun (ErasmusUniversity Rotterdam, TheNetherlands).

“Emotion in Place Branding:Consumption and ManagementPerspectives from a Case Study ofSouth Africa” by Dr Greg Dooley,Oxford Brookes University, UK.

“Drawing Emotions” by EmanuelaZilo, Digital Distillery, Italy.

Chair: Dr Donna McGuinness,Manchester MetropolitanUniversity, UK

Parallel Session E – 11.30am – 1.00pm

11.00am – 11.30am Coffee/Tea (North Atrium)

Exhibition: the Victorian Society’s SAVING A CENTURY photographic exhibition, The Institute of Place Management and Emerald Publishing Group.

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Session F1 – Place Branding: ASpatial Perspective (G33)

“Place branding and strategicplanning: Towards a conceptualmodel to brand regions” EduardoOliveira, University of Gronigen,The Netherlands.

“Place-branding through an historiccity network – a case of the Hansa”Professor Graeme Evans, BrunelUniversity UK.

“Branding nested places: the 150thanniversary of Italian unification inTurin” Dr Massimo Giovanardi,University of Urbino, Italy.

Chair: Dr John Byrom,University of Manchester, UK

Session F2 – Place Branding:Residents and Reputation (G34)

“Under the influence of residents andspatial identity: an inside outperspective on city branding” RuyaYuskel and Myfanwy Trueman,University of Bradford, UK

“My city – My brand: The differentroles of residents in place branding”,Dr Erik Braun, Dr MihalisKavaratzis and Dr SebastianZenker (Erasmus UniversityRotterdam, The Netherlands;University of Leicester, UK; ErasmusUniversity Rotterdam, TheNetherlands)

“Experiencing place identity: aframework for a participative, multi-modal place characterisation” JessicaBaxter, Professor Rodney Clarkeand Greg Kerr, University ofWollongong, Australia

Chair: Dr Magdalena Florek,University of Economics, Poland.

Session F3 – Place branding –architecture and the role ofprivate firms (G35)

“Brand architecture in placebranding” Sonya Hanna Azad(Bangor University, Wales) andProfessor Jenny Rowley(Manchester MetropolitanUniversity, England)

“Can private firms create andpromote an image for a place? The gastronomic identity ofMessolonghi, Greece” by IoannisEvagelou and Andreas Tsiliras,Human Earth, Greece.

Chair: Dr Ares Kalandides,INPOLIS, Germany.

3.45 – 4.15 Critical, pragmatic and practical reflections – Professor Cathy Parker and Dr Ares Kalandides (G36)

Conference Close

February 16th

Study Tour A – The ever changing city (1.5 – 2 hours)10.30am Business School entrance

Study Tour B – The political city (2 – 2.5 hours)10.00am Business School entrance

1.00pm – 2.00pm Lunch (North Atrium)

Exhibition: the Victorian Society’s SAVING A CENTURY photographic exhibition, The Institute of Place Management and Emerald Publishing Group.

Parallel Session F – 2.00pm – 3.30pm

3.30pm – 3.45pm Coffee/Tea (North Atrium)

Exhibition: the Victorian Society’s SAVING A CENTURY photographic exhibition, The Institute of Place Management and Emerald Publishing Group.