3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01

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  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    ENGR 3360U

    Unit 1

    1.1 General Introduction to

    Engineering Economic Analysis

    Dr. J. Michael Bennett, P. Eng., PMP,


    Version F

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&'

    ()ange Record

    Version F Initial (reation

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    (ourse *utline

    1. Engineering Economic Analysis

    '. General Economics

    '.1 "icroeconomics

    '.' "acroeconomics

    '.3 "oney + t)e #an, o- (anada3. Engineering Estimation

    . Interest and E/uialence

    . %resent 2ort) Analysis

    6. Annual (as) Flo

    4. Rate o- Return Analysis

    5. %ic,ing t)e #est ()oice

    . *t)er ()oosing 7ec)ni/ues

    10. Uncertainty and Ris, 

    11. Income and e8reciation

    1'. A-ter&ta9 (as) Flos

    13. Re8lacement Analysis

    1. In-lation1. "ARR :election

    16. %u;lic :ector Issues

    14. 2)at an Engineer s)ould ,no

    a;out Accounting

    15. 7)e #usiness %lan

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&3

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&


    7)is course is a ;ird$ rig)t>

    Engineering and economy

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&


    7ime is money

    An engineer is someone )o can ;uild -or a

    dime$ )at any damn -ool can ;uild -or a dollar 

    7)ere are t)ree ,inds o- economists? t)ose )o

    count and t)ose )o don@t

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&6


    o many -ilt)y ric) economists do you


    o you t)in, t)at #ill Gates ould 8ass t)is

    course> 2ould )e een ta,e it>

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    (arlyle@s snide /uote

    B7eac) a 8arrot to say Bsu88ly and demandC

    and you@e got an economistC

    BGie me a one&)anded economist? all o-

    t)e ot)ers say on one )andon t)e ot)er)andHHC arry :. 7ruman

    Is a No;el category

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&5

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Unit 1 Road "a8

    1.1 Engineering Economic Analysis1.' ecision "a,ing

    1.3 "acro and "icro Economics

    1. Fundamental #usiness :tructures1. Interest Rates

    1.6 :8reads)eet -unctions

    1.4 "inimum attractie rate o- return1.5 (as) -los

    1. ou;ling times

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    1.1 2)at is t)e most im8ortant

    Engineering Varia;le>

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&10

    J K L

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&11

    2)y Engineering Economic Analysis is Im8ortant to


     Engineers BdesignC and create

     esigning inoles economic decisions

     Engineers must ;e a;le to incor8orate

    economic analysis into t)eir creatie e--orts *-ten engineers must select and e9ecute -rommulti8le alternaties

     A 8ro8er economic analysis -or selection ande9ecution is a -undamental as8ect o-engineering

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&13

    Role o- Engineering Economic Analysis

     in ecision "a,ing

     ecision ma,ing inoles t)e estimation o--uture eentsoutcomes

     Engineering economy aids in /uanti-ying 8astoutcomes and -orecasting -uture outcomes

     Engineering Economy 8roides a -rameor,-or modeling 8ro;lems inolingM



    Interest rates

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&1

    7o (oncerns o- Engineering

    Engineers )ae t)e dual tas, o-determiningM

    1. 2)at society ants Dits needs$ and

    '. o ;est to com;ine economic resources$ 8rocesses$ etc. to 8roduce t)e goods and

    serices desired ;y society.

    E--iciencyM ;ot) 8)ysical and economice--iciencies must ;e considered.

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&1

    %)ysical and Economic E--iciency

    %)ysical e--iciency

    "easure o- t)e success o- engineering actiity

    in t)e 8)ysical enironment? ratio o- out8uts to

    in8uts"a9imum 8)ysical e--iciency ratio is 1 Dor


    %)ysical units include #7Us$ ,&)ours$ etc.

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r. !.". #ennett$ %.Eng.$ %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&16

    Economic e--iciency

    Ratio o- alue or ort) to cost? must e9ceed 1

    or 100O

    Engineer must 8roduce out8uts t)at are most&alued Do- greatest satis-action ;y society

    Deconomic e--iciency

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 01.1 2016-I-01


    Unit 1 – General Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis

    Version F r ! " #ennett % Eng %"% ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1&14











    Eolution o- Economic + %)ysical E--iciency

    (Physical efficiency)(Economic


    Economic Efficiency

    Independent decision making Significant overlap

    Physical efficiency