275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay P/A 1692017-1 Oceans United Investment Group Pty Ltd Visual Assessment Expert Witness Statement 1 | FINAL September 10, 2018

275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay - PlanningHayden Burge Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited Level 11, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Visual Assessment 1 2 1.5 Qualifications

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Page 1: 275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay - PlanningHayden Burge Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited Level 11, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Visual Assessment 1 2 1.5 Qualifications

275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay

P/A 1692017-1

Oceans United Investment Group Pty Ltd

Visual Assessment

Expert Witness Statement


September 10, 2018

Visual Assessm ent Oceans Unite d Inv estm ent G ro up Pty L td

Page 2: 275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay - PlanningHayden Burge Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited Level 11, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Visual Assessment 1 2 1.5 Qualifications

Visual Assessment

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275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay

Project No:

Document Title: Visual Assessment

Document No.: 1

Revision: FINAL

Date: September 10, 2018

Client Name: Oceans United Investment Group Pty Ltd

Project Manager: Hayden Burge

Author: Hayden Burge

File Name: 275 Barham River Road Report HB EWS FINAL.docx

Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited

ABN 37 001 024 095

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Melbourne VIC 3000

PO Box 312, Flinders Lane

Melbourne VIC 8009 Australia

T +61 3 8668 3000

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© Copyright 2018 Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited. The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Jacobs. Use or copying of

this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of copyright.

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1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Structure of this report ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Expert Evidence – Practice Note ............................................................................................................ 1

1.4 Name and address ................................................................................................................................ 1

1.5 Qualifications ......................................................................................................................................... 2

1.6 Facts Matters and Assumptions ............................................................................................................. 2

1.7 Site Inspections ..................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Submissions ........................................................................................................................................ 4

3. Subject Site .......................................................................................................................................... 5

3.1 Subject Site ........................................................................................................................................... 5

3.2 Topography ........................................................................................................................................... 7

3.3 Vegetation ............................................................................................................................................. 7

4. Planning Provisions ............................................................................................................................ 8

4.1 Zones .................................................................................................................................................... 8

4.2 Overlays ................................................................................................................................................ 8

4.3 Other relevant Strategies and Policies.................................................................................................... 9

5. What is proposed ............................................................................................................................... 10

5.1 Architecture ......................................................................................................................................... 10

5.2 Building Materials ................................................................................................................................ 19

5.3 Landscape ........................................................................................................................................... 20

6. Views and visibility ............................................................................................................................ 23

6.1 View shed ............................................................................................................................................ 23

6.2 Viewshed definition .............................................................................................................................. 23

6.3 VP01 Apollo Bay – Seymour Crescent ................................................................................................. 25

6.4 VP02 Apollo Bay – Barham Valley Road / McLachlan / Gambier Street ................................................ 28

6.5 VP03 Ocean Park Drive – Marengo ..................................................................................................... 30

6.6 VP04 Ocean Park Drive - Marengo ...................................................................................................... 32

6.7 VP05 Great Ocean Road Tourist Route #1........................................................................................... 34

6.8 VP06 Great Ocean Road Tourist Route #2........................................................................................... 36

6.9 VP07 Great Ocean Road Tourist Route #3........................................................................................... 38

6.10 VP08 Barham Valley Road .................................................................................................................. 39

6.11 VP09 Barham Valley Road #2 .............................................................................................................. 41

6.12 VP10 Barham Valley Road #3 .............................................................................................................. 43

7. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 45

Appendix A. CV Hayden Burge

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1. Introduction

Oceans United Investments Group Pty Ltd seeks permission to develop the Apollo Bay Integrated Tourism Resort (Residential Hotel and Villas) at 275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay.

Spowers Architects in conjunction with Aspect Landscape Architects have prepared an overall Masterplan

including 180 room Hotel, 22 villas to the north and west of the Hotel and 60 villas to the south and south east of

the Hotel. Supporting infrastructure will include, staff and maintenance facilities and a bike hire facility, access tracks, recreational trails and landscaping.

1.1 Instructions

I have been instructed by Planning and Property Partners acting on behalf of Oceans United Investments Group Pty Ltd to:

review the material supplied to you in relation to the Permit Application;

consider and formulate my own opinions with respect to visual impact matters within the limits of my expertise; and

prepare a report which sets out the conclusions reached, and to clearly state the basis upon which I have arrived at those conclusions, including any facts I have relied upon or assumptions which I have made which form part of the reasoning by which you reach your conclusions.

My instructions are attached to the Statement in Annex B.

1.2 Structure of this report

This report will:

Summarise submitter concerns relevant to visual impact of the proposed resort.

Describe the key components of the project that are relevant to considering the visibility and visual impact of the project.

Describe the relevant sections of the Colac Otway Planning Scheme that are relevant to my area of expertise.

Describe the views and visibility of the site and proposed areas to be developed.

Describe any recommendations or mitigation measures that might be considered in any approvals for the proposed resort.

1.3 Expert Evidence – Practice Note

I acknowledge that I have read and complied with the Guide to Expert Evidence (dated April 2015). In compliance with this Guide I provide the following information.

1.4 Name and address

Hayden Burge

Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited

Level 11, 452 Flinders Street

Melbourne, Victoria 3000

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1.5 Qualifications

I am a registered Landscape Architect with over 15 years’ experience. I have a Bachelor Applied Science

(Landscape Architecture and Urban Design) from RMIT (2000) and I am a member of the Australian Institute of

Landscape Architects.

A Curriculum Vita is attached in Annex A of this report.

1.6 Facts Matters and Assumptions

The facts, matters and assumptions on which the opinions expressed in this report are based:

Planning Reports 1. Planning Titles (searched on the LANDATA register on 19 June 2017) and 2. Planning Titles

Architectural Plans (Spowers & Angus Scorpio Architects, Revision A, 15 May 2018, Part 1)

C. Architectural Plans (Spowers & Angus Scorpio Architects, Revision A, 15 May 2018, Part 2)

Architectural Design Report (Spowers & Agius Scorpio Architects, revision B, 25 June 2018)

Spowers Design Process Review (Le Grew design PL, undated)

Landscape Architecture Plans (0) Overall (ASPECT Studios, Revision P3, 9 May 2018)

F. Landscape Architecture Plans (1) hotel enlargement (ASPECT Studios, Revision P3, 11 May 2018)

F. Landscape Architecture Plans (2) Vegetation (ASPECT Studios, Revision P3, 11 May 2018)

F. Landscape Architecture Plans (3) Paths (ASPECT Studios, Revision P3, 11 May 2018)

F. Landscape Architecture Plans (5) Sections (ASPECT Studios, Revision P3, 11 May 2018)

Landscape Architecture Report (ASPECT Studios, Revision A, 9 May 2018)

Traffic Engineering Assessment Report (Traffix Group, issue no. 02B, 15 May 2018)

Biodiversity Assessment Report (Ecology & Partners Pty Ltd, May 2018)

Geotechnical landslide risk assessment report (Golder Associates, 1 November 2017)

J. Revised Landslide Risk Assessment letter (Golder Associates, 15 May 2018)

J. Response to Planning Panels Victoria letter (Golder Associates, 15 June 2018)

Bushfire Management Statement and Management Plan (South West Bushfire Consultants Version

12 - 25 June 2018)

Site access management written submission (Oceans United Investments Group, 14 May 2018)

Emergency Management Plan (Resource Management Consulting, 22 June 2018)

Stormwater Drainage and Waterway Management Report (Irwinconsult, revision H, 9 May 2018)

N. Stormwater Drainage Plan 8

N. Stormwater Drainage Plan 5

N. Stormwater Drainage Plan 4

N. Stormwater Drainage Plan 6

N. Stormwater Drainage Plan 9

N. Stormwater Drainage Plan 10

N. Stormwater Drainage Plan 7

N. Stormwater Drainage Plan 5

Service Infrastructure Reports (Irwinconsult, Revision 1, 10 May 2018)

Socio-Economic Impact Assessment Report (Street Ryan, April 2018)

Referral authority responses

o Barwon Water 27 July 2018

o CFA Response 27 August 2018

o Corangamite CCMA revised response 7 August 2018

o DELWP Environment 22 August 2018

o Transport for Victoria - referral response 3 August 2018

Spowers letter to DEWLP 28 August 2018

Council Report and without prejudice permit conditions

I have received a copy of the submissions received in relation to the Project.

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1.7 Site Inspections

I have visited the site and surrounds on Friday 31 August 2018.

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2. Submissions

I was provided with access to 115 submissions received on the Project, several of which referred to visual issues. A summary of these is as follow:

Views for pedestrians and cyclists along Barham Valley Road

Impact on views and character from nearby towns of Apollo Bay and Marengo

Impact on views from the Great Ocean Road; and

Visual Impact from night lighting.

Having reviewed these submissions, this report will address the common themes raised by these submissions.

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3. Subject Site

This section will briefly describe the location of the site and key features of the proposed development relevant

to visual impact.

3.1 Subject Site

The subject site known as 275 Barham River Road is approximately 3.6 km southwest of Apollo Bay and 1.9 km west of Marengo.

The Great Ocean Road tourist drive runs to the east of the site before turning west and inland from Marengo and along the northern edge of the Great Otway National Park.

Figure 3-1 Site Context (Source: Google Earth)

North of the site are the hills of Marriner Ridge, Wild Dog Creek and Skeenes Creek which form a backdrop to Apollo Bay.

The Barham Paradise Scenic Reserve is situated to the north east of the site. The Great Otway National Park is to further to the west and south.

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The site comprises two parcels, Lot 1 on TP 7572870 and Lot 2 on PS515118F with a combined site area of

approximately 104.6 Ha. The two lots combined are roughly rectangular in shape, with the exception of the north eastern corner where the boundary routes the property at 303 Barham River Road.

Figure 3-2 shows the site boundaries, land parcels and features of the site. Existing vegetation east of the dam that is proposed to be removed is not shown.

Figure 3-2 Subject Site (Spowers Architects)

The site boundaries are shared by Barham Valley Road and the Barham river to the north, and farming properties immediately to the sites east, south and west. Site access is from Barham River Road to the north.

Existing buildings within the site include two residential dwellings , one to the north and one to the south including a function center, sheds and other farm buildings.

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3.2 Topography

The site is set on undulating farm land at the foothills of the Great Otway National Park and above the Barham

River Valley. The site rises from approximately 14 m AHD at Barham River Road to approximately 130 m AHD

at the south western boundary. The landscape continues to rise to the west of the site reaching elevations up to 200 m AHD.

Figure 3-3 Topography (Update Image)

The site is bisected by several gullies which run generally west to north-east towards Barham River.

3.3 Vegetation

Existing vegetation within the site has been largely modified by way of clearing trees and shrubs for grazing

purposes. As such, much of the site is covered by pasture grass with stands of trees across the site. This

vegetation pattern of cleared farmland with occasional shelter planting is consistent with much of the area

immediately surrounding the site.

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4. Planning Provisions

This section will briefly describe the provisions of the planning scheme that may be relevant to visual impact of the project.

The site is within an area under the jurisdiction of the Colac Otway Planning Scheme.

4.1 Planning Policy Framework

I have reviewed and have regard to the Planning Policy Framework including:

Clause 11 Settlement, Clause 11.03-5R Great Ocean Road Region which refers to the Victorian Coastal

Strategy (Victorian Coastal Council, 2014 & The Great Ocean Road Regional Landscape Assessment

Study, Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2003)

Clause 12 Environmental and Landscape Values, Clause 12.02-1S Protection of coastal areas and Clause

12.02 – Coastal Areas

Clause 17 Tourism, Clause 17.04-28 Coastal and maritime tourism and recreation

Clause 21 Municipal Strategic Statement including,

Clause 21.03 Settlement

Clause 21.03 Apollo Bay and Marengo including Landscape Setting and Environment,

- Clause 21.04 Environment,

Clause 21.04-8 Landscape Character,

- Clause 21.05 Economic Development,

21.05-4 Tourism

The underlying values of the above as relevant to visual impact are captured in SLO 3.

4.2 Zones

The site is zoned Rural Activity Zone (RAZ) under the Colac Otway Planning Scheme.

The land was rezoned from Rural Conservation Zone to Rural Activity Zone in line with the Apollo Bay Structure

Plan (2007) and the Rural Land Strategy. The site was identified as being one of the few sites being suitable for uses beyond farming and agriculture.

The objective of the RAZ is to allow a range of uses including agriculture, tourist and recreational activities,

accommodation with tourist or recreational activities.

This character is to be achieved by “Development and use in the Rural Activity Zone to the west of Apollo Bay

will be of a scale relevant to the land size and surrounding uses; subservient to the landscape so as not to

detract from the quality of the landscape; of high quality design and style relevant to the surrounding land uses;

capable of net gain environmental outcomes and self—sufficient in the provision of relevant infrastructure and

associated development costs.”

4.3 Overlays

Several overlays affect the site. Those that are relevant to visual assessment include Clause 42.03 – Significant

Landscape Overlay (Schedule 3) (SLO3) and Clause 44.06 – Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO).

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Clause 42.03 – Significant Landscape Overlay (Schedule 3)

Clause 42.03 – Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO3) recognizes the distinctive features of the Coastal Valley

and Hills as a location where landscape elements intersect. Key features include the low sea coast line, bayside

townships, intersection of the Otway Ranges with the narrow coastal strip on which the Great Ocean Road is located, forest edges, and incised creek valleys.

The “preferred character” of this precinct is the retention of the dramatic intersection of landscape ‘edges’ within

the precinct, which could be further emphasised by increasing indigenous planting for subtle emphasis. Ribbon

development and inappropriate development on hill faces should be limited, and township edges have the potential to be further defined.

Landscape character objectives to be achieved:

To achieve the “Preferred Character" as specified above.

To increase the use of indigenous vegetation to highlight natural features within the precinct.

To consider the contrasts between landscape elements within the precinct.

To ensure that development that occurs on hill faces or in other prominent locations is not highly visible

and sensitively designed.

To minimise the visual impact of signage and other infrastructure, particularly in coastal areas, hill faces

and ridges.

To protect the clear sweeping views to and from the ocean available from the precinct.

To consider the dominance of an indigenous natural landscape in coastal areas, between townships, particularly from the Great Ocean Road and avoid ribbon development.

Clause 44.06 – Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO)

The Purpose of the Clause 44.06 – Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) is to:

To implement the State Planning Policy Framework and the Local Planning Policy Framework, including

the Municipal Strategic Statement and local planning policies.

To ensure that the development of land prioritises the protection of human life and strengthens

community resilience to bushfire.

To identify areas where the bushfire hazard warrants bushfire protection measures to be implemented.

To ensure development is only permitted where the risk to life and property from bushfire can be reduced to an acceptable level.

The implications of the BMO have been addressed and discussed in the Bushfire Management Statement and Management Plan prepared by South West Bushfire Consultants Version 12 – 25 June 2018.

4.4 Other relevant Strategies and Policies

Apollo Bay Structure Plan 2007

The Apollo Bay Structure Plan seeks to guide changes to land use brought about by built form, access and

public space while protecting and enhancing valued aspects of the area.

Of relevance to this visual assessment are the desires to encourage tourist accommodation facilities but not to

the detriment of natural setting and location at the edge of the Otways.

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5. What is proposed

This section will briefly describe the features of the development and proposed Master Plan that might bring

about a visual change to the site.

5.1 Architecture

Spowers Architects have prepared a Master Plan for the development of the site. Proposed buildings include the

Main Hotel, located roughly central to the site, and dispersed villa clusters.

The primary site access for both guests, day visitors, staff and deliveries will be from the existing access point

on Barham River Road.

Where practicable circulation of maintenance, vehicular and pedestrian access will be separated for both safety

and visitor experience.

The main access road will comprise a 6.0 m exposed aggregate carriageway from the main entrance to the rear

of the main hotel building. The proposed main access road will roughly follow existing access roads. A new

4.0 m wide exposed aggregate carriageway will provide both guest and CFA access to all villas.

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Figure 5-1 Site Master Plan

Car parking will be provided off the carriageway of the main access road. The road will be constructed from

exposed aggregate concrete. Overflow parking will be constructed on gravel or engineered grass near to the

existing parking area at the existing function centre.

Guests vehicles will be valet parked generally while visitors are transferred by way of a golf cart system along a

network of all-weather paths providing guest access between the hotel and key precincts within site.

Two access points will be provided to creek/pasture villas. The first access points will cross the creek just past

the existing convention centre. The second crossing will be near the location of the new water feature and Water


The majority of these paths will sit atop the existing ground level, as boardwalks and other permeable path



The Main Hotel building will be located towards the western site boundary. The complex will comprise three

linear buildings roughly parallel to the existing site contours. The Hotel will include:

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2 Restaurants;

A 180 room hotel, with a mix of standard and deluxe rooms;

Retail stores;

Wellness Centre;

Swimming Pool;

Lookout and Telescope; and

Water Storage and Pump Rooms for fire fighting

Figure 5-2 shows the layout of the hotel complex. The height of the upper roof line for each of the three buildings has been transferred to the plans from the sections shown at Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-2 Hotel Complex

The roof line of the main Hotel building will have a continuous level of 95.5 m AHD. The central section will raise

above the main roof at 98.2 m AHD. The circular lookout housing the telescope, with an upper parapet level of

102.8 m AHD will the highest point of the Hotel. It is worth noting the circular lookout is setback from the eastern/leading roof edge.

The eastern façade will be articulated by balconies and roof overhangs creating light, shade and a sense of

depth across the main frontage. The apex or “nose” of the main Hotel building inverts on itself which will introduce shadowing and visual relief to break down the perception of a continual façade.

The two lower guest room buildings will have upper roof line heights of 84.1 m for the central guest wing and 77.0 m AHD for the lower building.

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Both buildings will benefit from similar façade articulation offered to the main Hotel building. Several mid building

breaks included introduced to the lower two guest wings will bring further relief through light and shade across the eastern elevations.

The northern and southern ends of all three buildings and their green roofs will return to ground level, tapering the buildings into the hillside.

Figure 5-4 shows an artist’s impression of the eastern façade treatment and level relationship of all three Hotel buildings.

Figure 5-3 Main Hotel Eastern Facade Treatment - Artists Impression

The image above shows the inverted apex of the main Hotel building, the lookout which is setback from eastern

façade. This image also indicates the shadowing that will be afforded by the central dividing walls and balcony

overhangs for all three buildings. It is expected that shadowing will be a seasonally dynamic feature of all three buildings.

The tapered roof profiles at the southern and northern ends of all three buildings are also shown.

The mid building breaks will penetrate the facades of the two hotel buildings and will assist the guest rooms to read as individual buildings.

Figure 5-4 shows an east - west through the Hotel complex and the relative levels across all three buildings.

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Figure 5-4 Section through Hotel Complex

The highest point of the Hotel development will be the observatory parapet with an elevation of 102.8 m AHD.

This will be localized to the southern wing. The raised central roof section at 98.2 m AHD will return to 95.5 m AHD across the remainder of the upper building.

The roof lines of the lower dedicated guest wings are 84.1 and 77.0 m respectively and will incorporate green or living roofs.

Figure 5-5 shows the view looking east from roughly the location of the main Hotel.

Figure 5-5 Hotel View

The view from the Hotel includes several elements of the “preferred character” described in SLO3 including

sweeping ocean views and the intersection of the hinterlands with the narrow coastal strip on which the Great

Ocean Road in located in the distance. Currently this is a privately held view. Should the development proceed this view will be available for guests and visitors to enjoy.


Villas will be dispersed across the site and in four main areas with linkages to the hotel. These are as follows:

11 “Ridge Villas” are proposed to North of the Hotel on a local ridge.

11 “Water Villas” are proposed alongside the retained dam to the west of the main Hotel. The western villas

will incorporate natural materials, to visually integrate within environment the vegetated hills that rise

beyond the sites western boundary.

15 “Creek Villas” resort style villas to the South of the hotel and oriented towards the creek.; and

45 “Pasture Villas” resort style villas set in pasture areas on natural terraces also South of the hotel and

oriented towards the creek.

The southern villas will also be located within a natural setting, with access to communal gathering areas. These villas will be located in nodes or clusters.

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Ridge Villas

11 Villas are located to the north of the Hotel near a local escarpment. Each villa will comprise 2 bedrooms, kitchenette, a living area, decks and sunken courtyard.

Villas have been terraced to maximise views up and down Barham Valley and to take advantage on-site topography to protect and create multiple views.

Figure 5-6 Northern / Ridge Villas

Figure 5-7 shows the view looking north to west from the location of the proposed 11 Ridge Villas.

Figure 5-7 Ridge Villas

Similar to the view from the Hotel, these views will also capture the “preferred character” described in SLO3 for guests and visitors to enjoy.

Water Villas

11 Villas are clustered around the western edge of an existing dam and the Hotel. Each villa will comprise 2 bedrooms, kitchenette, living area and deck. Villas will be connected to the Hotel and site by a timber boardwalk.

The roof line is articulated at the north eastern corner for solar orientation and to protect privacy between villas.

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Figure 5-8 Water Villas

Figure 5-9 shows the view from the ‘eastern side of the dam wall looking east.

Figure 5-9 Water Villa Views

The main Hotel and lobby would be to the left of this view in the direction of the cleared hill directly to the north

and continue behind the planted trees roughly central to this view. The middle hotel building will be on the far side of the trees, and the lower hotel building further below.

Although these trees will be removed, they provide are useful point of orientation in Chapter 6 of this report.

Creek Villas

Creek Villas follow hillside immediately south of the vegetated creek. Villas are configured around an ‘L’ shaped model with a courtyard completing the square allowing open and sheltered views.

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Figure 5-10 Creek Villas

Figure 5-11 and Figure 5-11 View from Creek Villas

Figure 5-11 show the views from the approximate location of the creek villas. The existing vegetation within the drainage line can be seen in the left of the image.

Figure 5-11 View from Creek Villas

Figure 5-12 View from lower Creek Villas

Some of the vegetation seen in this view will need to be managed in accordance with the Bushfire Fire Management Plan and CFA permit conditions. This is discussed briefly in section 5.3 of this report.

Figure 5-11 also shows the existing vegetation rising to south east behind the trees in the left hand side which confines views towards the ocean.

The low rise seen in the middle ground of both views and to the right of the image creates a setting for villas that is distinct to that of the Water and Ridge Villas.

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Pasture Villas

Pasture villas will be set within local terraces also on the southern side of the vegetated creek. These villas will

be set low in the landscape and behind existing vegetation within the creek line. These villas will also be configured around the ‘L’ shaped module with corner courtyard seen in the Creek Villas.

Figure 5-13 Pasture Villas

Figure 5-14 Artists Impression - Creek and Pasture Villas

Figure 5-15 shows the view from the Pasture Villas looking generally east.

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Figure 5-15 View from pasture villas

Some of the vegetation seen in this view will need to be managed in accordance with the Bushfire Fire Management Plan and CFA permit conditions. This is discussed briefly in section 5.3 of this report.

Other Buildings and Structures

Staff Accommodation will be provided within the retained reception center adjacent to the main entrance drive.

Bike use facilities are located adjacent to the Barham River Road entry. Seating and picnic facilities, some under

shelter are proposed within these areas. Indicative locations are shown in appended plans.

5.2 Building Materials

Materials and external cladding will be important to assist to visually integrate the proposed buildings and

structures into views towards the site. Figure 5-16 shows the proposed materials pallet for the external cladding

of buildings and structures proposed to be included within the development.

Figure 5-16 Materials Pallet (Source Spowers Architects)

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The majority of the proposed materials pallet are of muted tones, colors and textures. Contrasting materials of

Galvanised Iron cladding has the potential to contrast the natural appearing materials, however it is not an uncommon material or uncharacteristic to the area.

5.3 Landscape

Fire considerations

The proximity to the vegetated Great Otway National Park, the risk of fire is a key consideration in the Master

Planning of the development. Minimising the risk of fire is a primary role of the landscape, which contributes to

the largely open pastoral character of the proposal.

A revised Bushfire Management Statement and Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) has been undertaken by

South West Bushfire Consultants Version 12 - 25 June 2018. The report identifies the site as being within a

bushfire prone area and as having a Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO).

Defendable space

An area of defendable space for the designated BAL around the proposed building / or to the property boundary

where vegetation (and other flammable materials) will be modified and managed in accordance with the following requirements:

Grass must be short cropped and maintained during the declared fire danger period.

All leaves and vegetation debris must be removed at regular intervals during the declared fire danger


Within 10 meters of a building, flammable objects must not be located close to the vulnerable parts of the


Plants greater than 10 cm in height must not be placed within 3m of a window or glass feature of the


Shrubs must not be located under the canopy of trees.

Individual and clumps of shrubs must not exceed 5sq. metres in area and must be separated by at least 5


Trees must not overhang or touch any elements of the building.

Trees will be separated to ensure that canopy to canopy ignitions are prevented, the tree canopy separation distance will meet the objectives of defendable space and the distance between canopies will

be negotiated with CFA.

There must be a clearance of at least 2 metres between the lowest tree branches and ground level.

Figure 5-17 shows the proposed building layout over the site. The area shown in yellow identifies the indicative

area for defendable space (i.e. defendable space distances are to be measured from the architectural

drawings). This land within this yellow area is required to be managed in accordance with the Bushfire Management Plan and CFA permit conditions.

The draft permit conditions incorporate requirements for an integrated landscape plan showing landscaping

outcomes consistent with the BMP. At this time, I understand the detailed integrated landscape plan has not been prepared.

For the purpose of my evidence I have assumed that there will be thinning of existing vegetation within the

defendable space in accordance with the BMP rather than complete removal (noting the BMP calls for separation of tree canopy).

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Figure 5-17 Defendable space requirements - Page 23 6 Bushfire Management Plan

The majority of the site would remain un-encumbered by defendable space requirements and can be considered

for strategic revegetation. Any revegetation on the site is required to be approved by the CFA.

Aspect Consultants have prepared a landscape master plan proposal for the development. Rather than

preparing a resolved and detailed design, the master plan strategy seeks to retain and compliment the bush

backdrop contrasting with the cleared farmland found in the landscape surrounding the site and the broader


The proposal puts forward a plant and materials list that may be implemented through planting zones in and

around the development. The landscape approach seeks to maintain the open, non—manicured farm condition

of the broader site where possible.

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The landscape philosophy considers landscape design guidelines of the CFA and Council in the zoning of

proposed landscape.

A path network complements the tracks to be established by the CFA for fire maintenance. Figure 5-18 shows

the Aspect Landscape Master Plan. The blue offset line around the buildings shows the areas within 10 m of

buildings where flammable objects, including plants above 10cm in height must not be located close to vulnerable parts of the building.

Figure 5-18 Landscape Master Plan (Source Aspects Landscape Architects)

Seasonal color and variation would be limited to texture achieved through low level flowering plants around


The application of defendable space offsets to all proposed buildings as outlined in the bushfire report will

restrain the use of canopy vegetation away from habitable buildings.

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6. Views and visibility

This section will examine views towards the site from publicly accessible locations. Views have been selected to

provide for the range of viewing angle and distances to the site to determine the overall visual impact of the

proposed development.

Before examining views, the extent of the view shed and zones of visual influence will be determined to assist

with making an objective assessment of prominence in views.

6.1 View shed

The view shed of and development can be described as the area that can be potentially visually affected by a

development. The view shed extends to a distance at which the proposed development can be considered

visually insignificant, even though they may still be visible. The basis on which I have assumed visual

insignificance with where the development would form less the 0.5% of the vertical field of view as shown in

Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 The effect of distance on the visibility of a vertical object

The normal field of view is considered to be 10O. Objects that take up 5% of this cone of view (5% of 10O = 0.5O)

are considered to be visually insignificant. Once objects take up at least 10% of the vertical field of view they

can be more readily discernible (10% of 10O = 1O) and when they take up 65% of the vertical field of view they are considered to dominate the view.

The view shed can be determined by the physical characteristics of the terminal face and the parameters of

human vision and the topography of the surrounding landscape. For readers not familiar with the parameters of human vision these are set out in Annex A.

6.2 Viewshed definition

The extent of the view shed is determined based on the overall height of the proposed development. For this

project I have taken the difference in level between the overall height of the lookout and telescope within the

main Hotel building at 102.8 m AHD and the existing ground level at the eastern façade of the same building,

approx. 83.9 m AHD, a visual change approximately 18.8 m in the vertical field of view. To be conservative a height of 20 m will be adopted.

To assist with making an objective account of the role of distance and visibility, Zones of Visual Influence or ZVI will also be calculated.

The extent of the view shed and the zones of visual influence for the projects are shown in Table 6-1.

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Table 6-1 Visual impact based on the vertical field of view to a 20m high object

Vertical Line of Sight Distance from an

observer to the Hotel


< 0.5O of vertical angle (2.6 km) Visual Insignificant

A thin line in the landscape.

1.0O – 0.5O of vertical angle (1.3 km – 2.6 km) Discernible to visually insignificant

2.5O – 1.0O of vertical angle (0.6 km – 1.3 km) Discernible

5.0O – 2.5O of vertical angle (250 m – 0.6 km) Noticeable

The degree of visual intrusion will depend on the

development’s ability to blend in with the surroundings.

> 5.0O of vertical angle <250 m) Visually dominant

Usually visible, however the degree of visual intrusion

will depend of the width of the object and its placement

within the landscape.

Calculations are used as a guide only to assist with determining project visibility over distance. The calculations

show that a 20 m high objects will be discernible to a distance of approximately 2.6 km. Beyond this distance, objects will still be visible, however not visually dominant.

With regards to ZVI, it is recognised that visibility does not dramatically change at each defined band. For

example, visibility does not dramatically change when a viewer moves from 1.2 km to 1.4 km rather the change

is gradual and less obvious. However, for the purposes of this analysis, these distances will show differing levels of impact.

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6.3 VP01 Apollo Bay – Seymour Crescent

Viewpoint 01 is from Seymour Crescent at the south western edge of Apollo Bay.

This viewpoint is south of the township and

residential area where views are typically

modified or screened by vegetation, buildings

and structures. This view provides a

conservative basis in which to consider views and visual impact from Apollo Bay Township.

The nearest site boundary is approximately

2.1 km to the south west. The nearest point of

the proposed Hotel development would be approximately 2.9 km from this location.

Figure 6-3 shows the view looking south to west towards the site

Figure 6-2 View Location

Figure 6-3 View looking south west from Seymour Crescent

Figure 6-4 shows an enlargement of the view above towards the site.

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Figure 6-4 enlargement of Figure 6-3

Views include the Barham River Flood Plain, Buildings and structures within Marengo Township, sheds and

other farm related structures, the Apollo Bay Industrial Precinct and the Colac Otway Ranges. The site is roughly central to this view.

Canopy trees and remnant vegetation contrast against the valley floor and near hills which have been largely cleared for grazing purposes.

Figure 6-5 shows an enlargement of the view focusing on the site. Features in this view which may assist to

understand the site include the existing dwelling along the southern boundary and vegetation that is proposed to be cleared in the location of the main Hotel.

Figure 6-5 View Enlargement

It is evident that the Main Hotel building and part of the Ridge Villa’s would be visible from this location. Using

the existing trees as a point of reference in this view, the proposed buildings would be set below the horizon line

established by the Otway Ranges to the south of the site.

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These views also include many sheds, structures and buildings that, due to distance and proximity would be

similar in visual scale to the proposed Hotel complex. Typically, these buildings and structures also include

security lighting around sheds and structures as well as within and around attached dwellings.

At this distance, the proposed Hotel and Ridge Villas, would be noticeable, however they would not be a

dominant visual change. The visual impact of the proposed Hotel complex and Ridge Villas would be low to


While there are views to the site from Seymour Crescent, there are no locations such as shelters, lookouts or

seating areas where viewers are encouraged to stop and take in the views to the site.

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6.4 VP02 Apollo Bay – Barham Valley Road / McLachlan / Gambier Street

Viewpoint 02 is from the intersection of Barham

Valley Road / McLachlan Street and Gambier Street.

This location is also south west of the Apollo

Bay Township and at the start of the Barham

Valley Road heading towards the site, Paradise Falls and Picnic area.

There is a small boat launch and fishing jetty

approximately 50 to the south east of this

location, which may have filtered views to the site.

The nearest site boundary is approximately

2.1 km to the south west. The nearest point of

the proposed Hotel development would be approximately 2.9 km from this location.

Figure 6-7 shows the view looking south to west towards the site

Figure 6-6 View Location

Figure 6-7 View looking south west towards the site

Figure 6-8 shows an enlargement of the view looking directly towards the site. Features in this view which may

assist to understand the site include the existing dwelling along the southern boundary and vegetation that is proposed to be cleared in the location of the main Hotel.

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Figure 6-8 View Enlargement

Topographical variation within the Barham Valley Flood plain is more pronounced in this view due to the lower

viewing angle.

The arrow on the right shows the proximity of the existing vegetation that is proposed to be removed in the

location of the main Hotel building.

It is evident that the upper roof line of the main Hotel building and part of the Ridge Villa’s would be visible from

this location. Views towards the site include many sheds, structures, buildings and dwellings on the nearby


At this distance, the addition of the proposed Hotel and Ridge Villas to these views may be noticeable above the

low intervening rise, however they would not be a dominant visual change. The visual impact of the proposed

Hotel complex and Ridge Villas would be low to negligible.

With regards to night-time views, the buildings and structures present in existing views typically include security

lighting around sheds and structures as well as within and around attached dwellings. The addition of

development to this setting may also be noticeable, however it will not be added to a backdrop absent of


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6.5 VP03 Ocean Park Drive – Marengo

Viewpoint 03 is from the western end of Ocean

Park Drive within a residential area to the north of Marengo and the airfield.

The nearest site boundary is approximately

1.1 km to the south west. The nearest point of

the proposed Hotel development would be approximately 1.5 km from this location.

Views from this area are filtered by established vegetation within private gardens and roadsides.

Figure 6-10 shows the view looking west through

a break in vegetation and dwellings towards the site.

Figure 6-9 View Location

Figure 6-10 View looking south west towards the site

The site and location of the proposed Hotel is visible in the break between vegetation and the existing dwelling seen in Figure 6-10.

Figure 6-11 shows an enlargement of the view between the building and existing vegetation. The arrow shows the existing vegetation in the location of the proposed main Hotel building.

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Figure 6-11 Enlargement

Creek and Pasture Villas would be set in the valley behind the cleared hill in roughly central to the view seen in

Figure 6-11.

The Upper levels and southern end of the Hotel would be visible, albeit through a break in the trees. My

observations of this area are that more prominent views reside to the steeper hills to the north and ocean views

to the to the north east and east and away from the site. For these reasons, the visual impact from roadsides

within this area is low to negligible.

The cleared hill in middle ground of the view will screen views to the lower hotel buildings.

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6.6 VP04 Ocean Park Drive - Marengo

Viewpoint 04 is from the western end of Barton Place in the same residential.

The nearest site boundary is approximately

1.2 km to the south west. The nearest point of

the proposed Hotel development would be approximately 1.6 km from this location.

Views from this area are filtered by established vegetation within private gardens and roadsides.

This view is taken from a slightly elevated cutting established to construct the road.

Figure 6-13 shows the view looking west through

a break in vegetation and dwellings towards the site.

Figure 6-12 View Location

Figure 6-13 View looking south west towards the site

The site and location of the proposed Hotel is visible in the break between vegetation and the existing dwelling seen in Figure 6-13.

Figure 6-14 shows an enlargement of the view between the building and existing vegetation. The arrow shows the existing vegetation in the location of the proposed main Hotel building.

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Figure 6-14 Enlargement

Creek and Pasture Villas would be set in the valley behind the vegetation to the left of the view. Figure 6-11 also

demonstrated my observations of dwellings in the area being generally oriented to the north and east, away

from the site.

Being located at standing location and at the western end of a court, this view is one that would be experienced

by few. The Upper levels and southern end of the Hotel would be visible, albeit above existing trees in the

landscape between the site and this residential cluster.

For these reasons, the visual impact from roadsides within this area is low to negligible.

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6.7 VP05 Great Ocean Road Tourist Route #1

Viewpoint 05 is from the Great Ocean Road near the southern entrance to Apollo Bay.

The view is taken over the Apollo Bay

Recreation Reserve and Caravan Park. This

location was chosen as it is in close proximity to

the exit from Apollo Bay heading towards Marengo and the Twelve Apostles.

The road turns towards the south west towards

the site. The cleared sports field permits views

that are clear of road side and dune vegetation

that borders much of the causeway between Apollo Bay and Marengo.

The nearest site boundary is approximately

2.6 km to the west. The nearest point of the

proposed Hotel development would be approximately 3.4 km from this location.

Figure 6-15 View Location

Figure 6-16 shows the view looking west – southwest towards the site. Roadside vegetation common along the western edge of the causeway between Marengo and Apollo Bay can also be seen in this view.

Figure 6-16 View looking south west towards the site

Views towards the site are over the Apollo Bay Recreation Reserve and Caravan Park. Features of the sports

reserve include clubrooms, boundary fencing and promotional signage. Several light towers are also positioned

around the perimeter of the field. Cabins and other buildings within the Caravan Park are visible beyond the

sports field.

Dwellings located on the southern slopes of the ranges around Montrose Ave are visible to the left of the goal posts above the trees.

Figure 6-8 shows an enlargement of the view focusing on the site. Features in this view which may assist to

understand the site and location of proposed development include the existing dwelling along the southern

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boundary (left arrow) and the cleared area in the location of the proposed Ridge Villas. Vegetation that is

proposed to be cleared in the location of the main Hotel screened trees in the landscape between the site and the Apollo Bay Recreation Reserve.

Figure 6-17 View Enlargement

At this distance, the addition of the proposed Ridge Villas and Hotel roof line to these views may be noticeable,

however they would not be a dominant visual change. This is due in part to distance, intervening vegetation and

buildings and other more noticeable features in the view. The visual impact of the proposed Hotel complex and

Ridge Villas would be negligible.

The more prominent and dramatic coastal views reside to the east of the Great Ocean Road and away from the


With regards to night-time views and lighting, the proposal would be added to a setting that includes lights within

the buildings and structures within of the Caravan Park, light spill from the townships of Marengo and Apollo Bay

and vehicles travelling along the Great Ocean Road.

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6.8 VP06 Great Ocean Road Tourist Route #2

Viewpoint 06 is from the Great Ocean Road

approximately 500 m south of the recreation reserve.

This location was chosen as it is in close

proximity to an informal car parking area and beach access.

The nearest site boundary is approximately

2.3 km to the west. The nearest point of the

proposed Hotel development would be approximately 3.4 km from this location.

Figure 6-19 shows the view looking south to

north thru west. This wider views angle has

been included to demonstrate the views

travelling south and north along the Great Ocean Road.

Views towards the site are through a break in

roadside vegetation along the western edge of

the causeway between Marengo and Apollo Bay can also be seen in this view.

Figure 6-18 View Location

Figure 6-19 View looking west – south to north thru west

Views towards the site at over the Barham Valley Flood plain towards the foothills of the Great Otway National

Park and Otway Ranges.

More dominant views tend towards the elevated hills to the north around Skeenes Creek which offer greater

topographical variation than those of the project site and the ocean views to the east.

Figure 6-20 shows an enlargement of the view towards the site. Features in this view which may assist to

understand the site include the existing dwelling along the southern boundary and vegetation that is proposed to be cleared in the location of the main Hotel.

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Figure 6-20 View Enlargement

The arrow on the right shows the proximity of the existing vegetation that is proposed to be removed in the

location of the main Hotel building. Views towards the site include existing farm buildings and structures on the

low rise to the north of the Barham River as well as dwellings around the air field.

The upper roof line of the main Hotel building, part of the Ridge and Water Villas would be visible from this

location. The upper Creek Villas would also be visible in the cleared area approximately mid way between the

two arrows. These buildings would be added to a view that include many sheds, structures, buildings and

dwellings on the nearby hillsides.

The addition of the proposed Hotel and Ridge Villas to these views may be noticeable above the low intervening

rise, however they would not be a dominant visual change. More prominent views reside towards the steeper

hills around Skeenes Creek to the north and ocean views to the east away from the site. At this distance, the

visual impact of the proposed Hotel complex and Villas would be low to negligible.

With regards to night-time views, the buildings and structures present in existing views typically include security

lighting around sheds and structures as well as within and around attached dwellings. Light spill from the

townships of Marengo and Apollo Bay as well as vehicles travelling along the Great Ocean Road would also be


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6.9 VP07 Great Ocean Road Tourist Route #3

Viewpoint 07 is from the Great Ocean Road

adjacent to an additional informal car

parking area and beach access north of Marengo.

The nearest site boundary is approximately

2.1 km to the west. The nearest point of the

proposed Hotel development would be approximately 2.9 km from this location.

Figure 6-22 shows the view looking west through a break in roadside vegetation.

Figure 6-21 View Location

Figure 6-22 View looking southwest to northwest

The site is screened by existing vegetation within the western edge of the road reserve and the residential areas

surrounding airfield.

There will be no visual impact from this location.

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6.10 VP08 Barham Valley Road

Viewpoint 08 is from Barham Valley Road.

The nearest site boundary is approximately

1.1 km to the west. The nearest point of the

proposed Hotel development would be approximately 1.6 km from this location.

Figure 6-24 shows the view looking west towards the site.

Figure 6-23 View Location

Figure 6-24 View looking west from Barham Valley Road

Canopy trees and remnant vegetation contrast against the pastures located in the cleared valley floor and nearby hillsides. Views to the site are over the Barham River Flood Plain.

Views to the site are over cleared pastures and include scattered trees, dwellings, sheds, dwellings and buildings elevated above the plains.

Figure 6-25 shows an enlargement of the view focusing on the site. Features in this view which may assist to

understand the site include the existing dwelling along the southern boundary (left) and vegetation that is proposed to be cleared in the location of the main Hotel (right).

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Figure 6-25 Enlargement of Figure 6-24

The Hotel would be visible above the low rise to the right of view. Pasture Villas would be visible in the cleared

area central to this view. All other villas would be screened by either topography, vegetation or in part new


With regards to night-time views, buildings and structures present in existing views typically include security

lighting around sheds and structures as well as within and around attached dwellings. Lighting associated with

the development would be additional to those already present in views. If required, conditions requiring low level

pedestrian and navigational lighting shield and baffling may further assist with managing night lighting impacts.

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6.11 VP09 Barham Valley Road #2

Viewpoint 09 is from Barham Valley Road.

The nearest site boundary is approximately

300 m to the west. The nearest point of the

proposed Hotel development would be approximately 900 m from this location.

Figure 6-24 shows the view looking west towards the site.

Figure 6-26 View Location

Figure 6-27 View looking west from Barham Valley Road

Canopy trees and remnant vegetation contrast against the cleared pasture of the cleared valley floor and nearby

hillsides. Views to the site and proposed development areas are screened by vegetation within the site and areas to the east.

Figure 6-28 shows an enlargement of the view focusing on the site. Features in this view which may assist to interpret the site include the vegetation that is proposed to be cleared in the location of the main Hotel.

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Figure 6-28 Enlargement

In this view, the upper roof line of the main Hotel building and Ridge Villas would be visible above existing trees

within the site and adjoining neighbor. However, the main roofline would be below the horizon of the vegetated

hills further west of the site. This vegetation is outside the defendable area outlined within the Bushfire

Management Plan and therefore suitable to be retained.

Although the Hotel and several villas would be visible from this location along Barham Valley Road, there are

few users of the road and views would be short in duration. It is recongnised that the proposed Hotel building

would be of a different style to the existing buildings seen along this section of road, nonetheless this views is

modified to include buildings and other infrastructure. For these reasons the visual impact would be low.

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6.12 VP10 Barham Valley Road #3

Viewpoint 10 is from Barham Valley Road at the

site entrance. Immediately opposite the site is a

set of cattle sorting and loading yards and Barwon Water Pumping Station.

The existing function center is approximately

400 m to the south west. The proposed Hotel

development would be approximately 700 m from this entrance.

Figure 6-30 shows the view looking south from the site entrance.

Figure 6-29 View Location

Figure 6-30 View looking west from Barham Valley Road

Canopy trees and remnant vegetation contrast against the cleared pasture of the cleared valley floor and nearby

hillsides. Views to the site and proposed development areas are screened by vegetation within the site and areas to the east.

Figure 6-28 shows an enlargement of the view focusing on the site. Features in this view which may assist to interpret the site include the vegetation that is proposed to be cleared in the location of the main Hotel.

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Figure 6-31 Enlargement

From the entrance gate there would be clear views to the Hotel complex. Visually, the development would be similar in scale and proportion to the stone wings that flank the entrance gate.

This view is limited to only a short section along the sites frontage where breaks in roadside vegetation and

screening trees within private allotments permit views to the site. The visual impact at this location is considered

to be low due to the short duration of views even for those recreational users and few users of the road who will see the proposed development.

If required, it is clear from this view that vegetation can be established to the south of the entrance to screen views to the proposed development.

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7. Conclusion

I see no visual reasons which should prohibit the granting of a permit for the development. This opinion is based on the following conclusions.

Clause 42.03 - Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO3) seeks to protect the distinctive features of the Coastal Valley and Hills particular where landscape elements intersect.

Key features include the low sea coast line, bayside townships, intersection of the Otway Ranges with the narrow coastal strip on which the Great Ocean Road is located, forest edges, and incised creek valleys.

The “preferred character” of this precinct is the retention of the dramatic intersection of landscape ‘edges’ within

the precinct, which could be further emphasised by increasing indigenous planting for subtle emphasis. Ribbon

development and inappropriate development on hill faces should be limited, and township edges have the potential to be further defined.

This assessment has determined that from a visual response the proposal contributes to the “Preferred Character" objectives as follows.

With the exception of glazing and corrugated iron cladding, the proposed material pallets include a range of

materials, textures and finishes that are of muted toned and natural colors. Glazing along much of the eastern

elevation of the Hotel buildings would be set back from the building edge. Vertical fins and roof overhangs would cast shade and provide visual relief, minimizing submitter concerns of a continual reflective surface.

The proposed Hotel location is positioned on an easterly hill face and oriented towards Apollo Bay and Bass

Strait. The positioning on the slope however is such that for the majority of views, the development will not break

the horizon line established by the rising hill side to the west of the site or vegetation either within or beyond the

site. The Villas are dispersed across the site and arranged in a similar fashion such that they are either screened from many views or would also not break the horizon line of the hills beyond the site.

The development overall does not negatively impact or remove any clear sweeping views either to or from the

ocean. The development would unlock sweeping views towards the Ocean that are currently privately held for visitors to the site and elevations greater that the existing function centre.

The development is set back from both the townships of Apollo Bay and Marengo and the Great Ocean Road

Tourist Route that features such as indigenous and the natural landscape either screen or filter views to the site and the proposed areas of development.

The risk of fire and vegetation management is one that has the potential to alter canopy vegetation within parts

of the site and the screening this may afford to the Hotel and Villas. Figure 5-17 shows the proposed building

layout over the site and the area of defendable space that might alter vegetation and screening. Figure 5-17

shows that some areas of existing vegetation will require to be managed by way of thinning rather than complete

removal of vegetation. Much of the site is outside the defendable space and available for landscape screening or revegetation if required. This would be developed with and approved by the CFA.

Views from towns

Views from Apollo Bay township will be limited to the southern edge of town and away from buildings and

vegetation in road reserves and private allotments. Views from Apollo Bay are at such a distance that proposed

development would be noticeable, albeit visually similar in scale to other buildings structures in the landscape.

Views to the site from Marengo township towards the site are filtered or screened by existing buildings and

vegetation. Part of the site and proposed development locations is visible from the residential development to

the north of Marengo near the airfield. My observations of this area are primary views are either to the north and

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east and generally away from the site and that many views towards the site are either screened or filtered by

vegetation, buildings or both.

View from roads

There are filtered views available towards the site from the Great Ocean Road. More prominent views reside

towards the open waters of Bass Strait to the east and topographically dramatic hills around Marriner Ridge,

Skeenes and Wild Dog creeks to the north and away from the site.

There will be views for the few users of the Barham Valley Road. With the exception of property entrances and

farm gates, there are no locations where users of the Barham Valley Road can safely stop take in views of the

site. As such, most views would be in transit and filtered by roadside vegetation or topography.

Views from the gate would be more noticeable due to the direct and clear views towards the Hotel development.

If required, these views can be modified by vegetation location within the site by planting new screening trees

near to the front entrance and on the lower slopes.

Night Lighting

Most views in the direction of the site include many structures and dwellings the on the hill sides and the

Barham Valley. These buildings typically include security lighting around sheds and structures as well as the

area near to dwellings. The addition of development to this night time setting may also be a noticeable change,

to a backdrop that already includes many forms of lighting.

Most resorts developments tend to use lighting in a restrained way to balance the amenity and enjoyment of

their visitors with safety and circulation. As such, lighting tends to be low level or shielded such that is does not

cause undue glare.

I note Irwin Consulting letter of the 2nd August 2018 references measure to minimise the effects of lighting.

Further, Council’s conditions include a requirement for the preparation of a lighting management plan. This

includes a requirement to demonstrate measures to screen lighting impacts beyond the site.

I have made all the enquiries that I believe are desirable and appropriate and no matters of significance which I

regard as relevant have to my knowledge been withheld from the Panel.

Page 50: 275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay - PlanningHayden Burge Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited Level 11, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Visual Assessment 1 2 1.5 Qualifications

Visual Assessment


Appendix A. Instructions

Page 51: 275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay - PlanningHayden Burge Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited Level 11, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Visual Assessment 1 2 1.5 Qualifications

30 August 2018 (BY EMAIL) Hayden Burge 5 Springhall Parade Ascot Vale [email protected] Dear Hayden Letter of Instructions to Provide Independent Expert Evidence Planning Permit Application No. PPI 69/2017- 1 ('Permit Application') 275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay ('Site') We act for Oceans United Investments Group Pty Ltd (Oceans United) the Permit Applicant in relation to the above matter. The Permit Application relates to Oceans United's proposal to use and develop the Site for the purpose a tourist resort. The Permit Application has been "called in" by the Minster for Planning who has established an expert planning panel to hear submissions and provide a recommendation to the Minister in respect to the merits of the proposal. The Panel Hearing is scheduled to commence on 17 September 2018 (refer to the enclosed Panel directions).


You are instructed to:

• review the material supplied to you in relation to the Permit Application;

• consider and formulate your own opinions with respect to visual impact matters within the

limits of your expertise; and

• prepare a report which sets out the conclusions you have reached, and clearly states the

basis upon which you have arrived at those conclusions, including any facts you have relied

upon or assumptions which you have made which form part of the reasoning by which you

reach your conclusions.

The content, format and layout of your report, the manner of expression and the way in which you

seek to address yourself to the tasks you have been engaged to undertake are all a matter for you.

We enclose the document Guide to the Expert Evidence. Your report should be prepared in

compliance with this document and the duties outlined therein.

It will be apparent to you that not all of the materials which have been forwarded to you will be

necessarily relevant to the task which you have been asked to undertake. You are instructed to

examine the material and to determine for yourself what is relevant to the formulation of your


If you require any further information to complete the tasks you have been instructed to undertake, or if you require any assistance in understanding the nature of the tasks you have been asked to undertake, please contact us.

Page 52: 275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay - PlanningHayden Burge Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited Level 11, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Visual Assessment 1 2 1.5 Qualifications


Please note that this firm will serve and file the evidence to be relied upon by our client in this proceeding, and such evidence must be served and filed by close of business on 10 September 2018. Please contact the undersigned or Chris Taylor on 8626 9030 or Rob McKendrick on 8626 9092 if you have any queries in relation to this matter. Yours faithfully

CHRIS TAYLOR Planning & Property Partners Pty Ltd Encl.

Page 53: 275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay - PlanningHayden Burge Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited Level 11, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Visual Assessment 1 2 1.5 Qualifications

Visual Assessment


Appendix B. CV Hayden Burge

Page 54: 275 Barham River Road, Apollo Bay - PlanningHayden Burge Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited Level 11, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Visual Assessment 1 2 1.5 Qualifications

Curriculum Vitae

Document Number 1

Hayden Burge


Hayden has over 20 years’ experience in Landscape Architecture, Visual Impact Assessment, Master Planning, Rehabilitation and Landscape Construction across Australia. Hayden’s project experience and background brings depth, creativity and practical solutions to a variety of projects.

Stakeholder and user groups are demanding more from our clients than a “fit for purpose” project. Hayden has responded to this by developing a specialisation in projects that require innovative solutions and strategies to navigate a broad range of social, environmental and legislative complexities for projects in the built environment. Hayden is a critical thinker who enjoys the challenge of developing beneficial project outcomes to help our clients overcome the increasing and ever-changing demands from stakeholders and user groups, ensuring an outcome that is more than “fit for purpose” while minimising exposure to cost, time and legislation.

Much of Hayden’s work has been for Linear Infrastructure including roads, power and pipelines. Hayden quickly develops an understanding of key project design issues to develop practical solutions associated with delivery of large scale infrastructure. His knowledge of planning, environmental and land use legislation will help develop design and mitigation solutions to be delivered quickly and efficiently.

Prior to joining Jacobs, Hayden was ERM’s APAC lead for Landscape and Visual Assessment. Hayden regularly appears before appellant bodies and independent planning panels as an expert witness in, visual impact assessment and landscape architecture.

Areas of Expertise

Landscape Architecture

Master planning

Urban Design

Visual Impact Assessment


Relevant Project Experience

Expert Evidence

Client: Multiple

Title: Provision of expert evidence statements for planning panels and



Responsibility: Hayden was responsible for landscape and visual

impact assessments and provision of expert evidence for independent

planning panels and tribunals. Projects included:

Tivendale Road, Officer, June 2018

Sunbury South Precinct Structure Plan, Oct 2017

Ryan Corner and Hawkesdale Wind Farm, Aug 2017

Berrybank Wind Farm, Nov 2017

Wangaratta Solar Farm, Nov 2017


Bapp.Sci Landscape Architecture

and Urban Design, RMIT, 2000



Registered Landscape Architect,








Visual Assessment for

Renewables – MAV Planning

Conference, May 2018

Mining as a scar on the

landscape – ACG Global Mine

Closure Conference, Brisbane


Visual Impact Assessment –

Presentation to the Victorian

Planning and Environmental Law

Association, 2010.