24-May-99 W.A. Zajc Goals Goals Detector: Commissioning of All active sub-systems Integration of same into a detector Calibration of detector Acquisition of large, minimally biased data set for trigger studies Experiment: Characterize properties of matter created in highest energy Au-Au collisions on all time scales ( “All” p T scales) Obtain comparison data for same in p-p collisions Maintain progress towards a spin run in Year-2

24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

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24-May-99W.A. Zajc Request (History) l 96-97: Extensive studies by “Day-1 Task Force” q Chair: B. Jacak q Determination of PHENIX goals for Year-1 q Consultation with machine experts l May-98: Strong endorsement of spin commissioning q (Letter from WAZ on behalf of PHENIX to Drs. Kirk and Ozaki.) l May-99: PHENIX Executive Council endorses extending spin commissioning studies to include p-p comparison run.

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Page 1: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

GoalsGoals Detector:

Commissioning of All active sub-systems Integration of same into a detector Calibration of detector Acquisition of large, minimally biased data set

for trigger studies Experiment:

Characterize properties of matter created in highest energy Au-Au collisions on all time scales( “All” pT scales)

Obtain comparison data for same in p-p collisions

Maintain progress towards a spin run in Year-2

Page 2: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Request (summary)Request (summary)(In priority order)

1. Sufficient Au-Au running to Commission and calibrate Year-1 detector Record 20 b-1 of Au-Au collisions at

2. Spin commissioning of one ring3. A p-p comparison run at 4. Anything else

General desiderata: Early development of stable running conditions Steady luminosity growth Flexibility in scheduling of accesses and/or shutdowns



Page 3: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Request (History)Request (History) 96-97: Extensive studies by “Day-1 Task

Force” Chair: B. Jacak Determination of PHENIX goals for Year-1 Consultation with machine experts

May-98: Strong endorsement of spin commissioning (Letter from WAZ on behalf of PHENIX

to Drs. Kirk and Ozaki.) May-99: PHENIX Executive Council

endorses extending spin commissioning studies to include p-p comparison run.

Page 4: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

East vs. WestEast vs. West East has superior

hadron capabilities electron capabilities high pT capabilities

Give highest priority to East Arm construction West Arm to be

completed as time, funds and schedule allows

Accept schedule risk with East Arm completion

This is the basis of our current plan with RHIC management and our Year-1 physics program

West EastDrift ChamberPC1PC2PC3Time Expansion ChamberRICHTOFPbSc CalorimeterPbGl Calorimeter

Page 5: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Status- NowStatus- Now Presently: ER = “Engineering Run”

Sub-systems: Zero-Degree Calorimeter (full) Beam-Beam (full) Drift Chamber:

(prototype ~ 3/20 of sector) Pad Chamber:

(PC1 prototype) RICH

(portion of West Arm) EmCal:

(2/18 of one PbSc sector) Time of Flight:

(1 of 10 panels) Time Expansion Chamber

(2 half-planes of one sector) Trigger, timing, DAQ

(~full chain) Goals:

Understand sub-systems Perform system test See initial collisions

We st

So uth N o rth

Ea st

Pb Sc







M e c h a nic s Pre se n t

50% Ac tive100% Ac tive


DC & Pc 1Pro to typ e s

1 TEC Pla ne&

1 To F p a ne l

Page 6: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Year-1 StatusYear-1 StatusAfter roll-in of East Arm:

Global: MVD BB ZDC

East Arm All sub-systems mounted 50% (at least) read out

West Arm Minimally: ER

configuration Optimally:

DC installed ~15-Sep PC1’s “ “ “ + other instrumentation

as available.

We st

So uth No rth

Ea st

Pb Sc






No t Pre se ntM e c ha nic s Pre se nt

50% Ac tive100% Ac tive

Pc 1Pc 1


TEC + Pc 3

To F

P b S cP b S c



Page 7: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

PHENIX AssumptionsPHENIX Assumptions Data Acquisition

capable of recording all Au-Au events up to 10% of design luminosity

East Arm availability to take advantage of entire “useful” period of Au-Au running

Survey & Install serv ices


Assem b le Eas t C a rr iage



Roll-in toIR

Install Be beam p ip e & bakeout

Re insta llBB

Co mm issioning Run P HY S ICS R UN

Ins ta ll sou th m uon track ing cham bers in South m uonm agnet

Build in g p reparation & in frastructureinstallation

Coun ting housepreparation

Build ro llin gdo or

Install Tem p. beampip e


Engin eerin grun

1999 2000

In fras tru c tu re & S upport S ys te m sFor E n g in eering R u nC h ore ograp hyFor P h ys ics R unP H E N IX R unning

A P R IL14 , 1999

F ina l Com m iss ion - a llsystem s

Assem ble D etecto rRacks

PbScco mm iss ion

RICHcom m iss ion

DC/PC1co mm iss ion

Ph ysicsRun

Install MVD


Remove BB

In stall DC/PC1proto .

In stall TEC &To F

Pre p. fo r E R

In teg ration p lanco m plete

Serv ices Desig ncom plete

PbG l/ToF racks inst.(L2)

HV racks in st.(L4) LV racks inst. L V

com plete

In stall M VD sup p orteq uip .

M VD tria l fit &su evey

R H IC R unning

Ins tall Gas M ix ingHouse

Install IRP ip ing

Install LC VS


M ove E Carriag e

Install gas m ixin g &contro ls


M VDCheckou t

DC FEM s com p letePC FEM scomplete

TEC FEM scomplete

RIC H FEM scom plete

Pb Sc FEM sco mplete

Pb GlCom miss io n

Pb Sc FEM sco mplete

BB F EM scom plete

M VD FEM sco mplete

G as Sys tem s

PC FEM sco mplete

ToFcom m iss ion

ToF FEM sco m plete


R ig & su rvey de tec to rH ookup & ch eckou tC om m iss ion w ith F E M s

Safe ty Sys tem sEm ergency Po werTrip

G as & Smokedetection



PC 1 R OC s com p lete

PC3 RO Cs com p le te

PC1 m ech com p lete

PC1 RO Cs com p le te

PC3 m ech com p le te

Page 8: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Survey & Install services


A ssem ble E as t C a rriage




Ro ll-in toIR

Install Be b eam pip e & bakeou t

Re in stallBB

Com m issionin g Ru n PH YSICS R UN

Ins ta ll south m uon track ing cham bers in S outh m uonm agnet

Build in g p rep aratio n & in frastru ctu reinsta llation

Cou nting h ou seprep aration

Bu ild ro llin gdo or

Insta ll T em p. b eampip e


Engin eerin grun

1999 2000

In fras truc tu re & S upport S ys tem sF or E ng inee ring R unC horeographyF or P hys ics R unP H E N IX R unn ing

A P R IL14, 1999

Final C om m ission - a llsystem s

Assem b le D etectorRacks

Pb Scco m m ission

RIC Hco m m issio n

DC/PC1co m m ission

Ph ysicsRun

Install M VD


Rem ove BB

In stall DC /PC1p roto .

Install T EC &To F

P rep . fo r E R

In tegration p lancom plete

Serv ices D esig nco m plete

PbG l/To F racks inst.(L 2)

HV racks inst.(L4) LV racks in st. LV

com p lete

Install M VD su pportequ ip .

M VD trial fit &su evey

R H IC R un n in g

Insta ll G as M ix in gH ou se

Install IRPip ing

In stall LC VS


M ove E Carriage

Install gas m ixing &con trols


M VDChecko ut

DC F EM s com ple tePC F EM scom plete

TEC F EM sco m plete

RIC H FEM scom plete

PbSc FEM scom plete

Pb G lCom m issio n

PbSc FEM scom plete

BB FEM sco m plete

M VD FEM sco m plete

G as S ystem s

PC F EM scom plete

ToFco m m ission

T oF F EM sco m plete


R ig & su rvey de tec to rH ooku p & checkou tC om m iss ion w ith F E M s

S afe ty S ys tem sEm erg ency Pow erTrip

G as & Sm oked etectio n

F ireSu pp ression


PC1 R O Cs com ple te

PC3 R O Cs com ple te

PC1 m ech com plete

PC 1 RO C s com ple te

PC3 m ech com plete

Page 9: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Start of East Arm Start of East Arm WorkWork

Page 10: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

RHIC AssumptionsRHIC Assumptions Total RHIC running period: 30 weeks

Total time devoted to Au-Au running: 20 weeks Remainder to spin, p-p run, machine development, accesses… 20 weeks = 8 weeks commissioning + 12 weeks running

Linear increase of luminosity:

Energy for all Au-Au running:

RHIC duty factor: 50%

PHENIX duty factor: 50%





Page 11: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition


Physics from Au-AuPhysics from Au-Au With these

assumptions: 20 b-1 recorded 120M unbiased

Au-Au events

Physics reach: An extensive

program addressing all collision timescales

(This list not necessarily complete)

Timescale ProbeRequired Elements

Available Year-1?

Initial Collision Hard ScatteringSingle "jet" via leading particle E or W Yesphoton + "jet" E and W Yes?

Deconfinement High-Mass Vector MesonsJ / , ' screening N, S, E+W Observation (non)screening N,S No

Chiral Restoration Low-Mass Vector Mesons mass, width E+W Yes? branching ratios E+W Yes?

QGP Thermalization Photons 0, ' E Yescontinuum direct; very soft E Yes

QGP Thermalization Dileptonsnon-resonant: 1-3 GeV N,S,E+W Yes? soft continuum, <1 GeV E+W No

QGP Thermalization Heavy Quark Productionopen charm (N or S) + E Noopen charm via single lepton N,S,E Yes

Hadronization HadronsHBT Interferometry, /K E Yesstrangeness production: K, E Yesspectra of identified hadrons E Yes

Hydrodynamics Global VariablesET, dN/dy E, MVD Yes

Page 12: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Global VariablesGlobal Variables Large-cross section phenomena

30 events

2000 events

Analyses from Full simulation

Backgrounds Detector response

Full analysis chainused in MDC2

Page 13: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

PhotonsPhotons Calorimeters (PbSc + PbGl) ideally

suited for photon detection in heavy ion environment: High segmentation High energy resolution Good time resolution

Inclusive photon spectrumin 150 events (full simulation)

Page 14: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Photons (expanded)Photons (expanded) This study

concentrated on cluster reconstruction and cluster shape cuts

(Large) additional discrimnation via Time-of-

flight Tracking

Page 15: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Calorimeter provides superb 0 reconstruction to pT ~ 25 GeV/c

Here studied at pT = 4 GeV in central Au-Au event as a function of asymmetry:

0 0 ’s’s




Page 16: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Hard ScatteringHard Scattering Major new feature of

RHIC:hard scattering

120M events in PHENIX clearly accesses this regime:

Large pT range Access to earliest time

scales in collision Unbiased event sample

Systematic study versus impact parameter

Ability to use hard parton propagation as probe of dense nuclear matter

Page 17: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Charm Charm

Intrinsic interest due to Large mass scale Possible thermal enhancements Suppression in -onium states Possible large energy loss effects

Mode for initial observations:High pT single electrons

(from semi-leptonic decays of D’s) Expected yields for 20 b-1:

pT > 1 GeV/c: 25K/ (Year-1 arm) pT > 2 GeV/c: 1K/ (Year-1 arm)

Challenge: Understand contributions Understand experimental sensitivity

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24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Charm Analysis Charm Analysis DetailsDetails

Required components: e/ rejection > ~103

Combination of RICH, EmCal, TEC Redundancy allows study of systematics

Understanding of Dalitz backgrounds Measure 0 and ’s in situ Simulations for comparison

Understanding of conversions Measure with background runs Simulations for comparison

Results on efficiencies from full simulation: Track reconstruction: 80-85% Cerenkov nPMT cut : 95% Cerenkov ring shape : 91% EmCal match, E/p : 92% TEC electron PID : 90%

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24-May-99 W.A. Zajc


Vector meson accessible via both hadronic and leptonic decays Results shown for

6M Minimum Bias events In TOF aperture ~10K in acceptance

Extensions Factor of 20 more data

Study versus centrality Use TOF in EmCal

Factor of 2-4 more solid angle

Improved S/B (over reduced pT range)

Page 20: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Additional PhysicsAdditional Physics Program discussed thus far:

Possible with East Arm only (Plus many other topics)

Possible upgrade of West Arm detectors from their “Engineering Run” configuration Greatly increases our physics reach Examples:

Back-to-back high pT pairsStudy parton dynamics, dE/dx, “jet-quenching”

Decays of vector mesons to e+e- :Meson Signal Signal/Background Error 300 0.010 240 180 0.024 180J / 130 (negligible background) 11

Page 21: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Importance of Spin Importance of Spin CommissioningCommissioning

Looking ahead: PHENIX will request a

10 week polarized p-p run at 200 GeV in Year-2

This allows for first measurement of G/G at “high” pT via: Inclusive 0’s J/ production

A major opportunity for RHIC to make an essential, timely contribution

Spin studies in Year-1 are a necessarypre-cursor to this physics program.

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24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Arguments for p-p Arguments for p-p RunningRunning

There are no p-p data at

Obvious advantage of in situ measurement of our most important baseline.

Study of p-p dynamics in machine + detector beneficial to timely development of Year-2 spin program.


Page 23: 24-May-99W.A. Zajc Goals l Detector: Commissioning of q All active sub-systems q Integration of same into a detector q Calibration of detector q Acquisition

24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

MDC2 ResultsMDC2 Results1) Transferred data from counting house to RCF

(not yet over the final fast link, but this was a good proof of principle)2) Reconstructed (CRS) and analyzed (CAS) (multiple times)

~100K central Au+Au events ~600K p+p events.

3) Demonstrated efficient use of CRS for reconstruction data throughput from HPSS: 28-30MB/sec demonstrated

4) Demonstrated reconstruction in new offline (ROOT based)framework. Faster than STAF reconstruction by a factor ~2.

5) Showed that PHENIX reconstruction code fits into RCF resources. Job size was ~125-150 MB. Time required was 15-30 seconds per event. PHENIX analysis fits into the expected number of CRS machines and that 256 MB is sufficient.

6) demonstrated analysis on CAS Connect tracking subsystems -> tracks (in reconstruction) efficiency ~85% Associate PID detectors -> particles (in reconstruction) Cuts to select particle ID -> electrons, muons, pi0, kaons Analyzed (in analysis step) reconstruct vector mesons efficiency ~60% new round of optimization is happening now

7) Demonstrated performance of detector and software detector response matched to beam test info acceptance, efficiencies commensurate with CDR many background levels measured from MDC2 events

8) Collaboration (through PWGs) now using CAS machines. PHENIX gave input to CAS purchase (mainly work of Jeff Mitchell and Dave Morrison)

9) Developed scripts to generate large numbers of simulated events; demonstrated use both at RCF and at CC-J.

10) Developed very useful MDC web site, which guides one through the entire software chain.

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24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

Run CoordinationRun Coordination Run Coordination Task Force

Dec-98: Task force charged with developing plan

Feb-99: Report of Task Force endorsed by Executive Council

Jun-99: Expect same from Institutional Board Report Available

In the written Beam Use Proposal http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/

publish/zajc/sp/announcements/RC.doc.html Plan provides for

Safe and systematic conduct of PHENIX shifts Management hierarchy for same Fair allocation of shifts between institutions

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24-May-99 W.A. Zajc

SummarySummary Proposed program

Thorough initial study of highest-mass, highest-energy collisions ever made

Minimum bias maximal ability to understand data set and effect of (later) triggering

Measurement of p-p collisions to characterize baseline physics

Maximal overlap with machine development of Stable operations Spin running

Experiment will be ready to implement this program (detector and analysis chain)

Collaboration committed to safe and systematic operation of PHENIX