MR. SCHIEREN GOES SOUTH. THE MAYORKI.KCT OF HROOKLYN TO SPEND SOM1.*: timi: IN TKXNT.SSEK. OFFICES WHICH HE IS TO F1I.L-MR. KINK KI. CL.VIMS THF. SI'1'F.RVISORSHIP NT-LVRCE -MONF.V SPENT T.Y I"ANDU)ATF.S. Mayor-elect Schleren left Hrooklyn yesterday for Philadelphia on his way to Bristol Tenn., where lie ls erecting; a new tannery. Hs will gel ii complete rest before he returns to Brooklyn In at«>iit ten days. He win tarots tin* reel nf the year t<> s careful study of tiie city ch.-irter und the reports furnished him by the heads of departments. SO as to prepare his first messaee, wi.Uh will 1"' sen! to the Aldermen on the first .M,.n,tay of ia-.u.-ir. The terms of th» present Rends" nf .i.-t.artm. nts will not expire until thirty days after the new Mayor takes office, ani he will then have thirty .lays within which io appoint th-ir sousssors, If no successor ls appointed by Ihe end of that time for any head of a department he shall be con¬ sidered as reappointed' for the term of two years. NEW MEX FOR IVFU VIITM ENT III ALS. There is no likelihood that Major Schleren ail re¬ tain any of the men at the head of the city de¬ partments, as they are all Identified with the Ring nian.igenu*nt of city affairs. The new Unpeg will have thc foDOWtnf places to lill: ¦..liny- City Tr'»*ur r.. . . Robert Black io\ U lu* u.l- . :...)" AM ll s. *-u ii Reglet..r ..f \r art. .V(x>> j,.i.i, ¦'. M i_alre CoiahBtl ii Ooun*el. ... .. lti.l-00 ah ,-t e. .lek- Jr vt seer, I n . :i OOO Daniel li. 1* illili- l'.ii- l *i:,! *!,.),.-. ul."' li.,ii I. Ila "In Two bebe *'u.,:*r.is,io....r... IMO I j;;;;;; &,{_.*£, BtRMhCssn las! uer . ,___ J-in, QH«b Hie Cai . :.i.JOnO John nus Building I oniml*.loaer. S.0OO.. r. ll R titi lilt Welba i 'ut n i*»i..licr. .><>>>. J.'hn 1. Anni* fan tammi a sue o.0B0 beetle V. Beam E,..r A*-.ur-. -1.1.1 (9 MO; txe Civil >''^1,,' ''v1'"; BdsaioiK 1- salary, and tulrtj sieststera nf the Board af Kdii.a'.i ¦.I'try. Thc terms of the assessors beda In September anl tn > ' spire ene*, jrenr, Fifteen members of the board Of lvlvativi Ste appoint. 1 annually, th-* terms beginning in July. The terms of the Civil Service Oonunlssloni 1 .* I (Kin at the s.iine time as these of th.* heads of departmunts. Alexander E. Orr I* the presldenl of the rtTu Service Hoard. Hie uss .vales ar- the Rev. I'r. C. H. Hall, Albert G McDonald, Harrington Putnam and Oeorge I*. Nichol)., .-.iv ._ . , The -lection to the oftice of Bupemsor-at*.arge is claimed t>v both Thomas Pitchie and George Klnkel. the present Incumbent The former says that the published return.* of Ute vote in the Beventli ward, where hs lives, Rive him 2,1 thar, h.* should h.ive. and so be luis a substantial majority, on the other lund. Mr. Klnkel saya that missing dlstrlcta In New-1 trecht elect him by 20ft If there is snjf doubl of Mr. ritchie's election on thc official count legal steps will be taken to throw out the. fraudulent vote in Qraveeend, Similar action is likely to bc taken in regard to the Gravesend vote upon which Senator John W. Mc¬ Carty depends for his -lection over Henry W.i- fert.'in the Vlth Senate District. Th- exact firiires of the vote in the Richmond County part of this district sre not known. William Yan Slooten. the mysterious Democrstlc candidate in th- IVth Dis¬ trict, still claimed election over Daniel lira.ney, but correct."! ti.vnes yesterday ira ve Mr. Bradley a plurality of 431. erith tero missing districts whkh cannot maleriallv affect thc r-sult. The corrected reiurns give H. F. Houghton, the Republican candi¬ date in -he Hid i>t-triet for Assembly, HS over his opponent. Assemblyman O'Connor, but the Official Canvass Will probably have to be awaited for the exact figures. The Democrats offset this by lip,ires to show tbe re-election of Assemblyman Melody, in the IXth Mstrlct, over W. R. Pasfleld. WHAT Ml*. Milli.HF.N S1M.XT. Notice was pent to all candidates yesterday to file statements of the-r expenditures In the cam¬ paign, ts inquired by law. The amount expended by Mr. Bchleren ls said to be about lu.750. The Republic in Cnsspnlgn Committee spent about uc- f**w. ani tbs Committee of One Hundred $10,010. Smaller pums wer,- sp-nt by the Young Republican and Y \;:i.- Democratic clubs, the Citizens' I'nlon and the Brooklyn Democratic Club. The regular Democratic organization had SK-o.ooo to exp. n-v Mayor Boody subscribed B.RM to the campni-Tn fund "from bis salary of HMM. All the subordinate officeholders were assessed In like pro¬ portion, down to the humblest clerks. Every Demo¬ cratic captRln of an election district had li'-O to spend In each of the God districts. The bureau for ferr-ttlng out cases of fraudu¬ lent voting In Brooklyn was busy yester¬ day In gettlnt; facts ready to present to the Orand .'ury. 10 as to Indict the persons already accused. Further efforts will be made to ge; information that will lead t" successful prosecution of the "floaters," many of whom voted In the river wurdi on Tuesday. The prosecution will be conducted so as to prevent illegral votln*, in the future. If pos- Piblv The handbills settlnp forth the reward* offered for evidence that will convict will be cir¬ culated In all lodging-houses. THE IRON AND STEEL TBAr>E LOOEISO VP. fr MANUFACTURER! EXCOVtAOISV BY THE RF.su LT OF TIF.SDVY'S TOTCfO. Cleve!uni. Xov. P.."The Iron Trade Review" to¬ day Beys: "There ls an inproved condition In the Iron and steel market In consequence of Tuesday's election results.S BeU-flBeutSl Improvement, at least. I*, may sot show Ppelf in any advance In j)ric*a, but in ¦ peater willingness to trade, iron and Meei menufaetnrers a;c- protectionists end their b i.-itiess practice conforms to their belief. The hesitancy about concluding ponding negotiation.-! for large nin**uni-= of Iron which we chronicled im- medi.,' ly after lbs election of IMA v as the result of i, fear thiit values, which had advanced 1"> cents In the ouse "f raw Iron, would recede. To-day, as reports from ii number of sources Indicate, lhere ls a feeling that buy, rs, who have been pre¬ dicting S slight change for the better in th- -v -nt of smphutlc majorities In protest sgninsl Krec Trade, will ent*!- tbe market for larger purchases then they have been making in the past foul or (ive months of depression. Whits ihe f-eiins of uncertainty about the x.et terms <>f the new Iron and ste.-i schedule still exists, there ls a betts! that the chaiiB,-*. will nol xo to the dbmstrotts ler.Kth once fe ired, an! that the popular expression hus been too strong and tot) positive ts bs ignored, To hav- this belief receive wide acceptance is lo bc counted as a distinct gain "Au far as Hie past week ls «**_cerned tbe features to be noted in the trade ar** th.- better feeling at Pittsburg i,i the mark-ts for soft steel billets ,:nd Bessemer iir and the efforts of some Southern producers of pig lro'i io stiff-n priers. While there have leen sales of Southern t'r.iy forfe In Northern murK.-ts at Tlrr.es within tne past thre,- month1', cn a basia of te up, and even % 4>. at furnace, a Hale ls n.iei within tht- pent Week at a figure not fur fr..m it furnace. Tills, however is if, to ¦ cents better thun the average Southern furnace ls able to get In closely competitive mar¬ keta On Bessemer pig at Pittsburg better prices hav>- been realised than were i- iv two and three Keeks sgo, end the tn _.. which repreawnted tbe estr me depress!, n no 1 inger appears in trans* nctionK. lt would be fair :.*. quote ..ie market at 111 mi lo SH Ti. In billets there ls abo ;.n Im* prov-ii.. ,it ;i lari', numbei of sn le.* and nu ad¬ vance from tbe very iw bs i- of well-known trans¬ actions of October, Pittsburg nulls nre all em¬ ployed in a way, but there ls still aa absence of ord.-rs Involving such tannase as would mea>i otea-iy employment for « g*» r *<.< 1 of weeks. With the resumption in other Pennsylvania tullis tli- pa-*t week, there is sU,.__ ar; increase in capacity as Brill Continue tbs sharp Ktrug_rle for- orders for ¦erne tim.- to corr.-. Tiie demand for street rails, which explstns the resumption of the Pennsylvania mills, has been the only redeeming feature of the rall trad.- the oast year, ii.e blasi furnace eltu- utio:i iu..- changed but int!.* from thal of 0 but Ibe chsnge h_s been in th.* direction ol lar.-. r active capacity." THK \V')Ri.l)'S CBBISTIAB BfOBEEBW CO-Yl'E.VTIOM » Ailents, 'ia., Nov. ;.. -The World'a Convention of Christian Workers was called to order siiortiv \,--- fon- noon th dey la Deglve. Opera House, ir th<« laity, the Rev. R A. Torrey, of Chicago, pr.ling The op,-ia bouee wa* decorated with the '.iv:* ol Rations. ThM is tv largest gathering tnal has ever been hid 1;: bis city, lt is estimated that UM delegatei have already arrived, and more ..1- e.,pe-te.i during tbe week, a,Mr --.- of w Icon -. were deUverod bj Governor William .1 Northen th<- Rev. J. s. Robins, ths Rev. C. P. Williamson' ex-Mayor \Y. a Hetnphill and others Among the delegates are the Rev. E. P. Hammond snd the ''*".' Dr, Io of New-York, .1 ii the Rev Imhi Bonn, od Ontario, .'en..da. A SlAV ELECTBIC VOEFAET IKCOEFOEATED. Albany, Ko*, s..Tbs Cntnrnct Genera) Electric Ossspnny has been Incorpornted with tiie g«cretar} Of lita;., for UM purpose «,f puTObaaing sud selling electric power and for the n.-sci-tiut:. u of contracts for th.- production, distribution snd use ,,t ¦..__ power Within IlM COUnty Of Mom,,.- and in BUCtl othei placer! on or nejr the liner of railroad .-n- teriiix the county as may furnish a market for such pow.-r. The principal ofllce will be In \'.-w- Tort City, ..nt the capital is Mt,oos, divided Into J'o shales. Tbe directors ara William Mertens Thoo ta .'. Platt, Commodore )' Vedder, Frank W Haw ley ni Charlton T. Lewis, the h,.,t thr. nj, BubucnbliiB for lifty sbares of the capital stock. HTEIS1T7. ASH EASE ER SOT TO PEA) IS BAYAB A. Havana. Nov Moliner says lt will be Im¬ possible to arrant..- that Htelnitz and laasker shall play their (.real CMOS match lt, this city. A ST WERP WOOL SALIS Antv.-erj), .Vow li. .Vt the wool sales to-dav 2,11*1 bales of Plate River wool.*, nen oriered. ii... at¬ tendance Wit*, smaller than usual, but the competi¬ tion w_s active, ami values were steadily upheld. Following are the sales In detail and the prices ob¬ tained Busnoa Ayres, 272 bales, st tOfrlfi. francs per 100 kilos; Montevideo. MO bales, at tt«lS6 francs. NOW THEY THINK ITMVRDER. IK!.IM.n:NT POLICI AT I AST BOUSED IN Till: CASK OF DB, 0. v7. LOVATT. THK l.XTitr.Mii.v gagpiCJOUS CMCCMRTAXCEA REI ko ut n RT Tim rut tn RB ALONE at TIIK TIMK lill'. DOCTOR WAR RHO-. OlTiaiU UN U.I.Y AT WOIIK. The November Qrand Jury will to-day start In the Investigation of a case which affords a valu¬ able ol..i,*"t-!.vs ,,. in the methods of the modern- day precinct police. »»n tho night of October a Dr. Calen \v. Levett, en ndvertletai physician wh>. f..r yenrs had gabled notice in connection arith what ls gelled an "Indian Vegetable Specific, n>et his dsntb from S Pistol "hot tn the house .No. Iff West Twenty-tlrst-st.. k»T" by a woman named Kate Gerdner, better known as "Hlonde Kate." On ihe first discovery of Dr. laovatt's unconscious form, with a bullet hole In the left temple, the Nineteenth Precinct poUOS and the newspaper men comfortably settled on a verdict of suki,le. blindly doning their eyes le the many peculiar and un¬ explained circumstances OOMMCtdd with the death. Of all the newspapers In New-York Thc Tribune was alon** in thc BUggSSJl .11 lhat Dr. Lovatt had been murdered To The Tiibunc and The Tribune only ls due the credit of stirtlm; the in.-uiry, which has titus far resulted in a verdict of homicide, given by a Coronet's jury. many 1N rx li.i< Alli.K CU-UUICRTAJtCCR. I>r. 1-ovat! di.d In ihe New-York Hospllal on Bnturday, october _, the morning after the shoot int,-. On that day The Tribune hud ..lied attention t<> thc following; facts in sup¬ port oj* its belief of murder: Iir. Iaovatt. who had been married twenty-three y?ars, came to this city in Bsptentber with his wife and son; took rooms In the Twenty-first-st. hous? kept by the woman Gerdner but rented In the name of her mother, Mrs. McDowell. Mrs. Lovell soon decided that lt was ii" lit habitation for an honest woman, and she entreated the doctor to have lt. About this time bis mind, usually clear and active, seemed to be suddenly Ckmded. Hs spoke and acted like S man under the influence of narcotics.. He refused to Icavs the house and declared that he would re¬ main with Mis. Gardner. Toting Mr. Lovett there¬ upon Rot lodgings for his mother and himself at No. ii: West Twenty second rt., and on october ll. after a Anal and distressing scene with the husband and father, they left the house. Two hours before Dr. Lovett had shown his wife YM in two rolls of bills, and this money was In his pocket when she left the house. Every day she tried to get speech with her husband, and each tims the Gardner woman, s bleached blond.*, with lu.rd, gray eyes, refused her and h-r son ad¬ mittance. They watched and waited, but the doc¬ tor never appeared On one ol' these occasions Mrs. Gardner assaulted young Mr. Lovett and was Bummoned to Jefferson Market Police Court, but Police .iBslice Hogan dismissed thc CUM without et»n h.,.ri;ii,' Mrs. Lovatt'a complaint On tbe night of october XL i'oliceman Reagan Called at the house, found Dr. Lovatt bleeding from the wound In the left temple, with dark, livid bruises on the jaw and eyes, an! with only 10 cents out of the $700 which he hud pocketed six days before. The only evidence i'e*.ardinK the shooting was furnished by Mrs. Gardner herself who said tb..: Bhe hud heard the sound of pistol shots in the doctor's norn upstairs three -quarters ot" an hour b. fore, but, bein*, under the impression that "he was shooting at mirrors," hud not thought lt worth her while even to go upstairs. The doctor had been found bv a man-of-all-worlt, known gs Solomon U-vl.familiarly called "Hunchback Sol" On the table by the doctor's side was found a note read¬ ing as follows: "October 20. 1893. "At No. 167 West Twenty-flrst-st.. I huve lived lon;.' enoURh In mis-ry. DR. G. LOVATT. "God forgive nie for this last ad; I alone. . . . my death with the aid of this revolver." ACTIOR IS FINALLY TAKEN. First the peculiar signature and studied wording of this note attracted the attention of The Tribune, and next the circumstance that the lines following the signature had been added iib an afterthought on the part of the writer Th* Nineteenth Pre¬ cinct police, fearful of admitting that a house ot the character described by amp. Lovatt existed In their precinct, stopped action en the case. In- oulry showed that at the time of Dr. Lovatts death there were present In the houee Mra Gard¬ ner; her mother, Mrs. McDowell; Georgie Mat¬ thews and Kmma Broderick, "actresses," who wear rouge and diamonds; a man known _s JncR Conrey, who spent most of his time with Mrs. Gardner and had the manner of a typical Slxth- avenue swaggerer, and Arthur Pender, a theatrical agent, who curries his office In his hat. At the Inquest held yesterday these people, all Tenderloin veterans, with one exception swore that they heard the shots, but were too scared to leave the room. The exception was Conrey, who ran away Immediately after the shooting and is supposed to be working on a railroad. They do not explain the disappearance of the 17(a), or why they waited three-quarters of an hour before calling asnlst- ance. Mrs. Lovatt swore that her husband never slimed himself "Dr. G. W. Lovatt." but "G. W, Lovett, M. 1)."; her sen said, further, that his father was a right-handed man. and that the note was not In his handwriting. Dr. Chambers, house Burgeon of the New-York Hospital, declared that the black eyes and the bruises had been caused by a blow, and not by the fore* of the shot, and hts evidence made it certain that the bullet wound could not haw been gelf-infllcted either by a right or left-banded man. Assistant District-Attorney McIntyre set forth thes** convincing points to the jury, which delivered I'* verdict after a brief de¬ liberation. Mr. McIntyre at once began to prepare the evidence for submission t" th Grand Jury while the police art lookftii. for Conrey. TBE PETBOLEWM MARKET. NKWS PROM THK FIELD AND RAR-E OF PRICES. N-tv-YorK, Ni,\.'inb*r 9. 10M. The crude p'troleum nm k> t «.*- dull but MroiiC'r ti* day. duly 1,000 barreh anni dean in at ta- OeaaelMsted Fxrbange, bat Ihe price piil was ta rente, sad that ess tl)- final lil, u -alu ,,f 4 Mat. At iii City prlv-eg lou lua 7:,'. cuts, iii- output of the McDonald di-trl.-t li stationary at l.',".00 horrell a dav, ani lhere tts* is f, .11 ur lo ll.- ll.iO advice... 1:, lin,.1 petroleum wa* un inn.r"! at ,-,1,. ,-, m* a gal¬ lon ii lu ri 2.4*1 .oil* In built an.I .',.90 .eau, in .a-.*. !'..-cn quotat'opa « *.¦ Aatwerp, llL* fianc*; Bremen, 4fAU nar.-; Kuii'lon, 3r_d. TIIFa TRADE IN CHICAGO. Chtcapo, N"V I fflpecinl)..Wbent early to-day was weak, there being an inclination arnon*, those who boii-siit on the Republican gnccesses Tuesday to realize. About noon a new bull motive came along in the shape of higher Continents! cables, .md th.- early lois was recovered and the market dened where it .lil Wednesday. December opened at CMc, sold between 61--« and HU and closed at H'.'.'c'C.a.'.c Minn, .polis and Duluth had !*»J cars, against *fl<> last year. The Liverpool opbnlng cables w. re weak. "The Price Current" said the drouth hud not affected the winter wheat ar-a so far, Export clearances were light, about MMM from all perta On this -ort of news the market ;_ot under "puts." Around noon th- Continental cables came very strong; Ualtlmere reported 'vi leeds taken there; Pillsbury wired that farmers' deliveries were grad'.all: falling oft; that aftgr u while it would show up at Minneapolis and Duluth, and t'v. stocks in .ont,try elevators uni farmers' lu-iids were less than on**-ha!f what ti.ev were last year, on this soil of newe the recoverv begun and continued until tbs close The bulbi also had ii rumor that th- proposed Russo-Oerman treaty had fallen through. Private warehouses say that th- Wall Street jong lins is being pretty tv.il stuck to Armour to-.li.y sold 100,000 cash corn to Xew- Y- rk, ami al viv chartered the room 11 ship lt, The ca*h demand was good; receipts promise a failing .,fr. charters were made for S12.000. To¬ day's cars tv r< ',;..; bul the estimate f,,r Friday wai v. May opened al iVf\c, cold between Wk snd if-, abd closed at 42-/¦t4'i\r. There was a good centi demand for ..nts; receipts were light. As a result there -v.,* in Advance of \ to .%.<. elong the list May opened at tVtbc, sold betw. ti tv and 32V. and closed al Bf! '.-.' Provisions wei.wier, although hog receipts were Hint, ;.. ause there was eenie little Belling cemmlselon houa -. which looked very much -.s if foi the rsckers. There were 19,009 hogs: the ,... .Imate for Frlda. ..'.ts If 0 g On the curb "puts" .¦¦ Decembei wheal were ».:.".'¦; "calls." (Bc. "Puts" mi May corn were 12 (121 ,.: 'calls," ;. v. ... Bl IRTON \\". (OL MARKET. B .Mon. Nov n. Tlu : h bi en a quti I and si-v ly wool market, snd ths Bales of the week ire 2,074,2U0 pound.. ,,f ail kinds. Prices sre very steady snd unchanged. Terri! vu meets with a . 'r demand, .h.d eells "i, .: basia ol "-vx, clean, for -ii* :::.i:.'- iv rin. edlum, and HX>32c for medium. Spring Texas aella al lifflie, and Borne 70,00(1 pounds fall iM l*i 10c. California wool i* dull. Ohio fleeces are Urra an 1 In mall supply, with X at tlc; XX at .."::.-. xxX i*:i above al Cf/24c, and No. 1 ut :'*''¦-'¦ *.-r |,. v... Michigan X H.¦.¦* are Quiet at ''¦.-<- in ;.ulled wool torre have been small eales ol super, ai -uvv ¦.¦,- pound, Domestic scour. e ,'i are In good lemand. Foreign wools dull and nothing "f consequence doing. Domestic combing woola gre in denian.1 si ttttftc tor medium and No 1 washed, .-md 171,30c for one-quarter and Hu . eighths blood L'nwa h d line delaine been Beijing freely al 2Sc for Michigan snd 2Vn2:.- f,,r irhi., SOUTHERN COTTON MARKBTS. Onlvseton, Nov. I..Cotton quiet; middling, 7 13-i6c- low middling, 71..-; g.""! ordinary, 7 1 i>.-. Rel snd poss receipts, ,.911 bales, exports, coastwise, i.i.i oitiet; sui-r, gt. bales; spinners, .Mi bales; -nock lt,,uh bales Norfolk, Nov. :> Cotton steady; middling, "t-kc; low inlddiitiK. 7 6-Ibc; good ordlnsry. ''.T.c; n-t and moss receipts, _,__* balee; exportr, coastwise 1 ,74 bales; »al-s. MU babs; stock, 70.181 balee .N'-'.v-iiri'*;,n». .\,,v. <_, cotton quiet; good mid¬ dling. .1,-Hie; middling. 7 lin;.*: low middling ..h.-; t-,..i ordinary, 71-ttc; n-t rece tpis. 774:: bai.-s, btoss, sun bulee; exports io deal Britain, ...'.j .a es; t., um Continent, (til bnles; coastwise, .:..*.» bales Betas, IftjQ bales; stock, _M,SM bales havannah. Nov, I Cotton dull: middling, 7*c; __L2J_e.fl __f! "ow* '^dlnary. 7c; net and grosi __£_??- '.lr X*1".' "uoru to Oreat BrlUln. 1,407 *_i_T.' ___, ..,rtnVn,nt* wtw b«1*"; coastwise, um bales, sales. Itt bales, Btock. 12S,M» bales. THE MARKETS. TOTAL RECEIPT- TO-DAT. Nsw.Tsrk, keresabet ft. i Poe*..it ,,kt.*. 7 M..I.*, bal"** . I'.;.,c. bhlS . Iii.", I.-'Illel *lt|e«. l.,tl.m, bale* . H'.*l7 Muli*- s, l.l.l* foti .a,...I ,.||. I,|,|s < .-.. m-al, bair* I .-.".-*, 1.1,1- . 1 .-¦* caw* . li Ul [I,ii* Itncktth. al. I.i-h ll. »V. Mu'.r, |t*g* I ,.*-in..ril. I.i. lie n,J, lurp., lill*.... nfl spirit* t'.iv. bli* 1 tu ib.-iii. bbl. . h iii; Tir, Mila. :i,\:.,4 od cake, pkg*. ;i_'. .m. lui... l,i,|. (Ul Hld -toell. pk)**.... ."' per., pkg . I'ernmeal, hairs .... perm Beef, pk.:- . WI,, it lui*!, fl i,i utni ul* lia.. Corn, bu*h .l.'IT.uW Dr ,-.l li"--. Nu.... Oats, bush . ISil i" I.ni. I'kcs . Mit. bask . 10,300 l-ard kegs . harley, btt*h. 6,425 I Buttr, pkg, . Peas, bosh . .v.omIu-c. pinr* . Flss..1 I.iil's 45.440 Iti, i.kcs . .ir.'s seed bags..... 2,111 Tallow, pkna . <»r-i«.-, Dkn*. i,, u ,,1.1.,-v. i,Ms. lillies. SO. 200 V.iul, bale- . Mt, 1.2:10 ,"..'..'. I lu lu 1 fr./. 0,100 HI". M.'Mi (i 1.0.1 '.".I'l ¦f uV, I'.iK 1.701 PIH :i mn :.,c,;m S."> 'JOO Wheat, b-sh Cr:,, beak... 'tat.*, Iinnli... rea-, bilah..a Ilea. I'l.u-, HMS.... I (nu, a Uar, inc . . ..rum a IVI*.._ Itran. It.... <ira-v, -ced. I,a-.-*.... ll"|8 In cs ... .'ll ID'-lll, Vi. 12 oil eek**, m.. NKtV.VO-'.K lAI'OI'.TS. .',..;i o .S|>iiit« tarp., c-als.. .... 8 304 < riulc pet., pal*.... 4.1 rt R f. ;.' t, -.-mis .3 1,127 « "'t ii*- <I ail, gala. I, -ii la-b'cafg alla, galv .... 11 e..V rori.. hhl*. t 0 o Beef, tii.i*.. 2 .'».. Ateef, lag. l. 94 et ,,, ir, .i.-iH 0..i,t() Kin*, ff).;? 214 laitrl, fl.. ()8I 1..I B St'itilne. Tit. i Putt. r. Il,. "ii 3.100 I'J. 0.14 >i.i:ir, 2.200 J7.9M l.'.OI MS o 0*.L'..*»iX: C ce-c, il,, (XV) nco O'k, (JA.-1II Ul "' AU I"NS. Dee, No. 1 (..unary penn.tri i oo go, ..rv l-'en-e ll BO -opp* r lake inc,ii.. !. ,.', m-I rall*. gi ki l_BM . A -.() i In, 8(*nl. 20 ll L'ettes middling. r.1. (od atovr. 4 BO ( nflee, Ne 7. 1M'< F.our. Mini. latent* 4 >'*> V. I.eat. No 2 Nd... IMia. (Mt*. No 2 mixed... 84'. I oin. No 2 n Iv.-d 411'. Rye, No 2 Westers. 55 liol.i-s, s prime nett Hfl Turpeai ne :.o^ Lari. |, In.- Wt s'.'n.ilO 0 i i< klee I,a,us ., Pork. moo liv*. (Ir**'rt. I-','* -4 Rle. I..r Quel na M*PB4 "snail)'. :.-. I'liat d. 4'_ Beef, fam.ly. I'J no Beef liam*. )<;<ii I abott, rime cl'.iv 5 1-lii Butter, 'iv. f c. s Chees... lame, f1tn.lll4.7ll*. FR'.*, beet West*! 11. 2Darlt5_ THK OENERAL MARKF.T REPORT. New-Ysrk. Nov-nli, r :>. lsv:i COTTON-.Th* cotton morio-i epeaed tutii vary ten ori'i- 1,1,-ciit sud Hie lovii tisdi n lenereUjr lang and r.itiu-r tlispisMi to -ci. th- Liverpool acesnata iMinir sn* satlsfartery. At thc astor! prices were troai uuehai ¦¦ to - |M>ints higher, but titr- um k.t gi;i<iu.iiit, became .'-lin auder tbe preaanri* 01 liquidation .,( tong account*. mu! prlres steadll. declined with thr market Mn,lit 7 ta ll points lexer thea la t Bight's lei 1. but stead) Ifl to,.. I h.* volume ..( i,u*li,<--. shewed Uv effort* ot (curs rcgardlm; the llureau oo]. r"purt due al 1- O'clock lo-niurrntt, uni th- -ale, onlt reached 128,000 bale*, the -malicst total fer several months pa*l for any full sesates. Mach of th,- wreakneaa st te-dsjr'i -. --io-, was doe i" a r. purt that gained (put' general elreslstloii le Ihe affect Hint Kelli would be out with an eatimate polBtlna to s crop of s.ocn.- (*C,i hair's. While the local contingent itas i!i- jx,-<.! tu ridicule :. ,r such (lg,in*, ns ,-tTo, apen thc l.uro|e;,n cotton market* could Bot bc Ignored, and lt wa* natural lr as.un.cl that I",urope weald Dike ste* k in N ill'* figure*, because lt weald *ult them to ctn -n. At Ihe sunn* Ume reports were raming up fr".n the Booth Indicating that there «a* a little pur' aispo*itton te .1 spot ..:-..,. while ti,.- accounts from ITew.Englaad were nut rnleulated to inspire muck cooSdenre as to activity on tue part of Am. an intoners, said u pramtoeat operaioi ,,, ') bango to-i-u "The sitiintinn I- not without its strong featores, but ti-ere 1* jii-t st preeeag too much eeaipaay on the iuii! Mic of thc market for much further advance untJi liquidation hs* evened np the market _i little helter." 'Iii- ri'ireau reporl to-morrow 1. experted to deal In a rather L-ctieral »av «lth thc cotton crop. The move, ment on which operations to-dav hav been p-rflv baaed ls Kl-nuped as follows At the ports for Uie dav, .(2.0,"). agalnet -0.7',', hales Issi v.ar. At tfew-Orlrans f-r to- marrow, l.l.OOOii lli.OOO hale-., sgalu-t D.tOf bale last rear- At the port* for the week, "Ho.PO) hates, msIdbI '-'.,11.727 hales inc eorr.'sp.,ri_.ins week la*' tear Af tl,.- Intcrior, li.'O.OOO lisles ur less, uiptiiM 114.OOo bales cor responding week i,,*t 'car. opening, range and close to-Sst* tut dosing bid* thc previous night and la*t yegg follow: Open- High- Low- Closing Lu-t I^st lng. e»t. cst. to (I n. nlcht.vc.ir. November .812b *-*.l*l 8.03 8.K.ah.07 S.16 8.58 December b -3 0.21 »l"> g.1648.16 8 .'2 f*.7'J JHiitiirv .".... 8.29 8.28 8.18 8. is if*!, li M.-.M H.-f, February .8.36 h.-au 8.'-.'*¦ 8.20_8.g7 8.:ii ».» Mnrch '..f>.4'- ^.42 8:82 HM:i,.'8.S4 8.40 0.12 A pl ll .H.47b 8.49 Hil) 8.4V/8.I1 8 47 M.Jt Mav .8.50b 8.50 8.18 8.4>3... 8..10 H.S3 .luiie .S.tiHii 6.00 8.W 8.,".4'i3.30 8.01 fi.4i July .e. fl.,">2 Market clo-^d steidr. TlSesferaMe orders ls»'.icd at 8.J0. Totnl sales. 191,001 balep. Ncw-VurU *pOt MlSg tO'dsy and lu*t night: Kor tenss.SMse. til halss: ajsj market dull mlildlTngs, h ,.. tthl-h U l-ltf lower loinparcd with yesterday's yrlcea. Quotations are based sn American (.tandard af elasilfloa- tlon and on rotten ls scars mimina In duality nat mets than half of it grade above cr below the grade quoted. IBlaBB*. >'i)ii. Blain SB Ordlna-ry .A'% e's Rtrlct Ordlpa.'.8>» tt*a <»4,od Ordlntrr.7*a 'V Strut O-mmI (irdlnnrc.7 '.-16 7 11 -IC Law .Middini* .7 18-10 8 lill .strict Low Middling.8 1-ltt 8 ul» Mid'lUnt . *¦* **¦-... ii.od Mi.ldilns .Sfl-10 8 1310 .MidillnB Pair .f's 0*s Ktilr .-..O's !*-4 6tr. t Ced Mlddllcg.U\ ft 0 0ri 7 13-16 **ew.Teg_ net iscsMs. soo b*ice: bt*',*'_ !_B_ **lSXi cport* to Continent, ifl trai'i*: Ofeat Brltotn. ,,«0 cllii; France, nene; for*_**e1, 1 171* kalfs; jSHSS, UJ DCign .ii ¦'.¦.'- m «,»«_> bu-), sn spume.*: atock M3.IM hilo*. Total njt part ie *lpti to-iadt. 82,BOB balee; rtiu* fsr UUl _"*._. B»li8»* bil**. Export* todar: Oreat Britain TBA** ?al'-s; Franse, OOi hitle*: Continent. 82,057 Mle*. BhBtjU'. Oreat Brit.lu, 100.680 balee: Fran"*. 23 888 balli: Con- tlrci t 84.Vi! halse: Channel, 1.400 balsa; fetlU, 215.410 tr.!**; *t,rk, ono-sn h»>*. UvTsrfssl (eeks Awl sot- to moderate, doi*ind freely stet, pn.-es nBehanend. Sal's 10.000 hale*: -pe-u a*i>ni riml itxixirt, 1 OO', bal*- Inteflcai, 7,900 bal**; rece'pts 2'0:':' be'rs: Am ri -m. 14.8'K) bales; ordliwry. i!«: iroud oidlivirr, 48-1-1: lo« n,l lilllnr. 4 7-l''i; r l.l.llln*- 4H-1H: ecol mi'lBiln-. 4 11-I-; midlllos fair 8. Pat-ares opened <¦:¦. demanS md.Dte ai iiii,iia)iu-'l to 1-0! advaoea: rl«eed steady sad uu- rbanged t'. mu advance. /anoary-FSbruary. 4.20Kl.JO; FVbrii.re-March, 1.8094.81; M veli-M ni. iJtt; \ni May, 4.8331.84: Mnv-I'in* 4.:t.'.lv .lu- eiulr 4.8l.4 IT: Jttlv-A'tgn-t 4.3*.) 1,'IH N ven i,»i- 4 28MA.80 Nut :u he i' ;nber, 4.- >,,/4."".): De\*ember-Jeana ry. i.-i.'i.in Hon uar ablpateots November 2 tu November 8. 1888: c.r,ut Britain, l.oo* bales Ceailaeat. 7,000 bdea; is'-'. (i:»,t IMt.in, n-ne; Caatlnent, ft ooo bil,-*. Ini|4ris. 188.1 18.000 bales; 1809 '..Ooo biles. Prevfon.lt re. ported. I88JI ..'-t Prltala 41.000 balea; .'nntimnt. 7V on bales; 1802, Oreel ajrltslii. 88,81*0 Isa:-, Co t neil 832 000 bn'ev In..*urt- In IBFUI 1.89*0*0 ha'ea: i*" 2 !,' :r, oco bale*. Total 1».M. Or-at Brlt-in. 4'J OK< bales; Continent, 780.000 bale*: IS02, ,in*t Rrltiiii, co cou balsa ''."'ii"*nt moors') bil-*. Imf*art* i***>3. 1.V.iooO'i bal"*: l^o: 1,010000. *'nck o'lo-it lu lltm- Hr liarb-r, 2,000 h*le*. aealvet 1.00) bal", name time Ie t yesr. GOITER.Tba market for coff*s open.-d *teadv In tone with Keliruarv ,otitr:r-i* .', puln's ISwer on the hld*, and f*tti"r muufli. unchanged on thc first csll. w!th *il*« r»a.ii. inc .'),000 lu.?.-. Bos'Beas was very quiet fur th* ret of the pirenoon. Ind B_l to 2 O'i'IocU nu *peculatlve |n(ere;t wsi niB'iif»*te'l. On th* aetual basTseaa Deeeaibet opened io puinis h'li-er. :,nd Mav eontneii opened r> pel nie iiiKtu-r, December aelllns ,i is 0". 17 o>") and Msi si l-l,,. Th- f-T.-ltTi nar.el Rews «a- n'her fatorabl- at a whole. Hamburg shcwinr ft..ni uncbaaged prices fo :,n a1\:.ne<- sf ', ^f'^ srltk ih" tens of tin- market linn and si'ics leaching An,l'(0 bin*. The Havre ir.ar'.et m. from unchanged te -1. pf? hirli'r, and .hov.el sip* nf 27,000 bag-. The Ixuxlvi market wa* frost nnehadged prl,. to lld lilfli'7. I'.,, \.a- quiet; No 7. Kviii.nC" standard, quoted 15 S SOO, Fjirbsnge (sritstei I08-1M, Reee'p'a m Wo, u.tsm bass; *tr,ck nt r.i., 88.090 bags; msrket st lt., <ve..k. Vint-* r-ccip;, 7 oo bam and -tock. -IO.. cen bee*; Sante* Biarkei (inlet, with gu .1 arrraee snoted If, fMO, Cleared fr in Rte, 12.000 ick-s. xi -nie. m N:w-Ycr!( up tr, 1 :i0 reached f.ftti) Ikib* The mr.r'ol P-r d-itia-t. eloaed sleaqt an* nnehsaged to wera 13,000 i,i*p-. as fotlew hlpher. Totnl *al" November Derember January "il v March \ " Mae . icu*. hsr* ".vi 4 Atm .. .M'O 4 260 Ulah- I,«ir. e«t. em. 17.8*i 17.81 17.(0 ir,.:,-, lilli". 1(1. Ol io.4o iejs 1 ?r,t) lain ic.io ri"»<d ('..der. 17.3'..: 17.40 io rr.,. 17.oo in ta 'pi 7'. io i- in *.,. Ifl lt,*,* l«.4*i ICl-,,,].!.-, ie.05.i(i io |K.!nt* IaS.-t t *ar 1,1.1* 1 :. 00 18.48 15.20 I.V10 1.'. 00 ll/.-. 1145 The statistics! position o( Rrat.1 raaTes is foiio.vi Y.-t r- cay. 14M.-IV* 1 COS 8 83 l.Visv-, 2 *. in .3," H_>. Keilli-" llold't- a**0 tit I.'St To.dar. *;t0' k, Nev-York ..*. 180,1*70 Sock, Rainmore . i .*'2 Bteek, N' w.Orl ans. 0 Ott* NVik, Cnltet s:if.*. 1482 0 A Boat for L'nlPd ."sia'c*. -di,., \ li t.upai* ... 4:ti*200 v.vr 'he¦¦- .!. -liter .¦* tnt S v 11.8 .< W.hoe.e (!¦ -ll ,..!' *. I"tl"lii..|-, (ll Wa'rehsu* dellrerl N 0 .' 'total asreliess* .1-1- re* ll °.", Kio on -ifi', wa- u'net Steady cn the l,a*ls of 18-a8 I*-* ,. viii, *,1<* «.f BOO bags Sal. N. 1 .., ¦;. m ;.,, Bflost per Salerno mil I.v <.' bag. Bsatos, Wa .".. at lt. ado,t. pei Mi ll lurne. Mill reOee sa* -i-"!j-. With -al-* Bf 800 bags Maru- <al1." au-l 150 hug- C...'.!;.I Ar, ric.;i p'lval let li.,.! t: tXD Ml.ai.-lt wa »>i unu nally dull dar Ip c. ii ii>. equal ol eh ii has "ellum buen -e-, ,,., the I. .- t Hu- Ulller "rillluii-. ii, nn..'ie, ,. Thl Lran*a Hons en oa-.e Katurd r* -,.m- been a, cxreptlon, -i-.iiie. aul -v.-1 v.. utan the transact-an* la-dsy, hut Mil* he- .. I-*,:.ur.-i. There was m,i - oueh -i ii,-** c. BtfrkeC I'r;.i.. inm'.iaL sud but*-Ts h'ii off, i. f--;-,'. ie ps even Ithli - ,- af tin- on --. a* a r *uit. n mu a 'v .' .. and thal '"i- about all. Trj-i*a Ho-*. «.i :: :,t y ,,i ,,. ,,,. rli Una OOO bM- winter stn ,- ..: ).; n* ;i,,, l,|.|. .Var, :,t »-' 7'." -f '.-¦¦ I .*! extra ..' .ii *...-,', ; eui -nil- i'i ai B*-'25; I,OOO i,vi, |V patent ,t u anl 250 ark* af -v-.'ii" ut -vi ,n Smut. flour - j. -t .! ¦¦ lt*i '. . er ;... bola sd ilghl. it gj o RYE TttOVH The markel wa modtrnteh active and ..,-,. Billi -ai-- »f 500 Ml* at ¦*-.:*,.,;¦) Bt'CK Will.Ai FLOl ll Trade .;, lull hui withs U*idi Us s-,1.., »cr,. 200 i" il - i- '¦'¦ itl I. vu i. Market .-'. s.i,--, ..(M) l.l.l- ii ¦¦-.,1',,-c (.,. Milo,,. i.ii!o» : ... *>»"»*¦ , winter. Niels Harrell. .Si :,,. SarreU ».. rrade ni »5_0t ..¦ ¦' ... 6i 75eel h.*. ,. Kine .... h"j I M ... it .... I'.)- 'j (.(i ..*.' )(,, .. j, fcup'tlne I attn 108 .... 2 |.;,,. rt. - .... -. :" ¦' .-' lorJ'.oirr.'Sfi -. o '¦',.,, ioo Ix No 1. -.'2",, : in -vi-,., 2 80 3 lg* . ',- »;w. Cleat 2:t5/ »_. 2 6'» -f -ft ...,-. ,}M^; ; ,;; Mia.ulit 8i"" I ¦-> ¦¦ "¦' I,; -s,., goo i,.,,,, [_., "lek do.t 8 . | ,,, ., .-., patent 8.50 _tW SHOO 03 . ,t .. , V . "Hy nulls. Weat India ;:i:,.I-* -.,',, Do satans.. .,, , -, ''""... ."" . -J'..i 8 10 Mlv.il ric. ....... f 7'.- -j ll < nits Ml AI, Th" arkel . nradi -. .., ena '¦).,- .,, BJ SO QuaUUeiia ', si ut \y, .,., *f ,.,. Krandywla n * >¦,;,.. 7! em. white, bega ti i iel 2 i- _<< uj s,,. ,,. Uuotat'ons: I-. arhlt. * l <)*.. t| v, .,..' ,..,.''' ¦tM.-url.i.". ,,,.,rs" ".'.,:.;.". ..,, | ., M,.;,., rjj >*. "I|"'1"11.,,"' " ; "l.77"7; *7r 7r *»-». 70 rd, -,,.vu. homlni ebop *.;..,, \{\ ^' J£* q'-iei".,V ;.'.:..So! i "...*; '": "¦." *****mui*mw*m*i [HtAlS ri in ti' The. a-ti.f n. wpm .mh . .ng "..- .i-u ii -I inter -t. n .,. . ,, , {""¦ ; ituJ.ui,,.,. .nd -,tv,i down it,, i,. I,, .r- h.. ab,,,, m, ettet which -¦., ,. "'. , ;'',"'. i - b.lit .,- .,( Ute -.,ci, I'..- etti) wrekiwa* ._, L" .-rt,.., ,, .,,., Mbil a-l prUai ,,,;. ;,;*;."..,*'. * .'"' ll'iuiitlon of lar;.** U'l-sui. BhlpBaet* fie,,' arrival- and bmw fnrth* Hsuldti. u..i,1J. ', rerelgi, hnlr.g and ejenrtete Migera.ce of tuen,¦ «,«' Mau tti.u* in p.rt d.- ta, t .. Bagyy an," ,nt ,,. , ab't-H san io Hil* l.rge amount si, .".-..g. Tl '" :.',\ }'f tbs fact that R'l.ati ha. hew. sT3)gi__rT_!_5j!,*S far pur*, man, Aii-arlca. xCasaanit AuZtZ _ffl__J Xuiom Blmoit entire!/ eut cf tke mai kn p\"',£ J^J^ deanna* of a.ifll-lent BBW_B*___ sff-ct price*. Ihi* brinn* Ce mnrk-t back lo the btiSSBSSB ar * tag from fi.* Atnerie..,, rendition* and then) nf*.***£»W. ¦* *.» piopltou, fo,- ¦ b-1,1 mark.-t. be mot.-'cut Bf tte WM luiiii,,,,.., nrga i.ul asala presitaBfl to .hew eu*eest pro- Ionions tu p:..lu.e a lars- Incren*.' In th- tl Iblu T. ore ls ,,... ,||.,.... sbo.ll fe NnrthiM-t-ro ,pr,n.' wle.t ,.. eeli.ts lt ls lain cl that the cointrv sbl|,inents are .ft I- ne orr aad a suSateh Kdsy tram Mr. pili*i,..> a*.a,'.ol Mt he ilht" efl hui been snteMsl, but that the _, Mi.c'i,,, wou'l n... be felt tor some tim- li, th, arrival* of Ml ,,.-,nells Slid Dululu. Speen la tl mi 'Oems lo bc ut it s s'i althouc rumor, ar- ci rout that Wall .St . et i. .uiiLdei-ll.lv lntcr-t-'l. <>n the ether band, lt |, _.,. -,rtl thu uart "f the recent ll.|uld«t!.in ha.* b-en Inr \v.i' Street amount. Uter lu 3m dav a little better hellas developed In wheat, bit lt t*n« aeceapentei hr ter, until tammin, anl »l .¦¦.* ''"¦"" ,h" BBUksl wa* dull nt net Beeline. Ceak wheat wu* pisa rsry duli wits prudi, ..itv bo tnqstrj tat espert erlkraal seeooM. Sales tt, ,,. o OOO bu-li f ungraded nd. lil' lu Mu*/ '-' load* f r >*V ,rt I.-r- w.ue r,|NirM of I-.'".OO') boah for c*|«,rt, tia ti-. 'imip.rt.. Details and quot .lions of the |.,c:i| cash market follow: No ._> red V.i' under I)-c.imber In store; li--ii h-r cl."*.-! 07V, December prlee ( o b at stor.*; t*t Bnder December f <> I. nilen', nnd ¦.*-¦ anjler December de- herd Ko I hatd sprint, um.td the sver Dc mu >. delivered; ko 1 North,-. spring quited m.,. 0v.r Deeembet deUverrd; unmade! 10,000 lui-li nr.e and prltal*- term* delivered i cRN-Iii"* market for ern opened (Stet and Breaker, s.-nine off '..'. partly in .yatpsthy with wheat, and partly ai ti hal appeared to be ll.iuldatlnn. I.r some dava Baal Ikere h»* ...'in ..pp"ar*nt)v long compressing on the ir'nkel mid thl* selling is du- thc weakness of tbe market! Aft-r the early decline price., rallld a little and trade beeame dull, operators nuilinir ott for tbs rea ra* Wrt to-n»rr..w. Thl* rep,ri will coter Ibe preliminary ti,ld per arie, Thc Indicate! ibid la-t mouth "ns "1.4 buaac. taifabodewing . .mn sf 1,891.000.000 bum. A v,.-,r tan thc prelUnlnarv statement made ike vld-l 1,681.- 000. 000 hush. Vd the pp.rllletlon [WT Herc ._.'_*. 1 hil.h. Be i**peii la Basally mad.' on wiieat. Fi-ur *, however, sre elven fur cotton hiv. potato**, ciancio and buckwheat. 1, ran Unf «a« i lltllti better re Hag late in Ihe dav. ,, ni.- r-s,nt nt geod eviron trade a: caleago, "her- aboul 800.000 bush ».*re reporws for ihlpsmra. Ti.r,> wi. a littl- h.-al cover ii'.*, but at the rinse thc ii'.rk.t. .1, ,.) a net I"* of li Vat or, near deliveries sui '.,: idvance on Ma\. c.-ii rora ana dall Bad ',.¦ :,..,r Ratei wera Bt-lj 21.(00 bush, torltidtng 18.. ooo bush for expert Elevator rora was quote! al 4r,'_ ,,¦'.,. ami .anil <|-lli.tel Bl IC'-V' at the rlaoe. nv;-, -ri- irarket fer ,a;. waa terr Bull thi* anning iir ul froi.b.,alb , ai. r, -1 li, pi t ll 171 li t* tt th the tt. liMl. - which un tailed In wheal sad earn. After the esrty da¬ rline trade i" .¦¦¦ -.- \.*rr dull wt', prices about steady. Ther" t»a» ii .niel iiink-l In nat* late. Int With a Mr.r tone pries fortis* thc Influence of th- tett-r feeling which pre. all'-d In other BfSlB. Th- rloae tm* quiet. Cam "at- uer., gale*. Bales w.-re iti.ooo bush, ss fol¬ low*- No *J ont* 21.000 b'i»h, 31V elevator and S5*_e deliver."!: No :. oat*, non Heil. Bte: No 2 white, 48.000 bush 81_r0-4e: No .1 while. 10.000 hush ^l>..<.: trn-k white 20.000 bash. SWMIe: ira-k nixed 8,000 baah M vr.T.Vaiket Inactive; \Ve»teru. ro_7"le; CBnads, WO .,, tix-rawed. 8 v. '..- ii t.m.cv Duli Ko S Ml- waukee, ii*,- .ni-'-,d d Weat, r ,. 85k87c RTE Market norn I ial Kl KIMS ti,ie.I Brm bul dall. Countn nhIpm* t* 1***11 :,t af* 754*01* 40. a- to quslltr; Xs Ni m ii !. r M7Sas1ed: December BOSS iake1, Tm otu Market *te:i(|iv .rot. quoted 88 75301 ncr 100 Th. KI.iv- *,.m! Kim. nt. elia BUCKWHEAT-Market dall, Vc ad lan In li-vl ii'int-d ¦". le, Quotation* follow. Foi it>m**rt*sn the 'io,lng ii.ni»* el bm ii-frht and teri rest are tri von : 07 *| .70*4 :.fi\ Wheal. Nov ml.-r It,,, sibel !,.ui.iir February Mal -i Mar . Cern. November .40 Deeembet .... I'.'. January .47 ¦« Mut- .48i-j nata. Novcmb'f Opn- Hisli- r.ow. est. Di ,*l cr AU :..-.'_ January May Do White. November . December .86*, 70", 7'."* 7l'i 4". 40*11 49" .0*1 70'.j 72 74'f's 4(1 4(1'_ Clea. I- c. 07"* r.0*s I.) st, Lav 0 ','. tw 'i's 40 Vi 47 AC. :::>*-, 85*4 31% a; M's 3<S 'i Mil 37 Kl'. Bit'', K4>*| ul I-. ,'..c, 3'1 :i7 4iu 30 V: Reeeipti ut sieaoataffa at interior points ta theaaauds last thr.t ciphers I'-oo, emitted, nour ubi*, grain bush, a.i follows: Flour. Wheat. Corn. c aga .18 1*8 IM M Iwmi'US .IS bi- I o il* . Iel,, Detroit . 1 Vt orla . Mn: ei|wii:s . Duluth. Kansas city. Indiana)*,!!*, . :,i 831 3i'. M 4 ¦ 45 .11 Oa'.*. live. Harley. US') -.1 17 DO Totals .30 1.141 Shipments from these points- Chicago .12 Milwaukee -22 St. laouls. 8 Toled . D-trolt . 1 Peoria . Minneapolis .41 Duluth . Kansas City. 7u Total* .M 20", Receipt* at Atlantic port": New.Tork .32 214 Ph !atei;,h'a ..... 9 3 Pit'tlfiioia .14 24 Boston . 4 Oi Total. .50 307 F.-iports (rom Atlantic por'a: \etr-A"ork .1.1 54 liillad-ipbla .i'j i'ai-,ii ore. Boston . 0 15 -OJ 1 tri 1 1 8 5*7 13*4 ".0 8 101 4 1"7 Totals .41 v.i 102 .'!) MITT I J* T10*f TkB market for old material at Nsw- Yotlt during ths la*t week bas skews s little Improvement in the netter ot gemand, sud :,i-*t In prices et ttma grade*. Holder* ste encoursred to believs that betteni prices have been reach-d. There ha,, al*., be*u ¦*. batter iiu^vrv (sr oil steel rails, and 200 tons utaudard sc-Hou tees -old at SlO.'K) p*r tan. dcllvcr.-d. QeSOlttoee ranee iron, flo 50 to Sll -0 par ton. In old iran rall* a ¦>«'. of 600 ton* ia reported at S13 per ton, ( o b ears, Jersey Cllr. will the qcntat.en* n an.nally *13aSI4 |,er lon. The den.and for tard Iuu of 1 wrought *4-rap Iron share-. In thc general Impievemeat, *M0 lena betas said at 810 per ton u*ii\,red t> tcei at this port. Ti..- market Irt dar i* etieted at Sheet SlOOell pei ton for tor! s,ra|,. anJ tlH-j ? 14 per Pm for nilma.! s"r:i;' delivered at null, md wrought pipe and tub-- qt* .juofd S9904 -"'0 p.-r tun Ste York. A «04.d ibiiuiiiS ls 'i u; min f,,r No 1 muli Ui-r i asl up. and sal*- ot about 140 t-ns an- aoted la lui* at ?io :.iv*i l ,-.o pei ton Bccerdlag t<> quality, DM .-ur wheel* briag s..ne attent.l n lad are h-lil at a little higher |irlee». preeent ralaei betas about -1 - 50111 :t p*i t..h. Ni w-Yerfc. About MO t-,,* -f wrourht turnings have I.Il -n!<l during the Meek at *?*> 50 |K'I tull del l,e.r,| ,; nilli. i'n*i boring* ar- in fair demand, aetllng at + ",0,i 87 jut ton delivered at mill. Burnt iron ls ipi t>*t »7'i' ttl lu per tun delivered Bl mill. The pitt*huig Iron mir- kl *!,,,«.. t.-r) little ehuig" (r,ni fest r,.fM T, B>'.se. m-i mi' iron i* linn anl non.iiiillv tII 7"i. Plttablirg, **P*el hillel. al«o liolU firm al *17.',o, nake;,1 n i;i, pitts- burn, bul n't much business I* ilolng. Benn lro-i rulee tert dull. OOPHKR.Market dared Briner; Kovom- ber :).7.*>. IKi 'inlier, 0.K8: Jania-v. voo Tran*act'oii* la-da- .rn "inteii t. .-'.,.i>oo rh DeeeiBSer ,u O.M.. Bl'F.I^ TER- Msrket closed "teady; karember 8.06; December, i.tn January :i.ro.. .. TIN.(.Teaed mtv qui f spot, 20.00 bid: November. 20.-5 bid; December _n,n .ri Ii ad Markel el-nsed easy; December, 8.40 cvi. To. day's cables to tb- Mete! I.rkann* (o'low (Hnagaw Bcetrh warrinta ci,.*, ,i ij, 4d; Mludlesh ro. \,, ;i founirv iron. :m* i-'¦¦ I. ndon Copper, spot, eloeed, v.t-2 7* oa-. fntur-s cu 17- od; "weller, -.17; tin, sp,t. i_7i' li- f.d tin. 3 Btontbi, i:77 io*: «nft Spanlah lead £8 17, Od; .al*, we. ani-* Bl SO I".-- l'uiadeiph.a market quota- t!on« for Ike present w-'k follow: Lake "-"i nor eehe iro,. No. i foundry.$!.too I.ak- ^up.t|or cn'.ie lro,, No. 2 foundry. 12 50 I.ai,,- ¦s.|,.|!or c.';e Iran, N'o. I (ulindi'. 12 M trrej fut;'-.'. ii .-¦:, charcoal Iron (-..ld Ulan. 25 M i liar oi: iron (kat bia*!, . , ... i,p Dig .tesl nilla. 12M (Ul li-un rjils. 1(, ("tl Mark kai . :i oo I'.es-.iiir steel «ii rate. ¦:,'.-,(, He...ii ,.r pie iron..ll.',On '1 ;'. 80 lier ici.i Prto tisngsnepe. .'..sui r"*-ctiier «t-ej billets.417 50,** 17 7.', New steel rill* .... SHOO Nu. 1 seran, net tun. ,:* oo MOttA-MM AND SYl'.CPrs-Tticro (. a ttem jobbing den.and rv mw rras N»w'-Orleans Biol is*,-, un. |,rl,-,.. are iiii.'han.- .1 at 3<l<» io.- r,r i rime te k. I, Fo . i' n I* -t ll nrmiml i>:-,i quoted within the mnse af 20dSfle, srrup. ni!- quio*, bi r_'«i'.'e for lommon, and 20«25c for lum,'! to prime, navai, BTORtvS a steady bel quiet m.,r'<ef |. re. 1 ".ted lor -put- turpentine, with prlrei un hanged at 8 ¦..u.'tie. Rasla ruled - j !. tu linn with pries s* hst quote*. Htok Rain. 1,".-oh bl I- sttlilu turiteu- line. Iii! bbl.; tar, 1,71*1 bbl*, W.- <|ru.te; ^plrit4s turi.,-nil,.-, 80*. In HeUtheln bbl- and 31 lu hum,lu. al bli- it *'n.Couim.u s'ralul. gi 20; gotd strain 1 il .-.-'-.¦; ll. >!l 85; V tl .*'.', .,.!'. i, i-l .",;._uv ,.., ll. -1 7',; I, Ol UOaOl Oft: K. 8240; %!. * '. iu, >" :».-,. \ BS 75j 43 80; W i. 84 08(401 H»: W \V *?i v.-iv. ur f a b. tv h. 42: f . h. f ii. 12 15; pitch, ll-iu weight *1 :,0; pit. h. n-g liar Weight, 91 Hi). .' i:.v.\ i"iti i.-.ii .* ii.m. frelgbts rensls falrti stead',, bel (inlet, i.i .har-... thi I* a liberal move- meal lu relton tram the s.. .th f,,i Kurope, anl In Inn l>-r fur th- ii'mu flats al aboul prevle'i» tates, in other lines. bn,lit««a I- -iu-i ,1-1. set.vi ani the market lair!) I'eBdr. v-:t',i M., i 'melita om prl 4 jj.xi ia!,. ,r eottun i. Llverptel at 8-l.i.l rloainfl i.ith n-iiid bid; .. i * .fae, I'-* ¦>*' bead of rattle 87 I- Hamburg, 3 I"i'; grain at 4.*, PU*: a 'voii of -.vil-ut I-.-. ii .,,1 pf .«. -v. linet, -i, itu ra:-* tor ti-,.": Liverpool, :t i; " .'¦ ¦'< '¦'¦' «. ".' rp, .:-..; Xewi .1 I- i'l Hull. Iii i.-i"...,-., -vi: Leith, ;t;,ii: fork, i.i order*, it. ;*i. ¦'.'" 11.04*1 iti deua . !,J ,'i \ i:t Ki's. \ .I".r l,<1.1. qr- grain, Kew-Orlran ;,, s i.v. i port, I lilted i; ,-ioi ... Coiitlneni A- ," d, J ma kt. liner, ration, IVItninetao t- Llverp ol n Con tl neut, .. Bliel v.- >.,.« , rle n . l.l\ei|ol, llatic ul- llieui'i-. ,"s, .mm I) nli'i ir,.ju-r- e. (ton, N Orleans r, Liv. rtool, Mitre or Bremen, ;t7- Od. D-- 'iv a i -,- .- .on, S'rw-Orlean* in Hair.-. ;,-;<-'.I; '"" n er* 80,000 ind 10'WVO ease* iietrolcuni New- Von. I., china. I-;,,.;, i, -h,|, [In arrive 80,000 case* v .'... Srw.Yor*. le t4han«b«l, -.';:¦: -uti. BO " i.-e* l-i; iv-.p i,, Ja,eu, i.*-'..e; i.m. bark* lumber, lt -lui to Montevideo el Duenoa l\i - -:.,-7"": a bark Inn I'r Portland to linen.-.* Air*. *}', a barlt, linn¬ ie' M. t- Min'.til,., -mi :,() in, I,... ..... gp' 0r Rnorin 41350: i tatrk, lumber, I: alon i. Ros.rio berk tami -r P. la i- llueno* tyn*s III; i bark. Bl Mir'-tt'- li.,r io ,'ueu.,* tyres, +7. .,r i:< ario *.*; a b.nk. Im.! r Pensaeola ' Kio, 014; a bai general rars-i N'cw-Ynrt ta »'-,t roast Knuth tmertra, private terms :, ship ,:,,i ¦ hark, ..'oat, san I IBU.-!.,., tu C.,ik, f mi r- -',- OLlMlh, a Iuii ll*<0 hms, "it!i .*.!,. r.i rsrgo, N-tV.u t,, ii,,: |,,.. 82,050. tte, Ughteiagei a barb :. 11 tons with vii.iii rsi Kew-Yurh I> Kl Kita*, private iuu* % ¦rhoenei logwood, " Itt Sea V,.rk. |3. OIL* tt..i,.,.. ,i .ii a-aa iboul -t ¦-. ti to-dsy with ;i\">' cindi aUll quoted ,u ;f,i.:i;.i pru.umimr ) illi.c. el,..,., flt ;i>, fiiu, sun,ne: wlii.- I.Uobtd al Hld l... Lani ..ll a a* rather 'a*\ aul uuot.d al v Luis...| i,|| wa- -lull ul ll* ir.. i\'' - t(>v- ih,- h.ir,.; ara. iioui -t id) rlj ai leal ni ht closing I gu rea nv hi,- ,.,*| . ,,,, . i,,;,; M.luue "I,, I- ll,U|( pu||, ,... ,,,.. ,111,111 «D. Vu, ¦,. a),,,,, |,,ir ||0 .j, lil M ,, '¦' '¦''' ,'.''.'"' .''.. ¦'.¦ I" iaiulli. -;¦.',-C. I),.-- ,.-* ..ll na i.-i. SI0 50a 12 run Indi.-* I-*,. -¦_¦ ''¦'¦' haw Marhot ca«y Bt el.ltf4IG ..; i :,i. . .¦,,. I¦¦' i)f.i.s*i |, n,,;,s AlM.,| .,,,1, loo.it, --.. fl ," " ,M,":e1,'.. ''""' n>* i' -" ¦' .'", »«".' *'1 '¦'".' < I Mi. \ |_ i'i, ki.d st.ld' i- slea i) <i'ie'.i ,, '" ,' ' "', :. tr .ms, ni li 1,1 Ilk pi. kl, bellies i;.l, I I.."', ,,..,, | .,, ),)_, || ,_ I,..,,, ,,.i. IO '" .. 18¦¦¦ LAUD M .iK.t. qulei Western li - I*> "I-:- -,l ,.' un i, , .,. I,,,. Hy rtaaed at :. ..iiii sat-* ot ;;¦ u, ,,.,,. ,.,, ,| , .,,, -. t| "'t I ," mel s.in, \., n ., m ;||. I;, ,,,, ,. November claaed et 0.90e nonlasl; Jsnusr) nv,, nonli '"". -ii .*.'-- .No i'm, ,i' "atm, ' \'t".'. quot. (-ii nu-ii. BB ie*i ;c. mu*. ,.t .Ju Bl test, 918-10* nani aa sstai BB leal j oin. Landan ve j ',"i Bothing geing, Jat4 st 15. BB .. u i, ".».I at !¦. .M. II. el quiet an.! Mill, r et.ler. pi.il com,, Us |.,| aoat numil, 13s lin! I'.KiiNWi- wi* Nasnjr, but .Hiiy moderately active. with fieee um hin-ed Ihe loilowlny ara Ui« q»oUtlon* pa*ied by Ute reflmn': cmnpanlc* sad tte Inilde rales aban actual cast after deducting retwiea At present and allnwrd. .New-York and I'hllal-lplila re. tliierle* ala. allow 1 |>er cent trade (ll*-mint on lot* Bl KM) hbls or Blore, and oa lo** quantity 4 pei ent. They . til not noll less tnau 2, libl*. her -var pi.'keri In Imks there I* ru. additional cha ge on gtMMlateg, but '«.: p-r IT) on sll oilier grades. Cut loaf..*> »/.", ali, iWlr.dxor A. 4', 017-10 I'r.rshe.i ,", rtU'.tltl Illldg'Wd A..4"_ .r. 7-1'; Powdered ....4 18-lOM Phoenix a. 1:1111*4"* Uraoulated 4 omi ,/i*« Empire a *. .11 5.10 Hil" glen ..4 9-10 -fl*. .No. C.. 4 1-10 -/M. lour. gras..4 ll IM l'« No. 7.4 BM 8*13 BB flue prau.l II-HUH's |No. h. 3 1,',1Cnil1. Cubes 4 CM.i'd". Mo. 0.3'« tl 110 \x.\x pow..r,i« vf*> r,-i6 ito. io :: 13-10*4 Mould A... 4', if-i lO-lBlVo. ll <"t tr"41.1-10 IbaniOfid A. 4 OKI rf4*, ,No. ll. 3*s BBlt-ht Cnnfs t's-A. 4 7-10 v'4*k No. Ll . :. 7 l(. I tommb'a A. 4U ft! 7-18 .No. II.8 3-10 it mi;.kim; Herkes dall. Lard, n..iiv;; oleo om* Ut llle. TALLOW*-MaikSt dull. Quoted 5"_c ssked. COINTRY PRODUCE .MARKKI'S. New-York. Nut-en,b"r '». 1803. lll'.ANS AND IT AS-Kc .Ipt* were galts lett attain today, ami the seeumutaUoss on the docks wt-r* added t«. nu, uii ia<>iv. Trade wa* dull and Ihe genersl Ieee ol tag market w.t. Break. P.- st marl,-, of (louie,tie. nu:inn f-ll to *f^ i.'i. und 01 Mt hassan an extreme i-jt<* inr taaei ( aiia.liaii medium. Aa ctia.rttri -,.ur-d BBBM choice, red kuliiev mis aft, moon a. BOOS. (aliIor.ua lui ia quiet but without much change. gosse pressure to »,*ii foreign beam, and prbe- are' bolntr shad'(I ea all gleda*. Orara paia duli. Basaa, nsnear, ahalce, t»er bush. OJ 45; iiu-ltuii* «l OOaiil BS BOO. +1 t*0: rd kl«|..ev. iona. sBoloa. 4S5OVS-0O; do. bia. k turtle bo,;n. .-.">.): t alifurulu lina. IBM (in»-*rii. -ul 78u01 HO: do. old. SI ..Osgi 70, for .lan. manow. 1008, BB 2MB2 BO; do, medium, 18-1. itl U 1,1 Ol no. do. Itsi-, »i lOa+i 80: tarsus i-**--*, iso.i. si nutt ti 70. Oreen poa. bbl*, fl __'-__«l 2V do ba:*, tl I7»a ./¦ri 20: do gcetch, bag*. .1 da fl .',0. Ill iii -ll Hade quite duli and feeling generally ou*ler. Receipts ni Utah .renie ry were lair, tallara hal »o,i.o sin, 1. nu haii.l fruin 1 vinos arrivals, au, tiler.' w.ia a di*p. Itioii lu sal" prices a little In tv hoyt ol atlas- lui ng buyer* to loka hold, Aside from a lev p*t brunis of western ercsmerj teal ito ¦. d sanerIstl ce quilt,, sud brou, lit -'.)'."-. the selling- price of (.nv sin * was not above J'.)-, wltk the bulk of the eifcriugi freai .-'.",..,. .-sn.;., dam 01,1 heil creamery .ju'et tun without dcid-d ,-baii:.v limtuii.,11 eresneri and 'hoi t.v..-., f,|i-i.,r, i.,,; i about ateanV, but lowei grade, .,,,. weaker, Crassaerr. Basts, labs, Jua.'**,;, &tu<- lal*, 25-827 _e; do Western, extra, S9ej do 11 *.., -.O'rj., 28 v d, s.oid*. L'lii:'.V Hillls 2'. a 22 il,, June mail", extras, 25'i.-.."»±f ; do seconds in llrsts, 2iu-2i, ;st.t<* da.iv, ,,ull lu,Mi*, inti* ind |.,ll*. "Urii*, ._'7<l'.'7' u- du llr-t"-, --'4 ./.'Oe; do -eeond... L2tf_8Cj srate dally, Weis,, tubs extras, -.'.lu.d'.e do Brata. **4gS5_c ; do secaoda, 83 ,. .., dalry nib,, thirl- IO*21cj Butti da I rle*, tlrklns and tub*, c\ta. -U-; d> Hrst-, 211-2lc; do Mtund*, _i'.'---- stat., dalry, tiriu.,,, .\tru.s. sttrlM'ac; do Brats, -JVu-Jvuv do seconda, .'Ij:&: West.ru ninia, non creamery, MrMs. 2.ic2',-: do -e .ml- l()_20c; (lo .1 ,: 1-. 18318'. Weetara diiry. Ara a -_i .,-..*)--, <] leanna, ii. ju, do fourths to third*, I7kl8e: Western (actor] ur.iii.., Jana, iSfl'.'Oe; do tub*. June, i.*/v. .uri.ml mal:- firkin*, I*irfDi \ do tn!-,, llr-t,., IO_g_0«: do *.ls I8.*10c; du fourt'i* te Ihlrda, 17- Bc. CIIERMR a light trade asa reported sgsls i ,*,v Home juill,* ts bating r-i.r iSaeka ea hand were not te. eiiii-.1 tu tail- further imp tan', nt*, nun exporten '-"f 1.ie urai.-'incut either by cable " mall, Hold r- .,.- 1 1 about late pii,.* f,,,- perfect ti!: va'.,, hui mulei -nd-s auld be 'haded 1 little. Liverpool cable, .".1* Od. --tat (sc- t rv. full cream, large size. September, taner, ii'i-.i v.. do coolee, Hull'--; d- good to pi In .-. pi',.; io-v du com- mon to f*ir. 0*10. ; d,, small fixe, taney, l2ftl2A_c; 'I f.ir to (bulee. IO1.,,-ll ',<. imrt eklins. Chensnna and iv .''ile -- tag "uiuii-. .11:1,11. 7_eDlac; du law.', eaolce. si.., : good tu nriste, 8-*7*sc; do rnmsias to lair, laue; full skliii.*, 2oA< yeti-- 1:.Ipta ar- ibowtag cenaMsrsUs increase, but ronaiet largely .,j beld ficaa and Ututri eggs. Difcrtasa of ih,.. ai- so liberal that, rh" tone <>r thc ii.nrkot has last ....rt of its recent strength, though tli" range ti price* 1* a* yoi i. iii.mit ip mt ii, 1- elim ¦-. ir, *h gathered ire quieter, bm in light supply anl about steady, Only a I. w of ih- funi *f. mark* are, hon- -\ 1, of quality t>> essMnaad ..ur t-,| quotation, Htate ami l'-!in-.vlvjnlj, Ireah-eatliercd, P-r do/'11. ¦ffi/c2'.-; Western, freah-gatnered, extra-. i**r aozen, 25_25'_ic do iir-t,, par doun, '.'i'v: lee-bouse stock, cai li iKu.-K.lngs, itrittie t.. choice .iu,,il'-v. 20721c: fair to good, Do !(>¦_.<.: seconds, pc- i-ase, 835080**.. Un I egg*, Western, p-r dozen, 20_20.e; do Canadian, serdoieu, SMSOVe. lill li'*' f'.l'/SII- Annies held bim under lii-iit re- c.i;,t* and steady good demand. Pear* quiet anil t.ar.iv it's*dy. Quinces In light »upply and quiet; nutt M blgh colored and ,-lo*"t.v selertes to roach top quot-tUon*. Table grapes dull und barely rtesdj bulk -to'i; in tint* .vi mi slowly au.1 weak. CSotee sound rrannorrias ur- in pretty co'ni demand and tinner: defective (mir unim¬ proved mid pressed for isle, lionda oi_i)«es more plentv and a shade eesl-r. \i. Kim.'. pei hil. 88 508*04 287; d<> Snow. H-3 ..'¦'. i-53 75; do Spy, ¦S'.'-.-).. * 3 2",; do Baldwin, S2 25«S8 25; do Orenlng. -2 2'uif'A: dn winter varieties, common, 51 7">,.*--u. t'eara, Beaten, p-r lush i*o.\ *i .".).. .-1 do ¦".ar-br. winter sort* per bbl $2 50808 50. QuIseM, No 1, per 1,1,1, 02 50478*1; do No 2 and Inferior, liv- bbl, -iu*v flrmpos, upriver Concord, per th. 884c: do Western Sfcw-Tork, Delawar.', p*r snail basket, uiit> _!>:; do Catawba, ner unsll hoaket ll a 12c; d. ronenrd. per small basket, ll .71'_,!-.*c do. pur lari?.* bask-f. 180"21c; wine grapea, in bulk, a* to ktnd. p-r Th. l_M>ae. Cri'n- berrin, tape Cod, usual varietlea. us to coalition, i**r bbl. 02305 25; do fancy, lurze Mirl"'i"s. pal bbl. 840 **.', 7',. Florida orauges, per box. Ol 50-02 25. «,:.ii»* fruit, pei box, -.J-'">,/t-2 7u. Lemons per box. $!^s3. niriTs-iir.ii'.D-snij.* presssre from the esnstrjr to sell prime and Choice ctaixirat-i SBStei i* causing » weaker feeling on the-e, sap**'lally for ronni lots, hut thc small iiri.nurtioii of realh- fanci- fruit makes a steadv betdlag of such. Sun-dried apple* mt!.'!) quieter and prbe. -llshtlr ea.|,*r. A cir of rood MMe and ski,ia -old at 2c Peaches *tow but stead.*-. RsapberrlM h.-id w ttl 11 little 11 or- confidence. Cherries sui bnekleher les unchanged. Hla.kb.rries flrm-ir Apples, evaiiorsted. lt*03. fanev. i*r Bl, 11-ju!.-.'.: do prime to ehwce, 10.. ll.-; do icmuon to fair. B _tOt.e : do lift'-' ^,j :.'..*.. .southern, -uii-dri-d. IMOS, taner, lie, do choice, S*»05_i!; commoe to prime, 445c; appl"-. chopped, I'aol',,¦-. do eure» and -ki,.-. I'm¦-'..: peschea, Delsarsre, gvepanted, 1803, peeled, t.iui-ie: (forth Can-tins, «)v-1rl,"1, pe-led. 1808, 7,ifi.v raaBberrle*, 1808, evaporated, lS4tM*ie; .her- .U.-. ISM OaiOc: huckb'l-errlcs, IH!*... i.i_,, \t..- black- berriea l«r.,3. 8>s«7e apricot*. California. 1K:>3. 11 rf 1 1. . Ifni'*** .*-*** mneh stock I, golnu abrorvl that it nialica quit" a firm market fur P.ri" i»tj4-s. Shippers are pav¬ ing 23c for ekolce rich yellow- h/iw and mlcbt gu (rac- tlonallr higher. Brewers' tra4e fair. N'ew-Y'nrk Stefa,', IOB8 per fr. 81_28e; d. l«t*2, choice, 21tf_l_e; prime, '.'Orf'-'O'-jc common to ged, lH^l'iV P.i.ille Coast. 1803. -i.'23'V do. 1bS2, chalee, ate; common to prime, lptif20e. ; -ld ..ld.. 041.12c. HAT AND STRAW-Reeetptfl llbcnl and domund ir cl- erst-: prices hid unchanged, Hay, pi 100 ;., B54)OOc; do No 3 to No 1, 80d_0>': sh pp us .".",,ii).)*: do doter mixed. 55000c; rv- *trsw, N., - la No 1 per 100 A), UOii 1,1' do shorts i'v l"" "-. lO.ii.'.e oat st.-i.v, 4'v. POULTRV.AI.IVK Prime heavy fowls wee so-cbt fur sui held Brm, bm light foul, and all grades af chlc'«*ns were flow and weaker. Turkey* steady. Du ;<* and geese Brm. spring ehlckena local, per Bi -,'i.,,- i.> w.-.*,up per .'"-.- ¦: fowls, lo. a! n u ;r ;,:...; 11 il Wert n, :>./ JO1 ¦¦ ..ii nosbrs, .',..tv, tm, ey*, nv 11- iu, ka, lo. ii ,' i- pair, oS.itsi, ,1- W.¦... rn ,'.".,t ,,-¦: ¦m,...... Western, per pair. +1 2 -,'-vvv pl sons ;».:. \'-.r. u;.V i)i.i »i'.ii Dcmaui s>. fut ex-esslve arrivals hare caused fut-tber wea nett au 1 prices for fowls and ehlckena -!,,,¦.', further dcclluo. Turkeys 1,, 11 ;, about tanner qiiotaUeaa, but outs.d- fl-ru re ls more evtr»me, phlladelphli il. lrhens qui I and weak. Ducks needy (n laiu j- quality, but common grades are dnll sal-, iv-.-., -,u ,,, dr*-idci ,- v i'-,ii-., di * n'-l-.l. prime, io,'ile: il, !.if.ri"r. 7,;:>¦.. Chickens. PhlladflpM-i, dry. picked, pt rv. 12./I.1 du W.-rtern, dry-idcked ..)/": :i, West.-rn. sall,i. 8 _tfOc : fowl* Western dry-plc.i.d, t-)i .c.- do ..il l-l. is rn". ,.ll pocks, i;'._mj7c. ---rlii'.- ducks, Lons Island, pei ^ I8_10c; do Ca-rm. pei th, 15<i IO.-; do Weatcrn, ,',.-11 l.n-t. in i.'in. i;. per Ih, i.V: sqaab, white, p-r do-ton, 88: i" mall and daru, *-.'. ..AMI'.-choler p i-.r.l-'c, held unclavcetl. but Stern ii->t\ ichI i shade weaker, <;iui.- plenty md in buyers' favor. v,u,i«ori in linen! supplr and lower: quality bi I prices t -.. Irregular. Wild ducks quiet, * 'iallv fr the iii..'!, prl'.d kinds. Rabbits steady. Partrldee, nea*bv, tei i-iii- ;u ¦¦;-?U: v '.Ve-tern. i»*r pair, ,V,-'.)0, Lion., fresh, p-r nir. ftl*_00c; quail. fresh, per doun, 82802"5: wood.' k i*'i- p-ilr, 7"- -v i-.ti-.ii-h snipe, isr do7,*n, ol 30: golden plover; per doren, ri 30; ara- .1.r, pe dixen, Ol; sand *nii e. i.t dozen 30040c; tenbsi fre-i, s,-o-- rail'JI." ie Pi io. ii v .lo BThete deer, 80>11e: t-id duck*, r-d- lie.nl. per ssl., 50ct81; do ii.iuii. iOtf-tO ; d* leal, ¦-'.'..'¦" 'I- canvaa, pet mir. BieOS; rabbits, ncr pair, 80840c. I-OTATORS Wt) Viii'T it'Ll's Sun**ty ti rtu.ict ictati-s llhetal nnd 'I mai! moil ri-.v |) 1 e* un lig-'g-t but wif,..ut strength, a eargi. of ar*»'it 5.(WO a. ks ** ot.!, Magnums r potted in n-ansit. far wh'.rh tba o:t'<">k I* ans "tan, bul nil especial'.' -u mirv-in-v -we.*' pe- fat ea Brm, Onie ni unchanged, "aulilotter ne-i p'enty nd wraker. Southern beans of iln-- quail.) te gsea i! tl i il snd bl .-he les s--1i w»ll wb-n .;¦., r-vt. * l.vis. I-land In bulk, 0212,90-27: d* .! rs v. pr 1,1 81 .'., ¦}««": do state. |H*r I8v.n. a-l 28A4.: sweet ie* "- rtrgtata, pu bb'. f> ,vi;i*a«i 7,-,: .in vinetand, - 1 a fiv-v ;).. bbl 8.'50uOS50; d> oth-*r Ieee' pi b'il. tl 7"..*-' uO. oinuiis ii -tv- rd pr libl, 1*1 .'.¦,./ .150; d> nllia |icr bi,1 :i:'i,i-i.-,': .h. P->stern, white, 8 ¦¦".'.' -4'A 2U do tu-', i-i. ri. +1 -Vi .t-il 75: -lo lv,st»rn viimi j.,- hi, fl 50,(41 7'): do State .md KS'etU rn. \ Vi .*, r. ."7 VI 5 '. V h! Igea Nw.J.-rsv mid Long l*iuii| per 100 --'.'fl. (iuiiiiiu-i- uer bb 7."> .'«., io, Kquasii, itui.Viinl. nor libl 1125; sa Marrow, ,¦¦ i'l. BL i'm ul|>*. Can.,I -in |to**li..- i.'i. ;."..: do lum- l-i.nd a-i.l Jers-r, ;>,itl. Celery, ,u c Island, pi to/--11 illili, i-s. 1*1 ,;+i 25; do Weitern, ,*\tra large and sound do? 11 ro t, 25630c do sinte and W.stetn, |i*.r lo en.*:, ci- donen r.,,,:*. lOiTBOa, Pras, *t"o'falk, i-r hankel 75c-Ol BO. lesa*, Chsretis per huh bask t 81802 k.i. I'urttl-s pe- bl- $1 -i ¦'*. anots, ttn-hed, per bbl, $1. Lettaee, p-r bM, tiutl 5:). EI'ROPBAN PRODUCE MARKBT8. Liverpool, Nov. I, Hi.', p. m.-.Beef nni pork l;i poor demand. Hims Tbe demand I-. Improving; ahorl cut, about w to 18 tbs., steady it tit- '«l p.,ion in fair demand; Cumberland cut about M t,< :;,, lbs., steady al 60s 'A. ahoutders, soo'H 12 to I* tba. steady al S7a M. Cheese In poor demand Tallow tn poor demand, Spirits of turpentine and I., ii in nmi-rut- demand, I.url .**;.,>: in poor de¬ mand; future. Nothing doing. Wheat and Hour in poor demand. Corn Bool and futures in mod* .rule demand; mix-i Western, spot, steady .it t*< :i'4,i; November steady at '.* 2-vl; December m.-;i,lt at l* -vi: January sicily ul it i'ii. lljps at Iaoni',11 l'.uittc Coast In poor demand. I.IVK STOCK MARKCTS, N'ew.Voik, Nu\- i.-r :.. 18:13. ii r.\i.s Itec-lpts wei 17 .-bis, or :i'i head.18 .-irs for li-iit 1, * iln¦ ¦. ,1 d ..ns for tbs unmet. Ns -:. , ii c ;. di,* il bi sf quiet ni (oi nil 1 ve sid ¦. and ¦'.' *'7. for I'oloiado da. No lu cable advil .¦*. Nnlptnc-ita t >-.! tv 'oj tattle on the ... .in ;, \. 1. ht'u .ti.'. atti rn, l .', . sheep ni ihe ,'i 1. fo- various -li:|> r*; to morrow 11 Ih- Ma-,;i ,,,:- iv 221 i'C" "'> M. .o! ui. ,tli 2211 cattle ami I 500 quarters -f l.eel for Hebwar'a-hll I S Sultberg r. Mll.'il COWS- - ly f lii.'l r,-',d amt in, tnl- aorth ting l ". ii it'll ni ni: ht n in ii illy tv. ak il ,.. h..,.! (ur "i liner) good cns -. cm.\, * i: ..let- 120 heal, .r arhtch 88-1 st .** v si. ail! Including 40 hal dr.f. ''hiv Jim lit,.' .(tites 4 ;-¦ 100 " la.in IO pi u, \ - v ,,-ri (ur fed ...'t - MS 80 for tn- r- M* - dfiSO f.r \\ ten '.li'--. ii's*..i i rei In "<'.' it' stn p .t adv. I I) i!n -? i tesl" O'd nt :iilf'--- \r-r Th: .onu¬ tel dr-s-,! at 7:. ,i j),-; iu",e ("i- .ir, *-<<! greasers; and fm 7, for little vim*. llsllerheck A ll ill- 4 veal', 190 H< at, r, it ..... ,!._ ,,. p. ,, |7 f .ri ,. -<A, , ;ii;, " ,: > 50 |5 -:,' - '.'!," '! I f..l SO linne & Mi ll. n i I veal UH U- 170 lt at *' .. ;> V i. i, LS t-i.! 127 ¦. t 0*423 il" '."' :*. it *:. r-d ralf '.'t it ri J. p Nelson: 188 Wiwlerti rahel, 210 n-, at 0890; ,;, I-. ¦- .:. nt SO Ifl .iii i i' wu LAMIU4 ,:,,,i|V wer. 26 rsrs sr "viii ben! ;, inr* '.t- tke un-vc; ,lv\ - ,;,i, d reel to hut, h.r. In ;,:,!.:, i, :i .:, initals 18 cars Brew h-ul i,m i-v.M fherc >vi- ii,, li pr,,i,. i.-ul lu de¬ mand or pi,., ip I -n.I lier, li.alli ">" B irkel eui .hi I'm in Wll "d iv theil I'l rSM "el'' lil ii, lu. pen. Murnea tu ms,d sheep -..ld it .' ¦"..,*.' ",'. per I.ki Fa p. icm io hes) lamb. >( SB 75ti 04 75, The den-1 mai cl wa* dow at 5-J7V for .1 ii u't >-d ..ti dre. ,.1 t,e i... .sab- ii. Harrington: 8*0 V'e.tera lamb*. 7: teevar. 11 et Ot 87*i i- I") si ga .ii Bi at *i .'.'.; I6> W -(.;,. -.t, lill tt al OiSOj III (tu. *4( Ih' al J .-4 H.. "t n. at 82 ".". u un eu be k fri s-.'c len ba, gi. rh atti; l>7 d.. f_ th, a> 13 75; ih In Bl Tf> at S't; 82 -.'atc slptep a-ul lanib., nu rh at 88 28; MM d», 8:1 Th. ai 02 7.; 2' Ht t* .he.1. si *1 ', enc 1. Itun.r t Mullen: 22J WetMrn Ism).- (ll Ih. a*. 0 50; 27 Western Hiocp. 07 ». at 0-1 78. 80 do. 87 m. at 82 50. ta?'J£&S**f* 4 '-- !__* lamb.. «.*,._.___. 18, VirBlnla do (VI ft, a. p4 ¦#, p,. K._V?."_ .»| 02 te. ai SS; ioi nuff.io do. tn rh. .io'.¦«*' "*** -_*!'J,'- ,'",,",i< "ll Indi.nu *..-,, '.', IT, »t atti- BO Indiana last"* 70 te. at Ol 75 2iftdo o;.-- ., ,V ^Wftiiin * Bb n iii a i fig In-tena ah..,;,.i£ C"J In-Jcth.-t. and 7 mrs st JerseV C.v. \. _J___" el aiiicl with .iles af. 80 fr-atMO 85 per 100 n_?_S, heavy lu light boga pig. H. ul,-., 'a.,.' .,.. ',r, Wj-d ;.r;;V",j:'M* ''",:,:,v s -.1 "SSre^rB hons Haliaaterh A Hetti,. gi st,tc h.*. ... rotiii,,. HI7 th at ->.", l.t.; j ,__*, 3,,, -., " * . .-*..; 8 llun.e A- Mullen: 4 Htate pit's 00 ott _a_« hogs. HO Ih, at «<1'5. ' " *'{"; 14 OTHkr markkts R TBURnun Buffalo. Nov. 9. Cattle lieceir,t* ______ .. IMS bend; tout for w ,... thl,"',_IM jj, .>"<"% for same time ihi v. ,._, n "" .rM ,12-Jf" !' I; through, 1,640 hc:.|, to NlW-% im^!H sile. 20 beni; market opened <i. n, h'll; °«* holding 18 c,,ts higher for im kinda- oiJ_? _*u* BO KO'.'! cuttle here t(, ' ,_,..*, . ; '"""' "rm; MSB1 head; t.,,.,| f.ir wl-k , , ' r'^, "' S for bum time ii,,, w..kK ,!?.;, ?*..*.*? t«eij through. 7,-Vjo bend; to N. w y rk I, ;on:,«^ emla 2.100 head; marice, t^ened fair! y^{! Jj er; clOSSd easy; all sui,! V,,ria4.l an4 tn mitt; iv ,i..c... r.i_.Ml_'..Torkers, r,,o,i stronger; mr, Z4.SUU nearj; ror same time a(,t ».. k »sTfc'"_' conalnnod throus-h, 1,7.0 hana to vi V^hwid: bend: on sale, Si Kj'nnike? o^*^ Kl an-I lower; closed very dull' a fe*. La- /.* ''" sssr "j, a _.» _*»_.: Ts_Ar3_ ; S£_ S>?" " «-""' '""»** c«£"a1 Bast Liberty, Nov. H-xCattls ree___ ii-m- . ket steady at unchanged r,' .-U. I'r me 'ffnj. gtt good, ti 25ft»4 75, good butrhors' .Whit *. l!S__ fat. 0 80-% 25; f.ii, light :, -r 'l-.x, ;"'- r_J«* fat cows and heifer;. $j !_«-« _6; bulls _ndsta_s?s__ r:; bologna cows, '.Vu*i_. fresh cows _1 IfJ___? r20.,$'..-' Hoiis-.teeelpts ll-tliti'mark*.,'* a',, v-'? ^ changed prices. Prime Philadelphia, pt ...J. 3* ...rkers. Mi^jti! 16; Lest mixed, in r,._* J- [-ZS. "*_,,S'"% common to best mS « fi?,!" roughs, Ji SOfiJS 50. Sheep -8uddIv llX- ri, m o' lliriit; market lull at tjii-hluu-e*! UVe, eltra r .v4 ff 50; good. 12 75*513; fair. ft-hli 40; comm,)*. -JteA XX: yearlngs. »S» 20; spring iamb*, r? _?;.t, _? tit'riV,^' * ¦**"*'.' h'riv>- 33 thin calvet tinton Stock Yards, Chicago, Nov. 9- Cuttle "_. Sf'BjL,13'00? _v:',rk'- i.»: con-won to'.xtm'.*.., , 83 2j^88; atockera ani f.ic-r*. 12 ^.'.u*. 7-, n_r_ snd bulls, il 25613 50; calve.. I24.J3 f, 'h<__! Receipts, U.0O0. Market Urn; heavy KtmtZX*. common to choice mixed, fS 7','j*i 20; choice _aaoM_r W 104*18 28; IlKht. $.'7'<-S"u; :_s. »V|5 » 8heS -Receipts, 1^000; market weak; Inferior to'choice e. cents to B80; lambs, $2 50^14(56. ce' St, IaO'its, Nov. 9,.Cattle Receipts, 2,v» markei' firm. Ho(r*i-ncs;.c|.ts. f.'.-.u. market :,.,]<,,: Kiwi choleo, heavy. Jj !):,',;$(", lu; mixed, f, C.,sj- Ugly i, ln'iitA.,'.V,. Sheep Receipts, 300; market non.li._itr stead/. * TRI: STATE OP TRADE. Patlmore. Nov. 9..Flour dull, unehansre.1 Vfh»\K. -Quirt ami easy; fifo 2 red «por, '14',i*',!'-. KoVWB* ber, 64*4tr8t'r_c; December, '¦¦-.¦:¦>'.¦. May :-\,* 72'-,c; steamer No j red. Cu *, ile, stock \->~>hn bush; s,,|es 126,000 leish; milling wheat by sainnl* ...u.uc, c,rn-(jiil-t and easy, mixed, sp.t ind November, _*%fc«*4c; year, IflkfiH'ic: January. I' ust n'.-.; steamer mixed, Mc ask.-I. stuck. isTjini busn: miI.s, 12,088 bush; white corn by earapln. old, I.',-, new, I'.'ui:;,-; yellow do, old, .v.- earn 4'i'n (lc. Oats.Quiet and ste-afij*; S-, I white W-au ern, K_4c; No 2 mixed do, tte; recelptn LOO" bush* stock, ¦p-.i,,", I'U^h. Rye quiet; No .'. 53c; shipments. 4..1-0 nish; stock, 15,250 iv*.,*. Hay iteady; nat to choice timothy, fU60981560. Grain freights steady; ste-im to Liverpool, ;;', -¦¦<!; c.,.-k for ordern Se@3s 2l. Cotton rn minni, middling, .*,1'-. i:-;tter steady; creamery. Caner, Sc; I.. fair to choice, 2nfi2fic- do. Imitation, 2.':'u.iv ladle, fancy, :2c; icooi to ,-hoiee. I!*©20c; rolls, fin-. JAWTia'. do, fAir td good. Walt)?; store pa,-kel. 10'.17.-. ITggs, 23 .'Ic; near by, TU-. <'c.?ae firm; Rio cargoes, fair, j; No 7, l.t-'sc. <:oppi-r steady; refined, I c, other arttck-s unchanged. Boston, Nov. 9,.Flour dull and depressed; spring patents mostly below *'.; winter, fl >".. B73 :tra;_ht wlnte- wheat. 13 50. Coin dull, bul fairly steady, No2 yellow, ole; steamer yellow, 50ti5lc. Oats tpilet; No 1 white, :58ft:;*)1.,.; No 2 white, ITHc. Shorts .;ulet and nominal. Provisions dull, erith prices fur porg and lard ruling st-uiy. Hutu.- lower. Butter quiet; extra fresh Western creamery fairly st-aly at W"rf__28c; f.'esl rn summer creamery, 24¦.-..',<;. Cheese dull; ohio Bats, Ile Eggs In large re.ipt; small portion of strictly fr, sri In gi d ¦! nund; Michigan, 2t!c; ordinary marka es Ut fir the week.Flour, 33,510 hbls and 16,571 sacks; corn, 206,961 bush; oats, i78.'X'.i busn; ahorts, S',.> tons. Buffalo. Nov. 9..Sprinz wheat in fair demand, firm; sales, 12.0C0 bush No 1 North, rn .pot. 16c: 15,898 do, c 1 f, M>_c; 10.909 No 1 hard gpot. >i7.:; ils.ilrl do, c 1 f, 60'tiC; 5,<r00 do, 65\c. closing No 1 hard .si*ot, «7Sc; .lo. c 1 f. tupi No i North¬ ern. 9l%c 3|-ot, 64Tsc, c i f. winter wheat dull, weak: sales, 4 cars No 2 red, !.2'_c; 1 car No I extra red, 61c; No 1 white. 96c. <\,rn opened firm, demand llriht; sui,-, l; cars Ne 2 yel¬ low. 4;P_c; 2 cars No 2 corn. IV; tl cars No 3, 12c store; closing, half cent advance asked; I cars No t yellow, 44c; 9 cars No 3, 41c track. Oats i'll-t, steady; No 2 white, ;H'v.:M'.,<.; No 3 white, :'.. :o; No 2 mixed. n*4$32c track; No 2 white store, 34c: No 3 white, :'.!<. asked. Hurley-Fair trad-; ns t Western. SOgpBlc: No :'. extra. .'..",...><.; No :i. 4f7'u.'i.V:*, State choice, 7tr^72e; No 2. 854i«8c. Kye .juiet; Ne 2, u.",c asked store, Fl.vir o,u!et; best sprint.. ?4'«'iif4 15; winter stralfthts, Il80vtt40. Rye flour. B25ft83M. Mill feed quiet, easy, unchanged. Cana) freights Steady; wheat, .vc; corn, 4s»c; oats. 5c; barley. 4'»c; seed, uc, to New-Tori. Chicago, Nov. 9..The leading futures rnngsi aa follows: Wheal Xo. 2- 0[. ni nt. II - -.'. I.v.'t i 1j»!iu. Xovea b r . (iI 0I'* I) ... mi,.., i:J'i -, Bte vi;,, . inl**. B0*| BO cy*! Corn No. 2: Neve-aber . 87«s >', Afh 3^** le euler.'.'¦* ¦''- -. - gi Januarj '-'-xt y> :" *>"_* Oats Xo. ! Nm cn '¦. r l- - nie 42% -', lui- 28<a -s's I.MUt.T . ^' :'' " -!_. Mit . AV* 9iH .* Meas Berk, sn bb! ,l,.,,i,iv . 4-11 10 Tl- 10 -*i 89 *H3i lui I. pr 100 te: Jami,ry . BK. 852. !.«_ « -* gbort iii)-, i-*r 100 te: ___- january . " IT. ¦" 'Bth > *o .'iish quotations were u tollowt: nour auiet| pries easy. No -' Spring Wh, lt. '1 .''¦'' c'^ -^" . soring wheat, 58*ii62c; No red, tl^c; No 2 c m, ;;:'.i.c No 2 .vis. awe; No 2 rye. Wc; No 2 ha-.-y, .-:..; No l Baxaeed. Il ld; timothy -l.J- '-¦>; mess pork, per bbl. Ha 754»*ll*; l-"''. ll'.' ',M }¦>. ."<..-': short rib sn-.- (loone), fc.vlt.'. ..> salted shoulderB (box. ''t iKixed), J9tiJ9 2r.. W Mi -,, ;. Distillers (li 1 g.ls. per gal, tl 15 dugan Cul -.:. *v I.u.si. .VI..; stannard A. 6.38. On the Hr t.X* changs to-day the butter market v.. | weak; fancy creamery, J7 '.-.'..'. choice, v . sw.t, but lacking il..vcr. 23 23VjC. hi_b'» steooi at Cincinnati. Nov. 9-Flour Spring Mtenl I ? $4 20; fancy. 82 20-.TI3 25; family, K ,S'il »¦ Market steady at ul"- for No 2 red. Oats mai brlni. lett.-r prices than yesterday, a better :- -iv prevail*; No 2 white. Il**_c: -ample white, a i No I mixed. Jlc; No mixed light. Kc, Rye Mar* ket stea.lv. at Bc for No 2: No S, tee. Rarle> .Market steady; sample spring, U'uv corn-Market somewhat tinner: distillers are buying: No Jmlxe-J. :'..;,.. r-i,*<'ie'l mixed. .C'-.c. yelina ear, tt. mixed ear. n,*w. :i4c. Pork Bales ol n -^ i"'(.'. ju: clear meas. 4-is t): family pork, 618; clear fain* Uv' 620 50 Kc'tic lard steady; 10c for steem leaf, l'u'e f..r bettie dried, :. for leaf lard. 19 t bikers' lui. Bacon stesi-ty; Bhoulders, 8"«c; : nbs aides ¦¦'!¦¦. ahorl clear Bides 10c. Whiskey- Market r,.mains steady; gales ot dlstlllerg .i on a basia "t 61 15 rn rt 961 '"'>'.*¦. Mil tva uk.. Nov. 9. I > ¦c.-mbcr '.vheat OpCW 't r'.<* sold i" 58*4 and closed at 58 ia t was l'.c unier May, and s>- over U emb t prl *. .-* h.iples tairly active at th- following price » track; No l Northern. 62Vjc; No 2 -pring No 2 bard winter. TjOc; medium grades, - Barley .lull; cash and November, Sissc; Becemler, 68e, itve in K""d demand; N.> i. Ire; v* -''¦'. vats Act iv,* inquiry; No I v. .nt* 29 .¦"."': Ns * do. 28ii2S1«c. Corn dull; No *i. Mc; No .. ¦ Qrass sec'!* unchangi I. Mill stuns In f.iir na* ii'iii.'l; no chan",,' lu prl..s. Mtnn-.iiioiis. Nov. I..Wheel held Ute sdvMesee yroterday .ml gained a traction more. OnlJ J in tiie manion \\;-* there tv. ikness, ..t otbti .* the prim- itas stein!;, v.i firm. Th opening '.' '. ¦. trifle under ths cloee of :*. terday, and there ese a sm.,Il break on account of n i- ub r..l aellli the il.vt. Bul Inter . ubie n< it - li linc effect 'lix- c.uiniiv advt. * ar. thal tai . de.lvi n. * are dlmlnishlm rai -*'1"'1 to I .r a favorable effect, i». ml ,-: eed HIS -. sgal I '.' ¦¦ y. v ,- .... !> dd al the i rice of > em. May. Ih v. \ r December al one time being v' hlgn in ; t -i-L.t. M."ti ..f iii. No, l Northern soli at WtyC. No. 2 N uin tn --1-1 C Naree -rains were in ll,ii, si ai ceil ti. wheel were BM ai - he ¦- vat.ns were i ot h »I '" cham "I. Brans snd Shorts un " : ateady. Corn Market irv; rec .* ti *w, .'I'/oic; No. 3 yelloa I 0 NO. 8 white, :>, * No. Philadelphia, Not. I Flour Jobbers v." W Wi ll stocked up and vi rv little >'¦ " ' . liberal snd pt1c« s tt il. Ry. rt»ur si ul- « quiet; choice Penn-iylfunla. KW .'. lt Hi.mi- l'i mi d t ito supi l.l ; ' |.m pounds for new, Vt h. >l i wrk . | foreign demand snd Increaa i- I speculative ctn le prlcca .Iciin-l 'v. No '. » November. >i! .-.....>,-.-. IVcemb-r, tv ,.',,-. .i-t.ni.t_v. i;7\ iiv. Pi bruary, .''..'«.:.,:".*¦ ll) for No 2 Pennsylvania. Corn market open, i w< * and prices fell off %c on November and ',-¦ .-,-. nb* -r, while late futur. se I chHiwed. The markel clo* .1 (tull tali vi''- "* unlit, but bl ls wen bel. « the vi irs v .. I rs. l.. cal carlota dull nnd u mj » ¦'".' .''." in.,-.; No 2 mixed N' t i. "".'_ IP ..',,.; Jnnuary and Pebruarj 14' I "UJ Markel for carlota quiet, tilth fi -,. **} form ti >. lures dull and un, hu - « white N"\ nii-'i . ". '..."; Jnnuary nnJ I'ii A ' ''\: J Arm; l*ennsylvanl i '' .' '-'-, ' Retlnef nulei and unchanged Otl rr artlclea ui St Louis, N .V :< Flcr (tull: |Mtenl I «J in funo ¦' ...*.'T'v 'aticy, j.*',,.<-. i; ilM.-.' ,. f 1120; family, tt 8t*h«*: rye flour, 1316. Brej higher. " here wi i mor. urgen. j ah ,wn k.j i rs and as lush as tr.'..' waa paid for sacketl. »neni irm, but tower; November. 57V; '' t-'inber. ¦¦..". M--v.t'.7c rom unchsnned. OaAo tlrm: N.»vembe»j 21.14,,*; December, mic; liny. tis.;. I*"',** Wtsndari mess selling $17 i.2'*.; on oroera. fu26. Lard l.ine .team. M& Dry salt meat* -Shoulders, Tc. longs «H<1 eleur ribs. 8V; B-OTt* *t. I aeon Lot. d shoulders. 7'»o; tongs, Ilk-, dear nba, Wept', B.iorl* lD**_c. High wines steady at tt 15-


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Mayor-elect Schleren left Hrooklyn yesterday for

Philadelphia on his way to Bristol Tenn., where lie

ls erecting; a new tannery. Hs will gel ii completerest before he returns to Brooklyn In at«>iit ten

days. He win tarots tin* reel nf the year t<> s

careful study of tiie city ch.-irter und the reportsfurnished him by the heads of departments. SO as

to prepare his first messaee, wi.Uh will 1"' sen!to the Aldermen on the first .M,.n,tay of ia-.u.-ir.

The terms of th» present Rends" nf .i.-t.artm. nts will

not expire until thirty days after the new Mayortakes office, ani he will then have thirty .layswithin which io appoint th-ir sousssors, Ifno successor ls appointed by Ihe end of that time

for any head of a department he shall be con¬

sidered as reappointed' for the term of two years.


There is no likelihood that Major Schleren ail re¬

tain any of the men at the head of the city de¬

partments, as they are all Identified with the Ringnian.igenu*nt of city affairs. The new Unpeg will

have thc foDOWtnf places to lill:¦..liny-

City Tr'»*ur r.. . . Robert Blackio\ U lu* u.l- .

:...)" AM ll s. *-u ii

Reglet..r ..f \r art. .V(x>> j,.i.i, ¦'. M i_alreCoiahBtl ii Ooun*el. ... .. lti.l-00 ah ,-t e. .lek-Jr vt seer, I n . :i OOO Daniel li. 1* illili-l'.ii- l *i:,! *!,.),.-. ul."' li.,ii I. Ila "In

Two bebe *'u.,:*r.is,io....r... IMO I j;;;;;; &,{_.*£,BtRMhCssn las! uer . ,___

J-in, QH«bHie Cai . :.i.JOnO John nus

Building I oniml*.loaer. S.0OO.. r. ll R titi

lilt Welba i 'ut n i*»i..licr. .><>>>. J.'hn 1. Anni*

fan tammi a sue o.0B0 beetle V. BeamE,..r A*-.ur-. -1.1.1 (9 MO; txe Civil >''^1,,' ''v1'";

BdsaioiK 1- ;¦ salary, and tulrtj sieststera nf the Board af

Kdii.a'.i ¦.I'try.Thc terms of the assessors beda In September

anl tn > ' spire ene*, jrenr, Fifteen members of the

board Of lvlvativi Ste appoint. 1 annually, th-*

terms beginning in July. The terms of the Civil

Service Oonunlssloni 1 .* I (Kin at the s.iine time as

these of th.* heads of departmunts. Alexander E.

Orr I* the presldenl of the rtTu Service Hoard.

Hie uss .vales ar- the Rev. I'r. C. H. Hall, Albert

G McDonald, Harrington Putnam and Oeorge I*.

Nichol)., .-.iv ._.,

The -lection to the oftice of Bupemsor-at*.argeis claimed t>v both Thomas Pitchie and GeorgeKlnkel. the present Incumbent The former saysthat the published return.* of Ute vote in the

Beventli ward, where hs lives, Rive him 2,1thar, h.* should h.ive. and so be luis a substantialmajority, on the other lund. Mr. Klnkel sayathat missing dlstrlcta In New-1 trecht elect him by20ft If there is snjf doubl of Mr. ritchie's electionon thc official count legal steps will be taken to

throw out the. fraudulent vote in Qraveeend,Similar action is likely to bc taken in regard to the

Gravesend vote upon which Senator John W. Mc¬

Carty depends for his -lection over Henry W.i-

fert.'in the Vlth Senate District. Th- exact firiiresof the vote in the Richmond County part of this

district sre not known. William Yan Slooten. the

mysterious Democrstlc candidate in th- IVth Dis¬trict, still claimed election over Daniel lira.ney,but correct."! ti.vnes yesterday ira ve Mr. Bradleya plurality of 431. erith tero missing districts whkhcannot maleriallv affect thc r-sult. The correctedreiurns give H. F. Houghton, the Republican candi¬date in -he Hid i>t-triet for Assembly, HS over

his opponent. Assemblyman O'Connor, but the

Official Canvass Will probably have to be awaitedfor the exact figures. The Democrats offset this

by lip,ires to show tbe re-election of AssemblymanMelody, in the IXth Mstrlct, over W. R. Pasfleld.

WHAT Ml*. Milli.HF.N S1M.XT.

Notice was pent to all candidates yesterday to

file statements of the-r expenditures In the cam¬

paign, ts inquired by law. The amount expendedby Mr. Bchleren ls said to be about lu.750. The

Republic in Cnsspnlgn Committee spent about uc-

f**w. ani tbs Committee of One Hundred $10,010.Smaller pums wer,- sp-nt by the Young Republicanand Y \;:i.- Democratic clubs, the Citizens' I'nlonand the Brooklyn Democratic Club.The regular Democratic organization had SK-o.ooo

to exp. n-v Mayor Boody subscribed B.RM to the

campni-Tn fund "from bis salary of HMM. All thesubordinate officeholders were assessed In like pro¬portion, down to the humblest clerks. Every Demo¬cratic captRln of an election district had li'-O to

spend In each of the God districts.The bureau for ferr-ttlng out cases of fraudu¬

lent voting In Brooklyn was busy yester¬day In gettlnt; facts ready to present to the Orand.'ury. 10 as to Indict the persons already accused.Further efforts will be made to ge; informationthat will lead t" successful prosecution of the"floaters," many of whom voted In the river wurdion Tuesday. The prosecution will be conducted so

as to prevent illegral votln*, in the future. If pos-Piblv The handbills settlnp forth the reward*offered for evidence that will convict will be cir¬culated In all lodging-houses.



OF TIF.SDVY'S TOTCfO.Cleve!uni. Xov. P.."The Iron Trade Review" to¬

day Beys: "There ls an inproved condition In the

Iron and steel market In consequence of Tuesday'selection results.S BeU-flBeutSl Improvement, at

least. I*, may sot show Ppelf in any advance In

j)ric*a, but in ¦ peater willingness to trade, iron

and Meei menufaetnrers a;c- protectionists endtheir b i.-itiess practice conforms to their belief.

The hesitancy about concluding ponding negotiation.-!for large nin**uni-= of Iron which we chronicled im-

medi.,' ly after lbs election of IMA v as the resultof i, fear thiit values, which had advanced 1"> cents

In the ouse "f raw Iron, would recede. To-day,as reports from ii number of sources Indicate, lhere

ls a feeling that buy, rs, who have been pre¬dicting S slight change for the better in th- -v -nt

of smphutlc majorities In protest sgninsl Krec

Trade, will ent*!- tbe market for larger purchasesthen they have been making in the past foulor (ive months of depression. Whits ihe f-eiinsof uncertainty about the x.et terms <>f the new

Iron and ste.-i schedule still exists, there ls a betts!that the chaiiB,-*. will nol xo to the dbmstrottsler.Kth once fe ired, an! that the popular expressionhus been too strong and tot) positive ts bs ignored,To hav- this belief receive wide acceptance is lo bccounted as a distinct gain"Au far as Hie past week ls «**_cerned tbe

features to be noted in the trade ar** th.- betterfeeling at Pittsburg i,i the mark-ts for soft steelbillets ,:nd Bessemer iir and the efforts of some

Southern producers of pig lro'i io stiff-n priers.While there have leen sales of Southern t'r.iyforfe In Northern murK.-ts at Tlrr.es within tne pastthre,- month1', cn a basia of te up, and even % 4>. at

furnace, a Hale ls n.iei within tht- pent Week at a

figure not fur fr..m it furnace. Tills, however is

if, to ¦ cents better thun the average Southernfurnace ls able to get In closely competitive mar¬keta On Bessemer pig at Pittsburg better priceshav>- been realised than were i- iv two andthree Keeks sgo, end the tn _.. which repreawntedtbe estr me depress!, n no 1 inger appears in trans*nctionK. lt would be fair :.*. quote ..ie marketat 111 mi lo SH Ti. In billets there ls abo ;.n Im*prov-ii.. ,it ;i lari', numbei of sn le.* and nu ad¬vance from tbe very iw bs i- of well-known trans¬actions of October, Pittsburg nulls nre all em¬

ployed in a way, but there ls still aa absence oford.-rs Involving such tannase as would mea>i

otea-iy employment for « g*» r *<.< 1 of weeks. Withthe resumption in other Pennsylvania tullis tli-pa-*t week, there is sU,.__ ar; increase in capacityas Brill Continue tbs sharp Ktrug_rle for- orders for¦erne tim.- to corr.-. Tiie demand for street rails,which explstns the resumption of the Pennsylvaniamills, has been the only redeeming feature of therall trad.- the oast year, ii.e blasi furnace eltu-utio:i iu..- changed but int!.* from thal of 0but Ibe chsnge h_s been in th.* direction ol lar.-. r

active capacity."


Ailents, 'ia., Nov. ;.. -The World'a Convention ofChristian Workers was called to order siiortiv \,---

fon- noon th dey la Deglve. Opera House, ir th<«

laity, the Rev. R A. Torrey, of Chicago, pr.lingThe op,-ia bouee wa* decorated with the '.iv:* olRations. ThM is tv largest gathering tnal hasever been hid 1;: bis city, lt is estimated thatUM delegatei have already arrived, and more ..1-

e.,pe-te.i during tbe week, a,Mr --.- of w Icon -.

were deUverod bj Governor William .1 Northenth<- Rev. J. s. Robins, ths Rev. C. P. Williamson'ex-Mayor \Y. a Hetnphill and others Among thedelegates are the Rev. E. P. Hammond snd the''*".' Dr, Io of New-York, .1 ii the RevImhi Bonn, od Ontario, .'en..da.

A SlAV ELECTBIC VOEFAET IKCOEFOEATED.Albany, Ko*, s..Tbs Cntnrnct Genera) Electric

Ossspnny has been Incorpornted with tiie g«cretar}Of lita;., for UM purpose «,f puTObaaing sud sellingelectric power and for the n.-sci-tiut:. u of contractsfor th.- production, distribution snd use ,,t ¦..__power Within IlM COUnty Of Mom,,.- and in BUCtlothei placer! on or nejr the liner of railroad .-n-

teriiix the county as may furnish a market forsuch pow.-r. The principal ofllce will be In \'.-w-Tort City, ..nt the capital is Mt,oos, divided Into J'oshales. Tbe directors ara William Mertens Thoo ta.'. Platt, Commodore )' Vedder, Frank W Hawley ni Charlton T. Lewis, the h,.,t thr. nj,BubucnbliiB for lifty sbares of the capital stock.

HTEIS1T7. ASH EASEER SOT TO PEA) IS BAYABA.Havana. Nov Moliner says lt will be Im¬

possible to arrant..- that Htelnitz and laasker shallplay their (.real CMOS match lt, this city.


Antv.-erj), .Vow li. .Vt the wool sales to-dav 2,11*1bales of Plate River wool.*, nen oriered. ii... at¬tendance Wit*, smaller than usual, but the competi¬tion w_s active, ami values were steadily upheld.Following are the sales In detail and the prices ob¬tainedBusnoa Ayres, 272 bales, st tOfrlfi. francs per 100

kilos; Montevideo. MO bales, at tt«lS6 francs.



Till: CASK OF DB, 0. v7. LOVATT.

THK l.XTitr.Mii.v gagpiCJOUS CMCCMRTAXCEAREI koutn RT Tim rut tn RB ALONE at



The November Qrand Jury will to-day start In

the Investigation of a case which affords a valu¬

able ol..i,*"t-!.vs ,,. in the methods of the modern-

day precinct police. »»n tho night of October a

Dr. Calen \v. Levett, en ndvertletai physician wh>.

f..r yenrs had gabled notice in connection arithwhat ls gelled an "Indian Vegetable Specific, n>et

his dsntb from S Pistol "hot tn the house .No. IffWest Twenty-tlrst-st.. k»T" by a woman named

Kate Gerdner, better known as "Hlonde Kate."On ihe first discovery of Dr. laovatt's unconsciousform, with a bullet hole In the left temple, the

Nineteenth Precinct poUOS and the newspaper men

comfortably settled on a verdict of suki,le. blindly

doning their eyes le the many peculiar and un¬

explained circumstances OOMMCtdd with the death.

Of all the newspapers In New-York Thc Tribunewas alon** in thc BUggSSJl .11 lhat Dr. Lovatt had

been murdered To The Tiibunc and The Tribune

only ls due the credit of stirtlm; the in.-uiry, which

has titus far resulted in a verdict of homicide, givenby a Coronet's jury.

many 1N rx li.i< Alli.K CU-UUICRTAJtCCR.I>r. 1-ovat! di.d In ihe New-York Hospllal on

Bnturday, october _, the morning after the

shoot int,-. On that day The Tribune hud

..lied attention t<> thc following; facts in sup¬

port oj* its belief of murder: Iir. Iaovatt. who had

been married twenty-three y?ars, came to this cityin Bsptentber with his wife and son; took rooms

In the Twenty-first-st. hous? kept by the woman

Gerdner but rented In the name of her mother,

Mrs. McDowell. Mrs. Lovell soon decided that lt

was ii" lit habitation for an honest woman, and she

entreated the doctor to have lt. About this time

bis mind, usually clear and active, seemed to be

suddenly Ckmded. Hs spoke and acted like S man

under the influence of narcotics.. He refused to

Icavs the house and declared that he would re¬

main with Mis. Gardner. Toting Mr. Lovett there¬

upon Rot lodgings for his mother and himself at

No. ii: West Twenty second rt., and on october

ll. after a Anal and distressing scene with the

husband and father, they left the house. Two

hours before Dr. Lovett had shown his wife YM

in two rolls of bills, and this money was In his

pocket when she left the house. Every day she

tried to get speech with her husband, and eachtims the Gardner woman, s bleached blond.*, withlu.rd, gray eyes, refused her and h-r son ad¬mittance. They watched and waited, but the doc¬tor never appeared On one ol' these occasionsMrs. Gardner assaulted young Mr. Lovett and was

Bummoned to Jefferson Market Police Court, butPolice .iBslice Hogan dismissed thc CUM withoutet»n h.,.ri;ii,' Mrs. Lovatt'a complaintOn tbe night of october XL i'oliceman Reagan

Called at the house, found Dr. Lovatt bleeding fromthe wound In the left temple, with dark, lividbruises on the jaw and eyes, an! with only 10cents out of the $700 which he hud pocketed six daysbefore. The only evidence i'e*.ardinK the shootingwas furnished by Mrs. Gardner herself who saidtb..: Bhe hud heard the sound of pistol shots in thedoctor's norn upstairs three -quarters ot" an hourb. fore, but, bein*, under the impression that "hewas shooting at mirrors," hud not thought lt worthher while even to go upstairs. The doctor had beenfound bv a man-of-all-worlt, known gs SolomonU-vl.familiarly called "Hunchback Sol" On thetable by the doctor's side was found a note read¬ing as follows: "October 20. 1893."At No. 167 West Twenty-flrst-st..I huve lived

lon;.' enoURh In mis-ry. DR. G. LOVATT."God forgive nie for this last ad; I alone. . . .

my death with the aid of this revolver."ACTIOR IS FINALLY TAKEN.

First the peculiar signature and studied wordingof this note attracted the attention of The Tribune,and next the circumstance that the lines followingthe signature had been added iib an afterthoughton the part of the writer Th* Nineteenth Pre¬cinct police, fearful of admitting that a house otthe character described by amp. Lovatt existed Intheir precinct, stopped action en the case. In-oulry showed that at the time of Dr. Lovattsdeath there were present In the houee Mra Gard¬ner; her mother, Mrs. McDowell; Georgie Mat¬thews and Kmma Broderick, "actresses," whowear rouge and diamonds; a man known _s JncRConrey, who spent most of his time with Mrs.Gardner and had the manner of a typical Slxth-avenue swaggerer, and Arthur Pender, a theatricalagent, who curries his office In his hat. At theInquest held yesterday these people, all Tenderloinveterans, with one exception swore that theyheard the shots, but were too scared to leave theroom. The exception was Conrey, who ran awayImmediately after the shooting and is supposed tobe working on a railroad. They do not explainthe disappearance of the 17(a), or why they waitedthree-quarters of an hour before calling asnlst-ance. Mrs. Lovatt swore that her husband neverslimed himself "Dr. G. W. Lovatt." but "G. W,Lovett, M. 1)."; her sen said, further, that hisfather was a right-handed man. and that the notewas not In his handwriting. Dr. Chambers, houseBurgeon of the New-York Hospital, declared thatthe black eyes and the bruises had been caused bya blow, and not by the fore* of the shot, and htsevidence made it certain that the bullet woundcould not haw been gelf-infllcted either by a rightor left-banded man. Assistant District-AttorneyMcIntyre set forth thes** convincing points to thejury, which delivered I'* verdict after a brief de¬liberation. Mr. McIntyre at once began to preparethe evidence for submission t" th Grand Jurywhile the police art lookftii. for Conrey.



The crude p'troleum nm k> t «.*- dull but MroiiC'r ti*

day. duly 1,000 barreh anni dean in at ta- OeaaelMstedFxrbange, bat Ihe price piil was ta rente, sad that esstl)- final lil, u -alu ,,f 4 Mat. At iii City prlv-eglou lua 7:,'. cuts, iii- output of the McDonald di-trl.-tli stationary at l.',".00 horrell a dav, ani lhere tts* isf, .11 ur lo ll.- ll.iO advice...

1:, lin,.1 petroleum wa* un inn.r"! at ,-,1,. ,-, m* a gal¬lon ii lu ri 2.4*1 .oil* In built an.I .',.90 .eau, in .a-.*.

!'..-cn quotat'opa « *.¦ Aatwerp, llL* fianc*; Bremen,4fAU nar.-; Kuii'lon, 3r_d.

TIIFa TRADE IN CHICAGO.Chtcapo, N"V I fflpecinl)..Wbent early to-day

was weak, there being an inclination arnon*, thosewho boii-siit on the Republican gnccesses Tuesdayto realize. About noon a new bull motive came

along in the shape of higher Continents! cables,.md th.- early lois was recovered and the marketdened where it .lil Wednesday. December openedat CMc, sold between 61--« and HU and closed atH'.'.'c'C.a.'.c Minn, .polis and Duluth had !*»J cars,against *fl<> last year. The Liverpool opbnlng cablesw. re weak. "The Price Current" said the drouthhud not affected the winter wheat ar-a so far,Export clearances were light, about MMM from allperta On this -ort of news the market ;_ot under"puts." Around noon th- Continental cables came

very strong; Ualtlmere reported 'vi leeds takenthere; Pillsbury wired that farmers' deliverieswere grad'.all: falling oft; that aftgr u while itwould show up at Minneapolis and Duluth, andt'v. stocks in .ont,try elevators uni farmers'lu-iids were less than on**-ha!f what ti.ev werelast year, on this soil of newe the recoverv begunand continued until tbs close The bulbi also hadii rumor that th- proposed Russo-Oerman treatyhad fallen through. Private warehouses say thatth- Wall Street jong lins is being pretty tv.il stucktoArmour to-.li.y sold 100,000 cash corn to Xew-

Y- rk, ami al viv chartered the room 11 ship lt,The ca*h demand was good; receipts promise afailing .,fr. charters were made for S12.000. To¬day's cars tv r< ',;..; bul the estimate f,,r Fridaywai v. May opened al iVf\c, cold between Wksnd if-, abd closed at 42-/¦t4'i\r. There was a

good centi demand for ..nts; receipts were light.As a result there -v.,* in Advance of \ to .%.<.elong the list May opened at tVtbc, sold betw. titv and 32V. and closed al Bf! '.-.'Provisions wei.wier, although hog receipts

were Hint, ;.. ause there was eenie little Bellingcemmlselon houa -. which looked very

much -.s if foi the rsckers. There were 19,009 hogs:the ,... .Imate for Frlda. ..'.ts If 0 gOn the curb "puts" .¦¦ Decembei wheal were

».:.".'¦; "calls." (Bc. "Puts" mi May corn were12 (121 ,.: 'calls," ;. v. ...

Bl IRTON \\". (OL MARKET.B .Mon. Nov n. Tlu : h bi en a quti I and

si-v ly wool market, snd ths Bales of the week ire2,074,2U0 pound.. ,,f ail kinds. Prices sre very steadysnd unchanged. Terri! vu meets with a. 'r demand, .h.d eells "i, .: basia ol "-vx, clean, for-ii* :::.i:.'- iv rin. edlum, and HX>32c for medium.Spring Texas aella al lifflie, and Borne 70,00(1 poundsfall iM l*i 10c. California wool i* dull. Ohio fleecesare Urra an 1 In mall supply, with X at tlc; XX at.."::.-. xxX i*:i above al Cf/24c, and No. 1 ut:'*''¦-'¦ *.-r |,. v... Michigan X H.¦.¦* are Quiet at''¦.-<- in ;.ulled wool torre have been small eales

ol super, ai -uvv ¦.¦,- pound, Domestic scour.e ,'i are In good lemand. Foreign wools dull andnothing "f consequence doing. Domestic combingwoola gre in denian.1 si ttttftc tor medium and No1 washed, .-md 171,30c for one-quarter and Hu .eighths blood L'nwa h d line delaine been Beijingfreely al 2Sc for Michigan snd 2Vn2:.- f,,r irhi.,

SOUTHERN COTTON MARKBTS.Onlvseton, Nov. I..Cotton quiet; middling, 7 13-i6c-

low middling, 71..-; g.""! ordinary, 7 1 i>.-. Rel sndposs receipts, ,.911 bales, exports, coastwise, i.i.ioitiet; sui-r, gt. bales; spinners, .Mi bales; -nocklt,,uh balesNorfolk, Nov. :> Cotton steady; middling, "t-kc;

low inlddiitiK. 7 6-Ibc; good ordlnsry. ''.T.c; n-t andmoss receipts, _,__* balee; exportr, coastwise 1 ,74bales; »al-s. MU babs; stock, 70.181 balee

.N'-'.v-iiri'*;,n». .\,,v. <_, cotton quiet; good mid¬dling. .1,-Hie; middling. 7 lin;.*: low middling

..h.-; t-,..i ordinary, 71-ttc; n-t rece tpis. 774::bai.-s, btoss, sun bulee; exports io deal Britain,...'.j .a es; t., um Continent, (til bnles; coastwise,.:..*.» bales Betas, IftjQ bales; stock, _M,SM baleshavannah. Nov, I Cotton dull: middling, 7*c;

__L2J_e.fl __f! "ow* '^dlnary. 7c; net and grosi__£_??- '.lr X*1".' "uoru to Oreat BrlUln. 1,407*_i_T.' ___, ..,rtnVn,nt* wtw b«1*"; coastwise, umbales, sales. Itt bales, Btock. 12S,M» bales.


Nsw.Tsrk, keresabet ft. iPoe*..it ,,kt.*. 7 M..I.*, bal"** .

I'.;.,c. bhlS . Iii.", I.-'Illel *lt|e«.l.,tl.m, bale* . H'.*l7 Muli*- s, l.l.l*foti .a,...I ,.||. I,|,|s< .-.. m-al, bair*I .-.".-*, 1.1,1- .

1 .-¦* caw* .

li Ul [I,ii*Itncktth. al. I.i-hll. »V. Mu'.r, |t*g*I ,.*-in..ril. I.i.

lie n,J, lurp., lill*....nfl spirit* t'.iv. bli*

1 tu ib.-iii. bbl. .

h iii; Tir, Mila.:i,\:.,4 od cake, pkg*.

;i_'. .m. lui... l,i,|.(Ul Hld -toell. pk)**....."' per., pkg .

I'ernmeal, hairs .... perm Beef, pk.:- .WI,, it lui*!, fl i,i utni ul* lia..Corn, bu*h .l.'IT.uW Dr ,-.l li"--. Nu....Oats, bush . ISil i" I.ni. I'kcs .Mit. bask . 10,300 l-ard kegs .harley, btt*h. 6,425 I Buttr, pkg, .Peas, bosh . .v.omIu-c. pinr* .Flss..1 I.iil's 45.440 Iti, i.kcs .

.ir.'s seed bags..... 2,111 Tallow, pkna .

<»r-i«.-, Dkn*. i,, u ,,1.1.,-v. i,Ms.lillies. SO. 200 V.iul, bale- .

Mt,1.2:10,"..'..'. I


1 fr./.0,100




¦f uV,I'.iK


:i mn:.,c,;m


Wheat, b-shCr:,, beak...'tat.*, Iinnli...rea-, bilah..aIlea.I'l.u-, HMS....I (nu, a .«

Uar, inc .. ..rum a IVI*.._Itran. It....<ira-v, -ced. I,a-.-*....ll"|8 In cs ...

.'ll ID'-lll, Vi. 12oil eek**, m..

NKtV.VO-'.K lAI'OI'.TS..',..;i o .S|>iiit« tarp., c-als..

.... 8 304 < riulc pet., pal*....4.1 rt R f. ;.' t, -.-mis .31,127 « "'t ii*- <I ail, gala.I, -ii la-b'cafg alla, galv

.... 11 e..V rori.. hhl*.t 0 o Beef, tii.i*..2 .'».. Ateef, lag.l. 94 et ,,, ir, .i.-iH0..i,t() Kin*, ff).;?214 laitrl, fl.. ()8I

1..I B St'itilne. Tit. iPutt. r. Il,. "ii

3.100I'J. 0.14>i.i:ir,2.200J7.9Ml.'.OIMS

o0*.L'..*»iX: C ce-c, il,,


(JA.-1II Ul "' AU I"NS.

Dee, No. 1 (..unarypenn.tri i oo

go, ..rv l-'en-e ll BO-opp* r lake inc,ii.. !. ,.',m-I rall*. gi kil_BM . A -.()i In, 8(*nl. 20 llL'ettes middling. r.1.(od atovr. 4 BO( nflee, Ne 7. 1M'<F.our. Mini. latent* 4 >'*>V. I.eat. No 2 Nd... IMia.(Mt*. No 2 mixed... 84'.I oin. No 2 n Iv.-d 411'.Rye, No 2 Westers. 55

liol.i-s, s prime nett HflTurpeai ne :.o^Lari. |, In.- Wt s'.'n.ilO 0i i< klee I,a,us .,

Pork. mooliv*. (Ir**'rt. I-','* -4

Rle. I..r Quel na M*PB4"snail)'. :.-. I'liat d. 4'_Beef, fam.ly. I'J noBeef liam*. )<;<iiI abott, rime cl'.iv 5 1-liiButter, 'iv. f c. sChees... lame, f1tn.lll4.7ll*.FR'.*, beet West*! 11. 2Darlt5_

THK OENERAL MARKF.T REPORT.New-Ysrk. Nov-nli, r :>. lsv:i

COTTON-.Th* cotton morio-i epeaed tutii vary tenori'i- 1,1,-ciit sud Hie lovii tisdin lenereUjr lang andr.itiu-r tlispisMi to -ci. th- Liverpool acesnata iMinir sn*satlsfartery. At thc astor! prices were troai uuehai ¦¦

to - |M>ints higher, but titr- um k.t gi;i<iu.iiit, became.'-lin auder tbe preaanri* 01 liquidation .,( tong account*.mu! prlres steadll. declined with thr market Mn,lit 7 ta ll

points lexer thea la t Bight's lei 1. but stead) Ifl to,.. I h.*volume ..( i,u*li,<--. shewed Uv effort* ot (curs rcgardlm;the llureau oo]. r"purt due al 1- O'clock lo-niurrntt, unith- -ale, onlt reached 128,000 bale*, the -malicst totalfer several months pa*l for any full sesates. Mach ofth,- wreakneaa st te-dsjr'i -. --io-, was doe i" a r. purt thatgained (put' general elreslstloii le Ihe affect Hint Kelliwould be out with an eatimate polBtlna to s crop of s.ocn.-(*C,i hair's. While the local contingent itas i!i- jx,-<.! tu

ridicule :. ,r such (lg,in*, ns ,-tTo, apen thc l.uro|e;,ncotton market* could Bot bc Ignored, and lt wa* natural lras.un.cl that I",urope weald Dike ste* k in N ill'* figure*,because lt weald *ult them to ctn -n. At Ihe sunn* Umereports were raming up fr".n the Booth Indicating thatthere «a* a little pur' aispo*itton te .1 spot ..:-..,.

while ti,.- accounts from ITew.Englaad were nut rnleulatedto inspire muck cooSdenre as to activity on tue part ofAm. an intoners, said u pramtoeat operaioi ,,, ') bangoto-i-u "The sitiintinn I- not without its strong featores,but ti-ere 1* jii-t st preeeag too much eeaipaay on theiuii! Mic of thc market for much further advance untJiliquidation hs* evened np the market _i little helter."'Iii- ri'ireau reporl to-morrow 1. experted to deal In a

rather L-ctieral »av «lth thc cotton crop. The move,

ment on which operations to-dav hav been p-rflv baaedls Kl-nuped as follows At the ports for Uie dav, .(2.0,").agalnet -0.7',', hales Issi v.ar. At tfew-Orlrans f-r to-

marrow, l.l.OOOii lli.OOO hale-., sgalu-t D.tOf bale lastrear- At the port* for the week, "Ho.PO) hates, msIdbI'-'.,11.727 hales inc eorr.'sp.,ri_.ins week la*' tear Af tl,.-

Intcrior, li.'O.OOO lisles ur less, uiptiiM 114.OOo bales cor

responding week i,,*t 'car.opening, range and close to-Sst* tut dosing bid* thc

previous night and la*t yegg follow:

Open- High- Low- Closing Lu-t I^stlng. e»t. cst. to (I n. nlcht.vc.ir.

November .812b *-*.l*l 8.03 8.K.ah.07 S.16 8.58December b -3 0.21 »l"> g.1648.16 8 .'2 f*.7'JJHiitiirv .".... 8.29 8.28 8.18 8. is if*!, li M.-.M H.-f,February .8.36 h.-au 8.'-.'*¦ 8.20_8.g7 8.:ii ».»Mnrch '..f>.4'- ^.42 8:82 HM:i,.'8.S4 8.40 0.12A pl ll .H.47b 8.49 Hil) 8.4V/8.I1 8 47 M.JtMav .8.50b 8.50 8.18 8.4>3... 8..10 H.S3.luiie .S.tiHii 6.00 8.W 8.,".4'i3.30 8.01 fi.4i

July.e. fl.,">2

Market clo-^d steidr. TlSesferaMe orders ls»'.icd at8.J0. Totnl sales. 191,001 balep. Ncw-VurU *pOt MlSgtO'dsy and lu*t night: Kor tenss.SMse. til halss: ajsjmarket dull mlildlTngs, h ,.. tthl-h U l-ltf lower loinparcdwith yesterday's yrlcea.

Quotations are based sn American (.tandard af elasilfloa-tlon and on rotten ls scars mimina In duality nat metsthan half of it grade above cr below the grade quoted.

IBlaBB*. >'i)ii. Blain SB

Ordlna-ry .A'%e'sRtrlct Ordlpa.'.8>»tt*a<»4,od Ordlntrr.7*a 'VStrut O-mmI (irdlnnrc.7 '.-16 7 11 -ICLaw .Middini* .7 18-10 8 lill.strict Low Middling.8 1-ltt 8 ul»Mid'lUnt . *¦* **¦-...ii.od Mi.ldilns .Sfl-10 8 1310.MidillnB Pair .f's 0*s

Ktilr .-..O's!*-46tr. t Ced Mlddllcg.U\

ft00ri7 13-16

**ew.Teg_ net iscsMs. soo b*ice: bt*',*'_ !_B_ **lSXicport* to Continent, ifl trai'i*: Ofeat Brltotn. ,,«0cllii; France, nene; for*_**e1, 1 171* kalfs; jSHSS, UJ

DCign .ii ¦'.¦.'- m «,»«_>

bu-), sn spume.*: atock M3.IM hilo*. Total njt partie *lpti to-iadt. 82,BOB balee; rtiu* fsr UUl _"*._. B»li8»*bil**. Export* todar: Oreat Britain TBA** ?al'-s;Franse, OOi hitle*: Continent. 82,057 Mle*. BhBtjU'.Oreat Brit.lu, 100.680 balee: Fran"*. 23 888 balli: Con-tlrci t 84.Vi! halse: Channel, 1.400 balsa; fetlU, 215.410tr.!**; *t,rk, ono-sn h»>*. UvTsrfssl (eeks Awl sot-to moderate, doi*ind freely stet, pn.-es nBehanend.Sal's 10.000 hale*: -pe-u a*i>ni riml itxixirt, 1 OO', bal*-Inteflcai, 7,900 bal**; rece'pts 2'0:':' be'rs: Am ri -m.

14.8'K) bales; ordliwry. i!«: iroud oidlivirr, 48-1-1: lo«n,l lilllnr. 4 7-l''i; r l.l.llln*- 4H-1H: ecol mi'lBiln-. 4 11-I-;midlllos fair 8. Pat-ares opened <¦:¦. demanS md.Dteai iiii,iia)iu-'l to 1-0! advaoea: rl«eed steady sad uu-

rbanged t'. mu advance. /anoary-FSbruary. 4.20Kl.JO;FVbrii.re-March, 1.8094.81; M veli-M ni. iJtt; \niMay, 4.8331.84: Mnv-I'in* 4.:t.'.lv .lu- eiulr 4.8l.4 IT:Jttlv-A'tgn-t 4.3*.) 1,'IH N ven i,»i- 4 28MA.80 Nut :u

he i' ;nber, 4.- >,,/4."".): De\*ember-Jeanary. i.-i.'i.inHon uar ablpateots November 2 tu November 8. 1888:c.r,ut Britain, l.oo* bales Ceailaeat. 7,000 bdea; is'-'.(i:»,t IMt.in, n-ne; Caatlnent, ft ooo bil,-*. Ini|4ris.188.1 18.000 bales; 1809 '..Ooo biles. Prevfon.lt re.

ported. I88JI ..'-t Prltala 41.000 balea; .'nntimnt.7V on bales; 1802, Oreel ajrltslii. 88,81*0 Isa:-, Co t

neil 832 000 bn'ev In..*urt- In IBFUI 1.89*0*0 ha'ea:i*" 2 !,' :r, oco bale*. Total 1».M. Or-at Brlt-in. 4'J OK<bales; Continent, 780.000 bale*: IS02, ,in*t Rrltiiii,co cou balsa ''."'ii"*nt moors') bil-*. Imf*art* i***>3.1.V.iooO'i bal"*: l^o: 1,010000. *'nck o'lo-it lu lltm-Hr liarb-r, 2,000 h*le*. aealvet 1.00) bal", name timeIe t yesr.GOITER.Tba market for coff*s open.-d *teadv In tone

with Keliruarv ,otitr:r-i* .', puln's ISwer on the hld*, andf*tti"r muufli. unchanged on thc first csll. w!th *il*« r»a.ii.inc .'),000 lu.?.-. Bos'Beas was very quiet fur th* ret ofthe pirenoon. Ind B_l to 2 O'i'IocU nu *peculatlve |n(ere;twsi niB'iif»*te'l. On th* aetual basTseaa Deeeaibet openedio puinis h'li-er. :,nd Mav eontneii opened r> pelnieiiiKtu-r, December aelllns ,i is 0". 17 o>") and Msi sil-l,,. Th- f-T.-ltTi nar.el Rews «a- n'her fatorabl- at

a whole. Hamburg shcwinr ft..ni uncbaaged prices fo :,n

a1\:.ne<- sf ', ^f'^ srltk ih" tens of tin- market linn andsi'ics leaching An,l'(0 bin*. The Havre ir.ar'.et m. fromunchanged te -1. pf? hirli'r, and .hov.el sip* nf 27,000bag-. The Ixuxlvi market wa* frost nnehadged prl,. tolld lilfli'7. I'.,, \.a- quiet; No 7. Kviii.nC" standard,quoted 15 S SOO, Fjirbsnge (sritstei I08-1M, Reee'p'am Wo, u.tsm bass; *tr,ck nt r.i., 88.090 bags; msrket stlt., <ve..k. Vint-* r-ccip;, 7 oo bam and -tock. -IO..cen bee*; Sante* Biarkei (inlet, with gu .1 arrraee snotedIf, fMO, Cleared fr in Rte, 12.000 ick-s. xi -nie. m

N:w-Ycr!( up tr, 1 :i0 reached f.ftti) Ikib* The mr.r'olP-r d-itia-t. eloaed sleaqt an* nnehsaged to

wera 13,000 i,i*p-. as fotlewhlpher. Totnl *al"


"il v

March\ "

Mae .


".vi4 Atm

.. .M'O

4 260

Ulah- I,«ir.e«t. em.17.8*i 17.8117.(0 ir,.:,-,lilli". 1(1. Ol

io.4o iejs1 ?r,t) lain ic.io


17.3'..: 17.40io rr.,. 17.ooin ta 'pi 7'.io i- in *.,.Ifl lt,*,* l«.4*iICl-,,,].!.-,ie.05.i(i io

|K.!nt*IaS.-tt *ar1,1.1*1 :. 0018.4815.20I.V101.'. 00ll/.-.1145

The statistics! position o( Rrat.1 raaTes is a« foiio.viY.-t r-cay.

14M.-IV*1 COS8 83

l.Visv-,2 *. in.3," H_>.Keilli-"llold't-



*;t0' k, Nev-York ..*. 180,1*70Sock, Rainmore . i .*'2Bteek, N' w.Orl ans. 0 Ott*NVik, Cnltet s:if.*. 1482 0A Boat for L'nlPd ."sia'c*. -di,.,\ li t.upai* ... 4:ti*200v.vr 'he¦¦- .!. -liter .¦* tnt S v 11.8 .<

W.hoe.e (!¦ -ll ,..!' *. I"tl"lii..|-, (llWa'rehsu* dellrerl N 0 .''total asreliess* .1-1- re* ll °.",

Kio on -ifi', wa- u'net Steady cn the l,a*ls of 18-a8I*-* ,. viii, *,1<* «.f BOO bags Sal. N. 1 .., ¦;. m ;.,,Bflost per Salerno mil I.v <.' bag. Bsatos, Wa .".. at lt.ado,t. pei Mi ll lurne.

Mill reOee sa* -i-"!j-. With -al-* Bf 800 bags Maru-<al1." au-l 150 hug- C...'.!;.I Ar, ric.;i p'lval let

li.,.! t: tXD Ml.ai.-lt wa »>i unu nally dull dar Ipc. ii ii>. equal ol eh ii has "ellum buen -e-, ,,., the

I. .- t Hu- Ulller "rillluii-. ii, nn..'ie, ,. ThlLran*a Hons en oa-.e Katurd r* -,.m- been a, cxreptlon,

-i-.iiie. aul -v.-1 v.. utan the transact-an* la-dsy, hutMil* he- .. I-*,:.ur.-i. There was m,i - oueh !¦ -i

ii,-** c. BtfrkeC I'r;.i.. inm'.iaL sudbut*-Ts h'ii off, i. f--;-,'. ie ps even Ithli - ,- af tin-

on --. a* a r *uit. n mu a 'v .' .. andthal '"i- about all. Trj-i*a Ho-*. «.i :: :,t y ,,i ,,. ,,,.

rli Una OOO bM- winter stn ,- ..: ).; n* ;i,,,l,|.|. .Var, :,t »-' 7'." -f '.-¦¦ I .*! extra ..' .ii *...-,', ;eui -nil- i'i "¦ ai B*-'25; I,OOO i,vi, |V .¦ patent ,t uanl 250 ark* af -v-.'ii" ut -vi ,n Smut. flour- j. -t .! ¦¦ lt*i '. . er ;... bola sd ilghl. it gj oRYE TttOVH The markel wa modtrnteh active and..,-,. Billi -ai-- »f 500 Ml* at ¦*-.:*,.,;¦) Bt'CKWill.Ai FLOl ll Trade .;, lull hui withs U*idi Uss-,1.., »cr,. 200 i" il - i- '¦'¦ itl I. vu i.Market .-'. s.i,--, ..(M) l.l.l- ii ¦¦-.,1',,-c (.,. Milo,,.i.ii!o» :

...*>»"»*¦ ,

winter.Niels Harrell. .Si :,,. SarreU

».. rrade ni »5_0t ..¦ ¦' ... 6i 75eel h.*. ,.

Kine .... h"j I M ... it .... I'.)- 'j (.(i ..*.' )(,, .. j,fcup'tlne I attn 108 .... 2 |.;,,. rt.

- .... -. :" ¦' .-' lorJ'.oirr.'Sfi -. o '¦',.,, iooIx No 1. -.'2",, : in -vi-,., 2 80 3 lg* . ',- »;w.Cleat 2:t5/ »_. 2 6'» -f -ft ...,-. ,}M^; ; ,;;Mia.ulit 8i"" I ¦-> ¦¦ "¦' I,; -s,., goo i,.,,,, [_.,"lek do.t8 . | ,,, ., .-.,patent 8.50 _tW SHOO 03 . ,t .. , V .

"Hy nulls. Weat India ;:i:,.I-* -.,',,Do satans.. .,, , -,

''""... ."" . -J'..i 8 10Mlv.il ric. ....... f 7'.- -j ll

< nits Ml AI, Th" arkel . nradi -. .., ena'¦).,- .,, BJ SO QuaUUeiia ', si ut \y, .,.,*f ,.,. Krandywla n * >¦,;,.. 7!em. white, bega ti i iel 2 i- _<< uj s,,. ,,.Uuotat'ons: I-. arhlt. * l <)*.. t| v, .,..' ,..,.'''¦tM.-url.i.". ,,,.,rs" ".'.,:.;.". ..,, | ., M,.;,., rjj >*.

"I|"'1"11.,,"' " ; "l.77"7; *7r 7r *»-». 70

rd, -,,.vu. homlni ebop *.;..,, \{\ ^' J£*q'-iei".,V ;.'.:..So! i "...*; '": "¦." *****mui*mw*m*i

[HtAlS ri in ti' The. a-ti.f n. wpm .mh .

.ng "..- .i-u ii -I inter -t. n .,. . ,, , {""¦ ;ituJ.ui,,.,. .nd -,tv,i down it,, i,. I,, .r- h..ab,,,, m, ettet which -¦., ,. "'. , ;'',"'.i - b.lit .,- .,( Ute -.,ci, I'..- etti) wrekiwa* ._, L".-rt,.., ,, .,,., Mbil a-l prUai ,,,;. ;,;*;."..,*'.

* .'"' ll'iuiitlon of lar;.** U'l-sui. BhlpBaet* fie,,'arrival- and bmw fnrth* Hsuldti. u..i,1J. ',rerelgi, hnlr.g and ejenrtete Migera.ce of tuen,¦ «,«'Mau tti.u* in p.rt d.- ta, t .. Bagyy an," ,nt ,,. ,ab't-H san io Hil* l.rge amount si, .".-..g. Tl '" :.',\}'f tbs fact that R'l.ati ha. hew. sT3)gi__rT_!_5j!,*Sfar pur*, man, Aii-arlca. xCasaanit AuZtZ _ffl__JXuiom Blmoit entire!/ eut cf tke maikn p\"',£ J^J^

deanna* of a.ifll-lent BBW_B*___ sff-ct price*. Ihi*brinn* Ce mnrk-t back lo the btiSSBSSB ar *tag from fi.*

Atnerie..,, rendition* and then) nf*.***£»W. ¦* *.»piopltou, fo,- ¦ b-1,1 mark.-t. be mot.-'cut Bf tte WMluiiii,,,,.., nrga i.ul asala presitaBfl to .hew eu*eest pro-Ionions tu p:..lu.e a lars- Incren*.' In th- tl Iblu T. ore

ls ,,... ,||.,.... sbo.ll fe NnrthiM-t-ro ,pr,n.' wle.t ,..

eeli.ts lt ls laincl that the cointrv sbl|,inents are .ft I-

ne orr aad a suSateh Kdsy tram Mr. pili*i,..> a*.a,'.olMt he ilht" efl hui been snteMsl, but that the _,

Mi.c'i,,, wou'l n... be felt tor some tim- li, th, arrival* ofMl ,,.-,nells Slid Dululu. Speen la tl mi 'Oems lo bc ut it

s s'i althouc rumor, ar- ci rout that Wall .St . et

i. .uiiLdei-ll.lv lntcr-t-'l. <>n the ether band, lt |, _.,.

-,rtl thu uart "f the recent ll.|uld«t!.in ha.* b-en Inr

\v.i' Street amount. Uter lu 3m dav a little betterhellas developed In wheat, bit lt t*n« aeceapentei hr

ter, until tammin, anl »l .¦¦.* ''"¦"" ,h" BBUksl wa* dullnt .« net Beeline. Ceak wheat wu* pisa rsry duli witsprudi, ..itv bo tnqstrj tat espert erlkraal seeooM. Salestt, ,,. o OOO bu-li f ungraded nd. lil' lu Mu*/ '-' load* f r >*V

,rt I.-r- w.ue r,|NirM of I-.'".OO') boah for c*|«,rt, tia

ti-. 'imip.rt.. Details and quot .lions of the |.,c:i| cash

market follow: No ._> red V.i' under I)-c.imber In store;li--ii h-r cl."*.-! 07V, December prlee ( o b at stor.*; t*tBnder December f <> I. nilen', nnd ¦.*-¦ anjler December de-herd Ko I hatd sprint, um.td the sver Dc mu

>. delivered; ko 1 North,-. spring quitedm.,. 0v.r Deeembet deUverrd; unmade! 10,000lui-li nr.e and prltal*- term* deliveredi cRN-Iii"* market for ern opened (Stet and Breaker,s.-nine off '..'. partly in .yatpsthy with wheat, and partlyai ti hal appeared to be ll.iuldatlnn. I.r some davaBaal Ikere h»* ...'in ..pp"ar*nt)v long compressing on their'nkel mid t« thl* selling is du- thc weakness of tbemarket! Aft-r the early decline price., rallld a little andtrade beeame dull, operators nuilinir ott for tbs rea ra*

Wrt to-n»rr..w. Thl* rep,ri will coter Ibe preliminaryti,ld per arie, Thc Indicate! ibid la-t mouth "ns "1.4buaac. taifabodewing . .mn sf 1,891.000.000 bum. A

v,.-,r tan thc prelUnlnarv statement made ike vld-l 1,681.-000.000 hush. Vd the pp.rllletlon [WT Herc ._.'_*. 1 hil.h.

Be i**peii la Basally mad.' on wiieat. Fi-ur *, however,sre elven fur cotton hiv. potato**, ciancio and buckwheat.1, ran Unf «a« i lltllti better re Hag late in Ihe dav.,, ni.- r-s,nt nt geod eviron trade a: caleago, "her-

aboul 800.000 bush ».*re reporws for ihlpsmra. Ti.r,>

wi. a littl- h.-al cover ii'.*, but at the rinse thc ii'.rk.t..1, ,.) a net I"* of li Vat or, near deliveries sui '.,:

idvance on Ma\. c.-ii rora ana dall Bad ',.¦

:,..,r Ratei wera Bt-lj 21.(00 bush, torltidtng 18..ooo bush for expert Elevator rora was quote! al 4r,'_

,,¦'.,. ami .anil <|-lli.tel Bl IC'-V' at the rlaoe.nv;-, -ri- irarket fer ,a;. waa terr Bull thi* anningiir ul froi.b.,alb , ai. r, -1 li, pi t ll 171 li t* tt th the tt. liMl. -

which un tailed In wheal sad earn. After the esrty da¬rline trade i" .¦¦¦ -.- \.*rr dull wt', prices about steady.Ther" t»a» ii .niel iiink-l In nat* late. Int With a Mr.r

tone pries fortis* thc Influence of th- tett-r feelingwhich pre. all'-d In other BfSlB. Th- rloae tm* quiet.Cam "at- uer., gale*. Bales w.-re iti.ooo bush, ss fol¬low*- No *J ont* 21.000 b'i»h, 31V elevator and S5*_edeliver."!: No :. oat*, non Heil. Bte: No 2 white, 48.000bush 81_r0-4e: No .1 while. 10.000 hush ^l>..<.: trn-kwhite 20.000 bash. SWMIe: ira-k nixed 8,000 baahM vr.T.Vaiket Inactive; \Ve»teru. ro_7"le; CBnads, WO.,, tix-rawed. 8 v. '..- ii t.m.cv Duli Ko S Ml-waukee, ii*,- .ni-'-,d d Weat, r ,. 85k87c RTE Marketnorn Iial Kl KIMS ti,ie.I Brm bul dall. CountnnhIpm* t* 1***11 :,t af* 754*01* 40. a- to quslltr; Xs Nim ii !. r M7Sas1ed: December BOSS iake1, Tm otu

Market *te:i(|iv .rot. quoted 88 75301 ncr 100 Th. KI.iv-*,.m! Kim. nt. elia BUCKWHEAT-Market dall,Vc adlan In li-vl ii'int-d ¦". le,

Quotation* follow. Foi it>m**rt*sn the 'io,lng ii.ni»* elbm ii-frht and teri rest are tri von :

07 *|.70*4:.fi\

Wheal.Nov ml.-rIt,,, sibel!,.ui.iirFebruaryMal -iMar .

Cern.November .40Deeembet .... I'.'.January .47 ¦«

Mut- .48i-jnata.


Opn- Hisli- r.ow.est.

Di ,*l cr AU:..-.'_January

MayDo White.

November .

December .86*,






Clea.I- c.


I.) st, Lav

0 ','.tw


40 Vi47




M's3<S 'i



K4>*|ul I-.,'..c,


30 V:

Reeeipti ut sieaoataffa at interior points ta theaaaudslast thr.t ciphers I'-oo, emitted, nour ubi*, grain bush, a.i

follows:Flour. Wheat. Corn.

c aga .18 1*8 IMM Iwmi'US .ISbi- I o il* .

Iel,,Detroit . 1Vt orla .

Mn: ei|wii:s .

Duluth.Kansas city.Indiana)*,!!*, .





Oa'.*. live. Harley.US')-.117


Totals .30 1.141Shipments from these points-

Chicago .12Milwaukee -22St. laouls. 8Toled .

D-trolt . 1Peoria .

Minneapolis .41Duluth .

Kansas City. 7u

Total* .M 20",Receipt* at Atlantic port":

New.Tork .32 214Ph !atei;,h'a ..... 9 3Pit'tlfiioia .1424Boston . 4 Oi

Total. .50 307F.-iports (rom Atlantic por'a:

\etr-A"ork .1.1 54liillad-ipbla .i'ji'ai-,ii ore.Boston . 0 15





8 101

4 1"7

Totals .41 v.i 102 .'!)

MITT IJ* T10*f TkB market for old material at Nsw-Yotlt during ths la*t week bas skews s little Improvementin the netter ot gemand, sud :,i-*t In prices et ttma grade*.Holder* ste encoursred to believs that betteni prices havebeen reach-d. There ha,, al*., be*u ¦*. batter iiu^vrv (sroil steel rails, and 200 tons utaudard sc-Hou tees -old atSlO.'K) p*r tan. dcllvcr.-d. QeSOlttoee ranee iron, flo 50to Sll -0 par ton. In old iran rall* a ¦>«'. of 600 ton*ia reported at S13 per ton, ( o b ears, Jersey Cllr. willthe qcntat.en* n an.nally *13aSI4 |,er lon. The den.andfor tard Iuu of \» 1 wrought *4-rap Iron share-. In thcgeneral Impievemeat, *M0 lena betas said at 810 per ton

u*ii\,red t> tcei at this port. Ti..- market Irt dar i*

etieted at Sheet SlOOell pei ton for tor! s,ra|,. anJ tlH-j? 14 per Pm for nilma.! s"r:i;' delivered at null, mdwrought pipe and tub-- qt* .juofd S9904 -"'0 p.-r tun SteYork. A «04.d ibiiuiiiS ls 'i u; min f,,r No 1 muli Ui-r i

asl up. and sal*- ot about 140 t-ns an- aoted la lui* at

?io :.iv*i l ,-.o pei ton Bccerdlag t<> quality, DM .-ur

wheel* briag s..ne attent.l n lad are h-lil at a littlehigher |irlee». preeent ralaei betas about -1 - 50111 :t p*it..h. Ni w-Yerfc. About MO t-,,* -f wrourht turnings haveI.Il -n!<l during the Meek at *?*> 50 |K'I tull del l,e.r,| ,;

nilli. i'n*i boring* ar- in fair demand, aetllng at + ",0,i87 jut ton delivered at mill. Burnt iron ls ipi t>*t »7'i'ttl lu per tun delivered Bl mill. The pitt*huig Iron mir-

kl *!,,,«.. t.-r) little ehuig" (r,ni fest r,.fM T, B>'.se.m-i mi' iron i* linn anl non.iiiillv tII 7"i. Plttablirg,**P*el hillel. al«o liolU firm al *17.',o, nake;,1 n i;i, pitts-burn, bul n't much business I* ilolng. Benn lro-i ruleetert dull. OOPHKR.Market dared Briner; Kovom-ber :).7.*>. IKi 'inlier, 0.K8: Jania-v. voo Tran*act'oii*la-da- .rn "inteii t. .-'.,.i>oo rh DeeeiBSer ,u O.M.. Bl'F.I^TER- Msrket closed "teady; karember 8.06; December,i.tn January :i.ro.. .. TIN.(.Teaed mtv qui f spot,20.00 bid: November. 20.-5 bid; December _n,n .riIi ad Markel el-nsed easy; December, 8.40 cvi. To.day's cables to tb- Mete! I.rkann* (o'low (HnagawBcetrh warrinta ci,.*, ,i ij, 4d; Mludlesh ro. \,, ;i founirviron. :m* i-'¦¦ I. ndon Copper, spot, eloeed, v.t-2 7* oa-.fntur-s cu 17- od; "weller, -.17; tin, sp,t. i_7i' li- f.d

tin. 3 Btontbi, i:77 io*: «nft Spanlah lead £8 17, Od;.al*, we. ani-* Bl SO I".-- l'uiadeiph.a market quota-t!on« for Ike present w-'k follow:Lake "-"i nor eehe iro,. No. i foundry.$!.tooI.ak- ^up.t|or cn'.ie lro,, No. 2 foundry. 12 50I.ai,,- ¦s.|,.|!or c.';e Iran, N'o. I (ulindi'. 12 Mtrrej fut;'-.'. ii .-¦:,charcoal Iron (-..ld Ulan. 25 Mi liar oi: iron (kat bia*!, . , ... i,pDig .tesl nilla. 12M(Ul li-un rjils. 1(, ("tlMark kai . :i ooI'.es-.iiir steel «ii rate. ¦:,'.-,(,He...ii ,.r pie iron..ll.',On '1 ;'.80 lier ici.i Prto tisngsnepe. .'..suir"*-ctiier «t-ej billets.417 50,** 17 7.',New steel rill* .... SHOONu. 1 seran, net tun. ,:* oo

MOttA-MM AND SYl'.CPrs-Tticro (. a ttem jobbingden.and rv mw rras N»w'-Orleans Biol is*,-, un. |,rl,-,.. areiiii.'han.- .1 at 3<l<» io.- r,r i rime te k. I, Fo . i' n I* -t llnrmiml i>:-,i quoted within the mnse af 20dSfle, srrup.ni!- quio*, bi r_'«i'.'e for lommon, and 20«25c for lum,'! toprime,

navai, BTORtvS a steady bel quiet m.,r'<ef |. re.1 ".ted lor -put- turpentine, with prlrei un hanged at8 ¦..u.'tie. Rasla ruled - j !. tu linn with pries s*hst quote*. Htok Rain. 1,".-oh bl I- sttlilu turiteu-line. Iii! bbl.; tar, 1,71*1 bbl*, W.- <|ru.te; ^plrit4sturi.,-nil,.-, 80*. In HeUtheln bbl- and 31 lu hum,lu.al bli- it *'n.Couim.u s'ralul. gi 20; gotd strain 1

il .-.-'-.¦; ll. >!l 85; V tl .*'.', .,.!'. i, i-l .",;._uv ,..,

ll. -1 7',; I, Ol UOaOl Oft: K. 8240; %!. * '. iu, >" :».-,. \BS 75j43 80; W i. 84 08(401 H»: W \V *?i v.-iv. urf a b. tv h. 42: f . h. f ii. 12 15; pitch, ll-iu weight*1 :,0; pit. h. n-g liar Weight, 91 Hi).

.' i:.v.\ i"iti i.-.ii .* ii.m. frelgbts rensls falrtistead',, bel (inlet, i.i .har-... thi I* a liberal move-meal lu relton tram the s.. .th f,,i Kurope, anl In Inn l>-rfur th- ii'mu flats al aboul prevle'i» tates, in otherlines. bn,lit««a I- -iu-i ,1-1. set.vi ani the market lair!)I'eBdr. v-:t',i M., i 'melita om prl 4 jj.xi ia!,. ,r eottuni. Llverptel at 8-l.i.l rloainfl i.ith n-iiid bid; .. i *

.fae, I'-* ¦>*' bead of rattle 87 I- Hamburg, 3I"i'; grain at 4.*, PU*: a 'voii of -.vil-ut I-.-. ii .,,1

pf .«. -v. linet, -i, itu ra:-* tor ti-,.": Liverpool, :t i;" .'¦ ¦'< '¦'¦' «. ".' rp, .:-..; Xewi .1 I- i'l Hull. Iii

i.-i"...,-., -vi: Leith, ;t;,ii: fork, i.i order*, it. ;*i.¦'.'" 11.04*1 iti deua . !,J ,'i \ i:t Ki's. \

.I".r l,<1.1. qr- grain, Kew-Orlran ;,, s i.v. i port,I lilted i; ,-ioi ... Coiitlneni A- ," d, J makt. liner, ration, IVItninetao t- Llverp ol n Con tl neut,

.. Bliel v.- >.,.« , rle n . l.l\ei|ol, llaticul- llieui'i-. ,"s, .mm I) nli'i ir,.ju-r- e. (ton,N Orleans r, Liv. rtool, Mitre or Bremen, ;t7- Od. D--'iv a i -,- .- .on, S'rw-Orlean* in Hair.-. ;,-;<-'.I;

'"" n er* 80,000 ind 10'WVO ease* iietrolcuni New-Von. I., china. I-;,,.;, i, -h,|, [In arrive 80,000 case*v '¦ .'... Srw.Yor*. le t4han«b«l, -.';:¦: -uti. BO "

i.-e* l-i; iv-.p i,, Ja,eu, i.*-'..e; i.m. bark* lumber,lt -lui to Montevideo el Duenoa l\i - -:.,-7"": a

bark Inn I'r Portland to linen.-.* Air*. *}', a barlt, linn¬ie' M. t- Min'.til,., -mi :,() in, I,... ..... gp' 0rRnorin 41350: i tatrk, lumber, I: alon i. Ros.rioberk tami -r P. la i- llueno* tyn*s III; i bark.

Bl Mir'-tt'- li.,r io ,'ueu.,* tyres, +7. .,r

i:< ario *.*; a b.nk. Im.! r Pensaeola ' Kio, 014; abai general rars-i N'cw-Ynrt ta »'-,t roast Knuthtmertra, private terms :, ship ,:,,i ¦ hark, ..'oat, san

I IBU.-!.,., tu C.,ik, f mi r- -',- OLlMlh, a Iuii ll*<0hms, "it!i .*.!,. r.i rsrgo, N-tV.u t,, ii,,: |,,.. 82,050.tte, Ughteiagei a barb :. 11 tons with vii.iii rsiKew-Yurh I> Kl Kita*, private iuu* % ¦rhoenei logwood," Itt Sea V,.rk. |3.OIL* tt..i,.,.. ,i .ii a-aa iboul -t ¦-. ti to-dsy with

;i\">' cindi aUll quoted ,u ;f,i.:i;.i pru.umimr) illi.c. el,..,., flt ;i>, fiiu, sun,ne: wlii.- I.Uobtd al Hldl... Lani ..ll a a* rather 'a*\ aul uuot.d al v

Luis...| i,|| wa- -lull ul ll*ir.. i\'' - t(>v- ih,- h.ir,.; ara. iioui -t id) rlj ai

leal ni ht closing Igurea nv hi,- ,.,*| . ,,,, . i,,;,;M.luue "I,, I- ll,U|( pu||, ,... ,,,..,111,111 «D. Vu, ¦,. a),,,,, |,,ir ||0 .j, lil M ,,

'¦' '¦''' ,'.''.'"' .''.. ¦'.¦ I" iaiulli. -;¦.',-C. I),.-- ,.-* ..llna i.-i. SI0 50a 12 run Indi.-* I-*,. -¦_¦''¦'¦' haw Marhot ca«y Bt el.ltf4IG ..; i :,i. . .¦,,.

I¦¦' i)f.i.s*i |, n,,;,s AlM.,| .,,,1, loo.it, --..

fl ,""

,M,":e1,'.. ''""' n>* i' -" ¦' .'", »«".' *'1'¦'".' < I Mi. \ |_ i'i, ki.d st.ld' i- slea i) <i'ie'.i

,,'" ,' ' "', :. tr .ms, ni li 1,1 Ilk pi. kl,

bellies i;.l, I I.."', ,,..,, | .,, ),)_, || ,_ I,..,,, ,,.i.IO '" .. 18¦¦¦ LAUD M .iK.t. qulei Western

li - I*> "I-:- -,l ,.' un i, , .,. I,,,. Hy rtaaed at:. ..iiii sat-* ot ;;¦ u, ,,.,,. ,.,, ,| , .,,, -.

t| "'t I ," mel s.in, \., n ., m ;||. I;, ,,,, ,.

November claaed et 0.90e nonlasl; Jsnusr) nv,, nonli

'"". -ii .*.'-- .No i'm, ,i' "atm, ' \'t".'.quot. (-ii nu-ii. BB ie*i ;c. mu*. ,.t .Ju Bl test,918-10* nani aa sstai BB leal j oin. Landanve j ',"i Bothing geing, Jat4 st 15. BB .. u i,

".».I at !¦. .M. II. el quiet an.! Mill, r et.ler.pi.il com,, Us |.,| aoat numil, 13s lin!I'.KiiNWi- wi* Nasnjr, but .Hiiy moderatelyactive. with fieee um hin-ed Ihe loilowlnyara Ui« q»oUtlon* pa*ied by Ute reflmn': cmnpanlc* sadtte Inilde rales aban actual cast after deducting retwiea

At present and allnwrd. .New-York and I'hllal-lplila re.

tliierle* ala. allow 1 |>er cent trade (ll*-mint on lot* BlKM) hbls or Blore, and oa lo** quantity 4 pei ent. They. til not noll less tnau 2, libl*. her -var pi.'keri InImks there I* ru. additional cha ge on gtMMlateg, but '«.:p-r IT) on sll oilier grades.Cut loaf..*> »/.", ali, iWlr.dxor A. 4', 017-10I'r.rshe.i ,", rtU'.tltl Illldg'Wd A..4"_ .r. 7-1';Powdered ....4 18-lOM Phoenix a. 1:1111*4"*Uraoulated 4 omi ,/i*« Empire a *. .11 5.10Hil" glen ..4 9-10 -fl*. .No. C.. 4 1-10 -/M.lour. gras..4 ll IM l'« No. 7.4 BM 8*13BB flue prau.l II-HUH's |No. h. 3 1,',1Cnil1.Cubes 4 CM.i'd". Mo. 0.3'« tl 110\x.\x pow..r,i« vf*> r,-i6 ito. io :: 13-10*4Mould A... 4', if-i lO-lBlVo. ll <"t tr"41.1-10IbaniOfid A. 4 OKI rf4*, ,No. ll. 3*s BBlt-htCnnfs t's-A. 4 7-10 v'4*k No. Ll. :. 7 l(. Itommb'a A. 4U ft! 7-18 .No. II.8 3-10 it

mi;.kim; Herkes dall. Lard, n..iiv;; oleo om*Ut llle.TALLOW*-MaikSt dull. Quoted 5"_c ssked.

COINTRY PRODUCE .MARKKI'S.New-York. Nut-en,b"r '». 1803.

lll'.ANS AND IT AS-Kc .Ipt* were galts lett attaintoday, ami the seeumutaUoss on the docks wt-r* added t«.nu, uii ia<>iv. Trade wa* dull and Ihe genersl Ieee ol tagmarket w.t. Break. P.- st marl,-, of (louie,tie. nu:inn f-llto *f^ i.'i. und 01 Mt hassan an extreme i-jt<* inr taaei( aiia.liaii medium. Aa ctia.rttri -,.ur-d BBBM choice, redkuliiev mis aft, moon a. BOOS. (aliIor.ua lui ia quiet butwithout much change. gosse pressure to »,*ii foreignbeam, and prbe- are' bolntr shad'(I ea all gleda*. Orarapaia duli. Basaa, nsnear, ahalce, t»er bush. OJ 45;iiu-ltuii* «l OOaiil BS BOO. +1 t*0: rd kl«|..ev. iona. sBoloa.4S5OVS-0O; do. bia. k turtle bo,;n. .-.">.): t alifurulu lina.IBM (in»-*rii. -ul 78u01 HO: do. old. SI ..Osgi 70, for .lan.manow. 1008, BB 2MB2 BO; do, medium, 18-1. itl U 1,1

Ol no. do. Itsi-, »i lOa+i 80: tarsus i-**--*, iso.i. si nuttti 70. Oreen poa. bbl*, fl __'-__«l 2V do ba:*, tl I7»a./¦ri 20: do gcetch, bag*. .1 da fl .',0.

Ill iii -ll Hade quite duli and feeling generally ou*ler.Receipts ni Utah .renie ry were lair, tallara hal »o,i.osin, 1. nu haii.l fruin 1 vinos arrivals, au, tiler.' w.ia a

di*p. Itioii lu sal" prices a little In tv hoyt ol atlas-lui ng buyer* to loka hold, Aside from a lev p*t brunisof western ercsmerj teal ito ¦. d sanerIstl ce quilt,, sudbrou, lit -'.)'."-. the selling- price of (.nv sin * was notabove J'.)-, wltk the bulk of the eifcriugi freai .-'.",..,..-sn.;., dam 01,1 heil creamery .ju'et tun without dcid-d,-baii:.v limtuii.,11 eresneri and 'hoi t.v..-., f,|i-i.,r,i.,,; i about ateanV, but lowei grade, .,,,.

weaker, Crassaerr. Basts, labs, Jua.'**,;, &tu<-lal*, 25-827 _e; do Western, extra, S9ej do 11 *..,-.O'rj., 28 v d, s.oid*. L'lii:'.V Hillls 2'. a 22 il,, Junemail", extras, 25'i.-.."»±f ; do seconds in llrsts, 2iu-2i, ;st.t<*da.iv, ,,ull lu,Mi*, inti* ind |.,ll*. "Urii*, ._'7<l'.'7' u- dullr-t"-, --'4 ./.'Oe; do -eeond... L2tf_8Cj srate dally, Weis,,tubs extras, -.'.lu.d'.e do Brata. **4gS5_c ; do secaoda, 83,. .., dalry nib,, thirl- IO*21cj Butti da I rle*, tlrklnsand tub*, c\ta. -U-; d> Hrst-, 211-2lc; doMtund*, _i'.'---- stat., dalry, tiriu.,,, .\tru.s. sttrlM'ac;do Brats, -JVu-Jvuv do seconda, .'Ij:&: West.ru ninia,non creamery, MrMs. 2.ic2',-: do -e .ml- l()_20c; (lo.1 ,: 1-. 18318'. Weetara diiry. Ara a -_i .,-..*)--, <] leanna,ii. ju, do fourths to third*, I7kl8e: Western (actor]ur.iii.., Jana, iSfl'.'Oe; do tub*. June, i.*/v..uri.ml mal:- firkin*, I*irfDi \ do tn!-,, llr-t,., IO_g_0«:do *.ls I8.*10c; du fourt'i* te Ihlrda, 17- Bc.CIIERMR a light trade asa reported sgsls i ,*,v

Home juill,* ts bating r-i.r iSaeka ea hand were not te.eiiii-.1 tu tail- further imp tan', nt*, nun exporten '-"f1.ie urai.-'incut either by cable " mall, Hold r- .,.- 1 1about late pii,.* f,,,- perfect ti!: va'.,, hui mulei -nd-sauld be 'haded 1 little. Liverpool cable, .".1* Od. --tat (sc-

t rv. full cream, large size. September, taner, ii'i-.i v..

do coolee, Hull'--; d- good to pi In .-. pi',.; io-v du com-mon to f*ir. 0*10. ; d,, small fixe, taney, l2ftl2A_c; 'I f.irto (bulee. IO1.,,-ll ',<. imrt eklins. Chensnna and iv .''ile --

tag "uiuii-. .11:1,11. 7_eDlac; du law.', eaolce. si.., :

good tu nriste, 8-*7*sc; do rnmsias to lair, laue; fullskliii.*, 2oA<

yeti-- 1:.Ipta ar- ibowtag cenaMsrsUs increase, butronaiet largely .,j beld ficaa and Ututri eggs. Difcrtasa ofih,.. ai- so liberal that, rh" tone <>r thc ii.nrkot has last....rt of its recent strength, though tli" range ti price* 1*a* yoi i. iii.mit ip mt ii, 1- elim ¦-. ir, *h gathered irequieter, bm in light supply anl about steady,Only a I. w of ih- funi *f. mark* are, hon--\ 1, of quality t>> essMnaad ..ur t-,| quotation, Htateami l'-!in-.vlvjnlj, Ireah-eatliercd, P-r do/'11. ¦ffi/c2'.-;Western, freah-gatnered, extra-. i**r aozen, 25_25'_ic doiir-t,, par doun, '.'i'v: lee-bouse stock, cai li iKu.-K.lngs,itrittie t.. choice .iu,,il'-v. 20721c: fair to good, Do !(>¦_.<.:seconds, pc- i-ase, 835080**.. Un I egg*, Western, p-rdozen, 20_20.e; do Canadian, serdoieu, SMSOVe.

lill li'*' f'.l'/SII-Annies held bim under lii-iitre-c.i;,t* and steady good demand. Pear* quiet anil t.ar.ivit's*dy. Quinces In light »upply and quiet; nutt Mblgh colored and ,-lo*"t.v selertes to roach top quot-tUon*.Table grapes dull und barely rtesdj bulk -to'i; in tint*.vimi slowly au.1 weak. CSotee sound rrannorrias ur-

in pretty co'ni demand and tinner: defective (mir unim¬proved mid pressed for isle, lionda oi_i)«esmore plentv and a shade eesl-r. \i. Kim.'.pei hil. 88 508*04 287; d<> Snow. H-3 ..'¦'. i-53 75; do Spy,¦S'.'-.-).. *3 2",; do Baldwin, S2 25«S8 25; do Orenlng.-2 2'uif'A: dn winter varieties, common, 51 7">,.*--u.t'eara, Beaten, p-r lush i*o.\ *i .".).. .-1 do¦".ar-br. winter sort* per bbl $2 50808 50. QuIseM,No 1, per 1,1,1, 02 50478*1; do No 2 and Inferior, liv- bbl,-iu*v flrmpos, upriver Concord, per th. 884c:do Western Sfcw-Tork, Delawar.', p*r snail basket, uiit>_!>:; do Catawba, ner unsll hoaket ll a 12c; d. ronenrd.per small basket, ll .71'_,!-.*c do. pur lari?.* bask-f. 180"21c;wine grapea, in bulk, a* to ktnd. p-r Th. l_M>ae. Cri'n-berrin, tape Cod, usual varietlea. us to coalition, i**rbbl. 02305 25; do fancy, lurze Mirl"'i"s. pal bbl. 840**.', 7',. Florida orauges, per box. Ol 50-02 25. «,:.ii»*fruit, pei box, -.J-'">,/t-2 7u. Lemons per box. $!^s3.

niriTs-iir.ii'.D-snij.* presssre from the esnstrjr tosell prime and Choice ctaixirat-i SBStei i* causing »weaker feeling on the-e, sap**'lally for ronni lots, hutthc small iiri.nurtioii of realh- fanci- fruit makes a steadvbetdlag of such. Sun-dried apple* mt!.'!) quieter andprbe. -llshtlr ea.|,*r. A cir of rood MMe and ski,ia-old at 2c Peaches *tow but stead.*-. RsapberrlM h.-idw ttl 11 little 11 or- confidence. Cherries sui bnekleher lesunchanged. Hla.kb.rries flrm-ir Apples, evaiiorsted. lt*03.fanev. i*r Bl, 11-ju!.-.'.: do prime to ehwce, 10.. ll.-;do icmuon to fair. B _tOt.e : do lift'-' ^,j :.'..*.. .southern,-uii-dri-d. IMOS, taner, lie, do choice, S*»05_i!; commoeto prime, 445c; appl"-. chopped, I'aol',,¦-. do eure» and-ki,.-. I'm¦-'..: peschea, Delsarsre, gvepanted, 1803,peeled, t.iui-ie: d» (forth Can-tins, «)v-1rl,"1, pe-led.1808, 7,ifi.v raaBberrle*, 1808, evaporated, lS4tM*ie; .her-.U.-. ISM OaiOc: huckb'l-errlcs, IH!*... i.i_,, \t..- black-berriea l«r.,3. 8>s«7e apricot*. California. 1K:>3. 11 rf 1 1. .

Ifni'*** .*-*** mneh stock I, golnu abrorvl that it nialicaquit" a firm market fur P.ri" i»tj4-s. Shippers are pav¬ing 23c for ekolce rich yellow- h/iw and mlcbt gu (rac-tlonallr higher. Brewers' tra4e fair. N'ew-Y'nrk Stefa,',IOB8 per fr. 81_28e; d. l«t*2, choice, 21tf_l_e; prime,'.'Orf'-'O'-jc common to ged, lH^l'iV P.i.ille Coast. 1803.-i.'23'V do. 1bS2, chalee, ate; common to prime, lptif20e. ;-ld ..ld.. 041.12c.

HAT AND STRAW-Reeetptfl llbcnl and domund ir cl-erst-: prices hid unchanged, Hay, pi 100 ;., B54)OOc;do No 3 to No 1, 80d_0>': sh pp us .".",,ii).)*: do dotermixed. 55000c; rv- *trsw, N., - la No 1 per 100 A), UOii1,1' do shorts i'v l"" "-. lO.ii.'.e oat st.-i.v, 4'v.

POULTRV.AI.IVK Prime heavy fowls wee so-cbtfur sui held Brm, bm light foul, and all grades af chlc'«*nswere flow and weaker. Turkey* steady. Du ;<* andgeese Brm. spring ehlckena local, per Bi -,'i.,,- i.>w.-.*,up per .'"-.- ¦: fowls, lo. a! n u ;r ;,:...; 11il Wert n, :>./ JO1 ¦¦ ..ii nosbrs, .',..tv, tm, ey*, nv11- iu, ka, lo. ii ,' i- pair, oS.itsi, ,1- W.¦... rn ,'.".,t ,,-¦:

¦m,...... Western, per pair. +1 2 -,'-vvv pl sons ;».:. \'-.r.u;.V i)i.i »i'.ii Dcmaui s>. fut ex-esslve arrivals

hare caused fut-tber wea nett au 1 prices for fowls andehlckena -!,,,¦.', further dcclluo. Turkeys 1,, 11 ;, abouttanner qiiotaUeaa, but outs.d- fl-rure ls more evtr»me,phlladelphli il. lrhens qui I and weak. Ducks needy (nlaiu j- quality, but common grades are dnll sal-, iv-.-.,

-,u ,,, dr*-idci ,- v i'-,ii-., di * n'-l-.l. prime,io,'ile: il, !.if.ri"r. 7,;:>¦.. Chickens. PhlladflpM-i, dry.picked, pt rv. 12./I.1 du W.-rtern, dry-idcked ..)/"::i, West.-rn. sall,i. 8 _tfOc : fowl* Western dry-plc.i.d,t-)i .c.- do ..il l-l. is rn". ,.ll pocks, i;'._mj7c. ---rlii'.-ducks, Lons Island, pei ^ I8_10c; do Ca-rm. pei th,15<i IO.-; do Weatcrn, ,',.-11 l.n-t. in i.'in. i;. per Ih,i.V: sqaab, white, p-r do-ton, 88: i" mall and daru, *-.'.

..AMI'.-choler p i-.r.l-'c, held unclavcetl. but Sternii->t\ ichI i shade weaker, <;iui.- plenty md in buyers'favor. v,u,i«ori in linen! supplr and lower: qualitybi I prices t -.. Irregular. Wild ducks quiet,* 'iallv fr the iii..'!, prl'.d kinds. Rabbits steady.Partrldee, nea*bv, tei i-iii- ;u ¦¦;-?U: v '.Ve-tern. i»*rpair, ,V,-'.)0, Lion., fresh, p-r nir. ftl*_00c; quail.fresh, per doun, 82802"5: wood.' k i*'i- p-ilr, 7"- -vi-.ti-.ii-h snipe, isr do7,*n, ol 30: golden plover;per doren, ri 30; ara- .1.r, pe dixen, Ol; sand*nii e. i.t dozen 30040c; tenbsi fre-i, s,-o-- rail'JI."ie Pi io. ii v .lo BThete deer, 80>11e: t-id duck*, r-d-lie.nl. per ssl., 50ct81; do ii.iuii. iOtf-tO ; d* leal,¦-'.'..'¦" 'I- canvaa, pet mir. BieOS; rabbits, ncr pair,80840c.

I-OTATORS Wt) Viii'T it'Ll's Sun**ty ti rtu.ictictati-s llhetal nnd 'I mai! moil ri-.v |) 1 e* un lig-'g-tbut wif,..ut strength, a eargi. of ar*»'it 5.(WO a. ks

** ot.!, Magnums r potted in n-ansit. far wh'.rh tba o:t'<">kI* ans "tan, bul nil especial'.' -u mirv-in-v -we.*' pe-fat ea Brm, Onie ni unchanged, "aulilotter ne-i p'entynd wraker. Southern beans of iln-- quail.) te gsea

i! tl i il snd bl .-he les s--1i w»ll wb-n .;¦.,r-vt. * l.vis. I-land In bulk, 0212,90-27: d* .! rs v.

pr 1,1 81 .'., ¦}««": do state. |H*r I8v.n. a-l 28A4.: sweetie* "- rtrgtata, pu bb'. f> ,vi;i*a«i 7,-,: .in vinetand,- 1 a fiv-v ;).. bbl 8.'50uOS50; d> oth-*r Ieee' pib'il. tl 7"..*-' uO. oinuiis ii -tv- rd pr libl, 1*1 .'.¦,./.150; d> nllia |icr bi,1 :i:'i,i-i.-,': .h. P->stern,white, 8 ¦¦".'.' -4'A 2U do tu-', i-i. ri. +1 -Vi .t-il 75: -lolv,st»rn viimi j.,- hi, fl 50,(41 7'): do State .md KS'etUrn. \ Vi .*, r. ."7 VI 5 '. V h! Igea Nw.J.-rsv mid Long

l*iuii| per 100 --'.'fl. (iuiiiiiu-i- uer bb 7."> .'«., io,Kquasii, itui.Viinl. nor libl 1125; sa Marrow,,¦¦ i'l. BL i'm ul|>*. Can.,I -in |to**li..-i.'i. ;."..: do lum- l-i.nd a-i.l Jers-r, ;>,itl. Celery,,u c Island, pi to/--11 illili, i-s. 1*1 ,;+i 25; do Weitern,

,*\tra large and sound do? 11 ro t, 25630c do sinte andW.stetn, |i*.r lo en.*:, ci- donen r.,,,:*. lOiTBOa, Pras,*t"o'falk, i-r hankel 75c-Ol BO. lesa*, Chsretis perhuh bask t 81802 k.i. I'urttl-s pe- bl- $1 -i ¦'*.anots, ttn-hed, per bbl, $1. Lettaee, p-r bM, tiutl 5:).

EI'ROPBAN PRODUCE MARKBT8.Liverpool, Nov. I, Hi.', p. m.-.Beef nni pork l;i

poor demand. Hims Tbe demand I-. Improving;ahorl cut, about w to 18 tbs., steady it tit- '«lp.,ion in fair demand; Cumberland cut about Mt,< :;,, lbs., steady al 60s 'A. ahoutders, soo'H 12 toI* tba. steady al S7a M. Cheese In poor demandTallow tn poor demand, Spirits of turpentine andI., ii in nmi-rut- demand, I.url .**;.,>: in poor de¬mand; future. Nothing doing. Wheat and Hourin poor demand. Corn Bool and futures in mod*.rule demand; mix-i Western, spot, steady .itt*< :i'4,i; November steady at '.* 2-vl; Decemberm.-;i,lt at l* -vi: January sicily ul it i'ii. lljpsat Iaoni',11 l'.uittc Coast In poor demand.

I.IVK STOCK MARKCTS,N'ew.Voik, Nu\- i.-r :.. 18:13.

ii r.\i.s Itec-lpts wei 17 .-bis, or :i'i head.18 .-irs

for li-iit 1, * iln¦ ¦. ,1 d ..ns for tbs unmet. Ns-:. , ii c ;. di,* il bi sf quiet ni

(oi nil 1 ve sid ¦. and ¦'.' *'7. for I'oloiado da. Nolu cable advil .¦*. Nnlptnc-ita t >-.! tv 'oj tattle on the... .in ;, \. 1. ht'u .ti.'. atti rn, l .', .

sheep ni ihe ,'i 1. fo- various -li:|> r*; to morrow 11Ih- Ma-,;i ,,,:- iv 221 i'C" "'> M. .o! ui. ,tli 2211 cattleami I 500 quarters -f l.eel for Hebwar'a-hll I S Sultberg r.

Mll.'il COWS- - ly f lii.'l r,-',d amt in, tnl-aorth ting l ". ii it'll ni ni: ht n in ii illy tv. akil ,.. h..,.! (ur "i liner) i» good cns -.

cm.\, * i: ..let- 120 heal, .r arhtch 88-1 st .** v

si. ail! Including 40 hal dr.f. ''hiv Jim lit,.' .(tites4 ;-¦ 100 " la.in IO pi u, \ - v

,,-ri (ur fed ...'t - MS 80 for tn- r- M* - dfiSO f.r\\ ten '.li'--. ii's*..i i rei In "<'.' it' stn p.t adv. I I) i!n -? i tesl" O'd nt :iilf'--- \r-r Th: .onu¬tel dr-s-,! at 7:. ,i j),-; iu",e ("i- .ir, *-<<! greasers; and fm7, for little vim*.

llsllerheck A ll ill- 4 veal', 190 H< at, r, .¦

it..... ,!._ ,,. p. ,, |7 f .ri ,. -<A, , ;ii;," ,: > 50 |5 -:,' - '.'!," '! I f..l SO

linne & Mi ll. n i I veal UH U- 170 lt at *'

.. ;> V i. i, LS t-i.! 127 ¦. t 0*423 il" '."':*. it *:. r-d ralf '.'t it ri

J. p Nelson: 188 Wiwlerti rahel, 210 n-, at 0890;,;, I-. ¦- .:. nt SO Ifl

.iii i i' wu LAMIU4 ,:,,,i|V wer. 26 rsrs sr"viii ben! ;, inr* '.t- tke un-vc; ,lv\ - ,;,i, d reel tohut, h.r. In ;,:,!.:, i, :i .:, initals 18 cars Brewh-ul i,m i-v.M fherc >vi- ii,, li pr,,i,. i.-ul lu de¬mand or pi,., ip I -n.I lier, li.alli ">" B irkeleui .hi I'm in Wll "d iv theil I'l rSM "el''

lil ii, lu. pen. Murnea tu ms,d sheep -..ld it.' ¦"..,*.' ",'. per I.ki Fa p. icm io hes) lamb. >( SB 75ti04 75, The den-1 mai cl wa* dow at 5-J7V for .1ii u't >-d ..ti dre. ,.1 t,e i...

.sab- ii. Harrington: 8*0 V'e.tera lamb*. 7: teevar.11 et Ot 87*i i- I") si ga .ii Bi at *i .'.'.; I6>W -(.;,. -.t, lill tt al OiSOj III (tu. *4( Ih' al J

.-4 H.. "t n. at 82 ".".u un eu be k fri s-.'c len ba, gi. rh atti; l>7 d..

f_ th, a> 13 75; ih In Bl Tf> at S't; 82 -.'atc slptep a-ullanib., nu rh at 88 28; MM d», 8:1 Th. ai 02 7.; 2' Ht t*.he.1. si *1 ', enc 1.

Itun.r t Mullen: 22J WetMrn Ism).- (ll Ih. a*. 0 50;27 Western Hiocp. 07 ». at 0-1 78. 80 do. 87 m. at 82 50.

ta?'J£&S**f* 4 r° '-- !__* lamb.. «.*,._.___.18, VirBlnla do (VI ft, a. p4 ¦#, p,. K._V?."_ .» .»|02 te. ai SS; ioi nuff.io do. tn rh. .io'.¦«*' "***-_*!'J,'- ,'",,",i< "ll Indi.nu *..-,, '.', IT, »t atti-BO Indiana last"* 70 te. at Ol 75 2iftdo o;.-- ., ,V^Wftiiin * Bb n iii a i fig In-tena ah..,;,.i£ C"JIn-Jcth.-t. and 7 mrs st JerseV C.v. \. _J___" .»el aiiicl with .iles af. 80 fr-atMO 85 per 100 n_?_S,heavy lu light boga pig. H. ul,-., 'a.,.' .,.. ',r, Wj-d;.r;;V",j:'M* ''",:,:,v s -.1 "SSre^rB

hons Haliaaterh A Hetti,. gi st,tc h.*. ...

rotiii,,. HI7 th at ->.", l.t.; j ,__*, 3,,, -.," * . .-*..; 8

llun.e A- Mullen: 4 Htate pit's 00 ott _a_«hogs. HO Ih, at «<1'5. ' " *'{"; 14

OTHkr markkts R TBURnunBuffalo. Nov. 9. Cattle lieceir,t* ______ ..

IMS bend; tout for w ,... thl,"',_IM jj, .>"<"%for same time ihi v. ,._, n

"" .rM ,12-Jf" !' I;through, 1,640 hc:.|, to NlW-% im^!Hsile. 20 beni; market opened <i. n, h'll; °«*holding 18 c,,ts higher for im kinda- oiJ_? _*u*BO KO'.'! cuttle here t(,

' ,_,..*, . ; '"""' "rm;MSB1 head; t.,,.,| f.ir wl-k , ,' r'^, "' Sfor bum time ii,,, w..kK ,!?.;, ?*..*.*? t«eijthrough. 7,-Vjo bend; to N. w y rk I, ;on:,«^emla 2.100 head; marice, t^ened fair!y^{! Jjer; clOSSd easy; all sui,! V,,ria4.l an4

tn mitt; iv ,i..c... r.i_.Ml_'..Torkers, r,,o,istronger;

mr, Z4.SUU nearj; ror same time a(,t ».. k »sTfc'"_'conalnnod throus-h, 1,7.0 hana to vi V^hwid:bend: on sale, Si Kj'nnike?o^*^ Klan-I lower; closed very dull' a fe*. La- /.* ''"

sssr "j, a _.» _*»_.: Ts_Ar3_; S£_ S>?" " «-""' '""»** c«£"a1

Bast Liberty, Nov. H-xCattls ree___ ii-m- .

ket steady at unchanged r,' .-U. I'r me 'ffnj. gttgood, ti 25ft»4 75, good butrhors' .Whit *. l!S__fat. 0 80-% 25; f.ii, light :, -r 'l-.x, ;"'- r_J«*fat cows and heifer;. $j !_«-« _6; bulls _ndsta_s?s__r:; bologna cows, '.Vu*i_. fresh cows _1 IfJ___?r20.,$'..-' Hoiis-.teeelpts ll-tliti'mark*.,'* a',, v-'? ^changed prices. Prime Philadelphia, pt ...J. 3*...rkers. Mi^jti! 16; Lest mixed, in r,._* J- [-ZS."*_,,S'"% common to best mS « fi?,!"roughs, Ji SOfiJS 50. Sheep -8uddIv llX- ri, m o'lliriit; market lull at tjii-hluu-e*! UVe, eltra r .v4ff50; good. 12 75*513; fair. ft-hli 40; comm,)*. -JteAXX: yearlngs. »S» 20; spring iamb*, r? _?;.t, _?tit'riV,^' * ¦**"*'.' h'riv>- 33 thin calvettinton Stock Yards, Chicago, Nov. 9- Cuttle "_.

Sf'BjL,13'00? _v:',rk'- i.»: con-won to'.xtm'.*.., ,83 2j^88; atockera ani f.ic-r*. 12 ^.'.u*. 7-, n_r_snd bulls, il 25613 50; calve.. I24.J3 f, 'h<__!Receipts, U.0O0. Market Urn; heavy KtmtZX*.common to choice mixed, fS 7','j*i 20; choice _aaoM_rW 104*18 28; IlKht. $.'7'<-S"u; :_s. »V|5 » 8heS-Receipts, 1^000; market weak; Inferior to'choicee. cents to B80; lambs, $2 50^14(56. ce'

St, IaO'its, Nov. 9,.Cattle Receipts, 2,v» markei'firm. Ho(r*i-ncs;.c|.ts. f.'.-.u. market :,.,]<,,: Kiwicholeo, heavy. Jj !):,',;$(", lu; mixed, f, C.,sj- Uglyi, ln'iitA.,'.V,. Sheep Receipts, 300; market non.li._itrstead/. *


Patlmore. Nov. 9..Flour dull, unehansre.1 Vfh»\K.-Quirt ami easy; fifo 2 red «por, '14',i*',!'-. KoVWB*ber, 64*4tr8t'r_c; December, '¦¦-.¦:¦>'.¦. May :-\,*72'-,c; steamer No j red. Cu *, .¦ ile, stock \->~>hnbush; s,,|es 126,000 leish; milling wheat by sainnl*...u.uc, c,rn-(jiil-t and easy, mixed, sp.t indNovember, _*%fc«*4c; year, IflkfiH'ic: January.I' ust n'.-.; steamer mixed, Mc ask.-I. stuck. isTjinibusn: miI.s, 12,088 bush; white corn by earapln.old, I.',-, new, I'.'ui:;,-; yellow do, old, .v.- earn4'i'n (lc. Oats.Quiet and ste-afij*; S-, I white W-auern, K_4c; No 2 mixed do, tte; recelptn LOO" bush*stock, ¦p-.i,,", I'U^h. Rye quiet; No .'. 53c; shipments.4..1-0 nish; stock, 15,250 iv*.,*. Hay iteady; natto choice timothy, fU60981560. Grain freightssteady; ste-im to Liverpool, ;;', -¦¦<!; c.,.-k for ordernSe@3s 2l. Cotton rn minni, middling, .*,1'-. i:-;ttersteady; creamery. Caner, Sc; I.. fair to choice,2nfi2fic- do. Imitation, 2.':'u.iv ladle, fancy, :2c; icooito ,-hoiee. I!*©20c; rolls, fin-. JAWTia'. do, fAir tdgood. Walt)?; store pa,-kel. 10'.17.-. ITggs, 23 .'Ic;near by, TU-. <'c.?ae firm; Rio cargoes, fair, j;No 7, l.t-'sc. <:oppi-r steady; refined, I c, otherarttck-s unchanged.Boston, Nov. 9,.Flour dull and depressed; spring

patents mostly below *'.; winter, fl >".. B73 :tra;_htwlnte- wheat. 13 50. Coin dull, bul fairly steady, No2yellow, ole; steamer yellow, 50ti5lc. Oats tpilet; No1 white, :58ft:;*)1.,.; No 2 white, ITHc. Shorts .;uletand nominal. Provisions dull, erith prices fur porgand lard ruling st-uiy. Hutu.- lower. Butterquiet; extra fresh Western creamery fairly st-alyat W"rf__28c; f.'esl rn summer creamery, 24¦.-..',<;.Cheese dull; ohio Bats, Ile Eggs In large re.ipt;small portion of strictly fr, sri In gi d ¦! nund;Michigan, 2t!c; ordinary marka es Ut firthe week.Flour, 33,510 hbls and 16,571 sacks; corn,206,961 bush; oats, i78.'X'.i busn; ahorts, S',.> tons.

Buffalo. Nov. 9..Sprinz wheat in fair demand,firm; sales, 12.0C0 bush No 1 North, rn .pot. 16c:15,898 do, c 1 f, M>_c; 10.909 No 1 hard gpot. >i7.:; ils.ilrldo, c 1 f, 60'tiC; 5,<r00 do, 65\c. closing No 1 hard .si*ot,«7Sc; .lo. c 1 f. tupi No i North¬ern. 9l%c 3|-ot, 64Tsc, c i f. winter wheatdull, weak: sales, 4 cars No 2 red, !.2'_c; 1car No I extra red, 61c; No 1 white. 96c. <\,rnopened firm, demand llriht; sui,-, l; cars Ne 2 yel¬low. 4;P_c; 2 cars No 2 corn. IV; tl cars No 3, 12cstore; closing, half cent advance asked; I cars No tyellow, 44c; 9 cars No 3, 41c track. Oats i'll-t,steady; No 2 white, ;H'v.:M'.,<.; No 3 white, :'.. :o;No 2 mixed. n*4$32c track; No 2 white store, 34c:No 3 white, :'.!<. asked. Hurley-Fair trad-; ns tWestern. SOgpBlc: No :'. extra. .'..",...><.; No :i. 4f7'u.'i.V:*,State choice, 7tr^72e; No 2. 854i«8c. Kye .juiet; Ne 2,u.",c asked store, Fl.vir o,u!et; best sprint.. ?4'«'iif4 15;winter stralfthts, Il80vtt40. Rye flour. B25ft83M.Mill feed quiet, easy, unchanged. Cana) freightsSteady; wheat, .vc; corn, 4s»c; oats. 5c; barley. 4'»c;seed, uc, to New-Tori.Chicago, Nov. 9..The leading futures rnngsi aa

follows:Wheal Xo. 2- 0[. nint. II - -.'. I.v.'t i 1j»!iu.

Xovea b r . (iI 0I'*I) ... mi,.., i:J'i -, Btevi;,, . inl**. B0*| BO cy*!Corn No. 2:

Neve-aber . 87«s >', Afh 3^**le euler.'.'¦* ¦''- -. - giJanuarj '-'-xt y> :" *>"_*

Oats Xo. !Nm cn '¦. r

l- - nie 42%

-', lui- 28<a -s'sI.MUt.T .^' :'' " -!_.Mit . AV* 9iH.*Meas Berk, sn bb!

,l,.,,i,iv . 4-11 10 Tl- 10 -*i 89 *H3ilui I. pr 100 te:

Jami,ry . BK. 852. !.«_ « -*

gbort iii)-, i-*r 100 te: ___-

january .

" IT. ¦" 'Bth > *o

.'iish quotations were u tollowt: nour auiet|pries easy. No -' Spring Wh, lt. '1 .''¦'' c'^ -^" .

soring wheat, 58*ii62c; No red, tl^c; No 2 c m,

;;:'.i.c No 2 .vis. awe; No 2 rye. Wc; No 2 ha-.-y,.-:..; No l Baxaeed. Il ld; timothy >¦ -l.J- '-¦>;

mess pork, per bbl. Ha 754»*ll*; l-"''. ll'.' ',M }¦>.."<..-': short rib sn-.- (loone), fc.vlt.'. ..>

salted shoulderB (box. ''tiKixed), J9tiJ9 2r.. W Mi -,, ;. Distillers (li 1

g.ls. per gal, tl 15 dugan Cul -.:. *v

I.u.si. .VI..; stannard A. 6.38. On the Hr t.X*

changs to-day the butter market v.. |weak; fancy creamery, J7 '.-.'..'. choice, v .

sw.t, but lacking il..vcr. 23 23VjC. hi_b'» steooi at

Cincinnati. Nov. 9-Flour Spring Mtenl I ?

$4 20; fancy. 82 20-.TI3 25; family, K ,S'il »¦

Market steady at ul"- for No 2 red. Oats mai

brlni. lett.-r prices than yesterday, a better :- -iv

prevail*; No 2 white. Il**_c: -ample white, ai No I mixed. Jlc; No mixed light. Kc, Rye Mar*ket stea.lv. at Bc for No 2: No S, tee. Rarle>.Market steady; sample spring, U'uv corn-Marketsomewhat tinner: distillers are buying: No Jmlxe-J.:'..;,.. r-i,*<'ie'l mixed. .C'-.c. yelina ear, tt.

mixed ear. n,*w. :i4c. Pork Bales ol n -^ i"'(.'.ju: clear meas. 4-is t): family pork, 618; clear fain*Uv' 620 50 Kc'tic lard steady; 10c for steem leaf,l'u'e f..r bettie dried, :. for leaf lard. 19 t

bikers' lui. Bacon stesi-ty; Bhoulders, 8"«c; :

nbs aides ¦¦'!¦¦. ahorl clear Bides 10c. Whiskey-Market r,.mains steady; gales ot dlstlllerg .i

on a basia "t 61 15 rn rt 961 '"'>'.*¦.

Mil tvauk.. Nov. 9. I > ¦c.-mbcr '.vheat OpCW 'tr'.<* sold i" 58*4 and closed at 58 ia t

was l'.c unier May, and I¦ s>- over U emb t prl *.

.-* h.iples tairly active at th- following price »

track; No l Northern. 62Vjc; No 2 -pringNo 2 bard winter. TjOc; medium grades, -

Barley .lull; cash and November, Sissc; Becemler,68e, itve in K""d demand; N.> i. Ire; v* -''¦'.

vats Act iv,* inquiry; No I v. .nt* 29 .¦"."': Ns *

do. 28ii2S1«c. Corn dull; No *i. Mc; No .. ¦

Qrass sec'!* unchangi I. Mill stuns In f.iir na*

ii'iii.'l; no chan",,' lu prl..s.Mtnn-.iiioiis. Nov. I..Wheel held Ute sdvMesee

yroterday .ml gained a traction more. OnlJ Jin tiie manion \\;-* there tv. ikness, ..t otbti .*

the prim- itas stein!;, v.i firm. Th opening '.' '. ¦.

trifle under ths cloee of :*. terday, and there ese

a sm.,Il break on account of n i- ub r..l aelllithe il.vt. Bul Inter . ubie n< it - lilinc effect 'lix- c.uiniiv advt. * ar. thal tai .

de.lvi n. * are dlmlnishlm rai -*'1"'1

to I .r a favorable effect, i». ml,-: eed HIS -. sgal I '.' ¦¦ y. v ,- ....

!> dd al the i rice of > em. May. Ih v. \ r

December al one time being v' hlgn in ;t -i-L.t. M."ti ..f iii. No, l Northern soliat WtyC. No. 2 N uin tn --1-1

C Naree -rains were in ll,ii, si '¦ ai

ceil ti. wheel were BM ai - he ¦-

vat.ns were i ot h »I '"

cham "I. Brans snd Shorts un " :

ateady. Corn Market irv; rec .*

ti *w, .'I'/oic; No. 3 yelloa I 0 NO. 8

white, :>, * No.Philadelphia, Not. I Flour Jobbers v." W

Wi ll stocked up and vi rv little >'¦ " '.

liberal snd pt1c« s tt il. Ry. rt»ur si ul- «

quiet; choice Penn-iylfunla. KW .¦ .'. lt

Hi.mi- l'i mi d t ito supi l.l ; '

|.m pounds for new, Vt h. >l i wrk . |foreign demand snd Increaa i- Ispeculative ctn le prlcca .Iciin-l 'v. No '. »

November. >i! .-.....>,-.-. IVcemb-r, tv ,.',,-. .i-t.ni.t_v.i;7\ iiv. Pi bruary, .''..'«.:.,:".*¦ ll)for No 2 Pennsylvania. Corn market open, i w< *

and prices fell off %c on November and ',-¦.-,-. nb* -r, while late futur. seIchHiwed. The markel clo* .1 (tull tali vi''- "*

unlit, but bl ls wen bel. « the vi irs v .. I rs.

l.. cal carlota dull nnd u mj » ¦'".' .''."in.,-.; No 2 mixed N' t i. "".'_IP ..',,.; Jnnuary and Pebruarj 14' I "UJMarkel for carlota quiet, tilth fi -,. **}

form ti >. lures dull and un, hu - «

white N"\ nii-'i .

". '...";

Jnnuary nnJ I'ii A ' ''\: JArm; l*ennsylvanl i '' .' '-'-, ' Retlnefnulei and unchanged Otl rr artlclea ui

St Louis, N .V :< Flcr (tull: |Mtenl I «Jin funo ¦' ...*.'T'v 'aticy, j.*',,.<-. i; ilM.-.' ,. f

1120; family, tt 8t*h«*: rye flour, 1316. Brejhigher. " here wi i mor. urgen. j ah ,wn k.j i rs

and as lush as tr.'..' waa paid for sacketl. »neni

irm, but tower; November. 57V; '' t-'inber. ¦¦..".

M--v.t'.7c rom unchsnned. OaAo tlrm: N.»vembe»j21.14,,*; December, mic; liny. tis.;. I*"',** Wtsndarimess selling $17 i.2'*.; on oroera. fu26. Lard l.ine

.team. M& Dry salt meat* -Shoulders, Tc. longs«H<1 eleur ribs. 8V; B-OTt* *t. I aeon Lot. d

shoulders. 7'»o; tongs, Ilk-, dear nba, Wept', B.iorl*lD**_c. High wines steady at tt 15-