Student/Registration Number Centre Number 2015 PUBLIC EXAMINATION Hindi Continuers Level Tuesday 20 October: 2 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time Reading Time: 10 minutes Working Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes You have 10 minutes to read all the papers and to familiarise yourself with the requirements of the questions. You must not write during this time. Monolingual and/or bilingual printed dictionaries may be consulted during the reading time and also during the examination. Section 1: Listening and Responding (30 marks) Instructions to Students 1. Allow approximately 40 minutes for Section 1. 2. Write all your answers to the questions in Section 1 in this booklet in black or blue pen. Space is provided for you to make notes. 3. You must answer ALL questions in Part A and Part B. 4. Answer Part A in ENGLISH and Part B in HINDI. 5. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this booklet. 6. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination. © Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2015

2015 Hindi Continuers Level public examination...Student/Registration Number Centre Number 2015 Public Examination Hindi Continuers Level Section 2: Reading and Responding (25 marks)

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Page 1: 2015 Hindi Continuers Level public examination...Student/Registration Number Centre Number 2015 Public Examination Hindi Continuers Level Section 2: Reading and Responding (25 marks)

Student/RegistrationNumber Centre Number

2015 Public Examination

HindiContinuers Level

Tuesday 20 October: 2 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time

Reading Time: 10 minutes Working Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes

• Youhave10minutestoreadallthepapersandtofamiliariseyourselfwiththerequirementsofthequestions.Youmustnotwriteduringthistime.

• Monolingualand/orbilingualprinteddictionariesmaybeconsultedduringthereadingtimeandalsoduringtheexamination.

Section 1: Listening and Responding (30 marks)

Instructions to Students

1. Allow approximately 40 minutes for Section 1.

2. Write all your answers to the questions in Section 1 in this booklet in black or blue pen. Space is provided for you to make notes.

3. You must answer ALL questions in Part A and Part B.

4. Answer Part A in ENGLISH and Part B in HINDI.

5. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this booklet.

6. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.

© VictorianCurriculumandAssessmentAuthority2015

Page 2: 2015 Hindi Continuers Level public examination...Student/Registration Number Centre Number 2015 Public Examination Hindi Continuers Level Section 2: Reading and Responding (25 marks)


MarksText 11. (a) In what ways does the announcement suggest that this expo is very


(b) What evidence in the announcement suggests that the organisers are expecting a large number of visitors to attend the expo?


You may make notes in this space.

Part A (Questions 1–3) (15 marks)

Yourresponsewillbeassessedonhowwellyou:• understandgeneralandspecificaspectsoftextsbyidentifyingandanalysinginformationandconveytheinformationaccuratelyandappropriately.

You will hear THREE texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of each text. You may make notes at any time.

Listen carefully to each text and then answer the questions in ENGLISH.

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MarksText 22. (a) You are a reporter. You have just heard the directives of the National

Green Tribunal (NGT) in court. Summarise the NGT’s directives for your newspaper.


(b) What evidence suggests that the NGT wants all citizens to participate in the campaign?


You may make notes in this space.

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You may make notes in this space.

MarksText 33. (a) What evidence in the text indicates that Basant Panchmi is celebrated

in different ways in India? Complete the table below with the missing information.


Area of India How Basant Panchmi is celebrated



northern India

(b) Explain why schools are mentioned in this interview. 2

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Part B (Questions 4–6) (15 marks)

Yourresponsewillbeassessedonhowwellyou:• understandgeneralandspecificaspectsoftextsbyidentifyingandanalysinginformationandconveytheinformationaccuratelyandappropriately.

You will hear THREE texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of each text. You may make notes at any time.

Listen carefully to each text and then answer the questions in HINDI.

MarksText 44. (a) Why did Meena like Uttarakhand?


(b) Why did Meena end the conversation with the phrase, ‘All’s well that ends well’?


You may make notes in this space.

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MarksText 55. (a) Why were fairs so popular in the olden times?


(b) What evidence in the talk suggests that these events were seen positively by people in the village?


You may make notes in this space.

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You may make notes in this space.

MarksText 66. (a) Why was Vidya so happy?


(b) According to Vidya, what are the key points to remember when trying to write a poem?


End of Section 1

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Page 9: 2015 Hindi Continuers Level public examination...Student/Registration Number Centre Number 2015 Public Examination Hindi Continuers Level Section 2: Reading and Responding (25 marks)

Student/RegistrationNumber Centre Number

2015 Public Examination

HindiContinuers Level

Section 2: Reading and Responding (25 marks)

Instructions to Students

1. Allow approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes for Section 2.

2. Write all your answers to the questions in Section 2 in this booklet in black or blue pen.

3. You must answer ALL questions in Part A and Part B.

4. Answer Part A in ENGLISH and Part B in HINDI.

5. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this booklet.

6. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.

© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2015

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Part A (Questions 7–8) (10 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:• understandgeneralandspecificaspectsoftexts( forexample,bycomparing,contrasting,summarisingand/orevaluating)andconveytheinformationappropriately.

7. Read the text and then answer in ENGLISH the questions that follow.

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(a) Provide evidence from the text that suggests that the person described in Text 7 was very determined to overcome all difficulties.


(b) Explain why the special postage stamps mentioned in Text 7 were issued at two different times. 2

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8. Read the text and then answer in ENGLISH the question that follows.


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In what ways could the village described in Text 8 be seen as a model for other villages in India? 3

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Part B (Question 9) (15 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:• demonstrateanunderstandingofthestimulustext• writetextappropriateandrelevanttocontext,purposeandaudience• structureandsequenceinformationandideas• manipulatelanguagestructuresandvocabularyinHindi.

9. Read the text and then answer the question in approximately 150 words in HINDI on page 7.


Choose two of the professional roles from the advertisement printed in the local newspaper, HindiSuman. Write a formal letter of application in approximately 150 words in Hindi to the director, describing your previous experience in these two roles. You do not need to include the name and the address of the film company in your letter of application.

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HindiContinuers Level

Centre Number

Question 9

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End of Section 2

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Student/RegistrationNumber Centre Number

2015 Public Examination

HindiContinuers Level

Section 3: Writing in Hindi (20 marks)

Instructions to Students

1. Allow approximately 40 minutes for Section 3.

2. Write your answer to a question from Section 3 in this booklet in black or blue pen. Space is provided for you to make notes.

3. You must answer ONE question in HINDI.

4. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this booklet.

5. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.

© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2015

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Section 3 (Questions 10–12) (20 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:• demonstratedepthoftreatmentofinformation,ideasand/oropinions• writetextappropriateandrelevanttocontext,purposeandaudience• structureandsequenceinformationandideas• manipulatelanguagestructuresandvocabularyinHindi.

Answer ONE question from this section in approximately 250 words in HINDI.

10. Writeareflectivediaryentryaboutanexperienceoreventthatmadeyouchangeyourpointofviewonanimportant issue.

11. Write an evaluative report for the school council on the ways in which the architecture and the natural environmentofyourschoolhaveinfluencedyourexperienceoflearning.

12. Write an imaginative story for a popular magazine using the picture below. Your story must be set in India.

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You may make notes in this space.

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Question Number:

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End of Section 3