32 Amazing cakes! November 2014 40 p Suggested contribution Magazine for All Saints’ Church and St Mary & St Peter’s Church, Salcombe Regis RELECTIONS - Inspired by a walk along Salcombe Cliff As I stand and gaze, this beautiful sight where the silver blue sky meets the silver blue sea in the seamless horizon of the abyss, I see nothingyet I see everything, I see God, I see loved ones, I see the white dove of Peace, I see heaven. By Chas Heil.

2014 11 all saints magazine

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Page 1: 2014 11 all saints magazine


Amazing cakes!

November 2014 40 p Suggested


Magazine for

All Saints’ Church and

St Mary & St Peter’s Church,

Salcombe Regis

RELECTIONS - Inspired by a walk along Salcombe Cliff

As I stand and gaze, this beautiful sight where the silver blue sky meets the silver

blue sea in the seamless horizon of the abyss, I see nothing—yet I see everything, I see

God, I see loved ones, I see the white dove of Peace, I see heaven.

By Chas Heil.

Page 2: 2014 11 all saints magazine



How the world has changed! Our Western way of life has moved on considerably in the last 150 years. Before that time, there was no domestic supply of electricity to offer a clean supply of heat and light, and to power the tools to keep things clean. Most people sat on wooden chairs or settles: the comfortable, upholstered furniture we lounge on would not have been practical, even if you had the money to pay for it. Innerspring mattresses were only widely used from the 1930’s: mattresses were stuffed with natural fibres such as straw, moss, wool or cotton before

Dunlop introduced a technology to produce vulcanized foam in 1926. The vacuum cleaner made fitted carpets a possibility. Our homes are now warm, light, bright, comfortable places where we can truly relax.

Mass communication is also a fairly recent invention with people having little idea of what was happening outside of their own communities, and national news taking days, if not weeks, to filter down, until newspapers were more widely available in the 19th Century. Television was first broadcast in 1920 but it was only in the 1950’s that it became the primary medium for moulding public opinion. Nowadays the internet and smart-phones, keep us up-to-date with world news almost as it happens.

School children sat in rows, wrote on slates before paper became more affordable, and were taught didactically in subjects. Nowadays primary classrooms typically have tables for 4 or 6, and children learn literacy, numeracy etc., through working on topics: subjects are not taught separately. Pupils now not only learn through lectures but also by demonstrating, collaborating and teaching one another. Yes, teaching one another: we demonstrate best our understanding, when we are able to pass on what we have learned to others.

How the world has changed...but how much do our churches reflect that change? How do our buildings reflect the expectations society has for warmth and comfort? How do we communicate with one another, and with people outside the church? How do we share the gospel: how do we learn, how do we teach?

Theology is learning about God, and we all do that (even if we don’t realise it) when we seek to understand God, our circumstances, the wider world, and changing circumstances, in the light of our faith. As the world changes, so our faith and understanding of God is altered. This is why, as a Mission Community, we put on an annual study day, so that we can work out where God is in the news items which challenge our faith and shift our perspective.

Continued on page5


PEOPLES’ STORIES - Robin and Carol Laird

Way up in the foothills of Salcombe Regis, there are very active people! Robin and Carol Laird, after a lifetime of travelling the world, are settled and happy and very involved in the life of the Sid Valley.

Robin, after teaching in Pitlochry, where he met Carol, was ordained as a Church of Ireland priest in 1965. Whilst serving his first curacy in Omagh, Northern Ireland (where their first son Mark was born), he met many army chaplains, and after rigorous testing (mental and physical) he was accepted for training as a chaplain. He was posted to Berlin, “from a divided country to a divided city”, as he puts it. Second son Andrew was born out there. Leaving Carol and the two small boys, he served in the Arabian Gulf before returning to Harrogate, to the Army Apprenticeship College.

Travelling back and forth between Germany, Northern Ireland, Hong Kong (where his parish include Brunei, Nepal and Korea!) and England, he and Carol agreed that education for the boys would have been too disrupted, so they boarded at Queens School in Taunton, and visited their own parents wherever they happened to be in the holidays- but sometimes stayed in Sidmouth with Carol’s parents.

Retirement to Sidmouth followed in 1998 and involvement in the community became their way of life. Carol is active in the Choral Society, the talking newspaper, and Hospice Care transport. Robin still takes services whenever and wherever required, and is prominent always at services linked with the armed Forces. They are both stalwart helpers at the Salcombe Regis fair every year(their garage is the repository for the thousands of books collected!) They love living here, love the sea, and feel it is a friendly place to live. Their grandchildren, from Aberdeen and Camberley, often visit, and love it too.

Carol and Robin frequently visit family and friends in this country and abroad, and next year are celebrating a particular anniversary by travelling to Australia and New Zealand. They will go with our good wishes and Godspeed. When they return, life will continue, busy as usual I am sure. They cannot help but be involved with people, it has always been their life.

Rosemarie Luff

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Diary Dates for November -All Saints’ &

St Mary & St Peters Churches See regular activities page 4 other events pages 12 & 13 for details Monday 3rd AGM Mustard Seed7.30 pm p12 Tuesday 4th Prayer and Praise 7.30 pm Tuesday 4th - Snack ‘n Chat 12.30. Thursday 6th Salcombe Regis Coffee Morning 10am -p7 Friday 7th Talk - Effects of WW1 on Salcombe Regis 7pm p7 Saturday 8th Women Together 10am p13 Sunday 9th & 23rd Rose Lawn Service 4.30 pm Monday 10th SVMC Prayer Day 10am - 12 at Salcombe Regis Church p7 Tuesday 11th Friendship group 10 am Tuesday 11th Rose Lawn Holy Communion 11am p12 PCC meeting 11th November 7.30pm Thursday 13th Messy Church 3.30 pm

Wednesday 19th by 9am Magazine copy date

Saturday 15th Man to Man 8am p4 Monday 24th Prayer for the Nation 2pm Saturday 22nd Coffee & Co. meeting on 10am to noon Saturday 29th Rose Lawn Coffee Morning 10am


Our Mission: We exist to see lives transformed by Christ.

Our Vision is that All Saints’ should be increasingly:

God honouring, Christ following, Spirit-led and Bible-based

Welcoming, open hearted, outward looking and relevant

A people who are humble, gracious, generous and servant hearted.

Our service times are scheduled on page 16 of the magazine. The 8am Holy Communion follows the Book of Common Prayer. The 9.45 Service offers informal contemporary worship during which there’s seekers@saints, separate age related activities in five different groups for those aged 3 to teens. There are crèche facilities for the under 3s. The 11.15 am Service follows Common Worship.

We hope you will always find a warm welcome here, and worship which is both reverent and meaningful.

For disabled people we have level access into the Church by all doors, and a ramp to the Hall and toilets (including adapted toilet); we also provide baby changing facilities. There is an efficient loudspeaker system for those who find listening difficult. A hearing loop, covering most of the church and hall, serves those with hearing aids switched to the ‘T’ position. The car park is available free for those attending services and meetings. Permits for parking at other times are available for church members.

All Saints’ Church is part of the Sid Valley Mission Community in the Devon Anglican Diocese.

P2, 5 Team Letter P4 Regular activities P5 Editors Note P6 -7 Around Salcombe Regis Parish P8 PCC meeting & Rose Lawn info. P9 Freedom in Christ Course P10 -11 The Zone - Youth page P12 & P13 Events


P14 Mustard Seed goods P15 Prayer Focus P16 All Saints’ Services for November p17Salcombe Regis Services for Nov. P18 - P19 Who’s Who & Contacts P20 - p30 Adverts P30 - Diary Dates P31 Profile, Revd. Robin & Carol Laird


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Prayer Groups

Weekly prayer, Friday 9.00 - 9.30 am in Church.

Monthly prayer and praise, 7.30 pm the first Tuesday of each month in Church

Men’s Prayer group, 7am each Friday morning in church. Contact Phil Cranch.

Prayer for the Nation, 4th Monday at 2pm in Church. Contact Joyce Missing.

House Groups There are many groups which meet at various places in the valley on different days and times. Please contact Brenda Richards for information.

Pastoral Team (vacancy) Anyone who would like to discuss potential visits should initially contact the Vicar.

Friendship Group for retired people, meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 10am - 12noon for coffee, board games, and other varied activities. Chris Lowden manages this event.

Happy Feet babies and toddler group for pre-schoolers and their families

Tuesday mornings 10-11.30am (term-time) for play, craft, story time and songs

for children and chat, support and home-made refreshments for adults. Contact Helen Barrett.

Coffee & Co is a group for people who would like to meet others just for friendship. Biddy Miller manages this event which meets on the 4th Saturday of each month 10 am - 12 noon.

Snack ‘n chat meets for a simple lunch, from 12.30 on the first Tuesday of the month from October to April. Anne Kay manages this event.

Man to Man Breakfast for the men normally on a third Saturday of a month at 8am – some for Christian men only and some outreach events. Contact Robin Johnson

Messy Church is a fun packed session for children aged 4-11 accompanied by a parent, with games, craft, storytelling, songs, short bible talk and supper. 3.30pm - 5.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Contact Sally Marvin

Missionary partners and Interests A blue leaflet in the foyer gives an overview of information. More detailed information is available on the notice board in the Church Hall.

See page 18 for contact tel. numbers.


The Groveside Guest house Vicarage Road

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The Groveside Guest House is a comfortable and welcoming guest House situated just three minutes from the Radway Cinema. We welcome family and friends of local residents and are happy to give an extra special discount for local people for a two night stay or more (quote code LP) We are a gold star rated guest house with 9 bedrooms all en-suite and the house has been furnished and decorated to a high standard. We welcome small groups of people (up to 18) and offer buffets for family occasions and soup and sandwich suppers for our guests and their family or friends. We offer special winter breaks for small parties (from 4 to 18 people). We would be delighted to offer cream teas in the summer for family occasions in our guest garden. Please contact Lucy for more details on 01395 513406.

Page 5: 2014 11 all saints magazine


Kerrie Howard


Editor’s Note - The Autumn has blessed us with

showers and sunshine, and as I write our garden still has plenty of colour, we have much to give thanks for.

As Susie mentions in her letter, the media puts world matters into our living rooms and there is much to concern us, and challenges to be faced by world and faith leaders. However there are also encouragements as we see areas of the Church rising to meet some of these challenges in mission and development agencies. It encourages me to pray for those on the front line of delivery especially in desperate situations, like Canon White, Vicar of St. George’s Church, Bagdad, or Lydia who works for Hope for Justice in this country. There is plenty to inform us on the magazine rack and items to pray for, why not have a browse? Thanks also to all who collect stamps for The Leprosy Mission - £122,610 was raised last year from stamps and collectables. The box is in the hall foyer.

As we begin to think about Christmas, Dennis Gurney has provided us with information and plenty of choice from the Mustard Seed books stock.

Please note Snack ‘n Chat starts at a later time of 12.30 pm.

Next month’s magazine is a double issue for December/January, I know it’s not easy to get into thinking beyond Christmas in mid November!

While I have space, I do appreciate all those who regularly give time to contributing articles for the magazine and keep us up to date with what is going on with Church related activities.

From p 2

The Sidvalley Mission Community invites speakers to talk about current issues which concern us and on which we feel we need more specialist knowledge, or to hear another perspective or (if we have two speakers) divergent views. So, as an important and valued part of the church, what would you like to be more informed about from a theological perspective, where is your faith being tested? The rise of Islamic fundamentalism? Prayer? Assisted Dying? Evangelism? Ebola and other pandemics? Conservation at all costs? Racism? Sexism? Being church today? We are, after all, called to be disciples of Christ – those who learn - so let us continue to learn!

As a clergy team, we would like to know what concerns you. We would like to understand where you feel you need more information, or to hear differing perspectives. So please pass on your interests or concerns - in a short sentence or question - on a piece of paper to the Church Wardens, or electronically (emails) to our

Church Administrators. Susie

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Around the Parish at Salcombe Regis The flowers and fruits of the fields and the hedgerows, and the parishioner’s gardens, arrived in abundance on the days before Salcombe Regis celebrated their Harvest Festival Services. This included a special Thanksgiving Evensong on Sunday, 28th. September which was followed by a very well supported Harvest Supper held in St. Francis Church Hall the following day.

On the Saturday before the services the Church was beautifully decorated with a wonderful selection of flowers, the colours of which were predominantly autumnal, and an array of vegetables and fruit, all arranged by the ‘flower ladies’. Sadly, on Monday morning there had to be a raid of the fruit and vegetables for auctioneering at the supper that evening. The auctioneer for the evening was the Revd. Robin Laird (often seen in some other guise on Sundays) and whose lively and persuasive selling pitch raised £175 which, as always, was donated to the Mission to Seamen. Thank you Robin.

Thanks must also be expressed to the Master Chefs of the evening, Annette Newman and Renee Forth. Additionally, the beautiful and all too tempting sweets made by some of the parishioners were very much appreciated, as was the hard work of the ‘kitchen staff’ and those who laid the tables. We were grateful for the support given to us over the Harvest period by the Revd. Mark Barrett and his wife Helen. We were particularly delighted to have the Revd. Canon Dr. Philip Bourne who joined us for the Harvest Supper.

The tables and chairs used for the Sunday Afternoon Teas are now packed away until June 2015 when we hope to have replaced the less sturdy with some new additions. We are grateful for the generosity and support of our many visitors and are now bathing in the success of raising £2,000—a figure which was ‘rounded up’ by an anonymous donation.

For some time now preparations for the forthcoming Quinquennial inspection programmed to take place on 28th. October have been underway. Such inspections were introduced by the Church of England in 1955 and must be undertaken either by an architect or surveyor whose remit is to look at all aspects of the building and fabric. It is hoped that during the past five years all the concerns identified five years ago have been resolved. Would it be too much to hope for a clean slate!

The Sid Valley Mission Community will once again hold a Prayer Meeting at St. Mary and St. Peter on Monday, 9th. November at 10am. The Revd. Roger Trumper has arranged a morning of activities based on prayer which will also include references to the times of World War 1. We very much hope that many members of the Mission Community will join us on this occasion—refreshments will be on hand!


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And, finally here are dates for your diary;- *Christmas Coffee Morning---Thursday, 6th. November 10am-12noon, venue, Darlington Room. * Salcombe Regis and the effects World War 1 had on the village, it’s parish and the Sid Valley; a talk organised by the Friends and given by Jonathon Walker. Friday, 7th. November at 7pm. in All Saints Church Hall. *War Memorial Service----Sunday 9th. November following the 9.15am Parish Communion at approximately 10.45am. *SVMC Prayer Day-----Monday, 10th. November—10am--12noon—Salcombe Regis Parish Church led by the Revd. Roger Trumper. *New Year’s Party---Saturday 10th. January 2015—All Saints Church Hall.

The PCC. and Friends of St. Mary and St. Peter, Salcombe Regis look forward to welcoming all who are able to join us on these dates.

Erica Hodgson.

Alfred (Alfie) Joseph Rowson was baptised on Sunday, 21st. September. We welcome Alfie into Christ’s Family.

SALCOMBE REGIS PARISH CHURCH would like to invite our friends from

All Saints’

To their annual Parish Party

To be held in All Saints’ Church Hall


Saturday 10th

January 2015

7pm to 10 pm

(Further details in next month’s magazine)

To make you smile...

A minister parked his car in a no-parking area in a large city because he was short of

time and couldn't find a space with a meter. Then he put a note under the windscreen

wiper that read: 'I have circled the block 10 times. If I don't park here, I'll miss my

appointment. Forgive us our trespasses.'

When he returned, he found a citation from a police officer along with this note:

'I've circled this block for 10 years. If I don't give you a ticket I'll lose my job.

Lead us not into temptation.'

Page 8: 2014 11 all saints magazine



Our PCC Meeting in October took place on Tuesday 14th and we thank you for your prayerful support. The following list itemises specific topics discussed. The approved Minutes of the September PCC Meeting are now in the Lounge PCC Minute File for your review. Action Items List Review

Vicar’s Report Safeguarding Staff Handbook Acceptance Magazine Advertiser’s Rates Approval Sub-Committee for Extreme Needs Service Times monitoring Same Sex Marriage Statement Progress of FIC Deployment Solar Panel installation process - progress Christmas Services Health and Safety Report Correspondence

Tony Miller

Rose Lawn in All Saints’ Road, is the Sidmouth Care Home in which All Saints’

Church has a particular interest. It is run by Keychange Charity, which is a member of the Christian Care Association and is affiliated to the Evangelical Alliance. Many of the lovely folks who live there have been, or still are, faithful worshippers with us. The Friends of Rose Lawn provide those little extras which make life enjoyable, such as local outings with naughty cream teas along with useful and decorative items.

Residents enjoy Holy Communion in the lounge once a month, usually on the first Tuesday in the month at 11am and fortnightly informal worship services on Sunday afternoons at 4.30pm with a dedicated pianist and tea afterwards. Any visitors are most welcome to join in these services, indeed visitors are most welcome at any time, even more so perhaps if they have a dog in tow! Most folks love to get out and about in Sidmouth for a short time but need to be pushed in a wheelchair – you might be able to help with that.

Terry Ford is the Treasurer (01404 823604) and he would love to enable you to become a Friend for the princely annual sum of £10. I could help with information


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Page 9: 2014 11 all saints magazine


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Freedom in Christ

When Roger Jones was with us at All Saints’ in October, he spoke about the raising of Lazarus, as recorded in John 11. Jesus spoke two words. With a great voice he commanded, “Lazarus, come out” (from the tomb), and then a little later, to those nearby, “Unbind him, and let him go.” At the time it struck me that this was a perfect picture of the Freedom in Christ course.

When we become Christians it is like Christ calling us from death to life, and we respond to his call with faith. The Course is not about becoming a Christian. But as we grow as Christians others can help get us free from the grave clothes of the old life that prevent us experiencing the wonders of the new life, And sometimes, too, we wrap ourselves up in stuff and we can’t get free. That’s what the course is about.

In his great book, A Resilient Life Gordon Macdonald talks about the importance of what he calls “repairing the past”. He says, “One cannot live in a spiritually healthy fashion with an unrepaired past”. So some of the course will be looking at issues relating to our past. There may be some people for whom the past is very painful, and we are making sure there are people to talk to if that’s you.

I have sometimes said that the Course is more about Life in Christ, than Freedom in Christ – but I think we all need to experience more of Christ’s life with in us.


(contd. from p8) on other matters and dates of services which we publish in the newssheet and magazine. We would LOVE you to come along to the next Rose Lawn coffee morning on

Saturday 29th November from 10.00am we’ll have cakes, jam & bric-a-brac,

Christmas items etc. We look forward to seeing you there.

June Glennie (578722)

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The Zone Well, the children seemed to have settled quickly back into the routine of

school and their hobbies and the weather has certainly turned quite autumnal

(or you could say cold!). However, when things maybe chilly on the outside the

children and youth in the valley have certainly been on fire.

Soul and Fusion Café has kicked off with the first week up at the Scout

Field. Here the children had a chance to settle into a new group of different

peers and the sessions already held on the youth Alpha course have been

fantastic/mind blowing. The children have thought about Big questions such

as “what would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?” and “Why was Jesus

so famous?” They are tackling questions that we as adults so often struggle

or (don’t even consider) with in our daily lives.

One of the

memories that

have really

stuck with me

this month is

cake! All

Saints held a Bake Off

which coincided with the

TV programme finals. At

home people baked cakes and brought them in. The

judges had a really difficult time of tasting them before deciding on the

winners. This was a fundraiser which has led to a subsidy for when the

children are away to Heatree. More about this to follow.

Carrying on with the cake theme the Parish Church launched a new trial

project teatime@theparish. This was held on the 12th October at 4pm. Here

children sang songs, listened and was immersed in the story of the Prodigal

Son and guess what? We had cake!! Well, amongst other tasty treats. This

was well attended and it was pleasure to be part of a team to plan and help


The Cubs have been busy in Sidmouth (which I am involved with) so therefore

I will be sharing some of their stories too. This week the Cubs visited All

Saints Church and as part of their global badge. Tracey Tipton played games

and taught them about the Food Bank and how the church supports it. Other

Cub activities was a bog walk (my feet are still brown!) and a sleepover this


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Page 11: 2014 11 all saints magazine



Friday at Crealy – I wish I was 9 again!

On November 9th-11th we are taking children aged 9 upwards from the

community to Heatree on Dartmoor. This is a Christian activity centre and

its such a beautiful place setting, quite close to Hay Tor. There are many

reasons why this year I chose to go there. One is they offer excellent

facilities (chill out) and adventurous activities such as high ropes and

kayaking. But also… the food is really good. There is a theme going on here

isn’t there?! Please would you pray for our safety, fellowship and that the

children learn how awesome God, our creator is.

I look forward to telling you in the next issue about how this adventure went.

Funny, I didn’t think I would have anything to write about but now I have

started I could go on, but that’s enough for now!

Kirsty Hammond

Cub Bog Walk

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Rose Lawn Sunday afternoons 4.30pm followed by tea

Remembrance Sunday, 9th November, led by Andy Michell 23rd November led by Carole Hawkins Holy Communion 11am followed by coffee Tuesday 11 November led by Revd David Lewis Saturday 29 November from 10am coffee morning, bric-a-brac, books, cakes, and

articles produced by residents etc. with a Christmas theme. Please come along to

support and enjoy the company.

June Glennie

THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING for the Mustard Seed will be held in the shop

on Monday 3rd November at 7.30.p.m. It is an open meeting, all are welcome,

especially interested friends.

The Music Room, Sidholme

Elysian Fields, Sidmouth A Choral and Instrumental Evening

Senior Boys & Girls from Exeter Cathedral School

Directed by Andrew Millington and Stephen Tanner

Wednesday 19th November 7pm. Tickets £5 (u16 free) from Paragon

Bookshop or on the door.

A Sidholme Organ Friends Association Event.

Salcombe Regis Parish Church

will be holding their annual

Christmas Coffee Morning at the Darlington Room, Abbeyfield Court, Station Road, Sidmouth on Thursday 6th November at 10.00am Christmas Decorations, Cakes, Gifts, Books, Raffle and Children's Society Christmas Cards. Entrance £1-20 to include coffee and mince pie.


Page 13: 2014 11 all saints magazine


Mobile - 07974 413056


Golden Gate Hair Solutions

Proprietor: Nicky Smith Telephone: 01395 512204 109 Temple Street, Sidmouth EX10 9BH

Gas Safe


Women Together

Saturday November 8th 2014 - 10am

Breakfast at the Clocktower café, Sidmouth

followed by beach walk.

No pre-ordering, no planned speaker just an opportunity to come together. N.B. note change to previously advertised event.

~~~~~ In addition on November 8th there is an interesting event, "Empowering Agenda", at

Belmont Chapel, Exeter, 10am-3pm - see link https://www.facebook.com/events/772260029499676/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming

This has been organised by Laura McAdam, from Christian Aid, who came to speak with

us at our tea at the Knowle a few years ago. ~~~~~

Saturday 7th March 2015, 4pm onwards

An evening of song, testimony and encouragement with Lou Lewis at the Kingswood and

Devoran hotel, Sidmouth.

Price £20, booking details to follow.


April/May 2015 Wendy Mackie passed on the following details for a Hillsong Conference next year at

which Joyce Meyer is speaking:



Page 14: 2014 11 all saints magazine



The Mustard Seed makes a few suggestions for Advent and Christmas. "Feast Fast: Food for Advent & Christmas" by Christina Rees will certainly tickle your appetite; For younger family members "Bake Through the Bible" does a great job of both telling Bible stories and providing simple step-by-step recipes. It would make a great Christmas present for any family. For Advent and beyond "The Dawning of Indestructible Joy” by John Piper is a short book with devotional readings for Advent. Liz Babbs "Making Room for Jesus" takes the reader through a popular meditative approach to Advent. Joyce Meyer's books are always best sellers, and her latest release "The Power

of Being Thankful: 365 Life changing devotions" will last a whole year. Two CD's worth having for Christmas are Jeremy Camp's "Christmas with God" and Chris Tomlin's "Glory in the Highest."

Christmas Cards, calendars, diaries are available in great profusion-many of them supporting your favourite mission.


They are certainly worth considering for Birthdays and other celebrations - make a positive difference. "My Very Own Bible" - Karen Williamson; "A Little Boys Gift" - Karen Williamson; "Stories Jesus Told" -Favourite stories from the BIble -Nick Butterworth; "Jumble Bible Activities" -Tim Dowley; "New Testament Tales" –the unauthorised versions -Bob Hartman; "You are Special”: Wemmicks" –Max Lucado; "My First Bible" - Tim Dowley; "Candle Bible for Kids" -Juliet David.

NEW YORK TIMES best- selling author is Francine Rivers. Have you caught up with her latest book, "Bridge to Heaven"? It’s a story of temptation, grace, unconditional love set in the glitz and glamour of Golden Age, Hollywood. All of Francine's titles are in stock at the Mustard Seed.

A NEW TITLE - highly recommended, "Undivided" -closing the life-faith gap by Graham Hooper. (IVP) £8-99. There are gaps everywhere in life. The gap between who we are and who we would like to be; the Christianity we profess and the Christianity we practise; the gap between us and those we love; the gap between the world as it is and the world as it should be. We feel disconnected from God, from one another and from ourselves. How do we close these gaps? This book will help us to find the answers.

FOR INFANT BAPTISMS OR THANKSGIVING for a new baby, there are two recommendations -they are beautifully produced at very moderate prices, and will make a very thoughtful gift for any occasion.

"Baby's First Bible/Prayers Gift Set" by Melody Carlson £7



TEAM RECTOR - Sidmouth Parish Church Rev. Philip Bourne 512595 [email protected]

All Saints & Salcombe Regis Rev. Roger Trumper 515963 Mark Barrett 512645 St. Francis, Woolbrook and Sidbury & Sidford Rev. Susie Williams 516036 [email protected]

Clergy & Staff Rest Days Rev. Roger Trumper - Thursday Mark Barrett - Wednesday Rev. Susie Williams - Wednesday

Magazine Editors

Sidmouth Parish Church Margaret Jewes 512020 St Francis, Woolbrook (Grapevine news letter) Jackie Herbert & Bettina Wilson [email protected] & [email protected] Sidbury & Sidford Janice Salway 514862 E-mail: [email protected]

All Saints’ Church Joyce Missing 516806 E-mail: [email protected] Salcombe Regis Parish Church Contacts Annette Newman & 513313 [email protected] Erica Hodgson 577216 [email protected]


Rev. Roger Trumper - Vicar & Chairman Phil Cranch - Warden relected 2014 Rupert Crofts - Warden elected 2014 Gill Johnson - Treasurer elected 2014 Tony Miller - Secretary elected 2014 Barbara Allen - elected 2013 Alastair Bates elected 2014 Peter Fung - elected 2012 Chris Hamilton - elected 2012 Fran Lee - elected 2013 John Montgomery - elected 2014 Hannah Vicarage - Deanery Rep elected 2014 June Glennie - Deanery Rep Jennie Crabtree - Deanery Rep Mark Barrett - Curate Carole Hawkins - Reader John Dunster - Reader

If you have an issue you wish to raise for the PCC's consideration, please write to Tony Miller - PCC Sec.


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Friendship Group Chris Lowden 489246

Children’s Ministry Tracey Tipton 576804 Prayer Chain Margaret Jenkins 577981 Man to Man Robin Johnson 578433 Men’s Prayer Phil Cranch 515677 Snack ‘n’ Chat

Anne Kay 579040

Coffee & Co Biddy Miller 513697 Hall Bookings & Flower Rota Biddy Miller 513697 Messy Church Sally Marvin 514475

Car Park Permits Tony Miller 513697 Notice Board Geraldine Gee 579604 Heating Tony Miller 513697 Sound System Martin Allen 579152 Bible Reading Notes Rosemarie Luff 579345 House Groups Brenda Richards 07763 169255 WEBSITE Editor Paula Mills 515488 ([email protected])

PCC SECRETARY Tony Miller 513697 [email protected]

PCC TREASURER Gill Johnson 578433

GIVING Freewill Offering Geraldine Gee 579604 Gift Aid Gill Johnson 578433

ELECTORAL ROLL SECRETARY Brenda Richards 07763 169255


CHURCH ADMIN. ASSISTANT Phil Cranch Office email : [email protected] CHURCH WARDENS Phil Cranch 515677 Rupert Cropfts

DEANERY SYNOD June Glennie 578722 Jennie Crabtree 568750 Hannah Vicarage 07944222276

WHO’S WHO VICAR - Rev. Roger Trumper, The Vicarage, All Saints Road, Sidmouth, EX10 8ES

Tel.: 515963 Email: [email protected]

CURATE - Mark Barrett, 25 Lymebourne Park, Sidmouth EX10 9HZ

Tel: 512645 Email: [email protected]

COMMUNITY YOUTH PASTOR - Kate Hamilton currently on adoption leave

Tel. 07588 817590 Email: [email protected]

ALL SAINTS WEB SITE : www.allsaintssidmouth.org.uk

All Saints’ Church charity number 1128968

HON. ASSISTANT CLERGY Rev. Handel Bennett 514211

Rev. Kenneth Crooks 489254

Canon Dennis Gurney 515362


Mrs. Carole Hawkins 515674

Mr John Dunster 578332

Reader Emeritus Mrs Joyce Blackwell 515436



All Saints’ Church Fellowship Prayer list for November

Pray for our children and young people, especially for our contact with them through church activities, baptism services and school work

Pray for our ‘outward look’ efforts as we raise awareness and money for various charities

Pray that we may enter the season of Advent at the end of the month with a greater hope and expectation that others may come to know the Saviour

Pray in this month of Remembrance for a healing of memories and the renewal of hope and especially for:

For those with memories of war For all serving and ex-servicemen and women For those injured or bereaved by war For the RBL branches in our MC and their committees For the Air Training Corps For our Remembrance Day services and those who will come For all who are bereaved and our ministry to them

Team Rector

1. Phil and Jenny Cranch 2. Barney and Zsa Zsa Croft 3. Rupert Crofts & Julie Wheeler 4. Ken and Pam Crooks 5. Avril Dale 6. Peter and Sheila Darby 7. Tom and Rachel Darlami 8. Mary Davies 9. Jennifer Dickens 10. Amanda Drake 11. Christine Drew 12. John and Hilary Dunster 13. Shirley Edgell 14. Eric Elliott 15. Beryl Farr

16. Rhoda Faulkner 17. David and Hazel Fergie 18. Terry Ford 19. Ann and Adrian Foster 20. David and Joyce Foundling 21. Patricia Fowler 22. Alex and Molly Fraser 23. Peter and Dilly Fung 24. Daphne Galloway 25. Duncan and Jan Geale 26. Geraldine Gee 27. Jackie Gilliam 28. Sue and Allan Ginman 29. June Glennie 30. Dennis and Naomi Gurney

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? … Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27, 1 & 14

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2 November Fourth Sunday before advent

8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Rev Roger Trumper 10:30 am Morning Service for All Saints’ Day Title: Who am I? Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Reading: 1 John 5: 9 - 13 3:00 pm Thanksgiving Service Preacher: Rev. Mark Barrett

9 November Third Sunday before advent Morning Services for Remembrance Sunday 9:45 am Title: Life in Christ Preacher: Carole Hawkins Readings: 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11; John 8: 31 - 36 10:55 am Readings: Zechariah 3: 1 - 5, 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11 6:00 pm Holy Communion Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper

16 November Second Sunday before advent

8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 9:45 am Morning Services Title: Faith Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Readings: Hebrews 11: 1 - 7; Matthew 17: 14 - 20 11:15 am Readings: 1 Kings 18: 20 - 24; Hebrews 11: 1 - 7

23 November Christ the King

9:45 am & 11:15 am Morning Services and Holy Communion Title: The battle Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Readings: 1 John 2: 15 – 17; Matthew 13: 10 - 17 7:00 pm for 7:30 pm Encounter

30 November Advent Sunday

8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 9:45 am Morning Services Title: Choices Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Readings: Romans 8: 1 – 11; Luke 13: 22 - 30 11:15 am Readings: Deuteronomy 30: 15 - 20; Romans 8: 1 – 11



2 November Fourth Sunday before Advent

9:15 am Parish Communion

11:00 am Matins Title: Who am I? Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Readings: 1 John 5: 9 - 13

9 November Third Sunday before Advent

8:00 am Holy Communion

9:15 am Parish Communion Title: Life in Christ Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Readings: Zechariah 3: 1 - 5; 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11

16 November Second Sunday before Advent

9:15 am Parish Communion

11:00 am Matins Title: Faith Preacher: Rev Roger Shambrook Readings: 1 Kings 18: 20 - 24; Hebrews 11: 1 - 7

23 November Christ the King

8:00 am Holy Communion

9:15 am Parish Communion Title: The battle Preacher: Rev Ken Crooks Readings: 1 John 2: 15 – 17; Matthew 13: 10 - 17

30 November Advent Sunday

9:15 am Parish Communion Title: Choices Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Readings: Deuteronomy 30: 15 - 20; Romans 8: 1 – 11