Team Faithfully Fit {30 Day Challenge Group Template} Friday (AM) Ok team....are you ready to start Monday?! :) We are ready to help you every step of the way on your journey! This group is meant to CHALLENGE you to change your old habits, become more POSITIVE, eat HEALTHIER, work out HARDER and be HAPPIER! :) Before we start the challenge on Monday, I have a couple things I need you to do. 1) Create a journal to track your progress! First, take measurements (arms, legs, hips, waist, bust) and your weight and write them down. We will update it weekly. Also, if you want you can write down your workout, everything you eat, how much water you drink, how much sleep you get, your energy level and your goals every day! {We will get more into goal setting soon…} 2) Take before pictures from the front, side and back in a bathing suit or bra top and shorts. (You don't have to show the pics to us, but should you choose to, for accountability purposes, the group is "secret" and can't be seen by others.) BUT TAKE THE PICTURES!! Trust me, you will want to see the comparison…as much as we don’t want the focus to be on the scale, it is a tool that is used to measure progress, but the pictures tell the REAL story! 3) Remove ALL trigger foods from accessibility (Hide them or throw them away! Do it!!) We will be focusing a lot on clean eating for the next 30 days! So make sure you get rid of all the junk. We will be providing you with shopping lists, recipes and snack ideas that will be healthy althernatives! Saturday morning before each week begins, be sure to keep an eye out for your upcoming week’s menu and shopping list!! 4) Plan the days/times you will workout and STICK TO IT or find a way to fit it in even when it's not ideal or has to be shortened or modified.

€¦  · Web viewIt will get better and you will come to love your workouts because it’s a great time to de ... Here's a great morning yoga ... Whichever pair spread the word

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Team Faithfully Fit {30 Day Challenge Group Template}

Friday (AM)Ok team....are you ready to start Monday?! :) We are ready to help you every step of the way on your journey! This group is meant to CHALLENGE you to change your old habits, become more POSITIVE, eat HEALTHIER, work out HARDER and be HAPPIER! :)

Before we start the challenge on Monday, I have a couple things I need you to do.

1) Create a journal to track your progress! First, take measurements (arms, legs, hips, waist, bust) and your weight and write them down. We will update it weekly. Also, if you want you can write down your workout, everything you eat, how much water you drink, how much sleep you get, your energy level and your goals every day! {We will get more into goal setting soon…}

2) Take before pictures from the front, side and back in a bathing suit or bra top and shorts. (You don't have to show the pics to us, but should you choose to, for accountability purposes, the group is "secret" and can't be seen by others.) BUT TAKE THE PICTURES!! Trust me, you will want to see the comparison…as much as we don’t want the focus to be on the scale, it is a tool that is used to measure progress, but the pictures tell the REAL story!

3) Remove ALL trigger foods from accessibility (Hide them or throw them away! Do it!!) We will be focusing a lot on clean eating for the next 30 days! So make sure you get rid of all the junk. We will be providing you with shopping lists, recipes and snack ideas that will be healthy althernatives! Saturday morning before each week begins, be sure to keep an eye out for your upcoming week’s menu and shopping list!!

4) Plan the days/times you will workout and STICK TO IT or find a way to fit it in even when it's not ideal or has to be shortened or modified.

5) Replace one meal a day with Shakeology! If you aren’t drinking Shakeology, talk to your coach about purchasing a super sample pack so you can find your favorite flavor! Shakeology is a GAME-CHANGER!! It’s NOT a quick fix or magic pill, it’s a complete meal packed with over 70 healthy ingredients, including quite a few “superfoods”.

6) Introduce yourself to the group! I might know you, but the rest of the team doesn't! Give us a brief bio, your struggles for weight loss, your previous fitness programs, etc. Whatever you want us to know about you. :) Use this as an opportunity to examine your goals and share with us! Once you put your goals out there, it's one step closer to those goals becoming a reality! It makes it more REAL, creates an environment of accountability because we will now be able to help get to you where you want to be!!

7) ENJOY IT! We are all here to get FIT & STAY FIT!! Eat better! Get sweaty! And stay motivated! So please ask questions, get involved and enjoy this 30-day journey you are about to take! :)

Friday (PM)I'm getting excited to start on Monday with all of you! I've been doing the 21 Day Fix/dabbling with Beachbody On Demand workouts, for the past couple weeks and I can tell you that you are going to LOVE whichever program you chose! {I can honestly say that as I’ve tried almost all of them} Make sure that you post your bios and before pics this weekend!

So....what are you planning to mix with your shake? You can just blend with simply water, milk or even almond milk. But if you're like me, you're going to want to add a few things to make your shake even better. Here are some of my favorites...I do a combo of some of these every day.

- Water- Skim milk- Almond milk- Coconut Milk- Bananas- Strawberries (frozen or fresh)- Blueberries (frozen or fresh)- Greek yogurt- Peanut Butter- Almond Butter- PB2 (powdered peanut butter with 85% fewer calories)- Chia seeds- Flax seed- Spinach- Honey- Sugar-free pudding mix (*(Add 1 tbls of dry mix...so yummy! Cheesecake, chocolate and vanilla are my favorites. But note, this is not a clean eating suggestion**)

Pick your favorites from above or your own ideas and blend it up! I definitely recommend mixing it in a blender and adding some ice....it's much better!***We will also provide specific recipes to try throughout the challenge***

Saturday (AM)So…I told you there would be some prizes in this group....here's the breakdown. It's all based on a point system. The winner will receive a pretty sweet gift in the mail once the challenge is complete!! Woo hoo!! So start posting! Here is how you earn points…

Saturday (PM)It’s time to meal plan & prep!! As promised, we have provided the planning part for you… Here is a 7-day clean eating meal plan to get you started for this challenge, along with the shopping

list!! Also, look at the food list in Eating Guide that came with your workout to help you too! Let me know if you have any questions!

Have you cleaned out your fridge and pantry yet?? This step is so important because it eliminates temptations…if it’s not available, you can’t eat it!! Going one step further, DON’T BUY FOODS YOU SHOULDN’T BE EATING!! This is tough, especially with kids in the house, or a spouse who may not be participating. BUT, set the example. Don’t buy the cookies and chips anymore…everyone will be better off for it! We will be providing you with alternative, healthy snack options…stay tuned for that!!

SundayThink about the results you want to get!! This is going to be the driving force to keep you motivated for the next 60 days! I need you all to commit to this 100%! You need to be all in!! There is so much psychology that goes into losing weight, breaking bad habits, creating new/healthy habits, and MAINTAINING that new lifestyle. We are here to support you in any way we can, but we can’t spoon feed you or sweat for you. Change your way of thinking to positivity…this is a fresh start, a new beginning. Whatever has happened in the past, leave it there and seriously believe that THIS is your opportunity to get healthy and stay healthy!

We are all starting tomorrow!! Woo hoo!! Are you ready? Here is a last minute check list before we start:

1. Post your bio

2. Post your before pictures and take measurements (At least TAKE the pics)

3. Make sure you look at the 7-day meal plan that we provided in the files section, get your shopping done, and prep any meals for tomorrow, depending on your work/life situation.

4. Mark your calendars with when and what workout you will do each day this week.

5. Write out your goals.

6. Get involved! This group will only be as good as you make it!! So decide today that you are committed and all in!!

Can't wait to get started tomorrow!!

WEEK 1 - DAY 1

Today is day 1! I want you to visualize yourself reaching your goals today and how good it is going to feel when you finally get to where you want to be. That feeling should be what drives you when times get tough and you just don’t think you want to keep pushing on.

I know that we can do this and we will do this together as a little fitness family! The more you motivate and inspire the more you are motivated/inspired yourself. Sounds crazy but it is true! It has worked for me ;)

Post a pic below of your workout schedule. It’s so so important to block off the specific day and times of your workouts, then STICK WITH THAT plan! Every Sunday before I go to bed I write in my calendar exactly what workouts I will complete for the week, what time of the day I will do them, including which day{s} will be my rest day{s}, depending on what I have going on. Make your workout schedule NON-NEGOTIABLE. That’s why I want you to mark your calendars! Take it one workout at a time, and before you know it, you will blast through an entire week without missing a beat!

Hope everyone has a great day and don’t forget to log your meals and workouts!!

WEEK 1 - DAY 2

So what is CLEAN EATING?There is no fitness goal that you can achieve without first cleaning up what you are putting in your body. One of the biggest challenges is eating in a way that fuels your body. When it comes to your fitness – 80% is nutrition and 20% is fitness….so this is REALLY important. So what exactly does it mean to “eat clean?” It means that you eating whole, natural foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates. It’s pretty easy to remember, “If it’s man-made, then don’t eat it.” We are in a habit as a culture to eat processed food, but that is full of man-made sugar, bad fats (hydrogenated, trans-fat), preservatives, artificial flavorings, artificial colorings, and unnecessary additives. Here are 5 steps to remember when choosing to eat clean:

1. Eat LOTS of fruits and vegetables. Choose fresh over processed or canned. Choose fresh fruit over juice. And if you must choose a processed vegetable, choose frozen over canned.2. Balance protein and complex carbohydrates. Eat grains like brown rice and quinoa. Eat lean proteins – and if you can choose organic or grass fed because they are usually free of pesticides, hormones and additives. Grill, broil or steam your meats rather than frying.3. Don’t drink your calories! Avoid soda, high calorie, sugary drinks. That goes for your favorite Starbucks beverage as well! Instead, choose water or tea. Coffee is ok, but consider your choice of creamer. Whole milk is a much better option than creamers filled with sugar substitutes. There are also options for organic creamers…check those out, or make your own!! I will provide a creamer recipe in the files section of the group.4. Learn to pick “good fats.” (look at shopping list, or your nutrition guide from your program manual)5. Eat several small meals a day. Aim to eat every 3 hours. This helps keep your blood sugar stable and helps to avoid overeating. Choose snacks like nuts, low-fat or fat-free dairy and fruits and vegetables. (Choose dairy wisely – some clean eating diets avoid dairy completely.)

Still need help? Follow the clean eating guide provided!! That’s what’s it’s here for!! And soon enough each of you will be sharing clean eating recipes with all of us ;)

WEEK 1 - DAY 3

Happy Hump Day!! How is everyone doing on this fine first week?? Today we’re going to focus on the importance of drinking WATER:Calculate how much water you should be drinking per day!! It is so important to make sure you are drinking enough water when you are working out. When you are hydrated it helps your body feel stronger and helps you to workout harder!! This is also REALLY important when you are drinking Shakeology because it kind of acts like a detox. Shakoleogy will help remove all the grim that has built up in your digestive system….so drinking more water helps out that process too! So how much should you be drinking? Check out the picture below, then calculate how many ounces of water you should be drinking daily and comment below on THIS post! Commit to doing it EVERY DAY!! Trust me….you will feel so much better when you do this! It will also help curb cravings because half the time you feel hungry it’s just your body’s way of telling you that you are dehydrated, or bored…am I right?? ;) Here’s a tip, get a water bottle that holds a decent amount of ounces, which will require less refills during the day. Figure out how many bottles you should consume and keep track!

WEEK 1 - DAY 4

I’m sure some of us are sore today but that’s just your body changing which is so good! It will get better and you will come to love your workouts because it’s a great time to de-stress and just focus on YOU for a little bit. We are pulled in so many directions every day that it’s important that you take a little time for YOU and to re-focus and re-energize yourself. Grab some green tea at night and stretch out your muscles before bed…it will help you to recover quicker and drink your water and your Shakeology! Gotta keep your body fueled.

Don’t listen to that voice in your head that says you are too sore or too tired…tell it to hush and you keep going!! The harder you push now the sooner you will get through this first part.

What did everyone have for breakfast today? And what is your workout for the day?

Dig deep and make it count!

WEEK 1 - DAY 5

How is everyone feeling?? What were your goals for this first week?? Have you hit those goals?? If not, don’t adjust the goal, just adjust the timing and KEEP GOING! So much of this is mental and you need to make sure your mind is in a positive place to carry you through the tough days, the days you want to quit, the days you’d rather sleep in than workout.

It DOES get easier…just keep going!!

Today I encourage you to re-examine your goals. I want you to write them in the present tense and share them in the comments. For example:

I AM working out 5 days a weekI AM drinking 60 ounces of water a dayI AM noticing a difference in how my clothes fitI HAVE more energyI AM 1 pound lighter this week

WEEK 1 - DAY 6

Today is your first “STATurday.” Make sure you re-take all of your measurements from last weekend….weight, chest, waist, arms, and thighs. Does anyone have any little success that they would like to share? It doesn’t have to be huge…I mean we are only in week one! But I would love for you to share if you are heading in the right direction….because the little successes add up to HUGE accomplishments! Have a GREAT weekend and enjoy a couple days off {If that’s what’s on the schedule ;) }! PS – oh and be careful not to don’t over indulge the next couple days….we want your diet moving in the right direction too!

WEEK 1 - DAY 7

Need a yummy shakeo recipe?? Try peanut butter banana! It’s my absolute FAVORITE, with 3 flavors, chocolate, vanilla or strawberry shakeo…

1 cup ice1 cup almond or non-fat milk1/2 cup water2 Tbls PB2 (or 1 TBLS reg PB)1/2 banana1 scoop of either Vanilla, Chocolate, or Strawberry Shakeoogy....blend until creamy!

Super Yum!!!

WEEK 2 - DAY 1

You've made it to week 2!! Hope you all had an amazing weekend and enjoyed yourself while still staying on track!

This week we're going to continue to focus on nutrition. If you want to get results you HAVE to clean it up in the kitchen. SO...this week I want you to track your food! Everything you eat...the good, the bad and the ugly!

Here are some tips to keep in mind:1. Eat every 2-3 hours (5-6 times a day)2. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water3. Eat clean: avoid white flour, white sugar, processed foods and artificial sweeteners4. Don't drink you calories: avoid soda, sugary coffee drinks, juice with lots of sugar, etc.

For this week, snap a pic of your meals and post it in a collage with your post workout picture and tell us what you ate (there's an example below). This is really going to hold you accountable and make you think about what you are putting into your body!

WEEK 2 - DAY 2

Snacks!!! A lot of people think of snacking as a bad habit, but it's actually exactly what you should be doing! By getting snacks in between your meals you're actually boosting your metabolism and keeping it going all day! Think of it this way...if you snack your body knows it'll get more food so it'll burn off what you eat. If you don't snack, your body will worry about when it'll get fuel next so it'll hold on to the food you ate for your meals.

So...what should you snack on? Check out these healthy, easy snack options and make sure you keep them prepped and ready in your fridge so you reach for it when you're hungry and short on time!

***Share your favorite go-to snack/snack recipe in the comments below!

WEEK 2 - DAY 3

We say it a lot and it's because it's true, being healthy should be a lifestyle. So, what do you do when you're traveling? Whether you're taking a road trip or hoping on a plane, here are some helpful tips to make sure your fun vacation doesn't completely derail your fitness and nutrition!

WEEK 2 - DAY 4

Happy Thirsty Thursday!! Today I wanted to share another great Shakeology recipe with you! As the weather heats up I tend to like fruitier flavors, and this is JUST like a Jamba Juice!

WEEK 2 - DAY 5

As we go into our weekend I thought today was the perfect day to talk about CHEAT MEALS!!

I get asked all the time if I cheat on my diet or splurge on things I "shouldn't have", and the answer is...YES! Daily! My motto is everything in moderation; this isn't a diet to me, it's a lifestyle, so it has to be something I can stick with 24/7!

A good rule of thumb to stick to is the 80/20 rule. 80% of the day you're eating clean and healthy, 20% of the time not so much. That doesn't mean splurge on fast food EVERY day, but it does mean that if you have to stop on the way home for a fast food dinner as long as you've kept the rest of your meals clean and healthy you'll be okay.

Think of it this way...if you are eating 5 meals a day (breakfast/snack/lunch/snack/dinner) each meal is 20% of your day. If ONE of those is a little "off the meal plan", don't beat yourself up. Better yet, PLAN for those cheats and don't feel guilty at all because you prepared for it...ENJOY it and move on!

Post any questions you have about cheat meals below, and tell us something you plan to splurge on!

WEEK 2 - DAY 6

Who's planning to eat out this weekend?

Eating out is one of my favorite things to do, but it's also a little scary when you're trying to eat healthy. Here are some tips to enjoy your date night while still staying on track!

- Know the menu before you go. Most restaurants have an online menu...check it for the lighter options so you can plan the rest of your day accordingly. If there aren't any healthier options and you know you'll splurge a bit, PLAN for it!

- Don't be afraid to special order. Dressing on the side, steamed veggies instead of buttery potatoes, turn away the bread basket. Speak up!

- Have a to-go box brought with your meal. Portion sizes in restaurants are almost always at least double what you should be eating. Get your to-go box with your meal and make what's on your plate match what a serving size should be, then pack away the rest to go! Bonus, you get another easy, delicious meal for lunch the next day!

- Eat slowly. Your tummy is full WAY before you actually know it! That's because it takes a while for the nutrients in the food you just ate to enter your bloodstream, circulate to the nerve centers in your brain that regulate appetite, and alert you that you're full.

- If you really want it, order it! Yep, I said it! If you deprive yourself of everything you really want you'll end up overindulging later. So, if you really, really, really want that piece of cheesecake for dessert, get it! Just make sure you split it with your date and portion out the rest of your meal accordingly!

WEEK 2 - DAY 7

You've made it to the end of week 2!! If you planned today as your rest day, relax and get a little stretching in to prep your muscles for your week ahead! Here's a great morning yoga sequence that won't take too long, and will really get you feeling great!

I also wanted to focus today on personal development. Health is more than just fitness and nutrition, you also need to feed your mind with positive things to keep your mindset where it needs to be to succeed!

Here's a downloadable version of The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. It's a great book about the little, seemingly unnoticeable things you can do each day to either improve or negatively impact your life. Try setting aside 15-20 minutes each day to get reading and learning new ways to reach your goals!


COACH NOTE: During Week 3 we will be doing team competitions...on your day to post, please check out the previous days competition and "announce" the winner from the day before!! WEEK 3 - DAY 1 (COACH NOTE: If you're posting this day, pair up the challengers at the end of the post so that everyone knows who their partner is!!!)

We've made it to week 3! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, all while sticking to their programs and plan of action.

So to kick off week 3, I want to let you all know the awesome, fun plan! It's always more fun to do this type of stuff with a group of people, as I am sure you have noticed thus far. For this week, we will be doing team competitions. We will be pairing you all up into partners. At some point today/tonight, I want you to get to know your partner. Message each other and talk about your goals, the program you are doing, areas of struggle and so on. I am super excited for this part. Each day this week will have a fun theme for you and your partner to come up with a post.

Whoever wins for the day will get to add a point to their total for the month...so let that grand prize at the end of the month be even more incentive to get participating!

Comment below by tagging your partner, so that we all know we're on the same page :)

WEEK 3 - DAY 2

Working out needs to be something you look forward to. I know I wouldn't stick with it if it weren't for the ways that I make it fun and enjoyable. So for today, let's see those fun pic collages that you and your partner come up with! Make a fun little collage of your post- workout selfies. Post the funny, sweaty pic collages that you and your partner come up with in the comments below.

Tip- Working out should be fun! It doesn't need to feel like actual work!

WEEK 3 - DAY 3

No equipment needed here for this challenge! So today I challenge you and your partner to do this short circuit of exercises and time yourselves. Combine you and your partner's times together and post. The pair with the fastest time combined wins for today!

WEEK 3 - DAY 4

Halfway through the mini partner challenges! Today I want you to put your new knowledge to good use. Today, I want you and your partner to come up with a snack or a meal, that isn't on the meal plan, but something that would be considered clean eating. Together, come up with a pic and the recipe, and share with the group! The more recipes we have, the more variety we have in this new lifestyle of healthy eating!

Clean eating doesn't have to be boring, or the same thing all of the time. There are so many options out there, so many ways to modify recipes to make it healthy, so let's see what you can come up with ;)

WEEK 3 - DAY 5

Today's challenge is more about stepping out of that comfort zone. I get asked all of the time about recipes and what programs I am doing. Today, I challenge you and your partner to share about your new lifestyle with those around you. It can be family, friends or people in the work place. Let them know about the new lifestyle you have, things you have learned, the program that you are doing and about your favorite Shakeology recipe. Let them know what this has done for you! If they see how passionate you are about what you're doing, it may help them take that next step to getting their health and fitness on track.

Count how many people you share this with, and add up you and your partner's total. Whichever pair spread the word to the most people, will win the points for today.

WEEK 3 - DAY 6

Happy STATurday! Time to post those accomplishments. Share your biggest success that you have this week. It can be an area where you lost the most inches, the amount of weight you lost and even just that you have noticed yourself becoming more flexible.

Here is a great stretch routine to ease up some sore muscles and to just relax yourself. If today is a planned day to rest, enjoy it!

Tip- Rest days are super important! Your body needs time to rejuvenate from all of the hard work you are putting in! Just remember to not get off track with your nutrition!

***BONUS - Have you been reading The Slight Edge 15-20 minutes each day? Comment below and let us know what you think so far!

WEEK 3 - DAY 7

For today, I wanted to focus on how to make your lives a bit easier with meal prep. Here are a few tips that I was once told have made my life so much easier. I save time and just feel more organized as I begin my week.

Meal Prep Tips- Seperate meats as you are going to use them. For example, I freeze chicken in two's, since I am cooking for myself and my significant other.- Take meats out the night before, so they can defrost in time for dinner the next day.- Make an extra serving of meat, to have dinner or lunch for another day/night.- When you get home from grocery shopping, cut up fruits and veggies right away. Store in ziploc bags or containers in the correct portion sizes.

- Keep a paper towel at the bottom of containers to soak up moisture. That helps preserve your fruits/veggies.- Plan your meals out ahead of time, and write it all down.- Crock pot meals are very convenient for dinner!

WEEK 4 - DAY 1

This week we're each going to be competing individually! If you do the "assignment" and post, be sure to add a point to your total! The end of the week is almost here...that grand prize is just within your reach!

Today is Motivational Monday!

Share with this little fitness family, your motivation for changing your lifestyle. What drives you to push each day? What made you want to change up your lifestyle?

WEEK 4 - DAY 2

Today's theme is Transformation Tuesday. I want you to step out of that comfort zone a little. Share that one change in yourself that you have noticed the most since starting this group. It can be something on the outside, or something you have noticed within yourself. Let's hear it!

WEEK 4 - DAY 3

Let's get a little crazy because it's Wacky Wednesday! Like we learned early on in this group, working out needs to be fun. If it was something to be dreaded every day, I know I wouldn't still be on my journey. For today's competition, let's see those pics of your “wacky” outfit or your “wacky” hairstyle! Let's get some good laughs in here today!

WEEK 4 - DAY 4

Thirsty Thursday...share your favorite Shakeology recipe! Whether it's a recipe you found on Pinterest or you made up your own creative mix, today's the day to post it!

WEEK 4 - DAY 5

Last day of the individual competitions and closing in on the end of this 30 day challenge! We all know it's Flex Friday...so today give us a Funky Flex Friday! Take your pic somewhere other than at home after your workout, get someone to flex with you...flex and make it fun!

WEEK 4 - DAY 6

It's our last STATurday! Take those final measurements and pics, weigh yourself and get ready to share tomorrow! I know this can be super scary, but remember we're ALL in this together and we've all been working HARD this month.

Whatever your accomplishments, be PROUD!! Your health and fitness is a journey, not an end goal. Celebrate everything you've done this month.

WEEK 4 - DAY 7

I can't believe we've made it to the LAST DAY of the group!! I've loved getting to know each of you better and hope you've learned a lot this month about fitness, nutrition and what you can do!

If you haven't already, make sure to share your progress pictures so we can all help to congratulate you on your hard work!

Remember, this group may be over but your journey to a healthier you never ends! Talk to your coach or comment below if you want to be added to another group to get continued support, motivation and encouragement!