:lre territor\ Louisiana: it extended fronr the Alleghenies ,' the Rockies. anci {rorn tire source of the Mississippi , its lrrout[r. \c,u. L-r.alr:e anti Firrgland u,ere r:rorl ciing each r.rther. :r this continent. The Frerrch a,rcl Incliarr' \\,,ar brokc rt. arrd historr tells us that the Flencl-r aud Inctians rr_ere ,,l1ec] ,aSainst the English. ancl rhar rhe [,ngiish uere ,lrrl irr their.col,,nies in Anrer.ica. .{t the close,i{ the .'.r-Flance had.lost (lanarla. anrJ that i,ur.t,,f Louisiaua --.t of the lVississipiri. The b<,unclarr l-retu een tht: . : ttltrh and Engiish posseFsiulrs. irr rr hat ts norr the . le,l :lale.. rra- lire,J irr l,r,l at tlr,. r,rid,il_ ,, ,,,, 'i .sissil.rpi Rir.er,. 'lhe naure Louisiana herrceforlh r.e- -r. lo the ter.ritor.r betl een tlte NIis,sissiirl.ri llir.er arr,..l - lilrrrkr Mountains. i:'r'arrce uas a little unceltain about her.aLi[itr at this i. to ketlt her retriaining Aruer.ican ,,,aa"u.r,r, .. ,a"r, tirin n as nrr.;ch sirolrger. thal she .,n the sea. 5t.r to ..ise Spain. :rrrci as aIt aL,t of lonr etrierrce. in I iti2 rllf e _secretir gar e Louisiana tri tltt Spanisi, ii(,\ ct.lt- .rrt. The (rpen tlansfe. took 1_riace i,r l;6tr. l,l,,ro Iur, u .trile SpaDish pr()ilert\.. Flance did not intencl that the act shoulcl be per.- .rr.nt. for in a fen, r.ea . i.,,, r,"."i, u' ;; ; ;'.::;,i ",,::1";:. i: i,X::i:" 1.,, ";l : i. But in tlre rnenpll1116,. ,,hil" rh"-. "rj;i",r,,,,,. . transfer.s u.ere undet ua,r. the elr,".i.un ltepublic , oure into beingl. The Unitecl States achier.ed il- =trrience. and Englanci las f,,r.cec[ t, gi." up a1l lter. r eltr. south ol Canada. on the contirient. i\ou. the :n cr.rntrol of Lriuisiana pr.,rr eti rlistaste{ul to rhr ',1 :lal,.. Tl:e pe,,1,le ,l,,r,rair,l.,L,.. jii rr,,,,,::.- i-t pas.cage u1i alcl cloln the Vlississiprpi. and as i,:l,s ' . :1.;anislr erelcisecl author.itr. at Nel C.i"r,..."il! iirtfitir.of the -settiers x:ns not {r.r:: {i.onr inierleri.lci_.. : lt!()tjatious bl nhir:1, St,.ain r.etrilrerl [_riui,siala ,, " indicaied tliat tn;cr.icans rr.,,ul.l stiil lit annc\, ri(i .l',, p11",,,,,,-d 1,, l'l,,al !lreit 1,r,,,1u, _ 1,, ii _ y,;ii. ' l!l:ln\ per,sorls .\rere reacl.l to plurrge the Republir,, iltc .r \\ar. this tirrre l.itit i-rance. or.er tlie subject. ..- nruch better soiution of the clifficultr. uas foun,l ll,o lrrit.,i )lalp: pl.uf,use, I 1,, hur \*r, ;.1.0-,,.. . 1,,1-rosition na-s met l,r Ertrper.,,r \-al,,rl",,n nitb a -al t, se!l all uI Luuisiarra. lle.r,ffer took the pet-rple br surpr.ise. ll hev had not -'"'tcl ril acquiring such an cxterlt uf cou,trr. and :,: faction u.as opposed to its purchase. Thev ;.g";J .le region ra-s too large: it cruid n,tt be used: and it n,oulcl llr'r,r.e tu be a burden to the roung nation. pr.esi- derrt Jeflersr)n rna\ have or er.stepped his olfire hert:. and.lre t:erlainlr trffendecl , lu.g"',,r,,,b". of c.itizens. 1,,1, U.. had foresight and sau theiecessitr .f n,. .,,rr.r". ili- rri.,l,,rrr lrit. l,"err irr,,\erl I,r Iirrr,,. ']'hus the histtir.r of Iorra shou.s that a[ ()ne tinre il i'; l:: :: :1, :':, :ilI;l:i:.":i, iru:# .n"i,i: iiil: ol course- it nas also the land o{ the Sat.s. the Iolas alril tlrt: lirires. ir-s oliginal o\\ nel.s [r.orn n hr,rrr it x.as rinajir atquired n ith hi,rod antl rrrriner Iowa ._ r,,,li( )ll. ir.s;rarl iil the Louisiaua purcirase fi.i,rr, r r.iltr.r I,,r\a l,H,.iltil,. a t rtile,i :lales lr,,:ses-i(,1t. ( l,t r\{alci 2(r. I i}04. Congress pror ided f or the g()\ ernr}rerrl r,1 this nerr lr acquir.",l t.r.it,,r, ir, .i;., :i,t;'ng it jirto tx.,r seParale iurisdic,tions -the'l-erritor, .,f O.l.u,r. anrl tirr l)istrict o{ Louisiarra._ .l-irr I,rru.,,,r,,,r;;,rrurecl n 1lar! ,rf the llistricl of Louisiara. rr hj,.h ,, ". -,rf "."0 urrcler rhr irri is,li, li,,rr ,,I Ilr- (,1,1,,1]r,rr. rrr.-l ,,,.;^^ ' .' t f Inclia.a. L, Ir;;';:,;,'1"'l,:J:1,,:l,]::: ;i :ff I:::;::,:l r,l Lr.,u.isiana. ancl in lill2 ir "". f*i",,f 'l{i..o,u.i f"r.i- torr. In lil2 l. l hen },lissou.i ,n o. u.t,rr;i,",f into the L nit,u. Ion.a u as ieft unorgarrir"a ,"..ii.,,,. u ithoul g()!ernnlenl of anr kirtl. aurJ it lenrtrinetl a politilal rirphan urrril hr, Airt .f fJc,ngr.ess ;,, rriii], *as piat.eri ,ncler t'e .iuri:rricti.. oi \,Iichigan r"..itnr,'. \!-hen trrr,, Terri,..r.r ,f \[isc,r;.sirr rr ar ur.3arrizerL i" 'l i;iO ],,,* i1 * as rra,ie a { oi}r:.rrr)ert 1,,art there,J. * ith t}re ..;;; ,,, ;,;r.:, :_ rrell for lhe l ho.le lelritor.r at Eiur:iingt,,,,. ().r J uJi lJ" lliiili. 1,,*:l l,et,anre a sejrafiile .j.t:r.r.il,r,,. tlillir isi;rg ia atJrljlion _lri the pr.est_.rrt .\ritlc" . f",a_ ,,"r, tl ltr[irrlr::oia anrl t]r.e l)akotas.,,r,,i ,,r,.,i;r:t rroriir l,r lite lrriir;rrlai r ,,I the ilr.itisl] j_){issessiops. i;" ,.,.i,jtnl ,, _- i,,,;rlr,1 :i; | ,,ia ..ilr. . l.:l:."f rJifier.elt i;r.o1.risals u ele n:ar-ie to (_1111_1.1,_- ir l{,i.l.i arrrl 1[:if5 to ac]nrit Io*,a to the I nir,rr as rr Statc. l)ut ner.e lr()t arrleptal;ie jre.r.ause of hourrdarr rlil. l,'reir.rs. l.irrallr lrr r,,le ,,[ ,;.1,t2 ,,, ;,,,',;,. ;'h',.' ,',.:_' ":'late .r'ith its 1r.ese.nt lroundar.ies rr as aclr.itted as a solereign State of the Aruerican I nion on I)er:erlrher 2lj. Iii46. It ras tlre 29th State ci{ the l_nited States ,r{ ,\nterica: its capital \li&s 2f f 1111 a Citr an,.l its p,,pulatiun n as less than llX)"1)00. 'lhe c.aPital \\ as rerfro\.ecl to irs present sii:. Ile-. NIoirres. in 1g57. at the tirrre o1. th+. adoption c,f I,rn,a's neu constitution. },AGE TIJIIIT!]El}.

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  • :lre territor\ Louisiana: it extended fronr the Alleghenies,' the Rockies. anci {rorn tire source of the Mississippi, its lrrout[r.

    \c,u. L-r.alr:e anti Firrgland u,ere r:rorl ciing each r.rther.:r this continent. The Frerrch a,rcl Incliarr' \\,,ar brokcrt. arrd historr tells us that the Flencl-r aud Inctians rr_ere

    ,,l1ec] ,aSainst

    the English. ancl rhar rhe [,ngiish uere,lrrl irr their.col,,nies in Anrer.ica. .{t the close,i{ the.'.r-Flance had.lost (lanarla. anrJ that i,ur.t,,f Louisiaua--.t of the lVississipiri. The b