Российское здравоохранение: Требуется срочная реанимация !

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Российское здравоохранение: Требуется срочная реанимация !. Попович Лариса , Директор Института экономики здравоохранения Национальный исследовательский Университет Высшая Школа экономики Москва, 2012. Социально-экономические приоритеты. Экономика социального сектора - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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    , 2012


    - 2012 - 2020 - , . , , .

    , , , , . : , , , , .Source: the Russian ministry of Economy and Development, 2012

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    Source: the Russian ministry of Economy and Development, 2012, CIA Factbook, 2012

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  • , 2010 1960 Life expectancy at birthYears gained, 1960-2010 OECD Health Data, 2011

  • ($PPP)Source: WHO, 2012 http://data.euro.who.int/hfadb/shell_en.html

  • (PYLL) ( 100 000 , 2009)Source: calculation based on OECD Health Data, 2011$1036/13277$7960/4847

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    , , 2011Source: Sean Keehan and others (2008): Health Spending Projections Through 2017: The Baby Boom Generation is Coming to Medicare

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  • - : Structure of Social cost of diseases in USASource Economic cost of Chronic Disease in Canada 1995-2003, Patra J. et al., 2000; HSE researches, 2011- 2012

  • ( , ./) Source: Goscomstat RF, 2012

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  • : (Seakness) (Wellness): The Burrill Indiana Life Sciences Meeting October 21, 2008

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    21 : The Burrill Indiana Life Sciences Meeting October 21, 2008

  • 2020Rx 2010 , Real-time : : The Burrill Indiana Life Sciences Meeting October 21, 2008

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  • 101000, , , ., . 20.: (495) 698-3421, : (495) [email protected]
