Графен, материал будущего или поиск ниши для применения Graphene

лекция 5 graphen

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Графен,-­‐  материал  будущего  или    поиск  ниши  для  применения      


Page 2: лекция 5 graphen

1.  Обзор  методов  вычислительнои  физики            Много-­‐масштабное  моделирование:  от  дефектов  к    ошибкам  в  приборах    2.    Локальная  структура  металлических  сплавов:  диффузионное  рассеяние  и  атомные  смещения.    3.  Дефекты  в  полупроводниках  и  поведение  приборов:  GaN,  SiC  и  AlSb.    4.  Проблемы  функциональности  материалов  для  мемристора  TiO2  и  ZnO.      5.  Графен,-­‐  материал  будущего  или  поиск  ниши  для  применения.    

Page 3: лекция 5 graphen

Tight  binding  approximaIon    “The  band  theory  of  graphite”  by  Wallace  Phys.  Rev.  LeT.  71,  622,  1947    

“The  electronic  properIes  of  graphene”  A.  H.  Castro  Neto  Rev.  Mod.  Phys.  81,  109  2009  

trino” billiards !Berry and Modragon, 1987; Miao et al.,2007". It has also been suggested that Coulomb interac-tions are considerably enhanced in smaller geometries,such as graphene quantum dots !Milton Pereira et al.,2007", leading to unusual Coulomb blockade effects!Geim and Novoselov, 2007" and perhaps to magneticphenomena such as the Kondo effect. The transportproperties of graphene allow for their use in a plethoraof applications ranging from single molecule detection!Schedin et al., 2007; Wehling et al., 2008" to spin injec-tion !Cho et al., 2007; Hill et al., 2007; Ohishi et al., 2007;Tombros et al., 2007".

Because of its unusual structural and electronic flex-ibility, graphene can be tailored chemically and/or struc-turally in many different ways: deposition of metal at-oms !Calandra and Mauri, 2007; Uchoa et al., 2008" ormolecules !Schedin et al., 2007; Leenaerts et al., 2008;Wehling et al., 2008" on top; intercalation #as done ingraphite intercalated compounds !Dresselhaus et al.,1983; Tanuma and Kamimura, 1985; Dresselhaus andDresselhaus, 2002"$; incorporation of nitrogen and/orboron in its structure !Martins et al., 2007; Peres,Klironomos, Tsai, et al., 2007" #in analogy with what hasbeen done in nanotubes !Stephan et al., 1994"$; and usingdifferent substrates that modify the electronic structure!Calizo et al., 2007; Giovannetti et al., 2007; Varchon etal., 2007; Zhou et al., 2007; Das et al., 2008; Faugeras etal., 2008". The control of graphene properties can beextended in new directions allowing for the creation ofgraphene-based systems with magnetic and supercon-ducting properties !Uchoa and Castro Neto, 2007" thatare unique in their 2D properties. Although thegraphene field is still in its infancy, the scientific andtechnological possibilities of this new material seem tobe unlimited. The understanding and control of this ma-terial’s properties can open doors for a new frontier inelectronics. As the current status of the experiment andpotential applications have recently been reviewed!Geim and Novoselov, 2007", in this paper we concen-trate on the theory and more technical aspects of elec-tronic properties with this exciting new material.


A. Single layer: Tight-binding approach

Graphene is made out of carbon atoms arranged inhexagonal structure, as shown in Fig. 2. The structurecan be seen as a triangular lattice with a basis of twoatoms per unit cell. The lattice vectors can be written as

a1 =a2

!3,%3", a2 =a2

!3,! %3" , !1"

where a&1.42 Å is the carbon-carbon distance. Thereciprocal-lattice vectors are given by

b1 =2!

3a!1,%3", b2 =


3a!1,! %3" . !2"

Of particular importance for the physics of graphene arethe two points K and K! at the corners of the grapheneBrillouin zone !BZ". These are named Dirac points forreasons that will become clear later. Their positions inmomentum space are given by

K = '2!



3%3a(, K! = '2!



3%3a( . !3"

The three nearest-neighbor vectors in real space aregiven by

!1 =a2

!1,%3" !2 =a2

!1,! %3" "3 = ! a!1,0" !4"

while the six second-nearest neighbors are located at"1!= ±a1, "2!= ±a2, "3!= ± !a2!a1".

The tight-binding Hamiltonian for electrons ingraphene considering that electrons can hop to bothnearest- and next-nearest-neighbor atoms has the form!we use units such that #=1"

H = ! t )*i,j+,$

!a$,i† b$,j + H.c."

! t! )**i,j++,$

!a$,i† a$,j + b$,i

† b$,j + H.c." , !5"

where ai,$ !ai,$† " annihilates !creates" an electron with

spin $ !$= ! , " " on site Ri on sublattice A !an equiva-lent definition is used for sublattice B", t!&2.8 eV" is thenearest-neighbor hopping energy !hopping between dif-ferent sublattices", and t! is the next nearest-neighborhopping energy1 !hopping in the same sublattice". Theenergy bands derived from this Hamiltonian have theform !Wallace, 1947"

E±!k" = ± t%3 + f!k" ! t!f!k" ,

1The value of t! is not well known but ab initio calculations!Reich et al., 2002" find 0.02t% t!%0.2t depending on the tight-binding parametrization. These calculations also include theeffect of a third-nearest-neighbors hopping, which has a valueof around 0.07 eV. A tight-binding fit to cyclotron resonanceexperiments !Deacon et al., 2007" finds t!&0.1 eV.


















" "




FIG. 2. !Color online" Honeycomb lattice and its Brillouinzone. Left: lattice structure of graphene, made out of two in-terpenetrating triangular lattices !a1 and a2 are the lattice unitvectors, and "i, i=1,2 ,3 are the nearest-neighbor vectors".Right: corresponding Brillouin zone. The Dirac cones are lo-cated at the K and K! points.

112 Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

f!k" = 2 cos!#3kya" + 4 cos$#32


kxa% , !6"

where the plus sign applies to the upper !!*" and theminus sign the lower !!" band. It is clear from Eq. !6"that the spectrum is symmetric around zero energy if t!=0. For finite values of t!, the electron-hole symmetry isbroken and the ! and !* bands become asymmetric. InFig. 3, we show the full band structure of graphene withboth t and t!. In the same figure, we also show a zoom inof the band structure close to one of the Dirac points !atthe K or K! point in the BZ". This dispersion can beobtained by expanding the full band structure, Eq. !6",close to the K !or K!" vector, Eq. !3", as k=K+q, with&q & " &K& !Wallace, 1947",

E±!q" ' ± vF&q& + O(!q/K"2) , !7"

where q is the momentum measured relatively to theDirac points and vF is the Fermi velocity, given by vF=3ta /2, with a value vF*1#106 m/s. This result wasfirst obtained by Wallace !1947".

The most striking difference between this result andthe usual case, $!q"=q2 / !2m", where m is the electronmass, is that the Fermi velocity in Eq. !7" does not de-pend on the energy or momentum: in the usual case wehave v=k /m=#2E /m and hence the velocity changessubstantially with energy. The expansion of the spectrumaround the Dirac point including t! up to second orderin q /K is given by

E±!q" * 3t! ± vF&q& ! $9t!a2


8sin!3%q"%&q&2, !8"


%q = arctan$qx

qy% !9"

is the angle in momentum space. Hence, the presence oft! shifts in energy the position of the Dirac point andbreaks electron-hole symmetry. Note that up to order!q /K"2 the dispersion depends on the direction in mo-mentum space and has a threefold symmetry. This is theso-called trigonal warping of the electronic spectrum!Ando et al., 1998, Dresselhaus and Dresselhaus, 2002".

1. Cyclotron mass

The energy dispersion !7" resembles the energy of ul-trarelativistic particles; these particles are quantum me-chanically described by the massless Dirac equation !seeSec. II.B for more on this analogy". An immediate con-sequence of this massless Dirac-like dispersion is a cy-clotron mass that depends on the electronic density as itssquare root !Novoselov, Geim, Morozov, et al., 2005;Zhang et al., 2005". The cyclotron mass is defined, withinthe semiclassical approximation !Ashcroft and Mermin,1976", as

m* =1

2!+ !A!E"



, !10"

with A!E" the area in k space enclosed by the orbit andgiven by

A!E" = !q!E"2 = !E2

vF2 . !11"

Using Eq. !11" in Eq. !10", one obtains

m* =EF

vF2 =


vF. !12"

The electronic density n is related to the Fermi momen-tum kF as kF

2 /!=n !with contributions from the twoDirac points K and K! and spin included", which leads to

m* =#!


#n . !13"

Fitting Eq. !13" to the experimental data !see Fig. 4"provides an estimation for the Fermi velocity and the

FIG. 3. !Color online" Electronic dispersion in the honeycomblattice. Left: energy spectrum !in units of t" for finite values oft and t!, with t=2.7 eV and t!=!0.2t. Right: zoom in of theenergy bands close to one of the Dirac points.

FIG. 4. !Color online" Cyclotron mass of charge carriers ingraphene as a function of their concentration n. Positive andnegative n correspond to electrons and holes, respectively.Symbols are the experimental data extracted from the tem-perature dependence of the SdH oscillations; solid curves arethe best fit by Eq. !13". m0 is the free-electron mass. Adaptedfrom Novoselov, Geim, Morozov, et al., 2005.

113Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

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160 Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

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Page 4: лекция 5 graphen

trino” billiards !Berry and Modragon, 1987; Miao et al.,2007". It has also been suggested that Coulomb interac-tions are considerably enhanced in smaller geometries,such as graphene quantum dots !Milton Pereira et al.,2007", leading to unusual Coulomb blockade effects!Geim and Novoselov, 2007" and perhaps to magneticphenomena such as the Kondo effect. The transportproperties of graphene allow for their use in a plethoraof applications ranging from single molecule detection!Schedin et al., 2007; Wehling et al., 2008" to spin injec-tion !Cho et al., 2007; Hill et al., 2007; Ohishi et al., 2007;Tombros et al., 2007".

Because of its unusual structural and electronic flex-ibility, graphene can be tailored chemically and/or struc-turally in many different ways: deposition of metal at-oms !Calandra and Mauri, 2007; Uchoa et al., 2008" ormolecules !Schedin et al., 2007; Leenaerts et al., 2008;Wehling et al., 2008" on top; intercalation #as done ingraphite intercalated compounds !Dresselhaus et al.,1983; Tanuma and Kamimura, 1985; Dresselhaus andDresselhaus, 2002"$; incorporation of nitrogen and/orboron in its structure !Martins et al., 2007; Peres,Klironomos, Tsai, et al., 2007" #in analogy with what hasbeen done in nanotubes !Stephan et al., 1994"$; and usingdifferent substrates that modify the electronic structure!Calizo et al., 2007; Giovannetti et al., 2007; Varchon etal., 2007; Zhou et al., 2007; Das et al., 2008; Faugeras etal., 2008". The control of graphene properties can beextended in new directions allowing for the creation ofgraphene-based systems with magnetic and supercon-ducting properties !Uchoa and Castro Neto, 2007" thatare unique in their 2D properties. Although thegraphene field is still in its infancy, the scientific andtechnological possibilities of this new material seem tobe unlimited. The understanding and control of this ma-terial’s properties can open doors for a new frontier inelectronics. As the current status of the experiment andpotential applications have recently been reviewed!Geim and Novoselov, 2007", in this paper we concen-trate on the theory and more technical aspects of elec-tronic properties with this exciting new material.


A. Single layer: Tight-binding approach

Graphene is made out of carbon atoms arranged inhexagonal structure, as shown in Fig. 2. The structurecan be seen as a triangular lattice with a basis of twoatoms per unit cell. The lattice vectors can be written as

a1 =a2

!3,%3", a2 =a2

!3,! %3" , !1"

where a&1.42 Å is the carbon-carbon distance. Thereciprocal-lattice vectors are given by

b1 =2!

3a!1,%3", b2 =


3a!1,! %3" . !2"

Of particular importance for the physics of graphene arethe two points K and K! at the corners of the grapheneBrillouin zone !BZ". These are named Dirac points forreasons that will become clear later. Their positions inmomentum space are given by

K = '2!



3%3a(, K! = '2!



3%3a( . !3"

The three nearest-neighbor vectors in real space aregiven by

!1 =a2

!1,%3" !2 =a2

!1,! %3" "3 = ! a!1,0" !4"

while the six second-nearest neighbors are located at"1!= ±a1, "2!= ±a2, "3!= ± !a2!a1".

The tight-binding Hamiltonian for electrons ingraphene considering that electrons can hop to bothnearest- and next-nearest-neighbor atoms has the form!we use units such that #=1"

H = ! t )*i,j+,$

!a$,i† b$,j + H.c."

! t! )**i,j++,$

!a$,i† a$,j + b$,i

† b$,j + H.c." , !5"

where ai,$ !ai,$† " annihilates !creates" an electron with

spin $ !$= ! , " " on site Ri on sublattice A !an equiva-lent definition is used for sublattice B", t!&2.8 eV" is thenearest-neighbor hopping energy !hopping between dif-ferent sublattices", and t! is the next nearest-neighborhopping energy1 !hopping in the same sublattice". Theenergy bands derived from this Hamiltonian have theform !Wallace, 1947"

E±!k" = ± t%3 + f!k" ! t!f!k" ,

1The value of t! is not well known but ab initio calculations!Reich et al., 2002" find 0.02t% t!%0.2t depending on the tight-binding parametrization. These calculations also include theeffect of a third-nearest-neighbors hopping, which has a valueof around 0.07 eV. A tight-binding fit to cyclotron resonanceexperiments !Deacon et al., 2007" finds t!&0.1 eV.


















" "




FIG. 2. !Color online" Honeycomb lattice and its Brillouinzone. Left: lattice structure of graphene, made out of two in-terpenetrating triangular lattices !a1 and a2 are the lattice unitvectors, and "i, i=1,2 ,3 are the nearest-neighbor vectors".Right: corresponding Brillouin zone. The Dirac cones are lo-cated at the K and K! points.

112 Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

f!k" = 2 cos!#3kya" + 4 cos$#32


kxa% , !6"

where the plus sign applies to the upper !!*" and theminus sign the lower !!" band. It is clear from Eq. !6"that the spectrum is symmetric around zero energy if t!=0. For finite values of t!, the electron-hole symmetry isbroken and the ! and !* bands become asymmetric. InFig. 3, we show the full band structure of graphene withboth t and t!. In the same figure, we also show a zoom inof the band structure close to one of the Dirac points !atthe K or K! point in the BZ". This dispersion can beobtained by expanding the full band structure, Eq. !6",close to the K !or K!" vector, Eq. !3", as k=K+q, with&q & " &K& !Wallace, 1947",

E±!q" ' ± vF&q& + O(!q/K"2) , !7"

where q is the momentum measured relatively to theDirac points and vF is the Fermi velocity, given by vF=3ta /2, with a value vF*1#106 m/s. This result wasfirst obtained by Wallace !1947".

The most striking difference between this result andthe usual case, $!q"=q2 / !2m", where m is the electronmass, is that the Fermi velocity in Eq. !7" does not de-pend on the energy or momentum: in the usual case wehave v=k /m=#2E /m and hence the velocity changessubstantially with energy. The expansion of the spectrumaround the Dirac point including t! up to second orderin q /K is given by

E±!q" * 3t! ± vF&q& ! $9t!a2


8sin!3%q"%&q&2, !8"


%q = arctan$qx

qy% !9"

is the angle in momentum space. Hence, the presence oft! shifts in energy the position of the Dirac point andbreaks electron-hole symmetry. Note that up to order!q /K"2 the dispersion depends on the direction in mo-mentum space and has a threefold symmetry. This is theso-called trigonal warping of the electronic spectrum!Ando et al., 1998, Dresselhaus and Dresselhaus, 2002".

1. Cyclotron mass

The energy dispersion !7" resembles the energy of ul-trarelativistic particles; these particles are quantum me-chanically described by the massless Dirac equation !seeSec. II.B for more on this analogy". An immediate con-sequence of this massless Dirac-like dispersion is a cy-clotron mass that depends on the electronic density as itssquare root !Novoselov, Geim, Morozov, et al., 2005;Zhang et al., 2005". The cyclotron mass is defined, withinthe semiclassical approximation !Ashcroft and Mermin,1976", as

m* =1

2!+ !A!E"



, !10"

with A!E" the area in k space enclosed by the orbit andgiven by

A!E" = !q!E"2 = !E2

vF2 . !11"

Using Eq. !11" in Eq. !10", one obtains

m* =EF

vF2 =


vF. !12"

The electronic density n is related to the Fermi momen-tum kF as kF

2 /!=n !with contributions from the twoDirac points K and K! and spin included", which leads to

m* =#!


#n . !13"

Fitting Eq. !13" to the experimental data !see Fig. 4"provides an estimation for the Fermi velocity and the

FIG. 3. !Color online" Electronic dispersion in the honeycomblattice. Left: energy spectrum !in units of t" for finite values oft and t!, with t=2.7 eV and t!=!0.2t. Right: zoom in of theenergy bands close to one of the Dirac points.

FIG. 4. !Color online" Cyclotron mass of charge carriers ingraphene as a function of their concentration n. Positive andnegative n correspond to electrons and holes, respectively.Symbols are the experimental data extracted from the tem-perature dependence of the SdH oscillations; solid curves arethe best fit by Eq. !13". m0 is the free-electron mass. Adaptedfrom Novoselov, Geim, Morozov, et al., 2005.

113Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

f!k" = 2 cos!#3kya" + 4 cos$#32


kxa% , !6"

where the plus sign applies to the upper !!*" and theminus sign the lower !!" band. It is clear from Eq. !6"that the spectrum is symmetric around zero energy if t!=0. For finite values of t!, the electron-hole symmetry isbroken and the ! and !* bands become asymmetric. InFig. 3, we show the full band structure of graphene withboth t and t!. In the same figure, we also show a zoom inof the band structure close to one of the Dirac points !atthe K or K! point in the BZ". This dispersion can beobtained by expanding the full band structure, Eq. !6",close to the K !or K!" vector, Eq. !3", as k=K+q, with&q & " &K& !Wallace, 1947",

E±!q" ' ± vF&q& + O(!q/K"2) , !7"

where q is the momentum measured relatively to theDirac points and vF is the Fermi velocity, given by vF=3ta /2, with a value vF*1#106 m/s. This result wasfirst obtained by Wallace !1947".

The most striking difference between this result andthe usual case, $!q"=q2 / !2m", where m is the electronmass, is that the Fermi velocity in Eq. !7" does not de-pend on the energy or momentum: in the usual case wehave v=k /m=#2E /m and hence the velocity changessubstantially with energy. The expansion of the spectrumaround the Dirac point including t! up to second orderin q /K is given by

E±!q" * 3t! ± vF&q& ! $9t!a2


8sin!3%q"%&q&2, !8"


%q = arctan$qx

qy% !9"

is the angle in momentum space. Hence, the presence oft! shifts in energy the position of the Dirac point andbreaks electron-hole symmetry. Note that up to order!q /K"2 the dispersion depends on the direction in mo-mentum space and has a threefold symmetry. This is theso-called trigonal warping of the electronic spectrum!Ando et al., 1998, Dresselhaus and Dresselhaus, 2002".

1. Cyclotron mass

The energy dispersion !7" resembles the energy of ul-trarelativistic particles; these particles are quantum me-chanically described by the massless Dirac equation !seeSec. II.B for more on this analogy". An immediate con-sequence of this massless Dirac-like dispersion is a cy-clotron mass that depends on the electronic density as itssquare root !Novoselov, Geim, Morozov, et al., 2005;Zhang et al., 2005". The cyclotron mass is defined, withinthe semiclassical approximation !Ashcroft and Mermin,1976", as

m* =1

2!+ !A!E"



, !10"

with A!E" the area in k space enclosed by the orbit andgiven by

A!E" = !q!E"2 = !E2

vF2 . !11"

Using Eq. !11" in Eq. !10", one obtains

m* =EF

vF2 =


vF. !12"

The electronic density n is related to the Fermi momen-tum kF as kF

2 /!=n !with contributions from the twoDirac points K and K! and spin included", which leads to

m* =#!


#n . !13"

Fitting Eq. !13" to the experimental data !see Fig. 4"provides an estimation for the Fermi velocity and the

FIG. 3. !Color online" Electronic dispersion in the honeycomblattice. Left: energy spectrum !in units of t" for finite values oft and t!, with t=2.7 eV and t!=!0.2t. Right: zoom in of theenergy bands close to one of the Dirac points.

FIG. 4. !Color online" Cyclotron mass of charge carriers ingraphene as a function of their concentration n. Positive andnegative n correspond to electrons and holes, respectively.Symbols are the experimental data extracted from the tem-perature dependence of the SdH oscillations; solid curves arethe best fit by Eq. !13". m0 is the free-electron mass. Adaptedfrom Novoselov, Geim, Morozov, et al., 2005.

113Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

Page 5: лекция 5 graphen

trino” billiards !Berry and Modragon, 1987; Miao et al.,2007". It has also been suggested that Coulomb interac-tions are considerably enhanced in smaller geometries,such as graphene quantum dots !Milton Pereira et al.,2007", leading to unusual Coulomb blockade effects!Geim and Novoselov, 2007" and perhaps to magneticphenomena such as the Kondo effect. The transportproperties of graphene allow for their use in a plethoraof applications ranging from single molecule detection!Schedin et al., 2007; Wehling et al., 2008" to spin injec-tion !Cho et al., 2007; Hill et al., 2007; Ohishi et al., 2007;Tombros et al., 2007".

Because of its unusual structural and electronic flex-ibility, graphene can be tailored chemically and/or struc-turally in many different ways: deposition of metal at-oms !Calandra and Mauri, 2007; Uchoa et al., 2008" ormolecules !Schedin et al., 2007; Leenaerts et al., 2008;Wehling et al., 2008" on top; intercalation #as done ingraphite intercalated compounds !Dresselhaus et al.,1983; Tanuma and Kamimura, 1985; Dresselhaus andDresselhaus, 2002"$; incorporation of nitrogen and/orboron in its structure !Martins et al., 2007; Peres,Klironomos, Tsai, et al., 2007" #in analogy with what hasbeen done in nanotubes !Stephan et al., 1994"$; and usingdifferent substrates that modify the electronic structure!Calizo et al., 2007; Giovannetti et al., 2007; Varchon etal., 2007; Zhou et al., 2007; Das et al., 2008; Faugeras etal., 2008". The control of graphene properties can beextended in new directions allowing for the creation ofgraphene-based systems with magnetic and supercon-ducting properties !Uchoa and Castro Neto, 2007" thatare unique in their 2D properties. Although thegraphene field is still in its infancy, the scientific andtechnological possibilities of this new material seem tobe unlimited. The understanding and control of this ma-terial’s properties can open doors for a new frontier inelectronics. As the current status of the experiment andpotential applications have recently been reviewed!Geim and Novoselov, 2007", in this paper we concen-trate on the theory and more technical aspects of elec-tronic properties with this exciting new material.


A. Single layer: Tight-binding approach

Graphene is made out of carbon atoms arranged inhexagonal structure, as shown in Fig. 2. The structurecan be seen as a triangular lattice with a basis of twoatoms per unit cell. The lattice vectors can be written as

a1 =a2

!3,%3", a2 =a2

!3,! %3" , !1"

where a&1.42 Å is the carbon-carbon distance. Thereciprocal-lattice vectors are given by

b1 =2!

3a!1,%3", b2 =


3a!1,! %3" . !2"

Of particular importance for the physics of graphene arethe two points K and K! at the corners of the grapheneBrillouin zone !BZ". These are named Dirac points forreasons that will become clear later. Their positions inmomentum space are given by

K = '2!



3%3a(, K! = '2!



3%3a( . !3"

The three nearest-neighbor vectors in real space aregiven by

!1 =a2

!1,%3" !2 =a2

!1,! %3" "3 = ! a!1,0" !4"

while the six second-nearest neighbors are located at"1!= ±a1, "2!= ±a2, "3!= ± !a2!a1".

The tight-binding Hamiltonian for electrons ingraphene considering that electrons can hop to bothnearest- and next-nearest-neighbor atoms has the form!we use units such that #=1"

H = ! t )*i,j+,$

!a$,i† b$,j + H.c."

! t! )**i,j++,$

!a$,i† a$,j + b$,i

† b$,j + H.c." , !5"

where ai,$ !ai,$† " annihilates !creates" an electron with

spin $ !$= ! , " " on site Ri on sublattice A !an equiva-lent definition is used for sublattice B", t!&2.8 eV" is thenearest-neighbor hopping energy !hopping between dif-ferent sublattices", and t! is the next nearest-neighborhopping energy1 !hopping in the same sublattice". Theenergy bands derived from this Hamiltonian have theform !Wallace, 1947"

E±!k" = ± t%3 + f!k" ! t!f!k" ,

1The value of t! is not well known but ab initio calculations!Reich et al., 2002" find 0.02t% t!%0.2t depending on the tight-binding parametrization. These calculations also include theeffect of a third-nearest-neighbors hopping, which has a valueof around 0.07 eV. A tight-binding fit to cyclotron resonanceexperiments !Deacon et al., 2007" finds t!&0.1 eV.


















" "




FIG. 2. !Color online" Honeycomb lattice and its Brillouinzone. Left: lattice structure of graphene, made out of two in-terpenetrating triangular lattices !a1 and a2 are the lattice unitvectors, and "i, i=1,2 ,3 are the nearest-neighbor vectors".Right: corresponding Brillouin zone. The Dirac cones are lo-cated at the K and K! points.

112 Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

hopping parameter as vF!106 ms!1 and t!3 eV, respec-tively. Experimental observation of the "n dependenceon the cyclotron mass provides evidence for the exis-tence of massless Dirac quasiparticles in graphene #No-voselov, Geim, Morozov, et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2005;Deacon et al., 2007; Jiang, Henriksen, Tung, et al.,2007$—the usual parabolic #Schrödinger$ dispersion im-plies a constant cyclotron mass.

2. Density of states

The density of states per unit cell, derived from Eq.#5$, is given in Fig. 5 for both t!=0 and t!!0, showing inboth cases semimetallic behavior #Wallace, 1947; Benaand Kivelson, 2005$. For t!=0, it is possible to derive ananalytical expression for the density of states per unitcell, which has the form #Hobson and Nierenberg, 1953$

!#E$ =4






Z0' ,

Z0 = (&1 + )Et)'2

!*#E/t$2 ! 1+2

4, ! t # E # t

4)Et) , ! 3t # E # ! t ! t # E # 3t ,,

Z1 = (4)Et) , ! t # E # t

&1 + )Et)'2

!*#E/t$2 ! 1+2

4, ! 3t # E # ! t ! t # E # 3t ,, #14$

where F#" /2 ,x$ is the complete elliptic integral of thefirst kind. Close to the Dirac point, the dispersion is ap-proximated by Eq. #7$ and the density of states per unitcell is given by #with a degeneracy of 4 included$

!#E$ =2Ac



2 , #15$

where Ac is the unit cell area given by Ac=3"3a2 /2. It isworth noting that the density of states for graphene isdifferent from the density of states of carbon nanotubes#Saito et al., 1992a, 1992b$. The latter shows 1/"E singu-larities due to the 1D nature of their electronic spec-trum, which occurs due to the quantization of the mo-mentum in the direction perpendicular to the tube axis.From this perspective, graphene nanoribbons, whichalso have momentum quantization perpendicular to theribbon length, have properties similar to carbon nano-tubes.

B. Dirac fermions

We consider the Hamiltonian #5$ with t!=0 and theFourier transform of the electron operators,

an =1


e!ik·Rna#k$ , #16$

where Nc is the number of unit cells. Using this transfor-mation, we write the field an as a sum of two terms,coming from expanding the Fourier sum around K! andK. This produces an approximation for the representa-tion of the field an as a sum of two new fields, written as

an . e!iK·Rna1,n + e!iK!·Rna2,n,

bn . e!iK·Rnb1,n + e!iK!·Rnb2,n, #17$

-4 -2 0 20








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10





-2 0 2" /t









-0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8" /t






FIG. 5. Density of states per unit cell as a function of energy#in units of t$ computed from the energy dispersion #5$, t!=0.2t #top$ and t!=0 #bottom$. Also shown is a zoom-in of thedensity of states close to the neutrality point of one electronper site. For the case t!=0, the electron-hole nature of thespectrum is apparent and the density of states close to theneutrality point can be approximated by !#$$% %$%.

114 Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

hopping parameter as vF!106 ms!1 and t!3 eV, respec-tively. Experimental observation of the "n dependenceon the cyclotron mass provides evidence for the exis-tence of massless Dirac quasiparticles in graphene #No-voselov, Geim, Morozov, et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2005;Deacon et al., 2007; Jiang, Henriksen, Tung, et al.,2007$—the usual parabolic #Schrödinger$ dispersion im-plies a constant cyclotron mass.

2. Density of states

The density of states per unit cell, derived from Eq.#5$, is given in Fig. 5 for both t!=0 and t!!0, showing inboth cases semimetallic behavior #Wallace, 1947; Benaand Kivelson, 2005$. For t!=0, it is possible to derive ananalytical expression for the density of states per unitcell, which has the form #Hobson and Nierenberg, 1953$

!#E$ =4






Z0' ,

Z0 = (&1 + )Et)'2

!*#E/t$2 ! 1+2

4, ! t # E # t

4)Et) , ! 3t # E # ! t ! t # E # 3t ,,

Z1 = (4)Et) , ! t # E # t

&1 + )Et)'2

!*#E/t$2 ! 1+2

4, ! 3t # E # ! t ! t # E # 3t ,, #14$

where F#" /2 ,x$ is the complete elliptic integral of thefirst kind. Close to the Dirac point, the dispersion is ap-proximated by Eq. #7$ and the density of states per unitcell is given by #with a degeneracy of 4 included$

!#E$ =2Ac



2 , #15$

where Ac is the unit cell area given by Ac=3"3a2 /2. It isworth noting that the density of states for graphene isdifferent from the density of states of carbon nanotubes#Saito et al., 1992a, 1992b$. The latter shows 1/"E singu-larities due to the 1D nature of their electronic spec-trum, which occurs due to the quantization of the mo-mentum in the direction perpendicular to the tube axis.From this perspective, graphene nanoribbons, whichalso have momentum quantization perpendicular to theribbon length, have properties similar to carbon nano-tubes.

B. Dirac fermions

We consider the Hamiltonian #5$ with t!=0 and theFourier transform of the electron operators,

an =1


e!ik·Rna#k$ , #16$

where Nc is the number of unit cells. Using this transfor-mation, we write the field an as a sum of two terms,coming from expanding the Fourier sum around K! andK. This produces an approximation for the representa-tion of the field an as a sum of two new fields, written as

an . e!iK·Rna1,n + e!iK!·Rna2,n,

bn . e!iK·Rnb1,n + e!iK!·Rnb2,n, #17$

-4 -2 0 20








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10





-2 0 2" /t









-0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8" /t






FIG. 5. Density of states per unit cell as a function of energy#in units of t$ computed from the energy dispersion #5$, t!=0.2t #top$ and t!=0 #bottom$. Also shown is a zoom-in of thedensity of states close to the neutrality point of one electronper site. For the case t!=0, the electron-hole nature of thespectrum is apparent and the density of states close to theneutrality point can be approximated by !#$$% %$%.

114 Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

Page 6: лекция 5 graphen

where the index i=1 !i=2" refers to the K !K!" point.These new fields, ai,n and bi,n, are assumed to varyslowly over the unit cell. The procedure for derivinga theory that is valid close to the Dirac point con-sists in using this representation in the tight-

binding Hamiltonian and expanding the opera-tors up to a linear order in !. In the derivation, oneuses the fact that #!e±iK·!=#!e±iK!·!=0. After somestraightforward algebra, we arrive at !Semenoff,1984"

H $ ! t% dxdy"1†!r"&' 0 3a!1 ! i(3"/4

! 3a!1 + i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!! i ! (3"/4

! 3a!i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"1!r"

+ "2†!r"&' 0 3a!1 + i(3"/4

! 3a!1 ! i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!i ! (3"/4

! 3a!! i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"2!r"

= ! ivF% dxdy+"1†!r"# · ""1!r" + "2

†!r""* · ""2!r", , !18"

with Pauli matrices "= !#x ,#y", "*= !#x ,!#y", and "i†

= !ai† ,bi

†" !i=1,2". It is clear that the effective Hamil-tonian !18" is made of two copies of the massless Dirac-like Hamiltonian, one holding for p around K and theother for p around K!. Note that, in first quantized lan-guage, the two-component electron wave function $!r",close to the K point, obeys the 2D Dirac equation,

! ivF" · "$!r" = E$!r" . !19"

The wave function, in momentum space, for the mo-mentum around K has the form

$±,K!k" =1(2

' e!i%k/2

±ei%k/2 ) !20"

for HK=vF" ·k, where the & signs correspond to theeigenenergies E= ±vFk, that is, for the '* and ' bands,respectively, and %k is given by Eq. !9". The wave func-tion for the momentum around K! has the form

$±,K!!k" =1(2

' ei%k/2

±e!i%k/2 ) !21"

for HK!=vF"* ·k. Note that the wave functions at K andK! are related by time-reversal symmetry: if we set theorigin of coordinates in momentum space in the M pointof the BZ !see Fig. 2", time reversal becomes equivalentto a reflection along the kx axis, that is, !kx ,ky"! !kx ,!ky". Also note that if the phase % is rotated by2', the wave function changes sign indicating a phase of' !in the literature this is commonly called a Berry’sphase". This change of phase by ' under rotation is char-acteristic of spinors. In fact, the wave function is a two-component spinor.

A relevant quantity used to characterize the eigen-functions is their helicity defined as the projection of themomentum operator along the !pseudo"spin direction.The quantum-mechanical operator for the helicity hasthe form

h =12

" ·p-p-

. !22"

It is clear from the definition of h that the states $K!r"and $K!!r" are also eigenstates of h,

h$K!r" = ± 12$K!r" , !23"

and an equivalent equation for $K!!r" with inverted sign.Therefore, electrons !holes" have a positive !negative"helicity. Equation !23" implies that " has its two eigen-values either in the direction of !!" or against !"" themomentum p. This property says that the states of thesystem close to the Dirac point have well defined chiral-ity or helicity. Note that chirality is not defined in regardto the real spin of the electron !that has not yet ap-peared in the problem" but to a pseudospin variable as-sociated with the two components of the wave function.The helicity values are good quantum numbers as longas the Hamiltonian !18" is valid. Therefore, the existenceof helicity quantum numbers holds only as anasymptotic property, which is well defined close to theDirac points K and K!. Either at larger energies or dueto the presence of a finite t!, the helicity stops being agood quantum number.

1. Chiral tunneling and Klein paradox

In this section, we address the scattering of chiral elec-trons in two dimensions by a square barrier !Katsnelsonet al., 2006; Katsnelson, 2007b". The one-dimensionalscattering of chiral electrons was discussed earlier in thecontext on nanotubes !Ando et al., 1998; McEuen et al.,1999".

We start by noting that by a gauge transformation thewave function !20" can be written as

115Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

where the index i=1 !i=2" refers to the K !K!" point.These new fields, ai,n and bi,n, are assumed to varyslowly over the unit cell. The procedure for derivinga theory that is valid close to the Dirac point con-sists in using this representation in the tight-

binding Hamiltonian and expanding the opera-tors up to a linear order in !. In the derivation, oneuses the fact that #!e±iK·!=#!e±iK!·!=0. After somestraightforward algebra, we arrive at !Semenoff,1984"

H $ ! t% dxdy"1†!r"&' 0 3a!1 ! i(3"/4

! 3a!1 + i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!! i ! (3"/4

! 3a!i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"1!r"

+ "2†!r"&' 0 3a!1 + i(3"/4

! 3a!1 ! i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!i ! (3"/4

! 3a!! i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"2!r"

= ! ivF% dxdy+"1†!r"# · ""1!r" + "2

†!r""* · ""2!r", , !18"

with Pauli matrices "= !#x ,#y", "*= !#x ,!#y", and "i†

= !ai† ,bi

†" !i=1,2". It is clear that the effective Hamil-tonian !18" is made of two copies of the massless Dirac-like Hamiltonian, one holding for p around K and theother for p around K!. Note that, in first quantized lan-guage, the two-component electron wave function $!r",close to the K point, obeys the 2D Dirac equation,

! ivF" · "$!r" = E$!r" . !19"

The wave function, in momentum space, for the mo-mentum around K has the form

$±,K!k" =1(2

' e!i%k/2

±ei%k/2 ) !20"

for HK=vF" ·k, where the & signs correspond to theeigenenergies E= ±vFk, that is, for the '* and ' bands,respectively, and %k is given by Eq. !9". The wave func-tion for the momentum around K! has the form

$±,K!!k" =1(2

' ei%k/2

±e!i%k/2 ) !21"

for HK!=vF"* ·k. Note that the wave functions at K andK! are related by time-reversal symmetry: if we set theorigin of coordinates in momentum space in the M pointof the BZ !see Fig. 2", time reversal becomes equivalentto a reflection along the kx axis, that is, !kx ,ky"! !kx ,!ky". Also note that if the phase % is rotated by2', the wave function changes sign indicating a phase of' !in the literature this is commonly called a Berry’sphase". This change of phase by ' under rotation is char-acteristic of spinors. In fact, the wave function is a two-component spinor.

A relevant quantity used to characterize the eigen-functions is their helicity defined as the projection of themomentum operator along the !pseudo"spin direction.The quantum-mechanical operator for the helicity hasthe form

h =12

" ·p-p-

. !22"

It is clear from the definition of h that the states $K!r"and $K!!r" are also eigenstates of h,

h$K!r" = ± 12$K!r" , !23"

and an equivalent equation for $K!!r" with inverted sign.Therefore, electrons !holes" have a positive !negative"helicity. Equation !23" implies that " has its two eigen-values either in the direction of !!" or against !"" themomentum p. This property says that the states of thesystem close to the Dirac point have well defined chiral-ity or helicity. Note that chirality is not defined in regardto the real spin of the electron !that has not yet ap-peared in the problem" but to a pseudospin variable as-sociated with the two components of the wave function.The helicity values are good quantum numbers as longas the Hamiltonian !18" is valid. Therefore, the existenceof helicity quantum numbers holds only as anasymptotic property, which is well defined close to theDirac points K and K!. Either at larger energies or dueto the presence of a finite t!, the helicity stops being agood quantum number.

1. Chiral tunneling and Klein paradox

In this section, we address the scattering of chiral elec-trons in two dimensions by a square barrier !Katsnelsonet al., 2006; Katsnelson, 2007b". The one-dimensionalscattering of chiral electrons was discussed earlier in thecontext on nanotubes !Ando et al., 1998; McEuen et al.,1999".

We start by noting that by a gauge transformation thewave function !20" can be written as

115Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

where the index i=1 !i=2" refers to the K !K!" point.These new fields, ai,n and bi,n, are assumed to varyslowly over the unit cell. The procedure for derivinga theory that is valid close to the Dirac point con-sists in using this representation in the tight-

binding Hamiltonian and expanding the opera-tors up to a linear order in !. In the derivation, oneuses the fact that #!e±iK·!=#!e±iK!·!=0. After somestraightforward algebra, we arrive at !Semenoff,1984"

H $ ! t% dxdy"1†!r"&' 0 3a!1 ! i(3"/4

! 3a!1 + i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!! i ! (3"/4

! 3a!i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"1!r"

+ "2†!r"&' 0 3a!1 + i(3"/4

! 3a!1 ! i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!i ! (3"/4

! 3a!! i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"2!r"

= ! ivF% dxdy+"1†!r"# · ""1!r" + "2

†!r""* · ""2!r", , !18"

with Pauli matrices "= !#x ,#y", "*= !#x ,!#y", and "i†

= !ai† ,bi

†" !i=1,2". It is clear that the effective Hamil-tonian !18" is made of two copies of the massless Dirac-like Hamiltonian, one holding for p around K and theother for p around K!. Note that, in first quantized lan-guage, the two-component electron wave function $!r",close to the K point, obeys the 2D Dirac equation,

! ivF" · "$!r" = E$!r" . !19"

The wave function, in momentum space, for the mo-mentum around K has the form

$±,K!k" =1(2

' e!i%k/2

±ei%k/2 ) !20"

for HK=vF" ·k, where the & signs correspond to theeigenenergies E= ±vFk, that is, for the '* and ' bands,respectively, and %k is given by Eq. !9". The wave func-tion for the momentum around K! has the form

$±,K!!k" =1(2

' ei%k/2

±e!i%k/2 ) !21"

for HK!=vF"* ·k. Note that the wave functions at K andK! are related by time-reversal symmetry: if we set theorigin of coordinates in momentum space in the M pointof the BZ !see Fig. 2", time reversal becomes equivalentto a reflection along the kx axis, that is, !kx ,ky"! !kx ,!ky". Also note that if the phase % is rotated by2', the wave function changes sign indicating a phase of' !in the literature this is commonly called a Berry’sphase". This change of phase by ' under rotation is char-acteristic of spinors. In fact, the wave function is a two-component spinor.

A relevant quantity used to characterize the eigen-functions is their helicity defined as the projection of themomentum operator along the !pseudo"spin direction.The quantum-mechanical operator for the helicity hasthe form

h =12

" ·p-p-

. !22"

It is clear from the definition of h that the states $K!r"and $K!!r" are also eigenstates of h,

h$K!r" = ± 12$K!r" , !23"

and an equivalent equation for $K!!r" with inverted sign.Therefore, electrons !holes" have a positive !negative"helicity. Equation !23" implies that " has its two eigen-values either in the direction of !!" or against !"" themomentum p. This property says that the states of thesystem close to the Dirac point have well defined chiral-ity or helicity. Note that chirality is not defined in regardto the real spin of the electron !that has not yet ap-peared in the problem" but to a pseudospin variable as-sociated with the two components of the wave function.The helicity values are good quantum numbers as longas the Hamiltonian !18" is valid. Therefore, the existenceof helicity quantum numbers holds only as anasymptotic property, which is well defined close to theDirac points K and K!. Either at larger energies or dueto the presence of a finite t!, the helicity stops being agood quantum number.

1. Chiral tunneling and Klein paradox

In this section, we address the scattering of chiral elec-trons in two dimensions by a square barrier !Katsnelsonet al., 2006; Katsnelson, 2007b". The one-dimensionalscattering of chiral electrons was discussed earlier in thecontext on nanotubes !Ando et al., 1998; McEuen et al.,1999".

We start by noting that by a gauge transformation thewave function !20" can be written as

115Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

where the index i=1 !i=2" refers to the K !K!" point.These new fields, ai,n and bi,n, are assumed to varyslowly over the unit cell. The procedure for derivinga theory that is valid close to the Dirac point con-sists in using this representation in the tight-

binding Hamiltonian and expanding the opera-tors up to a linear order in !. In the derivation, oneuses the fact that #!e±iK·!=#!e±iK!·!=0. After somestraightforward algebra, we arrive at !Semenoff,1984"

H $ ! t% dxdy"1†!r"&' 0 3a!1 ! i(3"/4

! 3a!1 + i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!! i ! (3"/4

! 3a!i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"1!r"

+ "2†!r"&' 0 3a!1 + i(3"/4

! 3a!1 ! i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!i ! (3"/4

! 3a!! i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"2!r"

= ! ivF% dxdy+"1†!r"# · ""1!r" + "2

†!r""* · ""2!r", , !18"

with Pauli matrices "= !#x ,#y", "*= !#x ,!#y", and "i†

= !ai† ,bi

†" !i=1,2". It is clear that the effective Hamil-tonian !18" is made of two copies of the massless Dirac-like Hamiltonian, one holding for p around K and theother for p around K!. Note that, in first quantized lan-guage, the two-component electron wave function $!r",close to the K point, obeys the 2D Dirac equation,

! ivF" · "$!r" = E$!r" . !19"

The wave function, in momentum space, for the mo-mentum around K has the form

$±,K!k" =1(2

' e!i%k/2

±ei%k/2 ) !20"

for HK=vF" ·k, where the & signs correspond to theeigenenergies E= ±vFk, that is, for the '* and ' bands,respectively, and %k is given by Eq. !9". The wave func-tion for the momentum around K! has the form

$±,K!!k" =1(2

' ei%k/2

±e!i%k/2 ) !21"

for HK!=vF"* ·k. Note that the wave functions at K andK! are related by time-reversal symmetry: if we set theorigin of coordinates in momentum space in the M pointof the BZ !see Fig. 2", time reversal becomes equivalentto a reflection along the kx axis, that is, !kx ,ky"! !kx ,!ky". Also note that if the phase % is rotated by2', the wave function changes sign indicating a phase of' !in the literature this is commonly called a Berry’sphase". This change of phase by ' under rotation is char-acteristic of spinors. In fact, the wave function is a two-component spinor.

A relevant quantity used to characterize the eigen-functions is their helicity defined as the projection of themomentum operator along the !pseudo"spin direction.The quantum-mechanical operator for the helicity hasthe form

h =12

" ·p-p-

. !22"

It is clear from the definition of h that the states $K!r"and $K!!r" are also eigenstates of h,

h$K!r" = ± 12$K!r" , !23"

and an equivalent equation for $K!!r" with inverted sign.Therefore, electrons !holes" have a positive !negative"helicity. Equation !23" implies that " has its two eigen-values either in the direction of !!" or against !"" themomentum p. This property says that the states of thesystem close to the Dirac point have well defined chiral-ity or helicity. Note that chirality is not defined in regardto the real spin of the electron !that has not yet ap-peared in the problem" but to a pseudospin variable as-sociated with the two components of the wave function.The helicity values are good quantum numbers as longas the Hamiltonian !18" is valid. Therefore, the existenceof helicity quantum numbers holds only as anasymptotic property, which is well defined close to theDirac points K and K!. Either at larger energies or dueto the presence of a finite t!, the helicity stops being agood quantum number.

1. Chiral tunneling and Klein paradox

In this section, we address the scattering of chiral elec-trons in two dimensions by a square barrier !Katsnelsonet al., 2006; Katsnelson, 2007b". The one-dimensionalscattering of chiral electrons was discussed earlier in thecontext on nanotubes !Ando et al., 1998; McEuen et al.,1999".

We start by noting that by a gauge transformation thewave function !20" can be written as

115Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

where the index i=1 !i=2" refers to the K !K!" point.These new fields, ai,n and bi,n, are assumed to varyslowly over the unit cell. The procedure for derivinga theory that is valid close to the Dirac point con-sists in using this representation in the tight-

binding Hamiltonian and expanding the opera-tors up to a linear order in !. In the derivation, oneuses the fact that #!e±iK·!=#!e±iK!·!=0. After somestraightforward algebra, we arrive at !Semenoff,1984"

H $ ! t% dxdy"1†!r"&' 0 3a!1 ! i(3"/4

! 3a!1 + i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!! i ! (3"/4

! 3a!i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"1!r"

+ "2†!r"&' 0 3a!1 + i(3"/4

! 3a!1 ! i(3"/4 0)!x + ' 0 3a!i ! (3"/4

! 3a!! i ! (3"/4 0)!y*"2!r"

= ! ivF% dxdy+"1†!r"# · ""1!r" + "2

†!r""* · ""2!r", , !18"

with Pauli matrices "= !#x ,#y", "*= !#x ,!#y", and "i†

= !ai† ,bi

†" !i=1,2". It is clear that the effective Hamil-tonian !18" is made of two copies of the massless Dirac-like Hamiltonian, one holding for p around K and theother for p around K!. Note that, in first quantized lan-guage, the two-component electron wave function $!r",close to the K point, obeys the 2D Dirac equation,

! ivF" · "$!r" = E$!r" . !19"

The wave function, in momentum space, for the mo-mentum around K has the form

$±,K!k" =1(2

' e!i%k/2

±ei%k/2 ) !20"

for HK=vF" ·k, where the & signs correspond to theeigenenergies E= ±vFk, that is, for the '* and ' bands,respectively, and %k is given by Eq. !9". The wave func-tion for the momentum around K! has the form

$±,K!!k" =1(2

' ei%k/2

±e!i%k/2 ) !21"

for HK!=vF"* ·k. Note that the wave functions at K andK! are related by time-reversal symmetry: if we set theorigin of coordinates in momentum space in the M pointof the BZ !see Fig. 2", time reversal becomes equivalentto a reflection along the kx axis, that is, !kx ,ky"! !kx ,!ky". Also note that if the phase % is rotated by2', the wave function changes sign indicating a phase of' !in the literature this is commonly called a Berry’sphase". This change of phase by ' under rotation is char-acteristic of spinors. In fact, the wave function is a two-component spinor.

A relevant quantity used to characterize the eigen-functions is their helicity defined as the projection of themomentum operator along the !pseudo"spin direction.The quantum-mechanical operator for the helicity hasthe form

h =12

" ·p-p-

. !22"

It is clear from the definition of h that the states $K!r"and $K!!r" are also eigenstates of h,

h$K!r" = ± 12$K!r" , !23"

and an equivalent equation for $K!!r" with inverted sign.Therefore, electrons !holes" have a positive !negative"helicity. Equation !23" implies that " has its two eigen-values either in the direction of !!" or against !"" themomentum p. This property says that the states of thesystem close to the Dirac point have well defined chiral-ity or helicity. Note that chirality is not defined in regardto the real spin of the electron !that has not yet ap-peared in the problem" but to a pseudospin variable as-sociated with the two components of the wave function.The helicity values are good quantum numbers as longas the Hamiltonian !18" is valid. Therefore, the existenceof helicity quantum numbers holds only as anasymptotic property, which is well defined close to theDirac points K and K!. Either at larger energies or dueto the presence of a finite t!, the helicity stops being agood quantum number.

1. Chiral tunneling and Klein paradox

In this section, we address the scattering of chiral elec-trons in two dimensions by a square barrier !Katsnelsonet al., 2006; Katsnelson, 2007b". The one-dimensionalscattering of chiral electrons was discussed earlier in thecontext on nanotubes !Ando et al., 1998; McEuen et al.,1999".

We start by noting that by a gauge transformation thewave function !20" can be written as

115Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

Page 7: лекция 5 graphen

absorbed water !Sabio et al., 2007". In fact, experimentsin ultrahigh vacuum conditions !Chen, Jang, Fuhrer, etal., 2008" display scattering features in the transport thatcan be associated with charge impurities. Screening ef-fects that affect the strength and range of the Coulombinteraction are rather nontrivial in graphene !Fogler,Novikov, and Shklovskii, 2007; Shklovskii, 2007" and,therefore, important for the interpretation of transportdata !Bardarson et al., 2007; Nomura et al., 2007; San-Jose et al., 2007; Lewenkopf et al., 2008".

Another type of disorder is the one that changes thedistance or angles between the pz orbitals. In this case,the hopping energies between different sites are modi-fied, leading to a new term to the original Hamiltonian!5",

Hod = #i,j


†bj + H.c." + !tij!aa"!ai

†aj + bi†bj"% ,


or in Fourier space,

Hod = #k,k!

ak†bk! #


!ti!ab"ei!k!k!"·Ri!i!!aa·k! + H.c.

+ !ak†ak! + bk

†bk!" #i,!!aa

!ti!aa"ei!k!k!"·Ri!i!!ab·k!, !145"

where !tij!ab" !!tij

!aa"" is the change of the hopping energybetween orbitals on lattice sites Ri and Rj on the same!different" sublattices !we have written Rj=Ri+!! , where!!ab is the nearest-neighbor vector and !!aa is the next-nearest-neighbor vector". Following the procedure ofSec. II.B, we project out the Fourier components of theoperators close to the K and K! points of the BZ usingEq. !17". If we assume that !tij is smooth over the latticespacing scale, that is, it does not have a Fourier compo-nent with momentum K!K! !so the two Dirac cones arenot coupled by disorder", we can rewrite Eq. !145" inreal space as

Hod =& d2r$A!r"a1†!r"b1!r" + H.c.

+ "!r"'a1†!r"a1!r" + b1

†!r"b1!r"(% , !146"

with a similar expression for cone 2 but with A replacedby A*, where

A!r" = #!!ab

!t!ab"!r"e!i!!ab·K, !147"

"!r" = #!!aa

!t!aa"!r"e!i!!aa·K. !148"

Note that whereas "!r"="*!r", because of the inversionsymmetry of the two triangular sublattices that make upthe honeycomb lattice, A is complex because of a lack ofinversion symmetry for nearest-neighbor hopping.Hence,

A!r" = Ax!r" + iAy!r" . !149"

In terms of the Dirac Hamiltonian !18", we can rewriteEq. !146" as

Hod =& d2r'#1†!r"! · A! !r"#1!r" + "!r"#1

†!r"#1!r"( ,


where A! = !Ax ,Ay". This result shows that changes in thehopping amplitude lead to the appearance of vector A!and scalar $ potentials in the Dirac Hamiltonian. Thepresence of a vector potential in the problem indicatesthat an effective magnetic field B! = !c /evF"! %A! shouldalso be present, naively implying a broken time-reversalsymmetry, although the original problem was time-reversal invariant. This broken time-reversal symmetryis not real since Eq. !150" is the Hamiltonian aroundonly one of the Dirac cones. The second Dirac cone isrelated to the first by time-reversal symmetry, indicatingthat the effective magnetic field is reversed in the secondcone. Therefore, there is no global broken symmetry buta compensation between the two cones.

A. Ripples

Graphene is a one-atom-thick system, the extremecase of a soft membrane. Hence, like soft membranes, itis subject to distortions of its structure due to eitherthermal fluctuations !as we discussed in Sec. III" or in-teraction with a substrate, scaffold, and absorbands!Swain and Andelman, 1999". In the first case, the fluc-tuations are time dependent !although with time scalesmuch longer than the electronic ones", while in the sec-ond case the distortions act as quenched disorder. Inboth cases, disorder occurs because of the modificationof the distance and relative angle between the carbonatoms due to the bending of the graphene sheet. Thistype of off-diagonal disorder does not exist in ordinary3D solids, or even in quasi-1D or quasi-2D systems,where atomic chains and atomic planes, respectively, areembedded in a 3D crystalline structure. In fact,graphene is also different from other soft membranesbecause it is !semi"metallic, while previously studiedmembranes were insulators.

The problem of bending graphitic systems and its ef-fect on the hybridization of the & orbitals has been stud-ied in the context of classical minimal surfaces !Lenoskyet al., 1992" and applied to fullerenes and carbon nano-tubes !Tersoff, 1992; Kane and Mele, 1997; Zhong-can etal., 1997; Xin et al., 2000; Tu and Ou-Yang, 2002". Inorder to understand the effect of bending on graphene,consider the situation shown in Fig. 25. The bending ofthe graphene sheet has three main effects: the decreaseof the distance between carbon atoms, a rotation ofthe pZ orbitals 'compression or dilation of the latticeare energetically costly due to the large spring con-stant of graphene )57 eV/Å2 !Xin et al., 2000"(, and arehybridization between & and ' orbitals !Eun-Ah Kim

135Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

absorbed water !Sabio et al., 2007". In fact, experimentsin ultrahigh vacuum conditions !Chen, Jang, Fuhrer, etal., 2008" display scattering features in the transport thatcan be associated with charge impurities. Screening ef-fects that affect the strength and range of the Coulombinteraction are rather nontrivial in graphene !Fogler,Novikov, and Shklovskii, 2007; Shklovskii, 2007" and,therefore, important for the interpretation of transportdata !Bardarson et al., 2007; Nomura et al., 2007; San-Jose et al., 2007; Lewenkopf et al., 2008".

Another type of disorder is the one that changes thedistance or angles between the pz orbitals. In this case,the hopping energies between different sites are modi-fied, leading to a new term to the original Hamiltonian!5",

Hod = #i,j


†bj + H.c." + !tij!aa"!ai

†aj + bi†bj"% ,


or in Fourier space,

Hod = #k,k!

ak†bk! #


!ti!ab"ei!k!k!"·Ri!i!!aa·k! + H.c.

+ !ak†ak! + bk

†bk!" #i,!!aa

!ti!aa"ei!k!k!"·Ri!i!!ab·k!, !145"

where !tij!ab" !!tij

!aa"" is the change of the hopping energybetween orbitals on lattice sites Ri and Rj on the same!different" sublattices !we have written Rj=Ri+!! , where!!ab is the nearest-neighbor vector and !!aa is the next-nearest-neighbor vector". Following the procedure ofSec. II.B, we project out the Fourier components of theoperators close to the K and K! points of the BZ usingEq. !17". If we assume that !tij is smooth over the latticespacing scale, that is, it does not have a Fourier compo-nent with momentum K!K! !so the two Dirac cones arenot coupled by disorder", we can rewrite Eq. !145" inreal space as

Hod =& d2r$A!r"a1†!r"b1!r" + H.c.

+ "!r"'a1†!r"a1!r" + b1

†!r"b1!r"(% , !146"

with a similar expression for cone 2 but with A replacedby A*, where

A!r" = #!!ab

!t!ab"!r"e!i!!ab·K, !147"

"!r" = #!!aa

!t!aa"!r"e!i!!aa·K. !148"

Note that whereas "!r"="*!r", because of the inversionsymmetry of the two triangular sublattices that make upthe honeycomb lattice, A is complex because of a lack ofinversion symmetry for nearest-neighbor hopping.Hence,

A!r" = Ax!r" + iAy!r" . !149"

In terms of the Dirac Hamiltonian !18", we can rewriteEq. !146" as

Hod =& d2r'#1†!r"! · A! !r"#1!r" + "!r"#1

†!r"#1!r"( ,


where A! = !Ax ,Ay". This result shows that changes in thehopping amplitude lead to the appearance of vector A!and scalar $ potentials in the Dirac Hamiltonian. Thepresence of a vector potential in the problem indicatesthat an effective magnetic field B! = !c /evF"! %A! shouldalso be present, naively implying a broken time-reversalsymmetry, although the original problem was time-reversal invariant. This broken time-reversal symmetryis not real since Eq. !150" is the Hamiltonian aroundonly one of the Dirac cones. The second Dirac cone isrelated to the first by time-reversal symmetry, indicatingthat the effective magnetic field is reversed in the secondcone. Therefore, there is no global broken symmetry buta compensation between the two cones.

A. Ripples

Graphene is a one-atom-thick system, the extremecase of a soft membrane. Hence, like soft membranes, itis subject to distortions of its structure due to eitherthermal fluctuations !as we discussed in Sec. III" or in-teraction with a substrate, scaffold, and absorbands!Swain and Andelman, 1999". In the first case, the fluc-tuations are time dependent !although with time scalesmuch longer than the electronic ones", while in the sec-ond case the distortions act as quenched disorder. Inboth cases, disorder occurs because of the modificationof the distance and relative angle between the carbonatoms due to the bending of the graphene sheet. Thistype of off-diagonal disorder does not exist in ordinary3D solids, or even in quasi-1D or quasi-2D systems,where atomic chains and atomic planes, respectively, areembedded in a 3D crystalline structure. In fact,graphene is also different from other soft membranesbecause it is !semi"metallic, while previously studiedmembranes were insulators.

The problem of bending graphitic systems and its ef-fect on the hybridization of the & orbitals has been stud-ied in the context of classical minimal surfaces !Lenoskyet al., 1992" and applied to fullerenes and carbon nano-tubes !Tersoff, 1992; Kane and Mele, 1997; Zhong-can etal., 1997; Xin et al., 2000; Tu and Ou-Yang, 2002". Inorder to understand the effect of bending on graphene,consider the situation shown in Fig. 25. The bending ofthe graphene sheet has three main effects: the decreaseof the distance between carbon atoms, a rotation ofthe pZ orbitals 'compression or dilation of the latticeare energetically costly due to the large spring con-stant of graphene )57 eV/Å2 !Xin et al., 2000"(, and arehybridization between & and ' orbitals !Eun-Ah Kim

135Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

Page 8: лекция 5 graphen

absorbed water !Sabio et al., 2007". In fact, experimentsin ultrahigh vacuum conditions !Chen, Jang, Fuhrer, etal., 2008" display scattering features in the transport thatcan be associated with charge impurities. Screening ef-fects that affect the strength and range of the Coulombinteraction are rather nontrivial in graphene !Fogler,Novikov, and Shklovskii, 2007; Shklovskii, 2007" and,therefore, important for the interpretation of transportdata !Bardarson et al., 2007; Nomura et al., 2007; San-Jose et al., 2007; Lewenkopf et al., 2008".

Another type of disorder is the one that changes thedistance or angles between the pz orbitals. In this case,the hopping energies between different sites are modi-fied, leading to a new term to the original Hamiltonian!5",

Hod = #i,j


†bj + H.c." + !tij!aa"!ai

†aj + bi†bj"% ,


or in Fourier space,

Hod = #k,k!

ak†bk! #


!ti!ab"ei!k!k!"·Ri!i!!aa·k! + H.c.

+ !ak†ak! + bk

†bk!" #i,!!aa

!ti!aa"ei!k!k!"·Ri!i!!ab·k!, !145"

where !tij!ab" !!tij

!aa"" is the change of the hopping energybetween orbitals on lattice sites Ri and Rj on the same!different" sublattices !we have written Rj=Ri+!! , where!!ab is the nearest-neighbor vector and !!aa is the next-nearest-neighbor vector". Following the procedure ofSec. II.B, we project out the Fourier components of theoperators close to the K and K! points of the BZ usingEq. !17". If we assume that !tij is smooth over the latticespacing scale, that is, it does not have a Fourier compo-nent with momentum K!K! !so the two Dirac cones arenot coupled by disorder", we can rewrite Eq. !145" inreal space as

Hod =& d2r$A!r"a1†!r"b1!r" + H.c.

+ "!r"'a1†!r"a1!r" + b1

†!r"b1!r"(% , !146"

with a similar expression for cone 2 but with A replacedby A*, where

A!r" = #!!ab

!t!ab"!r"e!i!!ab·K, !147"

"!r" = #!!aa

!t!aa"!r"e!i!!aa·K. !148"

Note that whereas "!r"="*!r", because of the inversionsymmetry of the two triangular sublattices that make upthe honeycomb lattice, A is complex because of a lack ofinversion symmetry for nearest-neighbor hopping.Hence,

A!r" = Ax!r" + iAy!r" . !149"

In terms of the Dirac Hamiltonian !18", we can rewriteEq. !146" as

Hod =& d2r'#1†!r"! · A! !r"#1!r" + "!r"#1

†!r"#1!r"( ,


where A! = !Ax ,Ay". This result shows that changes in thehopping amplitude lead to the appearance of vector A!and scalar $ potentials in the Dirac Hamiltonian. Thepresence of a vector potential in the problem indicatesthat an effective magnetic field B! = !c /evF"! %A! shouldalso be present, naively implying a broken time-reversalsymmetry, although the original problem was time-reversal invariant. This broken time-reversal symmetryis not real since Eq. !150" is the Hamiltonian aroundonly one of the Dirac cones. The second Dirac cone isrelated to the first by time-reversal symmetry, indicatingthat the effective magnetic field is reversed in the secondcone. Therefore, there is no global broken symmetry buta compensation between the two cones.

A. Ripples

Graphene is a one-atom-thick system, the extremecase of a soft membrane. Hence, like soft membranes, itis subject to distortions of its structure due to eitherthermal fluctuations !as we discussed in Sec. III" or in-teraction with a substrate, scaffold, and absorbands!Swain and Andelman, 1999". In the first case, the fluc-tuations are time dependent !although with time scalesmuch longer than the electronic ones", while in the sec-ond case the distortions act as quenched disorder. Inboth cases, disorder occurs because of the modificationof the distance and relative angle between the carbonatoms due to the bending of the graphene sheet. Thistype of off-diagonal disorder does not exist in ordinary3D solids, or even in quasi-1D or quasi-2D systems,where atomic chains and atomic planes, respectively, areembedded in a 3D crystalline structure. In fact,graphene is also different from other soft membranesbecause it is !semi"metallic, while previously studiedmembranes were insulators.

The problem of bending graphitic systems and its ef-fect on the hybridization of the & orbitals has been stud-ied in the context of classical minimal surfaces !Lenoskyet al., 1992" and applied to fullerenes and carbon nano-tubes !Tersoff, 1992; Kane and Mele, 1997; Zhong-can etal., 1997; Xin et al., 2000; Tu and Ou-Yang, 2002". Inorder to understand the effect of bending on graphene,consider the situation shown in Fig. 25. The bending ofthe graphene sheet has three main effects: the decreaseof the distance between carbon atoms, a rotation ofthe pZ orbitals 'compression or dilation of the latticeare energetically costly due to the large spring con-stant of graphene )57 eV/Å2 !Xin et al., 2000"(, and arehybridization between & and ' orbitals !Eun-Ah Kim

135Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

Two  Dirac  cones  are  not  coupled  by  disorder  

absorbed water !Sabio et al., 2007". In fact, experimentsin ultrahigh vacuum conditions !Chen, Jang, Fuhrer, etal., 2008" display scattering features in the transport thatcan be associated with charge impurities. Screening ef-fects that affect the strength and range of the Coulombinteraction are rather nontrivial in graphene !Fogler,Novikov, and Shklovskii, 2007; Shklovskii, 2007" and,therefore, important for the interpretation of transportdata !Bardarson et al., 2007; Nomura et al., 2007; San-Jose et al., 2007; Lewenkopf et al., 2008".

Another type of disorder is the one that changes thedistance or angles between the pz orbitals. In this case,the hopping energies between different sites are modi-fied, leading to a new term to the original Hamiltonian!5",

Hod = #i,j


†bj + H.c." + !tij!aa"!ai

†aj + bi†bj"% ,


or in Fourier space,

Hod = #k,k!

ak†bk! #


!ti!ab"ei!k!k!"·Ri!i!!aa·k! + H.c.

+ !ak†ak! + bk

†bk!" #i,!!aa

!ti!aa"ei!k!k!"·Ri!i!!ab·k!, !145"

where !tij!ab" !!tij

!aa"" is the change of the hopping energybetween orbitals on lattice sites Ri and Rj on the same!different" sublattices !we have written Rj=Ri+!! , where!!ab is the nearest-neighbor vector and !!aa is the next-nearest-neighbor vector". Following the procedure ofSec. II.B, we project out the Fourier components of theoperators close to the K and K! points of the BZ usingEq. !17". If we assume that !tij is smooth over the latticespacing scale, that is, it does not have a Fourier compo-nent with momentum K!K! !so the two Dirac cones arenot coupled by disorder", we can rewrite Eq. !145" inreal space as

Hod =& d2r$A!r"a1†!r"b1!r" + H.c.

+ "!r"'a1†!r"a1!r" + b1

†!r"b1!r"(% , !146"

with a similar expression for cone 2 but with A replacedby A*, where

A!r" = #!!ab

!t!ab"!r"e!i!!ab·K, !147"

"!r" = #!!aa

!t!aa"!r"e!i!!aa·K. !148"

Note that whereas "!r"="*!r", because of the inversionsymmetry of the two triangular sublattices that make upthe honeycomb lattice, A is complex because of a lack ofinversion symmetry for nearest-neighbor hopping.Hence,

A!r" = Ax!r" + iAy!r" . !149"

In terms of the Dirac Hamiltonian !18", we can rewriteEq. !146" as

Hod =& d2r'#1†!r"! · A! !r"#1!r" + "!r"#1

†!r"#1!r"( ,


where A! = !Ax ,Ay". This result shows that changes in thehopping amplitude lead to the appearance of vector A!and scalar $ potentials in the Dirac Hamiltonian. Thepresence of a vector potential in the problem indicatesthat an effective magnetic field B! = !c /evF"! %A! shouldalso be present, naively implying a broken time-reversalsymmetry, although the original problem was time-reversal invariant. This broken time-reversal symmetryis not real since Eq. !150" is the Hamiltonian aroundonly one of the Dirac cones. The second Dirac cone isrelated to the first by time-reversal symmetry, indicatingthat the effective magnetic field is reversed in the secondcone. Therefore, there is no global broken symmetry buta compensation between the two cones.

A. Ripples

Graphene is a one-atom-thick system, the extremecase of a soft membrane. Hence, like soft membranes, itis subject to distortions of its structure due to eitherthermal fluctuations !as we discussed in Sec. III" or in-teraction with a substrate, scaffold, and absorbands!Swain and Andelman, 1999". In the first case, the fluc-tuations are time dependent !although with time scalesmuch longer than the electronic ones", while in the sec-ond case the distortions act as quenched disorder. Inboth cases, disorder occurs because of the modificationof the distance and relative angle between the carbonatoms due to the bending of the graphene sheet. Thistype of off-diagonal disorder does not exist in ordinary3D solids, or even in quasi-1D or quasi-2D systems,where atomic chains and atomic planes, respectively, areembedded in a 3D crystalline structure. In fact,graphene is also different from other soft membranesbecause it is !semi"metallic, while previously studiedmembranes were insulators.

The problem of bending graphitic systems and its ef-fect on the hybridization of the & orbitals has been stud-ied in the context of classical minimal surfaces !Lenoskyet al., 1992" and applied to fullerenes and carbon nano-tubes !Tersoff, 1992; Kane and Mele, 1997; Zhong-can etal., 1997; Xin et al., 2000; Tu and Ou-Yang, 2002". Inorder to understand the effect of bending on graphene,consider the situation shown in Fig. 25. The bending ofthe graphene sheet has three main effects: the decreaseof the distance between carbon atoms, a rotation ofthe pZ orbitals 'compression or dilation of the latticeare energetically costly due to the large spring con-stant of graphene )57 eV/Å2 !Xin et al., 2000"(, and arehybridization between & and ' orbitals !Eun-Ah Kim

135Castro Neto et al.: The electronic properties of graphene

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 1, January–March 2009

Page 9: лекция 5 graphen

 1.  Grain  Boundary.  

2.  Liquid  environment  enhancement  on  mobility  in  graphene.  

3.  X-­‐ray  irradiaIon  of  graphene.  

Defects  in  graphene  

Page 10: лекция 5 graphen

J.  Lahiri  et  al.,  Nature  Nanotech.    (2010)  

Experimental  observaIon  of    defects  in  graphene  

Extended  defect  =  Metallic  wire  

Meyer,  Kisielowski,  Erni,  Rossell,  Crommie,  ZeTl,    Nano  Le..  (2008)  


Page 11: лекция 5 graphen

Grain  Boundary  and    Point  Defects  

What  is  Ime  scale  and  range  of  interacIon  between  defects  and  GB?  

~1  nm  

Page 12: лекция 5 graphen

ComputaIonal  Method  

 •  Quantum  Molecular  Dynamics    

Ø  Density  FuncIonal  Theory  (DFT)    Ø Natoms  ~  300  

•  Classical  Molecular  Dynamics  (CMD)  

Ø  adapIve  intermolecular  reacIve  bond-­‐order  (AIREBO)  potenIal.  Ø  Isothermal-­‐isobaric  (NPT)  ensemble;  Natoms  ~1000;    

Page 13: лекция 5 graphen

  pris2ne Cl-­‐5577 GB-­‐558 GB-­‐575     rim inside rim inside rim inside C 6.1   3.8   4.2   3.1 SV 7.9 5.6 3.0 7.1 6.4 6.9 4.2

All  energies    are  in  eV  

LocaIon  of  Vacancies  with    lower  formaIon  energies  

FormaIon  Energies  of  Defects  

Page 14: лекция 5 graphen

InteracIon  of  vacancies  in  graphene  

Page 15: лекция 5 graphen

Banhart,  Kotakoski,  Krasheninnikov,  ACS  Nano  2010  Cretu,  Krasheninnikov  et  al.  PRL  2010  Lee  et  al.  PRL,  2005;  

Stability  of  585  and  555777  defects  

555777  is  1.2  eV  more  stable  

Page 16: лекция 5 graphen

Dynamical  InteracIon  of  Vacancies  

Strain  up  to  4%  

T  =  2000  K    trecombinaIon  ~  80  ps    

Page 17: лекция 5 graphen

Vacancy    interacIon  with  grain  boundaries  

Page 18: лекция 5 graphen

~1  nm  

Vacancy-­‐GB  interacIon  

Vacancy  merges  with  GB  

160  ps  85   5  8775  5  

Further  GB  reconstrucIon  

40  ps  

Page 19: лекция 5 graphen

Defect  Dynamics:  Vacancy  near  GB  

Strain  up  to  8%  

1  nm   T  =  3000  K  

Reconstrucoon  relieves  strain    treconstruct  ~  200  ps  

Page 20: лекция 5 graphen

Vacancy  and  adatom  recombinaIon  near  GB  

Page 21: лекция 5 graphen

Vacancy  and  adatom  recombinaIon  near  GB  

 •  Adatoms  are  very  mobile  –  low  diffusion  barrier  

•  Stretched  C-­‐C  at  the  heptagon  accumulate  adatoms  

treconfiguraoon  =  0.5  ns  

T  =  2000  K  

B. Wang, Y. Puzyrev, S. T. Pantelides, Carbon (2011)

Page 22: лекция 5 graphen


•  Vacancies  interact  and  recombine  t  ~  10  ns  

•  Point  defects  interact  with  grain  boundaries  d  ~  2  nm  

•  Grain  boundaries  act  as  sinks  for  vacancies  and  adatoms  

 Enhanced  defect  reacovity  at  grain  boundaries    

Page 23: лекция 5 graphen

Graphene  device  degradaIon    

•  Graphene  fabricated  by  mechanical  exfoliaIon  from  Kish  graphite  

•  Sweep  VG  with  VDS=5mV  

Page 24: лекция 5 graphen

MoIvaIon  and  Outline  

Ø Experiment  [1]  

o  Graphene’s  resisIvity  response  to  x-­‐ray  radiaIon,    

           ozone  exposure,  annealing.    

o  Defect  related  Raman  D-­‐peak  appears  a�er  

§  x-­‐ray  irradiaIon  in  air  

§  ozone  exposure,  decreases  a�er  annealing.  

[1]  E.-­‐X.  Zhang  et  al,  IEEE  Trans.  Nucl.  Sci.  58,  2961  (2011)  

Ø Theory:  behavior  of  impuriIes  on  graphene  

o  Temperature  and  concentraIon  dependence.  

o  Need  to  remove  oxygen  without  vacancy  formaIon  (would  H  help?)  

Page 25: лекция 5 graphen

Graphene  device  degradaIon    

Two-­‐probe  resistances  measured  on    

•  10  keV  irradiated  graphene  •  prisIne  graphene  •  ozone  exposed  graphene  (1  min)    •  annealed    (300C  for  2  hrs  in  200  sccm  Ar)    

Page 26: лекция 5 graphen

Graphene  device  degradaIon    

Defect  related  D-­‐peak      

•  increases  x-­‐ray  exposure    •  decreases  a�er  temperature  anneal  

Ozone  exposure  








Annea l15  Mrad(S iO2)8  Mrad(S iO






ity  A


10 -­‐keV  X -­‐ray  D os e

G -­‐P eak

D -­‐P eak

P re0





 I D/I G



Page 27: лекция 5 graphen

Kine2c  Monte-­‐Carlo  KMC  

Density  Func2onal  Theory  DFT  

TheoreIcal  Approach  


O  dimer  

O  migraIon  O  desorpIon  

•  Defect  formaoon  energies    •  Migraoon/desorpoon  barriers  

Defect  dynamics  •  Temperature  •  Inioal  concentraoon    

Page 28: лекция 5 graphen



1.3  eV  

0.8  eV  

0.5  eV  

1.3  eV  

Oxygen  Removal  and  Vacancy  GeneraIon  

CO,  CO2  1.1  eV   O2    1.1  eV  

Oxygen:  clustering  behavior    Removal  of  oxygen    •  Pairs                    O2  •  Triplets                    CO,  CO2,  VC    Device  degradaoon  

Page 29: лекция 5 graphen

Residual  oxygen  atom  Vacancy  

High-­‐temperature  Annealing  

Concentraoon  of  vacancies  exceeds    concentraoon  of  residual  O  

Page 30: лекция 5 graphen


High  vs  Low  Temperature  Anneal  

T,  oC  

Page 31: лекция 5 graphen

Temperature  Anneal    IniIal  Defect  ConcentraIon  Dependence  


Low  O,  High  V  concentraoon  

High  O  concentraoon  



High  T:  Removal  of  oxygen  >  0.05  iniIal  surface  coverage  leads  to  vacancy  formaIon  Low  T:  Oxygen  stays  on  the  surface  and  forms  clusters  

 Decrease  of  D-­‐peak,  Increase  in  resisovity  

surface  coverage    


Method  to  prevent  defect  forma2on  during  irradia2on/annealing?    


 iniIal  O  surface  coverage      

Page 32: лекция 5 graphen

Oxygen  and  Hydrogen  on  Graphene:  Binding  energies,  MigraIon  and  ReacIon  Barriers    

O-­‐H  is  most  likely  to  desorb    from  graphene  surface  

 Leaves  carbon  network  intact  



Page 33: лекция 5 graphen

Effect  of  Hydrogen  On    Oxygen  Annealing  



Low   High  

Low   2%  O,  10%  H    

High   15%  O,  1%  H    

15%  O,  10%  H    

@  T  =  300  C    

Final  defect    concentraIons?  

Page 34: лекция 5 graphen

 Removal  of  residual  Oxygen      Causes  formaoon  of  large  amount  of  Vacancies  

t  ~  0.001  s    

t  ~  1  s    

t  ~  0.0001  s    

t  ~  1  s    

Effect  of  Hydrogen  On  Oxygen  Annealing  

 Residual  Hydrogen      Forms  clusters    L  ~  0.5  nm  No  Vacancies  are  formed  

Higher  Hydrogen  concentraoon  Higher  Oxygen  concentraoon  Hydrogen  is  removed   Oxygen  is  removed  

Page 35: лекция 5 graphen

Hydrogen  is  removed  first,    Removal  of  residual  Oxygen      Causes  formaoon  of  Vacancies  

High  O,  High  H  concentraIons  

Effect  of  Hydrogen  On  Oxygen  Annealing  

Page 36: лекция 5 graphen

 1.  BoloIn,  K.  I.  et  al.  Solid  State  Comm.    2008  2.  Castro,  E.  V.  et  al.  Phys  Rev  LeT.  2010  

ScaTering  mechanisms  in  graphene        •  Suspended  graphene  at  4K  μ  ~200,000    cm2/V    [1]      •  Suspended  graphene  at  300K    μ  ~10,000    cm2/V  s  

ü  Out-­‐of-­‐plane  flexural  phonons  limit  [2]    •  Suspended  graphene  in  non-­‐polar  liquid      

μ  ~60,000    cm2/V  s    •  Effect  of  liquids  on  the  flexural  phonons  

ü  Vacuum  

ü  Hexane  C6H14  

ü  Toluene  C6H5CH3  

Image  from  Meyer,  J.  C  .  

Page 37: лекция 5 graphen

Electron  scaTering  due  to  flexural  ripples  

𝐸↓𝑞 =𝜅𝑞↑4 ⟨|ℎ↓𝑞 |↑2 ⟩/2 = 𝑘↓𝐵 𝑇  /2   

Fourier  components  of    bending  correlaIon  funcIon  

Harmonic  approximaIon  

h   at  300K    

hq2~ Tκq4

Deformaoon  tensor    

𝑢 ↓𝑖𝑗 = 1/2 (𝜕𝑢↓𝑖 /𝜕𝑥↓𝑗  + 𝜕𝑢↓𝑗 /𝜕𝑥↓𝑖  + 𝜕ℎ/𝜕𝑥↓𝑖  𝜕ℎ/𝜕𝑥↓𝑗  )  

Page 38: лекция 5 graphen

Electron  scaTering  due  to  flexural  phonons  

PotenIal  perturbaIon  due  to  ripples    -­‐    random  sign-­‐changing  ‘magneIc  field’  

γ=   γ↓0 +(𝜕γ/𝜕𝑢↓𝑖𝑗  )0𝑢↓𝑖𝑗   

Morozov  S.  V.  et.  al,  Phys.  Rev.  LeT  2006  M.  I.  Katsnelson  and  A.  K.  Geim,  Phil.  Trans.  R.  Soc.  A,    2008  Castro,  E.  V.  et.  al  Phys  Rev  LeT  (2010)  




1/𝜏 ≈2𝜋/ℎ 𝑁(𝐸↓𝐹 )⟨𝑉↓𝑞 𝑉↓−𝑞 ⟩↓𝑞≈𝑘↓𝐹  ~ ⟨|ℎ↓𝑞 |↑2 ⟩↑2   

Hopping  integrals  γ  are  modified    

𝜌↓𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑒 ~ 1/𝜏 ~ ⟨|ℎ↓𝑞 |↑2 ⟩↑2   

𝑉↑(𝑥) = 1/2 (2γ↓1 − γ↓2 − γ↓3 )       𝑉↑(𝑦) = 1/2 (γ↓2 − γ↓3 )    

Effect  of  liquids  ü  Hexane  C6H14  ü  Toluene  C6H5CH3  

Page 39: лекция 5 graphen

Molecular  dynamics  with  classical  potenIals  

•  Large  system  10,000-­‐50,000  atoms  L  ~10nm  

•  Large  Ime  scale  ~ns  

•  Bond-­‐order  potenIals    for  C-­‐H  

•  Boundary  condiIons  ü  NPT  –  constant  pressure  ü  NVT  –  constant  volume,  corresponding  to  P~0  


Page 40: лекция 5 graphen

Strain-­‐free  suspended  graphene  



2 0.89vacuumh = Å2    

T  =  300  K  

Page 41: лекция 5 graphen

Suspended  graphene  in  hexane  

Hexane  molecules  envelopes  graphene  sheet  

C  chain  aligned  parallel  to  the  plane   Mean  square  displacement  

2 0.39hexaneh = Å2    

Page 42: лекция 5 graphen

Suspended  graphene  in  toluene  

2 0.42tolueneh = Å2    

Toluene  molecules  envelopes  graphene  sheet  

Mean  square  displacement  C  ring  aligned  parallel  to  the  plane  

Page 43: лекция 5 graphen

Preferred  molecule  posiIon:  DFT  calculaIon  

ΔE  =  0.21  eV  

3  Å  

ΔE  =  0.37  eV  

3  Å  

Van  der  Waals  interacIon  

Page 44: лекция 5 graphen


Ripple  height  analysis  

2 0.89vacuumh = Å2    

2 0.42tolueneh = Å2    

2 0.39hexaneh = Å2    

Page 45: лекция 5 graphen

Bending  sIffness  of  graphene  in  liquid  

𝜌↓𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑒 ≈ℏ/4𝑒↑2  (𝑘↓𝐵 𝑇/𝜅𝑎 )↑2 𝛬/𝑛   

Bending  S2ffness  

ü  Vacuum  μ  ~10,000    cm2/V  s  

ü  Liquid  μ  ~  200,000    cm2/V  s  

Out-­‐of-­‐plane  flexural    phonons  limit  at  room  T  



qTNhA qκ


Liquid  suppresses    flexural  phonons  

Page 46: лекция 5 graphen

Conclusion    •  Liquid  dielectric  environment  suppresses  flexural  phonons  

•  Phonon  suppression  affects  mobility  through  bending  sIffness  

Page 47: лекция 5 graphen

ρ r( ) = ρn r

− Rn

( )n=1


∑ρn r− Rn

( ) = 1− qnQA"




A r− Rn

( )

ρn r( ) =ηr2 cme




ρn r− Rn

( )d 3r =QA − qn*Ωcell

Электронная  плотность      

Разложение  по  функциям  Гаусса  


Перенос  заряда      

Page 48: лекция 5 graphen


Figure  2.  Real  space  72x72x72  grid.  a)  (100)  and  b)  (110)  planes  c)  [111]  direcIon  

Etotal = W r ρ r( )!

"#$%&ρ r( )


∫ d 3r + Wq ρ q( )!

"#$%&ρ q( )


∫ d 3q+ Eion−ion

W r ρ r( )!

"#$%&=T ρ r

( )!

"#$%&+Vex ρ r

( )!


Wq ρ q( )!

"#$%&=Vps q

( )+Vhartree q

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )pseudo

psV q S q w q=

Полная  энергия    


Page 49: лекция 5 graphen

TWang−Teter ρ r( )"


3π 2( )23 ρ

56 r( )∫∫ w1 r

− r'( )ρ 5

6 r'( )d 3rd 3r '−


3π 2( )23 ρ

53 r( )∫ d 3r − 1

2ρ12 r( )∇2ρ

12 r( )∫ d 3r

( )( )2

1 21

45 3 3 1 2, ln8 4 5 2 8 2

q qw w q q and wq q

−− −⎛ ⎞= − + = +⎜ ⎟ +⎝ ⎠

Теория линейного отклика

Кинетическая энергия

corr corrWang Teter LDA atomT T T T−= + +

Page 50: лекция 5 graphen

TLDAcorr ρ r

( )!

"#$%&= cn



∑ Δρn2 ri( )






Tatomcorr k( ) = cn



∑ πξn






exp −k 2






SA ki( ) = 1−





α∈A∑ exp −ikα


( )

Page 51: лекция 5 graphen

λ=1 upper limit von Weizsäcker λ=1/9 gradient expansion second order

λ=1/5 computational Hartree-Fock

Page 52: лекция 5 graphen

1. Phase Diagram

2. Elastic Properties

3. Defect Formation Energies

Page 53: лекция 5 graphen


Ширина  запрещенной  зоны