RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Transcriptomic analysis reveals candidate genes regulating development and host interactions of Colletotrichum fructicola Xiaofei Liang 1 , Shengping Shang 1 , Qiuyue Dong 1 , Bo Wang 1 , Rong Zhang 1* , Mark L. Gleason 2 and Guangyu Sun 1* Abstract Background: Colletotrichum is a fungal genus in Ascomycota that contain many plant pathogens. Among all Colletotrichum genomes that have been sequenced, C. fructicola contains the largest number of candidate virulence factors, such as plant cell wall degrading enzymes, secondary metabolite (SM) biosynthetic enzymes, secreted proteinases, and small secreted proteins. Systematic analysis of the expressional patterns of these factors would be an important step toward identifying key virulence determinants. Results: In this study, we obtained and compared the global transcriptome profiles of four types of infection- related structures: conidia, appressoria, infected apple leaves, and cellophane infectious hyphae (bulbous hyphae spreading inside cellophane) of C. fructicola. We also compared the expression changes of candidate virulence factors among these structures in a systematic manner. A total of 3189 genes were differentially expressed in at least one pairwise comparison. Genes showing in planta-specific expressional upregulations were enriched with small secreted proteins (SSPs), cytochrome P450s, carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZYs) and secondary metabolite (SM) synthetases, and included homologs of several known candidate effectors and one SM gene cluster specific to the Colletotrichum genus. In conidia, tens of genes functioning in triacylglycerol biosynthesis showed coordinately expressional upregulation, supporting the viewpoint that C. fructicola builds up lipid droplets as energy reserves. Several phosphate starvation responsive genes were coordinately up-regulated during early plant colonization, indicating a phosphate-limited in planta environment immediately faced by biotrophic infectious hyphae. Conclusion: This study systematically analyzes the expression patterns of candidate virulence genes, and reveals biological activities related to the development of several infection-related structures of C. fructicola. Our findings lay a foundation for further dissecting infection mechanisms in Colletotrichum and identifying disease control targets. Keywords: Glomerella, Leaf spot, GLS, Colletotrichum fructicola, Conidium, Triacylglycerol, Lipid, Appressorium Background The Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex (CGSC) encompasses over 20 fungal species in Ascomy- cota that are morphologically indistinguishable, but can be differentiated with the aid of a common set of DNA markers [13]. C. fructicola Prihastuti, Cai & Hyde is a CGSC species that was first established based on isolates from coffee (Coffea arabica) berries and is synonymous with C. ignotum and Glomerella cingulata var. minor [35]. It has a broad host range and is cosmopolitan, having been identified on over 50 plant species through- out Asia, Africa, Europe, America, and Australia [6]. The wide occurrence of certain C. fructicola diseases, such as Glomerella leaf spot of apple and Camellia an- thracnose, has resulted in large economic losses for growers of these commodities [2, 7]. Colletotrichum pathogens are hemibiotrophs with a multistage infection process. Attached conidia germinate and differentiate dome-shaped appressoria on plant sur- faces, underneath which penetration pegs form and pene- trate epidermal cells. The pathogen then differentiates * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] 1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas and College of Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi Province, China Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Liang et al. BMC Genomics (2018) 19:557 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-018-4934-0

Transcriptomic analysis reveals candidate genes regulating

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Transcriptomic analysis reveals candidategenes regulating development and hostinteractions of Colletotrichum fructicolaXiaofei Liang1, Shengping Shang1, Qiuyue Dong1, Bo Wang1, Rong Zhang1*, Mark L. Gleason2 and Guangyu Sun1*


Background: Colletotrichum is a fungal genus in Ascomycota that contain many plant pathogens. Among allColletotrichum genomes that have been sequenced, C. fructicola contains the largest number of candidate virulencefactors, such as plant cell wall degrading enzymes, secondary metabolite (SM) biosynthetic enzymes, secretedproteinases, and small secreted proteins. Systematic analysis of the expressional patterns of these factors would bean important step toward identifying key virulence determinants.

Results: In this study, we obtained and compared the global transcriptome profiles of four types of infection-related structures: conidia, appressoria, infected apple leaves, and cellophane infectious hyphae (bulbous hyphaespreading inside cellophane) of C. fructicola. We also compared the expression changes of candidate virulencefactors among these structures in a systematic manner. A total of 3189 genes were differentially expressed in atleast one pairwise comparison. Genes showing in planta-specific expressional upregulations were enriched withsmall secreted proteins (SSPs), cytochrome P450s, carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZYs) and secondary metabolite(SM) synthetases, and included homologs of several known candidate effectors and one SM gene cluster specific tothe Colletotrichum genus. In conidia, tens of genes functioning in triacylglycerol biosynthesis showed coordinatelyexpressional upregulation, supporting the viewpoint that C. fructicola builds up lipid droplets as energy reserves.Several phosphate starvation responsive genes were coordinately up-regulated during early plant colonization,indicating a phosphate-limited in planta environment immediately faced by biotrophic infectious hyphae.

Conclusion: This study systematically analyzes the expression patterns of candidate virulence genes, and revealsbiological activities related to the development of several infection-related structures of C. fructicola. Our findingslay a foundation for further dissecting infection mechanisms in Colletotrichum and identifying disease controltargets.

Keywords: Glomerella, Leaf spot, GLS, Colletotrichum fructicola, Conidium, Triacylglycerol, Lipid, Appressorium

BackgroundThe Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex(CGSC) encompasses over 20 fungal species in Ascomy-cota that are morphologically indistinguishable, but canbe differentiated with the aid of a common set of DNAmarkers [1–3]. C. fructicola Prihastuti, Cai & Hyde is aCGSC species that was first established based on isolatesfrom coffee (Coffea arabica) berries and is synonymous

with C. ignotum and Glomerella cingulata var. minor[3–5]. It has a broad host range and is cosmopolitan,having been identified on over 50 plant species through-out Asia, Africa, Europe, America, and Australia [6].The wide occurrence of certain C. fructicola diseases,such as Glomerella leaf spot of apple and Camellia an-thracnose, has resulted in large economic losses forgrowers of these commodities [2, 7].Colletotrichum pathogens are hemibiotrophs with a

multistage infection process. Attached conidia germinateand differentiate dome-shaped appressoria on plant sur-faces, underneath which penetration pegs form and pene-trate epidermal cells. The pathogen then differentiates

* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas and College ofPlant Protection, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, ShaanxiProvince, ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Liang et al. BMC Genomics (2018) 19:557 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-018-4934-0

bulbous biotrophic hyphae which are enveloped by an in-tact host plasma membrane; biotrophic hyphae spreadacross living host cells before differentiating thin necro-trophic hyphae that kill and destroy host tissues [8, 9].Genomic and transcriptomic analyses have revealed arange of candidate factors contributing to Colletotrichumvirulence at biotrophic and/or necrotrophic phases [10–12]. Biotrophic factors, such as candidate effectors andsecondary metabolite (SM) biosynthetic enzymes, gener-ally express early in the infection process and function inhost defense suppression or cellular activity manipulation;necrotrophic factors, on the other hand, generally expresslate in the infection process and function in necrosis in-duction or macromolecule hydrolysis [8, 11, 12]. Amongcandidate virulence factors, SM enzymes and candidate ef-fectors are the best characterized [8, 13–15]. Deletion ofthe C. graminicola Sfp-type 4′-phosphopantetheinyl trans-ferase gene, which functions in activating the fungal SMenzymes polyketide synthase (PKS) and nonribosomalpeptide synthetase (NRPS), renders these mutants non-pathogenic [16]. Candidate effectors showing defense-sup-pressive, necrosis-inducing, transcription-regulating, andcarbohydrate-binding activities have also been identified[14, 17–20]. Genes coding for these effectors, however,collectively represent only a small portion of the rich rep-ertoire of Colletotrichum candidate virulence factors un-covered by genome sequencing.Among known Colletotrichum genomes, C. fructicola en-

codes the largest number of putative plant cell wall degrad-ing enzymes (PCWDEs), secreted proteases, candidateeffectors and SM enzymes [11]. Functional characterizationof these genes would be a critical step toward understand-ing the infection mechanisms of C. fructicola. Given thelong candidate gene list, it is necessary to prioritize genesand associated transcriptomes to save time and resources.In this study, the global transcriptomic profiles of four typesof infection-related structures (conidia, appressoria, cello-phane infectious hyphae, and infected plant tissue) were de-termined and compared. The objectives were to analyze theglobal expression patterns of known candidate virulencegenes and identify candidate genes regulating fungalinfection-related developments and host interactions.

MethodsFungal isolate and plant materialsThe C. fructicola isolate SQ06 selected for RNA sequen-cing was isolated from a Glomerella leaf spot (GLS) le-sion on apple (cv. Gala) in Shangqiu city, HenanProvince, China. The isolate was cultured on potato dex-trose agar (PDA) and preserved as a glycerol stock (15%)at − 80 °C in the Fungal Laboratory, College of PlantProtection, Northwest A&F University. Trees of applecv. Gala, which is highly susceptible to GLS, were grownin an orchard near Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China.

Sample preparationConidia (CON): conidial production was induced by cul-turing in potato dextrose broth (PDB) (25 °C, shaken at150 rpm [revolutions per minute], under natural light)as previously described [21]. Six 100 mL Erlenmeyerflasks, each containing 50 mL PDB medium, were inocu-lated with mycelial plugs (four plugs in each flask). Afterbeing cultured for five days, conidia were harvested byfiltering through three layers of Miracloth (Merck Milli-pore, catalog number: 475855) to remove mycelia, cen-trifuging for 5 min at 12,000 rpm and 4 °C, discardingthe supernatant, and washing the pellet twice with sterilewater followed each time by centrifugation. Purified co-nidial pellets were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogenand stored at − 80 °C until usage. Appressoria (APP): ap-pressorium formation was induced by spraying 200 μLof conidial suspension (1 × 107/mL) on a 9-mm-diameterlayer of cellophane placed on top of 2% water agar, andincubated at 25 °C. At 8 h post inoculation (hpi), cello-phane sheets bearing appressoria and germ tubes werecut into small pieces, immediately frozen in liquid nitro-gen and stored at − 80 °C until usage. Cellophane infec-tious hyphae (CIH): 200 μL of a conidial suspension (1 ×107/mL) was sprayed on a 9-cm-diameter circle of cello-phane placed on top of 2% water agar amended with0.01% yeast extract, which was incubated at 25 °C untiltissue harvest. Germinated conidia formed vegetative hy-phae on the membrane surface, while at the same timepenetrated cellophane and formed CIH. At 36 hpi, co-nidia and vegetative hyphae on the cellophane surfacewere removed by gentle fingertip rubbing and rinsingwith tap water. The CIH were then harvested in thesame way as described for harvesting APP. Infected Leaf(IL): apple (cv. Gala) leaves were harvested from treesgrowing in the Yangling orchard, then brought back tothe lab. Fully expanded young leaves (harvested in Au-gust 2015) were surface-rinsed with tap water, sterilizedby rubbing with alcohol cotton ball, air-dried, placed inmoist chamber and immediately used for inoculation,for which a conidial suspension (5 × 106/mL in 0.05%tween 20) was brushed onto the adaxial leaf surface,then incubated in a moist chamber at room temperature(~ 25 °C). At 48 hpi, five random leaves bearing uniformtiny lesions were selected, leaf veins were cut away, andthe remaining leaf tissues were mixed and immediatelyfrozen in liquid nitrogen, then stored at − 80 °C for laterRNA extraction.

RNA isolation and sequencingFor each sample type, three independent samples werecollected for subsequent RNA extraction and sequencing.Total RNAs were extracted with a TIANGEN RNAsimpleKit (TIANGEN, DP419, Beijing, China). RNA degradationand contamination were monitored on 1% agarose gels.

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RNA concentration was measured using Qubit® RNAAssay Kit in Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer (Life Technologies,CA, USA), and RNA integrity was assessed using theRNA Nano 6000 Assay Kit of the Agilent Bioanalyzer2100 system (Agilent Technologies, CA, USA).A total of 1.5 μg RNA per sample was used as input

material for RNA sequencing. Library preparation and li-brary sequencing were performed at the Novogene Bio-informatics Institute (Beijing, China). Sequencinglibraries were prepared using NEB Next® Ultra™ RNA Li-brary Prep Kit for Illumina® (NEB, MA, USA), and werethen sequenced on an Illumina Hiseq 4000 platformwith a 150 bp pair-ended strategy. The intended sequen-cing depths for CON, APP, and CIH were 1 Gb cleanbases per library, and the intended sequencing depth forIL was 6 Gb per library to raise the fungal reads.

Data analysisFor quality control, error-prone reads and reads contain-ing adapter sequences were identified and the corre-sponding read-pairs were removed through in-houseperl scripts developed by the Novogene BioinformaticsInstitute (Beijing, China). Based on literature recommen-dation [22], low-quality reads were defined based on thecriterion that the number of N bases exceeded 10% ofthe total read length, or that the number of error-pronebases (quality score < =5) exceeded 50% of the total readlength. After filtration, the ratio of accurate bases (Phredscore > 20) ranged from 95.17 to 97.37% among differentlibraries, and the ratio of highly accurate bases (Phredscore > 30) ranged from 89.53 to 93.31%.Bowtie 2 version 2.2.6 [23] and TopHat version 2.1.0

[24] were used to align clean reads to the C. fructicola1104–7 reference genome (GenBank accession no.MVNS00000000). For reads mapping, a maximum oftwo mismatches and two gaps were allowed, concordantmapping to the same genome location was enforced,and reads with multiple hits were not allowed. Readsmapped to each predicted gene model (17,827 in total)were counted in HTSeq version 0.6.0 [25]. Saturationanalyses of library sequencing depths were performedwith the NOISeq R package [26]. The inter-replicateCPM (counts per million) variability of individual geneswere then examined to estimate the CPM filteringthreshold above which precise gene expression estima-tion could be achieved. Subsequently, DESeq2 [27] andedgeR [28] analyses were performed to identify differ-ently expressed genes (DEGs). In DESeq2 and edgeR,differential expressions were tested with a fold-changethreshold, and the lfc (log fold change) parameters wereboth set to 3, equivalent to 8-fold expressional difference.In DESeq2, the filtering alpha value was set to 0.05, andthe filtering parameter in edgeR was ‘CPM ≥ 5 in at leastthree libraries’. For each pairwise combination, only DEGs

identified by both DESeq2 and edgeR were kept; thesegenes were further filtered to ensure that the averageCPM of the up-regulated sample was larger than a prede-termined CPM filtering threshold (5 for CON, APP andCIH; 50 for IL). The DEG identification procedure wasshown in Additional file 1: Figure S1 and the completebioinformatic command lines were reported in Additionalfile 1: Table S1.Identification of candidate virulence genes from C.

fructicola, including putative cytochrome P450s, trans-porters, small secreted proteins (SSPs), carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZYs), secondary metabolite (SM)synthetases, and secretory proteases from the C. fructi-cola 1104–7 genome has been described previously [29].Additional genes of interest were identified by BLASTsearch or local Interproscan database search [30]. CPMswere used for hierarchical clustering analysis and forheatmap generation. Hierarchical clustering was per-formed with GeneCluster version 3.0 [31]. CPM valueswere added with a prior value of 0.125, log-transformedand centered with means prior to hierarchical clusteringwith the average link method. Cluster outcome was visual-ized with Java TreeView version 1.1.6r4 [32]. Functionalenrichment tests of PFAM domains and gene ontologies(GOs) were performed with FunRich version 2.1.2 [33], inwhich hypergeometric tests were performed and P-valueswere adjusted with the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure toobtain false discovery rates (FDRs).

Expressional validation by qRT-PCR of conidium-relatedgenesTo determine whether ‘conidium-related’ genes identi-fied by RNA-seq were stage-specific (showing rapid ex-pressional down-regulation upon conidial germination),we extracted total RNAs from conidia harvested from5-day-old PDB culture (150 rpm, 25 °C), conidia germi-nated in liquid shake PDB (1 × 104 conidia/mL, 200 rpm,25 °C, 12 h), and conidia germinated on cellophane laidon top of PDA (2 × 105 conidia/plate, 25 °C, 12 h). RNAswere also extracted from appressoria (1 × 106 conidia/mL, drop-inoculated on onion epidermis, 8 h). We usedonion epidermis to induce appressorium formation be-cause onion epidermis has a higher inducing efficiencyand resembles leaf surface more closely than cellophanemembrane. RNAs were also extracted from infectedapple leaves (cv. Gala) at different times after inoculation(24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 h). RNAs were extracted with aTIANGEN RNAsimple Kit (catalog number: DP419),and contaminated DNAs were removed by in-columnDNase treatment. Purified RNAs were reverse-transcribed into cDNAs with a cDNA synthesis kit(Thermo Scientific, catalog number: K1621). SYBRGreen based qRT-PCR amplifications were performedwith a StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System, and PCRs

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were performed with the 2 × RealStar Green Fast Mix-ture (GenStar, catalog number: A301) using the follow-ing program: 5 min at 94 °C, followed by 40 cycles of94 °C for 10 s and 60 °C for 30 s. The alpha-tubulin(TUB) gene was chosen as the internal control and rela-tive quantifications were calculated based on the deltadelta Ct approach [34]. For statistical analysis, relativegene expression fold changes were compared usingone-way permutation test with the coin and rcompanionR packages [35]. qRT-PCR primers used in this study arelisted in Additional file 1: Table S2.

ResultsTissues sampled for RNA sequencingLiquid shake PDB culture efficiently induced conidial for-mation; the concentration exceeded 107 per mL at the col-lection time (5 dpi). On the cellophane inductive surface,approximately 70% of conidia germinated at 3 hpi and thegermination rate reached ~ 97% at 8 hpi (Fig. 1a). Appres-sorium formation incidence (based on germinated co-nidia) increased from ~ 10% at 3 hpi to ~ 60% at 8 hpi(Fig. 1a). Appressoria produced from short germ tubesmelanized earlier than those produced from long germtubes (Fig. 1b). By 10.5 hpi, most appressoria had becomeheavily melanized. Appressorial tissue was harvested at 8hpi, when the appressorium formation frequency was highand appressoria at various developmental stages werepresent. On cellophane, C. fructicola appressoria pene-trated and formed cellophane infectious hyphae (CIH)from 18 hpi onward, which were thick, bulbous, heavilybranched and tightly aligned, resembling the biotrophic

infectious hyphae formed during in-planta colonization(Fig. 1c). On inoculated apple leaves, C. fructicola co-nidia differentiated abundant appressoria; necrotic le-sions became visible and rapidly merged together from48 hpi onward (Fig. 2a, b). Inside the lesions, infectioushyphae spread across epidermal cells and into meso-phylls (Fig. 2c).

Quality control and identification of differentiallyexpressed genesA total of 146.5 million clean RNA-Seq reads, represent-ing 44 Gb nucleotide bases, were generated. Of these,36.7 million reads could be unequivocally aligned to the1104–7 reference genome (concordant unique pairs, seedetails in Additional file 1: Table S3). Despite the IL li-braries had over 6-fold more sequence reads, the num-bers of mapped reads were much fewer compared withthose of CON, APP, and CIH, the average alignmentrates were 75.4, 75.4, 73.7 and 0.81%; and the averagenumber of aligned reads were 4.75, 3.68, 3.55, and 0.27million. NOISeq simulation predicted that one millionnew reads would detect 190–370 new genes (counts ≥5)for CON, APP, and CIH libraries; but would detect4018–7576 new genes (counts ≥5) for the IL libraries(Additional file 1: Figure S2). Thus, in terms of new genedetection, the CON, APP and CIH libraries werewell-saturated whereas the IL libraries were not.We next examined the inter-replicate CPM variability,

so as to estimate the CPM filtering threshold abovewhich precise gene expression estimation (e.g. CPM)could be achieved. For each gene, its ‘relative CPM error

Fig. 1 Development of C. fructicola appressoria and cellophane infectious hyphae. a Conidial germination and appressorium formation oncellophane surface. Plotted means and standard deviations were based on counts from 10 randomly chosen optical fields, each with around 35conidia. Appressorium formation rate was calculated on per-germ-tube basis. b Top, at 8 h post inoculation (hpi), appressoria at ends of shortgerm tubes were melanized (black arrow) whereas those at ends of long germ tubes were still hyaline (red arrow). Bottom, all appressoriabecame heavily melanized by 10.5 hpi. c Cellophane infectious hyphae. Left, nascent infectious hyphae formed at an appressorium penetrationsite (arrowhead) at 18 hpi; Right, bulbous cellophane infectious hyphae observed with a GFP-labeled strain at 36 hpi. Scale bars in b and crepresent 50 μm

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value’ was calculated as the relative difference betweenits CPM in one replicate (chosen arbitrarily) and theaverage CPM calculated from the rest two replicates. Intheory, the relative inter-replicate CPM error would bestationary for highly expressed genes whereas unsatur-ated genes would have larger relative CPM errors due toPoisson noise interference. By removing low-expressiongenes, the genome-wide relative CPM errors shouldgradually stabilize, enabling the optimal CPM filteringthresholds to be determined. The distributions ofgenome-wide relative CPM errors are plotted in Add-itional file 1: Figure S3a. For CON, APP, and CIH, re-moving genes with CPM < 5 controlled the relative CPMerrors to within 0.6 for 99.3, 96.7, and 97.4% of genes re-spectively, and the error distributions tended to stabilizewhen more stringent cutoff values were applied. For theIL sample, a CPM cutoff of 50 controlled the relativeCPM errors to within 1.0 for 96.0% of genes, and theerror distributions also stabilized thereafter. Based onthese results, we determined the optimal CPM filteringthreshold for CON, APP, and CIH to be 5, and the opti-mal threshold for IL to be 50. Additional file 1: FigureS3b shows the correlation plots before and after applyingthese filtering thresholds in CON, APP, CIH and IL.Additional file 1: Figure S4 shows the density plot distri-bution of relative CPM errors for CIH and IL.

The 12 RNA-seq libraries formed sample type-definedclusters in pairwise distance heatmap (Additional file 1:Figure S5a), replicates neighbored together whereas dif-ferent biological conditions were separated. Based on aset of arbitrary cutoffs (CPM ≥ 1 in all three libraries forCON, APP, and CIH; CPM ≥ 10 in all three libraries forIL), 12,511 out of 17,827 predicted gene models were de-tected to be expressed, which included 9027, 10,489,10,740, and 7117 genes in CON, APP, CIH and IL re-spectively (Additional file 1: Figure S5b).DESeq2 and edgeR identified 3555 and 5326 differ-

ently expressed genes (DEGs), respectively, in at leastone of the six pairwise comparisons (Additional file 1:Figure S5c). Up to 3433 DEGs were supported by bothprograms. Further CPM filtering (average CPM ≥ 5 inup-regulated condition if being CON, APP, or CIH, andaverage CPM ≥ 50 in up-regulated condition if being IL)removed 244 genes, producing 3189 final DEGs (Add-itional file 1: Figure S5c). These DEGs showed at least8-fold expressional difference, were supported by bothprograms, and the CPMs for the up-regulated conditionswere above the CPM thresholds, and thus were highlylikely to be true DEGs. Additional file 1: Figure S6a plot-ted the gene average CPM distribution among all sixpairwise comparisons; the average CPMs of DEGs wereclearly more variable among samples compared with

Fig. 2 Infection characteristics of C. fructicola on detached apple leaf. a. Typical symptom development of detached leaf inoculated with conidialsuspension (5 × 106/mL in 0.05% Tween 20). b. At 48 hpi, appressoria formed abundantly on leaf surface (tiny black spots) whereas necroticlesions formed sporadically (yellow color). c. At 54 hpi, infectious hyphae spread both in the epidermal layer (c1, c2) and downward to themesophyll (c3, red arrows). Scale bars in c represent 20 μm

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Fig. 3 Differently-expressed genes identified in this study. Left, hierarchical clustering heatmap. Levels of expression are represented asmoderated log2 ratios of CPMs. Right, significantly enriched gene ontology (GO) terms and PFAM domains for the four structure-specific clustersdefined in the heatmap. Hypergeometric enrichment tests were performed against the genome background, and BH FDR represents Benjaminiand Hochberg’s adjusted P-value

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non-DEGs. Additional file 1: Figure S6b plotted the pro-portion of genes which had CPM values less than a giventhreshold in at least one of the two compared samples.Except for CPM 1, the corresponding proportions werealways higher for DEGs than for non-DEGs and the gen-ome background (all genes considered). This patternsupported the interpretation that the DEG identificationprocedure enriched genes being lowly-expressed at oneinfection stage but highly activated at another stage.To validate the gene expression profile obtained with

RNA-Seq, the expression of 28 genes was further quanti-fied using qRT-PCR. Fourteen chosen genes were relatedto triacylglycerol biosynthesis and conidial development,their relative CON-to-APP fold change values were calcu-lated with both qRT-PCR and RNA-Seq, which wereclosely correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.82).Another 14 chosen genes were functionally related tophosphate starvation response and quinate metabolism;their relative IL(48 hpi)-to-APP fold change values werealso compared, and the Pearson correlation coefficient be-tween RNA-seq and qRT-PCR was 0.81. These resultssuggest that the transcriptome analysis performed in thisstudy is reliable.Hierarchical clustering analysis was performed with

DEGs based on their CPM profile among samples, thisanalysis identified four gene clusters made up of genesbeing strongly up-regulated in CON, IL, APP or CIHcompared with the other three tissue types (Fig. 3 left).PFAM domains and gene ontology (GO) terms beingsignificantly enriched for individual clusters are shown

in Fig. 3 right. The annotation and pairwise foldchanges of individual DEGs are shown in Additional file 2:Table S4.

Global expression patterns of candidate virulence factorsThe C. fructicola 1104–7 genome contained 88 second-ary metabolite (SM) synthetases and 52 SM clusters(predicted by SMURF), 552 small secreted proteins(SSPs, containing predicted secretory signals, lackingpredicted transmembrane region, amino acid length <300), 1129 CAZYs, and 96 secretory proteases. Among180 genes showing in planta-specific upregulations(Log2

Fold Change ≥ 3 compared with each of the otherthree conditions), SSPs, P450s, CAZYs and SM synthe-tases were significantly enriched compared to the gen-ome background (Fig. 4). The overall expressionalpatterns of candidate virulence factors are summarizedbelow.

Secondary metabolite (SM) synthetasesThe predicted 88 SM synthetases included eight dimethy-lallyl tryptophan synthases (DMAT), 13 nonribosomalpeptide synthases (NRPS), 13 NRPS-like proteins, 38 poly-ketide synthases (PKS), 11 terpene synthases (TS), onePKS-like protein and four PKS-NRPS hybrids. The totalnumber and number in each category resembled those re-ported for the C. fructicola Nara_gc5 strain [13]. RNA-seqdetected the expression of 44 genes (CPM ≥ 10 in all threereplicate libraries for IL; or CPM ≥ 1 in all three replicatelibraries for CON, or APP, or CIH) (Additional file 1:

Fig. 4 Genes showing in planta-specific expression (IL genes) are enriched with candidate virulence factors. Left, log2 ratios of CPMs. Right,functional enrichment analysis, P-values are calculated based on hypergeometric tests

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Figure S7a). Interestingly, 20 genes showed the highest ex-pression level in IL, indicating that SM gene expressionwas preferentially induced during plant infection. PKS1,which catalyzes melanin biosynthesis [36], was stronglyup-regulated in APP. NPS6, a NRPS contributing to sid-erophore biosynthesis [37], showed higher-level expres-sion in APP and IL.Among 52 SM clusters, one cluster showed coordi-

nated and specific expressional up-regulation in IL(Additional file 1: Figure S7b). This was a PKS clusterconserved among several Colletotrichum genomes in-cluding C. fructicola Nara_gc5, C. gloeosporioides, C.fioriniae and C. higginsianum. The homologous clusterin C. higginsianum (PKS cluster-6), however, was barelyexpressed during Arabidopsis infection [8].

Candidate effector proteins (CEPs)Among 552 predicted small secreted proteins (SSPs), 187showed significantly different expression among samples.A total of 30 SSP members showed in planta-specific ex-pression (CPM being zero or close to zero in CON, APP,and CIH, but at least 10 in IL), or were similar to knownfungal effectors, which were named candidate effector

proteins (CEPs). Those CEPs were further divided intofour categories detailed below (Fig. 5).The first CEP category contained putative toxins,

which included necrosis-inducing proteins (NPP1,PF05630) and Hce2 necrosis-inducing factors (PF14856).The predicted 1104–7 secretome contained nine NPP1sand four Hce2s. RNA-seq detected the expressions offour NPP1s and three Hce2s (CPM ≥ 10 in all three rep-licate libraries for IL; or CPM ≥ 1 in all three replicate li-braries for CON, or APP, or CIH), among which twoNPP1s (1104|07935, 1104|13,611) and two Hce2s(1104|06119, 1104|11,817) were differentially expressed.None of the four genes, however, showed in planta-specific expression. Interestingly, 1104|13,641, whichwas homologous to ChEC35 in Colletotrichum higginsia-num and the bacterial enterotoxin alpha chain, showedstrong in-planta-specific expression. The ChEC91homolog 1104|11,942, similar to an Ophiostoma ulminecrosis-inducing protein [38], was highly expressed inCON and IL. Expression of three weak homologues ofthe host-selective toxin PtrToxB [39] was not detected.The second CEP category contained surface-binding

proteins, which included two proteins containing

Fig. 5 Candidate effector proteins (CEPs) of C. fructicola. Short amino acid (AA) length (< 100) and high cysteine content (Cys% > 3%) arehighlighted in blue. For each gene, CPM values are indicated

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hydrophobic surface binding protein A domain (HsbA,1104|04368, 1104|01695), two LysM domain-containingproteins (1104|12,947, 1104|01492) and one CFEMdomain-containing protein (1104|14,079). All five genesshowed in planta-specific expression (Fig. 5). The twoLysM proteins belong to the CIH1 family, a family ofColletotrichum proteins expressed specifically in intra-cellular biotrophic hyphae and important for fungal viru-lence [20, 40].Proteins in the third CEP category lacked obvious do-

main but showed strong sequence similarity to knownbiotrophy-associated effectors identified in C. higginsia-num (ChEC11, ChEC28, ChEC31, ChEC33) or Magna-porthe grisea (BAS2, BAS4) (Fig. 5). Except for BAS2(1104|11,779), all members showed in planta-specificexpression. BAS2 was not detected in IL but was highlyexpressed in APP and CIH.Fourteen in planta-specific SSPs lacked any

function-indicative signature (Fig. 5), among which five(1104|04728, 1104|01495, 1104|10,639, 1104|13,650,1104|17,590) were specific to the genus Colletotrichumbased on BlastP searches against the NCBI nr database.

CAZYsAmong 1129 predicted CAZY genes, 422 were differen-tially expressed. These CAZYs were roughly classifiedinto five clusters (Additional file 1: Figure S8a). Cluster1encompassed genes being strongly induced in APP,which included 27 genes, among which 14 coded forredox enzymes. AA2 (heme-containing peroxidases) andAA5 (copper radical oxidases) showed the strongest en-richments, bonferroni-adjusted P-values were 1.4E-08and 3.7E-05 respectively (hypergeometric tests). Cluster2genes were highly upregulated in IL; the most stronglyenriched family was CE5 (cutinases), with an adjustedP-value of 0.02. Cluster3 genes were highly upregulatedin CIH; families showing the strongest enrichmentsfunctioned in degrading carbohydrate macromolecules.The adjusted enrichment P-values for CBM1, AA9(formerly GH61), PL1, and GH7 were 7.1E-10, 2.3E-05,0.01 and 0.02 respectively. Cluster5 genes were highlyexpressed in conidia, the GT frequency for which wasthe highest among all clusters, and the family showingthe strongest enrichment was GH128 (adjusted P =0.001).Based on CAZY family assignments, 230 CAZY genes

were putative PCWDEs and 126 of them were differentlyexpressed (Additional file 1: Figure S8b). Interestingly,107 of these genes showed the highest expressions inCIH, evidencing strong activation of PCWDEs in CIH.

Secreted proteasesAmong 96 predicted secretory proteases, 54 memberswere differentially expressed (Additional file 1: Figure

S8c) and 35 showed the highest expression in CIH.Examination of these protease families identified M14Asand S53s showing interesting expression patterns. Fiveof the six predicted M14As showed specificup-regulation in CIH whereas three of the four predictedS53s showed higher expressions in APP and IL (Add-itional file 1: Figure S8d). The M14A family contains di-gestive zinc carboxypeptidase activity [41]; S53 familymembers are characterized by endopeptidase activitywith acidic pH optima [42].

Genes showing infection structure-specific expression orupregulationConidia

Metabolic shunt toward triacylglycerol biosynthesisLipid bodies are important energy reserves in Colleto-trichum conidia, which are mobilized for energy gener-ation during conidial germination and appressoriumformation [43]. A number of genes functioning in lipidbiosynthesis were up-regulated in CON. Further exam-ination and qRT-PCR data supported a coordinatedup-regulation of genes leading toward triacylglycerol(TAG) biosynthesis (Fig. 6).Triacylglycerol biosynthesis relies on two metabolic

precursors, fatty acids (FAs) and glycerol-3-phosphate(G3P). FA biosynthesis is derived from acetyl-CoA, inthe process of which acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC)transforms acetyl-CoA into malonyl-CoA, then fattyacid synthetase (FAS) iteratively incorporates malonyl-CoAinto a preexisting CoA precursor. The 1104–7 genomecontained a single-copy ACC gene (1104|09778), whichshowed no expressional difference among RNA-seqsamples. On the other hand, both copies of FASs(1104|05937, 1104|05927) showed expressional up-regula-tion in CON relative to APP and CIH. A delta-9 fatty aciddesaturase (9FADS, 1104|07838), catalyzing FA desatur-ation, was also strongly up-regulated in CON, with over20 folds compared with both APP and CIH. G3P is pro-duced mainly from the C3 metabolite dihydroxyacetonephosphate, being catalyzed by glycerol-3-phosphate de-hydrogenase (GPDH). The 1104–7 genome contained asingle-copy GPDH (1104|15,728), which was also clearlyup-regulated in CON (~ 8 fold relative to APP). The ex-pressional upregulation of FASs, 9FADS, and GPDH inconidia was also validated by qRT-PCR (Fig. 6b).The enzymatic condensation of FAs and G3P into

TAGs is a multi-step process catalyzed by at least fiveenzymes. The first and rate-limiting step is the forma-tion of 1-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate from G3P andAcyl-CoA, catalyzed by glycerol-3-phosphate acyltrans-ferase (GPAT) [44]. The single-copy GPAT gene(1104|15,484) showed the strongest expression in CON,approximately 7-fold stronger than APP, and this

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Fig. 6 Triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthetic pathway genes are coordinately up-regulated in conidia. a Metabolic pathways leading toward TAGbiosynthesis (left) and expressional heatmap of involved genes (right); log2 ratios of expression are plotted. Up-regulated genes (over 2-fold,relative to APP) are highlighted in blue (left) or ‘*’ (right). b Expressional validation of selected genes by qRT-PCR. Fold changes relative to conidiawere plotted and error bars were calculated from three independent replicates. ‘*’ indicates significant down-regulation relative to CON atP < 0.05 using permutation test. ACC: acetyl-CoA carboxylase; AGAT: acylglycerol-phosphate acyltransferase; DGAT: diglyceride acyltransferase;FAS: fatty acid synthase; GPAT: glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase; GPDH: glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; MDH: malate dehydrogenase;ME: malic enzyme; PAP: phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase; PC: pyruvate carboxylase; PDAT: phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase; PPP:pentose phosphate pathway; 9FADS: Delta-9 fatty acid desaturase

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expressional upregulation was validated by qRT-PCR.The formed 1-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate would befurther acylated into TAG via the coordinated action ofacylglycerol-phosphate acyltransferase (AGAT), phos-phatidate phosphatase (PAP), phospholipid:diacylglycerolacyltransferase (PDAT), and diglyceride acyltransferases(DGATs). The 1104–7 genome contained five genes en-coding these enzymes (AGAT, PAP, PDAT, DGAT1,DGAT2). The expression of PAP, PDAT and DGAT1 wasapparently higher in CON than in APP and CIH inRNA-Seq (Fig. 6a). The expression of AGAT, PDAT,DGAT1 and DGAT2 was further assessed by qRT-PCR,in which AGAT, PDAT and DGAT1 were significantlyup-regulated in CON (Fig. 6b).FA biosynthesis and FA desaturation require the redu-

cing force generated from NADPH. In oleaginous fungi,the generation of NADPH has been proposed to be arate-limiting step during FA biosynthesis, for which pen-tose phosphate pathway (PPP) and NADP+-dependentmalic enzyme (ME) play critical roles [45, 46]. Comparedwith the other three RNA-Seq samples, one6-phosphogluconolactonase (6PGL1, 1104|07184), onetransaldolase (TAL1, 1104|09297), and two xylulose5-phosphate phosphoketolases (XPK1 [1104|01142],XPK2 [1104|11,150]) were significantly up-regulated inCON. All of these enzymes participate in the PPP path-way. The expressional upregulation of 6PGL1, XPK1,and XPK2 was further validated by qRT-PCR (Fig. 6b).The 1104–7 genome contained two predicted MEs(ME1 [1104|13,112] and ME2 [1104|08443]), both spe-cifically up-regulated in CON based on RNA-Seq (Fig.6a). However, qRT-PCR validated only the expressionalup-regulation of ME2 (Fig. 6b).Overall, a range of enzymes functioning in TAG

enzymatic condensation and the production of TAGcondensation precursors (FA, G3P, NADPH) were up-regulated in a coordinated manner in CON, supportinga metabolic shunt toward storage lipid biosynthesis indeveloping conidia.

Hypoxia and oxidative stress responses In filamentousfungi, hypoxia responses are conservatively regulated bytranscription factors (TFs) of the sterol regulatory elem-ent binding protein (SREBP) class [47], with SrbA andSrbB from Aspergillus fumigatus being best character-ized [48]. The 1104–7 genome contained 12 SREBPs, in-cluding one SrbA homolog and three SrbB homologues(Additional file 1: Figure S9a). All four genes were spe-cifically up-regulated in CON relative to APP, CIH andIL (Additional file 1: Figure S9b). In addition to SREBPs,a range of downstream genes known to be activated bySrbB, or activated by SrbB together with SrbA were alsoup-regulated in CON (Additional file 1: Figure S9b).Interestingly, no obvious expressional upregulation was

observed with genes activated by SrbA alone (Additionalfile 1: Figure S9b).The fungal bZIP transcription factor AP1 is an import-

ant oxidative stress response regulator [49–51]. Basedon RNA-Seq, the 1104–7 AP1 gene (1104|15,415)showed four and nine-fold expressional up-regulation inCON compared with APP and CIH, indicating elevatedoxidative stress responses in conidia. In accordance, thesingle-copy alternative oxidase gene (1104|02648), whichis important for attenuating mitochondrial ROS produc-tion, was highly up-regulated in CON (Additional file 1:Figure S9c), the up-regulation folds were over 100 com-pared with APP and CIH. Moreover, one mitochondrialMnSOD (1104|08933) and one cytosolic MnSOD(1104|15,641) were strongly up-regulated in CON com-pared with APP and CIH (Additional file 1: Figure S9c).Additional ROS-detoxifying enzymes, including catalase,glutathione-disulfide reductase, thioredoxin reductase,and glutathione s-transferase, were also highly inducedin CON (Additional file 1: Figure S9c). These resultssupported elevated oxidative stress responses in develop-ing conidia.

Environmental signal perceptions The protein familyCFEM (common in fungal extracellular membranes) wasenriched among genes up-regulated in CON. CFEM is aneight cysteine-containing domain playing diverse roles in-cluding virulence, maintaining cell wall integrity, biofilmformation, and iron acquisition; CFEM-containing pro-teins have been proposed to function as cell-surface recep-tors or signal transducers, or as adhesion molecules [52–54]. The 1104–7 genome contained 40 CFEM genes, andthe expression of 31 members was significantly differentamong samples (Additional file 1: Figure S10). Interest-ingly, up to 16 CFEMs showed the highest expression inCON. A large portion of these CFEMs contained pre-dicted secretory peptides and transmembrane regions,indicating a potential function in environmental signalperception.


Melanin biosynthesis In Colletotrichum, appressorialmelanization is critical for penetration success, and themelanin biosynthetic pathway has been well-characterized.During melanin biosynthesis, malonyl-CoA is first con-verted into 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene (1,8-DHN) by fourpathway enzymes, namely PKS1, T4HR1, THR1, andSCD1 [55]. The intermediate 1,8-DHN is further polymer-ized into melanin by laccase [56]. Within expectation, theC. fructicola PKS1, T4HR1, THR1, and SCD1 genes wereall strongly up-regulated in APP (Fig. 7a); the fold in-creases ranged between 50 to over 250 compared withCON. The THR1 (1104|11,188) transcript was in fact the

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most abundant among all genes expressed in APP. In C.lagenarium, a Cys2His2 zinc finger transcription factorCMR1 regulates melanin accumulation in mycelia but notin appressoria [57]. Interestingly, the C. fructicola CMR1homolog (1104|12,627) showed around 140-fold expres-sional upregulation in APP compared with CON.

Extracellular binding and cell wall modificationactivities The C. gloeosporioides CAP22 gene encodes a22 kDa protein that is highly induced during

appressorium formation [58], and localizes to theappressorial cell wall when it is secreted. The 1104–7genome contained one single-copy CAP22 homolog,which was highly up-regulated in APP and its transcriptabundance ranked third among all genes. Significantlyup-regulated genes in APP also included three genes en-coding the polysaccharide deacetylase domain (PF01522)and six genes encoding the carbohydrate-binding WSC do-main (PF01822) (Fig. 7b). All of those carbohydrate-bindingproteins contained predicted signal peptides except for

Fig. 7 Expression of genes putatively involved in appressorial development and function. a 1,8-DHN melanin biosynthetic pathway. b Cap22,carbohydrate binding and oxidoreductive enzymes. c Genes in the GEgh16/gEgh16H family (left), cutinase family (middle), and HsbA family (right)

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1104|08040. Two of the six WSC proteins contained add-itional domains; 1104|08108 had a haem-like peroxidasedomain (PF00141) in the N-terminal region whereas1104|10,261 had a glyoxal oxidase domain (PF07250) in theC-terminal region.

Extracellular oxidoreductive activities Several redoxenzymes (six putative lignin peroxidases, five putativemulticopper oxidases, one putative versatile peroxidase,and one putative GMC oxidoreductase) were stronglyup-regulated in APP compared with their expression inCON, CIH and IL (Fig. 7b). Eleven of the 13 pro-teins contained predicted signal peptides, indicatingstrong extracellular oxidoreductive activity. It is import-ant to note that copper-containing laccase is importantfor appressorial melanization in C. orbiculare [56].

Additional activities GEgh16/gEgh16H homologuesmake up a conserved protein family in fungi which playimportant virulence roles by regulating plant penetration[59–61]. The 1104–7 genome contained seven gEgh16/gEgh16H homologues; five showed higher expressions inboth APP and IL, supporting their relation to infection(Fig. 7c). In particular, the transcript accumulation of1104|13,308 ranked the 15th in APP whereas the tran-script accumulation of 1104|14,582 ranked the seventhin IL. Another gene family related to appressorial func-tion was HsbA (hydrophobic surface binding protein Adomain, PF12296). In Aspergillus oryzae, a HsbA proteinbinds hydrophobic surface and recruits lytic enzymes(e.g. cutinases) to promote the degradation of hydropho-bic solid materials [62]. The 1104–7 genome encoded13 HsbA proteins; of these, five showed IL-specificexpressional upregulation, two showed expressionalAPP-specific upregulation, and three showed higherexpression in both APP and IL (Fig. 7c). The 1104–7genome contained 18 predicted cutinases (PF01083).Interestingly, at least 9 genes showed clear IL-specificup-regulation whereas only two showed APP-specificupregulation (Fig. 7c). It is likely that plant-dependentchemical induction is more important than hydrophobi-city in triggering cutinase gene expression.Two functionally unknown proteins containing pre-

dicted secretion signal peptides and the protein-bindingkelch domain (1104|09633, 1104|13,918) were alsostrongly up-regulated in APP, with 1104|13,918 beingthe 14th most abundantly expressed gene in APP.

Cellophane infectious growthColletotrichum appressoria can penetrate cellophaneand differentiate bulbous cellophane infectious hyphae(CIH). In appearance, these structures resemble inplanta biotrophic infectious hyphae, and have beennamed pseudobiotrophic hyphae [63]. In the present

study, however, CIH and IL shared only 10.6% of genesthat were significantly co-upregulated compared withAPP. Moreover, 1104|12,947 and 1104|01492, two ho-mologues of the Colletotrichum biotroph marker CIH1,were specifically expressed in IL, but not in CIH. Thus,the global gene expressional profile of CIH differed fromIL. Compared with the other tissue types, the most obvi-ous expressional pattern shift observed with CIH wasthe cooperative up-regulation of PCWDEs and secretoryproteases.In filamentous fungi, the expression of PCWDE genes

is tightly regulated. Two major classes of transcriptionfactor, XlnR/Xyr1 and CLR-2/ClrB/ManR, regulate cellu-lolytic enzyme expressions in Ascomycota fungi [64–66].The functional importance of these two classes of genesdiffers among genera; Trichoderma reesi relies mainly onXlnR whereas Aspergillus spp. and Neurospora spp. relymainly on CLR-2. In N. crassa, cellulose-induced expres-sion of CLR-2 requires an additional transcriptionalregulator CLR-1 (clrA). The 1104–7 genome containedone CLR-1 homolog (1104|14,699), two CLR-2 homo-logues (1104|02259, 1104|08827), and two XlnR homo-logues (1104|09929, 1104|00491). Compared with CON,APP and IL, weak expressional upregulation was ob-served for the CLR-2 homolog 1104|08827 and the XlnRhomolog 1104|09929 in CIH whereas strong expres-sional up-regulation was observed for the CLR-2 homo-log 1104|02259 (11-fold relative to APP) (Additional file1: Figure S8b).

Plant infectionPhosphate starvation responses Gene Ontology en-richment analyses showed that phosphate transport(GO:0005315) and glycerophosphodiester phospho-diesterase (GO:0008889) activities were significantlyenriched among genes up-regulated in IL (Fig. 3), indi-cating a phosphate-limited in planta environment [67].Using qRT-PCR, we examined the expression ofphosphate starvation responsive genes during theinfection process of C. fructicola. The expression ofone phytase homolog (PHY, 1104|15,756) and two pu-tative phosphate transporters (PT1 [1104|06229], PT2[1104|11,736]) was highly up-regulated in earlyinfection; all peaked between 36 hpi and 48 hpi(Fig. 8a). The 1104–7 genome also encoded five pro-teins with glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterasedomains (GDPD1–5) (Fig. 8b). GDPD5 expression wasrelative constant, but the other four GDPDs showedobvious expressional upregulation at 24 hpi. GDPD3was also up-regulated at 60 hpi. GDPD2 and GDPD4contained SPX domains (PF03105) at their N-terminalregions. SPX domain proteins are key players regulat-ing inorganic phosphate signaling, particularly phos-phate starvation responses [67–70].

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Utilizing plant-derived quinate as a carbon sourceQuinate is a lignin-related aromatic hydrocarbon compris-ing up to 10% of the total weight of decaying leaf litter[71]. In nature, several fungi can utilize quinate as the solecarbon source, which requires a ‘qut’ gene cluster [72].Genes on the cluster include quinate permease (qutD),quinate dehydrogenase (qutB), type II 3-dehydroquinase(qutE), and 3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase (qutC). Theseenzymes together take up exogenous quinate and trans-form it into protocatechuate, which can be further catabo-lized into succinate and acetyl CoA for energy generationvia the TCA cycle, or be transformed into chorismate foraromatic compound biosynthesis. The qutC gene catalyzesthe rate-limiting step of quinate utilization. Transcriptionof the ‘qut’ genes is typically quinate-inducible. InRNA-seq, the C. fructicola homologs of ‘qut’ genes showedin-planta specific up-regulation (Fig. 9a), which was fur-ther validated by qRT-PCR (Fig. 9b). Compared with APP,

the expression levels of qutD, qutB, and qutC were signifi-cant higher at all infection time points. qutC, in particular,showed over 100-fold expressional upregulation. qutE alsoshowed expressional upregulation, but its up-regulationextent was not as obvious as the other three genes(Fig. 9b). These results indicate that during infection, C.fructicola actively absorbs and catabolizes extracellularquinate. The transformation of quinate-derived dehydro-quinate into chorismite is catalyzed by the penta-functionalAROM (1104|03859) and chorismate synthase (1104|06927).Interestingly, neither gene was up-regulated during infec-tion (Fig. 9b), indicating that quinate catabolism is morelikely linked with TCA cycle-mediated energy generationthan aromatic compound synthesis.

DiscussionGenome sequencing has revealed a rich repertoire ofcandidate virulence factors in the C. fructicola genome.

Fig. 8 Phosphate starvation responsive genes of C. fructicola are activated during the early infection phases. a qRT-PCR expressional profiles ofone putative phytase and two putative phosphate transporters during apple (cv. Gala) leaf infection. Expression at different times after inoculation(black bars) was normalized to appressoria formed on onion epidermis (APP, white bar); error bars were calculated from three independentreplicates. b Protein domain structures of the five glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) genes (GDPD1 to GDPD5) and theirexpressional profiles. In (a) and (b), ‘*’ indicates significant up-regulation relative to APP at P < 0.05 using permutation test

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Lack of data on their expression patterns, however, haslimited attempts to prioritize genes for functional valid-ation. In this study, we first compared the global tran-scriptome profiles of four types of infection-relatedstructures, then examined the expressional changes ofSM biosynthetic enzymes, SSPs, CAZYs, and secretoryproteases among these structures. We identified a rangeof in planta-specific candidate effector proteins (CEPs),some of which were genus-specific in the NCBI data-base whereas others were homologues of known CEPs.

Our data also revealed 20 SM synthetases showing inplanta upregulation and one SM gene cluster showingin planta-specific expression. These genes are import-ant candidates for identifying regulators of pathogenhost interactions. Conidia, appressoria and infectioushyphae are important infection-related structures; astrong transcriptomic shift was observed among thesestructures, and the differentially expressed genes pro-vide important clues on the pathogen’s morphologicaltransitions during infection.

Fig. 9 Expressional characteristics of quinate metabolism-related genes during apple (cv. Gala) leaf infection. a the quinate gene clusterorganization, function, and RNA-seq expression profile. b qRT-PCR expressional profiles, ‘*’ indicates significant up-regulation relative to APP at P <0.05 using permutation test

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Data quality controlDue to the small ratio of pathogen biomass relative toplant host, analyzing pathogen transcriptome duringearly plant infection can be very challenging. However,these ‘rare’ pathogen-derived RNA-seq reads can provideimportant insights into the early plant-pathogen inter-action dynamics. Recently, Zhang et al. reported the C.fructicola transcriptome at three time points post straw-berry leaf inoculation [73]. The mapped fungal reads areextremely low for all three stages (0.02 to 0.11 million).However, these reads successfully recover a number ofcandidate virulence genes such as candidate effectors,and genes functioning in adhesion and appressoriumpenetration, fatty acid metabolism, and transportation.In the current study, only small fractions (0.53 to

1.29%) of total IL reads could be mapped to the fungalgenome. Even though we generated over 6-fold morereads for the IL libraries (~ 10 Gb each), the mappedreads for the IL libraries (0.16 to 0.42 million) were stillless than 10% of other biological conditions (3.15 to 5.45million). Since library size reduction interferes with theaccurate expressional estimation of lowly-expressedgenes, we estimated the CPM threshold above which ac-curate expressional estimation might be achieved, forwhich we relied on the inter-replicate variation of CPMvalues. Our data showed that filtering away genes withCPM < 5 could keep the relative CPM error to less than0.6 for over 95% of genes in CON, APP, and CIH; forthe IL samples, CPM threshold of 50 would control therelative error of 96% genes to less than 1.0. Thesethresholds were incorporated in our further differentialexpression analyses.We combined several measures in our analysis proced-

ure to ensure rigorous DEG identification. First, weperformed DEG identification with a high fold changethreshold. In each pairwise comparison, only genes show-ing more than 8-fold CPM differences were kept for fur-ther statistical testing. Second, both DESeq2 and edgeRwere used for DEG identification, and we required theidentified DEGs to be supported by both programs. Third,candidate DEGs co-identified by DESeq2 and edgeR werefurther filtered with the optimized CPM thresholds. Dataexamination showed that identified DEGs clearly had dif-ferent CPM values and were enriched with genes beinglowly-expressed at one stage but highly activated at an-other stage. Furthermore, relative fold changes calculatedwith RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR showed obvious correlation.These results support the reliability of our DEGs identifi-cation procedure.

Distinct transcriptome profiles between in vivo biotrophichyphae and in vitro cellophane infectious hyphaeColletotrichum pathogens infect hemibitrophically [8],and differentiate bulbous intracellular biotrophic hyphae

upon appressorium-mediated penetration. The fact thatin vitro-induced cellophane infectious hyphae (CIH) re-semble biotrophic hyphae in appearance suggests thatthe two infection-related structures may share similarglobal gene expression patterns. In this study, the tran-scriptome profiles between CIH and infected leaf (IL),however, differed dramatically, sharing only 10.6% of thegenes that were upregulated when compared with ap-pressoria. In C. higginsianum, C. lindemuthianum, andC. graminicola, the LysM domain-containing CIH pro-teins specifically express at the early biotrophic infectionphase, but not at other developmental or infectionstages, supporting the interpretation that CIHs arebiotroph markers [20, 40, 74]. In this study, the two C.fructicola CIH1 homologues expressed highly in IL, butnot in CIH, suggesting that a considerable fractionof infectious hyphae in the IL sample were in biotrophicphase and that infection of the artificial cellophanemembrane does not trigger the expression ofbiotrophy-related genes. CIH1 homologues localize tothe surface of intracellular biotrophic hyphae [20, 40],and their LysM domains bind chitin oligomers and sup-press chitin-triggered innate immunity [20]. Wehypothesize that a plant-derived signal is important forthe expressional activation of biotrophy-related genes in-cluding CIH1.While evidence supporting its expressional relatedness

to biotrophic hyphae is lacking, the transcriptome of cel-lophane infectious hyphae features highly activated ex-pression of lytic enzymes including PCWDEs andsecretory proteases. In C. higginsianum and C. gramini-cola, lytic enzymes are strongly activated during necro-trophic colonization and are presumably important foracquiring nutrients from dying host cells [8]. In the fu-ture, it would be informative to compare the transcrip-tome profiles between cellophane infectious hyphae andnecrotrophic in planta hyphae.

Genes related to the development of conidia andappressoriaAfter landing on plant surfaces, pathogenic fungi maysuffer from nutrient deprivation during germination andpenetration. Some pathogens counteract this potentialstress with an avoidance mechanism, by which thespores sense exogenous nutrients and germinate onlywhen exogenous nutrients are available. Others, such asColletotrichum spp., produce energy reserves duringspore maturation and mobilize them when the sporegerminates. Most Colletotrichum conidia contain lipiddroplets, and light microscopy shows that these dropletsare rapidly consumed during conidial germination [43].By comparing gene expressional differences betweenconidia and other fungal structures, we demonstratedin this study that conidial development involves a

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coordinated expressional upregulation of genes synthe-sizing the triacylglycerol (TAG) precursors (FAs, G3P),genes generating the NADPH cofactor, and genes func-tioning in condensing FAs and G3P. These results pointtoward an active metabolic shunt toward TAG lipid bio-synthesis. The transcriptomic data are thus in agreementwith the earlier histological observations [43], and to-gether support the importance of storage lipid as an en-ergy reserve in Colletotrichum conidia. In the future,generating deletion mutants for genes in the TAG bio-synthetic pathway would be valuable for determining itsfunctional importance toward conidial lipid body forma-tion, conidial development, conidial germination andfungal virulence.In addition to TAG biogenesis, the transcriptome data

generated in this study indicated additional cellular ac-tivities related to conidial development, i.e., elevatedhypoxia responses, elevated oxidative stress responses,and elevated expression of light-perceiving genes. In Col-letotrichum, O2 availability has been reported to affectconidial production. Slininger et al. reported that underfermentation conditions, the specific O2 demand of thesporulating mycelia of C. truncatum is an order of mag-nitude less than that of growing mycelia [75]; moreover,55% or higher dissolved O2 tension supports maximummycelial growth, but reduces sporulation rate [75]. Simi-larly, our previous study showed that in liquid shake cul-ture, a small culture volume or a slow shake speeddramatically decreases conidial production efficiency inColletotrichum [21]. It appears likely that efficient Colle-totrichum conidiation requires a tightly-regulated O2

exposure, in which process activation of hypoxia-responsivegenes plays a regulatory role.Concomitant with the elevated expression of hypoxia-

responsive genes, expression of the oxidative stress regula-tor AP1 and several ROS-detoxifying enzymes were alsoactivated in conidia. Intuitively, the results appear contra-dictory given that intracellular ROS generation dependsstrictly on the presence of O2. However, experimentalevidence has demonstrated the presence of hypoxicoxidative stress and suggested that increased hypoxic oxi-dative stress may function as a second messenger andcontribute toward better hypoxia adaptation [76, 77]. TheROS-detoxifying related alternative oxidase (AOX) gene,for instance, has been consistently observed to be inducedby both hypoxia and treatments with O2−-generating com-pounds [78]. Deleting the cytochrome c (CycA) gene in A.fumigatus caused reduced hypoxic growth and concomi-tantly higher ROS resistance; it is likely that a disturbanceof electron transport chain-related ROS homeostasisaffects hypoxic adaptation [79]. In this study, the C. fructi-cola AOX gene was also strongly upregulated in conidia,supporting the speculation that the observed activation ofoxidative stress responses is hypoxia-related.

Appressoria are specialized infection structures criticalfor host epidermis penetration. As expected, severalgenes known to be associated with appressorial develop-ment were highly expressed in the APP sample,including the dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) melaninbiosynthesis pathway, an ortholog of the Colletotrichumgloeosporioides CAP22, and several GEgh16/gEgh16Hhomologues. The appressorial transcriptome was alsofeatured by a highly induced expression of genes withputative carbohydrate binding or oxidoreductive func-tions, such as chitin deacetylases, WSC proteins, ligninperoxidases, and multicopper oxidases. Most of theseproteins contained predicted secretory peptides, indicat-ing their extracellular localization. These proteins maycontribute toward appressorial development or penetra-tion via cell wall modification (e.g. chitin deacetylases,WSC proteins, oxidases, Cap22), surface attachment(e.g. HsbA), or substrate hydrolysis (e.g. lignin peroxid-ase). A recent study by Zhang et al. [73] shows that C.fructicola genes encoding HsbAs, cutinases, GEgh16/gEgh16H homologues (GAS1), and DHN melanin bio-synthetic enzymes are also significantly up-regulated atthe early phase of strawberry infection (24 hpi). Theco-upregulation of these genes in independent studiessupports their functional importance in regulating plantpenetration.

Features of the in planta environment encounteredduring C. fructicola colonizationFilamentous plant pathogens establish infection by secret-ing effector proteins which manipulate plant cellular activ-ities and suppress plant immune responses. In this study,30 candidate effector proteins (CEPs) were identified fromC. fructicola, with the expression of many members beingstrongly induced during apple leaf infection. Interestingly,several up-regulated CEPs (e.g. 1104|01495, 1104|10,639,1104|06645) were also significantly up-regulated duringstrawberry infection [73]. Interestingly, ChEC31, which isthe CEP homolog of C. fructicola 1104|06645 in Colleto-trichum higginsianum, also shows expressional upregula-tion during Arabidopsis leaf infection [14]. Thus, ChEC31represents a CEP being conservatively up-regulated in atleast three Colletotrichum pathosystems. On the otherhand, there are also CEPs (e.g. ChEC6, ChCE30, ChEC44)showing in-planta expressional upregulation in both C.fructicola-strawberry and C. higginsianum-Arabidopsis in-teractions [14, 73], but being lowly expressed in C. fructi-cola-apple leaf interaction. ChEC6, in particular, was noteven detected to be expressed in our study although it isone of the most induced genes in the other twopathosystems [14, 73]. C. fructicola has a broad hostrange, but there has been study indicating that thisspecies contains individual host-limited forms [2]. Inthe future, it would be interesting to compare the

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expression difference of C. fructicola CEPs among iso-lates derived from different hosts.In addition to the activation of candidate virulence

genes including CEPs, PCWDEs, proteases, SM synthases,transporters and P450s, data presented in this study sug-gest that plant colonization by C. fructicola involves activetranscription of phosphate starvation regulators (glycero-phosphodiester phosphodiesterase domains, GDPDs) andphosphate absorption-related genes (phytase, phosphatetransporters). Four of the five GDPDs showed obvious ex-pressional up-regulation at the very early colonizationphase (24 hpi). Importantly, two of the up-regulatedGDPDs also contained the SPX domain, a phosphatestarvation-related domain playing key roles in regulatingphosphate homeostasis [70, 80]. In E. coli, expression ofGDPDs is phosphate starvation-responsive [67]. In thisstudy, one phytase and two phosphate transporters (PT1,PT2) also showed expressional upregulation during appleleaf infection, but were highest at late biotrophic phase(36–48 hpi). It seems that the biotrophic colonization ofC. fructicola features an activated phosphate starvation re-sponse, which involves a rapid expressional activation ofGDPDs and an ensuing expressional activation of phos-phate absorption-related genes. The existence of thisphosphate starvation response would further suggest aphosphate-limited in planta environment associated withthe biotrophic colonization of C. fructicola. Interestingly,activation of phosphate starvation response has been dem-onstrated in two additional cases of Colletotrichum-plantinteractions. In C. graminicola, phytase (acidic phosphat-ase) and phosphate transporters are actively expressed inbiotrophic infectious hyphae [74]. In the Arabidopsisendophyte C. tofieldiae, fungal colonization promotesphosphorus transfer from soil to plant, and enhancesphosphate starvation resistance [81]. In the future, genefunctional studies are needed to determine whether thisphosphate starvation response is a conserved mechanismregulating plant interactions of C. fructicola and otherColletotrichum species.Many fungi can utilize plant-derived quinate as a

carbon source, which requires a cluster of quinateutilization genes. In Aspergillus spp. and Neurosporaspp., the expression of quinate utilization genes is sub-ject to quinate substrate induction [72, 82]. In this study,the expression of C. fructicola genes in the quinateutilization cluster showed clear in planta up-regulation,indicating elevated in planta quinate availability. Quin-ate is a metabolite intermediate interconnected withchorismite, another metabolite important for the biosyn-thesis of aromatic defense compounds such as salicyclicacid (SA), flavonoids, and phenylpropanoids. The bio-synthesis of both chorismite and quinate utilize dehy-droquinate as a precursor, and it has been proposed thathemibiotrophic pathogens divert host dehydroquinate

metabolite toward quinate production, and away fromaromatic defense compound production during infection[83]. In this study, three of the four C. fructicola quinatecluster genes (qutD, qutB, qutC) showed significant ex-pressional upregulation during the entire process ofapple leaf infection. In another Colletotrichum fungus C.orbiculare, however, the expression of quinate clustergenes peak at late necrotrophic phase during tobacco in-fection [13]. These results indicate that Colletotrichuminfection elicits an elevated in planta quinate availability,whereas the relevance of such increase to plant defensesuppression requires further examination.

ConclusionsThis study represents a systemic transcriptomic analysisof several infection-related structures of C. fructicola.The identified structure-specific genes and candidatevirulence genes provide clues regarding mechanismsregulating infection-related developments and planthost interactions. Data reported in this study provideimportant reference for further efforts aimed at reveal-ing fungal infection mechanisms and identifying diseasecontrol targets.

Additional files

Additional file 1 Table S1. Bioinformatic command lines used in thisstudy. Table S2. qRT-PCR primers used in this study. Table S3. Summarystatistics of the reads mapping outcomes for individual RNA-Seq libraries.Figure S1. Steps of identifying differentially expressed genes. Figure S2.Saturation analysis of HTSeq reads count dataset. Figure S3. Defining thecriterion for filtering lowly expressed genes. Figure S4. Density plotshowing the effect of gene filtering on the distribution of relative CPMerrors for the CIH (top) and IL (bottom) conditions. Figure S5. Identificationof differentially expressed genes. Figure S6. CPM distribution patterns ofidentified DEGs. Figure S7. Differentially expressed secondary metabolite(SM) synthetase genes and a SM gene cluster showing in planta-specificexpression. Figure S8. Differentially expressed CAZY genes and secretedproteases. Figure S9. Hypoxia and oxidative stress-responsive genes areup-regulated in conidia. Figure S10. Protein domain organization and geneexpression patterns of putative CFEM proteins. (PDF 1307 kb)

Additional file 2 Table S4. Differently expressed genes identified in thisstudy. (XLSX 813 kb)

AbbreviationsACC: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase; APP: Appressoria; CEP: Candidate effectorproteins; CFEM: Common in fungal extracellular membranes;CGSC: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex; CIH: Cellophaneinfectious hyphae; CON: Conidia; CPM: Counts per million; DEG: Differentlyexpressed gene; DMAT: Dimethylallyl tryptophan synthases; FA: Fatty acid;FAS: Fatty acid synthetase; G3P: Glycerol-3-phosphate;GDPD: Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domains; GLS: Glomerellaleaf spot; IL: Infected Leaf; LFC: Log fold change; ME: Malic enzyme;NRPS: Nonribosomal peptide synthetase; PCWDE: Plant cell wall degradingenzyme; PKS: Polyketide synthase; PPP: Pentose phosphate pathway;SM: Secondary metabolite; SREBP: Sterol regulatory element binding protein;TAG: Triacylglycerol; TS: Terpene synthases

AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their kind and helpfulcomments on the original manuscript.

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FundingThis work was supported by Chinese Universities Scientific Fund(Z109021712, Z109021610), the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31601595), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016 M592844), theChina Agriculture Research System (CARS-28). The funders had no role in thedesign of the study or the collection, analysis or interpretation of the data orthe writing of the manuscript.

Availability of data and materialsThe complete transcriptome data sets are available at the Gene ExpressionOmnibus at the National Center for Biotechnology Information under theaccession number GSE103878 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE103878).

Authors’ contributionsXL, RZ, MLG and GS conceived and designed the study. XL and BW analyzedthe RNA-Seq data. XL, SS, and QD performed the experiments. XL draftedthe paper and all authors contributed to paper revision. All authors haveread and approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas and College ofPlant Protection, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, ShaanxiProvince, China. 2Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, IowaState University, Ames, IA 50011, USA.

Received: 22 March 2018 Accepted: 9 July 2018

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