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THEJournal of the Textile Institute


P aten t numbers are given in this Index where the m a tte r is the subject of a paten t.


Abbey, A. (Kardbeslag Fabriks Aktiebolaget).Card Clothing Mounting Machine. B.P.

064,214 ...........................................................A 610„ (Dewey and Almy Chemical Co.). Print­

ing Backing Surface Protective Coating:Application. B.P.564,566 ......................... A52C

,, (Dewey and Almy Chemical Co.). Print­ing Blanket Washing Apparatus. B.P.564,565 ......................... .............. ... A52C

(United Cotton Products Co.). AbrasiveSheets: Production. B .P .557,038 ... A1S

Abbott, E. B. Nylon Yarns and Fabrics :D y e in g ...........................................................A242

Abbott Machine Co. Rayon Staplising Device.U.S.P.2,323,300 .................................... A 6

., Sliver Dyeing Package: W inding. U.S.P.2,334,165 ... .....................................A304

., W inding Machine Traversing Element.U.S-.P.2,338,085 ..................................... A463

Abderhalden, E. Silk Fibroin : Structure ... A22Abernathy, H . H., see Dales, B ............................. A104Abington Textile Machinery Works. Card

Stripping Apparatus. U .S.P.2,327,349 A93Abramowitz, W ., see Kao, J . Y ............................ A477Ackerman, F . E. American Wool Council :

Operations in 1943 ......................... A373,, " Let the People have W ool.” .............. A87

Adams, E. Q. Chronjatic Valence: Correlationwith Munsell Chroma ......................... A lso

,, See Forsythe, W . E ......................................... A 29Adams, F. W ., see Eilenberg, T. R . ... ... A166 Adams, H. E ., and Powers, P. O. Varnish

Resins : Determination of PolymerDistribution ............................................... A17S

Aerotransport, A.-B. Viscosity Regulator.B.P.561,122 ................................................A 316

Afzal, M. Punjab-American 4F Cotton: Effectof Irrigation ................................................A453

,, See Rajaraman, S.............................................A453Agnew, J . T., see Hawkins, G. A. .............. A355Agrupacion Algodoncra de Fibra Larga. Long-

staple Cotton: Production in Argentina A186 Agricultural Marketing Adviser to the Govern­

ment of India. Handbook on theQuality of Indian W o o l ......................... A158

Ahlborg, K., see Ortenblad, B .............................. A318Aickin, R . G. Mineral Oil-Polar Compound

Mixtures: O il/W ater Interface .............. A216Sodium Alkyl Sulphates: Adsorption by

Fibres ...........................................................A243,, Sodium Secondary Alkyl Sulphate Solu­

tions: Interfacial Tension against Oils... A195 Sodium Secondary Alkyl Sulphates: Deter-

gency; Effect of Electrolytes .............. Ai>33,, and Palmer, R . C. Paraffin Chain Salt

Solutions: Surface Activity; Effect ofElectrolytes ................................................ A326

Aiken, W .H . Acctylated Paper P u lp : Effect ofAcetylation on Water-binding Properties A128

Akeroyd, E. I. W ater: Treatment; RecentDevelopments .................................... A2S

Akin, R . B., and Teagarden, J . E. Nylon :Injection M o u ld in g .................................... A117

van den Akker, J . A. Paper Water-penetra-tion Tester. U.S.P.2,329,959 .............. A207

,, and W ink, W . A. Dew-Point Hygrometer:Manipulation ................................................A 394

Aktiebolaget Svenska Textilverken. Cotton- ized Flax Carding Machine. B.P.

562,253 ........................................................... A 408Albany Felt Co., see Gordon, C. C. .............. A68


Aldaba, V. (Vested in U.S. Alien Property Custodian). Spinning Apparatus. U.S.P.

2,330,537 ................................................ A190Alexander, A. E . Insoluble Monolayers :

Properties ................................................ A173Alexander, P., Kitchener, J . A., and Briscoe,

H. V. A. Celluloid Membranes: Tran­spiration of Water; Effect of Waxes

and Inorganic Powders ......................... A172Alfrey, T., Goldfinger, G-, and Mark, H.

Polystyrene : Apparent Second-orderTransition Point .....................................A218

Alincino, J . F. Formyl Group: Determination A176 Allan, R . K . Ball and Roller Bearings ... A438 Allen, C. F. H ., and Pingert, F . P. Diphenyl-

benzene Derivative Substantive AzoDyes: Production .....................................A520

,, Substantive Azo Dyes: Production ... A341 Allen, C. H . Permanent Waving Preparations A245 Allen, L., see Toone, B. (Nottingham) Ltd. ... A55 Allen, R . S. Cemented Pile Fabrics : Pro­

duction. B.P.560,290 ......................... . A249Allen, T. L.', see Toone, B . (Nottingham) Ltd. A9t5 Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation. Dr>-

cleaning Compositions. U.S.P.2,326,772,2,327,182, 2,327,183 .....................................A117

See Tefft, R . E ....................................................A251Allied Colloids (Bradford) Ltd., see Lister &

Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ... ... A516 Allsop, K ., L td .. and Carter, R . L . Stocking

with Separately-knitted Foot and Leg.BiP.561,114 ................................................ A293

Allsopp, C., and Newsome, G. Shuttle PegMounting. B.P.563,217 ......................... A4)i2

Alrose Chemical Co. Stearamide Wetting andSoftening Bath. U.S.P.2,334,852 • •• A34b

Althouse Chemical Co. Portable DyehouseEquipment: A dva n ta g es ......................... A415

American Aniline Products, Inc. Yellow In ­soluble Azo Dye. U.S.P.2,331,812 ... A2U3

American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. Sulphur Dyed Textile Materials: Accelerated Ageing Test ... A350

,, Textile Processing Research: Organization A496 American Cyanamid Co. Alkyd Resin Finishing

Emulsion. U.S.P.2,334,107 .............. A304,, Aqueous Synthetic Resin Dispersions :

Preparation. B.P.562,575 .............. A421,, Asbestos Y a m : Impregnating with Syn­

thetic Resin. B .P .503,678 ... ... A463 ,, Cellulose Ester or Ether Plasticizer.

U.S.P.2,329,015 ... ... ... ... A157 ,, Cellulostic Textile Materials : Finishing.

B.P.563,172 ................................................A469,, Finishing Composition. U.S.P.2,331,579 ... A203 ,, Melamine and Varnish Resin Coating

Compositions. U.S.P.2,329,063 /4 ... A157 ,, Surgical Gauze: Production. B .P .559,027 A155 ,, Urea-Formaldehyde Resin Solutions: Pro­

duction. U.S.P.2,327,984 .............. ... A15G,, Water-repellent Finishes : Production.

B .P .560,532 ................................................A 301,, W ool: Reducing Tendency to Felt and

Shrink. B.P.562,977 ......................... A423,, See Jayne, D . W . J r ............................. ^ A388,, See Johnstone, E . P .........................................A110

American Enka Corporation. Rayon Con­tinuous Spinning and Treating Appara­tus. U.S.P.2,334,325 ... .............. A285

,, Strong Viscose Rayon; Spinning. U.S.P.2.3218.307 ................................................A141


PAGEAmerican Enka Corporation. Titanium Salt

Delustred R ayon : Production. U.S.P.2.334,358 .............. ......................... A283

American Instrument Co. Aminco-Scott Gloss-meter ........................................................... A84

American Maize Products Co. Thick-bodiedStarch: Preparation. U.S.P.2,328,537 ... A183

American Paper Tube Co. Bobbin Tube.U.S.P.21,337,438 ......................... ... A412

American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Atmospheric H um id ity :Physiological Influence ... .............. A359

American Society for Testing Materials. ‘ Grex”Yarn Count System ......................... A161

,, Committee D-20. Plastics: Specificationand Testing ................................................ A-5

,, Committee D-13. Proposed .Methods of Test for Estimating the Clean WoolContent in Wool in the G rease .............. A3’)7

,, Committee D-13. Proposed Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Textiles Com­posed of W7ool and Lanital .............. A310

„ Committee D-13. Standard Method of Test for Hard Scoured Wool in W'ool in theGrease. D584, 1943 .....................................A307

American Thread Co. Skein W inding andPackaging Machine. U .S.P .2,331,004 ... A195

American Viscose Corporation. Aviator’s "Pre­cision" Gloves: Advantages of Rayon • •• A9

,, “ Avisco " Rayon Staple: Properties ... A283 „ Centrifugal Spinning Pot Drive. U.S.P.

2,329,499 .................................... .............. A142,, Chlorinated Vinyl Co-polymer Filaments:

Production. B.P.560,660 ......................... A283,, Fabric Containing Thermoplastic F ibre:

Shrink Finishing. U.S.P.2,338,391 ... A472 ,, Filament Crimping Apparatus. B.P.562,520 A405 ,, High-frequency Electric Filament Drying

and Crimping Apparatus. B .P .563,440... A45G ,, Monofilaments: Production. B.P.561,772 ... A330 ,, Rayon Spinning Apparatus. B.P.562,271... A405„ Rayon Spinning Box. B.P.560,616.............. A283„ Rayon Spinning Bucket. U.S.P.2,332,314... A233 ,, Rayon Spinning Bucket Cover. B.P.561,687 A335 ,, Rayon Spinning Machine. B .P .502,8(50 ... A406 ,, Rayon Spinning Pots. U.S.P.2,325,763,

2.325,786, 2,325,787 ..................................... A91,, Rayon Staple Cutter. B.P.562,519 .............. A405,, Rayon Staple Cutting Apparatus. B.P.

559,995 ........................................................... A232„ Ravon Tow Cutting Machine. U.S.P.

2,323,644 ................................................ A6,, Ravon Staple Cutting Apparatus. B .P.

563,983 ........................................................... A507,, Rayon Staple Liquid Treatment Apparatus.

B .P .563,630 ... ......................... ... A457,, Rayon W inding Machine Thread Guides,

U.S.P.2,332,889 ................................................A241„ Running Thread Dressing Device. U.S.P.

2,331,207 A 195„ Spinning Cap. U.S.P.2,331,200 .............. A190,, Staple Fibre Cutting Apparatus. B .P .560,018 A232 ,, V inyl Polymers: Dyeing. U.S.P.2,328,903... A157 „ and Bitler, H . H . Rayon Staple Cutting

Apparatus. B.P.560,670 ..........................A284„ and Heymann, K. V inyl Resin Mono-fila­

ments: Production. B.P.560,535 ... A283Ames, W . M. Gelatin: Preparation .............. A541Amin, K . C. Cotton P lant: Colchicine Treatment A212 Ammon, E. R . Stocking Inspection Apparatus.

U.S.P.2,324,897 .....................................AU5Amyot, L . T. A. Lipped Fabric: Structure.

U.S.P.2,325,215 ................................................ A98Anadon, C. F. F. Bleaching Solutions: Analysis A13 Anderson, iD. B. and Kerr, T. Cotton Bolls:

Growth ........................................................... A503Anderson, J . A. and Eva, W . J . Western

Canadian W heat: Starch Content ... A177 Andrews, H. L . Bridge Controlled Relay Circuit

for Humidity Control..................................... A79Andrews, W ., Ballard, W . E . and Hothersall,

A. W . Worn Machine Parts: Repair ... A2C. Angelescu, E., (1). Angelescu and Woinarosky,

A., (2). Soap Solutions: Conductivity... A173 Anglade-Thevenet, Suzanne, see Boutaric, A. ... A485 Anglo Felt Industries Ltd. and Neuhaus, H.

Felted Fabrics: Manufacture. B .P .556,186 A105 ,, Felted Fabrics: Manufacture. B .P .556,977... A105

Angus, W . R ., Thomas, I. and Williams, O. G.Sheep Maggots: Field Experiments on Control ... ................................................ A2,G


Ansari, M. A. A., see Sethi, B. L ............................ A378Anthony, D. Worsted Drawing Frame Production A7 Antognoli, V. M. A. Cotton: Cultivation in the

Lagunera Region of Mexico .............. A90Van Antwerpen, F. J . Lantern Slides :

Preparation ............................................... A42Appel, W . D . United States National Bureau of

Standards: Textile Activities .............. A452Appleyard, G. Hand- and Power-woven Wool

Fabrics .......................................................... A401Arbitman, S. M., see Levin, A. N ............................ A16Arbuzov, G. A., see Kats, A. M. .........................A283Arbuzov, G. A. and Katz, A. M. Casein Fibre

Resistant to Hot Water ......................... A15,, Casein Fibres of High Resistance to Hot

Water: P reparation .................................... A140Archbold, J . W . Clouds and Dew: Formation... A42

von Ardenne, M., Schiebold, E. and Gunther, F.Electron Microscope; 'Electron Diffrac­tion in— ...........................................................A223

Arend, A. G. Noiseless Fabrics: Production ... A9 ,, Rayon Spinning Solutions: Filtration ... A4<>,, Casein Filaments: Production .............. A47„ Gingham and Denim Finishing Ranges:

Variable-speed Driving ......................... A60Armfield, W ., see Courtaulds L td ............................ A248Armitage, F . D . Chlorazol Black E . Fungal Stain A121 Armstrong Cork Co. Inc. “ Accotex " Roller

Covering .......................................................... A380Armstrong Cork Co. Cork Spinning Roller Cot:

Production. U.S.P.2,336,103 ............. A380Armstrong, C. W . Fiberglas Laminated Plastics:

Physical Properties .................................... A25Arndt, C . H. Cotton Seedlings: Damping-off ... A139 Arnold, C. R . and Levine, M. Alkaline Wash­

ing Compounds: Germicidal Properties ... A76 Aronovsky, S. I., Nelson, G. H . and Lathrop,

E. C. Straw Pulps: B leach ing .............. A149Arthur, J . R . Furnace Fuel Bed: Combustion

Processes ............................................... A479Arthur, P., Jr . (to Du Pont de Nemours, E . I.,

& Co.). Wool Materials: Shrinkproofing.U.S.P.2,311,507 ................................................ A68

Asbeck, W . K., see Wachholtz, F ............................ A128Asbuiy, C. H. Hosiery: Dyeing ......................... A384Ashcroft, A. G. Quality Control Charts: Applica­

tion in Textile M ills .................................... A530,, Quality Control Qharts: Textile Applica­

tions ... ............................................... A257Asher, L . Membranes; Diffusion through— ... A128Ashton, H. Rayon Staple: Spinning .............. A458Aspinall, H. I., see Tomalin, H . F. .............. A134Assaf, A . G., Haas, R . H . and Purves, C. B.

Amorphous Cellulose: Determination byThallous Ethylate M e th o d ......................... A266

,, Cellulose-Water Adsorption Isotherm: Inter­pretation ............................................... A252

Asselin, L., see Delmonte, J . ........................ A397Asten-Hill Mfg. Co., see Hill, H . N. ... ... A68 Atchison, J . E . Pulp-wood Holocellulose :Chain-

length Distribution; Effect of Cookingand B leach ing ............................................... A493

Atkinson, G. L. Mill Rigging ......................... A148„ (1), W illiams, D . R . H ., (2). Scouring and

M illing: Processing Routine ............. A148Atkinson. J . R ., Mendoza, M., and Imperial

Chemical Industries Ltd. Disazo Dye:Production. B.P.557,373 ......................... A 64

Atlantic Rayon Corporation, see Clark, D. M. ... A247 Atlantic State Motor Lines, Inc. Yarn Beam

Transport Apparatus. U.S.P.2,335,516 /7/8 A360 Aurich, P. H . (Vested in the U.S. Alien

Property Custodian). Flat Knitting Frame Y am Moistening Device. U.S.P.

2,338,394 ................................................A463Austin, W . E . Fur Bleaching ... .............. A242Avirom, S., Degummed Silk : Moistening ••• A473

Awbery, J . H. Hygrometers: Recent Develop­ments .................................... ... _ ••• A27

Ayyar, P. N. K . Cotton Stem Weevil: Distri­bution and Seasonal History in South India ...........................................................A187B

Back, E . A., and Cotton, R . T. Insect Pests:Control by Fumigation ......................... A264

Bacon, L. R ., see Kuentzel, L. E ............................ A165,, see Vaughn, T. H . .................................... A116

Baffroy, P. Dyes: Analys is .................................... A100



Baguley, N . G. W hat is W o o l ? ......................... A279Bahnson Co. Circular Knitting Machine Clean­

ing Apparatus. U.S.P.2,325,023 .............. A97Baier, H ., and Hundt, W . Bleaching: Preven­

tion of Fibre Damage ......................... A99Bailey, Barbara, see Phelps, Ethel L .................. A349Bailey, K., Chibnall, A. C ., Rees, M. W ., and

Williams, E. F . Protein Hydrolysates: Analysis for Dicarboxylic Acids ... A37

Bailey, S. D.,see Klein, L ........................................ A313Bakelite Ltd. Porous Non-ferrous Castings :

Sealing ...........................................................A313,, see British Cotton Industry Research Asso­

ciation .................................... .............. A481Baker & Co. Inc. Spinneret. B.P.563,648 ... A457

,, Viscose Spinneret Alloy. U.S.P.2,334,890... A336 Baker, F. B. Aeroplane Nose Fabric: Increase

in Camber on S tre tch ing ......................... A162Baker, H. N., see Thames Board Mills Ltd. ... A232 Baker, I ., Miller, M., and Gibbs, R . S. T in :

Colorimetric Determ ination......................... A448Baker, J . C., Parker, H . K ., and Mize, M. D.

Gluten Sulphydryl Compounds: Oxida­tion ... ... ... .............. ... A39G

Baker, J . L. Double Pile Fabric : Weaving.U.S.P.2,329,738/9 .....................................A194

Baker Perkins Ltd., Dewhurst, F., and Pointon,J . E . Improvements in or Relating to Laundry Washing Machines. B .P.558,456 A25S

Baker, W . O., see Fuller, C . S ..................................A322Baker, W . O., and Fuller, C. S. Linear Poly­

amide Fibres: Structures and Properties;Effect of N-methylation ......................... A307

Baldwin, A. R ., see Daubert, B. F. .............. A487,, see W’ood, T. R ................. ... .............. A269

Baldwin, R . R . Starch-Iodine Complex: Com­position ........................................................... A169

Baldwin, R . R ., Bear, R . S., and Rundle, R . E. Starch-Iodine Complexes: AbsorptionSpectra ......................... ... ... A269

Ball, R . H . Cellulosic Plastics: Characteristicsand Uses ................................................A152

Ballard, W . E., see Andrews, W .............................. A26Ballinger, R . A., see Little, H . W ............................ A403Ballmann, D . K ., and Smith, F . B . Pulp and

Paper: Treatment with Fungicides andGermicides ................................................ A3

Ballou, J . W ., and Silverman, S. (Du Pont de 'Nemours, E . I., & Co.). Y am s: Acoustic Determination of Modulus of Elasticity... A529

Balsach, J . Circular Loom. B.P.557,382... ... A55 Balsach, J . , and Sedalana Soc. Anon. Circular

Loom Sectional Reed U.S.P.2,327,987 ... A147 Bamford, C. H . Oxygen-Nitrogen Atmosphere;

Photochemical Processes in— .............. A174Bandemer, S . L., and Schaible, P. J . Iron:

Determination with o-Phenanthroline ••• A447Bamford, D ., see Hadfield, J . J ...............................A470Banfi, A. Cotton P lant: B reeding......................... A185

,, see Garcia-Mata, R .............................................. A90Bankes, P. E., see Liddiard, E . A. G .....................A263Banks, A. Fat and Fatty Acid Anti-oxidants:

Testing .............. .....................................A215Bann, B., see Manchester Oxide Co. Ltd. AGl, A201Bannon, W . H., see Voegeli, F. B ............................ A195Banyai, M., Harris, E., and Goldberg, A. Gauze

Loom Shedding Mechanism. B.P.559,744... A194 Barber-Colman Co. Yarn W inding Machine

Traversing Mechanism. U.S.P.2,326,307... A9S Barclay, Margaret G., see Calico Printers’ Asso­

ciation ........................................................... A344Bard well, K ., see Baumberger, J . P ......................A122Bargues, M. A. Cellulose Acetate Ultrafilters:

Preparation and Use ......................... A38Barham, H . N ., Kramer, G., and Reed, G. N.

Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes: StarchC o n te n t ............................................. .. ... A132

Barham, H . N., Wagoner, J . A., W illiams,B. M., and Reed, G. N . Potato and Sweet-potato Starches: Viscosity and

Microscopical Properties ......................... A446Barker, G., see Maxwell, E. C ................................ A155Barker, G. G. (Maschinenfabrik Scharer). Cop

W inding Machine. B.P.557,861 .............. A57Barker, H . D ., Greathouse, G. A., and Marsh,

P. B. Mildew- and Rot-resistant Tex­tiles: T e s t in g .................................... ,.. A352

Barker, S. W ., see Lustrafil L td .............................A456Barkley, J . E ., see Foulk, C. W ............................. A33


Barlow, Sir Thomas. Utility Fabrics: Concep­tion, Birth and Development .............. A2'J0

Barnes, R . B., Liddel, U., and Williams, V. Z. Infra-red Spectroscopy: Industrial App­lications ........................................................... A171

Barnes, R . H ., Rusoff, I. I., Miller, E . S., and Burr, G. O. Fats and Fatty Acids: Unsaturation and Ultra-violet Adsorption

Spectra ........................................................... A53GBaron, J ., & Sons Ltd., and Greenwood, H. S.

Air Filter. B.P.563,806 ......................... A481Baroni, G. Silk-Wool Mixture Fabrics: Analysis A l l l

,, Silk Yarns and Fabrics: Analysis for Acidsand C h lo r id es ................................................ A427

Barr, T., see Speakman, J . B. ......................... A246Barrett, F . L., see Bleachers' Association.............. A201Barritt, J ., see Els worth, F . F ................................. A16

,, see Hartley, R. S. ... .............. ... AG1Barry, V . C. 1 :3-Polysaccharides: Regulated

Degradation .............. .............. ... A32Bartky, W . Mass-produced Articles: Sampling

for Quality C o n t r o l .....................................A322Bartlett, F. C. Highly Skilled W ork: Fatigue

Effect .......................* .............. ... A44Barton, C . J ., and Prutton, A. J . Hemicellu-

lose: Photometric Determination ••• A542 Bartovics, A., and Mark, H. Cellulose Acetate

Fractions : Osmotic Pressure and Vis­cosity ................................................ ••• A83

Bassist, R ., and others. W arp Knitting MachinePatterning Mechanism. U.S.P.2,334,058... A294

Bastian and Allen Ltd. “ Electrode ” SteamRaising P lant: Advantages......................... A314

Batista, A. C. Mallow Fibres: Iso la tio n .............. A404Batsyn, N. P. Ozokerite: Use for Waterproofing A24*i

,, Steel Printing Cylinders: Copper-coatingand Etching ................................................ A467

Battista, 0 . A. Cellulose: Degree of Polymerisa­tion ........................................................... A49"

Battye, E., see Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co. Ltd. A18Bauer, S. T., see Voorhies, S. T ............................. A76Baumann, C. A., see Miller, J . A ................. A320, A321Baumberger, J . P., and Bardwell, K . Hydrogen

Electrode Half-cell: Use in Polarography A122 Baumfeld, L. Titanic Io n : Reduction in the

Jones Reductor .....................................A124Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Cotton and Rayon

Lens Polishing Cloth ......................... A9Bayley, C. H ., see Tweedie, A. S. ... A104, A389 Beach, W . I. Thermo-setting Laminates: Effects

of Thermo-elastic Forming on Properties A20G Beadle, B. W ., and Kraybill, H . R . Fa ts :

Spectrophotometric Analysis .............. A539Bear, R . S. Keratins: Long X-Ray Diffraction

Spacings ........................................................... A182„ see Baldwin, R . R ..............................................A269

Beattie, J ., Herbert, P. H., Wechtel, C., and Steele, C. W . Carbon Tetrachloride Patient: Treatment with Casein Digest

and Methionine .....................................A451Beaudreau, G. J . Narrow Fabric Loom Warp

Feed. U.S.P.2,325,096..................................... A97Beaver, A. E. A., and Com Products Co. Ltd.

Starch Syrups : Preparation. B .P .561,706 A373 Beckett, E. G., and Webster, M. F. H . Boric

Acid: Determ ination..................................... A31Beckwith, 0 . P. Quality Control Charts:

Applications 'in Cloth Production.............. A25GBeckwith Manufacturing Co. Thermoplastic Self- A202

binding Composite Fabric : Production.U.S.P.2,331,321 .....................................A202

Becnel, I. J ., and Floyd, E . H . Cotton Aphidand Boll W eevil: C o n tro l......................... A378

Becnel, I. J ., see Floyd, E. H .................................A504Beech, W . F ., Mendoza, M., and Imperial

Chemical Industries Ltd. Chromable Monoazo Wool Dyes: Production. B .P.

561,516 A345,, Monoazo Wool Dyes: Production. B .P.

560,892 ... ................................................A302Beha, R . Cotton Linters: Degradation; Deter­

mination ...........................................................A425Behr-Manning Corporation. Pile Fabrics: Pro­

duction. B.P.557,820..................................... A67Belgian Information Office. Belgian Textile

Industry: Output 1937 ......................... A400Bell, A. S., and Greenwood, E . L . (British

Celanese L td .). Elastic Laminated Fabric: Production. B .P .557,369 ... A63


Belling & Lee Ltd. and Heath, C. W . QualityControl Calculating Device. B .P .504,520... A533

Bellwood, L. Wool Weaving M achinery .............. A401Benaglia, A. E ., Robinson, E. J . , Utley, E ., and

Cleverdon, M. A. Aerosol-OT: Toxicity A87 Benekiser, J . A., Chem. Fabr., G .m .b.H ., see

Volz, A. ................................................A347Bendigo, C. W . Knitting Y am s: Selection ... A410

„ Rayon Y a m : Testing and Quality Control A30S,, Sweet-potato Starch: A p p lic a t io n .............. A511

Bendix, G. H ., and Grabenstetter, D . Copper:Determination with Dithizone .............. A123

Benedicks, C., and Sederholm, P. Solids: Cohesion; Influence of an Adsorbed

Layer ........................................................... A133Benjamin, H . O ils : Fluorocolorimetric Deter-

miinatijon ................................................A44SBensman, S. A ., and Proshkin, G. N. Peat,

Brown Coal and Alder Bark Dyes:Application ................................................A243

Bentley Engineering Co. Ltd., Brooksby, E., and Deans, F . E. Knitting Machine Loop Transfer System. B.P.559,543/4... A193

,, Knitting Machine Yarn Feeding Arrange­ments. B .P.559,533.....................................A193

Bentley, S. Extraction Steam from a CorlissEngine ............................................................A437

Berg. G. (to Hvickel’s, Sohne, J .) . DepilatingHides. D.R.P.731,082 ......................... A33G

Berg, R . M., see Clash, R . F., Jr. ... ... A532 Berg, S. Suspensions: Determination of Particle

Size Distribution ..................................... A40Bergel, F. Antioxidants: Properties ... ••• A268 Berger, H . Chrome Green: Inflammability ... A341 Berger, J . G. Group or Individual Drive ... A358

,, Practical Pointers .....................................A435,, Unusual Maintenance ... ..........................A356„ Water Supply ................................................A439

Berger, R . W ., see Fuller, M. L ............................. A327Bergmann, M., see Stein, W . H ............................. A542Bergold, G. Polyamide Plastic Ultracentrifuge

Cells .............. ..................................... A39,, Polyamide Ultracentrifuge Tubes and

Cells: Stability .....................................A443Berkowitz, D., and Bernstein, R . Soap and

Synthetic Detergent M ixtures: Analysis A432Bernstein, R ., see Bei'kowitz, D ............................. A432Berry, C. R ., Gamble, L. S., and Jones, R .

Air-streamed Cotton Gin. U.S.P.2,328,774 A141Berry, J . K ., see Courtaulds Ltd. .............. A107Bertolet, E . C. Army Ducks: Finishing and

Mildew Proofing .............. .............. A343,, Proofed Service Fabrics: Soil Burial Tests A205

Bertoni, A. de W . Cotton Plant Diseases:Occurence in Uruguay .............. • •• A403

Besancon, J . Cotton-Wool Mixture Fabrics:Mercer is a t io n ................................................ A340

,, Rayon: Delustring .................................. . A418Bessieres, J . C. E ., and Best-Gordon, H. W .

Nylon Sizing Compound. B.P.564,027... A[>14 Best-Gordon, H . W ., see Bessieres, J . C. E . .. A514 Bestian, H ., and Schiirman, M. O . (Vested in

U .S. Alien Property Custodian). Ethyleneimino-amido Derivatives: App­lication in Finishing. U.S.P.2,327,760... AUO

Betteridge, G. W ., see Rubbaglas Ltd. ... ... A345 Beuttenmiiller, E., see Schmid, G. ... A224Beveridge, J . M. R ., and Lucas, C . C. Analysis

of Hair Keratin. (2) Dicarboxylic and Basic Amino-acids of Human Hair ... A440

,, Analysis of Hair Keratin. (3) Isolation ofProline from Human Hair .............. A440

Bezzi, S., and Croatta, U. Cellulose Acetate:Viscosity and Molecular W e ig h t .............. A301

Bhargava, B . P., see Das, N. ......................... A455Bhatnagar, Sir S. S. Co-operative Research for

Indian Industry: Organisation .............. A'-2<,, Scientific and Industrial Research: Org­

anization for I n d i a .....................................A332Bibby, F . F . Cotton Insects: Control in Pern AoOoBiertuempfel, R . E., see Young. D. W ................ A482Bigeleisen, J ., see Lewis, G. N. ••• A174, A179Bigger, R . P. Fibre Cans: Production and Uses A2G Biggs, B . S., and Erickson, R . H. Cellulose

Ester Plasticizers: Determination # ... A317 Bilmcs, L . Polyvinyl Chloride: Rheolpgical

Properties ... .....................................A53fiBinns, F ., see Glendinning, E .................................A382Bircher, L. J . Liquids: Wetting and Spreading A222


Birren, F . Colour and Eye Strain .............. A452Birrotteau, A. Retarding Agents: Use in Vat

Dyeing .............. ......................... A14Bishop, M. C. Nomograph for Worsted Spinners A92

„ Worsted Spinning Nomograph .............. A285Bitler, H . H ., see American Viscose Corporation A284 Blackburn, G., & Sons Ltd., and Start, H. W .

and E. Stocking B lanks: Knitting. B.P.558,301 ... .............. .........................

,, Straight-bar Knitting Machine Welt Turn­ing Mechanism. B.P.559,434 ..............

,, Straight-bar Knitting Machine Thread Carrier Mechanism. B .P .501,082 and561,103

Blackburn, S., Consden, R ., and Phillips, H.Action of Sulphites on the Cystine D i­sulphite Linkages of Wool. (4) Methyla- tion of the Thiol Groups of BisulphitedWTools ...........................................................

Blackburn and District Managers’ Mutual Asso­ciation. Aeronautical Fabrics: Produc­tion ...........................................................

Blaine, R . L. Powders: Fineness Measure­ment by A ir Permeability ... ...

Blair, C . Surgical Cotton Linting or RaisingMachine. B.P.562,287 .........................

Blair, G. W . Plastic Materials: Stress-Strain­time Problems .....................................

Blair, G. W ., and Veinoglou, B. C . Rubber-like Materials: Behaviour under Constant Stress and Constant Strain Conditions AH4

Blakely, H ., see Seddon, G. K .............................A344Blanchard, F . S. United States Textile

Research Institute: Organisation andPlans ...........................................................

Blanco, M. L. Cuban Fibre Plants: Produc­tion ................................................ •••

Blau, C ., Jr . Autazol Chrome Dyes: Applica­tion .................................... ..............

B lau, G. J . Wool Marketing Experiment: A Record of the Operations of the British Australian Wool Realisation Association A279

Bleachers’ Association Ltd., Barrett, F. L., ancl Charlton, C. E . H . Coloured Glass Fibres, Yarns and Fabrics: Production.B.P.559,329 ......................... ..............

Bleachers’ Association Ltd., see Fine CottonSpinners’ & Doublers’ Association A7, A64

Bledsoe, R . P., and Matthews, E . D . CottonP lant: Variety Experiments in Georgia A497

Bledsoe, R . P., see Olson, L. C .............................A499Bliss, L. W axy Maize Phosphorylase: Nature

and ActionBloch, G. Laundrv-stabilized Fabric: Construc­

tion. U.S.P .2,329,452 .........................de Block, F., and Mattheeuws, J . Surface

Tension Dynamometer: Wall Effect ...Block and Anderson, Ltd. Cloth Yardage

Conversion Table ............ : ••• . A72, A l l 2Blow, C . M., and Knight, W . Textile Fibre-

Rubber Combinations: Development ••• A153Blunn, C. T., see Grandstaff, J . O .......................Boatner, C. H . Cottonseed Pigments: Nature

and Properties ..............Bobeth, W . Fibres: Moisture Absorption Bodel, C. C., see Linen Industry Research

Association ...............................................Boehm, R . M. Masonite Hydrolysed Wood

Products: Production .........................Bohm, V. C. Fulling or Planking Machines,

especially for Hat Bodies and Hats. B .P.559,675 ‘ .............. ....................................

Bohme, A. Th., Chem. Fabrik, see Bohme, E . A15.Bohme, C., see Manegold, E .........................A44Bohme, E . (to Bohme, A. Th., Chem. Fabrik).

Hides: Depilating. D.R.P.721,885Bohnisch, A . W ., see Wagner, H . ..............Bohringer, H ., and Graf, W . Spun Rayon

Fabrics: Quality ... .........................Bolduan, O . E . A., see McBain, J . W . ...Bolduan, O. E A., McBain, J . W ., and Ross,

S. Sodium Laurate and Palm itate:X-Ray Diffraction ....................................

Bolland, J ., see Schofield, H . .........................Bollenbacher, K ., see Marsh, P. B. ••• ••• Bomer, A., and Kappeller, K. Elaidin

Reaction: Use in Investigating Oils ...Bond, J . Laminated Plastics and Plywood:

Bearing Strength ....................................









A 295

A 201

A 131

A l l 8



A48f. A 42 5

A llA313




A129 A32S A 24 5


AH 3



Bondv, F. F., and Rainwater, C. F. Boll W eevil: Hibernation, Survival and

Emergence! ................................................. A454Bonnar, J . R . Fabrics and Yarns: Resistance

to Insect Pests .................................... A476Bonnet, F., see Ramsdell, R . A ............................. A282Bonnet, L. Cellulose Fabrics: Etherification

Finishing Treatments ... .............. A418,, Fabrics: Printing .............. ... A102,, Fabrics: Waterproofing ... .............. A523

Polyacrylic Acid Esters: Use in Finishing A36Spun Rayon Fabrics: Dyeing .............. A519

,, Spun Rayon Piece Goods: Dyeing ... A14 Booth, J . H . Rubber Couplings: Application

in Power Transmission ......................... A4S0Booth, T. Single-course Knitting Machine Con­

version Means. B.P.563,240 .............. A402Boothroyd, J . I., see Boothroyd Rugs Ltd. ... A381 boothroyd Rugs Ltd. and Boothroyd, J . I.

Resilient Pile Fabric. B.P.561,805 ... A381 Booton, W . E., see Booton, W . E., Ltd. A54, A5G Booton, W . E ., Ltd., and Booton, W . E.

Knitting Machine Picker Mechanism.B.P.557,184 ................................................ a 54

Circular Knitting Machine. B .P .557,485 ... A5G Booton, W . E ., Ltd., Booton, W . E., and

Witts, H. Stocking Blanks: Production on Circular Knitting Machines. B .P.557,029 ........................................................... A56

de Booys, J ., see Bred£e, H . L ............................. A29., see Hermans, P. H. ... ......................... A272

Borg, George W .f Corporation. Knitting Machine Adjustable Draw Cam. U.S.P. 2,334,353 ... ... ... ... ... A294

Borglin, J . N., Mosher, P. R ., Noble, B.,and Punshon, T. Rosin: Use in Stxap ... A164

Borner, Karl (Vested in the U.S. Alien Pro­perty Custodian). Casein Fibres:Treatment. U.S.P.2,335,570 .............. A336

Bose, C., see Chowdhury, K ...................................A129Bosman, V. Studies on Merino Wool Produc­

tion: Fleece Tests on Stud Sheep ... A138Bosurgi, G. A. Tergin: Properties .............. A478Botkin, C. W ., Shires, L. B., and Smith, E. C.

Yucca, Nolina, Agave and Sotol Fibre:Strength ................................................ A52S

Bott, E. C. B., and Gill, L. D . Vulcanised Rubber: Deterioration by Copper and

Manganese Compounds ......................... A343Bottcher, E. J ., and Conn, H . J . Cotton: Use

as Culture M e d iu m .................................... A490Bottero, G. D. Silkworm: Urea Content ... A447Botvinick, I., see Schwartz, L .............................. A184Boughey, A. S. Cotton P lant: Physiological

Wilting in the Sudan Gezira .............. A402Boulton, J . Cellulosic Fibres Dyeing with

Direct Dyes ................................................A151,, see Courtaulds L td .................................A1G5, A422

Bourne, E. J ., see Haworth, W . N ......................A484Boutaric, A., and Anglade-Thevenet, Suzanne.

Cellulose: Iodine Adsorption .............. A4S3Boutaric, A., and Chapeaux, M. Starch Sus­

pensions; Depolarization of Light by— A537 Boutaric, A., and Fabry, S. Cellulose: Iodine

Adsorption ................................................ A485Bovingdon, H . H . S., see Traill, D ......................A468De Bow, C. R ., see Du Pont de Nemours, E.

I., & Co.......................................................... AG7Boyd, L. J ., see McGavack, T. H . .............. A333Boyle. A. J ., Hughey, V . V ., and Casto, C . C.

Chlorate Ion : R ap id Determination ••• A491 Bracken, W . 0 ., and Piech, F . E. Cellulose

Acetate Plastics: Moulding .............. A433Bradley, L. A. Calender Sheeting: Longer Life A478Bradshaw, R . R ., see Goggin, W . C ..................... A527Brady, A. P., see McBain, J . W . .............. A174Braid, D . Air Compressors ......................... A434Braile, N., see Feigl, F .............................................A3G3Brandwood, J . W oo l: Chlorine Gas Treat­

ment for Unshrinkability. B.P.559,263... A246Branson, H ., see Simha, R . ......................... A494Brauckhoff, H ., see Lochte, T.............................. A270Brauer, K. Carob G u m : Improvement of Gell­

ing Properties. B.P.561,762 .............. A373Brauer, R . W ., and Steadman, L. T. /3-Eleo-

stearic A c id : Autoxidation .............. A444Braun, Paula, see Lohmann, H ............................. A41GBredee, H. L., and de Booys, J . Polymers:

Viscosity-Concentration Relation ... A29

PAGEBredemann, G. Bast-fibre P lants: Fibre Con­

tent D e te rm ina tio n ..................................... A503de Bretteville, A., J r . Sodium Stearate and

Palmitate Crystals: P ro d uc tio n .............. A449Breuer, J . (to Hemmer, L. Ph., G.m .b.H .).

Textiles: Milling. D.R.P.727,568 ... A251 Brew, H. E. Ladder-resistant Knitted and Non­

slip Woven Fabrics: Finishing. B .P.557,459 ........................................................... AOS

,, Slip-resistant Knitted and Woven Fabrics:Production. B.P.557,011 ... ... ... AGO

,, Ladder-resistant Knitted and Non-slipWoven Fabrics: Production. B.P.557,420 A55

Brimhall. B., and Hixon, R . M. Starch: Two-component Structure ......................... A318

Brimhall, B. Pyrodextrins: Structure............. A208

„ see Stuart, N . W . .....................................A215

Briner, E ., and Lachmann, A. Ozone: Adsorp­tion by Silica Gel, Alumina Gel andCotton ......................... j......................... A222

Briscoe, M., see Everest, A. E . ......................... A525Briscoe, H . V . A. Insecticidal Dusts: Struc­

ture and Properties ......................... A171,, see Kitchener, J . A .........................................A172

British Celanese Ltd. Alkali-treated Cellulose:Dehydration. B.P.563,500 ......................... A457

,, Cellulose Acetate Crepe Fabrics: Produc­tion. B.P.557,027 .................................... A6G

,, Cellulose Acetate Materials'. Dyeing. B.P.501,249 ........................................................... A344

,, Cellulose Acetate Materials: Dyeing. B.P.563,181 . .......................... A409

,, Cellulose Acetate Liquid TreatmentApparatus. B.P.556,942 ......................... A5

,, Cellulose Derivative Monoazo Dves: Pro­duction. B.P.560,298 ... .............. A249

„ Coated Rayon Fabrics: Production. B .P.558,899 ......................... _ ... .............. A155

,, Delustred Cellulose Derivative Filamentsand Films: Production. B.P.560,375 ... A300

„ Fabric W inding Apparatus. B.P.559,066... A155 „ Formal-type Condensation Products:

Production. B.P.556,756 ... .............. A17,, Knitting Machine Yarn Guide Holder.

B .P.558,635 ................................................ A9?,, Laminated Fabric. B.P.558,129 .............. A10G,, Laminated Fabric: Production. B .P .564,364 A526 ,, Patterned Cellulose Derivative Fabrics:

Production. B .P .560,116 ... ... ... A24S „ Rayon Staplising Apparatus. B.P.556,617... A5 ,, Rayon Staple L iquid Treatment Apparatus.

B .P .503,108 ...................................... ... A 456,, Regenerated Cellulose Yam s and Fabrics:

Treatment to Increase Capacity forShrinking. B.P.500,378 ......................... A300

,, Spinning Frame Y am Separator PlateCleaning Tool. B.P.557,535 ... ••• A51

,, Yarn Doubling Apparatus. B.P.562,682 ... A408 ,, Y am W inding Machine. B.P.557,219 ... A55„ see Bell, A . S..................................................... A63,, see Sharphouse, J . H .................. .............. A17,, (Celanese Corporation of America). Fab­

rics: Joining by Fusion. B.P.563,860... A471 „ Garment Extremities: Finishing. B .P.

557,329 .......................... A(i3,, and Simpson, W . J . Saponified Cellulose

Ester Yam s and Fabrics: Treatment to Increase Capacity for Shrinking.B.P.561,402 ................................................A345

British Cellophane Ltd. Moisture-proof Sheet:Production. B .P .559,520 ... ... ... A201

,, Polyalkylene Oxides: Application in Vis­cose Spinning. B.P.557,218 .............. A48

,, Viscose: De-aeration. B.P.561,050 .............. A285,, Viscose: Production. B.P.558,096 ... A91,, Viscous Liquid Deaerating Apparatus. B .P.

564,153 .... ••• A507,, Heaven, G. S., and Heaven, Z . Anti-gas

Clothing. B .P .559,960 .............. ••• A247

British Cotton Industry Research Association, Freeman, S. M., Brownsett, F ., Bakelite Ltd. and Knewstubb, N . W . Mouldable Fibre Compositions: Production. B .P.563,627 ............................................................M81

British Cotton Industry Research Association and Williams, T. C. Fibrous and Com­minuted Material Mixing Apparatus. B.P.562,308 ..................................... A108



IIBritish Industrial Plastics Ltd. Cellulose Ether

Compositions. B.P.560,115 ......................... A248British Kaumagraph Transfers Ltd. Nylon

Fabrics: Dyeing and Printing. B .P .559,879 ... .............. ......................... A247

,, Transfer Marking Composition. B.P.559,859and 559,878 ..................................... ... A246

British Launderers' Research Association.Bacterial Damage .....................................A477

„ Mildew ........................................................... A476,, Semi-stiff Collars ............................................ A476

British Nylon Spinners Ltd., Loasby G. and Jackson, D . L. C. Anti-static YarnLubricating Agent. B.P.563,725 .............. A4(>3

,, Loasby, G., and Talliss, H . C. H.Nylon Crepe Fabrics: Production. B.P.

562,555 ........................................................... A421,, Loasby, G., Puls, H . O. and Pownall, L.

W inding Machine Thread TensioningMechanism. B .P.558,631 .............. ... A97

British Rayon Federation. Rayon Industry :Post-war Development ... ■ A183

British Rheologists’ Club. Rheology in theTextile Trade ......................... ••• A53

British Thomson-Houston Co. Ltd. Aluminium Stearate Solutions: Preparation. B .P.557,411 ... .............. .............. ... A64

,, Improvements in or Relating to WashingMachines. B.P.562,372 ......................... A354

„ Phenol-Aldehyde Resinous Condensates:Preparation. B.P.557,451 ... .............. A65

„ Photo-electric Cloth Length Measuring and Skew and Bow Correcting Apparatus.B .P .562,450 .............. ... .............. A421

,, Polyvinyl Adhesive Compositions. B.P.563,624 .......................... ̂ ................. . ... A470

,, Washing Machine Oscillating Mechanism.B.P.563,020 ....................................... A433

,, Ruff, H. R ., and Clarke, M. G. MoistureDroplet Detecting Device. B.P.557,614 A80

,, Ruff, H . R . and Davies, L . J . Atmospheric Moisture Indicating Apparatus. B.P.557,613 A79

,, Ruff, H . R . and Weston, R . F .# Remote Recording Moisture Indicating Ap­paratus. B.P.557,615 ......................... A80

Brittain, J . Water for Industrial Use .............. A439Britton, H . T. S. Electrometric £H Meters :

Application ................................................ A82Broadbridge, W . Use of Flash Steam ... ... A393 Broadley, H . M. Casement Fabric: Costing A192

„ Cotton Weaving Shed: Management ... A9,, Textile Costing System .............. ... A496

Broadmeadow, J . C. Nylon Gloves: Dyeingand F in is h in g ..................................... A3S4

Brobst, D . R . Cellulose Acetate Yarn : Applica­tion for Electrical Insulation .............. A23

Brode, W . R ., Patterson, J . W ., Brown, J . B. and Frankel, J . Fatty Acids: Conjuga­tion ; Determination from AbsorptionSpectra .............. ..................................... A320

Brodersen, K., and Quaedvlieg, M. (to Farben-industrie, I. G., A.-G.). D.R.P.735,092... A423

Brodie, P. H . Sheep: Development a NecessaryEvil ................................................ . . . . A 229

Brookes, A. Rayon Yarns: Use for Insulationof Fine W ire s ................................................A255

Brookes, H . Weaving Wage Lists: Improve­ment ......................... .......................... A224

Brooksby, E., see Bentley Engineering Co. Ltd. A193 Brotherton & Co. Ltd. and Holmes, P. C. Mor­

dant Monoazo D ye : Production. BJP.563,772 ........................................................... A471

Brough, Nicholson & Hall Ltd. and Pegg, H.Loom Beat-up Mechanism. B.P.560,993 A292

Brown Co. Artificial Leather: Production.U.S.P.2,835,702 ..................................... A347

Brown, A. S., see Brown and Adam Ltd. ... A200 Brown, C . H. Egyptian Cotton: Improvements

in P rod uc tio n ................................................ A1Brown, F. S. Plastics in the Textile Industry A60 Brown, H. B. Bobshaw Cotton: Characteristics A1

,, Station Miller Cotton: Characteristics ... A498 ,, and Haddon, C. B. Cotton: Grade; In ­

fluence of Varietal D ifferences.............. A1Brown, H . K . Vibrating String : Boundary

Value Problems; Resolution by Means of Finite Fourier Transformation A133

Brown, R . H . Metals: Galvanic Corrosion ... A356


Brown, J . B., see Brode, W . R ............................ A320Brown & Adam Ltd., Brown, A. S. and Imperial

Chemical Industries Ltd. Resin-bonded Laminated Articles: Production, p .P .

559,235 ...........................................................A200Browning, Ethel. Toxic Anaemia: Causes and

Occurrence........................................................A376Brownlee, H. H. Control Means for a Power

Actuated Machine. B.P.564,605 .............. A534,, Control-Means for a Machine adapted to

operate on Moist Articles. B .P .564,606 A534 Brownsett, F ., see British Cotton Industry Re­

search Association .................................... A481Brubaker, D . G., see Fuller, M. L. .............. A327Bruce, W . R . Stable Hypochlorite Solutions:

Preparation. B .P .563,136.........................A469Brum, J . F., see Foster, J ........................................ A8Brunings, K. J . and Corwin, A. H. Dipyrryl-

methene and Triphenylmethane Dyes:Structure ................................................A324

Bruson, H . A. (to The Resinous Products & Chemical Co.). Esters of Hydroxy- polvarylmethanes: Mothproofing Agents.U.S.P.2,309,335 .................................... A20

Bryant, E . F ., Palmer, G. H . and Joseph, G.H . Pectin: Determination ... ... A266

Buchsbaum, S. & C. Vinyl Filaments: Spinn­ing. U.S.P.2,328,125 .................................... A141

Buck, W . M., see Johnston, A ............................. A389Buckaloo, G. W ., see Hoffpauir, C. L ................. A81Buckley, G. D ., Tatum, W . W . and Imperial

Chemical Industries Ltd. Anthraqui- none Dyes: Production. B.P.558,433 ... A107

Buckley, H. Steam Pipe In s u la t io n .............. A435Buckley, J . Cardroom Machinery: Moderniza­

tion ........................................................... A286,, Cotton M ill: M odernization .............. A92, A336,, (Platt Bros. & Co. Ltd.) Modern Cotton

Spinning M ill: Installation .............. A235Bugge, G. (Vested in the U.S. Alien Property

Custodian.) Crimped Filament SpinningApparatus. U.S.P.2,337,969 .............. A406

Biihrmann, J . R . South African Merino:Future................................................................ A401

Buist, J . M. and Seymour, R . C. Rubber:Position on Plastic-elastic S c a le .............. A114

Bull, H . B. and Gutmann, M. Keratin Fibres:Elasticity ................................................A475

Bull, L . B . Research as Applied to AnimalProduction ....................... . ... ... A497

Bunker, H . J . Textile Preservatives: Testing A532 Burawoy, A., see Calico Printers Association

L td ..................................................................... A 344Burg, F . W . Z. Cotton Stalks: Use for Pro­

duction of Boards .................................... A117Burger, M. Laboratoiy I n k .................................... A298Burgess, A. F . (Institute of Paper Chemistry).

Silk Softening. B .P .563,745 .............. A463Burgess, R . R ing Cleaning Device .............. A143Burlakova, A. N., see Podreshetnikov, E. Y . ... A467Burnham, H . D ., see Waters, G. W .................. A314Burns, D . Ply Warp Yarns: Preparation for

Weaving Duck .................................... A52Burns, R . H . Increasing Clean Fleece

W e ig h ts .............................................. - ... A377Burns, R . M. Metals: Corrosion Mechanism ... A350Burr, G. O., see Barnes, R . H .............................A536Burrage, E. E . Combustion in Shell-type

Boilers .................................... . ............. A437Burton, E. F. Fibres: Capture of Air-borne

Particles ................................................ A20Burwell, J . T., Jr., see Sakmann, B. W ............. A480Buswell, R . J ., see Norris, F. A ............................. A491Butler, M. L., see Marsh, P. B ................ . ... A245Butterworth, D . Peroxide Bleach: Application A149 v. Buzdgh, A. Starch and Bentonite Suspen­

sions: Viscosity; Effect of Electrolytes A275 Byard Manufacturing Co. Ltd. and Hunter, A.

E . Hair Nets: Production. B.P.563,497 A462,, Twist Lace Machine. B .P .563,902 ............. A46S

Byrom, M. H „ see Smith, H . P. AL39, A454, A499

Cady, E . L. Power Transmission .............. A438Cady, W . H. Light Fastness Standards: De­

velopment ... ... .........................A205Cagnoni, D . Sericin: P roperties ......................... A444Calchi-Novati, E . Fabrics: Finishing ... ... A1GCaldwell, C. G. Amioca Starch: Properties ... A8



Calico Printers’ Association Ltd. Burawoy, A.,Barclay, Margaret G. and Thomson, G.H. Azo Dyes: Production. B.P.561,302 A344

Callaway, R . P. Co-operative Cotton Gin Asso­ciations : Organisation and Operation inNew Mexico ... ••• .............. ••• A403

Cambridge Instrument Co. Cambridge TextileExtensometer ..................................... • •• A308

Cameron, F. K . “ Whole Cotton Growingand Processing .................................... A504

Cameron, G., see loco Rubber & WaterproofingCo. L td .............................................................A52C

Cameron, W . G., see Courtaulds L td .................. A6SCaminita, B. H ., Schneiter, R ., Kolb, R . W .

and Neal, P. A. Cotton Bacterium:Characteristics .....................................A225

Campbell, D . H. and Pressman, D . LyophilProtein Evaporation Apparatus ... ... A325

Campbell, D . J . Cotton Goods: ContinuousPeroxide B le a c h ing .................................... A518

,, see Reichert, J . S.............................................A296Campbell, G. A., and West, T. F . Di-/>-chloro-

phenyltrichloroethane I n s e c t i c i d e (D .D .T .): Production and Properties ... A487

Campbell, IL , and Johnson, P . NitrocelluloseMolecules: Weight and Shape .............. A536

Campbell, M. E . American Textile Schools:Organisation for Textile Research ... A544

„ Cotton: Carding; Research Programme ... A142 ,, High-density Cotton Bales: Processing in

American Mills .............. .............. A50Campbell, N . S. Rayon Staple Sliver False

Twisting Apparatus. B .P .558,268 ... A93 Canadian Government Purchasing Standards

Committee. Textiles: Resistance toMicro-organisms .................................... A162

Canadian Industries Ltd., see Goddin, A. H . ••• A156Candee, C. C ., see Millson, H . E ............................ A150

Cannan, R . K . Dicarboxylic Amino Acids :Determination in Protein Hydrolysates ... A317

Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation. Cellulose Acetal Derivatives: Prepara­tion. U .S.P.2,329,741 ......................... ... A224

,, Crimped V inyl Resin Staple F ibre :Production. U.S.P.2,327,460 ... ... A92

„ Hydroxyalkylcellulose Esters: Production.U.S.P.2,327,397 ......................... ... A134

,, Hydroxyalkylcellulose Esters: Production.U .S.P .2,330,263 ... ... .. ̂ ... A202

,, Polyvinyl Coating Composition. U.S.P.2,324,740 ................................................A108

,, Vinyon Elastic Yarn : P roperties.............. ^161„ Vinyon Y arn : Properties .............. ... A255

Carbone, A. 'Direct Dyes: Alkaline ReductionDuring Dyeing .................................... A385

Carlton, H . O., see Groves, J . H . .............. A451Carnap, A., see Husemann, E ..............................A305Carr, C. W ., and Sollner, K . Collodion Mem­

branes: Swelling in Water and Electro­lyte S o lu tions ..................................... ... A179

Carswell, T. S., and Nason, H . K . Organic Plastics: Effect of Temperature on Mechanical Properties ... ... ... A537

Carter, H . B. Follicle Group in Merino S k in :Development and General Histology ... Al37

,, Study of Follicle Population Density:Use of Tanned Sheepskin .............. ••• A137

,, Skinfolds and Wrinkles in the Merino: Arrangement, Nomenclature and Varia­tion ........................................................... A138

Carter, R . L., see Allsop, K . Ltd. .............. A293Carter, R . P., see Shreve, R . N ............................. A415Cash, B. E., see Demarest, M ................................ A113Cassel, H . M. Adsorbed Phases: Condensation

and Supersaturation.....................................A325C-asselman, R . Resin-impregnated W ood: A p­

plications and P roperties .......................... A117Casto, C. C ., see Boyle, A. J ...............................A491Castonguay, Florence B., Leekley, Dorothy O.

and Edgar, Rachel. Cotton, Rayon,Silk and Wool Fabrics: Effect ofWashing ................................................A391

Caudill, Dorothy C., see Hays, Margaret B . ... A530 Cavedon, A. Knub Y am Production Apparatus.

U.S.P.2,384,542 .................................... A288Cawthorn, L. S. Small-ware Loom Shuttle.

B.P.556,792 ................................................ A10Celanese Corporation of America, see British

Celanese Ltd ........................................ A63, A471

Celanese Corporation of America. Azo-dyed Cellulose Derivative Fabric : DischargePrinting. U.S.P.2,333,204 ..............

,, Cellulose Ester Spinning Solution. U.S.P.2,325,153

,, Cellulose Esters : Production. U.S.P.2,329,704 / 5/6/17/18/30 .........................

,, Cut Fabric with Sealed Edges. U.S.P.2,328,063 ................................................

,, Fihre Liquid Treatment Apparatus. U.S.P.2,337,068 _ ................................................

,, Folded Y am with Singles under Different Tensions: Production. U.S.P.2,323,991

,, Portable Spindle Brake. U .S.P.2,334,748 ,, Rayon Yarn Dressing Agent. U.S.P.

2,328,600 ................................................„ Rayon Y am Stretching Apparatus. U.S.P.

2,334,288 ................................................,, Tendering Machine Vacuum Extractor.

U.S.P.2,338,167 .....................................,, Thermoplastic Laminating Fabric: Pre­

paring for Use. U.S.P.2,326,121/28/189/190 ,, Varying Denier Rayon Spinning Apparatus.

U.S.P.2,337,664 .....................................,, Yarn W inding Machine. U.S.P.2,335,975 ...

Celastic Corporation. Shoe Stiffening Fabric:Finishing. U.S.P.2,332,501 ..............

Centola, G. Methylcellulose Solution: Viscosity;Effect of Substantive Dyes ..............

Cessna, O. C. Dry Cleaning Machine: Removalof Water .............. *.........................

,, Dry Cleaning Solvent Mixtures: SeparationMethods ................................................

Chachkhiani, A. B. Cellulose Xanthate: Grind­ing and Solution ......................... ...

Chadwick, J . & Co. Ltd Rayon Crepes and Staple Fibre Fabrics: Processing

Chain Belt Co. Chain Drives: Maintenance ...

Chalmers, B. Metallic Machine Components:Non-destructive Testing ........................

Chamberlain, N . H. Photo-electric Photometer:Construction and A p p lic a tio n s ..............

,, See Varga, A ........................................................Champetier, G., and Foex, M. Cellulose :

Esterification by Acid and Acid Anhy­dride V apou rs ................................................

Champetier, G., and Marton, R . Cellulose- Nitric Acid Compounds : Ultra-VioletAbsorption S p e c tr a .....................................

Champion, F. A. Lime-Soda Water SofteningP lan t: Automatic Control.........................

Chapeaux, M-, see Boutaric, A .............................

Chapman, S. Atmospheric Oxygen : Photo­chemistry ................................................

Charlton, C . E. H ., see Bleachers’ AssociationL td .................................... .........................

Charnley, F. Card W ire : Grinding ..............Chartered Institute of Patent Agents. British

Patent System .....................................Chase, W . W . American Army Flame-proofed

Cotton ‘D u c k : Production ...American Textile Mills: Electrification ...

„ Continuous Peroxide Bleaching Range :Advantages ................................................

,, and1 Mauldin, E. Textile Mills: Construc­tion and Equipment .........................

Chatten, C . K., and Werkenthin, T. A. Rubber Compounds: Accelerated Light AgeingTests ...........................................................

Chemical Foundation, Inc. Bacterially-decut- inized Cotton Fibre: Production. U.S.P.2,336,252 .............. ..........................

Chemopharm, G.m .b.H., see Lindner, K.Chen Kuo-fu, see Jayme, G ........................................Chester, K . S., and Ray, W . W . Cotton Seed:

Disinfection ................................................Chi-Min, Cha. Chinese Textile Industries :

Reconstruction .....................................Chibnall, A. C., see Bailey, K . .........................Chilikin, M. Canvas: Impregnation ..............Chippendale, E ., see Cotopa Ltd .............................Chollar, R . G., see Green, B. K .............................Chowdhury, K ., and Bose, C. Fluorescent

Dyes: Ultra-violet Absorption in Solution Christensen, J . V., and Esplin, A. C. W ool:

Determining Shrinkage Christie, D. R . W ool: Advertising Valuable

Properties ................................................Christison, H . Blended Wool Light Fastness

Standards: Preparation .........................









































Christison, H . Light Fastness Standards :Production .................................... ... A1G2

Chwala, A. Soap: Economy in Laundering ... AUG ,, and Martina, A. Water-repellent Fabrics:

Production ................................................ A61Cilliers, P. A., see Monnig, H. O. ... A138, A497 Clark, C. O. Commercial Mothproofing :

History, 1920-1940 ..................................... A17,, Mothproofing Agents : Development ... A1G

Clark, D . M. (Atlantic Rayon Corporation). Cellulose Acetate Materials : AcidDyeing. B.P.559,991 .............. ... A247

Clark, G. M. (Radio Corporation of America).Rayon Cakes: High-frequency Drying.

B .P .563,590 ................................................A457Clark, G. M. (Warwick Chemical Co.). Tertiary

Amine Derivative Water - repellent Agents: Preparation. B.P.500,448 ••• A300

Clark, J . A. Alkali-soluble Cellulose Ethers:Use in Finishing and Sizing .............. A199

Clark, J . d ’A. Pulp Fibres: Ultimate Strength A474 Clark, O. W . Cotton Yarn Packages: Vat Dyeing A41"»

„ Olive-drab Army Underwear: Dyeing ... A197 Clark Thread Co. Plastic Travellers. U.S.P.

2,326,828-2’,320,834 ..................................... A93,, Taper-ended Bobbin. B .P .559,115 .............. A147,, Y a m W inding Machine. B.P.557,146 ... A l l ,, Y a m W inding Machine. B.P.557,11.9 ... AH

Clarke, G. L . Unbleached P u lp : Action ofNitrogen Dioxide on— ......................... A231

Clarke, M. G., see British Thomson-HoustonCo. Ltd'. ................................................A80

Clarke, T. E . Yarn Cheeses: D y e n g .............. A151Clash, R . F . Jr ., and Berg, R . M. Vinyl

Chloride-Acetate Non-rigid Resin Com­pounds: Stiffness and Brittleness ... A532

Clash, R . F ., Jr., and Rynkiewicz, L . M. PlasticMaterials: Thermal E x p a n s io n .............. A362

Clay, C. & Sons Ltd., Clay, C . R ., and Heas- man, Agnes M. Cut R ibbons: Produc­tion. B.P.564,337 ... ••• ... ... A51J5

Clay, C . R ., see Clay C. & Sons Ltd. ... ... A515 Clayton, E ., and Edwards, W . A. Wool :

Reducing Tendency to Felt and Shrink.B.P.557,600 ................................................ A66

Clayton, J . H ., see Manchester Oxide Co. Ltd. AG1 Cleaveland, J . B. Plastic Coating Applying

Machines: Types and Limitations • •• A522Clegg, J . K .( see P latt Bros. Ltd. .............. A144Cleland, J . E ., Evans, J . W ., Fauser, E . E.,

and Fetzer, W . R . Starch ConversionProducts: Refractive Index .............. A324

Cleland, J . E., and Fetzer, W . R . StarchHydrolyzates : Moisture Sorption ... A494

Clement, L., and Rivi&re, C . Cellulose Esters and Ethers: Acetone and Water Ab­sorption ................................................A486

Clement, S. L . Cotton : Ginning ; Costs inNorth Carolina .....................................A454

Cleverdon, M. A., see Bengalia, A. E .................. A87Clibbens, D . A. Anthraquinonoid Vat Dyes:

Reversible Reduction ......................... A101Clifford, G. E ., see Oldham, B . C. .............. A79Cloran, G. B. Mill Adhesives : Selection ... A59Coats, I . P ., see Coats, J . & P . L td .................. A409Coats, J . & P. Ltd., and Coats, I . P . Carding

Engine Belt-shifter Mechanism. B .P.563,056 i............................................................A409

Cobb, J . W ., see Milner, G. ......................... A125Cobert, J . C . Knitting Machine -Needles :

Straightening ..................................... ••• A410Cobbett, N. G., and Smith, C. E. Eradication

of Sheep Ticks, Melophagus ovinus, by One D ipping in Dilute Derris-water or

Cube-water Dips .............. .............A138Coblentz, W . W ., and Stair, R . Ultra-violet

Solar Radiation: Intensity ... ... A31 Cockrell, W . D. Electronic Control Equip­

ment: M a in ten an ce ......................... ••• A439Cody, B . L. Centrifugal Pum ps: Conservation A209 Coe, M. R . Photo-chemical Action Protective

Colour Screen. B.P.560,714 ... ... A302 Cohen, H . R . D ry Grinding: Effect on Proper­

ties of Keratins .....................................A484Cole, G. D . H . Textile Industries: Educational

Reconstruction ..................................... A452Coleman, R . H ., Hunt, O. D ., Whisnant, E. E.,

and Whisnant, C. L. Circular Knitting Machine Wrap Yarn Feeding Device U.S.P.2,330,269 ..................................... A194

Collacott, R . A. Anti-vibration Mountings Collie, B ., Giles, C. H ., Wilkinson, D. G., and

Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Cellulose Ester and Ether Dyeings : Treatment to Improve Fastness to GasFumes. B.P.558,784 .........................

Collins, H . W . Glass Cloth Laminated Plas­tics : Production ....................................

Collins & Aikman Corporation, see O ’Dell,A. E. .............. .............................

Colman, W . Tests of Chemical CompoundsAgainst Fabric Insects .........................

Colman, W ., and Haller, H . L. J . (to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and his successors in office). Wool Fabric :Mothproofing. U.S.P.2,318,201 ..............

Colomb, P. Cotton-Rayon C loths: Mercerisingand Bleaching ....................................

,, Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching BathStabilizers ................................................

Columbus Coated Fabrics Corporation. Flexible Raincoat Coating Composition. U.S.P.2,331,977 ................................................

Comar, C. L., and Miller, E. J . Plant Spray Coatings : Water Vapour Permeability

Commercial Solvents Corporation. Amino- dioxane Wetting Agent. U.S.P.2,335,447

Committee DIB, American Society for TestingMaterials. Cordage: Testing ..............

,, Fabrics: Air Permeability Test ..............,, Fibres: Specification and T e s t in g ..............,, Glass Fibre Fabrics: Testing ..............,, Man-made and Natural Fibres : Names

and Sources ................................................,, Rayon Staple: Commercial Weight Test­

ing ...........................................................,, Rope: Testing ................................................,, Yarns: Designation of Construction and

Twist ...........................................................,, Yarns: Specification and T e s t in g ..............

Committee on Colorimetry, Optical Society ofAmerica. Colour Concepts ..............

,, Colour: Psychophysics .........................,, Radiant Energy : Specification and

M e asu re m en t................................................Committee on Occupational Dermatoses, Ameri­

can Medical Association. IndustrialDermatitis: Prevention .........................

Le Compte, G. C ., see Johnston, A ...................Conn, H . J ., see Bottcher, E . J ............................

Connell, L . J . C . Radiant and Inductive Heat­ing Appliances: Industrial Applications

Consden, R., see Blackburn, S .............................Constant, J . Cuprammonium Rayon: Production Consterdine, C . (Platt -Bros. & Co. Ltd.).

Electro-pneumatic Opening Machinery:Advantages ...............................................

Cook, A. H ., and Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Methine ‘Dyes: Production. B.P.500,160

Cook, J . M., and Willis, A. Y . American Cotton: Carding; Effect of Grade onWaste ...........................................................

Cook, J . M. Laboratory Tape F r a m e ..............Cooke, R . G. Pentosans: DeterminationCooper, A. S., see Steam, J . T ............................Cooper, W . A., see Cotton, W . L td ..................Copeman, Laboratories Co. Dye and Resin

Emulsion : Padding. U .S.P .2,334,199 Coppick, S. Wood Cellulose: Depolymerisa-

tion during Delignification... _ ..............Corey, A. J . Sulphite Pulps: Viscosity; Com­

parison of Cuprammonium and Cupri-ethylenediamine Measurements ..............

Corn Products Co. Ltd., see Beaver, A. E . A. Corn Products Refining Co. Corn Starch :

Separation from Gluten. U.S.P.2,325,250 ,, Starch Product : Preparation. U.S.P.

2,332,320 ................................................Corns, W . G .f see McCalla, A. G. ..............Corteen, H ., see Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co.

L td ......................... ....................................Corwin, A. H ., see Brunings, K . J . ... Cotopa Ltd. and Chippendale, E . Laminated

Cellulose Acetate Plastic Material: Pro­duction. B.P.558,164 .........................

Cotton, R . T., see Bach, E. A .............................Cotton, W . Ltd. and Wilders, G. Straight-bar

Knitting Machine Screw-racking Mech­anism. B .P .558,126 .....................................





A3 38

A l l 5


A 340












A315 A44*> A91








A 2,50 A121




Cotton, W . Ltd., Wilders, G., and Cooper, W .A. Straight-bar Knitting Machine Sink­ers and Catch Bar. B.P.558,127 ... A05

,, Wilders, G. and Lynam, J . E . Straight-bar Heeling Machine. B.P.562,213 ... A383

Cotton Board. British Cotton Industry : Re­organisation ................................................A450

,, Lancashire Cotton Industry : Structure ••• A330 Cotton Board Committee. British Cotton In ­

dustry : Reconstruction ......................... A134Cotton Textile Institute, U.S.A. Textile Fibres:

Production and Applications .............. A330Courtaulds Ltd. and Boulton, J . Crease-

resisting Cellulose Textile Materials :Production. B.P.5G2.790 ......................... A422

and Boulton, J . Nylon Fibres : Dveing.B .P .557,939 * ... Al05

,. Cameron, Wr. G. and Morton, T. H.Guanidine Derivatives : Application in Basifying Cellulosic Materials. B.P.

557,909 .............................................................AGSDiamond, C., and Hill, A. Textile Fabric

Petrol Tanks : Production. B .P .564,265 A525 and Hampson, C. H. Bobbin W inding

Spindle. B.P.558,331 .. .............. A9G,, and Hampson, C . H . Tapered Package

W inding Apparatus. B.P.5C0,G37 and560,657 ... ................................................A291

,. Hegan, H . J ., and Berry, J . K . Oil­skin : Production. B.P.558,394 .............. A107

and McFarlane, R . A. Rayon BoltingCloth : Production. B .P .557,480/7/8 ... A5G

,, and MacGregor, J . H. Guanidine Salts : Application in Rayon Finishing. B .P.

558,892 A154and MacGregor, J . H . Nitrogenous

Fibres : Dyeing. B .P.558,891 .............. A154,, Whittaker, C. M., Thomas, H. A.,

Wilcock, C. C., and Tattersfield, C. P. Differentially Dyed Fabrics: Production.B.P.564,131 ..................................... ... A525

,. and Wilcock, C. C. Nylon Fibres : Dye­ing. B.P.558,586 .................................... A10S

,, and Wilcock, C. C. Nylon Fibre : Treat­ment to Improve Affinity for DirectDyes. B .P .556,925 ..................................... A1S

,, and W'ilcock, C. C., and Armfield, W . Cell­ulose Fibres : Treatment to Improve Resistance to Wet Processing. B .P.

560,121 .......................................................... A248Cowan, A. M. Oil-, Water- and Petrol-proofing

Compositions : Application. B.P.557,179 A62 Cowan, J . C., Falkenburg, L. B. and Teeter,

H . M. Polymerised Drying and Semi- Drying Oils : Analysis ... ... ... A317

,, and Wheeler, D . H . Dilinoleic LinearSuperpolyesters : Preparation .............. A2G8

Cowling, T. G. Water Vapour: Far'Infra-redAbsorption ................................................A175

Cox, H. L., and Pepper, K. W . Phenolic Lamin­ated Paper Boards : Preparation ... A392

Craiciu, M. Silkworm Eggs: Treatment withHydrochloric Acid .....................................A484

Craik, K . J . W ., see Wright, W . D ..................... A358Crane, J . L., and Williams, S. Cotton Sliver:

Application in Marine C a u lk in g .............. A312Crapez, J . (Vested in the U.S. Alien Property

Custodian.) Direct-reading Wet-and-Dry Bulb Psychrometer. U .S.P .2,326,124 A121

Crawshaw, H ., see Finlayson, D ............................. A515Creighton, R . H . J . and Hibbert, H . Corn

Stalks : Oxidation with Alkaline Nitro­benzene ................................................ A267

,, Gibbs, R . D ., and Hibbert, H . Plant Materials : Taxonomic Classification by Oxidation with Alkaline Nitrobenzene ... A2G7

Croatta, U., see Bezzi, S .........................................A3G1Crompton & Knowles Loom Works. Axminster

Loom Lint-removing Nose Board. U.S.P.2,324,564 ................................................ A12

,, Electric W7arp Stop Motion............................. A53,, Loom Beat-up Mechanism. U .S .P .2,337,431 A412

Loom Box Motion Lever. U .S.P .2,337,896 A412 ,, Loom Picker Checking Device. U.S.P.

2,330,519 .............. . ......................... A194,, Loom Picker Lubricating Device. U.S.P.

2,336,187 A383,. Pirk-and-Pick Loom Weft-replenishing

Mechanism. U.S.P.2,333,904 .............. A293

Crompton & Knowles Loom W'orks. LoomPicking Motion. U.S.P.2,336,876 ... A38!

,, " Regan " W arp Stop-motion .............. A145,, Weft - replenishing Loom Pneumatic

Thread Holder. U.S.P.2,326,905 .............. A99,, Weft - replenishing Loom Pneumatic

Thread Removers. U.S.P.2,330,320/1 ... A383 ,, Weft-replenishing Loom Revoked Thread

Remover. U.S.P.2,336,255 .............. A383,, Weft Replenishing Loom Thread Control

Mechanism. B.P.557,300 ......................... A55,, Weft-replenishing Loom Thread Cutter

and Clamp. U.S.P.2,326,862/3 .............. A98,, Weft-replenishing Loom Thread Cutter

and Clamp. U.S.P.2,329,999 .............. A194,, Weft-replenishing Loom Yarn Cutter.

U.S.P.2,331,854 .....................................A195,, Whip-roll Controlled Let-off Motion.

U.S.P.2,330,514 ..................................... A194,, see Triggs, W . W . ... A146, A147, A382, A38>

Crook, H . Dyes for W'ool Hosiery Yarns and Fabrics, with some Notes on the Effect

of Chlorination .....................................A151Crosier, W . S. Thermostatic Control Devices :

Industrial Applications ......................... A119Crossley, F . Shuttle Pirn or Tube Holder.

B.P.556,699 ................................................. A10Croup, A. H . Laminated Paper Plastics :

Effects of Moisture Content on PhysicalProperties ................................................A433

Crowder, W . F. W inding Machines : Cleaningand Oiling ................................................ A52

Crumley, J . A. Cellulose Acetate Rayon Full-fashioned Hosiery : P rocessing.............. A150

Culbreath, E . F. Co. R ing Frame PneumaticFull-bobbin Stop-motion ......................... A5J

Culpepper, F. S. Rayon Staple Fibre: Pro­cessing on Cotton Machinery .............. A508

Cunneen, J . 1., Farmer, E. H . and Koch, H . P. Rubber and Other Olefins : Combina­tion with Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins A38

Cupery, M. E., see Du Pont de Nemours, E. I.& Co.................................................................. AlOf

Czeczowitzka, H ., see Texproof L td ...................A107Czeczowitzka, R . H., see Texproof L td ................. A24G

Daaseh, L. W ., see Rundle, R . E . ... A157, A2G7Daemisch, K . F., see Staudinger, H ................... A188Dahl, O. Electrodialysis-electrophoresis Ap­

paratus ..................................... ... A173Dale, L. W . and Edgar, R . W ool: Determina­

tion in Mixtures .................................... A71Dales, B., Walsh, R . H. and Abernathy, H . H.

Neoprene Latex : Effect of Thickenerson Viscosity ................................................ A 104

Dallow, J . E ., see Dallow, Lambert & Co. Ltd. A2G4 Dallow, Lambert & Co. Ltd. and Dallow, J .

E . Dust Removing Appliance. B.P.559,827 ............................................................A204

Dalmon, R ., see Desmaroux, J ............................... A363Daly, B . B . Fans : Selection ......................... A315Damle, N . R ., Forster, R . B. and Kudva, K.

G. Indian Green Earth : Base-exchanging Properties ......................... A273

Danisch, F. Mixed Fibre Textiles : Dyeingwith Vat Dyes .....................................A101

Darling, C. S. Steam Prime-movers .............. A210Darr, H . E ., see Storch, M. H .............................. A347Darsey, V. M. Salt Spray Test Cabinet : Fog

Calibration ................................................A530Das, N. and Bhargava, B . P. Indian Sunn-

hemp: Production; Processing andGrading ..................................... ••• A45;>

Daubert, B. F. and Baldwin, A. R . Linoleic and Linolenic Acid Glycerides : Prepara­tion and Properties..................................... A487

Daudelin, T- B. and Messier, R . J . ShuttleWeft Guard. U.S.P.2,333,413 ... ... A241

Davenport-Wroosley Processing Corporation.Flat Straight-selvedged Fabric: Knitting.U.S.P.2,330,445 ... .............. ••• Al'.)4

Davenport, T. B. Dye Solution ConcentrationRecording Device .....................................A340

Davidson, G. F . Cotton Cellulose : Effect ofProlonged Acid Treatment ... ••• A37

Davidson, J . and Taylor, W . D. CuticularScales of Hair : S ta in in g .............. A529

Davies, H. S. Textile Companies : VerticalOrganization ................................................ A184



Davies, L . J ., see British Thomson-Houston Co.Ltd. ... ......................... .............. A79

Davis & Furber Machine Co. Warping MachineCompacting Device. U.S.P.2,337,129 ... A412

Dawkins, A. S. and McFalls, J . A. Multiple- box Loom Wrong Weft Excluder. U.S.P.

2,333,846 ................................................A293Dawson, T. R ., Moakes, R . C. W . and New­

ton, R . G. Organic Fillers for Rubber :Application ................................................ A16

,, and Parris, R . W . Rubber : Use for Pro­tection from Mustard G a s ......................... A299

,, and Thomson, E . A. M. Rubber: Purifica­tion ........................................................... A61

Dawson, W . M., see Wolf, H . W ............................. A160Day, E. L. Cotton Linters: Production and Ap­

plication ................................................A231Daynes, H . A. Rubber : Resistance to

Abrasion ................................................ A24Dean, H . A., sec Gaines, J . C ............................. A502Dean, J . N. Gutta Percha, Balata and Poly­

ethylene : Applications ......................... A419Deans, F . E., see Bentley Engineering Co. Ltd. A193 Debye, P. Solutions : Light Scattering ... A372

Deichmann, W . B. Phenol and Cresols :• Identification .....................................A266

Delaney, W . Institute of Textile Technology A136 Delashaw, J . and Gibson, F. D . Gin Saw

Cleaner. U.S.P.2,332,783 ......................... A233Delmonte, J . and Asselin, L. Plastics : Water

Absorption ; Determination by Beam>Deflection ................................................A397

Demarest, M., Moeller, Wr. P. and Cash, B. E.Ethylcellulose Plastics : Properties ... AT 13

Deming, W . E. Shewhart Quality ControlC hart: A p p lic a t io n ..................................... A328

Dem'yanovskaya, N. S. and Sokol’skaya, A. V. Silkworm : Water, Dry Substance and

Nitrogen Contents .....................................A219Denham, F., see Taylor Wordsworth & Co.

L td ..................................... ......................... A 380Denier, P. C. L . Cotton Weevil Conotrachelus

Denieri (Hust.) : Biology and Control A90 Denison, G. H ., Jr. Lubricating Oils : Oxida­

tion ........................................................... A438Denison, H . M. H., see Denison & Sons Ltd. A311 Denison, S. & Sons Ltd., Denison, H . M. H.

and Lenton, A. Constant-rate-of-loadingTesting Machine. B.P.560.832 .............. A311

,, Dial-reading Steelyard-type Strength Test­ing Machine ................................................A428

Dermelj, M., see Samec, M. ......................... A541Dersucher, E. Rayon Filaments and Fabrics :

Production ................................................A405Deshayes, F. Cellulose Acetate-Wool Military

Fabrics : F in is h in g .....................................A298Desmaroux, J ., Dalmon, R . and Petitpas,

Genevieve. Cellulose : Nitration inOrganic Solvents .....................................A3G3

Detel Products Ltd. Chlorinated Rubber Acid-resistant Paints : Application .............. A77

Dettwyler, W ., see Du Pont de Nemours, E. I.& Co.................................................................. A346

Deuschle, G., Kling, W . and Simon, G. Cottonand Cotton-Rayon Goods : Bleaching AS9

Dewey, L. H . Bast and Leaf Fibres : Produc­tion in the Americas ......................... A230

Dewey & Almy Chemical Co., see Abbey, A. A526Dewhirst, F., see Baker Perkins L t d . .............. A258Dexdale Hosiery Mills. F lat Knitting Machine.

U.S.P.2,331,528 ... ......................... A195Diamond Alkali Co. Phosphatic Water Glass

Detergents : Preparation. U.S.P.2,333,443/4 ................................................ A259

Diamond, C., see Courtaulds L td ............................. A525Dickerman, G. K. Phenol Paper Laminates :

Development ................................................A434Dickinson, E . Two-piece Stocking. B.P.562,926 A411 Dickinson, W . Cetyl Acetate/Water Interface:

Ionic Adsorption .....................................A215Diedering, P. Starch : Colloidal Behaviour and

Enzymic Degradation ......................... A122Dierkes, G. Cellulose : Chemical Constitution

and Physical Properties ......................... A425Dillenius, H . Cellulose : Reaction with

Formaldehyde ..................................... A220Dillon, J . H ., Prettyman, I. B. and Hall, G.

L. Rubber-like Materials : Hystereticand Elastic Properties ......................... A372

Dillwyn J . J . Mechanical Filtration of Water A439

Dimmick, F . L. Colour Aptitude T e s t ..............Dinges, H . R ., see Dubcau, A. L ............................District Bank Ltd., see Nasmith, G. W .Doadrio, A., see Montequi, R . .........................Doderlein,, R ., see Lauer, K .................................Dodge, H . F. Sampling Inspection Plan for

Continuous Production .............;Doherty, D. G. and Ogg, C. L. Amino Nitrogen

Determination Apparatus : Constructionand Use ...............................................

Dohle, W . Mercerisation: History ..............Dole, M. Soap Solutions : £H and Detergent

Effect ......................... .............. # •••Dominion Textile Co. Ltd. Drafting Mechanism.

B.P.5G4,188 ................................................,, Silver Condensing Apparatus. B.P.564,577 ,, Spinning Frame Clearer Roller. Ii-P.

560,381 ...........................................................Doner, M. H ., see Thomssen, E. G ......................Donner, F. O. (Vested in the U.S. Alien Pro­

perty Custodian.) Finned Stocking.U.S.P.2,338,375 ..............

Donohue, O. Nylon Fabrics : Chemical Resist­ance ................................................

Doolittle, A. K. Nitrocellulose and VinyliteResin : Mechanism of S o lu tio n ..............

Doran, C. A., see Du Pont de Nemours, E. I.& Co................................. .........................

Doree, C. and McGhie, J . F. Lanosterol. Doriot, G. F. Clothing Fabrics : Functional

Characteristics .............. ..............Dorr, R . E. Wood Pulp : Composition and

Properties ...............................................Doty, P. M., Zimm, B. H . and Mark, H . High

Polymer Solutions : Light Scattering ••• Dow Chemical Co. Cellulose Ether Plasticizer.

U.S.P.2,331,090 .....................................,, • Cellulose Ethers Stluble in Cold Water :

Production. U.S.P.2,331,864/5 ..............,, Cellulose Ether and Wax Emulsion : Ap­

plication in Glazed Finishes. U.S.P.2,326,605 .....................................

,, Cloth Coating Machine Doctor Rod. U.S.P.2,334,102 ................................................

,, Cord Pads or Mats : Production. U.S.P.2 338 610

,, Polyvalent Metal Salt Solutions of Cellu- lose-glycoJlic Acid. U.S.P.2:,331,858 /9

,, Styraloy 22 Plastic : Properties ... ... ,, Thermoplastic Cellulose Ether and Resin

Stiffener. U.S.P.2,33l,095 ..............,, Vinylidene Chloride Polymer Y a rn : Pre­

paration. U.S.P.2,332,485 Downie, C. C . Insulating Tape : Production ...

,, Tantalum Rayon Spinneret Cups and Jets ,, Tantalum Spinneret Cups : Production ...,, Waste Kier Liquor : Utilisation ..............

Downing, J ., see Sharphouse, J . H . ... ̂ ... Downy Products’ Co. Abrasive W ad : Produc­

tion. U.S.P.2,327,199 .........................Doyle, C. B. Cotton Crop : Influence of

Climate .................................... •••Doyle, C. D. Phthalic Anhydride: Determina­

tion in Oil-modified Alkyd Resins Drackett Co. Soy Bean Protein Fibre : Produc­

tion ...........................................................Draper, A. Cotton Mill : Post-war Planning ...

„ Juvenile Textile Workers : Recruitment ••• Draper Corporation. Centre Weft Fork Stop

Motion. U.S.P.2,336,343 .........................,. Loom Temple. U.S.P.2,336,591 ..............,, Magnetic Shuttle Drag. U.S.P.2,327,840 ...„ Picker Stop. U .S.P .2,332,366 .........................,, Self-threading Shuttle. U.S.P.2,335,534 „ Self-threading Shuttle. U.S.P.2,335,564 ... „ Shuttle Spindle. U.S.P.2,334,675 ... . ... „ Shuttle Weft Tension Equalizing Device.

U.S.P.2,335,483, 2,335,563 .........................,, Weft Tensioning Device. U.S.P.2,335,142

Dreby, E. C. Fabrics : Testing Handle andEffect of Finishing T reatm ents..............

,, Friction Meter for Determining the Co­efficient of Kinetic Friction of Fabrics

,, Light-weight Fabrics Compression Meter Dreshfield, A. C ., see Shaefer, W . E.Dreyfus, C. Cellulose Derivative Fabrics :

Anti-shrinkage Treatment. U.S.P.2,337,652 ................................................

,, Cellulose Ester Insect Screen. U.S.P.2,334,754 ................................................








A 463


A 324


A 531


A 397


A 20 3




A 203 A16G









A384 A384 A99

A240 A339 A339 A 294





A 339


Dreyfus, C. and Schneider, G. Aluminium Du Pont de Nemours, E. I. & Co. PigmentedHydroxide : Application in Cellulose Nitrocellulose Coating Composition :Acetate Spinning. U .S.P.2,324,507 ... A6 Filtering. U.S.P.2,328,025 .............. Al5<‘>

Dreyfus, H. Cellulose Ether Flaments, Foils ,, Plastacele: P rope rtie s .....................................A447and Coatings: Production. B.P.o59,754 ... A189 ,, Plasties-coated Cotton Fabric : Printing.

„ Cellulose: Production from Ligno-cellulosic U.S.P.2,i336,365 .....................................A388Materials. B.P.557,321 ... .............. A48 „ Polyamide Coating Composition : Appli-

,, Light-resistant Cellulose Derivative Com- cation. U.S.P.2,333,917 ......................... A304positions. B.P.563,287 ......................... A469 ,, Polyamide Composition: Production. B .P .

,, Linear Polymeric Urea Derivatives : Pro- 5(51,701/2 ................................................ A335duction. B .P .560,785/6 ......................... A284 ,, Polyamide Compositions : Treatment to

,, Polymeric Urea Derivatives : Production. Improve Durability and Stiffness. B.P.B .P .560,784 ................................................A284 559,076 ........................................................... A189

„ Strong Cellulose Acetate and Regenerated „ Polyamide Filaments: Treatment to Im-Cellulose Yarns : Production. B .P . prove Impact Strength and* Thermo-557,004 ............................................ ... A6 extensibilty. B.P.561,344 .............. A335

Dring, G. Plastics: High Frequency Heating A176 ,, Polyamide Knitting Yarns: Sizing. B.P.Dry, F. W . Genetics of the Wensleydale 557,783 ............................................................ A57

Breed of Sheep. I I I . Arithmetical ,, Polyamide Solutions: Preparation. B .P.Aspects of Se lection.................................... A401 563,078 ........................................................... A400

Dubeau, A. L., and Dinges, H . R . Sodium Bi- ,, Polyvinyl Alcohol : Boric Acid Sitingcarbonate : Application in “ Souring ” A414 Composition. U.S.P.2,324,601 _ .............. A12

Duffus, H . B ., see Kendall, C .................................A351 Purine Bases: Application in Water Treat-Dufton, A. F . Dufton Window Scale: Applica- _ ment. U.S.P.2,327,323 .......................... A121

tion ... ................................................A358 ,f Reinforced FlexibLe Transparent Sheeting.Duggan, I. W . American Cotton Crop : Post- U.S.P.2,332!,373 .....................................A241i

war Position ................................................A231 ,, Retarded-exhaustion Finishing Dispersion.Dugger, E., see Schwartz, R . T .................. A327, A393 U.S.P.2,332,817 .....................................A250Duguid, S. N . Reducing Fuel Consumption ... A392 ,, R ippled Rayon Thread : Production.Dumazert, C. and Michel, R . Starch : Action U .S.P .2^328,074 .....................................A141

of Caustic Soda .................................... A126 }) Resin Dispersions: Preparation and Appli-Duncan, E. N., see Pope, O. A ............................. A402 cation. B.P.563,707/8/9/10/11/12/13... A470

,, see Simpson, D . M ............................................ A498 Running Yarn Liquid Treatment Device.Dundas, R . K. Ltd. “ Dryair ” Colloidal Silica U.SjP.2,325,129 ..................................... A98

Drying Elements .................................... A517 ti Sodium Pyrophosphate : Application inDunkerley, F. Single-apron High-drafting Device A50 Water Softening. U.S.P.2,326,950 ... A121Dunlap, A. A. Cotton Bolls : Shedding ; In- w Snag-resistant Polyamide Knitted Fabrics:

fluence of Light In te n s ity ......................... A139 Production. B.P.560,084 ......................... A239,, Cotton Root Rot Organism : Control by tt Stearato Chromic Chloride Waterproofing

S u lp h u r ........................................................... A500 Emulsions: Preparation. B.P.558,317 ... A107Dunlap, E. S. Knit Rayon Outerwear Fabric : it Sulphonated Hydrocarbon Textile Treat-

Processing ................................................A516 ing Composition. U.S.P.2,334,764 ... A346Dunn, J . E ., see Schwartz, L .................................A135 t Sulphur Dye Printing CompositTon. U.S.P.Du Pont de Nemours, E . I. & Co. Aeroplane 2,335,905 ................................................ A347

Fabric : Finishing. U.S.P.2,336,266/7 ... A388 ,, Synthetic Linear Interpolyamides : Pro-„ Arylaminoanthraquinone Dye for Cellulose ducton. B.P.557,544 ......................... A48

Acetate. U.S.P.2,333,384 ......................... A251 „ Thermoplastic Organic Materials: Heating,, Continuous Peroxide Bleach. U.S.P. by High Frequency Electric Fields. B .P .

2,334,066 ......................... .............. A304 560,101 ............................................................A248,, Dichloroethylene Co-polymer Coating Com- Vinyl-Isocyanate Co-polvmer Finishing

position. U.S.P.2,334,236 ......................... A304 Agent: Application. U.S.P.2,335,582 ... A347„ Dioxazine Dyes : Production. B.P.557,789 A66 „ Viscose: Production. U.S.P.2,338,196 ... A457,, Dry Spinning Cell. U.S.P.2,327,399 .............. A92 „ Viscose Spinning Bath : Composition.„ Endless Belt Yarn Collecting and W inding U.S.P.2i,324,437 ..................................... A6

Apparatus. U.S.P.2,333,278/9 .............. A233 ,, Viscose-Sulphonamide Stretch-spun Rayon:„ End-winding Yarn Package. U.S.P.2,325,127 A97 Production. U.S.P.2,335,592 ... ... A336,, Ethylene Polymer Filaments : Increasing „ Water-repellent Rayon Filaments: Spinn-

Temperature of Shrinking. U.S.P. ing. U.S.P.2,335,980 ......................... A3362,325,060 ................................................ A9l „ Window Shade Fabric: Finishing. U.S.P.

,, Ferrous Metals : Protection against Cor- 2,336,265 ................................................ A388rosion. U.S.P.2,333,206 ......................... A264 „ Y am Beam : W inding. U.S.P.2,324,584 ... A12

„ Formalin: Application in Finishing. U.S.P. Y am Guide. U.S.P.2,328,541 .............. Al472,327,160 ................................................ A109 „ See Arthur, P. J r ................................................. A68

.. Interpolyamide Filaments : Production. See Ballou, J . W ............................................. A529B.P.556,946 ................................................ A6 ,, See Flenner, A. L ............................................. A20

,, Modified Regenerated Cellulose Fibres and ,, See Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. A105, A405Films: Production. B.P.562,184 .............. A379 „ and Cupery, M. E . Oleoresinous Coating

,, Moist Fibre Lap Disintegrating Machine. Composition: Production. B.P.558,617... A108U.S.P.2,325,147 ..................................... A9l ,, and Dettwyler, W . Anthraquinone Dyes:

„ Nitrocellulose-coated Dyed Fabric: Pro- Production. B .P .561,754 ......................... A346duction. U.S.P.2,335,739 ......................... A347 „ Doran, C. A., and De Bow, C. R .

,, Nitro-paraffin: Application in Swelling Pigmented Nitrocellulose Coating Com-Cellulose Derivatives. U.S.P.2,327,413 ... A109 positions: Production. B .P .557,813 ... A67

,, Nylon Fabrics: Processing ......................... A516 ,, and Nebel, W . Resinous Coating Compo-,, Nylon Reinforced Rubber Structures. B .P . sitions: Production. B.P.557,046 ... A18

536,133 ... ......................... .............. A54 ,, and Peters, F. T. Plasticized Polyamide,, Nylon Staple Fibre : Production. U.S.P. Compositions: Production. B.P.559,514... A201

2,327,087 ................................................ A92 ,, and Poesl, C. N . Fabric Steaming Appara-,, Nylon Y am : Preparation and Weaving ••• A236 tus. B.P.557,859 ..................................... A67„ iNylon Yarn : Properties ......................... A475 „ Reichert, J . S., McNeight, S. A., and„ Nylon Yarn : Sizing and T w is ting .............. A291 Elston, A. A. Peracids: Preparation„ Nylon Y am : Winding, Sizing and Weav- and Use in Bleaching. B.P.550,490 ... A62

...........................................................A409 ,, and Rothrock, H . S. Polymeric Ester„ Nylon Yam s : Winding, Sizing and Weav- Coating Materials : Production. B .P.

ing ...........................................................A510 560,663 ............................................................A301„ Packing Braid. U.S.P.2,337,986 ... ... A413 „ Wuertz, A. J ., and Klein, D . X . Anthra-,, Peroxide Bleach Liquor : Stabilization. quinone Dyes: Producton. B.P.560,817 A302

U.S.P.2,333,916 .............. ... ... A304 Dupont, G., and Escourrou, R . W ood: Pulping A46,, Phenolaldehyde Coated Rubberised Sheet Durand & Huguenin A.-G. Vat Dye Printing

Material: Production. B.P.556,710 ... A17 Preparations. B.P.560,747 .............. A302




Duro Persian Manufacturing Co. Inc. CoveredChenille Strand. U.S.P.2,332,833 ... A236

Dutoit, E. Textile Materials: Waterproofing. A523 Dutreillis, J . Silk and Rayon Tricot Goods :

Delustring ................................................ A342Dutt, G . R ., Patel, M. S., and Sontakay, K . R .

Cotton Bollworms: Occurrence in the Central Provinces and Berar, Ind ia ... A'-

Dux Chemical Solutions Co. Ltd ., Redfarn,C . A., and Elliston-Erwood. F . W . Laminated Plastic Sheets: Production.B .P .561,351 ................................................ A344

Van Duzer, R . M., see Rohrig, I . A .................. A355Dyakonov, G. K . F oam : Formation .............. A39

Dyson, J . & Sons Pty. Ltd. Felt Milling Machine : Stock Foot. Australian P.117,278 ........................................................... A 68

Dzyadel, E . M., see Voyutskii, S. S.................. A200

Eadie, D. Rings and Travellers: Developments A143 ,, Rings and Travellers: Recent Developments A458

Eames, T. A. Dusty A ir: Examination ... A119 Eastman Kodak Co. Cellulose Acetate Rayon

Anti - static Dressing Agent. U.S.P.2,331,664 ................................................ Al95

,, Cellulose Caprate Adhesive Sheet. U.S.P.2,324,097 ..................................... ... A19

,, Cellulose Esters: Rendering Susceptible toBasic Compounds. U.S.P.2,338,587 ... A472

„ Electrostatic Cellulose Acetate SpinningDevice. U.S.P.2,338,570 .......................... A457

,, Far-hydrolized Cellulose Acetate: Pro­duction. U.S.P.2,327,770 .......................... A92

,, Hollow Spindle Yarn Plying Machine.U.S.P.2,338,656 ... ......................... A460

„ Lustrous Cellulose Ester Filaments: Pro­duction. U.S.P.2,338,641 ......................... A457

,, Phosphatic Azo Dyes. U.S.P.2,328,570 ... A15C ,, Sulphonated Phosphonic Acid Surface-

active Agent. U .S.P .2,336,230. .............. A388,, Triethanolamine Ester Cellulose Acetate

Yarn Dressing Agent U.S.P.2,333,770 ... A293 Eckert, P., and Schmidt, H. J . Viscose Staple

F ibre: Curling ..................................... A47„ and Swatck, E . Casein Fibres: Production A334

Eddy, A. Pick Counter. U.S.P.2,326,769 ... A98Eddy, C. R ., see Senti, F. R .............................. A178Edelstein, S. M., see Greenspan, F . P .................. A424Edgar, J . L. Ozone: Occurrence and Deter­

mination ................................................ A363Edgar, Rachel, see Castonguay, Florence B. A391Edgar, R ., see Dale, L . W . ... ........................ A71

,, See Johnson, R . L. ••• ......................... A70

Edwards, F . C., see Rundle, R . E .................. A173Edwards, J . E., see Haslam, J ..............................A492

Edwards, W . A., see Clayton, E . .......................... A66Eggert, J . Straw P u lp : Production .............. A404

Eid, M A. M., see Whewell, C. S. ... A58, A74 Eilenberg, T. R ., and Jones, W . K . (1). Adams,

F . W . (2). W indow Glass: Preventionof Scattering by Blast .............. ... A16C.

Eilers, H . Plastics in Organic Solvents: Vis­cosity/Concentration Relations .............. A22o

Eisenhut, O., and Sghwartz, E . Cellulose :Heterogeneous Degradation .............. A272

„ (1). Vetter, H . (2). Cellulose Materials:Determination of Degree of Damage ... A429

Eitel, W . China C lay: Electron Microscopv ••• A257Elchemie, G .m .b.H ., see Sarg, R ............................. A25LEldridge, E . F . Waste Treatment at Yale

Woollen M i l l s ................................................ A79Eley, D . D ., and "Pepper, D . C. Plasticized

Cellulose Derivatives: Flow under Com­pression and Extension ......................... A490

Elkins, H . B ., Storlazzi, E . D ., and Hammond,J . W . Methylcellosolve Vapour: Deter­mination ................................................ A124

Ellinger, P., and Holden, M. Fluorescent Pigments: Determination of Concentra­tion from Fluorescence Intensity ... A367

Elliott, J . H ., see Osborn, R . H ............................. A122Ellis, A. Cotton Hanks, Braid and Tape:

D y e i n g ............................................................A384,, Cotton W’aste: Dyeing ......................... A150

Ellis, W . J . Foetal L am b : Extra-uterineAseptic Autolysis in the Skin of— ••• AT2

Ellis, W . J . Melting Point Curves of someBinary W ax Mixtures .........................

,, and Lennox, F. G. Australian-grownPapain ...........................................................

Ellison, W . J . Dust Extraction and Air Filtra­tion P lant: Design and C o n tro l..............

Elliston-Erwood, F. W ., see Dux ChemicalSolutions Co. L td ..................

Elod, E., Nowotny, H ., and Zahn, H . Wool Fibre : Relation between Damage andCystine Content ....................................

,, and Schachowskoy, T. Superpolyamides: Action of Acids and Dye Acids

Elston, A. A., see D u Pont de Nemours,E . I. & Co.......................................................

Elsworth, F. F., see Hartley, iR. S......................,, and Barritt, J . Fluorine: Determination

in Wool Treated with F luor ides ..............Elving, P. J ., and Lamkin, J . C. Zinc :

Determination .....................................,, and Ligett, W . B. Oxygen: Determination

in Organic Compounds .........................Engdahl, R . B ., see Kratz, A . B. ..............Engel, R . A., and Gump, W . Dihydroxhexa-

chlorodiphenylmethane: Application inAntiseptic Textile Materials ..............

von Engelhardt, W . Thixotropy; Theory English Velvet and Cord Dyers' Association

Ltd., and Holden, <E. Gelatin and Leuco Vat Dye Ester Salts: Application in Dyeing and Printing. B.P.557,887 ...

Erbring, H ., see Takej, M ........................................Erickson, J . O., see Neurath, H .............................Erickson, R . H ., see Biggs, B. S ..........................

Ericsson, R . L . Nitroparaflin Solvents: Uses ... ,, (to Westvaco Chlorine Products Corp.).

W oo l: Brominating to Reduce Shrink­age. U.S.P.2,326,021 .........................

Esch, W . Paints : Accelerated WeatheringTests ...........................................................

Escourrou, R ., see Dupont, G ..............................Esplin, A. C., see Christensen, J . V ..................

,, see Madsen, M. A .............................................Essig, K. A., see Mecheels, O .................................Eva, W . J ., see Anderson, J . A .............................Evans, C. D ., and Manley, R . H . Zein

Solvents: Critical Peptization Tempera­tures ................................................

Evans, D . P., and Simmons, N . T. Iodine : Amperometric Titration. W ater: Dis­solved Oxygen Test .............. ...

Evans, Sir Geoffrey. Cotton: Production inNorthern Nigeria ....................................

Evans, J . W ., see Cleland, J . £ .............................Evans, R . M. Colour: Perception and

Photography ... ... ... ..............Evans, T. H ., see MacGregor, W' S.....................Evens, J . Cast-iron Heating Boilers ..............Evenson, O. L . 2r-Aminoanthraquinone: Deter­

mination and Identification ..............

,, 2 : 4-Dinitroaniline : Determination inFood and Drug Dyes .........................

Everest, A. E., Wallwork, J . A., and Briscoe, M. Wetting Agent: Preparation. B.P.5(54,359 ... ................................................

Everett, S. M. Protein and Cellulosic Rags: Use for Preparing Foodstuff. B.P.558,889 ...

Evstigneey, V . B. Coloured Solutions: AcidityDetermination ... ... ..............

Ewald, P. R . Automatic Control C ircuit: TheoryEwer, T. K . Sheep: Rugging .........................Ewing, K . P . Cotton A ph id : Damage and

Control in Texas .....................................,, and Ivy, E . E . Bollworm: Control ,, and Moreland, R . W . Bollworm, Boll

Weevil, Cotton Aphid and Flea Hopper:Control ................................................

and Parcencia, C. R ., J n . Boll Weevil andBollworm: Control -........................ •••

Expanded Plastics Ltd. Expanded Plastics:Properties .........................

Eyer, J . R . and Medler, J . T. HemipterousCotton Insects: Control .........................

Ezekiel, W . N . Cotton Root R o t: Effect ofRainfall ................................................

,, and others. Cotton Plant Diseases: In ­vestigation in T e x a s ....................................

p a g e




























A3 78





A m


FFabel, K . Nitrocellulose: Denitration ..............Fabian, C. F. and Lee, J . B. (to Lee Bros.

Hats, Inc.). Felt or Straw Hats: Water­proofing. U .S.P .2 ,314 ,135.........................

,, (to The tNon-Mercuric Carrot Co.). Fur:Carrotting. U .S.P.2,306,872 ..............

Fabry, A., see Boutaric, A ........................... . •••Fairchild, J . G. Stannous Salts: Determination

with Mercuric Chloride .........................Falconer, J . S. and Taylor, D . B. “ Gravity ”

Dialyser ................................................Falkenburg, L . B ., see Cowan, J . C ..............Fankuchen, I . and Mark, H . Chain Polymer

Fibres: X-Ray Studies .........................,, and Mark, H . Cotton and Rayon Fibres:

X-Ray Diagrams .................................... A307Fancutt, F . and Twiselton, M. S. J . Shirlan

and. ^-Nitrophenol: Determination inRot-proofed Cotton ......................... ... A105

Fanning, W . M. Weaver’s Wages: Calculationon Time-study B a s is .....................................A544

Farbenindustrie I.G ., A.-G. Felt and StrawHats: Stiffening D.R.P.725,794 .............. A251

,, Preventing or Retarding the Formation of Precipitates in Dyeing Baths for Tex­tiles. D.R.P.720,680 .....................................

,, see Brodersen, K . ....................................,, see Gutensohn, R . .....................................,, see Haakh, H .....................................................,, see Muller, W .......................................................,, see Schiissler, H ...................................................

Farmer, E . H ., see Cunneen, J . I. ..............Farnsworth, D . Colour Vision: Famsworth-

Munsell 100-Hue and Dichotomous Tests ,, Spectral Colours: Subjective Boundaries ...

Farnworth, A. J ., see Sweetten, R . B ..................Faude, E. (To Kammgarnspinnerei Stohr & Co.

A.-G.) Wool Fabric : Reducing Felting and Shrinkage. D.R.P.728,673 ..............

Fauser, E . E ., see Cleland, J . E .............................Fawcett, G. S. Lovibond Tintometer: Develop­

ment ...........................................................Feavel, J . R .. see Graff, J . H .................................Federov, V . S., and Tiirk-Eigess, E . G. Labora­

tory Conditioning Apparatus ..............Fedorova, N. E., see Podreshetnikov, E . Y . ... Fehlmann, H . Fibre Mixtures: Analysis Feigl, F . and Braile, N . Lead: Detection in

Water and Fine Chemicals ..............Felix, E . L., see ter Horst, W . P ......................

Fellows, C. H ., see Rohrig, I. A .............................Felton, G. E ., see Schopmeyer, H . H ..................Fendley, S. D . “ Thymotrol ” Electronic Vari-

able-speed Drive .....................................A480Feofilov, P. P . Dyes: Polarisation of Fluor­

escence and Anisotropy v... ••• ... A367 Ferber, E . N-Anthraquinonyl-/3-hydroxynaphtha-

m ide : Preparation and Use as Coupling Component ... ... ... ... ... A465

Ferderber, M., see Houghton, F . C ......................A360Ferguson, R . H ., Rosevear, F. B. and Still­

man, R . C. Soap: Solid Phases ... A33 Ferrey, G. J . W . Methylene B lue : Determina­

tion ......................... ... ... ... A215Ferry, J . D. Polymer Solutions: Rigidities ... A362 Fetzer, W . R ., see Cleland, J . E . ... A324,-A494

,, see Sair, L. ..................................... A361, A370Fiala, S. Formaldehyde: Effect on Protein ••• A537 Field, P. M. Reinforced Plastics: Impact

S treng th ........................................................... A356,, see Sang, H . .................................... ... A75

Field, R . F . Electrical Instruments: Variationwith Humidity .....................................A129

Felder, H . Fire-resisting Varnish: Preparation.B.P.557,545 A66

Fielding, C. H . Boiler O pe ration ......................... A438,, Heat Exchange ... ..................................... A434

Filatex Corporation. Elastic Filament CoveringApparatus. B.P.557,742 ......................... Aol

,, Elastic Filament W inding Apparatus.U.S.P.2,335,965 .................................... A339

Findley, W . N . and Hintz, O. E ., Jr . Cellu­lose Acetate Plastic: Repeated Impactand Fatigue Tests .................................... A16 2

,, Cellulose Acetate Sheet: Mechanical Tests A24 Fine Cotton Spinners’ and Doublers' Association

Ltd., Bleachers’ Association Ltd. and Kershaw, W . Buoyant Rope: Produc­tion. B .P .557,442 ......................... ... A64

A157 A423 A458 A 347 A423 A157 A38

A85 A181 A 59



A350A467A l l l

A3(i3 A153

A355 A93




A19 A 4 85



A 348

Fine Cotton Spinners’ and Doublers’ Association L td., Robins, C ., Bleachers’ Association Ltd., and Kershaw, W . Buoyant-Rope:Production. B.P.556,747 .........................

Fine Cotton Spinners’ and Doublers’ Association Ltd. and Leigh, E. A. Spindle Bearing Oil Extracting Device. B.P.560,214

F ink, H . and Plepp, G. (Vested in U.S. Alien Property Custodian.) High-tenacity Viscose Rayon: Production. U.S.P.2,327,516

,, Rath, G. and Hofstadt R . (Vested in U.S. Alien Property Custodian.) Mineral Acid Solution of Cellulose: Spinning.U.S.P.2,334,615 .....................................

Finlayson, D . and Crawshaw, H.. Insulating Fabrics: Production. B.P.564,192

Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. Elastic NoveltyYam . U.S.P.2,324,989 .........................

Fischer, C. and Muller, F . H. Polymer Films: Electrical Current AccompanyingDiffusion of W a t e r .....................................

Fischer, J . Aspergillus Niger: Effect of HeavyMetal Ions on Growth .........................

Fischer, T. Rayon Fabrics: P r in t in g ..............Fisher, J . W . Cellulose Higher Fatty Acid

Esters: Purification. B.P.562,691Fisher, M., see Tullis, D . & J . L td ......................Fisher Scientific Co. Distilled Water Purity

Meter ............................................................,, Fine Particle Measuring Instrument

Fitzgerald. A. Spun Rayon and Aralac PieceGoods: Dyeing .....................................

FitzGibbon, M. Organic Mercury Compounds : Application in Rot-proofing. B.P.557,375

Fleisher, H . Boiler Water Alkalinity Indicator Fleming, A. P . M. Research Workers: Educa­

tion and Place in Industry ..............Flenner, A. L. and Goddin, A. H . (To Du Pont

de Nemours, E . I. & Co.) MothproofingCompositions. U.S.P.2,307,775 ..............

Fletcher, H . M. Rayon, Silk and NylonStockings: Wearing Qualities ..............

,, Rayon Stockings: Wearing Qualities Fletcher, Hazel M., Hay, W ild a M., and Surratt,

Andrea J . Resin-finished Rayon Gaber­dines : Colour Fastness and PhysicalProperties ................................................

Fletcher, R . K. and Thomas, F . L . Bollworm Eggs and Larvae: Natural Control

Fletcher, W . P. Rubber-like Materials: Effect of Temperature on Mechanical Properties

Flint, C. F ., see Renfrew, A. ... ..............

Florence, P. S. Industrial Workers: Fatigue ••• Flory, P. J . and Rehner, J ., J r . Cross-linked

Polymer Networks: Elasticity ..............,, and Rehner, J . , Jr . High Polymers: Chain

Configuration; Statistical T heo ry ..............„ and Rehner, J ., Jr . Cross-linked Polymer

Networks: S w e llin g .....................................Floyd, E. H ., see Becnel, I. J .............................

„ Becnel, I. J . , and Haddon, C . B.Cotton A ph id : Control .........................

Foex, M., see Champetier, G. .........................

Foote, N. M. Polystyrene: Thermoplastic Flow Foote Mineral Co. Lithium Stearate: Properties

and Uses ................................................

Ford, C. L ., see Schopmeyer, H . H . ..............Ford Motor Co. Ltd. Soybean Protein: Produc­

tion. B .P .559,848 „ Soy-bean Protein Spinning Solution. B .P.

559,745 ...........................................................

Fordyce, C. R ., see Hearon, W\ M. ..............Forero, A. and Thomas, J . Chilean Textile Fac­

tories : Health Hazards .........................Forster, R . B ., see Damle, N. R .............................Forsythe, W . E . and Adams, E . Q. Colour-

temperature Scale: Establishment andMaintenance ................................................

Foskett, L . W . and Foster, N. B. SpectroscopicHygrometer ................................................

Foster, J . and Brum, J . F . Twisting FrameY am Guide. U.S.P.2,323,987 ..............

Foster, J . F . Starch Components: Characterisa­tion ...........................................................

,, and Hixon, R . M. Amyloses: Viscosityand Molecular Weight .........................

Foster N. B ., see Foskett, L. W .............................

Foster, W ., see Scott, W .........................................





































Fothergill, F. Fine and Coarse Rayons: Dye Concentrations for Same Shade; Deter­mination with a Nomogram .............. A2DG

Foulds, R . P., see Tootal, Broadhurst Lee Co.L td ...................................................................... A62

Foulk, C. W . and. Barkley, J . E. Liquids:Film Formation ......................... ... A3 3

Foulton, A. Bleaching Agents: Use in Laundries A478 Foxwell, G. E . Lancashire Boilers; Heat Trans­

mission in— ................................................ A78Franchelli, R . A., see Garcia-Mata, R .................. A3Francis, W . Industrial Heat In su la tio n .............. A437Frankel, J . , see Brode, W . R .................................A320Franken, A. Stencil-printing Frames: Cleaning A245Frankl, E. L. Looms:. Maintenance .............. A381Franklin Process Co. Plastic Cop Dyeing Tube.

U.S.P.2,336,086 .....................................A347Franz, E. Fibres: Structure and Properties ... A70

,, Muller, F. H., and Wallner, L . Naturaland Man-made Fibres: Structure ... A204

,, Schiebold, E ., and Weygand, C. BacterialCellulose : Structure ......................... A370

Franzoso, R . Viscose R ayon : Screen Printingwith Acid Dyes ... ......................... A4C7

Frearson, T. B., see Jackson, T ............................. A141Freedman, E. Wool Blankets: Thermal Trans­

mission .............. .....................................A ll 2Freeman, S. M., see British Cotton Industry

Research Association.....................................A481Freeman, S. R . T., see Mellor Bromley & Co.

Ltd. ........................................................... A470Freiberg, H . Plastic Bead Decorated Fabrics:

Production. B.P.564,104 ......................... A525Freibert, A. Cotton Stainer: B io lo g y .............. A187French, D., see Rundle, R . E ...................... A36, A267French, T. & Sons Ltd. Webbing Loom Web­

bing Receptacle. U.S.P.2,338,638 ... A4G4 Frevel, L. K . Powdered Solids: Analysis by

X-ray Diffraction .....................................A483Frey tag, H. Glass F ibre: Colouring .............. A13Frey-Wyssling, A. Gels: Orientation .............. A34Friedman, G. and Goldfarb, A. R . (To Bruce,

L. R ., Inc.) Hair: Composition for Permanent Waving. U-S.P.2,310,687 ... A20

Frische, G. Permanganate: Use in Bleaching ... A415 Frith, Elizabeth M. and Tuckett, R . F. Crystal­

line Polymers: Melting ......................... A493Fritsch, F. E. Seaweeds: Occurrence and Ap­

plications ... ......................... ... A46Fromm, H . Colloidal Solutions: “ Viscosation " A36(i Fry, G. A. Dichromat Eyes: Colour Mixture

and Chroma Discrimination; Quantita­tive Formulation .....................................A368

,, Dichromat Observers: Colour Mixture andWave Length Discrimination .............. A217

Fuchs, L. Dobby Loom Shedding Mechanism.U.S.P.2,338,633 .....................................A464

Fuidge, G. H ., see South Metropolitan Gas Co. A155 Fuller, C . S., and Baker, W . O. Chain

Polymers: X-Ray Structure .............. A322,, see Baker, WT. O. .....................................A307

Fuller, M. L. and Brubaker, D. G. Pigments:Mounting for Electron Microscopy ... A327

Fuller, W . H . Aerobic Cellulose-decomposingOrganisms: Isolation and ftttion ... A130

,, and Norman, A. G. Cellulose Bacteria:Activity ................................................A271

,, and Norman, A. G. Cellulose-dextrinCulture Medium: Preparation and Use A218

Furry, Margaret S. Mildew-resistant Fabrics:Soil-suspension T e s t .....................................A350

,, and Zametkin, Marian. Mildew-resistantFabrics: Soil-suspension Test .............. A352

Futral, J . G. and Skinner, J . J . Cotton Plant:Response to P o ta s h .....................................A499

Gagarinskii, W ., see Malafeev, L. A .................... A5Gaines, R . C. Boll Weevil: W inter Survival ... A501 Gaines, J . C. Cotton Aphids, Bollworms and

Weevils: Control .....................................A50£,, and Dean, H . A. Calcium Arsenate In ­

secticides: Effect of Particle Size ... A502 Gallav. W . and Graham, G. G. W ood: Glueing A260

,, and Puddington, I. E. Anhydrous SodiumSoaps: Physical States ......................... A127

,. and Puddington, I. E . Fatty Acids: Low Temperature Saponification in Anhydrous S y s te m s ........................................................... A4H7

Gallay, W ., and Puddington, I. E . Soap Sus­pensions in Mineral O i l : SedimentationVolumes and Rigidity ... .............. A 3 ll

,, and Puddington, I. E. Sodium Soap Dis­persions: Surface T ension ......................... A165

,, and' Puddington, I. E. Sodium Soaps:Physical States; Effect of Glycerol and

Oils ......................... ......................... A127,, and Puddington, I. E . Sodium Soaps: Re­

crystallization in Mineral Oils .............. A487,, and Puddington, I. E . Sodium Soaps: Re­

crystallization in Mineral Oils; Effect ofShearing Stresses .................................... A48S

,, and Puddington, I. E. Starch: Hydra­tion below Gelatinization Temperature A4U

,, and Puddington, I. E . Starch and Pigment Suspensions: Sedimentation Volumesand Anomalous Flow ......................... A40

,, and Puddington, I. E. and Tapp, J . S. Soap-Mineral Oil Dispersions: Fibre

Structure ................................................A488,, and Puddington, I. E. and Tapp, J . S.

Sodium Soaps: Wetting by Mineral Oils A165 Gallenkamp, A. & Co. Ltd. Controlled Tempera­

ture and Humidity Cabinet .............. A343Gallent, J . B. Sulpbonated Peanut O il: Pre­

paration and Properties ......................... A312Gallese, G. Spruce Processionary Caterpillar

S ilk : Characteristics.................................... A126Galley, W . Fabric-Resin Sole Leather Substi­

tute ...........................................................A103Galloway, H. P., see Spain, W . E. .............. A184Gallowhur & Co., see Sowa, F . J ............................ A105Galvin, J . A., see Palmer, K . J ............................. AloSGamble, L . S., see Berry, C. R . ......................... A14lGanesan. D . Cotton Hybrids: Vigour ... ... A21:i Garcia-Mata, R . Cotton: Cultivation in Argentina A186

,, and Banfi, A. Cotton P lant: Defoliationfor Mechanical H arvesting .............. ... A90

„ and Franchelli, R . A. Cotton HarvestingMachinery: C o s t in g ..................................... A3

Garner, W ., see Lister & Co. Ltd.A54, A153, A&6, A524

Garro-Jones, G. M. British Industry: Depend­ence on Foreign R esearch ......................... A331

Garside, J . E . Metals: Inspection and Testing A354 Gaskin, J . G. N. and Whalley, H . K . Polaro-

graphic Analysis: Theory and Applica­tions ........................................................... A3 7

Gates Rubber Co. Loom Picker. U.S.P.2,324,752 A97 Gaud'in, H . de G. Automatic Loom Shed: Staff­

ing ...........................................................A410„ see Greenhalgh, P. L. ... .............. ... A52

Gaudin, H. Northrop Automatic Loom : Applica­tion .................................................................. A145

Gaudry, G. Quaternary Compound TextileAssistants: Application ......................... A413

Gee, E . A., see Olsen, A. L . ......................... A322Gee, G. High Polymers : Molecular Weight

Measurements; Interpretation .............. A494,, Rubber: Oil Absorption ......................... A26

Gee, N . C. The Rag, Shoddy and MungoTrade ...........................................................A512

Geigel, L. M. Sea Island Cotton: Costs andReturns in Puerto R ico ......................... A503

Geiger, W . B. W oo l: Scale S truc tu re .............. A281Geigy Colour Co. Ltd. and Hobday, C. Textile

Materials: Fire-proofing. B.P.564,573 ... A527 Geigy, J . R . A.-G. Dihydroxy Azo Dyes: Pro­

duction. B.P.5G1,22S.................................... A344,, Disazo Dyes: Production. B.P.558,219 ... A107 ,, Metallisable Direct Dyes: Production. B.P.

561,117 .............. . .....................................A 303,, Mordant Dyes: Chroming. B .P .560,787 ... A302 ,, Stilbene Dyes: Production. B.P.556,580 ... A17 ,, Substantive Disazo Dyes: Production. B .P.

562,641 A422,, see Martin, H .............................. AG8, A156, A346

Geiringer, P. High-temperature Hot Water Heating: Use in Processing Woollens

and W ors teds ................................................A210Geiringer, P. L. High-temperature Water Heat­

ing Systems: Application in the Dye-house ................................................ ... A79

,, Superheated Water Systems: Application inFinishing Plant .................................... A522

Gelbach, R . W ., see Henry, J . L ................. ... A265Geltncr, D . and Razim, W . W . Cation-active

Softening Agents: Analysis .............. A390Gemant, A. Machinery: Reduction of Vibration A209



Gemant, A. Sliding Solids: External Friction A82715,441 .... .............. A458

,, Sliding Solids: External Friction; Tech-nichal Applications ... .............. ••• A82

General Aniline and Film Corporation. Cellulosic Fibres: Enhancing Dye Affinity. U.S.P.2,333,203 ... # ......................... . . . . A251

,, Nylon and Wool Mixtures: Dyeing withAcid Dyes. U.S.P.2,325,972 ... . . . . A109

,, Zirconium Oxychloride Emulsion: Applica­tion in Water-repellent Finishes. U.S.P.

2,328,431 ................................................A150Geneve, C. A. Steam Storage Accumulators:

Theory .................................... ... A261Genovesi, B., see Pino, N ........................................ A90Gerhard, S. L. Yarn Twist Factor Formula:

Extension to New Materials .............. A475Germann, F . E . E. and Woodriff, R. Fluor­

escent Lamps: Cross-prism Investigation A536Gerrard, W . F. Silica R e m o v a l......................... A211Gibbs, R . D., see Creighton, R . H. J ................. A267Gibbs, R . S., see Baker, I ........................................A448Gibson, F. D ., see Delashaw, J ............................. A233Gibson, W . Hank Reel. B.P.500,863 .............. A291

,, Hank W inding Reel. B.P.560,890 ... ••• A292,, Wet Spinning Machine. B .P .563,863 .............. A459,, see Wilson, J .....................................................A288

Gilbert, G. A. and Rideal, E . K. Fibrous Pro­teins: Combination with Acids ... ... A538

,, and Rideal, E. K. W ool: Combinationwith Acids ................................................A474

Giles, C. H ., see Collie, B ..................................A154Gilfillan, C. H. Plain and Developed Sheep ... A401Gill, L. D ., see Bott, E. C. B ............................. A343Gill, R ., see Lister & Co. Ltd ............................. A51G

,, and Stonehill, H. I. Indanthrone andIndigo: Structure .................................... A520

G'illemot, L. Strength Testing M a c h in e .............. A307Givens, J . C., see Sears, G. R . .........................A206Gladding, G., see Manchester Oxide Co. Ltd. A201 Glaser, E. Nylon Blood and Plasma Filters:

ConsWuctJiion................................................A 14 6Glatman, M. A. Cuprammonium Cellulose

Solutions: Preparation ......................... A4Gleave, J . and L. Draft Roller Gearing Guard.

B.P.563,693 .................................... ... A459Glendinning, E. and Binns, F . Composite

Fabric: Weaving. B .P .562,185 .............. A382Gluckauf, E., Heal, H. G., Martin, G. R . and

Paneth, F . A. Atmospheric Ozone Con­centration Recorder .........................A214

Goddin, A. H ., see Flenner, A. L. .............. A20,, and Searle, N. E . (To Canadian Indus­

tries L td.). Textiles : Mothproofing.Canadian P.412,891 ......................... A15f>

Godman, G. L., see Lustrafil Ltd. .............. A469Goggin, W . C ., and Bradshaw, R . R . Poly­

fibre: Characteristics and Moulding ... A527Golbs, R. W arps: Bleaching ......................... A465Gold, L., see Kao, J . Y .........................................A477Goldberg, A., see Banyai, M ..................................A194Goldberg, A. I. Phthalic Anhydride: Deter­

mination in Oil-modified Alkyd Resins A323 Golder, H. C., and Page, R . B. “ Reflex-

Ordinate ” Boiler Efficiency Diagram A437Goldfarb, A. R., see Friedman, G ...................... A20Goldfinger, G., see Alfrey, T..................................A218

,, Mark, H., and Siggia, S. Cellulose :Oxidation with Periodic Acid ... ... A124

Goldhahn, H. Colour Lakes : Formation onFuller's Earth .................................... A341

Goldsmith, H. A. Polyhydric Alcohol Fatty Acid Esters: Preparation, Properties J in /I T Tcpo A 0 7 Q

Goldstaub, H. H. Giass Fibre Wicks'." B.P.'563,050 .......................................................... A411

Goldstern, W . Dust, Soot and Efficiency ... A437 ,, Heat Transmission in Economisers ... A 393,, Mechanism of Steam Formation .............. A392,, New Econorqisers ..................................... A437

Goldstone, N . I., and Jacobs, M. B. Sodium Hypochlorite Solution: Use as Titri-metric Reagent .................................... A322

Goldthwa'it, C. F . Hydrogen B ond : Importancein Textile Chemistry ......................... A396

Golosov, V. V., and Smirenskii, A. P. Sulphur Dyed Cotton : Adsorption of OtherTypes of Dyes ... _ ......................... A466

Good, C. K ., and Pensky, N. iTalowax Acne’.Occurrence and Prevention .............. A22G


Goodall Worsted Co. Novelty Yam SpinningFrame. U.S.P.2,332,395 ......................... A235

Goodrich, B. F. Co. Braiding Machine. U .S.P.2 337 977 A412

,, Circular Loom Weft Feeler Motion. U.S.P.2-335,111 .............. .............. "... A339

,, Geon Resins: Characteristics .............. A447Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. Super­

sonic Tyre Testing Device .............. A23Gordon, A. H ., Martin, A. J . P., and Synge,

R . L. M. Silk Fibroin: Methylation ... A177 Gordon, C. C. (to Albany Felt Co.). Treat­

ment of Papeomakers’ Ffclts andBlankets. U.S.P.2,312,710 .............. A68

Gore, U. R . Cotton Seed : Delinting andDisinfection ................................................A502

Gorodetskaya, L. A., see Malafeev, L . A . ... A5 Gosnold Mills Corporation. Weft-replenishing

Loom Bobbin Magazine. U.S.P.2,324,565 A12 Gothlin, G. F. Short Wave Fundamental

Colour : Experimental Die termination A368 Gottfried, S. (to Pannonia (London) Ltd.).

Pelts or Furs: Setting Hair. U.S.P.2j, 323,751 ......................... . .............. A304

Goujon, M. Nitrocellulose: Viscosity .............. A41Goulden, C . H . Malt Extracts: Analysis;

Application of Statistical Methods ... A485 Gourlay, J . S. Cellulose Nitrate Solution :

Viscosity Fall on Ageing ; Effect ofInorganic Salts ......................... • ... A366

Grabec, J . A. (Vested in U.S. Alien Property Custodian.) Rubber-cored Yarn Laminated Fabric. U.S.P.2,332,848 ... A250

Grabenstetter, D.\ see Bendex, G. H .................. A123Graf, W ., see Bohringer, H. ......................... A431Graff, J . H. Pu lp : Fibres per G r a m .............. A75

,, Raw and Bleached Groundwood Pulps:Differentiation .....................................A348

„ and Feavel, J . R . Fibre ProjectionApparatus: Application .............. 1... A252

Graham, G. G., see Gallay, W ............................. A260Graham, N. P. H . Itch Mite of Sheep :

Bionomics and Control with Lime-sulphur D i p s ................................................A138

Gralen, N., and Svedberg, T. Native Cellulose:Molecular W’eight ..................................... A40

Grandstaff, J . O., and Blunn, C. T. Fleeces of Navajo Sheep: Preliminary Report on the Post-natal Development of Fibre

ChaiteLOteri&tics .....................................A427Granick, S., see Michaelis, L .............................. A33Gray, E . M. Juvenile Operatives : Recruit­

ment ........................................................... A88Greathouse, G. A., see Barker, H . D .................. A352

„ see Marsh, P. B. .....................................A245Greaves Cotton & Co. Ltd. “ Brace well ”

Automatic Loom .....................................A289Green, B. K., Chollar, R . G., and Wilson,

G. J . Elastometers: Tensiometer Stiff­ness Test ................................................A310

Green, H., see Weltmann, R . N. .............. A170Greenberg, L. A., and Lester, D . Acetone :

Micno-determination .............. ,... A539Greenhalgh, E . Vat Dyes and their Uses ... A521 Greenhalgh, P . L. (1), Gaudin, H . de G. (2).

Automatic Looms: Staffing .............. A52Greenspan, F . P ., and Edelstein, S. M. Cotton-

Viscose Rayon Mixtures: QuantitativeAnalysis .............. ......................... A424»

Greenstein, J . P., see Neurath, H . ... A440, A542Greenwood, E. L ., see Bell, A. S. .............. A63

Greenwood, H . S. Fibrous Waste WorkingMachine Metal Collectors. B.P.559,122 A144

,, see Baron, J . & Sons L td ............................. A481Greet, Loui. Park High School, S. Carolina:

Organisation .............. .......................... A452Greeves-Carpenter, C. E . “Puratized" Mildew-

proofed Fabrics: Production .............. A200Gregg, R . R . Upholstered Furniture: Cleaning A207 Griffin. W . B . Loose Cotton: Effect of Dyeing

on Properties .............. ............... A158Grinsfelder, H ., see Klein, L ................................. A313Groombridge, W . H ., see Sharphouse, J . H . ... A17Gross, M., see McElroy, C ........................................ A234

„ See Gunther, F . H . ... .............. ... A509Grove Silk Co. Running Filament Liquid

Treatment Device. U .S.P .2,337,357 ... A412 Groves, J . H ., and Carlton, H. O. Textile

Operatives: Training ......................... A451



Gruber, W ., and Machemer, H . '.Vested in U.S. Alien Property Custodian). Poly­viny l CWoride Plasticizing: Agfent.U.SiP.2,'333,84,9 .............. , .............. A'2'A

Grunberg, L . Caustic Soda: Recovery ... AS1 „ and .Nissan, A . H . Porous Solids: Perme­

ability to Gases and Liquids .............. A 223Gruzdeva, E. D ., see Sadov, F. I .................. A350Guha, S. K . Acenaphthenequinone Derivative

Dyes: Production .....................................A197Gump, W ., see Engel, R . A. ......................... A387Gund, F . Cottonin: Dyeing ......................... A290Gundermann, J . Cellulose and Sugar: Heats

of Solution and Wetting; Influence ofSuperfine G r in d in g ..................................... A33

Gunther, F. Spun Rayon Fabrics: Effect ofSteam and Pressure ......................... A4iy

,, see von Ardenne, M .......................................... A223Gunther, F. H ., and Gross, M. Spinning

Frame Assignment Constants: Calcula­tion and Application ... .............. A509

Gustavson, K . H . Proteins: Reaction withF o rm a ldehyde ................................................A319

Gutberlet, C ., see Houghton, F. C ......................A3G0Gutensohn, R . (to Farbenindustrie I . G. A.-G.).

Skin Wool : Cleansing. D .R .P .715,441 A458

Guth, E ., see James, H . M. ... AH4, A133, A372 Guthrie, J . D ., see Hoffpauir, C. L. ... A8S., A492Gutman, M., see Bull, H . B .............................. A475Gutmann, W . Spun Rayon Fabrics: Finishing

w ith Formaldehyde and Resins ... A297 Gyorgy, P., Stiller, E . T., and Williamson,

M. B. Sulphydryl Compounds: Appli­cation to Hinder Rancidity .............. A170H

Haakh, H. (to Farbenindustrie 'I. G. A.-G.).Animal Fibres: Improving FeltingProperties. D.R.P.731,871 .............. A347

Haas, R . H ., see Assaf, A . G. ... ... A252, A266 H . & B. American Machine Co. Spinning

Spindle. U.S.P.2,330,593 ......................... A381Haberl, F . Spun Rayon Fabrics: Swelling-

proof F i n i s h ................................................A297Haddock, N. H ., Smith, W . B ., and Imperial

Chemical Industries Ltd. PolyamideMaterials: Dyeing. B .P .558,159 .............. AI06

Haddon, C . B ., see Brown, H . B ...................... A1,, see Floyd, E . H ................................................... A504

Hadfield, J . J . , and Bamford, D . FabricShrinking Apparatus. B .P .563,038 ... A470

Hailer, E., and Heicken, K. Control of Occupational Anthrax: Steam-disinfec­tion of Animal Hair ......................... A136

Ha jo, — . Cellulose Fibres: Dyeing ... ... A519Hail, C. E ., see Jakus, M. A ............................. A253Hall, G. L ., see Dillon, J . H ..............................A372Hall, Robert & Sons (Bury) Ltd. W i r e

Weaving Looms .....................................A410Halladay, J . F . W ire Mesh Screens: Hydraulic

P r o p e r t i e s ................................................ A256Haller, H . L . J ., see Colman, W . .............. A250Haller, R . Bast Fibres: C o tton iza tion .............. A187

,, Cotton Fibre: Effects of Acetylation ... A199 Halls, E. E. Belt Dressings : Composition

and Use ................................................A357,, Ethylcellulose Films: Properties ... ... A391

Halpern, D . B. Wood Pu lp : Production ... A4 Halstead, R . T. Asbestos Friction Materials:

Characteristics ... ... ... ... A 202 Hamburger, W . J ., and Kaswell, E . R . Textile

Materials: Measurement of Extension at Break; Use of “ Effective GaugeLength " ................................................ A74

Hamilton, A. Viscose Rayon Factory :Hazards ................................................ A282

Hamilton, R . H . Photo-electric Photometer:Instrument Setting Errors ... ... A321

Hammar, G. Staple Fibre and ArtificialProtein Fibre Fabrics: D y e in g .............. A405

Hammond, J . W ., see Elkins, H . B .................. A124Hammond, R . Power from Process Steam ... A430 Hamner, A. L . Cotton Bolls: Effect of Boll

Weevil on Production ......................... A505Hampson, C. H ., see Courtaulds Ltd. ... A96, A291 Hancock, H . A. Egyptian Cotton: Supplies

and Classification • •• : ........................ A89Hankins, G. A. Experimental F luid Dynamics:

Application to Engineering Problems ... A217

Hanrahan, F . J . Plywood : Application inBuilding Construction .........................

Hardaker, H . Jacquard Looms: Application Harding, H . G. W . Colour-match Filters for

Tungsten Filament with SodiumVapour Lamps ....................................

,, Yellow Glass Colour-temperature Filter:Construction and Use .........................

Hardy, J . I., and Simmons, V . L. Ear Measure­ments 'in Relation to Pelt Thickness and Fur Characters of Karakul Lambs

., and Wolf, H . W . Sampling Fleeces for Determining Average Wool Fineness...

Hardy, L. H . Red-Green DiscriminationTesting Apparatus ....................................

Hardy, P. Artificial Leather Base Fabrics :Dyeing and Dressing .........................

Hardy, T. M. P., and Markley, M. H . White New Zealand and Angora 'Rabbits :Coat Variations .....................................

Hare, J . G. Textile and Chemical Micro­scopy ...........................................................

Harkins, W . D ., see Jura, G ......................A178,., and Jura, G. Adsorption Isotherms :

Derivation ................................................,, and Jura, G. Titanium Dioxide: Moisture

Sorption and Attractive E n e rgy ..............Harlow, W . F . Boiler Flue Gases : High

Dew-point T em peratures.........................de la Harpe, N. Merino Skinfolds: Origin •••Harrell, D . C., see Ware, J . O .............................Harris, A. M., see Hock, C. W .............................

Harris, B. T. Plain-bodied Merino: Advantages

Harris, C. O. Rubber: Dynamic Properties ...

Harris, C . W . Loom for Occupational Therapy.B .P .559,568 ... ... ..............

Harris, E ., see Banyai, M. .........................

Harris, E. E., see Sherrard, E . C. ..............Harris, H . Mesh Fabric Knitting Machine.

U.S.P.2,337,102 .....................................Harris, J . C. Detergents: Efficiency ..............Harris, P. Wood Waste: Utilization as Fuel Harris, R . H., Sibbitt, L . D ., and Toman,

Harriet. Wheat Starches: Gel Strength;Varietal Differences .........................

Harrison, E . S. W hat is Tweed ? ..............Harrison, J . J . Esterified Pulp Fibres :

Effects on Paper .....................................Harrison, T. S., and Storr, H . Soluble Phos­

phate and Silica : Determination inW ater ..................................... ..............

Harrison, W . D ., see Levy, R . M.Harrold, T. J . Cotton Seedlings: Infection

by Fungi ................................................Hart Productions Ltd., see Meyer, H ..................Hartley, R . S., Elsworth, F. F v and Barritt,

J. W ool: Mothproofing ... ..............Hartley, R . T., see Nelson, J . L td .....................Harvey, E . N . Jr. Porous Materials: Surface

Areas; Calculation from Capillary Radii Harz, W ., and others. (Vested in the U.S.

Alien Property Custodian.) Polyvinyl Resin Filter Fabric. U.S.P.2,324,838 ...

Haslam, J . D imethylaniline: Determination in Mixtures with Aniline and Methyl-aniline ..........................

Haslam, J ., Wilson, J . S., and Edwards, J . E.Tannin: Determination in Water

Hassid, W . Z. Polysaccharides: Chemistry ... Hastings, R . Tall O il: Use in the Textile

Industry ................................................Hatch, R . S. Cupriethylene Diamine Cellulose

Solutions: Viscios'ity ..............van-Haut, Y . N. Insulating S ilk: Testing ... Haward, R . N. Cellulose Acetate and Poly­

methyl Methacrylate F ilms: Fast andSlow Extension .............. ..............

,, Plastic'isers: Solubility Determination Hawkins, G. A., Agnew, J . T., and Solberg,

H . L. Alloy Steels: Resstance to High-Temperature Steam .........................

Hawkins, R . S. Cotton P lant: Variety Trials Haworth, F ., see K irk & Co. (Blackburn) Ltd.

Haworth, W . N., Peat, S., and Bourne, E . J .Amylopectin: Synthesis. .........................

Hawtin, P. R ., see Sharphouse, J . H .Hay, W ilda M., see Fletcher, Hazel M.Haynn, R . Mixed Textile Fibres: Dyeing ...





A13 9

A3 00


A 341



A 325





A228 A194

AT 83

A411A 258 A H 8



A3 95 A253


A61 A192






A 319 A m

A 85 A 31

A 35 5 A49S A 381


A 390

A3 3



Hays, M. B. Work Garment Fabrics :Physical Properties ......................... A-05

., and Caudill, Dorothy C. Hosiery AbrasionTiestjng Machines: Comparison ... A530

Hazard, Barbara, see Sklut, Lucille ...................^4 3SHazel, L. N., see Pohle, E . M ............................. A420Hazen, T. Plastics: Dielectric Properties and

Use for In s u la t io n .................................... A32IHeail, H. G., see Gluckauf, E ..............................A214Heald, F., and Tweedales & Smalley ;1920)

Ltd. Spindle Driving Apparatus. B.P.561,352 ......................... ' .............. A S3 7

Hearon, W . M., Hiatt, G. D., and Fordyce, C.R . Cellulose Trityl Ether: Preparation A177

Heasman, Agnes M., see Clay C. & Sons Ltd. A515Heath, C. W ., see Belling & Lee L td .................. A533Heaven, G. S., see British Cellophane Ltd. ... A247 Heaven, Z., see British Cellophane Ltd. ... A247 Hefoerlein & Co. A.-G. Wool-like Cellulose

Acetate Rayon: Production. B.P.557,870 A49 Hodley, O. J . Wool Alcohol Ointments A481Heertjes, P. M. Cotton, Silk and Wool :

Density and Sorptive C a p a c ity .............. A473,, Triphenylmethane Dyes : Absorption

Spectra .............................................. A42Megan, H. J ., see Courtaulds L td ...................... A107Heicken, K ., see Hailer, E. ... ... A13<* Heikkila, M. A. Luminescent Pigments: Appli­

cation in T ex tile s .....................................A 521Heinz, W . B., and Starke, W . W . Textile

Plant Control Instruments: Application A4S1 van der Held, E. F. M. Porous Materials :

Drying; Diffusion Phenomena .............. A294Helliwell, E . H . Card Flats: Setting to Save

Cotton in the Strips .............. ... A142Neps: Origin and Removal • • A49

,, Slubbing Frame Roller Covers: Relationto " Eyebrowing ” .................................... A508

Helliwell, G. S., see Mellor Bromley & Co.Ltd ...................................................................... ,4470

Helson, H . Colour: C onstancy ......................... A84Hemmer, L.Ph. G .m .b.H ., see Breuer, J . A251Hemphill, C. Accordion or Mock R ib Fabric

Knitting. B.P.564,397 ... ... A515,, Circular Independent Needle Knitting

Maahine Loop Forming Mechanism.U.S.P.2,337,153 ..................................... A412

,, Circular Independent Needle Knitting Machine Yarn Feeding Mechanism.U.S.P.2,337,187 ......................... ... A412

Elastic Knitted Selvedged Fabric: Structure. U.S.P.2,323,855 ... ... AH

Elastic Selvedge for Knitted Fabric: Con­struction. U.S.P.2,333,870 .............. A293

,, Elastic Selvedged Fabric: Knitting. U.S.P.2,323,988 ..................................... ... A ll

,, Elastic Selvedged Stocking Top. U.S.P.2,324,035 ......................... A ll

,, Elastic Stocking Top. U.S.P.2,324,036 ... A12 ,, Elastic Stocking Top: Construction. U.S.P.

2,333,S82 ................................................ A 293,, Hosiery Tops: Knitting. B.P.564,391 ... A515

Knitting Machine Fabric Take-up Mech­anism. U.S.P.2,333,897 ......................... A293

Knitting Machine (Horizontal StrfpingMechanism. U.S.P.2,323,998 .............. A l l

., Plain Knit Elastic Fabric. U .S.P.2,337,211 A412 ,, Raised Pattern Knitted Fabric. U .S.P.

2,337,189 ................................................A412,, and Lee, W. C. Knitting Machine Stop

Motion. B.P.559,435 ......................... A193, and Southworth, R . C. Knitting Machine

Fabric Take-up Mechanism. B .P.562,247 A411

Hendley, J . A. Machine Gun Cartridge B e lt: 'Production ............. ... A238

ITenk, H. J . Cellulose Fibres: Hydrophobing A343 ,, Cotton, Wool, and Dyes: Effect of High

Temperatures ..................................... A473, Gelatin: Use in Finishing .......................... A523

,, Linseed Oil Size: Decomposition .......... A409,, Saponin: Applications ......................... A26„ Saponin as Textile Assistant .............. A242,, Textile Fibres: Elastic Properties.............. A254

Henkel, N. A. and Kolotova, S. S. CottonPlants: Tolerance to Soil S a lts .............. A503

Henry, J. L., and Gelbach, R . W . Iron: Deter­mination ................................................A265

Hensley, J . W ., see Kuentzel, L. E .................... A16oHepburn, G. A. Insect Cage Olfactometer ... A440

Hepburn, G. A. Sheep Blowfly Research. (1) Survey of Maggot Collections from Live Sheep and a Note on the Trapping ofBlowflies ................................................

Sheep Blowfly Research. (V) Carcassesas Sources of Blowflies .........................

,, and Nolte, M. C. A. Sheep Blowfly Re­search. ( I l l ) Olfactory Reactions ofBlowflies ................................................

,, and Nolte, M. C. A. Sheep Blowfly Re­search. (IV ) Field Tests with Chem­ically-treated Carcasses .........................

Herbert, P. H ., see Beattie, J ..............................Hercules Powder Co. Bitumen Emulsion: Pre­

paration. U .S.P .2,328,481 .........................,, Cellulose Ester: Melt Spinning. U.S.P.

2,336,159 . .!..............................................,, Mineral Oil-Rosin Alcohol Size: Applica­

tion. U.S.P.2,331,840 .........................,, Non-electrifiable Cellulosic Foil: Produc­

tion. U.S.P.2,324,887 .........................,, Printing Paste. B.P.560,049 .........................

Herfurth, O. R . Filtering Fabrics: Stability ...Hermann, E ., see Hiittig, G. F .............................Herman, G. Cotton Fabrics: S co u ring ..............Hermans, P. H. Swollen Isotropic Cellulose

Filaments: Volume Changes on Stretch­ing ...........................................................

,, de Booys, J . and Maan C. J . Cellu­lose Molecules: Form and Mobility ...

,, de Leeuw, A. J . and Platzek, P. Re­generated Cellulose Filaments: Retrac­tion on Swelling .....................................

Herne, H . Dielectric Hysteresis Heating:Thermal Conduction P rob lem s ..............

Herr, S. T. Electronic Instruments: Applica­tion in the Textile Industry ..............

Herr Manufacturing Co., Inc. R ing Traveller.U.S.P.2,335,566 .....................................

,, Self-lubricating Spinning Ring. U.S.P.2,333,069

Herrmann, H . F . Textiles: InformativeLabelling ................................................

Hertel, E., and Leszczynski, C. Triphenyl­methane Dyes: Absorption Spectra andConstitution ................................................

Hertel, K . L . Cotton Fibre: T e s t in g ..............Herzog, A. Fibres: Interference Colours in the

Polarization Microscope .........................Hess, K . Fibres: Fine Structure and Properties

,, and Kiessig, H . Polyamide Fibres: FineStructure ... ... ..............

,, Kiessig, H . and Wergin, W . Cotton Grass Seed Hairs: X-ray Diagram; Influenceof Fat and W ax Content ..............

„ Schulze, H . A. and Krajnc, B. MethylatedStarch: Fission P ro d u c ts .........................

,, Wergin, W . and Kiessig, H . Cotton FibrePrimary W a ll: S tru c tu re ..........................

Hess, R . W . Timbers: Properties ..............Hess, W . Indigosol Reserves : Development

under Aniline Black .........................,, Vat Dye Prints: S te a m in g .........................

Hess, W . C. and Sullivan, M. X . Cystine: Rate of Liberation from Proteins byAcid Hydrolysis .....................................

,, and Sullivan, M. X . Proteins: Cysteine, Cystine and Methionine Content

Hesse, T. Soaps and Detergents: Determining Washing Value by Rapid LaboratoryM e th o d ...........................................................

Hetzer, J . Textile Assistants: Application ... Houser, E. and Sigvardt, C. M. Unbleached

Puli'); Action of Nitrogen Dioxide on—Heymann, E., see Rabinov, G. ... ..............Heymann, K ., see American Viscose Corpora­

tion ...........................................................Heywood, B. J ., Knight, A. H ., Lapworth, M.

and Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Monoazo Dyes: Production. B .P.558,330 ' ..........................

Heywood, H . Drawing-office Photo-printingPapers: Sensitometry .........................

,, Powder Specific Surface Determining Ap­paratus. B .P .560,037 .........................

Hiatt, G. D., see Hearon, W . M .............................Hibbert, H ., see Creighton, R . H . J ..................

,, see MacGregor, W . S........................................,, see Patterson, R . F .........................................

Hicks, W . L. Cotton Duck Water Bag









A91 A247 A43U A 172










A42A 69









A164 A413





A276 A177 A267 A267 A84

A 14 6


Hilditch, T. P. Fats: Oxidative Rancidity ... A173Hill, A., see Courtaujds L td ..................................A525

Hill, F . B ., see Jackson, T. ......................... A141Hill, H . N . (To Asten-Hill Manufacturing Co.)

Paper Drier Felt. Canadian P.412,702 ... A68Hill, W . E ., see Turck, F . B ..............................A329Hillier, H . Boiler Feed S ys tem s......................... A43o

,, Boiler Feed Water Regulation .............. A393Hindmarsh, W . L. Nutritional Anaemia of

Sheep on Granite Pastures of New Zealand (N .S .W .): Experiments with

Mineral L ic k s ................................................A377Hinton, J . W ., see Localio, S. A...................... A72Hintz, C . Time-study Board ......................... A226

Hintze, O. E . Paint Surfaces: Water Absorp­tion and Pigment Cctfitent .............. A209

Hintz, O . E ., see Findley, W . N ...................... A1G2Hirose, Z. Sericin: D ena tu ra tion ......................... A443Hirst, A. E . Cotton and Rayon Piece Goods:

Printing ................................................ A417Hixon, R . M., see Brimhall, B ..............................A318

„ see Foster, J . F ..............................................A446Hobday, C., see Geigy Colour Co. Ltd.................. A527

Hock, C. W . and McMurdie, H. F. Structure of the Wool Fibre as Revealed byElectron Microscope ......................... A71

,, and McMurdie, H . F. Wool Fibre: Struc­ture; Electron Microscope Study ... A388

,, Sookne, A. M. and Harris, M. Moist Knitted Underwear Fabrics: Thermal

Properties ................................................A429Hodgson, H. H. Benzoquinone and Anisole

Derivatives: Resonance E f fe c ts .............. A268,, m-Halogenophenols:. D'iazo Coupling ... A197 ,, and Marsden, E . Diazo-Coupling Re­

action : M e ch an ism .....................................A151,, and Marsden, E . Diazo-Coupling Re­

action: M e ch an ism ......................... ... A364,, and Marsden, E . Diazo-oxides: Constitu­

tion ............................................................A169,, and Turner, H. S. Nitronaphthylamines:

Structure and Colour ......................... A32Hofer, H . Mulberry Fibre: Characteristics ... A455 Hoff, E . A. W . Cellulose Acetates and Poly­

methylmethacrylates : Osmotic Pressure A494 Hoffmann, j . Silkworm and M oth : Radio­

activity and Uranium C o n te n t .............. A362Hoffmann, K . Colloidal Solutions: Coagula­

tion; Formation of Chain Aggregations A360 Hoffpauir, C. L ., Buckaloo, G. W . and Guthrie,

J . D . Cellulose Formaldehyde Com­pounds: Analysis for Formaldehyde ... A81

,, and O'Connor, R . T. Mildew-proofed Mat­erials: Analysis for Copper .............. A390

„, and Guthrie, J . D . Sulphate in CelluloseEsters: Determination ... .............. A492

Hofmann, A., Inc. Knitting Machine WeltHook. U .S.P .2,325,208 ......................... A98

Hofstadt, R ., see F ink, H ........................................ A285

Holden, E., see English Velvet & Cord Dyers’Association Ltd. ......................... ... A67

Holden, G. Individual W arp Tension Device.U.S.P.2,329,374 .....................................A148

Holden, M., see Ellinger, P. ... ... ... A307 Hollaender, A . A ir: Ultra-violet Disinfection A359 Holeproof Ltd. W oo l: Reducing Tendency to

Shrink and Felt. Australian P.118,223 A423 Holland, V . B . and Petrea, A. Detergents:

Evaluation ..................................... ••• A164Hollenbeck, C. M., see Kneen, E . ... ... A31Holmes, E . L., see Permutit Co. L td .................. A264Holmes, H . H ., see W ildt & Co. L t d . .............. A514

„ Hurd, J . C . H . and W ildt & Co. Ltd.Circular Knitting Machine PatterningMechanism. B.P.559,712 ......................... A193

,, Widdowson, A. H. and W ildt & Co. Ltd. Knitting Machine Y am Changing and Splicing Mechanism. B.P.564,510 ••• A51.G

Holmes, P. C ., see Brotherton & Co. Ltd. ... A471

Holroyd, P . G ., see Lister & Co. L t d . .............. A516

Holt, S. Carding Engine Ventilation and DustRemoval Apparatus. B.P.5G0,969 ... A28s

Hood, S. L. Parks, R . Q. and Hurwitz, C.Plant Samples: Grinding; Risk %ofMineral Contamination ......................... A323

Hoover, C. D . Vetches: Manurial Value forCotton ............................................................A 503

Hoover, C. R . Textile Waste Liquors: Effect on Sewage D isposa l.............. ... A316

Hopkins, G. E. United States Textile Research Institute: Applied Research Pro­gramme ................................................A225

Hopkinson, F. “ Wool in the World of To­m orrow !” .............. s......................... A279

Hopper, P. E. Cotton Gin Pneumatic L intCleaning Device. U.S.P.2,325,183 ... A91

Hoppler, E . Starch Grains: Structure and Swell­ing Mechanism ....................................A445

Hoppler, F . Sodium Amylopectin Glycollate:Viscosity ............................................... A4l

Horler, Elsa. Looped Fabric Articles: Produc­tion. B .P .564,413 ... ......................... A5I.5

Homke, R . Annual Plants: Pulping .............. A46ter Horst, W . P. and Felix, E . L. 2 : 3-Dichloro-l

:4-naphthoquinone: Use for Mildew-proofing and Seed Treatment .............. A 153

Hosemann, R . Cellulose: Particle Size Dis­tribution ................................................ A36

Hosino, K . Polyamides: Viscosity and Mole­cular Weight ................................................ A28

Hothersall, A. W ., see Andrews, W ...................... A26Hottel, H . C. and Kalatinsky, A. High-velocity

Air Stream: Temperature Measurements A203 Houghten, F . C., Gutberlet, C., and Ferderber,

M. Hot Dry Atmospheres: Physio­logical Effects .................................... A 360

Houghton, E . F . & Co. Silk Soaking Composi­tion. U.S.P.2,325,489 ......................... A108

van Houten, Dephine, see Phelps, Ethel L. ... A349Houwink, R . Rubber: Structure .............. A38vom Hove, H . Viscose Staple R ayon : Spinning

under Tension ..................................... A282Howard, G. F ., Mendoza, M. and Imperial

Chemical Industries Ltd. Black Hexa- kisazo Dyes : Production. B.P.557,460 A65

Howard & Bullough Ltd., see Hunter, W . A. ... A49 Howard Smith Paper Mills Ltd. Visual Colour

Comparator. U.S.P.2,325,350 .............. A124Howarth, W . N., Kitchen, H . and Peat, S.

Starch: Amylolytic Degradation ... ... A172 Howell, J . W . Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing

and Finishing M ills : L ig h t in g .............. A393,, Cotton M ills: L ig h t in g .................................... A358,, Textile M ills: Scientific L ig h t in g .............. A534

Howlett, F . and Martin, E . Acetylated Cellu­loses : Acetic Acid Y ie ld : Determina­tion ........................................................... A162

Hoyler, C. N. Electronic “ Sewing ” Machine:Application ................................... . ... A245

van Hoytema, S. A. Cellulose: OxidativeFission; Measurement ......................... A23

Hiickel’s, J . Sohne, see Berg, G ............................. A336Huffman, C. L. Textile Machine Batten: Re­

inforcing. U.S.P.2,333,377 ......................... A241Huggins, M. L. High Polymers: Molecular

Weight Determinations ......................... A34Hughes, J . W . F la t Seam Looping Machine ... A238 Hughes, Qsbert. Textile M ill Time Studies:

Conduct ................................................ A452Hughey, V. V ., see Boyle, A . J .............................A491Hugonet, J . J ., see Seaman, W .................. • •• A448Hultz, F . S. The Wyoming System for Scoring

Corriedale Sheep .................................... A307Humphrey, L. M., see Young, V . H ................. A504

,, and Tuller, A. V . Cotton PlantHybridization .................................... A402

'Hundt, W ., see Baier, H .............................. ••• A99Hungate, R . E . Termite Protozoa: Digestion

of Cellulose ......................... .............. A271Hunlich, R . Silk and Rayon Hosiery and

Knitted W ear: Dyeing and Finishing ... A101 ,, Softening Agent Atomizing Installations ... A298,, Wollstra Y am s: Dyeing ......................... A415

Hunt, O. D ., see Coleman, R . H. .............. A194Hunter, A. Sun: Far Ultra-violet Spectrum ... A175 Hunter, A. E., see Byard Manufacturing Co.

L td ........................................................... A462, A463Hunter, H. Electron Microscope: Construction

and Application ....................................A307

Hunter, L . Hydrogen Bond*. Occurrence ... A274 Hunter, R . S. Reflection and Transmission

Measurements : Geometric Identification A io i Hunter, W . A . (Messrs. Howard and Bullough

Ltd.) Cotton Opening and SpinningMachinery: Developments ... .............. a r t o

Hurd, J . C . H . Knitted Fabrics: Design ... Aoi^„ see Holmes, H. H . .........................

Hurwitz, C., see Hood, S. L. ..............Huseman, E ., see Staudinger, H. ...



PAGEHncemann, E. and Carnap, A. Degraded

Fibres: Electron Microscope Investiga­tions ........................................................... 305

Hutchinson, J . B. Native Trinidad Cottons:Occurrence ................................................A1SG

,, and Manning, H . L . Cotton Plant:Progeny-row Breeding .............. ... A402

Hutchinson, J . W . Butterworth and DickinsonSilk and Rayon Loom ......................... A461

Hutchinson, J . W . Rayon Check Fabrics:Design ........................................................... A9

,, Rayon Looms: Development......................... A9,, Silk Fabrics: W eav ing .....................................A461

Huthsing, C. K. Fire Hose Jacket: Construc­tion. U.S.P .2,329,836 .............. ... A194

Hiittig, G. F. and Herrmann, E. K ao lin :Effect of Heating .................................... A172


Illingworth, J . W . Textile Fabrics: W armth ... A532,, Textile Fibres: Density ... . ............. A529,, Textile Fibres: Molecular Orientation and

Physical P rop e rt ie s .................................... A473Imperal Chemical Industries Ltd. Metallized

Azo Pigments: Production. B.P.561,054 A303 ,, (E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.) Hydro­

philic Polyamide Filaments: Production.B .P. 562,370 ................................................A405

,, Nylon Yarns: Twist-setting. B .P .559,369 ... A190 ,, Polymeric Amide Bristles: Coating. B .P.

558,896 ....................................................... A154,, see Atkinson, J . R ........................................... A64,, see Beech, W . F. ... .............. A302, A345,, see Brown & Adam L td ................................. A200,, see Buckley, G. D .............................................A107,, see Collie, B ........................................................A154,, see Cook, A. H . .....................................A248„ see Haddock, N. H .........................................A10(i,, see Heywood, B. J ................... ... ••• A107,, see Howard, G. F ............................................. A65„ see Knight, A. H ...................... A18, A67, A10G„ see Lowe, A ........................................................A303,, see McLean, A. .....................................A232,, see Mason, J . G ..............................................A420„ see Mendoza, M. .....................................A422,, see Myles, J . R ................................................... A249,, see Speakman, J . B .........................................A246,, (Du Pont de Nemours, E . I . & Co.) B .P.

557,932 ................................................A105Indian Cotton Committee. Indian Cotton In ­

dustry : Output 1942-43 ......................... A400Industrial Oven Engineering Co. Constant-

speed and -tension Wire LacqueringMachine ..................................... ... A52

Industrial Rayon Corporation. Cuprammonium Cellulose Spinning Solution : Prepara­tion. U.S.P.2,336,481 ......................... A379

,, Flexible Corrugated Spool. U .S.P .2,332,826 A233 ,, Flexible W inding Spool. U.S.P.2.338,513 A463 ,. Flexible W inding Spool. U.S.P.2,328,335 ... A147 ,, Rayon Incrustations: Prevention in Spin­

ning U.S.P.2,326,150 ... .............. A92,, Rayon Spinning Machine Driving Gear.

U.S.P.2,323,879 ..................................... A6,, Rayon Tyre Cord: Production .............. A407,, Rayon Tyre Cord: Twist Setting by High-

frequency Heating ......................... ... A510,, Rayon Yarn Shrinkage Controlling and

Winding Device. U.S.P.2,336,019 ... A336 Ingelman, B. and Siegbahn, K. Dextran and

Levan: M icroscopy .....................................A486Ingham, E. Engine F as te n in g s .......................... A392

,, Safety Valves ................................................A437„ Vertical Boilers ................................................A393

Innes, R . F. Woolled Sheepskins: Preservation A391Inskeep, G. E., see Marvel, C. S...................... A32

Institute of Paper Chemistry. Films and Paper: Creasing for Water VapourPermeability Testing .............. .... ... A163

,, Paper: Measurement of Water VapourPermeability .....................................A163

,, Papermaking Felts: Tanning to IncreaseResistance to Degradation. B.P.557,693 A154

„ Paper Stretch 'Testing Machines: Com­parison ................................................A431

,, see van den Akker, J . A ...............................A207,, see Burgess, A. F ............................................ A463

Institution of Mechanical Engineers. MachineryTesting Devices .....................................A275

Institute of Physics. Fibres: X-ray Analysis ... A473

Interchemical Corporation. Pigment Fabric Decorating Composition. U.S.P.2,338,252

,, Pigmented Emulsions: Preparation. B.P.561.641

,, Pigments: Application in Dyeing. B .P.561.642

,, Rubber Products: Application in PrintingPastes. U.S.P.2,323,591 ..............

Interwoven Stocking Co. Circular KnittingMachine. B.P.564,189 .........................

loco Rubber & Waterproofing Co. Ltd., Ryan,A. and Cameron, G. Factice and Gelled Rape O il: Application in Waterproofing.B.P.564,422

Irany, E. P. Borated Resins: Preparation andUses ...........................................................

Irons, E . J . Contact Angles: Measurement ... Irvine, A. E. Chlorinated Paraffin Fire-, Water-

and Mildew-proofing Agents: ApplicationIrvine, J . W ., Jr., see Sakmann, B . W .................Isihara, M., see Oda, R ...........................................Islent’ev, P. Seaweed Powder: Use for SizingIvy, E. E ., see Ewing, K . P ...................Iyengar, R . L. N. Cambodia Cotton Fibres:

Measurable Characters; Variations withPlace of Growth .....................................

,, Cotton Fibre: Variation of Length in Bulk ^ and on a Single Seed .........................

Jackel, C., see Lauer, K ............................................Jackson. D . L. C., see British Nylon Spinners

Ltd. ...........................................................Jackson, F. L., see Wood, T. R . .........................Jackson, T. and Frearson, T. B . Filaments and

Threads: Stretching. B.P.558,963 ,, and Hill, F. B. Yarn L iquid Treatment

Apparatus. B .P .558,958 .........................Jacobs, M. B ., see Goldstone, N . I .....................Jacoby, R . W . Printing and Finishing Pro­

cesses : Modern Trends .........................Jacquard Knitting Machine Co. Knitting

Machine Yarn Feeder. U.S.P.2,327,747 Jakus, M. A., Hall, C. E. and Schmitt, F. O.

Clam Muscle F ibrils: Electron Micro­scope O bse rva tion s ....................................

Jalbent, R . Single-end “ Mule ” for LearningPiecing-up.........................................................

Jaloveczky, P. Starch: Fine Structure James, H. M. and Guth, E . Imperfectly

Flexible Chains: Statistical Treatment ,, and Guth, E . Rubber: Elastic Properties „ and Guth, E. Rubber: Elasticity; Theory

Jamieson, G. S., see Swift, C. E .............................Janke, A. Amylase: Activity .........................Jansson, V. L. Circular Knitting Machine

Wrap Stripe Device. B.P.558,067 Jaumann, A. Water-repellent Textile Materials:

Behaviour of Water Drops ..............Jaycox, E . K. Spectrochemical Analysis Ap­

paratus: Description and Application ... Jayme, G. and Chen, Kuo-fu. Paper P u lp : Re­

activity during Xanthation ..............,, Satre M., and Maris, S. Polysaccharides:

Oxidative Degradation .........................Jayne, D . W ., Jr. (To Amer. Cyanamid Co.)

Mothproofing Textiles. Canadian P. 415,273

Jelinck, V. C. Cuprammonium Dispersions of Cotton and Rayon Fabric : FlowCharacteristics .....................................

Jenkins, J . G. Sea Island Cotton: Cultivationin U.S.A. (Georgia). .........................

Jenkins, J . S. Cotton Bale: S a m p lin g ..............Jenkins, W . H ., see Ware, J . 0 .............................Jennings, E. Y am Dressing Machine Reed.

B.P.557,032 Jennings, J . The Mol in Combustion Calcula­

tions ...........................................................Jensen, J . Cotton: Dyeing with Dye Mixtures

,, Hypochlorite Solutions: Colorimetric £HDetermination .....................................

,, Rayon Staple: Properties .........................Jentgen, H. Cellulose Pulps: Sources and

Preparation ....................................Jervis, A. E. L . High-frequency Heating Ap­

paratus : Applications in the PlasticsIndustry ................................................

Joanna Textile Mills Co. Cotton Mill W aste:Reduction and U t iliza t io n .........................

Johnson, C. M., see W illiams, K. T ..................








A 177 A39












A133 A114 A372 A272 A 30


















Johnson, E. B., see Roberts, R . P. A421, A507, A524 Johnson, K. E ., see McBain, J . W . ... ... A243Johnson, P., see Campbell, H ................................A53GJohnson, R . L., Lichte, M. E . and Edgar, R .

S ilk : Effect of Sodium Thiosulphate andHydrogen Sulphite ... .............. A70

Johnson & Johnson. Cotton Wadding FilterD isk: Production. U.S.P.2,327,250 ... A109

Johnston, A . Wool Clips: Preparation A377,, Buck, W . M., and Le Compte, G. C. U.S.

Dept, of Agric.: 1943 Wool ShrinkageStudies ..................................... .............. A389

Johnstone, E. P. Reducing Wool Shrinkage andFelting with Melamine Resins .............. A467

Johnstone, E . P . Jr ., and van Loo, W . J . Jr.(to Amer. Cyanamid Co.). W ool: Reducing and Shrinking. U .S.P.2,329,622 A110

Jolley, D . A., and Scarborough, J . P. Y am Holder Painting Machine. U.S.P.

2,330,494 ................................................ A190Jones, A. L., see Yoe, J . H ...................... ... A317Jones, C. B ., and Mecham, D . K . Keratins:

Dispersion and Degradation by SodiumSulphide ......................... ■ — A30

„ and Meecham, D . K . Keratins: Dispersion by Reduction in Neutral Solutions ofProtein Denaturants ... ... .............. A182

Jones, C. L . Cerex Resins: Properties andUses ..................................... .............. A522

Jones, C. S. Laminated Fabric Plastics: De­velopment and Uses ......................... A461

Jones, C. S. (1) and (3). Stern, H . J . (2).Man-made Fibres: Developments ... A333

Jones, I. Polyvinyl Alcohol : Chemistry andApplications ................................................ A215

Jones, J . H . Alkanolamines: Volumetric Deter­mination ..................................... ... A539

Jones, J . K . N . Methylated Methylglycosides: Chromatographic Separation in End-

group Determinations ......................... A486Jones, L . A. Colour Measurement: Progress A85ones, N . C . W ood: Fireproofing .............. A209ones, R ., see Berry, C. R . ......................... A141

Jones, W . K ., see Eilenberg, T. R . .............. A1G6Jordaan, T. B . Sheep: Maintaining the Ideal

Type ........................................................... A229Jordan-Lloyd, D . Leather : Structure and

Properties ................................................ A208Jorder, H ., see Standinger, H ..............................A110Joseph, C. B ., see Pilkington Bros. Ltd. ... A153

Joseph, G. H ., see Bryant, E . F . .............. A26GJoseph, J . D . Water Filtration Plant ... ... A31G Joslin, T. G. Nylon Monofilament: Applica­

tion ............................................................A 238Jowett, H., see Jowett Bros. Ltd. .... ... A9 Jowett Bros. Ltd., and Jowett H . Shuttle. B .P.

556 ,674 ............................................................ A9Joyce, F. de V. Cotton : Production in

Ethiopia .............. .............. • A401Judson Mills Inc. Electrostatic Air Cleaning

System ............................................................A535De Juhasz, K . J . L iquid Flow: Graphical

Analysis ................................................ Ao5Jullander, I., and Svedberg, T. Osmotic

Balance ................................................ A273Junta Nacional del Algodon. Cotton Gin

Cleaning System .....................................A187Jura, G., see Harkins, W . D ......................A179, A325

,, and Harkins, W . D . Films on Solids :Expanded and Intermediate Phases ... A32G

,, Liquid Expanded and Intermediate Mono­layers on Water: Pressure-Area Rela­tions ............................................................A326

,, Solid Adsorbents : Energies of LiquidImmersion and of Vapour Adsorption A178


Kaiwar, S. R ., see Ramiah, K ................. A214

Kalatinsky, A., see Hottel, H. C. A2(;3

Kalle & Co. A.-G., see Neugebauer, W . A49

Kammgamspinnerei Stohr & Co. A.-G., seeFaude, E . ................................... A347

Kanbara, S., see Mamiya, Y . ............. A50GKandelaki, B . S. Magnesium Stearate: Thixo-

tropic Behaviour ........................ A84Kandler, A . R . Weaving Shed Records: Appli-

cation in Improving Efficiency .. A512Kantawala, B. H. Cotton Mill Stores: ' War-

time Supply in India ............. A7

Kao, J . Y ., Gold, L., Stull, A., Worden, R ., and Abramowitz, W . Resins: Appli­cation in Paper Processing .............. A477

Kapadia, D . F., see Tendulkar, H . D ................. A2S9Kappeller, K ., see Bomer, A ..................................A3G4Kara-Murza, L. K . Cotton Virus Disease :

Effects ...........................................................A501Kardbeslag Fabriks Aktiebolaget, see Abbey, A. AolUKargin, V. A., see Rogovin, Z. A. .............. A70Kaswell, E . R . Starched Fabrics: Stiffness ... A7t»

,, See Hamburger, W . J . ......................... A74Kats, A. M., and Arbuzov, G. A. Hot Water-

resistant Casein Fibres: Production ... A2S3Katz, A. M., see Arbuzov, G. A ................. A15, AKOKaufman, C. A. Run-resisting Knitted Fabric:

Production. B.P.557,048 ......................... A10"Kaufman, H. J . Hum idity Control Device.

. U.S.P.2,325,061 .....................................A121Kaufmann, Frank. Warping Combs and Reeds A510 Kaulen, G. .'jR. Finishing Mixtures : Compo­

sition ... ................................................A418Kaura, R. L. Sheep Husbandry in India ... A4D1 Kautsky, H ., and Muller, G. O. Adsorbed

Dyes: Chemiluminescence......................... A29De Kay, H. G., see Kessler, N. A ......................A535Kaye, M. A. G., see Wormell, R . L .................. A273Keeney, P. E. American Cotton Dress Fabrics:

Quality, 1942 and 1943 ......................... A581,, American Drapery Fabrics : Quality,

1942 and 1943 .................................... A5S1Kegel, W . Spun Rayon-Wool and -Cotton

Mixtures: Dyeing .................................... A41GKehren, — . Rayon Fabrics: Rubberising ... A420 Kehren, M. Sodium Hexametaphosphate :

Staubijfity ... .....................................A 360Keiser, H . D . Glass Fibre Y am s: Uses ... A235 Keller, H . R ., see Pohle, E . M. A159, A427, A529Kelley, R . B. Fertility in S h e e p ......................... A1S9

„ Research as Applied to Animal Production A497 Kelly, A . D. S ilk: Dwindling Application ... A330 Kelly, K . L . Light Sources: Colour Designa­

tions .............. .....................................A ll 9Kelly, M. R ., and Melton, J . T. Singeing

Machine Burner. U.S.P.2,333,381 ... A251 Kendall, C., and Duffus, H . B. Industrial and

Protective Clothing: Standardization ... A351 Kendall, C. E. Organic Compounds: Viscosity

and Hydrogen Bond F o rm a t io n .............. A367Kenney, E. J ., see Niederl, J . B. .............. A432Kent, C. P. Fabric Printing D m m . U.S.P.

2,333,382 ................................................A251Kerley, D. J . , see Pfister, R . J ............................. A396Kerr, R . W ., and Trubell, O. R . Starch :

Spectrophotometric Analysis A492Kerr, T., see Anderson, D . B ..............................A50‘lKershaw, F., and Raisbeck, H . F . Apparatus

for Reclaiming Fibre from Wool, WoolWaste, etc. B.P.558,675 ......................... A235

„ Reclaiming Fibres from Wool, WoolWaste, etc. B.P.559,307 ......................... A23i>

Kershaw, S. Wool Crepe Yarns: Manufacture A2S7 Kershaw W ., see Fine Cotton Spinners' and

Doublers’ Association .............. A7, AG4Kerth, M. Formaldehyde-treated Spun R ayon :

Printing ..................................... ... A417Kessler, N. A., and DeKay, H . G. Mercurial

Ointment: Preparation ......................... A535Kestenbaum, P. Hair of Sheepskins: Setting.

U.S.P.2,309,907 .................................... A20Khailov, I. M., see Ponomarenko, B. V. ... A243 Khutorshchikov, I. S. Sulphite P u lp : Bleach­

ing; Effect of />H .....................................A295Kiessig, H ., see Hess, K .................. A203, A254, A472Kihlberg, B., see Ortenblad, B ..............................A31SKilgore Manufacturing Co. Moulded Bobbin.

U .S.P.2,337,770 .................................... A412„ Moulded Plastic Bobbin. U.S.P.2,333,340 A24i

Killinger, J . E . Starch and Resin Adhesives:Use in Production of Fibreboard ... AT7

K ind, W . Saponins as Detergents ... ... A241 „ and Oldenroth, O. Fabrics: Laundering;

Losses due to L in t Formation ... A553King, A., and Levitin, J . Paper : Optical

Heterogeneity .................................... ••• A7GKing, A. J . Air-conditioning Plant: Reduction

of Noise ............................................... A394King, C. J ., see Pressley, J . T.................. A2Kipp, E . M. Natural Fats: Lubricating

Characteristics .....................................A l l 8Kirk & Co. (Blackburn) Ltd., Wrigley, H .,

and Haworth, F. Shuttle Tongue. B.P.561,847 ........................................................... A381


Kirklees Ltd., and Tong, W . Rayon CakeWrapping Device. B .P .557,768............. A48

Kish, G. D . Elastensometer ......................... A310Kitchen, H ., see Howarth, W . N. .............. A172Klein, D . X ., see Du Pont de Nemours E . I.

and Co. ... •*• ••• ••• ••• A302 Klein, L., Grinsfelder, H ., and Bailey, S. D.

Plastic-impnegnated W ood: Productionand. Properties .................................... A313

Kleine, J . Rayon Staple Fibre: ProductionProblems ................................................ A47

Klemme, D . E . Sea Island Cotton: Mildewing A474de Klerk, J . C. The Wool C lip at the Coast ... A45

,, See de Vries, A. H ........................................ A497Kling, W ., see Deuschle, G. .............. ... A9yKling, W ., and Schwerdtner, H . Viscose

R ayon : Causes of Milky Striations • •. A506 Kluckow, P. Rubberised Fabrics : Copper,

Manganese and Fatty Acid Content ... A104 Kneen, E., Sandstedt, R . M., and Hollenbeck,

C. M. Malt Amylases: Stability andSeparation ................................................ A31

Knewstubb, N. W ., see British Cotton IndustryResearch Association ......................... A481

Knight, A. H ., see Heywood, B . J ......................A107,, Stephen, W . E., and Imperial Chemical

Industries Ltd. Disazo Dyes : Pro­duction. B .P.557,842 ......................... A(i7

,, Monoazo Dyes. Production. B .P .557,100 ... A1S,, Monoazo Dyes. Production. B.P.55S,058 ... A100

Knight, F . J . Felt Hat M a k in g ......................... A290Knight, W ., see Blow, C. M. ......................... A153Kobeka, P., see Votinov, A. ......................... A41Koch, H. P., see Cunneen, J . I ............................. A38Koch, J . M. Mahogany Soaps : Adsorption

Analysis ................................................A265Koch, L . ^-Toluidine: D e term ina tion .............. A176Koch, W . Duboscq-type F luorom eter.............. A489Koehler, N. G. Army Olive Drab Shade Dyed

by the Monochrome Method: Fastnessto Weathering .................................... A152

Koerner, E . A., see Sigler, P. A. .............. A167Koffolt, J . H ., see Minard, G. W . .............. A312Koffolt, J . H ., see Simons, H . P. .............. Ay9Kohler, F., see Kroeper, H ..................................A457Kohler, R . Mblamin/e-Ftormaldehyde Conden­

sation Products A304Kokmen, N., see Whewell, C. S................. A58, A74Kolb, R . W ., see Caminita, B. U . .............. A225Kolotova, S. S., see Henkel, N. A. ... ... A503 Kolsky, H ., and Shearman, A. C, Plastic

Materials : Photo-elastic Investigations A24Kolthoff, I . M., see Watters, J . I. .............. A322Kondratenko, E. A ., see Ponomarenko, B. V. A243Konzo, S., see Kratz, A. B. ......................... A439Koppel, C . Knitting Machine Jack and Needle

Bed. U.S.P.2,327,356 ......................... AS9Koretko, W . P. Mercerising Liquor: Alkali

Recovery ................................................ A10UKorolev, V., and Rybakova, V . M. Lime: Use

in S i z e ........................................................... A237Koster, E. Rayon Staple Fibre: Dyeing with

Sulphur Dyes .....................................A416Kotdawala, V. B., and Oza, H . P. Indian

Cotton Operatives : Absenteeism and'Wag,es ........................................................... A135

Krahenbiihl, jE . Orema Dyes: Properties andApplication ................................................ A405

Krajnc, B., see Hess, K ......................................... A364Kramer, A. W . Electron Tubes: Principles

and Characteristics.....................................A44UKramer, G., see Barham, H . N ............................. A132Kratz, A. B., Konzo, S., and Engdahl, R . B.

Temperature Drop in Ducts .............. A439Kraus, A. Collodion Cotton S o lv e n ts .............. A37

,, Nitrocellulose Lacquers: Use of Water asD i l u e n t ........................................................... A60

„ Nitrocellulose Solvents ......................... A126,, Nitrocellulose: Solubility in Mixtures of

Ether and A lc o h o l.....................................A442Krause, L ., see Williams, J . G ............................. A469Kravbill, H . R ., see Beadle, B. W .................. A539Kreindlina, N ., see Sadov, F. I .................. ... A476Kress, O., and I&itliffe, F. T. Kraft Pulps :

Comparison ................................................ A75Kretser, R . Circular Knitting Machine. B .P.

561,907 ........................................................... A382,, Patterned Fabrics: Knitting. B.P.561,339 A338

Kreyer, J . G. Inflatable Life Rafts: Design andConstruction ................................................ A238

Krijger, Wr. J . (Vested in U.S. Alien Property Custodian). Warp Pile Fabric Construc­tion. U .S.P.2,325,520 .........................

Krismann, E. H. Neoprene and Other Syn­thetic Rubbers: Textile Applications...

Kroener, P Fully-fashioned Hosiery Machines:Development .............. ..........................

Kroeper, H ., Kohler, F ., and Wolf, K. (Vested in U .S. Alien Property Cus­todian). Superpolyamides of Stable Viscosity. U.S.P.2,338,443

Krug, P., see Manchester Oxide Co. Ltd. ... Kruger, D. Cellulose Fibres: Dye Absorption Kruger, F . G. Rayon Staple Fibre : Fast

Dyeing ...........................................................Krumey, F., see Schoberl, A ..................................Kubo, T. Cellulose Hydrate: Conversion to

Natural Cellulose .....................................Kudva, K. G., see Damle, N. R . ..............Kuentzel, L. E ., Hensley, J . W ., and Bacon,

L. R . Alkaline Detergent Solutions : £H Variation with Temperature

Kuhn, I. J . , see Viktorov, P. P .................Kuhn, W . an3 H . Fibre Molecules: Coiling

in Flowing Solutions .........................Kiihnel, E. Rayon: Alkali Solubility; Deter­

m ination ................................................Kukin, G. N. Silk Cocoon and Raw Silk :

Fluorescence ................................................Kursanov, D. N., and Setkina, V. N. Aliphatic

Chloromethyl Ethers: Preparation, Pro­perties and Use in Finishing ..............

Kusyurina, L. A. Cellulosic Fibres: Resistanceto M icro-organisms.....................................

Kwass, P., see Rumpf, P ..........................................

Lachmann, A., see Briner, E ..............................Lachmann, H . Acrylic Resins: Use as Finish­

ing Agents ................................................LaFleur, K . S. Olive-drab Overcoating :

Sulphuric Acid Carbonising ..............Lagov, A. F . Waterproof Fabrics: Testing ... Lagov, A. Wool-like Cotton: ProductionLaikov, V . V . Cotton W aste: Oiling ..............Laird, T. H . Laminated Plastic Pressing and

Drawing Roller. B .P .557,465 ..............Lake, P . Solids : Orthogonal Projection ;

Photographic Method .........................Lambach, F. Constant - speed Warping or

Beaming Machine. U.S.P.2,324,611 ,, Warping or Beaming Machines. B.P.

563,756/7/8 and 563,879/80/1/2/3 ,, Warping or Beaming Machine. U.S.P.

2,324,612 ................................................,, Warping or B u rn ing Machine' Storage

Device. B.P.563,855Lamkin, J . C., see Elving, P. J ............................Lams, M. M .( see Theis, E. R ..............................La Lande, W . A. Jr., McCarter, W S. W ., and

Sanborn, J . B . Bauxite: Use as Dry­ing Adsorbent .....................................

Lang, H V. Wet Twisting Frame. UJ5.P.2,334,420 .....................................

Lang, W . R. Australian Merino W ool: Crimp­fineness Relationship .........................

,, Australian Merino Wools: Variability ofFibre Fineness .....................................

,, Pure Wool or Not ? .....................................,, Wool Fibre Contour: Significance ,, U .S .A .: Sheep and Wool Research,, See Sweetten, R . B .........................................

Langford, C. T., see Slotter, R . L ......................Langford, R . F. W inding Machines: Efficiency,

Lubrication and Maintenance ..............Langley, G., see Lister & Co. L td ......................Lapworth, M., see Heywood, B . J ......................Larose, P. Post-war Textile Research

,, Wool and Synthetic F ib r e s .........................Larson, E. C ., see Waters, G. W . ..............Lasch, H. Up-twister Throwing Machine

Yarn Tensioniing Device. B.P.563,241Lathrop, E. C., see Aronovsky, S. I ..................Lauer, K., Doderlein, R ., Jackel, C., and

W ilde, O. Cellulose Fibres: Heat ofWater Sorption .....................................

Lauer, K. (1). Mansch, W ., and Lauer, K. (2). Cellulose Fibres : Wet Strength and Elongation ................................................






























A409A516A iorA376A328A78

A458 A 14*





Lauger, P. New Mothproofing Agents Con­taining Sulphonic Groups .............. A420

Lawrence, A. S. C ., Miall, M., Needham, J ., and Shen, S. Protein Solutions: Vis­cosity and Flow B irefringence.............. A216

,, Needham, J ., and Shen, S. Protein Solu­tions: Viscosity and Flow Birefringence A216

Lawson, N., see Lewis & Taylor L td .................. A411Lawton, S. E ., see Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co.

Ltd. ... ........................ ... ....... A18Lea, C. H . Fat Antioxidants: Application ... A364 Leatherman, M. Chlorinated Resin and Zinc

Carbonate Fireproofing Composition.U.S.P.2,326,233 ..................................... A109

Lebrun, P. Rayon Shirting: Specification andTesting ................................................ A290

Lee, J . B., see Fabian, C. F ............................... A156Lee, W . C., see Hemphill Co............................... A193Lee Bros. Hats, Inc., see Fabian, C. F ................. A156Leech, I., see Platt Bros. L td ............................. A144Leekley, Dorothy O ., see Castonguay, Florence

B. A391de Leeuw, A . J . , see Hermans, P . H . ... ... A21 Leffingwell, G. Glycerin: Textile Applications A296

,, Soap: Application in Sizing, Dyeing andFinishing .............. ... ... ••• A151

,, and Lesser, M. A. Glycerin: Textile Ap­plications ......................... .............. AGO

,, and Lesser, M. A . Soap: Application inTextile Processing .....................................A413

Lefroy, E. H . B. W hat Should a Sire’s WoolLook Like? ... ... .............. ••• A453

Lehembre, J . Delustred Rayons: Dyeing ... A465 Lehman, S. G. Cotton Seed: Gin Delinting

and Incidence of D isease .............. ... A502,, Mercurial Fungicidal Dust: Vapour Action A3

Lehmann, E . Microscopic Studies of Chemicaland Physical Processes in F u r s .............. A466

Lehr, D., see McGavack, T. H . ... .............. A333Leigh, E. A., see Fine Cotton Spinners’ &

Doublers’ Association L t d . ......................... 235Leilich, K . Polyvinyl Chloride: Effect of

Softeners ................................................ A34Lemon, H . M. Bacteria: Collection from Air

and Textiles ................................................A431see Puck, T. T. ... ... .............. A3G9

,, and Wise, H . Air Sampling Flowmeter ... A265 Lennox, F. G. Measuring Proteolytic Activ ity:

Gelatin Viscosity Reduction Method ... A86 ,, Proteolytic Enzymes: Activity Measure­

ment; Gelatin Viscosity ReductionMethod ........................................................... A271

,, see Ellis, W . J .................................................... A8(!,, see Maxwell, M. E ............................................. A377

Lenton, A., see Denison, S. & Sons Ltd. ... A311 Lepsius, R . Macromolecules: Structural An­

alysis ........................................................... A542Lesser, M. A., see Leffingwell, G. ... AGO, A413Lester, D ., see Greenberg, L . A ............................. A539Leszczynski, C., see Hertel, E .............................. A42Lethersich, W . Rheological Constants: Evalua­

tion from Tensile and CompressiveTests ........................................................... A217

Levers, J . F., see Taylor, W . I ............................. A345Levin, A. N ., see Rutovskii, B. M. ... ... A196

,, and Arbitman, S. M. Laminated PlasticImpregnating Machines ......................... A16

Levine, M., see Arnold, C. R . ... ... A76 Levinstein, H . Plastics and their Raw Mat­

erials: Development ......................... A374Levitin, J ., see King, A ............................. • •• A76Levy, R . M. and Muffat, P. Cupriethylenedia-

mine Cellulose Solvent: Nature ... A221 ,, Muffat, P., and Harrison, W . D . Cupri-

ethylenediamine Cellulose Solutions:Viscosity; Rapid D e term ina tion .............. A253

Lewis, A. P. Laminated Fabric Picker. U .S.P.2,325,187 A98

Lewis, G. N., and Bigeleisen, J . Dyes: Absorp­tion Spectra and Electronic Structure ••• A174

,, and Bigeleisen, J . Dyes and Cyanines: Absorption Spectra and Electronic Structure ................................................A174

,, and Bigeleisen, J . Leuco Dyes: Photo­chemical Reactions in Rigid Solvents A 179

Lewis, S. Judd. Sugars: Spectrofluorescence A398 Lewis & Taylor Ltd. and Lawson, N. Wear-

resistant Canvas Hosepipe. B .P .562,326 A411 Libbey, W . S. Co. Imitation China Cotton

Blanket: Production. U.S.P.2,327,278 A99

PAGELiberty Throwing Co., Inc. Rayon Crepe Yarn :

Contraction on T w is t in g ......................... A349Lichte, M. E ., see Johnsoa, R . L ....................... A70Liddel, U ., see Barnes, R . B .................................A171Liddiard E . A. G., and Bankes, P. E. Lead:

Attack by Water .................................... A2G3Liebig, W . Rayon Yarn : Twisting and Setting.

U.S.P.2,326,043 .................................... A98Liesegang, R . E. Dye Solutions: Capillary Rise

in Paper ... .................................... A197,, Gelatin Films: Swelling ......................... A83,, Methylene Blue: Polychromatism ............. A41

Lietz, G. Cellulose Hydrate Fibres: Washingand Bleaching ................................................A4G4

Ligett, W . B ., see Elving, P. J ............................. A396Lilienfeld Patents Inc. Alkaline Cellulose

Solution: Application in Finishing.U.S.P.2,335,126 .................................... A347

Lindner, J . Asbestos: Hygroscopic Behaviour;Influence in Organic A n a ly s is .............. A485

Lindner, K. (To Chemopbarm. G .m .b.H .) Pro­tecting Animal Fibrous Materials Con­taining Keratin or Fibroin againstPests. D.R.P.721,343 ......................... A68

Lindpaintner, E . Rayon Cellulose: Removal ofPentosans ................................................A455

Linen Industry Research Association, Bodel, C.C., and Waring, L . A. R . Weft CopW inding Machine. B.P.557,113 .............. A l l

Linford, A. Fluid-flow Meters ......................... A210Lin, Chun-yu. Glass Electrode Valve Amplifier A2G5 Ling, L ., and Yang, J . Y . Cotton Seedling Dis­

ease: Occurrence in West China ... A500 Linsenmeyer, J . Z., and Markle, L. E. Motor

Starters: Maintenance ......................... A439Liska, J . W . Elastomers: Young’s Modulus;

Effect of Low Temperatures .............. A270Lister & Co. Ltd. and Garner, W . Shock-

absorbing Material. B.P.557,103 .............. A153,, and Garner, W . Shock-absorbing or

Cushioning Material: Production. B.P.564,026 ...........................................................A524

„ and Garner, W . Thermal InsulationMaterial. B.P.557,212 ......................... A54

,, Garner, W ., Holroyd, F . G., Allied Col­loids (Bradford) Ltd., Langley, G., and Gill, R . Nylon: Sizing. B.P.564,737 ... A5L6

Little, A . H ., see Ridge, B . P ............................. A517

Little, H . W ., and Ballinger, R . A. AmericanCotton: Marketing in Lou is iana .............. A403

Livingston, H. K. Wetting Liquids: ContactAngles and Adsorption .............. ••• A-t49

Lloyd, A. C ., see Staubly, J . L ............................. A77Loasby, G. Nylon Y a rn : Production and

Properties ................................................A46G,, see British Nylon Spinners Ltd. A97, A421, A463

Lobl, V ., and McCormick, E. L . Loom ReedThreading Device. U.S.P.^,324,220 ... A12

Localio, S. A., and Hinton, J . W . CottonThread: Use in S u rg e ry ......................... A72

Lochte, T., and Brauckhoff, H . Stretched and Super-contracted Human H a ir : Micro­scopic and Hygroscopic Investigations A270

Lohmann, II., and Braun, Paula. Delustred Acetate R ayon : Improvement of Light-

Fastness ................................................A416Lollar, R . M. Leather: Mildew Proofing ... A299 Lomanovich, A. F., and Tyuleneva, S. B.

Crease-resistant Fabrics: Production ... A103 Londex Ltd. “ Lectralevel ” Floatless Con­

trol System fox Liquid Level .« ... A l l8Longenecker, H . E ., see Wood, T. R .................. A2G9van Loo, W . J ., Jr., see Johnstone, E . P. ... A11Q Lord, E . B . W ool: Competition from Synthetic

Fibres ........................................................... A87Lotzkar, H ., see Owens, H . S..............................A542

,, and Maclay, W . D . Pectin: Use as an ^Emulsifying Agent .................................... A 179

Low, W ., and White, E . V . Polysaccharide Hydroxyl Groups: Investigation byTosylation and Tritylation .............. A177

Lowcock, F . W . Lancashire Weaving In ­dustry : Reconstruction ......................... A330

Lowe, A., Robson, A. C., and Imperial Chem­ical Industries Ltd. Anthraquinone Dyes: Production. B .P.560,988 ... ••• A303

Lower, E . S. Lanolin .................................... A316„ Wool W ax Alcohols: Properties, Com­

position and Utilisation in Medicine ••• A275


Lubin, G., and Winans, R . R . Drop Ball Im ­pact Testing Machine: Application to

Plastics ................................................A532Lucas, C. C., see Beveridge, J . M. R ................. A440Luebke, B. H ., see Rowan, W . S. .............. A403Lui, M. C., see Whewell, C S. ... ... A58, A74 Lundgrcn, H. P., and O ’Connell, R . A. Pro­

tein Fibres: Production ......................... A334Lundrigan, R . Drying Cylinder Condensate

High-pressure Return System: Advan­tages .................................... .............. A517

Lunge, G. H . Elastic Webbings: "Measurementof Stretch ............................................... A205

Lunsford, J . B. Cresylic Laminated Plastics:Physical P roperties .................................... A 112

Lustrafil Ltd., and Godman, G. L . WaterproofFabric : Production. B.P.563,586 .............. A469

,, and Barker, S. W . Rayon Thread Guiding and Liquid Treatment Apparatus. B.P.563,290 ... ............ . ......................... A456

Lusty, H. H. Plastics: Use in Post-war Build­ing ...........................................................A259

Luttringhaus, H. Sequoia Redwood F ibre:Dyeing ........................................................... A14

Lykken, E., Porter, P., Ruliffson, H. D., and Tuemmler, F. D . Coloured Materials: Potentiometric Acidity Determination ... A448

Lynam, J . E., see Cotton, W . L td ......................A383Lyons, W . J . Cotton Fibres: Lateral Expan­

sion Under T ens ion .................................... A69Lype, E . F. Water Tube Boilers: Heat-

transfer Calculations ......................... A357


Maan, C. J ., see Hermans, P. H. .............. A272MacAdam, D . L. Small Colour Differences:

Graphical Representa tion ......................... A181McAfee, J . Positive Displacement Flowmeter A483McArd, G. W . Pipe Joints ... ......................... A434

,, Wood in Modern Construction .............. A434McArd, R . W . Metallic P a c k in g ......................... A438McBain, J . W ., see Bolduan, O. E . A .................. A129

,, see Ross, S. ................................................A493,, Bolduan, O . E . A., and Ross, S. Soaps:

X-Ray Diffraction .................................... A85,, and Brady, A. P. Colloidal Electrolytes:

Osmotic Activity .................................... A174„ and Johnson, K. E. Soap Solution: Dye

Solubilization and Colloidal Micelle Con­tent ............................................... ... A243

McBain, M. E. L. Soap Solutions: Absorptionof Light ......................... .............. A397

McBurney, I). Lacquer Coated Fabrics: Pro­duction, Properties and Uses .............. A199

McCabe, G. E. Stud S h e e p .................................... A229McCalla, A. G., and Corns, W . G. Wheat and

Barley: Starch Content ... .............. A121McCann, J . Woollen Fibres: Pot-spinning ... A287 McCarter, W . S. W ., see La Lande, W . A. ... A274 McCarthy, J . A. Laundry Wastes: Treatment AH6 McClure, H. B. Aliphatic Finishing Agents:

Application ................................................A199„ New Aliphatic Compounds: Properties and

Uses ........................................................... A297McCord, C. P. Nitrous Fumes in the Atmo­

sphere : Permissible Limits .............. A376McCormick, E. L ., see Lobl, V. ... ... ... A12 McDonald, H . J . Tricjjloroethylene: .Vapour

McDuffey, T. S. Natural and Artificial FibreMixture Fabrics: Resin Finishing ... A467

McElroy, C., and Gross, M. Hank Clock Pro­duction Factor Table ..........................A234

MacFadyen, D. A. a-Amino Acids: AmmoniaEvolved by Ninhydrin; Determination, A444

McFalls, J . A., see Dawkins, A. S......................A293McFarlane, R . A., see Courtaulds Ltd. ... ... A56 McGavack, T. H ., Boyd, L. J ., Terranova, R .,

and Lehr, D. Spergon ' (Tetrachloro-^)- benzoquinone) Cottonseed Disinfectant:

Toxicity ................................................A 333McGhie, J . F ., see Dor6e, C. ......................... A440McGlaughlin, F. G. Infra-red Gas Generator:

Drying Efficiency .................................... A58McGovern, E. W . Chlorohydrocarbon Solvents:

Properties and U s e s .................................... A165McGovern, T. L. Spring-controlled Flyer

Presser Arm ................................................A407MacGregor, J . H ., see Courtaulds L td .................. A154

MacGregor, W . S., Evans, T. H ., and Hibbert,H . Lignin-type Substances: Oxidation

with Chromic A c i d .....................................A 267McHenry, D. Elastic Structures: Solution of

Stress Problems; Lattice Analogy ... A326Mackay, M. Napped Fabrics: P r in t in g .............. A102McKee, R . H . Cellulose and L ignin: Recovery

from Wood. B.P.560,492 ......................... A283McKean, H . B. Metals: Protection from Corro­

sion ........................................................... A166Mackenzie, Katherine. Nylon Corset Cloths:

Development ................................................A411Mackenzie, R . F. Oil Dermatitis: Occurrence

and Prevention ..................................... A88Mackie, J . & Sons Ltd., and Mackie, J . P. Cop

Winding Machine. B .P .560,267.............. A240,, and Mackie, J . P. Slaplised Rayon Yarn:

Production from Continuous Filaments.B.P.560,902 ................................................A285

„ and Mackie, J . P. W inding Machine. B.P.559,927 ..« ................................................A239

,, and Mackie, J . P. W inding Machine. B .P.563,614 ........................................................... A462

,, and Mackie, J . P. W inding Machine. B.P.563,613 A462

,, and Mackie, J . P. Cop W inding Machine.B.P.563,549 ..................................... ... A462

Mackie, J . P., see Mackie J . & Sons Ltd. ...A239, A240, A285, A462

Maclay, W . D ., see Lotzkar, H ..............................A179McLaughlin, C. W . Cotton Plant Dusting

Device. U.S.P.2,336,113 ......................... A379McLean, A., see Traill, D .........................................A468

,, Swift, S. R ., and Imperial Chemical In ­dustries Ltd. Protein Filaments: Hardening. B .P .559,818 ... ... ... A232

McLean, D . A. Telephone Cable and Con­denser Papers: Properties .............. A206

McLendon, V ., see Olsen, A. L ............................. A322McLeod, G. B., see Morrison, L ............................. A138MacLeod, J . British Sheep Blowflies: A

Survey ........................................................... A276McMahan, J . R ., and Snell, E . E . Valine and

Arginine: Microbiological Determination A220 McMeekin, T. L. Casein Bristles: Production

and Properties ................................................A253McMurdie, H . F., see Hock, C. W . ... A71, A388 McNeight, S. A., see Du Pont de Nemours, E.

I. & Co............................................................ A62Macpherson, Sheila J ., see Wright, W . D. ... A358Mace, R . Conditioning C a b in e t ......................... A110Machemer, H ., see Gruber, W .................................A250Machine Shop Equipment Ltd. Workshop

Microscope ................................................A537Madlung, I. Textile Sizes: Properties and Ap­

plications ................................................A460Madsen, M. A., Esplin, A. C., and Phillips,

R . W . Skinfolds in Sheep .............. A377Mahta, D. N . Indian Cottons: Production and

Consumption ................................................ A89Maiofis, I . M., see Viktorov, P. P. ... ... A245Maiorova, A. V., see Sverdlin, M. S.................. A4Makepeace, R . Rayon Shuttles: Selection ... A9 Malafeev, L. A., Gorodetskaya, L. A., and

Gagarinskii, Y . V. Viscose Rayon :Bleaching and D esu lphur iz ing .............. A5

Maleev, V. I., see Markuze, K. M ......................A413

Mamiya, Y ., Matui, S., and Kanbara, S. Poly-acrylonitrile Fibres: Spinning .............. A506

Manchester Oxide Co. Ltd., Bann, B ., Taylor,W ., Gladding, G., and Krug, P. DisazoDyes: Production. B.P.o59,784 .............. A201

,, Clayton, J . H ., and Bann, B . Sulphones: Production and Use in Dyeing andPrinting. B.P.513,473, 546,277 .............. A6i

Mancuso, T. F., see Markuson, K. E .................. A225Manegold, E., and Bohme, C. Berndel Filter:

Characteristics and U s e s ......................... A445,, and Peters, F. Varnishes and Film-form-

ing Solutions: A ir Content and Degassing A396 Mankasch, E. Cellulosic Materials : Moisture

Content; Ballistic ' Galvanometer Deter­mination ................................................ A72

Manley, R . H., see Evans, C. D ............................ A444

Manning, F. W . Fabric Spinning Apparatus.U.S.P.2,336,743 .....................................A379

,, Fabric Spinning Apparatus. U.S.P.2,336,745 A380 ,, Tampon Spinning Apparatus. U.S.P.

2,336,744 ................................................ A379






A370 ... A41 ... A443

... A218

... A83

... A397 A307, A343

... A124 ... A 4 39 ... A356 ... A52»


Manning, H . L., see Hutchinson, J . B .................Mansch, W ., see Lauer, K ........................................Mansfield, A. P. Electronic Relay Beaming

Machine Stop Motion .........................Manunta, C. Silk Cocoons of Different Races:

Ratio of Sericin F rac tion s .........................Marcal, M., see Raison, Madeleine ..............Mardles, E. Solutions and Suspensions: Floccu-

lation ............................................................Marel, F ., see Votinov, A .........................................Maris, S., see Jayme, G ............................................

Mark, H ., see Alfrey, T.............................................,, see Bartovics, A. .....................................,, see Doty, P . M. ...,, see Fankuchen, I.,, see Goldfinger, G. .....................................

Markle, L. E ., see Linsenmeyer, J . Z . ..............,, see Stodz, R . R . .....................................

Markley, M. H ., see Hardy, T. M. P ..................Markuze, K M. Dyed S ilk : Treatment to In ­

crease Fastness .....................................,, and Maleev, V . I. S ilk: Degumming ...

Markuson, K . E., Mancuso, T. F., and Soet, J .S. Formaldehyde Resin Dermatitis:Prevention ..................................... • ••

Marriott, S. Jassid-resistant Cotton Varieties:Breeding ................................................

Marron, T. U., and Routh, J . I. Physico­chemical Studies on the Water-solubleFraction of Powdered Wool ..............

MarschaLl, A. Cellulose: Solubility ..............,, Viscose: Filtration .....................................,, Viscose: Filtration .....................................,, and Stauch, H. Cellulose: Degradation

with Inorganic Acids in the Presence ofAcetic Acid ................................................

Marsden, E., see Hodgson, H. H . ... A151, A1G9, A3C4Marsden, H . Rayon Y a rn : W a r p in g .............. A52Marsh, J . T., see Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co.

Ltd ................................................ A18, A02, A64Marsh, P. B., see Barker, H . D ............................. A352

,, Greathouse, G . A., Bollenbacher, K ., and Butler, M. L. Copper Soaps: Rot-proofing Action .............. ..............

Marsh, W . Circular-arc Cam with J^lat Follower: Displacement, Velocity andAcceleration Curves ... ... ..............

Marsh, W . S. Textile Fibres: Microbiology



A543 A220

A5 A183




Marshall, G. Card Clothing: Efficient Use ••• A286Post-war Woollen Carding A236

Marston, C. C. Sleeve A ir Filter. B.P.564,161 A536Martens, R . I ., see Sigler, P. A .............................Alf>7Martin, A. F ., see Osborn, R . H ............................. A122Martin, A. J . P., see Gordon, A. H . .............. A177Martin, E ., see Howlett, F ........................................ A162Martin, G. R ., see Gluckauf, E ............................. A214Martin, H ., and others (to Geigy, J . R ., A.-G.).

Halogen-substituted Acylamino Sul- phonic Acids: Mothproofing Agents.U.S.P.2,311,062 ..................................... A63

,, and others (to Geigy, J . R ., A.-G.). Moth­proofing Wool, Feathers or Furs. U.S.P.2,312,923 ........................ . .............. A15G

,, and Stammbach, W . (to Geigy, J . R.,A.-G. Mothproofing Wool, e tc .: Use of Amino Acid Amide Derivatives.T T C P 9 QQfi A 34 (i

Martin, W . J ., see Smith, W . S. ■■■ A502Martina, A., see Chwala, A. ... ••• AOlMartins, R . G. Cotton P lant: Breeding ... A185

Marton, R ., see Champetier, G ..................... ••• A483Marvel, C. S., and Inskeep, G. E. Polyvinyl

Alcohol: End Group Structure ... A32 Masani, M. Indian Cotton C lo th : Production

and Consumption ......................... ••• A277Mascheroni, E. The Auchenia of South America A453Maschinenfabrik Scharer, see Barker, G. G. ••• A57 Maschinenfabrik Schweiter A.-G. Cross-wound

Cop W inding Machine. B .P .560,319 ... A290,, Travelling Fan. B.P.559,061 .............. ... A212

Mason, J . G., Thompson, T. E., and Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. W ool: Reduc­ing Tendency to Felt and Shrink. B.P.

561,475 ........................................................... A 420Mason, T. G., see Phillis, E ................... . A80, A212

„ and Phillis, E. Cotton Plant; Partition ofMineral Elements in— .............. ••• A212

,, and Phillis, E. Cotton Leaves: Hydration A30

Mathieson Aikali Works Inc. Alkali Metal Chlorites: Preparation. U.S.P.2,332,180,

2,332,181 A27i'>Mathieson Alkali Works. Alkali Metal Chlorites:

Production. B.P.557,634 ......................... A66,. Chlorine Dioxide: Production. B .P .558,960 A.133

Chlorine Dioxide: Production. B.P.561,170 A3Ti» Chlorite and Aldehyde Bleach Liquor:

Application. B .P .561,022 ......................... A303Chlorite and Hypochlorite Bleach Liquor:

Application. B.P.561,834 ......................... A387,. Chlorite and Persulphate Bleach Liquor:

Application. B.P.560,995 .........................A303Matthes, A. Chain Molecules: Kinetics of De­

polymerization Reactions .............. ... A3Gd,, Polyamide Solutions: Viscosity - Chain

Length R e la tion sh ip .................................... A26!>Matthews, E. D., see Bledsoe, R . P .................. A497Mattheeuws, J ., see de Block, F .............................A222Matui, S., see Mamiya, Y .........................................A506Mauersberger, H . R . American Rayon Yarns:

Denier and Filament N u m be rs .............. A23,, American Rayon Yarns: Denicrs and Fila­

ment Numbers .................................... A349,, (based on work by Scroggie, A. G.). Rayon

Yarn : Tensile Testing; Rate of Loading A20J ,, 2x2-Twill: Weaving on Six Shafts ... A5L2

Mauldin, E., see Chase, W . W ............................ A166Maxwell, E. C., Maxwell, U. C ., and Barker,

G. Glass Fibres and Fabrics: AluminaMordant Dyeing. B .P.659,0(58 .............. Alf>*>

Maxwell. M. E ., and Lennox, F. G. Bacteria Responsible for the Loosening of Wool

on Sheepskins................................................A377Maxwell, U . C., see Maxwell, iE. C .................. A155May, A . T. Fully-fashioned Hosiery: Knitting.

B.P.559,926 ... ..................................... A239Mayne, J . E. O. Polyvinyl Derivative Emul­

sions : Preparation, Properties and Uses A487 Mazurek, S. Polish Stratosphere Balloon

Fabric : Proofing .................................... A’lO”Mazzucchelli, A. P., see Meharg, V . E ................. A47i)Mecham, D . K . Cysteine and Cystine: Deter­

mination ................................................A176„ see Jones, C . B. .............. ... j\30, A182

Mecheels, O., and Essig, K. A. Fish Protein: Behaviour in the Manufacture of

Animalized Fibres .....................................A455Medler, J . T., see Eyer, J . R ..............................A37SMeerkotter, W . Indocarbon Black: Application A14 Meggy, A. B . Print Ager; Rise of Temperature

in— ........................................................... A15„ and Rogers, J . Vat Dye Prints: Reduc­

tion Potentials During Steaming ... ... Al<"> Meharg, V. E., and Mazzucchelli, A. P. Plastics:

“ Heatronic" Moulding ......................... A479Meiss, P. E ., Treadway, R. H ., and Smith,

L. T. Potato. Starch Pastes: Viscosity A274 Meleshkin, W . F . Pulp for Viscose: Manufac­

ture in Finland .................................... A404Mellor Bromley & Co. Ltd., Freeman, S. R . T.,

and Helliwell, G. S. Dyeing Tank orVat. B .P .563,634 .................................... A470

Melton, J . T., see Kelly, M. R . .............. ... A251Melville, H. W . High Polymers: Molecular

Weight ...........................................................A49;iMendenhall, E . E., see Wilson, I . L ................... A432Mendes, A. J . T. Polyploid Cottons: Cytology A539

Mendoza, M.. see Atkinson, J . R ............................ A6t,, see Beech, W . F . ..........................A302, A345,, see Howard, G. F ....................... ••• ... A<>5,, Rogers, M. A. T., and Imperial Chemical

Industries Ltd. Dairypyrrdle Azo Dyes: Production. B.P.562,762 ... ... * ... A422

Mendrzyk, H ., Sommer, H ., and Viertel, O. Uniform C loth: Improving Service­ability’ by Careful Washing and Milling A57

Menzel, K . C. Cottonin: Effect of Processingon Structure ......................... A241

Merck & Co. Inc. Waxed Glass Fabric Liner and Gasket Sealing Material: Produc­tion. U.S.P.2,333,535 ......................... A264

Merish, F . Driving Belts: Maintenance ... A210 Merrill, R . C ., Jr . Emulsions : Mechanical

Stability ......................... .............. A178Merrill, R . C ., see Owens, H. S ............................ A542Merrington, A. C . Visco-eJastic Materials :

Flow in Capillaries ......................... A41


van der Merwe, P. K. Wool Scouring Liquor: Recovery- of Potassium Carbonate and Conversion to Commeilcial Potassium

Sulphate ................................................ A31GMessier, R . J ., see Daudelin, J . B .................. A241Metal Processes Ltd. “ Mark 2 Black " Rust-

proofing Agent ......................... ... A313Metallizing Engineering Co. Inc. Machine

Parts: Repair by Metal Spraying ... A16G Metallizing Equipment Co. Inc. Rayon Spin­

ning Pot Spindles: Reclaiming by MetalSpraying ................................................ A4G

Metz and Borchert. Softening Agents: FireHiazafld ................................................A314

Meyer, A. Rayon Liquors: F iltr a t io n .............. A450,, Water: Purification .....................................A481

Meyer, H ., and Hart Productions Ltd. Thermo­plastic R,esin Compound Fabrics :Production. B .P.559,075 ... .............. AI55

Meyer, K. H. Starch : Constitution andProperties ... .................................... A12G

Meyer, W ., see Rath, H ......................................... A472Miall, M., see Lawrence, A. S. C ...................... A210Michael’is, L., and Granick, S. Wurster Dye

Free Radicals: Polymerization ... A33Michel, R . “ Blankophor ” White Fluorescing

Substances: Application to B'leachedMaterials ................................................A295

,, see Dumazert, C ...................................... ... A12GMicksch, iK. Transmission Belt Dressings :

Composition ................................................A357Middleton, J . Beam W inding Operatives :

Payment ..................................... ... A144,, Weaving Shed : Management ; Checking

Defective Work ......................... ... A237Mieth, H . Elastic Tension C lo th : Finishing.

U.S.P.2:, 330,441 .....................................A202Miles, F. D., see Wilson, G. L .................. ... A442Miles, G. D ., and Ross, J . Soap - Anionic

Detergent Calcium Salts: Formation ... A1G5 ,, and Shedlovsky, L . Sodium Alcohol

Sulphates: Surface Tension/Concentra­tion Curves ..................................... ••• A319

Miller, J . A., and Baumann, C. A. Carcino­genic Hydrocarbons: Fluorescence ... A320

Miles, W . Surface C ondensers ......................... A436

Miller, E . J ., see Comar, C . L ............................. A179

Miller, E. S., see Barnes, R . H . .............. A53GMiller, J . A., and Baumann, C. A. Polynuclear

Hydrocarbons: Fluorescence; Effect ofNaphthacene ................................................A321

Miller, J . F. Collars and Cuffs for Men ;Smoothing Rough Edges. B.P.558,168 AIK)

Miller, L. B. Water for Textile Processing :Quality and Treatment ......................... A535

Miller, M., see Baker, I ..........................................A448Miller, P. R ., and Weindling, R . Cotton

Seedling Diseases and Boll Rots : Distribution and Dissemination ... A139

Miller, S. J . Rayon Crepe Yarn : Dressing ... A511

Mills, R . T., see Reichert, J . S ............................. A295Millson, H . E . Afterchrome Dyeing: Minimum

Chrome Necessary .....................................A198,, Textile Fibres and Other Substances :

Phosphorescence .....................................A159,, see Watkins, W . H. ... .............. ... A198,, and Candee, C. C. Fluorescent Dyes :

Use in Coatings and P la s t ic s .............. A150Milner, B. I., see Saunderson, J . L .................. A3G8Milner, G., Spivey, E ., and Cobb, J . W .

Cellulose, Sugar and Coal Carbonisa­tion Products: Properties .............. A125

Milner, N . Sodium Hydrosulphite : Deter­mination ..................................... ... A37U

Milnes, A. H. Textile M ills: Air Conditioning A27 Minard, G. W ., Koffolt, J . H., and W ithrow,

J . R . Glass Fibre Distillation ColumnPacking Material: A p p lic a t io n .............. A312

Ministry of Aircraft Production. Lanolin-resin Protective ........................ . ... A395

Ministry of Fuel and Power: Fuel EfficiencyCommittee. Fuel Efficiency .............. A27

Fuel Efficiency ......................... ... A357Minnesota and Ontario Paper Co. Low-density

Fibre Board : Production. U.S.P.2,332j,369 ................................................A3G4

Miskel, J . J . Surface-active Agents: Applica­tion in Paper Making ......................... A4J3

Mitchell, C. A., see Nierenstein, M. .............. A220

Mitchell, N. M. American Textile Machinery:Developments .....................................A433

Mitchell, R . W . Mill Floors: Cleaning ... A78 Mitchem, R . W . Cotton Bales: Sampling ... A281 Mitfessel, W . Anthrasol Blue IBC : Piece

Dyeing Difficulties ... ' ......................... A519Mize, M. D., see Baker, J . C ..............................A39GMoakes, R . C. W ., see Dawson, T R .................. A16Moeller, W . P., see Demarest, M. .............. A113Mokudai, W ,, see Oda, R . ......................... A188Molins, J . , Jr . Uruguay : Wool Classification A71 Mond, A. L. Electrically-heated Composite

Fabric: Production. B .P .559,322 ... A192 Monie, W . D. A lgae: Control in Water Sup-

plie$ ............................................................ A28Monnig, H. O. Sheep Blowfly Research.

(VI) _ Treatment of Myiasis .............. A399,, and Cilliers, P. A. Sheep Blowfly In ­

vestigations in the Winter RainfallArea .......................................... .............. A138

,, and Cilliers, P. A. Sheep Blowfly Re­search. (V II) Investigations in the Cape

W inter Rainfall Area ......................... A497Monsanto Chemical Co. Hydroxycyclohexanone

Ester Plasticizers : Production and Application. U.S.P.2,331,328, 2,331,329,2,331,330 u.. A202

Montclair Research Corporation. FinishingAgent. U.S.P.2,333,023 ......................... A251

Montequi, R ., and Doadrio, A . Iodine Numberof Fa ts : D e te rm in a tio n ......................... A1G4

Moon, P. Colour Harmony: Formulation ... A180 ,, and Spencer, D . E. Non-uniform Sky ;

Illum ination from— ......................... A359,, and Spencer, D . E. Colour Harmony :

Effect of Area .....................................A275,, and Spencer, D. E. Colour Harmony :

Geometric Formulation ......................... A270,, and Spencer, D. E. Colour Combina­

tions : Aesthetic M e asu re ......................... A371Moore, E. W ., and Smith, F . E. Sodium

Hexametaphosphate : Effect on Solu­tion of L e a d ................................................A120

Moore, E . W ., and Snow, E. A. Iron andManganese : Removal from Water ... A120

Moore, H . R . Varnishes : Drying Rates ;Determination .....................................A163

Moore, J . H . American Upland Cotton: StapleLength ........................................................... A528

Moore, S., see Stein, W . H . ......................... A542,, and Stein, W . H . Silk Fibroin Amino

Acids : Determination by SolubilityProduct Method ... .......................... A22

Moran, G. A. Dyed and Printed CottonFabrics: Fastness to W a s h in g .............. A309

Moreland, R . W ., see Ewing, K . P ...................A378Morgan, F ., see Sampson, J . B ............................. A217Morin, G. V . M., see Myers, R . J ......................A103Morisita, T., see Oda, R ......................................... A188Morley, M. H ., see Thames Board Mills Ltd. A232 . Morrill, C. E . Sheeting Y am s: Effect of Acid

on Breaking Strength ......................... A529Morris, H . F., see Smith, H . P ............................. A454Morrison, L., and McLeod, G. B. Derris Sus­

pension as Sheep-dipping F lu id ... A138 Morriston, J . H . Loom Accessories: Storage A237Morton, T. H ., see Courtaulds L td ................... A68Mosher, F. D . Burning Low Grade Fuel ... A357

,, Gasket Maintenance .....................................A357,, Packings and Efficiency ......................... A357,, Planning Steam G e n e ra tio n ......................... A392„ Steam and Water Piping : Maintenance A314

Mosher, P. R ., see Borglin, J . N. .............. A164Mosimann, H . Nitrocellulose F ra c t io n s S e d i­

mentation and Molecular Weight ... A221 Moskovets, S. N . Cotton V ims Disease :

Occurrence and C o n t r o l ......................... A501Muffat, P., see Levy, R . M ......................... A221, A253Muir, A. B. Raw Cotton: Future Marketing AMOMukoseev, N. A. G um : Use in S i z e .............. A237Mullen, E. G. Asphalted Paper : Testing

Water* Resistance .....................................A477Muller, C. Cellulosic Sizes: Application ... A460 Muller, F . H . Cellulosic Films: Shrinkage on

Precipitation .....................................A32G,, High-polymer Filaments: Structure ••• A425,, see Fischer, C .....................................................A397,, see Franz, E ..................... ••• ••• ••• A204,, and Wallner. Compressed Fibres: Micro­

scopic Investigation of Structure ••• A21



Miiller, G. O., see Kautsky, H .............................. A2yMuller, W ., and Retter, W . (to I.G . Farben-

industrie A.-G.). Keratin - containing Materials: Protection from Pests. D .R .P .

716,599 ........................................................... A423Munday, S. Steam Chamber Thermocouple :

Sealing ......................... ......................... A315Munshi, M. C. Surat Weaving Industry :

Organisation ................................................ A543Murray, A. G. L . Merino Sheep: Development A401 Murray, I I . C. Cellulose: Aerobic Decompo­

sition by Thermophilic Bacteria ... A484Muskat, M., see Sampson, J . B ............................. A217Myers, H . S., and Working, E . B. Wheat

Flour Proteins : Sulphydryl GroupContent ..................................... • •• A325

Myers, R . J . Ion-exchange Resins: Efficiency A211 „ and Morin, G. V. N. Urea-Formaldehyde

Resin : Use for Improving WetStrength of P a p e r .....................................A103

Myles, J . R ., Siddle, F . J ., Whittaker, D., and Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Aeroplane Fabrics : Tautening. B.P.

560,168 .................................................A249Myl’nikov, B. N ., and Surovtsev, S. P. Dyes:

Improvement of Fastness......................... A 101Myrback, K ., see Ortenblad, B ........................... .. A318

,, and Stenlid, G. Barley Starch: Dextrini-zation ................................................ ••• A540

and Thorsell, • W . Amylose : EnzymicCleavage ................................................ A30N

Nakatomi, S. Inter-specific Cotton Hybrid :Fertility ................................................ A538

„ Manchurian Cotton: Improvement ... A498 ,, Upland Cotton Kanno No. 1: Production

and Characteristics......................... ••• A49SNanda, P. N., and Singh, G. Sheep Shearing

in India ..................................... ••• A377Nandi, H . K. Assam Handloom Weaving

Industry : Improvement ......................... A452Nanjundayya, C. Damp Stored Cotton :

Deterioration ................................................A425Nasmith, G. W ., Nasmith, J . I., and District

Bank Ltd. Nasmith Combing Machine.B .P .503,282 ................................................A458

Nasmith, J . I ., see Nasmith, G. W .................. A458Nason, H . K., see Carswell, T. S......................A537National Automotive Fibres, Inc. Beaded

Upholstery Fabric: Production. U.S.P.2,338,490 ..................................... ... A472

National Marking Machine Co. Ltd. Fabrics:Identification Marking. B.P.563,098 ... A423

National O il Products Co. Mercerising Assis­tant. B .P .558,393 ..................................... A107

„ Wetting, Foaming and Detergent Agents:Production. B.P.559,265 ......................... A201

National Rubber Machinery Co. TubularFabric Loom. U.S.P.2,335,054 .............. A239

Naumov, F. R ., and Pisareva, T. E . Glucose:Application in Printing ... ... A417

Naylor, F ., and Shaw, J . Fabric Milling Machines: Weighting the L id of theTrough. B.P.557,190 ... .............. AC3

"Neal, P. A., see Caminita, B. H . .............. A225Neale, S. M. Oil : Flow through Engine

Bearings; Anomalous V iscos ity .............. A27,, and Stringfellow, W . A. Direct Dye

Mixtures: Absorption by Cellulose ... A100 Nebel, W ., see Du Pont de Nemours E. I.

and Co. ................................................ A18Needham, J ., see Lawrence, A. S. C .................. A216Neergard, A. N . Colour Lakes: Fading ... A129Nelson, G. H ., see Aronovsky, S. I .................. A149Nelson, J ., Ltd., and Hartley, R . T. Loom

Reed Supporting Arrangements. B .P.559,430 ................................................. ... A192

Nelson, N. Glucose: Photometric Determina­

tion .............. ......................... .••• A442Nelson, T. Jacquard Fabric Defects: Descrip­

tion ................................................ A73Neugebauer, W . (to Kalle & Co. A.-G.). Skins

and Hides: Depilating. D .R .P .712,507 A49 Neuhaus, H ., see Anglo Felt Industries Ltd. A105 Neurath, H . Glycine: R61e in Protein Struc­

ture ........................................................... A8‘Z,, see Putnam, F. W ................................ A39, A482„ and Greenstein, J . P. Proteins and Amino

Acids: Chemistry ••• A542

Neurath, H ., Greenstein, J . P., Putnam, F . W ., and Erickson, J . O. The Chemistry ofProtein Denaturation .........................

Neville, E. H . Cord Hanging in Festoons :Distribution of the “ Slack ” ..............

Newburger, S. H. Food Dye D & C Red No.18: Analysis, Purification and Spectrum

Newell, W . A. Weaving Shed Supply System Newey Engineering Co. Ltd. V-Belt Speed-

change Gear ...............................................Newsome, G., see Allsopp, C ...............................Newsome, P. T., see Sheppard, S. E ..................Newton, R . G., see Dawson, T. R. ..............Nickerson, Dorothy, see Simon, F. T..................Nickerson, J . L. Portable Decade Photometer Niederl, J . B ., and Kenney, E. J . Double

Invert Soaps: Preparation ..............Nierenstein, M. (1). Mitchell, C. A. (2).

Tann in : Micro-determination ..............Nigam, I. S. Ring Spinning Efficiency :

Calculation ................................................Nikitin, N. I. Cellulose Esters: Production

and Properties .....................................Nilssen, B. Keratin and Fibroin : Coloured

Metallic C om p lexes ....................................Nisimura, H . Rayon Spinning Nozzle AlloysNissan, A. H ., see Grunberg, L .............................Nitsche, R . Fabric* Bushings: Dimensional

and Weight Changes in Oil and Water Nitschke, G,. Substantive Dyeings : (After-

treatment with Chromium Salts Nix, H. Water Treatment P lant: MaintenanceNoble, B., see Borglin, J . N .................................Noble, E . I. Dyeing of Acid and Chrome

Colours on Wool with PhosphoricAcid ...........................................................

Noble and Wood Machine Co. Fine Fibre Separating Apparatus. U.S.P.2,325,159

Noll, C. A., and Tomlinson, W . J . O il: Deter­mination in W a t e r .....................................

Noechel, F ., see Steams, E. I .................................Nolte, M. C. A. Sheep Blowfly Research.

( II) Suint Investigations.........................,, see Hepburn, G. A . ....................................

No-Mercury Felt Corporation, see Sartakoff,J . D ................................. .........................

Nonken, G. C. Electronic Heating Devices :Industrial Applications .........................

Non Mercuric Carrot Co. Fur : Carrotting.B .P .559,404

,, see Fabian, C. F .............................................Nordfeldt, A. Peptone : Use for Washing

Textiles. B.P.501,542 .........................Norman, A. G., see Fuller, W . H. ... A218, Norris, F A., and Buswell, R . J . W ijs Solu­

tion : Stability .....................................Norris Products. Dry-clcaning Solvent: Acti­

vation. U.S.P.2,324,917 ..............Norton, A. R ., see Seaman, W ..............................Norwick, B. Fibre Identification Stains :

Effect of Textile Finishes ..............Van Nostrand, R . J ., see Stillings, R . A. ... Novikov, V. A. Cotton Bolls and Leaves :

Water Transfer ... i.........................Nowak, A. Timber : Water-repellent Impreg­

nation ...........................................................Nowotny, H ., see Elod, E. .........................Niisslcin, J ., and Pauser, K. (Vested in the

U.S. Alien Property Custodian). Carbo­hydrate and Synthetic Surface-active Agent Washing Compounds. U.S.P.2,335,194 .............. .........................

Nutting, G. C., see Senti, F. R .............................

oO ’Connell, R . A., see Lundgren, H . P. O'Connor, R . T., see Hoffpauir, C. L.Oda, R ., Mokudai, W ., Isihara, M., and

Morisita, T. Nylon and Analogous

Products : Synthesis ................. •••O ’Dell, A. E. (Collins & Aikman Corporation).

Pile Fabrics : Production. B .P.561,769 Oesterling, J . F. First Quality Laundering

with Less Bleach ......................Oettingen, W . F. Hydrocarbons: Toxicity ...

Ogg, C. L., see Doherty, D. G . ..............Ogston, A. G. Proteins: Periodic Structure ...

Olcott, H . S. Glutamic Ac id: Determination in Proteins ................................................




A441 A191







A182 A404 A 223









A 300A19






A3 66 A 349



A 188







Oldenroth, 0 ., see Kind, W ................................... . A533Oldham, B . C., and Clifford, G. E. Air

Conditioning P lan t: Developments ... A79 Oliver, M. P., and Oliver, W . T. Fabric

Measuring Machine. B.P.562,623 ... A432 Oliver, T. Shuttle-changing : Influence on

Weaving Efficiency ......................... A410Oliver, W . T., see Oliver, M. P. .............. A432Olsen, A. L ., Gee, E . A., and McLendon, V.

A lum inium : Colorimetric Determina­tion; Precision and Accuracy ... ... A322

Olson, L . C . Cotton P lan t: Potash Require­ment Test ................................................A499

,, and Bledsoe, R . P. Cotton P lant: NutrientUptake .................................... ... ••• A499

Ontario Research Foundation. Textile Oil.U.S.P.2,336,087 ..................................... A347

Opitz, H . Textile Materials: Effect of Wash­ing ...........................................................A432

Ortenblad, B., and Myrback, K . (1). Myrback,K ., Ortenblad, B., and Ahlborg, K. (2). Myrback, K., and Kihlberg, B. (3).Lim it Dextrins: Formation and Com­position ................................................ A318

Osborn, R . H ., Elliott, J . H., and Martin,A. F. Photo-electric Titration Appara­tus .............. .....................................A122

von Osten, F . A. and S. S. Textile Disintegra­ting Teasing Drum. U.S.P.2,331,943 ... A235

Ostwald, W Fibres: Genesis ......................... A222,, Fibres: Genesis .....................................A365

Othmer, D . F., see Papps, G. ... ... ••• A445,, See Schmutzler, A. F. ......................... A102

Ott, T. O. Textile Designer: Function andMill Organisation .....................................A512

,, Woodside Cotton Mills (U.S.A.) ClothR oom : Organisation ......................... A191

Ouzts, S. P. Creel-to-Beam Tape Frame.U.S.P.2,335,880 ... ......................... A339

Ovcharova, Mme. T. P., see Ryikoff, V. L . ... A501 Owens, Henry & Co. Inc. Multiple Box Loom

Idle Wejlt Gripper. U.S.P.2,336,118 ...A383 Owens, H . S., Lotzkar, H ., Merrill, R . C., and

Peterson, M. Pectin Solutions : Vis­cosities ................................................A542

Owens-Coming Fiberglas Corporation. GlassFibre Bat. U.S.P.2,335,102 .............. A337

„ Glass Fibre Yarns : Production. U.S.P.2,333,207 A236

,, High-speed W inding Frame TraversingDevice. U.S.P.2,325,640 ......................... *98

,, Molten Glass Spinning Apparatus. U.S.P.2,335,135 ................................................A336

,, W ax Coated Glass Fibre Yarn. U .S.P.21,323,684 ................................................ A8

Oza, H. P., see Kotdawala, V. B ...................... A135

Page, J . E. Polarographic Analysis: RecentD eve lopm ents ................................................A485

Page, R . B ., see Golder, H. C ..............................A437Page, W . F ur: Carrotting. U.S.P.2,309,254... A20Pagerie, M. Dead Cotton: Dyeing .............. A518Pakshver, A. B. Cuprammonium Rayon

Steeping Lye: Repeated Use .............. A4,, Cuprammonium Spinning Solutions : Re­

generation ................................................ A4Palazov, S. P., see Popov, S. G. .............. A530Palit, S. R. Dyes : Solubilization in Non-

aqueous Soilvents ..................................... A197Palmer, G. H ., see Bryant, E. F ...................... A266Palmer, K. J . Egg Albumin-Detergent Com­

plex : Structure .....................................A311,, and Galvin, J . A. Egg Albumin Fibres:

Sftructure .............. ... ... ... A158Palmer, R . C., see Aickin, R . G ......................A326Paneth, F. A., see Gluckauf, E ............................. A214Pannonia (London) Ltd., see Gottfried, S. ••• A304 Panova, N . N ., see Samsonova, O. A. ... ... A19G Papps, G., and Othmer, D . F . Stearic and

Abietic Ac ids: Separation .............. A445Paramount Textile Machinery Co. Photo­

electric Stamping Machine ControlDevice. U .S.P.2,323,843 ... .............. A19

,, Nylon Fabric Articles: Finishing. U.S.P.2,333,160 A250

,, 'Resilient Yarn Stockings : Knitting.U.S.P.2,332,738 .....................................A241

Parcencia, C. R . Jr., see Ewing, K. P.Parchomenko, V . G. Mercerisometer..............Park, R . H ., and Stearns, E. I. Dyes and

Pigments: Spectrophotometric Formu- Iat,km

Parker, K . H ., see Baker, J . C. ..............Parker-Rhodes, A. F. Fungicides : Action ;

Effect of Water .....................................Parkes, R . C. Cloth Drying Machine. U.S.P.

2,331,042 ................................................Parks, R . Q., see Hood, S. L ..............................Parris, R . W ., see Dawson, T. R . ..............Parry, E . L . Leather V-shaped Driving Belts:

Advantages ................................................Parsons, Sir John. Light and V is io n ..............Parsons, R . H . Calorific V a lu e .........................

,, Economiser Performance .........................Partridge, H . E . Combined Heat and Power

P lan t: Advantages .........................,, Steam for Power and Process ..............

Pasquill, F . Turbulent Air Stream: Evapora­tion of Liquids .....................................

Patel, M. S., see Dutt, G. R .................................Paterson, E. V. Lubricating Appliances

,, Lubrication of Gears and Gearboxes ...,, Lubrication of Plain Bearings ..............

Paterson, W . Improved Process and Appara­tus for Treating Liquid. B.P.564,708...

Patterson, J . W ., see Brode, W . R ..................Patterson, R . F ., and Hibbert, H . Compounds

Related to L ignin: Ultra-violet Absorp­tion S p e c t r a ................................................

„ Ethanol Lignins: Ultra-violet AbsorptionSpectra ................................................

Patterson, W . S., see Wilkinson, J . H*Patton, C. W . Textile-Plastic Combinations:

Adhesion ................................................Paulling, J . R . Cotton Crop: Improvement in

South East Missouri .........................Pauser, K ., see Niisslein, J . .........................Pavia, L . Self-threading Shuttle. U.S.P.

2,324,949 ................................................von Pazsiczky, G. (Vested in U.S. Alien

Property Custodian). Centrifugal Glass Fibre Spinning Apparatus. U.S.P.2,338,473 ................................................

,, Glass Fibres : Spinning. U.S.P.2,331,944/5 / 6 .....................................

Peace, J . W . Milling Machine Stop Motion.B .P .556,715

Peacock, H. M. Process Steam and Power ...,, Steam and Power Balancing ..............

Pearson, G. H. Boiler F i t t in g s .........................,, Chatter in Safety Valves .........................,, Lubrication of V a lv e s .....................................,, Tubular Extension Shafts for Valve

Operation ................................................Pearson, N. L., see Smith, W . S. ..............Peat, S., see Howarth, W . N ................... A172,Peck, S. M., see Schwartz, L ..............................Pef, N. T. Smoke A b a te m e n t .........................Pegg, H ., see Brough, Nicholson & Hall Ltd. Peirce, F. T. Cellulose: Structure Pelikh, N. D., and Others. New Chemical

Methods Against Warehouse Insects ... Pennenkamp, O. Rayon and Cotton W a rp :

Sizing ...........................................................Pensky, N., see Good, C. K .................................Pepler, A. J . W hat is a Stud Sheep ?Pepper, D . C., see Eley, D . D .............................Pepper, K. W ., see Cox, H . L ..............................Permutit Co. Ltd., and Holmes, E. L. Cation-

exchange Materials : Preparation andUse. B.P.559,941 .....................................

Perot, J . J . Jr., and Schultz, C. G. Fibre Photo-micrographs : Production byProjection ................................................

Perrin, M. Mothproofing with ^-Dichloro- benzene: Possible Danger

Pestemer, M. Organic Compounds : Ultra­violet Absorption Spectra and Consti­tution ............................................................

Peters, F., see Manegold, E ..................................Peters, F. T., see Du Pont de Nemours, E. I.

& Co..................................................................Peters, R . W . Cotton Plants: Breeding in

Queensland ................................................Peterson, M., see Owens, H . S .............................Petitpas, Genevieve, see Desmaroux, J ..................Petrea, A., see Holland, V. B .............................

p a g e












A 84 A/8



















Petrocelli, J . V. and Phillips, A. A luminium,Zinc and Zinc A lloy : Reactivity with

Electrolytes ... .....................................AS"'Pteinenberger, G. W . Shirley Analyser: Ap­

plication ................................................ A'254Pfister, R . J . and Kerley, D . J . Fuel Gas

Water Vapour: Determination .............. A355Phelps, Ethel L., Ward, Helen M., Houten,

Delphine van and Bailey, Barbara.W arp and Weft from C loth: Testing ... A349

Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot. SamplingPlan for Wool Textiles ......................... A532

Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot, Research and Development Division. U.S. ArmySocks: Shrink-resistance ......................... A468

Phillips, A., see Petrocelli, J . V . ......................... A35r.Phillips, H ., see Blackburn, S. ......................... A440

Phillips, R . W ., see Madsen, M. A ......................A377Phillis, E ., see Mason, T. G. .............. A30, A212Phillis, E . and Mason, T. G. Cotton Leaves:

Hydration ................................................ A30„ Cotton Leaf: Hydration and Potash Supply A212

Pickering, F . Rayon Crepe Fabrics: Finishing AllM Pickett, G. A. 'Driving Shaft: Stresses; Graphi­

cal Solution .................................. A314Pickford, R . W . Ishihara Colour Blindness

Test: Criticism .............. .............. A36SPickles, J . Carding Engine Eccentric Mech­

anism. B .P .564,035.............. ••• ... A509Pickles, R . & J . Composite Waterproof Fabric :

Production. B.P.561,906 ......................... A8S3

Piech, F . E ., see Bracken, W . O. ... • •• A433Pierce, John B. Foundation. Dehumidifying

Apparatus. U.S.P.2,336,456. .............. A395Pierron, P. Hypochlorite Solutions: Oxygen

Evolution ... .....................................A540,, Polar Molecules: Orientation; Demonstra­

tion ........................................................... A482’Pierrepont, D ., see Platt Bros. Ltd. ••• A143, A114 Pietropavlovsky, N . M. Chlorovinyl Resins:

Toxic Effects and Conditions of Use ... A5U Pilkington Bros. Ltd. and Joseph C. B. Plastic

Materials from Keratin - containingMaterials. B.P.556,721 ......................... A153

Pilling, T. Loom Weft Stop Motion. BwP.558,32L A96 PiUsbury, R . C. Nylon Y a rn : Single-end

Sizing ............................................................A409Pingert, F . P., see Allen, C . F. H . ... A341, A520

Pinnington, Dawson & Wood, Ltd. Alginates:Use for Water S o fte n in g ......................... A315

Pino, N. and Genovesi, B. Correlation between the Fat Content of the Milk and theWool in Ovis a r ie s .............. .............. A90

Pipes, L. A. Loaded Cords: Deflection; Ap­plication of Operational Calculus.............. A72

Pirie, H . L. Boiler Efficiency ......................... A437

Pirkmajer, V ., see Samec, M ..................................A443Pisareva, T. E., see Naumov, F. R ..................... A417Piskur, M. M. Fats, Oils and Soaps: Review

of Literature for 1943 ......................... A373Pitt, F . H. G. Trichromatic and Dichromatic

V ision: Theory .....................................A321Platner, W . S. Starch Indicator Solution: Pre­

paration ................................................ A491Platt Bros. & Co., Ltd., see Buckley, J . ... A235

,, see Consterdine, C ................................. ... A23o,, Leech, I. and Clegg, J . K. Carding

Engine Cylinder Stripping Door Safe­guarding Mechanism. B .P .559,009 ... A144

,, and Pierrepont, D . Combing MachineGuard. B.P.558,948 ......................... ... A143

,, and Pierrepont, D . Combing MachineGuards. B.P.558,978/9 ... ... A143

,, and Pierrepont, D. Combing Machine Re­volving Clearer. B.P.559,125 ... ... A144

Piatzek, P., see Hermans, P. H ............................. A2l

Platzmann, C . R . Cotton: Use in Concrete ... A392Plepp, G., see F ink, H ............................................. A92

Ploetz, T. Hemicelluloses : Removal fromWood; Action of Acids ......................... A lss

,, Linden W ood: Fractionation and EnzymicDegradation ................................................ AS1

Plummer, C. H., see Vose, R . W ...................... A234Pluswood Incorporated: Pluswood: Production

and Properties .....................................A20?Plymold Corporation. Plytr.be: Properties and

Uses ......................... ... ... ... A20«Pockar, J ., see Samec, M ........................................ A443

Podreshetnikov, E. Y ., Fedorova, N. E . and Burlakova, A. N. Mordant Dyes: Fixa­tion. Indigosols: Deve lopm ent.............. A467

Poesl, C. N., see Du Pont de Nemours, E. I.& Co.................................................................. AG 7

Pohle. E. M., see Wolf, H. W . ......................... A160,, and Hazel, L. N. Wool Yields from Four

Breeds of Sheep .................................... A426,, and Keller, H . R . Staple Length in Re­

lation to Wool Production .............. A 159,, and Keller, H . R . Shrinkage and Value

by Grades for 1943 Range Wools ... A427 ,, and Keller, H. R . Wool Off-sorts: Per­

centage, Shrinkage and Value .............. A529,, and Schott, R . G. Wool Fineness in Eight

Sampling Regions on Yearling Ram-bouillet E w e s ................................................A1j9

,, Wolf, H . W . and Terrill, C. E. Ram- boullet Fleeces: Clean Wool Yield

Variation ................................................A159Pointon, J . E ., see Baker Perkins L td ................. A25t>Pollack, M., Pringsheim, P., and Terwoord,

Dolores. Oxygen: Micro-determination A492 Pomfret. O . Jacquard Terry Towels: Production A9

,, Terry Fabrics : Weaving .............. A53, Al4«i,, Terry Towel C loth: C o s t in g ......................... A290,, Terry Towelling: Construction .............. A2:i8.,, Towel Fabric Warps: Preparation ... ... A237

Poncelet, A. Systems of Worsted Processing:English and Continental Methods Com­pared ........................................................... A143

"Pond Lily Co. Washable Water-repellent Tex­tiles: Production. U.S.P.2,323,387 ... A19

Ponomarenko, B . V. and Veliksel'skaya, A. A.(1), Khailov, I. M. and Kondratenko, E.A. (2). Aniline Black Dyeings: Produc­tion ........................................................... A243

Pope, O. A., Simpson, D . M. and Duncan, E .N. Cotton Plant: Natural Crossing;

Effect of Corn Barriers ......................... A402Popov, S. G. and Palazov, S. P. Fabric :

Determination of Air-permeability ... A530 Porai-Koshits, A. E ., Veller, E . A. and

Sokolova, N . V . Theory of Dyeing.X I I . Absorption by Wool of Acid Dyes with Different Numbers of Sulpho

Groups ........................................................... A521Porter, D ., see Lykken, L ........................................ A44SPorter, W . L. and Willits, C. O. Potato

Starch Moisture: Determination ... A441 Post, F. Co. Tracing C lo th : Production. U.S.P.

2,323,469 A19Powell, R . W . Oil Films: Influence on

Evaporation) of Water ......................... A8:>Powers, P. 0 ., see Adams, H . E ............................ A17SPownall, L., see British Nylon Spinners Ltd. A97 Powrie, A. and Speakman, J . B. Ju te : Mois­

ture R e la t io n s ........................ . .............. A22Prager, W . Isotropic Plastic Solids: Stress-

Strain Relations .....................................A22:>Pratt, H . L. Drawframe Rollers: Effect of

Setting on Spinning Breakages ... ... A330 Prehler, W . C. Insulated Fabric Tubing

Shaping Device. U .S.P .2,324,645 .............. A108Presley, J . T. and King, C. J . Cotton Rust

Fungus: Characteristics ......................... A2Pressley, R . B. Automatic Box Looms: Ad­

justment ................................................ A 52Pressman, D., see Campbell, D . H ..................... A325Prestige Ltd. W ool: Reducing Tendency to Felt

and Shrink. Australian P,117,933 ... A423 Preston. J . M. Wetting Agents and Detergents:

Volumetric D e term ina tion ......................... A294Preston, J . S. Photo-electric Photometers:

Properties, Use and Maintenance ... A398Prettyman, I. B., see Dillon, J . H ..................... A372Primosigh, J ., see Schramm, G ............................. A219Pringsheim, P ., see Pollack, M. ... .............. A492Prisley, F. A. Aralac Fibre: Properties and

Processing ............................................... A150Pritchard, W . Textiles: Use by Railways ... A94 Procter, F . G. S. Isinglass: Production ... A541 Proctor & Schwartz, Inc. Air-blast Lap Treat­

ment Apparatus. U.S.P.2,338,619 ... A160 ,, Automatic Feed for Woollen and Worsted

Cards ...........................................................A508,, see Reinhardt, J . W ......................................... A6

Pronin, M. E. Starch: Hydrolysis and Phos­phoric Acid Content ......................... A126

Proshkin, G. N., see Bensman, S. A .................. A243



Prntlon, A. .1., see Barton, C . J ............................ A542Puck, T. T., Robertson, 0 . H . and Lemon,

H. M. Propylene-glycol Vapour: Bac­tericidal Action .....................................A309

Puddington, I. E ., see Gallay, W .A40, A127, A165, A3H, A487, A488

Puls, H. O., see British Nylon Spinners Ltd. ... A97Punshon, T., see Borglin, J . N ............................. A164Purves, C. B., see Assaf, A. G .................. A252, A266Putnam, F. W ., see Neurath, H. .............. A440

,, and Neurath, H . Proteins and SyntheticDetergents: Complex F o rm a to n .............. A39

,, and Neurath, H. Proteins: Precipitationby Synthetic Detergents ......................... A482

QQadir, M. A. Silk Parachute Cloth: Manufac­

ture in Mysore ..................................... A9Quaedvlieg, M., see Brodersen, K . .............. A423Quarles, R. W . Ketonic Solvents lor Vinyl

Resins .............. ..................................... A127Quastel, J . H. Enzymes : Constitution and

Action ........................................................... A31Quehl, K. Washing-resistant Water-repellent

Finishes: Producton ......................... A29SQtiilitsch, F. J . Defective Knitted Fabrics: Des­

cription and C auses .................................... A512

RVan Raalte Co. Running Yarn Electrical Stop

Motion. U.S.P.2,330,212 ......................... A194Rabinov, G. and Heymann, E . Cellulose:

Electrokinetic Properties and SurfaceConductivity ..................................„ ... A269

Radford, G. S. Abrasive C loth: Manufacture.U.S.P.2,328,998 .................................... A148

Radio Corporation of America, see Clark,G. M. ... ... ... ... ... ... A457

Radley, J . A. Boron: D e tec tion .............. ... A214,, Ultra-violet Fluorescence Analysis Lamps A367

Ragno, M., see Rossi, G ......................................... A489Rainwater, C. F., see Bondy, F . F ................... A454Raisbeck, H . F., see Kershaw, F ............................ A235Raison, Madeleine and Marcal, M. Nitrocellu­

lose F ilm s: Plasticity ......................... A431Rajaraman, S. and Afzal, M. Pun jab-American

289F/43 Cotton: Variations in Quality A453 Ramiah, K . and Kaiwar, S. R . Punjab Hairy

Lintless Cotton Mutant ......................... A214Ramsdell, G. A. and Whittier, E. O. Milk

Casein: Composition ......................... A541Ramsdell, R . A. (1), De W itt Smith, H . (2)

and Bonnet, F. (3) & (4). Nylon, Acetate and Viscose Rayons andVinyon: Recent Developments .............. A282

Ransom, J . P. Nylon Yarns: Preparation forWeaving and Knitting ......................... A510

Rao, R . K. Yarn Count and Length Calcula­tions ........................................................... A205

Rath, H . and Meyer, W . Damaged F ibre:T e s t in g ........................................................ .. A472

Rath, G., see F ink, H . ..................................... A285Ratliffe, F. T., see Kress, O ................................. A75Rauch, K . H . Sunflower Stalk Pu lp : Produc­

tion ............................................... ... A231Ray, W . Cotton Seed: Disinfection .............. A139Ray, W . W ., see Chester, K . S. ... .............. A2Rayonier Inc. Wetting Agents: Application in

Viscose. U.S.P.2,331,935/0 .............. A233Razim, W . W ., see Geltner, D .................. ... A390Real Silk Hosiery Mills Inc. Flat Hosiery

Blanks: Knitting. U.S.P.2,330,6S1,2,330,683 ............................................. . A195

,, Fully-fashioned Stocking Heel Tabs:Knitting. U.S.P.2,324,256^......................... A12

Reavell, J . A. Infra-red Radiation: Use forEvaporation and Distillation .............. A262

Redfarn, C . A., see Dux Chemical Solutions Co.L td ..................................................................... A344

Redman, F . R . Cotton Fabrics: Shrink Finish­ing ........................................................... A522

,, Cloth Pre-shrinking Apparatus. U.S.P.2,325,544 / 5 ................................................Al08

Redmond, J . R . Fire-resistant Duck: Testing A72Reed, D. W ., see Sampson, J . B ......................A217Reed, G. N., see Barham, H . N ................. A132, A446Reed, H . E . Knitting Operatives: Training ••• A280Rees, M. W ., see Bailey, K ................................. A37Reeves, R . E . Cuprammonium Cellulose and

Glucoside Solutions: Optical Rotation A2C0 ,, Oxidised Cotton Fibre: Stabilization ... A149

Rehner, J . , Jr . Natural and Synthetic Rubber:Filler Reinforcement ..........................

„ see Flory, P. J ............................. A133, A171,

Reichart, J . S. Mechanical Pulps: Sodium Per­oxide Bleaching .....................................

Reichert, J . S., Campbell, D . J . and Mills, R. T. Peroxide Bleach Liquors; Action and Control of Metal Catalysts in— ...

,, see Du Pont de Nemours, E. I. & Co. ... Reiff, F. and Sohn, A. W . Cellulose "Pulp*:

Preparation from L ig n i te .........................Reinforced Plastics Ltd. Reinforced Laminates

and Plastics Heater Panels ..............Reinhardt, J . W . (For Proctor & Schwartz,

Inc.) Rayon Staple Drying, Lap-form­ing and Carding M achines.........................

Renfrew, A., and Flint, C. F. Acrylate and V inyl Chloride Resin Dispersions: Pre­paration, Propertes and U s e s ..............

Rennerfelt, E . Mechanical Wood Pu lp : Attackby Fungi ......................... ..............

Research Corporation. Mercuri-acetylide MildewAntiseptic. U.S.P.2,329,883/4 ..............

Resinous Products & Chemical Co., see Bruson,' H. A. ... ................................................

Resistoflex Corporation. “ Compar ” Poly­vinyl Alcohol Resfri: Characteristicsand Uses .............. ..........................

Retter, W ., see Muller, W .........................................Reumuth, H. W ool: Micro-structure ..............Rice, 0 . Sodium Hexametaphosphate: Use in

Water Treatment .....................................Richards, F. Wollstra and Staple Fibre-Cotton

Mixtures: Dyeing .....................................Richards, F. J . Cotton P lant: Metabolism • •• Richardson, T. N., see White, W . A. S. Richmond, H . Loom Shuttle Guard. B .P.

558,905Richmond, T. R . Cotton Plants: Competition

in Variety Tests .....................................,, Upland Cotton: Inheritance of Greenland

Brown Lint ................................................Richter, K. Cellulose Hydrate F ibre: De-swell­

ing with Formaldehyde ... ..............Ricker, J . B. Delinting Machine Suction Flue.

U.S.P.2),331,423 .....................................Rickert, K . Spun Rayon Fabrics: Dyeing ...Rideal, E. K ., see Gilbert, G. A .................. A474,Ridge, B . P., Little, A. H . and Wharton, J .

Jute lncrustants: Relation to Fibre andYarn Strength ... .........................

Riehle Testing Machine Division, American Machine and Metals, Inc. Webbing Breaking Load Testing Machine

Riere. J . Persulphates: Use in Bleaching andDesizing ................................................

Rjess, C ., see Volz, A .............................................Rlnoldi. Old Jute Bags: Utilisation ..............Riskin, I. Dyes: Po lym orph ism .........................Riviere, C., see Clement, L. .........................Roberts, A., see Robertson, A. C . C ..................Roberts, R . P., Johnson, E . B . and Taylor,

H . H . Water-sensitive Textile Mat­erials : Production. B.P.562,386 ..............

,, Johnson, E. B. and Taylor, H. H . Poly­vinyl Esters: Saponification. B.P.563,991

,, Johnson, E . B . and Taylor, H. H. Water- soluble Polyvinyl Ester Filaments: Pro­duction B .P .563,960 ..............

Roberts. W . J . Centrifugal Compressors ,, Driving Belts: Installation, Maintenance

and Inspection .............. .........................Robertson, A. C. C. (1), Roberts, A. (2). Spin­

ning M ill: Reorganisation.........................Robertson, O H . Air-borne Infection: Control

,, see Puck, T. T....................................................Robinette, H . Nitroparaffins and Derivatives:

Use in Textile Processing.........................Robins, C. see Fine Cotton Spinners’ &

Doublers’ Association .........................Robinson, E. J ., see Bengalia, A. E ..................Robinson, H . A., Ruggy, Ruth and Slantz,

Elizabeth. Polymerised Methyl Metha­crylate : Elasto-Viscous and Stress-optical Properties .....................................

Robinson, T. Cotton Mill Waste: Control ••• Robinson, W . H . Noble Comb: Criticism

,, Noble Combing: Fibre B re ak a g e ..............,, Wool Scouring Machinery: Future De­

velopments ................................................

p a g e


A 293






A4S 7

A 539

A 202

A 20

A3 87 A423 A 204







A* 89 A 296


A 517


A339 A347 A 28

A29*: A486 A143





A 14 3 A400 A369


A 7 AS7

A372 A 286 A508 A50




Robinson, W . H . Wash Bowl Minding ... ... A148„ Worsted Carding C y lin d e rs ......................... A7

Robson, A. C., see Lowe, A ................................. A305Rockoff, J . Synthetic Rubber Roller Cover.

B.P.563,374 A459Rogers, J ., see Meggy, A. B ............................... A 15Rogers, M. A. T., see Mendoza, M ......................A422Rogovin, Z. A., Kargin, V. A., and Smirnov,

V . Fibres: Effect of High Tempera­tures ............................................. — ... A70

Rohm & Haas Co. Alkali-soluble CarboxyethylCellulose E ther: Production. B .P .562,581 A422

,, Amine-Aldehyde-Amide Condensate: Ap­plication in Acid Dyeing. U.S.P.2,328,900 A157

,, Carbamylethyl Cellulose Ester: Production.U.S.P.2,338,681 ..................................... A538

,, Carboxyethyl Cellulose Ether: Preparation.U.S.P.2,332,048 ... ... .............. A276

,, Cellulosic Fabric Dimension-stabilizing and Dye Affinity-modifying Agent: Applica­tion. U.S.P.2,366,340/1 ......................... A388

,, Cellulosic Fabrics: Patterning with AcetateRayon Dyes. U.S.P.2,330,775 .............. A202

,, Cyanoethyl Cellulose Ether: Preparation.U.S.P.2,332,049 ... . ............. ... A276

,, Nitrogenous Cellulose Derivative Materials:Production. U.S.P.2,332,047 ... ... A250

,, Urea-formaldehyde Resin: Application in Stabilizing Knitted Fabric. U.S.P.

2,329,651 ................................................ A157,, Water-soluble Carboxyethyl Cellulose

Ether: Production. B.P.562,584 ... A422 Rohrig, I . A., Van Duzer, R . M. and Fellows,

C...H . Alloys: Resistance to High-Tem- perature Steam ... ... .............. A355

Romeo, G. Fibres: Determination in Mixtures A473 ,, Pe-Ce and Nylon Fibres: Characteristics A527

Roscoe, W . H ., see Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co.L td .......................................................................A527

Rose, H . W . Philadelphia Textile Institute:Research W ork ..................................... A280

Rose, W . G., see Swift, C. E ...............................A272

Rosevear, F. B., see Ferguson, R . H .................. A33Ross, I. C. The Wool Industry and the Post­

war World ................................................ A279Ross, J ., see Miles, G. D .........................................A165Ross, S., see Bolduan, O. E. A ............................. A129

,, see McBain, J . W ..................... ̂ ... ... A85,, and McBain, J . W . Foam-inhibiting

Agents: Activity .....................................A493Rossi, G. and Ragno, M. Sodium Oleate Solu­

tions: Viscosity .....................................A489Rossman, R . P . and Smith, W . R . Carbon

B lack: Density ..................................... A36Rothrock, H . S., see Du Pont de Nemours,

E . I. & Co.................................................... A301Routh, J . I., see Marron, T. U ..............................A543Rowan, W . S. and Luebke, B. H . American

Cotton Farmers: Financing ... ... A403 Rowatt, R . Fuel Characteristics and Boiler

Efficiency ................................................ A437Rowe, H. W . Iodine Fibre Stains: Activity ... A474 Rowlandson, W . E . Dyeing Machine. U.S.P.

2,332,346 ................................................ A250

Roxalin Flexible Finishes, Inc. Aircraft Fabric:Proofing in Position. U.S.P.2,330,998 ... A202

Royer, G. L., see Watkins, W . H ......................A198

Rozenbroek, M. D . (Vested in U.S. Alien Property Custodian.) Soluble Starch: Production. U.S.P.2,338,457 ... ... A538

Rubbaglas Ltd. and Betteridge, G. W . Woven Glass Fabric: Roughening and RubberCoating B .P .561,356 ..................................... A345

Rudolph, H . Solvent-resistant Fritted ResinFilters: ' P ro d u c t io n .....................................A363

Ruedy, R . Water Droplets; Scattering of Lightby— ............................................................A182

Ruff, H . R ., see British Thomson-Houston Co.Ltd. ................................................ A79, A80

Ruggy, Ruth, see Robinson, H . A. ... .. . . A372

Ruliffson, H . D ., see Tykken, L ............................. ^448

Rumpf, P . and Kwass, P. AlkylaminoethanolInvert Soaps: Preparation .............. A432

Rundle, R . E., see Baldwin, R . R . .............. A269,, and Daasch, L. W . Amylose-Glycerol

Plasticizer F ibre : X-Ray Fibre Diagram A157 ,, Daasch, L. and French, D . Starch Modi­

fication B : Structure ......................... A267


Rundle, iR. E., and Edwards, F . C. Butanol- precipitated Amylose and Starch-IodineComplex : Structure ......................... A173

,, and French, D . Amylose-Iodine Complex:X-Ray Diffraction ......................... ... A36

Runton, L. A. Rotary Table Silver FormingMachine. U.S.P.2,324,539 ... * .............. A8-

Rusoff, I . I., see Barnes, R . H ............................. A536Rutishauser, G. (Vested in U.S. Alien Property

Custodian.) Curly Cellulose Acetate Threads: Production. U.S.P.2,326,174 ... A92

Rutovskii, B. N. and Levin, A. N. Impreg­nated Fabrics (Textolite): Drying ... A196

Rutstein, L. Determination of Oil in Yarn. ... A72 Ryan, A., see loco Rubber & Waterproofing

Co., L td ............................................................A526Ryan, A. J . Blanket Manufacture: Raising

P ro c e s s ........................................................... A60

Rybakova, V. M., see Korolev, V. .............. A237

Ryde, A. M. The Dyestuff and Chemical In ­dustry of G e rm a n y .....................................A244

Ryjkoff, V . L. and Ovcharova, Mme. T. P.Cotton Virus Disease: E f fe c ts .............. A501

Rynkiewicz, L. M., see Clash, R . F., Jr . ... A362

Rysselberghe, P . Van. Laurylsulphonic Acid:Migration Data; In te rpre ta tion .............. A319


Sabine, H. J . and Wilson, R . A. FactoryNoise: Reduction .....................................A280

Saco-Lowell Shops. Bobbin and Spindle. U.S.P.2,331,611 ................................................A190

,, Draw-frame Roller Clearer. U.S.P.2,328,324 A144,, Narrow R ing Frame. B.P.563,079 .............. A409,, R ing Frame Builder Motion. B.P.563,898 A459 ,, Roving Frame Drafting Mechanism. U.S.P.

2,323,882 ................................................ A8

„ Roller Drafting Head. U.S.P.2,329,655 ... A144 ,, Spindle Mounting. B .P .558,526 ... ... A93 ,, Spinning Frame Driving Tape Tensioning

Pulley Guard. U.S.P.2,329,159 .............. A144Sadgopal, Soaps: Wetting A c t io n ......................... A533Sadov, F. I . Chitosan: Preparation and Use as

Fabric Dressing .....................................A418,, Cotton Fabrics: Weather-proofing ... A420,, Dyed Canvas: Resistance to Atmospheric

Conditions ................................................A520,, and Gruzdeva, E . D. Dyed Cotton

Fabrics: Deterioration by Light ... A350 ,, and Kremdlina, N . Substantive Dyed

Cotton Fabric: Effect of Light andWeather on Strength ......................... A476

Sair, L. and Fetzer, W . R . Corn Starch andModified Starches: Water Sorption ... A370

,, and Fetzer, W . R . Starches: WaterSorption ................................................ A361

Sakmann, B. W ., Burwell, J . T., Jr. and Irvine, J . W ., Jr. Bearings: Measure­ment of Adhesion Component in

Friction ................................................ A480Salo, T. P. Keratins: Comparative Chemical

Study ...........................................................A483Salquain, J . Percarbonates: Use in the Textile

Industry ................................................A414,, Textile Fibres: Damage by L ig h t .............. A528

Salvin, S. B. Paint Moulds: Effect of ZincOxide ... ••• ••• ......................... A369

Samec, M. Amyloses: Colloid Chemistry ... A83 ,, and Dermelj, M. Starch Substances :

Acid Hydrolysis .................................... A541„ Pirkmajer, V ., PoCkar, J ., Semec, T., and

Zagar, L. Potato Starch: Composition A443 Sampson, J . B., Morgan, F., Reed, D . W ., and

Muskat, M. Clean Metal Surfaces :Stick-Slip Motion ......................... ... A217

Samsonova, O. A . Ferrous Sulphate: Use inWaterproofing .....................................A523

,, Rot-proofed Fabrics: Free Copper Com­pound Contents ... ............ . ••• A299

,, and Panova, N. N . L inen: Scouring ... A196Sanborn, J . B., see La Lande, W . A .................. A274Sandoz Ltd. Halogenated Anthraquinone Dyes:

Production. B .P .560,164 .............. ... A248,, Monoazo Wool Dyes : Production. B.P.

561,622 ...........................................................A345,, Vat Dye Leuco-ester Salts: Printing. B .P.

557,478 ........................................................... A66Sandstedt, R . M., see Kneen, E ............................. A3]Sane, C. V . Cotton Plant Puller: Application A378



Sang, H ., and Field, P. M. High - strengthPlastics: Physical Properties • •• ••• A75

Sansone, R . Finishing Agents: Application ... A419 Sarg, R . (to Elchemie G .m .b .H .). Animal

Fibres : Bleaching with Hydrogen Per­oxide. D.R.P.727,153 ......................... A251

Sartakoff, J . D. (to No-Mercury Felt Corp.).Dry Carrotting Fur on the Pelt. U.S.P.

2,321,775 ................................................ A250Sarten, P., see Schiitz, F ........................................ A449

Satre, M., see Jayme, G. ... ......................... A443

Sauer, H . F . G. Mirid Bug: C o n tr o l .............. A505Saunders, S. G. Drainage of Steam Mains ... A479 Saunderson, J . L., and Milner, B. I . Omega

Colour S p a c e .................................... • •• A3G8Saxena, K. S. Yarn: Selection for Weaving A204 Sayles Finishing Plants Inc. Shrunk-finished

Cotton Cloth : Production. U .S.P.2,327,712 ................................................A110

Scarborough, J . P., see Jolley, D . A . .............. A190Schachowskoy, T., see Elod, E. ... ... A417Schafer, H., and Sieverts, A. Boric Acid :

Volumetric Determination .............. A123Schaible, P. J ., see Bandemer, S. L . .............. A447Schaphorst, W . F . Power Plant Notes ... A435

,, Repair of M a c h in e ry .....................................A35GScheele, W . Ariiline-Formaldehyde Resin Solu­

tions: Viscosity .................................... A128Scheibe, G. Isocyanine Dyes : Absorption

S p e c tr a ...........................................................A175Scherer, P. C., and Sternberg, E. 0 . < Cellulose

Ester Plasticizers: Solubility in LiquittAmmonia ................................................A342

Schieber, W . Cellulose Pulps : Sources andPreparation ................................................A334

Schiebold, E ., see von Ardenne, M. ' .............. A223,, See Franz, E ...................................................... A370

Schildhauer, A. F . Rubber-substitute CoatedFabrics: Production and Uses .............. A104

Schlagenhauf, H . A., see Sears, G. R .................. A20G

Schmid, G., and Beuttenmiiller, E . Poly­styrene: Effect of Ultrasonic Waves A224

Schmid, W ., see Theilacker, W ............................. A29Schmidt, E . A. and R . Cereals : Moisture

Content Determination; Use of ControlSalts ...........................................................A124

Schmidt, H. J ., see Eckert, P . ... .............. A47Schmidt, W . Clothing : Hot Air Disinfection A3S>3Schmitt, F. O., see Jakus, M. A. .............. A253Schmutzler, A. F., and Othmer, D . F. Soy­

bean Protein Dispersions: Preparationand Use in Printing I n k s ......................... A102

Schnegg, R . (Vested in U.S. Alien Property Custodian). Cellulose Acetate Materials:

Dyeing. U.S.P.2,328,082 ......................... A150Schnieder, G., see Dreyfus, H ............................... AGSchnieter, R ., see Caminita, B. H ...................... A225Schnoll, N. Electrolytic Conductance Measure­

ment Apparatus: Industrial Applications A17G Schnurmann, R . Lubricating Oil Addition

Agents ...........................................................A534Schoberl, A. W ool: Ammonia Treatment ... A182

,, Wool: Structure and Reactivity .............. A543,, and Krumey, F. Casein: Acetylation with

Ketene ........................................................... A38,, and Wolff, H. Para-casein: Preparation

from Rennet Casein..................................... A38Schoch, T. J . , and Williams, C. B. Corn

Starch Linear Component: Fatty AcidAdsorption ................................................A510

Schofield, H . (1). Bolland, J . (2). Wool andSynthetic Fibres .................................... A328

Schopmeyer, H. H ., Felton, G. E., and Ford,C. L. Waxy Com-starch : Propertiesand Uses ................................................ A93

Schott, R . G., see Pohle, E. M ............................. A159Schramek, W ., and Schwarz, H . Xanthated

Soda-pulp Fibres: Swelling and Solution A331 Schramm, G., and Primosigh, J . Amino Acids:

Chromatographic Separation .............. A219Schjroter, G. A. Alkali-cellulose: Ripening;

Effect of Metal Carbonyls .............. A506,, Sulphite Waste Liquor : Ultrachromato-

graphic Adsorption .................................... A449Schuessler, C . F . Knitted Glove. B.P.5Gl,449... A338Schultz, C. G., see Perot, J . J . Jr . .............. A llOSchulz. G. V. Nitrocellulose: S w e llin g .............. A40

,, and Sing, G. Polymer Solutions :Viscosity ................................................A223


Schulze, B. Paper Products and Timber :Testing Rot Resistance .............. • •• A113

,, and Sommer, H . W ool: Testing Resist­ance to Bacteria .....................................A254

Schulze, I I . A., see Hess, K ................................. A364Schumacher, H. Spun Rayon Goods: Dyeing

with Substantive Dyes ......................... A4It>Schiirman, M. 0 ., see Bestian, H. .............. AUOSchiissler, H . (to I . G. Farbenindustrie A.-G.).

Water-soluble Moth Repellent. D .R .P .722,122 . ... ... ... A157

Schiitz, F . W ood : Hydrolysis in Acetic AcidSolution .............. ■ - • ... ... A82

,, and Sarten, P. Wood : Reaction withDiazo Compounds .............. .............. A449

Schwartz, A . M. Dyes and Finishing Agents:Substantivity ................................................ A385

Schwartz, E., see Eisenhut, 0 ................................. A272Schwartz, E. R ., see W inn, Lelia J .................. A351Schwartz, H., see Schramek, W ............................. A334Schwartz, L. Chlorinated Naphthalene W axes:

Skin H a z a r d ................................................ A43,, and Botvinick, I . Glass Wool and Thread:

Manufacture; Skin Hazards .............. A184,, Peck, S. M., and Dunn, J . E . Synthetic

Resin Glues: Skin Hazards .............. A135Schwartz, R . T., and Dugger, E . Plastics

Bearing Materials: Bearing Strength ... A393,, Plastic Materials: Shear S tre n g th .............. A327

Schwartz, S. May Hosiery Mills Yarn SupplyConveyors ..................................... <... A79

Schwarz, E. R . Fibres: Creep Phenomena ... A l l l Schweisheimer, W . Colour - blind Textile

Workers : E m p lo y m e n t ......................... A451Schweiter, W ., see Maschinenfabrik Schweiter

A.-G.....................................................................A212Schwerdtner, H ., see Kling, W . ... ... ... A50G Schwertassek, K . Fabrics : Examination of

Surface Structure .....................................A l l l,, Humidity Control Devices ......................... A27

Scott, G. E . Wool : Post-war Marketing ... A278 Scott, J . R . Rubber: Ageing; Influence of

Exposure to L i g h t ..................................... A24Scott, W ., and Foster, W . Trade Waste

Waters: Treatment at Traders' Premises A394 Scott, W . D . Plastics Raw Materials ̂ -Poten­

tial Supplies ................................................A496Scott and Williams, Inc. Elastic Knitted Fabric.

U .S.P 2 325 078 .... ... ... ... A97 ,, Knitting Machine Sinkers. U.S.P.2,333,667 A293

Scroggie, A. G. “ Grex " Y am Counts Sys­tem ........................................................... A308

,, “ Grex ” Yarn Count System: Advantages A3S9 ,, Grex Universal Count System: Application A255,, See Mauersberger, H . R .............................. A204

Seal, H . & Co. Ltd., and Webster, J . Double­pick Loom. B.P.560,330 ... .............. A291

Seaman, W , Norton, A. R ., Woods, J . T., and Hugonet, J . J . Leuco Crystal Violet: Spectrophotometric Determination ••• A448

Searle, N . E., see Goddin, A. H ............................. A156Sears, G. R ., Schlagenhauf, H . A., Givens, J .

C., and Yett, F. R . Paper and Sheet Materials: Water Vapour PermeabilityDeterminations; Comparison .............. A206

Sedalana Soc., Anon., see Balsach, J .................. A147Seddon, G. K., and Blakeley, H . Cloth

Tentering and Cropping Range. B .P .561,104 A344

Sederholm, P., see Benedicks, C . .............. A133Seibert, C. A., and Sylvester, C. A. Dyed

Cotton: Light Fastness; Effect of pH A520Selim, A., see Whewell, C. S .............................. A328Senti, F. R ., Eddy, C. R ., and Nutting, G. C.

Globular Proteins: Conversion to Orien­tated Fibrous Proteins .............. ... A17S

Serebryakov, A. M. Ntimber of Sulphonic Acid Groups in Dye: Effect on Colour Fastness of Wool and on Dye Absorp­tion .............. ,.....................................A152

Sernec, T., see Samec, M .........................................A443Sethi, B . L., and Ansari, M. A. A. Improved

Indian Cottons: Cultivation in UnitedProvinces, India .....................................A378

Setkina, V . N., see Kursanov, D . N .................. A468Sewell, E. Pigments Applied to Textiles ... A103

,, Pigments : Application to Textiles A151, A198 Seyfried, H . Benzole: Danger to Health A87Seymour, H. Sodium Metaphosphate: Use in

the Textile Industry ......................... A211



Seymour, R . C., see Buist, J . M .............................A l l 4Shaefer, W . E ., and Dreshfield, A. C. W ax :

Determination in Paper Sizing Pro­ducts ... ... ........................ . ... A442

Shapiro, L. Fabric Weight DeterminationDies and Templates: Application ••• A73

Sharma, O. Direct Dyeings: After-treatment A14 Sharphouse, J . H ., Hawtin, P . R ., Downing,

J . , and Groombridge, W . H . (British Celanese L td .). Cellulose Ethers: Treat­ment to Improve Clarity. B .P .556,(164 A17

Sharrock, R . D . & Sons. Hcald and ReedCalculation Table ... .............. ... A53

Shaw, A . P. Self-adhesive Surgical Bandage:Production. B .P .557,323 ......................... AGS

Shaw, J . , see Naylor, F ......................................... A63Shcherbachev, K. D . Dyes: A n a ly s is .............. A100Shearman, A. C ., see Kolsky, H . .............. A24Shedlovsk}*, L., see Miles, G. D . .............. A319

Shen, S., see Lawrence, A. S. C. .............. A216Shepherd, R . G. Textile Machinery: Lubri­

cation ............................................................A16SSheppard, S. E ., and Newsome, P. T. Cellulose

Ester, Gelatin and Polyvinyl DerivativeDiscs: Electrical Anisotropy .............. A537

Sherrard, E. C., and Harris, E. E. (assigned to United States Department of Agri­culture). Lignocellulose: Pulping and Hydrogenating. U.S.P.2,328,749 ... A1S3

Shiel, P. Fabric Embellishing, Conditioningand Processing Machine. B.P.562,937... A4'1'A

Shiraeff, D . A. Mercury : Determination inMildew-proofed Textiles ......................... A524

Shires, L. B . Single Fibre Strength Tester ... A l l l,, see Botkin, C. W . .................................... A528

Shreve, R . N., Carter, R . P., and Willis, J . M.Aminoguanidine Azo Dyes: Production A415

Shuman, A. C. Gas Permeability MeasuringApparatus ................................................ A257

Sibbitt, L. D ., see Harris, R . H .............................A489Siddle, F . J ., see Myles, J . R ..............................A249Siebourg, H . Cellulose Hydrate Fibres: Struc­

ture ................................................ ‘ ... A 423Siegbahn, K., see Ingelman, B ..............................A480Sieminski, M. A. Fibre Strength Units: Inter-

conversion .............. .......................... A70S'ieverto, A., see Schafer, H . ......................... A123Siggia, S., see Goldfinger, G. ......................... A124Sigler, P. A ., Martens, R . I., and Koerner,

E . A. Floor Coverings: Effects of Tem­perature and Hum idity on Dimensions A167

Signer, R ., and v. Tavel, P. Cellulose Primary-valence Gels: F o rm a t io n ......................... A318

Sigvardt, C. M., see Heuser, E ..............................A232Silberstein, L . Scattered Sunlight: Emission

and Reception ......................... A34Sillars, I. M., and Silver, R . S. Dissolved

Oxygen in W ater: Determination ... A491Silver, R . S., see Sillars, I . M ............................. A491Silverman, S. Carbon Disulphide Vapour :

Photometric Determination .............. A80,, see Ballou, J . W . ... ......................... A529

Simha, R . H igh Polymers : Elasticity andFlow ............................................................A327

,, and Branson, H . Co-polymerides: ChainReactions ................................................ A494

Simmonds, G. H ., see Vincent, R . S .................. A33Simmons, N. T., see Evans, D . P . .............. A214Simmons, V. L., see Hardy, J . I .......................... A159Simon, F . T.. and Stearns, E . I. (1), Nicker­

son, Dorothy (2). Dyehouse ColourMatching P ro b le m s .....................................A41G

Simon, G., see Deuschle, G. ......................... A99S'imonet, A . Bronze-like Indigo Dyeings :

Production ................................................ A41GSimonov, N. S. W ild Silk Cocoon: Processing A453 Simons, H. P., Koffolt, J . H ., and Withrow,

J . R . R ayon : Drying ......................... A99Simpson, D . M., see Pope, O. A ............................. A402

,, and Duncan, E. N. Cotton Fields: RowWidths and Y ie ld s .....................................A498

Simpson, W . J . , see British Celanese Ltd. ••• A345Sing, G., see Schulz, G . V . ......................... A223Singh, G., see Nanda, P. N ...................... ,... A377Skau, E . L., see Wakeham, H . R . R .................. A l l lSkinner, J . J . Ammonium Nitrate : Use as

Cotton Fertilizer .....................................A402,, see Futral, J . G ................................................... A499

Sklut, Lucille, and Hazard, Barbara. RayonFabrics: Finishing; Softness Test ... A418


Slack, H ., see Slack & Parr Ltd. .............. A411Slack & Parr Ltd., and Slack, H . Constant

Tension W inding Machine. B.P.562,622 A41I

Slantz, Elizabeth, see Robinson, H . A. ....... A372

Slater, W . H . British Cotton Industry: Re­construction ................................................A 134

,, Cotton, Y am and Cloth: Controlled Prices,April, 1944 ............................................... A 277

Slay ter, G. Glass Fibre for Plastics Reinforce­ment: Forms, Properties and Handling... A3S6

Slotter, R . L., and Langford, C. T. WheatStarch: Production ....................................A443

Slowinske, G. A. Water-resistant Fabrics:Testing ...........................................................A430

Smirenski!, A. P., see Golosov, V. V ...................A4G6Smimov, V ., see Rogovin, Z. A ............................. A70Smirnov, V . P., see Strukov, I . T. .............. A46t»Smith, C. E., see Cobbett, N. G ................. ... A13SSmith, E. C ., see Botkin, C. W .............................A529Smith, E. E ., see Smith H. N .................................A240Smith, F . B ., see Ballmann, D . K. .............. A3Smith', F . E ., see Moore, E. W ............................. A120Smith, H . De W itt, see Ramsdell, R . A ................. A2S2

Smith, H . N ., and Smith, E. E . KnittingMachine. B .P .560,192 .........................A240

Smith, H. P. Cotton Crop: Reduction of Labourand Power Requirements ......................... A4-P8

,, and Byrom, M. H . Cotton Seed: Disinfec­tion ... ... ... ... ... ... A139

,, and Byrom, M. H. Cotton Plant: Effects of Ploughing and Seed Treatment on

Sand ......................... .........................A4GJ),, Byrom, M. H ., and Morris, H . F. Cotton

Seeds: Germination; Effects of Soil Dis­turbance and Fertilizer Placement ... A 454

Smith, L. T., see Meiss, P. E ...............................A274,, and Treadway, R. H. Starch: Acetylation.....A443

Smith. M. Operatives: Psychology and Manage­ment ........................................................... A227

Smith, S. V en tila tion ................................................A394,, Worsted Spinning Frame Stop Motions ... A7

Smith, S. L . Plastics: Mechanical Properties... A75,, Plastics: Properties and U se s ......................... A208

Smith, T. W indows: Area C a lcu lations.............. A394

Smithy T. R . Sulphur-dyed Materials'.AcceleratedAgeing T e s t s ................................................ A72

Smith, W . B ., see Haddock, N . H . ... ... A106Smith, W . R ., see Rossman, R . P. .............. A3G

Smith, W . S.. Martin, W . J . , and Pearson,N. L. Seed Cottons: Characteristics and

G in n in g ...........................................................A 502Snell, E . E „ see McMahan, J . R ............................ A 220Snell, F. D . Improvements in Detergent Com­

positions and Methods of Production.B P .561,294 ................................................A 312

„ Synthetic Detergents .....................................A414Snow, E . A., see Moore, E. W ...............................A 120Snyder, F. D . Wool Baling M a c h in e .............. A335Society of Chemical Industry in Basle. Azo

Dyes: Production. B.P.500,451 ... ... A30±,, Azo Dyes: Production. B.P.560,842 ... A302 ,, Dyed Cellulose Fibres: Protective Treatment

against Chlorination. B.P.560,284 ... A249 ,, Sulphonated Monoazo Dyes : Production.

' B .P .560,452 ................................................A301,, Tetrakisazo Dyes: Production. B.P.564,258 A525,, Tetrakisazo Dyes: Production. B.P.564,024 A524,, Trisazo Dyes: Production. B.P.559,680 ... A20.1

Socony-Vacuum O il Co., Inc. White Mineral W ax : Protection Against Light. U.S.P.

2,331,469 A224Soet, J . S., sec Markuson, K. E .............................A225Sohn, A. W ., see Reiff, F ........................................A404

Cellulose: Preparation from Wood, Plantsand Lignites ................................................A281

Sokolova, N . K ., see Voznesenskii, N . M. ... A244Sokolova, N . V ., see Porai-Kosbits, A . E. ... A521Sokol’skaya, A. V ., see Dem’yanovskaya, N. S. A21USolberg, H . L ., see Hawkins, G. A .....................A355Sollner, K ., see Carr, C. W . ... ... A179Somnler, H ., see Mendrzyk, H ............................. A57

,, see Schulze, B ...................................................... A254Sonneborn, L., Sons Inc. Rayon Warps: Sizing A52Sontakay, K. R ., see Dutt, G. R ............................ A2Sookne, A. M., see Hock, C. W . ..........................A429South Metropolitan Gas Co., Stanier, H ., and

Fuidge, G. H. Coal and Tar Oil Water­proofing and Binding Dispersion : Pro­duction. B .P .559,003 ......................... A155



South worth, R . C., see Hemphill Co. ... ... A411 Sowa, F. J . (Gallowhur & Co.). “ Puratized”

Mildew-proofing Agents: Application ... A105 Sowerby, J . McG. Photo-electric Photometer ... A270

Spain, W . E. f l) , Galloway, H . P. (2). TextileForemen and Operatives: Training ... A1S4

Speak man, J . B., see Powrie, A ............................ A22Water Adsorption Isotherm of W oo l:

A n a ly s is .............. ... .............. ... A 134,, Barr, T., and Imperial Chemical Industries

Ltd. Wool Mixture Materials: Treatment to Reduce Shrinkage. B-P.559,787 ... A24G

Spear, R . E. Cloth Defects: Points System forG r a d in g .......................................................... A73

Nylon Fabric Weaving Defects: Causes andCorrection .............. ......................... A431

Specht, W. Staple Fibre: Spontaneous Inflam­mability .......................................................... A517

Speich, H. Potato Starch Grains: Optical Pro­perties .......................................................... A446

Spencer, Ij). E. Colour Harmony. ./EstheticM easure ............. ... ... ... ... A180

,, Colour Harmony: Generalized Theory ... A1.81,, see Moon, P ................... A270, A275, A359, A371

Spiegel, H. H-, see Wollner, H. J ............................ A475

Spindel-Motoren u. Maschinenfabrik A. G.vormals Weber & Co., see Triggs, W . W . A408

Spivey, E., see Milner, G ..........................................A125

Sreenivasan, A. Black Cotton So il: NitrogenousManuring ............................................... A90

Staff of the Institute of Paper ChemistryAmthor Universal Tensile Strength Tester A478

Stanier, R. Y . Cellulose-decomposing Bacteria:Action ...........................................................A490

Stahlecker, W . (Vested in U.S. Alien Property Custodian). Top Drafting Roller GuidingDevice. U.S.P.2,320,979 ......................... A93

Stair, R ., see Coblentz, W . W ................................ A 34

Stammback, W ., see Martin, H ...............................A346Standard Oil Co. Lubricating Oil. U.S.P.

2,323,670 ................................................ A2SStanier, H., see South Metropolitan Gas Co. ... A155 Stanley Chemical Co. Haydenite Resins: Use

in the Production of R a in coa ts .............. A387Stanton, M. Duffel Coats, etc., for Wear under

Arctic Conditions. B.P.556,306 .............. A62Starke, W . W ., see Heinz, W . B ............................ A481Start, H. W . and E., see Blackburn, G., & Sons

L td ..................................... ... A96, A192, A292Staubly, J . L., and Lloyd, A. C. Dry Cleaning

as a Means of Delousing Garments ... A77Staunch, H ., see Marshall, A ...................... ... A323Staudinger, H. Colloidal Molecules: Viscosity A488

,, Organic Compound Solutions: Viscosity andMoledilar S tru c tu re ....................................A223

,, and Husemann, E. Wood Nitrocelluloses:Viscosity ................................................A 41

,, and Jorder, H. Polyamide Fibres : ChainLength ...........................................................A110

Stock, H ., and Dacmisch, K. F. Ethylcellu-lose Filaments: Spinning ......................... A188

Staudinger, Hermann, and Staudinger, Hans-jiirgen. Rubber Derivatives: Viscosity ... A320

Stauff, J . Soaps: Transitions between Homo­geneous and Heterogeneous System^ ... A365

Steadman, L. T., see Brauer, R . W ..................... A414Steam, J . T., and Cooper, A. S., J r . Coated

Fabrics: Water Vapour Permeability ... A350Stearns, E. I., see Park, H ....................................... A275

,, see Simon, F. T. .................................... A416„ Camouflage Textiles: Infra-red Reflectance A297 ,, Spectrophotometer: Application to Dyeing

Problems ............................................... A 198and NoecheJ, F. Wool Blends: Spectro-photometric Prediction of C o lo u r .............. A538

Steel Heddle Manufacturing Co. Self-threadingShuttle. U.S. P.2,336,937 ......................... A384

Steele, C. W ., see Beattie, J ....................................... A451Stfcigmann, A. Gelatins: Aldehyde Content ... A126

,, Gelatin and Glues: D ifferentiation.............. A319Phenols: Colour Reactions ......................... A124

Stein, W. H., see Moore, S....................................... A22,, Moore, S., and Bergmann, M. Silk F ibro in:

Partial Hydrolysis .................................... A542Stein, Hall & Co. Viscosity-controlled Starch

Conversion Apparatus. U.S.P.2,325,573... A134 Steinle. J . V. Water-repellent Finishes: Use of

Wax Emulsions...............................................A300Stenlid, G., see Myiback, K ....................................... A540

Stephen, W . E., see Knight, A. H . . . A18, A67, Stephens, S. G. New World Cottons: Amphi-

diploid O r i g i n ...............................................,, Triple Species Cotton Hybrid: Meiosis,, West Indian Cotton: H is to ry .........................

Stepp, J . M., and White, H. A. South CarolinaGinning Services: Q u a lity .........................

Sterling, F. W . Hand-loom Designs: Productionon Power Looms .........................

Stem, H. J ., see Jones, C. S. .........................Sternberg, E. O., see Scherer, P. C. ..............Steurer, E. High-molecular Substances: Vibra­

tory G r in d in g ...............................................Stevens, G. W . W . Microphotography Appara­

tus : Application .................................... -Stevens, W . H . Chlorinated Phenols: Use as

Preservatives and Disinfectants ..............Stevens, W . R. Lighting Installations: Thermal

Problems...........................................................,, Low Pressure Fluorescent Lamps: Appli­

cations ...........................................................Stewart, Alice, and Witts. L. J . Carbon Tetra­

chloride: Toxic Sym ptom s.........................Stewart, W. L. Tick-bome Diseases of Sheep:

Occurrence and Control .........................Stierwaldt, K . Indanthrene Dyes: Application...Stiles, W. S., see Wright, W . D ..............................Stille, B. Aspergillus G laucus: Effect of Atmo-

pheric Humidity ....................................Stiller, E. T., see Gyorgy, P .......................................Stillings, R. A., and Van Nostrand, R . J . Cellu­

lose : Effect of Ultra-violet Light ... Stillman, R . C., see Ferguson, R. H.Stimson, D. P. Air Conditioning Plant: SelectionStock, H ., see Staudinger, H ................................Stockly, J . J . Viscose Solution: Mixed Molecular

Chain State ................................................Stockmaver, W . H. Cross-linked Polymers:

Molecular Size Distribution and Gel Point Stoddard, W . B., Jr. Iron Plating Solution:

Composition and Application ..............Stodz, R . R ., and Markle, L. E. Motor Mainten­

ance ......................... ..............Stonehill, H. I. Oxidation-Reduction Potentials:

Significance and Applications ... ...,, see Gill, R . ...............................................

Storch, M. H . (assignor to Darr, H. E .). Orna­mental Plastic Coated Fabric. U.S.P.2,335,222 ................................................

Storks, K. H. Large Molecules: Electron Diffrac­tion ...........................................................

Storlazzi, E . D., see Elkins, H . P ......................Stori* H ., see Harrison, T. S. .........................Stoves, J . L. Animal Fibres: Identification in

Medico-legal Cases ..............,, Keratin Fibres: Reactivity of the Cystine

Linkage. IV . Action of Formaldehyde... ,, Keratin Fibres: Reactivity of the Cystine

Linkage. V. Action of Benzoquinone ... ,, Keratin Fibres: Reaction with Benzoquinone ,, Keratin Fibres: Reaction with Formaldehyde,, Mammalian Hair: Morphology ..............,, Reaction of Formaldehyde with Keratin ...

Strafford, N., and Wyatt, P. F. Aluminium and Iro n : Determination of SmallAmounts in Water ....................................

te Strake, L. (Vested in the U.S. Alien Pro­perty Custodian). Tubular Knitted Fabric: Finishing to Simulate WovenFabric. U.S.P.2,338,386 .........................

Straussberger, H. J . Knitting Machine Welt Hook. B .P .558,132 ...

Stringfellow, W . A., see Neale, S. M ..................Strode, M. Cemented Pile Fabric Yarn or

Fibre Supplying Mechanism. B .P .562,086 Strong, J . H. “ Bracewell M Automatic Weft-

replenishing Device Strukov, J . T., and Smirnov, V. P. Direct Dye­

ings : Improving Fastness to Washing Stuart, N. W ., and Brimhall, B. Lily Bulb

Starch: Extraction and Properties Stubbings, G. W . Earthing Electrical Plant ...

,, Electric Welding -Plant ••• ..............,, Energy Cost for A.C. Motors ..............,, High-speed Electric Drives .........................,, Overload Trips for Electric M o to rs ..............

Stuckwisch, C G. Azo Lead Dyes: Production... Sttihmer, G. Textile Materials: Water-, Fire- and

Rot-proo!:ng ...............................................Stull, A., see Kao, J . Y ............................................


A 106

A130 A130 A230


A512 A 333 A342

A 327



















A4:3 A71 A70

A 281 A538







A215 A 435 A434 A43ft A438 A435 A102




Stuttard, F., and Whittaker, J . O. Loom ShuttleGuard. B.P.561,751 ... _ .............. - A338

Stntz, G. F. A. Luminescent Pigments: Charac­teristics ...........................................................A24 3

Sullivan, M. X ., see Hess, W . C ................. A178, A328Sulzberger, P. H . W ood : Effect of Heat on

S tre n g th ...........................................................A354Sumner, A . Weavers and Overlookers: Train­

ing ...........................................................A451Surovtsev, S. P., see Myl’nikov, B. N .................. A101Surratt, Andrea J ., see Fletcher, Hazel M. ... A390

Sussmuth, J . J . Rayon W arp: Sizing, Tensionsand Stretch ... ... ... ... ... A511

Sylvester, C. A., see Seibert, C. A ............................ A 520Sutcliffe, J . A. Loom Cloth Roller Grip. B .P.

561,247 A33SSutton, W . G. L. Turbulent Medium; Equation

of Diffusion in — .................................... A35Svedberg, T., see Gralen, N. ... .............. A40

,, see Jullander, I ................................................... A273Sverdlin, M. S., and Maiorova, A. V. Cellulose:

Acetylation ............................................... A lSwatck, E ., see Eckert, P ........................................ A384Sweetten, jR. B., Famworth, A. J ., and Lang, W .

R . Carbonised Loose W oo l: Neutralisa­tion ... ... ... ... ... ... A59

Swift, C. E ., Rose, W . G., and Jamieson, G. S.Methyl Linoleate: Chromatographic Puri­fication ...........................................................A272

Swift, S. R ., see McLean, A ..................................... A232Swift Manufacturing Co. Electric Stop Motion

for Loom. U.S.P.2,328,981 .........................A147Synge, R . L. M., see Gordon, A. H . ... ... A177

Takei, M., and Erbring, H. Cellulose Acetate:Precipitation ............................................... A4S0

Tallassee Mills Inc. Tape Frame: AutomaticControl ... ... ... ... ... ... A511

Talliss, H. C. H ., see British Nylon Spinners Ltd. A421 Talvitie, N. A. Fluoride: Colorimetric Deter­

mination ...........................................................A123Tanide Products Inc. Leather Substitute: Pro­

duction. U .S.P.2,327,540 A109Tankard, J ., see Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co.

Ltd. ... ............................................... A 64Tanner, L., see W’ollner, H. J . ... ... ... A475 Tapp, J . ,S., see Gallay, W . ... ... A165, A488 Tarte, G. C. Loom Protector Mechanism. U.S.P.

2,325,286 ........................................................... A9STate, A. C. Cotton Shirting C loth: Mercerizing... A l96Tattersfield, ('. P., see Courtaulds L td ..................• A525Tatum, W . W ., see Buckley, G. D . .............. A107Tauber, H. Amino Acids: Colour Reactions. ... A268 Taussig, W . White Discharged Viscose Rayon :

Tendering by Perborate Washing Agents A2Gv. Tavel, P., see Signer, R ........................................A318Taylor, D. B., see Falconer, J . S............................ A488Taylor, E. Condenser Card: Maintenance ... A142 Taylor, H. H., see Roberts, R . P. ... A421, A507, A524Taylor, W ., see Manchester Oxide Co. Ltd. ... A201Taylor, W . D ., see Davidson, J . ... ... ... A529 Taylor, W . I., and Levers, J . F. Wind- and

Water-proof Pile Fabrics: Production.B.P.561,376 A 345

Taylor, Wordsworth & Co. Ltd., and Denham,F. Wool Combing Machines. B .P .560,991 A380

Teagarden, J . E., see Akin, R. B. .............. A l l 7

Teague, M. I. Cotton Drying Machine. U.S.P.2,332,413...........................................................A 2 33

Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry. “ Flame-proofed ” Paper: In-

• flammabilitv Test .................................... A477,, Paper and Paperboard: Determination of

WTet Tensile Breaking Strength .............. A 353,, Paper Bursting Strength Tester .............. A431,, Paper: Curling Tendency Test .............. A477,, Paper: Water Vapour Permeability Test... A477,, P u lp : Specific Surface; Determination ... A25

Teeter, H. M., see Cowan, J . C .............................. A317Tefft, R . E. (to Allied Chem. & Dye Corp.).

Textile Material: Recovery from RubberGoods. Canadian P .407,228 .............. A2-11

Tendulkar, H. D., nd Kapadia, 1). F. Tare1 1'iirrc * Speed Calculation ... ................r .~89

Tennessee Eastman Corporation. Cellulose Acetate Cargo Parachute Fabric: De­velopment ... ... ... ... ••• A54

Terenin. A. N. Dyes: Fading ......................... A244

Terrinova. R ., see McGavack, T. KTerrill, C. E ., see Pohle, S M .............................Terwoord, Dolores, see Pollack, M. ..............Texproof Ltd., and Czeczowitzka, R . H. Fab­

rics: Coating. B.P.559,820 ,, and H . Czeczowitzka. Fabric Impregnating

Machine. B.P.558,261 .........................Textile Machine Works. Knitting Machine

Fabric Draw-off Mechanism. U.S.P.2,333,074 ... ... ̂ ... ..............

Textile Operating Executives of Georgia. Card­ing Engine: Speeds, Settings and Main­tenance ... ... ....................................

,, Cotton Warps: S i z in g .........................A145,,, Weaving Shed: M anagem ent.........................,, Spinning Problems: Discussion ..............

Textile Section, U.S. National Bureau of Standards. Hosiery Shrinkage Measur­ing Device ...............................................

Textileathcr Corporation. Vinyl Co-polymer Thermoplastic Adhesive. U.S.P.2,325,903

Textilwerk Horn A.-G. Waterproofing Fabrics which retain Air Permeability. D .R .P .725,120 ..........................................................

Thames Board Mills Ltd., Morley, M. H., and Baker, H . N. Fibrous Pulp Liquid Treat­ment Apparatus. B.P.559,909 ..............

Theilacker, W ., and Schmid, W . Sulphur in Organic Compounds: Determination by Hydrogenation ...

Theis, E. R ., and Lams, M. M. Protein-formaldehyde Reaction: W o o l ..............

Thies, F. H. Cotton Goods: Testing ..............Thomas, F. L.. see Fletcher, R . K. ............ .Thomas, H. A., see Courtaulds Ltd. ..............Thomas, I., see Angus, W . R ..................................Thomas, I. H ., and Vincent, j . J . Shuttle

Acce lerom eter...............................................Thomas, J ., see Forero A ........................................Thompson, A. Smallwares: W e a v in g ..............

Thompson, T. E ., see Mason, J . G ....- ..............Thomssen, E. G., and Doner, M. H. Livestock

Insect Control ...............................................Thomson, E. A. M., see Dawson, T. R . Thomson, G. H ., see Calico Printers' Association Thornton, W . M., Junr. Titrimetric Analysis

Solutions : Standardisation; VolumeMeasurements. ....................................

Thorsell, W ., see Myrback, K .................................Tippett, L. H. C. Gauges: Use in Quality Con­

trol ..........................................................zum Tobel, G., and Vogel, F. Formaldehyde:

Determination in Formalin-treated Fabrics Toby, E. M., Jr. Petroleum Solvents: Properties-

and U ses....................................Todd, H. R . Plastic Sheets and Films: Gas

Transmission ...............................................Todd, F . Humidity C ab ine t....................................Toennies, G. Map of the Natural Amino Acids...

Tolpin, J . G. Russian Engineers: Education ...

Tomalin, II. F. “ The Truth About Wool " ... ,, and Aspinall, H*. I. “ W hy Wool is Best ”

Toman. Harriet, see Harris, R . I. I. ..............

Tomlinson, W . J ., sue Noll, C. A ............................Tompkins, Bros. Co. Circular Knitting Machine.

U.S.P.2.329,618 ...............................................,, Circular Knitting Machine Adjustable Com­

bination Stand. U .S.P .2,333,572 ...,, Knitting Machine Web Holders. U.S.P.

2,329,617 .............. .......................................Tong, W ., see Kirklees Ltd.......................................Toon, C. J ., and Toon, J ., & Sons Ltd. Mock-

fashioned Stocking: Production. B.P.

".00,312 ..........................................................Toon, J ., & Sons Ltd., see Toon, C. J ...................Toone, B. (Nottingham) Ltd., and Toone, R. N.

Knitting Machine' Yarn-control Device.B .P .559,952 ...

/, Toone, R . N., and Allen, L. Knitting Machine Additional Thread Severing and Controlling Means. B .P .557,458 ...

,, Toone, R. N., and Allen, T. L. Indepcn- dent-needle Knitting Machine Needles: Feeding with Yarn. B .P.558,180 ...

Toone, R . N., see Toone, B. ('Nottingham) Ltd.A 55, A&0

Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co. Ltd., and Roscoe.W . H . Cellulose Materials: Parchmenti- sation and Vulcanisation. B .P .564,583...


A M a



A 107

A 241

A 507 A236 A 23 7 A 509





A 29

A 538 A47<; A 504 A 525 A276

A237A370 A 237




A2V’i A30

A 352


A 127

A3! 0 A491 A 80


A279 A134 A4v9



Al 58 A48

A2!0 A 2 40


A 55


, A231)

A 527



,, Crease-resisting Spun Rayon Fabrics:P rope rtie s .......................................................... A73

,, Battye, E., Lawton, S. E., Marsh, J . T., and Wood, F. C. Wear Resistant Tex­tile Materials: Finishing. B.P.557,067... A1S

,, Corteen, H ., Foulds, R . P., Marsh, J . T., and Wood, F. C. Resin Filled Paper:Production. B .P . 557,182 ......................... A02

,, Marsh, J . T., and Tankard, J . Water-resistant Paper: Production. B .P .557,389 AO!

Tordai, L., see Ward, A. F. H ................................A4SSde la Torre, C. J . Colombian Textile Industries:

Development ...............................................A183Torti, P. W oo l: Reactions and Determination in

Presence of Silk and Cotton .............. A22Townend, F. Wool Dyeing: Avoidance and Cor­

rection of Faults .................................... A3S5Townsend, J . E. Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co.

Mill School: O rgan isation ......................... A375Traill, D., McLean, A., and Bovingdon, H. H . S.

Furs: Mothproofing.......................................A408Treadway, R. H., see Meiss, P. E ............................ A274

,, see Smith, L. T...................................................A413Treloar, L. R . G. Inflated Rubber Sheet: Burst­

ing Strains .................................... ,... A477,, Long-chain Molecular Network: Elasticity... A30., Rubber, E la s tic ity .............., ... .............. A25,, Rubber Molecules: Statistical Strength ... A302,, Rubber: Structure and E la s t ic ity .............. A170,, Vulcanised Rubber: Stress-Strain Data ... A 200

Triggs, W . W . (Crompton & Knowles Loom Works). Automatic Pick and Pick Loom.B .P .558,967 .............. ... A lt 7

,, Automatic Pick and Pick Weft MixingLoom. B .P.553,900 ... ... ... A146

,, Weft Replenishing Loom. B .P .502,167 ... AS32 . Weft Replenishing Loom. B .P .562,193 ... A383 Triggs, W . W . (Spindel-Motoren u . Maschinen-

fabrik A.-G. vormals Weber & Co. Spinning and Twisting Frame Spindleand Sleeve. B.P.562,849 ......................... A408

Trimble. P. C. Dry Cleaning: Odours and otherTroubles ................................................A353

„ Dry Cleaning: Record Production by Un­orthodox Technique ......................... A77

Trotman, E. R ., see Wolsey Ltd . ... A18, A20 Trubell, O. R ., see Kerr, R . W . ... ••• A492Truttwin, If . Bismuth Mordant: Application... A l l Tubize Chatillon Corporation. Glycinin-Viscose

Mixture Filaments: Spinning. U.S.P.2,333,527 ................................................A233

,, Thread Unwinding Apparatus. U.S.P.2,331,454 ................................................ A195

Tuckett, R. F . Plastics: Structure and PhysicalProperties ................................................ A25

,, Thermoplastic Polymers: Softening ... A170^ „ see Frith, Elizabeth M.................................. A495Tuemmler, F. D ., see Lykken, L. .............. A448'fuller, A. V ., see Humphrey, L . M .................. A402Tnllis, D. & J ., Ltd., and Wilson, R . Im ­

provements in Laundry IroningMachines. B.P.56l,268 ......................... A312

Tupholme, C. H . S. Driving Belts: Selectionand Efficiency ..................................... A27

Tuplin, W . A . Springs: Vibration .............. A480Turck, F . B., and Hill, W . E. Industrial Pro­

ducts : Distribution ..........................A329Turk-Eigess, E . G., see Federov, V. S. ... A350 Turner, H. S., see Hodgson, H. H. ... ... A 32 Turner, L. W . Plastics: Structure and Physical

Properties .................................................... A l l 3Tuttle, F. J . Oilcloth: D eve lopm en t.............. A523Tweedales and Smalley Ltd. Vibrationless Speed

Frame Drive ................................................A336Tweedales & Smalley (1920) Ltd., see Heald, F . A337 Tweedie, A. S., and Bayley, C. H . Flame-

proofed Cotton Fabric: Deterioration ... A389 Tweedie, A. S., and Bayley, C. H . Flame-

proofing Agents: Tendering Effect ... A104Twistelton, AT, S. J ., see Fancutt, F ..................... A1C5Tyler, J . Power Rectifier ... ......................... A43C.Tyuleneva, S. B., see Lomanovich, A. F . ... A103


Ueberreiter, K . Macromolecular Substances :Thermal Behaviour ......................... A305

Ueno, S. Softening Agents: Effect on Fabrics... A522 Uhlig, H . E . Roller Cover. U.S.P.2,323.580 ... All) Umstatter, H. Linear Molecules: Determination

of Molecular Weights and Dimensions ... A300


Umstatter, H. Macromolecular Systems: Vis­cosity and Chemical Constitution ... A320

,, Molecular Dispersions: Kinetics of Aggrega­tions in— ................................................A360

Underdown, G. W . Fire A la rm s ......................... A210United Cotton Products Ltd., see Abbey, A. ... A1S United States Department of Agriculture, see

Sherrard, E. C ............................................. A183United States Department of Agriculture Crop

Reporting Board. American Cotton :Production 1943-44 ..................................... A379

United States Department of Commerce.United States Textile E x p o r ts .............. A400

United States Hoffman Machinery Corporation. Apparatus for Steaming and Drying Garments. B.P.503,715; B.P.564,369 ... A479

,, F lat Work Ironer. B.P.558,552 .............. A117United States National Safety Council. Bleach­

ing Agents and Dyehouse Chemicals :Safe Handling ..................................... A59

,, Caustic Soda and Liquid Chlorine: Pre­cautions in Handling ......................... A59

„ Corrosive Acids: Handling ......................... A225U.S. Quartermaster Corps. U .S. Army Socks:

Lower Grade of Wool Used .............. A140United States Rubber Co. Electrically Conduc­

tive Fabrics. B .P. 557,929 ......................... A94,, Electrically Heated Elastic Fabric: Con­

struction. U.S.P.2,327,750 ......................... A99,, Rubber Bonded Cotton Fabrics: Produc­

tion. B.P.559,980 .....................................A247,, Laminated Elastic Fabric: Production.

U.S.P.2,338,24 3 ... ......................... A471,, Synthetic Resins: Application to Fabrics.

B .P .501,152 A343,, Uskon Electrically Conducting Rubber:

Properties and U se s ..................................... A208United States Secretary of Agriculture and his

Successors in Oflice, see Colman, W . ... A250 U.S.A. Tariff Commission and Farm Credit Ad­

ministration. Sheep and Wool Produc­tion: An American Analysis of Costs ... A43

United States W ar Production Board. AmericanHosiery: Control of P roduc tion .............. A191

United Textile Factory Workers’ Association.British Cotton Industry: Organisation ... A43

Universal W inding Co W inding Machines.B.P.558,082, and 558,090 ......................... A94

,, W inding Machine Bobbin-identifying Ap­paratus. B.P.559,958 ......................... A239

,, W inding Machines for Doubling Industry A4C0 ,, W inding Machine Stopping Mechanism.

B.P.561,219 A33S,, W inding Machine Yarn Tensioning and

Oiling Device. U.S.P.2,329,027 .............. A148Untersee. .E . A. Ring Frame Driving Motor:

Power Requirements ......................... A50Urlaub, G. A. Silk Hosiery Y a rn : Preparation A381 Utiey, E ., see Bengalia, A. E ...................... ... A87

VVacher, J . Methycelluloses : Preparation and

Properties ... * ..................................... A37Vanity Fair Mills, Tnc. Knitted and Woven

Pile Fabric : Production. U.S.P.2,331,289,2,331,290 ... A195

,, Knitted Vulcanized Composite Fabric:Production. U.S. P. 2,333,630 .............. A241

,, Knitting Machine. U.S.P.2,330,455 .............. A384Varga, A., and Chamberlain, N . H .^C a rd W eb:

Photo-electric MeasuremefTt^ of Irregu­larity ........................................................... A458

Vaughn, T. H., and Bacon, L. R . Wash Liquorsand Soil Removal: Influence of i>H ... A11G

,, and Vittone, A., Jr. Laundry Soap Builders: Detergent Action and White­ness Retention ................................................A l l 5

Veinoglou, B. C ., see Blair, G. W . S................. A114Veith, H. Rubber: Water Sorption .............. A24Veliksel’skaya, A. A., see Ponomarenko, B . V . A243Veller, E . A., see Porai-Koshits, A. E ................. A521Venable, C. S. Fibres: Molecular Structure ... A527 Vereinigte Glanzstoff-Fabriken, A.-G. Viscose

Waste Water Sulphur: Recovery. DutchP .51 ,815 ........................................................... A142

Vermaas. D. Swollen Nitrocellulose Filaments:Double Refraction ..................................... A22

Vetter, H ., see Eisenhut, 0 ........................................ A429



Vibration Engineering Co. Vibration DampeningDevice ................................... . .............. A209

Victor Ring Traveler Co. R ing Twisting FrameTraveller. U.S.P.2,335,121......................... A337

,, Single Roving Worsted Ring Yarn Produc­tion ... ..................................... A 509

Viertel, O. Cottonized Bast F ibre: Determina­tion in Mixtures with Staple Ftbre ... A348

,, see Mendryzk, ......................... ... A57Viktorov, P. P. Cellulose Fibres: Acid Bleach­

ing ........................................................... A242,, Cellulose Fibre: Bleaching .............. ... A414,, and I . I. Kuhn. Silk Waste: Degumming A413 ,, and Maiofis, I. M. Chitin: Use in the

Textile Industry ..................................... A245Vincent, J . J . , see Thomas, I. H .............................A237Vincent, R . S., and Simmonds, G. H . Liquids;

Measurement of Tension in— .............. A33Vishnevetskii, G. R . S ilk : Effect of Electrolytes

on Electrical Conductiv ity ......................... A426Vittone, A., Jr., see Vaughan, T. H . ... ... AU5 Voegeli, F. B., and Bannon, W . H. Bulky

Cloth: Production. U.S.P.2,330,645 ... A195Vogel, F ., see zum Tobel, G. ......................... A430

,, Formaldehyde-treated Rayon. Degree ofPolymerization ..................................... A103

Vogt, G. Fibres: S truc tu re .................................... A425Voigt, W . Viscose Rayon: Spinning ... ... A47 Volz, A., and Riess, C. (To Chem. Fabr. J . A.

Benckiser G .m .b.H .) Hair: Steeping for Use in the Hat, Felt and Similar In ­dustries. D .R .P .731,577 ......................... A347

Voorhies, S. T., and Bauer, S. T. Evaluation of the Modified Renard and Kerr Tests forthe Determination of Peanut O i l .............. A76

Vose, R . W . Balls Sledge Cotton Sorter: Des­cription and A p p lic a t io n ......................... A252

,, Textile Testing Machines: Reduction ofVibration ................................................A30S

,, and Plummer, C. H. Cotton Card: EveningAction ...........................................................A234

Votinov, A., Kobeka, P., and Marel, F. LinearPolymers: Depolymerization .............. A41

Voyutskii, S. S., and Dzyadel, E. M. Rubberand Petroleum: Deposition on Cotton ... A260

Voznesenskil, N. N., and Sokolova, N. K.Sulphur Dyes: Application; Determina­tion of Optimum Quantities of Sodium

Sulphide ................................................A244de Vries, A. H ., an<i de Klerk, J . C. Merino

Sheep: Control of Blowfly ... ................ A497Vulcascot (Great Britain) Ltd. Rubber Roller

Cots: Advantages ..................................... A50


Wachholtz, F., and Asbeck, W . K. Pigment-O il Suspensions: Viscosity Determination A128

Wachsman, M. Knitting Machine Stop Mech­anism. U.S.P.2,335,979 ......................... A339

., Rotary Knitting Machine Electric Ring.U.S.P.2,324,442 .............. .............. A12

Wachter, A. R . “ Crown ” Tested RayonFabrics: Quality C o n tr o l ......................... A309

Wadano, M. NitrocelluJoses: S o lub ility .............. A123,, Plasticised Nitrocellulose: Properties and

Constitution ................................................ A126Wade, C. F. Boiler E ff ic ie n cy ......................... A393W adkin, W . Economisers and Air Preheaters A437 Wadsworth, W . R . Silk, Rayon and Glass Fibre

Yarns: Tensile Strength ......................... A161Wagner, H ., and Bohnisch, A. W . Emulsions:

Film Fonnation .............. .............. A390Wagner, R. M ffmo Sheep: Density and De­

velopment ................................................A401Wagoner, J . A., see Barham, H. N ..................... A44(iW ain, R . L., and Wilkinson, E. H . Copper

Fungicides: Soluble Copper Content andA c t iv ity ........................................................... A131

Wainer, M. R . American Quartermaster Board:Organisation ................................................A135

Wakefield. G. Blankets: Calculating GreaseWeights by Slide Rule ......................... A112

Wakeham, H. R . R ., and Skau, E . L. TextileMaterials: pH Determination .............. A l l l

Waldram, P. J . Windows: Sky Factor Value A394Walker, A. C. Textile Fibres: D ry in g .............. A58Wall, C. L. Flexible Waterproof Fabrics: Pro­

duction. B.P.557,161 ..................................... A19Wall, F. T . Rubber: Statistical Thermodynamics A133 W all, T. F. Electrical Insulating Materials :

Properties .................................... ... A350

Wallner, see Muller, F. H ........................................Wallner, L., see Franz, E ........................................Walsh, R . H., see Dales, B ................. ..............Wallwork, J . A., see Everest, A. E ..................Walsh, D. Carding Engine. B.P.562,740 Walter, K . Rayon and Staple Fibre Yarns:

Sizing .........................Walters, A. C. Cotton Fibre: Spinning Quality

Tests ...........................................................Walters, D . Blowroom and Cardroom

Machinery: Maintenance ..............Walther, B. Hydrogen Peroxide: Use as

Antichlor .........................Wannow, H. A. Nitrocellulose Solutions: Vis­

cosity ............................................. . :--Ward, A. F. H ., and Tordai, L. Laurie Acid

Solution in Hexane: Interfacial Tensionagainst Water; Ageing Effect ..............

Ward, Helen M., see Phelps, Ethel L ..................Ward, R. Chemical Plant Cements: Properties

and Applications .....................................Ware, J . O., Jenkins, W . H ., and Harrell,

D. C. Upland Cotton: Inheritance of Green Fuzz, Fibre Length and FibreLength Uniformity ....................................

Ware Shoals Manufacturing Co. Infra-red Dry­ing Lamps: Application in Sizing

Waring, L. A. R ., see Linen Industry ResearchAssociation .........................

Warner, B. R . Gas Pressure-regulating Device Warwick Chemical Co., see Clark, G. M. Waterer, J . W . Industrial Research : Wider

Aspects ...........................................................Waterhouse, D. F. Tests with B.T.B. and

B.K .B . Blowfly Dressings..............Waters, E. Dyer’s System of Colour Matching:

Physical Significance .............. ' •••Waters, G. W ., and Burnham, H . D. Lubri­

cating Oils: Corrosive Effect ..............,, and Larson, E. C . Lubricating O ils:

Testing ................................................Watkins, W . H ., Royer, G. L., and Millson,

H. E. Wool Dyeng: MicroscopicalObservations ................................... . ...

Watrous, R . M. Benzole Workers: Poisoningand Control ................................................

Watson, R . D . Ozone: Toxicity; Influence QfNitrogen Oxides ....................................

Watson, S. J . Mineral and Trace Element Metabolism in Animals and its Relationto Deficiency Diseases .........................

Watson, W . V. Loom Shuttle. B.P.558,447 ... Watters, j . I., and Kolthoff, I. M'. Manganese:

Determination ... ... ••• ..............Watts, O. P. Electroplating: Developments ... Way man, A. C. Combination Rayon Fabric

W eft: Throwing and Weaving ..............,, Pirn Winding R oom : M anagem ent..............,, Rayon Loom: M a in ten an ce .........................,, Women Loom Tacklers: Selection and

Training ... ....................................Weber, C. G. Paper and Sheet Materials: Water

Vapour Permeability Determinations;Comparison ...............................................

Webster, J ., see Seal, H. & Co. Ltd..................Webster, M. F. H ., see Beckett, E. G .................Wechtel, C., see Beattie, J . ... ..............Weems, A. W . Mechanical Cotton Picker.

U.S.P.2,333,965 ....................................Wehrung, A. Rayon Spinning Bath: Control

of Composition ....................................Weiller, P. G. Ground Plastic Spools: Produc­

tion ...........................................................Weindling, R ., see Miller, P. R .............................Weiss, M. R . Radtant Heat Generators: Ap­

plication ................................................Weitz, C. E. Light Sources: Colour Tempera­

tures ..........................................................Welch, H. Small Motors: Selection .............Welch, T. Coloured Yarns: Production. B.P.

557,446 ..........................................................,, Yarn Dyeing Apparatus. B .P .556,689

Wellington, S. H. Water Treatment ..............Wreltmann, Ruth N. Industrial Viscometers ...

,, and Green, H. Colloidal Solutions, Pig­ment Suspensions and Oil M ixtures:Rheological Properties .........................

Weltzien. W . Fabrics, State of Tension in— Wenrich, H. E. Barre and Irregular Rayon

Fabrics: Causes and Rem edies ..............


A21 A 204 A104 A525 A509










A l lA122A300


A3 99

A 102A314
















A65 A17

A 357 A361





Wenrich, H. E. Cotton Looms: Adaptation toRayon Weaving ••• ... ... ... AM I

,, Loom Reeds: Selection ......................... A o il„ Rayon Fabric with Holes and Floats: Cor­

rection in W'eaving .................................... A289Wentworth, P. C. R ing Traveller. U.S.P.

2,333,755 A288Wergin, W . Cotton Cellulose: Deposition ... A44S

„ see Hess, K .................................. ... A203, A472Werkenthin, T. A., see Chatten, C. K ................. A207Weskott, E. Vegetable Fibres: D y e in g .............. A15West, T. F., see Campbell, G. A ...................... A487Westbrook, F. A., Jr. Cotton and Rayon Tyre

Cords: Development ... ... ... A92 ,, Machine Parts: Repair by Welding ... A160,, Warp Beam Transport System .............. A 315

Western Electric Co. Textile-covered StrandCoating Device. U.S.P.2,323,487 .............. A19

Weston, H. C. Lighting Code Proposals ... A358 Weston, R . F., see British Thomson-Houston

Co. Ltd. ... ..................................... A80Westvaco Chlorine Products Corporation, see

Ericsson, R. L. .................................... A 109Weygand, C., see Franz, E ........................................ A370Whalley, H. K., see Gaskin, J . G. N .................. A37Wharton, J ., see Ridge, B. P .................................A517Wheeler, D . H ., see Cowan, J . C ............................ A208Whewell, C . S. Wool Fabrics: Chemistry and

Practice of Finishing ......................... A38G,, Eid, M. A. M., Kokinen, N., and Lui, M.

C. Union Fabrics: Milling Shrink­age .............. .............. ... A58, A74

,, and Selim, A. Halogens: Action on Wool.I. Factors Influencing the Amount of Halogen Adsorbed from Solutions in Carbon Tetrachloride

,, and Woods, H. J . Measurement of Damage in Wool Materials : Test for Estimating Small Amounts of MechanicalModification ................................................

Whincup, N. Wire Ropes: Construction andMechanical Properties .........................

Whisnant, C. L., see Coleman, R . H ..................White, E . V ., see Low, W ........................................White, H. A., see Stepp, J . M ............................White, T. Organic Halogen and Alkoxyl

Groups: Semi-micro Determination White, WT. A. S., and Richardson, T. N. Flax

Cellulose: Fluidity Determinations Whitehead, W . “ Fortisan ” Rayon Yarn :

Properties ...............................................Whitin Machine Co. Roller Card for Long-

staple Rayon ................................................Whitin Machine Works. Spindle Brake. U.S.P.

2,333,047 ................................................Whiting, E. B. and A. C. Co. Fibre Lap

Dusting Apparatus. U.S.P.2,324,787 Whitlock Knitting Mills. “ Nu-Way ” Seamed

Toe for Hosiery .....................................Whiton, L. C. Centrifugal Dust Collectors ......Whittaker, C. M. Rayolanda, Nylon, Casein

and Alginate Textiles: D y e in g ..............,, Viscose Yarn Cakes: Dyeing,, see Courtaulds L td ............................................

Whittaker, D., see Myles, J . R . ...Whittaker, J . O., see Stuttard. F .................Whittet, T. D. Wool Alcohols: Base for Oint­

ments ...........................................................Whittier, B. L. Industrial Cotton Fabrics:

Development .............. ... ..............Whittier, E. 0 ., see Ramsdell, G. A ..................Whitworth, E. Weaving Calculation Tables

Yarn Calculation Tables .........................Yarn Calculation Tables ........................

Widaly, — . Naphthenic Acids and Soaps: Ap­plication ................................................

Widdowson, A. H ., see Holmes, H . H ..................Wicgel, E. Starch: Crystallisation from Solvent

Mixtures ...............................................Wigfall, S. Rayon Velvet and Plush: Printing Wilcock, C . C. Rayon Djfcs and Dyeing:

Recent Developments .........................„ see Courtaulds Ltd. ... A18, A108, A248, A525

Wilde, D., see Lauer, K ...........................................A305Wilders, G., see Cotton, W . Ltd. ... A95, A383W ildt & Co. Ltd., see Holmes, H . H ................. A193

,, Holmes, H. H ., and Saunders, A. P. Cir­cular Independent Needle KnittingMachine. B.P.563,905 ......................... A514

Wiley, P. R. Dyed Pulp Fibres: Dichroism A305 Wilkinson, D. G., see Collie B ...............................A lol

A 328


A357 A 194 A 177 A454

A12 4






A 140 A 108

A405 A341 A523 A24‘> A 338


A 94 A'*41 A290 A 2 55 A427




Wilkinson, E. H., see Wain, R. L ....................Wilkinson, J . H., and Patterson, W . S. Copper:

Atmospheric Corrosion .........................Williams, B. M., see Barham, H. N ..................Williams, C. B., see Schoch, T. J ......................Williams, D. R . H. Fuel Saving: Efficient

Production and Use of Steam ..............,, Milling and Scouring Flannels and Felts ... ,, Scouring and Milling: Treatment of Felts

and Flannels ................................................,, Wool Textile Industry: Future ..............,, see Atkinson, G. L ...........................................

Williams, E. F., see Bailey, K ...............................Williams, J . G., and Krause, L. Water-sensitive

Rayon Fabrics: Production. B .P .503,133 Williams, J . N. Outcrop and Opencast Coal ... Williams. K. T., and Johnson, C. M. Pectin

and Pectic Acid : Determination byElectrodeposition .....................................

Williams, O. G., see Angus, W . R ......................Williams, S., see Crane, J . L ...............................Williams, S. R . Vibratory Motion: Character­

istics ...........................................................Williams, T. C., see British Cotton Industry

Research Association .........................Williams, V . Z., see Barnes, R . B ......................W illiamson, J . Automatic Canvas and Duck

Cloth Loom ... ..............,, Dobby Loom Heald Shafts: Correction of

Wrong L if t in g ................................................,, Looms: Adjustment to Prevent “ Banging

Off ” ...........................................................Williamson, M. B., see Gyorgy, P ............................Williamson, W ., see W'right, M. & Sons Ltd. .*.W illis, A. Y ., see Cook, J . M ................................Willis, J . M., see Shreve, R . N .............................Willits, C. O., see Porter, W . L .............................Wilsdon, B. H. Quality Control after the

W ar: Application to Textiles ..............„ Wool Textiles: Quality Control ..............

Wilson, G. J ., see Green, B. K .............................W ilson G. L., and Miles, F. D . Cellulose:

Nitration in Nitric Acid V ap o u r ..............WTilson, H . A. V-Belt Drives: Selection Wilson, J ., and Gibson, W . Rayon Staple:

Spinning on Flax Spinning Frame. B.P.500,035

Wilson, J . L., and Mendenhall, E . E. Washing Compounds: Photometric Measurementof Detergent P o w e r ....................................

Wilson, J . S., see Haslam, J .................................Wilson, R., see Tullis, D. & J. L td ...................W'ilson, R . A., see Sabine, H. J ............................W'ilson, R. H. Benzene Poisoning in Industry Wilson, W7 Electron Microscope: Construction

and Application Wilson & Longbottom Ltd. Terry Towel Loom Winans, R. R., see Lubin, G.W ink, W . A., see Van den Akker. J . A. ...W inn, Lelia J ., and Schwartz, E. R . Finished

Fabrics: Stiffness; Effect of Humidity W innick. T. Casein Hydrolysis' Products:

Characteristics................................................Wise, H.. see Lemon, H. M .......................................Wislicenus, H. Alum ina Fibre: Use as

Chromatoscopic Adsorbent ..............Withrow, J . R., see Minard, G. W ......................

„ see Simons, H. P. .....................................Witts, L. J ., see Stewart, Alice .........................Witts, H ., see Booton, W . E. Ltd. ..............Wohlisch. E. Optical Linear-dynamo-dilatometer Wohlmann, E. T in: Determination by Tritation

with Methylene Blue .........................Woinarovsky. A., see Angelscu, E. ..............Wolcott, G. N. W?est Indian Dry-W'ood Termite:

ControlWolf, B. Vegetable Matter: Nitrogen, Phos­

phorus and Potassium Determination ...Wolf, H. W ., see Hardy, J . I ...............................

,, see Pohle, E. M ...................................................,, Dawson, W . M., and Pohle, E. M. Fibre

Density and some Methods of its Measure­ment in the Fleeces of Rambouillet Sheep

Wolf, K ., see Kroeper, H ........................................Wolff, A. Cellulose Fabrics: Printing ..............

,, Insoluble Azo Dyes: Fixation in a Single Operation

Wolff, H ., see Schoberl, A. ...Wollner, H. J ., Tanner, L., and Spiegel, H . H.

Wool Fineness: Measurement ..............



A 78 A44i; A540

A118 A3 84

A 294 A87

A 14 8 A37

A 4 09 A430






A94 A170 A95

A 14 2 A415 A441


A442 A 20 2



A175 A 53

A532 A 394

A 3 51


A 302 A312 A99

A450 A50


Al 23 A173







PAGEWolscy Ltd., and Trotman, E. R . Wool:

Rendering Unshrinkable, B .P.556,872 ... A20 and Trotman, E. R . W ool: Treatment to

Prevent Shrinking. B .P .556,872 ... ... AlS Wonnacott, N. Knitted Underwear: Production A238 Wood, F. C., see Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co.

Ltd ........................................................... A1S, AG2Wood, E. P. .P u lp : Viscosity Test in Cupri-

ethylenediamine Solvent ... .............. A431Wood, T. R ., Jackson, F. L., Baldwin, A. R .,

and Longenecker, H. E. Unsaturated Fatty Acid Chlorides: Preparation ... A269

Wood Conversion Co. Feltable Fibre TestingApparatus. U.S.P.2,335,026/7 ... ... A115

Wooding. F. Casablancas Two-zone DraftingSystem ...........................................................A4f)8

,, Card Laps and Sliver: Piecing-up ... A142 ,, Drafting Roller Coverings: Properties ••• A407 ,, Scutcher with Pneumatically Cleared

Toothed Beater: Development .............. A190Woodriff, R ., see Germann, F. E. E .................. A530Woods, H. J ., see Whewell, C. S. .............. A389Woods, J . T., see Seaman, W . ... ... ... A448 Woodward, Nell. Cotton Spinners: Training ... A544 Woolf, D. G. American Textile Industry :

Future Prospects .................................... A276Worden, R., see Kao, J . Y .................................A477Working, E. B., see Myers, H . S ................. ... A325Worm ell. R . L., and Kaye, M. A. G. Proteins:

Reaction with Formaldehyde .............. A273Wouble, S. Cow’s Hair and Cow’s Hair Felt:

Processing .............. .............. ’••• A104,, Persian Lambskin Pile Fabric: Processing A386

Wright, F . Cotton M ill: Air Conditioning andDust Collection .................................... A119

Wright, M. & Sons Ltd., and Williamson, W . Stationary Weft-supplv Loom. B.P.558,128 ‘ ......................... _ .......................... A95

Wright, W . D . Dyed Materials and Blood :Dichroism ... ••• ••• A129

,, Small Colour Differences: Graphical Repre­sentation ................................................A17L

„ (1). Craik, K . J . W . (2). Macpherson,Sheila J . (3). Stiles, W . S. (4). Lighting Systems : Numerical Assessment of Effec­tiveness ... ................................................A358

Wrigley, H ., see Kirk & Co. (Blackburn) Ltd. A381

p a g e

Wuertz, A. J ., see Du Pont de Nemours E. I.and Co. ... ......................... ... v . A302

Wyatt, G. H. Micro - volumetric AnalysisApparatus ................................................A21 )

Wyatt, P. F., see Strafford, N ............................. A80Wylezich, A. Wool-like Acetate R ayon : Pro­

duction ...........................................................A2-.)7

YYamashita, K . Cotton Plants: Treatment with

Colchicine ............................................... A31!Yang, J . Y ., see Ling, L ........................................A500Yashin, I. D. Rayon Factory Waste Water:

Treatment ................................................A168Yett, F. R ., see Sears, G. R . ......................... A20<'Yoe, J . H ., and Jones, A. L. Iron: Colorimetric

Determination .................................... A31.7Yosida, T. Silkworm Lecithin: Extraction ... A370 Young, D. W ., and Biertuempfel, R . E. Methyl

Dilinoleate : Viscosity ......................... A4S-Young, H. L. Accelerated Weathering Tests:

Standard Conditions ......................... A16-Young, V. H ., and Humphrey, L. M. Cotton

Varieties : Resistance to FusariumW ilt Disease ............................................... A5<H

Younge, 0 . R . Cotton Soils: Effect of SulphurDeficiency on P rod uc tio n ......................... A 4

Zagar, L., see Samec, M .........................................A44-’Zahn, H. Thermally-shortened Keratin Fibres A27--

,, Wool : Electron Microscopy of IsolatedSpindle C e l l s ................................................ A--

Woof Scale Cells : Electron-microscopeP ic tu re s ...........................................................A2-"*

,, see Elod, E .........................................................A34.)Zamboni, P. Mucin: Structure-viscosity.............. A367Zametkin, Marian, sec Furry, Margaret S. ... A35-J: Zart, A. Spun Rayon Fabrics: Water Repell-

ency and S w e llin g ..................................... A 42 >Zhibitskii, Y . I. Plastic Laminates and Ply­

woods : Use in Aeroplane Construction A2n1Ziebolz, H. Flow Meters : Design .............. A447Zimm, B. H ., see Doty, P. M ............................. A3.<7Ziock, E. J . Knitting Machine Stop Motion.

U.S.P.2,329,971 .................................... A MZubov, P. I. Starch-syrup Colloids : Deter- '

mination ................................................A2S >