THE CIVIL CASE OF DANIEL WEBSTER VS. THE DEVIL WRITTEN BY, MICHAEL FREEMAN DEDICATED TO, MY BROTHER VERNON, WHO FIRST READ, THE STORY OF THE DEVIL & DANIEL WEBSTER TO ME, WHEN I WAS A KID, AND TO MY GIRLFRIEND, RAQUEL ,WHO ENCOURAGED AND SUPPORTED ME TO WRITE MY OWN VERSION Original Story by: STEPHEN VINCENT BENET The place, New Hampshire New England, 19 th century, this is the story, that has been told over the years, in several different versions. This is my version, which I hope you’ll love. This Story is of a farmer, by the name of Jabez Stone. Jabez Stone was a good man, loving caring husband, great friend, neighbor and a Christian man. The one problem with this picture is Jabez Stone was an unlucky man. Jabez Stone as I stated earlier was a farmer, who had a modest two bedroom farm house, which he shared with his wife Scarlett and his mother in-law Carla. The house sat on 120 acres of farmland, which was not in the best of condition, not that he didn’t try. Jabez, had 9 farm hands that plowed, seeded, irrigated, fed the animals every day.


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DEDICATED TO, MY BROTHER VERNON, WHO FIRST READ, THE STORY OF THE DEVIL & DANIEL WEBSTER TO ME, WHEN I WAS A KID, AND TO MY GIRLFRIEND, RAQUEL ,WHO ENCOURAGED AND SUPPORTED ME TO WRITE MY OWN VERSION Original Story by: STEPHEN VINCENT BENETThe place, New Hampshire New England, 19th century, this is the story, that has been told over the years, in several different versions. This is my version, which I hope you’ll love. This Story is of a farmer, by the name of Jabez Stone. Jabez Stone was a good man, loving caring husband, great friend, neighbor and a Christian man. The one problem with this picture is Jabez Stone was an unlucky man. Jabez Stone as I stated earlier was a farmer, who had a modest two bedroom farm house, which he shared with his wife Scarlett and his mother in-law Carla. The house sat on 120 acres of farmland, which was not in the best of condition, not that he didn’t try. Jabez, had 9 farm hands that plowed, seeded, irrigated, fed the animals every day.

The property was in so poor condition, that if he planted corn the crows ate the seeds, the chickens, pigs; cows were so sickly that they had the blight. His horses, if you want to call them that, were so sick, that they had the staggers!! They didn’t have the strength to pull the plow. If that’s not enough, his wife was a sickly woman, she recently had a bout with double pneumonia ,congenitive heart failure, hypertention, not eating properly and was anemic. The mother in-law was no better herself, she tips the jug a little too often, she has a small tumor on her left hip, when it’s cold, that’s when the drinking really starts. Jabez was really getting frustrated, trying to make money to keep up with the mortgage, buying grain, seeds and other items for his farm. The town the Stone family lived in is called “Crab Corners”. It is a small town, where everybody knows everybody. Jabez Stone always went to the local feed shop, to buy his tools, grain and other items for the farm and home. It was owned by “Lenny Walters”; Mr. Walters was a widower, in his early seventies, who also owned a farm just east of Jabez Stone. Mr. Walters has a daughter, very attractive women, in her early twenties. Her name is Rachel , Rachel has long jet black hair ,eyes that shine like the moon, she’s so pretty that she doesn’t need any make-up !!, not that she has a need too, since she also works on the farm . That also worked out for her dad, having a beautiful daughter like Rachel; there wasn’t a guy in Crab

Corners, who didn’t come to the Walters farm, to lend a hand. Not so much that they were being neighborly, but just to get a look at Rachel in her overalls. They weren’t tight but they fit her snug in the right places. On one hot summer day, Jabez Stone walked into the feed shop, to pay on some of the items he credited. He was greeted by Rachel, even though Jabez Stone was frustrated, seeing Rachel somehow brought a smile on his face. Rachel told Jabez, not to worry things will get better. She said “look Jabez, we here in Crab Corners all have our problems and were not giving up. Look at me, I work her in the store and when I get done I have to go home and help on the farm. I haven’t had a date in over a year, and I’m not giving up, not just yet anyway, and you shouldn’t either OK?” Jabez looked at Rachel in her onyx eyes and said “Thanks, you always make me feel good”. Before leaving he asked Rachel about that legal assistant, who used to come by. She said who, Mike? With a slight blush, Jabez said “yeah him” he has eyes for you. Rachel said “he’s nice, but his working for a big shot lawyer somewhere in Marshfield, and doesn’t come around much. In-fact I was just about to mail this letter to him, can you drop it off to the general store for me before 12, so they can get it out? Jabez said sure, when Rachel handed the letter to him, he noticed two things. First, it was written in her best cursive handwriting and second, it was scented. Rachel looked at Jabez, smiled and stated “don’t you start with me

Mr. Stone; just make sure you get that letter to the general store”. Jabez dropped the letter off, got into his buggy and made his way home. Upon entering the parlor, the scent of baked chicken, biscuits filled his nostrils, his wife as poorly as she was, always made sure her husband had a hot meal on the table when he got home from a hard day of work. Jabez gave his wife and mother in law a kiss and ate his supper. They sat around the parlor talked about the day, Jabez , smoking on his corn pipe, sipping “ shine” ,dozing off from time to time . Scarlett, got up, went over to her husband , knelt at his feet took off his boots and socks and helped him into their claw foot bathtub, where she had his bath ready. After a long hot bath , he got into bed. Know sooner then falling asleep , the family alarm clock , “ Fred” the rooster , started to roost. Jabez , said damn,i just went to sleep!! he got up got dressed and started a new day on the farm. While tending to the animals, Ted Johnson , another farm owner , who lives a few miles away came over and said “ neighbor Stone”, hows it going? Fine , just fine. Ted , asked jebez , “when was the last-time you’ve seen or heard from neighbor Rogers”? Its been awhile, since you mentioned it now. Yeah, the last time anyone seen him , his land started to prosper, his animals were doing well, so well that he entered his prized pigs , cows , chickens and ducks in the county fair and won blue ribbons !! His farm ,was doing so well, that he couldn’t sell his corn, wheat and vegetables fast enough to

other small town markets. Soon after that, his wife died, state took his kids and the farm was auctioned off. Some southern guy from Georgia I believe bought the farm. It still looks good but its not for sale,Ted Johnson said. He bid his good bye and left. Jabez Stone looked around the farm, took one look and said “ I can’t take this much longer !! my wife is poorly, so is my mother in law,my farm, isn’t worth two cents, the only reason that the farm hands are staying, is because they get free room and board!! its enough for a good Christian man to sell his soul to the Devil himself and I would to , if it means this blight will be removed from me .!! just then , Jabez Stone felt a cold chill run up and down his spine and the clear summer sky turned dark Grey with a brief cold breeze, only for a moment. Jabez Stone, knew something was wrong but being a proud New Englander , he wasn’t about to take back what he said. That night at the dinner table, Jabez Stone was not his usual self, he had an uneasy feeling , his wife and mother in law picked up on it,but didn’t want to add anymore tension, so they went about their normal routine and went to bed. The next morning, Jabez went about his chores, joking with the farmhands, his wife and mother in law ,but for some reason , he still felt somewhat uneasy, never the less he went about his day. At 11:30 am , Scarlett came out with lemon aid for her husband and the farm hands. At 12:00 O’Clock , Jabez looked up, and saw a black buggy, one like he never saw

before, shiny, like it was just built and the stallions, they were large jet black Thoroughbreds ,their manes were just as shiny , every strand in place. When the buggy got closer, Jabez got one look at the horses and the horses were mean looking , they had an evilness about them. Just then Jabez Stone took one look at the driver, if he was scared by the horses, he was just as scared by the driver . The driver, was a tall , thin , painfully pale man, who was dressed all in black , just like an undertaker. He wore a top hat, wore a four day old beard , that was as white as the driven snow. His boots was so shiny, that Jabez could see his reflection in it !! The tall thin stranger, got down from his buggy , approached Jabez with his long arm stretched out to shake his hand and said with an evil grin “ neighbor Stone, I was looking forward to this meeting for so long , ha ha ha ”.Jabez Stone , being the gentleman that New Englanders are known to be , shook the strangers hand. Upon touching it , he found that the strangers hand was cold , clammy and had chalky white hair in the palm!! , but was also strange , was that his fingers were extra long and his fingernails were well manicured and sharper than a penknife. Jabez asked the stranger with his voice trembling and his throat dryer than sandpaper, what can I do for you sir ? The stranger said, "for me neighbor Stone" ? No no no sir , its what I can do for you, for a small price of course ha ha ha , with a sinister minniacle laugh. With that , Jabez Stone knew who the

stranger was. The stranger said you know who I am don’t you ? Yes I do ,with his voice trembling with fright, what should I, I call you ? Should a call you the dev, the stranger stopped him and said hell no!, forgive the pun ha ha ha !! I go by many names, but in this part of the country i`m better known as “ Scratch” , and started to scratch his dry white Grey beard. Now back to business on hand neighbor Stone. I have a contract drafted up already , all I need is your signature and you can go on with your life , at least for thirteen years anyway. Jabez said wait, before I sign anything I want to read it carefully , especially with you !! That’s fair , let’s look at the contract . It states that you and your farm will be prosperous for thirteen years and you’ll be debt free during this time .That the signer,Jabez Stone, will at the end of the thirteen years, pay off said debt in full, leaving zero balance. The debt will be paid with the Soul of Jabez Stone. As you can see neighbor Stone , its all in order,we just need your signature. Scratch pulled out a silver pen from his pocket, grabbed Jabez`s finger , pricked it , and wrote his name with blood on the contract. Scratch, tooked the contract , fold it and was starting to put it in the folder , when jabez heard a familiar voice saying “ help me neighbor Stone ,please help me”, what he saw next, frightened Jabez so bad that his throat became dryer !! not even the lemon aid took away the dryness. It was a butterfly, not an ordinary butterfly,it was half man half insect!! that

man part was farmer Rogers !! who disappeared mysteriously. Scratch grabbed the insect, took out a handkerchief and tied it up in it , and put it in his pocket. Scratch apologized, and said I have to be more careful in the future. If I can only get the great and powerful Attorney Daniel Webster , wow what a great addition that will be. You see Daniel Webster, was a great man, a friend to all , especially to all of New Englanders. It was said that he was going to run for the presidency and stood an excellent chance of winning. Scratch said Daniel Webster will have to be placed in a large oak cigar box , because his wingspan will be so large, that a normal box would not hold him. Scratch said to Jabez , well this conducts our business, enjoy your new wealth at least for thirteen years , Scratch, then gave Jabez thirteen silver dollars said this should tide you over for awhile till things pick-up , with that he climbed into his buggy struck his horses with a whip and rode off. Jabez, put the coins in his pocket and went into the house for lunch. Once inside, his wife and mother in law asked who that man was, he said just a passer by, who was giving tips on how to make the land more prosperous that’s all. Carla, gave her son in law a strange look and said that Stranger gave her an eerie feeling, she went to the fireplace and got a small vial from the mantel , it was holy water!!,she started to sprinkle it through out the house , some got on Jabez`s front pocket, where the coins were, all of a sudden, Jabez let out such an

ear deafening screech and started to pat down his pocket. The coins started to heat up in his pocket , he reached in and threw the coins on the wooden floor the coins were still smoking . Scarlett asked , where did you get the money from? Not wanting to completely lie, he told his wife that he sold some property to the stranger. Scarlett , believing her husband said “ see things are looking up ” ,Jabez said yes , but at what price. The next morning , Jabez went to the bank, deposited some money, then went to the feed shop , to payoff his debt and and buy items for the farm. Rachel was so happy to see Jabez happy and so full of life. See , I told you things will get better. Yeah , you did, what about you ? Did you hear from Mike yet ? Yes I did , waving a letter, from the size of the envelope, you could tell it was a long one. Jabez went back home,called the farm hands over ,paid them back wages gave them a jug of the finest moonshine in Crab Corners and told them to enjoy themselves and take the next few days off, cause starting Monday, they will start work again on the land. The next couple of months flew by , you wouldn’t recognize the Stone property!! , the corn , fruit, vegetables, grew to unbelievable size, the animals, pigs that were so poorly under weight now they weighted between 2 to 300lbs, as well as the cows and bulls, yes things were looking up for Jabez , but every time a heavy rain came , he felt a slight pain in his right finger, sought of a reminder of what he did to be so prosperous. Jabez , wife

and mother in law got better, due to the fact they got the care they needed. They next few years was even better, Jabez ran for city counsel, he built a larger house on the property, but kept the old one. Things was so good for Jabez Stone that he lent money to his neighbors gave away crops and so on. On the eve of the twelfth year , Scratch showed up on the farm, looked around, my, oh, my, I wouldn’t have believed this if I didn’t see it. Well Jabez , one more year and you’ll be going on a little trip. Jabez looked down on the ground, kicking the dirt with his left foot,and his dog Bill, right next to him. Scratch, asked Jabez, whats wrong ? Well, I don’t think I want to give up my soul, can’t you take money or property? What ? Did I hear you correctly ? You want to change the contract , his voice raised !! surly you jest !! Scratch face changed, his pale white skin ,had a bright reddish hue to it , his teeth, now changed to fangs !! when he removed his hat, there were two small horns protruding from top of his head, his voice was more like a growl !! Bill, took one look at Scratch, and ran howling with his tail between his legs. Scratch said, no,no and no Mr. Stone, you signed a contract and will abide by it. With that,a red fog of smoke appeared,it had the smell of death !! like a morgue. When the smoke cleared, so was Mr. Scratch. Jabez , felt sick to his stomach, that he went off to the side of the barn and threw up. Can you blame him , after what he saw ? Jabez got into his buggy and rode to town , to see Rachel. He ran into the

store, like he was being chased. Rachel , Rachel , he yelled out. Rachel came from the back room, what is it ? Jabez, with tears in his eyes,he sat down and told her everything. Rachel , showing empathy, said you need to talk to a lawyer, not any lawyer but the best lawyer in the state. You don’t mean , yes Daniel Webster himself !! Rachel got Mr. Websters address off of the letter from Michael and gave it to him. Jabez felt somewhat relieved, he got in his buggy, rode home, and told his wife and mother in law everything, then rode to Marshfield, to see Daniel Webster. When he rode onto the property, he was amazed by what he saw. The lawn was perfectly manicured, the hedges were all even, the roses were, bright red, pink and yellow. The house was a beautiful stone New England country home. What fascinated him was the animals , the horses were huge , at least eighteen hands ,sleek matching white stallions. The ram[named Goliath, he found out later] pulling the plow was also huge,his horns had a curl that would knock down Mr. Websters home with ease. A large burly man approached him with a friendly smile and an outstretched hand. Jabez shook the mans hand , it was a strong but a firm handshake. How do you do neighbor, I am Daniel Webster and you are ? I’m Jabez Stone , from Crab Corners sir. Please call me Daniel,neighbor Stone, what can I do for you, since you traveled such along way . Come into the parlor and tell me all about it over a glass. Entering the parlor, Jabez was

oohing and ahing over the home. There were law books everywhere. While the two men talked , sipping moonshine , Michael Robinson , Daniel Websters legal assistant, walked in, bid his welcome and was excusing himself from the room, Daniel Webster said, no Mike, I think you should stay , I think i`ll be needing your help with this one. Jabez looked Mike over , he could see why Rachel was attracted to him. He told him Rachel sends her love, he smiled and said thanks.Jabez told Daniel everythng,` Daniel Webster, said we have a lot of work to do . He said neighbor Stone, you came here with speed, you’ll leave just as fast. You’ll take my stallions, Constellation and Phoenix , they’ll get you back home in the blink of an eye. Jabez felt a relief come over him, after getting in the buggy, Michael approached Jabez with freshly cut roses and asked him to give it to Rachel and tell her he’ll see her real soon. With that , he left, riding like the wind. Jabez, gave Rachel the flowers and the message and proceeded home, to give the family the good news. Meanwhile , Webster and Robinson were discussing this most unusual and complex case. Daniel Webster said, this case , how can it be tried ? Imagine trying this case in court, in-front of a judge and jury. Michael said yeah, what about a settlement ? With the devil ? I can`t see that happening. First we have to get a copy of that contract and go over it, then well see what plan of action to take. The devil has been around from the beginning of mans existence,

he`s tricky , coy and very good at manipulating the weak. The best way to describe him is, he`s an opportunist ,waiting to prey on the weak and feeble minded. Months , began to past quickly, Daniel Webster and Michael Robinson worked hard and vigilantly on THE CASE OF JABEZ STONE VS SCRATCH A.K.A. THE DEVIL. Daniel and Michael , went to Crab Corners , two days before payment on the contract was due and to negotiate with Scratch. Upon there arrival at the Stone home , Webster and Robinson were greeted by, Jabez,his wife and mother in law. Mrs. Stone offered the gentlemen some lunch, which the politely declined , since they ate earlier in the day. Daniel Webster ,said to the wife and mother in law,"i think it would be best , if both of you stay here, and we’ll go to the old house ,to discuss this matter , with the individual''. The three individuals, walked over to the old house,Webster and Robinson admiring the land , and the animals and all of the beautiful fruit trees and plants.Walking up the four weather beatten steps, they saw this pencile thin ,very pale looking , stranger, dressed like an undertaker, black leather ridding boots, with silver tips. Well good day gentleman, with a toothy grin, rising up from the porch swing, with a long bony hand outstretched to shake hands,the gentlemen declined . Daniel asked to see the contract at which time the stranger obliged. As you can see attorney Webster , the contract is in order. Mr.Scratch, this contract, that you had my client signed is not a legal binding

contract. Why is that counsel, the stranger inquired with a growl.? Because my client is an american, an no american can be forced to serve in a foreign army. Are you suggesting that I am not an american ? Wasn`t I there when the indians scalpped and buttched the white men ? wasn`t I on the ships with the white men , heading to Africa to capture slaves and bring them back to america ? Oh yes mr.Webster, I am considered an american,my name is spoken all through the union, I am well known here.Is there anything else before I collect my debt at midnight ? Yes there is, Daniel said with a strong mighty voice, that shook the wooden flooring. Michael Robinson,then handed Daniel a legal document,Daniel handed the document to the stranger and said you`re served.What`s this ? A writ, that we contest the contract, due to the fact it was signed under duress.Well,well mr. Webster , I see you`re fighting real hard for your client, however , there isn`t a jury in this land , that wont rule in my favor. Daniel so you want a jury trial, so be it ! Let it be the quick or the dead, as long as they are Americans,with that being said,the tall ,pale stranger, began to scratch his dry sandpaper beard looking straight at Jabez Stone,with his blood red eyes and sharp pearly white teeth and said you’ll have your day in court or should I say night, with a maniacal laugh . I shall return exactly at the stroke of midnight , with judge and jury. With that cloudy ,red smoke of death, the stranger disappeared into thin air. Michael Robinson, not

wanting to show any emotions, said I could use a drink,Daniel replied, I guess we all could use one now, neighbor Stone,fetch the jug. Jabez got the jug off the mantel,as he began to pour, his hands shook with fear. Calm down neighbor calm down,relax take a drink. Attorney Webster this can`t be happening,why ? Why? i`m just a fool ,i call myself a christian and I did something so foolish as to sell my soul to that,that king of hell !! Neighbor Stone, yes you did something foolish but not so foolish as to want a better life for your family. You made a sacrafice that nobody should have made, I hope after we win this case, you`ll never make a sacrafice like this again , Daniel said with a stern but a fatherly tone. Now go to the,main house, be with your wife and mother in law , let them know everything will be alright, get some rest, we are in for a long night neighbor Stone . That sounds good, do you need anything for the trial ? Yes, the two picnic benches for the jury ,the picnic table for the judge and two tables for oppossing counsel will do and the flag of the U.S. will do ,what about a bible ? Daniel Webster, smiled ,reached for his brown leather satchel,unfastened the brass knobs and pulled out a worn black leather bible , this belonged to my great, great grandfather, I take it everywhere, now go neighbor ,with Godspeed. Daniel and Robinson sat down in the parlor sipping moonshine starring a the empty jury box and judges bench, then looking where the king of all evil will be sitting.

Robinson said,well just imagine who will make up the judge and jury in the next couple of hours,guess i`ll start reviewing our case folder.Daniel leaned back in the rocker,looked over at Michael and said in a calm demur manner, that can wait for an hour or two, take the buggy ,go into town and see Rachel, take her for a ride, there`s a bottle of wine under the seat, she`ll be glad to see you, now go ,i`m going to take a nap. Michael got in the buggy, rode into town, with butterflies in the pit of his stomach, he walked into the store, Rachel, so excited to see Michael, ran from behind the counter threw her arms around him , the both exchanged pleasantries, then went off down by the creek for some alone time. Rachel talked about her life in the store and on the farm,they both looked into each others eyes said I loved yous , then Rachel told Michael thanks for being so patient with there relationship, promised to come see him and try to spend more time with him. He told her about the case, she held his hand tightly, Hon, be careful, looking at him with those beautiful eyes, that can make a sailor leave the sea, she took off her gold cross that was blessed by the monsignor,placed it around his neck , kissed him on the cheek ,then the two headed back. Jabez Stone greeted Robinson and said hows Rachel? Fine, just fine. She`s a great girl Michael, I know you’ll do right by her and be there for her, now go get some rest, that’s an order from Mr. Webster. For once in the thirteen years, there was a calmness

throughout the farm, the birds were singing, the animals grazing, yes it was calm now, but like the saying goes, its always quiet before the storm. At 6 pm. Daniel woke up ,he looked in on his aid, who was still asleep ,Daniel walked into the parlor, Mrs. Stone,was in the kitchen,fixing steak, mashed potatoes,corn on the cob, greens, clam chowder, beans,buttermilk biscuits,gravy, apple pies . Mrs Stone, there was no need to go to all this trouble,no trouble at all attorney at Webster, please sit a spell, Scarlett , sat next to Webster ,looked at him with tears welling up in her eyes and said , we all thank you so much, you and mr. Robinson has been nothing but kind to us, we will never be able to repay you. I tremble knowing that Satan himself has been in my home, knowing that he and his imps will return. Hush now ,wiping the tears from her eyes. I’m going to make you a promise Mrs. Stone, after this day you will never see the Devil or any other of his agents ever again. Thank you , she said with a smile. Now ill get my associate up , you get everybody together so we can enjoy this fine meal and remember, no more tears. They all gathered at the long oak kitchen table, with the fine off white linen tablecloth, silver candlesticks,floral centerpiece and bone china dishes. Looking at the setting, you would think it was November, Thanksgiving, not a very hot and dry June. The family ate, joked, sipped on hard cider,Daniel even danced with the mother in law, Carla. Yes it was a fine time,short time , for

what lie ahead, but never the less , they all needed a short escape. The kitchen was cleaned,like there wasn’t a meal served, all the dishes and silverware were put back in place. Jabez, kissed his wife and mother in law, before sending them off to the main house. The three men sat on the front porch , to smoke cigars and sip on moonshine ,talk about the fine meal they just ate .Webster,was even rubbing his round belly in content. Robinson,what are you looking at ? Jabez asked,oh the wooden plack ,you have hanging over the door. Yes, I hung it, when I built the house,:Be ever so humble,this home: .Webster chimed in by saying,yes its a great reminder, that we all need to be humble and thankful for what the good Lord bestowed on us. Now lets get back inside and get ready, mr. Scratch will be here at midnight, its now 10:30,looking at his pocket watch. Jabez,pacing the wooden floor,sweat pouring off his face,talking to himself and even answering himself. Sit down neighbor,at the pace your going , you’ll have to replace the flooring!! Jabez sat in the rocker, looking like a third grader, who was in punishment for not knowing his timetables. With every tick of the clock ,Jabez`s face grew sadder and sadder,eyes welling up with tears,his throat so dry, it felt like #5 sandpaper. Sitting at the table,between Webster and Robinson,Jabez looked up at the grandfather clock and at the stroke at 11:30, Jabez reached over ,grabbed Daniels arm and said,''Mr. Webster Mr. Webster''! PLEASE LEAVE !!

miserable wretch that I am, go , just go !! the ignorant person I am, I have created such turmoil in my household and now I am even dragging two innocent people with me. Calm down neighbor, what better company can you ask for ? Besides, I have never left a place ,where I left a jug half empty. The grandfather clock stroke midnight, Daniel looked at his watch,inhaled then exhaled. The house became cold, with a smell of a morgue!! The stranger appeared,looking rougher than usual, evening gentleman,ah ,a jug ,mind if I pour myself a drink? Go ahead ,Daniel said. The Stranger,picked up the jug and began to pour. The moonshine,came out of the jug steaming hot !! You really are the Devil,Jabez said. Was there any doubt, Scratch replied with a sinister growl. Now neighbor Stone are you ready,we have a long journey ahead of us. Wait just a minute !!! Daniel said ,in his loud commanding voice. I demanded a jury trial, this case will be decided by a jury. Yes, you did request a trial , so be it. The jury is outside, may they be brought it now ? Of course, upon opening the door, the scourge of the earth came in !! If jabez thought he was frightened before ,he was riddled with fright now. One by one they entered. Walter Butler, the loyalist,who unleashed fire and horror through the mow hawk valley in the name of the revolution. Siomon Girty,the renegade,who saw white men burned at the stake and cheered with the Indians drinking whiskey. King Phillip,who

proudly displayed the huge gash on his forehead,that caused his death,who can forget Governor Dale,who broke men on the wheel,there was Morton of Merry Mount,who pissed off and terrified the Plymouth colony,with his total hate of women and children. Teach, the Pirate with his black beard curling on his chest. Thee disavowed Reverend John Smeet,with his large rough hands,who strangled many,walking daintly in the parlor,as he did to the gallows, with his perfumed handkerchief in his right hand. Lizzy Borden,from Fall River Massachusetts,who ,while her farther watched in horror,picked up an ax and gave her mother forty whacks, when she realized what she done,the bitch turned around and gave him forty-one. Finally,the dishonorable Justice Hawthorne,who presided over the witch trials,once held in Salem. They all took their respective places,Benedict Arnold,the greatest traitor America has come to know,was acting as bailiff. Judge Hawthorne , banging his gavel,stated who are the attorneys of record ? Daniel Webster and Michael Robinson for Jabez Stone. The Devil,pro SE, your honor. Before we begin,is there any matters that need to be disposed of, said justice Hawthorne ? Yes, there is att. Webster stated,speak up!!, Judge Hawthorne, stated, Request that this case be dismissed, based on what att. Webster ? That the property in question,which is Jabez Stone’s soul, doesn’t rightfully belong to him it was only loaned to him.

Objection ,Objection !! screamed the Devil ,eyes blood red ,drool running down the side of his scarred,weather beaten face. I say it is ,it was given to him,free and clear. Objection sustained!! Sit down Webster,lets get on with this. Webster then stated,one more point,what is it now. How will opposing counsel be addressed.? Scratch ,will surfice,the stranger said, turning to Jabez,scratching that dry beard of his, with Jabez knees knocking so hard,that scratch,turned to open the door. Knowbody`s there !!! ha ha ha, its just neighbor Stones knees, knocking in fright !!,well you should be,Scratch shouted,transforming into a hideous beast , with horns,tails,hoofed feet and tail. Daniel Webster leaped to his feet,objection,objection !! inteminating the witness!!, objection sustained,we will have no more of this highly irregular,but very amusing theatrics,yes your honor. A small point in Websters favor. Opening statement begins with Scratch, testifying that it was Jabez Stone, who called to him for help and he only obliged. He even signed his name in blood, so as to insure it was him. I lived up to my agreement, look around you, see how well he prospered from the contract, now the good for nothing christian wants to renege on the contract and still maintain the lavish lifestyle, to wit hes grown accustomed too, I say nay ! Simon Girty, glanced over at Jabez Stone ,made a slicing motion with his hand,to his throat, but when Lizzy Borden made whacking motions on the table,winking at him with

those devilish hazel eyes and blowing him a kiss, he shrieked in terror and passed out!! Why should he be any different from his neighbor Ted Johnson,whom also fell on hard times, and sold his soul to me . With that , a small muffled sound came from a small cigar box saying “ help me, for God almighty sake help me”. It was Ted Johnson, transformed into a hideous moth, upon opening it, the wings were pinned down with rusty pins to the velvet bottom. Daniel Webster again voiced his concern with the Strangers flagrant theatrics and disregard for court room decorum. The judge, overruled the objection, saying that hes allowing Scratch some leeway, since this is an unusual case. Daniel rolling his eyes to the heavens , mumbling obscenities under his breath. Judge Harthone, heard what was said and told Daniel, one more snide remark and ill hold you in contempt and believe me, where you’ll be held, will feel like a lifetime. You, second chair counsel, don’t even think of raising an objection,sit your narrow two cent ass down before i make change!! Can we get on with this case? Scratch was getting flustered , Daniel was at his best , raising point after point , while scratch was sipping boiling hot moonshine straight from the jug !! Scratch said he didn’t twist neighbor Stones arm to sign the contract, he did so of his own freewill!! therefor the contract must be in forced. Daniel stood erect , looking judge ,jury and Scratch dead in their face and said with all the surety and might he

could muster and said ,Scratch or whatever he chooses to call himself , is sin !! pure unadulterated sin, pure evil !! From the beginning of man ,he was and is evil, he tempted woman to do his evil bidding against her husband, he pit brother against brother,got Judas ,to betray THE LORD JESUS CHRIST ,for forty lost pieces of silver!!, now he has the audacity, to demand a human beings soul, Daniel Webster, reached in his vest pocket, took out a small vial of Holy Water and with one quick flick of the wrist, toss it on Scratch, who let out a blood curdling scream !! STOP ,JUST STOP ! smoke coming off his clothing,slightly burning his dry beard. Why are you screaming and jumping around doing the two step mr. Scratch, its just holy water . Sacrilege !! you bastard ,sacrilege. Haven’t you said you are almighty , Greater than God ? Yet you cowl like a frighten little bitch ! You are a fraud , and I have exposed you like the little imp you are. Lady and gentlemen of the jury, I address you as such, cause at one time you were, prior to the evil , he possessed onto you. You have, the power to save this man from the unholy army, slavery, this degenerate,disgraced angel,fall from grace, the evil one wants to bestow on Jabez Stone. You have the power,to right this wrong, Jabez doesn’t belong in your legion of doom. Release him from this so called contract, for all that is holy and just, let him be free. With that Daniel Webster rested his case. Mr. Scratch, just stated, it was Jabez Stone , who

reached out to him for help and he gave him what he wanted, with that he rested his case .The judge sent the jury to deliberate. Scratch looked over at Webster and Robinson and said “i can always use a couple of good legal eagles ha ha ha , would you like to join my firm " ? Robinson reached for the holy waterr ,but Daniel grabbed his arm and told the Devil, these Christian gentlemen will never be in your clutches, as long as there is a God above it will never happen,Scratch just gave a snide glare and said to Jabez, no need to pack anything neighbor ,but if I were you ,illl drink plenty of cool water , cause it will be your last. Jabez grabbed Robinson and Websters arm, for God sake !! please for all that is holy,i beg of you ,don’t let him take me !!. Calm down neighbor,the jury isn’t back yet. Yes,but you seen the jury, ruthless,blood sucking,scourge of the earth,the only person who isn’t here ,is Count Dracula !! Oh he will be here after the verdict,said Scratch , hes waiting outside to take custody . Poppycock, everybody knows a vampire cannot enter a dwelling without the owners consent. Well done, Webster, you are well versed in folk lore. A knock on the door was heard, the jury is back with the verdict ! Will the litigants rise, the bailiff handed the judge a slip of paper, has the jury reached its verdict ? Lizzy Borden, the foreperson, stated yes your honor . Jabez Stone, stood on weak legs, clutching his wife’s gold cross. You may read the verdict, we the jury ….find in favor of Jabez Stone !!

What !! screamed Scratch , this is an outrage, a travesty, total injustice !! Request to poll the jury, Sit down !! the judge screamed, it was unanimous, we are now adjourned. Jabez jumped for joy in the arms of his attorneys, thank you , thank you, how can I ever repay you ? By never and i mean ever, being so callous with one of the greatest gift the Good Lord has given you . As for you, you wretched diseased offspring of a diseased goat, hand me the contracts for both Jabez Stone and Ted Johnson. It was handed to him and tossed into the fireplace,where it was burned to ashes. Ted Johnson appeared by the fireplace, a bit worn and tuckered out, thanked the two attorneys ,especially Daniel Webster . Well, the great Daniel Webster has won the greatest case of his illustrious career , would you shake my hand ? Yes ,Daniel grabbed his hand, so hard that Scratch wretched in pain, you could hear the brittle bones breaking, for every christian knows, when you defeat the Devil, he no longer has a hold on you, Jabez opened the front door, Daniel gave the Devil one well placed kick in his ass , with his size 13 boot !! the devil fell face down, got up , but fell again. Daniel told the devil to leave Crab Corners and never to return or he`ll find him and kick his ass so hard he`ll send him back to the bowels of hell. Then, red smoke appeared , the stranger disappeared without a trace. The sun came out ,birds were singing, the air was fresh with morning dew,Daniel looked at Robinson and said what a beautiful

day ,yes it is, Robinson asked, do you mind if I take the buggy and see Rachel ? No , but you don’t need the buggy, look who’s running over with neighbor Stones wife and mother in law . It was Rachel, she hugged both Webster and Robinson congratulating them on their win, Mrs Stone and her mom were crying with joy. Enough tears Daniel said, lets have breakfast !! The men set the table while the women prepared the meal, laughing joking and drinking hard cider. It was a great day for the family, even to this day , the Devil has never been seen in Crab Corners,as for Daniel Webster, he never became president, but he did become statesmen and also a great civil rights attorney,as for Robinson, he became a prominent litigation attorney, who handled cases in Crab Corners , to be close to Rachel, who still was taking her time with him, even though she knows he`s the only one. Yes its been Hundred of years later, and Daniel Webster is dead but when you go to Crab Corners, you can feel his presences, and on a cool quite summer day , you can hear him say “ neighbor, how stands the union ?” you better say “ standing strong Daniel , we’re standing strong. THE END.