THE USE OF CIRCLE GAMES AS A STRATEGY TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ MASTERY IN ENGLISH VOCABULARY PUTRASYAIZAR 211 110 200 VII/E English Language teaching Department Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Parepare


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English Language teaching Department Faculty of Teachers Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Parepare




A. Background

The increasing need caused by developing era is demanded in the global

society to enhance their human resources quality in order to compete to the other

countries. In responding this situation, the role of communication had become a

part that could not be separated from this condition. As English had become very

powerful language in the world, it became one of international languages; most

global community used English as a media of communication with another.

Mohammad Reza Talebinezhad & Mohammad Aliakbari said that English as an

International Language referred to the use of English by people of different

nations in order to communicate with one another.

As the important of English in communication, it is not something

difficult to see that the language are frequently used either to formal or informal

places such as foreign companies, embassy office, tourism sector and many other

places. Different from Singapore, Bangkok, Malaysia and India, they put English

as their second language as their language communication while Indonesia put

English as its foreign language. It is used as an instrument of utilizing modern


sciences and technology for national development and it is also used as a mean of

communication when Indonesian wanted to communicate to people from

overseas. No doubt that only few Indonesians mastered of it, most of them tended

to ignore it, they used to think that foreign language not something useful for their

daily life and learned of it.

However, nowadays, the assumption is gradually scraped off by the

developing era that demanded the society to be more competitive and to be able to

enhance their human resources quality. Therefore, the role of English are needed

to face the era of globalization, where it would be many new things happened in

our nation. Since English recently are treated as foreign and important language

for Indonesian, it had a major portion in Indonesian educational system and

became a compulsory subject to study either in junior or senior high schools in

today’s Indonesian educational system. Ricardo Schutz said that English in its role

as a global language that it had become one of the most important academic and

professional tools. The English language is recognized as undoubtedly the most

important language for the increasingly mobile international community to learn.

This is a fact that seemed to be irreversible. English had become the official

language of the business and scientific worlds.

The massive trend of learning English are not without a reason. The

development of the country’s economy, science and technology that tended to be

influenced by many English speaking countries had put people who understood

English in more advantageous position, especially in job finding. Many


Indonesian people started to believe that English would help them so much in

finding a job than those who did not.

As the most important foreign language in Indonesia, English became one

of the compulsory subjects taught in junior high school, senior high school and

some semesters at university. The government always made effort to improve the

quality of English teaching. By improving the teachers’ quality and other

components involved in educational process, the English teaching in Indonesia

improved time to time. In line with the government’s plan to have nine

compulsory studies, it is possible to teach English in the third grade of senior high

school. By applying the foreign language to early level (the third grade of senior

high school students), the students’ language mastery are expected to be

satisfactory although it is only in simple English.

In teaching a language, a teacher might realize that he could not apply

only one or two strategies to all levels. In reverse, he is required to be able to

recognize the characters of his students and to select an appropriate strategy to

them. It is not something different from teaching English to the third grade of

senior high school students, the teacher is supposed to know that children are so

closed with something fun and enjoyable. So whenever he taught, he had to be

selective in choosing a strategy to introduce a learning material. A good teaching

strategy would automatically facilitate him to get students’ interest in learning


To improve the English educational system, the government had been

seeking to a system which is really in line with the students’ need. In this case the


teaching process could be started from earliest step, by using simple things

without trying to introduce language components explicitly before they are really


After all of the material of the pre-level are clearly taught and understood.

The language components could be little by little involved in their study as a

continuity of their learning, such as phonology, spelling, structure and vocabulary.

One of the most important language components are vocabulary. The

mastery of it would be very helpful when one is learning foreign language a great

mastery on it; it would also facilitate him to comprehend the subject learn in

which it is in English. Research concluded that the quality of one’s language skill

depended on the quality and the quantity of vocabulary mastered, the more he

mastered the vocabulary the better he used the language skill. This study would

present a vocabulary teaching strategy to the third grade of senior high school

students. In which it is going to be very pleasant and interesting for young

learners. The teaching strategy are about “The Use of Game (Circle Games) in

Teaching Vocabulary to The third grade of senior high school Students”

conducted within a set of rules in the objectives.

By providing game as a media in teaching vocabulary to the third grade

of senior high school students, Research hoped that it would make them felt

something pleasant and felt it different from what they used to get in the class.

The use of game would stimulate them to be more active and it is really matched

with the students’ world where pre-level students liked to study through

movement. By the activity, they are given an opportunity to express their mind,


emotion, feeling and attitudes when they are involved in it. Reviewed at the

explanation above, research assumed that the use of game.

B. Problem Statement

Related to the fact in background presented above, the problem of the

research can be formulated as follows:

1. How is implementation of Circle Games to increase the students’ vocabulary

in using nouns?

2. How is implementation of Circle Games to increase the students’ vocabulary

in using verbs?

3. How is implementation of Circle Games to increase the students’ vocabulary

in using adjectives?

C. Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problem statements above, the objective of the study

to find out:

1. How the implementation vocabulary in using nouns through Circle Games?

2. How the implementation vocabulary in using verbs through Circle Games?

3. How the implementation vocabulary in using adjective through Circle


D. Significance of the Study

The result of this research is expected to be an alternative contribution to

increase vocabulary mastery and helpful information for teachers of English in

teaching English to increase their quality in teaching English specially the


vocabulary teaching and finally as the intention for memorizing and

understanding word. Students are hoped to use the result of the research to make

their vocabulary mastery better than before.

E. Scope of the Study

This research will focus on the use of Circle games in improving

vocabulary skill of the students at first year students. The scope of this study is

restricted to build up the students’ vocabulary of noun, verb and adjective. The

student will be given the material about human body, the name of domestic

animals, human character, and kinds of food. This topic will be given each





A. General Concept of Games

Teaching should not be always based on one or two strategies, they can be

various, where teacher asked to be creative so that the class will not be passive

and students will be stimulated to be more interested in learning and the result

expected from the process of teaching and learning will be well transferred to


As being stated that game is one of alternatives that can be used to teach

English, everyone believes, teaching process through a game will give a fun.

Wikipedia in its article retrieved from internet says that a game is a recreational

activity involving one or more players. This can be defined by A) a goal that the

players try to reach; B) some set of rules that determine what the players can or

cannot do. Game is played primarily for entertainment or enjoyment, but may also

serve an educational. Furthermore, www.eiha.co.uk/glossary.html in its article

says, a game is a meeting of two teams playing for a specific length of time for the

purpose of declaring a winner through the scoring of goals. The game consists of

regular playing time and overtime, if such is required.

Game is one of many teaching strategies can be engaged to foreign

language learners, it is believed that it can give an elements of fun to learners. The

game will be circle games, “games is any games or activities that involve the


whole class, sitting in a circle, that the games recycle vocabulary and involve an

element of fun”, Joanna Budden, British Council, Spain.

B. Concept of the vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Several scholars have given their opinions about what vocabulary is. They

are as follows:

According to Penny, Ur in Jawariah, vocabulary can be defined roughly as

the word we teach in foreign language. However, a new time of vocabulary may

be more than a single word. Hornby in Indrayani, asserts that vocabularies are: 1)

all the words that a person knows or uses; 2) all the words in a particularly

language; 3) the words that people use when they are talking; 4) a list of words

their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language.

In addition Carter in Muhbubah, point out that vocabulary is the concept and

function word of language which are so thoroughly that become a part of child’s

understanding speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary is the word having

meaning when heard and seen even though it is not proceed by individual to

communicate with other sometimes all the words recognize and understood by a

particular person, although not necessary used by him.

Similar to the previous definition, Webster in Basri, stated that vocabulary

are: 1) a list of words and sometimes phrase, it is usually arranged in alphabetical

order and defined in a dictionary, glossary, lexicon; 2) all the words of language;

3) all the words used by a particular person, class, profession etc.

2. Types of vocabulary


There are many types of vocabulary;

a. Legget et al classified vocabulary into types:

1. Active vocabulary which consists of working words is daily used in

writing and speaking.

2. Passive or recognition vocabulary that is making up of the words, one

recognizes in the context of reading material but he does not actually use


b. Harmer, classifies vocabulary into three types, they are:

1. Active vocabulary, the words are customarily use in speaking

2. Reserve vocabulary, the word we know but we rarely use and in the

searching for synonyms.

3. Passive vocabulary, the word we recognize rarely, but we are not sure of

the meaning: never use them in either speech or writing. We just known

them because we have seen them before.

c. Schail, Page and Thanan in Mulbar divided vocabulary into three types of

vocabulary as follows:

1. Oral vocabulary consists of words actively used in speech. They are the

words that come readily to the tongue in conversation. The more often the

person utters a word, the more readily it will come to this tongue;

2. Writing vocabulary consists of the words that come readily to one’s finger


3. Listening vocabulary is the stock of words to which one respond with

meaning and which are understood in the speaking of others.


3. Vocabulary development

Harmer in Jawariah, defines that vocabulary development can be

defined as the action or act of building up vocabulary or words that the

students have, or it can also be said that vocabulary development is the

element of English vocabulary that is being developed. Besides that, in

teaching vocabulary the students must have some elements of English

vocabulary, such as noun, conjunction, adverb, adjective, pronoun and

interjection. He or she can also develop the students’ vocabulary through

many ways.

Based on the explanation above, according to the writer words of

language is an important element in context and must be consider as the

purpose, so words must have a good meaning and the form must suitable with

formulation well in context.

4. The Classification of the words

According to Ba’dulu, point out that there are two classifications of

the words.

a. Traditional of the words classification

There are eight parts of speech, namely:

1. Noun, A noun is the word or word group that names a person, a place,

an idea or a thing (object, activity, quality, and condition).

2. Pronoun, A pronoun is a word that functions a noun substitute.

3. Verb, A verb is word group that expresses action


4. Adjective, An adjective is a word group is word that tell a characteristic

or quality of noun or pronoun

5. Adverb, An adverb is word or word group the modifies (characterizes)

a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

6. Preposition, A proposition is a word group that functions to show

meaning relationship between the object (the nominal which normally

follow the preposition) and some other words in the sentence.

7. Conjunction, A conjunction is a word or word group that connects two

sentence components’.

8. Interjection, An interjection is a word or word group that ‘interrupts’

b. New word classification

Fries in Ba’dulu, Have classified all English into two divisions:

1. Class words (parts of speech)

The class words consist of four classes; they are (1) class 1 word

(noun), (2) class 2 word (verb), (3) class 3 word (adjective), (4) class 4

on word (adverb).

2. Function words

Based on the parts of speech they occur with, the function words can be

subdivided into the following groups: 1). Determiners, 2). Auxiliaries,

3). Intensifiers, 4). Preposition, 5). Conjunction, and 6). Question

words. The determiners are function words covering the articles,

numerals, demonstratives, and possessive pronouns. These determiners

always occur with nouns to form noun phrases. The auxiliaries are the


function words which always occur with verb to form verbs phrases.

The intensifiers are function words which always occur with adjectives

and adverbs to form adjective phrases and adverb phrases. The

prepositions are function word which always precedes nouns or noun

phrases to form the prepositional phrases or the relater-axis. The

conjunctions are function words which always connect words, phrases

or clauses to form coordinate conjunction. The question words are

function words used to form questions, particularly information

questions, namely, question giving further information to listeners.

5. Role of vocabulary in language skill

a. Role of vocabulary in reading

According to Salam Vocabulary is a very important language

component in reading comprehension. A reader will not be able to decide

all the massages written in the text successfully. By having vocabulary

mastery, we can identify the meaning of certain difficult words of phrases

and sentences.

In addition, some words have implicit and explicit meaning

depending on the author’s perception. We can select a word among others

to fit on the context. The implicit meaning of certain words need a reader’s

creative thinking skill to be able to gain all of meaning, commonly, a

reader who has low vocabulary mastery, usually o pens dictionary, to look

up the meaning of certain difficult words. However, he/she fails to

interpret the text appropriately. Abdul, In relation to this Nunan noted


“A word is a single unit that has a meaning and it can come throughout a

sentence or paragraph to support ideas. While student’s comprehensions

depend on grasping words meaning of grouping meaning word so that the

sentence and paragraph become intelligible”

b. Vocabulary writing, speaking and listening

Salam, states to developing writing skill is relevant to developing

vocabulary mastery. The student can write on a given topic depend on

their vocabulary mastery. Besides that, developing speaking and listening

skill are also relevant to the vocabulary mastery. Then a listener can

comprehend the speech well as long as he knows the meaning of words

he/she hear.

In English class room, the teachers usually develop the student

vocabulary mastery of speaking skill by trying to speak English. The

student this case will be motivated to imitate their teacher. This also

happens in developing writing and listening skill.

6. The Word Building

According to Gains and Redman, states that there are three mains

form of the word formations which are characteristic of English. They are

affliction, compounding and conversion.

a. Affixation is presses of the adding prefix and suffixes to base item. In

this way, item can be modified in meaning and/or change for one part of

speech to another. To the base form ‘man’ for instance.



Man + ly: manly

Un + man + ly : unmanly

b. Compounding is the formation of words from two or more separate word

which can stand independently in other circumstances. There are three

different of compounding.

1. Adjective compound (hard-working)

2. Verb compound (to sightsee)

3. Noun compound.

For this group there are three patterns.

1. Base noun + noun (table tennis)

2. Possessive noun + noun (my girlfriend’ brother )

3. Preposition structure (the end of the line)

c. Conversion is also known as zero affixation, is the process by which an

item may be use in different parts of speech, yet does not change its


E.g. we’ve just had a lovely swim. (Noun)

I can’t swim very well. (Verb)

7. What do the students need to know?

Harmer, elaborates about what the student need to know in term of

vocabulary achievement:

a. Meaning


The first thing to realize about vocabulary is that they often have

more than one meaning. Then we often have to look at the context in

which the word is used. ‘book’ for instance, obviously refers to

something we used to read.

b. Word use

Word meaning is frequently stretched through the use of metaphor

and idiom. It is also governed by collocation that is which words go

with each other. We also often use words only in certain social and

topical context.

c. Word formation

Word can change their save and their grammatical value too. Thus,

the ‘run’ has participles ‘running’ and ‘ran’. The participle ’running’ is

as an adjective and ‘ran’ as a noun. Students also need to know how

prefixes and suffixes work. They also need to know how words are

spelt and how they sound.

d. Word Grammar

Words change according to their grammatical meaning. So, the use

of certain words can trigger the use of certain grammar. We make

distinction behavior that student need to know. There are many other

areas of grammatical behavior that student need to know. Such as

phrasal verb, how adjective ordered? What is position can adverb be

used in?


8. Principle of Teaching and Learning vocabulary

There are many principles in teaching and learning vocabulary as

follows: aims, need, situation presentation, meaningful presentation,

presenting in context, inference (circle) procedure in vocabulary learning,

technique in teaching and learning vocabulary.

Wallace in Mulbar indicates six principles of teaching and learning

vocabulary such as follows:

a. Aims

In the teaching vocabulary, we have to be clear about our aims how

to explicitly we must decide the vocabulary that we expect the learner

to be able to do.

b. Need

The vocabulary that tough the students depend on the course book

or syllabus but the teacher should consider the aims of the course and

the individual lesson.

c. Situation presentation

The words presented are appropriate to the student’s situation.

d. Meaningful presentation

The students must have a clear and specific and understanding of

what donates or refers to his required that the presented in such a way

the denotation and references are perfectly clear.

e. Presenting in context


The words very seldom occur in isolation, so the students have to

know the usual context that the word occurs in.

f. Inference (circle) procedure in vocabulary learning

Inference is also one of strategies in learning in which the learners

are heard on a practice by using a definite knowledge to have clear

understanding the word they learn. The students infer the meaning of

words by listening or reading them used in certain situation.

9. Technique in teaching and learning vocabulary

Similar to Wallace, Allen in Muhbubah, classifies the technique in

teaching vocabulary for beginner classes as follows:

1. Let the students look at several words that are introduced in the first

year test book, word representing noun, verbs, adjective and others

kinds of words. For the young learners are emphasized in simple words

such as the animals, fruits etc in noun. Simple verbs that they are

usually used in everyday, name of colors, characteristic of person in

adjectives and many others that are easy to children comprehending.

2. Showing the real object.

3. Showing some pictures, especially the pictures the students draw.

4. Definition in sample English, using vocabulary that the students know


C. Teaching Noun, Verb and Adjective through Circle Games.

According to Feragawati in Megah, A complete lesson may be planned on

the Circle games model to teaching noun, verb, and adjective:


a. The students’ Improvement of nouns

Circle Games in this case the teacher can use games, or song to arouse

the students’ interest and engage their emotions, and the game or songs has

relationship with the material. It can give in first or the last teaching learning

process. The researcher presentation the material of noun human body by

giving the some question to be answering and discuss. Then, the student

divides to form a team. Then, they give the name for their team using

vocabulary as a noun. After that, the researcher gives work sheet to the

student and make sure students understand that sheet.

In order students did not bore, researchers give quiz noun. It was applied

after the student learning material. Quiz aims to ensure individually

accountability for learning material .The researcher invites one student from

each team to come forward. Then they were asked to write down 10 human

body of one minute. Make the student fun and interesting in join it. Then, the

teacher or researchers give individual score. It was based on the student

achievement in drawing inference about the meaning of human body. At the

last the teacher gives motivation to all students in order to try getting the best

result. It was provided for individually who has performance exceptionally

well or who was most improve.

In this material, the student remanded adequate vocabulary mastery of

noun, for example:

1. Eyelid : kelopak mata

2. Nostril : lubang hidung


3. Ankle : mata kaki

4. Wrist : pergelangan tangan

5. Sole : telapak kaki

b. The students improvement of verbs

Circle games These sections have same process with teaching noun

just different in material. The teacher give motivate to the student and then

explains the material about narrative text, in teaching verb, the student

give instruction to underline all verbs in that text. The researcher presented

the material of verb by giving them, some questions to be answered and


In order the student not bore, the teacher gives game namely circle

word. Every group has a time to become a central object, the team has a

secret word and other group must guess above,

The word focus in verbs. At the last the teacher gives motivation to

all students in order to try getting the best result.

In this material, the student remanded adequate vocabulary mastery

of verb, for example:

1. Painting :mengecat

2. Bought :membeli

3. Shouted :berteriak

4. Fond out :menemukan

c. The students improvement of adjectives


Circle games are these sections have same process with teaching

noun and verb above, just different in material. The teacher give motivate

to the student and then explains the material about describe someone, the

teacher can use some picture or poster in teaching adjective. After explain

the material the teacher give quiz adjective. The teacher asked all of the

student to stand up and research passed the small ball to one student, next,

the student mention one adjective. It was continue to order students. Make

them enjoyable in this section.

In this material, the student remanded adequate vocabulary mastery

of adjective, for example:

1. generous :dermawan

2. Careless :sembrono

3. Childish :kekanak-kanakan

4. Indifferent :acuh tak acuh

D. Action Research

In action research is an informal, qualitative, interpretive, reflective and

experimental methodology that requires all the participants to be collaborative

researchers. Action research is carried out by people who usually recognize a

problem or limitation in their workplace situation and, together, devise a plan to

counteract the problem, implement the plan, observe what happens, reflect on

these outcomes, revise the plan, implement it, reflect, and revise and so on.

Another statement is also conveyed by with Carr and Kemmis in Jean

McNiff, they say that action research is a form of self-reflective enquiry


undertaken by participants (teachers, students or principals), for example, in social

(including education) situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of

(a)their own social or educational practices, (b) their understanding of these

practice, and (c) the situations (institutions) in which this practices are carried out.

The focus of action research is in classrooms and schools. However, the purpose

of it is to encourage the teacher to become involved in his or her own practice and

to view him or herself as researcher. As stated before that Action research in this

study is conducted in a class and carried out by a teacher and students as

participant. Science across the curriculum in its article says that one of the goals

of action research is to enhance the lives of students and teachers through

educational change. However, many teachers may be reluctant to engage in action

research because they have false assumptions about the process or because they

are unaware of the many benefits that stem from this form of research. Below is a

list of some of the potential benefits of action research.

a. Teachers who conduct action research are directly responsible for

making decisions. They determine the issues/problems to be researched

and they develop and implement the inquiry.

b. Action research allows for the improvement of student learning and the

enhancement of teaching.

c. Collaboration enriches working relationships amongst teachers.

d. Through action research, teachers gain a greater understanding of their

own practice and their students' behaviors. They are therefore

"empowered to make informed decisions about what to change and


what not to change, link prior knowledge to new information, learn

from experience (even failures) and ask questions and systematically

find answers."

e. Action research allows teachers to integrate theory (research findings)

and practice.

f. Action research can increase teamwork, student achievement and

morale among teachers.

g. Action research "satisfies the desire of all teachers to increase the

predictability of what happens in their classrooms - in particular, to

increase the likelihood that a given curriculum, instructional strategy or

use of technology will positively affect student outcomes."

h. Action research allows teachers to gain knowledge in research methods.

Action research is aimed to encourage a teacher to administer a learning

process well, help him to invent a new way of teaching so that it can be various, in

which the method of teaching, which is monotonous, will make the students

bored, and eventually, they assume that English is a boring lesson. Moreover, in

action research, the teacher is given an opportunity to monitor his students’

behavior, activity as well as acquiring knowledge, that he is able to measure the

progress of his students in learning the second language during the action research

is engaged.




A. Research Design

Research design is to seek and to answer the question of the study “How

could the use of game (circle games) as a teaching strategy improve the students’

mastery in vocabulary?”

This research followed the work principals of classroom action research

(CAR) that contains of four stages; they were: Planning, Implementation of

Action, Observation, and Reflection. This research was held around two cycles.

They are first and second cycle and each cycle was the series of activities which

have close relation. Where, the realization of the second cycle was continued and

repairing from the first cycle.

B. Research Variables and Indicators

1. Variables

Remembering that variable is one of the very important elements of

research, the research used two kinds include of variable. Those variables can

be divided into two variables. Those are dependent variable and independent

variable that is the variable that influence the other variable.

a. Independent variable was the CIRCLE GAMES, the important process to

Increasing the student’s vocabulary.

b. Dependent variable consisted of students’ vocabulary achievement in

learning nouns, verbs and adjectives.


2. Indicators

Indicators of the research are students’ vocabulary mastery about:

a. The terms of nouns are the registers about noun compound especially

talked about base noun.

b. The term of verbs is the registers about verb compound (to sightsee).

c. The term of adjective is the registers about adjective compound (hard-


C. Action Procedures

The researcher used classroom action research (CAR). It has four stages

they are: Planning, Action, Observation, Evaluation or Reflection. The researcher

will do two cycles each cycle consists of four meetings. They are first and second

cycle and each cycle is the series of activity which has close relation. Where, the

realization of the second cycle is continuing and repairing from the first cycle will

be described as follow:

Cycle 1

The first cycle in this classroom action research consist of

planning, action, observation and reflection as follows:

1. Planning

a. Understanding the curriculum of the school and analyze it to know

basic competency and apply to the students by using Circle games

b. Make lesson planning based on the syllabus, and prepare material of

lesson planning and it should based on the teaching of vocabulary.

c. Making observation paper to observe the students activity.


d. Make instrument evaluation that will be used in classroom action

research cycles.

2. Action

In this section the researcher conducted two cycles, where each cycle

consists of four meetings. Each meeting the researcher gives the

vocabulary material by using Circle games in action. The action will be

describing as follow:

The researcher gives material by applying Circle games step


1. Socializing Circle games

a. Teacher introduces circle games

b. Teacher has the rules of circle games

c. Teacher checks students’ understanding

2. Individually or Grouping

a. Teacher asks students to apply this games individually or

b. Teacher asks students to apply this games in a group

3. Distributing Cards

a. Teacher distributes cards as teaching material

b. Teacher explains the use of cards

4. Asking Questions and Giving Answer

a. Teacher asks to practice the games by asking question and giving

answer to each group

b. Teacher asks each group to perform once.



Circle games “Who am I? or What is it?”

The students will be decided into knower. The knower will be given

some flash cards that consist of several words based on the theme

(e.g. transportation).Emphasis that the knower is only allowed to

answer "yes" or "no". Demonstrate the activity, by asking one

student to come from the front, draw the flash cards from the special

"demo" envelope, and answer questions from the class. Explain that

students will work in groups, taking turns to draw a flash card from

the envelope. Check: What words can the person with the flash card

say? ("yes" or "no"). In addition, students the knower should say

“who am I?” before describing the objects.

3. Observation

a. Make a note all the activity of the students in every meetings in order

the researcher can measure the improvement of the students’ skill.

b. Identification and make note all the problem that we need when

teaching and learning process based on observation paper that has


c. Do the evaluation which used the result of the study to know how far

their improvement.

d. Give the students’ chance for give suggestion in action research.

4. Reflection


Reflection aim to see the result of the first cycle action process,

to analyze, understand and conclude the activity in the first cycle. The

researcher analyze first cycle to know whether the action is success

criteria or not than what is the lack of that activity based on evaluation

in the end of the cycle.

Cycle 2

In cycle 2 also consist of same activity with cycle 1 they are:

1. Planning

a. Continue the activities that have been done in the first cycle.

b. Make lesson planning, prepare material and observation form for four


c. Repair the weakness in the first cycle.

d. Repair Action research.

2. Action

In this stage, action is done to improve the result based on the cycle

1 reflection. The stages have same procedure but different variation and

material to reach target learning result.

3. Observation

Actually the observation at the cycle II is same with the

observation at the cycle I.

4. Reflection


The research make conclution about the applying Circle games in

improving students’skill in mastery in english vocabulary at the third year

students on the observation result and note personal at the action activity.

D. Research subject

Focusing on the topic of “The Use of Circle Games as a Strategy to

Improve the Students’ Mastery in English Vocabulary: An Action Research In the

Case of senior high School Students.

E. Research Instrument

The researchers used tests to asses and examine the students’ mastery in

vocabulary. The teacher gave test in each cycle to find out the improvement of the

students’ Vocabulary mastery in vocabulary. The test instrument gave to the

students they are: describing the picture, Record events happen in the class, given

Question like multiple-choice and discussion.

F. Data Collection

The technique of data collection done in this research is as follows:

a. Observation; it aims at finding out the students’ participation during the

teaching and learning process.

b. Interviewing; it aims at finding out the students’ responses during the

teaching and learning process by interviewing students and teacher.

c. Test; it aims at finding out the students’ improving mastery in English

vocabulary skill and the effectiveness of using Circle Games in teaching



G. Data Analysis

The researcher conducted the action research with several steps in

analyzing the data based on Miles and Huberman. As follows:

a. Reducing the data

This is the first component in analyzing the data that contains

selection process, focusing, and summarizing data from field notes. In this

step, the researchers’ selects, limits, and summarize the data from the

implementation of teaching Vocabulary using PPP approach.

b. Displaying the data

The second step of analyzing the data is describing the data in

narrative which the research conclusion will be possible to be done. This

step is describing the result of the research which is described in

systematic and logic sentence, therefore the result is understandable the

form of displaying is not always in the sentences, but can be displayed in

table form which supports the narrative data.

c. Making Conclusion

The last step is the researcher makes conclusion of the research. Then

the researcher also verifies the conclusion the technique is by discussing

the research conclusion with the collaborator of the research. This step is

very important to be done in order to get good research conclusion.



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