PSYCHOLOGY SHAMANIC Wild Essays by Gian Berra, 2002-2005 Writing my thoughts is the thing that brings me closer to making poetry. These are concepts that are born "wild", ie without the rules imposed. As true wild carry a healthy dose of insanity. Yet they make me happy, define new perspectives from which to observe reality. Exactly like the wild and crazy prospects feel that the artist observes the world from his corner. This is an awkward angle. Often lonely and frustrated by the fact that it can not help it. Also is an artist who is conditional: it can not do anything else, on pain of self-denial. Which was not acceptable, at least until the longing and love for life did not. Gian Berra...

PSYCHOLOGY SHAMANIC,Wild Essays by Gian Berra, 2002-2005

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PSYCHOLOGY SHAMANICWild Essays by Gian Berra, 2002-2005

Writing my thoughts is the thing that brings me closer to making poetry. These are concepts that are born "wild", ie without the rules imposed. As true wild carry a healthy dose of insanity. Yet they make me happy, define new perspectives from which to observe reality.Exactly like the wild and crazy prospects feel that the artist observes the world from his corner.This is an awkward angle. Often lonely and frustrated by the fact that it can not help it.Also is an artist who is conditional: itcan not do anything else, on pain of self-denial.Which was not acceptable, at least until the longing and love for life didnot.

Gian Berra...

PSYCHOLOGY SHAMANICWild Essays by Gian Berra, 2002-2005

Confidences of Luke

After Darwin

Showing passive ... almost.

Beyond the Threshold of Chaos

Tensions as challenges aware

Walk on the dark side

Vivaldi mon amour ...

About Arab ...

Heroes of '68


Parsnip plant pagan

Try to define ...


The rebirth of the TOTEM

The Great Mother

Bishops and sheep

The oak

Hello, I'm Teddy the cat (Candlemas 2002)

Gian Berra hippie in 1972

Writing my thoughts is the thing that brings me closer to making poetry. These are concepts that are born "wild", ie without the rules imposed. As true wild carry a healthy dose of insanity. Yet they make me happy, define new perspectives from which to observe reality.Exactly like the wild and crazy prospects feel that the artist observes the world from his corner.This is an awkward angle. Often lonely and frustrated by the fact that it can not help it.Also is an artist who is conditional: it can not do anything else, on pain of self-denial.Which was not acceptable, at least until the longing and love for life did not.

Confidences of Luca

Hello, I'm Gian, I did a little 'hard work to write this dialogue with Luke, my son was 12. He gave me permission to send him to the Divine Athena. I apologize for the length but I could not do so. Luke gives me great satisfaction and help me grow. I think it's useful to someone.

Luca - Dad, last night I had a dream, you know, when it came that you too have heard thunder. He was so strong that it seemed to be over the house ... so I got the fear.But as you said just throw it away. So she is gone.I am the father - but that dream was?There was a white snake, and there was the cat Teddy. She was hiding under my bed and tried to hide beneath me as if I could protect her. So I told the snake that did not exist and it is gone now.Bravo, so you become master of your dreams. You know that few know how to do?But Dad, you know that I travel in my dreams? I do what I want.Booyah! So you can create your own adventures even when you do not know where to go.Sure dad, dreams are when and how they want, but when I see them and I always rest. But because Ido not know where to go?Dreams come from the dark side. It is called dark not because we see it. But everything is in there. It 's the most beautiful and richer than we have. And 'there that is all our strength but no one taught us to use it and feel it as our friend.Daddy, I can hear it or see it? How it works?To hear or see it we must let him be when he wants and be careful not to listen to reason ...So it's like when I play ball, when I play and throw the ball against the wall and bounces do not get the look ... and yet he takes my hand without my seeing them.Perfect. E 'is the dark side to see you and you trusted him. So you've used his power and strength without going through the reasoning. Even with the Japanese Zen or Karate do so: they do not thinktheir moves but they do with their dark side. So unless they get tired because they leave it to the dark side to do things. Look, not all children do so because many have been taught that we must think of doing things.But then do not think?No, rather we must use reason, but we must be the ones to decide when, otherwise we use only the ends.But how do you become masters of reason, Dad? It seems to me that it is easy.It is not so easy. My mother and I were in her stomach since we have always spoken and said you were special, powerful, super nice and free and that in any case we were neighbors we would be helped to become one. Thus, when you formed your conscience that it is now your ego, you had built yourself a great strength and confidence that is now part of you. And 'that's your power, and hence become increasingly free and strong. Even if life is not always so easy.

That's because I travel in my dreams.Maybe you can do even more Luca, have you ever tried to go in your dreams where it's dark? That is where you do not know what is it?Certainly Pope! I did always when I was younger! Then I went everywhere!(At this point I block and I get a lump in my throat, Luke now has 12 years and he means when he was 4 or 5 years and that age was not afraid of anything ...)Special! Well, if you do it again, as then begin to understand even the most hidden parts of your dark side. And he wants nothing more than to be known. It 's your most trusted friend and the more I learn to become more conscious. And the more power you have.Friend of my dark side. So it is no longer dark and I can do with him. But why is there fear?Why mess with us, those who do not want you to be free to bring into the dark side of their ideas. These are the ideas that keep you from being who you are. They are like gates that close the road between your ego and your dark side. And guard put the mad dog of fear. If you do not do as they say you only stay with her and do not know why you have cut your way to power.Dad I do not care of fear. (Smiles to himself and rejoices in its power ... enjoy playing with the feeling of having won, for now, fear).Yet Luke, you know it's an achievement, a rare thing. Most of your friends and people we do not understand why my mother and I also make a great effort to overcome the gates that they put into it.Bad people for a thousand years has affected us their ideas, and so when a child is born this makes her and become like all ... (he's a little quiet, and I would be talking about these things away because it fills me with rage for the freedom that they have stolen and I had never happened that a lot of unnecessary suffering should be, but I do force and continues to listen to his need to grow up ...).Daddy but you can know all the dark side?Sure, in theory. But you know what to become?(He looks at me, guess the answer, but does not want to say it because I still do not dare to go further)Become a god! One of many in this universe and perhaps others.So the bad guys keep us from becoming gods?Maybe they want to steal our strength to become them effortlessly. But they are just even if they aredangerous and evil.Perhaps they are the priests and religions?They, too, even those who impose their way of doing. They are the ones who create ideas and do not leave everyone the freedom to build their own ideas ... if you look at those who impose themselves will see that they always want to be right. And always struggling against others who do not think like them. They do not like peace and never laugh.And already, the priests never laugh and never happy. But even the politicians and crooks are laughing ...Luke, however, these are poor because they have put more gates and fear. You should not condemn them even if they are hazardous because they are blind.But the bad guys are afraid?And how! To defend himself invented the sdc.(Luke smiles, the SDC is the sense of guilt, is an acronym that we invented when it awakens in us, we call it now with this symbol because it can not be hidden in the dark side and act undisturbed and do its damage) we have did our friend and when it happens let's face it, and so loses all his power.So dad can do all the Gods. Certainly control their fear and also check if their dreams can travel to other dimensions, even in that dimension that we find when we die with this body and it remains just a dream ..Of course it depends on how human consciousness is able to become a God, that is, what percentage can check his vital energy. If within himself he can use his potential and then it will increase even owner and may use it mainly to exist independently.

I feel independent! (Luke said to exist, and I'm not sure I ask him to doubt ... he discovers the obstacles in its development) I want to explore other dimensions, and go in the other universes!Of course I see many. They say that they are infinite and live them all there forever. But how about this return?(He stops and thinks ...) Back to this reality? With a body? I never thought I could if I wanted but for sure and maybe I could also choose a life I want.Only if you have within you the power to do, in fact, who did not become truly master of himself can not choose. Will be forced to endure a life that seems like the things about himself that he does not know and does not dominate.Thus one who is afraid or angry or who has stolen or is suffering or who can not laugh can not choose what will be?Luke is, this person will have to undergo a future reincarnations will not be able to manage. Although it will do everything to avoid it will not be able to be what he wants because it is not whathe wants. It is precisely what I call the clever, those who are not confined to deceive others, but especially deceiving themselves.But really all should be smart?(I begin to be tired) No, not all smart. We are conscious of being clever, they live consciously the energy stolen and will find even in a dream world. They know how to live and where to look for stolen energy. Energy stolen there in quantity and may usarne until they find other crafty stronger than them. To this can never be autonomous. They can only be free to steal as long as ...They are the evil dad, but I do not need their energy. But because there are and insist to be so?Because life does not set limits. Also gives them a chance. If they waste their time are responsible. After all we are useful to see what is not worth it to be. (Luke is relieved, thinking the things said and it makes me one last question before we change the subject)Daddy, it's all true?(I got a shiver down my back) But Luke, I do not even know me. But I like to believe because I feelthat may be. And I like that it is.

Hello, Gian Berra.

After Darwin

The Darwinian theory of evolution was a key step to the possibility of reversing at least in the western world is a creation of deception "over." What annoyed the Christians so that the Roman pope of the time was not long in promises excommunication to those who had received the news that the creation was just a fairy tale.

Since then, the time is not finished and even the possibility of changing the nature or the universe.

Just between us, good or bad thing was already recognized by the cultures which fortunately were not affected by any absolute concept,

but the thing was spontaneous. For a politician can not be closed within the existing limits closed.

It 's a concept of fear of living, and therefore of inner weakness.

Perhaps it may be a desire, a dream. But this is a dream that eliminates all other dreams. A gilded misery, but misery.

So Darwin opened the door to every dream, without limits.

Creative people, those whose dream is the matter of life and found the gates open. Also favored from the positivist era. The future was their creatures and machines that would help them.

So for the first time the planet was born a fashion that never before had captured the attention of theconscience.

It was possible to imagine the future without limits. Something never seen even in the ancient polytheistic society.

Even the pagans felt the need to invent a future in their image. Imagine if they felt the need to imagine many future interchangeable. And all more or less possible.

Cero were prophecies, dreams, premonitions. But the bulk of which was to take the past and traditions.

Science fiction was born as the possibility of alternative futures. As a game, put the land where dreams and fears, where to put the momentum and hope.

A place where to put their own follies. And it fulfilled.

Religions have done the same thing to humanity. They have beautiful dreams packed and ready. And then they put them in people.

But Darwin has cheated them.

From then on, anyone can master their dreams. It will have to share them with those of others, and maybe compare them to share together in common package dreams.

Science fiction was born polytheist. I know of no science fiction story that contains an example of amonotheistic culture positive.

Like all creative expressions are examples of squalid and commercial fiction. But there are examples of beautiful and full of content. I'm going to take care of these.

The Final Ted Reynolds

In March 2002 URANIA millemondi

Science fiction was born secular. But the stars are the way that humanity can achieve groped for a new paradise. Then of course we realize that the infinitely great ... can be equal to the infinitely

small, within us.

Stars to the human mentality, linked to the severity, shortness of life, may seem eternal. But in the end they too have a limit. But as our own, it almost does not interest us. So it is possible to imagine almost eternal. The same applies to the planets. The god alone try to write their dreams told the prophets. But there are men who dare to write their books. What a presumptuous act! There was enough for the example of Prometheus?

So Ted Reynolds envisions a full-scale military adventure, set in 1000 years. They were terrible years of conflict and war. However it appears that for several centuries until things are stabilized. Man has conquered the stars. Whenever humanity is about to make a big leap in quality, something the plunges in the horror of superstition. E 'occurred countless times as the time of the ancient empires. The ancient Roman Empire, the Indian Ocean, the Chinese had the technology to make great strides. But something has blocked them.

For the land will aid in the Kroceri. An alien civilization alert them that humanity is still in danger of losing everything he has rebuilt. Each period of a thousand years is close to the solar system and a negative entity from the infinite evil powers. It feeds on the consciences of men by requiring themto his presence in fear, intolerance and fear.

It calls for absolute dedication and confidence in it, on pain of despair and chaos within. It is the only lighthouse where to focus. And the civilization collapsed in confusion visionary.

Is paid to land an alien spacecraft, built for the occasion. They are trained as pilots and those who will lead the action. Kroceri course, also have their own advantage.

They must destroy the evil god of the migrant in the cosmos. Get him out.

The thing is not at all simple. That God knows her. The journey lasts one year, and already halfway into the space travel begin to sprout prophets who announce punishments. Any weakness is human scent from this level to wipe out any certainty. Does not mind half-measures. Birth of the first inquisitor who secretly removes much of the weakest. But the struggle that is most pleasing to God is more valuable to bend the minds destroying their integrity through the emotions. You eat the consciences of the children present in that small world.

The fight will be titanic. Everyone must eventually lose a lot of their safety.

And the final solution of the problem is not at all obvious or definitive. It will still be ...

Here are some quotes that I have outlined:

The evil entity called "thing".

- The mind is a strange mechanism Ridge. Can make any logical game starting with illogical

assumptions. That source gives out the illogical assumptions, and do not know if we recognize themas such.

- That thing change at all unconscious values and assumptions of our race ...

- It was found written on a cross with letters almost canceled, "suffer me to" read the captain. He added there is also written other, almost erased. It seems to me a message medieval nonsense. Perhaps it means "to suffer for my sake," but why?

- But could it really be a god who made everything in the universe (now the doubts were frequent)? ... Answer: - We now know this hypothesis quite unnecessary and unfounded. We know why the universe exists. No one has created. We tracked down three big beng: the universe creates and recreates itself in cycles according to natural laws ...

- One does not someone just start to behave as if he had power and knowledge ...

- But what will happen to you when you die? - Actually, that thought had never bothered, I do not know anyone for whom that question is a problem. Although he had heard of people with that fear: the tanatofobi. But they were rare.

And much more.

Gian Berra.

Showing passive ... almost.

The first time I did was several years ago. And I was naturally no one had taught me. Then later I read in a Buddhist text: I had not invented anything new.Obviously at a certain level of experience things repeat themselves, as taken from a common container available to all who seek a bit of courage in that container occult (hidden) and free picks every human experience of the monkeys and not just .Of course I was trained to do such experiences. I remember that the cause was a great confusion of naughty thoughts that turned me on the head. And I wanted to sleep. How to silence them?Easy to say. But that mob of restless beings were there inside me and all demanded attention. I consider the thoughts "be" alive and conscious in all respects.Every thought has the sacred right to exist. Has its own identity, personality, desires, emotions, body, etc. purposes.Moreover, it is within me, rather it is myself. It's part of me.Illusion would want to destroy, or throw away.And then there is the problem that I can not erase it. My brain (I do not know how the others) I remember everything. Some people are convinced that you format your brain, and maybe we can start from scratch. Lucky him. Maybe what I think you have just deleted and hidden in a drawer ... and does them without being seen.What a shame it being influenced by what we know is hidden in a drawer ... within us. I do not see at all. We swear that is not there.And he mocks us. What a fool!It 's like to be there and built a fence around it. Locked in a cage thinking that there is, since we do not see.I know people from the private cage screaming to the world his anger, considering themselves free.

Maybe she was beaten as a child, or maybe bigger. The fact remains that now unable to free himself, and like a dog tied to a chain in the world screams his discomfort. A keeper himself.The practice of Shamanism is as old as the creative world. But needs creative minds. And the creative power is available free to all. Just take it to every street corner and use it.In practice this is going to open all possible hidden drawers. Certainly not as easy as complaining about the evil that others do to ourselves or the world. I open drawers are mine and contain all the things I deluded to close once and for all. Period.What follows is not for one who thinks so. I might as well throw these notes in the trash and thought no more. Better: reformat everything.Or do high screams angry towards the infinite, having already decided its case once and for all.

But I digress, as usual, is certainly due to other pests and spiteful thoughts that still have every right to express themselves. Small Gods.

The display changes in practice.

The meaning of "display" is granted. Everyone knows what it is. But why "passive"?E 'passive because his conduct is not guided by conscience alert. That is not the Ego wonderful that we have running the show. So far nothing new: I remember an old text of Yoga that I read in the '60s as a teenager, which meant the same thing. Only in that case the ego was seen as an obstacle and had to stay there like good, almost asleep to learn some kind of lesson. Monotheistic influences in Indian philosophy? In Chinese and Japanese, however, did not exist. But even in the native cultures there are concepts of guilt, is an instrument of power as old as the human apes.

The display changes I am referring to the ego does not lead the wonderful game. But everything looks alert and experiences of what it encounters.It does not act at all. It does nothing but observe.Can not react to anything it encounters, neither emotions, nor reviews or memories, or reactions, etc..In this case agree that you are only an observer. It accepts a priori, otherwise the game is not worth it. It 's a heavy game. It should be done as a game. A game that begins with the emotions of the moment, but which are set aside for the duration of the game.Then at the end of everything you can vent if it is deemed necessary. Ego also has its rights. By Jove!

Passive viewing can be done anywhere and under any condition and for the wide variety of purposes. But it is better to do it in a safe place, preferably in a quiet and relaxed, without too much light. With practice certain conditions are not as necessary. But for beginners it is better to be comfortable.

A more selfish and do it ... to get to sleep. I know it's trite, but sometimes necessary. Then if you have the courage to continue any purpose is valid:

I start relaxing on the couch. I am at ease. Maybe I'm thinkin 'bills to pay tomorrow, and the money is not really all there is. Then there is the sting of insolent obnoxious boss or colleague. And I eat heavy food. And the cries of the children and the fact that it's raining today and I waited for the sun. For more about the moon is full and I get some thoughts ...

I do not send these thoughts away. They're part of me and have the right to be heard.I try to feel my body and its sensations: The weight on the couch, which are surrounded by air, the vague echoes of the sounds that I perceive. I am my body is obvious.My eyes are closed as a bit 'forced in the beginning. Then even those go away. The mind is a chaos

of tensions that still want to win. Each in its own way. Do not pay special attention to each of them, but does not pose any obstacle to none.I accept this confusion as it is. I am in a chaos of small gods, each with their own reasons to sell. I let them all free to say what they need to express. E 'in their own right.

The conscious part of my notes that confusion. A cacophony of voices and impressions that I watch as a spectator. A spectator who observes all without getting involved. Sound impossible?Not at all. Just let our conscious ego, at that moment, to accept the language of the brain: concepts but not images.In fact, the concepts we have in the head are composed of hidden images. The brain works for images containing more images.While the computer with which I write works for negations and affirmations: will find it hard to become intelligent. Unless you do not invent a computer that works for images (holograms). But it seems that you are already invent one ...

We work for image-hologram. Not only images, so! But holograms. The hologram is an image that contains all the other images in themselves as a link and "seed".This means that if I take a single image from my brain, and I make it into small pieces, then pick one of these pieces and watch him show me the entire image (before breaking). Maybe with less resolution, but will still be full.But not only! Looking better than that piece I can see all (or almost) the images in my brain. That is,I can also see my part in that piece "character".Magic? No it's just reality. Hidden reality, but real.

So to go on display in the passive we should turn the little mischievous gods who are our thoughts ... in pictures. And you can rest assured that they will make a great endurance. They will do anything not to be revealed. That is, be made recognizable as pictures.The reason is that we have been educated for generations (we in the West) to omit the image to the concept of it. A power that we have lost. But it is time to recover. We are ready to once again become idolatrous?The word is almost scary, almost. It seems an insult.We were used to fill your head with reasonable concepts. But we do not know what images represent. Mental tension eddy taken as obvious. As long as we stay there we are in a cage.

How do you give an image of the chaotic thoughts?The mistake is to think about it. It 's like search of concepts from which to construct images. What amistake!We make the leap! Let the naughty thoughts to reveal his own image, whatever that is!Are we not now passed as consciousness?Each parasite is thought clever. How to ourselves anyway. It shows how we want to see. That is, form (but does not perhaps the Ego?).We scrub every thought to take any spiteful leaving any image he chooses to show. Everything is fine.Set him free.And he will leave us free.Can "be" anything he wants. At the bottom is not seeking another.

Does it work? Easy to say written words. Especially if the procedure is done with all these thoughts in that moment.The difficulty is always the same: control the process. The ego is afraid of something wrong, do not do well the bills. This is also a mischievous thought. And who cares if we do things right? We are only spectators of what is happening.

Go as he goes. By Jove!

Let us as a picture in the middle of the chaos that is beginning to color and rich forms of wild life.It set a target that we set. I had planned to sleep, not to think any more. An area on the horizon, darkand empty. A hologram made of nothing, calm dark.But it is just an example.

The other hologram certainly do not leave me in peace. Here is a question of practice. The chaotic images evoked will do anything to distract from my goal. It will win every time that observe it carefully, caught by their emotional content.

However, if I lose I will try to deny and avoid them. It 's like if I tried to cast a fly nuisance. It 'just what he wants. Although this is only a virtual fly.I come before? Excite me or scare me? O.K. Meanwhile, I let them do with the attention to my order. I feel everything and shows the way. And every living thing ... showing the way forward observer.

Then I woke up the next morning really fit. And I paid all the bills. Naughty and the other gods? There were all alive and well. But now I had learned (in part) to see them as images. Not what I haddone it (concepts) but rather as what they actually were. Those who wished to show themselves. Now free to do so. Is this not enough?

At this point had become very gods with their own image. Real Idols.

Gian Berra.

Beyond the threshold of chaos

That is beyond fear, you can meet all our individual needs.There are possibilities that are ours personally.Different for each of us. They come to meet us every moment.But every time we have to stop the face of fear. It is our inability to handle messages that do not have rules imposed.But they have their own rules.In this dark side of consciousness is contained throughout our life energy.It 's the same force that gives us life.But life never gives up. It is'.Even in companies that have the form of herds, flocks, swarms of constraints forced them to act more or less reasonable life ... no limits to emerge.Life does not care that purpose, its: vivere.E the strategy of living is just to adapt to any condition esserci.Per this reason, the vital spirit that replicates itself has no limits of form and time.

Every "idea" that human attempts to define the rules, or writing in his own image, that does not deceive itself. Sooner or later, those rules will be destroyed by other men who will lay new ones.This is called the conscience "reasonable" ... the CaosCioè life end in itself.Life is so at every opportunity, at any time or place to bring your form with a hidden conscience thathe foresaw in its most ... unusual, intriguing, outside of any definition.Perhaps many have this capability. But few will linger.And 'the creative power to imagine the endless possibilities of relationships between the minds.It 's the opposite of fear that the island instead coscienze.La life has no boundaries or defined


Aware of the tensions as challenges.

It 's a tough issue, with considerable conceptual traps, and hope not to bore the readers of the magazine, but I enjoy it ...What tension? I mean a tension concerning the thought, the impulse to act and vital, desires, and every scheme instinctual and emotional. The projects and strategies.A tension in these cases is a fixed pattern of vital energy and acting with their own autonomy and automatic.A voltage is autonomous: once built on the personality self-schema as it becomes independent in itself and does so automatically whenever the recall of everyday situations and call for action. So every time a latent tension is awakened it back to the light of conscience and imposes itself on making conscious of the person and claims to be heard. It imposes itself on making conscious. It acts as a mistress.It was a rainy day of spring would not come. Menico left to spend the morning walking through the lands of the Piave. He felt satisfied by silence and a still sleepy and lazy. The bare branches seemed bare hands outstretched toward the sky. Pools of rainwater illuminated the gravel and grass stains. Far a low mist hiding the horizon and humid. It was so also his mind this morning? Domenico is lulled by a state of being away from all this: let your thoughts wander without worrying about them ...He saw the intruder when he was near the snake came out strong from the bushes at the side of the path. Determined and busy Menico headed toward a pond. When the video freezes with the leader to fix it up.Menico met his gaze and was deprived of his dreams with a painful tear. Took a stranglehold in the stomach and the panic stopped him. Each decision was a chaos of fear that cancels out any thought. He decided the instinct took a step backwards with your heart beating. And he tried his hand a stone.Now he was armed. He looked at the snake with the decision. But it did not move. The fixed observer and considering what to do: it was a moment, and she quickly disappeared through the grass.Domenico was alone.Only through her fear and her shame.The tension inside of us that sleep does not always have created us. They are autonomous presence hidden from our consciousness. Yet they are well aware and independent. These are programs which act automatically.To investigate the unconscious motivations that move may be the subject of another article for the next magazine. But it is now possible to analyze identity schema intimate tension. And see how it isformed and how you can build one.Building is an act of awareness. How to build tension? Assume a starting point. The point A, a pointis an idea, a thought, a concept any. Alone represents a decision to exist and manifestarsi.E 'a point of vital power that manifests itself. E 'was born and the present. It 's alive.But it just is. But once born (created) is discovered not alone anymore. Countless others are close topower points, and each with its own identity, which claims to be recognized and confronted him. Each concept was born and soon learns that absolutely has to defend its identity in order to exist andlive. But soon he realizes that may not be possible since it arises from the result of the development of many other concepts that have contributed to shape the dialogue between them as a possible solution. So the new power point created does not yet know who or what comes. Knows to exist butdoes not know who is not as yet compared with other identities that are around. It has vital energy, but has not yet used. He knows that he possesses in abundance: at least than they have other

identities. But other identities may have already created relationships between them. Point A has not.So the consciousness that created it as a solution to a voltage of thoughts, it compares with the concept that created it.Point A is encountered with point B. Both confront and creates tension that includes the new AB.Menico realizes that even in April brought a little snow on the mountains. E 'pissed off because he thought he not turn over the stove in the kitchen. In his projects already saw the heat of summer. But the cold is back again. Can not even dress light and start using the bike. No, he'll have to go back to light the fire to spend the evening in the kitchen. Projects blurred, dreams to be returned. And 'Just a little' cold (A) to prevent him from living a dream summer in advance (B).The tension between A and B Menico forced to change his plans. This tension is real to the point that Menico had to change his plans. The tension will remain until Menico be forgotten or set aside the wishes of early summer temperature, or when spring really arrives.A voltage is a voltage of thoughts that are confronted with. So intimately linked that they can not get out of this relationship until one of two power points that they represent not change himself and his motives.But the reasons for those changes? Who or what can change the voltage?Evidently his creator: consciousness.But how does a conscience to change or modify its creatures? To change what you have created should be examined. Examine means to observe what must be considered.Consciousness, therefore, should consider itself as a live voltage (uncomfortable) between two points of power on their own agents inside herself.They are his children very much alive, and both claim to be. The tension between them creates a conflict that steals life energy as the conscience demands attention to be resolved. But there's more: first I spoke of "personality." That is, the complex of factors ranging from consciousness to consciousness. Each one is different.If consciousness is a complex of factors, of which they are observed by consciousness itself? Maybewhat he thinks?It would be nice if it were so. The consciousness that thinks consciously uses only a fraction of what it is. Because he can not consciously control their creations tensions that it creates within itself.Then for the 'helplessness to control the reasons "not known" that led her to act, the personality you create a system of rules that allow her to live in limbo in which consciousness can be recognized. And 'the territory in which they feel safe. In addition there is the unknown and the dark in which to lose herself and considers self-awareness that is built to give a safe area to live.Because the origin of every action point or enter power (hidden from consciousness) the forces of other points to it hidden, but part of the personality.

Until they are clear, the tension created is not in our power.Therefore even a weak tension. Maybe we give little importance, contains in itself a valuable dose of awareness to discover.If in a few millennia of human evolution have felt the need to investigate further than the rules imposed by fear is perhaps because it is not necessary for the species to which we belong. Yet this isprecisely the aspect that allows a development alternative. But not even necessary: create and live tension is perhaps not aware of the human species. Maybe not yet.It is the purpose of magic.

Gian Berra

Walk into the dark side

Sometimes I can not sleep. It happens.Thoughts and preoccupations, or maybe just a heavy meal shake the thoughts.They are linked to unresolved issues or difficult.I do not know where they come from. Countless hidden in my dark side they claim to attention. Want to be heard. Maybe solved.But they are hidden. Their questions are confusing and do not prove that their fear and their anxiety.Everyone screams as unique. Vociano together as in the choir, but say nothing to help me.Yet I see myself. But they only feel them. And I can not silence them because they are items that do not recognize myself. One that I forgot myself.I can not fool myself obscure taped over your mouth, or ignoring it.How many people take drugs is worse than a hangover or illusions, projects, dreams and wishes not to hear the cries of that part of him he was injured?Those who impose on others their dreams while not having to look at where they come from and what they feed?Not to mention those who really take drugs sold in chemistry for this. Maybe then young. .I decide to give voices speaking a part of my power.I'll share my best side. I can not deceive, they are me and do not fall for it. I'll share my best moments: the affections, the joys experienced, the best of me. Even my dreams and plans. The port of peace in the emotions experienced in the moments of peace here and now. I let them drink their fill from what I have achieved. All this is too.I let it show with their images. The pictures show that they want, not what I would like to build.They are chaos. I accept the chaos and let them flow as it wants to flow. Do not form.I dive with us momentum.I let them be built form alone. I'm always in every case.I allowed my obscure show. And being.I allowed a part of me, first locked in a cage, to be, exist and be recognized ...You know now that I know you exist, and accept it as is.Now no longer needs to steal power. Can take when and how much he wants. She is me.Now the voices been silenced. They have their living space inside me and will be my allies. At leastuntil other objects hidden reclaim space.I have enough space for everything myself.I do not notice he had fallen asleep.

Gian Berra.

Vivaldi mon amour ...

Concerto No. 10 in B min, cheerful:La, laLa la, la? La! La la la!La - la-laThe laa!Vivaldi, dressed in red, holding a violin in his hand. But even if he dresses as a priest, it is not right.Vivaldi side expresses the most poignant of paganism that began as a desire for the free flight of theintellect that has learned to be free to play with himself.Fly little bird and enjoy the taste of mock, play chase the senses, is surprised to be there.Then go back and try to make the road. Again. More, more.Then he launches and drops. Have fun and laughs at what he does.It has no limits. Silent and resumed.

Concerto in C major, Allegro:

Violins and cellos in cahoots. An armed against each other.The first told her, then it is up to others.Everyone is right: enough to be in harmony with others.Invent the way: then change it.Silence.And then we leave the great!It 's a joy when together they form only a wave!And then we start again with a solo single ...But it is a moment and all are back.What a mess, now the wave sweeps and no more reasons!It 's true paganism! A new equilibrium is formed,only to be reformed.And thoughts are kidnapped by the rhythm of life itself endlessly what pace.And I fly with my love Vivaldi.And I do not want to come down from that paradise. Where opposites dance together.Sublime paganismquite real.

Gian Berra.

About Arab ...

I followed the work on the history of the Arabs. I just finished reading the book "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom" by TE Lawrence (of Arabia that).I tried this book because I found it mentioned in various sources and is well worth it.Basically it is a living thing.Lawrence is a man 800, English enthusiast of archeology and the Arabic language as early as the youth. The world sees him living with these parameters. After all, even if open-minded grew up in an environment of Anglican, but this does not limit his experience as look at things honestly.He often destroys the fact that Arabs are not one people and who can not help but feel for the language that united. She realized that the places where they live as the source (Saudi, Palestine) has created a series of harsh conditions of life as "compensation" have caused attitudes of mystical flight in which the dreams of despair, loneliness, sadism, suffering, self-pity, elation are accepted as normal and that those talking with them is allowed to be what he feels.So in Arabia and Palestine are continuously born sects and prophets in the wilderness shouting their"madness" by creating groups more or less lasting.A use that has become customary. Madness tolerated because "God."This is normal for them, so it becomes normal to use it when it is useful to someone.Thus, in addition to those for neutral attitude or to vent, some make the smart and uses it for convenience.Lawrence says that the Arabs hate the Indians (those of India) and does not understand it. But I venture to sketch a possibility: The Indians beyond the madness with the acceptance of more or less

aware of reality, accepting the existence as a result of a previous act.(Law of reincarnation?) That this thought is accepted or not, the Indian mentality is.The folly of spontaneous culture of the inhabitants of the desert is not controlled. E 'accepted an escape from despair or rejection of a reality too harsh. What then becomes habit and will enter into the DNA of the people.Indian philosophy and Indian experience is a slap in the face of the Bedouin. The lever is the only freedom they feel in control.So Lawrence feels the spirit of these "children" capricious and sometimes dangerous. But at least the end although a bit disappointed to admit that 'has kept them together for an ideal temporary, "theArab Nation."Christian culture (more DNA) that we are at home is not very different from the Arabic, although the ancient culture has saved us in part.So now the "Arab" that we are finding things are already done: we have as children in need of affection, support, solidarity and understanding. Since children can be unpredictable, messy, noisy, dirty ... at least those who have no other alternative to do otherwise. Not everyone is so fortunately.It 's just a model they use to be accepted in the Christian sense of guilt, and only because now Christians are the richest as a reality of life. Among them, things are quite the clever diverse. Also command them. And they are smart without mercy "Christian."Lawrence describes the cruelty of the current standard among the various Bedouin tribes including the robbery and slavery. It also describes, however, the solidarity for the traveler, which is (not always) taken in case of need and for a time. Only at that particular time is sacred. Then it becomes loot.Of course everything is not so. Even among the Arabs there who has a heart, and there are many, fortunately. But simple does not make history and now we suffer the madness of desperate people who have no other way to be.And the smart ones pulling the strings there as well.Lawrence realizes she has lost her battle, but accepts that could only dream of adding a bit of awareness to the reality of this nation ... and himself.From them he learned a lot and makes a comparison that we are united with them describing the stench of their soldiers and the British: the British soldiers woolen clothes smelled of urine and rotten, the Arab soldiers cotton clothes smelled of goat and camel.

Hello, Gian Berra.

Heroes of 68 'The new heroes are born from '68.Everything has its time to manifest. So the most fortunate of '68, those that have not lost enthusiasmfor the road to dream and play with reality now slowly manage to make manifest their dreams. Offer new types of heroes, the reality of actors who act in unexpected and unpredictable.Those years were a challenge to implement. You can not delete or ignore a monotheistic conditioning without offering something to replace it. So it took a while to allow the imagination to construct a reality from scratch. A reality, especially in the beginning, interior and dreamed. Then experienced in person and finally offered as an alternative. The process is still ongoing and leads to important signals that literature offers as novels and short stories. Stories of heroes.I intend to talk about two very different writers: Eric Van Lustbader and Vittorio Evangelists.Both write novels for a wide audience, and that means to collect the interest from a wide area of people. Wide? I would say wide, and that says a lot about tastes "hidden" by a great mass of people.Italy is made from provincial who pretend to be one because it's convenient to live like that. But inside many of us are well hidden dreams much more full bodied. These writers know this and so we offer the honey that we seek has always been the '68: a real dream to get lost and live at last ... heroes.How to propose a pagan hero is real and present? Eric Van Lustbader, an American, understands

that you can not let it be born in our world would not have the means to be free.It does come in Japan. From an English-American father, put there at the end of World War II by theAllies to control the reconstruction of Japan. This officer falls in love with a Japanese girl, the bride and Mark was born.The father can do its job well for a spy, but realizes she has a wonderful opportunity: to give his sonthe chance to choose its future. So the young Mark is the usual schools of all Japanese. Followed bya master of life made in japan and then sent in the monasteries of the martial arts. He was chosen the best for him.But family is also American. So you can avoid that consciousness is identified with a pattern. Mark grew up as a pagan polytheist even if true does not know it because the Japanese are not defined in this way. They are what they are, and that's it. Lustbader wrote several novels about the business of Mark fighting the bad guys: The Russian mafia, the Chinese mafia, the struggles against the overwhelming power of the multinationals, who control the seven evil business empires for their shady schemes and struggle to pay ... .He has no one to turn to God. Each of his eyes to the reality and live events that are meant to express that conscience tells him. When the struggle against injustice is not fighting for a principle. Fight to live.Mark has no sense of guilt, but it suffers every time he sees someone suffering. Even if he is evil. Was wounded many times in the body and soul and every time accepts suffering as his and his alone. Do not blame anyone. But he is a man with his weaknesses, and when you can not do it, they will be friends who will help him. It will be the presence of nature to give him strength and to look ahead.More than once he lets himself be wrapped by active forces that the ancestors have built and filled with consciousness. They believe in personal experience, but is autonomous in its action: daring andlook ahead. Like a true hero.

How many readers have been living with him? How many have realized over the plot of the story, that the strength of Mark is their? Just enough to start a novel that inner spark dormant. E Lustbaderwe can do ...But Valerio Evangelisti was born in Italy. How could invent a hero charged if there are none here? But he could propose a hero: a hero Christian horror, and revealed by a look ... pay. I do not know ifEvans is charged, but no matter. Here, too, read the results of '68 that have matured in an alternativevision of reality: to dare beyond the usual definitions.Eymerich Monaco is a Spanish Inquisition in 1200. He lives with his conscience to do, cunning and zeal. E 'smart and relentless. Valerio Evangelisti's skill is to make us feel as he feels himself. It 's like to be him, without compromise.Eymerich has enormous power and knows how to use it in a lawless world in which he won by brute force and deceit. The cruelty of the Catholic power master of that world is huge and merciless.Eimerich knows to be right and his every action is permitted as an absolute right and, in the name ofthe dark god that he will vote.That God becomes the same Eymerich. He identifies himself so closely with the church that trained him to be a judge without a doubt. Investigate and knows all the heresies of the time. See, hear, smell the hand of Satan everywhere and can fight with all means possible. Consciously use the secret knowledge of the seven to tackle them. Expert knows the psychology of men and use their weaknesses to hurt them and destroy them. Never rests and never lost heart. His God sustains him and gives him strength through the suffering of the world.Monaco for existence is suffering does not even allow himself to enjoy what it does. He has only to act on behalf of his only god. It puts him completely for a perfect instrument of destruction. Eymerich has some weaknesses that reveals his own wishes to those close to them: do not like being touched by anyone. Physical contact with another consciousness (be it human, animal or insect) upsets him and makes him suffer, even contact with the robe of another makes him wince.He hates to laugh, he loves to see others happy. Like his god.

This dark monaco is the opposite of a hero free. It 's a sick conscience, the final result of a monotheism that destroys itself and the world. However it is always telling him power to create reports. It takes courage to walk in the mud in which they live Eymerich, and then look ahead. E Valerio Evangelisti has given us this opportunity.

Gian Berra.


Now it's been a month, and chickens that I bought are really building a small community. Just got lost and were still too young to realize where they were. In fact, their purchase was made at a farm where they were ready to be herded hundreds them sooner slaughtered. But or later, a handsome rooster and three hens have had no luck. They were chosen at random in the chaos of the shed where they were.Chance and chaos, exactly.The chicken coop where they have settled on is a nice place in the shade of a willow tree, with a little house of their own. Anyway just arrived were very disoriented.Space and light elements were fearful for them. Do not know them.They were afraid of the new freedom.When they saw me or Rosa were terrified. But 20 days have passed and they begin to trust us. Now when they see us from afar with cheeps call us insecure.Early in the morning, bring them maize. And I look forward to and around me. Then when I have time I stop sitting next to the chicken coop. Property without making any gesture let me observe. And its a bit 'at a time approach and look at me. The first is to approach the cock that smells danger,then the chickens that are closer, until infinity.There is a chicken, the most courageous of the others that I carefully scrutinizes. It seems like more.I think that is what will become my confidant.I saw that you were careful when to harvest grass. So now spray the grass early in the fence. And they thank me with a peck full of joyous enthusiasm. For them, the grass is a delicacy.But there is a doubt to be clarified. Why a rooster for only three chickens?That this is a chicken coop Islam?Yeah, I think it really is. Even if there is a chicken, it is in practice. So I think there are more females in nature if they choose to follow one male natural habit to do? Perhaps the fact that Islam does not follow this law, so widespread in the animal world.Really I'm lucky: I can see a chicken coop to the Islamic nature.And see what happens.But the chickens do not wear veils. Only animals with human intelligence could invent. Perhaps things are not easy as I thought.Then if I remember correctly only a few decades ago, when my grandmother was alive (and I assureyou that it was not Islamic, but an observant Catholic, even though common sense ...) she wore a black scarf on his head, and also led its peers.

If they removed only when they were at home. Even in the late 40 'villages in the Veneto region of marriageable girls covered their heads with colorful scarves.But my chicken is more advanced than these uses. For now his hand is limited to three Muslim women against a male.But I'm not I'm happy. They are a nuisance in nature and will be doing a miracle.If I, if I heard from my chickens so that they will form a poultry house for free. Already, a poultry house for free.This is not easy. It will be the first poultry house pagan history. A difficult and fascinating. I will telllive.Building the natural paganism is a process of awareness.And there are no rules. Above all, there are implicit rules or absolute. But only rules that are agreed upon from time to time together. And even this is final.I understand my chickens?I can only speak with them.But you can talk to chickens? I think so. I must place myself at their level (and not at all considered a lower level), or at least groped to understand how I can communicate with their language.It will be a fun challenge. They will tell me what to do. I will not impose anything forced or meditation, nor the depth, or Sufi dances or drums.I will take with me only a small totem, and I will sit next to them and listen to them and observe their actions. Whatever it is.And listen to what I say. And when you want to do them.

Best regards, Gian.

Parsnip plant pagan ...

Here are my parsnips plant. Before Columbus brought to Europe the potato, parsnip potato was the people.It 's a celery-like plant, but as you see in the second year is very alta.La its root is very large, similarto celery root. If you want to eat the root is harvested in the first year. If, however, in my case you want to get seeds, you let the plant bloom, and what happens to the second anno.Ho had a hard timefinding the seeds. Then when the seeds grow old quickly become sterile. After many attempts remained alive this plant that has given me a lot of seeds. Some I've already planted ... and seems fine. Already some plants are born.The root of parsnip is white and juicy. It can also be eaten grated or thin sliced raw in salads. Or cooked in soups or boiled.His is an unusual taste and old. Spicy and pungent with an unusual hint of sweet.I now have enough seeds. Who needs them just ask me.I'm looking for without fruit seeds "Forono," it is a large red beets, sweet. Once theStassen to sell by mail order. Now it's gone.

Who can tell me where to find it? I also try the sweet beet seeds edible, if someone gives me information gives me a great pleasure.

Gian Berra.

Try to define and describe their feelings.

Put it on display:

Many in this list express their ideas and sarongs. Even their projects.

Not many still express the essence of their research staff. Ie

what they have experienced directly the result of their newly

experience. I know that your personal treasure is precious.

So now that I think it showcases my personal nonsense,

however, so precious.


Points in space are endless. Or so says the geometry. Perhaps there are many that can not be counted. Can create at least one? To create it clearly identifies itself as mine, or at least what I identify as worthy of attention.

It does not have its own identity, at least from what I perceive him.

But there is and I give him a name or at least identify as existing right now.

I decide that it is a well-defined. It 'just that and not another.

So begins an affair with a point.

What about the point? It 's a portion of space that has its own identity, or expects to take it?

I decide that I can win. But leave it to the point and contains all the possibilities that you may not know.

I decide to begin to fill this empty relationship "with my intent. Will decide the intent of the hidden point to respond to my action or not react at all.

I decide to act in any case.

I can give at least an identity to the point. What I decide.

It will be a name or a symbol or idea.

Henceforth the Puto exist for me with a well-defined identity. And I will interact with it as it really exists. True and real. Possible.

Can I use that time for my intent and it will speak to me in an independent way, that pattern it represents. The problem is learning to listen.

It all depends on what I know listen to the hidden side of me that represents a synthesis of various organizations that make up many points all of my feelings.

They have left in me, wanted to form an oasis of knowledge that now writes. Thus they become "visible" a reality. The fact that it is now.

The point is now visible. And I can manage this new territory as my conquest.

Did not exist before in my area of perception. Now there is.

I can give to that point, a special autonomy?

I can venture further?

Sure. Can I make a will at that point.

A real and true will. Real.

In my service.

I created a will.

Gian Berra.


The discovery of what we have been prevented from developing, is a surprise.

They told us that blacks and Indians were just wild, and in addition "pagans." What a joy to discovertheir freedom! So it is useful to startfrom them ...

The barbarians of the pagan origins:

The roof of the old barn was leaking. It was not possible to do without getting our hands. It had to be resolved with a restoration project. So that August to 4 years ago I went to work. Remember that in August of 1999 there was an almost total eclipse of the sun? Here I was in the roof of the barn just as the sun was darkened. With all the locals who watched with a look at me now, now that the sun disappeared.

When I saw the roof of the tables supporting the tiles. They were a wonderful thing. At least 60 years old had unusual shapes. Tables were poor, those who saw mills discard as too erratic and not sold. The old owners, the poor and ingenious that recovered wood at a low cost to build the roof.

Every table was different from another. Were used as they were. And they did a good job with humility. They were still intact despite the humidity and little care. Fascinated me and I did not wood, but put them aside.

During winter, the idea was born by myself. I tried to pull the boards together. Gradually they took the form of autonomous sculptures. It seemed that the design work alone.

Those asked to represent tables of forms well-defined identity. Not defined with a name and I do notcalled them with the concepts. I had only told me their feelings with what they wanted.

Thus were born the 5 totems about 3 feet tall or less.

I made each of them with a strong base of industrial pallets. I have decorated wigs with grass. I added the decored them with expressive eyes and large seeds with old ropes and braid. I gave them a light protective layer with dark henna. Then I took them all on display in a Venetian villa of the place I was given an exhibition of my paintings in September 2001. I made the presentation at the opening of the exhibition explaining them as a representation of the powers that are in us. The people accepted them with surprise, even if you do not know if I have understood. Then I put a large notebook in which those who wanted to could write what he thought of the totem. I picked up several opinions and excited by surprise.

Since then the 5 totems follow me closely. Their identity has been strengthened and their power is increasingly visible. I begin to talk to them like old friends that existed well before me. Give me a very high safety as companions or guardians who accompany me in my do. I do not ever pressure and have infinite patience. I expect before my steps a few feet, and it seems to me smile.

Seem to have a clear plan on me. But do not tell me anything about what I do: just look at me from a distance. And I learned to listen to their silence.

Or at least what appears to be a silence.

Sometimes I lean on them. And they do not diverge.

Sometimes I am surprised to discover new things about their appearance: they are always new.

They are my friends. Now for this I send you pictures of some of them. I feel happy to be seen by others. This increases their power. Who knows ... maybe others can see them and understand more than me?

Gian Berra.

The Totem is within us.

They represent the myriad forms that our vital energy it takes to prove to our conscience. To make itvisible.

Our brains. Our mind works in pictures.

When these images are not represented in a concrete way, or not expressed in a visible or listen to a song or a music or a dance ... and they remain hidden away from the opportunity to recognize them.

Only by recognizing them with all our senses, they become concrete and recognizable. Therefore we can.

Be conscious, aware of our powers we handle the loneliness and the need to rely on the absolute concepts. Maybe religious ideologies revealed and taken for good just because someone has convinced us that the truth and our destiny is in the hands of a God who created us.

A god that claim, according to his particular design.

Totem I do not demand anything, they claim.

They are at our disposal to communicate with us.

They expect to resume that relationship with us started at the origin of our species.

We do not require a particular name, or a still image.

It locks us into concepts defined.

They propose to our attention in the way we decide, and invite us to dialogue, to hear their message.

Our attention is their food, they live in our interest.

And our interest in them makes them happy because their free energy and its purpose: to increase and develop awareness of existence.

The power of awareness.

It 's the spontaneous and natural right of our human race of monkeys.

But care has been killed, denigrated, offended, and carefully concealed from quell'inganno colossal were the revealed religions.

Revealed that taxes and just as obvious. Why not experiment and built from direct experience of sharing.

These ideologies are not aware of. Proposals such as obvious.

And as taxes due.

Becoming aware is the individual path. So difficult because we lost the power to relate to the natureof consciousness and our conscience and that of our peers.

It 'so great deception that we carry inside, that each report, starting with that to ourselves, is assumed to defend itself as just and immutable.

It 's the power of fear that has been engaged in as obvious and natural.

One fear is not natural.

An evil power to block any creative relationship.

Fear as conditioning.

It is carefully hidden within us even before birth.

The fears of our parents become part of us at conception. Almost a genetic condition which then becomes "real" as soon as we come out into the world.

The power of fear.

Fear keeps his power and defends it remains hidden in our depths. Only by hiding and denying itself the consciousness it can maintain its power.

It denies, rejects any definition. Does not reveal anything about herself.

Gives no reason why it happens. Not explanation.

It simply pours on us subtly. Absorbs the life force and eats it. Then when he robbed, he retires in our dark side and expects to hit next time ...

The path to the dark side

It 's there to hide their fear. As a barrier, a gate between us and our awareness of the vital forces. They are the heritage of our species, but have now been rejected and concealed from the conditioning we have undergone.

Rejected away from us.

With active between us and them a guardian parasite that feeds on our powerlessness.

Guardian that will tackle the first evidence that we will face if we go in search of our legitimate power of life.

The fear is a Totem.

To recognize it, see it have to get her out of the dark corner where it hides. Only then it loses much of its power.

In fact, his strategy is to act in the shadows. That's his power.

Building a Totem is an act of power.

To give a concrete image in the U.S. fear is to establish a relationship with it.

It 's a part of that action by us, promoted and achieved.

Since then the fear will no longer be hidden, or at least will do so with great difficulty. Of course weshould face it directly.

And she knows how to defend themselves. This will be the biggest challenge we face. But at stake is our freedom.

And the challenge is not to others. Only ourselves.

And alone.

I build the totem of fear.

What to do? Make it visible. Give it a shape. But which one?

For those not accustomed to using this power, is a doubt for start: what do I do? And it's time to play.

Childhood is a growing awareness in the game, like every child.

The game is not right: he does. Everything is fine to begin with. I took just a few old boards and battered. From them I took pictures of fear and more. But there are other things that attract me: caught by the banks of river stones, twisted roots, leaves the unlikely colors, plowing a field gathered old bones, old rusty iron, pretentious labels of products forgotten ...

So when you chose the image it must be treated as a precious object.

We can embellish it, color it or clean it. Decorate it or make it essential.

It is ours and ours. We are its creators and custodians. From that moment on, we can no longer pretend that it does not exist. She is there before us even if we hide her still exists.

Since then the fear will no longer hide. We may even pretend to hide it sometimes. But it will be only a temporary truce. In fact, we will sooner or later "forced" to look at her face.

I assure you that is not a pleasant face. It takes several forms, and does not show all at once. It will defend itself using all weapons at its disposal, because its power is to hide and strike from the shadows.

Go in the shadows.

It will be right there we're going to pay a visit to fear when it will hit us. Fear is not bad. She simplylives of our live when it is revealed. Fear can not help but ... scary. So she lives.

It began as a valuable primal instinct, to protect them from harm.

It warns us. The mechanisms that do not follow awaken our reasons, they just snap our certainties are challenged.

So it is up to us who wants to take away our power to deny us more certainty as possible. Not only will it be said that there is only one god (and will be only one indicatoci), but also there will be those who can speak for us .. There will be those who will offer us a moral code, but never allow us to discuss it. There are right things and wrong things to do or not. But we decided we will never have.

Today, things are thankfully more flexible. But for the few. In reality, the consciousness that is open to life is never taught the use of creative power.

The power to create themselves.

Walking into the dark side

Beyond the conscience of each there is an area that covers most of our minds. It is a reservoir in which our species has developed during the evolution of the human race all the instrument to life.

They are automatic mechanisms. They are part of us and allowed our race to continue to exist. Every time a human being is born it is with these programs. They belong to him in law.

Not only that: the birth of every consciousness, it also receives an adequate dose of life energy. Thisenergy is related to genetic ability of the body to grow, reproduce, evolve.

Every birth is a gamble. It will be the amount of energy available and the conditions under which it will develop a conscience to determine what you can discover and expand the territories of its own power. A vital power, that is life.

And life has only one purpose: to live. Live and to create other life or create the conditions for otherpossibilities.

But not all minds have the power to create. Some merely steal the energy of those who create life.

The parasitic consciousnesses.

Some are born weak consciences. Or clever. It's part of nature. But it never happened that a limited portion of parasites has been able to affect a large part of humanity for centuries. And their strategy was to use our current programs to direct them against the power to create themselves: to use fear aswarden, and stop the self-consciousness.

They invented the rules does not debatable. They have imposed a model with revelations of religion. They erased all natural relationship with nature and its perception as a consciousness. Havethemselves become the social system to the point that it appears obvious and natural.

And every time that a conscience was trying to go beyond fear: the dark of what was stolen. Walking into the dark side means following the path never traveled before. And you will find all theprohibitions, taxes, violence and the reactions expressed and suffered every time we tried to emerge.Fear and anger, disappointment and despair to find any obstacle in front of our evolution.

So far there were only emotions. From now on images become clear, concrete and real. Deal with them.

The images of ourselves.

So the totem of fear will be the image of our fear .. Become our trusted ally. No longer our enemy. It is part of us. A part of ancient and powerful. The energy that it can handle is remarkable. The Totem is a powerful image with which we can have a relationship with a part of ourselves.

Become accomplices and use it, finally, to our advantage.

After all nothing new, the fear was originally born to our advantage.

The Totem is a consciousness expanded.

The totem we did it. And 'our. But the essence of fear is similar in all humans. This emotion followsthe same rules to everyone, so our power in Totem is also the fears of others.

This is valuable to create a relationship with the wider fears of others.

Create a relationship is the opposite of reject, close, reject the other.

Our totem also speaks to the dark side of other consciousnesses. No matter how, or whether this is according to our expectations.

It speaks in every case, and talk to the fear of others.

So our Totem will launch his challenge.

Totem for any purpose.

The first totem that I made was that of fear (as I had very much), but each attempt requires one, or more.

So if you have other totems are born courage every occasion of life represents one. Every moment of the year and every event of life. There are totems for the moments of joy, as for the company and the holidays. But even for the death.

The totem will be more powerful than those created and shared with others.

Each goal has its own image. Who knows how to create it is a good point.

The Totem staff, what a load of private and individual intent may also remain secret. While another who wants to show, watching you leave.

In any case we are talking to him.

And He is with us.

Gian Berra


You do not ask why or how, or perhapsbut lives and to live without limits

Unlimited ...

And without borders of any kind. This is the world of dreams.

And 'thinking every possible reality where every possibility is natural.

This is not part of the programs "natural" are our legitimate luggage.

It 'a creation of consciousness, which allows us to reinvent the objective reality. Power.

But these are nothing when the territories end in themselves, because they live energy of those who created them.

The next step is to share them with other consciousnesses and also use their energy to sustain them. The report made creative changes to the project from those who visit them will modify and complete the land covered.

Walking along the street creates a great sound and safe, which crosses all barriers.

And it's certainly a road that leads away.

No matter how often it is changed, or stopped and then resumed.

You will still be an adventure that will fill the timeLife

Mom or Dad?

Nature knows a lot.

In reality, a father is useless. Just a mother.

It 'obvious and natural.

That was the beginning.

The organizations which have given rise to life and few cells were hermaphroditic at first, then more and more complex.

But because Mother Nature has organized its project (live) and has set a condition so uncomfortableinventing the daddy?

Mom has only one purpose: to his mother.

What ever needed a bull?

Mom knows a lot really. In fact, the slow and peaceful evolution of life through self-generation was a good experiment, but too slow for his liking.

It took an additional new factor that would make faster the possibilities of genetic modification.

Modifications to the existing forms of life are more possibilities of life and adaptation.

Then there was the advantage that setting as necessary relations between the sexes, this would distract the individual from a more comfortable relationship with the existing.

Since then the need to mate would have absorbed most of vital granted.

What a rip-off. Since then the desire to mate became part of the pleasure and profound of all being.

The pleasure was the trick for which you paid any price.

But happiness?

No, that is not part of the gene pool!

Indeed! It seems that win is not so natural.

To my dear mother nature does not matter a damn whether or not we are happy. If anything gives ussatisfaction.

She is a mother who thinks in his own way, we give impetus, vitality, purpose, play, experiment.

But no more.

Sooner or later, when we'll make more ... other races in the game we will replace a mother.

And we will be forgotten.

Yet there is a special opportunity. Mamma made a mistake and I think they have not even conscious.

The exponential growth of relations between individuals in abnormally developed the mental abilityto process data especially with regard to that monkey that evolved is the man.

Is this not enough? One race, for all we know, began to feel within himself the self-consciousness.

That is to look at themselves from outside of himself.

Perhaps a small copy of Mom?

Maybe mom lets us do because they play with us, and there still considered dangerous ...

Or maybe because it made us so well (for his taste), which fortunately already equipped with true human self-consciousness will always be so few as not to pose a real danger. Indeed, for the old mother are perhaps a pinch of salt for his soup.

But in the end will always be his plans to win.

Perhaps the sages of all times had understood: it could only swim in the great natural soup ... and if possible to create moments to contemplate themselves or those who think like them.

And consulates.

And every so often groped to be heard.

Most fools, heroes, were the seasoning.

But the natural law excludes no one, not enough understanding to be free. Neither is to reject what is pleasure to be happy.

With consciousness are born smart. Those who know how to use what is available and live well.

But nothing is obvious or over. There will also result in the parasites, since mother nature does not exclude any possibilities.

Indeed all the permits.

The mother is not democratic, or supportive or compassionate.

It has no human feelings.

Those relate to men.

For this we can bear.

Scrub well and use it for our purposes. At least those that do not harm it.

Becoming aware of relations that we can create to you and to all other consciousness, human or not.

A conscious relationship is one that takes account of the self, the feeling of someone with whom he comes in contact.

E 'respect the individuality of others.

Equal, or nearly so.

So we can get contact with the mother also criticized, while thanking the grant us many possibilities. And we will be free to disobey whenever we want.

That the Great Mother has not provided too?

Who knows? Each hypothesis is possible ...

And the father?

The father was soon realized that he had been cheated to the great and could not help it.

Under the thumb of his fury and heat and little to protect, he soon realized he could use his role to sweat as little as possible.

If his role was so vital that the rules he soon could do it himself.

The father of the human race brought into the programs of the wolves and decided to use them. Consciousness instructed them to create roles and become smarter. Not everyone, however.

Males parasites were the most likely to steal the lives of others. No need to be strong: enough to deceive those who did not think enough.

The invention made the fi more profitable to destroy the image of her mother and said that there was initially a great father who created everything. And that only some of them could speak with him the absolute.

And since they had to keep the spirit of the wolf, they invented the honor and war.

Only they knew how to comfort the suffering. Waiting for other massacres.

Flocks to govern ...

While her mother cares, and cares more.

The way of consciousness is a fact of evolution.

And this is the only law of the mother.

But she lives in us. We are his game.

Perhaps evolution is the only rule that we can challenge it.

The mom is smart. We offer you nothing.

And his time is stretched beyond our racial

'S time to start talking with her,

Rediscover it and look into her eyes,

And maybe show them the language,

And riderle face.

But thank you after all ...have tried.

Gian Berra.

Bishops and sheep.

It is said that early Christianity was born from the recognition by the derelicts, the poor, the marginalized of the empire, their miserable condition. The community of them became a way to mitigate the conditions that they felt their taxes. To understand a community group of people who

recognized that for this and similar allied themselves in their actions to become aware of a group capable of managing in a more organized way to their needs.Here in Veneto, in the last 800 years there was such a thing; born workers' cooperatives, organizations like that of the weakest, created schools, health, defense mechanisms against the excessive power of the then owners of the mills that were born in each country.

This can be defined as the first step to create awareness in the individual consciousness to exist as atleast potentially conscious. Then to get really.But this also creates opportunities for power.Sooner or later someone smarter sbucherà from the deck at the time of writing the rules as necessary and propose their own right. She will propose them as unquestionable and Boller skepticsas ignorant, destructive and foolish.He created the figure of the shepherd, the bishop of the official party, the guru or teacher.

Towards the sheep smarter and unruly they will say otherwise acting in their interest, as they must defend the group from evil, from bad energy, the power of money and violence.They become untouchables in the role of protectors and just. As it is implied that what they do is a gift of self to the good of all. They sacrifice themselves for the common interest. How to prevent?The role of the pastor is the controller and the protector as only he knows where the danger is and will manage to save the sheep. It 's the role of those who govern the people, groups, communities, sects, movements.

The pastor identifies with his role so well that it soon becomes a slave and can not do without. The vision of the present and the future is clear, and he is the one who sees things that are and will knowhow to protect the flock that was entrusted to him.He does not realize the theft of energy that it makes to the conscience entrusted to him. Soon this will become essential to the food.Then will come the moment that the pastor did not know that eating sheep. Lose the power to createtheir own energy on their own. Indeed, any self-consciousness that will know will be a danger for the minister to represent him as his own weakness.The pastor does not relate to the conscience: that does not create relationships with them that are exchanged at par. Can not do this as it would put itself into question.

There are also the shepherds from the autonomous power. They create a shell or cage to defend themselves and their emotional cocoon grow. Show outside their safety and fascinate those who do not yet have, but would like to imitate them.These pastors do not smile at all (or pretend to laugh), they do have a security and personal power that fascinates. They are safe and radiate knowledge and balance.They are like candy to invite to be sampled.In reality they are fragile people.Who closes, to be contained in a cage together with her fear, and can not deal with it will exceed it. He hangs his personal evolution into a pattern that feels comfortable to handle. He will be afraid of any scheme unknown to him and create defenses to no end. It will be a do that will require even to his few sheep.There will be those who every morning cleanse your chakras, who refuse garlic and onions, who spread purifying salt around the house, who will try not to sully their karma, not those who will smoke, those who never will taste the grappa ... who will feel guilty if a crushing an ant.But they will be few, if any, pastors who feel within themselves the horror and guilt for raping minds.This is legitimate for them.Gian.

The oak

Living as politics is not easy. Especially for me as a child that I have not received any such practice.As parents or society or habits I have formed as a politician. Therefore, every step towards this feeling is an achievement that lacks large parts of time and life energy. If there is a direction in which the gods work in me, there is no precise way. And so everything has to be invented. Now I get a road, now another. I pick up a concept here and there a certainty. Then when I find a piece of truth, pop out the rebellion and the suffering endured which shows clear and powerful, naked after crossing a door where it was dark.

Rediscovery is not always full of light "light." In it were several hidden weaknesses that then show how the limits to be reckoned with.

However, when I learn to trust the unknown spaces, we also learn to listen to what the first did not know and could not see.

This is a new power. A trust by listening, what is necessary for the creation of new relationships.

E 'uncharted territory, infinite.

So when I looked at the big oak tree, while admiring it, remains an oak ...

However, the impression was that I reject. He did not want me to be there. This lasted several years.

Then one day when I looked from afar. And let it be itself as it was. Simply watched as it appears:

Alone, isolated and imposing.

Blatant in its exuberance. Indifferent to the environment and to me.

It was just. 180 years of life expressed in its being. Contained a life conquered with difficulty. Smallseedling that someone had decided to comply and leave it there where she was born. Just in the middle of a field. Then he had to overcome plant the bombs of World War I that's where it was vented. It's freezing winters and summers of thirst than once when not irrigated fields as now. And the lightning 10 years ago, took away several large branches ...

I could feel his anger, but proud to be there regardless. She could not bear the interest of those who were restless and mischievous ants men. Would never have deigned to take us seriously: he had seen too many.

Then I decided that I just simply watched from a distance. Never tried to impose my presence. Just a look from time to time ...

A peek and go. She would be talking to me, and when she wanted. Difficult to create a report if you claim.

Gian Berra

Hello, I'm Teddy the cat (Candlemas 2002)

I was adopted as a child from the family of Rosa and Gian.I have nine years and have had 23 children of whom two are still alive.I am furious. I know that the human ape Nabendu not ever get angry, he swallows and swallow the rage because it taught him when he attended the courses of Osho. He thinks so to keep clean and notdirty his chakras karma. They made her anyway. Who knows where it will leave all that anger locked.I respect the human monkeys, a cat is aware that they too are like me, indeed, some even consider them human cats, give them this honor.But I was hurt to death. I see the apes human Annamaria, Nabendu Alberto baboons and even the poor, pure and simple.These three have prevented me from participating in the ritual of Imbolc. When I made spontaneously in the circle have been banished from Anna saying that another monkey of America, which he called Zoe, she would not permit. I would have bothered with my energies to the rite of Anna.I was taken away from Rosa and saw Gian suffering. But what could he do?However I do not have cheated because I behind a door ajar, I saw everything. I was always present during the rest: I was under the kitchen table and I want to tell everything I've heard. I am furious.

When some of you, those who met Gian inside the TV connected to the phone, went to the grocery store, the monkey Annamaria imposed its rules to make the rite. He said he did not trust your energies and have cleaned with a special Dynamic Meditation of Osho. It was something or nothingobligatory rite for those who did not.Gian dad saw the monkey jump but Anna was furious and hopping for the kitchen said that he had done 300 km to get cheated. The monkeys Nabendu and Albert gave him rope and demanded that my father making a decision. I saw his dismay, I realized I did not want to ruin the match. So he decided to accept the hope that it did not suffer those who were outside. I like cats I would return here three baboons to redo 300. But Gian is too good.

Meditation, however, was a disaster. Half pretended to do it, the other half returned to the kitchen a little at a time with an upset stomach. The only one to shake your ass without breaking the monkey was Anna (who was just her having to purify?).But not enough because not only I was screwed. Marina Paul and my two adoptive brothers, two young cats that I consider all the effects. Two working at the factory since he was 16 years, eight hours a day: two young natural pagans like myself who have made me Imbolc last year chose to leave it when the monkey Annamaria shaking her like a chicken hara them was obliged to like her.I saw daddy Gian wounded, but with the patience that has preferred to keep everything in order not to ruin the ritual of Imbolc we would do later. So he saved everything.

But I do not rite that I could do this and you do not lose it.I know that things went well. Due to the sensitivity of the friends list of Gian and Rosa.No, I was not there at the Piave. But I know that it has succeeded thanks to the sensitivity of the tall,elegant and with the beard. One that we can do.But even here the three baboons have tried to ruin it trying to turn the morning at a session of sharing (such as baboons in which they call a table instead of each party blames the other for all possible atrocities looking (three of them allies), to put all the others against themselves, in short, a way to split the group in their favor).This time there is no father Gian fallen.Despite the monkey in front of everyone saying that Anna never going to let guys like Gian, and a sure Simeoni Tuccia to disturb its rites.Although the baboon Nabendu Gian blamed in front of everyone that he was tough and hard on the

afternoon prior to the monkey and that Anna had to give explanations.Despite the monkey Alberto constantly scratches his beard and had always looked to the floor ...Despite everything I cat Teddy strusciai me on my dad's feet under the table, and made the miracle: Gian gives strength to fool me. Gian cagati not taking them at all.He wrote them a letter within 30 days. which would clear only with them their crap.

So despite their plans, despite their poison three baboons could not ruin the match.I know humans like cats better than them. I know that monkeys are gods. But make an effort to recognize this beast. Some are like baboons Nabendu, Anna and Albert (poor) that they swallow their anger at not having digested the fear they have suffered. Then they invent to torture all the other humans that fear if the digest alone.

I demand an apology from these derelicts! They are a hurt and angry cat, and I will not hide it!Pena an indelible stain on their karma and a block of their chakras.In addition to a large figure of their shit.I know friends who met Gian dad in the TV connected to the phone have already figured out who they are dealing with. And they will be very careful about those monkeys degenerate. At least I hope so.Gian sleeping these nights when I'm closer to him and later in his dreams and give valuable advice to cat who knows a lot.It has three things to say about this!But there is a time for everything. And the time he determines it. (Or so I shall leave you to believe ...)

Teddy, angry cat.Shame!

Gian Berra hippie in 1972

The photo withdraws Gian Berra in 1972-73. Gian was a youth that after a brief university experience had embraced with ardor the last fires of the epoch hippies. But the Venetian province it

was distant from the passions of liberty of the end of the sixties: Veneto is not the California and noteven Paris. But Gian Berrà he doesn't make yet I count that lives in a reality had been putting to sleep for centuries and emptied by every enthusiasm. Who is the thief that has stolen the vitality to the people in which is found to live? Because people seem blind to the nature that every day feeds her life?They are naïve and terrible questions. They cannot have an answer for an artist that is about to discover to be him: Gian cannot do without I handed these questions it. Gian Berra already paints and devotes him to the sculpture, but a job doesn't consider him yet. For this it tries some escapes to the foreign countries. Before part with his cousin Renzo for Switzerland and it stops him for a po to Shaffausen and Tayngen. Then with the friend Giannetti goes to Germany and visit Braunsweig and Hanover. It starts to see other horizons and different people. When he returns an a little disappointed to house it realizes that also in Italy the times are changed. 68 is ended and reality hasremained that of before. It seems that an occasion has especially been wasted by the young people. To Gian Berra its motorbike remains, only its jacket of the Ce Guevara and so many dreams so distant from that province without hopes.

Gian opens his first study of art to Valdobbiadene in 1973. This will be alone the first attempt to show with his paintings and to make the first exposures of pictures in the province of Treviso in the region in Venice. The reality of the art that he finds is depressing. The province has few other to which to think besides the kick and to the political discussions. In 1977 the turn happens: he/she leaves Valdobbiadene for Covolo of Piave. It is not a big jump, but at least it is out of a country thathas decided to admire only itself same.

In the 1977 winter ago his first show to Treviso near the gallery “The casket of Val”, in Plaza of thewheat. It is a great success that gives the first concrete satisfactions to Gian Berra.

Gian organizes in 1978 a show near the gallery Brotto to Cornuda. And a success.

It has been beginning for this year the most adventurous season of Gian Berra. It knows in the 1978Vincent Martinazzo, a collector with the heart full of an authentic passion for the art. They call him/it all “Ciccio” and he welcomes Gian Berrà in his gallery of Montebelluna. In the following years Gian Berra organizes quite a lot shows among which I remember those in the room of “Ca ' de Ricchi” to Treviso in 1979 and in 1980. It is in that year that Gian puts on family and decides to make another great jump.

In 1981 he opens a study to Trento, in plaza Greater S. Maria. It won't be only a study, but also a place whether to meet himself with artists friends. Gian Berra will invite the friend painter DonadelBruno of Parish of Soligo (TV) in the autumn of 1981.

But the family of Gian grows and he returns home in 1982. A few years of break pass and in 1990 he founds the cultural association “the Criola.” This is another attempt “from artist” to shake the drowsy and depressing environment of a Venetian landscape without hopes. Gian Berra picks up with endless patience around itself every artist of the outskirtses. Gian organizes shows, meetings, demonstrations and suppers of poets with the meetings of "New Poetry Age." Then in 1993 it inaugurates the “raced practical of painting.” This is perhaps the initiative that will have more success: it will almost uninterruptedly last until 2005, with two courses a year. They participate youmore than 800 students, many of which will become painters. In the years 80 Gian Berra organizes exposures of his works in the most greater Italian cities and in Germany to Düsseldorf,

Monk, Wurzburg.

In 1998 it specializes him in therapeutic Psicosintesi and it begins the intimate investigation on the power of the symbols and the images. It investigates the power hidden of the images and their hidden effect on the collective unconscious. The images have one power of theirs that can be managed by an aware conscience.

Gian Berra organizes some lectures on the theme of the "Fear" explained as ghost-image.

In 2001 he exposes for the first time in a show of his works, five totems that he has built with his hands. “Totem without taboo” it is the title of that exposure and Gian it begins to write the famous ones “wild Stories” what time possible to find in intenet is. He calls it Shamanistic Psychology . In 2002 he writes the book " Shamanistic Psychology ", a harvest of writings devoted to such theme.

In 2006 eh goes out in press his first novel “Wasere, heart of dragon” devoted to the wounded soul of Segusino, his country of birth and the book of poetries and stories “Baroque Chaos.” They are available on Lulu.com.

In 2008 he begins the search on him "Shamanism of the room of aspect" as necessary function in one historical period as ours in which him "absolute" traditional tramontano drowned in the globalization. Has a healthy Chaos finally returned? Gian Berrà frequents the outskirtses of every city or small country and discovers vital perspectives that you/they have been sleeping for centuries.

That the time has come to call her back?