Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate? Title What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate? Maybe the marketable skills of an engineering graduate is their unique designs than can be favourable and can attract more buyers and some companies. Unique designs are the best marketable skills of an engineer. An engineer can make a design that can make the company get rich. Unique designs of cars, ship, buildings, and devices can be sold out in the market if it is releases. In this generation, people wants a unique designs of their cars, and some devices because we are in modern generation. People wants of unique designs that cannot be easily to be imitated by some countries. That’s why engineer’s are trying to have their own unique designs. What if the fresh graduates will have their own designs of cars that is flying. What if the fresh graduates of Architecture will have their own designs of buildings that is like an mountain? That’s why today’s engineering and architecture graduates have their own unique designs that can be share in any companies that will hire them. Even engineering and architecture students have their own mind sets in terms of their own unique designs that can be used in their application someday. Flying cars, 1,000 stories buildings and one wheel motorcycle is possible to be made if we the future engineers will graduate.

Marketable skills

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Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?


What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate? Maybe the marketable skills of an engineering graduate is their unique designs than can be favourable and can attract more buyers and some companies.

Unique designs are the best marketable skills of an engineer. An engineer can make a design that can make the company get rich. Unique designs of cars, ship, buildings, and devices can be sold out in the market if it is releases. In this generation, people wants a unique designs of their cars, and some devices because we are in modern generation. People wants of unique designs that cannot be easily to be imitated by some countries. That’s why engineer’s are trying to have their own unique designs. What if the fresh graduates will have their own designs of cars that is flying. What if the fresh graduates of Architecture will have their own designs of buildings that is like an mountain? That’s why today’s engineering and architecture graduates have their own unique designs that can be share in any companies that will hire them.

Even engineering and architecture students have their own mind sets in terms of their own unique designs that can be used in their application someday. Flying cars, 1,000 stories buildings and one wheel motorcycle is possible to be made if we the future engineers will graduate.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?


Many of us wants to be a successful Engineer or architect someday. If you apply some company you should know what are your contribution, and you should know your part as a employee of the company. Many graduates of engineering or architecture wants to work in a good company.

Engineering or architecture is not easy to take, you need to work hard, and you have to face the challenges so you can reach your dream to become a successful Engineer or architect.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Marketable skills of an engineering graduateTitle

In College, they develop the skills of a student to become a professional someday. The instructors start giving a challenging and complicated problems or topics, so that the mind will gain a lot of knowledge and the attitude will change in affirmative attitude. Because of this, marketable skills of an engineering achieve.

Presently, Engineering course is one of the challenging course and in demand course in the Philippines. As the student will graduate as an Engineer, surely he will have a marketable skills because of the conflicts he suffered to his instructors. When it comes to education of a louisian, the instructors are very strict and terror in passing a student. The marketable skills of an engineer are creative and responsible because without of these things, The student will not graduate.

Therefore, To become an engineering, you must have the marketable skills. The SLU changes you to become a professional.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Engineering and Architecture Marketable Skills


Marketable skills are the skills of an engineer or architect that may be build or develop in school, while studying. Saint Louis University is one of the good producers of engineers and architects. In this University, they guide and help students taking up engineering courses to develop these skills. These marketable skills may be used by graduate engineering or architecture as an advantage in applying for a job. These marketable skills may be used as an advantage in performing your job as an engineer or architect. Marketable skills involves social skills, physical and mental abilities, creativity, good service, good moral character, attitude, perseverance, and many more.

The Civil Engineers who graduated from this university must have absorb the four core values of SLU. Compitent, Crist-centered, Creativity and Service. As a Civil Engineer you must have creativity and perseverance. Creativity is involved in Civil Engineer because in a civil engineering course it involves designing or makes designs of a house. Creativity must be observed to come up with a good output of a perfect design for your client’s house. Being creative contributes in your quality as a engineer, our creativity evaluate your performance. You must have perseverance in accomplishing a task. In a project, their is no place for mistakes you must not take it for grandeted.

To be an effective engineer, you should apply all of the marketable skills, you have built and develop in school. You must maintain all of these marketable skills.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Different WorldsTitle

Do you think you’ll have the proper and suitable skill after you graduate or after getting a degree in college particularly in the field of engineering or architecture? Engineering have different majors. Engineering also differ in the fields that students master and the students acquire. But mostly, Engineering graduates must at least know how things be done and how things work. For Architecture graduates, they probably must have the skill of seeing things in different dimensions and must at least know what the proper measurement a thing must have.

Engineering have many different majors. Some students major in Chemistry, some in Mechanical, some in Industrial, and many other majors. But considering these three majors that are mentioned, the marketable skills of these majors’ graduates must be a little obvious. First, those graduates from Chemical Engineering must have the skill of knowing the why’s and hows of the chemicals, how the chemicals work and maybe some informations about different chemicals. Next, a Mechanical Engineering must

be knowledgeable of a different machines, that a graduate must at least know how to make a particular machine at work and how to fix a machine if necessary. Lastly, and Industrial Engineering graduate must always be aware of the time and be skillful in doing researchers and the graduate must know how to manage a group of people and time.

To sum it all, the marketable skills of an Engineering graduate may differ from another Engineering graduate but both of them must have a technical skill that can be used to the outside world and apply every skill they have learned from their school to their jobs. And when this marketable skill, technical, must lead them to different worlds.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Important Skills of an EngineerTitle

In the world of business, skills are the most important next to personality and character. Engineering is also a business where your capitals are your skills, knowledge and character. But what are the skills an engineer acquire or possess that is different from other jobs and profesions? What are the marketable skills of an engineer graduate that will make him/her successful or get a job easily?

In engineering, as we know, needs a deep understanding of different mathematical concepts, theories, and principles, and a

better understanding of physics. These concepts, theories, and principles needs a skill to be applied in the field and this skill is being flexible and attentive. As a Civil engineer, you need to be flexible because in constructing buildings, bridges or roads, unexpected events happen, like when in the middle of constructing a building a storm came you need to plan what will you do to avoid the construction materials get washed away by a flood and you have to ensure that after the storm it will only cause little or no damage to the building being constructed. Being attentive is one of the most important skills an Engineer posses because in a construction, you cannot avoid accidents but you can prevent it from happening by being attentive to the places, problems or actions that may cause an accident and take safety precautions or think of a solution to attend to the problem.

Life is more important than the building an Engineer constructs. That is why he/she needs to be flexible and attentive because it is not a choice or an option to risk the life of others for his/her own benefit. And these sills will bring to the Engineer along side their knowledge, personality and character.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?


To day, there are many jobs that you can choose to work on. its hard to choose but I chose to be an Engineer. There are so

many jobs that is available in engineering field, but there are also many Engineering Graduate that are looking for a job. Firms, Companies and Corporation not enough for them all. In orther to get a job, applicants must show that they are qualified to work on a certain company or firm. Firms usually find “Skilled” worker.

Some of the marketable skills of engineering graduate are being “strong”, strong in the sense that they can stress and pressure. These skill is important in our field because engineers have a lot of project to accomplish in a certain time. Example is that when civil engineer has to finish a 5 different houses in 6 months. Another skill is that they don’t work only for their selves but also for the benefit of their customers. In every project, their is a big salary that is waiting for them, but that not only like that they also make sure that there projects at the best and in high quality.

These marketable skills are the skills that an engineer can market. Not only firms and companies that want these kinds of engineer but also people or customers that engineer will be serving.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

The Building Blocks of the EarthTitle

Engineers are considered the building blocks of the world. They continue to innovate, design, and change the world through technology, knowledge, and skill. Without them, we might still be living in a stone house or we might still be swimming across a river from shore to shore. Thankfully, we have the fully pledged engineers makes human’s life easier on earth with science and technolog.

Every engineer is excellent in mathematics. They are able to solve volumes of concrete to be used in a building, the mileage, of a car, strength of steel beams, and many more. There are many field of engineering namely; mechanical engineers, electronic engineers, chemical engineers, civil engineers etc. Mechanical engineers excel in physics. They apply physics on machines, and solve for their mechanical advantages. Electronic engineers excel in calculus and circuits. They are the ones who makes our cellphones, televisions, etc. There are also the chemical engineers who make sure our food is nutritious and safe. Engineers help the world more forward.

The world is very Competitive Engineers are needed throughout the whole world. The people in the past only wished what have today. We are the future and soon we will be the past. Technology, Knowledge, science continue to evolve and more forward in the future, we might be able to see time machines or we might be able to migrate to another planet!

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Marketable Skills of Engineering or Architecture Graduates


The “Marketable Skills” of a professional are usually what “sells” their profession. These are the things that certain employers look for in their employees. Having these skills that are needed for a job are what would most likely make you almost perfect for the position. If you do well in your training and studies and graduate with flying colors that is obviously an advantage for you. It is an even greater advantage if you are really passionate at what you do.

Being an engineering student, one would think that I really enjoy Mathematics. I actually don’t, though. I was only forced to take up this course, you see. But I do understand why my parents wanted me to take up engineering. Aside from engineers being always in demand, they also pay really well. The downside in this is that I’m not happy and interested. So why are engineers always in demand? One of the reasons are that they tackle things and problems logically and objectively. And since they most likely have experienced this in school, they can still work well under pressure. Another one of their marketable skills are that they are very innovative. Engineers are most likely the cause of our modern day gadgets and machineries. Even the newest awesome designs of the highest skyscrapers.

So you see? Being an engineer is not at all that bad. Sure, it can be hard and you are certainly going to experience a lot of failures, but in the end it would all be worth it. It would even be more worth it if you are so passionate about your chosen profession. My only advice is that to figure out your passion. Because your passion will lead you directly to your purpose and eventually, to your success.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Marketable Skills of Engineering Title

Marketable skills of an engineering is an asset for them. It is the asset that they boasts. Marketable skills of an engineering is the way to get a job. We can say that it is the key to success. For an Engineering because without his skills you will never achieve the dreams you have.

For me, one marketable skills of an Engineering would a good planner. Its an Engineer, planning is very important. You plan to create and to build a very useful things. In planning, creativity is important. Creativity would mean beautiful in the eyes, safe when using, and very unique. Another marketable skills of an Engineering would be a problem solver. Problem solver means you can trouble shoot any problems related to Environmental and technologies. This is important also because you create but you should know how to solve the problems when your creation creates troubles.

This marketable skills are important. So, we should study and learn the skills carefully. We should be knowledgeable in our Environment.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Engineers and Architects Must HaveTitle

Solving equations involving letters as variables in it and having an answer of a number - seemingly impossible but very possible when engineers and architects start manipulate the equation. A perfect straight line, a circle, and a near work these defines what an engineer or architect is.

During the five years of turning a student to a professional engineer, the student most of times deals with numbers and letters, literally. Having that bunch of knowledge about Math and equations I guess is the most important skill an engineer or architect must have. An engineer or architect is known for constructing buildings, houses and other establishments, thus, is also accountable for the estimates of how many or less does the construction needs. In order to make it that sturdy. Together with estimating co computing, constructing also requires a plan, specifically a blue print. A good engineer or architect must also produce a detailed plan for the construction. May be an orthographic view, top view, side view, front view and a blue print of the construction will help construction workers understand and have an overview of what they are constructing.

To be a useful engineer or architect someday, one must acquire not at least one but both of the skills stated above.

Because having knowledge in math and having that hand which can draw a perfect output leads you to becoming a skilful Engineer or Architect.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Skills of Engineering graduatesTitle

Engineering and Architecture are examples of 5-yeaar course. Which means that these courses are more difficult than the usual 4-year courses, therefore, one must possess certain skills to graduate as an engineer or an architect. Those skills may be hard to acquire but they are surely going to help in your profession. Some people are born with the skills necessary to be an engineer, while some people have to work hard to attain it. Whether you are gifted or not, hardwork is still necessary develop those skills.

There are many skills that an Engineer must have. The most important one are: mathematical and visualization skills. Being mathematically inclined is not only an advantage to be an engineer, but it is a requirement. Engineering is the application of Mathematics concepts. Engineers use math in real life. While others say that math is irrelevant to our daily lives. Engineers are the proof that math is very important. Engineers can achieve amazing feats with the correct use of

mathematics. So Engineering students must really be good in math to become good Engineer. Another skill, which is, visualization, is also important because Engineers doesn’t only know the concepts of math, but they must also know how to apply them in real life. Visualization is important to engineers because without it, they wouldn’t be engineers, they would be Math majors.

The need to become an Engineer is a tough one. Even though you have all the skills to make a good Engineer, hard work is still required. There are many gifted people who are unsuccessful, because they are lazy. However, people who are determined and dilligent reach further. They become more successful, because they know that talent is nothing without hard work.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?


When we say the word marketable, it means being wanted by employers. Being wanted by the employees means a lot for an engineer or even job seekers or job hunters. For engineers or future engineers, to get a job is their dream. You can’t be successful if you do not have any job. And it is more likely preferable that your job must be related to your course or to where you can find your happiness or satisfaction.

Marketable skills are very important specially to those who are in thirst for a nice job. For me, there are different kinds of marketable skills. First, is the power of speaking. Speaking is one of the ways where you can express your thoughts and feelings. Being a good speaker is very important because there will come a time that you will need to explain or discuss something. If you are a good speaker, you will explain things clearly. People will not be confused on what you are saying. Another is your attitude. It is non sense to have the power of speaking if you have a bad attitude. Remember, Employers look for employees who have a good attitude. It is the most important skills of all. The skills of being a nice person.

By the time you will seek for a job, always remember that having a good attitude and the power to speak will make a big contribution on your rate of employment or the probability that you will be employed or hired. But there are more skills that are waiting for you to discover.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?



Why choose to become engineer or Architect? To become an engineer or an Architect is not that easy. Choosing this career

takes enough courage to face its own hardship. It is important to have or possess enough marketable skills for you not to have difficulties in facing your future. Marketable skills that you possess the most.

What marketable of Engineering or architecture graduate should possess? First; the word courage, courage that would help in applying everything you have learned during your school days. Having courage takes you enough to push through any obstacles you will have in the future. Second; knowledge; knowledge that you gain from your experiences and knowledge of everything you have learned. Knowledge is important in the future for most- of the times. This would be the basis of some institutions in hiring graduate students.

Courage and knowledge, most of the time, come with each other. Without courage, you can never apply the knowledge you have and vice versa you can never have the courage if you don’t have knowledge. This two skills are basically known to be the basis of every marketable skills you have that would help you in becoming a greater Engineer and Architect in the future. This two can lead you to have a good marketable skills, like being knowledgeable in math and being able to draw a better design.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

The skills of a Good Engineer


When they are talking about Engineers, usually the people think that those are people who are good in Math or in numbers. Some would say that those are people good in drawing, in analysing problem, and in dealing some technical works. But “what are Engineers skills are?

When comes marketable skills of a Engineer doing technical work is the common Engineer are good in dealing in different machine and electrical circuit, materials, and etc. as a major in Engineering student major in Electrical our common skills are good in dealing in technical work or what they call different electrical circuit. We are good in dealing how does the electric current pass through the wires. And where does the electric supply come from. But most of all as Engineer in designing a technical work.

A good Engineer have a different marketable skills defending on their major or field. Engineers can help more in a company for their betterment.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Marketable Skills of engineering or architecture GraduateTitle

In every course, each students Finished they acquire skills as they study for four to five years. This are then the so called marketable skills that of which is very much important on search for jobs. Marketable skills are those traits, caracteristics, and capabilities, and capabilities of a person than one pheasing to an interviewer or recroter once in a job hiring interview.

An engineering or architecture graduate has somehow this capabilities or marketable skills. First, An engineer or architect is hardworking, in the sense that he or she work to the best of his abilities under any circumstances to Finish his work on the nearest possible time. That he or she focuses on the work to be Finished giving his or her full attention. And on the task. Last, he or She is a sensitive to the pepoele around him. Sensitive on the sence that he knows when to help an a co-worker in need of help, knows what are the things needed by other and problems on the site or work place. Having an engineer or architect as a sensitive one gives the whole community of workers working together in rhythm

The marketable skills of an engineering and architecture graduates are very much marketable. Thus they don’t just finish the work, instead they finish it faster and more effitiently. Through that they establish a good relationship with co-workers that make them work in harmony on a job that needs to be done.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Engineer and Architect on the JobTitle

Marketable skills are skills that are needed to apply for a certain job. It requires proper training and more importantly proper education. It is expected that engineering or architecture graduate knows what to do in every scenario of their job. Marketable skills are required especially in applying to a company or going overseas.

The marketable skills of an engineer or architect are; knows how to troubleshoot and knows how to socialize to their co-worker. Troubleshoot or troubleshooting means that you know how to fixed a malfunction in a machine even if you’re alone. It requires you to consider the effects of every scenario. In order to know how to troubleshoot, you must have a proper training in your chosen career, and you should not forget the important lessons that you learned in your college life. Socializing with your co-workers is important because it can helped you boost your self-confidence. By socializing to others you learn new things and they can also learn to you. It’s a give and take relationship. If you know to socialize with other people, you can stay longer on in your company.

The marketable skills of an engineer or an architect is troubleshooting and socializing there skills are important in applying for a job especially in a company or going overseas. In order to achive there marketable skills you should have a good and proper training and a good education.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?


Every students should develop their marketable skills in there fields and professions. That is why we are train to enhance our skills when we are growing up as a little to become a man and women. I’ve enhance our skills as a student by studying in different university. Graduates who learned and developed their own marketable skills will be the advantage to find decent jobs, especially engineering or architecture graduate because engineers and architecs in the market are in demand.

Marketable skills that a student should develop is not easily attain. We should persevere and have knowledge on what we have learned in every time we are studying. People who have marketable skills are also have been sucesful in their life and in goals because they are responsible and hadworking people. People who have the ability to became famous in all aspect. If you have this kind of skills as an engineer people admire you most, admire everything in your career. That is why people who have skills are also rich people. Many of us wants to become an engineer to use their skills to make inventions an extraordinary inventions that any other people who cannot build of. That is why I the child, children like us in old times have imaginations and have goals. This imagination that thet dream in life, They like to perform it in their future. Just like making inventions that may help people. A thing that will help their country on what they imagined when they are small children.

Skills that we develop is our own idea and concept when we are child we should ownly imagine and enhance it in our education in our studying for us. Then when the time comes we should apply this skills whenever we need it the most. People will admire us.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?


During our study here in SLU, we develop and learn certain skills we need for our future careers. There are skills that the school teaches and improves such as our mathematical skills w/c our are needed in our fields. Some of these skills are needed in the market because these skills took years at receiving to fully master, they are needed because when properly used. Can help companies to improve their output.

Engineers are known for their mathematical skill. Most of the things we do have numbers. Especially in business, these numbers can tell whether the company is doing great or not. Money, stock, measurements, these and other factors is what the economy is need correct and precise computations to help in the building businesses, buildings, the economy, and others. Another skill we develop we need to develop is our social skill, we need to communicate w/ others to help our tirnis. It is also what we need when giving seminars to others. Having a positive attitude and having to talk and make deals with other companies.

These skills is and traits we learn or improve while preparing for our future is needed to help our future. Some of these skills are marketable since they help the company improve.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Being an EngineerTitle

If we say “marketable”, it is defined as being in demand by especially employers. But in this case, marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate, for me, are skills that can be picked up or acquired by this graduates. This can also be possessed by this individuals. With this special skills that an engineer or architect possess it is most likely that recruters prefers individuals who graduated at this courses.

Marketable skills are very important special to those who needs a nice and decent jobs. Marketable skills of engineers and architects can be their talent or skill in speaking, presenting, drawing and many more that connects with their courses. In finding a job, an engineer or architect have the advantage speaking fluently and presenting their own data calmly and orderly makes them to be adored by recruiters. Their skill in drawing makes their plan in order and neat. At this point, Engineers and architects are the most preferred course by students in college.

Many students pick-up or chooses engineering and architecture because of this advantages. It is mist favoured by parents because of the reward they can have back. Engineering and architecture are the top courses now a days.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Skills of an EngineerTitle

Everybody is gifted with skills and talents. And it is those skills and talents that decides how are lives are going to be. In this world we live in, honing your skills and studying for a specific course is one of the requirements in acquiring a job. To be specific, one has to be graduate of college oa a specific course, and have a mastery of skills or knowledge of the course to ba applicable employee. For people, it is more effective to choose a course that you can use your skills, and talents to the fullest.

For engineers, mathematical skills are the most useful skill, if not most but important skill in the business. Being skilled in mathematics gives you the advantage in solving problems related to the work assigned to you. It can also support you in your daily life, in terms of measuring, counting, deriving and other skills supported by mathematics. People who are skilled mathematics have a great future in being an Engineer.

People are given skills and talents. Whether on now you use them decides your future. So hone your skills and use them to the fullest. Because skills are our gift from God, so lets not let it go to waste.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Marketable Skills you should have as an EngineerTitle

Every company nowadays are looking for someone that is able to show her/his skills in an intelligent ways and good and appropriate character for the profession he/she is taking. Everyone of us are dreaming of having a great job in the near future but to have this dream come true we must discover first our talents and skills.

One applicant can advance against his/her co-applicant by having marketable skills for us engineering students and soon measuring and being good in mathematics, An Engineer must be good in measurement because talking about what an Engineer does, they’re the ones who make sure that the buildings, bridges, dams, etc. are as tough as rock that even an Earthquake can’t destroy it. To be able to succeed in making a good and tough building, one must measure, distance and object that they gonnause precisely. Because when they fail to do it, all the blame is on them. The toughness of the buildings, depends on the Engineer. It is not only applicable to the buildings, it is also applicable to the foods a Chemical Engineer make to the gadgets an ECE Engineer does, and to the Electricity an Electronic Engineer is doing.

Second among the marketable skills is being good in Mathematics. One should be if he want to be an successful Engineer. Mathematics is a subject we must be good into. Engineering works involves calculations. Being good in Auto-Cadd is also one of the marketable skills. Here, you can see if an Engineer is really a good builder or inventor. For me, This is the most important skills one should have as an Engineer.

Everyone of us has a dream. Inorder to have this, we must First know/discover things that may help us to reach it. Secondly, you must be a skilled-person. One can be by learning it patiently. If you want to be the best Engineer, you must learn how to discover!

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Marketable Skills for Engineers/Architecture Specially for applying for a Job.


Now a days, many engineers or architects graduate all over the world. And companies and other corporations are hiring proffessionals w/ a degree of the said profession. It is difficult fo them to choose who is most worthy of all the applicants.

For an engineer or Architect who passed the board exam and wants to apply for a job is not easy. We can say that it is easy. We can say that it is easy to find engineers and architects anywhere, but is he/she capable of that position? First, we must to identify that he/she is capable and expert through application not just through brain knowledge. Because many are knowledgeable but not in action. They know everything but they can’t apply it.

Second, he/she has the desire and willingness to commit himself/herself to the company or to her work. Maturity and responsibility is very important in a job.

We can now conclude that engineers or architects must be capable of doing such things, matured enough, responsible and committed to his or her company that he/she is working at.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?


Engineering or Architecture graduates has the advantage of knowing how structures are built. Students who persevere will end up most likely to be successful. As an engineering student, I study hard and make sure to understand the lessons thought. By doing so, I or anybody else can enhance our skills and knowledge by the time we graduate.

The knowledge that we will be gaining in this three more years to come will absolutely help us in a good job. Our skills will improve so that we can help build the industry. By learning as we grow, the sense of responsibility of every engineering student will be enhanced.

Engineering and Architecture graduates will develop our future. We will be capable of introducing new items that will make life more easier.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Louisian, A Great EngineerTitle

Engineers have been an essential part of the development of the world in general. from huge infrastractures to the tiny devices, engineers have contributed greatly. A Louisian, per say, has the same set of board exam as any other school does. So why bother choosing St. Louis than the rest? Quality education and moral values.

Even with the growing population of Engineering and Architecture students, exams and projects strains the populations until they graduate, proving that these graduates are the batch’s best of the best, and undergone stress and challenges. A Louisian Engineer. not only has the capability to handles stress, but also these set of moral values that is incorporated to them. Being a catholic institution, St. Louis University sees to it that each and every graduate has taken up their theology and NSTP subjects, these subjects benefits the graduate with the experience with God and the community respectively. The skills they learn on their laboratory subject proves that a Louisian engineer is not just good with books, but to real work also.

A Louisian Engineer may have the same analytical skills as compared to others, he may have the same board exam as the others, he may even not have experienced better facilities and technology as to others, but what makes a Louisian Engineer stand against the rest is his capability to handle stress and work his skills & knowledge not just with books, and most importantly his deeper connection with the community and with the greatest engineer himself, God.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?


Engineers are the one of the most demanded and most popular career nowadays. These career could not be dissolved or removed especially during this operation. Engineers today are needed for the industrialization and modernization that is currently happening on our present generation. They are the makers and designers of gadgets and other technologies that could help in the progress of our economy and the lifestyles we have today.

Engineers are the “brain”, “root”, and source of industrialization so their skills are very much important. They must be accurate in all their projects. When they lack accuracy they may cause troubles, problems, and accidents to the

community. For a civil engineer, they design and construct roads, houses, bridges and other structures, so if the civil engineer was not accurate in constructing the roads, the road may erode so lives of the people there may be sacrificed. Another skill an engineer must have is confidence. An engineer must be confident enough in handling projects because if he does not have the confidence or trust on his design, how could he be trusted also by his client if he himself do not trust his own work? Without his confidence, he could not be able to stand on his own and go push through his career. He will not become successful in his chosen career if do not trust himself.

Becoming an engineer may not be easy to achieve but pushing through as engineer will not be hard if they have acquired the necessary skills that they need in order to fulfil their career expectations. Through their skills they may have a great contribution to our country especially in completing the increasing problems and disasters of today. Their skills may be the key to unlock the progress in our country.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Engineering is a ChallengeTitle

Being an engineering student is a big challenge to us. We have many task to do like doing thesis, solving problem sets, and other projects that is required to pass. We are not sure that we can finish engineering in just five years but it can extend to six to ten years maybe. Being an engineering student, I should

be prone in mathematical computations. We should be able to solve problems based on how we understand by different approaches. To be an engineer is a big gift to you because you finish your sufferings and more that, there is an Engr. attached to your name.

In Engineering, we have different majors and specializations based on your course. Some students were taking up civil, electrical, mechanical engineering and many more. For me, I was taking up ECE which means Electronics and Communications Engineering. Based on the Electronic, we should be able to repair components like radio, computer or TV maybe. And the word communication which means landline, internet connections. We should know how to program connections. In my course we have two specialization and we should choose one. These are instrumentation and communication. If you choose instrumentation, your major is more on repairing and doing some inventory. If you graduated with this specialization you can work at Nokia, Samsung, etc. But if you choose communication, this all about programing and sort of instrument. Than if you will graduated to these specialization, you can work to PLDT, Smart, etc.

Acquiring these skills and good records can make you life comfortable someday because you have a good job soon.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Patient and Hard WorkingTitle

Marketable skills are skills that are wanted by the public. Marketable skills are very important in looking for a job. It is one to be consider that you had because many companies were looking for a person that had a marketable skills.

Hardworking is one of the marketable skill I know. People had this marketable skill achieve their goals in life. Hardworking helps you to make your work better. And with patient, you can also do better. Patient is very important in a job. It helps you not to surrender in a tasks that were given to you. Patient also motivates people to do their jobs better.

Therefore, marketable skills are those wanted by the public like hard working and patient. Marketable skills helps every graduate find a good job for their future.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?


Becoming an engineer requires great skills, and as early as now, developing those skills while studying is what we have to do. A lot of graduates who have not developed much the skills needed in a lot of industries do not apply what they have finished in college. Instead of becoming an engineer some became a car enter a technician, a mechanic or even a “tambay”. In order to avoid This from happening, we should know the marketable skills of an engineering graduate.

Engineering requires wide imagination. Imagination will help in the planning and construction. of what is to be made new or what is to be invented. With imagination, engineers can already conceptualize in their minds what and how an object would look like. Imagining makes it easy for engineers to solve a problem. Another skill an engineer should have is accuracy. Being accurate in what is to be done as an engineer is what most of the companies need and most of the people need. In our communities, roads not well-fixed, buildings that are abandoned, electric wires causing accidents, and more products of engineering that are not well constructed. All of these are caused by inaccurate and not well-imagined engineering. If engineers would have these skills, more and more resources would not be wasted and more and more that they will be appreciated by the people, great companies, and even those in agriculture sector who thinks that engineers use more of what they have to use.

Imagination and accuracy goes together in the life of an engineer. So while studying, these skills should be developed in me and also in my fellow engineering students. It is better to start now for our future and aim for being a high quality engineer.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

The Marketable Skills of EngineeringTitle

Skill is the most important requirement for every engineers. The skill of an engineer are what most companies and employers demands. The skill proves how great an engineer is. In this generation an engineer who has better skill, dominate the others.

The many the skill an engineer has, the easier for an engineer to accomplish a project. And his good performance this leads an engineer to have more projects or to be promoted. Some example skills that an engineer must have are positive thinking, fast response for every situation w/ the best solution for that situation and very pleasing to work with.

In conclusion, every engineer has it’s own skills but this needs to be more familliaries by the person who own it’s to make this skill easier for him to use.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Perks of Being an EngineerTitle

Every field of study has its own advantage or edge that makes them unique. People are distinguished by their own skills. For engineering graduates, they are hired if they are skilful and good for their specialization.

Engineers should be good in calculations. One thing that makes them successful is when they are precise or accurate in doing math. Most of the projects that they make involves mathematics. Engineering graduates should be good in analysing things. Mostly in machineries, you should be good in making things work. Without proper analyzation, things might come wore or maybe disastruous in other situations. Also, engineering graduates are good in visual or making drawings for building plans or any designs. Being skilful and creative makes engineering and architecture graduates marketable. Many companies wants their workers to be at their best and I think that engineers are one of those kinds.

To sum it all, the skills that makes engineering or architecture graduates marketable is that they should be good in mathematics, analyzation& drawing. Engineering graduates are creative, responsible and hardworking. This are the qualities that helped them to graduate.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

A Mechanical EngineerTitle

First of all, I would likely introduce what Mechanical Engineering means in my own opinion. A mechanical engineer is a person who trained to design and construct different kinds of machines. In using the marketable skill of engineering in this course, you can invent your own gadgets or machines to make your work easily and fast.

I choosed Mechanical Engineering as my course because since I was in elementary it is my ambition, to become a Mechanical Engineer in the future. The activities or practices you can do in this course are they teach you how to use the basic tools in doing some other activities like the hacksaw when you’re cutting woods or metals you always put your thumb to the place you’re going to cut as your guide. And in starting to cut, the hacksaw must put in a downward position if the point of the teeth are in front. to have much force to cut the object, A mechanical engineer also teach you how to improve the facilities in a building by the process of a “welding”. You can use metal instead of wood to become stronger.

In choosing a course you want, you must have the patient, love, and interest to it because when you have it, you are gradually become a successful in your life.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Marketable Skills of Engineering and Architecture Now, Today and Tomorrow


In the world that we are standing, companies, factories, and managers are hiring people with many skills, and marketable skills are one of the requirements in choosing on all the applicants to pass. And engineers are highly demand in companies all over the world. Engineering is one the best degree that anyone can have.

Engineers and architectures have the skills to design and build engines. a person who is trained in as follows profession a branch of engineering, a person who carries through an enterprise by skilful or artfull contrivance, to modify or produce by genetics a person who designing and building structures and especially habitable ones, a person dealing with the industrial application or chemistry, a person deals with the designs, improvements and installation of integrated systems, a person to work the process or business or working mines, they operates computers, they analyze problems, they acoumulate electricity a person who runs or supervises an engine or an apparatus, and the best of all they have many contribute in our world and daily life.

Engineers and architectures have their own skills that other degrees can’t do. And becoming them can contribute so much to the grow of technology and environment of our world.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

SEA GraduateTitle

Marketable skills is an ability that has been acquired by one’s knowledge. Engineering and Architecture there are different skill. Being an Engineering student, you know how to solve math and there are science. Architecture you know how to draw and solve to known the size or wide of your design.

I’m ASPIRAS, MARVIN A. Engineering student, major in Electrical Engineering. We have many work to do to graduate in our course, we learn how to manage our time so that we have no time lost. Being a student of Engineering, we have no time to bonding with friends because of quiz, assignment and requirements, only sundays s the rest of our brain and body. We have to known collage life is stressful so that we have to work hard.

We should be thankful to our parents because the course we like is given to us. Our parents work hard so that the course given to us, we have to work hard also.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Important skills in EngineeringTitle

So, you took up engineering huh. Five years in in the university studying, researching, and gaining experiences. But how sure are you that you will be hired. Well, There are many factors, prospective employers will look into academic records and even the school where you graduated. In here, we’ll focus more on skills that can be advantage in the market.

In the market of labor, there are many competitors. You have to have better skills than others in order For you to be sold, I mean employed, whether you are applying for a job in the office or in the field, skills are necessary. One skill that is

important in engineering is being able to read plans, what ever plan that is, may it be a chemical formula, floor plan, mechanical configuration and others. How can you be an engineer if you can even read plans. Another is to have a good communication skills. these are pretty important especially if you want to work in the office. You will be asked to present projects and tell Your clients what will be the cost, how will it be done if its done and others. AND if you have good communication skill, chances are that you will impress your employer and be hired.

Skills should already been acquired while studying. These are necessary for you to be hired and be able to sustain your job.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Becoming who you areTitle

In entering a profession, you need to have the passion and skill to perform well. People look for skills that you have learned in the process of achieving your profession. Skills that you can use in doing a good job. The skills that you acquire to have a better understanding of the work you need to do. And you

need the skills that would put the top and that would make you stand out among the others. Some of this skills are referred to as your marketable skills.

Being an engineer or an architect, it is a must to have marketable skills. One of this skills being confident. Confidence plays a really big role in any profession. Being a confident person, you can express ideas that would be really helpful in the process. Your not afraid to be criticized by other people if they think that you did not do a very good job because you know to yourself that you did your best. Another part of confidence is that your willing to take the risks that would come your way. Another skill you must have is the passion for your profession. Of course, if you have the passion for what your doing and you really love your job, you will do everything in your power to be the best at what you are doing. You should work hard to achieve your goals in being the best. And since you have the passion for your work, you would not have nayregres in making decisions about your chosen profession.

In becoming an engineer architect or any chosen profession you want, you must have the skills to match this. Such skills are acquired in the process of learning your chosen field of work. Through this skills, you will achieve great things. Sometimes you might fall but you would definitely stand up again and continue your work especially if you are passionate about it and you are confident that you will achieve success.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Skills for Time


An engineer or architect has its own marketable skills to accomplish an action. Such skill is very important to comply with the requirements for a job in the industry. Eventually, it will not only help in this certain job but also benefit in other action a person does.

One of this marketable skills is the capacity to learn about a material or a certain event. Having more knowledge about your subject will lead you to a better planning method. A fast leaner is also concerned in this skill, and through this, you can accomplish immediately a task and can improve a job before going through another project. Another marketable skill is the hardwork that you put into your work given that it is an easy job or complicated job. One of the key to success is hardwork. If you have the patience to do a job, then you should also have hardwork to finish a task right on time without any interference beside you. Being focus on your job will also let you have more time to be with your family and friends. These skills are not only owned by an engineering or architecture graduate, but also any other person in society.

Everybody has a skill to own, and one of them is an engineering or architecture graduate. This can compose of hardwork and learning skill. Both skills are giving us more time and conserving more energy for other purposes in life. Thus, we should give importance in these marketable skills.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Essential characteristics of A Civil EngineerTitle

The corporate world this time is not easy as it seems before, for the people we are going to face are skilful. In order to get a stable job, you must have the essential characteristics of your area of specialization. A civil Engineer is the one who acts a bif role in our community, but what it really takes to be qualified to the companies you are going to apply?

As being enrolled in the Degree Program of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, on my opinion, You must be good at Business Communications, because for you are the one who is going to make a deal with your clients, and for me, that would be the first impression of a client to recommend your company just because of your skills. The second thing is that you must be a good at analyzing problems and applying what you’ve learned in the university/college, How can you say that company would hire a less systematic person to be part of their company. It’s a “BIG NO” for them.

Choosing BS Civil Engineering is a subjective one, because everyone has their own reasons, just like passion. But for you to be able to get a good job, you must jave what it takes to be qualified in our competitive corporate world. You can’t just put “passion” in your resume, you must have a remarkable characteristics to be qualified.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

Competitive Skills of Engineering and Architecture Graduates


Call me obsessed, but since Engineers and Architects are coined as the master builders of the nation it is but proper that these men and women are highly skilled and knowledgeable in practical application of Mathematics. Extended by the trainings and experience they acquire in universities and in the field, these skills are developed and put into practice. These are their powerful weapons to compete in the fast changing world.

These skills I’m talking about are computing skills and drawing skills. It is ideal for an engineer and architects to learn the fundamentals of mathematics. Mathematics should be their life. These is the most powerful tool they have, for they perceive everything in terms of formulas and calculations. They do away of making complicated analysis, but rather their analytical minds transform complicated problems into simple solutions. Engineers and Architect’s minds are as vast as the ocean, so it is very advantageous to acquire drawing skills. This skill is used to put their wide imaginations into a tiny piece of paper. They make things grow and huge objects shrink. This skill provides a readily tangible view of what is in the engineers and architects’ minds.

I am an engineering student, and I want to graduate as an engineer soon. These skills which I perceive to be marketable and competitive are my calibers for the world. I should train more to develop these skills and offer the world a better solutions.

Topic: What are the marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate?

My ProfessionTitle

Mining Engineers are popular and In demand in other countries. They are also hardworking, industrious, resourceful, and responsible.

Mining Engineers are popular because when anyone ask you about your course and you answered you are a mining Engineer. They immediately ask about gold, rubi, diamonds and other mining resources. This I thought because gold and diamonds are the things that anyone would like to have.

Mining Engineers are also In demand in other countries because of the issues about illegal mining companies which lessen up the coming enrolees for mining Engineer. But ether companies stoop up for responsible mining that take advantage to have a immediate job after graduate.

To become mining Engineer you should have the guts to persevere in every risky situation in becoming a professional. Your passion and becoming responsible are also remarkable in becoming a mining engineer.


In Engineering/Architecture is alredy is very common to us. We know that engineers/architecture have different role on it. Engineers is more difficult than architecture it is because engineers mostly managed all the equations/problem through the project and we know that engineers have so many kinds in field like a mechanical engineering, civil engineering, industrial engineering and more that they have difference on it, while in field of architecture it is only one but they are more well known because they are the one who design a building and maybe they draw also through their imagination and realization.

As an engineer/architecture that already finish it they should have different marketable skills, based on my understanding they should have so many skills like confidence, courage, trustworthy, organizable, good moral and right conduct, perseverance and knowledgeable, critical thinking so with these of skills they can be a truly engineers/architectures and I know there are more marketable skills for the engineers/architectures.

I therefore conclude that engineers are very important in this world because without them maybe we are still living in the forest/cave and more. I can say also that engineers/architectures

are very genius but not much, we should also respect engineers/ architectures.


Before someone can be called and engineer or an architect, there are certain things that one must acquire. These things are the skills of true engineers and architects. These skills are very important in all industries.

There are a lot of skills that an engineer or an architect has but these are only few skills in why engineers and architectures are needed most in industries. For me, the basic skills of an engineers and architects are creative, good in planning, and know how to find a solution in a problem. As we all know engineers and architects are very known to their creativity. They amaze people with their designs and inventions. In an industry, new inventions and designs are important for its development. The second skill is good on planning. Even though an invention had been made, we cannot tell exactly at first if it is useful or not. But an invention made by an architect and engineer is truly useful and has its own purpose for the good of an industry. Before and engineer or an architect makes an invention,

they first plan on the things that it can do for the development of an industry. And lastly, engineers know how to find a solution in a problem. In the industries, many problems arises without further notice in an industry, problems should be solved as fast as possible. Engineers and architectures can solve these problems through their creative minds. This is the main cause why engineers and architects never cease in an industry.

We can say that engineers and architects are truly wonderful and amazing. Through the aid of their skills, many developments are made, but we must know that being an engineer or an architect is not easy. People must strive hard to have skills of engineers and architects.


An architect is person who designs building and advises in their construction they design and guide a plan. They are designers of the society. An engineer is a crafty schemer; he is a designer or builder of engines, an engineer carries through and enterprise by skillful or artful contrivance. They are the builders of the world.

Designing is the most important marketable skill for an engineer and an architect. An architect has to draw and lay out, to prepare a design. They design and guide a plan, it is not just about how the structure will look like they also have to keep in mind the dimensions of the structure. An engineer has to lay out,

construct and manage they have to conceive and execute a plan, they know how to construct a structure, what material they should use and how strong the structure will be for it to not to collapse. they should know how things work, and make them more powerful.

An architect and an engineer supplies the directing or creative intelligence for the project. They are the builders of the world with their skills and knowledge.

Skills that an Engineering Graduate must Have

Skills are one of the most important for any events in our life. It can help us for finding a job, for our career. All of us wanted to look a job for the seekness of our family or our own career. We want in a good office to settle our career.

Being Engineer is very difficult but you must have a quality of mind to overcome any problem. Learn from your mistakes and use it for better tomorrow. We must have confidence, not because we are great, but because we believe for ourselves. Look forward in times that we considered a beginner, stand and prove that we, as a beginner have intelligence that we really manage a proposal.

Just open our mind and listen to everyone and learn something from them because nobody knows everything but everybody knows something.

Skills that undergo the State-of-the-art process

Building, Structural Design, Machineries, Electric Connections, Mineral Digging, Geothermal Activities, and Robotics are the terms applied to Engineering and Architecture. These basics concepts not only cover the wide and numerous world of Engineers and Architects

Seeing those structure in the world make you realize the essential part of Engineer and Architect. Roads, highways, bridges and, skyscrapers, etc. are the products of Engineer and Architectural thinking. These products were made essentially by the marketable skills of an engineer or architect. But these skills undergoes a state-of-the-art multi-stage process. These includes the fundamentals of Engineering and Architecture. Specifically, Engineering has many classifications that will falls on different skill acquired. As for me, one marketable skill is that and Engineer or Architect has the ability to act within a multi-process basis. With the span of earning these intellects, you can say an Engineer can manage difficult task. An Engineer provides the so called comforter of life and that is another marketable skill of an Engineer. Comforter of life simply means providing high quality machines or structures for better and safer living. Engineers cost the mist difficult work. A little error will make a big regret but engineers will only think for the 0% error in order to make a big success.

Need not to worry because engineers handle it carefully. Life is just a matter of basic engineering.

Marketable Skills Engineering or Architecture Graduate

Marketable skills is a skills wanted by purchasers or employers. When a student finished his Engineering course, he will have skills that will him in his work. Skill is very important in a person because this is your key in success.

Engineer has different skills. Like mechanical Engineer, he will fixed a machine or make machine for people and will help their daily life. An Electrical Engineering they are the reason that we have an Electricity and other branch of Engineers.

The Engineers should have skill of having a strong personality that can help others and his self to have discipline.

Engineers really helped our surroundings. If we don’t have an Engineer in our country, how can we survive? They are the reason why we have electricity, they are the reason why we have a different machine or gadgets, and they are the reason why there are beautiful buildings in our country.

Marketable skills of Engineering or Architecture Graduate

When we say marketable, it is something that is able to be because people want it. Engineering and architecture students have many talents, we all know that. It is not only making buildings, houses, and etc., but of course we may also know how to take care of people and our environment.

My marketable skills are being a resourceful and hard working. Resourceful in the sense that even I don’t have my materials, I know that there is an alternative way to make what I desire to. So even in the future, I can’t get any work or I can’t enter a company, I think I can do it in my own because it is my passion to work with complicated materials and also, I love working alone. We also know that it is defficult to work without companion, so I hope I can build a corporation on my own. I am a hardworking man because I know that I am hard working person that doesn’t stop until the task is finished. I can’t sleep at night when I didn’t do one of my assignments; I always want to be satisfied the whole time. I also have my inspiration to motivate myself and I know I can do it with her support. I am also wise person so no one can go over me in terms of working or other activities.

Marketable skills are just alternative way to live our life in the future in case that we can’t get a work. Maybe we can start our life in the future with those skills and with the help of it, we can start a whole new life.

Facing the Market World

After five painful years of hardwork, and striving really hard to have high grades, we are going to face a broader world, which is the market industry. A world full of competitors, and we have to prepare for them with skills that will help us to go with the flow. Marketable skills, these are the weapons we need in order for us to stay in the market world. But as a fresh graduate of civil engineering, what are those marketable skills that I have and how are they going to help me?

In the market industry, everyone is an enemy. We have to compete in order for us to stay in the battlefield. One of the most important marketable skills is communication. Communication, from the root word communicate, will surely help us when we are looking for a job. Communication is the way of expressing something when we are doing job interviews, explaining building designs, and most of all meetings when we are already employed. Another marketable skill that is so important is self-confidence. Self-confidence is not just really believing to yourself but also believing to your work and on what you have done. It will help us to bring out the best that we can do on hand-on jobs and presentation. And lastly is positivity. Positivity can serve as our motivation while we are working. It somehow tells us “everything will be fine”.

As we are about to depart from college life, and face a new big world. We have to acknowledge everything we learned in our studies to help us rolling in wild world of market industry. It will help us to have stable job and make most out of it.

Turning my Inventions into a Marketable Product

Engineering? What is an Engineering course? Well, let me tell you something about my course. Engineering is the application of science and mathematics by which the property of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to people. Now, what does Engineer do? We lay out, construct or manage to contrive or plan out usually with more or less subtitle skills and crafts.

I am taking up Bachelor of Science and Chemical Engineering. Even before, I already love science and chemistry. A chemical Engineering is the one who is dealing with the industrial application of chemistry. I will turn my inventions into a marketable product. But how will I do that? With the help of my teachers and knowledge that I gained from my almamater, I will use this knowledge to create my own inventions relating to my course. I am planning to create my own drugs, perfume, alcohols, and many more. And I will make this discovery or finding and a product of my imagination able to create on the page worlds that don’t exist but certainly seem like they could. I will make peoples life more easy.

To sum it up, Chemical Engineers are also important to everyone. Without us, there will be no epic inventions that will make our life more easy.





The Skill Tree of an Engineer

Have you ever wondered at least once in your life what an engineer does in contributing to society? If not, then you’re either not interested in the job or you’re probably just wanting to survive. Unfortunately, most of the humans here would only study courses that is in demand in our society to immediately get a job afterwards while not being mindful of what they will go through or what the maximum potential of that specific course has in store for them. Almost everyone here is willing to sacrifice everthing just be able to accomplish their some what same goal. I think most of the people are disregarding the capabilities of each course and are just blindly attending the society needs.

In my time where I must decide which path I should choose, I decided, in the end, to go to the path of Engineering for the reason that I could see the potential of what they can do in the future. A skill of which they possess would their ability to be innovative. They could come up with things that they would dream of and have the power to pull it into realty. The ability of which an engineer could have was probably what dragged me to taking up this course. Their ability to be able to imagin things that only they could imagin and be able to make it a reality is truly a wonderful skill for me. Another skill is that engineers are able to be more analytic. They could see the world in a different perspective than most of us and be able to come up answers that they could think of. They could think outside the box and not be called weird person. I am not also sort of weird person in a way which is probably what had dragged me to be an engineer.

Engineering and Architecture Graduates works Under Pressure

Pressure gets into anyone whether you are old or young. Although, pressure can bring out or best or your worst. It is what keeps us moving or what stops us from your tracks. But working at the same time being pressured is a whole different thing.

“Engineers and architects works best when pressured”. That’s what people say about us. I believe that’s true. The thrill of not knowing whether you’ll be able to pass due projects in time is exhillerating. That’s what bring out the best of us. Other people finish projects a week before its due date, but we finish our projects the night before because it shifts our adrenaline into sixth gear overnight and bring us to overdrive. Having to beat the clock is our greatest challenge. Although, beating the clock is a just one thing, but having the quality of work and passing it on its due date would feels heavenly. The quality of our work is best measured when it’s done under pressure.

Engineers and architect are used into word under pressure. This a daily thing that they go through. This is what they’ve been doing throughout their college life and be in same position when they’re not studing studying. Working under pressure gets the engineers and architects to sixth gear, their adrenaline to sixth gear, works their gears until it seizes u, and puts them to overdrive. An engineer and architects are works are really at its best when under pressure to the extent that their whole body is working.

Being an Engineer

When we say engineer, it is usually termed as builders. Acquiring this skills, people will be depending on you. Actually, engineers before were used in wars for they have skills on planning that the soldier will cross obstacles with no sweat. Without engineers, there’s no constructions, machines, and others.

Being an engineer, to be able to be employed, we must acquire the skill like the rating or standing. A skillful engineer must have respect to his/her attained goal because the company can promote you anytime if their rating is rising. A good engineer accepts his work/course with love because his desire to help and improve his skills.

There are many things being an engineer, work harder, and to be able to attain goal, show interest and pass all requirements to be a successful engineer.

Marketable skills of engineering and architecture Graduate is

Marketable skills are abilities, knowledge and skillsets that will determine whether you will be qualified for the job or not having these skills is just the first step of employment. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is one way of determining your specialties.

Specialties vary in different ways, for engineering these are lots of choices. In CE(civil engineering) they specialize on buildings and constructions. In ME(mechanical engineering) the specialize on hydraulics, machinery and mostly industrial equipment. This is one way of choosing your passion. If you like construction take up CE, if you want to know about electricity and hydropowerplants take up EE. For me, it is best for you to choose your own specialty rather than being distracted by others like parents, friend and etc. because in the end, the one who chooses his own profession succeeds.

Choosing your own specialty is not difficult. It is just you must dictate your own profession.

The Importance of Marketable Skills Among Engineers

One reason why there are so many engineering graduates that are unemployed is because they lack marketable skills. Marketable skills refers to the knowledges both academic and technical skills w/c an engineer graduate must posses upon graduating in college. Just as a doctor is expected that he knows how to perform surgical operations, and so with a mechanical engineer. He must know the standard, rules, and ways to follow whenever he is in the working field.

One important marketable skills that an engineer must posses is his analytical skills. One reason why, during their collage years, engineering students have numerous math subjects is to train them and improve their skills in thinking critically and in an orderly manner. Aside from being an important subject in engineering, mathematics also provides an engineering student the ability to think logically, not only in solving problems but also the things that happens around him. Another important marketable skills of an engineer is his/her technical skills. In school, student often spend their time reading books, manuals, and writing, etc. they don’t apply whatever they have read in those books, except during laboratory classes. That’s why after graduating, the still don’t know how to operate simple machines. And in the field, technical knowledges are mush important rather than your knowledge in numbers; its useless if you know calculus, or geometry if you don’t know how to apply it.

In conclusion, engineers must have a wide knowledge, not only in numbers or whatsoever but also they must have be well skilled in field operations, because that is where engineers are tested. If they really know what have been taught to them.

Marketable skills in Engineering

Engineering has been improving the lives of people since it was considered as a field of specialization in Science. It discoveries made work of individuals or group of people easier, faster, and more efficient, henceforth, promoting it as a must-have making the lives of others more comfortable and meaningful but also he can earn a quite who is aspiring to finish a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and to gain money for more comfortable life status, must indeed consider and try to gain first some marketable skills of engineering graduate, for him/her to have greater chance of being sought by many companies that employ engineers.

One flamboyant marketable skill of engineering graduate is the ability to deal with different kinds of people. Surely in his/her working realm, many clients with different traits principles and attitudes are ofter met by him/her. s/he must be really good in conversion and negotiating with them so that s/he can catch their attention effectively and as a good strategy, s/he can enter them into the company. Sometimes the hypocrisy is not bad, as long as someone can determine his/her limitation. Another skill is the ability to incorporate all the knowledge and principles an engineering graduate learned and discovered, since s/he know what to do and does it very correctly, surely s/he will robust in engineering and generally help people attain future, since it is the very purpose of engineering.

Choosing engineering is easy but finishing it w/ flying colors is arduous. The most arduous part is on how will someone be really good and successful in this career, but remember, marketable skills are not iherited but learned upon hardwork and focusing in study so everyone equal chance to become famous in this field.

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Marketable skills are skills that the purchasers or employers wanted your skills are very important when it comes to your job because this is the number one requirement for you to you a job your skill. Your skills are their basis if they will hire you or not because skills are the keys to success. So, wht are the marketable skills of Engineering or Architecture graduate?

We all know that if you’re a graduate of engineering or architecture. Almost all the people you know you has a high expectation from you because you are graduate or architecture. The skills you have when you are a graduate of engineering or architecture are many, but is it marketable? Most of their marketable skills are first, you are very good in mathematics and drawing. Second your intelligence about fixing a thing or repairing something. Third, your attitude of being wise man when it comes to problem solving or any problems, you are very fast in thinking of the solutions. and fourth, as a whole, you are very talented.

Sometimes engineering nd architecture students failed in some subject, it is not because they have no skills but there are some students that is really lazy when it comes to their studies. But that’s not a problem at all because sometimes when they get a job the engineering or architecture students that has no honor during his/her college times is better than the students who have many rewards or medals.

“Fit to be offered in applying work for engineering and architecture graduate

Marketable skills are the thing that you can use in applying work. This skills can help you to be a successful person in the future. This is very important for all the people especially the students to achieve their dreams and goals. They can also use this to develop their different skills.

There are different marketable skills of engineering and architecture. Graduate. First is being wise, they should be wise in choosing where can they apply or work. Second is having a patience, they should be patient in applying their work them to

become a successful engineer and architecture. Third is they should be fluent in speaking English, this is very important because whenever they will have a clients from other countries, they will easily understand each other, they can easily talked to each other. Fourth is believing in their own skills and at the same time to themselves. How can they achieve their dreams and goals if they easily give up. How can they be a successful person if they don’t believe in their own skills and to themselves? Those are some of the most important marketable skills of an engineering and architecture graduate. Wherein they can use it for them to achieve their goals.

It is very important to believe in ourselves. Wherein we know that we can do it as long as we want. Whenever there are problems, we must not easily give up, stand up fight for our dreams. Even how hard to apply a work, we should be patient, because there will be time that there is a right work for us. We should also do everything for them to have a work and to have they own money. And to earn a living without the help of their parents.

Engineerings and Architecture experiences

Engineering is a profession that lead us to a comfortable life. Most of Engineers are respected by the people and popular because of their deeds. And they can not be called Engineers without passing their board exam.

Engineers are the brain of action in making the plan, because they are the one to be strong. They also measure the area of land and make a resolution for it. In order to make their calculation correct, they works hardly and accurately. Not all Engineers are corrupt, because some time people a group of people saying that Engineers are corrupting the money, if they have a project given to them.

Engineers are highly respected because they passed their licensure exam they are also the people who making the plan in making a strong building. So if you want to belong as one of them, you must tried your best and overcome any obstacles that you will encounter in your life to because its only a challenges.

Sea Graduate

Every graduate in ingineering or architecture course is very proudly to finish to his/her course not only they are proud

also they family are proudly to they on, brothers and sister because, being a student in schools of Engineering and architecture is not easy to graduate, but if you interested to your course they can do it. Every graduate in the field of engineering and architecture are they have a skill.

Marketable skills of engineering or architecture graduate have so many fields. They can build a house, building, bridge also they can do every thing that impossible. Every structure in these world, the engineer and architecture is one of a part in that structure. Without a engineer and architecture the world not move and grow up.

Engineer and architecture is a best partner at all bec they can do every thing in these world every thing became easy because the help of engineers and architecture. The world change every thing, the world improve and became nice the help of Engineer and architecture.

Wonderful skills of engineering graduates

Engineering graduates have plenty of marketable skills. Some of these skills are already with them since the day they were born while other skills were learned as they walk their lives so that are the marketable skills of engineering graduates have

Engineering people have a broad and unlimited imagination they can think of anything and not only that they can imagine things but also they can create their imaginations into reality. Engineering student/ graduates are also good at drawing things. They can also compute and solve problems in plenty of ways. Engineering graduates are also good in talking to others. They are smooth talkers and very sociable in pressure, they can still do thing with confidence.

Engineering graduates have plenty of marketable skills. These skills were enhanced and well practice as they walk their journey, as they meet people along the way, and as they believe.

Marketable skills of Louisian Engineers and Architecture Gradates

Engineers and Architectures are said to be the builders of living in a country. They have a set of skills that can be make a simple things be glamorous. A great mind that can solve any problem. A simple and passionate heart on doing their jobs amazingly. There are skill that are commonly known for an Engineer and Architects.

An Engineer is a person who helps his country in making an infrastructure for the ease of the people. They can also innovate things. They have the innovative skills that can make new instruments, machines and all other things that can ease the life of people. In addition to that, a crafty and passionate hands in making designs and inventions . they also have a practical computing skills that helps them analyze some problems. An architects is a person making design of an infrastructure for the Engineers. They have the magical hands in drawing a beautiful designs for their clients. Plus a broad imagination on how things will fit for their designs.

These are just some skills that can make an engineers and Architects that compete globally and can find ant works that are fitted to their profession. Remember a Louisian Engineers never sleeps until they are satisfy on their work. And a Louisian Architect never be contented with just simple designs but a great design.


Engineering and Architecture are a great builders of designs and machines that help in our everyday life. This builders has a great mind that will lead the economic statues of the world to a higher level. To create machines that are more advance than what we have today, or to create a design that can or will be consider as the best, is what engineers dreamed to have.

Engineers and architectures have skill that they acquire and continue developing from time to time. Some of this skills are computing skills and drawing skills. Computing skill may be called critical thinking or to analyze a certain problem and find the most appropriate way to solve it. This skills are thoroughly used by our engineers to acquire and finish a job. For example mechatronics have a hard time to think about. New models of car that can go faster, more comfortable to use and has fashion that most of the people would wont. Drawing skills are most likely acquired by architects and civil engineer. This skill helps them to create more designs that can compete to the designs of others.

Being an engineer and architect or taking this course is not an easy thing, one must acquire some skills and develop it to compete and make a brighter future. This skills that you acquire cannot only be used inside the classroom, it can also be used in practical application too ideas that are more advance that we have today can always be replaced with a better ones.

An Engineer’s Skills

Engineering is only she of the famous and hard courses in college. But once you’ve finished it, work can easily come to you. Of course, in order get this great work, you must be patient and acquire some of the salable skills an engineering graduate should have. What are these salable skills we will define it.

An engineering or an architecture graduate was once a hardworking and persistent students. You cannot finish with this course without you working hard to achieve it. Some of the “marketable skills” an engineering graduate may have are (1) intelligence, you cannot graduate without you bring n intelligent. Intelligence can help you in your work. It defines your mental capacity towards as a task. (2) an engineer is resourceful. He is capable of devising ways and means another remarkable skill of an engineer is. (3) being up all night just to finish a work or projects.

These are just few of an engineer’s marketable skills that define them. Those skills stated above may help you to your work. Without these, it would be difficult for you to do several things.

Graduates Well- Developed Skills

Studying Engineering and Architecture course is a lot difficulty to take. Problems are being encountered every step of the course. Students may experience difficulties but these challenges will give a good compensation which are skills well-developed these well-developed skills will help the students to achieve jobs which satisfy the desires of each hearts and mind, since a well-developed skills are marketable skills by society.

One of the skills an engineering and architecture graduate must possess is the planning skill on effective and accurate planning skill will ensure safety in building construction. This projects they’re going to handle. Another skills is designing skill. Engineering and architecture graduate must expected in this part of course. Designing is a part in constructing in which a balance on every work should be attain.

Planning and designing skills are what the society should first be trusted in order to possess a safety outputs. These, therefore, is being demanded by people. An effective planning and designing skills are marketable by the society.

Marketable skills of An Engineering Graduate

One of the most basic skill that engineer must acquire is the accuracy in mathematics he/she must be good at making accurate calculations in what he/she develops. Marketable skills are qualities that will determine your performance or quality of life you will have in future skills can be acquired through learning which schools like Saint Louis University, can give unique skills and advantages.

One of the most marketable skill of an engineering graduate is that he is good in mathematics. He could acquire millions just through calculating and developing machineries that will help billions of people, he could even make a business through mathematics. The second marketable skill of engineer is that every single engineer is passionate about their jobs, they are determined to do what must be done.

Engineers must be good at math, so they can work and provide for their families. They should study very hard so that in the future, they will become the future at technology.

Marketable skills of being an Engineer

An Engineer has its own way of developing his/her skills by means of major. They have their own majors or which I should say different majors. Engineers are classified with their own skills because some of them are; civil who specialize about building bridges and even building, mechanics who specialize about machines and others.

Engineering can be a marketable being in a way that they have a lot of skills or being classified according to their own monthly salaries. Those engineers that enter a company are more likely an engineer who specified machines, electricity, electronics, robots and chemicals there are also engineer who do not need to enter a company like those who specialize building structures, industrials and many more.

They are considered to be an marketable in a way that they can earn/ gain money even if they do not enter a company they can also gain by entering a company but those who do not enter a company have better earns than those who enter these is engineers are to be considered as a marketable people.

A Mechanical Engineer

The marketable skills of graduate of Mechanical Engineering are his passion towards his work as we see howadays, the manipulating work of an engineer, some of those are known as our transportation. They made it possible to happen, through the use of engines and gears.

One of the most important skill of an engineer should be a hardworking one, and the other skill will be flourished. Because of you are a hardworking one, you will be knowledgable, resourceful, and productive. Designing is also an art of mechanical engineering, being able to design engines who can able

to work under pressure, due to field management or work. It is an indemand course due to it`s purpose and usage of a work of mechanical engineers.

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Engineering and architecture skills are badly needed in applying for job. Skills are developed in schools, in our sorroundings, and in our house. Skills and passion are closely related, for the reason that our interest leads us to be more active in our works and, attaining special trainings, and acquining knowledge in our specialist.

For me, the most important skills in the field of engineering nd architecture are competence/knowledge in math specially chemistry and physics and also good in designing. These two goes together in constructing buildings, roads, gudgets and others. These two marketable skills are the best assets of being a good engineer/s and architecture. These two helps in preventing building and from collapsing when natural disasters are attacks.

In engineering and architecture should go for various traning to develop more their skills acquired in schools to be able to attain the skills needed by companies and people. Joining various activities related to the course helps in making our skills more competence.