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Principal’s Message

“The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

Sylvia Plath

Since its inception, the Vivekananda College magazine Isha has always been a flag bearer of creativity and

inspiration. The ability to create is innate to every human being and Isha has provided an official platform for

the students of the college to express themselves in diverse ways. Time and again, Isha has provided the

necessary impetus to young and inspired creators to write, sketch, paint and opine. This year, after a

unanimous decision taken by the Publication Committee, Isha is being uploaded on the College Website

particularly as an e-magazine. This decision has been taken keeping in mind the urgent and absolute need to

conserve paper in the contemporary time of adverse climate change. This year, too, there has been an

overwhelming response by the students regarding submission of articles, poems, short stories in multiple

languages and branching into diverse genres. There have also been delightful sketches and paintings, few of

which have been selected as our cover, back cover and the dividing pages of various sections.

The world we live in is increasingly being turned into a restrictive place where hatred is pre-determining most

forms of introspection and opinion formation. In the midst of such chaos and socio-political oppression the

ability and right to articulate what one feels becomes paramount. Through Isha we hope to enable the students

to voice themselves freely and arrive at a truer understanding of their own self as well as the reality enveloping

them. This creative space extends beyond the official curriculum inside the classroom and helps to broaden the

minds and liberate comprehending abilities.

I congratulate the entire editorial team of the magazine and appreciate their dedication. I also sincerely wish

that Isha continues to inspire the students in the years ahead.

Dr. Hina Nandrajog

Officiating Principal

Vivekananda College






Front (From Left to Right): Ms. Chaandreyi Mukherjee (Department of English), Ms. Charu Sharma (Department of Commerce), Ms.

Poonam Gupta, Convenor, (Department of Commerce), Ms. Kanika Kumar (Department of French), Dr. Arushi Jain (Department of Food


Back (From Left to Right): Dr. Saifur Rehman Farooqi (Department of Applied Psychology), Mr. Jaspratap Singh (Department of Political

Science), Dr. Amit Kumar (Department of Hindi), Dr. Veda Nidhi (Department of Sanskrit).

Front: Pooja Solanky,Nandini Dutta,Sheelu Sharma, Rinki Kumari, Shruti Sharma,Saba Saifi, Jyoti Mishra,

Ridhi Paliwal

Back: Kanishka Nath, Navya Mawari, Pakhi Pande, Sakshi Rawat Shivangi Bhatia, Shreya Aggarwal, Vanshika

Goswami, Ankita Singh





Description Page No.

English Section 4

French Section 24

Hindi Section 30

Sanskrit Section 53

Kasturi Section 60

Department Reports 73

Committee Reports 91





Lessons of Solitude

We prefer being alone often when we are


But, it actually, is, not so bad.

When we are solitary, we also hear

The voice of God, crystal clear.

There is assuredly a reason behind solitude

But not associated with one’s wrong


Sometimes we have to choose silence

To find the right balance.

When we are alone

We can listen to how the tiny bird sings,

The fluttering of the butterfly’s wings.

We can feel the beauty of alluring nature

How meticulously God has designed every


When you are solitary

You can think of your decisive goal

You can even converse with your soul.

Thus, silence and being alone go hand in


Instead of complaining, if you relish it

You can make your future grand.

You may be charmed if you have company

But if you are solitary, you can change

your destiny.

Muskan Raj

B.A. (H). English, I Year

Dear Depression

Dear Depression,

When I was a young one

Your concept was unknown to me.

The only thing tough was tying knots, you


You bring out the worst in me

Giving me nothing but pain,

You're my enemy.

Not once did you make me laugh

Tears became my other half.

But even in the times of my recluse

You're the one I wouldn't choose,

Somehow you've become

A part of my existence

Don't come on strong,

You'll feel the resistance.

You've built a love-hate relationship

Between me and the dark.

I can't face people or take walks in the


Because 10 eyes feel like a 1000 sharks

Sensing my claustrophobia

Clenching my heart.

And even though talking about you is in


I won't give up on my pride,

Won't let you become my only friend.

Dear people,

You've watched the movies and read the


Sadly, it is not that easy as it seems.

It took me years to fight and not give up

Asking for help and questioning all there


I tried to wrap my head around it.

All I ever got was, "It’s all in your head,

snap out of it!"

But just because people have it worse,

Didn’t make my suffering invalid.

But don't you worry

I'll survive

In spite of you kicking me when I'm down

I'll get up and fight

Cruel Depression,

I'll leave you behind.

-Nandini Pandey

B.A. (H). Applied Psychology, II Year



Rain as Pain

Enjoying the fruits of their prayers

Getting respite from heat,

Unaware of her sufferings and pain,

They continue to long for more rain.

For others it meant relief and happiness

Smiles, squeals, giggles and laughter.

For her, however, it stood for devastation,

Fear of drowning thereafter.

Holding a bowl in each hand,

Running helter-skelter,

Collecting falling rain drops from the


To save her sole shelter.

Her two pearls are sleeping quietly,

Unknown to her struggles in vain,

Inside rages a thunderstorm,

Outside the ceaseless rain.

Her heart holds more tears

Than the total of this rain,

This dam of tolerance

Is saving god's reign.

Her comfort is scorching heat,

Rather than this rain,

At least the sun doesn't drown her,

Like this pitiless rain.

Her two pearls are sleeping,

Unknown to her troubles

Her frantic prayers unanswered

Her life in rubbles.

Rashmi Tomar

B.A. (H). English, II Year

Happy Rain

Rain is a beauty of nature

That cherishes every creature

Brings happiness in all heart

Also to them who are apart

Let’s erase hatred for each other

And share moments of happiness with one


Revive life with new thoughts

With positivity, enthusiasm and new hope.

-Kriti Sardana

B.A. (H). English, II Year



The Remains!

You see it,

Slipping away if clenched

Flying away if not

All fading into


The depth you found

In those promising eyes

The meaning you own now

Of his universe.

The warmth so warm

One illusion lays out.

You feel it,

The shrink of your heart

At every glimpse

And malaise when

Not in sight.

All occurring and seizing,

Missing a beat

To his tipsy smile.

Breathless moments

While memories resurface.

You rise a millionth time

To embrace it all,

Naive to the certainty

That all ever remains is,

The awe

Of how once you fell in love

So irredeemably!

Ashna Rajvanshi

B.A. (H). Applied Psychology

A Fable of the Moon

The moon we see in the sky today

Serence, calm and possessing radiance

Wasn't like this always.

Six thousand years ago,

It was dull, gloomy and dark.

There were flowers,

And there were stars

Signifying softness and powers

But all that the moon had, were scars.

The moon complained

To the flowers and the stars,

He didn't want to be the moon

He wanted colours, he wanted lights

He wanted to twinkle, wished to be bright.

Then the flowers told him

About the most beautiful maiden,

Living in a far off garden.

She is beautiful, she is divine

In her presence, even the dreary shines.

Her name was Tseh-Nio

So one evening

Driven by his sadness,

The moon visited her

And as he laid eyes on her

Fell in love.

He loved her smile, her simplicity,

Her mundaneness, her generosity

Every night from then

The moon would visit the maiden

They kept falling in love each night

And Tseh-Nio dreamed about being the

moon's bride

In a few days,

They couldn't stay alone

Soon, she was gone.

Now, the moon was beautiful

It was calm. It was serene

Neither of them had to preen,

Now the beauty of both had blended

And today, the moon is indeed splendid.

Bhavya Sharma

B.A. (H) English, II Year




High life seems the most passionate,

When you see it in reel life,

Inhale all the smoke you want, but

It’s just another day, another strife.

Sober nights are more fun;

Than drunk nights will ever be,

Conflicts are still what we’re living


Remember, it won’t ever make you feel


Burden is what you feel in your chest,

Your chest is becoming so heavy.

Harming yourself won’t solve your


They’ll only remind of how weak you’ve


Blades and knives waited to steal glances,

When will they collide with your skin?

I agree they release your emotions for a


But think, why are you letting them win?

Nicotine wants to caress your soul,

It wants to lure you to the world of smoke,

It turns your emotions into a high ride,

It says, “Just one more, what’s left for you

to hide?”

Every day is a struggle for you,

To battle different addictions you choose.

They will always love to lurk around,

For they say, “Honey, I’ll be there for


The higher you get, more detached you


Why did people leave me this way?

You can’t always blame them for this.

Problems always have solutions,

We often fail to see them soon,

Addictions add to it in the subtle way,

Unbeknownst, you immediately fall prey.

Listen to your true self; you need to get out

of it.

These things won’t lead you anywhere,

Have faith in yourself forever,

Then go out and breathe some real fresh


-Maria Siddiqui

B.A. (H). Applied Psychology, II Year

Stay Strong

She shouted loud

They heard her scream

They ran away. Left her dying

They left her burning

They left her thriving

She shouted loud.

They heard her scream.

Next she found herself in the hospital

An angel from God took her there

Who in this cruel world are rare.

She found her skin dripping off of her


She couldn’t even take on loan

Drop by drop, piece by piece

Lumps and chunks, bit by bit.

Days later she saw herself

It was her but wasn’t her at all

She was looking hideous, and her

Dreams hit by a wrecking ball.

They ruined her face, couldn’t change her


Threw acid on her, not on her dreams.

She’d show the world how strong she was

She’d show them how she stood.

It was just an acid attack

Not a threat on her dreams.

Yes, she shouted loud

Yes, they heard her scream

Yes, they ran away

But left her STRONG!

Anjali Girish

(Inspired by Laxmi Aggarwal, acid

attack survivor, Indian campaigner and




Akbar and Birbal

Long, Long, Long ago,

I remember my mother said so,

In the vast Mughal Empire,

There was Birbal and his sire.

His sire was the famous ruler,

And was known as Emperor Akbar.

He was clever and kind

And liked to read his ministers’ minds.

One day he asked a question,

To test their intelligence was his intention.

‘How many crows are there in the city?’ he


And nobody had an answer to this.

Birbal came to their rescue,

And proudly said that was not an issue.

Twenty one thousand five hundred was the


Akbar scratched his head and wondered.

“You can count the crows, my Lord,”

“And if I am wrong, punish me with your


Birbal was clever and smart,

And stated that the extra crows are not this

city’s part.

And if the crows are fewer,

They have migrated to the city nearer.

Akbar smiled and knew he had lost,

And gifted Birbal a ring of

unimaginable cost.

Sukanya Saha

B.A. (H). English, II Year

To Kill the Goose that

Laid Golden Egg

Once upon a time in a city called Fife

A cottager lived with his wife.

They had a Goose

Who was of much use

For she was no ordinary Goose

But everyday a golden egg she would


The couple lived happily with this arcane

Until the man decided to use his brain.

He split her stomach apart

To have all the golden eggs in his cart.

Poor cottager’s efforts were all in vain

As the goose was now covered in blood


Oh, what a nuisance! What a life!

Screamed poor cottage’s wife

She called him a goose

For killing her precious goose.

Lesson to be taught:

One who desires more, loses all

Aafreen Rashid

B.A.(H). English, II Year



A Hymn : Our India

To love and care,

To support and admire,

To treat everyone like brethren,

This is as inherent as blood flowing in the


With an aim to make this world heaven,

This is my India; this is our India.

Rich in culture; rich in art,

Gave the world the inventor of zero,

Cherish this pious land!

Noble souls like Teresa, Gandhi and so

many others

Have graced our India.

Not just to Hindus ; not just to Jains,

Muslim, Christians and other clans,

It is an abode; a Garden of Eden,

A home for us people; a home very dear.

Srishty Bhardwaj

B.A. (H). English, III Year

Remembering Bapu

Child is the father of man, they said

But on October second was born a legend,

Who was born to become the Father,

The Father of the Nation , the Father of


Non violent was our Bapu,

Known as the epitome of compassion.

But if one may ask-

Why should he be the Father? Whom we

should call a father?

To them I state-

The one who prepares his children for

every storm,

Provides them with values and norms,

The one who comes as a dawn,

During a dark and gloomy snowfall,

Gets hold of his folks' sinking vessel,

And never lets his child suffer.

The Nation had one such freedom fighter,

An amalgam of barrister, politician,

activist and writer,

He showed the path to the colonised,

He was the "light of life”, forever idolized.

Wearing glasses, unstained dhoti and


Holding only a stick in his hand

He traversed lands where humanity was at

its downfall.

He fought with the evils of society


Taught us to "Do or Die", but not to be

inhumane after all;

Courageous and truthful was always that


Who made us revalue our heritage of


That it is not for timid, instead an attribute

of the strong;

The Messiah of Indians

Who never took resort to any weapon.

But fate had some other plans,

That saint was shot with three bullets

On his own motherland.

Let us commemorate his ideals so grand,

Whose last words were "Hey Ram!"

Srishty Bhardwaj

B.A. (H). English, III Year



Child Labour

Those little hands that worked in the field,

They wished to study but had to yield

From dusk to dawn they worked to earn,

But actually they just wanted to learn

No choice they had

And they were sad.

Lost faith and grace

Small sweet face

Worked too hard,

But not charged

Oh poor indeed,

They were in need

Had to earn,

But will to learn.

Harshita Khanna

B.Com (H)., I Year


Oh, nostalgia!

I walk your road evermore

Watch me play hopscotch

-Aafreen Rashid

B.A.(H). English, II Year

Smoothly goes the life

Sudden knocking on the door

Problems say surprise

-Sonali Sahni

B.A. (H). English, II Year

A harmonic wood

A gentleman with woodsaw

Brings roaring silence

-Rashmi Tomar

B.A. (H). English, II Year




'BELIEVE'- a word that demands our attention. Lilly's death has led me to believe in the

unbelievable. I have come to realize the fact that fiction is after all tales that no one wants to

believe. You see, I had always had this hobby of spending my pastime reading all those

horror fiction that are out there in this world. So when I got some extra bucks from my

grandmum this summer, I could not wait to spend them on buying yet another horror story to

adorn my collection. I do not know how my sister ended up reading this new book. She was

not into reading in the least. Sometimes I doubted if she could read at all. Each year her

grades got worse. Maa and Paa had a hard time dealing with her. They were always seen

lecturing her for failing to make any progress. These harsh lectures always ended with Paa

shaking his head and stating, “You have disappointed us.” I pitied my poor sister for having

to go through such ordeals. Anyway, the new book that I mentioned was titled 'Fear'. While

the book invoked horror, it was not exactly like the other horror novels of my collection. It

was a psychological thriller with a collection of five short stories. Each of the characters

suffered from some kind of mental illness. The monsters in the book were described as Guilt,

Anxiety, Loneliness, Disappointment and Insecurity. These monsters first infected the minds

of the characters resulting in successfully capturing their bodies as well. It was quite

exhausting for me to finish the book because I did not like the fact that in each short story the

character either tried self-harm or went insane. I still remember the long chat between me and

Lilly days after she had finished the book. She told me about this sickness that was eating up

her soul. When I asked her about the nature of the sickness she said, "Monsters...This

sickness is because of the monsters. I cannot fight them because they are within me. They

don't leave me alone.” She also told me about her recurrent dream of falling down into a

depthless dark pit. I just laughed it off saying that her imagination was running wild and that

she was giving unnecessary attention to her fantasies. Never for once did I imagine the

alarming situation about to affect our family. Now I know what monsters she kept referring to

before ending her own life. It all makes sense. Fear engulfed and ate her up from head to toe.

I think of how different things would have been had she not read the damn book in the first

place. It kills me to face the truth that I might have been able to save her. I needed to believe

her. She came to me and all I did was reject her cries for help. When I look at our family

album my mind races back to the happy times we had spent together. Although most of the

times she confined herself to her own little room but at least her presence was reassuring.

You see, I have never felt so much love for my sister ever than I feel at this moment. It has

been nearly two months since Lilly's death and what is more disturbing is that Maa and Paa

have never once cared to openly address her suicide. Surely they both cried more out of

shock than grief. It was definitely unbelievable for me too until I was able to figure it out

myself from the book. Everyone just eats their meals in solemn silence. I feel that my parents

will be back to being normal after a few months. But, there is not going to be any more

normal for me. She haunts me in my dreams. She reaches out her hand for help and I fail her

every time. Now she cries out for our reunion. You see, I am Guilty.

Vipula Sharma

B.A. (H). English, III Year



Stuffed Toy

Frinzy was walking through the bushes in her garden, when her stuffed Winnie got stuck into

one of the thorny branches of the rose plants. That was a sad evening, everything was dark

and wet as it was the end of July and it had been drizzling all day. The clock struck half past

seven. Frinzy struggled with the branches to have her Winnie back but the branches were

biting and piercing her loved one. Finally she succeeded in letting her Winnie free from the

claws of the brutal branches. It was tattered... Yes! One of the thorns had succeeded in the

task of hurting her Winnie. With the slipping rain drop, dew from the hibiscus leaf, tears

slipped out of her small glittery eyes. It was her mother's last present to her. She had gifted it

to her on her sixth birthday. The last birthday which she celebrated with her mother ...after

that she left her alone for all her birthdays. Frinzy! Frinzy! her dad was calling her, oh! She

was not left alone... She had her protective father and a very caring brother. It was already

dark when Frinzy rose and turned her eyes towards the gloomy sky. She saw with her wet

eyes a spider hanging from its broken web on the dark silent leaves of a big withered tree.

“Yes! Daddy… I'm here.... Coming.”

She rose up, wiped her tears and with a deep sigh moved her little feet sturdily towards the

house. She reached the dining room with her muddy shoes and solemn eyes, where her father

and brother were having their meal. “Oh! Wretched girl! Away, away…Put your shoes

away, dirty girl!” Her father commanded with a snarling face. She bowed her head and with

lowered eyes ran to the stairs up to her room so that her tears couldn't be seen. She promptly

shut the door and without switching on the lights flung herself on the bed and the floodgates

opened. Sadness paved the way for memories... How her mother used to clean her muddy

clothes and shoes whenever she came home after playing in the rain, how she used to wrap

her hair in a towel and give her hot tea in a mug full of warm love.

Exhausted after the ordeal, she clutched her beloved Winnie to sleep, her muddy feet dangled

off of her bed. The metal pendulum of a big old clock of the house struck one o'clock when

she woke up. After a couple of seconds she felt heaviness in the foot and sat up to see that the

mud on her shoes had dried and was now itching. She removed her dirty shoes and socks and

went to bathroom to clean her shoes, socks and legs. She washed away all the pain from her

face and came out of the bathroom. Her wounded Winnie was lying alone on her bed. She

took him in her lap and like her mother used to and started patting his head. After a couple of

minutes she brought the first aid box from her cupboard and tried to give Winnie some relief

by putting doctor tape on the cut on his soft skin. Next day she went down and had breakfast

with her father and brother. For the first 15 minutes no one uttered a single word .When her

father was done, he said, “I'm getting late today. Frinzy, you can go to your school with your

brother.” Her brother Daniel was four years older than her. They went to school.

In the evening Daniel's new friends came with him.

Daniel : You see! I have a little sister. I can make her do every work of mine. Frinzy!




Frinzy :Yes ! Brother, She answered, holding her pencil above her school book.

Daniel :Please bring some juice and snacks for us, my friends are hungry.

Frinzy left her books on the floor and went to the kitchen. I know, he could ask the maid for

this but he wants to show dominance over me. With these thoughts running in her head she

served the snacks.

“Frinzy, bring your Winnie for William he wants to play”, ordered Daniel in the same

manner of his father.

Frinzy : Brother, that is my Winnie. I won't give him to anyone. That was Mom's last gift to


Daniel : Come on Frinzy, when I am asking you to bring that, don't argue and be prompt.

"I won't", said Frinzy firmly. “Okay then, I'll bring that myself”, and with these words Daniel

rushed towards Frinzy's room. Daniel dashed to the door and snatched Winnie's left hand.

“No Brother please understand I can't give this to anyone...Give him another toy,” pleaded


Daniel : Stop Frinzy, you have grown up now. William is only five let him play with this toy.

Frinzy : No I won't give this to anyone. You know how precious this is for me. (With these

words she held her Winnie tightly).

Daniel : You stubborn girl! Give it to me, you are creating an embarrassing situation for me

in front of my friends. (Daniel tugged hard on Winnie's hand and it got torn.)

With this incident both the brother and sister stumbled back far from each other. Frinzy was

frozen with shock on the spot. Daniel had already run away from the room. Frinzy bravely

collected herself and tried to put that hand back but she couldn't. She noticed that the tattered

part which she had wrapped with doctor tape had torn out too. One tear followed another and

soon she was weeping profusely. Around eight in the evening she heard the familiar sound of

her father's car, but she didn't react and stayed as she was before, holding her Winnie close to

her chest. After twenty minutes, the sound of rampant steps started coming towards Frinzy's

room and her father strode into the room angrily. He held her left arm tightly, pulled her up

and slapped her face. Frinzy's cheek became red. “How dare you misbehave with your

brother? You shamelessgirl!” Frinzy's father started shouting. “This is all because of this

useless toy. Your mother has spoiled you completely. I stopped her from buying anything for

you but she didn't listen and now she left her spoiled daughter to us.” With these words

Frinzy's father snatched Winnie from Frinzy's hand and threw it heartlessly out of the

window and went down for dinner. Frinzy went to the window and saw her Winnie crushed

by the tires of vehicles more than a dozen times. Each time her heart shattered and she

swallowed a lump in her throat. At midnight when the world went happily to bed, she

carefully went downstairs, opened the door and sneaked out. She reached the spot where

Winnie lay wounded and almost dead.



She picked him up and ran to her room. After rubbing all the wounded limbs of her Winnie

for more than half an hour she stood up and brought out her sketch book and crayons. She sat

on the floor near her dear dead Winnie. She scribbled pictures of that day on paper in

crayons. On first page she carved the image of the fight which her parents had on that day.

Next page how her father slapped her mother like he did to her today. Third one- How her

mother gave her good night kisses and put her to bed. The fourth- how she saw her mother

from her window finally sleeping peacefully with her bloodied limbs on the road surrounded

by gossiping crowd. Only with four pages she scribbled how her life changed completely

when she turned six. The metal pendulum struck four. Only two hours and her capturers will

be up again. She folded all the scribbled pages carefully and crammed those into Winnie's

dilapidated limbs. She hugged her dead friend tightly for the next ten minutes. She hid

Winnie under her bed, stood up with fearless eyes and walked towards the window. Finding

herself completely alone between the dark gloomy sky and the dark road, she jumped out of

the window! Her Winnie was left sleeping peacefully as she was left that night by her


Shivani Arora

B.A. (H). English, III Year

#Women Everyone was excited when they came to know that I was coming to this world. Everyone

was happy and started preparations for my arrival. Earlier I didn't get why everyone was so

excited, I liked to spend time with my mother only. But as the time of my arrival was coming

near I also became excited to meet my family. And the day finally arrived when I was born. I

was expecting everyone to be as happy and excited as I was. But instead of happy faces what

I witnessed was the sad and disappointed faces of my family. Not because I was abnormal or

disabled, but because I WAS A GIRL .At that time I couldn’t fathom the reason for their

sadness, but gradually as I grew up I came to know the reality of the society, the reality of

this hypocritical society. From the day I was born they always made me feel that I was a girl.

They made me feel that I was the weaker sex. Girls are not loud they are shy and sensitive,

girls don't talk to strangers, girls don't go out, girls must learn domestic activities, girls need

to be submissive and not assertive. They made me feel that I was a burden to them.

You know what, when a girl is born she doesn't come to this world alone, but with a book of

norms with her. A book of norms which have all those mandatory rules which only a girl

needs to follow. Girls need to be polite; girls need to sit in that way, dress in that way etc etc

etc.... My question to such people is that why such norms are only for girls and not boys?

Why do you only judge women and not men?

Oh orthodox society! Please stop thinking this way.

Let them live their life, Let them rise and shine.

Don't lock them up in cages. Don't let their silence transform into rage.



Don't bring up them to be submissive, encourage them to be expressive.

Don't think her to be a burden. Allow them to shine like the sun.

Don't hate them, Show some faith in them.

Don't cry over their birth; make them fly like a bird.

Don't make them dependent, teach them to be independent.

Sonali Sahni

B.A.(H). English, II Year



Adolescence Mental Health: Some Major Concerns

That May Go Unnoticed

Adolescence is one of the most significant phases of an individual’s life. The impact that a

person has upon himself/herself during this time may have long lasting impressions on that

individual. It is this phase that may make or break an individual. Adolescents, by and large,

face many problems, such as emotional problems and problems related to adjustment, in this

early phase of their life. This becomes troublesome when they are unable to recognize them.

They know that something is wrong or improper, but they do not have much of a clue about

it. They are not aware of what do about it or whom to talk about the things that they

experience. It is in adolescence that individuals leave the safe environs of their home and

family and go out to explore the tough, competitive, and challenging outer world. During this

time a good, satisfying relationship can do wonders for the person. Being in such a

relationship can be very helpful in coping with many of the problems he/she may face, in

more ways than one.

However, due to various reasons this may not happen. The individual maybe having

problems of social skills deficits that may interfere with having an intimate relationship with

his/her peers. The person may also have social anxiety, which makes him/her anxious in a

social situation. Likewise, loneliness is also a major cause of concern for adolescents.

Although loneliness is found among people of all age groups, it is most prevalent in

adolescents. There are also individuals who are introverts. Introversion is of course not a

problem, but it can be one if the individual does not know about it and is unable to recognize

the benefits that he/she can derive from being an introvert. All these issues are, in some way

or the other, related to each other. This leads to a feeling of being left out or not fitting in.

Due to all this, the problems of inferiority complex and depression also arise.

Unable to form relationships is obviously a big concern, but this does not mean that

relationships are always good and pleasant for an individual. Many-a-times, people are

involved in friendships and romantic relationships in which they may face disagreements,

difference in opinions, or even certain things that may be disliked by them. If not resolved

they can be really harmful for that particular relationship. Here, conflict resolution and

reconciliation become very important, which the individual may be unable to do so. This may

become a big hindrance in the maintenance and enhancement of a relationship, which is

highly important for the overall personality of the individual.

Apart from this, the person may also get into bad company. He/she may associate

himself/herself with the wrong kind of people. Rather than being satisfying, the relationship

may become extremely dissatisfactory and lead to inhibiting the abilities and potential of that


All these problems and issues arising during adolescence, if not resolved, are carried forward

into the phase of young adulthood and, thus, have a greater negative impact on their psyche.

These problems, gradually, begin to eat out the person right from within. Without realizing,



the person might get stuck up into these problems, which may follow him/her throughout

his/her life. These problems do not remain to themselves. They also have a deep impact on

the other aspects of their life. They may badly affect the individuals’ life style as it hinders

him/her in identifying his/her own interests and abilities. The collective affect of all this also

becomes harmful for the education, career as well as wellbeing of the individual.

Therefore, the problem of adolescents, if not looked into properly, get exacerbated and spread

out causing further disturbance to their life. These problems function as a parasite for the

whole personality of the individual.

Saif R. Farooqi, PhD

Assistant Professor,

Department of Applied Psychology

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.lifeandpsychology.com; www.historyofpsychology.net



The Role Inspiration Plays in the Creative Process

According to the Oxford Dictionary the word inspiration means the process of being mentally

stimulated to do or feel something, especially something creative. In a culture obsessed with

measuring talent and ability, we often overlook the important role of inspiration. Inspiration

awakens us to new possibilities by allowing us to transcend our ordinary experience and

limitations. Inspiration propels a person from apathy to possibility, and transforms the way

we perceive our own capabilities. Inspiration may sometimes be overlooked because of its

elusive nature. But it is the inspiration people get from all sort of sources to create new ideas

and new discoveries.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing,

There is a field. I will meet you there” – Rumi

Even centuries later, these beautiful lines written by Jalaluddin Rumi have the power to guide

our restless souls, his poems feel like meditation. Writers, poets and artists all over the world

take inspiration from his works. The 13 th century Persian poet even had an enduring

influence on Coldplay’s Chris Martin when he was distressed during his divorce with his

wife. While we know him as a passionate seeker of love and truth whose poetry is a treasure

trove of spirituality, not much is known about the person behind Rumi’s inspiration. Not

many know that Rumi wouldn’t have been the legend that he is today had he not encountered

his mentor, Shams Tabrizi. Meeting him was the beginning of Rumi’s journey towards a

passionate search of love and truth. The profound spiritual and philosophical knowledge of

Shams Tabrizi was seeking a student of equal extraordinaire and he saw that spark in Rumi.

Inspiration from any source compels a person for creating something different. In this way

the Greeks believed that inspiration or “enthusiasm” came from the Muses, as well as the

gods Apollo and Dionysus. Similarly, in the Ancient Norse religion, inspiration derived from

gods such as Odin. In Greek thought, inspiration meant that the poet or artist would go into

ecstasy, the divine frenzy or poetic madness. He or she would be transported beyond his or

her own mind and unfold the process of creativity.

Plato was probably one of the earliest philosophers to analyze the nature of poetic creation

and he described a “divine madness” inspired by the muse. Be it Rumi, Shams Tabrizi,

Shakespeare or Plato who was inspired to create something different, inspiration remains

fundamental to creativity.

Aafreen Rashid

B.A. (H). English, II Year



Climate Change

“We need a substantially new way of thinking if humanity is to survive”

Albert Einstein

What is climate change? Are they mere words to attract people’s attention? Or is it something

to be concerned about? Well different people have different opinions about climate change

but the main thing that everyone should know is that it is REAL. The climate of the Earth has

changed throughout a long course of time and is still changing. In technical terms climate

change is a change in statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an

extended period of time. Scientists have researched over this topic for several years and have

come up with various observations and conclusions. Over the last 100-200 years we have

changed the balance of our Earth by fulfilling our own wants and needs. We have burnt huge

amounts of fossil fuels, cut down many forests, bred huge amount of methane producing

livestock just for our selfish interests. We have destroyed forests for commercial purposes

which is disastrous for local species and communities that rely on them and it is also bad for

our Earth. Dying trees emit carbon dioxide which adds to the atmospheric green house gases

and taking us towards global warming. Speaking of global warming I remember Donald

Trump tweeting, “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order

to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” There were innumerable discussions and

arguments about this statement. At least it led people to think about global warming for

sometime and then obviously they all must have forgotten about it. Climate change does not

only cause harm to the atmosphere but it impacts worse on rivers and lakes which are sources

for drinking water. Due to climate change the extremes of droughts and floods have become

more common. Global warming is causing melting of polar ice caps which is causing rise in

the sea level. Oceans and seas are very important for us as they absorb the carbon dioxide so

that it does not reach the upper layer of the atmosphere. Now let’s have a look at our wildlife

and how climate change has changed them. Climate change is the major cause for many

species to become endangered. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says a 1.5°C

average rise may put 20-30% of species at the risk of extinction. People need to understand

the seriousness of the situation that climate change is causing and the harm it is causing to

our environment, which will ultimately lead to our death. It is high time to listen to our

Mother Earth who is screaming for help and we are just ignoring her. Let us not only listen to

her but do something to make this planet a better place to live.

Let’s make this planet great again.

Khushi Gupta

B.Com. (H), II Year



The Revolutionary or Reformist Potential of Art

“Where art thrives, freedom of expression thrives.” Art can directly empower the most

vulnerable members of society. Art involves the imagination and reaches out towards what is

‘new’ and ‘original’. It can challenge the norms and mores of society. For instance, ‘Sharman

Obaid Chinoy’, documentary film maker, made a film which is known as ‘A girl in the river:

the price of forgiveness’ to highlight the honour killings in Pakistan. After the release of the

film, a revolution spread in the city and the Parliament passed a new law against the

perpetrators. In this case, the power of story-telling created empathy and finally it led to

change. Thus, art has the potential to challenge the status quo and bring about a change in the


According to Jonanthan Burrack, “Political cartoons are vivid primary sources that offer

intriguing and entertaining insights into public mood.” Cartoons are considered harmless,

while in reality can unleash a revolution. In India, political cartoons are used to propagate

ideas and change. The vernacular press and political cartoons became medium to convey

change and information. Many freedom fighters used this platform to convey their thoughts,

not just for freedom but for post-freedom struggle. Artists like ‘Babasaheb Thackeray’ and

‘R.K. Lakshman’ commented on the various happenings in Independent India through this

platform. ‘The Emergency’ is an example of an Indian context where cartoonists played a

greater role in putting out opinions. Very often authorities and power structures feel

threatened and end up deriding and persecuting creative people. During ‘Emergency’ too,

editorials were curbed and could not present their view.

The cartoons of politicians or doodles provide comic relief and simultaneously raise an issue

that is relevant. Cartoons run a commentary on the lives of millions of readers. Political

cartoons have had their impact on the television as well. Puppet shows like ‘Gustakhimaaf’

on NDTV is an example of how television is inspired by political satire.

On March 23, ‘The Times of India’ (TOI) launched a nationwide ‘Times Cartoonist Hunt.’

The cartoonist who won over the jury describes in his art the suicides done by the farmers.

His take on farmer suicides and digital India was spot on. The Times of India (TOI) carries

“Ninan’s world” by cartoonist ‘Ajit Ninan’, published bi-weekly in TOI. Similarly,

‘Hindustan Times’ has its own blogs “Dabs and Jabs”. Through this art many social issues

such as corruption, hike in petrol-prices, hike in vegetable prices etc. have been raised from

time to time. The famous editorial, “The Hindu” published a cartoon where Baba Ramdev

and Anna Hazare are portrayed saying to then Prime Minister of India- “Master Ji! Desh me

corruption ko ek bilang chhoti kar do”. This provided good humour and simultaneously

voiced the views of millions of Indians.

Thus, art has revolutionary potential in itself. Cartoons are similarly blatant about their stand

in the issue. It is usually taken as undisruptive but can raise significant issues only through

visuals. Thus, art helps us see connections and brings a more coherent meaning to our world.



(R.K. Lakshman, the famous cartoonist, making the world laugh by depicting the rising

prices of petroleum.)

Sukanya Saha

B.A. (H). English, II Year

Don't grudge--- Be at inner peace

Often we hold to little things with grudge. Though we wish to avoid and live happily but are

unable to do so. It appears there is something that prevents from doing all this. May be some

fear which tries to grapple us. It’s this fear of doubt which tries to overpower us.

“Many people lose the small joys in hope for the big happiness.” Words by great American

Writer and novelist Pearl S Buck throws light on the real world of happiness.

For achieving some particular goal one can’t stop enjoying the joys of present and start

grudging. This habit of grudging produces negative feeling. It is this negativity which keeps

us away from understanding blessings of God. How God has been kind to us in innumerable

ways, how He has given us the strength to bear all losses, how He showed us the right

direction to move on. He is there with us even when we are grudging. When we are unhappy

with someone because of his selfish worldly ways even then God continues to be there with


Let's take an example of a student who after burning midnight oil is unable to score good

marks. Within seconds he starts judging himself and all this leads to his sadness. He could

have celebrated over the subjects he scored better but on the contrary he is worried about

what he missed. It is this grudging which further leads to ‘giving up’ which is again no

solution to the problem. How can we forget the famous spider story where she falls many

times to climb the wall and finally makes it.

Trying is part of accomplishment but to enjoy the process of trying is equally important. Most

of the great personalities have achieved great heights as a result of trying. As a popular

saying goes ‘Where there is a will there is a way’.



Let's start working on making our will more powerful and try to keep ourselves away from

the word ‘regret’. I wish if I had gone there ……… I wish if I had said no ……… I wish if I

had done that earlier.....................

……… I wish if I had agreed for it ……… these are examples of regret.

Keep a smiling face; our small actions actually give us strength to achieve what we actually

want to.

We forget what we have today or what we are today is actually what we desired for in our

past. Preparing for future is a real good idea but preparing at the cost of ignoring present is

not a great idea.

We all are a combination of virtues and vices. On one hand we try to be positive, maintaining

complete faith in God but on the other hand we start grudging. Have faith in Him and be a

firm believer in yourself. The more we believe more confident will become. It is this

confidence which will help us accomplishing our much awaited goal. Trust in God will help

you to be stable in all situations. It will take you long way – a strong person with strong will

power. No matter which situation you are in, try to be at peace. Move on, try to be contended

and work to find out solution to the problem but avoid grudging. To attain inner peace, be

happy and try to feel God at every step. The day is not far when your trying will be replaced

by very word being successful.

In words of Ayn Rand – Russian American Novelist –

“Competition is a by – product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated

by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.”

Dr. Nalini Gandhi Kapoor

Assistant Professor

Department of English





Quelle est l’éducation la plus importante celle des

parents ou celle des professeurs?

L’éducation est la méthode par laquelle les informations, les Dans la vie d’un enfant, les

parents sont leurs premiers professeurs et la maison est la première salle de classe.

En plus, la maison est un endroit où un enfant apprend à marcher et à parler avec l’aide de ses


En revanche, quand un enfant commence à aller à l’école, le professeur est celui qui lui

enseigne et lui fait apprendre mieux. Le professeur donne l’éducation que les parents ne

peuvent pas.

Autrement dit, les parents sont les professeurs et les professeurs sont les parents.

Par contre, un professeur a une grande responsabilité du travail et a de nombreux étudiants à

enseigner. Alors il est difficile pour lui de donner suffisamment de temps et de se concentrer

sur tous les étudiants en même temps.

Pour conclure, il n’y a pas de substitut aux parents car ils jouent un rôle vital pour façonner le

caractère de leur enfant.

En plus, leur rôle n’est pas limité à la maison et leurs encouragements dans les activités

scolaires aident leur enfant à mieux performer.

Pour vous, qui vous a donné la meilleure éducation vos parents ou vos professeurs ?

- Vanshika Goswami

B.A(P) IIIe année

Trois amis « explorateurs »

C’est mon histoire du moment où moi et mes amis, nous avons escaladé une montagne. À la

distance de 8km. au nord de Nainital, une montagne inconnue est devenue un centre

d’attraction touristique. On était trois amis « explorateurs ». Nous avons décidé de gravir la

colline et d’installer notre campe sur une surface un peu plate. La montée était difficile, étant

donné le sol glissantde la montagne. Une montagne pleine d’aiguilles de pin sèches. Après

quelques moments, nous avions réussi à trouver un endroit confortable et sûret nous avons

préparé un feu de joie pour cuisiner et aussi pour s’amuser. Nous avons exploré la jungle à

proximité, préparé des mets raffines et mangé dans la jungle sur cette colline. La paix et le

bonheur de cette journée sont encore gravés dans notre mémoire. C’était une expérience

inoubliable de ma vie.

-Pakhi Pande

B.A(P) IIIe année

Ma vie à l’université



J'ai toujours imaginé ma vie universitaire telle que montrée dans les films, très différente de

la vie scolaire. J'ai toujours pensé obtenir plus de liberté, faire la fête, profiter avec des amis,

assister à des conférences, tout ce que je fais maintenant aussi. Mais la vie n’est pas

exactement ce que nous pensions. Le collège fait partie de la vie où la transformation a eu

lieu dans tous les sens. Nous sommes devenus adultes. Nous essayons d'profiter de chaque

instant mais le temps se coule très vite. La vie au collège consiste à profiter avec des amis, à

assister à des conférences, à errer sans but, à explorer de nouveaux lieux, faire de nouveaux

amis et les fréquenter, faire des travaux dans le tumulte. Accepter le stress de la fréquentation

est l’un des problèmes que nous faisons face au quotidien au collège. J'ai fait toutes ces

choses pendant mes deux années de collège et je continue à le faire dans ma dernière année

ici pour me souvenir de ces beaux jours et je me souviens tellement qu'après m'être passée du

collège, on se souviendra de ce plaisir. La vie universitaire est cette partie de la vie où j’ai eu

de diverses occasions d’explorer de nouvelles choses et de présenter mes talents cachés.

C’était sans doute la meilleure partie de ma vie.

-Priyanka Samotra

B.A(P) IIIe année


Les médias sociaux sont devenus une partie très importante de notre vie. On utilise Facebook

toute la journée pour poster les images, les clips et pour tchater avec nos amis. Facebook nous

aide aussi à rencontrer nos vieux contacts qu'on a perdus. Pour moi,si j'analyse toutes les

caractéristiques de Facebook, j'arrive à la conclusion que c'est une bonne application mais

maintenant les gens sont accros à Facebook. Les gens préfèrent vivre dans le monde virtuel

que dans la réalité. Dans le temps libre, une personne préfère surfer sur Facebook ou parler

par textos au lieu de passer du temps avec sa famille, faire du sport, ou s'engager dans

d'autres activités physiques.

Supprimer son compte Facebook, ce n'est pas une solution permanente. La solution pour ce

problème est qu'on ne doit être accro. On doit avoir le contrôle sur nous-mêmes.

Tout est bon dans les limites !

-Shikha Chauhan

B.A(P) IIIe année



La France

1) La capitale de la France est Paris.

2) Sa population est de 65 233 271 hab.

3) La langue parlée est le Français (la langue officielle).

4) La monnaie de la France est l’euro.

5) Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Toulouse, Nice, Bordeaux, Nantes... sont des villes importantes.

6) La fête nationale de France est le 14 Juillet.

7) La gastronomie spéciale de la France est la baguette.

8) La domaine internet de la France est .fr

9) La Tour Eiffel, Le Musée du Louvre, Le Château de Versailles, Le Côte d'Azur et Mont

Saint-Michel sont des sites touristiques importants de la France.

10)Son drapeau est de couleur tricolore (bleu, blanc, rouge) avec 3 barres verticales.

-Vishakha Jain

B.A(P) IIIe année

Le Système de la dot en Inde

Donner de la dot au moment du mariage d'une fille est une coutume ancestrale en Inde.

L’idée de cette coutume est de permettre au jeune couple marié de commencer sa vie sans

soucis domestiques. Mais les choses ont mal tourné. La demande de dot a augmenté.

L'insuffisance d'argent et de matériel donnés par les parents a créé des sentiments amers entre

les couples mariés. Cela a même conduit à un divorce. Mais le gouvernement seul ne peut pas

faire grand chose sans la coopération publique. Les gens doivent changer leur vision mentale

et essayer de créer des conditions sociales enthousiastes. Il est temps qu'ils abandonnent leur

égoïsme et leur cupidité et mettent fin au système pervers de la dot. Cela fait beaucoup de tort

à la société indienne.

-Vishakha Jain

B.A(P) IIIe année



Trouver le nom des légumes dans la boîte :










-Mehak Ahuja & Muskan Saifi

B.A(P) Ie année

Mon âme-sœur

Jusqu'à la lune aller et retour, je resterai à tes côtés.

Je serai ta meilleure moitié, ton amie et ta guide,

Parmi mes blagues et tes larmes.

Mais côte à côte on va se battre contre toutes les peurs.

Ma vie sans toi deviendra tellement ennuyeuse,

Nous allons résoudre nos difficultés avec rugissement.



-Mansi Tiwari

B.A(P) Ie année

Mes résolutions pour le nouvel an 2019 !

Je ferai cette année :

1. Je mangerai plus de légumes.

2. Je regarderai plus de film français.

3. Je ferai plus de sport.

4. Je mangerai des fruits tous les jours.

5. Je rangerai ma chambre.

6. Je réussirai à l'examen.

Je ne ferai plus cette année :

1. Je passerai moins de temps sur Facebook et WhatsApp.

2. J’arrêterai de perdre mes affaires.

3. Je ne mangerai pas de chocolat tous les jours.

4. Je ne ferai plus de shopping.

Khushboo Raghav

B.A(P) Ie année








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Once in a while

In a blue moon night

We sit together

And talk all night

A long walk on road

Where we hold the hands tight

Once in a while

In a blue moon night

We see the stars falling

And wish what we want

We will remember each and other

Even from the far

Once in a while

In a blue moon nigh



We met together again

Where we fight and cry

Don’t lose the hope

We can met if we try

Chhaya Gautam

History (Hons) 2nd



Life gives me a chance

Let’s come and dance

Forget our pain

To get relief from pain

I know;

it’s hard to cutter

But you don’t have to suffer

Because you are not weak,

You are differ from others one

Love is beautiful dream

When it’s broke, it’s hurt

You feel lonely, frustrated

But you have to live

You have to live without him

Still you have to believe in love

You feel the pain but you love him

As you can as love him

Because love is not about something gain

Or loss, love is a cute feeling

Which you can feel every second,



Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

Harshita Gupta

Hindi (Hons) 2nd







Keeping up with its vision and pursuance of academic excellence department of applied

psychology organised many activities intended to provide our students opportunities to learn

and participate in activities that further enhances their skills and prepares them to deal with

real life issues.

Activities organised by the Department of Applied Psychology:

A Workshop on expressive art therapy by Ms. Manju Jain, Therapist on February 20,


Interactive session by Gagandeep Kaur, Clinical Psychologist on March 16,2018

Students of the department performed patriotic songs on August 13, 2018, as part of

the Independence Week celebration held in the college.

A lecture on Contemporary Issues in Psychology by Professor GirishwarMisra, Vice

Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrastriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, on September

11, 2018

Mental Health Awareness Campaign on October 8, 2018 was undertaken in which

different activities (inter-college) i.e. slogan writing competition, face painting

competition, poster making competition, and dramatics were organised.

Parapsychology Event was organized on November 2, 2018. The event began by

lecture on reincarnation by Professor N. K. Chadha, consultant UNDP and former

Head Department of Psychology, University of Delhi. This was followed by inter-

college competitions on extempore, face painting, live painting, and dramatics. All

competitions were based on the theme of the paranormal.


The Commerce Department organized a host of activities reflecting the potential and abilities

of our students. These activities allow them to excel in their endeavors.



A session on E-Filing of TDS returns was organized by the department. Dr. S.B. Rathore

delivered a lecture on how to file returns electronically through the Taxmann Software on E-

Filing of returns.



JANUARY, 2018)

A lecture on Goods and Services Tax was delivered by CA (Dr.) K.M. Bansal, author of

Taxmann’s GST And Custom Laws, to total of 39 students of B.Com (H) III year to help



them enhance their knowledge. He also provided his authored books free of cost to all the



JANUARY, 2018)

To sharpen the edge of preparation for the aspirants of various competitive exams, the

department in collaboration with T.I.M.E Institute organized an Aptitude Test. More than

200 students of III and II year participated in the test.

The Department successfully established the Entrepreneurship Cell of Vivekananda College

this year. An Introductory interactive session was hosted by the Department in the College

premises under the guidance of Dr. Lakshmi Devi, Director, Centre for S.K. Palhan, Founder

and Director of Great Lakes Institute of Management, Gurugram.

ROUND 1: 16th

January, 2018:Total of 64 students from various disciplines participated and

raised their doubts regarding Capital Investment in this workshop.

ROUND2: 2nd

February, 2018: Total of 37 students of Commerce and Food Technology had

several activities including the identification of the problems, flowering of ideas through

presentation having regard to the different of society.


JANUARY, 2018)

To inculcate the habit of smart investments rather than idle savings, the department, in

collaboration with D.B. International Stock BrokersLimited, organized a seminar on

‘Investments in IPO and Mutual Funds’. The speakers were Mr. Gaurav Sabharwal, NSE, Mr.

Mohit Jain, DSP Blackrock MF and Ms. SheetalPeriwal, VP, D.B. International Ltd. Total of

53 students of III year participated and benefitted by the interactive session.



The department organized a session on financial planning and analysis by Mr. Rishi Taparia,

Head of Placement and Corporate Relations, International College of Financial Planning

(ICOFP) (Bajaj Capital Group Organization). The session was attended by more than 20

students who were enabled to explore various professional career options in the field of



MARCH, 2018)

A Lecture on Quant Analysis for students was organized by the Department. Mr. Amit

Kumar, Professor at T.I.M.E. Institute, educated the students about the application of

mathematical methods to simplify the quant based mathematical problems.


AUGUST 2018)

The Commerce Department organized a lecture on “Understanding & Preparing for

Interview” on 24th August 2018 at 2:30 p.m. in Sharda Hall. The interactive lecture was



given by Prof. Arun Kumar Aggarwal from ICFAI. It was a very informative and successful

interactive session.



JANUARY, 2018)

The winners were Surbhi Arora and VichandanaBothra (BCom Hons). 3rd

year. They were

awarded prizes in kind. The command over any language need regular practice thus the

department looks forward for many such events in future.


JANUARY, 2018)

Twenty one Students participated in spell bee competition wherein students were required to

spell some challenging words.




MARCH, 2018)

Innovative minds were welcomed in this App Challenge Competition organized by the

department and witnessed unique ideas of apps like Vyaktavya Student &Yogasana etc. Out

of 6 teams, Bulbul Baid, B.Com III Year from Vivekananda College won the competition.


AUUGUST, 2018)

This competition was organized on 14th August 2018. Around 50 students participated in the

competition. First, Second & Third winners were given cash prizes of Rs 1000, Rs. 800 & Rs.

500 respectively. The names of the winners are as follows:

First Prize of Rs 1000 to Tanvi Jain B.Com (H) First Year Section B;

Second Prize of Rs 800 to Subhangi Goyal B.Com (P) Third Year Section A;


Third Prize of Rs 500 to Ayushi Jain B.Com (P) Third Year Section A;



The industrial trip to Mother Dairy was conducted by Commerce Department with the

initiative of MsRachnaMegh on 8th September 2018. Around one hundred students interacted

with the various authorities of Mother Dairy & got the very useful information regarding the

homogenization of milk.


Dr. Pavan Gupta has served as an expert for B.Com (H) and B.Com (P) syllabus revision of

courses specifically related to financial papers like Financial Management, Fundamentals of

Investment, Financial Markets & Institutions, Banking and Insurance, Project Management &

Investing in stock markets. She is also associated with modification of papers of B.Com &

B.Com (Hons.) for the last five years.



Under Co-supervision of Dr. Subhashree Bose Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Akhilesh Mishra was

conducted on the topic “HRM practices of Gems and Jewelry Industry with special reference

to Santacruz Electronics Export Processing Zone (SEEPZ), MIDC” for the degree to be

awarded in due course of time.

Mr. Davender Kumar delivered a lecture on the topic of “Financial Planning in MS-Excel”

under “For the faculty by the faculty (An IQAC initiative)” as on 30th

January 2019.

MsRachnaMegh attended short term course on “Research Methodology” from 11th

September 2018 to 17th

September 2018 held by Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. She

also attended Faculty Development Programme, on “Entrepreneurship, Motivation &

Leadership” from 24th December to 30th December 2018, held by NIESBUD (National

Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development)”.

Ms. Charu Singh attended one day Faculty Development Programme organized by the Board

of Studies, Institute of Charted Accountants of India held on 25th

August, 2018 at New Delhi.

Ms. Shikha Garg attended three days National Seminar on “Governance in E-Commerce:

Contemporary Issues & Challenges” from 27th

March 2018 to 29th

March 2018 organized by

Department of Commerce, MDU (MaharshiDayanand University) Rohtak.

Ms. Timsi Bhatia presented a paper on “Sustainable Employee Engagement” in Delhi

Technological University on 5th

January 2018.


The Computer Science Department of Vivekananda College organized a workshop on



September and 18th

September, 2018 in lab 5 of Vivekanandacollege. Ms. Isha

Gupta convened the workshop with the help of B.A(P) III year students namely Kriti,

Himanshi, Shanu and Manshu. Around 30-35 students participated in the workshop.

The students were taught how to create presentation, background designing, inserting

audios and videos, slide transitions, animations and many other things.

The workshop will help the students a lot in their career development. The students

actively and enthusiastically participated.

Faculty achievements:

Dr. Renu Garg presented a paper titled "Prediction of Optimum Release Time of

Software Ensuring High Achievable Reliability " at IEEE International Conference on

Advances in Computing Communication Control and Networking (IEEE Conference

Record No: #43907) on 12th

October 2018.




The Department of Economics organized a one hour lecture on the topic “Analysis of data

using STATA Software” under the “For the faculty, By the faculty” initiative of IQAC on

Tuesday 9th

January, 2018 at 11.15 am (ECA Break) in the Sharda Hall of the college.

This lecture was attended by 32 other faculty members of the college from different

departments. The speaker of this lecture was Mr. Amit Kumar (existing faculty of the

Department of Economics in Vivekananda College), who explained the basics of STATA i.e.

how can we analyze the data using STATA software.

He explained how one can organize the data and find out the mean, skewness and kurtosis of

a given data by giving simple commands in STATA. He also showed how one can correlate

and regress the given data, how the results in the form of histograms and pie diagrams can be

presented and how the data can be cleaned in case of errors. For all this he has taken a

dummy data and applied different commands of STATA in order to show the desired results.

This lecture was liked and appreciated by all the faculties who were present there and they

also requested the department to conduct a two day detailed workshop on the same so that

they can learn more about the same.

The lecture was concluded by clearing the doubts of the faculties regarding the commands

explained in the lecture and a vote of thanks.

The Department of Economics organized a Quiz competition as part of academic activity

calendar on Tuesday 9th

October, 2018 at 2.30 a.m. (ECA Break) in the Sharda Hall of the


The students’ participation came from different streams of our college and all faculty

members were present on the same day. The quiz was conducted by students with the help of

the faculty.

The total number of teams participating in competition was 12 and which were selected on

the basis of registration (first come first basis). Each team consisted of two members. The

descriptions of the quiz are as follows:


Question Answer Round: qualifying round

Logo Round

Rapid Fire

In the first round- each team will be asked three questions and these questions will be

chosen by each team.

In Logo round- Three questions will be askedto each team from three different




Identity the personality

Recognize the Logo

Choose the correct one from the two

In Final Round – 5 questions will be asked in total and the team which will raise the

hand first shall be asked to give the answer.

Each question carries 10 marks.

There will be no negative marking in round one.

Penalty of 5 marks in the second and final round.

In case of tie we will ask a question from both the teams. (This is valid for each


Winners will be declared on the basis of aggregate marks of all the three rounds.

Eight teams were selected for the second round and five teams were selected for the final

round on the basis of marks.

Winner of the competition (prize worth 1500/-): Miss Shivani Raj Pandit and Miss Swati

Goyal both from B.Com. (Hons) 1st yr.

Runner up (prize worth 1000/-): Miss Surbhi Sharma and Miss Muskaan Agarwal from

Applied Psychology (Hons) 1st year.

Each team appreciated with participation certificate.

This event was liked and appreciated by all the faculties and students who were present there

and was concluded with a vote of thanks.


Keeping with the past tradition, the Department of English continued to enhance the students’

knowledge of literary studies by planning and organizing a wide variety of activities:

The scholars working on the Intra-Asian Travel Project were invited to discuss their

research work in a panel discussion held on 3rd February, 2018.

Atelier Repertory Company was invited to stage their widely acclaimed play “Project

Antigone” on 27th February 2018 in Sharda Hall. Students across diverse academic

streams greatly appreciated the performance.

An Interdisciplinary Lecture on “Literature as Representation of Society” was

organized on 24th

July 2018. The lecture was held as an introductory approach

towards literature studies and its disciplines for the newly admitted students of B.A.

English (H.) of the college. Teacher-in-Charge, Dr. Nalini G. Kapoor opened the



event with a brief note on the role of literature in our lives. She also described

literature as a discourse which tunes people to greater heights and also as a mirror

which reflects our own lives. The event was graced with insightful and enriching

views on literature by the following speakers:

Dr. KaminiTaneja, Department of Sanskrit

Dr. YojanaKalia, Department of Hindi

Ms. Kanika Kumar, Department of French

In August 2018, the office bearers and student co-ordinators for various activities of

The English Literary Society were selected:

Sonia Panchal (III Year) - President

Tushita (II Year) - Vice President

Yamini Jain (I Year) - General Secretary

Under the guidance and supervision of teacher co-ordinators, the office bearers and student

co-ordinators plan and organize all the activities held by the department.

On the occasion of Independence Day, an extempore competition was organized on

the topic “Mera India”. Students of B.A. (H.) English participated actively. They

spoke on various aspects of Indian Culture.

Under the supervision of the teacher coordinators, Mr. RengleenKongsong and Mr.

Abhishek Bhaskar, Reading Sessions are conducted. Nikolai Gogol’s “The Overcoat”

and TemsulaAo’s “Sonny” were discussed in the even semester January to May 2018.

In the semester from July 2018 onwards, two sessions on “The Story between the

Melodies 1” have been held, continuing with the attempt to analyse history from the

perspective of popular culture, especially music.

Under the guidance of teacher coordinators, Ms. Sophie Pde, Mr. Rocky and Mr.

Arunabha, we organize regular film screening sessions. The core objective is to

acquaint the students with different genres of literary studies and enable them to

develop a comprehensive approach towards the domain of Film and Adaptation

Studies. In 2018, GaramHawa, My Beautiful Launderette, Stree (1961), followed by

The Bandit Queen (1994), Troy (2004) and The Help (2011) have been screened.

The Department Library is functioning under the coordination of teachers, Mrs.

RanjanaMitra, Dr. JyotikaElhance, and Dr. RituSaluja. We maintain a collection of

fiction and background readings for undergraduate syllabi. Students regularly issue

books for a period of fifteen days.

As a new initiative, a student seminar on the topic “Women Narrators in Post 1960s

Fiction” was organized on 30 October 2018 under the guidance of teacher

coordinators, Ms. AnchalaPaliwal and Ms. Chaandreyi Mukherjee. It aimed to initiate

students towards advanced academic pursuits. Dr. Brati Biswas, Associate Prof.,

Department of English, Dyal Singh College delivered the keynote address.



We also plan to take the students for a study excursion/ field trip to a museum/

historical place. Mr. Amit and Dr. Vivek will plan and organize the same.

5 students (Anshika, Jenusha, Mehak, Rubina and Ruhina) from the batch of B.A.

(H.) English 2018 got admitted to M.A. English in University of Delhi.

An Inspection Committee visited the College and interacted with the faculty members

of the Department of English on September 26, 2018 regarding the college’s proposal

to introduce M.A. in English.

The students of B.A. (H.) English actively participated in the cultural life of the campus as

co-ordinators, members, anchors and volunteers. They won accolades in inter and intra

college extra-curricular activities.

Behind all our achievements lie the expansive experience and expert guidance of senior

teachers Mrs. RanjanaMitra and Dr. JyotikaElhance. With the constant support and

encouragement by the Officiating Principal Dr. HinaNandrajog from the Department of

English, we are working towards fulfillment of other shortlisted goals for the benefit of




List of activities organized by the Department of Environmental Sciences:

Environmental field visit to Aravalli Biodiversity Park was organized by Department

of Environmental Sciences on 8 November 2018. This trip was focused to give an

insight on in-situ conservation of flora and fauna among participated students. The

wildlife instructor discussed variety of information related to wildlife, endemic and

invasive species etc. In addition, the role butterflies, insects, plants and their inter-

dependence were also exhibited during this trip, which increased the knowledge and

interest of students towards these flora and fauna.

Plantation and cleanliness drive jointly organized by Department of Environmental

Sciences, Garden and Environment Committee and the members of Leaders for

Tomorrow Foundation (NGO), in the college campus on 2 November2018. The

college students were actively participated in this plantation and cleanliness drive.

First year college students participated in plantation drive jointly organized by

Department of Environmental Sciences and Garden and Environment Committee in

the college campus on 8 September 2018. Importance of plantation was also discussed

among the students in curbing environmental problems.




Major Activities and Achievements:

The Department of Food Technology, Vivekananda College organized a Tricolor recipe

competition on 14th

August 2018 as part of the Independence Day celebration.


Jain, A., &Mathur, P. (2019). Risk Assessment of Sulphite Exposure through Foods among

Adolescents of Delhi, India.Current Nutrition and Food Science, 15(2).(Accepted for


Participation in workshops, seminars conferences:

o Suri, S. Participated in one day FDP "Shifted Goalposts in New NAAC: a

Challenge for Today's IQAC on 10th Sep 2018 at Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa

College, University of Delhi.

o Vir, P. Participated in seminar on “Skill Enhancement and Entrepreneurship

Development in Soy Food Processing” by AFST(I)- Delhi Chapter at Le

Meridian Windsor Palace, Janpath, Delhi on 7th

August 2018.

Resource Person/Presentations:

Suri, S. Speaker, Scope of Traditional Foods in Nutrigenomics during a one day National

Symposium on "Role of Traditional Foods in Ensuring Nutritional Security at Sri

Venkateswara University, Tirupati.


A praiseworthy exhibit of hard work and vigor was staged by the young members of the

French department of our college in Annual Francophonie fest held at Dept. of Germanic and

Romanian Studies,Arts Faculty, DU. ManviSaxena of B.A (P) Ist year and Himanshi Gupta

of B.A (P) Ist year participated in French poem recitation competition and singing

competition respectively.

Tania Puri of B.A(P) IIIrd

year cleared DELF A1, a diploma awarded by the French Ministry

of Education to prove the French-language skills.

Ms. Kanika Kumar partook in following -

A two-day workshop “Hot skills in French Language Education” organized by Delhi

University on 4th

& 5th

December 2017.

. Presented a paper in a seminar on “Latest Trends in Teaching & Research in French

& Francophone Studies” on 6th

April, 2017 at Jawaharlal Nehru University.




The Department of History organized Alka Rani Memorial Lecture (for year 2017) on 4th

January, 2018. DrAnirudh Deshpande delivered a lecture on ‘History and Colonisation of the

Indian Mind’. Parents – Teachers Meeting was held on 20th

January 2018 and meaningful

interaction took place wherein parents came forward with their opinions and suggestions for

solving problems of individual students. Intra- department Quiz was held on 04.04.2018 and

prizes were given to the winners.

The Department organized a three- day educational trip to Dharmashala and Mcleodganj

from 31st January to 03

rd February 2018. The students visited the War Memorial, Cricket

Stadium, tea gardens, the Buddhist temple of Dalai Lama and Chintpurni temple. They

gained glimpses of multicultural heritage of India. Students were also taken for a heritage

tour of Delhi and they visited Tughaqabad Fort, JamaliKamali, Old Fort, and Archaeological


The students of the Department also prepared wall magazine to mark Independence Day

Week. The information about the lesser known tribal freedom fighters and their photographs

were displayed on the main notice board in the lobby. They also traced the story of Indian

freedom through the poetry of pre-independence and post- independence poets.



Alka Rani Memorial Lecture was organized on 25th

September, 2018. Prof. Amar Farooqui

spoke on The Bureaucracy in Colonial India. It was followed by questions and queries by the



“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world

and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life.

Libraries change lives for the better”

~~~~ Sidney Sheldon

The Library, being the heart of the college, supports the college in its mission, “to advance

learning and knowledge by linking theory and practice in all disciplines, and to prepare

students for lifelong learning, leadership and careers in a changing multicultural world”.

Inspection committee from Departments of Physical Education, Home Science,

Environmental Studies and English visited the library this year. The committees appreciated

the maintenance, organization and the services of the library.

Our library is unique in itself as it is a fully computerized library among other Delhi

University colleges using LIBSYS software.


Library collection has reached upto 64233 books along with 46 periodicals, audio-visual

material and e-resources.

This year Library recorded approximate 40421 footfalls along with more than 29512

circulation transactions. Transactions through Inter Library Loan of DELNET were also

carried out.

New initiative:

● Images and contents of latest books have been scanned and uploaded in


● NSS volunteers took part in cleanliness drive in the library.

● Unserviceable books were written off from the record to make stack more

lively which is a regular task of the library.

● Plagiarism checker Software ‘URKUND’ is being used by the faculty

members as well as the students for their research and project related work.



● Delhi Public Library membership camp was organized on 8th

Feb., 2018.

Approximately 300 students and faculty members participated in it.

● Exhibition of books written by college faculty members was held at Delhi

Book Fair 2018, PragatiMaidan on 27th

August 2018.

Orientation Program:

General as well as special orientation program for various departments were taken up to

educate students about the library collection and its usage. Beginning from this academic

year, a week day has been dedicated for orientation, for teaching the use of OPAC,

methodology to access e-resources, collection and services etc. to help users know about the

library. Various ICT initiatives are continually being used to keep in touch with the young

generation and to keep them abreast with library resources and services.

Professional growth:

● Library staff attended a one day seminar on Quality Management Systems For College

Administration on 12th

February, 2018 organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell


● Mrs. Veena Sharma and Mrs. Rajni Sabharwal participated in a workshop on Digitisation

and Conservation on 15th

June, 2018 at Janki Devi Memorial College (University of


140 students benefitted from Book Bank scheme and 391 books were issued in the current


Staff growth:

One Semi Professional Assistant (SPA), One Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JACT) and Two

Library Attendants have been appointed on contractual basis this year.

Mr. C.B. Dubey, Offg. Library Assistant retired after the successful completion of 35 years

of service on 31/12/2018.

The library staff joins hands in thanking the College Principal, a very supportive Library

Committee and all Faculty Members to show interest in our work and support us in our



The academic session started with outstanding results by all our students.

The Departmental activities:

Parents’ teacher meeting was held on 3rd

Feb. 2018. Guardians/Parents of twenty

students attended the PTM. Parents shared their views about the progress of their




A talk by Prof. Anuradha Gupta on Vedic Mathematics was held on 9th

Feb. 2018.

She discussed about the formulas based on 16 Sutras from Vedas.

Mussorie tour was organized by the department from 14th

to 17th

February 2018.

There were 23 students and 4 teachers from our department. They visited the sites:

Kempty Waterfall, Mall road, Mussorie, Surkanda Devi Temple, Tehri Dam,

Dhanaulti ,Rober’s Cave, Dehradun.All the students enjoyed a lot.

Farewell for 3rd

Year students was organized on 17th

April 2018.

An intra - college Rangoli competition was organized to mark the Independence Day


The students celebrated “Teachers’ Day” on 5th

Sept ,2018 to show their gratitude

towards the faculty.

An intra - college power point presentation was organized by the Department on 5th

Oct. 2018.

Faculty participation in conferences/workshops :

Mrs. Anita Bakshi attended a two day empowerment workshop on “Basic ICT Tools”

from July 13-14, 2018 at SGTB Khalsa College, University Of Delhi.

Students’ Achievements :

S.No. Student Event Award/Recognition

1 Hansika Agrawal


Intra -college Rangoli


Second prize

2 MalvikaTalwar&Parinika


Intra- college Rangoli


Third prize

3 Argaja Mishra Intra- college Power-Point

Presentation competition

First prize

4 Tanya


Intra- college Power-Point

Presentation competition

Third prize


The students of music department performed various inspirational songs, invocation songs on

the Voters Day, Sports Day, Pallavi Festival and Annual College Day. The department

organisedVasantotsav with a beautiful concert by the famous Sufi Singer IMRAT KHAN

SABRI and his group who presented Sufi Songs, and Semi classical compositions associated



with spring season. The students of music department also presented a Vandana and group

songs on this occasion.

The students presented few patriotic songs as part of the Independence Day celebration on


August,2018. This programme was followed by the screening of a documentary film on

Bharat Ratna Pt. Ravishankerji, the famous Sitar player.

Department also organized “MalharUtsav” with an enthralling classical vocal recital by Prof.

OjeshPratap Singh. The students made a field visit to the conference centre, delhi university

to attend a classical concert of eminent musicians ,organized by faculty of music.

Music department students performed Gandhi jikepriyabhajan in a programme held in the

college on 1st October,2018.


Dr. Neeta Mathur

Paper presentation and published paper in the National seminar held in the department

of music in the Mumbai University (Role of literature in various forms of indian

music on 10th

January 2018

Dr. Neeta Mathur participated in two day UGC international seminar in the faculty of

music on 27th

and 28th

February 2018. (Indian classical music : Teaching and

performance abroad)

Dr. Neeta was invited as guest speaker in” Good evening live show”, Holi special

telecast on 1st march 2018 on the Delhi Doordarshan National channel.

Dr. Neeta presented a vocal recital on All India Radio, 25th

may 2018.

Her classical vocal recital on the prestigious” National Programme of Music.” Was

telecast by Delhi Doordarshan on 7th

july 2018.

Moderator for a seminar on “Haveli Sangeet” at Jawahar Kala Kendra Jaipur, 10th



august, 2018.

Dr. Deepa Varshney

Dr. Deepa Varshney presented a paper in National Seminar “Titled LokSangeet and

ShastriyaSangeet : EkTatvikVivechan” organized by University, Department of

Music and the Dramatics, LaltNaryan Mithila, University, Kameshwarnagar,

Darbhanga in 17th

and 18th

match 2018.

She presented a paper entitled “Hindustani ShastriyaSangeetka film Sangeet par

Prabhav “ national Seminar held at Pt. JLN Govt. college Faridabaad On 16th





Dr. Deepa participated in two day International Seminar held in the Facullty of music

on 27th

and 28th

February 2018. ( Indian Classical Music : Teaching and Performance



The Department of Political Science conducted a Parent -Teachers Meet on 10th


2018 to establish a tripartite dialogue between students, teachers and parents.

The Department had also organized a lecture on the topic ‘Cosmopolitanism and Cinema’ on


April 2018 under “For the Faculty By the Faculty” initiative of IQAC. The purpose of

the lecture was to develop a new and interesting way of teaching and transforming the role of

teachers from information provider to a guide in development of critical thinking. It

highlighted the interdisciplinary dimension of Cinema as a medium to disseminate


The Department had conducted a skit on 13th

August 2018 on the eve of Independence Day.

A lecture was organized by the department on “Democracy and Dr. Ambedkar” on 11th


2018.The lecture emphasized on Dr. Ambedkar’s views on democracy and also highlighted

the relevance of Ambedkar’sdemocracy in the present world.


One-day Seminar on Sanskrit Patrakarita was organized on March 16, 2018. Dr. Manaswani

Yogi, Associate Professor in IP College and Dr. Jyoti Raj, Sanskrit News Reader, DD News

were the main speakers.

Under guidance and assistance of Sanskrit Bharati, ‘Sanskrit SambhashanaShivir’ was held in

the small audi of the college from July 24 to September 4, 2018, which was attended by the

students of Sanskrit (Hons.) of all academic years .

Delhi Sanskrit Academy, Delhi Government and Sanskrit Department, Vivekananda College

conducted Sanskrit Akshar Shloka Pratiyogita on October 25, 2018 in Big Auditorium of the

college. Students of our college got consolation prize in this competition.

In ‘Sanskrit Utsava’ organized by Delhi Sanskrit Academy, Delhi Government at Central

Park, Connaught Place, students of our department presented Sanskrit Gidda dance and

Sanskrit Kavyali respectively on 28-10-2018 and 1-11-2018.




Educational institutions are charged with the responsibility of preparing students for the

world of work. Well-qualified and productive workers contribute to the nation's prosperity

and its leadership in the world community.Students who lack career skills may find

themselves economically disadvantaged and this may negatively affect them in many aspects

of their life.As technology advances and impacts jobs in a rapid changing world,students will

need to learn different skills and change their career paths as new jobs are developed and

others become obsolete.

The overall personal development of each student is one of the primary purposes of

education.Physical development has been considered the unique contribution of physical

education.Physical education programs teach motor skills and sports skills and thus promote

fitness, character building,promote moral and ethical values and preparation of self-directive

existence. It also helps in the development of personal interests and expressiveness.

A goal of contemporary education is to help all students acquire the necessary knowledge and

competencies to engage in lifelong learning, thus the goal of physical education is to help

people to acquire skills to participate in physical activitythroughout their life.

Keeping the above objectives in mind our college teams participate in various competitions

which help them to showcase their talent.It is fun to participate. Winning is not important but

the struggle is.

Cross Country: The college team participated in the 10 km cross country inter college

championship held at NSIT Dwarka. The members were Vandana, Prerna, Parul,Sudiksh,

Meenakshi, Vashali, Sudha,Khushbooand Disha.

Athletics:The college team participated in the inter college athletics meet held at Polo ground

in Delhi University. The players were Parul, Disha,Sudha and Vandana .

Archery Team: The college archery team participated in the inter college tournament. The

team comprising Pooja, Isheta and ShakshiChiber were rewarded the third prize.

RadhaKumari was selected to represent Delhi University team atRecurv in All India Inter

University tournament held at Bhubaneshvar.

Sakshi represented Jammu and Kashmir State in Archery Jr National held at Bhopal M.P.

Football Team: The college football team participated in the Kamla Nehru Invitational

tournament and Inter College Football tournament held at University Stadium. The players



ha,Kareena,Neha and Tripti.

Rekha Rajput was selected for the Delhi University football coaching camp for North zone

football tournament.



Netball Team:The netball team participated in the Inter College Netball tournament.Sohini

and Sehar were selected for the Delhi University All India Netball Coaching Camp where

Seher was selected to represent Delhi University as a team member. The tournament was held

in Tamil Nadu.

Sohini and Seher were selected to represent U P State in Sr National Netball tournament held

at Bangalore.

Softball Team: The college Softball team participated in the inter college softball tournament

held at Polo ground University of Delhi. The players were Ekta and Jyoti Yadav.

Hockey Team: The college team participated in the inter college hockey tournament held at

Janki Devi College.The team was placed third in the tournament.The players were


chi,Shradha,Versha,and Reena.

The Hockey team participated in the Padamshree Shyamlal college hockey league.The

players were Vandana, Sudiksha,Prerna, Shashi, Meenakshi, Depali and Sudha.

The college team participated in inter college Bharti seven a side hockey league and secured

the second positionin the tournament.The players were Vandana

,Prerna,Sudiksha,SudhaVashali, Prachi,VershaMeenakshi Kanchan.

The college team participated inAero line Hockey League held at IGIPESS Vikaspuri.

The players were Vandana, Prerna, Prachi,Vashali, Meenakshi,Versha.






The Cultural Committee has been motivating students to display their talent and versatility in

various fields such as music, dance, drama, painting, photography, fashion and others. The

year began by organising a concert “Mousiqui” on 10 January 2018. It was a delightful event

and even served as a workshop for Indian Classical Music. In order to inform the students

regarding the particulars of Indian Classical Dance, a workshop on “Basics of Kathak and

Bharatnatyam” was held on 19 January 2018. Large number of interested students gathered

around the open stage to participate and learn the basics of the two forms of classical dance.

A workshop on “Art and Craft” was held on 23 January 2018.

It was a year of laurels for The Buniyaad Dramatics Society. Their first win was at The Maha

Natya National Competition at IIMC on 16 February 2018, in which they secured the first

prize. Buniyaad also participated in several state and national level competitions such as

Dekh Tamasha in SGND Khalsa College on 14 February 2018, Nautanki 2018 and Advitiya

18 Youth Forum at IHE and NSD respectively on 22 Febryary 2018. They won the third

position at Zeenat 2018, in Zakir Hussain College on 14 March 2018, the first position at the

Annual Cultural Festival organized by ITS College on 17 March 2018, first position at

Pukaar (Jamia Millia Islamia) on 21 March 2018, first position at Street Struck (Aryabhatta

College) on 26 March 2018 and second position at Abhinyanjana (Shyam Lal College) on 27

March 2018.

Nrityam Classical Dance Society won the second position at Zeal 2018 on 24 February 2018

organised by Mangalmay Group of Institutions. They secured the first position at Vogue 2018

on 14 March 2018 in Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences. They were Runner Ups

at Mosiac 2018 organised by IILM Graduate School of Management on 9 March 2018.

The Vivacious Western Dance Society won the third position at Udbhav 2018 on 14 March

2018 in IES Ghaziabad. They also participated in various inter college state level western

dance competitions at Lady Irwin College, PGDAV College, DCAC, Ramjas College, IIB,

GD Goenka Institute, ITS College etc.

Thirkan Folk Dance Society participated at Odhni in DTU on 16 February 2018. Alluring

Dazzlers Fashion Society won the second position at Navtarang in ITS College on 6 April

2018. Vibes Western Music Society participated in the western music competition organized

by Delhi Metropolitan Education on 31 March 2018.

The Cultural Committee has proved to be the best platform for students to express, articulate

and develop their skills. The Committee has enthusiastically supported the students and

opened up various opportunities for them.

Vivekananda College Vivek Vihar's Cultural Committee has participated in 24th Delhi Book

& 20th Stationary Fair, 4th Office Automation & Corporate Gifts Fair 2018 on August 25th,

2018 with great enthusiasm. The event began with classical dance performance in form of

Krishna Stuti by Nayonika Dutta and Pallavi, active members of Nrityam – Indian Classical

Dance Society. This was followed by a humorous play based on a sher of Mirza Galib by

Bhavya Sharma, Gitika Singh, Ashima Bakshi, Devangi Pant, Ananya Daugal, Pranjal Billa,

girls of the Department of Psychology. After which the audience was entertained by gaming

sessions by Avantika Singh and Tanya Sirohi from Buniyaad - The Dramatics Society. Then

Shivangi Nishad, Surbhi Sharma, Maria Siddiqui, members of Ehsaas - The Creative Writing



Society, recited their self composed poetry. At last a literary quiz was conducted by Nitika

Jain, compeer of event and co-ordinator of Samanvay - the Cultural Committee of college.

Event was covered by Vanshika Goswami and Priyanka Samotra, members of Click-o-mania

- The Photography Society. Volunteers from various societies also accompanied participants.

Food Technology Department and Library had put their stalls. It was a successful event and a

great representation of college at such level.

The Students' Union elections were conducted peacefully on the 12th of September. There

was a 52% turnout of voters. The elected office bearers were:

Priyanka -President

Kajal Yadav- Vice-President

Sheetal's Mavi- Secretary

Ritu Rani- Joint-Secretary

Pratilipi Soni- Treasurer

Akansha Kumar- Central Councillor

Jyoti Yadav-Central Councillor

The office bearers were administered the oath of office in the presence of teachers, non-

teaching staff and students of the college.


On 24.09.18 the Students' Advisory Committee along with the students of the Cultural

Committee and office bearers of the Students' Union decided to change the name of Ms

Vivek to Hunar.

In keeping with changing attitudes to gender and social values, it was felt that multiple

categories needed to be created to seek the most promising, or a set of promising, first year


The process was conceived in four stages.

1) Qualifying round: Quiz

2) Physical fitness test for those who qualified in the first round.

3) Compulsory week or ten days attendance in community related activity of the college.

4) Talent round

5) Final round

The three finalists were: Ayushi Yadav, Kiran Karki and Sanya.

On the 4th of October a special welcome party was organised for first year students. Senior

students put up a colourful cultural programme.





The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college continued with its work in line

with the mandate recommended by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council. The

Advisory Board Members during the reporting period were:

Dr. Munish Kaushik (Chairperson, GB, Vivekananda College)

Dr. S.S. Ghonkrokta (IAS, Retd.)

Dr. Kumud Khanna (Former Director, Institute of Home Economics)

Dr. Sukrita Paul Kumar (Former Aruna Asaf Ali Chair)

Mr. Vivek Sagar (Parent; Chief Technology Officer, Amazon Payment)

Ms. Shruti (Alumunus)

Salient IQAC activities were:

Parent Teachers Meetings: These meetings were initiated because it was felt that such

meetings would help to bridge the gap, build new linkages and create team spirit between the

students-parents-teachers and alumni. During the reporting period, seven parent-teacher

meetings, covering students belonging to all courses being offered by the college were held

successfully as per the schedule and the broad guidelines laid down for the said purpose. The

details of the meetings conducted are given below:

Details of Parent Teacher Meetings

S.No Course No. of Parents Participated Schedule of PTM

1 Applied Psychology 54 27-01-2018

2 Commerce 90 06-01-2018

3 History 22 20-01-2018

4 Mathematics 20 03-02-2018

5 Political Science 35 10-02-2018

6 Sanskrit 20 17-02-2018

7 B.A. (Programme) 85 10-03-2018

A Student Feedback Activity: The first formal student feedback activity was organized in

March 2018 at the same time for the entire college. A total of 418 final year students

belonging to various disciplines/courses participated in this activity. The data gathered

was analyzed and presented to the Advisory Board for future course of action. The details

are given in the final AQA report.



For the faculty –by the Faculty Initiative: During the reporting period a series of eleven

lectures were organized with the objective of facilitating capacity building of the faculty

members and promoting trans-disciplinary culture in various areas of teaching-learning.

The details are given below:

Name of Department Name of Speaker Title of Talk Date

Economics Mr. Amit Kumar Data Analysis Using



English Mr. Rengleen


Identifying Logical



Food Technology Dr. Sukhneet Suri Dietary Fats-

Quantitative and

Qualitative Aspects


History Dr. Yuthika Mishra Confrontation of



Commerce Mrs. Sushma


Computation of

Income and Tax



Hindi Dr. Amit Kumar Haashiye ka



Environment Science Dr Seema Sharma Smart Cities,

Societies and




Music Dr. Deepa Varshney Yoga and Sangeet: A

Perfect Pair to the



Sanskrit Dr. Shanno Grover Geeta in Modern



Political Science Ms. Smriti Suman Cosmopolitanism

and Cinema


Physical Education Dr. Meera Sood Enhancing


Ten Years to Life


One day Seminar: Quality Management Systems for College Administration: Since

administration forms the backbone of an institution, in order to upgrade and refresh

the concepts/rules governing administration and related issues, a galaxy of reputed

administrators were invited to interact with academic and administrative members of

various colleges during this one day seminar held on 12th

February 2018.

Internal Academic Audit: The Internal Quality Assurance Cell conducted the first

preliminary Internal Academic Audit for the departments and library during the



academic session 2017-18. This peer-based self-evaluation exercise was undertaken to

help departments put in place adequate and effective quality assurance mechanisms in

terms of strategies, procedures (SOPs), self-evaluation and planning for future as an

on-going mechanism. The details of the internal academic audit are given below:

S. No. Department Date Time

1. Applied Psychology 13/04/2018 1:30 PM

2. Commerce 13/04/2018 1:30 PM

3. Computer Science 12/04/2018 2:00 PM

4. Economics 05/04/2018 2:00 PM

5. English 05/04/2018 2:00 PM

6. EVS 05/04/2018 2:00 PM

7. Food Technology 17/04/2018 11:15 AM

8. French 06/04/2018 1:30 PM

9. Hindi 06/04/2018 1:30 PM

10. History 06/04/2018 1:30 PM

11. Mathematics 12/04/2018 2:00 PM

12. Music 13/04/2018 1:30 PM

13. Physical Education 12/04/2018 2:00 PM

14. Political Science 17/04/2018 2:00 PM

15. Sanskrit 11/04/2018 2:00 PM

16. College Library 11/04/2018 2:00 PM

Preparation of Annual Quality Assurance Report: The first post NAAC accreditation

Annual Quality Assurance Report for the college was prepared. It was peer reviewed

by the Advisory Board Members. The weblink is


IQAC 2018-2020 carried the legacy formulated by the previous IQAC and conducted

a series of lectures in the For-the-Faculty, By-the-Faculty and also several Parent-

Teacher Interactions. In seeking to improve the teaching-learning environment, a

short-term course on ‘Legal Awareness’ has been successfully concluded with more

than 50 students. District Magistrates from all over Delhi interacted with students and

imparted knowledge about the various laws and regulations. A visit to the

Karkardooma Court was also part of the course.

In addition, a two-day interdisciplinary national seminar was organized on March 13

and 14, 2019, “The Saga of Food – Politics, Aesthetics and Technology”. The seminar



was conducted as an IQAC activity along with the Department of Food Technology of

the college. A diverse range of eminent speakers graced the event and illuminated the

audience on various interesting facets on the Saga of Food. Notable among the

speakers was Shri Vinod Dua, renowned TV news personality, analyst, Mr. Saurish

Bhattacharya, journalist and food expert, Prof. G.S. Rajorhia, President, Indian Dairy

Association. An innovative aspect of the seminar was that students were encouraged

to make presentations on unique themes and concepts on food, such as new product

development and its scope. The seminar itself was a resounding success widely

applauded and appreciated by all.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell gratefully acknowledges the support of all teachers

especially teacher-in-charges of various departments, conveners of various committees and

the Administrative members of the college in making the initiatives of IQAC a great success!


The Discipline Committee of Vivekananda College proposed the following activities in the

year 2018-19:-

To put up set of instructions in the classrooms. The instructions will broadly cover

the following:-

Creating awareness about maintaining silence near the classrooms.

Switching off lights, fans when not in use.

Maintaining overall cleanliness, hygiene and helping in upkeep of

college premises, lawns and toilets etc.

No use of mobile phones in classrooms.

Guidance regarding disposal of sanitary napkins

Putting up notice outside staff room for prohibiting entry of students in

the staff room.

Active engagement of members of Discipline Committee during events

/ functions in the college, particularly the following:-








Class Representatives (CRs) shall be the contact persons with

Discipline Committee with respect to any issues regarding overall

discipline in the college.

Regular meetings will be held with CRs – minimum one meeting per


Seating arrangement for functions to be laid out in the auditorium to

avoid any kind of commotion.



The Discipline Committee members to take round of the college during

free time to oversee overall discipline in the college.

During the year, various competitions shall be organised to create

awareness amongst the students with respect to maintaining discipline

in college and in life.

Action Plan Executed so far

The committee recently concluded DUSU election on 12th


2018 in a peaceful manner with the active engagement of members of

Discipline Committee.

The committee held a meeting with all the class representatives (CRs)

on 28th

September, 2018. A power-point presentation was displayed to

the CRs regarding:

CRs should ensure no noise in the classrooms / premises if the teacher

is not present.

CRs shall report to the teacher about absenteeism.

Leaving the rooms and switching off lights / fans etc. in the case of last

class for the day.

A slogan-cum-poster making competition was organized by the

committee on 9th

October, 2018. The topics for the event was

“Discipline – A way of life/Discipline = Road to Success – A recipe to

healthy life/Discipline & life in college”. Around 53 participants

participated in the event. This competition was a huge success.


The NSS Group of Vivekananda College organized various activities during the months from

July to October 2018. Under the Swachhta Pakhwara programme, a campaign to clean the

college premises was organized from 6th August to 11th August, in which the whole college

premise was divided into some parts and each part was cleaned by the volunteers. On 10th

Aug 2018 NSS volunteers took out a rally in the college for cleanliness campaign.

We also organized an exhibition cum demonstration competition on the topic of “Safai kyon?

Aur kaise?” on 18th Sep 2018. Some of students made models to visualize cleanliness more

clearly. Students in the competition offered many suggestions about cleanliness and how to

keep our environment clean and safe.

To spread information about cleanliness outside of college, the committee took out a rally in

Jhilmil Colony near the college on 24th Sep 2018 around at 11:00 a.m. under the "Swachhata

Hi Seva 2018" campaign on the occasion of NSS day. Some local residents of that area

discussed with the volunteers questions such as “how can they keep clean environment and

what are the uses of it?”

On observance of Surgical Strike (29th Sep, 2018), we sent some poems self-composed by

NSS volunteers to NSS Centre.

Under Shakti Abhiyan, we organised a three day Self Defence programme in collaboration

with Delhi Police from 9th-11th October 2018 in which around 200 students (NSS/ non NSS)





The Vivekananda College Placement Committee acts as a link between the Central Placement

Cell (University of Delhi) and the college students for the smooth functioning of placement

related activities.

The following are the accomplishments of College Placement Committee from Jan 2018 to

June 2018:

In collaboration with faculty from IGIA—Airlines, Airport & Tourism Industry, New

Delhi, a Seminar was organized on 30th

Jan, 2018 to expose students to various job

roles and responsibilities within these industries and the kind of career growth the

industry offers. The students were introduced to short term training courses through

interactive sessions and their queries addressed.

On 3rd

February, 2018, Mr. Shrikant Degwekar General Manager Sales, AIR

INFOTECH, Nagpur visited the college campus and offered a talk on career

opportunities in research and publishing of High Court and Supreme Court

judgements followed by several rounds of GD and PI in a single day. As a result of

the same, 5 students namely Geetika Sarohi, Vanshika Jain, Himanshi Garg, Rashi

Sharma and Vatsala Bhardwaj were selected and offered “Letter of Intent” for the

post of “Customer Relationship Manager” on probation with a stipend of Rs.

10,000/month for a period of Six months.

In the same month of February, 2018, GENPACT, Noida held a college placement

drive and 65 students were offered “Letter of Intent” for the following profiles:

Finance and Accounting, Backend Operations, Insurance, Supply-Chain Management,

Banking, Customer service/Collections profiles and Capital Market Profiles.

In the month of June, 2018, Hexaview Technologies Private Limited, Noida, held a

placement drive in the college campus. After five rigorous rounds of GDs &

interviews, Ms. Shradha Aggarwal, a student from B.Com (Hons) was appointed as

“Associate Business Consultant” in the said firm with a monthly stipend of Rs.

20,000/- for the probation period of 06 months followed by an annual package of 4


The Placement committee organised an Interactive Seminar on 'Navigating Towards IAS' by

Ruchika Bharadwaj on 28th September 2018, friday at Sharda hall between 2.30 – 3.30 pm.

The speaker discussed the several rounds of examination / interviews that an IAS aspirant

faces, focusing on how to prepare for each such segment and also addressed a number of

related queries of the students.





The newly formed Social Outreach and Community Development Committee of

Vivekananda College has launched ‘Project HUM – Bridge the Gap’. As the name

suggests, through this project we hope to collaborate with the community members

(more specifically community members of Jhilmil Colony) to reduce the gaps

between the mainstream and the marginalized sections of our society primarily in the

area of education as well as undertake civic initiatives. We have undertaken several

meetings in this regard with the community leaders of the area.

A logo making competition for creating the logo of ‘Project HUM – Bridge the

Gap’was held on 6/9/18 where students participated enthusiastically.

Under the project, a training session by Mr. Mayank Purushottam from the NGO

‘Bhumi’ was organized on 28/9/18 so that student volunteers as well as other

members of the committee could be better equipped with the skills required to work

with community members.

The electoral literacy club has also been launched by the committee. On the 27th



of September an electoral awareness day in association with the District

Magistrate office (East Delhi and Shahdara District) was celebrated. As per

information given by the DM office, 200 forms for new registrations of voters were


‘Daan Utsav’ was celebrated from the 9th

of October to the 13th

of October, 2018.

Students, teaching and non-teaching members donated stationery items for the



Vivekananda Committee (Academic Year 2018-19) under the convenorship of Dr. Nalini

Gandhi Kapoor and members Dr. Sunil Verma, Dr. Kamini Taneja, Dr. Dilip Jaiswal and Dr.

Seema Sharma conducted different competitions for the students. The committee in itself

believes in the ideology of Swami Vivekananda: “Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is


Bilingual essay writing competition on the topic-“Swami Vivekananda: A Vision for

Young India” was held in which almost 53 students of different courses participated.

Following were the prize winners:-

o Jyoti (B.A. Prog.)

o Disha Jain (Eng. H 1st year)



o Monika (B.A Prog. 3rd


Consolation prizes

o Vidushi Singh (B.Com, 2nd

year, Sec.B)

o Payal Kumar (Pol. Sci. 2nd


A written quiz was organized on the theme “Vivekananda- life and ideas”. 30

minutes and 30 questions. Students showed enthusiasm and almost 67 students

participated. Following were the winners:

o Kajal Moral (Pol. Sc. H 3rd


o Swati Singh (B.Com. H 2nd


o Neha Kumari (Pol Sc H 3rd

Year )

Consolation prizes

o Swati Chauhan (Pol. Sc. H 1st Year)

o Sakshi Jain (B.A. Prog 3rd


Earlier this year, the birthday of Swami Vivekananda was also celebrated in the college on

12th January, 2018 under the convenership of Dr Sandhya Sharma and members Dr Shano

Grover, Dr Veena Jain, Dr Anita Bakshi , Dr Preeti Shrivastav , Mr Tulsi Chauhan , Mr

Manoj Kumar (Academic Year 2017-18). Poster making competition and a speech

completion on Vivekananda's ideology was also organised. Prizes were given to the first

three winners in both the events.


On 25th

January 2018, SUAC celebrated National Voter’s Day. Former Chief Election

Commissioner of India Dr. S.Y. Qureshi was invited to be the Chief Guest for the event. He

discussed about the importance of voting during elections. On this occasion, an inter-college

debate competition on the theme “Clash of the titans” was organized by the Office of District

Magistrate, Shahdara (North-East, Delhi) in collaboration with our college. Students of

various colleges of Delhi University participated in the competition.

A Three Day Annual Cultural Fest “Pallavi 2018” was organized by SUAC from 21st Febrary

2018 to 2nd

March 2018. Students from various colleges participated in a wide array of

cultural activities such as: Classical Dance, Western Dance, Nukkad Natak, Classical singing,

Quiz, Best out of Waste, Debating, Short movie making. A musical jam session was

organized on the final day of the fest. Guri, a Punjabi pop singer entertained the students and

faculty members with his live musical performance.




With an aim of creating awareness about the benefits of yoga in our life, a workshop “YOGA

MEDITATION AND ITS ANCIENT PRACTICES” was organized by Women development

Centre (WDC) on 16th

January 2018. After this workshop students got to know some ancient

techniques of yoga by which they can Increase their power of positivity, reduce their stress

and increase their memory.


The Alumni Meet was held on 15th

April 2018. More than three hundred alumni came to

attend the event. It was a day of interesting and entertaining cultural programmes in which

various societies participated with great enthusiasm and joy. Indian Classical Music Society,

Indian Classical Dance Society, Western Dance Society and Western Music Society provided

excellent performances. The Vivekananda College Auditorium was aesthetically decorated by

the Art and Craft Society. For the convenience of the alumni, a kids section was also

organised in the foyer section, so that the kids can be entertained there while the alumni enjoy

the celebration. To make the path down the memory lane more special, a nostalgia section

was fashioned by the Department of Applied Psychology, in the foyer area. It was a very

harmonious and joyous celebration for all the alumni.


List of activities organized by Environment and Garden Committee:

An air sampler (PM2.5 sampler) was installed with the help of CSIR-NPL on the

rooftop of the college building to check the ambient concentration of fine particulates

in the college campus.

A poster making competition was organized for college students on 13/03/ 2019. The

themes of this competition were “Say no to crackers”, “Khelo Holi naturally” and

“Say no air pollution/water pollution”.

Environment and Garden Committee purchased some tools and items related to




Environment and Garden Committee organized a field visit to zoological park on

16/03/2019. This trip was focused to highlight the significance of ex-situ conservation

of biodiversity.

Garden and Environment Committee organized a Plantation and cleanliness drive

jointly with members of Leaders for Tomorrow Foundation (NGO) and Department

of Environmental Sciences in the college campus on 2 November2018. The college

students were encouraged to actively participate in this plantation and cleanliness


Garden and Environment Committee and Department of Environmental Sciences

jointly organized a plantation drive for first year college students on 8 September

2018 and discussed role of plantation in sustainable development.


Publication committee successfully published college magazine ISHA-2018 and

Vivekananda College Annual Report-2018.

New initiatives in the form of cost effective content management ISHA-2018 was

published as e-magazine.

A novel initiative by publication committee in the form of Publication Committee-

student collaboration was under taken for ISHA-2018. Right from content collection,

selection, editing and designing the students were a part of the process. This initiative

exposed student volunteers to the administrative and production management of the

college magazine.

Publication Committee –Student volunteer collaboration also helped in identifying

content management skills of various students which would be assets for the college

in future endeavours.

Magazine compilation work gave live experience to volunteers which helped them in

upgrading their skill set as well as their CVs.


Newly constituted Website Committee-2018 took the following initiatives to reform existing

Vivekananda college website:



Detailed report was prepared by Website committee to reform and rejuvenate the

college website by eliminating dead links, blank pages and old documents.

Meeting was held between The Principal, website committee and website host vendor

to make the website more secure.

Recommendations were made to make the website more dynamic with provision of

live streaming of college events.

Provision for uploading of college event videos were also considered to give new

dynamic look to the college website.


o New look, much lighter and user-friendly website is up and working.

o All the webpages, academic content and college photos are updated.




































