ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION Endothelin-B receptors and ventricular arrhythmogenesis in the rat model of acute myocardial infarction Dimitrios L. Oikonomidis Dimitrios G. Tsalikakis Giannis G. Baltogiannis Alexandros T. Tzallas Xanthi Xourgia Maria G. Agelaki Aikaterini J. Megalou Andreas Fotopoulos Apostolos Papalois Zenon S. Kyriakides Theofilos M. Kolettis Received: 25 March 2009 / Revised: 10 September 2009 / Accepted: 21 September 2009 / Published online: 17 October 2009 Ó Springer-Verlag 2009 Abstract The arrhythmogenic effects of endothelin-1 (ET-1) are mediated via ETA-receptors, but the role of ETB-receptors is unclear. We examined the pathophysio- logic role of ETB-receptors on ventricular tachyarrhythmias (VT/VF) during myocardial infarction (MI). MI was induced by coronary ligation in two animal groups, namely in wild- type (n = 63) and in ETB-receptor-deficient (n = 61) rats. Using a telemetry recorder, VT/VF episodes were evaluated during phase I (the 1st hour) and phase II (2–24 h) post-MI, with and without prior b-blockade. Action potential duration at 90% repolarization (APD90) was measured from mono- phasic epicardial recordings and indices of sympathetic activation were assessed using fast-Fourier analysis of heart rate variability. Serum epinephrine and norepinephrine were measured with radioimmunoassay. MI size was similar in the two groups. There was a marked temporal variation in VT/VF duration; during phase I, it was higher (p = 0.0087) in ETB-deficient (1,519 ± 421 s) than in wild-type (190 ± 34 s) rats, but tended (p = 0.086) to be lower in ETB-defi- cient (4.2 ± 2.0 s) than in wild-type (27.7 ± 8.0 s) rats during phase II. Overall, the severity of VT/VF was greater in ETB-deficient rats, evidenced by higher (p = 0.0058) mortality (72.0% vs. 32.1%). There was a temporal variation in heart rate and in the ratio of low- to high-frequency spectra, being higher ( \ 0.001) during phase I, but lower (p \ 0.05) during phase II in ETB-deficient rats. Likewise, 1 h post-MI, serum epinephrine (p = 0.025) and norepi- nephrine (p \ 0.0001) were higher in ETB-deficient (4.20 ± 0.54, 14.24 ± 1.39 ng/ml) than in wild-type (2.30 ± 0.59, 5.26 ± 0.67 ng/ml) rats, respectively. After b-blockade, VT/VF episodes and mortality were similar in the two groups. The ETB-receptor decreases sympathetic activation and arrhythmogenesis during the early phase of MI, but these effects diminish during evolving MI. Keywords Endothelin Á B-receptors Á Myocardial infarction Á Ventricular arrhythmias Introduction Ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) during acute myocardial infarction (MI) are a leading D. L. Oikonomidis Á G. G. Baltogiannis Á A. T. Tzallas Á M. G. Agelaki Á A. J. Megalou Á T. M. Kolettis (&) Department of Cardiology, University of Ioannina, 1 Stavrou Niarxou Avenue, 45110 Ioannina, Greece e-mail: [email protected] D. G. Tsalikakis Engineering Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece A. T. Tzallas Department of Computer Sciences, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece X. Xourgia Á A. Fotopoulos Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece A. Papalois ELPEN Research Laboratory, Pikermi, Athens, Greece Z. S. Kyriakides Department of Cardiology, Athens Red Cross Hospital, Athens, Greece A. Papalois Á Z. S. Kyriakides Á T. M. Kolettis Cardiovascular Research Institute, Ioannina, Greece 123 Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245 DOI 10.1007/s00395-009-0066-7

Endothelin-B receptors and ventricular arrhythmogenesis in the rat model of acute myocardial infarction

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Endothelin-B receptors and ventricular arrhythmogenesisin the rat model of acute myocardial infarction

Dimitrios L. Oikonomidis • Dimitrios G. Tsalikakis • Giannis G. Baltogiannis • Alexandros T. Tzallas •

Xanthi Xourgia • Maria G. Agelaki • Aikaterini J. Megalou • Andreas Fotopoulos • Apostolos Papalois •

Zenon S. Kyriakides • Theofilos M. Kolettis

Received: 25 March 2009 / Revised: 10 September 2009 / Accepted: 21 September 2009 / Published online: 17 October 2009

� Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract The arrhythmogenic effects of endothelin-1

(ET-1) are mediated via ETA-receptors, but the role of

ETB-receptors is unclear. We examined the pathophysio-

logic role of ETB-receptors on ventricular tachyarrhythmias

(VT/VF) during myocardial infarction (MI). MI was induced

by coronary ligation in two animal groups, namely in wild-

type (n = 63) and in ETB-receptor-deficient (n = 61) rats.

Using a telemetry recorder, VT/VF episodes were evaluated

during phase I (the 1st hour) and phase II (2–24 h) post-MI,

with and without prior b-blockade. Action potential duration

at 90% repolarization (APD90) was measured from mono-

phasic epicardial recordings and indices of sympathetic

activation were assessed using fast-Fourier analysis of heart

rate variability. Serum epinephrine and norepinephrine were

measured with radioimmunoassay. MI size was similar in the

two groups. There was a marked temporal variation in

VT/VF duration; during phase I, it was higher (p = 0.0087)

in ETB-deficient (1,519 ± 421 s) than in wild-type (190 ±

34 s) rats, but tended (p = 0.086) to be lower in ETB-defi-

cient (4.2 ± 2.0 s) than in wild-type (27.7 ± 8.0 s) rats

during phase II. Overall, the severity of VT/VF was greater

in ETB-deficient rats, evidenced by higher (p = 0.0058)

mortality (72.0% vs. 32.1%). There was a temporal variation

in heart rate and in the ratio of low- to high-frequency

spectra, being higher (\0.001) during phase I, but lower

(p \ 0.05) during phase II in ETB-deficient rats. Likewise,

1 h post-MI, serum epinephrine (p = 0.025) and norepi-

nephrine (p \ 0.0001) were higher in ETB-deficient (4.20 ±

0.54, 14.24 ± 1.39 ng/ml) than in wild-type (2.30 ± 0.59,

5.26 ± 0.67 ng/ml) rats, respectively. After b-blockade,

VT/VF episodes and mortality were similar in the two

groups. The ETB-receptor decreases sympathetic activation

and arrhythmogenesis during the early phase of MI, but these

effects diminish during evolving MI.

Keywords Endothelin � B-receptors �Myocardial infarction � Ventricular arrhythmias


Ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation

(VF) during acute myocardial infarction (MI) are a leading

D. L. Oikonomidis � G. G. Baltogiannis �A. T. Tzallas � M. G. Agelaki � A. J. Megalou �T. M. Kolettis (&)

Department of Cardiology, University of Ioannina,

1 Stavrou Niarxou Avenue, 45110 Ioannina, Greece

e-mail: [email protected]

D. G. Tsalikakis

Engineering Informatics and Telecommunications,

University of Western Macedonia,

Kozani, Greece

A. T. Tzallas

Department of Computer Sciences,

University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece

X. Xourgia � A. Fotopoulos

Department of Nuclear Medicine,

University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece

A. Papalois

ELPEN Research Laboratory, Pikermi,

Athens, Greece

Z. S. Kyriakides

Department of Cardiology,

Athens Red Cross Hospital,

Athens, Greece

A. Papalois � Z. S. Kyriakides � T. M. Kolettis

Cardiovascular Research Institute,

Ioannina, Greece


Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245

DOI 10.1007/s00395-009-0066-7

cause of death worldwide. Despite the intense research

during the past decades, the complex pathophysiology

of ischemia-induced VT/VF is incompletely understood.

Experimental [22] and clinical [28] studies have dem-

onstrated that the production of endothelin-1 (ET-1), a

21-amino acid peptide, rises markedly during MI. In

addition to its direct electrophysiologic actions [24],

ET-1 regulates sympathetic stimulation [34], a well-

described arrhythmogenic mechanism [31]. Thus, ET-1

is implicated in arrhythmogenesis during acute MI, an

observation carrying potential therapeutic implications


Although the role of ET-1 during acute MI is entren-

ched, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly defined.

The effects of ET-1 are mediated via two (ETA and ETB)

G-protein-coupled receptors [26], which are widely dis-

tributed in mammalian organs, including the heart, the

adrenal gland and peripheral neurons. The effects of ET-1

during MI appear to be mediated mainly via activation of

the ETA-receptor [10]. On the other hand, the role of the

ETB-receptor remains controversial, as previous studies

indicated protective [6], neutral [23] or detrimental [32]

effects on ischemic VT/VF. This issue is further com-

plicated by the fact that most previous studies [6, 23]

were performed in the isolated heart model that can

address ventricular arrhythmogenesis only in part. In fact,

since in vitro preparations are devoid of sympathetic

innervation, ventricular arrhythmias are absent during the

delayed phase of MI [5]. Furthermore, in vivo studies [6,

32] were performed in anesthetized animals and have,

therefore, limited the observation time window to 1–2 h

post-infarction. Finally, another source of discrepancy in

the hitherto published results is the variability in the

ischemic models. In this regard, the presence or absence

of reperfusion affects ventricular arrhythmogenesis

post-MI, since the mechanisms of reperfusion-induced

arrhythmias differ from those responsible for ischemic

arrhythmias [7].

The purpose of the present study was to examine the

pathophysiologic role of ETB-receptors on ventricular

arrhythmogenesis during acute MI. We used the in vivo rat

model, which offers several advantages, as the rat exhibits

a high frequency of VT/VF after MI, with a time course

corresponding to human findings [9, 16]. In the present

work, we investigated ischemic VT/VF in the absence of

reperfusion and we extended the observation time to 24 h

post-MI. Two animal groups were included, namely wild-

type rats and a previously characterized homozygous rat

strain [14, 15], carrying a naturally occurring deletion of

the ETB-receptor gene. To provide further insight into the

underlying mechanisms, we evaluated sympathetic stimu-

lation comprehensively, by measuring electrocardiographic

(ECG) indices, as well as serum catecholamines.

Moreover, we assessed the incidence of VT/VF with or

without acute b-blockade prior to MI generation. Finally,

we examined the alterations of the left ventricular (LV)

monophasic action potential (MAP), produced by ische-



Experimental animal population

Of the 145 rats initially included in the study, 13 died

during intubation or during the surgical procedure. Two

further animals were excluded, because the knot of the

suture was incorrectly tied and no detectable infarct

was present 24 h post-ligation. Thus, the final study

population consisted of 130 rats, of similar age

(22 ± 0.1 weeks) and weight (249 ± 2 g). Of these, 66

(20–23 weeks, 240 ± 2 g) were wild-type and 64 (20–

24 weeks, 259 ± 3 g) were ETB-deficient. The animals

were housed in individual cages, under optimal laboratory

conditions (controlled humidity, temperature and light/

dark cycles). The guidelines stated in the ‘Principle of

laboratory animal care’ (NIH publication No. 86-23,

revised 1985) were followed, as well as national legis-

lation. The study protocol was approved by the local state

authority (approval reference number: 694/11-02-08).

Two animal populations were used, namely wild-type and

homozygous ETB-receptor-deficient rats. The latter rat

strain, referred to as spotting lethal (sl) strain, carries a

naturally occurring deletion in the ETB-receptor gene that

abrogates the expression of functional ETB-receptors.

This rat model has been characterized previously [14, 15]

and a colony has been bred in our animal facilities, kindly

provided by Professor M. Yanagisawa (University of

Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,

USA). Rats homozygous (sl/sl) for this mutation exhibit

coat color spotting and intestinal aganglionosis and

die of intestinal obstruction approximately at the age of

1 month. Dopamine b-hydroxylase promoter has been

used to direct ETB transgene expression in sl/sl rats to

support normal enteric nervous system development [14].

These transgenic sl/sl rats live into adulthood, but are

ETB-deficient in the cardiovascular system, rendering

this rat strain a useful tool in the study of the patho-

physiological role of ETB-receptors [14, 15]. In addition,

this rat model can be used in the study of the sympathetic

response to various stimuli, since a low level of expres-

sion of ETB-receptors driven by the endogenous pro-

moter in the adrenal medulla has been reported [15].

Nonetheless, it should be noted that the exact level of

expression of functional ETB-receptors in adrenergic

tissues of these rats remains uncertain.

236 Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245


Study protocol

Myocardial infarction (MI) was induced in wild-type and

ETB-deficient rats. Subsequently, continuous ECG

recordings were performed for 24 h, or until animal death.

MAP signals were recorded at baseline, as well as 5 min

and 24 h after MI. Infarct size was measured in all survi-

vors after the 24-h observation period. Indices of sympa-

thetic activation were assessed from ECG recordings, using

fast-Fourier transform power spectrum calculations in the

frequency domain. Moreover, serum epinephrine and nor-

epinephrine were measured using radioimmunoassay. To

further explore the importance of sympathetic activation,

the incidence of VT/VF was evaluated after acute

b-adrenergic blockade in a separate set of experiments. The

study protocol is depicted in Fig. 1.

The 24-h post-MI observation period was divided in two

phases. Phase I was defined as the first hour after ligation

and phase II was defined as the time period between the

second and 24th hour post-ligation. This separation is

useful not only because it corresponds with observations in

patients [9], but also because it provides some indications

on the arrhythmogenic mechanisms post-MI [5].

Implantation of telemetry transmitter

One day prior to MI induction, a continuous ECG telemetry

transmitter (Dataquest, Data Sciences International, Tran-

soma Medical, Arden Hills, MN, USA) was implanted in

the abdominal cavity, using a previously described method

[1, 29]. The animals were intubated, mechanically venti-

lated (ventilator model 7025, Ugo Basile, Comerio, VA,

Italy) and anesthetized with isoflurane. The leads were

tunneled under the skin and the transmitter was secured in

the abdominal cavity. The rats were housed in individual

cages, placed on a receiver that continuously captured the

signal, independently of animal activity. The ECG signal

was displayed with the use of a computer program (A.R.T.

2.2, Dataquest, Data Sciences International, Transoma

Medical, Arden Hills, MN, USA) and was stored for


Generation of acute MI

As much as 24 h after the implantation of the telemetry

transmitter, the animals were re-anesthetized, as outlined

above. Through a left thoracotomy, the heart was exposed

and the left coronary artery was ligated with a 6-0 suture,

placed between the pulmonary artery cone and the left

atrial appendage, as previously described [1, 11, 29]. A six-

lead ECG was obtained immediately after the procedure

and ST-segment elevation was considered proof of induced

MI. Upon cessation of anesthesia, the animals regained

consciousness within 2 to 3 min. No resuscitation attempts

were allowed at any time during the study.


Total mortality is reported for the 24-h observation period

and separately for phases I and II. The mode of death was

classified as either tachyarrhythmic or bradyarrhythmic,

according to prior definitions [1, 11, 29]. Specifically,

tachyarrhythmic death was defined as ventricular asystole,

immediately preceded by an episode of VT/VF and brady-

arrhythmic death as an abrupt onset of complete atrio-

ventricular block.

Infarct sizing

At the end of the 24-h observation period, the animals were

killed with potassium chloride. The heart was then excised,

frozen (in -20�C for 1 h), hand-cut in five 2-mm slices,

incubated (in triphenyltetrazolium chloride for 15 min at

37�C) and fixed (in 10% formalin for 20 min), as previ-

ously outlined in detail [1, 11]. The slices were scanned

and the areas of infarcted and non-infarcted myocardium

were measured from both sides of each slice. The average

was multiplied by slice thickness and values were summed.

Fig. 1 Study protocol

Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245 237


Infarct size was defined as the ratio between the infarcted

and total LV volume. In rats displaying infarct size below

20%, the ligation procedure was considered unsatisfactory

and these rats were excluded from the study.

Heart rate

Sinus heart rate (HR) was measured from continuous 10-s

ECG recordings, from which non-sinus beats were exclu-

ded. The mean value of these RR intervals was used to

determine HR at each time point. HR was calculated at

baseline, at the 5th and 30th minutes post-ligation and

hourly thereafter.

Arrhythmia analysis

All stored ECG tracings were analyzed off-line indepen-

dently by three blinded operators (D.O., G.G.B., M.G.A.).

VT and VF episodes were recorded and the duration of

each episode was measured using the time-scale provided

by the software. VT was defined as 4 or more consecutive

premature ventricular contractions and VF as a signal with

indistinguishable QRS deflections [33]. However, separa-

tion of VT and VF is often difficult [1, 11, 29], hence we

report VT/VF collectively.

We used two previously established methods for

arrhythmia analysis [8, 29].

In the first method [29], we calculated the duration of

VT/VF for each hourly interval. To overcome differences

in mortality rates and timing, VT/VF duration was nor-

malized to survival time (i.e. the time at risk of tachy-

arrhythmia occurrence) [29]. The duration of VT/VF

episodes is also reported separately for phases I and II.

In the second method, a simpler quantification provided

by the ‘arrhythmia score’ [8] was used. This method esti-

mates the severity of VT/VF episodes based on their tim-

ing, duration and their impact on mortality [8], assigning

score values from 2 to 9. This method also accounts for

differences in mortality rates and timing, by giving a score

of 9 for the time period(s) following death.

ECG indices of sympathetic activation

Heart rate variability (HRV) for the assessment of cardiac

autonomic status in conscious rats has been described

previously in detail [21]. We used 60-s ECG segments after

exclusion of non-sinus beats. In the frequency domain, the

fast-Fourier transform power spectrum was calculated

using the Welch periodogram, by dividing the time series

into a constant number of segments, overlapping by 50%.

After application of a Hanning window and subtracting the

mean value, the segment periodogram was calculated and

the power spectra of all segments were averaged. Low-

frequency (between 0.5 and 0.8 Hz) and high-frequency

([0.8 Hz) bands were calculated. As indices of sympa-

thetic activity, we report the percentage of peak power in

the low-frequency band and the ratio of low-frequency to

high-frequency bands.

Serum catecholamine levels

In a separate set of experiments, catecholamine measure-

ments were performed in wild-type (n = 15) and ETB-

deficient (n = 15) rats. For reference, 6 additional rats

from the two groups (n = 3 from each group) were sham-

operated. Blood was collected by internal jugular venous

puncture; it was centrifuged immediately and the serum

was stored at -20�C. Catecholamine measurements were

performed 1 h after coronary ligation. If profound brady-

cardia was observed prior to this time point, indicative of

imminent death, venous puncture was performed immedi-

ately. Serum levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine were

measured using radioimmunoassay kits, obtained from

BioSource Europe S.A., Nivelles, Belgium.

Ventricular tachyarrhythmias after b-blockade

To further clarify the pathophysiologic role of the sympa-

thetic system during MI, we performed a separate set

of experiments, in which rats were pre-treated with a

b-adrenergic blocker. In these experiments, wild-type

(n = 20) and ETB-deficient rats (n = 21) were treated

with intravenous propranolol 15 min prior to MI genera-

tion. After surgical exposure, the internal jugular vein was

cannulated with a 21G venous cannula and propranolol was

administered at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg as a slow injection,

according to a previously reported regimen [4]. Subse-

quently, MI was induced, as explained above.

Monophasic action potential recordings

The method used in our laboratory for MAP recordings has

been described previously [11]. In brief, a MAP probe

(model 200, EP Technologies, San Jose, CA, USA) was

placed on the lateral LV wall. The signal was amplified

with the use of a pre-amplifier (model 300, EP Technolo-

gies, San Jose, CA, USA) and filtered at 50 Hz, using a

digital notch filter. The signal was further filtered using a

band pass filter, allowing a signal range of 0.05–500 Hz.

Two-minute recordings were stored into a personal com-

puter, equipped with an analog-to-digital converter (model

BNC 2110, National Instruments Corporation, Dallas, TX,

USA). As much as 50 consecutive sinus beats per recording

were analyzed and the LV action potential duration at 90%

of repolarization (APD90) was measured at baseline, as

well as 5 min and 24 h post-ligation.

238 Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245


Statistical analysis

All values are given as mean ± standard error of the mean

(S.E.M.). Differences between continuous variables in the

two rat groups were compared using Student’s unpaired t-

test. Changes in continuous variables over time were

compared using the analysis of variance for repeated

measures, followed by the post-hoc Duncan’s multi-stage

test. The continuous variables describing the arrhythmia

frequencies were not normally distributed and were com-

pared using the non-parametric Wald-Wolfowitz multiple-

runs test. Pair-wise comparisons between categorical

variables were performed with Fisher’s exact two-tailed

test. Kaplan–Meier survival curves were constructed for

the two groups and were compared using the Peto-and-Peto

Wilcoxon test. Statistical significance was defined at an

alpha level of 0.05.


MI without prior b-blockade

This part of the study was conducted in 83 rats (43 wild-

type and 40 ETB-receptor-deficient).

Heart rate

There was a significant variance (F = 19.3, p \ 0.0001) in

HR over time between the two groups. HR was higher in

ETB-deficient rats during the first hour and in wild-type

rats after the 8th hour post-ligation, as shown in Fig. 2a.


Total mortality after the 24-h observation period was

higher (p = 0.0058) in ETB-deficient (18/25; 72.0%) than

in wild-type rats (9/28; 32.1%). This difference was pro-

duced during phase I, as mortality was higher (p = 0.0009)

in ETB-deficient (14/25; 56%) than in wild type rats (3/28;

10.7%). During phase II, total mortality was comparable

(p = 0.45) in the two animal groups. The respective figures

were 4/11 (36.3%) in ETB-deficient and 6/25 (24%) in

wild-type rats. Tachyarrhythmic death was observed in

16/18 (88.8%) of fatalities in ETB-deficient rats, as

opposed to 5/9 (55.5%) in wild-type rats, but this differ-

ence was not statistically significant (p = 0.13). Bradyar-

rhythmic death was comparable (p = 0.67) in the two rat

groups. The Kaplan–Meier curves for total mortality for

both animal groups are shown in Fig. 3. Comparison of the

two curves revealed higher (p = 0.00076) mortality in

ETB-deficient rats.

Infarct size

Infarct size was calculated for the 25 survivors. Mean

infarct size was almost identical in the two groups.

Respective values were 31.5 ± 0.8% in ETB-deficient and

32.4 ± 1.1% in wild-type rats (p = 0.66).

Fig. 2 Heart rate. Heart rate in

the two groups without (a) or

with (b) prior b-blockade

Fig. 3 Kaplan–Meier survival curves. 24-h survival was higher in

wild-type than in ETB-deficient rats

Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245 239


Ventricular tachyarrhythmias

There was a marked temporal variation in the duration of

VT/VF episodes between the two groups. The hourly dis-

tribution of VT/VF was higher in ETB-deficient rats during

phase I but lower during phase II (Fig. 4a).

Phase I

During phase I, the duration of VT/VF was higher

(p = 0.0087) in ETB-deficient (381.5 ± 84.2 s) than in

wild-type rats (147.1 ± 12.3 s). This difference remained,

when corrected for the actual survival time. The duration of

VT/VF episodes (per hour alive) in ETB-deficient rats was

1,519.7 ± 421.3 s vs. 190.8 ± 34.6 s in wild-type rats.

Phase II

During phase II, the incidence of VT/VF was lower

(p = 0.00091) in ETB-deficient than in wild-type rats. The

respective values were 47.4 ± 19.1 s vs. 376.4 ± 87.1 s.

However, when the duration of VT/VF was corrected for

the actual survival time, this difference was of marginal

statistical significance (p = 0.086). The respective values

were 4.2 ± 2.0 s and 27.7 ± 8.0 s.

Arrhythmia score

At the 2–6-h time interval, the arrhythmia score was

marginally (p = 0.073) higher in ETB-deficient rats

(6.12 ± 0.73) than wild-type rats (4.62 ± 0.38). During

the remaining time intervals, it was significantly (p \ 0.01)

higher in ETB-deficient than in wild-type rats. All values

are depicted in Fig. 5a.

ECG indices of sympathetic activation

There was a temporal variation in the ECG indices of sym-

pathetic activation between the two groups. Sympathetic

activation was higher in ETB-deficient rats during phase I, but

lower during phase II. Values are shown in Fig. 6a, b.

Serum catecholamine levels

Serum epinephrine levels 1 h post-ligation were higher

(p = 0.025) in ETB-deficient (4.20 ± 0.54 ng/ml) than in

wild-type rats (2.30 ± 0.59 ng/ml). Similarly, serum nor-

epinephrine levels 1 h post-ligation were higher (p \ 0.0001)

in ETB-deficient (14.24 ± 1.39 ng/ml) than in wild-type rats

(5.26 ± 0.67 ng/ml). Values are depicted in Fig. 6c.

MAP recordings

Changes in APD90 over time are shown in Fig. 7. Five

minutes post-ligation, APD90 did not change in wild-type

rats, but shortened (p \ 0.0001) in ETB-deficient rats. As

much as 24 h after ligation, APD90 was comparable in the

two groups.

MI with prior b-blockade

This part of the study was conducted in 41 rats (20 wild-

type and 21 ETB-receptor-deficient).

Fig. 4 Hourly distribution of

ventricular tachyarrhythmias.

Without prior b-blockade (a),

ventricular tachyarrhythmia

(VT/VF) duration was higher in

ETB-deficient rats during phase

I, but lower during phase II.

These differences disappeared

after b-blockade (b)

Fig. 5 Arrhythmia score. Without prior b-blockade (a), arrhythmia

score was higher in ETB-deficient rats (asterisk). Differences

disappeared after b-blockade (b)

240 Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245


Heart rate

Heart rate (HR) changes over time showed a similar pattern

(F = 1.01, p = 0.45) between the two groups. However,

HR tended to be lower in ETB-deficient rats the first hour

post-ligation onwards, as shown in Fig. 2b.

Mortality after b-blockade

After acute propranolol administration, total mortality after

the 24-h observation period was almost identical in the two

groups, being 12/21 (57.1%) in ETB-deficient and 11/20

(55.0%) in wild-type rats. Equivalent mortality rates

between the two groups were observed during both phases.

During phase I, total mortality was 10/21 (47.6%) in ETB-

deficient and 10/20 (50.0%) in wild-type rats. During phase

II, total mortality was 2/11 (18.1%) in ETB-deficient and

1/10 (10.0%) in wild-type rats. Tachyarrhythmic death was

observed in 8/12 (66.6%) of fatalities in ETB-deficient rats

and in 8/11 (72.7%) in wild-type rats; again, this difference

was not statistically significant (p = 0.55).

When total mortality rates were compared in experi-

ments with and without b-blockade prior to MI induction,

no significant differences were found in either group.

Specifically, total mortality in ETB-deficient rats was

comparable (p = 0.35) without (18/25; 72.0%) and with

(12/21; 57.1%) prior b-blockade. Similarly, total mortality

in wild-type rats was comparable (p = 0.14) without (9/28;

32.1%) and with (11/20; 55.0%) prior b-blockade.

Ventricular tachyarrhythmias after b-blockade

Acute propranolol administration decreased the incidence

of VT/VF in the whole animal study cohort; nevertheless,

this effect was much more prominent in ETB-deficient

rats during phase I. As a result, the temporal variation in

the duration of VT/VF episodes between the two groups

disappeared completely (Fig. 4b).

Phase I

During phase I, there was a trend (p = 0.056) toward lower

VT/VF duration in ETB-deficient (30.09 ± 6.11 s) than in

Fig. 6 Indices of sympathetic activation. Significant differences

(asterisk) between the two groups in the low-frequency spectrum

(a) and the ratio of low- to high-frequency spectra (b) of the fast-

Fourier analysis of heart rate variability, as well as in serum

catecholamines (c)

Fig. 7 Action potential duration. Significant shortening (asterisk) of

APD90 5 min post-ligation in ETB-deficient rats

Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245 241


wild-type rats (40.94 ± 17.42 s). However, this difference

became insignificant (p = 0.18), when corrected for the

actual survival time. The duration of VT/VF episodes (per

hour alive) in ETB-deficient rats was 53.38 ± 13.12 s vs.

94.15 ± 37.95 s in wild-type rats.

Phase II

During phase II, the incidence of VT/VF was comparable

(p = 0.49) in ETB-deficient and in wild-type rats. The

respective values were 37.30 ± 37.22 s and 22.70 ±

20.09 s. The lack of significant difference between the two

groups remained when corrected for the actual survival

time. The respective values were 1.62 ± 1.61 s and

0.98 ± 0.87 s.

Arrhythmia score after b-blockade

After acute propranolol administration, arrhythmia score

was similar in the two rat groups during the whole obser-

vation period (Fig. 5b).


The arrhythmogenic potential of ET-1 during acute MI has

received increasing attention during the past years [10], but

the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely under-

stood. The present study examined the significance of

ETB-receptors on ventricular arrhythmogenesis in the rat

model of permanent coronary ligation, i.e. without the

confounding effects of reperfusion. Despite the widespread

application of reperfusion strategies, our results are clini-

cally relevant, given the substantial proportion of acute MI

patients (at the range of 20–30%), currently not being

treated with reperfusion [30].

A bimodal distribution of ischemic VT/VF has been

demonstrated in animal models [16] and available infor-

mation indicates that a similar curve may apply to patients

[9]. This distinction is clinically useful, because different

treatment strategies pertain after MI. During phase II,

patients are invariably hospitalized and are likely to receive

appropriate antiarrhythmic therapy, but phase I ventricular

tachyarrhythmias usually occur prior to medical attention

and account for the vast majority of out-of-hospital sudden

cardiac deaths.

The results of the present study indicate that the ETB-

receptor is involved in ventricular arrhythmogenesis during

acute MI, but its pathophysiologic role may differ,

depending on the time period after the onset of ischemia.

We report a discernible temporal dispersion in the inci-

dence of VT/VF in the two rat groups, with preponderance

in ETB-deficient rats during phase I and in wild-type rats

during phase II. Sympathetic stimulation showed a similar

pattern, implicating this as the primary arrhythmogenic

mechanism in the setting of MI. Overall, the severity of

VT/VF was greater in ETB-deficient rats, as evidenced by

higher arrhythmia scores and increased mortality.

Phase I arrhythmogenesis

We report a higher incidence of VT/VF in ETB-deficient

rats during phase I, indicating a beneficial role of ETB-

receptors. This conclusion is in accordance with the results

of Crockett et al. [6], who found an antiarrhythmic effect

after ETB-receptor stimulation, shortly after myocardial

ischemia. Moreover, in isolated working rabbit hearts [23],

administration of an ETB-receptor antagonist augmented

the electrophysiologic effects of ET-1. Earlier work from

our laboratory [2, 19] lends further support to these find-

ings. Using an identical experimental setting with the

present study, we reported only a modest antiarrhythmic

effect after dual ET-receptor blockade during phase I [19],

as opposed to a marked reduction in VT/VF after selective

ETA-blockade [2]. Taken together, these findings suggest

that the ETB-receptor may partially counteract the

arrhythmogenic effects of ET-1 in the early phase of MI.

Mechanism of antiarrhythmic action of ETB receptors

during phase I

Here, we report higher ECG indices of sympathetic activity

and markedly higher catecholamine levels during phase I in

ETB-deficient than in wild-type rats. Thus, in the absence

of ETB-receptors, the increased arrhythmogenesis during

phase I is likely secondary to enhanced sympathetic acti-

vation. This conclusion is reinforced by the pronounced

effect of b-blockade on phase I arrhythmogenesis,

observed in our experiments. Specifically, the marked

difference in arrhythmogenesis, due to increased incidence

of VT/VF in ETB-deficient rats, disappeared completely

after acute propranolol administration.

It has been known for years that ET-1 regulates sym-

pathetic stimulation [34], but the precise pathophysiologic

mechanisms and the relative importance of ETA- and ETB-

receptors under ischemic conditions is poorly character-

ized. In our experiments, HR and HRV-indices as well as

serum norepinephrine levels were higher in ETB-deficient

rats during phase I, resulting in pronounced shortening of

the APD90. Several lines of evidence suggest that sym-

pathetic stimulation is an important arrhythmogenic

mechanism during MI, as it increases resting membrane

potential and shortens APD90, leading to dispersion of

repolarization, functional re-entry and VT/VF [16, 18, 31].

Sympathetic activation during MI consists of increased

central nervous sympathetic tone, increased catecholamine

242 Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245


release from the adrenal medulla and increased myocardial

norepinephrine release. Norepinephrine release from the

sympathetic nerve terminals in the ventricular myocardium

is complex and incompletely understood. During phase I,

norepinephrine release occurs first by exocytosis and sub-

sequently by a reverse function of the norepinephrine

transporter, which facilitates the release of the accumulated

free axoplasmic norepinephrine. ET-1 promotes non-exo-

cytotic norepinephrine release through the ETA-receptor,

which is linked to the Na?/H?-exchanger [13]; ETA-

receptor stimulation results in axoplasmic sodium accu-

mulation and reversal of norepinephrine transporter [13].

Despite the available information on the ETA-receptor,

very few data exist on the role of the ETB-receptor on

sympathetic stimulation during myocardial ischemia. In

our experiments, the excessive sympathetic stimulation,

observed in ETB-deficient rats early post-MI, indicates a

protective role of the ETB-receptor and concurs with pre-

vious findings in isolated, Langendorff-perfused rat hearts

[36]. In this study [36], ETB-deficient rats displayed

exaggerated norepinephrine overflow after global ischemia

and this effect was abolished by selective ETA-receptor

blockade. Recently, Isaka et al. [17] demonstrated that both

ETA- and ETB-receptors are located in the LV sympathetic

nerve varicosities and modulate norepinephrine release. In

their experiments in isolated ischemic guinea pig hearts

[17], exogenously applied ET-1 increased norepinephrine

release and ventricular tachyarrhythmias in a dose-depen-

dent manner, mediated by stimulation of ETA-receptors.

Moreover, in agreement with our findings, Isaka et al.

[17] reported marked elevation of norepinephrine release

after selective ETB-receptor blockade. Whether the ETB-

receptor decreases sympathetic activity directly by inhibiting

the Na?/H?-exchanger [17], or indirectly by decreasing ET-1

release [3] is unknown and constitutes subject for future


The regulatory effects of ET-1 on sympathetic stimu-

lation are exerted not only in the myocardium, but also in

the adrenal gland; there is strong evidence suggesting that

ET-1 is involved in the regulation of adrenal catecholamine

secretion [35]. In line with the aforementioned observa-

tions, different effects of ETA- and ETB-receptors appear

to exist also in the adrenal gland [35]. In this regard,

activation of ETA-receptors under ischemic conditions

augments the secretion of catecholamines, while ETB-

receptors exert an inhibitory action [27].

In summary, our data, examined in context with previ-

ous findings, suggest a protective effect of ETB-receptors

on ventricular arrhythmogenesis during phase I post-MI.

This effect appears to be exerted mainly by a decrease in

ETA-mediated sympathetic stimulation, both at the myo-

cardial and at the adrenal gland level. To this end, the

markedly elevated norepinephrine levels, found in our

ETB-deficient rat cohort, are secondary to enhanced sym-

pathetic stimulation at both levels, reflecting the dual

source of serum norepinephrine. In contrast, the less pro-

nounced difference in serum epinephrine levels between

the two rat groups can be explained by the inhibitory action

of ETB-receptors only in the adrenal gland.

Phase II arrhythmogenesis

A rather unexpected result in our experiments was the

decreased incidence of VT/VF in ETB-deficient rats during

phase II. This finding was accompanied by lower HR and

decreased sympathetic activity, as shown by fast-Fourier

ECG analysis. Surprisingly, relatively scant information

exists on phase II sympathetic activation in vivo. In the

present study, the use of an implantable ECG recording

system permitted the long-term evaluation of autonomic

function in conscious, untethered animals. In the control

group, sympathetic activation increased during phase I and

remained elevated during phase II. This pattern of sym-

pathetic stimulation was consistent with previous findings

from our laboratory [1, 11, 19]. In contrast, ETB-deficient

rats displayed pronounced sympathetic activation during

phase I, which subsequently decreased during phase II.

Nonetheless, this was of marginal importance, since mor-

tality was comparable in the two rat groups during this


The explanation for our finding is unclear, but norepi-

nephrine depletion [12] appears likely. The precise dura-

tion of ischemia required to cause this effect is unknown,

but it varies between 30 min and 60 min, depending on

species and preparation [12]. Thus, catecholamine deple-

tion during phase II might have been more pronounced in

ETB-deficient rats, secondary to increased sympathetic

activation during phase I.

In addition to catecholamines, phase II tachyarrhythmias

are thought to represent the balance between several pro-

and anti-arrhythmic substances [5]. ET-1 is involved in

several elements of the cytokine cascade elicited post-MI

and may indirectly interfere with phase II arrhythmogene-

sis. The decreased arrhythmogenesis in ETB-deficient rats

during phase II in our experiments underscores the complex

role of ET-1 during evolving MI and the need for future

research on this issue.

Strengths and limitations of the study

The present work addressed the role of ETB-receptors

on sympathetic activation and arrhythmogenesis during

an extended period post-MI, a topic that has not been

previously examined in vivo. Although data from animal

experiments should be extrapolated to humans with cau-

tion [25], we feel that our findings improve current

Basic Res Cardiol (2010) 105:235–245 243


understanding on the mechanisms of ischemic VT/VF.

However, three limitations should be acknowledged. First,

measurements of MAP recordings at several time intervals

post-ligation would have permitted more detailed assess-

ment of the underlying mechanisms. On the other hand,

such measurements would have interfered with the

arrhythmia recording process and were omitted. Second,

we did not include measurements of the ventricular

refractory period, a key element of arrhythmogenesis.

Nonetheless, no significant effects of ETA-receptor

blockade were found from our group in a previous study in

patients with coronary artery disease [20]. Finally, in the

present work, we did not assess LV function in the two rat

groups. Since LV dysfunction constitutes an important

cause of sympathetic activation, differences in post-MI LV

function between the two rat groups may have accounted

for the observed differences in sympathetic activation. The

effects of the ETB-receptor on LV function during MI

merit further study.


The present study indicates a prominent role of the ETB-

receptor on ventricular arrhythmogenesis during MI. Dur-

ing the early phase, the ETB-receptor attenuates ventricular

arrhythmogenesis by decreasing sympathetic activation.

During subsequent stages of acute MI, the pathophysio-

logic importance of the ETB-receptor appears diminished.

Further studies on the electrophysiologic properties of

ET-1 during MI in the presence or absence of reperfusion

are required.

Acknowledgments Agapi Vilaeti, MD, and Eleftheria Karambela,

RN, assisted during the experiments. Eleni Goga, MSc, offered

invaluable help as a research coordinator. This work was supported by

the Cardiovascular Research Institute, Ioannina and Athens, Greece.


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