ORIGINAL ARTICLE Early-Stage Visual Processing and Cortical Amplification Deficits in Schizophrenia Pamela D. Butler, PhD; Vance Zemon, PhD; Isaac Schechter, PsyD; Alice M. Saperstein, BA; Matthew J. Hoptman, PhD; Kelvin O. Lim, MD; Nadine Revheim, PhD; Gail Silipo, MA; Daniel C. Javitt, MD, PhD Background: Patients with schizophrenia show defi- cits in early-stage visual processing, potentially reflect- ing dysfunction of the magnocellular visual pathway. The magnocellular system operates normally in a nonlinear amplification mode mediated by glutamatergic (N-methyl- D-aspartate) receptors. Investigating magnocellular dys- function in schizophrenia therefore permits evaluation of underlying etiologic hypotheses. Objectives: To evaluate magnocellular dysfunction in schizophrenia, relative to known neurochemical and neu- roanatomical substrates, and to examine relationships be- tween electrophysiological and behavioral measures of visual pathway dysfunction and relationships with higher cognitive deficits. Design, Setting, and Participants: Between-group study at an inpatient state psychiatric hospital and out- patient county psychiatric facilities. Thirty-three pa- tients met DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia or schizoaf- fective disorder, and 21 nonpsychiatric volunteers of similar ages composed the control group. Main Outcome Measures: (1) Magnocellular and par- vocellular evoked potentials, analyzed using nonlinear (Michaelis-Menten) and linear contrast gain ap- proaches; (2) behavioral contrast sensitivity measures; (3) white matter integrity; (4) visual and nonvisual neu- ropsychological measures, and (5) clinical symptom and community functioning measures. Results: Patients generated evoked potentials that were significantly reduced in response to magnocellular- biased, but not parvocellular-biased, stimuli (P = .001). Michaelis-Menten analyses demonstrated reduced con- trast gain of the magnocellular system (P =.001). Pa- tients showed decreased contrast sensitivity to magno- cellular-biased stimuli (P.001). Evoked potential deficits were significantly related to decreased white matter in- tegrity in the optic radiations (P.03). Evoked poten- tial deficits predicted impaired contrast sensitivity (P = .002), which was in turn related to deficits in com- plex visual processing (P.04). Both evoked potential (P.04) and contrast sensitivity (P = .01) measures sig- nificantly predicted community functioning. Conclusions: These findings confirm the existence of early- stage visual processing dysfunction in schizophrenia and pro- vide the first evidence that such deficits are due to decreased nonlinear signal amplification, consistent with glutamater- gic theories. Neuroimaging studies support the hypothesis of dysfunction within low-level visual pathways involving thalamocortical radiations. Deficits in early-stage visual pro- cessing significantly predict higher cognitive deficits. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005;62:495-504 P ATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRE- nia show severe neurophysi- ological deficits in brain in- formation processing not only at cognitive levels 1-4 but also at perceptual levels. 5-8 Perceptual deficits have been particularly well-documented in the visual system 9-21 and have been shown to predict community outcome. 22,23 Fur- ther, the human visual system has been ex- quisitely characterized both functionally and anatomically, 24-26 permitting detailed examination of the brain mechanisms un- derlying dysfunction. This study uses steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEPs), together with psychophysics, neuropsychological evaluation, and mag- netic resonance imaging, to evaluate the ba- sis of early-stage visual processing deficits in schizophrenia. The visual system is divided into mag- nocellular and parvocellular pathways. The magnocellular system in general con- ducts low-resolution visual information rapidly to cortex and is involved in atten- tional capture and processing of overall stimulus organization. 27-29 The parvocel- lular system, in contrast, conducts high- resolution visual information to cortex and is involved in processing fine-grained Author Affiliations: Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, NY; (Drs Butler, Schechter, Hoptman, Revheim, and Javitt and Mss Saperstein and Silipo); Department of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine, New York (Drs Butler, Hoptman, and Javitt); Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY (Dr Zemon); and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Dr Lim). (REPRINTED) ARCH GEN PSYCHIATRY/ VOL 62, MAY 2005 WWW.ARCHGENPSYCHIATRY.COM 495 ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Early-Stage Visual Processing and Cortical Amplification Deficits in Schizophrenia

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Early-Stage Visual Processing and CorticalAmplification Deficits in SchizophreniaPamela D. Butler, PhD; Vance Zemon, PhD; Isaac Schechter, PsyD; Alice M. Saperstein, BA; Matthew J. Hoptman, PhD;Kelvin O. Lim, MD; Nadine Revheim, PhD; Gail Silipo, MA; Daniel C. Javitt, MD, PhD

Background: Patients with schizophrenia show defi-cits in early-stage visual processing, potentially reflect-ing dysfunction of the magnocellular visual pathway. Themagnocellular system operates normally in a nonlinearamplification mode mediated by glutamatergic (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors. Investigating magnocellular dys-function in schizophrenia therefore permits evaluationof underlying etiologic hypotheses.

Objectives: To evaluate magnocellular dysfunction inschizophrenia, relative to known neurochemical and neu-roanatomical substrates, and to examine relationships be-tween electrophysiological and behavioral measures ofvisual pathway dysfunction and relationships with highercognitive deficits.

Design, Setting, and Participants: Between-groupstudy at an inpatient state psychiatric hospital and out-patient county psychiatric facilities. Thirty-three pa-tients met DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia or schizoaf-fective disorder, and 21 nonpsychiatric volunteers ofsimilar ages composed the control group.

Main Outcome Measures: (1) Magnocellular and par-vocellular evoked potentials, analyzed using nonlinear(Michaelis-Menten) and linear contrast gain ap-proaches; (2) behavioral contrast sensitivity measures;(3) white matter integrity; (4) visual and nonvisual neu-

ropsychological measures, and (5) clinical symptom andcommunity functioning measures.

Results: Patients generated evoked potentials that weresignificantly reduced in response to magnocellular-biased, but not parvocellular-biased, stimuli (P=.001).Michaelis-Menten analyses demonstrated reduced con-trast gain of the magnocellular system (P=.001). Pa-tients showed decreased contrast sensitivity to magno-cellular-biased stimuli (P�.001). Evoked potential deficitswere significantly related to decreased white matter in-tegrity in the optic radiations (P�.03). Evoked poten-tial deficits predicted impaired contrast sensitivity(P=.002), which was in turn related to deficits in com-plex visual processing (P�.04). Both evoked potential(P�.04) and contrast sensitivity (P=.01) measures sig-nificantly predicted community functioning.

Conclusions:Thesefindingsconfirmtheexistenceofearly-stagevisualprocessingdysfunctioninschizophreniaandpro-vide the firstevidence that suchdeficitsareduetodecreasednonlinear signal amplification, consistentwithglutamater-gic theories. Neuroimaging studies support the hypothesisof dysfunction within low-level visual pathways involvingthalamocortical radiations.Deficits inearly-stagevisualpro-cessing significantly predict higher cognitive deficits.

Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005;62:495-504

P ATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRE-nia show severe neurophysi-ological deficits in brain in-formation processing not onlyat cognitive levels1-4 but also

at perceptual levels.5-8 Perceptual deficitshave been particularly well-documented inthe visual system9-21 and have been shownto predict community outcome.22,23 Fur-ther, the human visual system has been ex-quisitely characterized both functionallyand anatomically,24-26 permitting detailedexamination of the brain mechanisms un-derlying dysfunction. This study usessteady-state visual evoked potentials

(ssVEPs), together with psychophysics,neuropsychological evaluation, and mag-netic resonance imaging, to evaluate the ba-sis of early-stage visual processing deficitsin schizophrenia.

The visual system is divided into mag-nocellular and parvocellular pathways. Themagnocellular system in general con-ducts low-resolution visual informationrapidly to cortex and is involved in atten-tional capture and processing of overallstimulus organization.27-29 The parvocel-lular system, in contrast, conducts high-resolution visual information to cortex andis involved in processing fine-grained

Author Affiliations: NathanKline Institute for PsychiatricResearch, Orangeburg, NY;(Drs Butler, Schechter,Hoptman, Revheim, and Javittand Mss Saperstein and Silipo);Department of Psychiatry, NewYork University School ofMedicine, New York(Drs Butler, Hoptman, andJavitt); Ferkauf GraduateSchool of Psychology, YeshivaUniversity, Bronx, NY(Dr Zemon); and University ofMinnesota, Minneapolis(Dr Lim).


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

stimulus configurations and object identification.27,30 Afurther focus of the study, therefore, is in the delinea-tion of the differential functional roles of the magnocel-lular and parvocellular systems in visual processing dys-function.

Both the magnocellular and parvocellular pathways be-gin in the retina and project, by means of lateral genicu-late nucleus (LGN), to primary visual cortex (striate cor-tex, V1). From primary visual cortex, magnocellularinformation is conveyed preferentially to parieto-occipitalcortex and other dorsal-stream visual areas (the where path-way), and parvocellular information is conveyed prefer-entially to temporo-occipital cortex and other ventral-stream visual areas (the what pathway), although crossoverbetween pathways also occurs.27,31,32 Both the optic radia-tions from LGN to V1 and the projections from striate toextrastriate visual areas form white matter tracts that canbe imaged using procedures such as diffusion tensor im-aging (DTI), which provide an index of the integrity of criti-cal neuronal projection systems.33,34

Processing of complex images, such as occur in nature,reflects the dynamic interplay between the magnocellularand parvocellular systems. However, the functioning of the2 systems can be analyzed differentially using simple stimuli,such as isolated checks from a checkerboard pattern. Physi-cal stimulus features, such as the brightness of the checksrelative to the background (luminance contrast) can be ma-nipulated to preferentially activate the magnocellular and

parvocellular componentsof the system.Magnocellularneu-rons show greater sensitivity than parvocellular neuronsto low luminance-contrast stimuli (approximately 1%-10% contrast) but reach a saturation-level response afterluminancecontrast reaches16%to32%.35 Parvocellularneu-rons, in contrast, do not start responding until stimuli reachhigher contrast (approximately 10%) and show a nonsat-urating increase in response amplitude across a wide rangeof luminance contrasts.36 Thus, low-contrast stimuli pref-erentially activate the magnocellular system, whereas high-contrast stimuli preferentially activate the parvocellular sys-tem.

Because of the response properties of the magnocel-lular neurons, the magnocellular system amplifies brainresponses to low-contrast stimuli significantly more thanit amplifies responses to higher-contrast stimuli, lead-ing to a characteristic s-shaped, nonlinear contrast re-sponse curve.35 Properties of this amplification functionare modeled using the Michaelis-Menten equation, whichprovides separate parameters of contrast gain, semisatu-ration point (s), and plateau response (Figure 1). Con-trast gain is the initial segment of the contrast responsecurve, which rises rapidly at low contrast due to signalamplification. Because visual pathways within the brainuse glutamate as their primary neurotransmitter, the rela-tive role of specific glutamatergic receptors in genera-tion of the nonlinear contrast response curve has beenmodeled in animals. In particular, administering N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists into the visualsystem produces a specific reduction in contrast gain andplateau response, with no shift in semisaturation,37,38

which can thus be viewed as a signature of NMDA dys-function. We hypothesize that patients with schizophre-nia will have decreased contrast gain and plateau re-sponses with no change in semisaturation point of themagnocellular response, reflecting decreased signal am-plification.

A second distinguishing feature of the magnocellularand parvocellular systems is their differential sensitivityto object size within the visual field. Magnocellular neu-rons receive input from larger regions of the visual fieldthan do parvocellular neurons.24 As a result, the magno-cellular system is particularly sensitive to large objects(low spatial frequency), whereas the parvocellular sys-tem is more sensitive to small objects (high spatial fre-quency).39 Because larger stimuli are processed prefer-entially by the magnocellular system, such stimuli cantypically be detected even when the contrast level is be-low 10%. In contrast, smaller stimuli are generally de-tected at contrast thresholds significantly above 10%, in-dicating reliance on parvocellular mechanisms. Contrastsensitivity to larger and smaller stimuli can therefore beused to determine the behavioral integrity of the mag-nocellular and parvocellular systems, respectively.20,21,40

An underlying hypothesis of this project is that distur-bances in early-stage, low-level processing in the visualsystem will “upwardly generalize” to erode processingat higher stages of the visual system.

The present study evaluates visual processing dys-function in schizophrenia using a combined ssVEP, be-havioral, and structural approach. For ssVEP studies,stimuli were biased toward magnocellular vs parvocel-











g Ra

te (S



NMDA BlockadeControl

0.0–0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8





Figure 1. Characteristic, nonlinear contrast response function of cat lateralgeniculate nucleus neuron (open circles) showing the effect ofN-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonism with D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (D-APV) (closed circles). Nonlinear responseproperties of this system are modeled using the Michaelis-Menten equation,which provides separate estimates for sensitivity (semisaturation point, s)and plateau response (Rmax). Contrast gain is defined as the slope of thecurve at the semisaturation point and calculated as Rmax/2s. The NMDAantagonist D-APV produces a characteristic reduction in Rmax and contrastgain, with no corresponding change in semisaturation response (closedcircles). Data are from Kwon et al37 and are similar to those reportedelsewhere.38 A decrease in slope and plateau with no change insemisaturation point indicates a decrease in amplification of the response.38

(Figure adapted with permission from Kwon et al.37)


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

lular processing by manipulating luminance contrast. Inthe magnocellular-selective condition, stimuli appearedand disappeared, a manipulation that preferentially en-gages the magnocellular system. Conversely, in the par-vocellular-selective condition, stimuli were modulatedaround a high 48% level of contrast (pedestal) that satu-rates the magnocellular response and so isolates the ad-ditional parvocellular activation.9,41

For behavioral studies, stimuli were biased toward themagnocellular vs parvocellular system by manipulatingspatial frequency, and the contrast level needed for tar-get detection was assessed. For both ssVEP and behav-ioral studies, brief (�32 milliseconds) stimuli were usedto limit cross talk between systems. For structural evalu-ation, DTI-based fractional anisotropy (FA) of white mat-ter integrity was assessed in multiple visual areas, in-cluding both low-level optic radiations connecting LGNand V1 and higher-level projections involving dorsal- andventral-steam structures. Finally, patients were as-sessed using a neuropsychological battery consisting ofboth visually related and visually unrelated measuresknown to be affected in schizophrenia, as well as stan-dardized symptomatic and functional assessments, to as-sess the contribution of early-stage deficits to higher-level neurocognition and global outcome in schizophrenia.



Informed consent was obtained from 33 patients (26 men, 7women) meeting DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia (n=27) orschizoaffective disorder (n=6) at inpatient and outpatient fa-cilities associated with the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychi-atric Research (Orangeburg, NY) and 21 healthy volunteers (13men, 8 women) of similar age, following a full explanation ofthe procedures (Table 1). Diagnoses were obtained using theStructured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV44 and all available clini-cal information. All patients were receiving antipsychotic medi-cations at the time of testing. We excluded healthy volunteerswith a history of Axis I psychiatric disorder, as defined by theStructured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV.

Patients and controls were excluded if they had any neu-rological or ophthalmologic disorders that might affect perfor-mance or if they met criteria for alcohol or substance depen-dence within the last 6 months or abuse within the last month.All participants had 20/30 corrected visual acuity or better onthe Logarithmic Visual Acuity Chart (Precision Vision,LaSalle, Ill).

The patient and control groups did not differ significantlyin age (patients, mean ± SEM = 37.1 ± 1.7 years; controls,36.2±2.2 years) or sex ratio (Fisher exact test; P=.22), al-though socioeconomic status, as measured by the 4-factor Holl-ingshead Scale, was significantly lower for patients (21.6±1.3;n=30) than for controls (56.2±3.2, n=21) (t=11.2, df=49,P�.001).


Patterns for psychophysical and electrophysiological experi-ments were generated using a VENUS system (NeuroscientificCorporation, Farmingdale, NY) on a red-green-blue monitor witha frame rate of approximately 119 Hz (noninterlaced). Viewingdistance was 114 cm for ssVEP and 160 cm for psychophysical

experiments. The stimulus fields subtended 8�8° and 5.7�5.7°of visual angle, respectively. The space-average luminance wasapproximately 100 candela per square meter (cd/m2).


Steady-state visual evoked potentials were obtained as previ-ously described.9 Steady-state visual evoked potentials were elic-ited by sinusoidal temporal modulation of an array of isolatedchecks (16�16 checks; each 15 minutes of arc of visual angle)on a steady background.45 The luminance of the checks wasmodulated below that of the static background, producing nega-tive contrast (dark checks).

Steady-state visual evoked potentials were biased toward mag-nocellular vs parvocellular systems in separate runs throughthe use of different pedestals.9 In both conditions, luminanceof the checks was sinusoidally modulated around the standingcontrast level (pedestal) in 7 steps (0%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 16%,and 32%), leading to 7 levels of depth of modulation (DOM)per run. For the magnocellular condition, the pedestal equaledthe DOM so that stimuli appeared and disappeared. For the par-vocellular condition, the pedestal equaled 48% so that con-trast never went below 16%.

Each of the 7 steps of DOM was presented for approxi-mately 1 second so that each run lasted approximately 7 sec-onds. Stimuli were presented at a temporal frequency of 12 Hz.

Table 1. Sample Characteristics of Patients WithSchizophrenia

CharacteristicMean ± SEMMeasurement

Chlorpromazine daily equivalent (n = 33), mg 1194.0 ± 91.7Antipsychotics

Atypical 25Typical 2Both 6

Illness duration (n = 29), y 14.5 ± 1.7BPRS total score (n = 27) 36.9 ± 2.1SANS total score (including global scores) (n = 27) 42.8 ± 2.9GAF score (n = 21) 39.7 ± 1.7WAIS-III Digit Symbol scaled score (n = 29) 5.2 ± 0.4Continuous Performance Test–Identical Pairs42

scores (n = 16)Hit rate, 2 digits 0.4 ± 0.1Hit rate, 3 digits 0.3 ± 0.1Hit rate, 4 digits 0.3 ± 0.1

IQ (Quick Test)43 score (n = 25) 93.4 ± 3.1Wisconsin Card Sorting (n = 27)*

Categories achieved, No. 0.9 ± 0.3Perserverative errors, No. 19.8 ± 2.7

WMS III Logical Memory recall (story A) score (n = 27) 6.9 ± 0.9WAIS-R Digit Span (n = 27)

Digits Forward raw score 6.9 ± 0.5Digits Backward raw score 5.2 ± 0.4

WAIS-R Vocabulary scaled score (n = 26) 6.7 ± 0.5WAIS-R Information scaled score (n = 27) 7.4 ± 0.7ILS-PB scaled score (n = 31) 30.7 ± 1.9

Abbreviations: BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; GAF, GlobalAssessment of Functioning; ILS-PB, Problem Solving Factor of theIndependent Living Scales; SANS, Scale for the Assessment of NegativeSymptoms; WAIS-III, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Third Edition;WAIS-R, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Revised Edition; WMS III,Wechsler Memory Scale, Third Edition.

*The version of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test used was the WisconsinCard Sorting Test–64: Computer Version (Psychological AssessmentResources, Lutz, Fla).


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Ten magnocellular-biased runs followed by 10 parvocellular-biased runs were presented in a set for patients and controls.

Steady-state visual evoked potentials were recorded from anoccipital midline site relative to the nose using gold-cup elec-trodes.46 A ground electrode was placed at the parietal site. Tenruns for each participant were averaged, and signal-to-noise ra-tios (SNRs) were obtained for each DOM.47,48 As previously de-scribed,9,41,48 the SNR is the amplitude of the response at thestimulus frequency divided by an estimate of noise at that fre-quency. Signal-to-noise ratio values greater than or equal to 1indicate a significant ssVEP response at an � level of .05.

To derive quantitative parameters for the magnocellular andparvocellular contrast-response functions, regressions to non-linear and linear equations were performed, respectively. Themagnocellular curves, which are nonlinear, were fitted usingthe nonlinear Michaelis-Menten equation. Three interrelatedparameters were extracted: Rmax, the plateau response; con-trast gain, the slope of the curve at the semisaturation point;and s, the semisaturation contrast, which is the DOM requiredto produce half-maximal SNR. The parameters are related ac-cording to the formula contrast gain=Rmax/2s.

The parvocellular-biased contrast response functions, whichare primarily linear, were fitted using a linear regression equa-tion, yielding an estimate for slope.


Contrast sensitivity functions were obtained by presenting 7horizontal sine-wave gratings at the following spatial frequen-cies: 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, and 21 cycles per degree. Spatial fre-quency is the number of pairs or cycles of light and dark barsin 1 degree of visual angle, expressed as cycles per degree.39

Each grating was presented for 32 milliseconds. An up-and-down transformed response method was used to obtain con-trast thresholds with a criterion of 70.7% correct responses foreach spatial frequency.49 The mean of 10 reversals was used toobtain thresholds.

Presentation of the different spatial frequency gratings wasinterleaved in a random order. A spatial 2-alternative forced-choice procedure was used. Gratings were presented on eitherthe right or left side of the screen, and the participant was askedto say on which side the gratings appeared. To decrease the dif-ficulty of the task and to minimize response errors, the experi-menter rather than the participant pressed the buttons on thekeypad to signify that the grating was seen on the left or theright side.

Results were plotted as contrast sensitivity, which is the re-ciprocal of threshold, vs spatial frequency. Increased contrastsensitivity indicates better performance.


Participants were tested binocularly after being light-adaptedto the background luminance of the display for several min-utes. Participants received ssVEP testing after which contrastsensitivity functions were obtained.


Imaging was conducted on a 1.5-Tesla Siemens Vision system(Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) at the Nathan Kline Instituteas previously described.33 Briefly, axial DTI scans were ac-quired with a pulsed gradient, double-spin echo, echo planarimaging sequence. The scans were performed with the follow-ing parameters: repetition time, 6000 milliseconds; echo time,100 milliseconds; 128�128 matrix interpolated to 256�256;

field of view, 240 mm; b, 900 seconds/mm2; number of exci-tations, 4; 20 slices; slice thickness, 5 mm; gap, 0 mm; 6 dif-fusion directions. Fractional anisotropy measures were calcu-lated.34,50 Image analysis and quantification was performed usingcustom, Interactive Data Language–based software language (Re-search Systems, Boulder, Colo).

Regions of interest were placed bilaterally on 4 different loci:(1) optic radiations (LGN to primary visual cortex, slice cor-responding to the anterior commissure/posterior commissureplane); (2) striate/extrastriate cortex (approximately 15 mmabove the anterior commissure/posterior commissure plane inwhite matter in the most posterior regions of the occipital cor-tex); (3) inferior parietal lobule (dorsal stream region, approxi-mately 25 mm above the anterior commissure/posterior com-missure plane); and (4) fusiform gyrus (ventral stream region,approximately 10 mm below the anterior commissure/posterior commissure plane), yielding a total of 8 measure-ments. The regions of interest were placed on the T2-weighted (b=0) images.50 Within patients, there were nosignificant differences between the right and left hemisphereFA for any of the 4 brain regions examined. Thus, for all areas,the mean of right and left hemisphere FA was used for corre-lations.


The neuropsychological tests listed in Table 1 were adminis-tered to patients. To assess global outcome, we used the Prob-lem Solving Factor of the Independent Living Scales, which isa semistructured interview designed to assess the likelihood ofsuccessful independent living.51 Questions such as “Tell me 2reasons why it is important to pay your bills” are used to elu-cidate effective strategies for negotiating life on a day-to-daybasis. The Problem Solving Factor of the Independent LivingScales has recently been applied to schizophrenia.52


Post-hoc t tests were applied when the analyses of variance re-vealed significant main effects or interactions. We also used ttests to analyze slopes, plateaus, and semisaturation points. Re-lationships between measures were analyzed by linear corre-lation. We used signal-to-noise ratio at 16% DOM for both mag-nocellular- and parvocellular-biased ssVEP conditions andcontrast sensitivity at 0.5 and 21 cycles per degree for corre-lations. Data were missing for 1 patient and 1 control in thessVEP condition and for 2 patients and 1 control in the con-trast sensitivity condition. A subset of 14 patients with schizo-phrenia participated in the DTI study.



SNR Analyses

For the magnocellular-biased condition, SNRs of 1.0 ormore (ie, exceeding background noise) were obtained at1% DOM for both the patients with schizophrenia andcontrols (Figure 2A). Analysis of variance conductedacross all levels of DOM showed a highly significant be-tween-group effect for patients vs controls (F1,50=13.0,P=.001). There was also a significant interaction be-


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

tween group and DOM (F5,46 = 3.2, P=.02). Patient SNRswere reduced by 30% to 50% of comparison values.

For the parvocellular-biased condition, SNRs exceed-ing background noise were also obtained at 1% for bothgroups (Figure 2B). However, in this condition analysisof variance did not show a significant overall between-group difference (F1,50 = 2.1, P = .15). Further, a repeatedmeasures analysis of variance of within-group factors ofcondition (magnocellular vs parvocellular) and DOM andbetween-group factors of diagnostic group demonstrateda highly significant interaction of group and stimulus type(F1,50 = 9.0, P = .004), indicating greater severity of mag-nocellular, rather than parvocellular, dysfunction.

Contrast Gain Analyses

For both the schizophrenia and control groups, as ex-pected, the magnocellular contrast response curves weremarkedly nonlinear, with initial steep slope followed byplateau at about 16% DOM. For both schizophrenia andcontrol groups, highly reliable fits were obtained to groupmean data using the nonlinear Michaelis-Menten equa-tion (r�.99) (Figure 2B). The 2 groups differed signifi-cantly (P�.001) in slope (representing contrast gain)(Figure 3A) and plateau (Figure 3B) but not semisatu-ration point (s, controls, 6.61±1.55; patients, 6.17±1.78;t=0.17, df=302, P=.9), indicating decreased amplifica-tion of the magnocellular contrast response function inpatients with schizophrenia.

For both groups, as expected, the parvocellular curvesshowed linear responses over the 1% to 16% range, al-though an apparent nonlinear increase was observed be-tween 16% and 32% for controls only. Data were there-fore fitted using a linear regression over the 1% to 16%DOM range (Figure 2B). For both groups, highly reli-

able estimates were obtained (r�0.9). Slopes for the 1%to 16% DOM range did not differ significantly betweengroups (Figure 3A).


Analysis of variance conducted across all levels of spa-tial frequency revealed a significant between-group effect(F1,49 = 81.6, P�.001), as well as a significant group �spatial frequency interaction (F6,44 = 13.1, P�.001), in-dicating selective deficits in magnocellular-biased stimu-lus detection (Figure 4). Further, contrast sensitivitydeficits correlated significantly with deficits in ssVEP per-formance (r=0.55, n=30, P=.002) (Figure 5), reflect-






0 2 4 8



Depth of Modulation, % of Luminance Modulation

Magnocellular Condition




se R



10 2 4 8 16 32

Parvocellular Condition


Controls n = 20Patients With Schizophrenia n = 32

Figure 2. Steady-state visual evoked potential signal-to-noise ratios forpatients with schizophrenia and healthy controls in test conditions usingluminance contrast to emphasize magnocellular or parvocellular visualpathways. Nonlinear curve fits were obtained for the magnocellular-biasedcontrast response function using the Michaelis-Menten equation. Linearcurve fits were obtained for the parvocellular-biased condition using linearregression. For the magnocellular condition, analysis of variance showed asignificant between-group effect. For the parvocellular condition, while therewas no significant between-group effect, a significant between-groupdifference was observed at 32% depth of modulation (t=3.0, df=50,P=.004). Asterisk indicates P�.05.












A Controls n = 20Patients n = 32















∗ ∗

Figure 3. Slope and plateau levels obtained using steady-state visual evokedpotentials (ssVEPs) for patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls intest conditions using luminance contrast to emphasize magnocellular orparvocellular pathways. No plateau is given for the parvocellular-biasedcondition because of the nonsaturating nature of the response. Slope wascalculated for the magnocellular-biased condition using theMichaelis-Menten equation and for the parvocellular-biased condition using alinear regression equation. Asterisk indicates P�.001; NA, not applicable.











10 21Spatial Frequency, Cycles per Degree






Contrast Threshold, %

Controls n = 20Patients With Schizophrenia n = 31

Figure 4. Psychophysical contrast sensitivity functions for patients withschizophrenia and healthy controls. Values are plotted as contrast sensitivity,defined as the reciprocal of contrast threshold percentage. Correspondingcontrast thresholds are shown on the right side. Results at the lower spatialfrequencies are indicative of performance of the magnocellular system, andresults at the higher spatial frequencies are indicative of performance of theparvocellular system. Asterisk indicates P�.002.


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

ing a significant intercorrelation between electrophysi-ological and behavioral measures.


Representative regions of interest for optic radiations forthe FA map are shown in Figure 6A. There was a sig-nificant correlation between optic radiation FA and mag-nocellular-biased (r=0.59, n=14, P=.02), but not par-vocellular-biased (r=0.46, n=14, P=.09), ssVEP responses(Figure 6B). No significant correlations between mag-nocellular- or parvocellular-biased ssVEP responses andFA were found for any other brain region.



Patients are characterized with respect to neuropsycho-logical performance in Table 1. Decreased contrast sen-sitivity at 0.5 cycles per degree was significantly corre-lated with poorer performance on the Digit Symbol taskand with hit rate on the 4-digit Continuous Perfor-mance Task–Identical Pairs,42 measures of visual pro-cessing, as well as with digits backward and forward andIQ (Quick Test).43 In contrast, no significant correla-tions were found with the Wisconsin Card Sorting (WCS)or Logical Memory (Table 2).

No significant correlations were found between eithercontrast sensitivity at 21 cycles per degree or magnocel-lular- and parvocellular-biased ssVEP results and neu-ropsychological functioning. However, magnocellular-(r=0.37, n=30, P=.04) and parvocellular-biased (r=0.44,n=30, P=.01) ssVEP measures and contrast sensitivityat 0.5 cycles per degree (r=0.44, n=30, P=.01) all cor-related significantly with the Problem Solving Factor ofthe Independent Living Scales, a surrogate measure ofcommunity functioning.

Magnocellular-biased ssVEP performance also corre-lated significantly with scores on the Global Assessmentof Functioning (r=0.5, n=20, P=.02), but not with totalscores on the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symp-

toms or Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. No significant cor-relations were found between parvocellular-biasedssVEP performance or contrast sensitivity measures andscores on the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symp-toms, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, or Global Assess-ment of Functioning.


No significant correlation was found between magno-cellular-biased ssVEP responses (r=−0.15, n=32, P=.4)or between contrast sensitivity at 0.5 cycles per degree(r=−0.16, n=31, P= .4) and chlorpromazine equiva-lents. Further, significant deficits in magnocellularssVEP generation (F1,42 = 9.9, P = .003) and contrast sen-sitivity (F1,41 = 71.1, P�.001) compared with controls wereobserved even in the subgroup of patients receiving atypi-cal antipsychotics alone.

A significant negative correlation was found betweenparvocellular-biased ssVEP responses and chlorproma-zine equivalents (r = −0.46, n = 32, P = .008), althoughno correlation was observed with contrast sensitivity at21 cycles per degree (r = −0.02, n = 31, P = .9). No dif-ferences were observed between subjects receiving atypi-cal antipsychotics alone vs those receiving mixed typi-cal and atypical medication on any measure.


Over the past decade, deficits in early visual processingin patients with schizophrenia have become increas-ingly well-documented, although underlying mecha-nisms remain obscure. Deficits are particularly promi-nent in processes, such as motion detection or backwardmasking, that depend mainly upon magnocellular inputto the dorsal visual stream and in detection of low con-trast and low spatial frequency stimuli.9,13,14,16-18,20,40,53 How-ever, deficits have been observed as well even in pro-cessing of parvocellular-biased stimuli.20,54,55 The presentstudy demonstrates that deficits in contrast gain, a formof neural amplification, may be critically involved in earlycortical dysfunction in schizophrenia. Diffusion tensorimaging results support the hypothesis that deficits in thegeneration of magnocellular-biased ssVEPs are related todysfunction at low levels of the visual system. In addi-tion, deficits in behavioral detection of simple magno-cellular-biased stimuli correlate with deficits in magno-cellular-biased ssVEPs, confirming a critical role of earlycortical dysfunction in visual behavioral deficits.

The present results support our previous report of apreferential magnocellular dysfunction using ssVEP.9

There was a significant statistical interaction betweengroup and visual pathway, indicating greater involve-ment of the magnocellular system under the conditionsstudied. As in previous studies, however, this study doesnot preclude parvocellular involvement in schizophre-nia as well, and in fact, an isolated deficit was observedin patients at the highest level of DOM. Thus, early-stage processing in general appears impaired, with thedegree of impairment greater for the magnocellular vi-sual system than it is for parvocellular visual system.








0 1 2 3 5

r = 0.55P = .002

4 6 7Magnocellular-Biased ssVEP Signal-to-Noise Ratio





ity (0

.5 C


s pe

r Deg


Figure 5. Scatterplot showing the relationship between magnocellular-biasedsteady-state visual evoked potential (ssVEP) responses andmagnocellular-biased contrast sensitivity for patients with schizophrenia.


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

The preferential magnocellular dysfunction reportedhere seems to occur at low levels of the visual system.First, the ssVEP stimuli, which used luminance con-trast, were chosen because they differentially activate mag-nocellular vs parvocellular neurons in LGN and pri-mary visual cortex. Indeed, the magnocellular andparvocellular contrast response functions are very simi-lar to what is seen from single-cell recordings in mon-key LGN.35 Second, a significant relationship was foundbetween decreased magnocellular-biased ssVEP re-sponses and decreased white matter integrity in the op-tic radiations, which project from LGN to striate cortex.Significant relationships between ssVEP responses andwhite matter integrity at higher levels of the visual sys-tem were not found.

These DTI findings provide direct support for the hy-pothesis that magnocellular dysfunction occurs at the ear-liest stages of visual responsivity. Previous reports of de-creased white matter integrity in occipital white matteradjacent to the splenium of the corpus callosum33,56 pro-vide anatomical support for a relationship between whitematter deficits in low-level visual areas and ssVEP defi-cits. Fractional anisotropy deficits can be produced byprimary glial or neuronal pathology with patterns deter-mined by radial and axial diffusivity.57 Our study is alsoconsistent with previous findings of decreased func-tional magnetic resonance imaging activation in thala-mus in response to visual and auditory stimuli, al-though decreased functional magnetic resonance imagingactivation in the dorsal visual pathway was also foundin patients with schizophrenia.11 Although we cannot ruleout a role of higher brain areas in ssVEP deficits, our re-sults indicate a selective role of lower visual areas in mag-nocellular-biased ssVEP dysfunction and a role of de-creased white matter integrity in these deficits.

Although the etiology of visual processing dysfunc-tion in schizophrenia has yet to be defined, results fromthe present study help constrain potential etiologies. Re-cent theories of schizophrenia propose that symptomsreflect impaired neurotransmission at NMDA-type glu-tamate receptors.58-60 This theory is supported by stud-ies showing that NMDA antagonists such as phencycli-

dine or ketamine induce cognitive deficits closelyresembling those of schizophrenia61-65 and that positiveNMDA modulators such as glycine ameliorate specificsigns and symptoms.66-68 The decreased contrast gain andplateau in the magnocellular-biased ssVEP contrast re-sponse curve for patients with schizophrenia in the pres-ent study (Figure 2A) closely resembles results seen fol-lowing microinfusion of an NDMA antagonist into catLGN (Figure 1). Further, the correlation between re-duced optic radiation integrity and ssVEP deficits sup-ports models in which impaired afferent information flowcontributes to early-stage visual processing deficits in

Table 2. Correlations Between Visual Processing andNeuropsychological Function for Patients WithSchizophrenia

Neuropsychological Function

Correlations withMagnocellular-Biased Contrast

Sensitivity (0.5 Cycles per Degree)

Visual MeasuresWAIS-III Digit Symbol scaled score r = 0.50, n = 28, P = .007*Hit rate, 2-digit CPT-IP r = 0.21, n = 16, P = .43Hit rate, 3-digit CPT-IP r = 0.45, n = 16, P = .08Hit rate, 4-digit CPT-IP r = 0.56, n = 16, P = .02*

Nonvisual MeasuresDigits Backward raw score r = 0.58, n = 25, P = .003*Digits Forward raw score r = 0.41, n = 25, P = .02*Wisconsin Card Sorting categories

achieved, No.r = 0.11, n = 25, P = .63

Wisconsin Card Sortingperseverative errors, No.

r = –0.05, n = 25, P = .81

WMS III Logical Memory recall r = 0.11, n = 25, P = .59Intelligence

IQ (Quick Test) score r = 0.48, n = 23, P = .02*WAIS-R Vocabulary scaled score r = 0.36, n = 24, P = .09WAIS-R Information scaled score r = 0.35, n = 25, P = 09

Abbreviations: CPT-IP, Continuous Performance Test–Identical Pairs;WAIS-III, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Third Edition; WAIS-R, WechslerAdult Intelligence Scale, Revised Edition; WMS III, Wechsler Memory Scale,Third Edition.









4000 1 2 3 4 5

Magnocellular-Biased ssVEP Signal-to-Noise Ratio




n Fr


nal A




r = 0.59P = .02

Figure 6. (A) Fractional anisotropy (FA) image with circles representing regions of interest based on their placement in the optic radiations on the b=0 image (notshown). (B) Scatter plot showing the relationship between magnocellular-biased steady-state visual evoked potential (ssVEP) responses and FA of optic radiationwhite matter tracts for patients with schizophrenia. Fractional anisotropy measures range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing complete isotropic diffusion (nodirectional selectivity) and 1 representing complete anisotropy.


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

schizophrenia. In controls but not patients, a deviationfrom linear gain in the parvocellular response was seenat 32% DOM, indicating that the critical issue underly-ing the deficit in schizophrenia may not be pathway, butthe characteristics of the processing involved. Thus, thecapacity of neuronal systems for nonlinear gain (ie, am-plification) may be reduced in general in schizophrenia,but in the visual system, nonlinear gain is more charac-teristic of the magnocellular system than it is of the par-vocellular system. We predict that more pervasive defi-cits might be observed under other conditions that drivethe parvocellular system into a nonlinear gain process.

With regard to behavioral findings, we report a dif-ferential deficit in the ability of patients with schizophre-nia to detect low and medium (0.5-7 cycles per degree)vs high (10-21 cycles per degree) spatial frequency sta-tionary gratings, as reflected in a significant group � spa-tial frequency interaction. In the low and middle spatialfrequency range, contrast sensitivity values (which arethe reciprocals of thresholds) for patients and controlswere in the range of 50 to 100, corresponding to thresh-old levels of 1% to 2% contrast. Thus, when contrast de-tection thresholds were in the magnocellular-selectiverange, and especially when stimuli were biased towardthe magnocellular system by spatial frequency (ie, lowerspatial frequencies), patients showed deficits relative tocontrols. However, when stimuli were biased toward theparvocellular system at the highest spatial frequency, con-trast sensitivity values for patients and controls were ap-proximately 3, corresponding to thresholds of 33% con-trast. This value is above the magnocellular-selective rangeand thus reflects parvocellular involvement. Taken to-gether, these findings suggest that contrast sensitivity,like ssVEP, is relatively preserved for the parvocellularsystem but impaired for the magnocellular system inschizophrenia.

To date, literature regarding contrast sensitivity defi-cits in schizophrenia, to date, has been conflicting, withsome groups finding deficits to low and middle spatial fre-quency gratings20,21,69 and others not.40,70 Differences maybe due to methodological issues70 or to type of antipsy-chotic medication.71 However, the present results sug-gest that absolute contrast threshold levels may also be afactor. In particular, studies that have found behavioral defi-cits to high spatial frequency gratings have typically usedlong (400-500 milliseconds) presentation rates yieldingthresholds of approximately 10% or less.20,21 At the shorter32-millisecond duration used in the present study, abso-lute thresholds were in the parvocellular range, and no defi-cit was seen to high spatial frequency. Thus, the criticalparameter across studies may be absolute contrast levelrather than spatial frequency alone. A more recent studyfurther confirms magnocellular dysfunction in schizo-phrenia through the use of different contrast levels.72

Recent studies have revealed a variety of visual pro-cessing deficits in schizophrenia, particularly in such taskssuch as motion detection, trajectory, and spatial local-ization14,17,40,53,72-74 that reflect dysfunction of the dorsalvisual stream. Because the dorsal stream receives pri-mary input from the magnocellular visual pathway,32 defi-cits in magnocellular function may also underlie higher-order dorsal visual pathway dysfunction. For example,

microinfusion of NMDA antagonists into V1 disrupts cor-tical processing of motion information,75 a process thatis also impaired in schizophrenia.17,40,73,74

Deficits in higher-order stages of visual processing, asindexed by tasks used in the present study (Digit Sym-bol, Continuous Performance Task–Identical Pairs), havebeen shown consistently to contribute to poor func-tional outcomes in schizophrenia,22,76 although the neu-rophysiological basis for these deficits has yet to be de-termined. The present study demonstrates a chain ofcorrelation from early-stage electrophysiological distur-bance (ssVEP) through basic sensory processing (con-trast sensitivity) to complex visual processing (Digit Sym-bol, Continuous Performance Task–Identical Pairs),mediated as well by structural alterations within basic vi-sual pathways (optic radiation FA). In contrast to the chainof relationships within visually based behaviors, no cor-relations were observed between ssVEP or contrast sen-sitivity and Logical Memory or Wisconsin Card Sortingperformance, a putative measure of prefrontal dysfunc-tion in schizophrenia—suggesting specificity of relation-ships within the visual system. Thus, cognitive dysfunc-tion in schizophrenia most likely involves dysfunctionwithin broadly distributed neural networks, with dys-function of early-stage visual areas contributing specifi-cally to dysfunction of ecologically relevant complex vi-sual behaviors.

A limitation of this study is that all the patients werereceiving medications at the time of testing. Thus, thepossibility of a medication effect must be considered. How-ever, visual processing deficits have been observed in bothmedicated and unmedicated patients,10,55,77-80 as well asin first-degree relatives of patients with schizophre-nia72,81-83 and people with schizotypal personality disor-der84 who are not receiving medication.

Chen et al71 have suggested that contrast-sensitivity defi-cits are related to medication such that they are found onlyin patients taking typical, rather than atypical, antipsy-chotics. In the present study, deficits were observed evenin patients receiving atypical antipsychotics alone, sug-gesting that patient characteristics rather than medica-tion type might be the primary predictor of visual dys-function. Finally, no significant correlations were foundbetween chlorpromazine equivalents and magnocellular-biased ssVEP performance or contrast sensitivity, al-though a significant correlation was found between chlor-promazine equivalents and parvocellular-biased ssVEPperformance, a task on which patients did not show a defi-cit in the analysis of variance. Thus, it is unlikely that thedifferential deficits shown in this study are due to a medi-cation effect.

In summary, this study demonstrates deficits in early-stage visual processing involving especially the magno-cellular visual system. The pattern of deficits is consis-tent with predictions of glutamatergic NMDA models.Across patients, deficits in early-stage neurophysiologi-cal function contribute significantly to lower-level vi-sual deficits (eg, contrast sensitivity), which contributein turn to higher-level deficits such as performance inDigit Symbol and Continuous Performance Task–Identical Pairs tasks. Neurophysiological deficits corre-lated as well with structural deficits of optic radiations


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

documenting the importance of subcortical as well as cor-tical dysfunction in schizophrenia.

Submitted for Publication: February 24, 2004; final re-vision received August 27, 2004; accepted September 9,2004.Correspondence: Pamela D. Butler, PhD, Nathan KlineInstitute for Psychiatric Research, 140 Old OrangeburgRd, Orangeburg, NY 10962 ([email protected]).Funding/Support: This study was supported in part by aLieber Young Investigator Award from the National Alli-ance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, GreatNeck, NY (Dr Butler); grants RO1 MH66374 (Dr Butler),RO1 MH64783 (Dr Hoptman), RO1 MH60662 (Dr Lim),and R37 MH49334 and K02 MH01439 (Dr Javitt) fromthe US Public Health Service, Rockville, Md; and a Trans-lational Scientist Award from the Burroughs WellcomeFund, Research Triangle Park, NC (Dr Javitt).Previous Presentation: This work was presented in partat the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psy-chiatry; April 29, 2004; New York, NY; and is publishedafter peer review and revision.


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