Early River Civilizations

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Early River Civilizations

Nile River Valley Civilization• The Nile River is the

longest river in the world. It stretches 4, 187 miles to the Mediterranean Sea.

• The source of the Nile is sometimes considered to be Lake Victoria, but the lake itself has feeder rivers of considerable size.

The Nile Delta

• The Nile Delta, created by deposits of sediment at the mouth of the river, was important to the people of Egypt.

• The Nile River floodedevery year bringing silt, finely ground soil, to fertilize this area.

Farming Along the Nile

• The farmland was divided into large estates: however the peasants did most of the farming.

• They used crude hoes and wooden plows.


• Wheat and barley were the main grain crops.

• Flax was also grown and then spun and woven into linen.

• Farmers also grew cotton to weave into cloth.


• The Nile Valley contains minerals such as granite, sandstone, and limestone which were used for trade and building of religious facilities pyramids, the pharaoh’s tombs.


• The climate was sunny and frost-free which made it ideal for farming.

• The North wind made it easy for ships to travel upstream to southern Africa with the wind or downstream to the Mediterranean Sea with the current.

Egyptian Government

• The government was controlled by Pharaohs who had absolutepower. They kept a strict control over the government and people.

• Egypt created a strong army and gained land along the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.


• They had a developed writing system called hieroglyphics.

• Hieroglyphics used more ant 600 signs, pictures, or symbols to represent words and sounds.

• They used papyrus that grew in the delta to make paper.

• Egyptians used ink made from soot, water, and plant juice.