Bulletin - 102421.pub - Central Presbyterian Church

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PARKING Free parking is available Sundays in the MPR lot, KCP lot and the World Trade Center Parking Ramp across Cedar Street. If parking in the ramp, be sure to get a voucher from the usher to avoid ramp fees. (You simply insert voucher into the machine after your parking ticket as the means of payment.) For weekday parking options, visit our website. ACCESSIBILITY

Large print worship bulletins and hymns are available from the ushers or in back of the sanctuary. The sanctuary is T-coil enabled for those with the hearing aid technology. Sound amplification devices are also available from ushers. Reserved accessible parking and a wheelchair ramp are available in the MPR lot off 9th Street East. Accessible restrooms are in the hall by side sanctuary doors and on the lower level.

PHOTOGRAPHY & SOCIAL MEDIA You are in a space where live-stream videography and photography will occur. To review our photography and media use policy, go to www.centralforgood.org/photography. CONTACT INFORMATION 500 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 (651) 224-4728 | [email protected]


IN OUR PRAYERS Central is a caring community of faith that includes members, friends, and visitors. We give thought to those who are rarely or currently not able to attend worship here. Today, we keep in our prayers Margorie Elliot. CHILDREN Children and youth are a beloved part of our faith community! All are welcome in the sanctuary during worship or you may take advantage of childcare upstairs in the nursery for those infant thru kindergarten age. At the back of the sanctuary, you will find worship materials for children to borrow including books, fidget toys, coloring materials, and children’s bulletins. Changing tables are available in our restrooms with diapering supplies available in the nursery. FLOWERS If you would like to donate flowers for worship in recognition of a special moment or event, please contact Anna Sanchez to coordinate details at (651) 224-4728 or [email protected]. LICENSE The music in today’s bulletin is reprinted with permission, OneLicense.net A-71257. The cover art is an adaptation of “Jesus Healing the Blind Man” by Brian Jekel.


ORDER OF WORSHIP As we gather in this space to worship, let us listen for God’s still, small voice by silencing

our cell phones and using the music to bring us into a time of reflection and prayer.

Please rise in body or in spirit PRELUDE Chamber Ensemble

“Be Thou My Vision” (arr. Dana Everson) WELCOME Rev. Carol Reed CALL TO WORSHIP - Psalm 34 Sophie & Addie

L: Come, let us bless our God. C: Let everyone bless God. L: God is near the brokenhearted. C: Let everyone praise Christ. L: With one voice, let us magnify and exalt the Lord,

for God has delivered us and made us whole. C: Let us praise our God, the Lord of life.


O God, we give you praise. As we worship you, open our eyes so that we may see - open the eyes of our mind to learning and understanding. Open the eyes of our heart, to love and compassion; open the eyes of our soul, to see our spiritual selves as you see them. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.


“Taste and See” Psalm 34 (by James Moore) PRAYER OF CONFESSION

L: O God, our hearts cry out, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!” But we are too often afraid to claim your mercy and healing with our voices.

C: Jesus, son of David, have mercy on us. L: Help us, Lord, to acknowledge before you and before each other that our healing

comes from you and not from our own efforts. C: Jesus, son of David, have mercy on us. L: Show us again the beauty of this world, the pain in our neighbor’s heart, the silent


cries for justice, and all the blessings you place on our path. C: Jesus, son of David, have mercy on us.


L: Turn and see the light of God’s love. It is lavished upon you. You have been healed and made whole in God’s love. Be at peace and rejoice! In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

C: Thanks be to God! TIME FOR CHILDREN Laura Walls

We invite young children to stay in worship with their families following children’s time,

or they may have their parents/guardians sign them into the nursery upstairs.

FIRST SCRIPTURE READING - Psalm 34:1-8 p. xxx in pew Bible SECOND SCRIPTURE READING - Mark 10:46-52 p. xxx in pew Bible

L: The Word of the Lord. C: Thanks be to God.

SERMON - Blessing God at All Times Rev. Carol Reed PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.


To limit person-to-person contact, offering plates will not be passed in the pews, only carried

down the main aisle. You are welcome to give to ushers as they pass, drop into the basket outside

the sanctuary doors before worship, or submit to the office during normal office hours .

OFFERTORY Central Choir

“Run, Bartimaeus, Run” (by Joel Raney)


While we are not yet able to pass the offering plate,

we invite you to give through other ways.

QUESTIONS? Call (651) 224-4728 ext. 100

Donate Online For regular & special offerings ww.centralforgood.org/give

Mail a Check 500 Cedar St St. Paul, MN 55101

Recurring Transfer Set up a regular bank transfer

Leave in Person Drop in Sunday offering or bring to office during normal office hours (M-F 9am-12pm)


Scripture Readings: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 | Mark 12:28-34

Rev. Carol Reed will preach “Loving God with Heart, Mind, and Soul” and we will remember those who have died in the past year by name in observance of All Saints Day. The Central

Choir sings special music as we honor and remember. Loved ones are invited to bring pictures and objects of those who have died, which will be placed by the pulpit.

PRAYER OF DEDICATION God of life and of all we need, as a token of our gratitude and a reflection of our devotion, we give back to you from our abundance. Multiply the gifts of our hands, that they may double what we can do alone. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.


“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” (by John Hughes )

You are welcome to sing our final song as we begin to sing congregational hymns together again.

If this is not comfortable for you, please feel free to leave the sanctuary and to join us

in the Friendship Room for fellowship time with refreshments. BENEDICTION SENDING SONG Chamber Ensemble

“Dance of Joy” (by Lennie Niehaus)


All Saints Sunday Next Sunday we will remember those who have died in the past year by name in observance of All Saints Day. We would welcome your help in remembering the names of those who have died in the past 12 months (since November 1, 2020). If you have a Central member, friend, or family member you would like included in this time, please contact Anna Sanchez at (651) 224-4728 or [email protected].

Loved ones are invited to bring pictures and objects of those who have died to worship this day, which will be placed by the pulpit before services begin. For those who wish to do so, you may bring those items to the church office Monday - Friday between 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. to have them placed on your behalf before worship.

Reception for Laura Walls Join us next Sunday (October 31) during coffee and fellowship time after worship when we will share in a welcome reception for our new Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator, Laura Walls.

Time to Order Offering Envelopes Would you like to get a box of weekly offering envelopes to use for your financial contributions to Central? Central distributes (upon request) a boxed set of giving envelopes that are dated for each Sunday of the year, including some special offerings like the annual per capita contribution to the Presbytery. We provide these at no cost to you, and can either be picked up at church in late December or mailed to you if that is more convenient. Did you get a box of envelopes this year, but do not use them? We will happily take you off the list to save paper and printing costs. Please contact Anna in the church office no later than October 31 at (651) 224-4728 or email [email protected] to either order a box, or cancel your order for next year. If you received a box this year, and want to continue again, you do not need to do anything. We will post an announcement in the bulletin and newsletter when the shipment arrives and is ready for pickup.

WELCOME TO CENTRAL Whether you are sharing worship with us in our historic sanctuary or joining via live-stream

video, we hope you feel the vitality of our people, our programs, and our focus on the present. If you are looking for a place to put your beliefs into action or for a community to

provide support and inspiration, we are looking for you. Central is open and affirming of all people. If you are visiting today, we invite you to fill out a connect card in the pews and drop

in the offering basket. Welcome to Central Presbyterian Church.


Our Coordinated Mission Committee is sponsoring a donation drive in October to benefit the Rice Street Food Shelf, part of Keystone Community Services. High priority needs for donations right now are: • Personal Hygiene - bar

soap, body wash, deodorant, feminine products (pads, tampons), disposable razors, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

• Household Cleaning Supplies - all-purpose cleaners, dish soap, trash bags, cleaning/sanitizing.

• If you’d like to donate baby products, diapers (Size 4/5/6) and baby wipes are most needed.

• Basic food items always high in demand are peanut butter, jelly, rice, ramen, canned meats (tuna and spam), and mac & cheese.

If you are unable to bring your donation on October 24 or 31, please contact the office at (651) 224-4728 to arrange another drop off time. Thank you!



Donations Will Be Collected at Central Presbyterian Church on

Sundays, October 24 or 31 Financial donations will also be accepted

with checks made payable to Keystone Community Services.



(651) 224-4728

PASTORAL CARE Rev. Dr. Carol Reed, Transitional Pastor

[email protected], ext. 102

Maureen Smith, Bible Study Leader [email protected]

ADMINISTRATION Anna Sanchez, Church Administrator [email protected], ext. 100

Christie Rachelle, Communications [email protected]

Matt Ehling, Treasurer William Zopfi, Treasurer Emeritus Mary Lange, Evening Receptionist

Custodial Staff: Lavar Jones, Peter Evarts

MUSIC Jennifer Anderson, Dir. of Music Ministry [email protected], ext. 103

Music Staff: Shanta Hejmadi, Abbie Betinis, Adam Van der Sluis, Steve

Swanson, David Winkworth

YOUTH PROGRAMS Laura Walls, Children & Youth

Ministry Coordinator [email protected], ext 109

Megan Beese, Preschool Teacher

FOOD MINISTRY Barb Westman, Chef & Manager

ext. 114

Sue LeClaire, Sous Chef

MARTHA’S CLOSET Sandy White, Director

[email protected], ext. 112

This Week at Central SUNDAY 10/24 9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study (in person & Zoom) 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship Time 11:30 a.m. Knitting Group 7:00 p.m. St. Paul AA Speaker Meeting TUESDAY 10/26 10:30 a.m. Staff Meeting 12:00 p.m. Martha’s Closet 7:00 p.m. Anti-Racism Task Force Meeting 7:00 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal WEDNESDAY 10/27 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Wednesday Community Lunch 6:30 p.m. Chamber Ensemble Rehearsal 7:15 p.m. Central Choir Rehearsal SUNDAY 10/31 9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study (in person & Zoom) 10:30 a.m. Worship - All Saints Remembrance 11:30 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship Time Welcome Reception for Laura Walls 7:00 p.m. St. Paul AA Speaker Meeting


Thank you to all members and visitors for wearing a name tag during worship and fellowship

time. With masks obscuring friendly faces, this helps us know each other and create a welcoming

space for people to approach one another. (You may pick one up by the bulletins.)