Blazevska_Acropolis Sector, Research 1999-2000 in: D. Mitrevski (ed.), Vardarski Rid, vol. I, Skopje 2005

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UrednikDragi Mitrevski



Fondacija Vardarski Rid - Skopje

Institut za Istorija na umetnost i arheologija -

Filosofski Fakultet - Skopje

Izdava~ki odborD-r Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova - pretsedatel

profesor na Filozofskiot Fakultet

D-r Trajan Gocevskiprofesor na Filozofskiot Fakultet

D-r Dragi Mitrevskiprofesor na Filozofskiot Fakultet

Jovan Petrovskiizvr{en direktor na Mobimak

Glaven urednikD-r Dragi Mitrevski

RecenzentiD-r Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova

D-r Dragi Mitrevski

Pomo{nik urednikSilvana Bla`evska

Kompjuterska podgotovkaBranko Ga{teovski

Lektura na makedonski jazikAleksandar Jordanoski

Prevod na angliski jazikVioleta Svonson

Gordana MojsovskaBlagoja Bo{kovski

Simon Kara{ovIgor Jankovski

Lektura na angliski jazikDr Vilijam Najdinger - TFAHR

Jula Matjus - TFAHR

Ilustrativen materijalOd dokumentacijata na Vardarski Rid

Pe~atEvropa '92 - Ko~ani






Edited byDragi Mitrevski


PublisherFoundation Vardarski Rid - Skopje

Institute for History of Art and Archaeology - Faculty of Philosophy - Skopje

Editorial BoardDr Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova - Pesident

Professor at the Faculty of PhilosophyDr Trajan Gocevski

Professor at the Faculty of PhilosophyDr Dragi Mitrevski

Professor at the Faculty of PhilosophyJovan Petrovski

General Manager of Mobimak

General Editor Dr Dragi Mitrevski

ReviewersDr Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova

Dr Dragi Mitrevski

Editorial AssistantSSiillvvaannaa BBllaa`̀eevvsskkaa

Computer layoutBBrraannkkoo GGaa{{tteeoovvsskkii

Macedonian ProofreaderAleksandar Jordanoski

English TranslationVioleta Svonson

Gordana Mojsovska BBllaaggoojjaa BBoo{{kkoovvsskkii

SSiimmoonn KKaarraa{{oovvIgor Jankovski

English ProofreadersDr William Neidinger - TFAHR

Eulah Matthews - TFAHR

IllustrationsFrom documentation of Vardarski Rid

Printed byEvropa '92 - KKoo~~aannii


S o d r ` i n aC o n t e n t s


Dragi Mitrevski Vardarski Rid

Istra`uvawa 1995-200415

Zlatko VideskiBronzenoto vreme na Vardarski Rid


Aleksandra PapazovskaSloevi od `eleznoto vreme na

Vardarski Rid115

Emil SlamkovStoa

Del od klasi~nata agora na Vardarski Rid


Sarita KarpuzovaKu}a so kolci


William Neidinger, Eulah Matthews

The Acropolis: Sratigraphic, Architecturaland Historical Report


Silvana Bla`evskaSektor Akropola

Istra`uvawa 1999-2000209

Dragi MitrevskiKu}ata na kolekcionerot


Silvana Bla`evskaPe~ki za keramika



Dragi Mitrevski Vardarski Rid

Research 1995-200415

Zlatko VideskiThe Bronze Age at Vardarski Rid


Aleksandra PapazovskaThe Iron Age Layers at

Vardarski Rid115

Emil SlamkovStoa

Part of the Classical Agora at Vardarski Rid


Sarita KarpuzovaThe House with Poles


Vilijam Najdinger, Jula Matjuz

Akropola: Izve{taj za stratigrafi-jata, arhitekturata i istorijata


Silvana Bla`evskaAcropolis Sector

Research 1999-2000209

Dragi MitrevskiThe House of the Collector


Silvana Bla`evskaPottery Kilns


Marjan JovanovBronzeni sadovi od Vardarski Rid


Vera Bitrakova GrozdanovaSkulpturata od Vardarski Rid


Silvana Bla`evskaMinijaturni medicinski sadovi


Marjan JovanovKrajot na `ivotot

na Vardarski Rid 315

Boban Husenovski Depo na srebreni tetradrahmi

od III vek pr. n.e.323

Biljana Pa~kova Kufojanakis

Arhitektonsko-grade`ni materi-jali i elementi na anti~kata

naselba na Vardarski Rid347

Milan IvanovskiSawa Ivanovska

Konzervatorski raboti naVardarski Rid


Aleksandra Papazovska Pogrebuvawata na Varadarski Rid


Fanica VeljanovskaPraistoriskoto naselenie

na Vardarski Rid385


Marjan JovanovThe Bronze Vessels from Vardarski Rid


Vera Bitakova GrozdanovaThe Sculpture from Vardarski Rid


Silvana Bla`evskaMiniature Medicine Vessels


Marjan Jovanov The End of Settlement Life

at Vardarski Rid315

Boban Husenovski A Hoard of Silver Tetradrachmas from the

third century BC323

Biljana Pa~kova Kufojanakis Arhitectural and Consruction Material

from the Ancient Settlement at Vardarski Rid


Milan IvanovskiSanja Ivanovska

Conservation Procedures at Vardarski Rid


Aleksandra PapazovskaThe Vardarski Rid Burials


Fanica VeljanovskaPrehistoric population

on Vardarski Rid385



Vrednuvaweto ili opredelbata na eden arheolo{ki lokalitetmo`e da se gradira vo pove}e stepeni. Mo`e da bide svedeno na

elementarno nivo, koga se opredeluva samo osnovniot karakter i gru-bite hronolo{ki ramki, a mo`e da pretstavuva i najvisok stepen naopredelba, koga se stignuva do celosna rekonstrukcija na kulturno-istoriskite, arheolo{ki, antropolo{ki, biolo{ki, klimatolo{kii drugi vrednosti.

Na toj pat, do {to e mo`no pocelosno vrednuvawe na VardarskiRid, stignati sme dotamu {to ve}e mo`eme da zboruvame za eden nov imo{ne zna~aen arheolo{ki punkt po dolinata na Vardar, poto~no, voDolno Povardarie. Ovoj region, so svojata geografska pozicija, imalkrucijalno mesto i uloga vo kulturniot i istoriski razvitok naBalkanot, vo periodot od krajot na bronzenoto vreme do vosposta-vuvaweto na rimskata dominacija. Vo nego, lokalitetot VardarskiRid ve}e se afirmira kako edna od centralnite i najgolemi naselbi, sointenziven i kontinuiran `ivot tokmu niz navedeniot period.

Celiot dvaesetti vek arheologijata vo Dolno Povardarie (anti~-ka Amfaksitida) be{e vo znakot, na rezultatite od istra`uvawatana pove}eslojnite praistoriski naselbi vo gr~kiot del na regionot(Kilindir, ^au{ica, Vardino, Amatovo, Vardarovca, Kastanas).Pritoa, osven Tumba-Kastanas, istra`uvawata na ostanatite na-selbi se vr{eni u{te vo prvite decenii na dvaesettiot vek, i toasonda`no - na strogo limitirani povr{ini. Vo me|uvreme, vr{eni seistra`uvawa u{te na nekolku punktovi vo okolinata na Kuku{. Oddruga strana, vo severniot del na regionot, na teritorijata naRepublika Makedonija, poznati se samo istra`uvawata na nekolkunekropoli od `eleznoto vreme vo valandovsko-gevgeliskiot region,kako i sonda`nite iskopuvawa na Isar-Marvinci kaj Valandovo.

Lokalitetot Vardarski Rid-Gevgelija se nao|a tokmu vo centa-rot na Dolno Povardarie, smetaj}i go ovoj region, od DemirkapiskataKlisura do moreto, za edinstvena geomorfolo{ka i kulturna celina.

Nejzinata topografija, stratigrafija, hronologija i kul-turni vrednosti, ja pozicioniraat ovaa naselba kako me|u poznatitepove}eslojni, vo osnova, praistoriski naselbi - telovi dol` dolenVardar, taka i me|u ranoanti~kite makedonski gradovi na sever odPela. Prvite, praistoriskite naselbi kako Vardino, Vardarovca,Kastanas ili Kilindir, zaedno so `eleznodopskite nekropoli vovalandovsko-gevgeliskiot i kuku{kiot region, obezbeduvaat ubavpregled na sevkupniot kulturen razvitok na regionot niz celotobronzeno i `elezno vreme. Sepak, na ovie lokaliteti im nedostasu-vaat posodr`ajni sloevi i podatoci za vekovite od ranata antika.



Od druga strana, pak, istra`uvawata na istoriskite gradovi,trgnuvaj}i od Pela preku Europ do Isar-Marvinci, nudat podatoci,glavno, za `iveeweto vo ranoanti~ko ili predrimsko vreme, bezmo`nosti za sogleduvawe na prethodniot kulturen razvitok.

Vo vakov kontekst lokalitetot Vardarski Rid ja pretstavuvaonaa spojka {to gi povrzuva praistoriskite so ranoistoriskitenaselbi po dolinata na Vardar. Vo sega{niot stepen na istra`enosttoj se pojavuva kako sto`erno nao|ali{te za re{avaweto na nekoi odkrupnite problemi na kulturno-istoriskiot razvitok naPovardarieto vo prviot milenium pred Hrista. Taka, zasega edin-stveno na Vardarski Rid e vozmo`no da se sogledaat na edno mestosite etapi od kulturniot razvitok, od docnoto bronzeno vreme dovostanovuvaweto na rimskata dominacija vo Makedonija. So drugizborovi, edinstveno Vardarski Rid ovozmo`uva na edno mesto da sedokumentiraat takvi slo`eni procesi, kako onie od vremeto na pre-odot od bronzeno vo `elezno vreme ili onie od krajot na `eleznotovreme i po~etokot na ranata antika. Vo isto vreme, na VardarskiRid mo`at da se sledat i procesite na vostanovuvaweto na prvataurbanizacija i gradski `ivot, kako i site razvojni fazi i karakter-istiki vo naselbinskoto `iveewe na eden istoriski posvedo~enstaromakedonski grad.Vo literaturata ve}e e iznesena mo`nosta zaidentifikacija na Vardarski Rid so predrimskata Gortinija.

Vakvata posebnost Vardarski Rid ja dol`i najmnogu na svojatageostrate{ka polo`ba, kako edinstvena mo`na pozicija za nasel-binsko `iveewe vo tie vremiwa vo Gevgelisko. Taka, negovata pozici-ja morala da odgovori i na kriteriumite na edna praistoriska nasel-ba, no i na potrebite na eden istoriski grad.

Od 1995 godina na Vardarski Rid se vr{at sistematski arheolo{-ki istra`uvawa. Vo prvite dve godini tie se izveduvaa vo ramkite nazaedni~kiot me|unaroden proekt na Muzejot na Makedonija - Skopje iTeksa{kata fondacija za arheolo{ki i istoriski istra`uvawa,dodeka vo slednite godini kako proekt na Muzejot na Makedonija iFilozofskiot fakultet - Skopje.

Po deset godini sistematski istra`uvawa utvrdena e strati-grafijata na lokalitetot, otkrieni se brojni arheolo{ki i arhi-tektonski celini i bogat arheolo{ki materijal koj se ~uva i delum-no e izlo`en vo Muzejot na Gevgelija.

Rezultatite od istra`uvawata na Vardarski Rid ne se publikuvanivo celost, iako se prezentirani niza momenti i naodi vo forma naizve{tai od poedini istra`uva~ki kampawi, na javni predavawa isoop{tenija na razni nau~ni sobiri. Pokraj toa, dosega se publikuvani itri zasebni truda koi direktno proizleguvaat od rezultatite na sis-tematskite istra`uvawa, i toa: D. Mitrevski, "Staromakedonskiotgrad na Vardarski Rid# , Skopje 2001 (publikacija za op{tite karakter-istiki i vrednosti na lokalitetot, bazirana na otkritijata do 2001g.);B. Husenovski, "Anti~kite moneti od Vardarski Rid#, Gevgelija 2004

(publikacija so katalog na numizmati~kiot materijal otkrien na

Vardarski Rid do 2001 g.); E. Slamkov "Umetnosta na Vardarski Rid#,

Gevgelija 2004 (publikacija - katalog od istoimenata izlo`ba na

naodite so najvisoki estetski vrednosti otkrieni na Vardarski Rid).

Ovaa kniga pretstavuva prv tom, po~etok na celosnata nau~naobrabotka i prezentacija na rezultatite od dosega{nite sistem-atski istra`uvawa na Vardarski Rid. Delo e na ~lenovite naistra`uva~kata ekipa, zadol`eni za poedine~ni segmenti vo proce-sot na istra`uvawe.


Objavuvaweto na publikacijata e poddr`ano od Filozofskiotfakulet, odnosno Oddelot za arheologija - Skopje, koj e nositel naproektot za istra`uvawe na Vardarski Rid i glaven realizator naterenskite raboti, sekako, vo sorabotka so Muzejot na Makedonijavo Skopje i Muzejot vo Gevgelija. Od druga strana, ve}e e vo podgotov-ka i vtoriot tom koj }e bide posveten na problemot na naselbinska-ta keramika od anti~kata naselba na Vardarski Rid, a koj direktnoproizleguva od istoimenata magisterska rabota na S. Bla`evska.

Na krajot, no ne pomalku zna~ajno e odbele`uvaweto na finansiska-ta potkrepa vo realizacijata na poedine~nite istra`uva~ki kam-pawi i konzervatorski aktivnosti, bez {to nema{e da bide dostig-nat sega{niot stepen na istra`enost, a so toa i vozmo`na ovaa pub-likacija. Vo ovaa smisla, golema blagodarnost dol`ime na: Minister-stvoto za kultura i Ministerstvoto za nauka na R. Makedonija, Fo-ndacijata otvoreno op{testvo - Skopje i Amerikanskata ambasadavo Skopje, koi bea finansieri na terenskite aktivnosti na Vardar-ski Rid vo prvite godini, koga i najmnogu be{e potrebna nivnatapomo{ i razbirawe.

Vo poslednite tri godini, koga e postignata i najgolemata dina-mika vo terenskite aktivnosti, kako patron na istra`uvawata naVardarski Rid se pojavi Mobimak. Blagodarenie na toa, ovoj lokali-tet zasega e edinstveniot arheolo{ki punkt vo R. Makedonija, kadecelosno se pokrieni finansiskite potrebi za istra`uva~ka rabota,so {to e obezbeden neophodniot kontinuitet na plansko istra`uva-we i permanentno prou~uvawe i prezentirawe na otkritijata.

Rezultat na finansiskata poddr{ka na Mobimak e i ovaa publika-cija, poradi {to, na Upravniot bord na Mobimak i posebno na direk-torot Jovan Petrovski mu izrazuvame javna blagodarnost.

Noemvri, 2004 g.d-r Dragi Mitrevski,

rakovoditel na istra`uvawata na Vardarski Rid


T he evaluation or determination of an archaeological site can be made at sev-eral levels. At a basic level its main character and the approximate chrono-

logical framework can be determined; or, at a higher level, the complete recon-struction of the cultural, historical, archaeological, anthropological, biological,and climatic aspects can be re-created.

On the way towards as complete an evaluation of Vardarski Rid as possible, wehave reached that point where we can publicize a new and very important archae-ological site in the lower valley of the Vardar River. Due to its geographic position,this region had crucial place and role in the cultural and historical development ofthe Balkans in the period from the end of the Bronze Age until the establishment ofRoman domination. Vardarski Rid is one of the central and largest settlements withan intensive and continuous life through these periods.

During the whole of the twentieth century, the archaeological knowledge of thelower Vardar Valley (ancient Amaphaxitis) was based on the results from explo-rations of the prehistoric settlements with complex stratigraphy in the Greek part ofthis region (Kilindir, Chaouchitza, Vardino, Amatovo, Vardarophtsa, and Kastanas).With the exception of Toumba – Kastanas, the explorations of the other settlementscarried out in the early twentieth century were only trial excavations, in strictly lim-ited areas. At the same time, excavations in the Kilkis district were carried out. Inthe northern part of the region, in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, onlyexplorations of some Iron Age necropolises from the region of Valandovo andGevgelija are known, as well as some trial excavations at the site of Isar-Marvincinear Valandovo.

The archaeological site of Vardarski Rid, Gevgelija is exactly in the center of theLower Vardar Valley, comprising the region between the Demir Kapija Ravine andthe sea, as one geomorphologic and cultural whole.

The topography, stratigraphy, chronology, and the cultural values of the siteplace it among the most famous, mainly prehistoric settlements, the tells along theLower Vardar Valley and the classical Macedonian towns to the north of Pella. Theprehistoric settlements at Vardino, Vardarophtsa, Kastanas, and Kilindir, as well asthe Iron Age necropolises in the region of Valandovo, Gevgelija and in the Kilkisarea, provide a clear overview of the region’s complete cultural developmentthroughout the Bronze and Iron Ages. However, all of these sites are lacking strataand data about the centuries of the later, Classical and Hellenistic periods. And, onthe other hand, the excavations of the historical towns, Pella, Europos, or Isar-Marvinci offer information mainly of the Classical or pre-Roman periods withoutany information regarding previous cultural development.

In this context, the site of Vardarski Rid offers the connection between the pre-historic and the early-historical settlements in the Vardar Valley. At the presentstage of exploration, Vardarski Rid appears to be the basic archaeological site forsolving some of the crucial problems of the cultural development in the Vardar



Valley in the first millennium BC. So, at this moment Vardarski Rid is the onlyarchaeological site that gives us the opportunity to examine all stages of the cultur-al development from the Late Bronze Age until the establishment of Roman domina-tion in Macedonia. Only Vardarski Rid supplies records of such complicatedprocesses as the transitional periods from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, or the onefrom the end of the Iron Age to the beginning of the Classical period. At VardarskiRid it is possible both to observe the process of establishing the first rudiments ofurbanization and town life, as well as to ascertain the developmental phases andcharacteristics of settlement patterns in one of the confirmed ancient Macedoniantown. The possibility this town to be identified as pre-Roman town of Gortiniaalready has been published.

This peculiarity of Vardarski Rid is due to its geo-strategic position as the onlypossible position for settlement in the region of Gevgelija. So its position was suit-able to the criteria of prehistoric settlement as well as to an historic town.

Vardarski Rid has been systematically explored since 1995. In the first twoyears these explorations were carried out in the framework of a joint internation-al project between the Museum of Macedonia - Skopje and The Texas FoundationFor Archaeological and Historical Research, while in the following years it was aproject of the Museum of Macedonia and the Faculty of Philosophy of theUniversity of Skopje.

After ten years of systematic excavations the stratigraphy of the site has beenestablished, numerous archaeological and architectonic wholes have been discov-ered, and rich archeological material has been unearthed, which is kept and partlyexhibited in the Museum of Gevgelija.

The results of the explorations at Vardarski Rid are not completely published, buta lot of moments and findings from some of the excavation campaigns have beenpresented as reports at public lectures at different scientific symposia. Also, threeseparate publications which resulted from the systematic excavations were pub-lished so far. Those are: D. Mitrevski, “The Ancient Macedonian Town at VardarskiRid”, Skopje 2001 (popular publication for the general characteristics of the sitebased on the discoveries up to 2001); B. Husenovski, “Ancient Coins of VardarskiRid”, Gevgelija 2004, (catalogue of coins discovered at Vardarski Rid up to 2001);E. Slamkov, “ The Art of Vardarski Rid”, Gevgelija 2004 (catalogue from the exibi-tion of the finds with high aesthetic values, discovered on Vardarski Rid).

This book, as a first volume represents the beginning of the complete scientificpublication and a presentation of the results from the systematic excavations atVardarski Rid so far. It is a work of the members of the research team responsiblefor specific segments in the exploration process.

Publication of results from the explorations is supported by the Faculty ofPhilosophy and the Department of Archaeology at the University of Skopje, whichis the main carrier and conductor of the research project for Vardarski Rid, in coop-eration with The Museum of Macedonia in Skopje and the Museum of Gevgelija.Onthe other hand, forthcoming is the second volume - the master thesis of S. Bla`evskawhich considers the pottery of the Late Classical and Hellenistic period atVardarski Rid.

However, we must mention that without the financial support for realization ofthe certain explorations and conservation activities, the present level of excava-tion could not have been reached. We are indebted to: the Ministry of Culture andthe Ministry of Science of the Republic of Macedonia, to the Open SocietyFoundation, Skopje, and the American Embassy in Skopje, which were financiersof the field work at Vardarski Rid for the first years when we needed their helpand understanding.

In the last three years the patronage at Vardarski Rid of Mobimak has beenappreciated, due to which Vardarski Rid has become one of the rare archaeologicalsites in the Republic of Macedonia, where excavation have been completely


financed, and the necessary continuity and permanent studying and presentation ofthe discoveries are provided for.

This publication is a result of the financial support by A.D. Mobimak; we wantto express our gratitude to the Mobimak Managing Board and especially to itsGeneral Manager Jovan Petrovski.

November, 2004 Dr. Dragi Mitrevski,

Conductor of the Excavation Projectat Vardarski Rid

Based on the results in the Acropolissector in the 1996 campaign,1 newexcavations were carried out whose

aim was to provide a clearer image of thecharacter and use of the already discoveredbuildings.

The rescue excavations that took place in thespring of 1999 encompass the northern edge ofthe Acropolis, where a section of the inner for-tification wall and a tower were discovered. Theuncovering of the fortification wall westwardscontinued in the next season, autumn 1999, andat the same time the area around the pavedstreet, discovered in 1996, was also partly exca-vated. In autumn 2000, larger scale excavationswere carried out.2

The stratigraphic picture of the Acropolisshows the existence of four constructionphases which chronologically belong to thelast four centuries BC, a dating which is con-firmed by the recovered numismatic material.

The earliest dwellings on the Acropolisare from the early fourth century BC, datedby the coins of Amyntas III (389-383 and381-369 BC).3 Although not discovered in astratigraphic context, these findings repre-sent the only movable artifacts which couldbe connected to this stratum. There were noarchitectural remains discovered, but theseearliest buildings probably were set directlyon the bedrock which was leveled and usedfor the foundation of the walls. However,

Vardarski Rid


Silvana Bla`evska

1 Za rezultatite od istra`uvawata vo 1996 g., vidiNeidinger W. - Matthews E., The Acropolis izve{tajot eprepe~aten vo ovaa publikacija.

2 Mitrevski D., 2001, 53-54.3 Husenovski B., 2004, T. I, 04, 05.

1 For the results of the research in 1996 seeNeidinger W. - Matthews E., The Acropolis, the reportis reprinted in this publication.

2 Mitrevski D., 2001, 53-54.3 Husenovski B., 2004, T. I, 04, 05.

Vrz osnova na rezultatite od sektorotAkropola, dobieni so kampawata vo1996 g.,1 a so cel da se dobie pojasna

slika za karakterot i namenata na ve}eotkrienite objekti, bea prezemeni novi is-tra`uvawa.

So za{titnite iskopuvawa, proletta 1999g., be{e opfaten severniot rab na Akropola-ta, kade e otkrien del od vnatre{en bedem ikula. Otkrivaweto na bedemot vo pravec konzapad prodol`i i slednata sezona, esenta1999 g., koga delumno be{e istra`en i pros-torot okolu poplo~enata ulica, otkriena1996 g. Esenta 2000 g. se vr{ea iskopuvawa odpogolem obem ~ija cel be{e doistra`uvawena otkrienite gradbi.2

Stratigrafskata slika na Akropolata po-ka`a postoewe na ~etiri grade`ni fazi koivremenski pripa|aat na poslednite ~etiriveka pr. n.e., {to e potvrdeno i so otkrieniotnumizmati~ki materijal.

Najstaroto registrirano `iveewe naAkropolata datira od raniot IV vek pr. n.e.,spored monetite na Aminta III (389-383 i 381-369 g. pr. n.e.),3 koi, iako ne se otkrieni vostratigrafski kontekst, pretstavuvaat edin-stveni dvi`ni naodi koi bi se povrzale soovoj horizont na `iveewe. Ostatoci odarhitektura ne se otkrieni, no objektiteverojatno bile postaveni direktno naprirodnata karpa koja bila nivelirana iiskoristena za fundirawe na temelite. No

Sektor AkropolaIstra`uvawe 1999 - 2000

Acropolis SectorResearch 1999-2000

Silvana Bla`evska

Silvana Bla`evska - Sektor Akropola, istra`uvawe 1999 - 2000


podocne`nite graditeli, sakaj}i da ja isko-ristat blizinata na karpata kako cvrsta pod-loga za temelewe na svoite gradbi temelno jais~istile, taka {to od ovie postari objektiostanale samo intervenciite vo karpata:vdlabeni kanali za temelite na yidovite,dupki od kolci i jami (Plan I, sl. 1). Sporedstratigrafskata podelba ovoj horizont na`iveewe pripa|a na poslednata grade`nafaza na pettata naselba (V.R.V, sloj 5).4

Ostatoci od gradbi od prvata grade`nafaza na helenisti~kata naselba (V.R.VI, sloj4) se registrirani samo na ograni~en pros-tor, kade prirodnata karpa zna~itelno pa|a idozvoluva za~uvuvawe na postarite kulturnisloevi.

Na severoisto~niot rab na Akropolatadelumno e otkriena gradba ~ii yidovi grade-ni od kr{en kamen vrzan so glina se posta-veni na karpata. Bila pokriena so teguli, akako podno nivo e iskoristena karpata, pret-hodno oblo`ena so nabiena glina (Plan II).Podocna, vrz nejzinite ostatoci bila podig-nata kula. Spored dvi`niot materijal, osobe-no celosno za~uvaniot kantaros so West Slopedekoracija, istata bi se datirala vo raniot IIIvek pr. n.e.5 Ostanatite naodi se prete`nofragmentirani, osven edno ojnohoe i ednalokalna forma na krater (sl. 2).

later builders, aiming to use the bedrock asfirm surface for their own constructions,thoroughly cleared away the debris from ear-lier buildings, so only cuttings in thebedrock remain: the carved canals for thewalls’ foundations, postholes and pits (PlanI; Fig. 1). In the general stratigraphic pictureof the site, these remains belong to the lastbuilding phase of the fifth settlement(V.R.V, layer 5).4

Remains of buildings from the first build-ing phase of the Hellenistic settlement(V.R.VI, layer 4) were discovered only in alimited area, where the natural rock slopessignificantly and allows for the preservationof the older cultural layers.

At the northeast edge of the Acropolis thereis only a partially excavated building, whosewalls of roughly cut stones bound with claywere set on the bedrock. It was roofed withterracotta tiles, and the bedrock, coated withhard packed clay, was used as a floor level(Plan II). Later, partially over these ruins atower was built. According to the finds, espe-cially the completely preserved kantharos withWest Slope decoration, the house could bedated to the early third century BC.5 The otherfinds are mostly pottery shards, except for oneoinochoe and a locally made krater (Fig. 2).

4 Mitrevski D., 2001, 18.5 Rotroff S. I., 1983, Pl. 552, Fig. 17; datiran e vo ran III

vek pr. n.e.; Rotrof S. I., 1997, Pl. 2, No. 14, datiran 290-275g. pr. n.e.

4 Mitrevski D., 2001, 18.5 Rotroff S. I., 1983, P1. 552, fig. 17; it is dated to

the early third century BC; Rotroff S. I., 1997, P1. 2,No. 14, it is dated 290-275 BC.

Sl. 1. Intervencii vo karpa od najstaroto `iveewe na Akropolata.Fig. 1. Rock cuttings from the earliest dwelling at the Acropolis.

Vardarski Rid


Plan I. Plan na gradbite na Akropolata.Plan I. Ground plan of the Acropolis.

Postara faza na Centralniot kompleks.Earlier phase of the Central Complex.

Najstari gradbi na Akropolata V.R. V.

Earliest dwellings at the Acropolis V.R. V.

Ostatoci od postar objekt V.R. VI.

Remains of the older building B.R. VI.

Uli~ka αAlley α

Uli~ka βAlley β

Bedem Rampart

Objekt B Building B

Objekt C Building C





C9 C10







Centralen kompleksCentral Complex


0 5 m

I' J' K' L' M'








Na istata grade`na faza pripa|a i edenyid od gradba otkrien esenta 1999 g. vo kv. J’19(Plan I, sl. 3). Datiraweto na gradbata vokrajot na IV i prvata polovina na III vek pr.n.e. go potvrduvaat i dvete otkrieni moneti.Ednata e posthumna moneta na Aleksandar III,od nepoznata kovnica vo Makedonija (325-310g. pr. n.e.), a vtorata na Antigon Gonat (277-239 g. pr. n.e.).6 So ogled na ograni~eniotistra`en prostor, kako i zaradi sovremeniteuni{tuvawa na ovoj prostor, ne bi mo`ele daizvle~eme pokonkretni zaklu~oci za kakovobjekt stanuva zbor.7

Istra`uvawata poka`aa deka vo sledniothorizont na `iveewe (V.R.VI, sloj 3, 2) egzis-tiral eden t.n. Centralen komleks ograden

One wall from a building, discovered insquare J’19 in the autumn of 1999, belongs tothe same construction phase (V.R.VI, layer 4)(Plan I, Fig. 3). Two coins date the building tothe end of the fourth and first half of the thirdcentury BC. One of the coins belongs to aposthumous series of Alexander III (325-310BC) struck in an unknown mint in Macedonia,and the other coin is of Antigonus Gonatas(277-239 BC).6 Considering the limited area ofexcavation and twentieth-century destructionon the Acropolis, we are not able to make anyfurther specific conclusions about the building.7

Excavation has uncovered in the followingstratum (V.R.VI, layer 3, 2) the so-calledCentral Complex, enclosed by an inner forti-

6 Husenovski B., 2004, T. IV, 32, T. VII, 61.7 Zapadno od yidot za vreme na Prvata svetska vojna

e izgraden bunker, koj prili~no gi o{tetil kulturnitesloevi.

6 Husenovski B., 2004, T. IV, 32, T. VII, 61.7 West of the wal l during World War I a bunk-

er was bui l t and i t s ignif icant ly damaged thedeposi ts .

Sl. 3. Ostatoci od postarobjekt vo kv. J’ 19.Fig. 3. Remains of the earlierbuilding in sq. J’19.

0 5 10 cm

0 5 10 cm

a b


Sl. 2. Nekolku sadovi od gradbatana s/i rab od Akropolata.Fig. 2. Several vessels from the buildingsat the NE edge of the Acropolis.


Silvana Bla`evska - Sektor Akropola, istra`uvawe 1999 - 2000

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so vnatre{en bedem i kula, koj se sostoi odnekolku objekti organizirani okolu dveuli~ki, severno i ju`no od masivniot pre-graden yid - J’20.1 (Plan I).

Pregradniot yid (J’20.1) koj vo pravec z-i eotkrien vo dol`ina od 13.4 m, e solidno gradenod kr{eni kamewa, re~ni val~esti kamewa, anamesta se vmetnati plo~i od varovnik zaradinivelacija, vrzani so glina (sl. 4). Negovata{irina iznesuva 0.90 m. Fundiran e na karpa, ae za~uvan vo visina od 1.25 m.

Severno od istiot se nao|a malata poplo-~ena Uli~ka α otkriena 1996 g., koja se prote-ga vo pravec s/i-j/z, so {irina od 1.5 m idol`ina od 9.60 m do yidot J’20.1, sledej}i gopadot na terenot kon jug, koj uslovuva skales-to re{enie vo nekolku nivoa. Na severniotkraj e vramena so eden red kamewa koi pret-stavuvaat prag za vlez vo nekoi severni pros-torii ili objekti. Kon jug, vo dol`ina od 6 m,uli~kata e poplo~ena so tenki kameni plo~ikoi zavr{uvaat so dve skalila, preku koi sespu{ta na ponisko nivo, s¢ do pregradniot

fication wall and a tower, encompassing sev-eral buildings organized around two alleys,north and south of the massive partition wall- J’20.1 (Plan I).

The partition wall (J’20.1) runs in an east-westdirection, measures 13.4 meters in length, and iswell built out of roughly cut stones, river stones,and limestone blocks (used for leveling purposes),held together with clay (Fig. 4). It is 0.90 meterwide. The foundation is placed on the bedrock andit is preserved to a height of 1.25 meters.

North of this wall, a small paved Alley αwhich runs in a northeast-southwest direc-tion had been uncovered in 1996, measuring1.5 meters in width and 9.60 meters in lengthup to wall J’20.1. Following the sloping ter-rain southwards, it necessitates stairs at sev-eral levels. The street is framed by a row ofstones on its northern end, representing anentrance in one of the northern rooms orbuildings. Towards the south, for a length of6 meters, the alley is paved with stone slabs,which end in two steps. From this point it

Sl. 4. Pregraden yid J’19.1 i Uli~ka β.Fig. 4. Dividing wall J’19.1 and Alley β.

Sl. 5. Pro{iruvawe na Uli~kata α.Fig. 5. Extension of the Alley α.




Silvana Bla`evska - Sektor Akropola, istra`uvawe 1999 - 2000

yid J’20.1 (sl. 5). Ovoj del vo dol`ina od 3.60 misto taka bil poplo~en. Formiraj}i malopro{iruvawe ponisko od predhodniot del zau{te edno skalilo, uli~kata vrti kon zapad,odnosno kon bedemskiot yid. Interesno ot-kritie pretstavuva kanalot za odvod ili dovodna voda smesten pod poplo~uvaweto (sl. 6).Nekolkute otkrieni tubusi strani~no seza{titeni so vertikalno postaveni kameniplo~i. Kanalot ja sledi uli~kata prodol`u-vaj}i kon zapad.

Ju`no od pregradniot yid na sli~en na~ine izvedena Uli~kata β, koja se prostira vopravec s-j, vo dol`ina od 7.20 m i {irina 1.70m. Poplo~ena e so tenki kameni plo~i (vidisl. 4). Od ju`nata strana ne e doistra`ena, ana severniot kraj preku dve skalila se spu{-ta na ponisko nivo, po {to vrti kon zapad,odnosno kon bedemot kade formira malo pro-{iruvawe.8

Vo ramkite na Centralniot komleks bimo`ele da se izdvojat tri, delumno istra`eniobjekti. Zapadno od dvete uli~ki se otkrieninekolku prostorii koi pripa|aat na Objek-tot A i Objektot V ~ie istra`uvawe ne ezavr{eno, pa ne bi mo`ele da zboruvame za go-leminata, brojot i rasporedot na prostoriite,nitu, pak, za nivnata namena. Nivnoto mesto voramkite na kompleksot }e bide cel na idniteiskopuvawa na ovoj sektor. Vo delumno istra-`enata prostorija me|u Uli~kata β i zapad-niot bedem eden naod zaslu`uva vnimanie. Toae fragment od reljefno ukrasen terakotenarhitektonski element - sima (sl. 7).

slopes down to the lower level, to the parti-tion wall J’20.1 (Fig. 5). This part, 3.60meters long, is paved as well. The alley turnstowards the west, i.e., towards the fortifica-tion wall, forming a small open area, one steplower than the previous part. The drainagecanal built under the alley’s paving is aninteresting discovery (Fig. 6). The few waterpipes discovered are protected on both sidesby vertically set stone slabs. The canal fol-lows the street leading towards west.

To the south of the partition wall, Alley β,built in similar manner, extends in a north-south direction, 7.20 meters in length and1.70 meters in width. It is also paved with thinstone slabs (see Fig. 4). The southern part ofthe alley has not been completely uncovered,and at the northern end two steps lead to alower level, forming a small open area towardsthe west, i.e., towards the fortification wall.8

In the Central Complex three partially dis-covered buildings can be distinguished.Several rooms which belong to Building Aand Building B were uncovered to the west ofthe two alleys, but their excavation is not yetcomplete, so we cannot speak either about thesize, number, or organization of the rooms ortheir function. They will be the subject of fur-ther excavations in this sector. In the partial-ly excavated room situated between Alley βand the west fortification wall, a fragment ofa terracotta architectural element (a sima)with a relief decoration draws our attention(Fig. 7).


Sl. 6. Vodovod od kerami~ni cevki pod Uli~ka α.Fig. 6. Ceramic pipes under Alley α.

Sl. 7. Arhitektonski terakoten element - sima.

Fig. 7. Architectural terracotta element-sima.

8 Ovoj prostor ne e doistra`en, pa ovaa konstataci-ja izvedena po analogija od prvata uli~ka, ostanuvasamo kako pretpostavka.

8 This area is not completely excavated, so thisconclus ion i s made through ana logy wi th theAlley α .

0 4cm2

Vardarski Rid


The best preserved part of the CentralComplex is Building C, consisting of thirteenrooms, situated to the east of the two alleys.The complete dimensions of the building arenot known because the eastern, northern, andsouthern parts are under an area which hasnot yet been excavated. The thirteen roomsthat have been excavated are mostly rectangu-

lar, aligned north-south or east-west, of differ-ent sizes, and connected to one another.

The foundations of the walls are 0.50 meterwide, built of roughly cut stones, river stones,and limestone blocks bound with clay, and aresituated mainly on bedrock, especially thoseof the most southern and most northern rooms.Despite the fact that they were unearthed rightbeneath topsoil, they are relatively well pre-served, considering the destruction in theAcropolis sector in recent times.9

The building had a roof of tegulae andimbrexes standard for this period,10 and thefloors were mostly earthen, except in roomC4, where in the southeast corner a smallsurface of plaster floor was discovered, dat-ing from the later phase of the building. In

Najdobro istra`en del od Centralniotkomleks pretstavuva Objektot C, sostavenod pove}e prostorii, poto~no 13, rasporedeniisto~no od dvete uli~ki. Isto~nite, sever-nite i ju`nite delovi na objektot vleguvaat voprostor koj s¢ u{te e neistra`en, pa vkupnatagolemina na istiot e nepoznata. Trinaesetteotkrieni prostorii se glavno pravoagolni,

postaveni vo pravec s-j ili i-z so razli~nagolemina, me|usebno povrzani so vlezovi.

Yidovite, {iroki 0.50 m, se gradeni odkr{en amorfen kamen, re~ni val~esti kame-wa i plo~i od varovnik vrzani so glina,prete`no se fundirani na prirodnata karpa,osobeno onie na najju`nite i najseverniteprostorii. Relativno dobro se za~uvani soogled na toa {to se nao|aat plitko podrecentniot sloj, i pokraj golemiot brojdestrukcii na sektorot Akropola vo ponovovreme.9

Objektot bil pokrien so teguli i imbrek-si, standardni za ovoj vremenski period,10 apodovite vo prostoriite se prete`no zemjeni,osven vo prostorija C4, kade vo j/i agol e ot-kriena mala povr{ina od malteren pod od po-

9 Osven vkopanite bunkeri od Prvata svetska vojna,Akropolata e prili~no uni{tena so izgradbata naspomenikot na NOB i postavuvaweto na vodovodnatamre`a za motelot. Eden del od otkrienite objekti beakonzervirani, vidi: Ivanovski M. - Ivanovska S., Kon-zervatorski raboti na Vardarski Rid, vo istava pub-likacija.

10 Za grade`nite materijali i tehniki vidi: B. Pa~-kova Kufojanakis, Arhitektonsko-grade`ni materi-jali i elementi na anti~kata naselba na VardarskiRid, vo istava publikacija.

9 In addition to the bunkers from World War I, theacropolis was significantly damaged by the constructionof a monument in honour of the War of NationalLiberation, and the water pipes for the motel. Part of thediscovered buildings were preserved, see: Ivanovski M.- Ivanovska S., Conservation Procedures at VardarskiRid, in this publication.

10 For building materials and techniques see: B.Pa~kova Kufojanakis, Architectural and Construction Ma-terial from the Ancient Settlement on Vardarski Rid in thispublication.

Sl. 8. Kontrolen profil voCentralniot kompleks.Fig. 8. Control profile in the CentralComplex.

mladata faza na objektot. Vo agolot me|uprostoriite S4, S7 i S8 se otkrieni kameniskalila koi uka`uvaat na mo`nosta nekoi odprostoriite vo kompleksot da imaat gorenkat.

Vo objektot generalno se razlikuvaat dvegrade`ni fazi, stratigrafski zabele`livivo dvete podni nivoa i dvata sloja na pokriv-na keramika (sl. 8), kako i vo pregraduvawe nanekoi prostorii ili zajaknuvawe na odrede-ni yidovi.

Najsevernite otkrieni prostorii na Ob-jektot C se nao|aat isto~no od Uli~kata α.Zasega mo`at da se odredat samo dve: ednapravoagolna (C1) vo pravec s-j dol` uli~katai dolgiot tesen koridor (C2) poplo~en sositni re~ni val~esti kam~iwa i fragmenti-rani teguli, za koj, kako podloga e iskoriste-na prirodnata karpa. Pokraj voobi~aenitekerami~ni sadovi - ihtii, ~inii so vtisnati

ornamenti, fragmenti od kujnski sadovi itegovi za razboj, edinstven interesen naodpretstavuva kru`niot kernos so osum mini-jaturni lambi otkrien vo prostorija S1 inoga od bronzen sad vo vid na lavovska {epavo koridorot S2 (sl. 9).

Od zapad, od Uli~kata β, preku vlez{irok 2.5 m se vleguva vo pravoagolna pros-torija, odnosno eden vid petsobje (C3), nakoj vo pravec kon istok se nadovrzuvaat triprostorii (C4, C5 i C6), me|usebnopovrzani so vlezovi (sl. 10). Me|u pros-toriite C5 i C6 postoi kolonada, verojatnood drveni stolbovi od koi ostanale in situsamo kamenite bazi, a preku {iroki vle-zovi na severnata i isto~nata strana, pros-torijata S6 komunicira so poplo~eniot ko-ridor S2 i otvoreniot trem S7. Iznenaduva

the corner between rooms C4, C7 and C8there are stone steps which point to the pos-sibility that some of the rooms in the com-plex had had an upper floor.

There are two construction phases thatdiffer one from another, and are stratigraphi-cally noticeable in the two floor levels and inthe two layers of roof tiles (Fig. 8), as well asin the reconstruction of some rooms, or in there-enforcement of certain walls.

The most northern rooms discovered in theBuilding C are situated east of Alley α. Onlytwo rooms can be distinguished here: one rec-tangular (C1), running in a northeast directionalong the street, and a long, narrow corridor(C2), paved with small river pebbles and frag-ments of roof tiles; it uses the bedrock as afoundation. Aside from the usual pottery ves-sels, ichthyai, plates with impressed decora-tion, fragments of kitchen ware, and loom

weights, the only interesting find is the circu-lar kernos with eight miniature oil lampsfound in room C1 and a bronze stand shapedlike a lion’s claw, in the corridor C2 (Fig. 9).

From the Alley β an entrance 2.5 meterswide leads to a rectangular room, anantechamber (C3), from which three roomsstretch towards the east (C4, C5 and C6)with entrances (Fig. 10). A colonnade ofwooden pillars, from which only stonebases are left in situ, was discoveredbetween the rooms C5 and C6. The last one(C6) communicates with a paved corridor(C2) and an open porch (C7) through wideentrances on the north and east sides. Therewas a lack of artifacts in these rooms.Except for the rare finds of pottery shards,a terracotta head of a goddess and a per-

Silvana Bla`evska - Sektor Akropola, istra`uvawe 1999 - 2000


Sl. 9. Kernos od pros-torijata S1 i del odbronzen sad vo pros-torijata S2.Fig. 9. Kernos from roomC1 and part of bronzevessel from room C2.

0 5 10cma b

Vardarski Rid


otsustvoto na dvi`en arheolo{ki materi-jal vo navedenite prostorii. Osven retkitenaodi na fragmentirana sadova keramika,otkrieni se samo edna terakotna glava nabo`ica i sad za parfemi vo pretsobjeto(C3), dve svetilki vo sosednata prostorija(C4) i edna svetilka so visoko izdignatocev~esto dno koja ima funkcija na fener,otkriena vo tremot (S7) (sl. 11).

Ju`nite prostorii na objektot, vkupno se-dum, se interesni zaradi otkrieniot inven-tar, osobeno trite prostorii, C9, C10 i C12(imenuvani vo spomenatiot izve{taj od 1996g., kako Room A, B i C).11 Prostorite C9 i C10pretstavuvale magacinski prostorii vo koivo pitosi i legeni se ~uvale razni produkti,naj~esto zrnesta hrana, za ~ija prerabotkaslu`ele nekolkute otkrieni melnici voobjektot (edna vo prostorija C4 i dve vo C12).Prostorija C10, osven skladi{ni sadovisodr`i i fina trpezna keramika (reljefnokalapeni ~a{i, ungventariumi, trpezni am-fori, kantarosi, bokal od tipot ariter, kra-teri i dr. (sl. 12), kako i golem broj tegovi zarazboj.

So naodi izobiluva i prostorijata C12.Otkrienite terakotni figurini i timate-rioni uka`uvaat na prostorija vo koja senao|alo doma{noto svetili{te, koi vero-jatno stoele na gorniot kat. Pokraj oviekultni predmeti, se sre}avaat amfora oditalski tip, hidrija, {est svetilki, od koiedna od t.n. efeski tip, alabastron i drugi

fume bottle were found in the antechamber(C3), two oil lamps in the adjacent room(C4) and one oil lamp with central suspen-sion tube in the porch (C7) (Fig. 11).

The seven southern rooms are interestingbecause of the inventory discovered there,especially in three rooms, C9, C10 and C12(named rooms A, B and C in the report from1996).11 Rooms C9 and C10 were storagerooms in which pithoi and basins holding dif-ferent products were kept, mostly grains. Themills discovered in the building, one in roomC4 and two in C12, were used for grindinggrain. In room C10, in addition to storage ves-

11 Del od naodite vo ovie prostorii se prezentiranivo izve{tajot na TFHAR, vidi: Neidinger W. - Matthews E.,The Acropolis, prepe~aten vo istava publikacija.

11 Part of the findings in these rooms are presented inthe TFAHR report, see: Neidinger W. - Matthews E., TheAcropolis reprinted in this publication.

Sl. 11. Naodi od prostorija S3, S4 i S7.Fig. 11. Finds from room C3, C4 and C7.

0 1 2cm





Sl. 10. Vlezen del i pret-sobjeto S3 vo Objektot S.

Fig. 10. Entrance withantechamber C3 to Building C.

sels, fine table ware (relief moldmade bowls,unguentaria, table amphorae, kantharoi, arytertype jugs, kraters, etc.) (Fig. 12), as well as alarge number of loom weights were discovered.

There was an abundance of finds also inroom C12. The terracotta figurines and thethymiateria that were probably from the upperfloor show that this was a room where a domes-tic sanctuary was located. Besides these cultobjects, also Roman type amphorae, hydriae,six oil lamps (one of the Ephesus type), analabastron, and other vessels characteristic ofthe Hellenistic period were found (Fig. 13).

Room C8 is also distinguished by its inven-tory. A perfume bottle with a strainer, a smalllekit arybalos, a thymiaterion, a terracotta headof a goddess, and one fragmentary hierodule,

Silvana Bla`evska - Sektor Akropola, istra`uvawe 1999 - 2000

Sl. 12. Kerami~ni naodi od prostorijata S8.Fig. 12. Pottery finds from room C8.

formi karakteristi~ni za helenisti~kiotperiod (sl. 13).

Spored otkrieniot inventar se istaknuvai prostorijata C8. Sadot za parfemi so ce-dilka, maliot lekit aribalos, timaterionot,terakotna `enska glava na bo`ica i ednafragmentirana hierodula mo`at da navedatna pomisla deka tuka se smesteni `enskiteodai (sl. 14). Site ovie se rasporedeni okolucentralnata prostorija (S11), koja zaradi ot-krienoto ogni{te se pretpostavuva deka ekujna (sl. 15).

Poslednata prostorija (S13), isto kako itremot severno od nea e nedoistra`en.Edinstven specifi~en naod pretstavuvafragmentiran mermeren reljef na koj eza~uvana samo desnata potkolenica od `en-


bc d



54 c


0 5 10cm

0 5 10cm

0 3 6cm



g h



ska figura vo dolg hiton, do koja e ispravenazmija.12

Centralniot komleks bil ograden so vna-tre{en bedem i kula. Kulata bila postavenana severoisto~niot rab na Akropolata, naisturena strate{ka pozicija koja ovozmo`u-va izvonredna preglednost na celoto poleseverno i severoisto~no od gradot, kako i narekata Vardar. Taa ima pravoagolna osnovavo pravec z-i, so dol`ina od 6.40 m i {irina3.20 m. Vlezot vo kulata, {irok 1 m, se nao|alna jugoisto~niot agol (Plan II). Bila izgrade-na od krupni amorfno kr{eni kamewa i

lead us think that these were women’s cham-bers (Fig. 14). These rooms were organizedaround a central room (C11), which was prob-ably a kitchen with an open fireplace (Fig. 15).

The last rooms (C13) as well as the porch(C7) are not completely excavated. The onlyfind is a fragmentary marble relief of whichonly a snake and the lower right leg of a womandressed in long chiton has been preserved.12

The Central Complex was encircled by aninner fortification wall and a tower. The towerwas built on the northeast edge of theAcropolis, in a strategic position that gives a

Sl. 13. Kerami~ni naodiod prostorija S12.Fig. 13. Pottery finds fromroom C12.

Sl. 14. Kerami~ni naodiod prostorija S8.Fig. 14. Pottery findsfrom room C8.

0 2 4cm

0 1

85 c


46 c


0 4 8cm

12 Za mermernata plastika otkriena na VardarskiRid, vidi: Bitrakova Grozdanova V., Skulpturata odVardarski Rid, vo istava publikacija.

12 For the marble sculptures discovered on Vardar-ski Rid, see: Bitrakova Grozdanova V., The Sculpturefrom Vardarski Rid, in this publication.



a b c

b c



Vardarski Rid

Silvana Bla`evska - Sektor Akropola, istra`uvawe 1999 - 2000


re~ni val~esti kamewa vrzani so glina, a vogornite partii yidovite bile izvedeni odplitar. Visinata na temelite na site ~etiriyida e razli~na, i vo golema mera zavisi odblizinata na prirodnata karpa, kako i odrazru{uvawata so tekot na vremeto. Zapad-niot i ju`niot yid vo celata svoja dol`ina jakoristele prirodnata karpa kako cvrsta pod-loga i se za~uvani vo visina od 0.50-0.70 m.Severniot i isto~niot yid se vkopani vopostariot kulturen sloj i samo delumno bilepostaveni na karpa, pa nivnata za~uvana visi-na iznesuva okolu 2 m. Ovie dva yida, koi sevsu{nost nadvore{ni yidovi na kulatavidlivi od pogolema dale~ina, se istaknuvaatso svojata {irina koja iznesuva 0.90 m, za raz-lika od zapadniot i ju`niot koi se vnatre{nii poslabo gradeni yidovi, {iroki samo 0.50 m.Na severniot yid, me|u ~etvrtiot i pettiotred kamewa, se zabele`uva nivelacija od eden

great view of the whole field north and north-east of the town and the Vardar River. Thetower is rectangular and measures 6.40 metersin length and 3.20 meters in width. Theentrance of the tower is 1 meter wide and in thesoutheastern corner (Plan II). The tower wasbuilt of large, roughly cut stones and riverstones bound with clay, and the upper parts ofthe walls were built of mud bricks. The founda-tion walls are preserved to different heights,depending upon both the proximity of bedrockand the various destructions over the centuries.The western and southern walls along theirentire length rested on bedrock and are pre-served to a height of 0.50-0.70 meter. Thenorthern and eastern walls, preserved up to 2meters in height, penetrated deep into earlierdeposits and are partially situated on bedrock.These two walls are in fact the external walls ofthe tower, visible from greater distance empha-sized by their width - 0.90 meter, unlike theinternal - western and southern walls which arenot so well built and whose width is only 0.50meter. The corner of the northern wall is re-enforced with large roughly cut stones to inten-sify the stability of the tower and between thefourth and the fifth row of stones, a levelingwith tiles can be noticed (Fig. 16). Thus, theoutside observer gets the impression of a solidand firm building that suits its function.

The eastern wall of the tower continuestowards the south and along with anotherparallel wall possibly forms an accompany-ing room. We are not able to draw any cer-tain conclusions due to the destruction thattook place in this area during World War I.

There are no indications of the total heightof the tower, which due to the lack of roof

Sl. 16. Kula - pogled od s/i.Fig. 16. The tower - view from NE.

Sl. 15. Prostorija S11 - kujnaso ogni{te.Fig. 15. Room C11 - kitchen withfireplace.

Vardarski Rid


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Silvana Bla`evska - Sektor Akropola, istra`uvawe 1999 - 2000


red teguli, a agolot so isto~niot yid e zajak-nat so golemi amorfni kamewa, so {to ezgolemena statikata na kulata (sl. 16). Na ovojna~in nabquduva~ot odnadvor dobiva vpe~a-tok na solidna gradba koja odgovara na svojatafunkcionalnost, so {to maksimalno e pos-tignat efektot na potencirano zna~ewe i si-gurna odbrana.

Isto~niot yid na kulata prodol`uva konjug i zaedno so u{te eden paralelen yid mo`e-bi formiraat nekakva pridru`na prostori-ja. Ne bi mo`ele da izvedeme posigurnizaklu~oci zaradi uni{tuvawata na ovoj pros-tor predizvikani od vkopuvawa na objekti odPrvata svetska vojna.

Nema indicii za vkupnata visina na kula-ta, koja so ogled na celosnoto otsustvo napokrivna keramika, bila otvorena (sl. 17 -mo`na rekonstrukcija). Edinstveni naodikoi se otkrieni vo vnatre{nosta na kulata seedna lamba, nekolku tegovi i edna moneta.13

Od kulata kon zapad, sledej}i ja najvisoka-ta izohipsa na zaramnetoto plato na Akropo-lata prodol`uva bedem, otkrien vo dol`inaod dvaesetina metri. [irok e 1.20 m, gradenod krupni, amorfno delkani kamewa, od koi eizvedeno nadvore{noto i vnatre{noto lice,za~uvani vo visina od 3-4 reda, a prostorotme|u e popolnet so positni kamewa, fragmen-tirana grade`na keramika i glina (Plan II,sl. 18). Vo gornite partii bil izgraden odplitar. Od ju`nata strana delumno ja isko-ristil blizinata na karpata kako cvrsta pod-loga za fundirawe na temelot, no iskopu-vawata od severnata strana poka`aa pos-toewe na postar bedem vrz koj bil izgradenpomladiot. Ne postoi razlika vo tehnikata

tiles we believe may have been left open (Fig.17 is a possible reconstruction). The onlyfinds discovered inside the tower were one oillamp, a few loom weights, and a coin.13

A fortification wall, uncovered to a lengthof approximately 20 meters runs from thetower towards the west, following the highestisohipsis of the summit of the Acropolis. It is1.20 meters wide, built of large roughly cutstones formed with finely faced exteriors,preserved to three or four courses; the spacebetween the faced stones is packed withsmall stones, roof tiles fragments, and clay(Plan II; Fig. 18). The upper courses werebuilt of mud brick. On the southern part, thefortification wall partly used the bedrock as afirm foundation, but excavations on thenorthern side have revealed the existence ofan earlier fortification wall on whose ruinsthe later one was built. There is no differencein the building techniques of the two differ-ent phases of the fortification wall, exceptthat the direction of the latter deviatestowards the south. From the large concentra-tion of roof tiles discovered in two layers tothe north and south of the fortification wall,we can conclude that it had gabled tile roofin both phases. A small part of the fortifica-tion wall, 3.30 meters long, was discoveredon the west side of the Acropolis duringexcavations in the autumn of 2000.

Two entrances lead into the CentralComplex from the Northern Terrace of the town.The first entrance is on the northeast, betweenthe fortification wall and the tower. The easternend of the fortification wall rests on bedrockwhich slopes towards the western wall of the

Sl. 19. Vlez vo bedemot.Fig. 19. Entrance in the fortification wall.

Sl. 18. Del od severniot bedem.Fig. 18. A part from the northern fortification wall.

13 Monetata e ne~itliva. 13 The coin is illegible.

Vardarski Rid



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Silvana Bla`evska - Sektor Akropola, istra`uvawe 1999 - 2000





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Vardarski Rid

na gradewe i izgledot na dvete fazi na bede-mot, osven {to pravecot na pomladiot otsta-puva kon jug vo odnos na postariot. Spored go-lemata koncentracija na pokrivna keramika,otkriena severno i ju`no od bedemot vo dvasloja, mo`e da se zaklu~i deka bil pokrien ivo dvete grade`ni fazi. Mal del od bedemot,vo dol`ina od 3.30 m, e otkrien na zapadnatastrana na Akropolata vo tekot na istra`u-va~kata sezona esenta 2000 g.

Od Severnata terasa na gradot vo Cen-tralniot komleks se vleguvalo preku dva do-sega otkrieni vlezovi. Prviot vlez se nao|ana severoistok me|u bedemot i kulata.Isto~niot kraj na bedemot e fundiran nakarpa koja koso pa|a vo pravec kon zapadniotyid na kulata. Prostorot od bedemot do kula-ta e {irok 2 m, no samiot vlez koj e zase~en vokarpata e so {irina od 1.10-1.20 m. Vtoriotvlez, {irok 1 m i poplo~en so tenki kameniplo~i, e otkrien na samiot bedem na okolu 10-ina metri vo pravec kon zapad (sl. 19).Prilepeni za vnatre{nata, ju`na strana nabedemot, otkrieni se dve yit~iwa vo pravec s-j, koi verojatno go flankiraat vlezot oddvete strani. Tie se postaveni na karpa koja eplitko pod recentniot sloj, zaradi {to seslabo za~uvani. Neistra`enosta na ovoj pros-tor i faktot {to prakti~no ne postoi kul-turen sloj ne dozvoluvaat izvlekuvawe nakakvi bilo zaklu~oci. Od vnatre{natastrana na bedemot, me|u dvata vleza, e konsta-tiran koridor poplo~en so tenki kameniplo~i.

Bedemot i kulata osven za{titna, imaatuloga da ja potenciraat dominatnata pozicijai zna~eweto na Akropolata vo odnos na osta-natite delovi na gradot, mo`ebi kakosedi{te na gradskata uprava.

Me|u brojnite naodi na fragmentiranikerami~ni sadovi (osobeno reljefno kalape-ni ~a{i so najraznovidni motivi, ra~ki odamfori so pe~ati na majstori i dr.) osobenovnimanie privlekuva kerami~nata yidnaaplikacija so reljefna pretstava na grifonso zlatna oplata za~uvana vo tragi (sl. 20),otkriena nekolku metri severozapadno odglavniot vlez me|u bedemot i kulata.14

Centralniot kompleks na Akropolata edel od golemata grade`na aktivnost zabele-`ana i vo drugite istra`uvani sektori, koja

tower. The space between the wall and thetower is 2 meters wide, but the entrance itself,1.10-1.20 meters wide, is cut into bedrock. Thesecond entrance, 1 meter wide and paved withthin stone slabs, was discovered 10 meters tothe west (Fig. 19). Two small walls, running ina north-south direction and attached to theinner face of the fortification wall, probablyenclose the entrance from both sides. They reston bedrock, which is close beneath the topsoil,due to which the walls are poorly preserved.The fact that there is practically no preserveddeposit and the area is unexplored, we cannotdraw any further conclusions. On the internalside of the fortification wall, between the twoentrances, a corridor paved with thin stoneslabs was discovered.

The fortification wall and the adjoiningtower also has a role to underscore the dom-inant position and the significance of theAcropolis in relation to the other parts of thetown, and maybe it also served as a residenceof the town administration.

Among the numerous finds of potteryshards (especially mold-made bowls withrelief, stamped amphora handles, etc.), oneartifact that particularly claims attention is aterracotta relief wall application depicting agryphon, with gold coating preserved intraces (Fig. 20), discovered a few metersnorthwest of the main entrance, between thefortification wall and the tower.14

Sl. 18. Kerami~na reljefna plo~ka so pretstava na grifon.

Fig. 18. Terracotta relief tablet presenting a gryphon.

14 Reljefnata aplikacija be{e prezentirana na XVIsimpozium na MAND odr`an vo Valandovo 1999 g., odStrahil Temov.

14 The relief application was presented by StrahilTemov at the XVI Symposia of MASA held inValandovo, in 1999.


Silvana Bla`evska - Sektor Akropola, istra`uvawe 1999 - 2000


se slu~ila vo vremeto na Filip V koga gradotna Vardarski Rid go do`ivuva svojot naj-golem prosperitet. Ottoga{ datira postara-ta grade`na faza na kompleksot ~ii{toyidovi i podovi se postaveni na prethodnodobro is~istenata prirodna karpa, voednokoristej}i gi jamite i zasecite vo istata odnekoi prethodni postari objekti. Verojatnoistovremeno ili ne{to podocna e podignatbedemot. Tragite od silen po`ar, registri-rani vo pove}eto objekti od navedeniot hori-zont na `iveewe, bi gi povrzale so rimskiteosvojuvawa vo vremeto na Filipoviot nas-lednik Persej. Po ovie nastani postoe~kiteobjekti se obnoveni so izvesni pregradbi,dogradbi ili zajaknuvawa, novi podni nivoa,novi pokrivi. Istovremeno e obnoven be-demot i izgradena kulata. Dvete grade`nifazi, osven stratigrafijata se potvrdeni iso numizmati~kiot materijal otkrien napodovite vo kompleksot. Pokraj monetite napogore navedenite makedonski kralevi, vogolem broj se prisutni i onie od avtonomnitekovawa vo kovnicite na Amfipolis, Pela,Paroreja, Tesalonika, a najmlad numizmati~ki materijal pretstavuvaat rimskite repub-likanski moneti.15

Po ovaa obnova, Centralniot kompleksegzistira do I vek pr. n.e., koga zamira `ivo-tot vo gradot, osven na Isto~nata terasa kadeprodol`uva i vo I vek od n.e., po {to e napu{-ten.16

The Central Complex of the Acropolis ispart of the intense building activity, alsonoticed in the other excavated sectors thatoccurred under the reign of Phillip V, when thetown on Vardarski Rid flourished. The earlierconstruction phase of the complex, whosewalls and floors were situated on bedrockcleared of earlier debris, at the same time, usedthe pits and carvings of earlier buildings. Thefortification wall was erected at the same timeor slightly later. The traces of a large-scalefire, found in most of the buildings of this stra-tum, could be connected to the Roman con-quest at the time of Philip’s successor, Perseus.The buildings were renovated after theseevents but with some partitions, enlargementsor re-enforcements, new floor levels, and newroofs. The fortification wall was renovated atthe same time, and the tower was built. Thenumismatic material discovered on the floorsin the complex confirms both constructionphases. Besides the coins of the above men-tioned Macedonian kings, there were a largenumber of coins from the autonomous mints ofAmphipolis, Pella, Paroreia, Thessalonica,etc., and the latest discovered coins belongs tothe Roman Republic.15

After this reconstruction, the Central Com-plex existed until the first century BC, when lifein the town also ended, except on the EasternTerrace where it continued into the first centuryAD, when the town was finally deserted.16

15 Husenovski B., 2004, T. XXXVIII, No. 243 - najmla-data moneta otkriena vo ramki na Centralniot kom-pleks e rimski denar-suberat (anonimno kovawe) od189-180 g. pr. n.e., i T. XXXVIII, No. 246 - najmladata mon-eta otkriena vo blizina na bedemot e isto taka rimskidenar-suberat na C. Plutius, od 121 g. pr. n.e.

16 Za krajot na `ivotot na gradot vidi: Jovanov M.,Krajot na `ivotot na Vardarski Rid, vo istava pub-likacija.

15 Husenovski B., 2004, T. XXXVIII, No. 243, the lat-est coin discovered in the Central Complex is RomanRepublican denarius-subaeratus (anonymous coinage) datedto 189-180 BC; T. XXXVIII, No. 246; the latest coin discov-ered near the fortification wall is also a Roman Republicandenarius-subaeratus of C. Plutius minted in 121 BC.

16 For the end of the settlement life see: Jovanov M.,The End of Settlement Life on Vardarski Rid, in thispublication.

Silvana Bla`evskaMuseum of Macedonia,

]ur~iska bb, [email protected]

Vardarski Rid



Mitrevski D., 2001, Staromakedonskiot grad na Vardarski Rid, Skopje.

Husenovki B., 2004, Anti~kite moneti od Vardarski Rid, Gevgelija.

Neidinger W. - Stratigraphic, Architectural and Historical Report, Publication of TFAHR, 14-Matthews E., 1996, 17, Houston.

Rotroff S. I., 1983, Three Cistern Systems on the Kolonos Agoraios, Hesperia Vol. 52, 257-299,Princeton.

Rotroff S. I., 1997, Hellenistic Pottery, Athenian Imported Wheelmade Table Ware and RelatedMaterial, The Athenian Agora Vol. XXIX, Part 1, Princeton.