634 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS, VOL. 28, NO. 3, JUNE 2012 A Prediction and Motion-Planning Scheme for Visually Guided Robotic Capturing of Free-Floating Tumbling Objects With Uncertain Dynamics Farhad Aghili, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Visually guided robotic capturing of a moving object often requires long-term prediction of the object motion not only for a smooth capture but because visual feedback may not be con- tinually available, e.g., due to vision obstruction by the robotic arm, as well. This paper presents a combined prediction and motion- planning scheme for robotic capturing of a drifting and tumbling object with unknown dynamics using visual feedback. A Kalman filter estimates the states and a set of dynamics parameters of the object needed for long-term prediction of the motion from noisy measurements of a vision system. Subsequently, the estimated states, parameters, and predicted motion trajectories are used to plan the trajectory of the robot’s end-effector to intercept a grapple fixture on the object with zero relative velocity (to avoid impact) in an optimal way. The optimal trajectory minimizes a cost function, which is a weighted linear sum of travel time, distance, cosine of a line-of-sight angle (object alignment for robotic grasping), and a penalty function acting as a constraint on acceleration magnitude. Experiments are presented to demonstrate the robot-motion plan- ning scheme for autonomous grasping of a tumbling satellite. Two robotics manipulators are employed: One arm drifts and tumbles the mockup of a satellite, and the other arm that is equipped with a robotic hand tries to capture a grapple fixture on the satellite using the visual guidance system. Index Terms—Active orbital debris removal, capture of a tum- bling satellite, capturing free-floating objects, de-orbiting space debris, on-orbit servicing, optimal guidance and control, opti- mal robot trajectory, robot-motion planning, robot vision, space robotics. NOMENCLATURE A Rotation matrix. a Maximum acceleration. e Feedback error. H Observation sensitivity matrix. h Observation vector. I c Inertia tensor of the target. I xx ,...,I zz Principal inertia components of the target. K Kalman filter gain matrix. k, k Unit vectors expressed in {B} and {A}. Manuscript received February 15, 2011; revised June 6, 2011 and September 2, 2011; accepted December 1, 2011. Date of publication January 5, 2012; date of current version June 1, 2012. This paper was recommended for publication by Associate Editor T. Murphey and Editor G. Oriolo upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. The author is with the Space Exploration of Canadian Space Agency, Saint- Hubert, QC J3Y 8Y9, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TRO.2011.2179581 P Kalman filter covariance matrix. p Vector containing the inertia ratios. Q Covariance matrix of process noise. q Target quaternion: rotation {B} w.r.t. {A}. q r End-effector quaternion. R Covariance matrix of measurement noise. r Position of the target center of mass; ex- pressed in {A}. r s Grapple fixture position expressed in {A}. r r End-effector position expressed in {A}. t f Terminal time. t o Initial time. t Δ Sampling time. x s State vector of the target. x State vector. u Control input. v Pose measurement noise. z Measured pose. H Hamiltonian. λ Costate. μ Quaternion: rotation {C} w.r.t. {B}. υ Linear velocity of the target center of mass. η Quaternion: rotation {C} w.r.t. {A}. ω Angular velocity of target satellite. ρ Location of the target center of mass; ex- pressed in {B}. Φ State transition matrix. θ Line-of-sight angle. th Threshold. τ , f Process noise. 1 n n × n identity matrix. [·×] Matrix form of cross-product. Quaternion product. I. INTRODUCTION S INCE mid-1990s, the paradigm of on-orbit servicing us- ing a space manipulator has attracted many researchers [1]–[14]. These works were motivated by several national and international missions not only for repairing, rescuing, and re- fueling failed satellites [15], [16] but for removal of defunct satellites or space debris as well [17], [18]. Orbital debris re- moval using space manipulator is becoming of particular in- terest as space debris is on the rise and the population growth has reached an unstable point in some congested orbits due to risk of the collision of large debris [19]. Several studies that are 1552-3098/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

A Prediction and Motion-Planning Scheme for Visually Guided Robotic Capturing of Free-Floating Tumbling Objects With Uncertain Dynamics

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A Prediction and Motion-Planning Scheme forVisually Guided Robotic Capturing of Free-Floating

Tumbling Objects With Uncertain DynamicsFarhad Aghili, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Visually guided robotic capturing of a moving objectoften requires long-term prediction of the object motion not onlyfor a smooth capture but because visual feedback may not be con-tinually available, e.g., due to vision obstruction by the robotic arm,as well. This paper presents a combined prediction and motion-planning scheme for robotic capturing of a drifting and tumblingobject with unknown dynamics using visual feedback. A Kalmanfilter estimates the states and a set of dynamics parameters ofthe object needed for long-term prediction of the motion fromnoisy measurements of a vision system. Subsequently, the estimatedstates, parameters, and predicted motion trajectories are used toplan the trajectory of the robot’s end-effector to intercept a grapplefixture on the object with zero relative velocity (to avoid impact) inan optimal way. The optimal trajectory minimizes a cost function,which is a weighted linear sum of travel time, distance, cosine ofa line-of-sight angle (object alignment for robotic grasping), and apenalty function acting as a constraint on acceleration magnitude.Experiments are presented to demonstrate the robot-motion plan-ning scheme for autonomous grasping of a tumbling satellite. Tworobotics manipulators are employed: One arm drifts and tumblesthe mockup of a satellite, and the other arm that is equipped with arobotic hand tries to capture a grapple fixture on the satellite usingthe visual guidance system.

Index Terms—Active orbital debris removal, capture of a tum-bling satellite, capturing free-floating objects, de-orbiting spacedebris, on-orbit servicing, optimal guidance and control, opti-mal robot trajectory, robot-motion planning, robot vision, spacerobotics.


A Rotation matrix.a Maximum acceleration.e Feedback error.H Observation sensitivity matrix.h Observation vector.Ic Inertia tensor of the target.Ixx, . . . , Izz Principal inertia components of the target.K Kalman filter gain matrix.k, k′ Unit vectors expressed in {B} and {A}.

Manuscript received February 15, 2011; revised June 6, 2011 and September2, 2011; accepted December 1, 2011. Date of publication January 5, 2012; dateof current version June 1, 2012. This paper was recommended for publicationby Associate Editor T. Murphey and Editor G. Oriolo upon evaluation of thereviewers’ comments.

The author is with the Space Exploration of Canadian Space Agency, Saint-Hubert, QC J3Y 8Y9, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TRO.2011.2179581

P Kalman filter covariance matrix.p Vector containing the inertia ratios.Q Covariance matrix of process noise.q Target quaternion: rotation {B} w.r.t. {A}.qr End-effector quaternion.R Covariance matrix of measurement noise.r Position of the target center of mass; ex-

pressed in {A}.rs Grapple fixture position expressed in {A}.rr End-effector position expressed in {A}.tf Terminal time.to Initial time.tΔ Sampling time.xs State vector of the target.x State vector.u Control input.v Pose measurement noise.z Measured pose.H Hamiltonian.λ Costate.μ Quaternion: rotation {C} w.r.t. {B}.υ Linear velocity of the target center of mass.η Quaternion: rotation {C} w.r.t. {A}.ω Angular velocity of target satellite.ρ Location of the target center of mass; ex-

pressed in {B}.Φ State transition matrix.θ Line-of-sight angle.εth Threshold.ετ , εf Process noise.1n n × n identity matrix.[·×] Matrix form of cross-product.⊗ Quaternion product.


S INCE mid-1990s, the paradigm of on-orbit servicing us-ing a space manipulator has attracted many researchers

[1]–[14]. These works were motivated by several national andinternational missions not only for repairing, rescuing, and re-fueling failed satellites [15], [16] but for removal of defunctsatellites or space debris as well [17], [18]. Orbital debris re-moval using space manipulator is becoming of particular in-terest as space debris is on the rise and the population growthhas reached an unstable point in some congested orbits due torisk of the collision of large debris [19]. Several studies that are

1552-3098/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


conducted by national space agencies concluded that the spaceenvironment can be only preserved upon continual removal oflarge orbital debris objects, such as dead satellites [20], [21].All these robotic servicing missions require that a robotic armcaptures the client satellite in a safe and secure manner givenseveral operational and environmental constraints. Since de-funct satellites usually do not have a functional attitude controlsystem (ACS), it is common for them to tumble. This is becausethe angular momentum that is stored in the gyros and wheelsof the satellite starts migrating to its body as soon as failureoccurs. Ground observations [17] also confirm that many spacedebris objects have indeed tumbling motion, making the roboticcapturing a very challenging task. In fact, although several mis-sions for free-flyer capture using a robotic arm on-orbit havebeen demonstrated so far [9], [15], [22], [23], [24], robotic cap-turing of a tumbling satellite has yet to be attempted. Roboticmanipulators that are used in future on-orbit serving missionswill be operated from ground or autonomously depending onmission constraints, requirements, and the level of technologyreadiness. However, in the presence of command latency, even atrained operator cannot successfully capture a free-flyer unlessthe angular rate is extremely low. Therefore, increased auton-omy for robotic systems for on-orbit servicing missions is oneof the key technology identified by many space agencies [25].

Fig. 1 illustrates a typical on-orbit satellite servicing oper-ation where the servicer satellite caries a robotic arm (with agrappling device on it), which is driven by a vision system so asto capture a client satellite (target). The servicer satellite is underits own attitude controller, whereas the target is assumed to be anoncooperative satellite with uncertain dynamics. Clearly, onlyafter the robot successfully captures and stabilizes the tumblingsatellite, a repairing, rescuing, or de-orbiting operation can bestarted. Therefore, a common task for such on-orbit servicingconsists two primitive robot operations: 1) pregrasping phase1

and 2) postgrasping phase. In the pregrasping phase, the manip-ulator arm moves from its home position to intercept a grapplefixture on the target at a rendezvous point with zero relative ve-locity. In the postgrasping phase, the space manipulator has tobring the target satellite to rest in such a way that the interactiontorque/force remains below a safe value [26]. This paper focuson a robot guidance scheme for pregrasping phase.

The capture will be without impact if the manipulator ap-proaches the target in such a manner that, at the time of capture,the relative velocity between the end-effector and the target’sgrapple fixture is zero [27]. Otherwise, the detrimental effectof the impact on the free-floating space robot has to be takeninto account [28]. In addition, the target orientation at the in-terception time has to be adequate such that the fixture be-comes accessible for robotic grasping. Satisfying theses grasp-ing requirements is not possible without prediction of the targetmotion so that the motion of the end-effector can be carefullyplanned and executed. Since external force/moment acting upona free-floating object in space is small, the object motion canbe predicted provided that the relevant dynamics parametersand the initial states are accurately known. However, inertia

1Also known as approach phase.

Fig. 1. Servicer satellite trying to capture a client satellite.

parameters of spacecraft are usually uncertain, because there isno practical way to measure remaining propellant fuel in zerogravity. Consequently, when the dynamics of the target space-craft is not known beforehand, not only the linear and angularvelocities of the target but also its inertia parameters must beaccurately estimated in real time so that the servicer satellite canreliably predict the states of the target in future.

Controlling of a free-floating space robot, such that when themanipulator is controlled, the reaction of the manipulator mo-tion on the manipulator base is nullified, has been establishedin the literature [29]–[32]. Although zero reaction maneuvershas been proven, particularly, useful [32], reaction wheels arealso used to stabilize the base attitude [33]. In fact, it was shownthat nearly any control schemes that can be used for fixed-basemanipulators can also be implemented on free-floating spacerobot, provided that the platform attitude and position are esti-mated and then taken into account [27], [29], [31], [34]. Despitea variety of control strategies for retrieval and capturing a spaceobject by a free-flying space manipulator [1], [2], [4], guidanceof a robotic manipulator in order to rendezvous and capture atumbling free-floating object [7] in a safe and secure mannerstill remains a challenging task. The majority of the techniquesthat are developed for the real-time motion planning and therobotic interception of a moving target assume a point masstarget [12], [35]– [42]. Interception of a spinning or tumblingsatellite is a more difficult task, however, due to the complexdynamics of rotating rigid bodies. For the rendezvous with atumbling satellite in 2-D, a navigation technique was developedin [40]. Ma et. al [10] formulated and analyzed the rendezvouscontrol problem of a servicing spacecraft for optimal approachto and alignment with a rotating rigid body with known dynam-ics. An iterative algorithm for a planar case is proposed to solvethe optimal trajectory for minimum time/fuel consumption. Tra-jectory planning for robotic capturing of a tumbling satellite waspresented in our earlier work [43], [44], without taking the re-quirements at the time of grasping into account. Similar motion


planning scheme with inclusion of joint and velocity limits wasproposed in [45].

Vision guided approaches for automated rendezvous anddocking of nonspinning spacecraft have been proposed for var-ious missions [46]–[50]. Wertz and Bell [46] give an overviewof hardware and software technologies (sensors and actuators)required for autonomous rendezvous and docking of two space-craft started at a remote distance. The terminal phase of theDemonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology mis-sion that includes proximity maneuvers for rendezvous to a co-operative spacecraft under an advanced video guidance sensoris described in [47]. The application of rendezvous and dock-ing for space exploration missions regardless of whether therendezvous is fully automated or has human in the loop is dis-cussed in [48]. The design and application of the rendezvousguidance and navigation flight software for the Orbital Expressflight demonstration are examined in [49]. Adaptive control lawfor spacecraft rendezvous and docking under measurement un-certainty, such as aggregation of sensor calibration parameter,systematic bias, or some stochastic disturbances, is proposedin [50]. Rouleau et al. [51] present a framework for roboticcapture and servicing of satellites considering the shortcomingsof the communication links such as bandwidth limitations andcommunication dropouts. There are different vision systems thatare capable of estimating the pose of moving objects. Amongthem, an active vision system, such as the laser camera system(LCS), is preferable because of its robustness in face of the harshlighting conditions of space [52]. As successfully verified dur-ing the STS-105 space mission, the 3-D imaging technology thatis used in the LCS can indeed operate in the space environment.The use of laser range data has also been proposed for the motionestimation of free-floating space objects [53]–[55]. Linchter andDubowsky [53] employed two separate Kalman filters (KFs) forthe rotational and translational dynamics of a free-floating spaceobject in order to reduce the noise of a range sensor. Since prin-cipal inertia of the target are directly included in the state vectorto be estimated by KF, a normalization and reparameterizationof the estimated inertia values have to be performed at every stepof the KF cycle. Hillenbrand and Lampariello [54] developed aleast-squares estimation method for motion estimation and themodel identification of a free-floating space object that relieson the measurement range data, which consists displacements,and approximations of the velocity and acceleration obtainedfrom differentiation of the visual data. The unknowns in thisidentification procedure consist the six inertia parameters of thetarget inertia tensor.

In this paper, we employ optimal control and estimation the-ory [56] for planning the motion of a robotic manipulator tointercept a noncooperative target satellite with unknown dynam-ics. A schematic diagram of the guidance and control system,as considered herein, is shown in Fig. 2. In this “prediction-planning-control” approach, first, an extended Kalman filter(EKF) gives reliable estimations of the motion states and thedynamics parameters of the free-floating target from noisy posemeasurements of the target obtained from an LCS. This allowsthe motion of the target to be reliably predicted as soon as thefilter converges. The convergence can be detected by monitoring

Fig. 2. Prediction-planning-control approach for robotic capturing of a free-floating object.

the filter covariance matrix. Next, the robot motion to interceptthe object at a rendezvous point is optimally planned and exe-cuted. The robot motion is planned to minimize a cost functionsubject to the constraint that the robot’s end-effector and thetarget’s grapple fixture arrive at their rendezvous point simul-taneously at the same velocity. A line-of-sight angle is definedin such a way that zero angle corresponds to the best possibletarget alignment for robotic grasping of the fixture. The costfunction is a weighted linear sum of travel time, distance, co-sine of the line-of-sight angle, and a penalty function acting asa constraint on the acceleration magnitude during the capturingmaneuvers. The weights in the cost function can be specifiedfor optimization of each objectives. For example, time-optimaltrajectory or distance optimal trajectory or a combination canbe achieved by proper selection of the weights. The problem offinding optimal rendezvous point is formulated as solving thesystem Hamiltonian function for the terminal time, which canbe solved by using a numerical technique such as the Newton–Raphson (NR) method. Subsequently, the position and velocityof the target at the time of rendezvous can be computed from thedynamics model of target object. Finally, the optimal trajectorygenerator is presented in a simple feedback form, where theacceleration at any given time is obtained by time-varying gainsacting on the differences between the position/velocity of theend-effector at current time and those at the time of rendezvous.All matrices that are required to design the EKF are derivedin closed-form rendering the prediction and motion-planningscheme suitable for real-time implementation. Moreover, to getaround the quandary of nonidentifiability of the components ofthe inertia tensor, new parameters pertaining to the inertia tensorare used in the state vector to be estimated by EKF. Experimentsare conducted to demonstrate the application of the proposed vi-sual guidance method that can be used for robotic capturing of afree-floating object. A controlled robotic manipulator moves themockup of a satellite as if it drifts and tumbles in zero-gravity.Another robotic manipulator is used to intercept a grapple fix-ture installed on the mockup using the proposed visual guidancescheme.


Fig. 3 illustrates a robot trying to capture a drifting and tum-bling object. {A} is assumed the inertial frame, while coordinate


Fig. 3. Robotic capturing of a free-floating tumbling object.

frame {B} is attached to the body of the target. The origin of{B} is located at the target center of mass (CM) and the axesof {B} are oriented so as to be parallel to the principal axes ofthe target. Coordinate frame {C} is fixed to the target’s grapplefixture located at ρ from the origin of {B}; it is the pose of {C}which is measured by the vision system. We, further, assumethat the target tumbles with angular velocity ω. Herein, both ωand ρ are expressed in the target coordinate frame {B}.

Let quaternion q represent the rotation of the target, i.e.,the orientation of {B} with respect to {A}. Then, the relationbetween the time derivative of the quaternion and the angularvelocity can be readily expressed by

q =12Ω(ω)q, where Ω(ω) =

[−[ω×] ω−ωT 0

]. (1)

Coincidentally, the matrix function Ω(·) also appears in thequaternion product. Let us define operator ⊗ acting on quater-nion q as

q ⊗ �= q014 + Ω(qv ) (2)

where qv is the vector part of the quaternion, and qo is the scalarpart such that q = [qT

v qo ]T . Then, the product of two quater-nions q1 ⊗ q2 corresponds to rotation matrix A(q2)A(q1),where the rotation matrix A(q) is related to the correspond-ing quaternion by

A(q) = (2q2o − 1)13 + 2qo [qv×] + 2qvqT

v . (3)

Dynamics of the rotational motion of the object can be de-scribed by Euler’s equations written in the terms of the momentof inertia. We will need these equations for not only trajectoryplanning purposes but also estimation of the target states andparameters. However, it is important to note that it is not pos-sible to identify the absolute values of the inertia parametersfrom observations of torque-free tumbling motion of an object.For instance, one can observe that the motion trajectories of arigid body with zero input torque remains unchanged when allinertia variables are scaled up or down by the same factor. To

circumvent the nonidentifiability problem, we use the followingnondimensional inertia parameters:

px =Iyy − Izz


py =Izz − Ixx


pz =Ixx − Iyy


where Ixx , Iyy , and Izz denote the principal moments of inertiaof the target, and Ic = diag(Ixx , Iyy , Izz ) is the correspondinginertia tensor. Notice that since the absolute inertial parameterssatisfy the following inequalities:

Ixx + Iyy > Izz

Iyy + Izz > Ixx

Izz + Ixx > Iyy

the nondimensional inertia parameters can only take valuesgrater than −1, i.e.,

px > −1, py > −1, pz > −1.

The Euler’s equations can be expressed in terms of the newparameters as

ω = d(ω,p) + B(p)ετ (5)


d(ω,p) =

⎡⎣ pxωyωz



⎤⎦, B =

⎡⎣ bx(p) 0 0

0 by (p) 00 0 bz (p)


and the entries of the aforementioned diagonal matrix can becomputed from inertial ratio parameters p = [px py pz ]T as

bx(p) = 1 +1 + px

1 − py+

1 − px

1 + pz

by (p) = 1 +1 + py

1 − pz+

1 − py

1 + px

bz (p) = 1 +1 + pz

1 − px+

1 − pz

1 + py(6)


ετ =τ


is defined as the acceleration disturbance, in which tr(·) denotesthe trace of a matrix (see the Appendix for detailed deriva-tions). Note that ετ represents the lumped effects of flexibleappendages like solar panels, fuel sloshing, and gravity gra-dient, which were not considered in our model. Nevertheless,in practice, it is usually sufficient to model them as processnoise in the state estimation process [57], [58]. It is worth not-ing that ετ is independent of the choice of local frame becausetr(Ic) is an invariant quantity. Therefore, the covariance of ετ

is equal to that of torque disturbance τ scaled by constant scalar[tr(Ic)]−1 . Here, the process noise is assumed to be with co-variance E[ετ εT

τ ] = σ2τ 13 .


Denoting r as the location of the target CM expressed in theinertial frame {A} and υ = r as the drift velocity, the transla-tional motion of the target can be simply expressed by

υ = εf (8)

where εf is the disturbance force per unit mass, which is as-sumed to be white noise with covariance E[εf εT

f ] = σ2f 13 . In

addition, the values of the position and velocity of the grapplefixture can be obtained from

rs = r + A(q)ρ (9a)

rs = υ + A(q)(ω × ρ). (9b)

In the rest of this paper, the stochastic model of the targetembodied in (1), (5), and (8) will be used for optimal estimationof the motion states and parameters, whereas the deterministicpart of the model, i.e., when ετ = εf = 0, will be employed foroptimal motion planning of the robotic manipulator.


A. Optimal Rendezvous Point and Path Planning

This section presents an optimal approach to robot-motionplanning for smooth grasping of a free-floating object. Therobot-motion planner must determine when, where, and how tograsp the moving grapple fixture to satisfy some objectives. Weassume that the dynamics parameters of the target {p, ρ} areknown. This assumption will be relaxed in the next section. Themotion planning of the robot is based on prediction of the motionof target computed from the values of the states (and parame-ters) of the target estimated at the initial time of the capturingtime interval. This predicting-planning scheme relives the needfor continuous visual feedback information during the captur-ing operation. This is important for a successful robotic graspingbecause most likely the vision system will be obstructed by therobotic arm at one point during its approach to the target. We alsoassume that the chaser satellite is placed in a suitable positionrelative to the client satellite so that robotic capturing within theworkspace envelope becomes feasible. Moreover, although thesolution of the optimal path is given in the task space, one mayuse a singularity robust scheme for inverse kinematic solution ofnonredundant manipulators [59], [60], or a singularity manage-ment and self-collision avoidance scheme for kinematic controlof redundant manipulators [61]–[65]. Despite space manipu-lators mounted on a free-floating base provide further redun-dancy, they also introduce dynamic singularities [66]. Severalalgorithms have been proposed to solve the inverse kinematicsof redundant free-floating robotic systems [67]–[69] by meansof the so-called generalized Jacobian. Notice that generalizedJacobian, owing to its dynamic nature, captures dynamic singu-larities.

As schematically illustrated in Fig. 3, the end-effector po-sition is represented by rr . The end-effector and the graspingpoint are expected to arrive at a rendezvous-point simultane-ously with the same velocity in order to avoid impact at the timeof grasping. Therefore, the main objective is to bring the end-effector from its initial position rr (to) at initial time t = to to a

grasping location along the trajectory of the grapple fixture onthe target satellite, while satisfying the acceleration magnitudeconstraint ‖rr (t)‖ ≤ a for t ∈ [to tf ] and terminal conditions

rr (tf ) = rs(tf ) and rr (tf ) = rs(tf ). (10)

Note that the initial time to is assumed to be fixed and tf vari-able. The aforementioned terminal constraints for a successfulgrasping are necessary but not sufficient because the grapplefixture should be accessible for the robotic interception too. Inorder to gauge the accessibility of the grapple fixture by therobot, let us define the line of sight angle θ that is made by theopposite direction of vector rr (at the time of interception) andunit vector k attached to the grapple fixture (see Fig. 3). It is as-sumed that vector k is expressed in the target frame {C} in sucha way that θ = 0 corresponds to the most suitable object align-ment for robotic grasping, and conversely, the grasping is notpossible when θ = π. Therefore, it will make sense to maximizethe cosine of the line-of-sight angle at the time of interception.

Now, assume that the optimal trajectory is generated by thefollowing second-order system:

rr = u (11)

which can be thought of as the linearized dynamics of a rigidmanipulator. Now, denoting the state vector of the entire systemas

x = [qT ωT rT rTr rT

r ]T

we get the following autonomous system (time-invariant):

x = f(x,u) =


12 Ω(ω)qd(ω)



⎤⎥⎥⎥⎦ (12)

because the drift velocity υ is constant.In the following analysis, an optimal solution to the input u of

system (12) is sought to minimize the following cost function:

J = φ[x(tf )] +∫ tf


1 + c(u)dτ (13)

in which

c(u) ={

κ(‖u‖2 − a2), if ‖u‖ ≥ a0, otherwise


is a penalty function added to the cost function so that it acts asa “soft” constraint [56] to the acceleration magnitude, subjectto the following terminal state constraint:

ψ[x(tf )] = 0 (15)


ψ(x) =[

rs(xs) − rr

rs(xs) − rr


and vector xs = [qT ωT rT ]T contains the time-varying statesof the target. A “soft constraint” with very large penalty be-comes equivalent to a “hard constraint” [56]. This means thatscalar κ > 0 in penalty function (14) should be selected to be


sufficiently large. If the nonintegral part of the cost function (13)is set to zero, then the time of travel tf − to is minimized, i.e.,time-optimal trajectory. However, the integral cost function isaugmented by the following term:

φ(x) = w1 ‖rr‖ − w2 cos θ (17)

where w1 > 0 and w2 > 0 are scaler weights. Clearly, the in-corporation of φ in the cost function tends to minimize thedistance ‖rr (tf )‖ and maximize the value of the cosine of theline-of-sight angle θ(tf ). Denoting k′(q) = A(q)k as the unitvector expressed in the inertial frame, one can readily expressthe cosine as a function of the states, i.e.,

cos θ = −rr · k′(q)‖rr‖


In summary, cost function (13) is a weighted linear sum of thevarious objectives. Therefore, one can specify scalar weightsfor each objective to be optimized. For instance, w1 w2 1corresponds to minimum distance path, w2 w1 1 corre-sponds to time-optimal path, and w2 w1 1 corresponds tominimum line-of-sight angle at the time of rendezvous.

The Hamiltonian for the system (12) and (13) can be writtenas

H = 1 + c(u) + λT f(x,u). (18)

The Hessian of the Hamiltonian



2κ13 , if ‖u‖ ≥ a0, otherwise


is positive definite only if the input satisfies ‖u‖ ≥ a, andthereby satisfying the sufficient condition for local minimal-ity. According to the optimal control theory [70], the costateand optimal input, i.e., u∗, must satisfy the following partialderivatives:

λλ = −∂H∂x


= 0. (20)

Splitting the vector of costate as λλ = [λλTs λλT

r λλTu ]T , where λλs ∈

R9 and λλr , λλu ∈ R

3 , and applying (20) to our Hamiltonian (18)yields the following identities:

λλr = 0 (21a)

λλu = −λλr (21b)

λλu = −2κu∗. (21c)

One can readily infer from (21a)–(21c) that the expression ofthe acceleration trajectory is

u∗ = α(t − to) + β (22)

where α and β are defined such that

λλr = 2κα

λλu = −2κα(t − to) − 2κβ. (23)

Subsequently, one can obtain the position and velocity trajecto-ries via integration, i.e.,

rr (t) − rr (to) =12α(t − to)2 + β(t − to)

rr (t)−rr (to) =16α(t− to)3 +

12β(t− to)2 + rr (to)(t − to).


The constant polynomial coefficients α and β are solved byimposing the initial and terminal conditions (16)

α =6

(tf − to)2 [rs(tf ) + rr (to)]

− 12(tf − to)3

[rs(tf ) − rr (to)


β = − 2tf − to

[rs(tf ) + 2rr (to)]


(tf − to)2

[rs(tf ) − rr (to)

]. (25)

If the terminal time tf is given, then rs(tf ) and rs(tf )can be computed from (9). However, the optimal terminaltime t∗f remains to be found. The optimal Hamiltonian H∗ =H(x∗,u∗, λλ) that is calculated at optimal point u∗ and x∗ mustsatisfy H = 0, i.e.,

H∗(t∗f ) = 1 − κa2 − 2κ ‖β‖2 + λλTs xs = 0. (26)

This gives the extra equation required to determine the optimalterminal time. We will show in the following analysis that λλT

s xs

can be expressed as a function of tf . The final values of thecostate can be obtained from the end-point constraint equationreferred to as the transversality condition:

λλ(tf ) =(




ν +∂φ


∣∣∣x(tf )


where vector ν = [νT1 νT

2 ]T , where ν1 ,ν2 ∈ R3 , is the La-

grangian multiplier owing to the constraint (16). Using (16) in(27) yields

λλ(tf ) =

⎡⎣ (∇xs

rs)T ν1 + (∇xsrs)T ν2 + ∇xs


−ν1 + ∇rrφ



x(tf )

. (28)

Now, equating right-hand side (RHS) of (23) and (28) will resultin a set of three equations with three unknowns ν1 , ν2 , andλλT

s xs . Solving the set of equations gives the following usefulidentity:

λλTs xs = νT

1 rs + νT2 rs + ∇xs

φT xs

= (∇rrφ − 2κα)T rs + 2κ

(α(tf − to) + β

)Trs + ∇qφT q


in which we use identity ∇xsφT xs = ∇qφT q (note that func-

tion φ does not depend on ω and r). Finally, substituting (29)into (26) and using (24), we will arrive at

H(tf ) = 1 − κa2 − 2κ ‖β‖2 + 2κβT rs +12∇qφT Ω(ω)q

+(βT ∇rr

φ − 2καT β + 2καT rs

)(tf − to)


12αT ∇rr

φ − κ ‖α‖2)

(tf − to)2 = 0 (30)



∇rrφ[x(tf )] = w1


‖rs‖+ w2

rs × (rs × k′)‖rs‖3

∇qφ[x(tf )] =w2


[2qok × rs + (qT

v k)rs + (qTv rs)k

2rTs (qv × k + 2qok)



and the predicted acceleration, i.e., rs(tf ), can be obtained fromthe time derivative of (9b) as

rs = A(q)(ω × (ω × ρ) + d(ω) × ρ

). (32)

In derivation of (31), we use the identity

[rs×]2 = −‖rs‖2 13 + rsrTs .

It should be noted that the expression of the optimal rendezvoustime tf in (30) is not given explicitly. Therefore, (30) should besolved in terms of tf using a numerical method such as the NRmethod (see the Appendix for details). It should be pointed outthat the NR gives only one solution, whereas H(tf ) = 0 mayhave multiple solutions. Nevertheless, there are several othernumerical methods that are available to seek all real solutionsto a nonlinear equation [71], [72].

B. Motion Planning Using Feedback

In the previous section, the optimal rendezvous point androbot path are fixed after being planned at initial time to based onthe future trajectories of the position, velocity, and acceleration;see (30), (22), and (25), respectively. However, as time goesby, more accurate estimates of the target trajectories may beavailable, and therefore, it seems logical to update the robottrajectories accordingly. The section presents the optimal controlinput u∗ in a feedback form, which is suitable for continualupdate in the face of any modification in the prediction of thetarget motion that may occur during t ∈ [to tf ).

The expression of the optimal control input in (22) and (25)can be written as a function of initial time to and current time tin this form

u∗(to , t) = Γ(to , t)e(to) + γ(to , t), t ∈ [to , tf ) (33)


e(t) =[

rs(tf ) − rr (t)rs(tf ) − rr (t)


can be treated as the feedback error on which a controller withfollowing time-varying feedback gain acts:

Γ(to , t) =[ −12t + 6to + 6tf

(tf − to)3 136t − 4to − 2tf

(tf − to)2 13


γ(to , t) =12t − 6to − 6tf

(tf − to)2 rs(tf ). (34)

Now, the control input at any given time t ∈ [to , tf ) can be alsocalculated by setting the values of the position and velocity atthat time as the initial values in (33). Therefore, by setting thefloating initial time to = t in (34), we will arrive at

Γ(t, t) =[

6(tf − t)2 13

−2tf − t



γ(t, t) =−6

tf − trs(tf ). (35)

Finally, using shorthand notation u∗(t, t) = u∗(t), Γ(t, t) =Γ(t), and γ(t, t) = γ(t), one can rewrite (33) as

u∗(t) ={

Γ(t)e(t) + γ(t), if to ≤ t ≤ tf − εu

03×1 , otherwise(36)

where εu > 0 can be selected to be arbitrary small. Notice thatoptimal trajectories (33) and (36) corresponding to the fixedand floating initial times are equivalent as long as the finalvalues rs(tf ) and rs(tf ) remain constant. However, (36) isat advantage of being able to automatically update the pathtrajectories when the final values change.


The implementation of the optimal motion-planning schemerequires the values of the full motion states as well as the dy-namic parameters of the target. Since our vision system givesonly measurement of the object pose, we need to estimate therest of variables. This section describes an EKF-based estima-tor [73], [74] to estimate not only the system states but also allthe relevant parameters. First, linearized models for the obser-vation and dynamics systems will be presented; then, the filterdesign follows.

A. Observation Equations

Let us assume that the vision system gives a noisy measure-ment of the position and orientation of coordinate {C} attachedto the grapple fixture with respect to the inertial coordinate sys-tem {A} (see Fig. 3). Denoting the orientation of {C} withrespect to {A} by unit quaternion η, one can write the measure-ment vector as

z =[



]+ v (37)

where v is the measurement noise, which is assumed to be whitewith covariance R = E[vvT ]. The orientation of the principalaxes, i.e., the alignment of coordinate frame {C} with respect to{B}, is not a priori known. Therefore, introducing unit quater-nion μ to represent the misalignment between coordinates {B}and {C}, the quaternion η can be considered as two successiveorientations as

η = μ ⊗ q. (38)

In order to avoid introducing a new variable, we redefined vectorx as

x = [qTv ωT rT υT pT ρT μT

v ]T (39)

to be the state vector of the EKF estimator, where qv and μv

denote the vector parts of the corresponding quaternions. Now,the observation equations can be written as

z = h(x) + v


h(x) =[

r + A(q)ρμ ⊗ q



is a nonlinear function of quaternions q and μ. To linearize theobservation vector, one needs to derive the sensitivity of thenonlinear observation vector with respect to small variationsδqv and δμv , where ‖δqv‖ 1 and ‖δμv‖ 1. To this end,consider quaternion variations

δq = q ⊗ q−1 (41a)

δμ = μ−1 ⊗ μ (41b)

as the deviations of the corresponding quaternions from theirnominal values q and μ. Here, the inverse of quaternion isdefined such that q ⊗ q−1 = [0 0 0 1]T , where [0 0 0 1]T isthe identity quaternion. It can be readily seen from (3) that, fora small rotation, where ‖δqv‖ 1 and δqo ≈ 1, the first-orderapproximation of the rotation matrix can be written as

A(δq) = 13 + 2[δqv×] + H.O.T.

where H.O.T. stands for second and higher order terms. Hence,the first row of the RHS of (40) can be approximated (first-orderapproximation) as

rs = r + A(q)(13 + 2[δqv×])ρ + H.O.T. (42)

Now, we need to linearize the orientation component of theobservation vector. Substituting q and μ from (41) into (38)yields

η = μ ⊗ δμ ⊗ δq ⊗ q

= μ ⊗ δη ⊗ q (43)


δη = δμ ⊗ δq. (44)

Using the definition of the quaternion product (2) and neglectingthe second and higher order terms, one can rewrite (43) in thefollowing form:

η ≈ η + Γ(q, μ)δηv

where η = μ ⊗ q, and

Γ =[

qo ηo13 − qo [μv×] + ηo [qv×] − [qv×][μv×] − qv μTv

(qv × μv )T − ηo qTv − qoμ



Moreover, from (44), we get

δηv = δqv + δμv − δμv × δqv

≈ δqv + δμv (45)

and therefore

η = η + Γ(q, μ)[δqv + δμv ] + H.O.T. (46)

Finally, from the first-order approximation of the observationvector in (42) and (46), one can infer the observation sensitivitymatrix as

H =∂h(x)



=[−2A(q)[ρ×] 03 13 03×6 A(q) 03

Γ(q, μ) 04×3 04×3 04×6 04×3 Γ(q, μ)



B. Extended Kalman Filter Design

Assume that the dynamics parameters, i.e., θ =[pT ρT μT

v ]T , remained constant, and therefore

θ = 09×1 . (48)

Now, in view of (1), (5), and (8) together with (48), the processdynamics can be described in this compact form

x = f s(x) + G(x)ε (49)


G(x) =


03 03B(p) 0303 0303 13

09×3 09×3

⎤⎥⎥⎥⎦ and ε =




contains the entire process noise. Equation (49) can be usedfor state propagation. However, the state transition matrix of thelinearized system will be also needed to be used for covariancepropagation of EKF. Adopting a linearization technique simi-lar to that in [57] and [58], one can linearize the equation ofquaternion (1) as


δqv = −ω × δqv +12δω (50a)


δqo = 0. (50b)

Note that, since δqo is not an independent variable and ithas variations of only the second order, its time derivative canbe ignored, as suggested in [57]. Moreover, linearization offunction d(ω,p) in the Euler equation (5) yields




= M(ω, p) =

⎡⎣ 0 px ωz px ωy

py ωz 0 py ωx

pz ωy pz ωx 0





= N(ω) =

⎡⎣ ωy ωz 0 0

0 ωx ωz 00 0 ωx ωy



F =∂f s(x)




⎡⎢⎣−[ω×] 1

2 13 03 03 03 03×603 M(ω, p) 03 03 N(ω) 03×603 03 03 13 03 03×6

012×3 012×3 012×3 012×3 012×3 012×6


The equivalent discrete-time system of the linearized systemcan be written as

δxk+1 = Φk δxk + wk (51)

where wk is discrete-time process noise, and the state tran-sition matrix Φk = Φ(tk , tΔ) at time tk over time intervaltΔ = tk+1 − tk is given by

Φ(tk , tΔ) = eF (tk )tΔ ≈ 121 + tΔF (tk ). (52)


The covariance of the discrete-time process noise is related tothe continuous process noise covariance by

Qk = E[wkwTk ] =

∫ tk +tΔ


Φ(tk , τ)GΣGT ΦT (tk , τ)dτ

where Σ = E[εεT ] = diag(σ2τ 13 , σ

2f 13). After integration, the

covariance matrix takes the form

Qk = diag(σ2

τ Λ1(tk ), σ2f Λ2(tk ),09





12 B2 t3Δ6 B2MT + t2

Δ4 B2

× t3Δ3 MB2MT + t2

Δ2 (B2MT + MB2) + B2tΔ



t3Δ3 13

t2Δ2 13

× tΔ13


Now, one can design an EKF based on the derived models(47), (52), and (53). The EKF-based observer for the associatednoisy discrete system (51) is given in two steps: 1) Estimateupdate

Kk = P−k HT



k HTk + Rk


Δxk = K(zk − h(x−

k ))


P k =(121 − KkHk


k (54c)

and 2) estimate propagation

x−k+1 = xk +

∫ tk +tΔ


f s(x) dt (55a)

P−k+1 = ΦkP kΦT

k + Qk (55b)

where x−k and xk are a priori and a posteriori estimations of

the state vector, and Hk = H(x−k ). The state update follows

the error-state update, i.e., Δx = [ΔqTv ΔχT ΔμT

v ]T , in theinnovation step of the KF (54b). The update of “nonquaternionpart” of the state vector, i.e., χ, can be easily obtained by addingthe corresponding error to a priori estimation. However, quater-nion updates are more complicated because only the vectorsparts of the quaternion errors Δqvk

and Δμvkare given at ev-

ery step time. Therefore, first, the scalar parts of the quaternionvariations should be computed from the corresponding vectorparts. Second, the quaternion updates are computed using thequaternion multiplication rule. Consequently, the state updatemay proceed right after (54b) as

state update:


χk = χ−k + Δχk

qk =[

Δqvk√1 − ‖Δqvk


]⊗ q−


μk =[

Δμvk√1 − ‖Δμvk


]⊗ μ−




This section reports experimental results showing the per-formance of the vision-guided robotic system for autonomousinterception of a tumbling satellite. Fig. 4 illustrates the experi-mental setup with two manipulator arms. One arm is employed

Fig. 4. Experimental setup.

Fig. 5. ICP algorithm matches points from the CAD model and the scanneddata to estimate the object pose. (a) Satellite CAD model. (b) Point-cloud data.

to drift and tumble the mockup of a target satellite2 accordingto dynamics motion in zero-gravity [75]. The other arm, whichis equipped with a robotic hand known as SARAH [76], is usedto autonomously approach the mockup and capture its grapplefixture. In this experiment, the servicer satellite to which thespace manipulator is attached is assumed to have an ACS toperfectly cancel the dynamic effect of the manipulator motionon the attitude of the servicer base. Therefore, only the visionguidance and robot planning method can be verified withouttaking imperfect attitude control or space manipulator controlinto account. Each robotic arm has seven joints and, hence, is re-dundant. The redundancy resolution algorithm that is proposedby Nelson and Khosla [64] is used to control the self-motion ofthe manipulators in such a way that joint limits and singularitiesare avoided as much as possible. Neptec’s LCS [52] is usedto obtain the range data at a rate of 2 Hz. The target pose isestimated by comparing the range data obtained from the LCSagainst the CAD model of the mockup using the iterative clos-est point (ICP) algorithm [55], [77]. The ICP algorithm is aniterative procedure which minimizes a distance between pointcloud in one dataset and the closest points in the other [78], [79].One dataset is a set of 3-D point cloud acquired by scanning thetarget, while the other one is a CAD surface model as illustratedin Fig. 5.

The entire control system has been developed using Simulink.MATLAB’s Real-Time Workshop [80] generates portable C

2A two-third scaled model of a Canadian micro-satellite called Quicksat.


Fig. 6. Last steps of robotic grasping of the satellite mockup.

code from the Simulink model. Matrix manipulations are car-ried out by using the DSP blockset of Matlab/Simulink [81].The code, upon compilation, is executed on the QNX real-timeoperating system. Four 2.5-GHz P4 computers are dedicated tothe processes associated with the ICP, the EKF estimator, therobot path planner and control, and the satellite simulator.

The robotic arm to which the satellite mockup is attached iscontrolled to precisely mimic the dynamics motion of a tar-get satellite. In other words, the satellite mockup is movedas if it is drifting and tumbling in zero-gravity. The mo-ment of inertia values of the target satellite are selected asIxx = 4 kg·m2 , Iyy = 8 kg·m2 , Izz = 5 kg·m2 , and the locationof CM is ρ = [−0.15 0 0]T m. Therefore, tr(Ic) = 17 kg·m2 ,and the inertia ratio parameters are

p =




These values are used to determine the manipulator-driven mo-tion of the target as free-floating object with initial drift ve-locity r(0) = [−3 − 2 1.5] mm/s and initial angular velocityω(0) = [0.09 − 0.04 0.03] rad/s. Random force and torque per-turbation signals with covariances

σf = 1 × 10−3m/s2 and στ = 2 × 10−3rad/s2

are fed to the simulator so that the produced motion is notcompletely deterministic. The motion trajectories of the targetsatellite are generated off-line using MATLAB Simulink.

The LCSs provides pose measurements of the object at 2 Hz.The measurement noise matrix, i.e., R, for the vision system is

R = diag((0.045)213m2 ,(0.06)214


For the first iteration of the EKF, an adequate guess of the initialstates is required. The initial linear and angular velocities of theobject at t = 0 s are selected to be zero. In addition, coordinateframe {C} is assumed to be initially aligned with the object’sprincipal axes, i.e., q(0) = q(0) = η(0). Given initial valuesof the parameters p(0) and ρ(0), the initial value of the CMposition can be computed from the reciprocal of the observation

equation, and thus, the state vector is initialized as

x(0) =




rs(0) − AT (η(0))ρ(0)0




The objective is to capture the grapple fixture of the tumblingsatellite mockup smoothly using the robotic arm despite of notknowing the target dynamics parameters. The parameters of theoptimal motion planner are set to

w1 = 2, w2 = 50, κ = 1000, a = 0.01. (57)

The time history of the position and orientation of the mockupsatellite obtained from ICP algorithm is shown in Fig. 7. Appar-ently, the vision system is obstructed by the robotic arm duringits final approach at time t = 112 s, and thereafter, the visualpose measurements are incorrect. During the learning phase, theEKF estimator receives these noisy measurements and, subse-quently, estimates the sets of inertial parameters plus the linearand angular velocities of the tumbling satellite. Figs. 8 and 9show the trajectories of the estimated velocities and the iner-tial parameters, respectively. The motion planner automaticallygenerates robot trajectory once the EKF estimator converges.To this end, the convergence is when the Euclidean norm of thestate covariance matrix drops below a threshold εth , i.e.,

‖P k‖ ≤ εth .

It should be pointed out that the threshold must be selectedcarefully: A high value can lead to inaccurate estimation re-sults, while a very low value can lead to an unnecessarily longconvergence time. The time history of the norm of the covari-ance matrix is plotted in Fig. 10. In this experiment, the filtercovariance matrix is initialized as

P (to) = 121

whereas the threshold value for the convergence detection isset to 0.1. Apparently, at time t = 85 s, the trajectory reachesthe prescribed threshold εth = 0.1 indicating the filter conver-gence. The initial time, however, is set to to = 90 s, leavinga margin of 5 s to accommodate the computation time neededfor path planning. Trajectories of predicted position, velocity,and acceleration of the grapple fixture calculated from the latest


Fig. 7. Target pose measurements obtained from LCS.

estimation of the motion states and parameters of the target areshown in Fig. 11. A comparison of the trajectories of the visualmeasurements and those of the predicted position in Fig. 11(a)reveals that the visual measurements are not reliable at the finalstages of the robot approach after time t = 112 s. The optimalrendezvous time tf is obtained from solving the Hamiltonian asfunction of tf in (30) using the predicted motion trajectories.The zero-crossing of the Hamiltonian is found numerically us-ing the NR method as illustrated in Fig. 12. It is clear from thefigure that the NR method quickly converges to optimal solutiontf − to = 36.5 s., i.e., within about eight iterations, in spite offar off initial guess 10 s from the actual value. Thus

to = 90 s and tf = 126.5 s

is the rendezvous time minimizing the weighted linear sum ofthe objectives corresponding to the specified weights (57). Forthe sake of comparing the optimization results with respect todifferent objectives, the optimal rendezvous time for minimum-time path, minimum-distance path, and minimum line-of-sightangle are also calculated to be tf = 105 s, tf = 120 s, andtf = 132 s, respectively, for this particular example.

Fig. 8. Estimated drift velocity and angular velocity of the target.

The last steps of robotic capturing of the satellite’s grap-ple fixture are illustrated in Fig. 6. Trajectories of the robot’send-effector and the satellite grapple fixture are shown in Fig. 13.It is evident that the robot intercepts the handle at the designatedfinal time. Fig. 14 shows a phase plane showing trajectories ofthe distance between the end-effector and the grapple fixture,rs − rr versus the relative velocity, rs − rr . It is clear from theplot that the end-effector has reached the grapple fixture withalmost zero relative velocity. The optimal rendezvous point andpath are planned based on the prediction of the target’s motioncomputed from the estimated parameters and states at initialtime to = 90 s. In order to assess the accuracy of motion predic-tion, the prediction motion error for the grasping interval [to tf ]is estimated from the actual target position, i.e., rsa c t , computedfrom the kinematics model of the simulator manipulator and theresults are plotted in Fig. 15. It is evident from the graph thatthe positioning error at the time of grasping is less than 1.5 cm,which is well within the grasping envelop of our robotic hand. Inaddition, the predicted trajectories of the line-of-sight angle inFig. 16 shows that the robot reaches the target at angle θ = 21◦,which is small angle for reliable capture.


Fig. 9. Convergence of the estimated dynamics parameters of the target totheir true values (depicted by dotted lines).

Fig. 10. Detecting the estimator convergence from the norm of the state co-variance matrix.

Fig. 11. (a)–(c) Estimations and predictions of the grapple-fixture position,velocity, and acceleration.

Robotic capturing of the target satellite also requires that therobot end-effector is properly aligned with the target at the timeof rendezvous. In this experiment, the robot attempts to track


Fig. 12. NR iterations to find the zero crossing of the Hamiltonian function.

Fig. 13. Position trajectories of the target satellite and the robot hand.

Fig. 14. Trajectories of the relative position versus relative velocity.

the target’s orientation trajectories starting at initial time t = to .By virtue of (5), one can estimate the target angular accelerationfrom the estimated angular velocity and parameters accordingto ˆω = d(ω, p). Fig. 17 illustrates trajectories of the estimated

Fig. 15. Prediction error of the grapple-fixture position.

Fig. 16. Line-of-sight angle.

Fig. 17. Estimation of the target’s angular acceleration.

angular acceleration. Consequently, q, ω, and ˆω constitute thedesired orientation trajectories of the robot. Fig. 18 demonstratesthat the robot end-effector is able to track the target attitude fewseconds after the initial time to .


Fig. 18. Orientation trajectories of the target satellite and robot’s hand.


We presented an optimal estimation and guidance scheme indetail for smooth robotic capturing of a drifting and tumblingtarget with uncertain dynamics. First, a KF was used to estimatethe motion states and a set of dynamics parameters of the targetbased on noisy pose measurements of an LCS. The dynamicsequations were adequately represented in terms of inertia ratios,and trace of the inertia matrix (an invariant quantity) is factoredout of the equations so that the set of remaining dynamics param-eters became identifiable. Second, the estimations of the statesand parameters are used by a guidance scheme to optimally planthe trajectory of the robot’s end-effector to intercept a grapplefixture on the object with zero relative velocity at an optimalrendezvous point. In order to satisfy the capture requirements,a cost function was defined as a weighted linear sum of traveltime, distance, and cosine of a line-of-sight angle (indicating theaccessibility of the grapple fixture for robotic capturing) plus apenalty function acting as a “soft” constraint on the acceler-ation magnitude. Optimal control theory was used to find thetrajectory and rendezvous point minimizing the cost functionsubject to the zero relative velocity requirements at the time ofgrasping. Finally, experimental results illustrating autonomousguidance of a robotic manipulator for the capture of a driftingand tumbling mockup satellite based on noisy pose measure-ments obtained from a laser vision system were reported. Theresults demonstrated that the robot’s hand smoothly interceptsthe grapple fixture of the tumbling satellite, i.e., with almost zerorelative velocity, even though the vision sensor was obstructedby the robot arm and that target dynamics was not known apriori to the guidance system.


The Euler equations written in the principal axes are given by

Ixxωx = (Iyy − Ixx)ωyωz + τx

Iyy ωy = (Izz − Ixx)ωxωz + τy

Izz ωz = (Ixx − Iyy )ωxωy + τz (58)

which are equivalent to (5) using definition (7), and

bx =tr(Ic)Ixx

, by =tr(Ic)Iyy

, bz =tr(Ic)Izz

. (59)

The following identities can be directly derived from (4):



1 + px

1 − py,



1 − px

1 + pz,



1 − pz

1 + py. (60)

Finally, using (60) in (59) gives

bx(p) = 1 +Iyy




= 1 +1 + px

1 − py+

1 − px

1 + pz.

The expressions of by and bz as functions of p can be derivedin the same fashion.


According to the NR method, the following loop

tn+1 = tn − H(tn )H′(tn )


may be worked out iteratively until the error in equation H(t) =0 falls into an acceptable tolerance. The differentiation of theHamiltonian with respect to time in (61) can be approximatedfrom

H′(tn ) ≈ H(tn ) −H(tn−1)tn − tn−1

. (62)

Therefore, upon substitution of (62) into (61), we get

tn+1 =tnH(tn−1) − tn−1H(tn )

H(tn−1) −H(tn ). (63)


The author would like to thank Dr. L. Hartman from CanadianSpace Agency for his helpful comments to this paper.


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Farhad Aghili (SM’07) received the B.Sc. degreein mechanical engineering and the M.Sc. degree inbiomedical engineering from the Sharif University ofTechnology, Tehran, Iran, in 1988 and 1991, respec-tively, and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineer-ing from McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada,in 1998.

In January 1998, he joined the Canadian SpaceAgency (CSA), Saint-Hubert, QC, where he is cur-rently a Research Scientist with the Space Explo-ration Directory. He has been working on the inter-

national space station program, robotic on-orbit servicing, and planetary explo-ration missions. He has published more than 120 papers in journals and confer-ence proceedings and is the author of four patents in the U.S. and Canada. Hisresearch interests include multibody dynamics, robotics, space robotics, visionsystems, control systems, and mechatronics systems.

Dr. Aghili won the Best Paper Award at the 2007 ASME/IEEE InternationalConference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and received the CSA In-ventor and Innovator Certificate six times.