WebSide Start Here CREATIVE. CONNECTED. CONVERSATIONS. Digitally connected with customers, driving sales and delivering results. Our strengths lie in offering a crea4ve and strategic partnership that helps brands communicate, engage and grow. We help build connected brands by using our service to execute, integrate & op=mize marke=ng programs for brands. The power to define and control a brand is shiCing to conversa4on from individuals and communi=es. Are you capturing them? © Copyright 2011 WebSide. All Rights Reserved.

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WebSide's 1st Creative Corporate Presentation on our Expertise & Service Offerings.

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Start  Here


Digitally  connected  with  customers,  driving  sales  and  delivering  results.

Our  strengths  lie  in  offering  a  crea4ve  and  strategic  partnership  that  helps  brands  communicate,  engage  and  grow.

We  help  build  connected  brands  by  using  our  service  to  execute,  integrate  &  op=mize  marke=ng  programs  for  brands.

The  power  to  define  and  control  a  brand  is  shiCing  to  conversa4on  from  individuals  and  communi=es.  Are  you  capturing  them?

©  Copyright  2011  WebSide.  All  Rights  Reserved.

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what we do?We develop online campaigns, programs and experiences designed

to help people !nd and engage with what they are looking for!

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2what do we do?we  build  connected  marketing


Instead  of  managing  just  one  of  your  digital  marke=ng  ac=vity,  WebSide  can  provide  everything  you  need  to  successfully  promote  your  business  on  the  web.


Social Media

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3what do we do?    Search  Engine  Optimisation

   Search  Engine  Marketing

   Search  Engine  Reputation  Management

   Social  Media  Marketing

   Viral  Marketing

   Online  Display  Advertising

   Web  Presence  Engineering  

   E-­‐Commerce  Design  &  Development

   Content  Management  System


Social Media


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4what do we do?

Web  Presence  Engineering  

UX  &  User  Interface  Design

E-­‐Commerce  Design  &  Development

Content  Management  System

Corporate  Presentations

2  Minutes  Explainer  Videos

Infographics  Creation

Research  &  Insights  Presentation

Corporate  Print  Design

Social  Media  Marketing

Social  Media  Monitoring

Social  Media  Research

Social  Media  Engagement

Social  Media  Measurement

Social  Media  Bookmarking

Social  Media  Training  &  Learning

Social  Media  Advertising

Social  Viral  Marketing

Search  Engine  Optimization

Link  Building  Strategy

Link  Acquisition  Management

Keyword  Targeting  &  Research  

Web  Analytics  Reporting

Local  Search  Optimization  

Search  Engine  Marketing

Search  Reputation  Management

Multilingual  SEO  &  SEM

Creative Social Media Search

we  build  connected  marketing

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creative designWe brings our clients’ brands to life with striking creative landscapes that

communicate messages effectively and leave lasting impressions!

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6creative engineering


   We  build  websites  for  marketing  purposes

   Specialise  in  websites  that  drive  leads  &  business

   Built  for  Search  Engine  Optimization

   Fully  Content  Managed

   We  can  build  from  scratch  or  re-­‐design  existing

   We  excel  in  eCommerce  design  &  development

   We  focus  primarily  on  Creativity  &  Usability

   We  have  a  team  of  UI,  UX  &  IxD  experts

   We  build  for  web,  mobile  &  portable  gadgets

“Capturing  an  audience’s  attention  in  the  ever  changing  digital  world  is  a  challenge.”

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our processdesign for visibility

Gather  business,  brand,  user  insights,  and  search  data.


Create  site  framework,  design  and  

development,  page  build.


Quality  Assurance  tes=ng,  

deployment  &  measurement.


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8our creative process


Develop User Experience

Strategy Brief

Conduct keyword research

Conduct user


Interview 3 – 5 stakeholders &

marketing team.

Gather existing & new research

data / define hosting needs

Envision Gather business, brand, user insights, and search data

Elaborate Create site framework, design and development, page build

Execute QA testing, deployment

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9our creative process

Establish hosting


Create copy deck

Develop visual design

Create site map and


Develop creative concept

Envision Gather business, brand, user insights, and search data

Elaborate Create site framework, design and development, page build

Execute QA testing, deployment

Baseline search metrics

Redirection mapping

Build HTML pages

Develop test


Develop test



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10our creative process


Envision Gather business, brand, user insights, and search data

Elaborate Create site framework, design and development, page build

Execute QA testing, deployment

Ongoing measurement

and optimization

Deploy Interest2Action

Deploy new site

Execute QA


Implement redirection plan

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search marketingOur SEO/SEM services increase the volume and quality of traffic to your website

so that potential clients, customers and partners can quickly locate you!

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PPC  -­‐  Pay  Per  ClickSEO  -­‐  Search  Engine  Op4miza4on

search marketing

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13search engine optimization  Search  Engine  Optimization  (SEO)  is  the  

process  of  naturally  promoIng  the  website  

to  be  found  in  relevant  search  results  pages.

 SEO  should  ideally  be  constantly  managed  

to  ensure  consistent  coverage.

 SEO  usually  takes  upwards  of  6  months  to  

begin  to  achieve  good  natural  results. SEO

Page  Titles

Meta  Descriptions  &  Keywords



Alt  Text

Directory  Listings

Press  Release  Distribution

Article  Marketing

Partner  Links

Link  Baiting

on page off page


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search engine marketingGoogle  Search  is  Google’s  premier  product  and  we  can  use  Google  AdWords  to  bid  for  keywords,  which  are  relevant  to  our  line  of  business.


Microsoft  and  Yahoo!  have  partnered  in  search  to  offer  advertising  both  on  Bing  and  Yahoo!  Search.

We  pay  per  click  for  our  advertising  and  impressions  (views)  are  free.

Google  AdWords  &  Microsoft  Advertising  campaigns  can  begin  within  minutes  and  can  be  delivering  clicks  through  to  the  site  straight  away.  

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measuring results

clear  calls  to  action

specifically  built  landing  pages  with  a  form  

to  complete  and  a  different  phone  number

Google  Analytics  can  be  used  to  measure  

response  rates  and  conversions

based  on  subsequent  conversion  rates,  the  

system  can  also  be  used  to  identify  target  

keywords  for  other  forms  of  marketing.

how  do  we  measure  performance?

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social media marketingWe help clients extend the value of their brand by leveraging the power and speed of social media networks like Facebook and Twitter to increase brand

awareness, initiate a conversation with customers and manage brand reputation.

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17social media marketing

Social Media‘markets  are  conversations’

What is Social Media?!"#$%&'()*$%'*)+#,$-)+'./)'.)#/0"&"1$)+2'3&%4",5+'%0*'5)./"*+'$0'6/$#/'7+),+'+/%,)'#"0.)0.'"0&$0)8




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“Social Media describes the technologies, platforms and methods in which users share content and conversations online.”

We help you engage in social media by having meaningful conversations with people and

igniting positive word of mouth.

We do this through influencer campaigns, conversation platforms, advocacy programmes,

community building and management, social applications, conversation response and

reputation management.

We help you listen to conversations throughout social media relevant to your brand,

products, services, competitors and sector.

We help you understand the impact that social media is having on your organisation and

work with you to implement the changes that need to be made as a result.

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social media marketing strategies

perfect place for you to connect with people who really matter... ‘your customers’!

develop real connections and dynamic relationship by truly engaging your audience

allows for direct two-way communication between brand and consumer.

personalise the brand for audience

display special offers upon an user clicking ‘Like’

place to showcase your creative and social nature

highlight a call for action for converting a lead

display product announcement and new launches

facebook landing page optimisation“A Facebook Page is a customisable presence for an organisation or product and allows businesses

the ability to build a community on Facebook, giving relevant users the opportunity to interact with

your company and immerse themselves in your brand.”

“Research conducted shows that Facebook Pages with customised landing page grow 38% faster than those without.”

“We can develop specific features to make sure your campaign goals are reached. Just let us know what you need and we will develop a bespoke solution!”

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social media marketing strategies

engage with your user base to gather inputs

understand consumer behaviour and sharing habits

take your word of mouth marketing to next level

provides potential interception point to build the

relationship with your customer

facebook social applications

A really effective way of generating awareness and driving traffic to your social presences, particularly on Facebook, is to run a competition. As well as engaging audiences, competitions also give an additional level of interactivity and allow you to generate a buzz around your Facebook Page.

facebook competitions

Competitions also tap into the viral aspect of Facebook, allowing friends to compete and share competitions and prizes with each other, increasing

brand exposure and driving more traffic and entries free of charge.

We can run a photo or video competition in which visitors to the Facebook

Page can upload a photo or video for fellow users to vote a winner.

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social media marketing strategies

We offer several Facebook Advertising solutions to suit your exact campaign requirements and budget, whether it’s using Social Ads, Home Page Ads or Sponsored Stories.

Facebook Advertising is the perfect way to reach both broad and niche markets precisely.

Your business can advertise to your exact audiences based on speci!c social and geographical information, age, gender, location, personal interests, job functions, to name but a few, can all re!ne targeting.

Basically, we de!ne your ideal target audience and then develop a perfect Facebook Advertising campaign to suit!

facebook advertising programs

our facebook marketing service include:

Facebook Audience Identi!cation

Facebook Page Development

Creative Design

Statistical Monitoring

ROI Reporting

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social media marketing strategies

It’s no secret that Twitter has boomed in the India over the past 12 months. In fact, traffic to the Social Media site has increased 1,736% in the past 12 months.

With over 600 million queries being made a day through the Twitter search engine, this is more than Bing and Yahoo.

Over 65% of the world’s top 100 companies are harnessing the power of Twitter – are you?

twitter marketing

our twitter marketing service include:

Twitter Account Design and Build

Twitter Account Maintenance

Tweet Messaging Management

Twitter Feed Website Integration

We offer an array of Twitter Marketing services to suit any budget from initial account build through to professional full campaign management.

Increase your online exposure, improve brand awareness and update the people who matter – your audience.

We are here to help with all aspects of Twitter promotion, ensuring you utilise the marketing opportunities the site has to o!er to full potential.

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social media marketing strategies

A Microsite is essentially a mini website for particular strand/department of

a business, a speci!c event or marketing campaign.

Sometimes a new business venture or marketing campaign requires its

own website to communicate the offering effectively.

A microsite may have only 5 – 10 pages but have content and visual

branding entirely about the particular initiative you are trying to promote.

The site may also have some “co-branding” elements which make users

aware of the company behind the microsite.

Building a website entirely about a singular subject has some excellent

bene!ts from a search engine point of view.

Google and other search engines tend to prioritise a website which has a

singular subject focus over a website with multiple focuses.

It can also be used as a platform to showcase activities from various social

networks in one place for better visibility and aggregation.

microsite marketing

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other social media marketing

Geotargeting Marketing Video Marketing Photo/Documents Marketing

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our clientsWe don't have 'good' clients. We have the best.

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26our clients

Would  you  like  to  be  listed  in  our  elite  list?  Please  drop  us  an  email  at  [email protected]  or  if  you’d  like  to  have  a  chat,  gives  us  a  call  on  +91  860  860  99  44

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Thank You!

Our  strengths  lie  in  offering  a  crea4ve  and  strategic  partnership  that  helps  brands  communicate,  engage  and  grow.

We  help  build  connected  brands  by  using  our  service  to  execute,  integrate  &  op=mize  marke=ng  programs  for  brands.

The  power  to  define  and  control  a  brand  is  shiCing  to  conversa4on  from  individuals  and  communi=es.  Are  you  capturing  them?

[email protected] +91- 860 860 99 44

©  Copyright  2011  WebSide.  All  Rights  Reserved.