Master head fits the colour scheme of the rest of the cover which gives continuity to the magazine. The style of the strap lines has a ‘punky’ look to it which links with the magazine’s genres and the main band’s ideologies. Very bold colours fit with the bold look the band have in the main image. The main image shows the band to have quite a miserable look, but also quite a bored one. This links with the main story text as it says “Boredom and Despair”. Give aways and extras to attract more readers, the amount of them links to the fact this issue is a special edition. Sell line, used to sell this copy of the magazine as very prestigious Very bold main story so people know how much of the magazine is going to dedicated to this particular band.

Media preasentation

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Page 1: Media preasentation

Master head fits the colour scheme of the rest of the cover which gives continuity to the magazine.

The style of the strap lines has a ‘punky’ look to it which links with the magazine’s genres and the main band’s ideologies.

Very bold colours fit with the bold look the band have in the main image.

The main image shows the band to have quite a miserable look, but also quite a bored one. This links with the main story text as it says “Boredom and Despair”.

Give aways and extras to attract more readers, the amount of them links to the fact this issue is a special edition.

Sell line, used to sell this copy of the magazine as very prestigious

Very bold main story so people know how much of the magazine is going to dedicated to this particular band.

Page 2: Media preasentation

Silver and whit colour scheme throughout to give it quite an established, and almost regal look (being one of the prestigious music magazines). The colour scheme also links with the main story as the main colour of the album ‘Revolver’ is white and the prestigious look links with how “classic” the album is usually considered to be.

Straplines simply state the other bands appearing in the magazine as these are more recognisable to the fans.

Strap lines stand out very well to attracted other people to the magazine who may not like the artist in the main story.

Incorporation of other well known artists on a story linked to the main story to expand the market to fans of these other bands.

The main story is carefully chosen to fit with the magazines’ genre and style of the masterhead, (generally being rock music from the 60s and 70s)

Page 3: Media preasentation

Colour scheme mainly fixed on red, which links with the satanic ideology of the genre of rock and the magazine’s master head.

The master head is very simplistic and therefore recognisable to any of its fans.

Golden colour added in gives the effect that these bands are like royalty in rock music.

The image conveys an anarchic and satanic feel which with the genre ideology of the genre ‘rock’ which this magazine is mostly based on. The uses of a Bright orange/red flame also fits with the use of gold and red in the cover’s text.

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These stories around the edge are smaller to show how they don’t take up as much as the main story (the picture in the middle).

Large use of images over text so the reader can find what they’re looking for very quickly.

The images establish the genre with the use of similar clothing (quite mod like, or indie) and of guitars.

Use of the artist with an actual instrument clarifies the nature of the article (a live review or about playing certain songs etc.)

Photo-shoot style images clarify that the article is most likely going to be a sit down interview.

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The background image immediately tells the reader what the main story is going to centre around (or who in this case). This is because the image is the only one on the page so it draws the reader to what most of the magazine is going to be on straight away.

All the stories are listed very clearly down the side with the artist’s name or the key aspect is made larger and bolder to immediately inform the reader ‘where to go for what’.

The use of another colour for the page number clear separates the location from the story, making it very easy for the reader to quickly clarify where certain stories are in the magazine.

Keeps the identity of the magazine clear to the reader.

Uses a quote from the article to clear state what the main story is going to be about. This helps the reader decide there and then if the main story is something they want to read.

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Having this image so large clear shows that this story is going to be one of the bigger ones in the magazine.

Very large print of the page number gives a clear indication of where the reader needs to go to read this story.

Shows an artist who is very relevant to the main story to give the reader an idea of who it will refer to a lot. (in this case Radiohead are pictured as their albums are generally considered as very good, which links with the article).

Identification of the magazine is shown in the contents page to continue the familiarity with the reader.

Positions the name of the artist boldly about the description of the article so that the reader can immediately see who each article is about, without having to read the article.

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Very bold quotation of the text tells the reader straight off what the article is mostly about

The typography links very clearly with the ‘edgy pop’ image of this particular artist. The colour scheme also links with what she's wearing. This gives the article consistency making it very aesthetically pleasing to the reader.

Clear layout and structure to the article’s text makes it very easy for the audience to read the piece.

The use of a mid shot to get quite a full on image of the artist in this pose links with the attitude being displayed in the article.

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A mid-shot profile photo presents the nature of the article very clearly. This allows the reader to know that this is most likely going to be quite a formal interview.

The colour scheme matches the monochrome image very well as the dull colours add consistency to article’s design, making it aesthetically pleasing to the reader.

Boldly positioned quote from the article means the reader can clarify what the article is going to be about.

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The very intense pose in the image links with the stage persona of this particular artist.

The use of a monochrome image with the very ‘glam’ outfit of the artist helps accentuate the influence that iconography has on her persona (e.g. inspiration from artists such as Madonna or even Monroe). This allows readers who might have no idea who she is get a fairly clear idea just from the main image,

Identifies with the artist very clear while also adding aesthetics to the page itself.

The typography links very clearly with the artist’s royal position in the music industry, as well as endorsing her glam image.