© Fountainhead Brand Consulting, 2013 Social Media Research 2.0 – What's Next? May 20, 2013

Social Media Research 2.0

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Most social media research today involves mining existing social media conversations. But some of the most groundbreaking and actionable new research methods involve deeper engagement with consumers on social media. Monika Wingate, CEO of Fountainhead Brand Consulting, will cover the next generation of tools, using real-world case studies.

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© Fountainhead Brand Consulting, 2013

Social Media Research 2.0 – What's Next? !

May 20, 2013!

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© Fountainhead Brand Consulting, 2013

Consumer’s use of media has changed significantly!

#1 website visited by 4 in 5 active online users1

70% will access FB via mobile devices by Q3 2013 2

50% “Like” a brand. Preferred media for product feedback 1,3

1. Nielsen Social Media Report: Q3 2011 2. McKinsey Global Institute, The Social Economy, July 2012

3. Nielsen Wire April 2012

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Opening the door to a new era for market research!

90’s  Pre-­‐Internet  Era  

00’s  Internet  Era  

Today  Social  Media  Era  

   Online  Search      Search  Engine  Stats    

Social  Media  Listening  Sen4ment  Scoring  

Bulle4n  Board  Groups  Online  Communi4es  

Facebook  Qualita4ve  Private  Social  Groups  

Library  Searches  

Focus  Groups  

Online  Surveys  Mobile  Surveys  Social  Media  Surveys  Phone  Surveys  





Discover Your Untapped Potential!3

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© Fountainhead Brand Consulting, 2013

While social media monitoring is the primary tool used today, many see potential in other emerging methods!

AMA Webcast Poll n=566, September 2012












Discussion  or  Co-­‐crea4on  


Private  panels  

None  of  the  above  

Social  Media  Research  Methods  -­‐  Importance  and  Usage  

Use  Now    

Most  Important  

Discover Your Untapped Potential!4

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These next generation of tools provide “Engagement”!

Intense interaction and idea generation with stakeholders


Continuously test your future vision with consumers

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Major brands are already using social media as focus groups!

“It’s  a  new  way  of  ge/ng  consumer  research,”  said  Ann  Mukherjee,  chief  marke=ng  officer  of  Frito-­‐Lay  North  America.  “We’re  going  to  get  a  ton  of  new  ideas.  This  is  a  real  compe==ve  edge  for  us.”  

Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare as Corporate Focus Groups, NYTimes.com 7/31/12

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Wholly Guacamole asks Facebook Fans for program feedback!

Wholly Guacamole sees Facebook as a great tool to ask consumers for quick feedback on upcoming marketing programs as well as new packaging and product ideas. !

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Rubbermaid uses product review discussion for insights!

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Lego uses their own social community for ideation!

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However, public forums don’t always work for engagement!


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They also don’t allow consumers the intimacy that they desire!

“28%  of  Facebook  users  shared  all,  or  almost  all,  of  their  wall  posts  with  an  audience  wider  than  just  their  friends”  

Source:  hYp://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine/2012/06/facebook-­‐your-­‐privacy/index.htm  5/3/12    

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We believe private social media groups like Digsite™ are the future of social media research!



Mobile  device  enables  ethnography  


Private  group  builds  collabora4on  

Known  target  maximizes  relevance  

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Digsite™ uses Facebook or a secure social media site for in-depth consumer engagement!


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In a recent pet food project, we conducted ethnographic research using “friend only” posts among group members!


Timeline  posts:   Brands  liked:  

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Participants uploaded video to demonstrate their needs!



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And even helped build their ideal pet food brand!

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In a project to create new meal products, we asked consumers to post their daily meals and discuss recipes, likes and more!

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To reposition a supplement brand, we received weekly ratings and in-depth feedback as positioning evolved!

Private  raDngs   Group  discussion  

13  12  12  

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In helping an appliance company build a loyalty program, we observed all consumer touch-points with the brand!


Service  A  

Service  B  


Service  A  

Service  B  

Email/Social  Media  

Service  A  

Service  B  

Customer  Service  Center  

Service  A  

Service  B  

“I  should  be  able  to  ask  customer  service  reps  ques4ons  regarding  not  just  warranty  coverage  and  service  rep  informa4on,  but  also  best  prac4ces  for  any  type  of  cooking  and  cleaning  problem.  I  should  also  be  able  to  easily  order  replacements  and  accessories.  I  think  there  should  be  some  reciprocity  so  that  it  would  nice  to  be  asked  for  feedback  regarding  what  I  like  and  do  not  like  about  my  new  appliance,  how  the  installa4on  went  and  if  I  had  any  unanswered  ques4ons”      Linda  -­‐  Facebook  Group  Par4cipant  

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Private Social Media groups like Digsite™ offer additional opportunities!

Localized  Program  Development  • Build  groups  based  on  smaller  regions/subgroups  • Discuss  local  media,  retailers,  events  and  news  • Gain  feedback  on  fit  with  various  local  strategies  

Beta-­‐Tes4ng  Communi4es  • Build  groups  to  try  early  product  prototypes  • Gain  survey  and  in-­‐depth  feedback  in  real  4me  • Have  early  adopters  share  and  discuss  a  range  of  applica4ons  

Riding  a  Trend  Research  • Build  groups  based  on  early  adopters  of  a  new  technology  • Uncover  ideas  that  put  your  organiza4on  at  the  forefront  

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Ultimately, these methods could help minimize budget tradeoffs!


Value   BeYer  

ü  Real-time observation ü  Collaboration & co-creation ü  Continuous feedback

ü  Targeted recruitment

ü  Mobile and video capabilities

ü  Group and private discussion

ü  Lower cost than ethnography and online communities

ü  Minimal travel ü  No need to maintain

ongoing panels

Discover Your Untapped Potential!21

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And integrate methods to drive marketing initiatives from insight to strategy!

Uncover unmet needs�

Develop & prioritize


Refine in real-time�

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Visit our website at http://www.fountainheadbc.com



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Social Media Groups offer benefits over traditional research methods!

Engage  consumers  when  and  where  they  want  to  

talk  about  brands  

Recruit  known  target  (low-­‐incidence)  in  mul4ple  


Gain  ethnographic  insights  by  viewing  social  media  profiles,  ac4vi4es  and  


Get  to  know  consumers  over  weeks  or  months  without  costly  online  


Collect  behavioral  data  while  it  happens  using  

mobile  interface  

Gather  both  in-­‐depth  individual  feedback  and  

group  discussions  

Discover Your Untapped Potential!24

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While overcoming downside of social media listening !

You  can  generate  conversa4ons  in  topic  areas  not  naturally  

discussed  on  social  media    

Smaller  sample  size  makes  detailed  coding  feasible  

You  know  the  conversa4ons  are  coming  

from  your  target  consumer  

You  can  observe  “Friend  Only”  conversa4ons  

among  group  members  

You  can  discuss  topics  in  a  private  forum  where  

consumers  might  be  more  comfortable  sharing  

Discover Your Untapped Potential!25