36 Month Adviser Development Programme 18 May 2013 High Performance Programme

Elite Professionals Programme Adviser Information

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This information pack provides an overview of the entire Elite Professionals Programme, but with a particular emphasis upon the High Performance Course which is one part of the overall programme. For experienced NZ financial advisers.

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36 Month Adviser Development Programme 18 May 2013

High Performance Programme

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Overview Contents Content Page

Background 3

Why Frame 4 - 7

Programme Framework 8

Achievement Matrix 9

The Full Programme 10

Defined Objective 11

Programme Partners 12

Financial Investment 13

Return on Investment Assumptions 14

Scholarship Notes 15 - 18

Workshop Dates and Times 19 - 20

Basic Content Order 21

Next Steps Made Simple 22

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Background Following a business trip to New York, Mike Barnes developed the concept of utilising the skills of a Risk Adviser to work with accounting firms in the unique position of a ‘Pseudo Business Development Facilitator’. Mike set about developing and running a programme for a select few advisers over a 24mth period in both the North and South Island. During that time, Kevin Smee (who attended the programme as a ‘student’) and Mike discovered a range of skills that seemed to be lacking in many advisers and it was during this time of working together that the idea was born to develop a comprehensive programme that took advisers ‘on a journey’ to achieve the skills necessary to work effectively in the business assurance market. Kevin runs an incredibly successful advisory business specialising in all aspects of business insurance and has built and run a team of 25 concurrent to being a director of The Ginger Group. Whilst working just 3 days per week, Kevin still writes close to 30,000 API per month as he spends the rest of his waking days tirelessly helping fellow advisers to grow their business and increase their professional standards. Mike spent 9 years in the Insurance Industry, 5.5 as an adviser and 3.5 as a BDM for Sovereign Assurance under the coaching and watchful eye of David Anderson. The past 13 years has seen Mike consult to a range of SME owners in the areas of business development before developing specialist expertise in Professional Development Coaching for Accountant's and Lawyers. Mike Barnes has been a close friend of Tony Vidler’s for the past 23 years, as soon as the notion of developing a truly comprehensive programme was hatched, there was no question in Mike’s mind that the skills and experience of Tony would prove vital for adviser success. Tony has been involved in every facet of the Insurance Industry since the two met in June of 1990 and runs his own highly successful coaching business, specialising in working with those within the Adviser Industry. The three agreed to join forces, skills and resource and set about building a 4 level programme designed to take advisers into the domain of professional positioning that will see them taking their rightful place as an essential adviser to any Small or Medium Business Enterprise.

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Why has this programme been developed ?

• The High Performance Programme has been developed to help Advisers build better businesses so they (in turn) can better serve the New Zealand SME marketplace.

• We know there’s roughly 400,000 SME owners in NZ receiving varying degrees of business development and risk management advice.

• Our goal is to lift the standards of advice and improve the cohesion of relations between Accountants, Lawyers and Advisers so that SME owners enjoy more profitable and socially sustaining businesses.

• We will be running practice development programmes for accountants concurrent, yet independent, of advisers for eventual introduction.

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Why now?

• The Insurance Adviser industry is facing major changes at the same time as major forces are influencing the other ‘trusted adviser’ industry (accounting)

• Recent experience has shown the need for skills and resource development for both advisers and accountants if they are to be truly effective in working with each other.

• The sooner we ‘get started’ developing fundamental skills for both groups, the sooner we can unite both ‘camps’ and provide necessary support to SME owners of all sizes.

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Why You?

If you’re reading this discussion document then you fit one of two profiles that we believe represents the greatest hope for New Zealand’s adviser industry.

1. You’re focused on increasing your skills such that you can rightly take your place at the table of business discussions with accountants and lawyers in order to deliver a comprehensive, professional approach to risk management, for the benefit of the client and their families. You recognise the need for specialist skills in the area of social media marketing and networking, understanding financials and formal governance protocols, being proficient in the psychology behind modern consultative selling and main stream business development concepts.


2. You’ve achieved a level of success within your advisory business and are now currently (or planning to in the short term) recruit and train new advisers into the industry and you recognise the need to learn specific skills around coaching and supporting team members effectively.

3. You understand that being able to “do” doesn’t necessarily translate into being able to “coach” and you value the skills of trained coaches to help you increase the success of your recruits and ultimately, achieve greater leverage, profitability and succession potential from your business.

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Why Are WE The Right People?

• No other group or organisation has the skills, experience and market acceptance necessary to deliver development programmes to both advisers and accountants that is as far ranging in it’s content and objectives (as it needs to be).

• Each of the principles are experienced in all aspects yet provide specialist areas also. This makes for a very powerful ‘field intelligence’.

• To change mind sets, skill sets and to provide the right resources requires people who have done it, can coach it, and model the behaviour with credibility.

• We are pragmatic and practical in focus - we are all results focused. We understand the business better than most, and understand advisers better than anyone.

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Programme Framework • 4 Independent workshops will be facilitated in Auckland, Hamilton, Christchurch and


• Each workshop will have a maximum attendance of 24 members and will be facilitated by at least 2 coaches, per workshop session.

• Each Workshop Day has been split into two sessions, specific learning objectives has been set per session and all attendees will be tested at the end of each day and again, at year end of the programme. Final testing will be inclusive of Video Role play and will constitute ‘Peer Review’ status as well as qualifying for CPD credits per Day.

• Attendance of the advanced programme ‘Elite Personal Development’ and subsequent assistance with accountants and SME owners, will only be made available to prior attendees of the ‘High Performance Programme’.

• High Performance delivery framework is as follows;

Pre-course application to secure ‘scholarship.’

Pre-course personality profiling

1 (2) Day Boot-camp

9 (Single) Day sessions (content pre-scheduled)

4 (1hr) Webinar sessions –with Vidler and Barnes Hosting.

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Achievement Matrix

•Preparation in Sales & Facilitation that permits a Somatic connection with Clients.

•Planning and Field tools to support all aspects of building a successful insurance business.

•Contextual Awareness

•Clarity in Your Sense of Purpose

•Confidence & Self Belief

•Complete acceptance of learning as a ‘circular’ process rather than linear.

Actions Mind Set

Skill Set Resource

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The Full Programme

Programme Why Programme Focus

Keys to Success 1 Coach

A foundation course for new entrants focussing on core survival and sales skills

“Creating profitable producers” Being absolutely focused on ‘appropriate market’ for attendee in terms of their ‘stretch ability’ with skills and resource to match. Future clarity achieved with ‘development stages’ mapped out individually.

High Performance 2 Coaches

For experienced advisers still in transactional work that need to build successful business systems

‘Getting great ROI on YOU’. Identifying limiting beliefs and replacing with enabling Purpose. Being consciously aware of Skill , Resource & Activity deficiencies for dealing with smaller SME’s and building in readiness for Elite Professional Programme. Client. New Client accumulation to come from Marketing initiatives with a focus on personal prospecting , positioning, branding and communication strategies to establish the Adviser as ‘the go to person’.

Elite Personal Development 2 Coaches

For advanced or experienced practitioners who are ready for a quantum lift in personal business performance and seek to develop formal professional alliances to deliver services to larger SME owners. (Attendees need to have completed prior Kinetic Planning Accountant programme or EPP High Performance Programme)

“Being as good as you can be.” Get skilled in Facilitation techniques that enable SME owners and their advisers to jointly develop robust governance frameworks focussed on risk management strategies. This is the foundation for building a Healthy Business for the Risk Adviser, Accountant and large SME owner. Content includes advanced technical concepts, and techniques for building formal COI alliances and working with larger SME’s.

Sustainable Success 2 Coaches

For the business owner looking to leverage growth rapidly through corporatisation and repeatable processes

“Building a legacy” Coaching skills and methodologies that can be ‘pushed down’ through a team to achieve a 70% success rate of new entrant to 100k API writer within 36 months.

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Defined Objective

• 100% increase in submitted API per attendee, within 36 months of attendance. (20% within 12 Mths, minimum each stage)

• To facilitate the critical knowledge and skills components, coupled with a comprehensive learning framework and support, to allow a professional adviser the very best chance of better serving their clients and growing productivity, therein achieving business success.

• The High Performance Program will change the mind-set, skill set, and provide the resources that enable the right actions to be performed consistently to grow a professional adviser’s productivity, profitability, personal performance and professional standards.

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Programme Partners

• The Ginger Group has secured priority reservations for it’s members and have taken the bold step of “Putting their money where their mouth is” by becoming the first Programme Partner.

• What this means; As a Ginger Group member, your attendance fee could be subsidised under a ‘scholarship arrangement’ which basically requires a minimum level of attendance and successful passing of tested elements.

In addition; If you have a signed Ginger Group membership prior to course commencement and complete $150,000 API (or greater) during the 12 month period in which the ‘High Performance Programme’ is conducted, you will be eligible for a lump sum refund of your entire attendance fee!

In effect, The Ginger Group could pay the entire cost for you to grow your business.

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Financial Investment $6,000 + GST payable in 10 Installments.

50%-50% split Adviser Incl gst Ginger Group/Sponsor

Incl gst

August (prior to attendance) $300 $345 $300 $345

September 20th by A.P $300 $345 $300 $345

October 20th by A.P $300 $345 $300 $345

November 20th by A.P $300 $345 $300 $345

February 20th by A.P $300 $345 $300 $345

March 20th by A.P $300 $345 $300 $345

April 20th by A.P $300 $345 $300 $345

May 20th by A.P $300 $345 $300 $345

June 20th by A.P $300 $345 $300 $345

July 20th by A.P $300 $345 $300 $345

$3,000 $3,450 $3,000 $3,450

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Your Return on Investment (assumptions)

Number of props required by Adviser to cover costs

Total Programme Cost

$ 6,000 Number of props required by Adviser to cover costs

(plus gst)

Avg API Initial Commission

95% $ 2,280

Avg Bonus 70% $ 1,596 % paid by Adviser

50% $ 3,000. 0.78

Avg. API per case for target attendee

$ 2,400

Adviser Revenue

$ 3,876

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Scholarship Notes

• An Adviser enrols in the ‘High Performance’ Programme, at own cost and own risk.

• Regardless of whether a Programme participant is receiving a Scholarship or not, any individuals right to remain in the Programme shall be subject to the signed terms of engagement between said adviser and Elite Professionals Programme Ltd.

• Programme Partners can provide Scholarship entitlements and subsidise Programme cost for chosen Scholarship recipients. The on-going entitlement to the Scholarship subsidy is determined by the Programme Partner, who can establish whatever reasonable and fair terms and conditions it chooses to with any Programme participant, subject to our agreement.

• For example, a Programme Partner may elect to provide a Scholarship (subsidy) to advisers and reserve the right to withdraw individual subsidies if a chosen adviser failed to meet minimum criteria such as;

1. Attendance or participation in the Programme,

2. Successful completion of all learning objectives tests,

3. Failure to achieve on-going business support of the Programme Partner by the Adviser at a pre-agreed level’.

• You will need to discuss the terms relating to the support provided to you, directly with your ‘scholarship provider’.

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Workshop Dates and Times

Month Date Time

Day 1 & 2 (Boot-camp) August Thrs 1st & Fri 2nd 8.30am – 5pm

Day 3 September Thrs 5th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 4 October Thrs 3rd 8.30am – 5pm

Day 5 October Thrs 31st 8.30am – 5pm

Day 6 February Thrs 13th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 7 March Thrs 6th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 8 April Thrs 3rd 8.30am – 5pm

Day 9 May Thrs 1st 8.30am – 5pm

Day 10 June Thrs 5th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 11 July Thrs 3rd 8.30am – 5pm


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Workshop Dates and Times

Month Date Time

Day 1 & 2 (Boot-camp) August Mon 5th & Tues 6th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 3 September Fri 6th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 4 October Fri 4th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 5 November Fri 1st 8.30am – 5pm

Day 6 February Fri 14th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 7 March Fri 7th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 8 April Fri 4th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 9 May Fri 2nd 8.30am – 5pm

Day 10 June Fri 6th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 11 July Fri 4th 8.30am – 5pm


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Workshop Dates and Times

Month Date Time

Day 1 & 2 (Boot-camp) August Tues 27th & Wed 28th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 3 September Thrs 12th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 4 October Thrs 10th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 5 November Thrs 14th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 6 February Thrs 20th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 7 March Thrs 13th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 8 April Thrs 10th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 9 May Thrs 8th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 10 June Thrs 12th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 11 July Thrs 10th 8.30am – 5pm


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Workshop Dates and Times

Month Date Time

Day 1 & 2 (Boot-camp) August Thrs 29th & Fri 30th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 3 September Fri 13th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 4 October Fri 11th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 5 November Fri 15th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 6 February Fri 21st 8.30am – 5pm

Day 7 March Fri 14th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 8 April Fri 11th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 9 May Fri 9th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 10 June Fri 13th 8.30am – 5pm

Day 11 July Fri 11th 8.30am – 5pm


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High Performance Programme Contents Session Day

Part 1. Basic Psychology & Profiling Morning


Part 2. Strategic Language & Planning Afternoon 1

Part 3. Modern Psychology Sales Process Morning 2

Part 4. Structure for SME Approach Afternoon 2

Part 5. Modern Marketing Methods Morning 3

Part 6. Designing Your Marketing Plan Afternoon 3

Part 7. Fundamentals for Internal Efficiencies Morning 4

Part 8. Best Use of Technology) Afternoon 4

Part 9. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far Morning 5

Part 10 Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far Afternoon 5

Part 11. Legal & Statutory Best Practice Standards Morning 6

Part 12. Defensible Advice (real life lessons) Afternoon 6

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High Performance Programme Contents Session Day

Part 13. Formal Risk Management Theory Morning


Part 14. Facilitating Formal Risk Management to SME’s & Accountants. Afternoon 7

Part 15. Governance Fundamentals Morning 8

Part 16. Accounting Essentials Afternoon 8

Part 17. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far Morning 9

Part 18. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far Afternoon 9

Part 19. Written Peer Assessment Morning 10

Part 20. Video Role Play Peer Assessment Afternoon 10

Part 21. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far Morning 11

Part 22. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far Afternoon 11

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Next Steps Made Simple…

1. If you’re unsure or simply need more information, feel free to contact Tony Vidler, Kevin Smee or Mike Barnes (whomever you prefer) to discuss your issues via phone or email.

2. If you’re interested in attending the High Performance Programme then you will need to contact Tania Cant via email at [email protected] to request the Elite Professionals Programme Ltd Terms of Engagement and register your attendance in your chosen region.

3. Once the terms of engagement have been completed, you will be sent an ‘Adviser Discovery Document’, ‘Enneagram Personality Profile’ and ‘Honey & Mumford Questionnaires’ to complete prior to attending the 2 day ‘Boot-camp.’

4. Your first instalment payment is due upon completion of terms.

5. You will need to ‘load’ the workshop days into your diary.

6. The dates and times for the support webinars will be determined with each group (well in advance) in an effort to make attendance as mutually convenient as possible.

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Contact Details Made Simple…

Tony Vidler www.strictlybiz.co.nz

021 221 9001

[email protected]


Mike Barnes www.kineticplanning.co.nz

0272 934 461

[email protected]
