BUSINESS SAVVY Facilitator: DATIN ZALEHA OMAR IHRMC, ITMC, BBA-OHIO.DRPT, TES-APO Japan Image, Etiquette & Motivation Consultant A CREATIVE TALK IIUM, UIA Gombak 7 July 2012

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  • 1. A CREATIVE TALK IIUM, UIA Gombak7 July 2012 Facilitator: DATIN ZALEHA OMARIHRMC, ITMC, BBA-OHIO.DRPT, TES-APO JapanImage, Etiquette & Motivation Consultant

2. Consultants ProfileDATIN ZALEHA OMAR Image, Etiquette, Motivational & Organizational Development ConsultantQualifications: Degree in Business Management from Ohio University, USA Diploma in Rubber & Plastic Technology UiTM International Certificate in Human Resource Management International Certificate in Training Methodology A certified Master/Trainer/Image Consultant trained in Dallas,Texas and at the Robert Pant Image School, USA Consultant for the Asia Pacific Organization (APO) based inJapan conducted courses in Fashion Merchandising in Fiji Student of several prominent Management Gurus like Zig Ziglar,Bob Proctor, Anthony Robbins, Tom Hopkins, John Kalench, Dr.Ary Ginanjar Agustian etc. 3. Consultants ProfileDATIN ZALEHA OMARImage, Etiquette, Motivational & Organizational Development ConsultantExperiences: Has over 30 years of corporate experience in Training, Human ResourceManagement and Organizational Development, having worked in variousindustries that include rubber industry, property, books, hospital/healthcare,textile, skincare and beauty Head of the Management and Entrepreneur Unit in RISDA for 15 years. Amongher major tasks were to identify the training needs of 7,000 RISDA employeesand to redefine the RM3million training budget allocated by the World Bank. Joined the Johor Corporation for 6 years and assumed various senior positionswhile being seconded to several subsidiaries such as the IndustrialDevelopment, Johor Land Berhad, KPJSB, and Amiza Publishing Sdn. Bhd. Joined the SMPD Management Consultancy Sdn Bhd upon optional retirementas an Organizational Development Consultant Later joined Suhaimi Salleh Associates Sdn Bhd, or better known as SSAManagement as the Managing Consultant overseeing their MalaysianOperations 4. Our Clients: Government Agencies: Corporations:Educational Institutions: Organisations: 5. Do we have what it takes to do a business or to be in a business?The Industry The Sales AidThe OverheadsThe CompanyThe CustomersThe ExpensesThe Product Life-Cycle The Strategic Planning The LeadershipThe ROIThe Short Term PlanThe TaglineThe NOVThe Medium TermThe DemandThe BEPPlan The Vision StatementThe Target MarketThe Long Term Plan The MissionThe CompetitorsThe Benchmarking StatementThe PositioningThe Growth The Value SystemThe Market Share The Distribution The CultureThe SalesChannelThe DemandThe A & PThe PriceThe ResourcesThe MarketingThe Profit The ConstraintsStrategy The Discount The R & DThe Marketing TacticsThe Entertainment &The T & D HospitalityThe Future 6. WHY DOES ORGANIZATION EXIST?CULTUREVALUES OBJECTIVESMISSION VISION DEMANDRESOURCESINPUTPROCESSOUTPUT OUTCOME FEEDBACK CONSTRAINTS 7. ORGANIZATION LIFE CYCLE TimeINTRODUCTION GROWTH MATURITY DECLINE Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3 Phase 4 8. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGEDOING THINGS:1. Better than others2. Difficult for others to duplicate3. That customers value4. That are difficult to substitute5. That have greater than average costvalue margin 9. MANAGEMENTIs a process of working with and through others To effectively achieve organizational objectivesBy efficiently using limited resourcesIn a changing environment 10. IMAGEI mage is all about:M anners: How to be welcomed everywhere, well-liked, popular & even charmingA ttitude : How to be self-assured, not only in the waywe dress but also in the way we projectourselvesG rooming : How to be comfortable in our own style & yet be able to dress to influenceE legance : How to be gracious in our manners, positivein our body language & charismatic evenwhen we speak 11. IMAGEOur image consists of how we behave & the kindof clothes we wear, as a way of showing otherpeople what kind of person we are The impression we have of it or what weimagine it to bePERSONALITY Is our nature & character as a wholeWe have a personality if we have a strong orattractive character 12. ETIQUETTEThe rules & customs for polite behavior in formaloccasions, or for correct behavior within aparticular profession.Etiquette is about presenting ourselves with thekind of polish that shows you can be takenseriously.Fine luncheon/fine dining formalPROTOCOLIs a system of fixed rules that govern behavior& how things are done in formal situations 13. The Circle Of SuccessLook Good PositiveFeelResponse GoodProject Well 14. First ImpressionsPresentationContent Appearance 15. 11 ASSUMPTIONS BASED ON 1st IMPRESSIONS 1.Economic Level 2.Education Level 3.Trustworthiness 4.Social Position 5.Level of Sophistication 6.Economic Heritage 7.Social Heritage 8.Educational Background 9.Success 10. Moral Character 11. Future 16. POOR SELF-IMAGE BEHAVIOUR1.Jealousy2.Negative Talk About Ourselves3.Experiencing Guilt4.Failure To Give Compliments5.Not Taking Our Own Needs Into Account6.Unable To Accept Compliments7.Not Asking For What We Want8.Starving Ourselves Of Luxuries Unnecessarily9.Failure To Give Affection10. Inability To Receive & Enjoy Affection11. Criticism Of Others12. Comparison With Others13. Constant Poor Health 17. IMAGE DESTROYER (WOMEN)1. Body Odour (B.O.)2. Heavy Make-up3. Bad Breath4. Messy Hair5. Strong Perfume6. Platform Shoes7. Wearing Revealing Clothes To Work8. Chipped Nail Polish9. Runs In The stockings10. Heel Of Shoes That Are Badly Scratched 18. IMAGE DESTROYER (MEN)1. Body Odour (B.O.)2. Oily Hair / Hair That is Too Greasy3. Scruffy Shoes4. Crumpled Shirts / Shirts Not Properly Tucked-In5. Bad Breath6. Socks That Are Loose & Gathered At The Ankles7. Trousers That Are Too Short8. Belts That Really Look Worn-Out9. Shirt Colour Dont Match Colour Of Trousers10. Nasal Hair Showing 19. GOOD PERSONALITY BUILDING 1. Positive Attitude 2. Manners 3. Speech 4. Attractive & Gracious Body Language 5. Meeting People 6. Stable Emotion 7. Conversation 8. Relationship With Others 9. Good Manners etc 20. WHAT IS ATTITUDE? Attitude is a mind set.It is the way you look at thingsmentally Elwood N. ChapmanAuthor of Attitude: Your Most PricelessPossessionOn a scale of 1 10 how would you rate your attitude towards life 21. WHERE DOES NEGATIVE ATTITUDE COMES FROM?1. Negative attitudes come from thinking negative thoughts over and over until they have become a part of our subconscious they have become habitual, a part of our personality2. We may not even realize we have a negative attitude because it has been with us for so long 22. WHERE DOES NEGATIVE ATTITUDE COMES FROM?3. Once we have a bad attitude, we expect failure and disaster. This expectation turns us into a strong magnet for failure and disaster.4. Then it becomes a vicious cycle: We expect the worst we get the worst our negative beliefs are reinforced we expect the worst we get 23. NEGATIVE FEELINGS THAT AFFECT ATTITUDE Anger Fear Greed Hatred Resentment Guilty Loneliness Frustrations Disappointments or unfulfilled desires 24. NEGATIVE TRAITS THAT CAUSE PROBLEMS IN LIFE Stubbornness Antagonistic behaviour A discontented attitude A critical mentality Neurotic behaviour Jealousy / Envy Hatred, etc 25. RESEARCHAt home, parents utter 18 negativestatements for every positive one, usuallyto an inquisitive child who wants to knowhow something works. The average is432 negative statements per day! Charles Thompson (Author) 26. RESEARCH The most effective leaders have a high degreeof emotional and spiritual intelligence. Withoutit, a person can have the best training in theworld, an incisive analytical mind and anendless supply of smart ideas, but he still wont make a great leader. Danial Goleman (Harvard Business Review) 27. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDEFor the next 21 days,1. Positive Self-image = Positive Appearance + Positive Behaviour Give our appearance the attention it deserves. Bear in mind that a negative self-image can lead to a negative attitude, while good grooming and clothes that are becoming, can lift our spirits and build our confidence. 28. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.)2. Take charge of what we are thinkingThis is a moment-by-moment decision that doesnot happen overnight. It is a habit that will takesome time to build. How can we do this? Chooseto think uplifting thoughts instead of discouragingones. We get to decide what we think, which inturn determines how we feel. Become aware ofthis and dwell on positive ideas throughout theday. 29. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.)3.Feed our mind with inspirational thoughts Read at least one motivational or inspirational book each month or listen to tapes that provide a positive message. We might find it helpful to write down on small cards certain positive thoughts that we find especially encouraging. Carry one of these cards with us each day and read it several times during the day. 30. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.)4. Monitor our self-talkAre we aware of the inner dialogue we carry on withourselves during our waking hours? Do we say criticaland negative things to ourselves such as Im alwaysmaking mistakes, or Thats just my luck, or Imstupid. The more frequently these negative thoughtsare repeated, the stronger they become. The first stepin overcoming negative self-talk is to become aware ofit. The next step is to replace these self-defeatingthoughts with positive and productive ones. 31. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.) 5. Focus on others Make an extra effort to help other people. Concentrating on assisting others will help us more than we realize. If we succeed in becoming wealthy but are poor in respect to our relationships with people, we will not be truly prosperous at all! 32. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.)6. Learn the meaning of Contentment Focus on what we have and not on what we dont have. Live in the present and enjoy your blessings. Forget acquiring stuff for the purpose of keeping up with others. That only lead to more anxiety. Be thankful of what we do have instead. When going through difficult experiences remember that adversity can be a blessing in disguise. We might learn some important lessons during those tough times. These lessons can turn into credentials that will enable us to help others when they are going through tough times. 33. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.)7. Keep a positive, motivational book in our room Any time we feel down, turn to an inspirational part and give ourselves an instant pick-me-up. Think about the positive things we expect to accomplish today. Do not listen to the worlds problems or worry about our own problems while we are getting your day started. Read inspirational materials. 34. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.) 8. Avoid perfectionism Very few things are perfect in this world, so be sure to recognize that falling short to perfection, even making mistakes, is not failure. It is a lesson learned. Learn it, and then get on with life. 35. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.) 9. Remember that there is no such thing as failureonly outcomes If our effort produces an outcome that is less successful than what we had hoped, do not say Im a failure. Instead, say Ill change what I did wrong and next time I will do better. 36. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.)10. Focus on the futureWe cannot change the past, but if we decide where we want to goin the future, and how we want things to be different in the future,we will give ourselves the best chance of getting there. Always aimhigh, and we too will master our daily trials more effectively andmake it a more positive and winning life. Think of attitude as ourmental focus on the outside world, like using a camera, we canfocus or set our mind on what appeals to us. We can see situationsas either opportunities or failures. A cold winter day as eitherbeautiful or ugly. A departmental meeting as interesting or boring.Quite simply we take the picture of the life we want to take. 37. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.)11. Keep a record of the positive things in ourlives If we like to keep a diary or a journal, we may find it helpful to record positive things. Although we may want to record major events and accomplishments, it is also important to focus on the little, everyday things that bring us pleasure having lunch with a friend, listening to a favourite song or taking a leisurely stroll in the park. In other words, use our journal to count our blessings. 38. TIPS TO BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE (cont.)12. Managing by choiceThis is really important because our mind canonly hold one thought. It is OUR choice.Do not give that choice to anyone or anythingelse! Remember it is not what happens to us,it is what we do about it that really counts. 39. LEADERSHIPDefinition:- A social influence process in whichthe leader seeks the voluntary participation of subordinates in aneffort to reach organizational objectives 40. LEADERSHIP - Definition- Tom Peters & Nancy Austin -Leadership means:- Vision Out-and-out drama (and the Cheerleadingmanagement thereof) Enthusiasm Creating heroes at all levels Love Coaching TrustEffectively wandering around VerveValues PassionPerception ObsessionMotivation ConsistencyReinforcement The use of symbols Socialization Paying attention as illustratedPower by the content of ones calendar Politics CommunicationAnd numerous other things 41. 5 LEADERSHIP TRAITS1. DRIVE High level of energy Effort Persistent Initiative Ambition Achievement2. MOTIVATION Desire to influence others Be in-charge 42. 5 LEADERSHIP TRAITS (cont.)3. HONESTY & INTEGRITY Trustworthiness Open Forthright4. SELF-CONFIDENCE Set high goals Optimistic in overcoming obstacles But be careful, overconfidence can lead to arrogance 43. 5 LEADERSHIP TRAITS (cont.)5. EMOTIONAL MATURITY Even-tempered Calm under stress and pressure Unselfcentred Non-defensive if being criticized 44. 5 Traits to DifferentiateLEADERS from FOLLOWERS1. Intelligence2. Dominance3. Self-confidence4. Level Of Energy & Activity5. Task Relevant Knowledge 45. Leadership Traits- Warren Bennis -4 Leadership Traits:-1. Management of AttentionVisionCommitment to accomplishment2. Management of Meaning Communication skills3. Management of Trust Clear & constant focus4. Management of Self Limitations 46. LEADERSLeaders initiate change in:1. Attitude2. Outlook3. Worldview 47. Leadership Challenges Leaders need to define Reality E.g. Solat ImamMakmum 48. 3 Principle Responsibilities:1. To perfect ourselves according to the will of Allah s.w.t.2. To perfect all human solely according to the will of Allah s.w.t.3. To perfect the physical world of space and time No one can make us feel inferior without our permission 49. LEADERSHIP Triad Working Sincerely(SPIRITUAL)LEADER -SHIP Working Smart Working Hard(EMOTIONAL)(PHYSICAL) 50. Accelerated Corporate Culture Changes (ACCC)VISION 70% 30% STRATEGICVALUE PLANNING CORPORATE OBJECTIVECULTUREPLANNING KPI KVI (Key Performance (Key Value Index) Index) 51. LEADERSHIP FOCUS Concept 1 3 Capital Concepts:IQ EQSQPHYSICAL Concept EMOTIONAL Concept 2.0 SPIRITUAL Concept1.0Good 2.0 In thingOld fashionIQACCC EQSQEvery Job Is A Sacred submission (Ibadah) 52. LEADERSHIP FOCUSConcept 23 in 1 Concept: VALUES SYSTEMLEADERSHIP25% 35% 40%Behaviour HR/Human CapitalRole Model Attitude Reward & Punishment Focus on VALUES & LEADERSHIP 53. LEADERSHIP FOCUSConcept 3M I S S I O N V I S I O N VA LU E M E A N I N G(MVVM): MVVMMISSIONVISION VALUEMEANING Salary Aim MoralMeaning BonusguidelinesPosition/Principles Mind MVVM Heart 54. LEADERSHIPSet & Define:1. Terms of Reference2. Code of Ethics3. Rule of Conduct4. Corporate CultureBehaviourAttitude Corporate Character Corporate Moral Corporate Values Corporate Strategy Corporate MissionCorporate Tactics Corporate Vision Corporate Demand Corporate Objectives Corporate Resources Corporate SystemsCorporate Constraints 55. QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS1. Good leaders do not blow up or sulk when things dont go as hoped.2. They encourage participation by others. In reaching decisions, they welcome participation by others. 56. QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS (cont.)3. Rather than insist on the acceptance of their own ideas, they continually question themselves. They look for mistakes in their own methods of doing or thinking but do not become upset over any blunders. They try to understand their prejudices better than most people. 57. QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS (cont.)4. They keep impulses to get even under control. They can take hostility by others without trying to get even with the instigator. They let others know that they realize what they are up to, but do it without showing a personal hatred. 58. QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS (cont.) 5. They set realistic goals.Their goals are high enough so thatthey have to make a fight to achievethem, but sensible enough to beachievable. 59. QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS (cont.)6. They have a positive self-image.They are self-confident.7. They have a positive attitude about others. They view all people as having inherent worth and dignity. 60. QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS (cont.)8. They have the expertise to get the job done well.9. They are well-organized.10. They are good teachers and effectivecommunicators.11. They are assertive. They are willing topersevere and to go after what theywant. 61. Powerful Branding Comes FromPartnership And Communication Branding bridges the gap between theprovider and the receiver;between authority and freedom. It is about trust and dialogue. 62. The 10 Commandments Of Emotional Branding 1. From Consumers To People Consumers buy, people live. 2. From Product To Experience Products fulfill needs, experiences fulfill desires. 3. From Honesty To Trust Honesty is expected. Trust is engaging and intimate.It needs to be earned. 4. From Quality To Preference Quality for the right price is a given today. Preferencecreates the sales. 63. The 10 Commandments Of Emotional Branding 5. From Notoriety To Aspiration Being known does not mean that you are also loved! 6. From Identity To Personality Identity is recognition. Personality is aboutcharacter and charisma! 7. From Function To Feel The functionality of a product is about practical orsuperficial qualities only. Sensorial design is aboutexperiences. 64. The 10 Commandments Of Emotional Branding 8. From Ubiquity To Presence Ubiquity is seen. Emotional presence is felt. 9. From Communication To Dialogue Communication is telling. Dialogue is sharing. 10. From Service To Relationship Service is selling. Relationship is acknowledgement. 65. THE 10 LAWS OF LIFE1. We either get it, or we dont2. We create our own experiences3. People do what works4. We cant change what we dont acknowledge5. Life rewards action6. There is no reality, only perception7. Life is managed, it is not cured8. We teach people how to treat us9. There is power in forgiveness10. We have to name it to claim it