Building A Business Online - What You Need To Know Richard Butler Marketing Coach

Building an online business - the right way

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Building ABusinessOnline -

What YouNeed To


Richard Butler Marketing Coach

Page 2: Building an online business - the right way

Building An Online Business

In this short report I am going to expose some myths of what you may have heard

on the internet and give you some solutions!

Build it and they will come

If you ever remember the movie “ eld of dreams” there was a famous line in it.

“Build it and they will come.” In fact in the early days of the internet I remember

hearing people say this – just build a website and people will come visit you.

That’s all you need to do!

Put your business online and open your market to the world

There was another thought that was thrown around – create your website and

you open yourself up to the world wide market. Again interesting, however, not

quite true.

You see you can have the best product in the world, the best website every built

but if you don’t advertise it or your site is not geared towards your target

audience you may never gain the success it deserves.

Everyone can make it online

Oh this is such a common one. The belief that there is nothing much to do in

order to make money online! You know it is just a matter of building a site and

that is it!

Build Your Business The Right Way!

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Building An Online Business

This is not true. It all depends on your audience and what their needs are. Let’s

take an example below:

You have to have a fancy site

Time to go back in time!Many of you may remember one of the most cutting age websites every created

boo.com. I remember it, it was an amazing fashion retailer site that allows you to

see how clothes would look by putting them on virtual dummies – you could mix

and match.

The site was truly ahead of its time in so many ways, however it never took off.

Why? A lot of money was spent on the technical elements of the site, the

marketing of the site and more. However, they failed to look at who their

audience were. At the time (1999) very few people had fast broadband. Many of

us were still using dial up, ah those were the days.

People would try to access the site but would leave as it took too long for them to

see anything. For this, and a few other reasons, the site closed down. It was one

of the first of the dot com companies to fall (if I remember rightly)

You see the key factor above was that the company built a product and a website

that they believed people wanted and would use, when in fact it became obvious

that they had not done their market research as their target market could not

access such a site!

Build Your Business The Right Way!

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Common myths about the internet

Fast forward to nowSo right now in 2016 how do you build a business online? Well quite simply like

any business. Although of course since many of us are just used to jobs, we might

now know what we need to do:

Research – next you must do is research what your market want. You’ve decided

that you want to help people lose weight but what information can you provide

that others can’t? I’ll be honest here and tell you that very few sites are

innovative or provide something new! It’s true. What people will like about your

site is how you present the information. Your style, your story and your


Decide – decide what you are goo at and see if there is a way to market your skill.

Perhaps you have successfully lost weight and would like to help others. Can you

set up a Blog giving weight loss tips (how you will monetise this will be explained


Let’s be honest in order to lose weight you need to eat better, eat less and do

exercise. That’s the big secret. However, what foods would you recommend?

What exercise did you nd the most effective? What roadblocks did you

encounter? The answers to these questions will help you stand out from the


Build Your Business The Right Way!

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Common myths about the internet

Plan – no matter what your niche is or no matter what you want to do online you

need to have a plan. Without a plan you won’t know what you need to do and

what you have achieved! Within your plan you need to think about:

1) Your unique selling point - what makes you

2) How will you market yourself? - this is your brand and your image

3) How will you present the material? - blog, pdf, podcast?

4) The time you will spend - a key element is how much time you have to actually

wok on your site if you are working full time

5) How will you monetize your site? - it is great to actually have a site but you

want to make sure you make money from it right?

Why do people fail?

People fail due to lack of preparation and not being in the right mind state of mind

Build Your Business The Right Way!

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Should you burn your bridges?

One fact is true - when the going gets tough they give up. Sad but true. Are you

going to give up?

Remember people fail because they don’t plan and they give up. This is the long

and short of it. People fail because they don’t know what they want to achieve

and by when they want to achieve it.

In this next section I talk about whether you should burn your bridges when you

decide to start a new online venture.

I remember hearing somewhere that if you want to succeed with your business,

you basically gotta burn your bridges so there is no way back and you can only

move forward. Seems like an interesting idea but does it work? Let’s examine the

idea a bit more.

So the premise here is that you will put yourself in a position where you have no

option but to make a success of yourself. You will have no safety net to fall back

on. This can be good in some senses, as if you have a safety net you will not push

yourself as hard as you could.

Build Your Business The Right Way!

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Should you burn your bridges?

Unfortunetly a lot of people don’t realise this, and they burn their bridges only to

nd out that they don’t have or can’t create a good business plan. This leads to a

lot of stress, and the feeling of failure because they did not succeed.

a very precise plan

a good business model

a certain amount of money stored away to keep you afloat

I am not convinced that this strategy works for everyone. Some people can

manage to do this, for others it puts so much pressure on them that they just

panic and can’t achieve. In order to burn you bridges you need to have:

If you want to start an online business or any type of business, you need to do

your due diligence and research. You have to nd out what type of business you

are going to start, what your product is and who your customers are. You can’t

be vague. If you don’t know this information you are doomed to failure (at least

95% of people are).

To start an online business you can take it slowly at rst, plan it and build it

alongside your existing job, and work it in the evenings and weekends. My

personal advice is you should never leave your job until your business is

consistently making enough money each and every month.

Don’t burn your bridges just yet, but prepare them so when you are ready you

can burn them! Remember if you jack in your job, take out a loan and say there’s

only one way forward you might be in for a nasty shock and a dif cult ride.

Always make sure you plan ahead, and have a plan b just in case. Yes this may be

a safety net, however only the foolish or very brave, or very con dent (take your

pick) will burn their bridges completely.

Build Your Business The Right Way!

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The Dream!

Let's end this report by recapping on the dream that people have!

There’s a dream that many people have, and that dream is to build an online

business. To work from home, not to have a boss and to be able enjoy life fully.

In fact the “dream” is sold that you can work in your pj’s do very little work, in fact

maybe work 1 hour a a day and your computer becomes an automated machine

that spits out money.

Well there’s a grain of truth in this, but it is often hyped up in order to sell you a

magic button software that will only make the creators of the software rich! So

be careful. With anything internet related always remember that if it sounds to

good to be true, it probably is! Be very careful of being “fooled” by snake oil men,

for which there are a lot online.

Yes of course it is, but you have to think about it like a business. Too many people

get online and think of it as the easy way out. That you can make money for doing

nothing. Once you get to a certain point it because easier to make money

however, until you get to that point you have to put in the hours and build a


Build Your Business The Right Way!

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The Dream!

You want to know the truth? Can you handle it? Lol sounds like a movie right. Ok

here’s the truth you have to build a business online by building an actual business.

I have coached so many people and one question I ask is what is your online

business? They can’t answer that question. Why? Because they don’t have a

business, they try to sell “stuff” to people. Everything is expressed in general


Imagine a store that does not know what it is selling and to who, would that store

succeed? Of course not, but that’s what people do online. They don’t focus and

jump from one thing to another.

For more information and more business articles please visit

iClickUniversity.com and make sure you sign up for my newsletter, in which I give

you business tips each and every week.

To your success


Richard is a life and business marketing coach, based in Barcelona. His aim is to

give you the right information to build your business in an honest and ethical


For more information about Richard please visit iClickUniversity.com

Build Your Business The Right Way!