B2B Social Media Marketing Strategy, implementation and consumption -by Pernille Andersen Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

B2B social media marketing, Pernille Andersen

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B2B Social Media Marketing

Strategy, implementation and consumption

-by Pernille Andersen

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

Page 2: B2B social media marketing, Pernille Andersen

Abstract:B2B social media marketing IS important

• Information overload, demand for non-paid access to information, increased speed in business and globalization are the realities of today. Thus, B2B purchasers spend 99% of their time researching and only 1% of their time buying.

• The challenge for B2B marketers is to be present with the right messages, at the right place, and at the right time – and then listen and interact instantly.

• If this process does not occur,design and consumption gaps in the communication process will appear preventing the company from reaching its business objectives. Hence, social media strategies need to be designed on a global and local basis, these strategies need to be implemented with a focus on content marketing on a global and local basis - avoiding a design gap.

• This, however, does not prevent the brand from being consumed in the wrong way among potential business customers, thus also consumption gaps need to be identified and dealt with immediately through e.g. monitoring of and interacting in social media conversations.

• Finally, the need for confidentiality, which is of key to B2B, versus the open user-generated content of social media platforms, will be discussed.

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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B2B trendsInformation overload … so we stick with partners we know

Demand for non-paid access to information

Increased speed in business


B2B purchasers spend 99% of their time researching and only 1% of their time buying

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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Characteristic of B2B puchasing

• Purchase goods and services that meet specific business needs

• Need emphasis on economic benefits

• Use formalized, lengthy purchasing policies and processes

• Involve large groups in purchasing decisions

• Buy large quantities and buy infrequently

• Want a customized product package

• Experience major problems if supply fails

• Find switching to another supplier difficult

• Negotiate on price• Purchase direct from suppliers• Justify an emphasis on personal

selling• Derived demand from B2C• Joint demand• Inelastic demand• Buying process complexity• Policies• Single versus multi sourcing

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

Source: ftp://ftp.pearsoned-ema.com/HPE_Samples/SampleChapters/0273695592.pdf

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B2B social media marketing IS important

• 79% thinks that social media is relevant for B2B organizations

• 69% of B2B companies have a social media strategy

• 81% maintains the company’s related profiles on social media networks

• Forrester predicts that B2B interactive marketing expenses will reach USD 4.800 million in 2014 – almost the double amount of the estimated number for 2009 (USD 2.300 million)

• B2B social media marketing expenses will increase from USD 11 million in 2009 to USD 54 million in 2014

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

Source: www.b2bbarometer.co.uk, www.business.com/info/b2b-social-media-benchmark-study, http://socialmediab2b.com/2010/08/b2b-social-media-statistics/ #ixzz1MQ6ZgQFx,

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B2B social media marketing IS important

• More than 80% of companies surveyed globally are using social media to communicate with potential business clients

• “Most important” use of social media:• 26% communication of their company’s thought leadership• 23% communicate with clients • 20% communicate with potential clients

• 60% of companies are also using social media to build a community as an extension of their website

• 58% communicate with journalists • 50% communicate with potential employees or alumni

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

Source: www.worldcomgroup.com/about-worldcom/news-and-press/?nID=128

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B2B social media marketing IS important

• 57% of US workers use social media for business purposes at least once a week

• Not only marketeers but also the rest of the organization is starting to use social media

• US workers use primarily social media for business purposes in order to aquire knolwedge from a community

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

Source: IDC state of social business

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B2B social media marketing IS important

• 59% engaged with peers online who addresssed their challenges

• 48% followed online industry conversations on topics

• 41% followed online discussions to learn more about topics

• 37% posted questions of social networks to look for suggestions and feedback

• 20% connected directly with potential solution providers via social networks

• 59% shared their learnings from their research and puchasing process with others online

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

Source: Inside the mind of new b2b buyer feb 2010

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Andersen & Elmasri’s Digital Brand Management model (DBM)

• The challenge for B2B marketers is to be present with the right messages, at the right place, and at the right time – and then listen and interact instantly.

• If this process does not occur, design and consumption gaps in the communication process will appear preventing the company from reaching its business objectives.

• Hence, social media strategies need to be designed and implemented with a focus on content marketing on a global and local basis - avoiding a design gap.

• This, however, does not prevent the brand from being consumed in the wrong way among potential business customers, thus also consumption gaps need to be identified and dealt with immediately through e.g. monitoring of and interacting in social media conversations.

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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The Andersen-Elmasri Model’Digital Brand Management model’

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor






Design Gap












Consumption Zone

Corporate image position cube









Design Gap












Consumption Zone

Corporate image position cube




Consumption Gap

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Corporate Identity

• The company’s ideal corporate identity

• Mission, vission, values, marketing objectives

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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Design Gap...

• Appear if...

– There is a gap between the company’s ideal corporate identity and the company’s digital communication strategy, online activities and selection of digital channels and platforms

– What, where and how are you marketing yourself online?

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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Consumption Gap...

• Appear if...

– There is a gap between how business stakeholders consume and view the company’s brand online (prostomer) and the way the company communicates its brand and corporate identity online. This will lead to a identity-image gap.

– What does your stakeholders say about your company online? – How do you deal with it?

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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Fit Gap...

• Appear if...

– There is a gap in relation to the company’s ideal corporate identity and the way the company’s competitors position and communicates their brand online in relation to the stakeholders

– Who is the ’thought leader’ online?

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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And then why is not all B2B companies engaged in social media activities????

• Comfort with the status quo• Conflicting opinions within management on how

to proceed• Discomfort with an informal communication

style• Discomfort with a less controlled

communication style• Fear of change• Fear of divulging too much information• Fear of exposing weakness• Feeling that social media is frivolous• General weakness in organizational consensus

building and decision making• Inability to connect social media engagement

with sales and branding objectives• Inadequate marketing budget• Internal focus – not paying enough attention to

customer behavior and preferences• Lack of precise ROI calculations• Leaders not understanding how and why social

media works

• No appetite for outsourcing the work• No clear branding strategy• No clear sales plan• No distinct marketing function• No examples of success within their industry• No in-house talent to do the work• No process for ramping up new programs• No social media champion within the

organization• Old, outdated technology and IT support• One or two vocal naysayers• Prior attempts that went bad• Other priorities taking precedence• Refusal to see the connection between casual

online conversation and serious business• Too much focus on where customers are or

were, rather than where they are going• Uncertainty about how to begin• Unwillingness to experiment

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

Source: www.wordsellinc.com/blog/social-media/why-b2b-firms-dont-use-social-media-2/

There are MANY excuses...

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DOUBTING?? It will cost you...

• Profits• Leads• Industry relevance• Market share• Brand recognition• The best employees

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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Benefits of SMM

• Brand building• Relationship building• Customized services• Expanded reach• Tap professional

communities• Third party influencers• Bolster through leadership


• Reduce marketing spend• Decrease sales cycles• Gain competitive advantage• Lessen complexity on

offerings• Strengthen CRM efforts• And many more...

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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Advises • Think about what your customer finds essential – not you

• Monitor where your potential customers are and use the effort there – unless you want to be thought leader, then you should be everywhere

• Activate third parties e.g. bloggers, experts, distribution sites – think about indirect marketing might be the best way to generate leads digitally – but then when the customer is ready to buy – the process should be easy, quick and without hassle

• Show your expertise always this is how you win over business customers

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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Confidentiality and user generated content – is it viable?

• You should at least try to drive and manage your brand – otherwise your competitors, customers, partners etc. will drive it

• Make social media policies & strategies for the whole company – not just the marketing department – everybody should be involved – as one wrong comment from an employee online can influence the brand

• Choose and focus on relevant platforms that makes sense and generate sales to your business

• Make scenarios of what would be the worst that could be disclosed about your business on the Internet and then how would you handle it – because the likelyhood of that happening are big no matter if you market yourself online or not

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor

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About Pernille Andersen

• Pernille Andersen is the CEO and co-owner of FeedsFloor.com, a global social news & networking site for companies

• Pernille has lived and worked in Japan for several years and have worked with business development and marketing in Asia, the Middle East, US and Europe for different Scandinavian organizations.

• She holds a M.Sc. and already won a business competition for young business talents in Japan when she was 22.

• She gives lectures and is blogging about digital marketing and B2B social media marketing in particular.

• NB: ”Yes I know this slideshow breaks all rules with having a lot of text on it, but I am tired of slideshows with no information on it. You need information to convince your manager why you need to invest in this area, it is not enough to just be entertained!!!”

Copyright © 2011 Pernille Andersen, FeedsFloor