Genre, Iconography and Ideology. Horror/slasher movies


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Genre, Iconography and Ideology.

Horror/slasher movies

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• Main image. The chainsaw is used as a weapon even though it’s a common tool used in gardening, this is scary as its familiar to the audience. Also it looks dirty like its been used which emphasis the fact he is a killer.

• The clothing of leatherface looks dirty and although he does care which shows he is distant from society and most probably crazy. The clothes also look like what a farmer would wear this makes it even scarier as it shows the audience the killer is human and people are familiar with this costume. Also it’s common for farmers to lice in quite small towns or isolated areas. Lethe face also wears the mask of his victims which hides facial expressions and emotion and makes the killer seem even more psychotic as they are emotionless. Also the eyes are dark and hard to see which makes him look even more emotionless.

• Camera shot. There is a low angle camera shot of letherface which makes him look like he's dominant and has power in the film.

• The background is very dark and makes the film look scary and dark. The chainsaw is also pointing out toward the camera which emphasis the fact its in 3D and how scary the film will be when people go watch it.

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• The typography of the logo is red which has connotations of blood and evil, which represents the film genre of horror to the audience. Its quite a thin old font used which makes it look like an old story, its also all in capitals which makes it bold and easy to see.

• They have the logo/name of the film which lets the audience know what film it is, they also have the date of release so people know when to go see it, and they have a preview date to get even more costumers. It has a small action about the old film and how this one is better. The poster also states that its in 3D and 2D which is important as more people might come to see it if its 3D.

• I expected to see the age certificate but its not on there, but the image being so scary makes it obvious its for older generations.

• This poster creates mystery and enigma as there's smoke and its quite dark so it looks mysterious. The dark background is scary for the audience as most people are scared of the dark as they cant see what's there. Also the mask adds to the mystery and you cant see the killers face there hiding there identity. The mask makes them look even more psychotic and emotionless and you cant see there face at all.

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• The main image is a close up side profile of the scream masks, which is an iconic symbol from the movie as its worn by the killers in every scream movie, the bottom of the mask also looks like the shape of a knife which is used as the weapon in scream, the knife is an everyday item used as a weapon which will scare the audience and its more sadistic in the hands of the killer. The mask also looks like the grim reaper from Weston culture which looks scary to the audience. The dark eyes and mouth of the mask make it look hollow and that there is no feelings are human emotions under the mask.

• The background is also very dark and only the mask is lit this makes it look like a dark scary film and that the mask is an important icon in the film. The image looking like the grim reaper in the dark symbolizes death and that people die in this film. The darkness also gives off the impression of the unknown and something hiding.

• The typography is white and red, red has conations of blood and anger which helps show the genre of the film to the audience. The ‘m’ in ‘Scream’ also looks Sharpe like a knife which is significant to the movie. The poster does’t say much only the date and a caption which sounds scary. Also this poster looks like a teaser poster as they don’t release to much information of the film, there is also no actors or directors names used in the poster which is conventional of horrors and people who like horror often don’t go for the actors like in romantic comedies and teen films. The font is also very modern which shows it’s a new film , this also links to the caption at the top which says ‘new decade. New rules.’ this sounds new and exiting and different from the other three scream films.

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What I expected to see • I was expecting to see the age certificate on

the poster but there's not, this could be bad as people wont know if there old enough to watch it. On the other hand its obvious that it’s a horror film for older people by the codes and conventions used, for example the dark colours and images used. I was also expected to see names of directors and characters but they might not be on there as it’s a teaser poster.

How does the poster show mystery• This poster creates a sense of mystery and

enigma as its and only shows a mask which makes the audience want to know more. The dark background looks mysterious and scary as there's the fear of the unknown , not being able to see in the dark

How can you tell this is horror• You can tell this film is a horror film as its dark

and uses weapons ands mask in its images which are important and iconic in the film. Also the mask looking like the grim reaper shows he's a scary character.

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• Both film posters uses dark colors and red font which gives a since of blood and violence in both the films, which is expected in horror.

• They use to different fonts the scream font is more modern and the chainsaw massacre one is more old as it’s a remake of the old film. Both the fonts are to do with storyline whether its modern or old fashioned.

• Both show weapons in the remain image to show what weapon is used in the film which is an iconic weapon throughout the film.

• One uses lots of text as its explaining all the info about the movie whereas the scream teaser poster reveals only the title and date which leave the audience in suspense and want to watch it .