The Magnificent Seven


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The Magnificent Sevenby Michael Foguscreating a Lisp variant in seven forms

Who am I?Michael FogusSoftware Programmer

12 years experienceLisp, C, CLIPS, Prolog, C++, Java, Jess, Python, Scala, ClojureCo-author of The Joy of Clojure@fogus on the Intertweets


HistoryJohn McCarthy



1958Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)IBM 704 (origin of car and cdr)Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I[1]


Lisp InnovationsDynamic typesGarbage collectionif-then-else (via cond)Tree data structuresHomoiconicity...

McCarthy'sMagnificent Seven

McCarthy's Seven[2]


label and lambda, dynamic scoping [3], lists (kinda)

Didn't Have

closures, macros, numbers


Building from parts(label and (lambda (and_x and_y) (cond (and_x (cond (and_y t) (t nil))) (t nil))))

(and t nil);=> nil

(and t t);=> t

Building from parts (continued)(label list (lambda (x y) (cons x (cons y (quote ())))))

(def append (lambda (append_x append_y) (cond ((null append_x) append_y) (t (cons (car append_x) (append (cdr append_x) append_y))))))

(append (list 1 2) (list 3 4));=> (1 2 3 4)

You can see where this is going...

Meta-circular Evaluator FTW(def eval (lambda (expr binds) (cond ((atom expr) (assoc expr binds)) ((atom (car expr)) (cond ((eq (car expr) (quote quote)) (cadr expr)) ((eq (car expr) (quote atom)) (atom (eval (cadr expr) binds))) ((eq (car expr) (quote eq)) (eq (eval (cadr expr) binds) (eval (caddr expr) binds))) ((eq (car expr) (quote car)) (car (eval (cadr expr) binds))) ((eq (car expr) (quote cdr)) (cdr (eval (cadr expr) binds))) ((eq (car expr) (quote cons)) (cons (eval (cadr expr) binds) (eval (caddr expr) binds))) ((eq (car expr) (quote cond)) (eval-cond (cdr expr) binds)) (t (eval (cons (assoc (car expr) binds) (cdr expr)) binds)))) ((eq (caar expr) (quote def)) (eval (cons (caddar expr) (cdr expr)) (cons (list (cadar expr) (car expr)) binds))) ((eq (caar expr) (quote lambda)) (eval (caddar expr) (append (pair (cadar expr) (eval-args (cdr expr) binds)) binds))) (t (assoc expr binds)))))

note: not all code shown



Feajures7 core funcjions and 2 spejial fjormsSymboljLajySingle immutable data strucjureFuncjionalLexical ScopjureClosures

The Magnificent Sevenfndef

No Need For car and cdr(def CAR (fn [[h & _]] h))(def CDR (fn [[_ & t]] t))

(CAR [1 2 3]);=> 1

(CDR [1 2 3]);=> (2 3)

Wait! What?!?I never mentioned anything about vectors

No Need For cons(def CONS (fn [h t] (fn ([] h) ([_] t))))

(CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 nil)));=> #<user$CONS$fn__85 user$CONS$fn__85@445e228>

A closure over the head and tail

A good start...

Closure:A Poor Man's Object

Closure Dissection(def CONS (fn [h t] (fn ([] h) ([_] t))))

A closureheadtailA closure is an Object with a single method .apply(...)

The New first and rest(def FIRST (fn [s] (s)))(def REST (fn [s] (s nil)))

(def a (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 nil))))

(FIRST a);=> 1

(REST a);=> #<user$CONS$fn__85 user$CONS$fn__85@375e293a>

(FIRST (REST a));=> 2

Saplings1. 1 =2. 2 if3. 3 '4. 4 :keywords

Yet Another CONS(def CONS

(fn [h t] (fn [d] (if (= d :type) 'CONS (if (= d :head) h t)))))

(def $ (CONS 'a (CONS 'b nil)));=> #<user$CONS$fn__4 user$CONS$fn__4@61578aab>

($ :type);=> CONS

($ :head);=> a

(($ :tail) :head);=> b

Now what does this look like?

Cons Cell

Object:A Poor Man's Closure

A Protocol for seqsCall with :type to inspect the seq type

Return CONS when type is a cons cellCall with :head to get the headCall with antyhing else to get the tail

first and rest(def FIRST (fn [x] (if x (if (= (x :type) 'CONS) (x :head)

(if (x) ((x) :head))))))

(def REST (fn [x] (if x (if (= (x :type) 'CONS) (x :tail) (if (x) ((x) :tail))))))

(FIRST $);=> a

(REST $);=> #<user$CONS$fn__17 user$CONS$fn__17@2eb0a3f5>

(FIRST (REST $));=> b

We can do a ton with only CONS, FIRST and REST!

seq(def SEQ (fn [x] (if x (if (= (x :type) 'CONS) x (if (x) (SEQ (x)))))))

(SEQ $);=> #<user$CONS$fn__97 user$CONS$fn__97@293b9fae>

(FIRST (SEQ $));=> a

(SEQ (REST (REST $)));=> nil

prn(def PRN (fn [s] (if (SEQ s) (do (print (FIRST (SEQ s))) (print " ") (recur (REST s))) (println))))

(PRN $)

; a b

(PRN (CONS 'a nil)); a

This doesn't count

append(def APPEND (fn app [l r] (if (FIRST l) (CONS (FIRST l) (app (REST l) r)) r)))

(PRN (APPEND (CONS 'x nil) (CONS 'y (CONS 'z nil)))); x y z

But this is not a convenient way to deal with lists

Lists1. 5 apply

list(def LIST (fn ls ([h] (CONS h nil)) ([h t] (CONS h (CONS t nil))) ([h m & [f & r]] (if (CAR r) (if (CAR (CDR r)) (APPEND (LIST h m) (apply ls f (CAR r) (CDR r))) (APPEND (LIST h m) (LIST f (CAR r)))) (CONS h (LIST m f))))))

(PRN (LIST 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f)); a b c d e f

(SEQ (REST (LIST 'a)));=> nil

(PRN (APPEND (LIST 'a 'b) (LIST 'x 'y))); a b x y

Using CAR, CDR, and destructuring as the primordial first and rest

Being Lazy

Being LazyTODO

Lazy seqs

Lazy seq(def LAZY-SEQ (fn [f] (fn ([x] (if (= x :type) 'LAZY-SEQ)) ([] (f)))))

(FIRST ((LAZY-SEQ (fn [] (LIST 'a 'b 'c)))));=> a

(PRN ((LAZY-SEQ (fn [] (LIST 'a 'b 'c))))); a b c

Now we have a protocol for lazy seqs

A Protocol for lazy seqsWrap the part that you want to be lazy in a fnPass that fn to LAZY-SEQConform to the semantics of :typeDeal with the extra level of indirection when dealing with lazy seqs

map(def MAP (fn [f s] (LAZY-SEQ (fn [] (if (SEQ s) (CONS (f (FIRST s)) (MAP f (REST s))))))))

(PRN (MAP keyword (LIST 'a 'b 'c))); :a :b :c

(PRN (MAP LIST (LIST 'a 'b))); #<user$CONS$fn__356 user$CONS$fn__356@54cb2185> ...

(PRN (FIRST (MAP LIST (LIST 'a 'b)))); a

Control Structures6 defmacro7 `

let(let [a 1] (let [b 2] (println [a b])) (println [a b]))

; java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: b in this context

Defines a scope for named values

LET(defmacro LET [[bind val] & body] `((fn [~bind] ~@body) ~val))

(LET (a 1) (LET (b 2) (println [a b])))


((fn [a] ((fn [b] (println [a b])) 2)) 1)

more or less

More LET

(FIRST (LET (x 'a) (CONS x nil)))

;=> a

(PRN (LET (x 'x) (LET (y 'y) (CONS x (CONS y $)))))

; x y a b

And the rest is mechanical


We didn't need keywords...

Symbols would have worked just as well(def CONS (fn [a b] (fn ([x] (if (= x 'lazy) 'CONS (if (= x 'head) a b))))))

(def $$ (CONS 'a (CONS 'b nil)))

($$ 'head);=> a

($$ 'tail);=> #<user$CONS$fn__91 user$CONS$fn__91@58e22f2b>

The Magnificent 6= if ' :keywords apply defmacro `


We didn't need apply...

defmacro gives us that for free(defmacro APPLY [f args] `(~f ~@args))

(APPLY + [1 2 3 4]);=> 10

(PRN (APPLY LIST '[a b c d e])); a b c d e

The Magnificent 5= if ' :keywords apply defmacro `


We didn't need defmacro and `...why not?

Meta-circular Evaluator FTW(def EVAL (fn (expr binds) (COND ((ATOM expr) (ASSOC expr binds)) ((ATOM (FIRST expr)) (COND ((= (FIRST expr) 'quote) (SECOND expr)) ((= (FIRST expr) 'ATOM) (ATOM (EVAL (SECOND expr) binds))) ((= (FIRST expr) '=) (= (EVAL (SECOND expr) binds) (EVAL (THIRD expr) binds))) ((= (FIRST expr) 'FIRST) (FIRST (EVAL (SECOND expr) binds))) ((= (FIRST expr) 'REST) (REST (EVAL (SECOND expr) binds))) ((= (FIRST expr) 'CONS) (CONS (EVAL (SECOND expr) binds) (EVAL (THIRD expr) binds))) ((= (FIRST expr) 'COND) (EVAL-COND (REST expr) binds)) ('true (EVAL (CONS (ASSOC (FIRST expr) binds) (REST expr)) binds)))) ((= (CAAR expr) 'def) (EVAL (CONS (CADDAR expr) (REST expr)) (CONS (LIST (CADAR expr) (FIRST expr)) binds))) ((= (CAAR expr) 'fn) (EVAL (CADDAR expr)

(APPEND (PAIR (CADAR expr) (EVAL-ARGS (REST expr) binds)) binds))) ('true (ASSOC expr binds)))))

note: not all code shown

The Magnificent 3= if ' :keywords apply defmacro `

The Magnificent 3!?!

Our Optionsdeftype defprotocol reify intern . defmulti defmethod defrecord first rest [] ^ {} delay force new defclass proxy list* fn* fn? seq clojure.lang.RT

and so on...

The Garden of Forking Paths

Thank You
