SDSU Beginning Social Media, Spring 2012



Slides from the first week of class for Beginning Social Media at SDSU Digital and Social Media Collaborative.

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Session I:Beginning Social Media

Professional Certificate in Digital & Social MediaInstructor: Dorrine Mendoza


Welcome!● Experience in print and broadcast.

Currently the online content producer for North County Times

● Email:● Cell: 619-339-4827(text okay)

○ Facebook| Twitter (@assignmentdesk1)○ LinkedIn | Foursquare | Google+ |

Pinterest | Get Glue | Storie ●


AGENDA●We have a ton to cover over the next four weeks. ●Pass out syllabus●Introduce course ● SDSUDigiMedia online● Review grading system● Review weekly homework

Each class begins with every person sharing a piece of social media news from the previous week

Mashable | RWW | NiemanLabs | Gawker | Buffer | Copyblogger | Social Media Today | Blogs

Engagement & Quality ContentFind it. Share it.

Topics should cover ways to: ○ To promote content and drive traffic○ Open dialogue with the community they are

trying to reach○ Research and news gathering○ Crowdsourcing for a community of resources○ The changing news/journalism landscape○ Blog & website integration○ How to build a network○ How to establish a personal brand



REQUIREMENTS ●Weekly attendance

Sign-in required! With only four weeks in the course, missing a class could adversely impact your grade!

●Completion of weekly reading assignments●Final project includes

Creating and completing a Twitter & LinkedIn profiles, finding 25 relevant followers, share two tweets a day for the next four weeks, at least one tweet will be an RT or @mention, one tweet must include #smsdsu hashtag, favorite five tweets. Like 10 relevant pages on Facebook, subscribe to 10 relevant people, create one Pinterest board, post twice a week to Google+.



In this course I will help you use social media to do five things:● Find story ideas, track trends and sources● Publish real-time updates and experiment with engagement● Connect with fans and viewers in new ways● Bring traffic and attention to your work● Help you creat, craft and enhance your personal brand


COURSE OVERVIEW●Goals & ObjectivesWhat will you be able to do after you complete this course, you ask?

● The point isn’t to learn the ins and outs of every one of the latest social networking trends.

● Instead, it is to …■ understand your motives & reasons for being

there,■ use it to establish and enhance your online

brand and expand your reach,■ and embrace the ability to adapt regardless of

the tools. Because they will change!


Student survey

Send an email to so that I can give you access to the survey form. We'll take 15 minutes to complete this survey.


As you start consider:

○ What your message is○ What your desired outcome is○ Who your target audience is○ Where/how to find and create quality content

appropriate to this audience

Is the work you post clickable, linkable, shareable, embeddable?




For next week:

● Have a completed LinkedIn profile● Be prepared to create a Twitter account

(have a handle, photo, bio ready to go)● Have your news item ready to share● Be prepared to create a Facebook account

or page (photo, bio, ready to go)● If you already have a Twitter account -

start Tweeting 2x every day!