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Beginning Spring

ForewordS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvii

introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxi

chapter 1 POJO Programming Model, Lightweight Containers, and

Inversion of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

chapter 2 Dependency Injection with Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

chapter 3 Building Web Applications Using Spring MVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

chapter 4 JDBC Data Access with Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

chapter 5 Data Access with JPA Using Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

chapter 6 Managing Transactions with Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

chapter 7 Test‐Driven Development with Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

chapter 8 Aspect‐Oriented Programming with Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

chapter 9 Spring Expression Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

chapter 10 Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

chapter 11 RESTful Web Services with Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305

chapter 12 Securing Web Applications with Spring Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

chapter 13 Next Stop: Spring 4 .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

appendix Solutions to Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385

index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425

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Mert ÇalıskanKenan Sevindik

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Beginning Spring

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com

Copyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

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ISBN: 978-1-118-89292-3 ISBN: 978-1-118-89303-6 (ebk) ISBN: 978-1-118-89311-1 (ebk)

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This is for you, Love.

—Mert Çaliskan

To my Mom, and to the memory of my Dad...

—Kenan Sevindik

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aBout the authorS

Mert ÇaliSkan is a Principle Software Architect living in Ankara, Turkey. He has more than 10 years of expertise in software development with the architectural design of Enterprise Java web applications. Çalıskan is an open source advocate for software projects such as PrimeFaces, and he is the co‐author of PrimeFaces Cookbook, first and second editions (Packt Publishing, 2013). He is the founder of AnkaraJUG, which is the most active JUG in Turkey. Çalıskan is part‐time lecturer at Hacettepe University about Enterprise Web Applications’ Architecture and Web Services. In 2014, he achieved the title of Java Champion. He shares his knowledge at national and international conferences such as JDays 2015, JavaOne 2013, JDC2010, and JSFDays’08. You can follow him on Twitter @mertcal.

kenan Sevindik specializes in architecting and developing enterprise applications using vari-ous Java technologies. His experience with Java dates back to 1998 when he started developing Java applets for online education programs at his university. He has been working with Spring Application Framework and Spring Security Framework since their initial phases. Sevindik has a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. Currently he works with Harezmi IT Solutions, where he develops enterprise software and gives training, mentoring, and consulting services about Java, OOP, AOP, Spring, Spring Security, and Hibernate all over the world. You can read his technical writings at http://blog.harezmi.com.tr and reach him at [email protected].

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aBout the technical editor 

chád (Shod) darBy is an author, instructor, and speaker in the Java development world. As a recognized authority on Java applications and architectures, he has presented technical sessions at software development conferences worldwide. In his fifteen years as a professional software architect, he’s had the opportunity to work for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Merck, Boeing, Red Hat and a handful of startup companies. Chád is a contributing author to several Java books, including Professional Java E‐Commerce (Wiley, 2001) and Beginning Java Networking (Wiley, 2001). Chád has Java certifications from Sun Microsystems and IBM. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. Visit Chád’s blog at www.luv2code.com to view his free video tutorials on Java. You can also follow him on Twitter @darbyluvs2code.

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project editorCharlotte Kughen

technical editorsChád Darby Krishna Srinivasan

production editorRebecca Anderson

copy editorKim Cofer

Manager of content development and assemblyMary Beth Wakefield

Marketing directorDavid Mayhew

Marketing ManagerCarrie Sherrill

professional technology and Strategy directorBarry Pruett

Business ManagerAmy Knies

associate publisherJim Minatel

project coordinator, coverPatrick Redmond

proofreaderNancy Carrasco

indexerJohnna VanHoose Dinse

cover designerWiley

cover image©iStock .com/llandrea

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FirSt i would like to thank my friend, Kenan Sevindik, for joining me on this journey. Special thanks go to the creators of the Spring Framework, Rod Johnson and Jürgen Höller, for crowning our book with their Forewords. Without their ideas and inspirations that ignited all of us, this book wouldn’t even exist.

I also would like to thank our associate publisher, Jim Minatel; project editor, Charlotte Kughen; technical editors, Chád Darby and Krishna Srinivasan; copy editor, Kim Cofer; and production edi-tor, Rebecca Anderson. These people accompanied us during the entire writing process and made the book publication possible with their support, suggestions, and reviews.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank my mom, my dad, my Tugçe, and especially my beloved Funda, who gives me her never‐ending support and enthusiasm.

—Mert Çaliskan

FirSt oF all, i would like to thank my wife, Betül, for her endless support while I was writing this book. I also would like to thank my colleague, Muammer Yücel, for his encouragement and motiva-tion. Although this book is a direct result of our extensive experience with the Spring Application Framework, it wouldn’t be what it is without the help and valuable comments of our project editor, Charlotte Kughen; technical editors, Chád Darby and Krishna Srinivasan; copy editor, Kim Cofer; and production editor, Rebecca Anderson.

—Kenan Sevindik

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Forewords xxvii

IntroductIon xxxi

Chapter 1: poJo programming model, lightweight Containers, and inversion of Control 1

POJO Programming Model 2Problems of the Old EJB Programming Model 2Benefits of the POJO Programming Model 7

Lightweight Containers and Inversion of Control (IoC) 8Lightweight Containers 8Inversion of Control (IoC) 9

Dependency Injection 10Setter Injection 11Constructor Injection 11Setter or Constructor Injection 12

Summary 12

Chapter 2: dependenCy inJeCtion with spring 17

Spring IoC Container 18Configuration Metadata 18Configuring and Using the Container 21

Dependency Injection 29Setter Injection 30Constructor Injection 31Circular Dependencies 34Dependency Resolution Process 35Overriding Bean Definitions 36Using the depends‐on Attribute 38Autowiring 39Bean Lookups 43

Spring‐Managed Beans 44Naming Beans 44Bean Instantiation Methods 45Bean Scopes 48Lazy Initialization 51

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Life-Cycle Callbacks 52Bean Definition Profiles 54Environment 56

Summary 59

Chapter 3: Building weB appliCations using spring mvC 63

Learning the Features and Benefits of Spring MVC 64Using the Dispatcher Servlet Mechanism 65

Defining the Servlet 66Accessing Servlet Context 67

Creating Your First Spring MVC Application 68Configuring Spring MVC with Annotations 71Handling Forms with JSP 73

Configuring the Form Tag Library 73Understanding the Power of Binding 74Working with Forms 74Using Input Elements 75Entering Dates 76Selecting from a Drop‐Down 77Selecting with Radio Buttons 78Selecting with Checkboxes 78Adding Labels 78Placing Buttons 79Styling 79

exploiting the Power of Annotations 84@Controller 84@RequestMapping 84@ModelAttribute 84@PathVariable 85@ControllerAdvice 85@InitBinder 85@ExceptionHandler 85

Validating User Input 86Uploading Files 90Handling exceptions 93Implementing Internationalization (i18n) 95Using themes 97Summary 100

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Chapter 4: JdBC data aCCess with spring 103

Problems with Using Vanilla JDBC 104Introducing Spring’s JDBC Support 105

Managing JDBC Connections 105Embedded DB Support 108Using a Connection‐Pooled DataSource 110Initializing DB 111

Configuring and Using Spring’s JDBC Support 112Performing Data Access Operations with Spring 114

Running Queries 114Queries with Named Parameters 117Writing Queries Using the IN Clause 118Using PreparedStatements within JdbcTemplate 119Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Records 121Calling Stored Procedures and Stored Functions 124Performing Batch Operations 126Handling BLOB and CLOB Objects 126Accessing Vendor‐Specific JDBC Methods 127Executing DDL Operations 127

Modeling JDBC Operations as Java Objects 128Encapsulating SQL Query Executions 128Encapsulating SQL DML Operations 130Encapsulating Stored Procedure Executions 131

exception Handling and error Code translation 132Common Data Access Exception Hierarchy 132Automatic Handling and Translation of SQLException 132

Summary 133

Chapter 5: data aCCess with Jpa using spring 137

Brief Introduction to ORM and JPA 138Paradigm Mismatch 138Building Blocks of an ORM Framework 139What JPA Offers 139Mapping the Object Model to the Relational Model 140

Defining Entities 140Mapping Attributes to Columns 141Creating Associations between Objects 142Mapping Java Types to SQL Types 145

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Configuring and Using JPA 147Performing CRUD Operations on Objects 150Querying with Object Query Language 155

Spring’s JPA Support 156Setting Up JPA in Spring Container 156Implementing DAOs Based on Plain JPA 161Handling and Translating Exceptions 166Further JPA Configuration in Spring Environment 167

JpaDialect 168JpaVendorAdapter 168JPA and Load Time Weaving 169Dealing with Multiple Persistence Units 170

Summary 171

Chapter 6: managing transaCtions with spring  175

Understanding transaction Management 176Spring’s transaction Abstraction Model 180

Local versus Global Transactions 182PlatformTransactionManager Implementations 182Advantages of Spring’s Abstract Transaction Model 183

Declarative transaction Management with Spring 183Isolating the Service Layer from Data Access Technology Details 186Customizing Default Transactional Behavior 189Using @Transactional on the Class Level 190Understanding Transaction Propagation Rules 191

Propagation REQUIRED 191Propagation REQUIRES_NEW 192Propagation NESTED 192Propagation SUPPORTS 192Propagation NOT_SUPPORTED 192Propagation NEVER 193Propagation MANDATORY 193

Using <tx:advice> for Declarative Transaction Management 195Programmatic transaction Management with Spring 197

Using the PlatformTransactionManager Approach 201executing Custom Logic Before or After transactions 203

Advising Transactional Operations 203Executing Logic after Transactions Using TransactionSynchronization 204

Summary 205

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Chapter 7: test‐driven development with spring 209

Configuring and Caching ApplicationContext 210Using XML‐ and Java‐Based Context Configuration in Tests 210Configuring Context with ApplicationContextInitializer 214Inheriting Context Configuration 214ApplicationContext Caching 216

Injecting Dependencies of test Fixtures 217Using transaction Management in tests 219testing Web Applications 222

Context Hierarchies in Tests 225Testing Request‐ and Session‐Scoped Beans 225Testing Spring MVC Projects 227

Testing Controllers 227Testing Form Submit 228Testing Exception Handlers 230Printing Mock Request and Response 231

Using Mock Objects and Other Utilities for testing 231Spring Provided Mock Objects for Testing 231Other Utilities and Test Annotations 232

Summary 233

Chapter 8: aspeCt‐oriented programming with spring 237

Getting Started with AOP with Spring 239Becoming Familiar with types of Advices 243

Before 245After Returning 245After Throwing 245After (Finally) 246Around 247

Defining Point‐Cut Designators 248The Type Signature Expressions 248The Method Signature Expressions 249Other Alternative Point‐Cut Designators 249

Wildcards 250Capitalizing on the Power of Annotations 250

@Before 250@Pointcut 251@After 252@AfterReturning 252

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@AfterThrowing 252@Aspect 253@Around 253@DeclareParents 254

Blending AspectJ with Spring 255Configuring Spring AOP with Annotations 259Summary 259

Chapter 9: spring expression language  263

Configuring Applications with SpeL 264Creating a Parser 267Invoking Methods 270

Calling Constructors 272Calling Static Methods 272

Working with Variables and Functions 273#root 273#this 274Accessing System Properties and Environment 274Inline Lists 274Registering Functions 274

Understanding SpeL Operators 275Relational Operators 276Arithmetic Operators 276Logical Operators 276Conditional Operators 277Regular Expression Operator 278Safe Navigation Operator 278Collection Selection and Projection 279Selecting the First and Last Element of a Collection 280

Using Utilities in SpeL 280Accessing Spring Beans 280<spring:eval> 281Expressions in Caching 281

Summary 281

Chapter 10: CaChing 285

Building Your First Caching Application 286Configuring the Cache Manager with a Different Name 289Configuring the Caching Abstraction with Annotations 289

Working with Cache Annotations 290

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@Cacheable 290Key Generator 291Conditional Caching 291

@CacheEvict 292@CachePut 292@Caching 293

Implementing Cache Managers 293SimpleCacheManager 293NoOpCacheManager 294ConcurrentMapCacheManager 294CompositeCacheManager 294

Casting Your SpeL on Caches 295Initializing Your Caches Programmatically 296Finding Alternative Cache Providers 298

Ehcache 299Guava 302Hazelcast 302

Summary 303

Chapter 11: restful weB serviCes with spring 305

Creating Your First ReSt Web Service 306Returning Different HttP Status Codes from ReSt Web Service 318Learning an Annotation‐Based Configuration Alternative 318Using ReSt Web Services with XML 320Using the exception Handling Mechanism 322Unit testing ReStful Services 326Summary 328

Chapter 12: seCuring weB appliCations with spring seCurity 331

Why Spring Security? 332Features of Spring Security 333Configuring and Using Spring Security 334Understanding the Fundamental Building Blocks of Spring Security 340Authenticating Users 341

Unsuccessful Login Flow 342Successful Login Flow 342Anonymous Authentication 344

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Customizing the Login Page 344Logout Process 346Accessing UserDetails Using JDBC 346Encrypting Passwords 349Remember‐Me Support 350User Session Management 351Basic Authentication 352

Authorizing Web Requests and Service Method Calls 353Authorizing Web Requests 353How Does Authorization Work? 355Expression‐Based Authorization 357Using JSP Security Tags 358

Authorize Tag 359Authenticate Tag 359

Authorizing Service Methods 359Summary 364

Chapter 13: next stop: spring 4.0  369

Keeping Up with the Latest: Java 8 and Java ee7 Support 370Lambda Expressions 370

Method References 373Bean Validation Integration 374JSR 310: Date Time Value Type Support 374

Configuring Injection with Conditional Dependency 374Ordering the elements of Autowired Collections 377Repeating Annotations 379Introducing new Annotations 381

Documenting with @Description 381Using the @RestController Annotation 382

Summary 382


Chapter 1 385Chapter 2 388Chapter 3 393Chapter 4 393Chapter 5 399Chapter 6 403Chapter 7 406Chapter 8 409

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Chapter 9 411Chapter 10 414Chapter 11 417Chapter 12 420Chapter 13 423

Index 425

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I have fond memories of Wrox books. The Spring story started 12 years ago from a Wrox book. Before that, I’d contributed chapters to several Wrox books and served as a reviewer on many others.

Some of these memories concern what the imprint has meant to me, but many relate to its phi-losophy and format, a key reason I was excited to become a Wrox author in 2000. The distinctive format offers an effective structure for imparting knowledge, encouraging the author to highlight important points, and promoting systematic explanation. It emphasizes practical code examples—the most valuable tool for teaching programming.

These virtues are evident in Mert Çalıskan’s and Kenan Sevindik’s Beginning Spring. It’s well struc-tured, with plentiful examples that include clear instructions on getting the code running and step‐by‐step explanations.

Spring—like building enterprise Java applications itself—is a broad subject, making it impossible for an introductory book to cover even the core Spring Framework exhaustively. Mert and Kenan have done a good job in selecting what to focus on. The scope of this book is well chosen to get you pro-ductive as a Spring web developer: the core Dependency Injection container; the MVC framework (with a special emphasis on REST); relational data access and transaction management; the use of AOP and Spring EL to customize application behavior; and how Spring 4.0 embraces the important language enhancements in Java 8. Although Spring Security is the only Spring subproject covered, this book provides a solid base on which to build knowledge of the broad Spring ecosystem.

The level of the content is equally well targeted. There’s a judicious mix of important background information (for example, the ACID properties of transactions) and specific detail about how to use Spring to get things done. Although this book assumes no knowledge of Spring, it does not waste time covering programming topics better served in more introductory books.

Although I’m no longer personally involved, I continue to observe Spring’s progress with pleasure. Reading this book serves as a reminder of why Spring remains so relevant. The core concepts have stood up well over the past 12 years: for example, the consistent, lightweight approach to transac-tion management and the central principle of Dependency Injection. When you understand the “Spring way,” you can master additional Spring technologies quickly.

If you’re a Java web developer as yet unfamiliar with Spring, you will find that Spring can make your life much easier, and I recommend this book as a good way to get started with it.

—Rod Johnson

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