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Why you cannot afford not to get into social media

‘Social Media is like teen sex.

Everybody wants to do it.Nobody knows how.’

Avinash Kaushik

‘That which I do not understand I do not consider of value.’

‘Twitter is just pointless chatter about nothing!’

I drank this at 9.06am on the beach. http://bit.ly/elynUh #breakfast

‘Facebook is just a load of needy envious


Look how beautiful my son is. And how happy. I am a pretty good

photographer too.

‘YouTube is just a load of banal videos of


1 Chuck Norris does this as a warm up.domrule13 49 seconds ago

• This is so funny !! But he is really good thoughlalawebkinz428 3 minutes ago

• LOL, I love this guy.Man your crazy good.

‘Blogging is for lonely weirdos who write their

diaries online!’

I took Arthur in for his 6 month checkup today. Dr. Plotnick was happy to report that Arthur is the picture of health. There are no lingering effects or even signs that earlier this year he was so ill. The only thing of slight concern is that Arthur now weighs 16lbs 6oz and the Dr would be happier if Arthur was closer to the low 15 range.

11 other statements about Social Media

Social Media is the logical online extension

of networking









Social Media gives your brand narrative

Social Media creates sticky content

Social Media channels are critical touch points

Social Media drives innovation

Social Media increases staff morale and internal

brand value

Employee of the Month

Social Media adds dynamism to static and

stale brands


Social Media is the best customer feed back loop



A Social Media presence is now expected by


Your future customers. collaborators and

employees are growing up with it

@baby, @toddler, @kid, @teenager,@middleagedman, @grumpyoldman,


Social Media creates brand ambassadors

Big Question.

Where will your customers be in 5 years time?

Another Big Question.

Where will you be in 5 years time?

Small Answer.

Start now in Social Media. (measure later, much


Thank You.

