How to subscribe to an rss feed


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By: Nicholas Duff

Setting Up An Account

In order to follow certain feeds you must first have an account with a feed reader.

If you have a Gmail account then you can use the free feed reader that Google provides.

To access this you must first sign into your Google account and then from the drop down tab in the top left corner of the Google web page, click the “Reader” link.

This will take you to the free Google reader page.

The “reader” tab

Finding A Feed

To be able to subscribe to an RSS feed you first need to find one that interests you that is worth subscribing to.

For this tutorial we will be using

Finding A Feed (cont.)

In order to subscribe to a websites feed the site must have a button or link allowing you to subscribe.


RSS Button Enlarged


Once you press the button to subscribe it will take you to a page that asks you a series of questions.

One of the questions asks how you would like to follow the website. Using which feed reader.

From the drop down box in the middle of the page, select the Google option.

This will send the feed to your Google account’s feed reader.

This is the drop down box with the Google option in it.

Subscribing (cont.)

After you’ve selected the Google option click the “Subscribe Now” button.

This will redirect you to a new page that brings up two options One option being that it will place the feed on

your Google home page. The other option being that it will place the

feed in your Google Reader. For this tutorial we will be placing it on

our Google home page.

After Subscribing

After you have successfully subscribed to a pages feed it

will look like this.

Your new posts will appear here

The Final Product

Once you’ve successfully subscribed to a webpage’s RSS feed you will be able to view all of your favorite sites

recent posts without ever having to leave the comfort of

Google (should you use Google Reader)


PowerPoint presentation put together by Nicholas Duff
